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English Level III

Lcda. Katherine Morocho M. TEACHER

Loja- Ecuador 2016

Instituto Tecnológico Superior ‘’Juan Montalvo’’

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ………………………………………………………………….…… 2

UNIT 1 CONTINUOUS TENSE……….……………………………………….…… 4 Present continuous ……………….………………………………………………….6 Past continuous …………………………………………………………………….. 15

UIT2 NOUNS …………………………………………………………………………23 Irregular plural nouns……………………….………………………………………..25 Counttable and un-countable nouns ………………………………………………31 Definitive article ……………………..…………………………………………...…36 Indefinitive article …………………………………………………………………….41

UNIT 3 FUTURE TESE ………………………………………………………………45 Simple future WILL ………………………………………………………….………47 Future GOING TO…………………………………………………………..………..50 Future continuous …………………………………………………………………....54

UNIT 4 MODAL AUXILIARIES ……………………………………………………62 Requesting Actions ……………………………..…………………………………..64 Requesting permission .…………………………………….……………………….69

Anexos …………………………………………………………………..…………….75 Bibliography …………………………………………………………………….…. 78

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INTRODUTION Communicate with people English is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people from different nationalities want to communicate, they commonly use English language. That is why we like to call it “the language of communication”. Moreover, speaking English will enable you to contact people from all over the world and to travel more easily. Push your career forward All over the world, speaking English immediately opens up opportunities. Being able to communicate with foreign clients and business partners will provide you a more challenging position in your career. You will also have the option to apply for jobs requiring English like for instance a Manager position. So get your dream job, start learning English! Get access to knowledge English is also internationally recognized as the language of science. Most of the knowledge related to computer or health by example is in English. Being able to use English in your researches – especially on the Web - will give you unlimited access to knowledge! Enjoy art like never before English lets you feel the culture of the world like no other language. Learning it will offer you the opportunity to do wonderful things. English is the language of the Film industry and learning it means you will no longer have to rely on subtitles or dubbed versions. You will also be able to read books written by English-speaking authors in their original version. Last but not least, music is much better if you can understand the meaning. We are sure that you will be satisfied to enjoy Englishlanguage music more! Moreover, English is an easy language to learn and to use. It is based on an alphabet and, compared to Chinese, it can be learned fairly quickly. So, learning another language isn't just about communication or professional purposes, it will also give you advantages you had never imagined. Learning English can change your life for the better!

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DESCRIPTION OF THIS UNIT This unit aims to study the English verb tenses. Thus, the intention of this unit is that students learn the grammatical construction for each tense, know how to use the grammatical structures appropriately in a sentence, recognize the correct tense within a conversation, dialogue or a reading passage. Furthermore, it is pretended that students are able to use both regular and irregular verbs according to the tense they are referring to. For this purpose it is extremely necessary for the students to learn and memorize the verbs in their infinitive, past, past participle forms and their meaning in Spanish.

In this unit you will learn the following topics:  The present continuous tense Statement of the problem: Since tenses are complex structures that require mastery and practice, it is very important to provide exercises and activities for students to learn these tenses in a practical way and making use of real situations. Moreover, it is imperative that students perform a logical analysis when identifying a certain tense within a sentence for it to have coherence and sense.

Expected results: The expected results for this unit are:  Students familiarize well with regular and irregular verbs as well as with their infinitive.  Students know by themselves to explain the difference between the English tenses.  Students are able to apply the appropriate tense according to the situation or context

to which they are talking about.

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Setting the Context

Read the conversation Asking about families Rita: Tell me about your brother and sister, Karen. Karen: Well, my –sister is a lawyer. Discussing Ideas Discutiendo Ideas Rita: Really? Does she live here in Loja? Karen: Yes, she But she´s 1. Where doesdoes. Karen`s sister working live? in Cuenca rightdoes now. Karen´s Her job is top secret. 2. What brother do? Rita: Wow! And what does your brother do? Karen: He´s a painter. He´s working in Quito this month. He has an exhibition there. Rita: What an interesting family!

THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE USE The Present Continuous Tense is used in these situations:   

Activities at the moment of speaking Activities currently in progress Plans for the future

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Actividades al momento de hablar. Actividades actualmente en progreso. Planes para el futuro.

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Time expressions such as these often appear with the present continuous tense. -

Now Right Now At this moment Today This week (month, year, etc) These days Currently Nowadays

Ahora Ahora mismo / Inmediatamente En este momento Hoy Esta semana (mes, año, etc) Estos días Actualmente Hoy en día / actualmente

Let´s see some explanations and examples to CLARIFY the use of this tense: 1.

We use this tense for things that are happening at the moment of speaking. Examples:    

I’m working at this moment. Estoy trabajando en este momento we are eating dinner. Estamos cenando Julie is sleeping. Julie está durmiendo. You are studying the present continuous. Usted está estudiando el presente continuo.


We can also use this tense for temporary situations, when we feel something won't continue for a long time. Examples: 

She’s staying with her friend for a week. Ella está permaneciendo con su amiga por una semana.

I’m living in London for a few months. Estoy viviendo en Londres por unos pocos meses.

John’s working in a bar until he finds a job in his field. John está trabajando en un bar hasta que encuentre un trabajo en su especialidad.

I’m reading a really great book. Estoy leyendo a libro realmente genial. Compare this with the present simple, which is used for permanent situations that we feel will continue for a long time.

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3. We can use the present continuous for habits but they have to be temporary or new habits (for normal habits that continue for a long time, we use the present simple).

Examples: He’s eating a lot these days. días.  She’s swimming every morning. mañanas  You’re smoking too much.  They’re working every night. noches. 


Él está comiendo mucho estos Ella está nadando todas las Tú estás fumando demasiado. Ellos están trabajando todas las

The next use is for definite future arrangements (with a future time word). In this case we have already made a plan and we are pretty sure that the event will happen in the future.

Examples: I’m meeting my father tomorrow. padre  We’re going to the beach at the weekend. 

Mañana estoy reuniéndome con mi El fin de semana estamos yendo a la


 

I’m leaving at three. They’re coming to the party at the weekend.

Estoy saliendo a las tres. El fin de semana están viniendo a la



Finally we use this tense to talk about a situation which is slowly changing. Examples:  

I’m getting better at playing the piano. piano. The weather is improving.

Estoy mejorando en tocar el El clima está mejorando.

The present continuous (sometimes called the present progressive) tense in English is really easy to make and is the same for all verbs.

We make it using the present simple of ‘be’ + main verb-ing

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AFFIRMATIVE FORM: Here is how we make the positive form: Positive Long Form

Positive Contracted Form

I am sleeping You are sleeping He is sleeping She is sleeping It is sleeping

I'm sleeping You're sleeping He's sleeping She's sleeping It's sleeping

We are sleeping

We're sleeping

They are sleeping

They're sleeping

Translation (Yo) estoy durmiendo. (Tú) estás durmiendo. (Él) está durmiendo. (Ella) está durmiendo. (Esto - animal) está durmiendo. (Nosotros) estamos durmiendo. (Ellos) están durmiendo.

NEGATIVE FORM: We can make the negative form by adding ‘not’ Negative Long Form I am not sleeping You are not playing He is not reading She is not working It is not raining

Negative Contracted Form I'm not sleeping You aren't playing He isn't reading She isn't working It isn't raining

We are not cooking

We aren't cooking

They are not listening

They aren't listening

Translation (Yo) no estoy durmiendo. (Tú) no estás jugando (Él) no está leyendo (Ella) no está trabajando (Esto - clima) no está lloviendo (Nosotros) no estamos cocinando (Ellos) no están escuchando

INTERROGATIVE FORM: Questions are also really, really easy. Just like we made the question with ‘be’ in the present simple, here we also put ‘am’, ‘is’, or ‘are’ before the subject to make a 'yes / no' question:

Yes / No Questions

Am I eating chocolate ? Are you studying now ? Is he working ? Is she doing her homework ?

