Coloquio de UC Davis 2012

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8:30-­‐8:50am [Registration, Breakfast & Welcome] Carl L. Garrison Room, MU, 2nd 9am LITERATURA & CULTURA [Panel 1] Literary Modernism near an Aesthetic Attack nd Carl L. Garrison Room, MU, 2 Moderador: Arturo Laris Literatura y política en textos modernistas de Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera Azucena Hernández, University of Texas, El Paso Separating the Character from the Author: A Call for the Study of De sobremesa Beyond the Focus on the Modernist Aesthetic Elizabeth Vargas Holguin, San Francisco State University Chockerlebnis: literatura española al borde de un ataque moderno Daniel Herrera, University of California, Davis

9am LINGÜÍSTICA [Panel 2] Sociolinguistics: The Spanish Language Today nd Dean De Carli Room, MU, 2 Moderador: David Beard Anglicismos en el español, el idioma no tiene enemigos Mariela Gil Sánchez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Intercultural Communication in the Healthcare of Rural Mexican Patients Dalia Magaña, University of California, Davis El ejque en el cine social de España: representación, adulteración e infrarrepresentación del habla de la calle Gabriel Guillén, University of California, Davis

10am LITERATURA & CULTURA [Panel 3] Memory: Inside and Outside Borders nd Carl L. Garrison Room, MU, 2 Moderador: Diego Valdecantos Maquinarias de la neutralidad: la política y la prensa estadounidenses frente a la Guerra Civil Española Emmanuel Velayos, New York University Documento y memoria después de Franco: La obra de Jaime Camino en una España democrática Katherine Stafford, University of California, Davis Las transiciones trasatlánticas y el intelectual comprometido: líneas de entrecruce entre los procesos transicionales a la democracia de España y Chile Manuel Gómez Navarro, University of California, Davis

10am LINGÜÍSTICA [Panel 4] Second Language Acquisition nd Dean De Carli Room, MU, 2 Moderadora: Dalia Magaña

Dr. Kelly Bilinski Arispe []

Effects of Learning Contexts on Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of Accusative Pronouns in L2 Spanish Students Tracy Quan, University of California, Davis

Graduated in June 2012 with a Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics with a designated emphasis in Second Language Acquisition from the University of California, Davis, and joined the Modern Languages faculty at Boise State University later that summer. She also has an M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics from the University of New Mexico, and a B.A. from George Fox University with a double major in Spanish and International Studies. Dr. Arispe is interested in the potential that new technologies and tools have to enhance the language learning experience. Her dissertation research elucidated the interplay between three important aspects of Second Language Acquisition (SLA): Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), lexical acquisition, and learner autonomy. She also is interested in developing a Spanish intermediatelevel multimedia online textbook, and in measuring language development in study abroad programs.

Do beginning L2 learners (novices) process/represent cognates and non-cognates differently than advanced L2 learners (experts)? David Beard, University of California, Davis The role of phonological development in the L2 acquisition of mood-selection in Spanish Annalisa Corioso, University of California, Davis

11am CONFERENCIA [Plenaria 1] MU II, 2nd La paradoja de la adquisición léxica. Kelly Arispe, Boise State University Presenta: Profesor Robert Blake


12-12:50 [Almuerzo] MU Patio 2nd floor Chef invitado: Matthew Russell

Matthew Russell is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UC Davis. His principal research areas are contemporary Spanish cultural studies, literature, film, and intellectual history. Matthew is also an excellent vegetarian chef, and we will enjoy his delicious meals and wine again this year at the Colloquium.

