[Public] [SCD PRO] [Gabriel Ortez] Candidature Package SCOPE Director 2020/2021

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Gabriel Ortez CANDIDATURE FOR: SCOPE DIRECTOR Term 2020/2021


Table of content

SCOPE Director





Letter of motivation


Beloved IFMSA Family, I am writing this letter “with my heart on my hand”. What does this mean you might say? Well, I am completely anxious and excited. How can I not be more excited if I, a regular born & raised Honduran young adult, is applying for such a huge leadership position? I would dare to say that passion runs through my veins; passion is what makes IFMSA members different from all the other Medical Doctors around the world. Passion is what makes this Federation the best platform in the globe that serves to empower medical students in order to be the leaders of today and the world health leaders from the future. IFMSA is the perfect place for dreamers, we all have thought about changing the world, the status quo, the access to healthcare services, before starting Medical School these thoughts never crossed my mind because I realized that I didn't have a platform to accomplish this until IFMSA got to my faculty. The first LEO from my LC invited me to work for SCOPE, I didn't realize what I was entering and without knowing I became the first active member of IFMSA-UNITEC (my LC) in 2017. Months passed and I saw everything so complicated, I just wanted to learn so I decided to run for LEO 2018, I had nothing to lose, actually, I had more things to earn so I did it and, breaking the news, I got the position. All the experience I gained at the local level is what makes our slogan so truthful, "Think Global, Act Local". This motto is the reason we are here and this is why I decided to understand the Global part, I attended SCOPE Sessions at AM18 in Montreal, Canada. I remembered Tommi SCOPE D 2017/2018 as an Exchanges God with Kate SCORE D 2017/2018. That synergy of work and all the work both IT's did that year made me realize what I wanted for the future. In 2018 I ran for the most important position inside SCOPE, of course I didn't run for SCOPE D that year, I ran to be a NEO form IFMSA-Honduras. You all might be thinking that I am crazy, but that is the truth. Anyone that has worked in SCOPE will agree with me, being a NEO is simply the most important and most incredible adventure of someone’s life inside Exchanges. This being said, I wanted to work for NEOs and help them, help my region to grow, and thankfully I was selected as SCOPE Regional Assistant for Americas, a position I currently have. Being where I am today just confirmed what I said earlier, NEOs are the heart of SCOPE and the main gear inside this engine named SCOPE. During all these past months I have taken into account what I've lived with the SCOPE IT and the Americas RT, team building is the most important thing inside a group of workers, with this you end up being a family, I want to lead the SCOPE Family next year so all the NEOs around the world in our 5 beautiful regions can have a consolidated team that will work fully committed for them and for the betterment of their exchanges program.This is why I want to exchange one year of my life to SCOPE and IFMSA, with all my energies here I am presenting my Candidature for IFMSA SCOPE Director for the term 2020/2021. On the next pages, you will see my Plans and how I envision SCOPE should be for the next period. Yours truly, Gabriel Ortez

Plan of action









Plan of action


1. INTERNAL DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Academic Quality

a. Manuals i. PDT & UAT Manual ii. LEO & LORE Manual iii. Educational Activities Manual b. Create Strategies in order to increase EF’s filling. i. Add inside the SCOPE Regulations a new Voting Rights requisite, if LEOs actively chase the Students to fill Post EF and emphasize that if the student hasn't filled the EF he can’t receive the certificate. c. Create an Educational Activities Database. d. Create new ready-made educational activities for incoming students (in collaboration with the other Standing Committees and Project Coordinators) inside the EA Database. i. Search the possibility of working with externals to enroll this and work with NGOs and collaborate like UNESCO PDT. e. Basic Surgical Skills Training (Promotions and visibility of the training to increase AQ) f. Create a Manual on basic doctor-patient interaction manual (For non-surgical exchanges). g. Update the NEO Handover Manual and encourage this process via the RAs for the NMOs. h. UNESCO Ethics PDT (promotion to increase Global Health Education & AQ).

