Selected Works - Gabriel Velasco

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Gabriel Velasco | Selected Works

G a b r i e l Ve l a s c o 619-410-7594

Education Cal Poly Pomona B.Arch Degree 2012-2017 California State University Firenze Study Abroad Program 2015-2016

Work Experience M i c h a e l W. F o l o n i s A r c h i t e c t s | A r c h i t e c t u r a l A s s o c i a t e December 2018 - Present

Assistance in Design Development and Construction Administration phases for medium density residential projects in Santa Monica, California

Luce et Studio | Designer October 2017 - October 2018

Assistance in the design & production of CD drawings, schedules & specifications for a museum renovation in historical Balboa Park

Core States Group | Internship August 2016 - December 2016

Assistance in the drafting of construction documents for various retail / hospitality projects

Jamison Properties | Internship June 2015 - August 2015

Assistance in drafting, rendering & design development of medium-high density residential projects for Los Angeles based Developer

Skills Archicad, Autocad, Revit, Rhinoceros 5.0, Sketchup A d o b e I l l u s t r a t o r, I n d e s i g n , P h o t o s h o p Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word Physical Model Making


Ve t e r o t o p i a


Church of In-n-Out


Familiar Habitats


Suburban Futurism


Modern Renaissance


Mingei Museum table of contents

Veterotopia 2017 Vernon, California Addressing the homeless crisis that is plaguing the city of Los Angeles, this senior thesis project focuses on the housing of dispossesed military veterans and explores how architectural design can help build living environments for the transition back i n t o c i v i l i a n s o c i e t y. Despite its vicinity to downtown Los Angeles, Ve r n o n i s a n o n y m o u s t o t h e p u b l i c . Fa c t o r i e s a n d warehouses dominate this landscape, eliminating any affinity of suburbia. The exploration of the housing typology is the main objective of the project. In a location without a n a r c h i t e c t u r a l v e r n a c u l a r, t h e s a c r e d i n s t i t u t i o n s of the military and the home can be broken down and analyzed to create new architectural opportunities. Private space, public space, cultural space, leisure space, and work space are all manifested throughout the project. The architecture that is created however doesn’t come from the physical division of these spaces, but more so through how they are interspersed and akin to the needs of the individual. Thus leaving behind the interstitial space, the “other spaces”, where the idiosyncrasy of everyday life can materialize.



Hakka Housing | Southern China

Patio Houses | MVRDV

Gordon Head Military Base


Floor Plan | Level +3

Floor Plan | Level +2

Floor Plan | Ground Level


Site Plan: Vernon, California





Church of In-n-Out 2016 Pasadena, California The theme of this studio was the architecture of t h e d r i v e - t h r u . E x p l o r i n g t h e h i s t o r y, t h e b r a n d i n g , and the architecture of Southern California’s original fast-food restaurants. The company that this project w a s b a s e d f r o m w a s I n - n - O u t B u r g e r. In-n-Out has become synonymous with California, and its culture. Why do people love In-n-Out? How did In-n-Out gain its cult status? L a s t l y, h o w s i g n i f i c a n t w a s t h e r o l e o f a r c h i t e c t u r e t o In-n-Out? Quality and efficiency were ideals that the S n y d e r f a m i l y h a v e i n s t i l l e d i n t h e i r c o m p a n y. T h e manifestation of those ideas, developed into a utilitarian architecture that masterfully embodied the functionality of the drive-thru. The red roof, neon signage, transparent kitchen, and the double lane drive-thru were all architectural elements designed to display the performance that occurs between the kitchen and the automobile. The conclusion of the project was to reimagine the site, the architecture, and the principles of I n - n - O u t a n d a p p l y t h e m t o a n e w p r o g r a m t y p o l o g y. W i t h t h e c o m p a n y ’ s c o n n e c t i o n t o C h r i s t i a n i t y, t h i s project is the expression of finding the analogy between fast food and the church. It is an examination of the architectural vernacular of the church, and how the In-n-Out drive thru can help service the church in finding ingenious architectural and cultural solutions.


