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Copyright Š 2014 by Gabriella Jaya. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without written permission from the owner.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. Chief Seattle

Table of Contents










Alternative Method









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Logos PAGE 105

re:envision v. to imagine again or anew

PROJECT SDSU Earthday Festival

TYPEFACE Raleway, Helvetica, Blackout

INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez and Sean Bacon

[SOLUTION] The visual identity was designed to appeal to SDSU diverse students and organizations. The color green was used to promote a love of nature and inspire others to adopt green habits. I choose the fonts Blackout and Raleway to complement the geometric design of the project. The triangle buntings decorating the poster symbolize celebration. Applications made for this piece include a poster, tickets to the concert, and backstage pass along with free promotional items such as sunglasses, waterbottles, and sandals made out of eco-friendly materials. The poster is printed on socially responsible, eco-friendly wild grass paper with vegetable inks. Printed on campus the posters are not shipped using transportation but hand posted with every effort to reduce toxic chemicals, waste ink and solvent. Colors used:


Greenfest is a weeklong festival held annually each year by Associated Students of San Diego State University. The main purpose of the festival is to celebrate sustainability and Aztec pride. The website gives you tips on how to be more environmentally conscious and responsible of your day-to-day actions. Some of the events in the festival include food demonstrations, student competitions, a keynote speaker, and a fashion show. The festival is well known for their concerts, which have included many famous artists such as LMFAO, Lupe Fiasco, Steve Aoki and most recently Macklemore + Ryan Lewis. Sponsors include Kind Healthy Snacks, Blick Art Supplies, Hindsight Rehearsal Studios, and Shake Smart. [OBJECTIVE] Develop a friendlier brand image for Greenfest SDSU. The new branding will be used to encourage the diverse students at SDSU to participate in an eco-lifestyle for a week.

Keywords: celebration, education, and community



eco-latex sandals

Promotional items for the festival are made from ecofriendly materials such as eco-latex and bamboo. The poster to the right is printed with vegetable ink.

bamboo sunglasses



festival poster

twitter page

promotions page

re:define v. to identify as a concept again

PROJECT Earth-Friendly Commercial Cleaning

TYPEFACE Gotham, Eurostile

INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez and Sean Bacon

[OBJECTIVE] The goal of this brand is to generate consumer interest towards Enviroclean as well as awareness for its focus on the environment. [SOLUTION] A rebrand of enviroclean was necessary and a type treatment was implemented to be use across the varied applications. The swipe on the logo was included in the type to represent a sweeping motion one does when cleaning. The packaging is minimal to inform the consumer to sustainability. The packaging’s mission is to inform the public to sustainability. Enviroclean bottles are ecofriendly, manufactured from materials containing recycled post-consumer resin. They also meet the Green Seal environmental standard for household cleaners based on its reduced toxicity, biodegradability, packaging and other characteristics. I decided to go for a more honest approach and choose to represent the quality of the product with a seal of approval from Green Seal and images found online that convey value and cleanliness. The simple color palette of floods of white make it effective in the cleaning product market and create an eco-friendly look.

Colors used:


Enviroclean is a cleaning company serving San Diego County since 2006. The company offers professional cleaning services such as office cleaning, window cleaning, floor care, carpet cleaning, and other janitorial service. In the near future, the company plans to launch a line of allpurpose cleaners to his clients.

Keywords: commerical cleaning, eco-friendly, professional





re:stimulate v. to give new life or vigor to

PROJECT Geothermal Energy Museum

TYPEFACE Proxima Nova

INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez and Sean Bacon

[OBJECTIVE] Create an infographic poster informing the viewer of the benefits of geothermal energy and the use of alternative energy sources. Develop a branding system for the museum to use on postcards, receipts, and miscellaneous items such as mugs and pins for museum patrons and guests. Design a brochure to enlighten visitors about the practicality of geothermal energy. [SOLUTION] San Diego City College Graphic Design adopted the Italian village and skyped with city officials and townspeople to re-brand the village. To grab attention and visitors to the city’s Geothermal Museum I created a playful poster that juxtaposes the familiar in and unfamiliar setting combining a light bulb and globe. The flip side of the poster features an infographic showcasing the benefits of geothermal energy. The colors maroon and gold are used throughout the design to promote the rich culture of Italy. Museum patrons are given the option to request an email or printed receipt on recycled paper and round up their purchases to the nearest amount in support of geothermal education and outreach.

