Podcasting culture grc

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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras Coordinación de Educación a Distancia Diplomado Actualización en Lingüística Aplicada para Profesores de Lenguas Module Podcasting 4 EFL Teachers Tutor Ma. Elena Delgado Lesson plan “Valuing my culture, valuing other cultures” Designed by Gabriela Reséndiz Cantera May 2017

1. Description of the project

This project is intended for EFL students at high school level with the purpose of developing cultural awareness. The project consists on the creation of a three-series podcast related to the topic of culture. The students will accomplish this task during one semester. 2. Objectives ❖ Students will be able to work in teams to create three podcasts about the topic “Valuing my culture, valuing other cultures.” ❖ Students will develop skills of tolerance and respect towards their own culture as well as towards other cultures. ❖ Students will develop skills to record and edit audios through the use of different tools. ❖ Students will develop their listening and speaking skills (pronunciation, intonation…) ❖ Students will be able to create their projects in collaborative groups. ❖ Students will be able to evaluate their work and their classmates work. 3. Driving questions During the development of this project we will try to answer the following questions. ➢ What is culture? ➢ How is culture manifested? ➢ What is the relationship between nonverbal communication and culture? ➢ How aware am I of my own culture? ➢ How can we avoid cultural misunderstandings? ➢ How can we use podcasts to give our points of view?

4. Procedure The following chart provides a guide to the activities to be done, the time and the materials needed to accomplish the project. PODCAST 1 What is culture? Time Session 1 In class: 60 minutes Outside of class: 60 minutes

Instructions The teacher (T) writes on the board the word “culture” and asks students (SS) to brainstorm about this word. Later on, T will ask students to work in small teams and create their own definition of the word “culture”, then each team will share it with the rest of the class. SS will listen to the podcast ​Who on Earth are we? Part 2 What is culture​ and will answer a questionnaire about it. Ss will compare their answers and after that, T will provide the correct answers. For homework, SS will listen again to the podcast and answer the following questions. They will be able to use the transcription as an aid. Why is culture invisible? Why is learning another language similar to learning about another culture?

Materials and resources Board, markers Speakers Podcast ​Who on Earth are we? Part 2 What is culture http://downloads.bbc. co.uk/worldservice/lea rningenglish/webcast/ mp3/whoonearth/tae_ whoonearth_02_080508 .mp3 Podcast transcription http://downloads.bbc. co.uk/worldservice/lea rningenglish/webcast/s cripts/whoonearth/tae _whoonearth_02_08050 8.pdf

What is a podcast? Session 2 In class: T will elicit SS´ answers about the questions assigned 50 as homework the previous session. minutes T will show SS a picture of an iceberg and will ask SS what it is and what its characteristics are. Next, SS will complete a graphic organizer with the information from the video ​Cultural iceberg​. They will compare their answers with a classmate and then T will call on different SS to give their answers. For homework, SS will write down on their notebooks Outside of the most important vocabulary about culture class: 30 presented in the podcast and video. minutes Session 3 In class: SS will work in teams of 3 to 4 people to discuss the 50 vocabulary they selected and they will create a minutes puzzle with clues to find each word in it. Each team will be asked to solve a puzzle made by another team. SS will prepare an interview related to the topic of culture. T will give instructions on how to make an interview: ● SS will interview at least three people from different backgrounds (age, gender, occupation, place of birth…) ● They will ask the same three questions to each person. ● One of the question will be to define the term “culture”. ● The other two questions will be related to the topic of culture. SS will use the vocabulary and the information from the materials seen in class to add the other two questions. T will check SS questions. For homework SS will go to mediateca to practice the

Video ​Cultural iceberg https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=woP0v-2nJ CU

Puzzles made by each team

Outside of class: 30 minutes Session 4 In class: 15 min Outside of class: 90 minutes

pronunciation of their questions.

Using the webquest designed by the teacher, she will explain SS about the creation of their first podcast. For homework SS will watch the tutorial on Audacity. Then they will download it to their computers and individually, they will record themselves saying the questions they have created and then add some effects to their audio. They will upload their audio files to the class platform, blog or social network. Session 5 In class: T will give SS some feedback regarding the audio files 60 they uploaded for homework. minutes SS will work with their teams to create the script of their first podcast based on the instructions given in the webquest and on some guidelines for writing scripts and podcast tips. T will check SS scripts and make suggestions or comments about them. Outside of For homework SS will get their scripts finished and class: 60 rehearse them. The following class they will perform minutes their script in front of the teacher for final comments before recording their podcasts. Session 6 In class: While SS work on an activity, T will call on each team 30 to perform their script for her and to give them any minutes suggestions before recording it. Outside of For homework SS will record their podcast and open class: 120 an account in Podomatic or Audioboom to upload it. minutes

Webquest https://sites.google.co m/site/podcastingecult uree/home Audacity tutorial https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=AqXLRnAl1 f8 Podcast tips https://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1gc WulQQe_BODW9d2HHgP gclUKvGru8tcedTv5Tuw XX8/edit?usp=sharing Audio script writing guide https://www2c.cdc.gov /podcasts/audioscriptw ritingguide.pdf

Podomatic tutorial https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=V00dE7pSY Ww&t=314s Audioboom tutorial https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=4MDgZKJB bHw

Session 7 In class: 50 minutes

The class will listen to each team’s podcast. Each team will evaluate their own podcast. T will also evaluate each podcast. The final grade will be the average between the result obtained by the team and the one obtained by the T.

