Jobs grade 10 booklet 4 student

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JOBS Booklet No.

JOBS Grade 10

Job opportunities

Discussing possibilities, chances and risks Written in cooperation between the Ministry of National Education (MNE) Romania and the Center for International Cooperation IPE at Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland. Zurich, Bucharest, Brasov 2012


JOBS - Booklet 4

Booklet 4 Grade 10

Job opportunities Discussing possibilities, chances and risks

Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?

Analysing and discussing inequalities in the professional world

Task 1: Understanding about differences Task 2: Differences in figures Task 3: Role-play: men and women

Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?

Knowing more about the phenomenon and the reasons for the working poor

Task 1: Understanding the perspective of others Task 2: Understanding information about working poor Task 3: Analysing reasons for working poor Task 4: Short essay about success in work

Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job

Analysing the situation of unemployment

Task 1: Human rights as a basis for employment Task 2: Create your personal bag sticker Task 3: Reasons for unemployment Task 4: The vicious circle of unemployment Homework: How to break a vicious circle

Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

Analysing the economic situation of my country and region

Task 1: Understanding the phases of economic movement Task 2: Knowing basic economic terms Task 3: Economy in Romania – an Internet research Preparation for Unit 5: JOBS everywhere Reflection of Unit 4: Job opportunities JOBS - Booklet 4


Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances ? Analysing and discussing inequalities in the professional world

Qualification „Action to get qualified ant its result”; „Preparation in a certain field of activity“ „Acquisition of a degree following successful examination, testing“ ( DEX – ( Explanatory Dictionary of Romanian Language )

Booklet 4 – Day 1 - Task 1: Understanding about differences


The task: You understand and analyse an article on gender inequality.


Classroom organisation: 45’

You sit in groups. You start your work alone, but you ask, support, get support while you read, understand, and write. Then you share in your group and prepare an oral presentation.

Procedure: 1 ) Read the article on the next page carefully. Usually one has to read it more than once, underlining important words, sentences, lines. 2 ) Don’t stop until you have understood. Ask your classmates, try to find explanations. Don’t give up too early. 3 ) Answer the questions written in the end of the article. 4 ) Compare your results in teams of three or four. There will be different opinions. a. What is different ? b. Describe the differences. c. Prepare a three-minutes oral presentation of the differences you found among each other! d. All group members must be prepared for the presentation ( the presenter will be chosen by chance ).

Materials: - Booklet 4 - Romanian Constitution ( Internet )


Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?

Change the article! In most countries women make up between 48 % and 53 % of the population. Theoretically, men and women would have the same rights. But reality shows a different picture. Even today, women have got less power than men. Often they carry more responsibility, work more and earn less. Most governments – also Romania – have signed equal treatment of men and women on paper and passed according laws in their government. Nevertheless, world-wide still 2 out of 3 women are illiterate and world-wide 25 % of the girls do not go to any school ( for the boys: 16 % ). In most countries, women work two thirds of their time without payment (  when taking care of children and family ), men only work one quarter of their time without being paid. In general, unmarried women usually are in a better job position than married women without children. But, married women without children still have higher job positions than married women with children. For men, being married is not an obstacle, on the contrary: In general, married men are in higher positions than unmarried men. Promoting equal opportunities for women and men and ensuring full enjoyment of all human rights is a priority in Romania. Romania’s non-discrimination legislation has been constantly modernized to incorporate the most advanced international norms and standards.

The Romanian Constitution ( Article 16 - 1 ) stipulates that all citizens are equal before the law and public authorities, without any privileges or discrimination. The principle of equality between the sexes is explicitly regulated under Article 4 of the Romanian Constitution and in a number of other national regulations. Thus, Romania, like other European countries, has implemented a wellarticulated and non-discriminatory “de jure” framework. But, the issue of equal chances is not limited to the “legal framework”. This framework can contribute to avoiding direct discrimination ( like different salaries for equal work volume within the same profession ). In practice, often occur indirect discrimination situations, which are not easily noted and punished: - More difficult access of women to certain pro- fessions and positions better paid, and espe cially to management; - Impossibility to perform the same quantity of work, because of family duties ( especially ta king tcare of children ). Regarding equal opportunities there are differences from country to country, caused by tradition, cultural context, educational factors etc.

Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?




1 ) How come there is often a

difference between law and

reality ? Give examples from

your daily life.

2 )

What is the effect for woman in their professional life when they have children ? What is your personal point of view ?

3 )

Look for the Romanian Constitution ( internet if possible ) and quote Articles 4 and 16. ( http:// ? id=371&par1=1&idl=1 )

4 )

In the text it says: “Romania boasts a well-articulated and non-discriminatory de jure framework.” Find out what ‘de jure’ means and explain it.

5 )

Explain the Difference between female- and male-dominated occupations and genderintegrated occupations and give examples for them.

6 ) Explain the difference between power and responsibility. Give examples.


Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?


Booklet 4 – Day 1 - Task 2: Differences in figures


The task: You understand the differences in income between woman and men and draw a diagram.

Classroom organisation: 45’

This is mainly an individual task. Support others when needed, get help from classmates.

Procedure: 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) 4 ) 5 )

Take the time to read the table with income and mark the differences. Now, calculate the differences between men and women in percentages. Be sure you know how to calculate percentages. If you don’t know, ask a colleague. Fill out the table carefully. Now transform the table into a bar diagram. You can take booklet 2 and take a look there (if you have done a bar dia gram then). Be proud if you are successful!! ( Be sure you get support from others if you need it, be sure give support if you can. But be also clear about the fact, that YOU have to UNDERSTAND what you do. Get help does not mean: others do it for you! )

Materials: - Diagram in booklet 2 - Calculator

Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?


An example of inequality between men and women can also be seen if you look at the table below with the salaries men and women receive. Here is the same table as in Booklet 3. Take a calculator and calculate the difference in percentage. Fill in the numbers and prepare a diagram. This way you show the difference in a graphical way. Draw on the next page the diagram the way you have learned it in Booklet 2.


Monthly salary men

Monthly salary Differences in percenwomen tage in favour of whom ?

Airline Pilot 5’784 Few women in this profession Computer Programmer 2’820


Accountant 2’570


Profesor 2’168


Flight attendant 2’077 1’906 Miner 1’891 Few women in this profession General Physician 1’771


Engineer 1’505


Teacher 1’244


Professional nurse 1’191 1’105 Dentist 1’032


Physiotherapist 955 915 Office clerk 896


Bus driver 883 Few women in this profession Garment Cutter 879 878 Car mechanic 714 Few women in this profession Carpenter 629


Auxiliary nurse 646 627 Furniture finisher 584


Postman 559


Hotel receptionist 898 551 Baker 545


Firefighter 525 Few women in this profession Salesperson 828 519 Chambermaid 514 511


Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?

My diagram on differences of income between women and men.

Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?


Booklet 4 – Topic 1 - Task 3: Role-play: men and woman

The task: X

You are ready to argue for your position when it comes to differences in income.


Classroom organisation:


You work in small teams. The size can be between 2 and 6. Find space in the corner of the classroom or in some space in separate rooms, outside if possible for the preparation.


1 ) A young woman and a young man get to know each other in a train. They discuss about their lives, where they come from and so on. 2 ) Then they find out, that they work in the same profession. They ask each other about the income and are surprised, that they don’t earn the same. 3 ) Try to find arguments on both sides. The questions on the following page might help you as well as the following: Why are there such differences in the salaries of men and women ? What do you think ? Try to find reasons. How could these diffe rences be eliminated ? Do you know any organisations in Roma nia that fight for equal rights ? a. Defend your points of view with good arguments. b. Find ways to change the situation. c. Learn to listen to each other. 4 ) Prepare the play for the other pupils in your class. Don’t be longer than 5 minutes.

Materials: - Booklet 4


Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?

Preparation for the role play:

Helpful questions: - What could the young woman say about the differences in salaries ? - What could be her ideas to change the situation ? - What could a young man say ? How could he justify ( or not ) the situation with the salaries ? Use the clouds to write down your proposals. They don’t have to match your opinions. They could represent, what you hear in society, family, school. What you read or see on TV.

Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?


Write down your key sentences for the arguments you will play:


Booklet 4 - Topic 1: Same qualifications – same chances?

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing ? Knowing more about the phenomenon and the reasons for the working poor Working Poor Working poor is a term used to describe individuals and families who maintain regular employment but remain in relative poverty due to low levels of pay and dependent expenses.