Colors used:


Located in the Province of Siena, Radicondoli is an Italian commune in Tuscany. It is a beautiful hilltop town, surrounded by trees and wildlife. In recent years, the economy has dwindled and the city is sparsely populated with the youth moving to bigger cities to look for work. Radicondoli is unique for their use of alternative energy such as geothermal, which is generated from the heat of the earth. Like many alternative energies, geothermal is clean, renewable, and sustainable.

Keywords: renewable energy, information, science



This is the back of the poster. To the left is the front of the poster.



re:imagine v. to visualize again or anew

PROJECT Virtual Green Magazine

TYPEFACE Univers, Palatino

INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez and Sean Bacon

[OBJECTIVE] The online publication provides the latest information and insights into sustainability with fresh and fascinating content that delivers to the everyday environment. [SOLUTION] Puravita reduces the amount of paper waste and ink used in paper magazines. The magazine will be sponsored by big corporations looking for a way to expand their commitment to sustainability such as Time Warner Cable and Unilever. Users have the option of using a table to access the magazine. This facilitates the ability to jump from content to content in a flexible and easy manner using the navigation at the bottom of each article. Rich in content and packed with valuable information, articles include tips for improving indoor air quality, green homes and architecture as well as global warming. The magazine stays focused on readers with less type per page, focusing on more graphics and interactive components.

Colors used:


Puravita is an online publication that informs and educates readers on a range of environmental and lifestyle issues. Articles in the magazine include information on shopping local, high-speed rail, and sustainable travel. It is designed to appeal to college-educated folks who want to expand their knowledge in sustainability. Unlike conventional magazines which are published and printed, the platform of this magazine is for use on smart gadgets such as the iPad, Kindle, and iPhone.

Keywords: smart, practical, virtual





puravita+ for iPad. Reduce your current paper magazine consumption today by downloading our magazine which gives you tips and tricks on how to attain a more sustainable lifestyle.

re:focus v. to change the emphasis or direction of

PROJECT Public Campaign

TYPEFACE Univers, Bebas Lavanderia, Halo Handletter

INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez and Sean Bacon

[OBJECTIVE] The purpose of this campaign is to encourage people to adopt a green approach to their daily habits in order to change the future for the better. [SOLUTION] Hand-made illustrations were used to convey an aesthetic appeal. The illustrations are juxtaposed to vibrant photography in order to engage and capture viewer’s attention. The target market for this project are those between the ages of 20-40. The images inside the globe are things found in nature such as the sky and butterfly. The name alternative method is to emphasize that change requires a different way of action and behavior. This project is printed on 100% recycled paper with soy-based inks that are low in volatile organic compounds. Branded materials were created with a green printer who invested in state of the art equipment designed to minimize waste. This firm minimized chemical use in the plate-making and printing processes and does everything on site to monitor their environmental impact. They operate as a carbon-neutral business via carbon offsets of shipping emissions and investments of Renewable Energy credits.

Colors used:


Public Service Announcements, also known as PSAs, are great tools in creating awareness on a certain issue. The alternative method is a public service announcement created to change people’s attitude towards the environment. The campaign is to encourage others to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle. As social activist Howard Zinn once wrote “small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

Keywords: change, action, engage

Alternative Method


bike bell

The tote bags are made out of organic cotton and made using fairtrade labor.

promotional buttons

Alternative Method

045 001



re:discover v. to uncover something forgotten or ignored

PROJECT Male Outdoor Grooming Product

TYPEFACE Bebas, Univers

INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez

[OBJECTIVE] Create a grooming line for the outdoor male that acts as a catalyst to discuss men’s health issue. [SOLUTION] The logo was created to be simple, masculine, and rustic. The price point was higher to allow for more profit to be donated leading me to an oversized wood but that contained the kit. A rich mahogany color was stained on the wooden box to express quality. The engraved trees in the middle was used to represent the trees near the Allegheny River. A pamphlet was produced to engage consumers to learn more about the product and to get involve in the organizations that it support. The box kit includes aftershave, preshave oil, a shaving foam, sharp razors, and a travel-size shave brush. All products are made from natural ingredients and the pamphlet is made out of paper from certified sustainable forests.

