Georgia Farm Bureau's June 15 Field Notes

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June 15, 2022

Vol. 4 No. 13

GFB: 85 YEARS & GROWING As Georgia Farm Bureau marks its 85th anniversary June 17, we dive into the organization’s history, with some perspective from a few people who have lived it. See stories below the calendar or visit the following web pages. Learn how GFB has grown through the years: Longtime Polk County Farm Bureau President James Casey shares his memories: Longtime Crawford County members Charlie & Betty Harris and Bacon County Office Manager Jeanne Taylor share their GFB memories: MERCER RESEARCHERS RELEASE RESULTS OF FARM STRESS SURVEY Researchers at the Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center at Mercer University gave a preview of “Farmer’s Mental Well-Being Project: Statewide Survey Report,” at the May 19 Farm Stress Summit in Tifton. Among the findings was this: 29% of farmer workers, owners and managers had thought of suicide in the past year. Among first-generation farmers, 60% said they had suicidal thoughts in the past year. The survey, conducted from Jan. 1 to April 30, drew 1,651 responses. Each of Georgia Farm Bureau’s 10 districts had at least 100 survey respondents. All but two of Georgia’s 159 counties had at least one person respond. “In the months leading up to this research, we heard about things like farmer-specific trainings and mental health trainings for farmers, but there’s no real data to show what that training needs to look like, and so we thought to inventory our farmers to find out what is going on,” said lead author Stephanie Basey, a PhD candidate in the Mercer University School of Medicine’s (MUSM) Rural Health Sciences program. “What are the stressors that impact them directly or maybe even in their community? That was the base of this, with the hope to, working with the Georgia Foundation for Agriculture, develop that farmer-specific training with the input of our farmers.” The study quantifies what many in agriculture have long known – farming, with so many factors outside the farmer’s control, comes with extraordinary stress. The survey showed 96% of farmers are either moderately or highly stressed. In addition, 40% of farmers felt lonely at least once in the -continued on next page

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