Booklet 4 – Day 2 - Task 1: Understanding the perspective of others


The task: By reading the short story of Catalin you try to understand his point of view.


Classroom organisation: 30’ You start working on your own. Then the teacher might ask some of you, to give your answers and your point of view in the plenary.


1 ) Read carefully the short story. Take notes, underline important words or phrases. Make sure you REALLY UNDERSTAND not only the words but also the content! 2 ) Fill in the questions. Take your time to do this properly. Try to become part of the thinking of Elena. There are many different answers possible. There is no right or wrong. 3 ) Be ready to give your opinion to the whole class when asked by the teacher.

Materials: - Booklet 4


Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?

It is very important in our society to have a job. But not every job means realising your dreams. A great number of people are forced to earn money in order to make a living. They cannot spend too much time asking whether they like their job or not. Having a job also does not protect you from poverty. Just like the person told in her story, people can still work full-time but are not able to cover all costs of living. Elena’s story “My name is Elena and I am 45 years old. I am a single mother of two school children. I have been working as a saleswoman for 15 years. I love my job. I also go to additional trainings and try to stay up to date. I work full-time and earn 728 Lei per month. It is too little in order to live on it with my two children. For a long time I have not received any pay raise and the general price increase was not balanced. Over these years the costs for health insurance, our flat and food did not become less and also the children need more and more money the older they get. My experience, my effort and my engagement in my job unfortunately do not count for a higher salary. I think this is unfair.” Salary ( gross ) 728 Lei Child benefit ( 2x42 ) 84 Lei Total income 812 Lei Reductions ( 32.5% ) 237 Lei Net Income 575 Lei

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?


Elena’s story:

Find a good title for Elena’s story.

What is the most important sentence in Elena’s story from YOUR point of view?

Describe her job experience.

How does Elena live?

What are the difficulties she will face in the next years to come?

What is her opinion about her situation?

What would you propose to Elena to improve her situation?


Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?

Booklet 4 – Topic 2 - Task 2: Understanding information about working poor


The task: You get basic knowledge from a short text about working poor and you try to understand it.

Classroom organisation: 30’ You work basically by yourself but you share your ideas with your neighbour in class.


1 ) Reading texts takes time if you want to understand. Reading once is often not enough. Choose the text you want to read. If you have already read article 1 in General Gymnasium, read article 2. 2 ) Take the ruler and a marker and mark words you need to understand and keywords of the article. Find around the ten, that you define as being important. 3 ) Note the keywords. 4 ) Write your ideas about the prevention not to become working poor or how to escape it. .

Materials: - Booklet 4 - Marker - Ruler

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?


The working poor – a new phenomenon ?

Article 1: The working poor – a new phenomenon ? The term “working poor” comes from the United States of America but defines a group of people that is also becoming bigger and bigger in Europe. Working poor people work a minimum of 30 hours per week and earn a salary that is under the minimum wage of Romania. This is currently at about € 140 per month. The biggest number of the working poor comes from among the group of migrant people who do not have any professional training or formal qualification. But also qualified people sometimes receive a very bad salary in some companies and have to turn to somebody to get support. Young couples with children, divorced women and men, full-time working men who have to pay for children in case of a divorce, unqualified or badly qualified people of both gender as well as jobs with a very bad protection of their workers by the unions are the most endangered groups. The problem multiplies itself if these people have to take care of a family. Thus, a great number of the working poor lead a very modest life. Some of them seek assistance and support in social institutions, local communities or in family and friends. In some countries the unions have started to ask for fairer minimum wages for their workers. According to them a minimum wage has to be realistic enough that the person who works full-time can afford his/her costs of living and is not dependent on any kind of social welfare. Article 2: Working poor in Romania “In Romania, after 2000, the number of poor people decreased substantially, mainly due to the economy revival. Nonetheless, the poverty levels are much higher than in most other European countries. Economic growth is definitely necessary but not sufficient for bringing poverty in Romania down to European levels. This paper is a proof in this sense, since it shows that the inherent market imbalances need decisive political will for being tackled. In Romania the majority of the poor are working poor. Thus, the work effort of the poor is comparable with that of the non-poor, but working poor hold less desirable and less predictable jobs, working for less money or in exchange of in-kind earnings, for less benefits ( for one, without paid social contributions ). Employed mostly exposed to the risk of being working poor are precisely those that cumulate: 1 ) flexible ( atypical ) forms of work: self-employed, no labour contract, short-tem contract etc., which are more insecure and precarious than the typical employment 2 ) active in the economic sectors with the highest risk of informal economy: agriculture, const ruction, trade, tourism and catering 3 ) unskilled and poorly educated 4 ) location in the least developed areas of the country: villages and small towns from the Eastern and Southern regions


Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?

