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Graphic Design

Portfolio Requirements


Your portfolio will be assessed by a faculty evaluation committee. There is sometimes a student misunderstanding between course work and portfolio work. Projects graded in courses fulfill technical competencies but may not be portfolio ready. Your instructor will review your work and mark directions to achieve that final polish. Evaluation will be on Thursday of the 10th week of the quarter. Successful completion of portfolio review is on a pass/fail basis. If deemed necessary, a conditional sheet citing errors may be returned. You will have until 9 AM, Wednesday, of week 11 to complete these needed corrections. Revised portfolios will then be reviewed by the portfolio instructor. Mid Program Review serves as a check point on progress, to identify talents and provide feedback on areas that need work. Portfolio I shows skill in basic design as well as production techniques required of all designers. It highlights one’s ability to work on a variety of projects, showing a wide range of work both in type of project and in production methods.

Presentation and Submission All pieces in the portfolio must conform to a professional format demonstrating consistent presentation including boards that are all the same size, oreintation and color and housed within a professional portfolio case. All pieces in the portfolio must be labeled stating the requirement it satisfies. Students submit their portfolio to the Academic Director by 12:00PM on Thursday of Week 10. Students who fail to meet the above strict deadline will not pass Portfolio. Your portfolio will be accompanied by this signed form with the Portfolio II signature sheet certifying completion. I verify that my portfolio as submitted to the portfolio assessment committee: • contains all the required pieces. • is all my original art work. • is professionally presented. • ordered as listed on the requirement sheet. • all boards and portfolio appropriately labeled.

Portfolio II expands these skills and exhibits focused concentration and professional development above and beyond the basics displayed in Portfolio I. Student Signature

Senior Year courses expand your analytical and creative problem solving skills and provides a baseline for life long learning required as a professional.

The Art Institute of Seattle | Graphic Design Portfolio Requirements 2012-2013 | updated 3.27.12

The purpose of this review is to look at your competency as a designer and your professional development as a whole. This review is a requirement for all students. Work produced in the courses you have taken to date is reviewed showing skills in layout, use of color, typography, illustration, and conceptual development. Projects will be mounted on black board with project statements attached on the back. A design terminology test and self-assessment are also required.

Mid Program Review Exhibits

Concept Book

Applied Illustration or Infographic

Saved work from classes and projects Present an example of client research, ideas, development and process: • Show appropriate amount of research and concept development. • Feature at least 2 individual, complete creative developments (10-15 thumbnails, 6-8 comps) corresponding to existing projects in your exhibits. • Minimum size 7" x 10", 50 double-sided pages. • Must contain 80% of hand-rendered concept development and 20% of research from various sources.

Conceptual Illustration / Computer Drawing / Illustration Styles & Techniques Applied illustration with a client.

Typography & Page Layout Digital Typography / Type and Letterform Design Page layout using type as the primary design element with body text.

Production Art

Advanced Electronic Print Production • Production Certificate.

Page Layout & Periodical Design Electronic Print Production Computer generated professional newsletter completed in InDesign.

Advertising Design Concept Development Two black and white ads as part of a campaign.

Sketchbooks or other artwork outside of school studies Work exhibiting personal aesthetic Students are highly encouraged to share their personal artwork not directly related to courses.

Website Project Proposal Writing for Interactive Media A website proposal containing user experience parameters. • Bound or in interactive .pdf format.

Interactive Project Survey of Design / Interface Design A 3rd party website, mobile app or other interactive prototype with a client of choice having at least 5 interlinked pages.

Identity System Typography / Concept Development Projects focusing on a re-design must exhibit the original design for comparison. Trademark • Design must be of original concept. Application • Business card, letterhead and envelope. Collateral • Collateral appropriate to your client.

As some transfer students may not have taken all the indicated courses at AiS, please work with your instructor to fulfill these requirements.

The Art Institute of Seattle | Graphic Design Portfolio Requirements 2012-2013 | updated 3.27.12

The requirements for Portfolio I are outlined below. Each piece must be completed meeting these specifications with a signature obtained by the appropriate faculty. All printed pieces must be mounted on board and all projects are to be accompanied by a project statement. If the project was completed outside of school, through an internship, or was a group project, this must be stated in writing, including your role within the team and accompany the piece.

