ERASMUS+K2 PROJECT Strategic Partnership for Schools Only
2016-2018 VICTOR CÃLIN
SECOND YEAR: 2017-2018
SIBIU, 2018
“Read to me riddles and read to me rhymes Read to me stories of magical times Read to me tales about castles and kings Read to me stories of fabulous things Read to me pirates and read to me knights Read to me dragons and dragon-book fights Read to me spaceships and cowboys and then When you are finished-
please read them again.� (Jane Yolen, Read to Me)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the authors.
�This material/publication was produced with the financial support of the European Commission. The content of this material is the sole responsibility of the authors and the National Agency and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.�
ISBN 978-973-0-27611-4
PARTNERS: Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 SIBIU, ROMANIA
Szkola Podstawowa Nr 3 im. Marii Sklodowskiej – Curie. Leszno, POLAND
Agrupamento de Escolas de Macedo de Cavaleiros, PORTUGAL
Movere,Docere,Delectare through Reading Istituto Comprensivo 4, Pescara, ITALY
Dimitar Talev Secondary School, Dobrich, BULGARIA Zubeyde Hanim Ucler Ilkokulu, Amasya , TURKEY
ERASMUS + K2 Project Strategic partnership for Schools Only 2016-2018
A collection of essays, articles, drawings, comics and other materials created, written and made
within Erasmus + project by the pupils of Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu, guided and coordinated by Manuela Tomescu Victor Călin Gabriela Bârcă
CONTENTS Second Year Project Activities-Implementation Plan Eveniment public de diseminare –primul an de proiect A11- I Am on Duty in My School Library Welcome to Bulgaria! - Learning, Teaching, Training Activity Short Overview of the LTT Activities- Dobrich Cursa uimitoare-Amazing Race Noi suntem prieteni! Welcome to Bulgaria! Remember Bulgaria! Dobrich Experience in Images A12 - Reading Opens Minds and Changes Lives Drawing Competition Essay Competition - English section Essay Competition - Romanian section Activitate de voluntariat Interviuri – elevi implicaţi în activităţile primului an de proiect Interviu cu actorul Cătălin Neghină Interview with Cătălin Neghină, actor Read with Me! Impressions about „Take, Ianke and Cadâr” Christmas as a Mood A13- Comic Books Are Fun! Welcome to Italy! - Learning, Teaching, Training Activity Short Overview of the LTT Activities - Pescara Experiența italiană Impressions from Italy Mobilitate proiect ERASMUS+ La vita e bella! Pescara Experience in Images A16-Take a Look! In spatele cortinei “Made for Europe” in Images A17-Discover My Literature, My Culture A18-Reading Images Welcome to Turkey!- Final Transnational Project Meeting Short Overview of the TPM -Amasya Projects End, yet Memories Will Last Over the Years Proiect Erasmus+ la final Amasya Experience in Images A19-I Like Reading in English Short Review of the Second Year Project Activities
11 13 15 19 20 23 24 24 25 26 27 29 41 52 63 64 66 67 69 70 71 72 110 111 113 114 115 116 117 132 135 136 142 144 145 147 148 150 151 155
ERASMUS+ KA2 PROJECT „MOVERE, DOCERE, DELECTARE through Reading”/MDD Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only 2016-2018
I M P L E M E NT AT I O N P L A N Second year: 2017-2018
No. 1.
Project Activity
Activity Description
Desired Results/ Outputs
Starting Date
A 11 I Am on Duty in My School Library!
volunteering activity+ sharing & exchanging books
benefits of volunteering
September 2017
end of September
prizes & awards
A12** Reading Opens Minds and Changes Lives!
Essay Contestsecondary level; Drawing Contestprimary level
6. 7.
Essays; Drawing Exhibition
October 2017
end of October
Best essays/drawings published in MDD Newspaper/ e-Twinning page/ www.mddreading.eu; awards published in MDD Newspaper/ e-Twinning page/ www.mddreading.eu
A13 Comic Books Are Fun!
creating digital Comic Books: one /each country; use of web applications
Six Comic Books in native languages & English
November 2017
January 2018
A 5/III* MDD Newspaper3rd edition
writing, editing articles; encouraging pupils/ teachers to be creative
articles, essays in MDD Newspaper
December 2017
June 2018
A14* Read with Me! –Reading Club
reading with/to actors, singers, policemen etc.
group reading for pleasure
December 2017
May 2018
A15* I’m Reading to You (I)
reading to disadvantaged groups
January 2018
June 2018
1 activity / semester
A 16** Take a Look!
compare books to movies;
stimulating inner motivation Debate: Books vs. Moviespros and cons
February 2018
March 2018
prizes & awards
A17 Discover My Literature, My Culture! A 18 Reading Images
reading books from the International List; increase of European cultural awareness;
Literature/Culture Competition
April 2018
end of April
workshop with kindergarten kids/ SEN students;
understanding the message behind an image
April 2018
end of April
Skype-sessions on books
May 2018
end of May
prizes & awards
articles, essays in MDD Newspaper
December 2017
June 2018
2 editions (December, June)
Final Report Form
June 2018
in line with the deadlines of the NAs
Posted in Mobility Tool
A19** I Like Reading in English! A 20 ( A5/IV)* MDD Newspaper4th edition
reading in English/ discussing books/increase of selfconfidence and proficiency in English writing, editing articles; encouraging pupils/ teachers to be creative
filling in the Final Report & submitting it to the NA
*Activities in progress **Activities supported by the grant (awards/ books)
2 editions (December, June) 1 activity / month
EVENIMENT PUBLIC DE DISEMINARE octombrie 2017 Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu coordonează proiectul MOVERE. DOCERE. DELECTARE through Reading care se desfăşoară între septembrie 2016 şi septembrie 2018, având ca parteneri şcoli din Italia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Portugalia şi Turcia. La încheierea primului an de proiect, cu ocazia InfoDay, s-a desfăşurat Evenimentul Public de Diseminare, în data de 13 octombrie 2017, în sala festivă a şcolii, reunind colaboratori, cadre didactice din şcoală dar şi din alte instituţii de învăţământ, părinţi şi elevi. Atfel, au fost prezenţi: reprezentanţi ai Inspectoratului Şcolar Judeţean Sibiu, actori ai Teatrului Naţional „Radu Stanca” Sibiu, care au participat aproape lunar la acivităţile de implementare; reprezentanţi ai Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, ai Bibliotecii Judeţene Astra Sibiu. Evenimentul a debutat cu discursului directorului şcolii, domnul profesor Victor Călin, care a remarcat importanţa parteneriatelor strategice din domeniul şcolar şi nu numai, evidenţiind faptul că acestea sunt o modalitate unică de a face mult mai vizibilă şcoala, de a promova un învăţământ de calitate şi a face schimb de bune practice cu şcoli cât mai diferite din Europa. A urmat discursul domnului inspector general adjunct, Gheorghe Bârză, subliniind faptul că şcoala noastră beneficiază de o mare vizibilitate prin acest proiect, având un impact extraordinar asupra elevilor şi a cadrelor didactice şi afirmând că se încurajează desfăşurarea cât mai multor asemenea programe şi proiecte.
A urmat prezentarea propriu-zisă a proiectului, a obiectivelor şi premiselor care au stat la baza dezvoltării unei asemenea teme ( lectura este extrem de importantă la orice materie şcolară, dezvoltând numeroase competenţe iar examenele de tip PISA, aplicabile şi în România, pun accentul pe înţelegere de text literar sau non-literar, cititul fiind aşadar prima competenţă vizată), a activităţilor implementate în primul an de proiect, în ordine cronologică, realizată de coordonatorul proiectului: A1 Meet My School!/ Cunoaşte şcoala mea!; A2 Design a Special, Unique Book Sign!/ Confecţionează un semn de carte unic, special!; A3 Top 3 Favourite Books/ Spune-mi despre cartea ta preferată; A4 I’m Reading to You / Hai mai aproape! Ascultă-mă , îţi citesc!; A5 MDD Newspaper/ Ziar digital MDD- ediţia I- ; A6 e-Book in 6 Chapters/ Carte electronică în 6 capitole; A7 Older Read to Younger! Reading Club/ Adulţii le citesc tinerilor - Club de lectură; A8 Bookworm Reading Contest/ Şoarece de bibliotecă-Concurs de lectură în bibliotecă; A9 Balloon Activity/ Activitate cu baloane prin care a fost promovat proiectul în parcurile din oraş, în Centrul oraşelor unde se află şcolile , în anumite instituţii. Au fost prezentate şi prima întâlnire transnaţională, din România, din perioada 16-20 noiembrie 2016, precum şi cele două mobilităţi: cea din Portugalia, „Digital Approaches to Reading in the Classroom of the
Future” din intervalul 19-25 februarie 2017 şi cea din Polonia, „By Dance, Theatre and Music to Literature”, din perioada 22 – 26 mai 2017. Cea dintâi a urmărit dezvoltarea competenţelor digitale şi integrarea unor aplicaţii nou învăţate în orele obişnuite de curs iar cealaltă, a unor competenţe de teatru, dans şi exprimare a emoţiilor, toate cu aplicabilitate, de asemenea, în lecţii de literatură, comunicare, limbi străine, teatru. La fiecare activitate au vorbit elevi implicaţi şi cadre didactice despre experienţele trăite şi împărtăşind felul în care noile cunoştinţe i-au ajutat pentru ca orle să devină mai atractive şi mai interesante. De asemenea, părinţii au remarcat cât de importante au fost schimburile de experienţă pentru copii, aceştia confruntându-se cu o cultură nouă, fiind nevoiţi să vorbească limba engleză şi să se integreze într-o familie necunoscută. S-a trecut apoi la vizionarea filmului realizat ca produs final, realizat după capitolul din e-Book scris de elevi şi care constituie produsul final al
primului an. Actorii teatrului Naţional „Radu Stanca” au evidenţiat talentul elevilor, s-a remarcat corectitudinea limbii engleze utilizate de aceştia, precum şi faptul că aceştia s-au străduit să intre cât mai bine în rolurile lor. În final, s-au schimbat impresii, s-au oferit mape cu produse, conţinând materiale legate de tema şi activităţile proiectului iar invitaţii şi-au scris părerile în albumul de feedback. Evenimentul a fost diseminat pe pagina de Facebook InfoDays-ErasmusRegiunea-Centru, în data de 14 octombrie 2017, pe pagina de Facebook a proiectului: ,https://www.facebook.com/groups/31183 8725838662, apărând ulterior în ediţia online a ziarului Sibiu% http://sibiu100.ro/educatie/114159eveniment-public-de-diseminare-cadrulprogramului-erasmus-la-scoalagimnaziala-nr-25-sibiu/, iar în 22 octombrie 2017 şi în ediţia printată. De asemenea, se regăseşte pe websiteul proiectului http://mddreading.eu Profesor Manuela Tomescu, coordonator proiect
This was the starting point of the second year, a volunteering activity through which the students “worked” as librarians for one day. They had to register books, to fill in the reader’s cards, take care of books and arrange them on shelves keeping a record of the books lent to students. They have also shared and exchanged books; for this purpose a small library was organized in each classroom and the students shared their favourite books with their colleagues. ”Reading Corners” were organized in some classrooms giving students the opportunity of bringing favourite books from their “home libraries” and share them with their classmates. Though this activity we
aimed at stimulating inner motivation and pleasure for reading as well as motivating them to appreciate the benefits of volunteering activities.
We have organised a small “library” in each class and have drawn up a reader’s card to be filled in …
The “Reading Corner” in 6th A class
‌and another reader’s card in the school library:
Manuela Tomescu, coordinator Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher 18
WELCOME TO BULGARIA! SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE LEARNING,TEACHING, TRAINING ACTIVITIES “Get to Know the Cyrillic Alphabet, the Third Official Alphabet of the EU.” Reading Non-Fictional Historical Texts Date/ Duration: 2nd-6th October 2017 Host organization: “Dimitar Talev” Secondary School, Dobrich, Bulgaria
1st October- Sunday: Arrival in Dobrich Warm welcome by host families at school 2nd October- Monday: Meeting the Guests at School A short artistic program - Bulgarian folk dances, songs. Greetings of the headmistress, Mrs. Vesela Pancheva Presentation of the teams, placing badges, gifts from guests Presentation of a booklet with historical reading texts and upcoming events and excursions included in the program. Tour around the school. Students: Training: Getting to Know the Cyrillic Alphabet. Separating two groups in computer rooms, working with Tool Kids - every host teaches his guests the letters in the Bulgarian alphabet, they write and read short words, names, educational games Developing reading skills with understanding and retrieving information from non-fictional texts. Teachers: Working Session discussing the activities during the second project year - PowerPoint presentation of the Romanian coordinator Training - creating comics with online programs and tools (ToonDoo). Common Activities Ts & Ss Games in the Educational Software Moza book for practising the learned letters, writing words 3rd October- Tuesday: In the Footsteps of the Cyrillic Alphabet Common Activities Ts & Ss A trip to the first Bulgarian capital of Pliska where the use of the Bulgarian alphabet has commenced. Examination of the palace complex and the Basilica, where the Cyrillic was adopted as the official alphabet.
,,Amazing Race“ -tour around the Courtyard of Letters and conducting a competition - 3 teams, 3 games
The city of Shumen – the monument to the founders of the Bulgarian state.
4th October- Wednesday: Visiting the Institutions in Dobrich Common Activities Ts & Ss Dora Gabe Regional Library – A tour of the library, a short film about the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet: "The Sacred Alphabet" presented at the Cannes Film Festival
Meeting the Deputy Mayor of Dobrich at Dobrich Municipality
Workshop "Word and Image" in the Art Gallery
Old Dobrich: calligraphy lesson; tour of the bindery, traditional workshops and Historical Museum.
Treasure Hunt – sightseeing tour of Dobrich. The tour will end in front of the Literary Museum, where students read excerpts of Jordan Yovkov's short stories in their own language (A17- Discover my literature)
Coordinators’ meeting
5th October Thursday: An excursion to the places which history links our countries. Familiarizing with historical texts. Balchik - Exploring the Botanical Garden and the palace of the Romanian Queen Maria, familiarize yourself with the history that links Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. Walk along the promenade.