1.2 Regional Strategy Making & Representation

a. Work with RAs and the NMOs in order to create exchanges regional strategies to increase AQ, CB and Exchanges Recognition. b. Follow up on each region depending on their needs based on the NEO Report AM 2020, Needs Assessment 2020/2021 & SCOPE Strategic Plan Annex 2020-2021. c. Implement Follow Up Plans inside each NMO with the RAs. d. Emphasize the creation of AWP’s for NEOs in every NMO, involving RAs in the process. e. Encourage NEOs with the RAs to create National SCOPE Strategies and include exchanges in their NMO Strategy. f. With the RAs recommend NMOs to involve NEOs in the creation of their national budgets for exchanges. g. Motivate NEOs to take an active part in International work through joining International SWGs, Sessions Team, attending International Meetings. h. Promotion of Exchanges via Exchanges Week and regional initiatives.

1.3 SCOPE Initiatives

a. Launch at least 3 out of the 5 initiatives next term prioritising the ones that are ready. i. Trilateral Exchanges: They are almost done, we only need to implement them and add them to the Database. ii. IFMSA-IADS Exchanges: Finish the regulations and make the call for the trial phase. iii. SCOPE-SCORE Exchanges: Repeat the process and the call done by IDA 19/20. iv. Exchanges in Multiple Departments & Long Duration: Finalise and add them to the Regulations as an option for the students. v. Preclinical Exchanges: Align them with the Basic Science Exchanges of SCORE. b. Based on the Strategic Plan Annex SCOPE IT 20/21 will leave recommendations for the next IT on what new Initiatives can be created based on the Evaluation and needs, all these aligned with the SCOPE Strategic Plan 20222025.

1.4 Inter Regional Collaborations

a. Promote and have a continuous brainstorming throughout the term with the RAs on new collaborations. b. NEO Buddy System: Reinstate it based on the NEO Buddies System Analysis 2018-2019 and the Needs Assessment 2020-2021. c. Exchanges Week: Reassess the format and propose an impact based strategy for universities. Also explore the possibility of a regional based exchanges week. Continue with a new SWG for innovation of ExWeek and creation of new initiatives.


Plan of action

SCOPE Director

2. EXTERNAL REPRESENTATION This part will be worked closely with LME, RD's & SCOPE EDA.

2.1 Endorsements & Externals Follow Up

Review all terms of each cooperation and look for the possibility of a more active collaboration.












2.2 Exchanges Recognition Regionally

Start looking for partners that can validate our exchanges in each region, such as: a. CONFEMEL in the Americas. b. European Medical Association & European Junior Doctors in Europe. c. Africa Medical Association. d. Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors. e. Association of MEdical Doctors of Asia. f. National Colleges of Physicians worldwide (with RAs). Exchanges Week: Reassess and propose an impact based strategy for universities. This will help NMOs to gain recognition.

2.3 Stakeholder Mapping

a. Fundings, grants and sponsorship: Look for organizations that cand fund exchanges for students that can’t pay the whole plane ticket, exchange fee etc. Also find organizations that can fund our activities (with RAs). b. New & Old Collaborators. c. Regional Confederations of Colleges of Physicians.

2.4 New Possible Collaborations

a. Airlines Alliances: Contact several alliances in order to gain discount codes for exchange students and possibly IFMSA Events. (After EB and VPF Consultation). b. AMBOSS, Lecturio & UpToDate: Medical Education collaborations with e-learning platforms for exchanges. Seak for 2 weeks to 1 month FREE accounts to all exchanges in the 5 IFMSA Regions. (After EB Consultation & Approval).

Plan of action


3. CAPACITY BUILDING 3.1 Exchanges Trainings a. TNET rework. i. Standardization of the workshop done by SCOPE DA for CB, with this we can ensure the quality of the workshop and all TNETs will receive the same knowledge with the same impact. Everything based on the TNET Impact Assessment and the strategies created by the DA. ii. I will ensure 1 TNET per GA. b. PRET reassessment. i. Explore the possibility of having Online PRETs. This will depend on how we can measure the impact, SCOPE DA for CB can assess this process with SCOPH IT (PHLT-T). c. Creation of a new training (Academic Quality & Global Health) i. At least conducted in 2 out of 5 RM’s. d. Global Health within Exchanges Training Guidelines. Create guidelines and add them to the regulations (point e). e. Create Regulations for all the exchanges workshops so we can have a standardized format, also innovate all the workshops after the reassessments. (With SCOPE DA for CB).

