WordsoftheheavenlyFathertoHis humanchildrenandwordsofChrist
My sons and daughters! If you continuously raise your consciousness to Me, the All-Spirit, then the still existing shadows, which cloud your mind and often place you helplessly at the mercy of the darkness, will recede.
To have the consciousness, your consciousness, continuously with Me, you should accept everything that is. In acceptance lies greatness.
As soon as a person accepts His difficulties, he intensifies Me, the positive power. I, the life, will then become active in your worries and problems and bring the positive life, happiness, health and well-being into evidence.
The acceptance and affirmation of all occurrences, fates and things brings about the inner steadfastness.
Accept everything thankfully. Then joy and love will abide with you. Accept your worries, problems and suffering thankfully, and they will recede from you.
In gratitude lies strength. The gratitude is positive living. A person who positively feels, thinks and speaks lives; he constantly gives thanks. The positive forces of the All then serve him. They bring about joy, love, harmony, confidence and peace in the person.
Worries, problems and difficulties withdraw from him, because in the right gratitude there is no place for the suffering and worries of this world.
In gratitude lies greatness.
The right gratitude carries with it the trust in God, that He, the eternal law, brings about everything for the best. In gratitude lies also secureness and the nearness to God. Secureness and nearness to God bring, in turn, peace.
The one who is peaceful is also loving; he is selfless.
The Spirit of God then grows out of the person’s inner being. Like a rose, the holy fragrance of the I Am emanates from a God-filled person.
In gratitude lie hope, comfort and confidence.
Recognize, My children, that the positive power is in everything, even when it seems as though everything were only negative, only unlawful.
Unlawfulness alone cannot exist.
The positive force, the active core of life is also in all that is negative. The incorruptible power, God, wants to be consciously active in soul and person.
Those who live in Me will recognize emerging difficulties in time and will also master them through the power of My life. And so, the one who does not recognize the difficulty in time will think and talk about it over and over again. In this way, difficulties often turn into problems, which are not overcome for years or decades.
If a person is willing to surrender his faults and weaknesses to Me, then they can be transformed in him, either completely or partially.
When you also recognize Me in your illness, in your need, in your worries and problems and when you accept Me in everything, Me, the positive part in what you call the unlawful, then the positive power, I, the almighty life, will absorb the unlawfulness and transform it into positive life.
The positive power, My I Am, is active in every situation, be it ever so unpleasant or even unlawful. The one who is able to address Me, the central light, in the unlawful, as well, is the victor over all situations in life and master of his fate.
Surrender to Me everything that you recognize, everything that oppresses you, that you constantly think about— and become free, so that the causes in your soul are reduced or eliminated before they come into effect.
The positive power is also in every unlawfulness.
The one who is able to recognize and address it at the right moment is above the unlawful occurrences and things that keep coming about in the material spheres. Many a situation could be spontaneously mastered if you immediately professed your faith in Me, by going into your inner being, where I, the central light, dwell.
So, let the inner light radiate consciously! Respect and cherish the inner strength, and remain constantly in communication with Me, the All-power … by constantly feeling into the divine life.
Live in yourself and you will live righteously in the world. Then you will rest in God, in the true life, and God, the life, will be active through you.
You can be close to your neighbor and serve him only when you are consciously close to Me, to Me, who serves everyone.
The will of people who bind themselves to other people through their sensations and thoughts is bound.
The will of people who bind themselves to their possessions and property is bound.
The will of people who orient themselves to people, to their ideas and desires, who affirm them and live accordingly, is bound and they are unfree. And so, when they do what others want, they are unfree.
The filiation in God, our Father, contains free will. The one who has become free in God, who lives consciously in the filiation, lives in freedom and unity with all Being.
That My children should never be alone and lonely is based on My law. However, if you live in inner and outer loneliness, then you should ask yourself: Who or what are you still, that you do not attract others, that you have been alone and lonely for so long and thrown on your own resources?
My child, practice reason: Become understanding toward your neighbor, charitable and gentle.
You are given the strength to scrutinize and examine yourself, so that you develop all these aspects and find your way to My perfect love, which is your nature.
Act against self-pity! Fight it. For self-pity drags you down into the valley of grief and despondency.