The city of Varna – A visit to the Park-Museum of Combat Friendship, Vladislav Varnenchik - a memorial complex devoted to the battle of the peoples, between the 20-thousand Allied Christian Army, headed by the Polish-Hungarian King Vladislav III Jagello and the 60,000 Ottoman-Turkish Sultan troops of Murad II. (Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey, Romania, Portugal)
Grand Mall Varna – Lunch and leisure
Farewell Dinner –with teachers, dancing, games- celebrating “Education Day”
6th October- Friday: Training “How Institutions Work with the School to Encourage Reading” - Exchange of Good Practices Students- attended an English class and a lesson of Bulgarian folk dances-at Dimitar Talev Secondary School. Teachers–Exchange of Good Practices: “How Institutions Work with the School” - with the participation of representatives of the Literary Museum, the 11th Kindergarten, the Art Gallery, the Historical Museum:
PowerPoint presentations-at the Literature Museum
Short artistic program of students from Dimitar Talev Secondary School
Farewell ceremony, handing over certificates and gifts
Memories and impressions - writing in the Project Feedback Album.
Manuela Tomescu, coordinator Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher
În data de 3 octombrie, am pornit spre Pliska, prima capitala bulgară. După
ce am admirat ruinele și priveliștea, neam
Literelor”.Toate literele din alfabetul chirilic sunt așezate în ordine în această curte și sunt de dimensiuni mari. Tot aici se află statuia celor doi creatori ai alfabetului
Metodiu. În „Curtea Literelor” am participat la o competiție numită „CursaUimitoare - Amazing Race”. Echipele s-au format în urma alegerii unor cartonașe colorate. Eu am ales culoarea galbenă. În „Curtea Literelor”, mi-am găsit coechipierii și am aflat regulile competiției. În
recunoaștem cuvântul scris în bulgară pe o tăbliță. Nu a fost foarte greu. A fost amuzant deoarece trebuia să citim pe litere pentru a
recunoaște cuvântul. Al doilea joc, a fost destul de complicat. Am avut de refăcut un puzzle cu imaginea statuii celor doi frați
Am făcut multe fotografii pentru a ne aminti de ziua aceea. Fiecare și-a căutat inițiala numelui, în alfabetul chirilic și a făcut poze lângă ea. Prin participarea la competiție și la mobilitatea din Bulgaria am reușit să mă cunosc mult mai bine. Am fost fericită că am petrecut timpul împreună cu copii de vârsta mea din alte țări și ne-am înțeles minunat. Zilele petrecute la Dobrich vor fi întotdeauna în inima mea și îmi voi aduce aminte cu bucurie activitățile și jocurile distractive la care
am luat parte . Andreea Greceanu
Clasa a VIII-a B
alfabetului chirilic. 23
“Noi suntem prieteni”
MDD NEWSPAPER, iunie 2018
Ȋn a cincea zi am asistat la o oră
Învățau despre substantivele numărabile,
ilustrau scene istorice.
Copiii au avut de rezolvat diferite exerciții unde trebuiau să completeze spațiile libere sau să conecteze cuvintele între ele. Ei erau atrași de modul în care se desfășura ora așa că erau activi.
niște statui impresionante, care
ecran mare, tactil înlocuia tabla.
Monumentul fondatorilor statului bulgar,
interactivă de engleză cu clasa a IV-a. nenumărabile și exprimarea cantității. Un
Lorena Tănase Clasa a VIII-a B
WELCOME TO BULGARIA! Our experience in Dobrich has been a good opportunity to meet our partners and get familiar not only with the Cyrillic alphabet but also with a little bit of the
La final, s-a ales un copil din fiecare
Bulgarian spirit. We have fully enjoyed
echipă pentru a scrie, în limba sa maternă
the hospitality of a great team – Darinka,
„Noi suntem prieteni”. După trei încercări
head teachers and staff – who, through
their joint effort, did their best to make
profesoară de engleză din Bulgaria s-a dat
our stay in Bulgaria as pleasant as
bătuta, spunând că limba noastră este mult
possible and delight us in all possible
prea grea.
ways… through inspiring activities and
Locul pe care l-am văzut și care m-a impresionat cel mai mult a fost Balcicul. De lângă castelul reginei Maria se putea observa cea mai frumoasă priveliște a mării. Grădina
visits to carefully selected places with a view to offering a better understanding of the Bulgarian history and culture. We truly appreciated the Bulgarian
hospitality and the memorable moments spent at Dimitar Talev Secondary School,
in Dobrich and its surroundings - a great
multe specii de cactuși dar și o mulțime de
opportunity to keep our relationship
alte flori.
going and make it even stronger.
Următorul în clasament este prima
Many thanks to everybody at school
capitală a Bulgariei, Pliska,un loc încărcat
and a big ”благодаря” -Thank You- to
de istorie. Acolo erau ruinele unui palat
the Bulgarian families who hosted our
impunător care datează încă din secolul al
students and made them feel at home.
Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher 24
The experience I lived in Bulgaria, through Erasmus+ was amazing . I enjoyed visiting such a beautiful country as Bulgaria , where I met great people including students, teachers and others. When we arrived, everyone was waiting happily for us in front of the school. In Bulgaria I stayed at a host family, having fun together, communicating, learning about our countries’ cultures and traditions. On the first day, we went to Dimitar Talev School where we started learning the Cyrillic Alphabet by playing funny and easy games helped by a teacher. This is the third official alphabet of the E.U. as we found out. We also read some non-fictional historical texts. The rest of the week we travelled in Bulgaria: we took a trip to the first Bulgarian capital of Pliska where the use of the Bulgarian alphabet has commenced. We visited the palace complex and the Basilica, where the Cyrillic Alphabet was adopted as the official alphabet in Balcik; the last days were dedicated to Varna and Old Dobrich. I’ve learnt the traditions, culture and Bulgarian dance, feeling good and free. I think that mobilities between schools from different countries have a huge positive impact over children’s mentality, behavior and emotions which help them communicate in a common language. Cristian Natea, 7th grade
October 2017
and Change Lives s
Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu
“Astra” County Library
FRĂTEAN DAVID, 1st grade NUŢĂ-DAVID EVA, 1st grade FADHIL ABDULAH , 3rd grade PÂRVU ALEXANDRA, 3rd grade HURMACIU DARIA-IOANA, 3rd grade TUDOSIE DENISA, 3rd grade DORCA RĂZVAN, 3rd grade DEAC EDUARD, 2nd grade IGNAT SABINA, 4th grade
PÂRVU ALEXANDRA, 3rd grade 32
PÄ‚REAN BIANCA, 1st grade
DANIEL GHIลขESCU , 3rd grade
ARMEANU DIANA, 3rd grade 34
DEAK MARCO, 2nd grade
BODI DARIA, 3rd grade
NUŢĂ-DAVID EVA, 1st grade
CREลขU IOANA, 1st grade 38
FRĂTEAN DAVID, 1st grade 40
How Reading Has Changed Amir’s Life Georgiana Agârbician 8th grade Reading plays an important role in everyone’s life and no doubt, it has a lot of
advantages. Reading offers new knowledge, new information, enriching our vocabulary and helping us express ourselves more easily and freely. It is also a means of relaxation for many persons who, for a few minutes, forget about their worries and everyday problems and enjoy reading. Most of these persons have an enviable general knowledge. Reading helps us integrate in any group and be understood. Reading can also change lives. A good example is Samir, a 14 year-old boy who lives in a village in Sierra Leone, an African country. The boy lives with his parents and siblings in a small, modest house. His mother, Amalia and his father, Ibrahim, try to make life as easy as possible, working from morning till evening, yet earning too little money for their large family. Because their parents are always away, the five siblings Samir, Jovana, Aida, Abel and Amir are in charge of the house. They cook, clean, grow plants and take care of the few animals they have. All their universe is limited to these chores. These children cannot go to kindergarten or school because
they have neither clothes nor books and their parents cannot afford to buy any. Only Amir, the eldest of the brothers could attend school, but unfortunately for just one year. The boy attended only the first grade. He was very happy when he learned to write and to read. His teacher was proud of him and at the same time amazed at how quickly he could memorize and use everything he was learning. He really enjoyed going to school and learning new things. As a reminder of that time, he kept the ABC he used at school and he was so happy that he had a notebook with exercises and
dictations and a small red pencil. When his younger brothers were born and grew up, he tried to teach them what he had learned at school, but it was in vain. Over the time, he forgot almost everything he knew because of the lack of practice. One day, while taking care of his younger brothers, a friend of him, who was still attending school, came to visit him. He was carrying a book that he received
from his parents, but did not show any interest in it. As a result, he decided to give it to Amir. As soon as he had some free time, the boy started to read. At first it was quite difficult because he had not done that for a long time, therefore he had to browse the ABC and his old notebook. This whole process took about three weeks, during which he had been reading the same paragraphs several times to understand them. During that time, Amir recalled those times when he used to go to school. The boy realized that the book re-opened his appetite for reading. He was eagerly waiting for reading something else. And in no time, he rushed to his wealthy neighbours and friends asking them for books from their bookcases and did not give up until he had read all the books they had. Besides storybooks, tales and classical
poetry he had also studied school textbooks. And little by little he began to solve exercises in those books. At the age of 16, Amir had all the knowledge required at his age. He also had a fairly rich vocabulary, managing to express himself quite easily. Thus he became the only family member who had a close connection with school and reading. This helped him get a job and therefore be able to help his family financially and re-enrol in school. He had more time for what he wanted to do while his parents had time to take care of his brothers and sisters. Years passed, and Amir managed to complete his studies and also help his family with money. With the money he earned, his younger brothers went to school and lived just like any other children all over the world should live. As for Amir, he left the village where he grew up and moved to Morocco, where he founded an association to help children without possibilities to learn. Now and then he is still visiting his parents, his siblings and his birthplace. Recently Amir has published his own book sharing his experience about how reading combined with his strong will have changed his entire life.
“READ ME! I'LL HELP YOU A LOT! “ (Reading Changes Lives and Opens Minds) Ana-Maria Ciuştea 8th grade
What does reading actually mean? I think it varies from person to person. From my point of view, reading is the most pleasant way of relaxation and ... even of discovering a new universe. From the moment you put your hand on a good book, you can be sure that you will be led into a new world, where reality and ‘everyday problems’ will disappear. Even if
you have the book as the raw material and the author's words on paper, this universe is created by you, just as you like it. Since we are little children, at home, and then at school, we are urged to read. We start with our parents' stories before bedtime and we develop a real and huge passion, travelling with our favourite characters, in the most beautiful and unexpected fairy tales. I can say that reading changes and opens people's minds. I think some well-chosen books can work your social thinking, develop your curiosity, or maybe, even solve your love problems :)). The books have conquered me only in the 5th grade; I needed only one impulse to discover this great world and I was done. A book makes you look for information in the depth of your memory and make certain connections that will open and develop your mind more and more. To be totally captured while reading a story you have to keep your mind clear and forget about anything that can distract you. I realized that a book can be like a real friend, telling you about the adventures it is going through and listening with great interest. Besides that, it also offers you a lot of experience. I think that the greatest recognition of books is that they never end; even if you finish one book after another, there will always be some new ones that will shout at you from a corner: “Read me! I'll help you a lot! “
To be honest, I'm not a person who likes reading a lot ... But I know how to capitalize on the books I read. I realize that when I am reading, I'm opening a new universe, completely different from the one I am in. A universe in which nothing is inevitable and you will not be able to separate from it, even if you want it or not. Once you have read a book, it will remain in the library of your mind. After reading a specific book, the way of seeing life changes. Perhaps if you read a sad book, you will learn to appreciate every moment of your life; a horror book will influence your thinking and true fears; a book with a lot of action will open up your appetite for adventure and you probably want to escape from the monotonous world; a comic book will radically change your mood. You have no way to know until you start reading. I can confirm that a book changes you. I have experienced that. I would like anyone to laugh, cry, scream, or feel excited while reading a book because reading is not just about sentences, paragraphs and chapters, but about feelings that are transmitted. Reading is essential if you mean that you have a life of fulfilment because it is unique. It cannot be compared or surpassed. As long as you read you cannot say that
you are stupid, you cannot say you do not love. If you were stupid you wouldn’t read, or worse, you would be ashamed to admit that reading is your passion. The nickname "bookworm" must be an award, not a shame. For each person there is a book that will open his lust for reading. You have to find the type of book that keeps you interested and reading will no longer be boring, but on the contrary, very interesting. Well, the search will not be short, but with some luck, the right book will find you. Fortunately, I found my lucky book, the book that opened a Unique Universe, the book that gave me the chance to love a character, the book that I did not want to finish reading but at the same time I could not help reading it.
I am not the biggest fan of reading, but I would be most pleased to read other works of my favourite genre. That is what makes us read: transforming us. Reading opens and closes our minds.
It goes beyond the boundaries of an
imaginary world and closes those of the real world. We often wonder why we cannot change the situation. Why can’t we choose which Universe we belong to? Yeah... because the universe of books is not real. I always forget... Does it really seem so real or is my desire to be real so great? We do not want to accept that, in fact, our favourite characters and adventures have been conceived in the mind of a
genius who has transposed them on paper. I am thankful to the author for sharing his imaginary world with us, marvelling us all. I thank him for giving me the opportunity to enter his world; I admire him for the creativity with which he has built a world from nothing. In the end I would like to encourage all people to allow books to touch their hearts, but more importantly, to encourage books to allow us to explore the hidden world enclosed between their covers.
Reading Has Changed My Life Adina Mara 7th grade
When I was four, my parents told me that there were some things in the world called books. Before that when my parents lived, I heard an interesting thing from them; I remember those words every night: (Mom) “Do you see that?” When she touched the book, her eyes were shining.
(Dad) – “Don’t be silly...” These were the last words I remember, because they died...the next day… Some people took me to an orphanage so I have stayed there ever since. It is a horrible place. The other kids are laughing when they see me, because I have something different. One of my eyes is black and the other one is brown. They think I’m strange. I can read the newspaper, but the orphanage doesn’t have books, so I haven’t seen a book and I feel like I’m sick, but I don’t have fever. Today I have received a notebook from a child. I started to write something and didn’t stop. I have been writing and writing for 12 hours. I read what I have written. I can’t understand anything. Who am I? Why am I different? I want a book. When the night came, I escaped from the orphanage and I went to a library. It
was night, but to my surprise, it was open. I entered. The first book which I saw was „The Book of Lost Things”. I ran and I touched the book I got up. Something happened. I went to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I realised that my eyes had the same colour, dark blue, the colour of the ink. That moment I knew that my place was elsewhere. I took the book and I left. I started reading and I writing books. I became a writer and I will never forget that reading has opened my mind, it balanced me and most important, it has changed my life!