3.2 SCOPE Webinar Series a. Contracts Planning and Overview. b. Exchanges Administrative Work. c. Exchanges Management inside your NMO. d. How to organize SCOPE Sessions in NGAs? e. External Representation in Exchanges. f. How to gain recognition of exchanges in your NMO? g. National and Regional Endorsements, How to achieve it? h. Social Accountability within Exchanges. i. Other several topics depending on the Needs Assessment.

3.3 Accessibility a. Promote the organization of SCOPE Capacity Building activities in the NGAs (RAs). b. Increase PRETs in every region. Encourage NMOs via the RAs, conduct webinars on how to organize them in the webinar series and promote the benefits of the training. c. Keep track of TNET Trainers and involve them in exchange activities, sharing all the opportunities to be trainers in Exchanges. I will include them inside the SCOPE Webinar Series, and also ask them to deliver sessions at their NMOs, at least one session of Exchanges CB every 6 months. d. Train NEOs on how to conduct SCOPE Sessions in their NGAs, aligned to SCOPE SP & AWP with Webinars and conduct this topic on all RMs (depending the RAs point of view). e. Update the Exchanges Capacity Building Database. f. Increase NEO-NORE Weekend opportunities in the 5 regions. i. Explore what are the barriers that make the regions not even consider or do a NNW. I will address each region specifically with the RA’s for this.

Plan of action


4. SCOPE IT & STRATEGIC PLANNING 4.1 SCOPE IT Structure Create a new DA in charge of CB, this to ensure the quality and development of CB inside IFMSA Exchanges. IDA completely focused on NMOs Internal Development, SCOPE Initiatives and Educational Activities. GA focused on the database and SP, basically my right hand if elected and EDA working closely with LME on Pillar # 2. RA work will be as usual, I will consultate with RD's for this.






1 Africa 1 Americas 1 Asia-Pacific 1 EMR 1 Europe

LEX i. To be created for term 2021/2022 ii. LME position is completely overloaded on work, it is BASIC that we have a LO just for exchanges. With this we will have better collaborations and endorsements that can actually help increase AQ & Recognition throughout the NMOs, and also search for grant, funding and sponsorship opportunities.

4.2 Team Management a. Support. Always be in personal contact with them, weekly follow ups on their work to help them achieve all their plans. Communication will be the key that will lead the SCOPE IT to be a family and a work team at the same time. b. Individual OLMs with each member from the IT at least 2 times (preferably 3 depending on what quarter of the term we are in) in the term to create, follow up and evaluate their Annual Working Plans. c. Mental Health Watch for the team. d. Transparency of SCOPE IT: IT Monthly Reports. Implement the IT Cafes quarterly in each region, with these, NEOs and LEOs would be able to make questions and ask about our reports and our development throughout the term. Also always have a mailbox where we can receive suggestions, questions and complaints. Have at least 2 IT OLMs with observers. e. Monthly OLMs mandatory. Also having an option to have an Updates OLM to bond and share as a team every month and a half, this won’t be mandatory.

4.3 Strategic Plan & Global Priorities a. AWP based on the SCOPE Strategic Plan 2016-2021. Change the overview of the AWP, every IT member will have one AWP aligned to the General from SCOPE. This will ensure a better accomplishment of the SP and our AWP. b. Strategic Plan 2016-2021 WILL be accomplished and SCOPE IT 2020/2021 will leave recommendations for SCOPE Strategic Plan 2022-2025. c. Advocate for the inclusion in the IFMSA Strategy, a collaboration with SCORE & SCOME a pillar about Achieving Sustainable Exchanges with High Academic Quality, Exchanges are not fully mentioned inside IFMSA Strategy, they should be taking into consideration for next strategy so all NMOs, TO and relevant International Assistants can work together to ensure the academic learning of IFMSA exchanges. d. Align the SCOPE General AWP with the IFMSA Global Priorities 2020/2021, ensure the accomplishment of all the goals of Global Health Education Framework. For these, RAs, EDA & IDA will be completely available to work on this as a priority. 4.4 Database We all know database have been a huge problem for the proper disinvolvement of NEOs & NOREs last terms. a. Work closely with VPPRC on the search for a new IT Company so a new IFMSA Web Page can be developed and consequently the IFMSA Exchange Portal. b. Continue with the database proposal, call for inputs and start testing it after an IT company is found. c. Developing manuals for NOs, LOs & Students of the new IFMSA Exchanges Database. d. Explore the possibility to create an App of the IFMSA Exchange Database for future terms. 4.5 SWGs Preliminary list but always open to any other SWG needed for the term. a. Public Health Exchanges Alignment and Reform. b. Fair Outgoing Selection. c. PRET reassessment and Improvements. d. How to make eco-friendly exchanges? e. TNET Reassessment. f. New Exchanges Training. g. Exchanges Week. h. Finances in Exchanges (Revise and publish the work done by RA EMR 18/19). i. SCOPE Webinar Series.