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Translation ¿Estoy comiendo chocolate? ¿Estás estudiando ahora? ¿Él está trabajando? ¿Ella está haciendo su tarea?

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Is it raining ? Are we meeting at six ? Are they coming ?

¿Está lloviendo? ¿Nos estamos reuniendo a las seis? ¿Están viniendo?

For ‘wh’ questions, just put the question word at the front: Translation

Wh Questions

Why am I eating chocolate ? What are you studying now ? When is he working ? What is she doing ? Why is it raining ? Who are we meeting ? How are they travelling ?

¿Por qué estoy comiendo chocolate? ¿Qué estás estudiando ahora? ¿Dónde está trabajando (él?) ¿Qué está haciendo (ella)? ¿Por qué está lloviendo? ¿Con quién nos estamos reuniendo? ¿Cómo están viajando (ellos)?



Are you living at home now?

Yes, I am. / No, I`m not.

Is she still working in Seattle?

Yes, she is. / No, she isn´t.

Verbs not used in the present continuous tense Have Know

Are they going to college this Yes, they are. / No, they year? aren´t. Where are you working this I´m working in Japan. month? She´s teaching at What is she doing these days? university.

Like Love Want


VERBS NOT NORMALLY USED IN THE CONTINUOUS TENSES These verbs are seldom used in the continuous tenses, except in certain idiomatic uses or in descriptions of a definite action.

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Feelings or Thoughts

appreciate be believe consider* dislike hate know like love mean*

mind miss need prefer recognize remember think* understan d want*

Explanations These verbs are rarely used in a continuous tense. The verbs with an asterisk (*), however, sometimes appear in the present perfect continuous tense. The verbs think and consider occasionally appear in the present continuous tense.

Examples He doesn´t understand the problem. We need to talk about it. I think that is a good idea. We prefer to talk later. Compare: We have been considering another possibility. I am thinking about several other possibilities.


appear hear * look see*

seem smell sound taste

These verbs sometimes appear in a continuous tense in the This fruit looks good. description of a specific action or It tastes delicious. in certain idioms. Compare: I am looking at the fruit now. I am tasting the fruit now.

belong to cost have*


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own possess

These verbs almost never appear in continuous tenses, except for the verb have. In idiomatic use, be having has several meanings, including be experiencing or be eating, drinking.

We own a car. It belongs to my brother and me. He has the car today. Compare: He is having a great time. I am having dinner with him tonight.

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a) Write the present continuous form of the following verbs. Pay attention to the spelling of the -ing endings. Example:

create walk

creating walking

1. study


2. write


3. work


4. leave


5. think


6. close


7. employ


8. read


9. run


10. paint


11. buy


12. go


13. love


14. participate


15. travel


16. teach


17. come


18. do


19. visit


20. celebrate


b) Make complete sentences from the following cues. Use the present continuous tense and pay attention to the spelling of the –ing endings

Example: not study right now Susan is not studying right now. play tennis again She´s playing tennis again.

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Susan is playing tennis again.

1. have fun in the United States. __________________________________________________ 2. get a lot of exercise this semester. __________________________________________________ 3. play tennis tonight and tomorrow night. __________________________________________________ 4. not study very much. __________________________________________________ 5. fail one course __________________________________________________ 6. enjoy herself __________________________________________________ 7. plan to study more next week. __________________________________________________ c) Now tell about yourself. Answer the following in complete sentences using the present continuous tense. Example:

I am working hard on my thesis project. I am not listening to music right now. I am studying a lot this semester. I am not taking French this semester.

1. What are three things that you are doing right now? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ English Level III

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2. What are two things that you are not doing right now? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What are two things that you are doing this quarter (semester)? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. What are three things that you are not doing this quarter (semester)? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

d) Change the verb into the correct form: 1. We ____________ (renovate) our house this week. 2. She____________ (paint) her room today. 3. I ____________ (write) a book these days 4. They ____________ (try) to sell their car. 5. You ____________ (look) good today. 6. He ____________ (study) to be a lawyer. 7. This table ___________ (break) apart. 8. Oliver____________ (help) me with my homework these days. 9. Luke ____________ (become) more and more handsome. 10. I____________ (work) on my accent.

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. ________________________________________________________________________

Setting the Context

Pre-reading Questions

Have you ever been homesick? Share your ideas and experiences while answering the following questions about the picture.

1. Who is the young man in the picture? 2. Where is he? 3. What is he thinking about? 4. How is he probably feeling? 5. What can we do about this problem?

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Read the conversation Studying Abroad Over 300,000 international students are studying in the United States, and homesickness is often a problem. Having a friend to talk to is sometimes the best remedy for it. Bryan: Mario:

Hi, Mario! How is it going? Well,….okay,…no, terrible. I was thinking about home, and I was getting a little homesick. I know what you mean. I´m homesick, too. You know, a year ago, I was studying at the university. I was really busy. While I was taking classes, I was also working for my father on weekends. Why did you leave your country, then? Didn´t you get a degree there? When I won a scholarship to study here, I decided to leave. It was a great opportunity. And, of course, I wanted to have the experience of studying abroad. I made the right decision, but sometimes it´s hard. Like yesterday…It was my younger sister´s graduation, and my family had a party for her. Everyone was there, everyone except for me. So, they were all having a good time there, and I was here feeling sorry for myself. That´s totally normal, Mario! I´d be homesick, too, and I don´t live 3,000 miles from home.

Bryan: Mario: Bryan: Mario:


1. What was Mario doing a year ago? 2. Why did he leave his country? 3. Are you studying away from home? 4. If so, do you get homesick? 5. If not, imagine that you are. So, ask yourself: What do you miss the most about your hometown or country?

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THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE USE The past continuous tense often describes or “sets” a scene. We usually use the Past Continuous to talk about activities that lasted for some time in the past. The actions can be interrupted by something or can be happening at the same time.

IMPORTANT REMINDER GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE Subject + WAS/WERE + Verb (continuous form) Example Linda was doing exercise.

This tense is used in the following situations:  Activities that were happening or in progress in the recent past.  Activities at a specific time in the past.  Activities during a period of time in the past.

Time Expressions such as these often appear with the past continuous tense:         

just recién, justo, apenas just a minute (a moment) ago hace apenas un minuto a week (month) ago hace una semana (mes) at that time en ese tiempo, esa vez then entonces (en ese entonces) at this time last week la semana (año) pasada (o) a esta hora in (during) the summer (June, 2003, etc.) en (durante) el verano by winter (March, 2005, etc) por la época invernal (Marzo) all day (morning, week, month, etc.) todo el día (mañana, semana)

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Here we have the uses with the corresponding explanations:

Interrupted Action in the Past

Use the Past Continuous to indicate that an action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time. Examples: 

I was watching TV when she called..

When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.

While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.

What were you doing when the earthquake started?

While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.

Specific Time as an Interruption

In the use described before, the Past Continuous is interrupted by a shorter action in the Simple Past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption. Examples: 

Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. Anoche a las 6 PM, estaba cenando.

At midnight, we were still driving through the desert. A medianoche, aún estábamos conduciendo a través del desierto.

Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work. Ayer a esta hora, estaba sentándome en mi escritorio en el trabajo.

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IMPORTANT REMINDER In the Simple Past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In the Past Continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action.

Examples: Simple Past 

Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner. Anoche a las 6PM, cené. I started eating at 6 PM. Empecé a comer a las 6 PM. Past Continuous

Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner. Anoche a las 6PM, estaba cenando. I started earlier; and at 6 PM, I was in the process of eating dinner. Empecé más temprano, y a las 6 PM, estaba en el proceso de cenar.