VODCAST 2 Culture and non-verbal communication Time Session 8 In class: 60 minutes Outside of class: 50 minutes

Instructions T will show SS the extract of a silent film and will ask SS to write what happens in the movie. T will also ask SS whether it was easy or difficult to understand the film and why. Then T will ask SS how important nonverbal communication is and if they think this nonverbal communication is the same in every culture. Next, SS will listen to an extract of the podcast ​Who on Earth are we? Part 5 Culture and non-verbal communication​ and will answer a questionnaire about the information provided. For homework SS will listen to the rest of the podcast and will write 10 questions about it with their answers.

Materials and resources Podcast ​Who on Earth are we? Part 5 Culture and non-verbal communication http://downloads.bbc. co.uk/worldservice/lea rningenglish/webcast/ mp3/whoonearth/tae_ whoonearth_05_080529 .mp3

Session 9 In class: 50 minutes Outside of class:

Session 10 In class: 40 minutes Outside of class: 60 minutes Session 11 In class: 60 minutes Outside of class: 60

SS will work in teams to answer some of the questions created by their partners as homework. T and SS will read the instructions on the webquest about the making of the second podcast. For homework, each team will look for 5 extracts of movies or commercials that come from different regions or countries where the non-verbal communication is evident. SS will work in teams to comment on the extracts they found and they will select three of them, the ones which can be better used to illustrate non-verbal communication in different cultures. SS will write comparisons about the scenes selected. For homework SS will investigate the meaning of the different non-verbal features presented in the scenes according to the culture they come from.

Webquest https://sites.google.co m/site/podcastingecult uree/home

SS will work with their teams to share their findings and summarize them. SS will write the script for their second podcast following the instructions from the webquest. T will check SS scripts. For homework SS will finish their scripts and rehearse them.

Webquest https://sites.google.co m/site/podcastingecult uree/home Podcast tips https://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1gc WulQQe_BODW9d2HHg PgclUKvGru8tcedTv5Tu wXX8/edit?usp=sharing Audio script writing guide


Session 12 In class: 30 minutes Outside of class: 120 minutes Session 13 In class: 50 minutes

T will check out SS doubts about theirs scripts and will assign additional work at mediateca if necessary. Then SS will record and publish their vodcast in

The class will watch the vodcast from each team. To evaluate the project, each team will evaluate their own podcast as well as the rest of the podcast. The final grade will be the average of the grades provided by each team.

https://www2c.cdc.go v/podcasts/audioscript writingguide.pdf

Vodcasts Evaluation rubric http://innoteach.net/ wp-content/uploads/20 10/03/Podcast-Rubrics. pdf

PODCAST 3 My culture Time


Session 14 In class: 30 minutes Outside of class: 90 minutes

T will use the webquest to explain SS about their third podcast. SS will decide to create either a podcast or a vodcast. SS will brainstorm about some cultural aspects related to them and to their culture which can be interesting for people from other cultures. They will select one to prepare a podcast about it. For homework SS will look for podcasts and vodcasts that deal with the topic they have selected and will investigate how different this aspect is in other cultures. In teams, SS will analyze and summarize the most important ideas from the resources they found.

Session 15 In class:

Materials and resources Webquest https://sites.google.co m/site/podcastingecult uree/home


60-90 minutes Outside of class: 90 minutes

Next, they will prepare the script of their podcast taking into consideration the instructions from the webquest. T will monitor SS work. For homework SS will rehearse how to present the information for their podcast.

Session 16 In class: 30 minutes Outside of class: 90 minutes

T will listen to each team rehearsal. After getting feedback, SS will be able to record and upload their podcasts for homework.

Session 17 In class: 50 minutes

The whole class will listen to each team’s podcast. To evaluate the project, each team will evaluate their own podcast as well as the rest of the podcast. The final grade will be the average of the grades provided by each team and by the T. T will promote a discussion and reflection on the topic of the podcasts and on the making of them.

Webquest https://sites.google.co m/site/podcastingecult uree/home Podcast tips https://docs.google.co m/presentation/d/1gcW ulQQe_BODW9d2HHgPgc lUKvGru8tcedTv5TuwXX 8/edit?usp=sharing Audio script writing guide https://www2c.cdc.gov /podcasts/audioscriptwr itingguide.pdf Audacity tutorial https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=AqXLRnAl1 f8 Podomatic tutorial https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=V00dE7pSY Ww&t=314s Audioboom tutorial https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=4MDgZKJB bHw

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