The More You Read, the Richer You’ll Be! Teodora Maxim 8th grade
In my opinion, reading helps us very much in our lives. Why? Because, as you can see in the title, it opens our minds and changes our perspective about life in general. Books can change our lives, because the more you read, the more knowledge you accumulate and reading also enriches our vocabulary. A person who doesn’t read at all is poor from the point of view of thinking, and that’s sad, because at the end of the day, all that matters is your personality and your thinking. Why? Well, you can tell just by someone’s vocabulary how capable he/she is. In conclusion, my advice is that we should read as much as we can, not any book, just those that we like the most, even if they are SF, romantic, scary, they are better than reading nothing.
The more you read, the richer you’ll be!
READING – A FORM OF HAPPINESS? Greceanu Andreea 8th grade Reading means to enter another world and live new emotions. In my opinion, reading is the best way to spend your free time. First, reading really changes lives. It opens a new road for us, a road that enriches our vocabulary. The more we read, the more knowledge we have. Reading helps us communicate more easily and express ourselves correctly. Reading helps us relax and break our everyday world. Reading can drive out boredom! We can laugh with the characters and enter their world. Secondly, reading more books allows us to communicate more with our friends. Reading makes us smarter. Thanks to reading, we can participate at many projects. Reading helps us know new people.
Reading is a form of happiness that we will never give up!
Reading is the best solution to open minds. It helps us understand this world well, learn new words and also helps our brain, making us have a more developed thinking. Reading changes the perspective on life because it helps us be more confident about what we you talking, on some topics and that’s a good thing
because in this only life that we have, we need to be the best … I, in a way, like some games for the mind, reading can be perfect for our imagination, your vision and how we think about some situations. In my opinion, reading changes lives, visions, makes people smarter and that’s good for us.
Lorena Tănase 8th grade
In my opinion, when you read a book you can travel to different places with the eyes of your mind. You can live as many lives as you want. First, you learn a lot of things, you discover other people’s ideas on different topics and you see other personalities. Reading helps you improve intellectually. You can read about different ways of life and thinking. In this way books can open your mind. Secondly, reading makes you happier and from time to time, we feel the need for quietness and relaxation. In this case, reading is the perfect remedy. It disconnects yourself from the daily routine and you can take refuge in the story you are reading. On the other hand, books bring attention to topics that can be viewed from multiple angles. So, we learn to look at things from other perspectives and in the end, to find more easily solutions to problems. In the world there are a lot of books. I think that you can find the perfect book for you that will make you be in love with reading. All you have to do is to find it. In conclusion, one of the best ways to spend your free time is reading .You can learn, see different points of view and relax.
Amir sau puterea visului Geogiana Agârbician Clasa a VIII-a A În viața fiecăruia dintre noi, cititul joacă un rol extrem de importat. Lectura, care multora dintre adolescenți, în ultimul timp le face zile grele, are o grămadă de avantaje. Cititul ne oferă noi cunoștințe, noi informaţii, îmbogăţindu-ne vocabularul
şi ajutându-ne să ne exprimăm mult mai uşor şi mai liber. Totodată, acesta este un mijloc de relaxare pentru foarte multe persoane, care pentru câteva minute uită de gândurile, de problemele de zi cu zi, bucurându-se de lectură. Cele mai multe dintre aceste persoana au o cultura generală demnă de invidiat. Fără doar şi poate, lectura formează un om. Îl ajută să se integreze în orice grup şi să poarte orice discuție făcându-se înțeles. De asemenea, cititul poate schimba vieţi. Un exemplu bun este Amir. Samir este un băieţel de 14 ani. Acesta locuieşte într-un sat din Sierra Leone, o ţară care face parte din continentul african. Băiatul locuieşte împreună cu fraţii şi părinţii lui într-o casă mică şi modestă. Mama sa, Amali şi tatăl său, Ibrahim încearcă să-i facă viaţa cât mai uşoară, muncind de dimineaţa până seara pe unde apucă doar pentru a câştiga câţiva bănuţi. Fiindcă părinţii lor sunt mai tot timpul plecaţi, cei cinci fraţi, Samir, Jovana, Aida, Abel şi Amir, se ocupă de întreţinerea casei. Ei gătesc, fac curat, cultivă plante şi se ocupă de puţinele animale pe care le au. Tot timpul lor se rezumă la activităţi casnice. Aceşti copii nu pot merge la şcoală sau la grădiniţă, în cazul fraţilor mai mici, pentru că, în primul rând, nu au când şi în al doilea rând, nu au cu ce. Părinţii lor nu-şi permit să le cumpere rechizite, cărţi sau îmbrăcăminte. Singurul dintre ei care a fost la şcoala este Amir, cel mai mare dintre fraţi. Din păcate, acest lucru a durat destul de puţin timp, doar un an. Băiatul a mers la şcoala
doar în clasa întâi. A fost foarte bucuros atunci pentru că a învăţat să scrie şi să citească. Doamna lui învătătoare era mândră şi în acelaşi timp uimită de cât de repede memora informaţiile şi cât de repede le aplică. Pe scurt, se vedea că-i plăcea şcoala. 54
Ca amintire din acea perioadă, a păstrat abecedarul pe care-l folosea şi pe care era atât de fericit că îl avea, un caiet în care făcea exerciţii de scriere şi dictări şi un creion micuţ si ros. Pe parcursul naşterii fraţilor lui, a încercat să-i înveţe şi pe ei ce a învăţat la şcoală. În zadar. O dată cu trecerea timpului, a uitat aproape tot pentru că nu a mai exersat. Într-o zi, în timp ce avea grijă de fraţii lui mai mici, un prieten de-al lui care mergea la şcoala, a venit să-l viziteze. Avea la el o carte pe care o primise de la părinţii
lui, dar care nu i-a trezit niciun fel de interes. Drept urmare, a decis să i-o dea lui Amir. Imediat ce a avut puţin timp liber, băiatul a început să o citească. La început, i-a fost destul de greu pentru că nu a mai făcut asta de foarte mult timp, aşa că a trebuit sa răsfoiască abecedarul şi caietele rămase. Tot acest proces a durat în jur de trei săptămâni, timp în care a citit de mai multe ori unele paragrafe pentru a le înţelege. În această perioadă, Amir şi-a amintit de acele vremuri în care mergea la şcoală. Baiatul şi-a dat seama că aceasta carte i-a deschis din nou apetitul pentru lectură. De-abia aştepta să mai citească şi altceva. Drept urmare, a dat buzna în biblioteca vecinilor sau a prietenilor mai înstăriţi şi nu s-a lăsat până când nu a răsfoit tot. Pe lângă cărţile cu poveşti, basmele sau poeziile clasice, a mai citit şi manualele de la şcoală. Încetul cu încetul a început să rezolve exerciţiile din acele manuale. La vârsta de 16 ani, Amir avea cunoştinţele necesare oricărui adolescent. De asemenea, avea un vocabular destul de vast, reuşind să se exprime destul de uşor.
Astfel, a devenit singurul membru al familiei care avea o legatură cu şcoala/cititul. Tot atunci a reuşit să se angajeze pentru a-şi ajuta familia şi să se reînscrie la şcoală. Acum avea mai mult timp pentru ce-şi dorea să facă pentru că aducea bani în casă iar părinţii lui aveau timp să se ocupe de fraţii lui. Anii au trecut, iar Amir a reuşit să-şi termine studiile şi în acelaşi timp să-şi ajute familia: cu banii câştigaţi, ceilalţi fraţi au mers la şcoală şi au trăit exact aşa cum trebuie să trăiască un copil obisnuit. Cât despre Amir, acesta a plecat din satul în care şi-a petrecut copilăria şi s-a mutat in Maroc, acolo unde a pus bazele unei campanii care se referea la ajutarea copiilor fără posibilităţi, să învete. Bineînteles că încerca săşi viziteze familia cât mai des pentru a-şi revedea fraţii, părinţii şi locurile natale. 55
La scurt timp, Amir şi-a lansat şi el propria carte în care vorbea despre cum lectura combinată cu propria voinţă i-au schimbat viaţa. Astăzi, Amir este un mare scriitor iar viaţa lui este o lecţie de curaj şi de visare.
Cititul – poartă deschisă spre cunoaștere Luiza Sfetcu clasa a V-a
Gândiți-vă la toți românii care habar nu au ce este gramatica! Gândiți-vă la toți cei care nu știu să vorbească corect limba maternă. Acest lucru se întâmplă din cauza faptului că nu citim suficient. Există milioane de cărți care așteaptă să fie deschise. Unii însă preferă să lase praful să se așeze pe ele, timp în care se uită la televizor sau se joacă la calculator. Asta nu este bine. Ar fi ideal ca orice persoană să citească zilnic măcar câteva pagini. Cititul
ne dezvoltă imaginația și vocabularul. Am citit recent că cercetătorii de limbi romanice au susținut de nenumărate ori că limba română , o limbă metaforică, este cea mai frumoasă dintre limbile romanice. Așa că de ce nu am dori să învățăm propria limbă, pentru a putea să vorbim și să scriem corect, pentru a putea citi. Așa cum spunea Mihai Eminescu: „Citește!
Numai citind mereu, creierul tău va deveni un laborator de idei și imaginație”.
În lumea literelor Roxana Istrate Clasa a VIII-a A Sincer, nu sunt o persoană care citeşte foarte mult... Insă ştiu să valorific cărţile pe care le citesc. Realizez că, citind, mi se deschide un Univers nou, complet diferit de cel în care mă aflu. Un Univers în care nimic nu este inevitabil şi din care nu te vei mai putea desprinde chiar dacă ai vrea sau nu. Odată citită, cartea va rămâne în biblioteca minţii tale. După citirea unei anumite cărţi, modul de a vedea viaţa se va schimba. Poate dacă vei citi o carte tristă, vei învăţa să apreciezi fiecare moment al vieţii tale; o carte horror sigur îţi va influenţa modul de gândire şi adevăratele temeri; o carte cu multă acţiune îţi va deschide apetitul de aventură şi vei vrea să evadezi din lumea monotonă sau poate că o carte amuzantă îţi schimbă radical starea de spirit..
Nu ai de unde să ştii până nu citeşti. Pot confirma că o carte te schimbă. Am trăit sentimentul pe propria mea piele. Aş vrea ca oricine să râdă, plângă, ţipe sau să stea cu sufletul la gură în timp ce citeşte o carte deoarece cititul nu se rezumă doar la propoziţii, paragrafe şi capitole, ci la sentimentele transmise. Cititul este esenţial dacă vrei să spui că ai avut o viaţă împlinită, fiindcă acesta este unic. Nu poate fi comparat şi nici întrecut. Atâta timp cât citeşti, nu poţi spune că eşti prost, nu poţi spune că nu iubeşti. Dacă ai fi prost, nu ai citi, sau mai rău, ţi-ar fi ruşine să recunoşti că cititul e pasiunea ta. Porecla „şoarece de bibliotecă” trebuie să fie un premiu, nu o ruşine. Pentru fiecare persoană există o carte care să îi deschidă pofta de lectură. Trebuie să găseşti genul care îţi prieşte şi cititul nu ţi se va mai părea plictisitor, ci din contră, foarte interesant. Bineînţeles, căutarea nu va fi scurtă, dar cu puţin noroc, cartea potrivită te va găsi pe tine. Din fericire, eu mi-am găsit cartea norocoasă, cartea care mi-a deschis un Univers unic, cartea care mi-a dat şansa să iubesc un personaj, cartea din care îmi era frică să citesc ca să nu o termin, dar în acelaşi timp, nu mă puteam abţine. Nu sunt cea mai mare fană a cititului, dar aş sta cu cea mai mare plăcere să citesc alte opere din genul meu preferat. Asta face cititul: ne transforma. Ne deschide şi totodată ne închide minţile. Deschide graniţele uneilumi imaginare şi le închide pe cele ale lumii reale. De multe ori ne întrebăm de 57
ce nu putem schimba situaţia. De ce nu putem alege cărui Univers să aparţinem? A da.. deoarece Universul cărţilor nu este real. Mereu uit.. Oare chiar pare atât de real sau dorinţa mea de a fi adevărat este atât de mare? Nu vrem să acceptăm că, de fapt, personajele şi aventurile noastre preferate au fost concepute în mintea unui geniu care le-a transpus pe hârtie. Mă mulţumesc cu faptul că autorul şi-a împărtăşit lumea imaginară cu noi, minunându-ne pe toţi. Sunt fericită că mi-a dat ocazia să mă integrez în lumea lui şi îl admir pentru creativitatea cu care a construit o lume de la
zero. În încheiere, mi-ar plăcea sa îi încurajez pe toţi să le permită cărţilor să intre în sufletul lor, dar mai important, să încurajez cărţile să ne permită să le explorăm lumea ascunsă între coperţi.
Cititul schimbă vieţi Victoria Tibori clasa a VI-a A Bună! Mă numesc Victoria, am 12 ani şi sunt un copil obişnuit, un copil căruia îi place să citească. Până acum aproximativ doi ani nu prea citeam din plăcere. Citeam mai mult obligată pentru că nu găsisem acea carte care să mă facă să citesc şi sub plapumă cu lanterna. Dar, de când am început gimnaziul şi o data cu el a pornit şi Cercul de lectură, am început să îmi cumpăr cărţi, tot mai multe cărţi. O dată pe lună îmi cumpăram o carte pe care de multe ori nu apucam să o citesc în timp util, dar mi-am făcut rezerve pentru toată vara şi poate mai mult. Am început cu cartea “Unde fugim de acasă?” de Marin Sorescu şi am ajuns la cartea “Tabăra” scrisă de Louis Sachar. În drumul meu spre lectură am citit şi “Însemnările unei puştoaice”, “Matilda”, “Povesteşte-mi ceva”, “Numără stelele” şi tot aşa până am descoperit cartea “Războiul care mi-a salvat viaţa” o carte scrisă de Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, carte care pe mine m-a ajutat să mă regăsesc şi să mă cunosc mai bine. “Cărţile ne ajută să înţelegem cine suntem şi cum ne comportăm. Ne arată ce înseamnă comunitatea şi prietenia; ne arată cum să trăim şi cum să murim.” (Anne Lamott) 58
Cititul schimbă vieți Anamaria Lupu , clasa a V-a
Cititul. Când observăm acest cuvânt, noi ne gândim la ceva obişnuit, uşor de explicat. Dar ne înşelăm. Cititul este mult mai mult decât atât. Este o lume plină de imaginaţie, personaje şi întâmplări unice, care fac cititorul să îşi îmchipuie cele mai frumoase lucruri posibile. Imaginaţia fiecăruia zburdă în direcţii diferite când citeşte chiar şi un fragment dintr-o poveste sau poezie, căci nu ne putem gândi la aceleaşi lucruri, opiniile noastre sunt diferite. Cu toții știm sau ar trebui să ştim că cititul schimbă vieţi. Dacă citim, ne vom
descurca mai bine în viitor. Cititul ne oferă multe lucruri importante în viaţă iar noi ar trebui să le folosim pentru a ne face viaţa cât mai frumoasă şi uşoară. Atâta timp cât citim, minţile noastre se deschid şi atunci pătrund cele mai importante informaţii. Când citim, dăm frâu imaginaţiei, care ne poartă departe, pe tărâmuri infinite pline de personaje inedite. Tot acolo se află miile de cuvinte din cărţile citite, care stau aşezate, fiecare la locul lor, aşteptând să fie citite de toată lumea. Concluzia este că niciodată nu vom descifra sensurile poveştii până ce nu ne imaginăm lucrurile despre care am citit. Imaginaţia, chiar dacă sună ciudat, poate fi cel mai important factor care transformă cititul în ceva amuzant şi plin de viaţă. Aşa că nu trebuie să abandonăm lectura, fiindcă şi ea ne va răsplăti pe măsură.