While vs. When Clauses are groups of words which have meaning, but are often not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with the word "when" such as "when she called" or "when it bit me." Other clauses begin with "while" such as "while she was sleeping" and "while he was surfing." When you talk about things in the past, "when" is most often followed by the verb tense Simple Past. On the other hand, "while" is usually followed by Past Continuous. "While" expresses the idea of "during that time." Study the examples below. They have similar meanings, but they emphasize different parts of the sentence.

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Examples:  

I was studying when she called. llamó. While I was studying, she called. ella llamó

Estuve estudiando cuando ella Mientras estaba estudiando,


Negative Form

Interrogative Form

I was singing.

I was not singing.

Was I singing?

You were singing.

You were not singing.

Were you singing?

We were singing.

We were not singing.

Were we singing?

They were singing.

They were not singing.

Were they singing?

He was singing.

He was not singing.

Was he singing?

She was singing.

She was not singing.

Was she singing?

It was singing.

It was not singing.

Was it singing?

a) Use the following cues to form sentences with the past continuous tense and various time expressions. Example: a year ago / Miguel / study at the university in his country A year ago, Miguel was studying at the university in his country. 1. in early 2004 / Miguel / still live in Colombia ________________________________________________________ 2. at that time / he / study at the university ________________________________________________________

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3. he / not work ________________________________________________________ 4. he / live / with this family ________________________________________________________ 5. by June of 2004 / Miguel / live in the United States ________________________________________________________ 6. during the summer of 2004 / Tom / travel in Europe ________________________________________________________ 7. two other friends / travel / with him ________________________________________________________ 8. by the end of the summer / all of them / start to get homesick ________________________________________________________ b) Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive). 1. When I phoned my friends, they (play) ___________________ monopoly. 2. Yesterday at six I (prepare) ___________________ dinner. 3. The kids (play) ___________________ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. 4. I (practice) ___________________ the guitar when he came home. 5. We (not / cycle) ___________________ all day. 6. While Alan (work) ___________________ in his room, his friends (swim) in the pool. 7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (not / listen ) ___________________. 8. What (you / do) ___________________yesterday? 9. Most of the time we (sit) ___________________ in the park. 10. I (listen) ___________________ to the radio while my sister (watch) TV. 11. When I arrived, They (play) ___________________ cards.

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12. We (study) ___________________ English yesterday at 4:00 pm .

c) Write correct sentences: Yesterday at 6 pm your family was doing different things. Write positive sentences in past progressive. 1. My mother / read / a novel ___________________________________________ 2. My father / watch / a movie __________________________________________ 3. My elder sister / writing / in her diary ___________________________________ 4. My two brothers / listen / to the radio ___________________________________ 5. My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie _______________________________ 6. We / talk / about school ______________________________________________ d) Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive). 1. When I phoned my friends, they __________________(play) monopoly. 2. Yesterday at six I ________________ (prepare) dinner. 3. The kids _________________ (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. 4. I _________________ (practice) the guitar when he came home. 5. We _________________ (not / cycle) all day. 6. While Aaron _________________ (work) in his room, his friends (swim) in the pool. 7. I tried to tell them the truth but they _________________ (listen / not) . 8. What _________________ (you / do) yesterday? 9. Most of the time we _________________ (sit) in the park.

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DESCRIPTION OF THIS UNIT This unit aims to study Nouns and Articles. Thus, the intention of this unit is that students learn the use and placement of articles and the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. In this unit, it will be studied the use of articles such as: a, an, and the; quantifiers such as: any, some, a lot of, etc. Furthermore, it will be studied the appropriate employment of questions about quantity such as: how much and how many. Accordingly, it will be given some common units of measurement and the nouns used with them. On the other hand, it will be analyzed some groups of uncountable nouns that include count nouns.

In this unit you will learn the following topics:    

Introduction irregular nouns. Non-count vs. Count Nouns, How Much vs. How Many The definitive and in-definitive articles: a, an, and the The quantifiers: any, some, a lot of

Statement of the problem: First of all, the use of articles is sometimes confusing for some people and it is necessary to know how to use them correctly in English, since in Spanish we do not use them in the same way. Otherwise, it is often difficult to establish the difference between count and non-count nouns since in Spanish we do not have such difference, especially regarding to the formulation of questions. For that reason, it is necessary to distinguish the characteristics of each group of nouns to be able to use the grammatical rules for count and non-count nouns in an appropriate way

Expected results: The expected results for this unit are:  Students distinguish well the difference between count (countable) and no-ncount (uncountable) nouns and irregular nouns.  Students know how to ask questions for each group of nouns.

 Students are able to apply the appropriate quantifier according to the noun to which they are referring to.

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Setting the Context While most nouns are easily made plural with a few simple changes, such as adding an “s” or “es” to the end of the word, there is one group of nouns that doesn’t seem to follow the rules. They’re called irregular nouns and you guessed it…they don’t become plural the “regular” way. No worries, though. Here’s all the information you need to recognize and form irregular plural nouns.


What is an Irregular Plural Noun? An irregular plural noun is an irregular noun in the plural form. An irregular noun is a noun that becomes plural by changing its spelling in other ways than adding an “s” or “es” to the

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end of the word. This change can happen in a variety of ways. Below you’ll find examples and guidelines to help you.

Examples of Irregular Plural Nouns Some irregular nouns take on the plural form by first changing the last letter of the word before adding “s.” Words that end in “f” are a good example of this case. To make such a word plural, you change the “f” to “ve” and add an “s.” Plural nouns that end in ves: 

More than one elf = elves

More than one calf = calves

More than one knife = knives

More than one loaf = loaves

More than one shelf = shelves

More than one wolf = wolves

More than one loaf = loaves

Irregular nouns made plural by changing vowels, changing the word, or adding a different ending: 

More than one man = men

More than one person = people

More than one mouse = mice

More than one child = children

More than one foot = feet

More than one goose = geese

More than one tooth = teeth

More than one louse = lice

More than one cactus = cacti

More than one appendix = appendices

More than one ox =oxen

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Some irregular plural nouns have the same spelling as their singular form such as scissors, pants, bison, deer, and sheep.And then some animal nouns become plural by keeping the same spelling as the singular form or by adding an s or es. 

More than one cod = cod or cods

More than one shrimp = shrimp or shrimps

More than one fish = fish or fishes

More than one quail = quail or quails

Types of irregular plural There are many types of irregular plural, but these are the most common:

Noun type Ends with -fe

Ends with -f

Ends with -o

ends with -us

Forming the plural


Change f to v




Add -s



Change f to v






Add -es



Add -es


Change -us to -i

knives lives





cactus nucleus focus

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cacti nuclei foci

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ends with -is

Change -is to -es





thesis ends with -on Change -on to -a


phenomenon criterion







Change the word



person mouse



Change the vowel

Add a different ending tooth

Singular and plural


are the same



children people teeth mice

fish (sometimes)

A. Write the plurals

1. man _____________

2. knife _____________

3. life _____________

5. leaf _____________

6. woman _____________

8. foot ____________

9. family _____________

4. calf _____________

7. child _____________

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10. mouse _____________

11. tooth _____________

12. wife _____________

13. shelf _____________

14. wolf _____________

15. loaf _____________

16. potato _____________

17. lady _____________

18. baby _____________

B. Underline the correct plural 1. o o o o

The plural of "bus" is ? bi ? buss ? buses ? busa

2. o o o o

The plural of "phenomenon" is ? phenomena ? phenomenons ? phenomeni ? phenomenon

3. o o o o

The plural of "stimulus" is ? stimuluses ? stimuli ? stimula ? stimules

4. o o o o

The plural of "deer" is deers deeres door deer

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5. o o o o

The plural of "shelf" is ? shelfs ? shelves ? shelvs ? shelfes

6. o o o o

The plural of "calf" (a baby cow) is ? calfs ? calves ? calf ? celf

7. o o o o

The plural of "woman" is ? womans ? womanes ? women ? woman

8. o o o o

The plural of "thesis" is ? thesises ? thesies ? thesi ? theses

9. o o o o

The plural of "child" is ? children ? childs ? cheeld ? child

10. o o o o

The plural of "buffalo" is ? buffalos ? buffals ? buffalose ? buffaloes

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Setting the Context

Read the conversation Setting up a New Apartment Ellen: May, after we clean the kitchen, let´s go shopping. There´s no food to eat at all, and we need a little more paint and a few cleaning supplies. May:

And some furniture! So let´s make a list. How much paint o we need, and how much food should we buy?