In spite of economic growth, the increasing polarization of the labour market between low or unskilled workers and high-skilled workers and the increasing gap between different regions interact and result in a structural pattern which generates social exclusion. Social exclusion with long-term consequences, because it does not affect solely the ‘undeserving’ adult ( “who did not like school” ) but also the children and elderly that live in the working poor households and depend upon their parents/children. 2. 7 million children live in working poor households, out of which 2 .16 million belong to households of self-employed in agriculture located in the rural areas. Of course, some of these imbalances can be offset, in part, through social protection programs. The actual national social protection system, although improved in recent years, provides some help but it does not have yet the capacity to protect efficiently precisely these most vulnerable groups of population. Four policy recommendation - the best way to prevent working poor is to fight the child poverty - improve the system of Vocational Education and Training - make Life Long Learning effective, particularly in the regions and for the groups highest expo- sed to the risk of being working poor. ( … ) - make operational all labour market institution ( Temporary Work Agencies, regulated atypical forms of work etc. ) related to increasing flexibility, from the flexicurity perspective” ( Stanculescu M. ( 2008 ) : Working poor in Romania. Poverty Monitoring AAA Program. Bucarest, 2008.

Keywords out of the article:

What is the best prevention not to become working poor in general ? What is it for young people your age ? For you ?

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?


Booklet 4 – Topic 2 - Task 3: Analysing reasons for working poor


The task: You try to find reasons for the fact that some people work and still stay poor.

Classroom organisation: 30’ You work by yourself, but as almost always: discuss questions and results with your classmates. Do this without disturbing the others who are writing, thinking.


1 ) Read carefully the short text on the next page. 2 ) Go through the collection of professions and try to understand what means to be vulnerable. 3 ) Find reasons and fill in the table.

Materials: - Booklet 4


Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?

There might be several reasons why a person earns only little money and is on the verge of not surviving with his/her income. It is a given fact that some groups in society are more likely to be among working poor than others. Last week you have worked on a similar example when you looked at the differences between men and women. What other groups are “vulnerable” in our society? Who do you think is more prone to becoming a working poor? Circle first the three you think are more vulnerable. Then, circle the three you think are least vulnerable. Then put all of them into the list next page and try to find reasons.

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ers Single moth


W or ke

rs fro m

en dm e rc o v Di


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minorities ( eg . Roma



divo rced wom en eople p t n a r mig

kids illiterate h t i w s e l people p ou c g n u ad Yo ole sce unqualified people nts Farmers ining grad a r t uate e l t t i l stude h t i w nts e l p o e p Workers in subsi stence a gricultu re s rker o w n o i t c u constr

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?


Working poor.

My personal ranking, beginning with the three I believe are most vulnerable and ending with the three I find least vulnerable::

Who ?


Why ?

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?

Booklet 4 – Topic 2 - Task 4: Short essay about success in work


The task: You give your personal view on questions of success by writing a short essay.


Classroom organisation: 45’ Writing is an individual task. It is though important to share ideas with others before you write. So get support if needed.


1 ) Writing an essay means writing down your thoughts. Do some thinking and then some writing. 2 ) Write it in a way, so it could be interesting for others to read. 3 ) Be ready to read it to others or to be read by others. 4 ) The teacher will ask some of you to read your essay. 5 ) Your will put your story on your desk for a moment of silent reading by the others ( all the students walk from desk to desk and read the essays of the classmates ).

Materials: - Booklet 4

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?


In newspapers you could find headlines like the following:


No school for me – earning money is better! Becoming a businessman/ woman – How I make it to the top

I did it my way – The story of my success 28

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?

Sort your thoughts in your heads and write a short essay. Choose one of the headlines (or create your own) for your essay. Write a short story that is either funny or interesting or surprising. And don’t be satisfied too early! Take your time!