Coordontori: Raveca Tibori, Maria Giurgiu - concurs desene Manuela Tomescu - eseuri limba română Gabriela Bârcă - eseuri limba engleză Victor Călin - suport IT, materiale premiere
Hard work pays off !
În cadrul proiectului Erasmus+ MOVERE. DOCERE. DELECTARE through Reading coordonat de Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu în perioada septembrie 2016-septembrie 2018, s-a desfăşurat o activitate de voluntariat cu însemnătate aparte pentru toţi cei implicaţi. Astfel, activitatea intitulată “I’m Reading to You!” a avut loc în data de 12 decembrie 2017 la Centrul de Plasament pentru Copilul cu Dizabilităţi „Prichindelul” şi a presupus îmbinarea unor momente emoţionante: copiii au recitat poeziile lor preferate despre iarnă şi despre Crăciun, corul de elevi al şcolii a cântat colinde care marchează perioada sărbătorilor de iarnă, acompaniaţi de câţiva pitici inimoşi ai clasei a IV-a la chitară, totul fiind presărat cu zâmbetele inocente şi vesele ale unor copii/tineri cu diferite dezabilităţi care şi-au găsit în acest loc o familie.
Acţiunea a fost organizata de doamna profesor Creangă Vasilica, un cadru didactic care a înţeles bucuria de a-i ajuta pe alţii şi de coordonatorul proiectului, profesor Manuela Tomescu. La final, elevii noştri au oferit cadouri tuturor celor prezenţi, precum şi o donaţie în cărţi care să le lumineze zilele petrecute în acest loc şi care să le trezească curiozitatea despe lume şi despre ce ne înconjoară. Deşi aceşti copii şi tineri se află în situaţii cu adevărat dramatice, am putut observa şi ne-a bucurat foarte mult interesul lor pentru ceea ce le-am oferit, curiozitatea de a se apropia de copiii noştri, de chitarele lor, de a percepe muzica, precum şi sensibilitatea manifestată cu fiecare pasaj citit sau colind auzit. Ora petrecută la Centrul „Prichindelul” a fost pentru elevii şcolii noastre, dar şi pentru cadrele didactice prezente, un prilej de a fi aproape de cei aflaţi în dificultăţi majore şi de a exersa lecţia bunătăţii, a interesului faţă de ceilalţi, a altruismului, a dorinţei de a-i face pe alţii să zâmbească. Mulţumim celor care ne-au primit şi considerăm că este un moment prielnic oricând să ne aplecăm cu drag asupra celor din jurul nostru care au nevoie de un zâmbet, de un colind, de o carte ...
Profesor Manuela Tomescu
INTERVIURI – elevi implicaţi în activităţile primului an de proiect MDD NEWSPAPER, decembrie 2017
1. Care sunt motivele care te-au determinat să te implici în proiect? M-a determinat să mă înscriu în proiect dorința de a cunoaște oameni noi din țări diferite, curiozitatea de a vedea cum alți copii de vârsta mea trăiesc în comunitățile din care ei fac parte. 2. Care este cea mai plăcută/interesantă activitate la care ai participat? Cred că toată experiența în sine mi-a plăcut cel mai mult, oportunitatea să trăiesc într-o familie din Polonia timp de o săptămână, să văd cum trăiesc ei cu adevărat. Mi-a plăcut și faptul că în fiecare zi am participat la o altă activitate, inedită sau palpitantă, de la workshopul unde am învățat să facem hârtie după metode vechi, la carnavalul unde toți am fost îmbrăcați în personaje literare reprezentând cărţile preferate, de la vizita în oraşul dominat de pitici, la un barbecue pe malul lacului unui fost conac. 3. Care sunt avantajele implicării în acest proiect pentru tine și familia ta? Proiectul ne-a deschis mie, și familiei mele, noi orizonturi spre o familie la fel ca a noastră, dar din altă țară. Cel mai mare avantaj a fost că am cunoscut persoane noi cu care încă sunt prieten, deși suntem la mii de kilometri distanță. 4.Ce noi competențe și abilități ai dobândit prin participarea la acest proiect? Mi-am dezvoltat abilitățile de comunicare în limba engleză și cele de
adaptare la situații noi și necunoscut. Am învățat câte ceva despre cultura Poloniei, ceea ce a contribuit la dezvoltarea mea personală. 5.Comentarii personale Consider proiectul o experiență unică și specială pentru fiecare participant și mă bucur că am putut lua parte la un adevărat schimb de experiențe într-o țară atât de frumoasă. (Răzvan Văleanu, elev participant la mobilitatea din Polonia) 1.Dorința de cunoaștere a reprezentat cu siguranță principalul motiv ce m-a determinat să mă implic in acest proiect, pe lângă faptul ca aveam ocazia să îmi fac mulți prieteni și să-mi dezvolt mai mult abilitățile. 2.Toate activitatile au fost speciale în felul lor și mi-au oferit o anume experiență, dar cel mai mult mi-a plăcut seara în care am dormit în biblioteca școlii, unde a avut loc o vânătoare de cărți şi multele dăți în care am ascultat Fado live. 3. E ca și cum avem o a doua familie, ce va fi mereu acolo pentru noi și sper că situația este reciprocă. 4. În cadrul proiectului mi-am învins frica de a vorbi in public, am cunoscut mulți oameni frumoși, mi-am îmbunătățit substanțial cunoștințele în limba engleză, am vizitat foarte multe muzee și am urmărit dansul și muzica lor națională.
5.Vreau să mulţumesc tuturor celor care au făcut posibilă implicarea mea în proiect. Sunt extrem de recunoscătoare. M-a ajutat să găsesc chiar o altă parte din mine şi să realizez că mă pot descurca în aproximativ orice situaţie chiar şi fără prezenţa familiei. (Ana-Maria Ciuştea, elevă participantă la mobilitatea din Portugalia) 1.Principalele motive care m-au determinat să iau parte la acest proiect au fost, în primul rând, dorinţa şi plăcerea de a participa la activităţi şi, apoi, curiozitatea stârnită de informaţiile interesante despre cultura, obiceiurile sau mâncărurile specifice altor ţări. 2.Cea mai frumoasă şi cea mai plăcută activitate la care am participat a fost scrierea celui de-al şaselea capitol al cărţii Mayday for Fairy Tales şi dramatizarea lui. Am muncit destul de mult timp la ea, însă la final, toată munca depusă a meritat pentru că rezultatul a fost pe măsura aşteptărilor. Când am început să scriu cel de-al şaselea capitol, mi-am ales câteva elemente româneşti şi câteva personaje cum ar fi: Păcală, Contele Dracula sau omul de rând, pe care le-am integrat în povestire şi pe baza cărora am conturat-o. A urmat ilustrarea ei prin câteva desene şi, la
final, dramatizarea. După părerea mea, aceasta a fost cea mai consistentă etapă. A inclus amenajarea decorului în care sau filmat scenele, costumele participanţilor care trebuiau să semene cât mai mult cu personajele din poveste şi multe ore de repetiţii. Personajele din povestire călătoresc dintr-o ţară în alta pentru a-i determina pe toţi oamenii, indiferent de vârstă sau naţionalitate, să citească din nou basmele şi poveştile care le-au încântat copilăria. Cu ajutorul zânelor, această dorinţă le-a fost indeplinită. 3.Mi-am îmbogăţit cunoştinţele lingvistice, cultura generală şi am învăţat să-mi controlez emoţiile. (Georgiana Agârbician, eleva care a scris capitolul 6 din e-Book, care a stat la baza filmului, produs final)
care le-am citit de mai multe ori. Înțelegerea este de foarte multe feluri și ține tare mult de mediu, vârstă, experiență, afinitate, subiect. Niciodată nu am putut citi romane de dragoste și romane polițiste. Nu știu de ce. Marele poet sibian Mircea Ivănescu putea. Deci, nu există o regulă.
Ce însemna lectura în copilărie şi ce înseamnă ea acum pentru dvs? Am fost un copil singuratic crescut într-o casă plină de cărți. Părinții mei erau cititori împătimiți și cadourile lor pentru mine erau întotdeauna cărți. Nici nu-mi trebuia altceva. Jocurile copilăriei mă plictiseau foarte repede, pentru că ele degenerau în certuri stupide și bătăi penibile, așa că mă simțeam mai bine printre cărți decât printre pușlamalele din cartier. Pe cei câțiva prieteni de-atunci iam cunoscut la bibliotecă.
Care este cartea dvs. preferată? Nu fac top-uri, mi se pare neprietenos, ar fi ca și cum aș spune că prefer fasolea frecată în locul înghețatei de cacao. Le prefer pe amândouă, dar uneori mai înfulec și un măr sau un copan de pui la grătar. Fără nicio supărare ori jenă.O carte bine scrisă e colosal de bine dacă-mi pică în mână. Fiecare carte are personalitatea ei – vibrează cu mine mai mult sau mai puțin în funcție de momentul în care ne întâlnim. Sunt o sumedenie de cărți pe
Care este ultima carte citită? Eu sper din tot sufletul ca ultima carte să n-o fi citit încă. Cea mai recent parcursă a fost „Opera poetică” a lui Fernado Pessoa, o antologie de vis. Aveţi un personaj preferat? Care? Țic, D’Artagnan, Pif, Winnetou, Tom Sawyer, Zenobia, Hamlet,Victor Petrini, DonQuijote, etc. Sunteţi un cititor înfocat? Cât de des citiţi? Practic cititul cu cea mai mare plăcere. Nicio ființă de pe lumea asta nu mi-a oferit o prietenie comparabilă cu cea pe care cărțile mi-o dau. Nu mai am timp să citesc cum citeam în tinerețe, au fost perioade când citeam o carte, uneori două, pe zi. Acum am răgaz să parcurg doar între 50-100 de pagini pe noapte.
Cum credeţi că activităţi ca cele la care participaţi alături de noi ( Clubul de lectură) îi pot influenţa pe elevi? Care credeţi că este impactul acestor activităţi asupra elevilor / părinţilor/ cadrelor didactice? Am simțit în toată viața mea de până acum că lectura înnobilează neuronii și îi ajută activ să facă sinapse fericite. Lumea
în care am ajuns să viețuim nu încurajează practica cititului, astae, pentru mine, cât se poate de clar, însă pentru echilibrul sufletesc, intelectual, mintal, chimic ori karmic, un necititor este văduvit de lumină, - și nu mă refer aici strict la înțelepciune, pentru că această rara avis nu se odihnește activ chiar pe toate gardurile. Întâlnirile noastre cu copiii cred că sunt de înaltă experiență, nu numai pentru mine, ci și pentru ei. I-am observat cu atenție și unii dintre ei și-au schimbat atitudinea față de ei înșiși, sunt mai deschiși, mai prietenoși, mai înțelegători, mai interesați. Cred cu tărie că experiența lecturii și a împărtășirii ei este un foarte bun pas spre căpătarea unei frumoase practici și liniști sufletești a pruncilor ce mintenaș vor fi cetățeni maturi ai lumii acesteia. Fiind actor, cum aţi defini legătura dintre carte şi teatru? Zece ani din subțirea-mi viață am petrecut-o încercând să inoculez microbul teatrului elevilor. Teatrul descătușează mintea, face mai bună circulația sangvină mintală. Am renunțat să mai fac asta pentru că generație după generație se întâmpla să fie tot mai fragilă cultura generală a copiilor. Poate voi mai încerca vreodată, nu știu. N-ai carte, n-ai teatru.
Definiţi în 3 cuvinte experienţa lecturii.
Echilibru – visare – respirare.
INTERVIEW with CĂTĂLIN NEGHINĂ, actor at the National Theatre “Radu Stanca “, Sibiu MDD NEWSPAPER, December 2017
What did reading mean for you in your childhood and what does it mean for you now? I was a lonely child grown up in a house which was full of books. My parents were addicted to reading and their gifts for me were always books. Nothing else I needed. I got so quickly bored by the games of my childhood as they ended up into stupid quarrels or even fights so I felt myself better among the books than among my neighborhood's punks. The few of my friends I met was at the library. What's your favourite book? I don't make rankings, I find it unfriendly, as if I say I prefer bean instead of cocoa ice-cream. I prefer both of them but sometimes I also grabb an apple or a chicken coop at the barbecue. Without any annoyance or embarrassment. A well-written book is enormously good if it falls into my hand. Each book has its own personality – vibrates with me more or less depending on the time we meet. There are a lot of books I have read many times. There are many ways of understanding a book and it depends on life style, age, experience, affinity,subject. I could never read love novels and detective stories at the same time. I do not know why. The great sibian poet, Mircea Ivanesc, could. So, there is no rule.