Ellen. We need another gallon of white paint for the living room and a quart of blue paint to finish the bathroom. As for food, let´s get a few necessities today and wait to do the rest. May:

Okay. Let´s see…A dozen eggs. A pound of butter. Two loaves of bread. A jar of peanut butter. Some orange juice. A few bars of soap. A tube of toothpaste. A few rolls of paper towels. Anything else?

Ellen: Are those what you call necessities? What about milk, cheese,… May:

Well, just add them to the list.

NONCOUNT NOUNS VERSUS COUNT NOUNS As we saw in Lesson 1, there are two groups of nouns: count (countable) and non-count (uncountable).

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Noncount versus Count Nouns Structures

Noncount Nouns








Noncount nouns are singular and take singular verbs. Do not use a or an with noncount nouns. Instead, you can use We need bread. quantifiers such as some and any. There isn´t any coffee left. Is there some rice?


Business Noncount or Count Nouns



a business

Some nouns are either count or noncount, depending on their meaning. “A” or “an” can be used with these nouns when they are count nouns.

We´re having chicken for dinner. Have you ever held a chicken?

a chicken We need glass for the window.


a cake Could I have a glass of water?

How much versus How many How much and how many are used to ask questions about quantity. How much (cuánto/a) y how many (cuántos/as) son usados para realizar preguntas sobre cantidad. - How much is used with noncount nouns. How much es usado con sustantivos no contables -

How many is used with countable nouns. How many es usado con sustantivos contables.

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How Much versus How Many



Examples Questions


How Much is used to ask questions with non-count nouns. Answers to Non-count these questions may include a How much bread We have a little Nouns bread variety of indefinite adjective or do we have? quantifiers such as: a lot (of), lots of, We don´t have any some, much, (a) little, or not…any. bread.

Count Nouns

How many is used to ask questions with count nouns. Answers to these questions may include a variety of How many loaves indefinite adjective or quantifiers of bread should I such as: a lot (of), lots of, some, buy? many, (a) few, or not…any.

Don´t but loaves.


Buy a few loaves of bread.

IMPORTANT REMINDER – RECORDATORIO IMPORTANTE Answers to questions with non-countable nouns must include: - Much Mucho/a - Little Poco/a - A little Unos pocos/as Answers to questions with countable nouns must include: - Many Mucho/a - Few Poco/a - A few Unos pocos/a  Notice that in Spanish the quantifiers are the same, but they change in English even they have the same meaning.

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Common Units of Measurement To give specific amounts of either count or noncount nouns, use the following units of measurement. Note that of follows all the expressions except dozen. Units of Measurement Units of Measurement



Sugar, potato chips, potatoes


Candy, hand soap


Detergent, ketchup, juice, soda, other liquids


Cereal, detergent


Bananas, carrots, grapes, green onions, flowers


Soup, beans, tuna, soda


Eggs, milk

Cup, tablespoon, teaspoon

All liquid and dry recipe ingredients

Dozen *

Eggs, bakery products, fruit and vegetables

Gallon, quart, pint

All liquids, ice cream


Lettuce, cabbage


Mayonnaise, peanut butter, jam, mustard, other foods that are spread

Loaf Package Piece Pound, ounce Roll Six-pack, twelve-pack, case Stick

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Bread Potato chips, spaghetti Cake, bread, pie, meat Meat, poultry, fruit, vegetables, cheese Paper towels, toilet paper Beer, soda Butter

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So that, if you want to express the sugar in terms of countable noun you can say: a bag of sugar. More examples: Two bottles of juice One carton of eggs A dozen eggs* One tube of toothpaste

Dos botellas de jugo Un cartón de huevos Una docena de huevos Un tubo de pasta dental.

IMPORTANT REMINDER Compare: I bought a dozen eggs and I bought a carton of eggs *Dozen does not use of. *Dozen (docena) no usa la palabra “of” (de) .

a) Practice. Complete the following questions with how much or how many. Examples:

How much flour do we need? Now many bottles of shampoo should we get?

1. ________________________ bread should I buy? 2. ________________________ apples do we have left? 3. ________________________ milk do we need? 4. ________________________ toothpaste should I buy? 5. ________________________ boxes of detergent should we get? 6. ________________________ rice do you need for that recipe? 7. ________________________ water do you drink every day? English Level III

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8. ________________________ cups of coffee do you usually drink? 9. ________________________ heads of lettuce should I get? 10. ________________________ bars of soap do we have? b) Practice. Complete the following list of products with an appropriate unit of measurement. Example:

one bunch of grapes

1. ________________________ of ketchup 2. ________________________ of green onions 3. ________________________ of mayonnaise 4. ________________________ of detergent 5. ________________________ of soda

_____________________________________________________________________ Setting the Context

I am from Seattle I am from Seattle, Washington. Seattle is a city in the United States. It is near the border of Canada in the northwest corner of the USA. I live in a town called Olympia which is on the Puget Sound. I live in a house in a street in the countryside. The street is called "Bear

Street" and the house is old - more than 100 years old! I am an English teacher at a school in the center of the town. I like books and taking photographs. English Level III

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I usually have lunch at school. I usually go home by car. We have all kinds of food in Olympia. I like Italian food very much. Sometimes,I go to an Italian restaurant in Seattle. The restaurant is called "Luigi's". Italian food is great!

DEFINITIVE ARTICLES ‘’THE’’ The definite article the is the same for all genders in singular and in plural.    

the boy the girl the cat the computers

If the following word begins with a consonant, we speak [ðə], if the following word begins with a vowel, we speak [ði:]. [ðə]

[ði:] the following word starts with a spoken vowel

the following word starts with a spokenconsonant 

the girl

the book

the school

the English girl

the orange book

the old school

Compare the following words: Here [j] is pronounced at the beginning of

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Here [ʌ] is pronounced at the beginning of

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the word → the unit

the word → the uncle

We have listed some examples in the following table. There you can see when we use the definite article and when we don't. without the definite article

with the definite article – the general words (definite)

general words (indefinite) 

Life is too short.

I like flowers.

I've read a book on the life of Bill Clinton.

I like the flowers in your garden.

names of persons on the singular, relatives 

Peter and John live in London.

Aunt Mary lives in Los Angeles.

family names in the plural 

public buildings, institutions, means of transport (indefinite)

The Smiths live in Chicago.

public buildings, institutions, means of transport (definite)

Mandy doesn't like school.

The school that Mandy goes to is old.

We go to school by bus.

The bus to Dresden leaves at 7.40.

Some people go to church on Sundays.