May each one examine himself to see where he stands! So, look into a mirror and see how you smile. Observe your body rhythm. Listen to the melodies of your words. And look into your world of thoughts: The one whose thoughts are preoccupied with himself is still clouded by his base ego. With this, he covers My light.
If you want to continue recognizing yourself, listen to your own words, what you say and how you say it. Your words and your way of talking show who you are. You yourself show your surroundings whether the Spirit, I, the life, shine through you or whether your base ego is still showing off.
The one who has found his way to inner peace begins to be self-luminous. People who begin to be self-luminous will never be alone and lonely, as I have revealed.
Why does a person lay his difficulties and problems at My feet and then take them back in his thoughts? He takes them back, because he does not trust Me and wants to hold on to his ego, to perhaps play out his trump cards in this world. He wants to still use his difficulties and problems and his illnesses, for many a purpose. Either he wants to extort pity or to thus apply pressure on his neighbor or exalt himself with it.
This and further aspects of the human ego cause difficulties, problems and illnesses to intensify and not diminish, because every thought used for this is energy and gives new nourishment to the difficulties and problems.
The one who is linked with his neighbor in love will never be lonely. People of like-mind will find their way to you and be with you. They will be around you and live with you in love and bear everything that needs to be borne, based on the law of cause and effect.
Wish for your neighbor the best, the most loving and beautiful. Then, in time, you will become self-luminous.
Behold, the togetherness of likeminded, selfless people is the unity in My Spirit, the law of bearing love.
A person who loves selflessly has, in turn, selflessly loving people around him, because like always attracts like.
Just as you love and give, so will it be given to you.
People of the Spirit are not in an attitude of expectation.
The one who lives in and with matter waits for the light to come to him from without, to encourage and strengthen him. External strengthening is conditioned by time and does not last.
The one who is dependent on the external, on kind, loving words, on his neighbor’s smile, has an attitude of expectation. The one who lives in an attitude of expectation has ever more desires. He is more and more oriented to his neighbor and expects him to give. Such a person longs to receive from his neighbor ever more kind words, flattery and the like. In this way, the spiritually poor exalt themselves—again through the spiritually poor.
What a person wants to keep he will lose. What he puts to work for the common good he will keep and receive far more than this.
If a person is rich today, it can be that he will be poor in his next life. It depends on the person, how he puts his earthly riches to work. If he draws them to himself, he will lose them. If he is willing to put them to work for the common good, he will stay rich in his inner being as well as externally.
Be sensible and tolerant!
Be understanding and compassionate toward your neighbor!
Then you will become selfless and never be lonely and alone.
Be aware of My presence! I Am the strength.
The one who wants to attain the highest consciousness, God, must open all the aspects of consciousness in himself, in his soul. He may not merely acknowledge them, but must live them, which means to fulfill them in daily life.
My selfless love is the power in you. The power of life is your nature. Become aware of your origin, of your nature!
Selfless love is the indestructible band between Father and child.
Selfless love is the primordial power, from which you went forth and to which you will find your way back again, through Christ, My Son, your Redeemer.
Become conscious sons and daughters of God! … The one who has accepted and received Me and lives in the primordial law truly lives; he lives consciously; he lives the true existence of his nature, the divinity.
God is, and you are the light of His light and the power of His power. I Am the light in you, and with Me you shall carry the light of the Father into this world.
Ilive with you. Oh give Me daily the chance to live through you.
The wellspring flows constantly. It is always omnipresent. It vivifies and nourishes you. It freshens and gives you strength, so that you, too, can give.
Strive to see the good in everything; then you will be able to truly serve.
My light shines in you. Through you, it wants to radiate afar and set aglow many people who are willing to follow the path of peace and love, who are ready to bring My light to all beings and people, so that it may be on earth as it is in heaven.
A person is given time for reflection over and over again. Blows of fate and the like are admonishers, so that the person is stimulated to reflect. Use the time!
God Is Close in W God Is Close in W God Is Close in W God Is Close in W God Is Close in Woror oror ord and Deed d and Deed
96 pp. hardbk., with photos, ISBN 978-1-890841-52-2