1pm LITERATURA & CULTURA [Panel 5] Editando en español desde la frontera nd Carl L. Garrison Room, MU, 2 Moderadora: Bárbara Gunn Territorios, lecturas y lectores: edición al norte del Río Bravo Diego Javier Bustos Deaza, University of Texas, El Paso “Somos Frontera”, sitio de noticias en Español de El Paso Times Ana Lourdes Cárdenas, University of Texas, El Paso



¿To be or not to be?: esa es la pregunta Laura Cesarco Eglin, University of Colorado at Boulder

Edamame, Spinach and Hijiki Salad with Honey-Miso Vinaigrette; Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Black Beans and Jalapeño-Lime Dressing; Quinoa and Mango Pilaf with Pomegranates, Toasted Almonds, Pickled Red Onions and Curried-Cilantro Vinaigrette; Sesame-Coconut Kale and Farro.

1pm ESTUDIOS CULTURALES [Panel 6] Spectators of History: The Condition of Gender, Fleshly Fragments and other Ghosts… nd Dean De Carli Room, MU, 2 Moderador: David Tenorio

[Tapas] White Bean Hummus with Rosemary and Toasted Almonds; curried Guacamole with Mustard Seeds and Serrano Chiles; roasted Red Pepper-Pomegranate Molasses-Walnut; Muhammara & Garlicky Pita Chips.

Among Spectators and Agents of History: Navigating through the Memory Sites of the Panama Canal Emily F. Davidson, University of California, Davis La comisión de género de Cocomacia: ¿para qué sirve hablar de género en medio del conflicto colombiano? Tania Lizarazo, University of California, Davis

The Amputated Body: Ghostly and Literal Presence / El cuerpo amputado: presencia literal y fantasmal Diana Pardo Pedraza, University of California, Davis


2pm LITERATURA & CULTURA [Panel 7] La corporalidad del poeta and the Politics of Self nd Carl L. Garrison Room, MU, 2 Moderadora: Katie Stafford Gina Valdés, escritora y poeta chicana Alicia Ramos, University of California, Merced El beso de la mujer araña, el exilio de una diva Ivonne Rodríguez Romero, Universidad Nacional de Colombia La constitución del sujeto deseante en dos poetas hispanoamericanos: Odette Alonso y Alfredo Espinosa Quintero Gabriel Govea Acosta, Universidad de Colima


Dr. Emilio Bejel []

Medios: Pantallas de la ideología, utopias remotas nd Dean De Carli Room, MU, 2 Moderadora: Ana Varela Tafur Sleep Dealer: el ciberpunk y la utopía del mundo líquido. Miguel García, Universidad de California, Davis La experiencia inmigratoria en la serie televisiva “Vientos de agua” Kimberly Morris y Rebecca Conley, Universidad de California, Davis / “Dos medias, dos realidades: La representación de la pantalla pequeña dentro del nuevo cine argentino” Eric Jensen, Universidad de California, Davis

3pm CONFERENCIA [Plenaria 2] MU II, 2nd “José Martí: imágenes de memoria y duelo” Emilio Bejel, University of California, Davis Presenta: Jonathan Alcántar


Poet, critic, and narrator, was born in Manzanillo, Cuba, and has lived in the United States since the 1960s. He received his B.A. from the University of Miami, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Spanish and Spanish American literature from Florida State University (Tallahassee). In 1997 he was a member of the jury for the Casa de las Américas Literary Prize. He has published several books of literary and cultural criticism, among them Literatura de Nuestra América, La subversión de la semiótica, José Lezama Lima, Poet of the Image, and Gay Cuban Nation; as well as several poetry collections, the latest two of them are Casas deshabitadas and El libro regalado. He has also published three versions of an autobiographical narrative: The Write Way Home. A Cuban-American Story (translated into English by Professor Stephen Clark), El horizonte de mi piel (in Spanish), and O Horizonte da Minha Pele (in Portuguese). At the present time he is distinguished professor of Latin American Studies of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of California at Davis, where he chaired that department from 2003 to 2008. His latest scholarly book, José Martí: Images of Memory and Mourning, was released in September 2012.