The round church in Klingenthal is famous.

names of countries in the singular, summits of mountains, continents, towns

names of countries in the plural, mountain ranges, regions


the United States of America


the Netherlands

Mount Whitney

the Highlandsthe

Mount McKinley

the Rocky Mountains


the Alps


the Middle East


the west of Australia

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New York single islands

groups of islands


the Bahamas


the British Isles


the Canaries

parks, lakes, streets 

Central Park

Hyde Park

Lake Michigan

Loch Ness

42nd Street

Oxford Street

name with of-phrase, oceans, seas, rivers 

the Statue of Liberty

the Tower (of London)

the Isle of Wight

the Atlantic (Ocean)

the Mediterranean (Sea)

the Nile

the Rhine

the Suez Canal

months, days of the week (indefinite)  

The weekend is over on Monday morning.

months, days of the week (definite)

I always remember the Monday when I had July and August are the most popular months for an accident. holidays.  The August of 2001 was hot and dry. 

We use the seasons of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter) with or without the definite article.  

in summer in the summer

The American English word fall is always used with the definite article the. Sometimes we use the article and sometimes we do not. It often depends on the context. Watch the following example: English Level III

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1. 2.

The student goes to school. The mother goes to the school.

In the first sentence we do not use the definite article, in the second we do. The student goes to school for its primary purpose, so we do not use the article. The mother might talk to a teacher, for example. She visits the school for a different reason. That's why we use the definite article the in the second sentence.

a. Write the , The or - according to the text. I think we must call _______ doctor. 2) Do you know _______ Browns? They live next to us. 3) President Johnson was _______ Vice President to Kennedy. 4) There are some beautiful towns in _______ north of Italy. 5) Greece is in _______ south. 6) President is _______ head of state in US. 7) Odeon Cinema is in _______ Green Street. 8) Trafalgar Square is in _______ London. 9) White House is _______ home of President of US. 10) _______ British Museum has some very interesting exhibitions.

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b. Decided whether to use the definite article the or not. If you do not need the article, type an x. Hi John, I arrived in ______ USA last Monday. We left ______ Rome, flew over Alps and made a quick stop in London. There we went shopping in Harrods, visited Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in Hyde Park. On the following day we left for ______ New York. ______ time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on monitor. ______ people on plane were all Italian. Before we landed at______ JFK airport, we saw ______ Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Empire State Building. ______ hotel I stayed in was on corner of 42nd Street and 5th Avenue. I don't like ______ hotels very much, but I didn't have time to rent an apartment. Please say hello to Peter and Mandy. Yours, Peter

INDEFINITIVE ARTICLES ‘’A and AN’’ The indefinite article a is the same for all genders. a boy  a girl  a cat 

The indefinite article has no plural form.

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a boy → boys We use an if the following word starts with a spoken vowel. the following word starts with a spokenconsonant

the following word starts with a spoken vowel

a boy

an aunt

a school

an old school

a girl

an American girl

Mind the pronunciation of the following word. The first sound we speak is [j], so we use a → aunit

The first sound we speak is [ʌ], so we use an → anuncle

2. Use of the indefinite article a/an 2.1. before phrases of time and measurements (per week/weekly)    

We have English 4 times a week. I go on holiday twice a year. Our car can do 220 kilometres an hour. Tomatoes are $2 a kilo.

2.2. before phrases of jobs 

My father is a car mechanic.

2.3. with a noun complement 

He is a good boy.

2.4. before phrases of nationality 

Bruce Springsteen is an American.

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2.5. half/quite 

We need half a pound of sugar.

This is quite a good story.

A. Check the right answer. 1.There ............... egg in the fridge. o an o a 2.There is ................. beautiful garden in front of my house. o an o a 3.There is ................ computer in our classroom. o a o an 4. ................. apple a day keeps the doctor away o a o an 5.There is .................. TV in my bedroom. o a o an B. Fill in the blanks with a or an: 1. Maria: Is Serena Williams ______ Spanish tennis player? Lucy: No, she's ______ American tennis player. 2. Samantha: Is your father Italian teacher? Victoria: No, my father is ______ math teacher. 3. Amy: Is it raining now, Mum? Mother: Yeah. You should take ______ umbrella. 4. Melissa: Is Camron Diaz ______ Irish actress? Amy: No, she's American actress.

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5. Sandra: Is your mother______ nurse. Ruth: No, she's ______ doctor. C. Type in the correct article. Decide whether you need to use the or a. 1. James always wants to have (the/a) ______ biggest portion. 2. Sally is looking for (the/a) ______ job. 3. Lisa’s maths teacher asked her if she had (the/a) ______ answer to the equation. 4. John has two brothers. (the/a) ______ older one is called Harry. 5. On the train, there was (the/a) ______ man who was snoring very loudly. D. Choose the correct article. 1. Yesterday, Katy found ______ lost kitten. 2. Tom’s mum sent him to ______ local supermarket to buy some milk. 3. On his way to school today, Jim saw ______ accident on the road. 4. Sarah wants to go to______ cinema on Friday. 5. In order to get ______ good mark on the English test, Marc has to do all his homework.

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DESCRIPTION OF THIS UNIT This unit aims to study the English verb tenses. Thus, the intention of this unit is that students learn the grammatical construction for each tense, know how to use the grammatical structures appropriately in a sentence, recognize the correct tense within a conversation, dialogue or a reading passage. Furthermore, it is pretended that students are able to use both regular and irregular verbs according to the tense they are referring to. For this purpose it is extremely necessary for the students to learn and memorize the verbs in their infinitive, past, past participle forms and their meaning in Spanish.

In this unit you will learn the following topics:  The simple future will  The future going to  The future continuous

Statement of the problem: Since tenses are complex structures that require mastery and practice, it is very important to provide exercises and activities for students to learn these tenses in a practical way and making use of real situations. Moreover, it is imperative that students perform a logical analysis when identifying a certain tense within a sentence for it to have coherence and sense.

Expected results: The expected results for this unit are:

 Students familiarize well with the future forms.  Students know by themselves to explain the difference between the English tenses.  Students are able to apply the appropriate tense according to the situation or context to which they are talking about.

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Setting the Context

Read the conversation Talking about Plans Tony: So Anna, what are you going to do tonight? Would you like to go out? Anna: Oh, sorry. I can`t. I`m going to work late tonight. I have to finish this report. Tony: Well, how about tomorrow night? Are you going to do anything then? Anna: No, I`m not. What are you planning to do? Tony: I`m going to see a musical. Would you like to come? Anna: Sure, I`d love to. But let me pay for the tickets this time. It`s my turn. Tony: All right! Thanks!

THE SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE (Will vs. Be Going To) USE Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings. These different meanings might seem too abstract at first, but with time and

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practice, the differences will become clear. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future. . FORM “WILL”


IMPORTANT REMINDER – RECORDATORIO IMPORTANTE We NEVER add a verb in INFINITIVE FORM after “will”, as for example: I will to close the window. (Incorrect) I will close the window (Correct) We use the form “will” in the following situations: 2. A decision at the moment of speaking Example: A: ‘I’m cold’ B: ‘I’ll close the window.’

A: Tengo frío B: Cerraré la ventana.

As we can see in the example, the fact of closing the window is a decision that has to be taken at that moment, not later. So that, in this case “will” is used for immediate decisions.

3. Prediction based on opinion. Example: I think the Conservatives will win the next election. Pienso que los Conservadores ganarán la próxima elección. 4. To Express a Voluntary Action "Will" often suggests that a person will do something voluntarily. A voluntary action is the one a person offers to do for someone else. Often, we use "will" to respond to English Level III

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someone else's complaint or request for help. Similarly, we use "will not" or "won't" when we refuse to voluntarily do something. Examples: 

I will send you the information when I get it. Te enviaré la información cuando la consiga.

I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it. Traduciré el correo electrónico, para que el Sr. Smith lo pueda leer.

Will you help me move this heavy table? ¿Me ayudarás a mover esta mesa pesada?