What was the last book you've read? I hope with all my heart, I haven't read the last book yet. The latest book was the poetic poetry of Fernado Pessoa, a dreaming anthology. Do you have a favourite character? Which? Tic, D'Artagnan, Pif, Winnetou, Tom Sawyer, Zenobia, Hamlet, Victor Petrini, DonQuijote, etc. Are you addicted to reading? How often do you read? I use to read with thegreatest pleasure. None human being in this world could offer me a friendship as books do.I do not have enough time to read as I had in my youth, there were times when I could read a book, sometimes two a day. Now, I only have time to read between 50-100 pages per night. How do you think the activities like those you take part in, with us (The Reading Club) can influence the students? What influence do these activities may have on students/parents/teachers ? I have felt so far throughout my life that reading enriches neurons and helps them to make happy synapses actively. The world we've come to live in does not encourage the practice of reading , this is for me as clear as possible, but for a mental, intellectual, chemical or karmic balance, a non-reader is deprived of light – and I do not mean strictly here to wisdom, as one can not find this everywhere. Our meetings with the children are of high experience, not only for me, but for
them also. I noticed them carefully and some of them have even changed their attitude towards themselves, they are more open, more friendly, more understanding, more interested. I strongly believe that the experience of reading and sharing it is a very good step towards the gaining of a beautiful and quiet spiritual practice of infants who will become very soon grown-up citizens of this world. Being an actor how would you define the link between the book and the theater? I have spent 10 years of my short life trying to encompass the pupil's theater. Theater uncovers mind, makes mental circulation better. I gave up doing this because generation after generation children's culture seems to be more and more breakable. Maybe I'll try again, I do not know. If you have no book, you have no theater.
Define the experience of reading by using 3 words.
Read with Me! MDD NEWSPAPER, December 2017
One of the main activities of the project, ever since its beginning, has been the Reading Club, which was held every month in all six partner schools; this year, the activity is called „Read with Me!” and it reunites students, teachers, parents with actors, writers, singers, local and national personalities. The end of the year came with a big joy for us and for the students in our school, as five actors from The National Theater “Radu Stanca” in Sibiu visited us and charmed us with their stories, poems, legends and carols. Thus, Lerida Buchholtzer, Renate Muller-Nica, Gabriela Neagu, Liviu Vlad and Cătălin Neghină shared with us the favorite stories of their childhood about Christmas, elves, winter and Santa Claus, we heard some old legends such as the the Christmas tree legend and, for certain, some of the most touching moments were the carols that Cătălin Neghină sang, accompanied by his guitar. Some of them were really old and the children used to sing them in the villages, when they went caroling from house to house, dozens of years ago. They believed that caroling brought happiness and health to all the people in the family and, on the contrary, if someone refused to let the carol singers in their own house, they would have bad luck the next year and they would be poor. His warm and tender voice reminded us about the true spirit of Christmas and the tradition that currently some people forget, especially in big towns. The stories that Ms Renate MullerNica read to us were about magical moments, when everything was possible,
stories with elves, fairies, reindeers of Santa Claus and all kinds of spirits that show up only at Christmas time. In his unique, funny style, Liviu Vlad read some lyrics about this time of the year and asked himself and all those present “Why is Santa Claus coming only once in 365 days?” At the end of this activity, a group of our students sang some carols and we talked about the importance of the biggest Christian holiday and what it brings to us. We thank to the actors of The National Theater “Radu Stanca” for all the moments that they offered to us during this year, for everything we learned from them, for their help in our activities, because they supported us and encouraged us and we are sure that they will continue to be the same great partners that we can rely on.
Coordinator, teacher Manuela Tomescu
Impressions about : „Take, Ianke and Cadâr” a play written by V. I. Popa MDD NEWSPAPER, December 2017
On the evening of December 6th, our teachers surprised us: we saw the play "Take, Ianke and Cadâr", at the National Theater “Radu Stanca” Sibiu. On this occasion, I was able to watch one of the Romanian theater plays that promotes friendship between different nationalities. I was impressed by the large number of viewers and their variety. The atmosphere was pleasant, quiet, which made us understand that the audience tastes the charm of these comedies. The play is about the idea of tolerance between people, regardless of the spoken language. The three main characters, Take, Ianke and Cadâr, are represented by three different cultures. Although they are different, they show that they can also be good partners.
Romanians and Jews do not agree with the love story between their children. With turmoil and wisdom, the Turkish manages to bring the two parts face to face and solve the conflict between them by applying "innocent" lies to help young people follow their dream. The action had a happy ending; the young people received the blessing and the three neighbors remained friends for life. What impressed us and motivated us to carefully watch the play was the comic of language and situation, as well as the alert rhythm of the play. The actors and the decor made the action look like reality. We welcome the teachers' initiative to cultivate our taste for literature and theater and we thank them for the special evening.
Roxana Istrate, 8th grade
CHRISTMAS AS A MOOD Finally, we were proud of us and loaded with some special emotions. It was extraordinary how half an hour spent in a room full of lonely souls can bring so much joy , even if it seems sad at first, that kind of wellbeing that we have given to them, gave us too a new feeling that I have never felt until that moment, a sort of peace of mind.
. In my opinion, besides the religious significance, Christmas is also the desire to reach a good mood, such as happiness. So, for some people it is enough to be with the family, for others fun and friends are necessary, but there are also those who are approaching happiness only through other people, helping them with their problems and bringing a smile on their faces. That's what we tried to do in mid-December, when even the smallest gestures turn into miracles. We visited the orphanage PRICHINDELUL where we found children of all ages (from newborn up to 18 years old). Some of them suffered from serious health problems. But most importantly, they all needed help through affection‌a hug, a caress, a piece of advice. We even brought some Santa Claus packages containing sweets and books. We sang carols and we introduced them into the spirit of Christmas. The happiness on their faces was indescribable and amazing.
Ana-Maria CiuĹ&#x;tea, 8th grade
SIBIU, 2018
Motto: “What adults don't always understand is that to a kid, a comic book is like a movie…..comics took my imagination to other places - other galaxies”. (Angela Bowie)
A collection of comics designed and created within Erasmus + project by the pupils of Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu, guided and coordinated by Victor Călin, Gabriela Bârcă, Manuela Tomescu.
My Imagination
Roxana Barna , 8th grade
Waiting for Santa
Fabian Pirvu, 8th grade
A Book a Day…Keeps Sadness Away! Roxana Istrate, 8th grade
The Best Gift
Georgiana Agârbician, 8th grade
The Pizza Takeover
Andreas Badea, 7th grade
Hogwart’s Christmas Ana-Maria Ciustea, 8th grade
Reading Is Fun!
Ada Bordean, 6th grade
Echo, the Alien
Cristian Natea, 7th grade
Reading Makes You Rich Teodora Maxim, 8th grade
A Big Book
Roxana Butoi , 8th grade
Alex’s Adventure
Eduard Bischin , 6th grade
Santa WAS Here!
Rãzvan Vãleanu , 7th grade
A Curious Dog
Alexandru Cazaciuc, 6th grade
Reading “Little Red Riding Hood” Stefan Cãrãbinean, 8th grade
A Magic Story
Andreea Greceanu, 8th grade
Mihai’s Story David Vasiu, Lavinia Gheorghe, 7th grade
Adventure on Mars
Robert Porime , 7th grade
A Christmas Story
Lorena Tanase, 78h grade
Too Much School
Adrian Boabes , 8th grade
At The Bookmarket
Victoria Tibori, 6th grade
My Birthday
Bogdan Rotaru, 6th grade
The Perfect Book
Gabriel Cârdei , 8th grade
Learning to Read
Alex Mãgâlã, 8th grade
An Alien Friend
David Gliga , 7th grade
SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE LEARNING, TEACHING, TRAINING ACTIVITIES Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice. Pages and Places of Italian Literature through a Playful Approach Date/ Duration: 12th-16th February 2018 Host organization: Istituto Comprensivo Pescara 4. Italy 11th February- Sunday: Arrival in Pescara Warm welcome by Italian teachers and host families 12th February- Monday: Common Activities Ts & Ss: Warm welcome by the mayor of Pescara at the Town Hall Walk to the Province Palace; viewing the painting La Figlia Di Iorio, by F. P. Michetti, which inspired G. D’Annunzio’s play; introduction to Michetti’s work: Desireé Piersante- art teacher Walk to I. Silone Primary School, short visit of the school Students: Drama workshop in the auditorium of I. Silone Primary School. Students worked on the dramatization of the Comic Books learning some words and expressions in Italian. Teachers’ training: Dyslexia by Mrs Francesca Mastrangioli; presenting the Italian law concerning inclusive didactics (in the school library at I. Silone Primary school).
13th February- Tuesday: Students: “Sit Next to Me” an ordinary day in an Italian school: host students joined their guest students in attending regular lessons to see what lessons are like in an Italian school and find differences and similarities with their typical school day Teachers: Visiting some classes of Pascoli Secondary School Common Activities Ts & Ss: Attending lessons at Pascoli school and at I. Silone school Walking to S.Giovanni Bosco Primary School Warm welcome at S. Giovanni Bosco Primary school - a musical homage by teacher M. Latorre and pupils of the school; visiting some classes of the Primary school. Visiting some classes of F.P. Michetti schoolTeachers’ training: Strategies for the development of reading comprehension skills with an inclusive perspective Students: Rehearsal - the dramatization of Comic Books 111
Common Activities Ts & Ss: • Theatre evening to foster a pleasant involvement of parents and local community in general, in the Erasmus+ mobility experience Buffet dinner and disco carnival party: music, dance and a team game to get to know some works of world literature: love quotations, characters, authors on St. Valentine’s Eve- in the gym of Michetti Secondary school 14th February- Wednesday: Common Activities Ts & Ss: Interactive scavenger hunt on Action bound to get to G. D’Annunzio’s birthplace and to Museo delle Genti D’Abruzzo in Piazza Unione, in two groups Workshop : Contemporary art at children’s fingertips – the dreamlike quality of the paintings by Marc Chagall and the stories they tell - Museo delle genti d’Abruzzo with the English teacher Di Marco Angela- Group A Tour of G. D’Annunzio’s house guided by the Italian students; educational game on Kahoot about a poem by G. D’Annunzio; “writing a poem in the poet’s house”: writing a simple diamante poem in a cooperative way- Group B Students: Spending an afternoon with the host families Teachers: Attending the Michetti full time classes; Working session: discussing the forthcoming activities. Agreements about the materials to be uploaded on Twinspace and suggestions about how to do it th 15 February- Thursday: Common Activities Ts & Ss: Workshop at Gradara Castle “Words Have Wings: the Medieval Art of Love”playful itinerant activity with practical tasks, visual aids and word games in English Recanati: guided tour of Leopardi’s library and brief insight into his life and work 16th February- Friday: Common Activities Ts & Ss: Walking around the town centre to see some of the most representative places, Corso Umberto, Piazza Salotto, La Nave, main monument of the town offered by P. Cascella, Italian contemporary sculptor, Bridge over the sea, Villa De Riseis walk back to schools Students: having lessons with their host students Teachers: attending a lesson held by F. Mastrangioli Common Activities Ts & Ss: Final ceremony for greeting the guests, delivering certificates/declarations of attendance and thank you souvenirs th 17 February- Saturday: • Time to say goodbye-departure of all teams. Gabriela Bârcă , ESL teacher Manuela Tomescu, coordinator 112
Experiența italiană Victoria Tibori, clsa a VI-a A MDD NEWSPAPER, iunie 2018
Avionul ne-a dus prin nori până în Italia, unde ne-a lăsat la nişte familii gazde perfecte. Am fost primiți călduros, cu brațele deschise. În prima zi la școală am fost complet fascinată deoarece copiii erau asa de curioși si de nerăbdători să ne întrebe de unde suntem, cum e acolo, e frumos , iar sistemul de învățământ este destul de diferit. Ne-au aşteptat îmbrăcaţi în costume tradiţionale ale celor cinci ţări, cu steaguri ale fiecăreia şi chiar cu elevi provenind din România, Polonia ori Bulgaria. Erau mai multe corpuri ale instituției. Cea mai aproape de casa în care locuiam era şcoala la care mergeam şi cel mai des. Am vizitat Primăria unde am fost întâmpinaţi chiar de primar, care ne-a făcut turul impresionantei clădiri. Acesta ne-a oferit mici simboluri ale oraşului Pescara şi ne-a povestit despre istoria şi cultura sa. A doua zi am mers la grădiniță unde am avut parte de un spectacol fascinant. Seara a avut loc Carnavalul la care toată lumea era frumos mascată. În ziua cu numărul trei de şcoală, a avut loc un joc în care ne-am activat abilitățile de Sherlock Holmes, a fost foarte distractiv. Apoi am participat la diverse workshopuri, unde am pictat prin tehnici speciale, alături de specialişti sau a trebuit să refacem strofe din poeziile unor autori celebri italieni şi să le învăţăm pe de rost pentru a le reproduce în faţa celorlate echipe. De acolo ne-am continuat viață de "surori" sau de "frati" in familii. A urmat ziua dedicată excursiei şi iubirii, deoarece era, totuşi, 15 februarie, „Ziua Iubirii”: am călătorit la Castelul Gradara unde, din nou, am participat la nişte jocuri foarte frumoase. A trebuit să întruchipăm domniţe şi cavaleri din Evul Mediu şi să găsim diferite indicii ale unor mari poveşti de dragoste. Chiar dacă echipa mea nu a câştigat, nu m-am supărat, căci a fost o zi dedicată socializării, prieteniei, jocului şi poveştilor clasice din literatură, refăcute pe înţelesul nostru. Ultima zi am început-o cu o plimbare pe faleza Mării Adriatice. Mai apoi am fost la şcoala şi am participat la câteva ore obişnuite împreună cu gazdele noastre. Aceasta mobilitate cred că m-a schimbat în bine şi m-a maturizat. 113
The mobility in Italy was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. The fun was combined with education, which made the activity more exciting. Of course, without the organizers of the project nothing would have been possible and I will always be grateful for having the opportunity to participate. The host family had an important role in my adventure, and I thank them for being so warm. Student partners with whom we visited impressive places like Corso Umbreto, Museo delle Genti D'Abruzzo were
wonderful and we made friends very quickly. All activities have had their beauty, and the city of Pescara has even transformed short walks into memorable moments. Giuliana, my partner, has helped me every time I needed it and I will never forget her! I hope that I will have the opportunity to participate in such activities and visit unique places like Italy.
