Grounding Watch Process Book Gabrielle Orzech
Index: Intro
•Objective •Prelimenary research
Phase 1
•Human trafficking research •Scenarios
Phase 2
•Top 3 directions •Psychology research •Brainstorming final concept •Final concept
Phase 3 •Mock ups •Testing Final
•Buisness opportunity •Design Details
Design Brief: Design a product for a survival situation
First, a group of students and I did broad foundation research on survival equipment and scenarios to better understand what is needed.
Their lack of knowledge in outdoor skills and trying to survive in harsh outdoor environments. Not having the right equipment for their situation, not knowing how to use their equipment, their unfamiliarity with the environment. Lack of respect for the dangers that may be present on the environment exposed. Inability to adapt to the environment. Not knowing how to treat themselves or the environment in dire situations. Could be missing proper communication or tools to get rescued.
We then did research on what products are currently out there for survival situations. We found that many of the products on the market deal with “outdoor� survivability. For example: floods, fires, hypothermia, etc.
From this research I was then able to narrow down the key topic I wanted to focus on that seemed the most needed. That key topic was Human Trafficking.
In 2017, an estimated 24.9 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery. Of these, 16 million (64%) were exploited for labor, 4.8 million (19%) were sexually exploited, and 4.1 million (17%) were exploited in stateimposed forced labor.
HOW IS IT HAPPENING? Labor trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purposes of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery. Some of these labor trafficking victims entered the country under work or student-based visa programs. Victims can be targeted once they arrived in the U.S., or foreign recruiters may bring these forced laborers to the U.S. using fraudulent or coercive means. Immigrants can be vulnerable to U.S.-based traffickers because of unfamiliarity with the English language, American customs or job processes.
WHATS BEING DONE? The Trafficking Victims Protection Act was authorized in 2000 and was the first federal law to address trafficking. Other organizations are creating other systems to help bring awareness to vulnerable communities. Technology is being used to help companies track their supply chain and let consumers know what brands to not purchase from.
“In 2016, labor trafficking accounted for 42% of identified trafficking cases in SF”
HOW IS IT HAPPENING? Sex trafficking is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, including sexual slavery. Sex trafficking has two aspects of supply and demand. The sex exploitation is based on the interaction between the trafficker selling a victim (the individual being trafficked and sexually exploited) to customers to perform sexual services. Sex trafficking crimes are defined in three ways: acquisition, movement, and exploitation There is not one simple factor that perpetuates sex trafficking, rather a complex, interconnected web of political, socioeconomic, governmental, and societal factors.
WHATS BEING DONE? One of the main causes of sex trafficking is the lack of knowledge, especially in young girls. It is extremely important to educate the youth in possible prevention methods. As social media can be a large form of “recruiting” victims, it can also be a useful tool in preventing sex trafficking. Since teenagers are constantly going through Twitter and Instagram, posting possible prevention methods and information on the topic is a great way to inform your peers. It is also a fast way of posting potential dangerous/ suspicious areas to avoid. One of the most common forms of abduction/ coercion are in parking lots, especially if it’s dark outside and not many people around.
“Polaris’ National Human
Trafficking Hotline said it was notified about 6,244 cases of sex trafficking in 2017 alone.”
HOW IS IT HAPPENING? A form of human trafficking and is defined as the “recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, and/ or receipt” of a child for the purpose of slavery, forced labor and exploitation. This definition is substantially wider than the same document’s definition of “trafficking in persons” Children may also be trafficked for the purpose of adoption.
WHATS BEING DONE? Solutions to child trafficking, or “antitrafficking actions”, can be roughly classified into four categories Broad protection: “To prevent children and former victims from being (re) trafficked” Prevention: “Of the crime of child trafficking and the exploitation that is its end result” Law enforcement: “In particular within a labour context and relating to labour laws and regulations” Protection: “all steps towards the redress of their grievance, rehabilitation and helping to establish her/him.” Many organizations have proposed potential solutions to child trafficking. These organizations continue to conduct research concerning this practice and policies that can be implemented to work towards its eradication. The most internationally recognized of these organizations include: United Nations UNICEF Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking International Labour Organization United States Department of State ECPAT International
“It is estimated that 76 percent of
transactions for sex with underage girls start on the Internet�
INTERVIEW w/ BRIAN WO of BAATC Brian first heard about human trafficking in 2008 through the film Call and Response, and has been involved in the anti-trafficking movement since. Prior to starting the BAATC, he spent over sixteen years in vocational ministry, including twelve years as the Associate Pastor of Grace Community Covenant Church. A native of Phoenix, AZ, Brian studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and worked in the aerospace industry before answering the call to ministry. Brian holds a B.S. from UC Berkeley, and a M.A. from Fuller Theological Seminary. Besides being an ordained minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church, he plays jazz, loves running, and tinkers with his ‘67 Mustang when he has spare time.
Where are the unmet needs?