I will not do your homework for you. No hare la tarea por ti.

I won't do all the housework myself! No hare todas las tareas de la casa yo solo.

A: I'm really hungry. B: I'll make some sandwiches.

A: Estoy realmente hambriento. B: Haré algunos emparedados.

5. To Express Promises Para Expresar Promesas 

I will call you when I arrive. Te llamaré cuando llegue.

If I am elected President of the United States, I will make sure everyone has access to inexpensive health insurance.

I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party. Prometo que no le contaré sobre la fiesta sorpresa.

I won't tell anyone your secret. No contaré a nadie tu secreto.

Using "Will" Affirmative Form   

I will help. You will help. We will help.

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Negative Form    

I will not help. You will not help. We will not help. They will not help.

Question / Interrogative Form    

Will I help? Will you help? Will we help? Will they help?

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   

They will help. He will help. She will help. It will help.

Contraction Affirmative will = `ll  I`ll help.  You`ll help.  We`ll help.  They`ll help.  He`ll help.  She`ll help.  It`ll help.

  

He will not help. She will not help. It will not help.

Will he help? Will she help? Will it help?

  

Contraction Negative will not = won`t  I won`t help.  You won`t help.  We won`t help.  They won`t help.  He won`t help.  She won`t help.  It won`t help.



We use the form “be going to” in the following situations: 1. To Express a Plan "Be going to" expresses that something is a plan. It expresses the idea that a person intends to do something in the future. It does not matter whether the plan is realistic or not. Examples: 

He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii. El va a pasar sus vacaciones en Hawái.

I'm going to be an actor when I grow up. Voy a ser actor cuando crezca.


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Who is going to make John's wedding cake?


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Quién va a hacer el pastel de boda de John? B:

Sue is going to make John's birthday cake. Sue va a hacer el pastel de boda de John.

2. Prediction based on present evidence. Example: Look at those boys playing football! They’re going to break the window. Mira esos chicos jugando futbol! Van a quebrar la ventana.

Using "Be Going to" Affrimative Form

      

I am going to leave. You are going to leave. We are going to leave. They are going to leave. He is going to leave. She is going to leave. It is going to leave.

Negative Form

      

I am not going to leave. You are not going to leave. We are not going to leave. They are not going to leave. He is not going to leave. She is not going to leave. It is not going to leave.

Question / Interrogative Form

      

Am I going to leave? Are you going to leave? Are we going to leave? Are they going to leave? Is he going to leave? Is she going to leave? Is it going to leave?

IMPORTANT REMINDER In the Simple Future, it is not always clear which USE the person has in mind. Often, there is more than one way to interpret a sentence's meaning.

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a) Complete the invitations in column A and the responses in column B. Then match the invitations with the responses as it corresponds. Apply the “BE GOING TO” form used for the simple future tense. A



What ……………………… you ……………………… (do) tomorrow? Would you like to go out?


…………………you………………………….. (do) anything on Saturday night? Do you want to see a movie?


We …………………………… (have) friends over for a barbecue on Sunday. Would you and your parents like to come?

a. Well, my father ………………………(visit) my brother at college. But my mother and I ……………………… (be) home. We`d love to come! b. Sorry, I can´t. I ……………………… (work) overtime. How about Saturday?

c. Can we go to a late show? I ……………………… (stay) at the office till 7:00. After that, I ……………………… (go) to the gym.

b) When students begin a new quarter or semester, they usually have good intentions to study a lot, to get good grades, and so forth. List four (4) things that you will do this semester, and then list four (4) things that you won´t do. You may use the following cues or form your own sentences. Examples:

I´ll study every night. I won´t go to parties during the week.

CUES Go to the language lab every week Spend time at the library Study my notes after every lecture Do my homework with the TV on

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Visit my professors during office hours Fall asleep in class Turn in assignments late Ask a lot of questions in class

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THINGS YOU WILL DO ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

THINGS YOU WON´T DO _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

c) Complete the following sentences with will or be going to. Be ready to explain your choices. Example:

Miguel is going to attend (attend) a concert this weekend.

1. I _______________________ (take) this box of books to my car. _______________________ you _______________________ (help) me?

2. My grades were terrible last year.I promise that I _______________________ (work) harder this semester. 3. _____________________ you _______________________ (marry) me? 4. _____________________ you _______________________ (marry) him?

5. A: B:

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What_______________________ you_____________________ (do) tonight? I _______________________ (study) at the library. I´d like to do that, but I don´t have a car. _______________________ (you) _______________________ (give) me a ride?

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6. You look cold. I _______________________ (get) you a coat.

7. A:

_______________________ you _______________________ (quit) your job?


I want to quit, nut I don´t have enough money. _______________________ (you) _______________________ (lend) me $10,000?


I don´t think I heard you correctly. _______________________ you _______________________ (say) that again?


Setting the Context

Read the Passage: Web Page Design

“Good morning. This is a Web Page Design. My name is Professor Andrews, and I will be your instructor for this course. Tomorrow, I am going to introduce the two teaching assistants who will be teaching the discussion sections and helping to grade the assignments throughout the semester.

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This course focuses on the design and creation of web pages. For the first two weeks, we will be evaluating pages that already exist. Then, you will begin to design your own pages. During the final eight weeks, you will be creating your own web pages and posting them on the Internet. There will be a midterm and a final. However, most of your grade will depend on the quality of your pages. It´s not easy to get a 20, but it´s not impossible. And don´t worry. I´ll help you through every step.

Are there any questions before we begin?” 

Underline all the uses of the future continuous tense and circle the uses of the simple future tense in the passage “Web Page Design”. Pay attention to the time expression used in each case.


The future continuous tense refers to actions that will be in progress, or at a specified time in the future. In some cases, both the simple future and the future continuous may be appropriate, but there is a difference in tone between the two tenses. .

GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE OF THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE Subject + will + be (infinitive form) + verb in progressive form Example: I will be travelling to Europe tomorrow morning.

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Generally, the future continuous tense is friendlier and more conversational in tone. . Compare: When will you be going to Chicago? When will you go to Chicago?

(Future continuous tense - more conversational) (Simple future tense - more formal).

¿Cuándo estarás yendo a Chicago? ¿Cuándo irás a Chicago?

(Tiempo futuro continuo – más conversacional). (Tiempo futuro simple – más formal).

Time Expressions used with the Future Continuous Tense: At 3:00 (4:00), etc.

A las 3:00 (4:00), etc.

By (at) that time)

Por aquel tiempo (aquel entonces)

Next Monday

El siguiente (próximo) lunes

Tomorrow night

Mañana en la noche.

During the afternoon (evening)

Durante la tarde.

From 5:00 to 7:00

Desde las 5:00 hasta las 7:00

Next week (month)

La próxima semana (mes).

Examples: Affirmative Statements

Negative Statements

Can you imagine! At this time tomorrow we I feel sad. I will not be sharing the party will be landing in London! with my friends.

Yes, but at the same time next week, we Tomorrow, they will not be eating dinner will be flying home. with friends.

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Interrogative form

Interrogative form

(Affirmative answers)

(Negative answers)

Will you be visiting the U.S. the next Will you be visiting the U.S. the next month? month?

Yes, I will.

No, I won´t. (will not)

USE USE 1: Future actions in progress The first use of the Future Continuous is to express future action in progress. . 

In an hour, I will be watching my favorite TV show. En una hora, estaré viendo my programa de televisión favorito.

At night, I will be cutting my wedding cake. Por la noche, estaré partiendo mi pastel de bodas.

USE 2: Guesses Use this tense also to make guesses about something in the future. 

Beatrice will be getting married very soon. Beatriz se estará casando muy pronto.

USE 3: Questions Another use of the tense is to make polite questions about something or somebody. 