My headline:

My text:

Booklet 4 - Topic 2: Working full-time for almost nothing?


Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job Analysing the situation of unemployment The vicious circle One example for a vicious circle is the cycle of poverty: Poor families can become trapped in poverty for more than one generation. These families have either limited or no resources necessary to get out of poverty, such as finances, education or connections. In other words, poverty-stricken individuals experience disadvantages as a result of their poverty, which in turn increases their poverty.

Booklet 4 – Topic 3 - Task 1: Human rights as a basis for employment


The task:


The Universal Declaration for Human Rights gives the right to work for everyone. Many people around the world are without jobs. You give reasons and you try to understand.


Classroom organisation: You sit in groups of four for the discussion. The thinking has to be done by yourself though.

Procedure: 1 ) Go through the text on the following page. 2 ) Article 23 of the ‘Declaration’ has 4 parts. Understand the implications that they have. 3 ) Take your personal notes before you discuss with your group members. 4 ) Be sure it is a good discussion, which means: everybody gives his her opinion. You listen to each other and comment what you have heard. 5 ) At the end the teacher will ask for short summaries from the groups. Who will be your speaker?

Materials: - Booklet 4 - Internet


Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job

A third without a job.

About 1 billion workers are unemployed world-wide. This is one third of the global working population. Unemployment of young people is especially high. In Europe, the unemployment rate is about 23 %, in Romania it varies from year to year due to the economic growth or decline. On, or you can find the actual rates. In some European countries every third young person between 15 and 24 is unemployed. Whereas in a lot of European countries the governments try to install systems of social welfare for unemployed people, in other countries of the world being unemployed means a struggle for life. Mostly more men are unemployed than women. A right to work! This is a bad situation even though almost all countries of the world have agreed on a right that every person should have: The right to work! This is written in the so called “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” – a document that was agreed and signed in 1948 by the United Nations - almost all countries of the world. In Article 23 ( the document has got 30 articles ) it says:

“Universal Declaration of Human Rights” Article 23 1 ) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable condi tions of work and to protection against unemployment. 2 ) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. 3 ) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. 4 ) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Questions - Why do you think so many people are still unemployed despite article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ? - Some say the state is responsible to create jobs. Some say this is the responsibility of private companies. What do you or people you know think ? - Take notes for the discussion ( next page ). - Discuss this in a group of 4. - Decide who will be the speaker.

Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job


My notes::


Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job

Booklet 4 – Topic 3 - Task 2: Create your personal bag sticker

The task: X

In your group you work as designers. Create slogans that could be fun or make people think about the importance of work.

Classroom organisation: 30’ If the teacher does not say anything else, you stay in the same group as before.

Procedure: 1 ) First you decide on one of the two slogans given on the fol- lowing page. This is a difficult choice because you must decide on your opinion. 2 ) Now you start the creative process of designing your own slogan. 3 ) Decide together: Shall it be interesting, true, funny, nasty or cynical ? Do you want to slightly change an already existing quote ? 4 ) Maybe this becomes a class project with real t-shirts at the end. Discuss it with your classmates and the teacher. Find a sponsor.

Materials: - Booklet 4

Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job


Which statement would you rather carry on a bag ?

1 ) If you are unemployed, it’s your own fault!

2 ) If you are unemployed, it’s because of this unfair economy!

I choose number … because…

Now create your own slogans. Funny ones, creative ones or serious ones. Examples:

I work so I am.

Work is good!!! ( for the others )

My work is my castle.

Now get a sheet of paper, draw a bag and design the bag sticker or the bag with your ‘best’ slogan. Maybe you make a class contest of the best bag of all, you find a sponsor and you print the stickers for the bags?



Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job

Booklet 4 – Topic 3 - Task 3: Reasons for unemployment


The task: You identify the reasons for unemployment and try to find solutions for avoiding them.

Classroom organisation: 40‘

You work in pairs and then join another pair.


1 ) There is an empty table to be filled with your ideas for unem ployment. You might have to read the booklet with all the texts again. 2 ) Go together with a colleague and exchange your ideas. Write down your ideas on the list. 3 ) The two of you go on the streets now and ask about 5 -10 people about their ideas for unemployment. Write down their answers in the second list. 4 ) Go back to the classroom and compare the lists. 5 ) Choose three items of that appear on both lists, give them a key word and give ideas on how the unemployment could be changed. 6 ) Together with another pair you put down your ideas on a flipchart/poster.