Plan of action



SCOPE/SCORE collaboration throughout the term is basic and essential to develop IFMSA Exchanges. - Follow up on last term's work. • Exchanges Week. • Alignment of Preclinical + Basic Science Exchanges (This type of initiatives are very similar, aligning them will be very productive). • PRET Manual. • UAT Manual. • PDT Manual. • LEO/LORE Manual. - CB • Creation of a new Exchanges Training (Academic Quality & Global Health) - Higher accessibility. • TNET & PRET reassessment (Go to pillar 3 section 3.1). - Global Health • Global Health within Exchanges Workshop. • Global Health Education Manual. • How to apply Global Health to your Medical Curricula Guidelines (also with SCOME).


- Guidelines to conduct a Gender Equity Inclusive Exchange. (Includes SCORA XChange & SCOPE/SCORE Exchanges Program)


- Alignment of PHEx as a GAP Project with SCOPH & SCORE. - UHC Workshop & Healthcare Systems of the World for PDT/UAT. (PDT’s & UAT’s are the essential parts of AQ, with a UHC Workshop students will have a larger view of the Health concept and what countries are actively working. Also they will know beforehand a little bit about the healthcare system where they will be immersed in and understand the differences with their home country healthcare system. All these can be easily done thanks to the Healthcare Systems Database). - AMR Guidelines for each region in collaboration with WHO Regional Offices. (AMR and exchanges are closer than we imagine, as medical students on every clinical rotation we meet with antimicrobials, Regional AMR Guidelines for students, Medical Doctors and healthcare authorities with PAHO Offices will be an amazing collaboration between IFMSA and WHO).


- Exchanges Perspective of Refugees. • Continue with the SWG that is being conducted right now, follow up on their advances and continue with the project. - How to conduct an Inclusive Social Program in IFMSA Exchanges & Events (also with RDs).


- Educational Activities Enrollments (Include it in EA Manual). - Teaching Medical Education Skills inside PDT Manual. (PDT Manual should be as complete as can be, having these hard skills inside the manual would increase exponentially the Academic learning of SCOPE exchanges). - Medical Residencies Database. (Every IFMSA Member wants to do a residency program abroad, if not, in their home countries, finding all these information might be tricky, but helping them and elaborating a database with LME and the RDs with the RAs gathering all the information of medical residencies programs on each region, a resource that has never been developed but always needed). - Social Accountability within Exchanges. - How to apply Global Health to your Medical Curricula Guidelines (also with SCORE) - Basic Surgical Skills Training (LME Collaboration) re evaluation and promotion.

GABRIEL ORTEZ SCOPE DIRECTOR CANDIDATE +504 9842-0281 gabrielortez@unitec.edu

Nationality: Honduran NMO: IFMSA-Honduras Tegucigalpa, Honduras




SPANISH - N a t i v e ENGLISH - F l u e n t PORTUGUESE - G o o d ITALIAN - B e g i n n e r

• Tutor for Preclinical Students


CB EVENTS LEAD Trainer | Pre AmRM 2019 Manta, Ecuador PRET Trainee | 1st PRET in


Tegucigalpa, Honduras 2017

NEO Out IFMSA-Honduras 2020/2021 NEO Out IFMSA-Honduras 2019/2020 LEO IFMSA-UNITEC 2018/2019 SCOPE Active Member 2017



GAs RMs CB Events

IFMSA-Honduras 4th NGA Plenary Chair 2019 IFMSA-Honduras 4th NGA OC Chair 2019 Local SupCo 2019 OC Chair 1st Local Assembly 2018 Plenary Chair 1st Local Assembly 2018 OC 1st & 2nd National PDT of IFMSA-Honduras 2018 & 2019



People who have inspired me

This candidature was proudly made in Tegucigalpa, Honduras

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