Blog Failure – 10 Reason of Why You Are Not Making Money From Your Blog
Every blogger dreams of writing what they like and at the same time making money from it. The truth is not all bloggers are archiving this. You might have all the necessary earning money vehicle (Adsense, affiliate product and etc) listed on your blog but yet, your blog still fails and you are not earning good money. Are you one of these people? If yes, then you need to identify what’s the reason of your blog failure and why you are not making money from your blog. From there you should improvise your blogging method and start your money making journey. From this article, you will understand the reasons why you blog is not making money.
Blog Failure #1 – More Ads then Content Ads are important but content is equivalent or even more important to your blog. Ads is the money making vehicle but in order for you to move you money making vehicle, you need to generate traffic so that the people will start click on the ads. You generate traffic by providing useful information in your blog to your reader to attract them. The fact is you need to have traffic before you can generate income. Have you ever wonder when was the last time your reader saw your content?
Blog Failure #2 – Wrong Niche Another major reason of blog failure is you have made the wrong decision, where you chosen the wrong niche. There are some niche which is hard profitable and nobody will be paying to advertise for the niche. You should always for your research before you start writing the niche to your blog. You need to understand whether the topic you are about to write has advertising
potential. You might be writing something really interesting but it still there is no advertiser to sponsor the ads.
Blog Failure #3 – Not Compelling Blog Post Are you blogging about something past and outdated? People are not interested about something that have happened, unless if you are blogging about history lesson. Bare in mind that people loves trending stuff. You can start looking on the Internet for some trending stuff. You could post some image or even video and post it up to your blog. Without you realizing, you could have uncountable traffics into your site. For example, in 1 month back, if you have posted the Harlem Shake video, your blog traffic could increase dramatically.
Blog Failure #4 – Inconsistent Blogging Here is a question to you. How often do you blog? Are you blogging daily? Weekly? Monthly? or Yearly? To be success in blogging, consistency is the key. You need to blog consistent and let the search engine or even your reader know that you are alive. The word of advice is be persistent and discipline. You need to know and determine your posting frequency to keep you blog up to date. Suggestion is to have your blog update once or twice a week. Blogging monthly or yearly not good approach as this is too long.
Blog Failure #5 – Loading Is Too Slow Are you website well optimize? You would need to ensure your blog is at it’s optimal performance. Nobody likes to wait endlessly for a site to load. From the past experience, in order to make their blog looks prettier, blogger tends to put in a lot of plugins onto their website. This is good for display but it also loads up the loading of your site. Would you rather choose beauty over speed? Your visitor will leave (if slow) before they can see how beautiful your blog is. Suggestion is to keep your blog nice and simple and not complicating or overloading your blog.
Blog Failure #6 – Layout of Blog Make sure the layout of your blog is acceptable. There are some site that uses a dark color and dark font. That is not a good way to display your blog to your reader where your reader might have difficulties in reading the content on your blog. Put yourself in your visitor shoe and if you see such blog, what would you do? Would you continue or leave the blog? Make sure you use the correct color combination on your blog.
Blog Failure #7 – Using Free Blog Service It’s a taboo to use a free blog service and it’s not recommended. You should purchase domain and own it. You want something that you own yourself and it gives you more credibility. If you get free services, the owner of the free domain services could suspend your account if you have violated their rules. By having you own domain, you have total control. You don’t have restriction from your domain sponsors. Don’t worry, it’s not expensive to purchase a domain where you can easily get the domain for as cheap $15.
Blog Failure #8 – Not Being Truthful Never to make assumption or giving high expectation. The thumb rule is not to cheat or lie to your readers. If they are visiting your site, meaning that they trust your information provided. Be truthful and tell them only the truth. If they trust you and think that your content is good, they will revisit your blog. Else, if you are lying to them, that’s the end of the relationship. They will never comes back to your site.
Blog Failure #9 – Reaching the Wrong Auditions Always know who your target auditions is. You don’t want to reach out to the wrong people. Do your research of what are the auditions that you are targeting and make sure you content are tailor made for them. You wouldn’t want a reader who looks for furniture going into your Internet Marketing blogs. It just doesn’t click and they will never buy whatever you are selling, whether your are doing advertising or affiliate program.
Blog Failure #10 – Giving Up Most blogger tends to give up after few months as they don’t see the money coming in. Making money through blog need time and you should be patient on grow your blog. Giving up too soon is not an option where. Stick and believe in what you are doing and you will gain benefit from it. To summarize, it’s not impossible to earn money through blogging but you need to know what the correct approach is. The listed above is some reason why people are having blog failure and you should avoid these mistakes. Drop us a comment and tell us your feedback.
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