Will you be coming home before or after 10 PM? ¿Estarás viniendo a casa antes o después de las 10 PM?

Will you be going to the supermarket? I have something to buy. ¿Estarás yendo al supermercado? Tengo que comprar algo.

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Good to know If you want to learn about somebody's intentions, you should always use the Future Continuous rather than the Present Simple. Using the Future Simple implies that you want to influence somebody's decision. Questions become much more objective if formed in the Future Continuous. Compare:  Will you come home? (= I want you to come home)  Will you be coming home? (= I just want to know)

USE 4: The Future Continuous is also used when we talk about an activity that will continue over a period of time from now to the future (an activity in progress that started at the present moment). Examples: 1. They'll be studying until 5 o'clock. punto. 2. She'll be playing tennis until she gets tired. se canse.

Estarán estudiando hasta las 5 en Ella estará jugando tenis hasta que

USE 5: We can use the Future Continuous to indicate that an action longer in the future will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future (in this case the shorter action in the future is expressed with Present Simple): Examples: 1. I'll be making dinner when he arrives tonight. Estaré preparando la cena cuando él llegue esta noche. 2. She'll be playing the piano when her parents come home. Ella estará tocando el piano cuando sus padres vengan a casa.

USE 6: We can also use the Future Continuous to project ourselves into the future and see something happening.

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Examples: 1. You'll recognize me when you get there. I'll be wearing jeans and a white t-shirt. Me reconocerás cuando llegues. Estaré vistiendo jeans y una camiseta blanca. 2. This time tomorrow I'll be having dinner at one of the New York's finest restaurants. Mañana a esta hora estaré cenando en uno de los restaurantes más finos de Nueva York.

USE 7: The Future Continuous is also used for predictions or expected trends in the future:. Example: 1. By 2030, most people in Africa will be living in urban areas. Para el 2030, la mayoría de las personas en África estarán viviendo en áreas urbanas.


Negative Form

Question Form


will be reading I

will not be reading Will


be reading?


will be reading You

will not be reading Will


be reading?


will be reading He

will not be reading Will


be reading?


will be reading She

will not be reading Will


be reading?


will be reading It

will not be reading Will


be reading?


will be reading We

will not be reading Will


be reading?


will be reading You

will not be reading Will


be reading?

They will be reading They will not be reading Will


be reading?

Contracted forms: Affirmative I will = I'll you will = you'll He/she/it will =he'll/she'll/it'll won't We will = we'll

English Level III

Negative I will not = I won't you will not = you won't he/she/it will not = he won't/she won't/it we will not = we won't

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They will = they'll

they will not = they won't

Examples: 1. I'll be watching TV. 2. They'll be having a lunch. 3. She won't be swimming at the pool. 4. 4. Will you be waiting for me?

a) The future continuous tense often gives a friendlier and more conversational feeling than the simple future does. Change the following sentences to the future continuous. You can use the contraction (´ll) Example:

I will see you. I´ll be seeing you.


We´ll see you later this evening. _________________________________________


Will you go to the party tomorrow night? _________________________________________


They´ll arrive in town the day after tomorrow. _________________________________________


I´ll call you soon. _________________________________________


When will we have our next exam? _________________________________________


Will Charles join us for dinner? _________________________________________


They will wait us outside the theater. _________________________________________


I´ll look for you at the game. _________________________________________

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Instituto Tecnológico Superior ‘’Juan Montalvo’’

b) Make notes about your ideal future. In a piece of paper, write down what you imagine you will be doing in the future. Remember to use the FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE to make this description. You can use these questions as a guide. a) What do you think life will be like in the 21st century?

b) What do you hope you will be doing?

c) Where you will be living?

d) Will you have gotten married?

e) Will you have children?

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English Level III

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Instituto Tecnológico Superior ‘’Juan Montalvo’’

DESCRIPTION OF THIS UNIT This unit aims to study the English modal auxiliaries. Thus, the intention of this unit is that students learn how to apply these modal auxiliaries in their everyday conversations. Furthermore, it is pretended that students are able to use the different modals according to the situation they are referring to. For this purpose it is extremely necessary for the students to think logically to use the correct modal.

In this unit you will learn the following topics:  Requesting Action: Would, Could, Can, Will  Requesting Permission: May, Could, Can, Would you mind if I… Statement of the problem: Since requests, asking for permissions, expressing preference or giving advices are part of our daily speech, it is really important for the students to know how to express them in a correct way. Many of our requests need to be polite because we always are in touch with strangers, even our friends need us to be polite when we ask something or give them some advice. Thus we need to know the appropriate form to address those people. For that reason, the students will apply the modal auxiliaries in real situations, conversations, dialogues, etc. Moreover, it is imperative that students perform a logical analysis when identifying a certain modal within a sentence for it to have coherence and sense.

Expected results: The expected results for this unit are:  Students familiarize well with modal auxiliaries and their uses.  Students are able to apply the appropriate modal according to the situation or context to which they are talking about.

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Setting the Context Ordering a meal

. Customer:

Would you bring me a hamburger please?


Sure. What would you like to accompany the hamburger with?


Could you accompany it with potatoes?


OK. And would you like a salad?


Yes. Please, would you prepare a mixed green salad?


OK. What kind of dressing would you like? We have vinaigrette, Italian and French.


Italian, please.


Would you like anything else?


No, thank you…Uh, I forgot something! Could you bring me a glass of soda with ice?


Of course. We immediately will prepare your order.

Modals Auxiliaries – Requesting Action: Would, Could, Can, Will Requests often involve asking someone to do something. Would, could, can and will are often used in these requests. The word please is often added to any request.

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Would you Could you



Would and could are Would you please help appropriate in most me? circumstances. They convey a formal degree of politeness. Would you call the theater for the movie Would and could (podría) son schedule? apropiados en la mayoria de las circunstancias. Dan a Could you call to entender un grado formal de Cinemas? cortesía. Could you please help me?


¿Me ayudaría por favor?

¿Llamarías al teatro para preguntar sobre el horario de las películas? ¿Podrías llamar al cine?

¿Podría ayudarme por favor?

Can is informal, and it is used Can you get us two ¿Puedes conseguirnos among friends. tickets to the concert? boletos para el concierto? Can you

Will you + simple form…?

Can (puedes) es informal, y Can you help me? es utilizado entre amigos.

¿Puedes ayudarme?

Will is somewhat rude in tone. It is used in urgent situations Will you call the police? or among friends.

¿Llamas a la policía?

Will es algo rudo en tono. Es utilizado en situaciones urgentes o entre amigos.

Will you help me?

¿Me ayudas?


To form a request with a modal auxiliary you have to follow this structure: the modal auxiliary + the subject + the verb in SIMPLE FORM or BASE FORM. Example: But NEVER:

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Could you call the doctor? (Verb in Base form) Could you to call the doctor?

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Instituto Tecnológico Superior ‘’Juan Montalvo’’

The modal auxiliary is the same for all persons. Do not add “s” for “He”,” She”, and “It”. El modal auxiliar es el mismo para todas las personas. No se aumenta “s” para “El”, “Ella”, “Esto/a”. Examples:

Could I?

Can I?

Could He? Could she? Could it? Could we? Could they?

Can he? Can she? Can it? Can we? Can they?


NEVER / NUNCA: Coulds she? or Cans he?


REQUEST Would you mind calling a doctor?


Would you call a doctor, please?


Could you call Oscar?

POSSIBLE ANSWERS Yes, I would. No, I wouldn’t. Of course not. Yes, I could. No, I couldn´t Certainly. Of course


Can you please answer the phone?

Yes, I can. No, I can´t. Sure.


Will you pick up your mess now?