Materials: - Booklet 4 - Posters ( flip chart paper ) - Photos from journals - Scissors, glue, pens

Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job


There can be several different reasons why people lose their jobs or cannot find a new job. Make a short brainstorming together with a partner and list at ten ideas including both reasons generated by the person or by the society. Choose then three of them and give proposals on how this could be changed by the person Your list of ideas: Nr.

Reasons for unemployment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 People‘s ideas: Nr.

Reasons for unemployment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 These 3 were chosen by both groups: Nr. Keyword Possibility for a change ( individual or society/state )


Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job

When you are finished go together with another pair and start making a poster. It is up to you to decide what will be on the poster. Write, draw, use pictures, be artistic or graphical. You can try to express yourselves in any way. Just remember that it should represent “Reasons for unemployment”. Note: Make sure you all agree on what you will put on the poster and that you all divide your tasks among each other. Decide with others and with the teacher on how to exhibit your posters. In class, in the hall, in the gym… Take a photo of your poster and put it in your folder.

Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job


Booklet 4 – Day 3 - Task 4: The vicious circle of unemployment


The task: You know more about the mechanisms of unemployment und you share your view with others.


Classroom organisation: 30’ You first work on your own and then you actively discuss in the plenary.


1 ) Elaborate the term “vicious circle” in depth. Write down it me ans to you. Consult your colleagues for this by walking around, sharing your thoughts and asking for their ideas. 2 ) Look at the five steps of the vicious circle of unemployment understand them well. 3 ) Answer the questions written underneath the circle and prepare yourself for a class discussion. 4 ) Be an active member of the class discussion!

Materials: - Booklet 4


Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job

What is a vicious circle? Write down your thoughts here and discuss with a colleague:

The vicious circle of unemployment Go to the definition of topic 3 in your booklet (vicious circle) and read it carefully. The phenomenon of unemployment shows a similar circle as the example of poverty in the text.

5 1 3 2 4

Being unemployed means often not having enough money to afford one’s living. People are unemployed because they don’t have sufficient training or the necessary qualification. Having no money means not being able to afford the necessary training. People come from families who cannot afford to invest into qualifications or training. Not having the necessary training means not finding a job and staying unemployed.

Questions: 1 ) What are the consequences of unemployment ? a. For the person individually ? b. For society as a whole ? 2 ) How could the vicious circle be broken ? The teacher will organise a class discussion. What kind of suggestion do you have ? Bring them into the discussion!

Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job


Booklet 4 – Topic 3 Homework: How to break a vicious circle.


The task: You write a short article on how to break a vicious circle of unemployment.


Classroom organisation: homework

This is a homework task. You either do it alone or together with someone.

Procedure: 1 ) Start with a mind map: what could be the keywords for an article ? 2 ) Maybe you read short articles in a newspaper. 3 ) Write your own, alone or in pairs. 4 ) Be ready for a publication in the school newspaper or elsewhere.

Materials: - Booklet 4 - Newspapers - Toolbox nr. 8 ” Mind maps”


Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job

In my opinion, we do not need to abolish homework; we just need to reinvent it to better suit the needs of today‘s generation.” ( Bijal Damani is an 11th and 12th grade commerce and business studies teacher in the Galaxy Education System in Rajkot, India, and has received numerous honors ) ( Online under www. http: // / publications / newsletters / education-update  / dec10 / vol52 / num12 / Homework %E2 %80 %94To-Give-or-Not-to-Give.aspx [ 02.05.2013 ] ).

My preparation notes

Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job


How can a vicious circle of unemployment be broken ?

Write a short article for your local newspaper, for your school newspaper, for a newspaper that you could help to find. Use the hints from the toolbox (Tool 10). Start on this page with a mind map so you collect your ideas. Find a good title that represents your main idea and attracts readers. Use a computer to write this article and bring it next week printed out or on a stick to school. Add a copy to your folder.