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Section of a Double-Double

In-n-Out #4 Pasadena, CA | Oldest surviving location

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West Elevation

North Elevation

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Section of In-n-Out Church

Sections of Cathedrals

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The Roof

The Park

The Church | 15 |

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Familiar Habitats 2015 Pasadena, California The emphasis of this project which was developed over 22 weeks, called for a multi-family project in Pasadena, California. The intent of this studio was to develop the project from the beginning phases of conceptual design and concluding the course with a knowledge of the construction documentation process. The design of the 14 unit residential project began with formal studies intended to explore the possibilities of creating an ambiguity between each of the residential units. With the programmatic and site specific conditions of the project, the building d e v e l o p e d i n t o a m i n i m a l L- s h a p e d f o r m , i n o r d e r t o conform to its neighborhood. The complexity of the initial formal studies gave way to the creation of the contrasting facades of the projects exterior and interior views. Along the streetside of the project, the play on lightness and transparency with the glass facade pattern obscures the interior spaces of the individual units, creating an intricate architectural expression within a minimialist form. The interior courtyard facade is a stark contrast with its large, h e a v y, a n d o p a q u e p a t t e r n , t h a t a l l o w s f o r t h e privacy that a residential project would require. Form and function work in unison to create a bilateral architectural expression for the residents of the building and the public.

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Suburban Futurism 2016 Florence, Italy With Michael Aguilar & Yoseph Wolde-Mariam At the center of the suburban Florence neighborhood of Via Bel-Fiore is a lost architectural g e m o f I t a l i a n f u t u r i s m . T h e S a n t a M a r i a N o v e l l a Tr a i n Station designed by Angelo Mazzoni is one of the rare built examples of the utilitarian machine age ideals of futurist architecture. With a historical precedent rooted in progressive ideals, this project alludes to the architecture that came about from this influential era of architecture. The project, which required a mixed-use development of residential, hotel, office, and retail takes a futurist design approach where form and function are uninhibited. The building’s form is shaped as a figure 8, as a way to contain the buildings program within itself. As a person ascends through the project, each of the programs integrates i n t o o n e a n o t h e r, c r e a t i n g a g r a d i e n t b e t w e e n t h e buildings program. The 5 funnels that penetrate the building are used as circulation nodes that visually and physically connect the internal functions to those who are on the inside of the project and out. The piazza is the main public space for every Florence neighborhood and the formation of an ascending roof reinterprets the idea of what a piazza can be. The form of the building gives as much of the s i t e b a c k t o t h e c i t y, c r e a t i n g a m o n u m e n t a l c i v i c space that is accessible to everyone.

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Niteroi Art Museum | Oscar Niemeyer

Santa Maria Novella Train Station: Angiolo Mazzoni

Lingotto Fiat Factory: Giacomo Matte-Trucco

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Retail - Office - Hotel - Residential

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North Elevation

East Elevation

South Elevation

West Elevation

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Modern Renaissance 2015 Florence, Italy As the birthplace of the Renaissance, the history and beauty of Florence will never cease to e n a m o u r t h e m a s s e s . W i t h i t s a p p e a l t o a n t i q u i t y, the architectural vernacular of Florence has become s t a g n a n t . C o m p l a c e n t w i t h i t s o w n h i s t o r y, t h e innovative Renaissance ideals that served as the foundation of the city has not been modernized to today’s generation. The project serves as a library extension to the University of Firenze, and is located at the center of the Piazza Brunellschi. With the program intended to be used for the future generation of thinkers and makers, the architecture of the project is meant to be a reflection of Renaissance vernacular but with an altered, more contemporary adaption. Formal operations were created from the manipulation of ancient proportional ideals with the use of boolean subtractions to carve out spaces from the monolithic structure that has been inserted into the site. The materiality references the R e n a i s s a n c e w i t h p l a s t e r, m a r b l e , a n d c o n c r e t e facades, and are contrasted by more industrial materials like glass and metal. With a familiar architectural vocabulary placed in a new syntax, the project is able to combine ideas from the past and the present to create a building suitable for the future students of Florence.

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Fondazione Prada | OMA

2001: A Space Odyssey | Stanley Kubrick

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Floor Plan: Level +1

Floor Plan: Level +3

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