Portfolio Landscape architecture Gaëtaan Ameys
Gaetaan Ameys Address: Email: Mobile No: Nationality:
Klijtestraat 2, 8900 Ypres gaetaan.ameys@student.hogent.be +32 471 26 55 94 Belgian
My name is Gaëtaan Ameys and I’m born and raised in Ypres, Belgium. I’m thoroughly convinced that when we’re in nature, mankind can find its peace and serenity. This peace and serenity can help us humans to escape our constant and rapidly changing society once in a while. It would be a privilege to help and create these places. I’m mainly focused on sustainable and ecological designs. Restoring mankind’s bond with nature and bringing nature back to humans is what I’m hoping to achieve. Furthermore, I hope to win an award someday, having a few publications and to have a large knowledge about plants. In my spare time I usually walk in a forest or a natural domain. Gardening and growing my own vegetables and fruit is something that over the past years I have become very fond of. Furthermore I have spent my whole life in my city’s youth movement. 10 years as a child. and the last 8 years as a leader of which 2 years as the head leader. I’m a big fan of music, especially 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I think today’s music is rather lame.
2019 - Present: Bachelor of Landscape Architect 2016 - 2019: Bachelor of Energy Technology
Eager to learn Driven Teamplayer Quick learner
Microsoft Office Photoshop Indesign AutoCAD 2D Sketchup Civil 3D Adobe Premiere Pro
Since I was sixteen, I have been working in green space maintenance.
LANGUAGES Dutch (native) English French
OBJECTIVE To use and enhance my skills Learn new things Gaining new insights To make the world a greener place SPARE TIME Gardening Youth movement Music Hiking
Table of contents 01 Private Garden - Eeklo 02 SCHOOL DE TOVERBERG - public 03 FLEMISH ARDENNES - RURAL 04 BOTERMARKTPARK - public 05 PHOTOSHOP RENDERS 06 Technical drawings
01 Private Garden - Eeklo
PRIVATE GARDEN - EEKLO The design of this private garden is inspired by ‘The Nuttery Garden’, Sissinghurst Castle with lots of hazelnut trees en wild plants underneath them. It was our second project in the first year and was mainly intended as an introduction to Photoshop rendering. In the front of the garden we have 2 massive pillars which consist out of Taxus baccata. In the back of the garden we have three pillars. This should excite the visitor and make them want to see the rest of the garden and go explore.
Planting schematic The main goal was to use a variety of wild plants that are commonly found in forests. They act as a layer underneath the hazelnut trees. The combination was conciously chosen so that the blossoming time is widely spread throughout the year. The colour palette is fairly small and consists out of green, yellow and white. This minimalistic colour palette provides a feeling of peace while sitting in the garden.
CHOICE OF PLANTS Convallaria majalis Viola riviniana Melica altissima ‘Alba’ Luzula nivea Rodgersia aesculifolia Epimedium youngianum ‘Niveum’ Waldsteinia ternata Alchemilla epipsila Vinca minor ‘RALPH SHUGERT’ Anemone nemorosa Euphorbia amygdaloides Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Album’ Athyrium filix-femina Anemone x hybrida Polygonatum odoratum
Public school - de toverberg This was a group assignment in our second year. I would like to thank C. Guerzoni-Verscheure, L. Moernaut and M. Vergauwen for the great teamwork. The Toverberg is a public school located in Sint-Amandsberg, Ghent. Several old buildings will be demolished. When these buildings will be demolished, the two seperate playgrounds will become one large playground. This opens a lot of new possibilities regarding the design. The main objective is to greenify the playground and to introduce new playground equipment while simultaneously teaching the children the neccessity of plants in a playful way. There’s a park that’s connected to the school via a blind alley, which is a great advantage and must be taken into account while designing. The schools main entrance is located at the Schoolstraat. This road connects two major roads and leads to an overflow of cars when school is about to start. Currently the city allows two-way traffic, but we think a residential street would be a better option in this case.
Flemish ardennes - Rural This project was the last project in our first year. It was a private garden situated in the Flemish Ardennes. This area is well known for the typical landscape. A lot of hills and some tree species that are commonly found. The young couple had some specific demands. It had to be strongly aligned meaning no natural curves were allowed. They asked for plain grass near the house so their kids can play while keeping an eye on them. The garden also had to be maintenance friendly and accessible for bigger equipment in case that’s ever needed.
04 Botermarktpark - Public
Botermarktpark - public Botermarktpark is a public park located in Ledeberg, Ghent. Ledeberg was well known for its many textile factories back in the day. All these employees needed a tiny house to live in, which is the reason why, until today, Ledeberg is so highly overcrowded.. Therefore using and creating as much green as possible is a must. Furthermore Botermarktpark lies directly next to a fly over, which is a great challenge regarding the view distortion and noise coming from it. In the next year, a gym will be built underneath the fly over which must be taken into account while designing.
05 Photoshop renders
06 Technical drawings
Thank you! Gaëtaan Ameys +32 471 26 55 94 gaetaan.ameys@student.hogent.be