Portfolio I


Resumé | Business Card | Website

Page Layout | Periodical Design

Web Coding for Designers / Interface Design / Art Direction Resumé must meet the guidelines of Career Services and contain no spelling errors and must use standard American English grammer. A copy must be submitted to the career advisor at the time of the exit interview. • Resumé must be saved as an optimized .pdf for web delivery. • The website must be designed as part of the business cabinet, hosted by an external service, and contain contact info, portfolio work, and resumé.

Electronic Print Production Computer-generated professional newsletter completed in InDesign with a minimum of 4 pages with headlines, readable body copy, supporting visuals and masthead with title, publisher, date, volume and issue number. • Explore a variety of folding methods. • Explore the use of color as a design element. • May be produced as an eNewsletter.

Concept Book Saved work from classes and projects Present an example of client research, ideas, development and process: • Must show research, individuality and concept development. • Feature at least 2 individual, complete creative developments (10-15 thumbnails, 6-8 comps) corresponding to existing projects in portfolio. • Minimum size 7” x 10”, 100 double sided pages. • Must contain 80% hand-rendered concept development and 20% of research from various media.

Typography & Page Layout Digital Typography / Type and Letterform Design Page layout using type as the primary design element with body text, client and innovation.

Production Art

Advanced Electronic Print Production • Production Certificate

Advertising Design Concept Development 2 black and white ads as part of a campaign demonstrating strategy, concept, media application and 4 or more lines of body copy and a call to action. The pieces will be designed to a size specified by the publication or space in which it will be placed.

Identity System Typography / Concept Development Projects using re-design efforts must include the original design as part of the exhibit. Trademark • Design must be of original concept. • Show black and white output in two sizes; large with image area approximately 6” to 8” and another 33% of that size. Application • Business card, letterhead, and envelope. • Must simulate printed quality and produced on paper stock and envelope. Collateral • Collateral appropriate to the client.

Applied Illustration or Infographic Conceptual Illustration / Computer Drawing / Information Design Applied illustration with a client to be mounted if printed. Interactive work as approved by the Portfolio instructor.

The Art Institute of Seattle | Graphic Design Portfolio Requirements 2012-2013 | updated 3.27.12

All pieces must be cleared by the faculty member in whose class the piece was originally created; if the instructor is not currently on staff a faculty with competency in the course subject matter may sign. A signature is given only if the minimum requirements are met, the work is mounted or otherwise ready for presentation.

Portfolio I

Sign off sheet

ResumĂŠ | Business Card | Website ___________________________________

Page Layout | Periodical Design ___________________________________





Portfolio One

Portfolio One

Concept Book

Advertising Design







Portfolio One

Portfolio One

Typography: Page Layout

Identity System







Portfolio One

Portfolio One

Applied Illustration

Production Art ___________________________________






Portfolio One

Portfolio One

The Art Institute of Seattle | Graphic Design Portfolio Requirements 2012-2013 | updated 3.27.12

The requirements for Portfolio II is the choice of 8 from the projects listed below and the two required pieces. Each piece must be completed meeting the specifications as outlined and with the guidance of the portfolio instructor. All print pieces must be mounted and all projects are to be accompanied by a project statement. If the project was completed outside of school, through an internship, or as a group assignment, this must be stated in writing and accompany the piece, including our role within the team. Final portfolio approval is granted via committee review on a pass/fail basis.

Portfolio II


Portfolio Website Web Page Scripting for Designers Required Your website must have a unique URL and be externally hosted, containing 2 project statements evidencing research and objectives and downloadable as an optimized .pdf.

Interactive Project Survey of Design / Interface Design A 3rd party website, mobile app, kiosk or other interactive prototype with a client of choice exhibiting at least 5 interlinked pages.

Event Promotion Package Copy of Portfolio II on disc Required A labeled disc within your personal ID system containing all portfolio projects, organized, in at least a 150dpi resolution.

Website Project Proposal Writing for Interactive Media A website proposal containing user experience parameters. • Bound or in interactive .pdf format.

Brand Style Guide Promotional Design / Advanced Design A comprehensive instruction on brand usage and guidelines for print, web and mobile. • Bound or in interactive .pdf format.