Yes, I will. No, I won´t. No problem

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In emergencies, we don´t usually think about politeness, and we often use short commands. In most other situations, politeness is important. CHANGE THESE SHORT COMMANDS TO POLITE REQUESTS BY USING: could, would, can, or will. Example:

Help me! Could you help me, please?

1. Give me some information! _______________________________________ 2. Explain this to me! _______________________________________

3. Tell me the meaning of this word! _______________________________________

4. Buy some tickets for the concert! _______________________________________


Complete the following requests with the appropriate MODAL AUXILIARY. Use would, could, can or will. There is only one correct answer for each. 

Excuse me teacher. ___________ you explain me that exercise again,

please? 

___________ you get me two tickets for the concert?

___________ you find us three seats up front the stadium?

Please Sir, ___________ you lend me your newspaper for a while please?

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Answer the following requests: 1. Can you lend me your pencil? Yes, ___________________.

Yes, ___________________.

No, ____________________.

No, ____________________.

3. Could you help me with my task?


2. Would you tell me the time?

4. Will you get me a medicine?

Yes, ___________________.

Yes, ___________________.

No, ____________________.

No, ____________________.

Error analysis: Each of the following sentences has one or more errors. Find the errors and correct them. Example:

Could you to help me? Could you help me?


Can you helps me? _______________________________________


Could you answering the phone please? _______________________________________


Would you please to write in ink? _______________________________________


Will you to call the doctor? _______________________________________


Could you brings me a pencil? _______________________________________

6) Can you making me a favor? _______________________________________

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Politeness, formality, and necessity are all important parts of asking permission. In this lesson I will explain how may, could, can, and would you mind if I… can all be used to ask permission in English, with different effects. Requests can also involve asking permission. “May”, “Could”, and “Can” are often used in these requests. REQUESTING AND GIVING PERMISSION: MAY, COULD,AND CAN Structures




Requests for permission May I…? Formal Polite

to do something usually May I help you?


involve being polite and


Could I + perhaps being formal. Could I talk with the simple





could in

are manager, please?



hablar con

speech. May is more

el gerente,

formal, and it is most

por favor?

often used in service situations,



stores and restaurants.

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Inform al



+ Can is very informal, but Can



the ¿Puedo ver


it is often used in schedule of games?





de juegos?

. Would you mind if I…is another polite and fairly formal way of requesting permission to do something. REQUESTING PERMISSION: WOULD YOU MIND IF I… Structure




Would you mind if I…is always followed by the past tense of a second verb.

Would you mind if I ¿Te / Le importaría didn´t go to the game si no voy al partido

Would you mind if I +

Te / Le importaría si yo…siempre es today? I´m tired.



seguido del verbo en tiempo



past form?

No. That´s OK. I don´t No. Está bien. No A negative response means “It´s all mind.


right. I don´t mind” Una respuesta negativa sería. “Está bien. No me importa (no me molesta)”.

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Would you mind if I came late for your appointment?

No. I wouldn’t

May I help you?

Yes, you may.

Could I see the manager?

Yes, Of course

Can I see you today?

Yes, you can.

Now, it is time to develop our listening skills. Since we have studied to ask for requests and permissions, we will learn some words and expressions to respond whether our answer is YES or NO. Expressions for Saying Yes and No Stronger Yes Absolutely! Definitely! For sure! Great! I´ll say! Of course! OK. (With exited intonation) intonation) Sure thing! You bet! Stronger No Are you kidding? Forget it! Never! Never in a million years! No way! English Level III

Weaker Yes I think so. I´m considering it. Most likely I will / I would. OK. OK, if you really want me too. Probably. Sure. Why not? (with unenthusiastic That might be a good idea. Weaker No I don´t think so. I doubt it! I´d rather not. Not especially. Not likely. Página 71

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Not for all the tea in China! Not on your life! Nothing doing!

Not really. Probably not. That´s probably not such a good idea.

A. Requesting Permission. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate modal auxiliary to ask for permission.

1. _________ I listen to music?

2. _________ he play computer games?

3. _________ I clean the board?

4. _________ my grandfather sit down?

5. _________ I write a letter?

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6. _________ I call a friend?

B. Choose the most appropriate answer for expressing the idea specified in parentheses 1. I speak to Mr. Smith, please? (Formal polite request) o Can o May o Would o Would you mind if 2.

you open the window, please? It's hot in here. (Polite request) o Could o Couldn't o Won't o Wouldn't


buying two loaves of bread on your way home? (Polite request) o Could you o Will you o Would you o Would you mind

4. Would you mind if I

your dictionary for an hour or so? (Polite request)

o borrowed o will borrow o would borrow English Level III

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Instituto Tecnológico Superior ‘’Juan Montalvo’’

5. Would you mind if I

come to your party? (Asking for permission)

o didn't o won't o wouldn't 6. Mrs. Redding,

lend me two hundred dollars till next week, please? (Polite request)

o can't you o could you o do you mind o would you mind 7. Would you mind

here? I have a headache. (Polite request)

o not to smoke o not smoke o no smoking o not smoking 8. Betty,

help me with this grammar exercise, please? (Informal request) o can you o can't you o won't you o do you mind

9. Could I use your cell phone, please? – Sorry, you

. (Permission not given)

o can't o couldn't o mustn't o won't

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LIST OF COMMON IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive (Base Form) be become begin bring buy choose come do drink drive eat fall feel find fly forget get give go have hear keep know leave lend let loose make meet pay put read run English Level III

Simple Past was / were became began brought bought chose came did drank drove ate fell felt found flew forgot got gave went had heard kept knew left lent let lost made met paid put read (pronounced /red/) ran

Past Participle been become begun brought bought chosen come done drunk driven eaten fallen felt found flown forgotten got (gotten in USA) given gone had heard kept known left lent let lost made met paid put read (pronounced /red/) run

Spanish Meaning ser / estar hacerse / ponerse comenzar / empezar traer comprar escoger / elegir venir hacer beber conducir comer caer sentir encontrar / hallar volar olvidar conseguir dar ir tener oír guardar saber / conocer dejar / salir / abandonar prestar permitir / dejar perder hacer / fabricar conocer / reunirse pagar poner / colocar leer correr Página 76

Instituto Tecnológico Superior ‘’Juan Montalvo’’

say see sell send sing sit sleep speak stand swim take teach tell think understand wear write

said saw sold sent sang sat slept spoke stood swam took taught told thought understood wore wrote

said seen sold sent sung sat slept spoken stood swum taken taught told thought understood worn written

decir ver vender enviar cantar sentarse dormir hablar mantenerse (de pie) nadar tomar / coger enseñar decir / contar pensar entender vestir / ponerse escribir

PRONUNCIATION OF REGULAR PAST FORMS with /d / with /t / with /id/ ______________________________________________________________ studied








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Hanreddy, J., & Whalley, E. (2007) Mosaic 2 – Listening /Speaking (Silver Edition). McGraw-Hill Companies. Singapore. Kirn, E., & Hartmann, P. (2007). Interactions 1 – Reading (Silver Edition). McGraw-Hill Companies. Singapore Richards, J., Hull, J., & Proctor, S. (2002). New Interchange . Student´s Book. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press Smith, C., Bermejo, M., & Chang, E. (1979). Collins – Diccionario Español – Inglés / English – Spanish. Barcelona- España: Ediciones Grijalbo Summers, D. (2005). Longman – Dictionary of Contemporary English. England: Pearson Education Limited Tanka, J., & Baker, L. (2007). Interactions 2 – Listening and Speaking (Silver Edition). McGraw-Hill Companies. Singapore Werner, P., & Nelson, J. (2007). Interactions 2 – Grammar (Silver Edition). McGraw-Hill Companies. Singapore WEB SITES: Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from

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