Roxana Istrate, 8th grade
În perioada 12-16 februarie 2018, în Pescara, Italia, la Istituto Comprensivo Pescara 4 s-a desfăşurat ultima mobilitate din cadrul proiectului de parteneriat strategic între şcoli Erasmus+ , Movere, Docere, Delectare through Reading, proiect coordonat de Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu şi la care mai participă şcoli din Portugalia, Turcia, Bulgaria, Italia şi Polonia. Istituto Comprensivo Pescara 4 a fost şcoala unde s-au organizat: workshopuri, ateliere, un carnaval cu personaje din poveşti de dragoste cunoscute (precum „Romeo şi Julieta”, „Luceafărul”); toate au culminat cu o excursie la Castelul Gradara şi în
oraşul lui Leopardi, Recanati, supranumit „oraşul poeziei”. Elevii s-au întors în timp deoarece au participat la o serie întreagă de probe, ca în Evul Mediu, la finalul căreia câştigătorii au fost desemnaţi Cel mai abil cavaler şi Cea mai frumoasă domniţă, o reinterpretare a multor cupluri din literatura vremii. Cele două eleve care au reprezentat şcoala noastră au fost impresionate de primirea extrem de călduroasă a familiilor gazdă, dar şi de felul în care cele cinci delegaţii au fost întâmpinate la şcoala italiană, prin momente muzicale, scenete şi o paradă a costumelor tradiţionale, folosite în zona Abruzzo în diverse ocazii. Elevii sau integrat perfect, participând şi la lecţii obişnuite, precum o oră de geometrie sau una de ştiinţe iar profesorii au avut şi ei parte de workshopuri a căror temă a fost dislexia şi felul în care se poate lucra cu elevi care au această tulburare de citire. Cu toţii au fost puşi în ipostaze inedite şi a trebuit să îşi dovedească abilitatea de a se descurca în situaţii noi, să exerseze limba engleză şi să înveţe cuvinte şi expresii în limba italiană iar elevii au ajuns să aibă mai mare încredere în ei înşişi, să lucreze în echipă şi să-şi dezvolte creativitatea prin joc.
Elevii au fost însoţiţi de către coordonatorul principal al proiectului, Tomescu Manuela, şi de doamna învăţătoare Tibori Raveca, într-o săptămână plină de creativitate, de culoare, de spontaneitate, cu activităţi originale şi inedite, de mare impact, o săptămână dedicată poveştilor de dragoste din literatură. Coordonator proiect, prof. Manuela Tomescu 115
February 2018
Activity 16: Take a Look! February-March 2018
Take a Look!
Books vs. Movies Which Do You Prefer? Compare and Contrast Books and Movies
Activity 16: Take a Look!
Secondary level students had to choose a book and a movie adapted on the book from a list which was made at their suggestions. After they had read the book and watched the movie based on it, they were asked to compare and contrast the book and the movie. The 6th grade students chose ,,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, which is a children’s favourite, while upper secondary students chose ,,The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”, a more complex story. See their work and conclusions!
Primary Level Book
Secondary Level Author
Charles Perrault
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Roald Dahl
The Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling
Harry Potter
J. K. Rowling
Mary Poppins
P. L. Travers
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins
The Little Mermaid
Hans Christian Andersen
A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens
Johanna Spyri
White Fang
Jack London
Carlo Collodi
The Secret Garden
Frances Dodgson Burnett
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Brothers Grimm
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
John Boyne
The Wizard of Oz
L. Frank Baum
Lord of the Flies
William Golding
The Beauty and the Beast
Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve Frances Hodgson Burnett
Roald Dahl
The Little Prince
Antoine de SaintExupéry
A Little Princess
Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
Mayday for Fairy Tales Erasmus + team
A16: Take a Look! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Debate: Book vs. Movie
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a children's book by Roald Dahl, a British author. It is the story of the adventures of young Charlie Bucket inside the chocolate factory of an eccentric candy maker, Willy Wonka. The book is often considered one of the most beloved children's stories of the 20th century.
A16: Take a Look!
The film “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory�
is a musical fantasy comedy, based on the story written by Roald Dahl. The storyline follows Charlie, who wins a contest and is, along with four other contest winners, led by Willy Wonka on a tour of his chocolate factory, the most magnificent in the world.
A16: Take a Look! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Comparison Between the Book and the Film Ada Bordean, 6th grade
1. 2. 3. 4.
7. 8. 9. 10.
In the book Willy Wonka had short hair and a beard but in the film he had long, red hair and no beard. In the scene where Charlie found 10 dollars he was supposed to find only1 dollar, like in the book. In the book Charlie only found the Golden Ticket in the second chocolate bar he bought, however, in the film he found it inside the first chocolate bar . In the movie the kids were allowed to bring only one parent with them even though in the book both of the kids’ parents came along with them. When the kids were supposed to meet Willy Wonka, in the film he had some kind of special celebration, but in the book he greeted them in the front of the factory gates. In the book Willy Wonka didn’t seem as strange or weird like he was in the movie; in the film he was making some rude jokes about the kids, but tried to be smooth. In the movie Mr. Wonka often had flashbacks of his childhood, which in the book he didn’t have. The book didn’t mention where the kids were from. For example Augustus Gloop was from Germany and Veruca Salt was from England. In the book Willy Wonka said that the Oompa Loompas were not allowed in the Inventing Room but in the film we could see some of them in the room. At the end, in the book Willy Wonka invited Charlie and his whole family to live in the factory, however in the movie he said that Charlie had to live the rest of his life in the factory and leave his family behind. Charlie made him change his mind by taking him to see his father that he hated when he was little. Only after that he learned that families were important, he confirmed that the Bucket family would live with him in the chocolate factory.
In my opinion the film was better than the book. The book was short and didn’t have as many details and mystery as the film did. I think that the film helped me understand more the story and had a more dramatic ending which I liked better over the book. 121
A16: Take a Look! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory BOOK vs. MOVIE Daria Apostol, 6th grade 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
In the book there are some events that do not appear in the movie. In the movie there are changes, for example: the number of companion persons in the factory. In the movie they say: one person and in the book: two persons. In the movie there are some events that do not appear in the book; for example: in the book they are invited in the corridor of the factory, but in the movie they are expected with a show. In the book all things are detailed, but in movie they aren't . The book lets you imagine the story yourself, but the movie does not. When I say 'story' 'I mean the look of characters, landscapes. The book gives you more feelings and the film fewer. In my opinion, the movie is better than the book.
A16: Take a Look!
A16: Take a Look!
A16: Take a Look! The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a novel written by John Boyne, an Irish novelist. The story is told from the point of view of nine-year-old Bruno, the German son of a Nazi soldier who moves with his family from Berlin to Poland. And when he arrives, it turns out that their new house is just a stone's throw away from the Auschwitz concentration camp. ‌ but something really incredible happens: Bruno befriends a kid on the other side of the fence, Shmuel. And these two become the truest of friends.
A16: Take a Look!
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (released as The Boy in the Striped Pajamas in the United States) is a drama film set in World War II, based on the novel written by John Boyne. The drama explores the horror of a World War II Nazi extermination camp through the eyes of two young boys: Bruno the son of the camp's Nazi commandant and Shmuel, a Jewish inmate.
A16: Take a Look! “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” Film or book? Which one is better? Lorena Tănase 8th grade
There are many reasons why, some people prefer books over movies. I was convinced that books are better than movies, but is that true? Are all books better than movies? I changed my opinion after I had to read "The Boy in Striped Pyjamas" and watch the movie, as part of a school project. When my English teacher said, "Watch the movie and read the book, then make a comparison”, I was thinking that a book will always be better than a film, but I did as she told us. First, I read the book about two boys, one German and the other Jewish, who became the best friends during the Second World War. The book presented a sad story, ending with the death of the two boys in a concentration camp. The book saddened me and made me hate the Nazis more than I did before, so the book gave me strong feelings. "The Boy in Striped Pyjamas" is really a good book, in my opinion, but surprisingly I liked the movie more. How could I, the big fan of books, be more impressed by the movie? How is that possible? It is true that there are many more details in the book, but does it matter the most? Details are very important, but I think the feelings are more important. After all, books and movies are made to excite us and the movie made me more excited. The film conferred stronger feelings. As a result, it made me cry, more than the book did, so for me the movie was definitely my favourite. To get back to my initial question, I think that this thing is very subjective and depends on how good the books and the movies are. Books bring you into your own imaginary world where everything looks and feels like you want and in the movies we watch and feel what the stage director wants. When the film focuses on feelings, I may like it more than the book. I generally prefer books, but I'm happy because I had the opportunity to watch a movie that changed my opinion.
A16: Take a Look! “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” Is the book better than the movie? Teodora Maxim 8th grade
For my school project, I had to write an essay about the differences between a book and the movie based on it and why I like the movie more than the book or vice versa. I had to read and watch “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”. Although all the time I like the book more, this time I’ll have to admit that the movie was better for me. The movie gave me more emotions than the book and that’s something very strange for me. Even when I was reading the book I could imagine every character and every landscape, it didn’t give me that powerful feelings as the movie. The movie, in my opinion, is one of a kind, is full of true and sad facts and, when you see them, feelings hit you. I can’t say that I didn’t like the book, it was amazing too, but I feel that when it is a sad story like Bruno’s and Shmuel’s , if you see with your eyes what is really
happening, you get more emotional because maybe in your head , the story isn’t that sad and tragic . I think that all of us have to watch “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” because none of us can really know how it was like during WW2’s time until we see. I really hope that I’ve convinced you to see with your eyes what made me cry so badly. We should be happy and grateful that we’re not living in that time anymore and enjoy life and democracy as much as we can, but with a limit, of course.
A16: Take a Look!
-released as The Boy in the Striped Pajamas* in the USAGreceanu Andreea 8th grade In my opinion, the book is much better than the movie, leaving room for imagination and creativity. First, the book is easy to read, the language being simple. Bruno, a 9-year-old German boy is the main character. The action is presented through his eyes. It is an educational reading through which we get to live with people. We live various feelings: sadness, joy, enthusiasm. His father is an officer, and due to his service he and his family have to leave Berlin and move to Poland. The father is dealing with a camp for Jewish people, wanting to exterminate them. Bruno believes it is a farm. Bruno is not delighted with the new home and wants to return to Germany. Bruno's mother tells him to behave nicely with people dressed in striped pyjamas.Out of curiosity, he goes to the camp and meets a Jewish boy, Shmuel. The two of them get acquainted. His mother decides to move back to Berlin. Bruno wants to spend the last day with Shmuel. He dressed in a striped pyjamas, just like the other Jews. They are called to go. The crowd is sprinkled with gas and all are burned... Secondly, for me the book is much better. You can imagine the characters. It is a short book that reads quickly. It is a historical book that enriches our general culture. We can spend our free time reading this book, teleporting us in that time. This book inspires us. We become new characters, living many projections in the book. On the other hand, the movie is very successful, respecting many things in the book. Bruno's age is changed. The film gives us the opportunity to see the action from a general perspective. The end is much tougher in the movie. In conclusion, I would choose the book because we can create the characters, the place of action. By reading, the general culture becomes broader, the vocabulary is much more developed. This historical story impresses us with ethnic differences and we realize that friendship has no nationality and can link two different people.
pajamas* = American English spelling for pyjamas
A16: Take a Look! “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” Eduard Bischin 6 th grade Which is better, the book or the movie? The book has more scenes and the movie has a different end . The book describes Bruno’s friends but at the end of the book we don’t know
what happened with Bruno; in the movie we can see how Bruno is dead with Shmuel because a soldier dropped a bomb where Bruno was. In the book Bruno says how annoying his sister, Gretel is. The book is better than the movie because it is more exiting with more scenes and a different end.
“Films can bring whole worlds to life before our eyes, make characters into living, breathing flesh and blood.”
“Books are magic. They let you LIVE everything. When you read a book, nothing else exists and you can be a whole other person .... You can live as someone else, free of your own troubles, even if only for two hundred pages.”
A16: Take a Look! Conclusions: Both movies and books are works of art that cannot compete with one another. Both movies and books are ways for a person to escape reality, whether he is the creator/ author or a mere spectator/reader. Both movies and books have roles to play not only in society, but
also in the nation and the world. Both movies and books can be based on real life situations. Both movies and books can make you laugh, cry and fall in love!
Both books and movies have no ending…. … so, don’t stop reading books and watching movies! Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher 131
Scrierea celui de-al şaselea capitol al cărţii “Mayday for Fairy Tales”, urmată de dramatizarea lui, pe baza scenariului realizat, au fost fără indoială cele mai solicitante şi, în acelaşi timp, cele mai plăcute activităţi din primul an de proiect. Iată care au fost etapele care au dus la realizarea capitolului 6 din e-Book, intitulat sugestiv BOOKS HAVE NO ENDING, scris şi ilustrat de elevi, sub îndrumarea profesorilor coordonatori Gabriela Bârcă, Manuela Tomescu şi Victor Călin. 1. Familiarizarea cu cele 5 capitole scrise de ceilalţi parteneri 9.Publicarea filmului pe You Tube
8.Editarea cărţii in ediţie bilingvă
2. Scrierea şi ilustrarea capitolului 6
Mayday for Fairy Tales Chapter 6
3. Traducerea capitolului 6
Books Have No Ending 7. Filmarea şi realizarea CDului cu filmul
6.Dramatizarea poveştii-crearea scenariului si a regiei
4.Scrierea epilogului
5.Publicarea poveştii in Story Jumper
Cerința a fost să continuăm povestea din cele 5 capitole scrise de parteneri, să preluăm câteva din personajele lor şi să introducem personaje din literatura română. Personajele din povestire călătoresc dintr-o ţară în alta pentru a-i determina pe toţi oamenii, indiferent de vârstă sau naţionalitate, să citească din nou basmele şi poveştile care le-au încântat copilăria. Cu ajutorul zânelor, această dorinţă le va fi indeplinită. Astfel, după o serie de aventuri prin cele 5 țări partenere, Harry Potter, Winnie the
Pooh şi Mary (personaj din literatura poloneză) ajung in Romania cu scopul de a-i determina pe copii şi adulți, să citească din nou. Cu ajutorul baghetei magice a lui Harry Potter, cei trei ajung la Castelul Bran, unde dau nas în nas cu Contele Dracula, care în ciuda fricii pe care le-o inspiră, se oferă să-i ajute şi să-i însoţească la Sibiu, destinația finală a călătoriei: “ C um adică copiii n u mai citesc??!!! Asta înseamnă că nu o să mai afle de aventurile prin care eu am trecut și de modul inteligent prin care am reușit s ă le rezolv! Acest lucru nu se poate întâmpla, voi veni c u voi și vă voi ajuta! spune plin de viată Păcală.” Ajunşi la Biblioteca “Astra” din Sibiu, cei cinci aventurieri pun în scenă o piesă de teatru care îi încântă pe toți copiii şi le trezeste dorinţa de a citi. Obosiţi de atâta citit, copii, părinţi şi bunici adorm în sala de lectură a bibliotecii, şi sunt treziţi de dansul şi baghetele magice ale zânelor plecate din cele 6 ţări pentru a îndeplini dorinţa tuturor: aceea ca oamenii din întreaga lume să citească iar şi iar basmele copilăriei. Dramatizarea poveştii a fost a fost cea mai laborioasă etapă. A inclus amenajarea decorului în care s-au filmat scenele, costumele participanților, care trebuiau să semene cât mai mult cu personajele din poveste şi multe ore de repetiții. “Mayday for Fairy Tales” a fost finalizată şi publicată în Story Jumper, astfel poate fi citită şi vizualizată de un public larg. Cartea poate fi folosită în cadrul orelor de curs şi a altor activităţi educative sau
cursuri opționale. Fiind ediţie bilingvă poate fi folosită atât la clasele primare, cât şi gimnaziale, şi în egală masură de elevii cu CES, dând posibilitatea tuturor elevilor să-şi îmbogăţească şi să-şi testeze cunoştinţele. 133
De asemenea, dramatizarea şi filmul au fost publicate pe You Tube, astfel un numar mare de copii, părinţi, bunici şi alte persoane interesate au posibilitatea să urmărească povestea.