Have you noticed any trends in technology that are being used to help combat Human Trafficking?
Safe housing for men. Companies tracking their supply chains. Awareness to companies that they may be subcontracting a huaman trafficking situaiton.
Forced labor in supply chain of their products. Made in a free world. FRDM way to help companies explore their supply chains. Writing algorithms to find ads, and tracking ads through social media. Apps that will figure out which hotel is in the picture to track down which hotels are allowing trafficking.
Are there any stories you can tell me and wish there was solutions for? Indian-engineer. Came over on tech visa. Came in Ohio. They took away his documents. Took away his cash. Put his family to work in a restaurant. Tell them not to talk to anybody else. Had two kids while being under forced labor. So, there is a need for helping people to understand their rights and resources.
phase#2_top 3 concepts Sex Trafficking Scenario
(Focusing on solution when victim is in survivor program after being trafficked)
“Grounding� Watch a sensory watch that helps survivors of human trafficking cope w/ their PTSD
Cooling effect to combat dissociation.
Creating a new positive association w/ an item on your wrist. Shapes and materials that are calming.
phase#2_top 3 concepts Sex Trafficking Scenario
(Focusing on solution when victim runs away)
Vending Machine Resources a vending machine placed in public bathrooms that dispenses resources and the essential items for somebody escaping a human trafficking situation
blue symbolizing trustworthiness
fillet edges for friendly vibe sanitary material
calming rythmic pattern
phase#2_top 3 concepts Forced Labor Scenario
(Focusing on solution during the trafficking)
Construction Kit a safety kit placed in porta pottys that has resources and essential items for somebody in a human trafficking situation(forced labor)
blue colors are viewed as trustworthy
forms that are inviting and friendly, but feels durable
small & compact to fit in a porta potty, but stay sanitary
phase#2_psyc research
While victims of human trafficking can suffer from a range of mental health problems, the most prominent and those for which there is significant research documenting their presentation tend to be anxiety disorders, mood disorders, dissociative disorders, and substance-related disorders
75% of Trafficked Victims experience recurrent thoughts/memories of terrifying events 65% have feeling as if they don’t have a future 60% feel detached/withdrawn
phase#2_psyc research
Upon doing my research on human trafficking I found a real need in helping supporting the victims. Once they escape or get out of their situation many victims will be put through a program to help them, but once they leave the program they can often have extreme PTSD and dissasociation during their daily life making it hard for them to thrive. During therapy sessions the therapist often gives the victim grounding tools to help them when their dissasociating, but often in panicked moments people will forget the tools they learned. This device would be administrated through the program. They can then keep it and use even when their not around their therapist. It would always be on them, so when they are having anxiety or diassociation it will help ground them and bring them back to the present moment so they continue thriving in their daily life.
phase#2_brainstorming final concept
phase#2_final concept
Rotate the ring on the watch to activate a cooling effect. These two sensations help in combatting intrusive feelings in a low-effort way.
phase#3_mock ups
Through sketching I was able to figure out the final design I wanted. As I was sketching I was also making rough mock ups to back up my sketches so I could better understand the form.
After figuring out the final form I wanted. I did several mock ups to test out the sizing and rotating mechanism. It was important to be able to physically hold it to understand what changes needed to be made.
final_design details
Grounding Watch.
Rotate the ring on the watch to activate a cooling effect. These two sensations help in combatting intrusive feelings in a low-effort way.
final_design details
1x screen
E-ink screen
2x watch faces
Soft plastic
1x watch button
Soft Rubber
1x cooling sensor
1x battery
Lithium Ion Battery
1x watch band
Translucent soft rubber
Since most of the watch is made out of plastic and rubber those pieces would be made by the process of injection molding. The sensor, battery, and screen would be machined.
final_design details
How does it work? The Peltier effect describes the phenomenon of heating or cooling caused by an electric current flowing across the junction of two different conductors. As the current moves from one conductor to another, the transfer of energy causes one side to heat up and the other to cool down. The grounding watch is basically a series of these junctions (called a Peltier cooler) powered by a small battery and attached to a wrist strap. When the user roates the ring, the device makes you feel cooler by reducing the temperature of your wrist a few fractions of a degree per second.
Why does it matter? Grounding techniques often use the five senses—sound, touch, smell, taste, and sight—to immediately connect you with the here and now. Feeling something cold helps shock yourself back into actively being aware of the surroundings. It makes your brain refocus on something else. Movements help because it is a tactible sensation to also help to refocus your attention. The combination of rotating a ring and then feeling a cool sensation helps in combatting intrusive memories, feelings, and impulses.
final_buisness plan
Executive Summary Opportunity: Problem Summary Lack of assistive technology for human trafficking survivors during their recovery programs. Solution Summary Grounding watch with cooling technology created by UST and distrubted via UNICEF to assist survivors in recovery programs. Market Human trafficking recovery programs. Competition No competitors in current market.