Multi-page Publication Publication Design A publication of at least 28 pages, approximately 6 pages of informational graphics (i.e. graphs, charts, financial pages and forms) adhering to a grid system. Business Identity System; Local, Regional and National Art Direction A maximum of 2 projects including a business cabinet and 4 supporting collateral pieces appropriate to the business. • Local - low budget. • Regional - medium budget. • National - high budget.

Advanced Design / Art Direction Must include a minimum of 5 parts with a a press release and a case study.

Integrated Marketing Solution Advanced Design / Computer Drawing Must incorporate informational graphics, built to size specifications and be designed with at least 3 parts applied as environmental design.

Research Based Design Advanced EPP / Information Design Industry research applied to a design piece informing a specific audience, with a client. • Exhibit suitable design to support the information (i.e. brochure, booklet, publication, poster). • If book to be minimum of 8 pages. Ad Campaign: Trade Advertising, Public Service Advertising, Retail Advertising. Product Advertising Art Direction / Advanced Design Must consist of at least 5 parts (i.e. 3 print ads and 2 supporting collateral) in a format demonstrating support in print and media. Ads must be built to size of advertising space and scaled down proportionately. Must develop a case study to support project research.

Design Process Book Shows thought process from thumbnail to finish with a minumum of 5 projects illustrated. • Must be professionally bound. • Smallest dimension to equal 5.5”

AAA Students only: Develop 2 revised and expanded Portfolio I projects with the approval of the Portfolio instructor. The Art Institute of Seattle | Graphic Design Portfolio Requirements 2012-2013 | updated 3.27.12

Your portfolio contains a personal website, a disc of your portfolio work and exhibits eight projects you have selected. The signature of the Portfolio II faculty is given only if the portfolio piece has met the assigned deadline and fulfills all requirements. All pieces must be accompanied by a project statement. All pieces must be cleared by the Portfolio II faculty for committee review.

Portfolio II

Sign off sheet

Portfolio Website

Event Promotion Package





Portfolio Two files on disc

Integrated Marketing Solution





Research Based Design

Website Proposal ___________________________________




Ad Campaign: Trade Advertising

Brand Style Guide ___________________________________




Ad Campaign: Public Service Advertising

Multi-page Publication ___________________________________




Business Identity System: Local

Ad Campaign: Retail Advertising





Business Identity System: Regional

Design Process Book





Business Identity System: National

AAA only: Portfolio I revisions




project one - Faculty

Interactive Project



project two - Faculty


The Art Institute of Seattle | Graphic Design Portfolio Requirements 2012-2013 | updated 3.27.12

The senior year portfolio differs in that emphasis shifts from prescribed projects to self-initiated work evidencing a synthesis of conceptual and technical abilities, research, presentation skills and creative problem solving - all leading toward the completion of a highly competitive portfolio. You will focus on a particular discipline reflective of your skills, interests and capabilities. This work should reflect your uniqueness and ability to meet demanding industry standards and will serve as your entry into the job market.

Senior Year

Sequence of courses Portfolio I, pre-requisite 90 credits in technical field of study

Portfolio II, pre-requisite Portfolio I

Graphic Design Studio, pre-requisite 90 credits in technical field of study Students will begin individualized research on a topic of interest that is particular to their area of study within graphic design. Submission to competitions and analysis of work contrasted against the professional graphic design community will be emphasized.

Senior Thesis, pre-requisite Portfolio II Students in this course present a written comprehensive understanding of their academic experience as it applies to graphic design. A written proposal will also be developed for a research-based visual body of work to be completed in their final quarters.

Senior Project, pre-requisite Senior Thesis Students will develop project work supporting their thesis. Developing long-term assignment and assessment skills learned in previous studio classes are extended and emphasized.

Portfolio Presentation, pre-requisite Senior Project The completion and defense of the senior project and thesis and other portfolio work. The final portfolio, including the research paper and supporting visual work is completed and presented for review and evaluation by a faculty committee. The completed portfolio and/or representative process documentation is presented to the graphic design community during AiS Portfolio Day.

The Art Institute of Seattle | Graphic Design Portfolio Requirements 2012-2013 | updated 3.27.12

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