My mind map to prepare my newspaper article:


Booklet 4 - Topic 3: Not everybody has got a job

Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country Analysing the economic situation of my country and region Economic boom An economic boom is a period that follows an era of recovery in a normal economic cycle. It is characterized by an economy working at - full or near-full capacity, - strong consumer demand, - low rate of unemployment, - rising stock market and it often goes along with consumer price increases. This could create inflation. Inflation is an uncontrolled upward movement in the average level of prices.

Booklet 4 – Topic 4 - Task 1: Understanding the phases of economic movement


The task: You understand the four phases of the economic movement. You can explain it to others.

Classroom organisation: 30’ You choose if you are allowed to work in close relation with a classmate. Train your knowledge with him/her.

Procedure: 1 ) Get the basic information about economic terms on the next page by filling out the form. Check your answers with a colleague. 2 ) It is important to understand the four phases of economic movement. This is the reason you need to be able to explain it to others. To do so, you find good and easy explanations. If you need it, find additional information in the internet. 3 ) Test your new knowledge by explaining it to your colleagues.

Materials: - Booklet 4 - Internet


Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

Understanding the important terms in economy.

Match the correct terms with the correct explanation. Draw the lines!. Slump/recession Crisis/depression Boom Boost/recovery

An economic recovery is the phase during which an economy regains and exceeds peak employment and output levels achieved. A recovery period is typically characterized by abnormally high levels of growth in products, employment, corporate profits, and other indicators. A period of significant output within a population. The period is marked by productivity increases, sales increases, wage increases and rising demand. An economic boom may be accompanied by a period of inflation. A slump is a period of poor performance or inactivity in an economy, mar ket or industry. In economic terms, a slump specifically refers to a recession, signaling a slow-down of business activity. In economics, a depression is a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in an economy. It is a more severe downturn than a recession, which is seen by some economists as part of the modern business cycle.

The development of economy does not move constantly and steadily. On the contrary, times of growth ( boom ) and stagnation ( standstill ) alternate with times of economic set-back ( recession, crisis ). These movements are often shown in the form of a diagram, representing the ups and downs of economy with waves. The four phases of economic movement Phase 2: boom ( high financialgrowth )

Phase 1: boost ( recovery )

Phase 3: slump ( recession )

Phase 4: crisis ( depression )

In reality, this is a lot more complex: - The different phases cannot be sharply divided from each other. - The phases are not equally long. - The ups and downs can be very different from each other Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country


Phases Phase 1

Explanation of the phase in simple words you could give to others that have not studied it. Make whole sentences. Do not only copy the text above.

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Work in pairs. Explain a term to a classmate. Insert a mistake in your presentation to test his/her attention!


Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

Booklet 4 – Topic 4 - Task 2: Knowing basic economic terms


The task: In economy ( and on the economic pages of newspapers and on tv ) some economic terms are used a lot. You will know them after this task.

X 30’

Classroom organisation: In small groups ( 2 – 4 ) you work on this task till you know all the terms by heart.

Procedure: 1 ) You carefully fill in the form on the next page on your own. 2 ) You compare your solution with the one of your group partners. 3 ) You take turns in testing each other, until all are capable of explaining the terms ( maybe in your own words).

Materials: - Booklet 4

Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country


Boom and crisis – what happens ?

Below you can find different terms. Try to match them to the correct economic situation: boom or crisis ? BOOM


general atmosphere consumption/demand production/offer investments prices salaries/win employment savings state budget

Terms: optimistic atmosphere salaries go down prices decrease people keep on buying less and less prices increase bad atmosphere people keep on buying more and more high production, demand increases no investments are made low production, demand decreases salaries start to rise investments are made almost no job openings, unemployment all people are employed people stop saving a lot people start saving more and more the state collects a lot of taxes taxes are low, the state has deficits

Compare your results with colleagues. If something is unclear, try to get help ( consult the internet ). Test each other if you can explain the terms by heart. This should be the goal of this task! Make sure, you also look up the English terms, since the scientific discussion is mainly in English.


Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

Booklet 4   Topic 4 - Task 3: Economy in Romania – an Internet research

The task: You learn how to find information about economy in Romania of today and tomorrow. X

Classroom organisation: 45’ Preparation ( working on keywords ) you do together with classmates in school. When you have Internet connection in school you will do the research work partly in school. Otherwise you must find the possibility to have access someplace else or to find another information source.