Dramatizare, scenariu si regie: prof. Gabriela Bârcă Filmare: prof. Liviu Cupcea
Adresele la care pot fi vizualizate rezultatele si produsele noastre: http://mddreading.eu E-Twinning page Facebook group page Story Jumper Library You Tube ANA-MARIA CIUSTEA, clasa a VIII-a A COORDONATORI: Gabriela Bârcă, Manuela Tomescu, Victor Călin 134
We won the third prize!
L d I s c o v e r MY t E R A my T Culture R E
THE PURSE WITH COPPERS TWO by Ion Creangă Ion Creangă was a Romanian writer, in 19th century Romanian literature, best known for his Childhood Memories volume, his short stories, and his many anecdotes. Creangă's main contribution to children's literature includes narratives as well as fairy tales ( "The Goat and Her Three Kids", "The Mother with Three Daughters-in-Law", "The Old Man's Daughter and the Old Woman's Daughter"). Widely seen as masterpieces of the Romanian language and local humour, his writings have folkloric sources and are of rural inspiration.
Get acquainted with one of the best-known, most beloved and funniest stories written by Ion Creangă, “The Purse with Coppers Two”
Once upon a time
there was an old woman and she lived
with her husband, an old man. The old woman had a hen and the man had a rooster; the old woman’s hen laid eggs twice a day and she ate plenty of eggs but gave none to her husband. One day the old man lost his temper and asked his wife to give him some eggs. “So that’s you what you want, is it?” said the old woman. “If you feel like eggs, thrash your rooster and make him lay eggs for you and then you’ll be able to eat some; that’s what I did to my hen and see how she’s laying.” The old man, who was greedy, gave to the rooster a good thrashing, saying “There! It’s either eggs or off you go, so there’s no more food wasted on you.” As soon as he slipped out of the old man’s hands, the rooster ran away from home. As he was walking along a road, he saw a purse with two coppers in it. He picked it up in his beak and started off back to the old man’s house. On the way he met a greedy rich man and some ladies driving in a carriage. The rich man looked at the rooster carefully, saw the purse in his beak and told the coachman to bring him the purse. The coachman quickly jumped down, stole the purse from the rooster’s beak and gave it to his master… and the carriage drove on. Much angered at this, the rooster followed the coach, constantly crowing: “Great lord, cock-a-doodle-doo! Give the purse with coppers two!” Greatly annoyed, the rich man, whose carriage was just passing a well, said to his coachman: “Coachman, get hold of this rooster and throw him down the well”. The coachman caught the rooster and flung him down the well. The rooster started gulping water and gulped, until he gulped the well dry. Then out he flew and again followed the carriage, crying: “Great lord, cock-a-doodle-doo! Give the purse with coppers two!” Seeing this, the rich man wondered greatly and said, “My! That’s the very devil of a rooster, that is!”
As soon as they reached home, he ordered an old woman in the kitchen to take the rooster and throw him into an oven full of live coals and lay a stone slab upon the mouth of it. The rooster, on seeing this new and great wrong done to him, started belching water, and he belched all the water of the well over the coals till he put out the fire and cooled the oven. Then the rooster pushed away the slab and began tapping with his beak on the pane, crowing: “Great lord, cock-a-doodle-doo! Give the purse with coppers two!” The rich man again called his coachman and told him to fling the rooster in the midst of the herd of cattle. The coachman grabbed the rooster and flung him into the herd. Great was the rooster’s joy! “Great lord, cock-a-doodle-doo! Give the purse with coppers two!”
The nobleman was bursting with anger. He sat for a time thinking, when suddenly a new idea came into his head: “I’ll have him thrown into the treasure-house.” So, he seized the rooster by a wing and flung him into the treasure house. Then the rooster greedily swallowed all the money and left all the chests empty. Then went to the boyar’s window and began: “Great lord, cock-a-doodle-doo! Give the purse with coppers two!” Now the nobleman seeing that there was no way out of it, flung the purse at him. The rooster picked it up and left the boyar alone. He went straight to the old man’s house and started crowing: “Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!” On hearing his rooster’s cry, the old man, joyfully went out and as he glanced at the gate, Lord! His rooster was something monstrous: an elephant would have looked like a flea beside this rooster! Behind him came numberless flocks of fowls. Then the rooster said o him, “Master, spread a rug out here, in the middle of the yard.” As quick as a flash, the old man spread out the rug. The rooster then stepped upon the rug; and on he rug he poured out a heap of ducats that shone in the sun, dazzling the eye!
Upon this, there came the old woman too and her eyes glittered under her brows. “Old man”, she said, “give me some ducats too.” “Not a hope of it, old woman. When I asked you to give me some eggs, you know what you answered. Thrash your hen now, and make her bring you ducats.” Then the old woman went into the poultry-house, grabbed at the hen, caught her by the tail and thrashed her, so that you’d have wept with pity! The hen ran away, never to come back. Now the old woman had to feed on air, not on eggs. As for the old man, he was very rich and he would take the rooster about everywhere with him.
The End Abridged and adapted by: Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher Roxana Istrate, Teodora Maxim, 8th grade 141
A18: Reading Images! April 2018 MDD NEWSPAPER, iunie 2018
People have always tried to “decode” the message hidden behind an image and the relation between visual symbols and the messages they convey. Images may be ‘read’ but the perception of images is fundamentally different from one person to another, even from one generation to another. During our workshop we tried to answer a certain question: “Can the message of an image be put into words?” Students were asked to “read “some images and find the hidden message of each photo/ drawing / picture. We have used drawings made by students, which were awarded prizes at different competitions, as well as photos and illustrations. The students’ imagination and creativity were set free, so they expressed their opinions and had the opportunity to exchange their points of view regarding different topics, such as: friendship, childhood, relationship within a family, cartoons & movies, the importance of books & stories, life in a big city vs. life in the countryside, jobs and many, many others. As this is also a way of enriching and testing vocabulary, as well as fluent speaking in a foreign language, we involved students who applied for the bilingual classes (Romanian-English) at high school where the focus is on learning proficient English. In this way we helped them become more self-confident when speaking English and overcome their emotions. Another group involved in this activity consisted of some SEN students and kindergarten kids who were encouraged to speak about the images and the connection between images/graphics/illustrations and spoken language “In my opinion fantasy plays an important part in everyone’s life. Without it, life would be less interesting and really dull. Looking at this drawing, I feel it is part of my childhood. The castle, Mickey Mouse, the bright colours - all remind me of the fantasy world created in cartoons. It looks like spring, when people feel happy as nature comes to life again. The children in this drawing enjoy the revival of nature and they even help creating a more beautiful natural environment by planting trees and watering flowers, a proof that they care for nature and the place they live in. The drawing is dominated by bright colours: the boys’ clothes are red, orange and blue
A18: Reading Images! April 2018 and even the castle seems taken from Fairyland being painted in different shades
of red, yellow and orange. Everything is set on a green background, green being a relaxing colour, the symbol of life. All these vivid colours show the children’s joy of life and that childhood is the best time for everyone to be happy, light-hearted and carefree. In fact, anyone can create his own universe.” (Ștefan Cărăbineanu, 8th grade)
Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher
WELCOME TO TURKEY! Date/ Duration: 30thApril – 3rdMay 2018 Host organization: Zubeyde Hanim Ucler Ilkokulu, Amasya Turkey Participants: BULGARIAN TEAM: Darinka Mitkova Kostova, Vesela Pancheva Stoyanova, Veselin Ivanov Dimitrov ITALIAN TEAM: Cristina di Marco, Stefania Buccione POLISH TEAM: Karolina Stanek, Wieslawa Walczewska, Dorota Maria LikWawrzyniak PORTUGUESE TEAM: Fernanda Monteiro Vicente, Lidia de Jesus Afonso, Fernando Manuel Fontes Contins ROMANIAN TEAM: Maria-Manuela Tomescu, Victor Călin, Gabriela-Simona Bârcă TURKISH TEAM: Melike Celep, Hasan Akbaş, Ali Kirti, Hasan Huseyin Aktaş, Sevilay Inan Onen; Objectives: Evaluating the mobilities and activities of the project Discussing the forthcoming activities Discussing issues related to the Final Report - filling in and submitting it in line with the deadlines of the NAs. 29th April –Sunday night: Arrival in Amasya Warm welcome at Merzifon Airport by Turkish partners 30thApril -Monday: Warm welcome of the guests in the schoolyard: greetings of the headmaster, presentation of the partner teams, traditional music via traditional musical instruments; presentation of the partner countries with simple info, words about books, folk dances. Meeting the school staff in the Teachers’ Room. Walking along the river promenade, on the way of Sehzades and admiring the typical waterfront houses of Amasya. Visiting the Hazeranlar Mansion- an authentic old house that exhibits Turkish living style. Working session: teachers’meeting in the School Conference Hall:PowerPoint presentation to evaluate the mobilities and activities of the project; discussing the forthcoming activities (see the Minutes). Buffet lunch at school – traditional homemade Turkish food prepared by parents and school staff 145
1st May- Tuesday: Visiting Samsun-the biggest city in the Black Sea Region-the place where the republic's founder, Kemal Atatürk, has set foot to start the War of Independence in 1919. (Lunch at West Park- going by cable car to Amisos Café Restaurant) Going to the East Park and visiting the Bandirma Boat, known as the starting point of the Independence War. (Free time at Samsun Shopping Centre) 2nd May- Wednesday: Visiting the historical public library “Beyazid Library" and the Miniature Amasya Museum of 1914. Meeting the Governor of Amasya – presentation of the MDD teams and talking about the project Meeting the Mayor of Amasya- presentation of the MDD teams; talking about the project. Reading activity with religious music and a Dervish dance performed by the 4th grade students atBimarhane. City tour by the sightseeing bus- visiting historical places in Amasya: the building representing the Independence War,the castle of Amasya, Farhad and Shirin Monument, Love Museum; Workshop for teachers: traditional 'Ebru' art - at school. Official dinner with the school staff offered by the Mayor of Amasya 3rd May- Thursday: Visiting the school classes and sharing experiments and methods on education, short performances of the students; Visiting the City Library; Working Session: discussing issues related to the Final Report-filling in and submitting itin line with the deadlines of the NAs.(see the Minutes) Final ceremony for greeting the guests, delivering certificates/declarations of attendance and thank you souvenirs. 4th May- Friday Time to say goodbye-departure of all teams from Merzifon Airport. Victor Călin, Head Teacher Manuela Tomescu, coordinator Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher
Here we are at the end of a project that has brought us together and moreover has interwoven those invisible links that will keep us connected a long time from now on. Amasya is, undoubtedly, one of the most spectacular places - a place blessed with natural beauty and kind people. The waterfront houses lined along the riverside and backed by the rocky hills cannot be easily forgotten and neither can the memorable moments offered by our Turkish partners. It’s no wonder that during our stay we felt like in Wonderland, as Amasya stole our hearts at first g l a n c e w i t h its beauty and deeply-rooted culture and civilization. We soon realized that the kindness of the Amasyans and the warmth of their voices come from the breathtaking scenery that surrounds and protects them as well, and from their rich history…Everything - the school, the city itself, the places we have visited and, above all, the Turkish partners - were at such a high level, that any word of appreciation would be an understatement… wherever we have been together, we have always felt friendliness and unconditional generosity. “Melike & friends” impressed us not only with their warm welcome but also with their enthusiasm and a natural gentleness that made us feel as if we had known one another long before. Thank you Turkish team for your hard but efficient work of making our meeting a memorable one! It is our strong belief that no other place would have been more appropriate to make the final TPM so pleasant. Yes, Amasya certainly deserves a place in the UNESCO World Heritage!!!
Unfortunately, projects end, yet memories will last over the years!