Colors used:


Allegheny is a brand for the man in your household. It is a portable men’s grooming kit. However, it is also a venue to talk about men’s health. 25% of proceeds will go to Sierra Club and the Movember Foundation. The target market for this project are males between the ages of 25-32.

Keywords: american folklore, bearded men, quality



beard dye kit



engraved wooden box

The bottles are made from recycled glass while the wraps are printed on soybased ink on paper fiber.

bottle wraps

re:consider v. to consider something again

PROJECT Eco-Friendly Luxury Hotel TYPEFACE Trade Gothic INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez

[OBJECTIVE] To develop a hotel identity for Xingyun and take the needed steps for energy, cost, water and time saving environmental practices wherever possible. [SOLUTION] This property targets affluent businessmen from East Asia looking for a familiar place in an unfamiliar territory. This project consists of an identity manual, which lays out the brand structure and visual guidelines for the hotel. Applications produced for this piece include a phone and web application. Some of the practices featured on the identity are towel and sheet reuse programs, compact fluorescent lighting with sensors and timers for areas that are infrequently used. Guestrooms use a low flow showerhead and toilets to save on energy and water. There are recycling waste bins for newspaper, white paper, glass products, aluminum cans and cardboard and refillable dispensers in guestrooms. Recycled paper products are bleached using a chlorine free press and a solar water heating system for the pool.

Colors used:


Xingyun is a luxury green hotel inspired by the bustling city of Shanghai but located in Chinatown, Los Angeles. China is one of the fastest growing consumer market in the world but the city is plagued with pollution. Due to rapid industrialization, various form of pollution have increased causing widespread health and environmental problems. It shares these concerns with Los Angeles and the property aims for waste, water and energy reduction.

Keywords: air pollution, corporate responsibility, minimal




Brand Guidelines


co mb in at ion mark

br andmar k

word mark

mark sy mb ol ‘8 88 ’

mark name

luxury hotel

mark de sc ript io n

In Mandarin, XingYun means luck or fortune. In order to communicate this meaning to the mark, I created a brandmark with three eights since the number eight sounds similar to “wealth” or “fortune”. I also created my own typeface using the symbol to unify the symbol with the typemark.


99 M

38 R

PMS 7535

39 Y 26 G

47 K

23 C

64 B

196 R

HEX #261A4 0

PMS 174 26 C

92 M

150 R

97 Y 51 G

HEX #96330 F

33 Y

189 G

0 K

163 B


PMS 5477 24 K

15 B

20 M

74 C

51 M 61 R

53 Y 92 G

27 K 87 B

HEX #3D5C5 7

TYPOGRAPHY Trad e Go thic Bo ld

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz @#$ ^&*()_+ Trad e Go thic Bo ld

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz @#$ ^&*()_+


DO use complementary colors for the mark

DO use only one color for the mark

DO NOT stretch the mark

DO NOT use dropshadow

DO NOT make the mark smaller

DO NOT use strokes on the

than the minimum size

color background

DO NOT tilt the mark

DO NOT use more than one color for the mark


DO use one color for the pattern

DO NOT overlap pattern

DO NOT use more than one color


luxury hotel

1.25” minimum width

1.25” minimum width

1.25” minimum width

1” minimum width

CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY At Xingyun, we believe it is good business to be more aware of our surroundings whether it is the well-being of our clients or the environment around us. Here are some ways that we integrate sustainability in our daily activities.

Towel and Sheet Reuse Programs We offer all our guests the choice on whether or not to reuse their towels and sheets at the end of the day.

Low-flow showerheads and toilets In order to save ener gy and water, all of our bathrooms are eq uiped with low-flow showhe ads and toilets.

Recycle waste bins Each room h as a de signated area where ho tel guests can recy cle their newspaper, white paper, glass prod ucts and aluminum cans.

Low-emission vehicles All of our shuttle transporation are low-emission vehicles.

Fluorescent lighting and timers Infrequent are as are eq uiped with fluore scent lighting and timers to save money and ener gy.



Username Password Remember my password







한국인 日本語

Instead of registering at the front, guests at Xingyun can save time and reduce paperwork by checking in with their phone.

home page

promotions page

Xingyun bathroom accessories



Xingyun laundry card

Unused or leftover portions of guest room soaps, shampoos, conditioners and body wash are donated to Clean the World Foundation, which redistributes the sanitized hygienic material to countries in need.

