accesible adaptation analysis
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gabriella sogor
main dike
polder agricultural fields, farms
landscape analysis I. structurizing layers, landscape units
B B1 B21
river landscape
B1 B2
B22 B2 landscape units
nature network natuurnetwerk + natura 2000
The main units of the analyzed landscape are the Meuse-terraces (sand landscape) and the Polder area. The focus in on the POLDER AREA and RIVERBANKS. The soils are mostly CLAY SOILS, while the LEVEE contains some SAND. The groundwater level in the POLDER area HIGH.
natural levee area floodplain // low lyeing area
low lyeing polder
low lyeing *non* polder
flood area
supra regional concept transportation, sluices reconstruction//modernization - in place, keeping the functions
The main navigation goes through the Zuid-WillemswaaTt (after its developement) and the MaasWaal canal. The river Meuse between Cuijk and Den Bosch is ‘unlocked’. The sluice and bridge in GRAVE will function as a bridge, the sluice replaced to CUIJK. The sluice in LITH is brought out of order. The construction used as social-communal or residential function.
replacement - new place with the same function, while the orig. construction with new function water system streams + waterways
unlocking - nature and recreational development, the orig. construction with new function
Lith +4.90
Grave +7.60
0 100
urban areas spatial distribution + morphology
infrastructural elements
past bearing sluice
landscape analysis II. strenght and weakness, spatial ditribution
periods of high water surplus and drought
good connections (Den Bosch, Oss)
accessibility through the river
excessive recreational use of the riverbank
scattered urbanization processes nature development
accesible adaptation concept
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gabriella sogor design principles landscape experience
starting points
river landscape
dike - landscape
main problems, solutions open historical landscape CLIMATE CHANGE flooding//drought
retaining water increasing flood surface +groundwater fluctuation
FRAGMENTATION of natural areas//accessibility
expanding natural areas connecting by water
increasing absorption capacity equalize use by taking into new areas connecting by nature
UNSUITABLE USE OF RIVERBANK excessive recreational use//’unused’
The vision draws a future, where with estabilishing the structural elements given as a spinal core, the natural and human processes such as social, economic developments find their base. The focus areas where, at the same time a POI (point of interest), URBAN AREA and WATER SURFACE can be found or the establishment is awaited, based on the ongoing local processes (analysis). The main study area, the Lichtse Ham now a recreational area sorrounded by residental villages. With nature development the pressure of recreation can be balanced, while with new type of housing it can be flood-adaptive and more sustainable
vision processes, landuse, functions
small scale ‘garden’ agriculture
outstandig, compact, self-containing unit isolated, divided and organized by water > nature flood adaptive//safe focus on smart landuse benefiting, multi-functional use
‘future-proof’ urban development bio-agriculture nature development
landscape structure existing nature area
river part with recreation
nature area with recreation
water retention area
nature developmen
infrastructure development
construction area
levee farming
polder farming
accesible adaptation design
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gabriella sogor zonation zones of green areas based on accessibility
intermediate scale design newly accessible green areas ZONE IV. ZONE IV.
ZONE I. urban urban green environment experience residential green with hard pavement, regular maintanance
detail section
construction//planting design based on the starting points and design principles
ZONE II. transitiion sustainable, wild urban experience residential green with boardwalk//hard pavement and more space for natural procesess
ZONE III. natural comfortable nature experience natural area with boardwalk, rarely maintained
ZONE IV. nature free-walk experience natural area, rarely maintained
detail design Lithse Ham - new style recreational area recreation in nature