Manuela Tomescu Victor Călin Gabriela Bârcă
Școala nr. 25 a încheiat cu succes un nou proiect ERASMUS+ Proiect Erasmus+ la final ,,SIBIU 100%/”/ 23 mai 2018 În perioada 30 aprilie-4 mai 2018, în Amasya, Turcia, la Zubeyde Hanim Ucler Primary School s-a desfăşurat întâlnirea finală din cadrul proiectului de parteneriat strategic între şcoli Erasmus+ Movere, Docere, Delectare through Reading, proiect
coordonat de Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu, căreia i s-au alăturat şcoli din Portugalia, Turcia, Bulgaria, Italia şi Polonia. Au participat coordonatorii proiectului, directori şi reprezentanţi ai celor şase şcoli. Sesiunile de lucru au alternat cu moment festive emoţionante în cadrul şcolii dar şi în alte locaţii ( muzeul local, biblioteca publică, cetatea oraşului Amasya), cu vizitarea oraşului aflat între cele mai frumoase din lume, cu participarea la orele de curs obişnuite. Am avut ,de asmenea, onoarea de a fi primiţi de guvernatorul regiunii şi de
primarul oraşului, ambii implicaţi activi în proiect. Aceştia participaseră anterior la Clubul de lectură şi la alte activităţi. În şcoală s-a desfăşurat un workshop Ebru care a vizat realizarea unei picturi în apă folosind tehnici şi instrumente speciale, toate cadrele didactice reuşind, sub îndrumarea unui artist local să picteze un model tradiţional sau anumite versuri din Coran; a fost vizitat un muzeu dedicat poveştilor de dragoste imposibile din literatura turcă şi universală şi totul a culminat cu momente nostalgice de evocare ale parcursului acestui proiect. Atmosfera a fost una extraordinară întrucât
ospitalitatea şi căldura echipei din Turcia au fost la superlativ: profesori, părinţi şi elevi, toţi ne-au primit ca şi cum am fi fost deja o mare familie. La sesiunile de lucru au fost evaluate mobilităţile din Portugalia, Polonia, Bulgaria şi Italia, accentuându-se ideea diversităţii activităţilor desfăşurate, care au urmărit aducerea literaturii tot mai aproape de elevi, de părinţi, de comunitate, prin redarea legăturiiei cu altearte:dansul, muzica, teatrul, sau prin implementare aunor noi tehnici de lucru, metode de predare, de evaluare care să vizeze creativitatea, jocul de rol, alte
spaţii de desfăşurare ale lecţiilor. De-a lungul proiectului nostru, au fost implicate diverse instituţii din cele şase tări şi oraşe, precum şi un număr impresionant de elevi, părinţi, parteneri externi. Rezultatelenoastre au fost diseminate şi făcute publice prin 148
diverse căi, de la website-ul şi pagina de Facebook a proiectului, la ziare locale, naţionale, E-twinning, site-uri ale şcolilor implicate, radiouri şi televiziuni locale şi naţionale A fost, cu siguranţă, un drum lung şi uneori dificil, dar momentele frumoase petrectute împreună, precum şi zâmbetele elevilor noştri care au descoperit de fiecare dată altceva, au meritat. Suntem convinşi că roadele vor fi culese în anii ce vor urma, pentru că am redescoperit cu toţii magia lecturii, am reînvăţat uneori să apreciem munca celorlaţi şi să ne apreciem indiferent de ţară, cultură, orientare religioasă şi am ajuns să conştientizăm prin toate acestea importanţa de A FI EUROPEAN. Cu toţii am promis că prietenia pe care am legat-o în acest context va continua şi după încheierea proiectului şi, cu siguranţă, a fost o experienţă de neuitat. Coordonator proiect, prof. Manuela Tomescu
April –
May 2018
A19: I LIKE READING IN ENGLISH! MAY 2018 Developing and improving reading skills and reading comprehension in English for non-native speakers may seem a hard task. Nowadays teenagers enjoy listening to songs in English or watching movies rather than reading stories in English. However, we have challenged our students and asked them to choose a story from the International List of books and start reading it. During our previous activities we have trained students to read in a more focused and selective manner and with greater efficiency by using a range of different reading skills. In this way we aimed at increasing the levels of concentration and understanding and reducing the unnecessary reading time, which enabled students to read for pleasure. For A19 I Like Reading in English, students from at least two partner countries were supposed to read the same story and imagine different creative endings which were exchanged and presented on Skype sessions. Together with our partners from Italy and Bulgaria, the students have chosen a children’s classic, Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, a Scottish novelist. Peter Pan is a young boy who can fly and never grows up. He spends his neverending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland, where he interacts with fairies, pirates, mermaids, Native Americans, and occasionally with ordinary children from the world outside Neverland.
After reading the story of Peter Pan the pupils from the three partner countries, Romania, Italy and Bulgaria, used their imagination and creativity to make up new, unexpected endings. During the Skype sessions our students presented their endings to the partners and exchanged opinions on this topic in a friendly, informal manner. This activity was a good opportunity of increasing self-confidence and improving the students’ proficiency in English. At the end of the activity the pupils involved were awarded diplomas and books in English. Gabriela Bârcă , ESL Teacher
Alternative Ending to “Peter Pan’’ by J. M. Barrie Wanting to save his own life, Captain Hook accepts to work for Peter and the Lost Boys, despite his beliefs. Wendy gives Hook the most important duty ever known in the history of Neverland: the storyteller. With heavy heart, Capitan Hook gives Wendy and her brothers the majestic ship, so they returned home. Unable to go beyond his true self and become a honest and kind man, Hook asked Peter Pan to kill him for he couldn’t spend his entire life helping the children. Good at heart, Peter Pan decides to spare his life and hide him in a lost cell in the middle of Neverland woods. As peace settles in Neverland at last, Peter says goodbye to Tinker Bell and his friends, then he goes to Wendy where her parents adopt him, forming a new family. Adina Mara, Cristian Natea, Răzvan Văleanu 7th grade
Wendy blew the whistle and the pirates came. Hook took the treasure and he said to Wendy he would not bring her home. She started crying and she apologized. Peter Pan was angry and sad but he forgave her. She helped him and they took the treasure. Wendy remained in that land with Peter Pan. Daria Apostol , 6th grade
Peter Pan-Another Ending I will change the ending of the story from the moment when Hook was eaten by the monster. Everyone was thinking about what they could do to stay together, but at the same time Wendy and her brothers be with their family. It is true this took a little time and
after a lot of bad ideas Tinkerbell had a brilliant idea. She asked Peter if every person could have a fairy, a fairy who could make them fly to Neverland whenever they wanted. Everyone thought that the idea could be great, so they started to count the fairies. Unfortunately, their number was far too small, but they would do it anyway. If there are not enough fairies for everyone, just Wendy’s family and her friends will have a fairy, but it has to be a secret. After they arrived home, they told all these adventures to their parents and shortly they had their own fairies. All the family often travelled to Neverland and the parents
adopted the lonely boys, so they weren’t lonely anymore. Despite of this, Peter didn’t want to grow up, but Wendy wanted. They were so different, but they really loved each other. There was no way for them and they decided to stay friends. For a long period of time, Wendy had travelled only twice a year to Neverland because she was too buzzy, but Peter understood it. In this time, Peter found a girl as beautiful as Wendy and he fell in love. This girl, Alice was exactly like Peter. She wanted to stay a child forever. They were made for each other, so it turned out that Peter and Wendy had had just a passing love. After 15 years Wendy and her husband had 3 children while Peter and Alice had 4 children. Peter and his wife decided 7 years ago that they wanted to become adults because they wanted children. In those 8 years they were more like adults, they had grown up at the mental level, so looking like a child didn’t’t help them with anything. The children were very good friends and they had fairies, so they travelled to Neverland every day. They loved that place! After those years the number of fairies was bigger and in this way every child on Earth could have a fairy. Shortly, Neverland
become “Children’s Land”, a place full of happiness. Lorena Tănase, 8th grade
The Change Has Been Made The three children reunited with their parents. They could not believe it, thinking it was another stupid mind game. When they realized they had actually returned, they were flooded with tears, the questions were useless, because they finally saw their children at home. After receiving the affection, the children confessed that they did not come alone. Behind the door there were several boys, dressed in dirty pirates’ suits. Wendy asks her parents if she can keep them. After the adults’ approval, Wendy looks with some sadness towards the window, where she sees a sparkle; it was Tinkerbell. The little girl approaches and discovers Peter Pan. They both look deeply into each other's eyes, but they cannot not speak. Peter Pan moves away from home, but Wendy jumps after him and embraces him with a warm hug. At that time Peter Pan imagined how life would be, living as a normal child and respect the laws of time. The tears of happiness on Wendy's cheek persuaded the boy to stay with his friends and with the parents he never had. Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, who were lifetime friends, had to say “Goodbye”. The fairy promised she would watch them forever and they would remain in her heart.”Why cannot Tinkerbell stay with us?" - because Peter Pan's age depends on her presence, so she had to return to Neverland. Wendy and Tinkerbell grew up together and had a special friendship, and their adventures were written in some story books for children. Ana-Maria Ciuştea, Roxana Istrate 8th grade
The Unexpected Change Suddenly, Wendy wanted to stay in Neverland. Peter Pan was shocked when he heard that but he was very happy too. But, he didn’t know what was in Wendy’s mind: She wanted to conquer Neverland. She even had a plan: To trap Peter Pan in a cage, so she can do whatever she wants. Later that night, her plan was going perfect and now Peter Pan is trapped in a cage. Now she can do whatever she wants. After one week Neverland was such a horrible place! The forests are on fire, the flowers don’t have colours anymore, and everybody is sad. However, Peter Pan, somehow managed to escape from that cage and now he tries to find Wendy. When Peter Pan saw her, he teleported her in the cage. After that ,everything came back to normal and now Wendy is alone in the cage. From this incident, Peter Pan learned a lesson: Don’t trust everybody! Alexandru Cazaciuc, 6th grade 154
A SHORT REVIEW OF THE SECOND YEAR PROJECT ACTIVITIES A11: I Am on Duty in My School Library September 2017 A volunteering activity which allowed students to“work" as librarians for one day. They had to register books, to fill in the reader’s cards, to take care of books and arrange them on shelves keeping a record of the books lent to students. They have also shared and exchanged books; for this purpose a small library was organized in each classroom and the students shared their favourite books with their colleagues. ”Reading Corners” were organized in some classrooms giving students the opportunity of bringing favourite books from their “home libraries” and share them with their classmates. Through this activity we aimed at stimulating inner motivation and pleasure for reading as well as motivating them to appreciate the benefits of volunteering activities.
A12: Reading Opens Minds and Changes Lives! October 2017- November 2017 This activity involved pupils from primary and secondary levels. At primary level pupils made drawings which were then displayed in schoool and at Astra Library. Secondary level students, guided by Mrs Gabriela Barca and Ms Manula Tomescu, wrote essays on the topic, focusing on the importance reading has in everyone’s life. The best essays written in Romanian and English were gathered in a brochure and published in MDD Newspaper and posted on e-Twinning platform.
A13: Comic Books Are Fun! November 2017- January 2018 Students got acquainted with ToonDoo, considered the fastest way to create comics, during a workshop led by Mr.Victor Călin, ICT teacher and Mrs. Gabriela Bârcă, English teacher. The students involved created their own comic strips in
English, choosing different topics, such as friendship, Christmas time, family and many others. The best comics were gathered in a brochure published on the project website, e-Twinning page, MDD Digital Newspaper, Facebook group page.
A14: Read with Me!- Reading Club December 2017- May 2018
In January the Reading Club was dedicated to our national poet Mihai Eminescu ( he was born on 15th January, 1850); we also celebrated Culture Day, so our special guests, the actors from the National Theater "Radu Stanca" ,were invited to share with us the joy of poetry, of fairy tales and of music in a short recital. The students were delighted and they really enjoyed those moments and began to understand the importance of poetry … In February, the activity was held by the primary teachers. The event took place on the last evening of February, at the local Church. Each of our guests symbolized a virtue: ”Faith” - priest Luca, "Hope" - priest Tatoiu and "Love" - the priestess, our Music teacher, Maria Luca. They facilitated and organized the meeting with the greatest care and love for children - members of the reading club "Reading Heroes" pupils of the 4 and 3rdgrade B of our school. Accompanied by their old friends, "Courage" - actor Catalin Neghina and "Friendship" - actress Lerida Buchholtzer, the children travelled to the world of Christian virtues by listening to them and reading poems, parables and stories, praying together and having understood that in His great love, God is in the heart of each and will never leave any of us.
2nd B grade children and their teacher had a special guest, the actress Lerida Buchholtzer. On 13th of May, in Romania, we celebrated for the 3rd year "Ziua dorului" ( Melancholy's Day - the Romanian word can't be translated perfectly). On this occasion, they went to the local library where they listened to some beautiful poems about love and then they played a short game: many letters were mixed and they had to find the right order and form words. They found words such as: Respect, Happiness, Trust, Joy, Family. It was an interactive and animated activity thanks to those involved: our primary teacher, Ms. Raveca Tibori, Ms. Lerida Buchholtzer & Ms. Gabriela Dordea, the librarian, who dedicates her time to children and parents.
A15: I’m Reading to You January 2017- June 2018 Through this activity, we managed to develop a stronger connection between generations. We read to disadvantaged groups, such as old people and orphans. The students proved their sensibility, respect, helpfulness. Students of all levels and different teachers were involved. They became more responsible and thoughtful and wanted to share their passion for reading with everyone. This activity stared in the first year and went on throughout the project, once a semester.
A16: Take a Look! February – March 2018 2nd grade pupils and their teacher, organized this activity at the end of March in 2 parts: first they read the book "Pinocchio" in their classroom. Then they saw the latest version of the film at "Astra" library, in the neighborhood and they discussed with the librarian and with their teacher about the main scenes. They compared those with the book and they made some drawings with the characters. They underlined what they loved in the book / in the movie, the conclusion was: "reading makes you dream, travel, discover, love and live”! 157
For A 16-Take a Look, secondary level students had to choose a book and a movie adapted on the book from a list which was made at their suggestions. After they had read the book and watched the movie based on it, they were asked to compare and contrast the book and the movie. The 6th grade students chose ,,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, which is a children’s favourite, while upper secondary students chose ,,The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”, a more complex story. They concluded that both movies and books can make you laugh, cry and fall in love, so no one should ever stop reading books or watching movies.
A17: Discover My Literature and My Culture! April 2018 The day of fairy tales written by Grimm Brothers in the two prep classes. The future readers got acquainted with the universe of the stories, guided by their teachers and saw images and short animations inspired by these stories and then they had to draw some nice images representing the well known scenes. These drawings participated at a big national competition which involved primary schools in Romania. So, as you see, we can be sure to have a next generation of readers! At secondary level the pupils shared with their partners one of the best-known Romanian stories, ,,The Purse with Coppers Two” by Ion Creangă.
A18: Reading Images April 2018 For this activity we challenged a group of 8th grade pupils who proved their creativity and imagination trying to decode the message hidden behind an image. We used some drawings, illustrations and photos representing a wide range of topics. The activity was also a good practice for the students who applied for the bilingual classes (Romanian–English) at high school, therefore we focused on proper use of the English language, rich vocabulary and fluent speaking.
A19: I Like Reading in English May 2018 Students from at least two partner countries were supposed to read the same story and imagine different creative endings which were exchanged and presented on Skype sessions. Together with our partners from Italy and Bulgaria, the students have chosen a children’s classic, Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, a Scottish novelist. The story gave them the chance to make up new, unexpected endings and to exchange opinions on this topic with their partners, in a friendly, informal manner. The activity was a good opportunity of increasing self-confidence and improving the students’ proficiency in English. Manuela Tomescu, project coordinator. Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher
These activities were accomplished by our MDD team: Gabriela Bârcă, Victor Călin, Maria Giurgiu, Raveca Tibori, Valeria Benchea, Anca Teodoru, Manuela Tomescu, project coordinator.
E R A S M U S + 2017-2018 ISBN 978-973-0-27611-4