1 ) You work on keywords for your internet research by using what you have learned so far. Read the instruction on the fol- lowing page. 2 ) List your keywords in the provided table underneath. 3 ) While researching in the internet record the most useful links in the second table. Also give a comment so you know what the link is about. 4 ) Work in pairs. Compare what you found out and present to the class the three most interesting opinions.

Materials: - Booklet 4 - Internet - Toolbox nr. 5 ”Researching in the internet”

Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country


Romania’s economic situation.

Romania has gone through a phase of transition during the last 20 years. Especially with joining the European Union, Romania’s economic situation and its economic relations becomes important for the whole continent. What will be the future of the economic situation in Romania ? How do specialists see this for the year( s ) to come ? What are the information you can find on the internet about these the economy of Romania and its neighbours ? First go into the toolbox and learn about research in the internet if needed. Collect a list of keywords you will look up. Be sure to quote where you have the articles from you find in the internet. Keywords to look up when doing research on the economy of Romania: i.e. marketing, market economy, transition, crisis


Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

Links I have found and my comments about the information:













Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country















Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

Booklet 4 – Topic 4 Preparation for Unit 5 Jobs everywhere!


The task: You show at the beginning of Unit 5 a drawing of your way to school with all the businesses you can find added with those who know in your town or quarter.

X homework

Classroom organisation: Homework

Procedure: 1 ) You draw your way to school on the empty sheet next page. 2 ) You write all the shops, businesses, companies you find with numbers. 3 ) You fill the list with numbers, name of the shop and what is produced, sold, done there. Which ones are in your chosen professional field? Indicate them in colour. 4 ) You add on the list those businesses and companies you know and you want to mention even though they are not located along your way to school. They should also be in your chosen professional field. 5 ) When you come back to school you compare your preferred businesses (within your professional field) with the companies and businesses your teacher has got in his/her JOBS business pool. Do you have a match? If yes, it will be easy to go there. If no, but you are very interested in going there, you have to discuss with your teacher how to establish contact.

Materials: - Booklet 4 Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country


A sketch of my way to school

On this page you draw a sketch of you journey from home to school. Along way you mark ALL the businesses, shops, factories etc. You can find (write figures starting from 1). Means, you look for all the places people work and earn money in. On the next page you write it in a list with the number, the name of the business and work is being done there. Underline or indicate in colour the ones within your professional field.


Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

Here you list all the businesses along your way to school plus the extra ones you know and you want to mention even though they are not located along your way to school. Compare them also with the ones in the JOBS pool of your teacher.


Name of the business

Work that is being done there

Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country


Booklet 4 – Topic 4 Reflection of Booklet 4: Job Opportunities


The task: You become aware of what you have worked on in the past month

X 30’

Classroom organisation: During the first phase you are at your desk. During the second phase the whole class sits in a circle.

Procedure: Go through the leading questions. To answer them read the entries in your booklet and all your notes again.

Materials: - Booklet 4 - all your notes


Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

Questions for the evaluation You will be thinking and writing short texts about two themes: a ) contentwise, what you learnt, and b ) you as a learner, how you learnt. You find a series of questions, but you don’t have to answer them all! Probably you first make a list, or a mindmap before starting writing in this booklet ?

Content: “The world of JOBS” - What have you learnt about the world of JOBS ? - Which fact impressed you most ?Why ? - Which person impressed you most ?Why ? - Write a statement about what has become important to you. - What has surprised you ? - What are you happy about ? - Where do you see problems ?

Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country


You as a learner - What have you learnt about the different work methods ? - Which method can you handle well, which needs further practice ? - Which situations during JOBS-lessons were the best for your learning ? - Which task in this booklet was the easiest, which the most fruitful for you ? - What helps you most in further learning situations ? - What has surprised you ? - What are you happy about ? - Where do you see problems ?

Feedback from the teacher:

Date and signature of the teacher: 62

Booklet 4 - Topic 4: Poor country – rich country

The didactical elements of JOBS

1. Task-based-learning

2. From lecturer to facilitator

3. The art of waiting

4. Real time learning

5. Co-operative Learning

6. Differentiation and individual levels of quality

7. Goal-orientation

8. Formative Assessment

9. Creating an atmosphere of trust and respect

10. Diversity and heterogeneity

11. Orientation towards reality

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