Notes on Materialism, Indigenism and Authoritarism nd Carl L. Garrison Room, MU, 2 Moderador: Juan E. Miranda

Identities in Crisis: The Representation of Labor, Nation, and War nd Carl L. Garrison Room, MU, 2 Moderadora: Daniela Suárez

The materialism of Los Siete Locos Magnus Thor Snaebjornsson, San Francisco State University

The destruction of Spain: Camino de perfección and Imán Alejandro Méndez-Betancor, University of Colorado, Boulder

The Indigenous Proletariat: Notes on Huasipungo by Jorge Icaza Anna Björk Einarsdóttir, University of California, Davis

Textual Clockwork: Bernardo de Vargas Machuca's Rhetorical Artifice in Milicia y descripción de las Indias (1599) Timothy F. Johnson, University of California, Davis

Autoridades de la bestia: Pedro Páramo (1955) y “Ragnarök” (1960) Santiago Acosta, San Francisco State University

Una aproximación a las representaciones cinematográficas del trabajo: “Modern Times”, “Up in the air” y “Biutiful” David Fernando García González, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

6:15-6:30pm [Fare Well]

Carl L. Garrison Room, MU, 2nd


6:30-7pm [Tapas & copa de vino]

De géneros literarios y debates identitarios nd Dean De Carli Room, MU, 2 Moderadora: Elena Atanasiu Transtextualidad en la literatura infantil contemporánea Laura Cristina Navarrete y Daniel Acosta Giraldo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, Colombia / El tratamiento de lo fantástico en Álvaro Cunqueiro y Joan Perucho Rebeca Rubio, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España Provocaciones culturales e identidades alternas en El Asco y La Virgen Cabeza Yairamaren Román-Maldonado, San Francisco State University


Sponsors: • Spanish and Portuguese Department, University of California, Davis •Linguistics Department at UC Davis • Graduate Student Association at UC Davis • Hemispheric Institute on the Americas

~A message from the Colloquium Organizing Committee, 2012~ On behalf of the University of California, Davis Department of Spanish & Portuguese and the organizational committee of the 8th Annual Colloquium on Latin American and Peninsular Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, it is our pleasure to welcome you to this year’s Colloquium, entitled “Convergences: Literary, Linguistic, Cultural and Film Studies”. The colloquium feature speakers and researchers presenting on a wide variety of topics, including Peninsular and Latin American Literature, Culture and Cinema Studies, as well as Hispanic Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. This year, Colloquium presenters come from a variety of universities both in the U.S. (including New York, Colorado, and Texas) and abroad (including Mexico, Colombia, and Spain).

Special thanks to, Professor Cecilia Colombi, Spanish and Portuguese Department Chair; Ana Peluffo, Graduate Advisor; Robert Newcomb, Faculty Member; Emilio Bejel, Kelly Bilinsky A rispe and Robert Blake for their collaboration and support; Matt Russell for indulge our palate pleasures; Mandy Bachman, Graduate Program Coordinator; Falicia Savala, Graduate Program Assistant; Laura Barrera, Undergraduate Program Coordinator/Advisor for their assistance; Anthony Drown and Geoff Stratton for their technical advice; Nathan J. Finch, Teresa A. Brown, Ana Kitchen and Hannah Yung for their assistance with the MU Rooms and Utilities. All the graduate students who make this event possible every year.

Sergio Díaz-Luna, Director Kayce Davis, Representante Peninsular Miguel García y Juan Miranda, Representantes América Latina Jonathan Alcántar, Representante Luso-brasileño Rebecca Conley, Eric Jensen y Tracy Quan, Representantes Lingüística Gabriel Guillén y Caleb Bloodworth, Webmasters

·∙ DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE ·∙ ROOM 215, SPROUL HALL ·∙ UC DAVIS ·∙ ONE SHIELDS AVENUE ·∙ DAVIS, CA 95616 ·∙ (530) 752-­‐5799 (GRADUATE) ·∙ (530) 752-­‐8630 (FAX)



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