Xingyun bathroom packaging

re:package v. to wrap in a different way

PROJECT Organic Seed Company

TYPEFACE American Typewriter Century Schoolbook

INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez and Sean Bacon

[OBJECTIVE] Reduce the amount of paper used for seed packaging as well as develop a brand image for Kismet that encourages urban gardening. [SOLUTION] When I first opened a tomato seed packet, I was surprised to see how little seeds there were compared to the large package. I wanted to create a package that would be reusable from cloth and printed with soy-based inks. To reflect the spirit of the brand I created a custom font for Kismet with inspiration from seed forms. Not only are the seeds packed in reusable cloth bags but Kismet ships their products in corrugated containers that are reused. Apart from reducing waste generation these reusable containers lower packaging costs. Packaging represents nearly one-third of the total solid waste stream and materials used to transport goods make up almost one half of packaging waste. Consumers who return empty seed packaging in the corrugated re-order envelope receive discounts on their future purchases.

Colors used:


Kismet is a seed package designed to promote urban gardening. The target market for this project is active, female city dwellers 20-35. They practice yoga in their spare time and shop at stores such as Lululemon and Anthropologie. This product is ideally sold in Whole Foods or Trader Joes. The information on the package will emphasize the ease of growing flowers and vegetables at home in pots. It will also advertise the benefits of gardening such as the reduction of pesticides and an increase in one’s own well-being.

Keywords: simple, craft, spring



handmade typeface inspired by seeds



The notebook and envelope are made out of 100% post consumer recycled material and printed on waterbased ink, while the pencil is crafted from reforested, natural wood.

re:fresh v. to give new strength or energy to

PROJECT Sustainable Fish Market

TYPEFACE Homestead, Mission Gothic Garamond, Geogrotesque

INSTRUCTOR Candice Lopez and Sean Bacon

[OBJECTIVE] To create a branding system for Ceviche fish market, which includes packaging and environmental design. [SOLUTION] The color orange was used to represent the vibrant Latino culture. Pieces produced for this project are a kids menu, a to-go box, and other miscellaneous items. The purpose of the kid’s menu was created to entertain the children while they wait for their food while educating them about seafood and sustainability. The overall clean aesthetic was used to feel fun and minimal while still being environmentaly-friendly. All menus are produced using soy-based ink while the to-go box is made from eco-friendly renewable corn plastic, which breaks down quickly.

Colors used:


Ceviche is a Spanish family oriented restaurant serving sustainably raised seafood. It offers a jubilant atmosphere with live music and friendly servers, but is still serious about sustainable seafood practices. The primary target market for this project are parents with children between the ages of 5-10.

Keywords: local, organic, fresh



ceviche storefront



top of ceviche takeout box

bottom of ceviche takeout box

kids menu with sustainable fish information




[pursiko] purecycling

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fitness center residential lighting cycling gear

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outdoor grooming kit janitorial service feminine skincare




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sustainability campaign design magazine seafood restaurant

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organic seed company boutique hotel local law firm


[pursiko] purecycling

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fitness center residential lighting cycling gear

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outdoor grooming kit janitorial service feminine skincare




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sustainability campaign design magazine seafood restaurant

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organic seed company boutique hotel local law firm

Many thanks. To Candice and Sean, thank you for your continuous encouragement, patience and support. I cannot thank you enough and to say how blessed I am to have met you both. I truly appreciate your willingness to nurture my skills as a graphic designer. To my father and sister, thank you for letting me know that I will always be loved no matter what stage of life I am in. To my photographer, Henry Young, and his lovely assistant, Cindy Reyes, thank you for the amazing photos, time, and patience. To my roommate Faith, thank you for letting me raid the fridge at 3 am and listening to my daily complaints. To Jou, thank you for pushing me to do more work and reminding me to eat and sleep. To Heber, thank you for helping me create my identity. To Bridget, thank you for always lending a hand and for your bright optimism. To the class of 2014 Portfolio B, thank you for your love and support.

GO GREEN! Designed by

Photography Printer Typeface


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Gabriella Jaya 619.888.9461 Henry Young Blend Century Schoolbook Bodoni Adobe CS6

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