Georgia Farm Bureau's July 27 Field Notes

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July 27, 2022

Vol. 4 No. 16

GFB YOUNG FARMERS & RANCHERS LEARN TO BREAK DOWN BARRIERS The 2022 Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Summer Leadership Conference, held July 13-16 on Jekyll Island, offered participants ways to overcome adversity, share their story and break down barriers. They also had time for visiting the beach and the island’s other attractions, touring Georgia Ag Experience Mobile Classroom and lots of fellowship. Utah cowboy Braxten Nielsen shared his journey from a debilitating rodeo injury to walking again. Nielsen was slammed against the chute railing when the bronco he was riding bucked as the gate opened during a 2017 rodeo. He sustained multiple spinal fractures and was left paralyzed from the waist down. He tracked his course over several months of rehabilitation therapy, noting that over time incremental improvement can result in big change. Throughout his presentation, Nielsen emphasized using available resources, wowing the GFB crowd with his auctioneer voice and his turkey call as he walked around the stage. “We’re all put here on this Earth with talents and abilities,” Nielsen said. “We need to share them.” Nielsen encouraged the young farmers and ranchers to maintain a positive mindset, work hard and surround themselves with supportive people. “When life puts a scar on you, it’s giving you a legacy to leave in life,” he said. “Hard work will never cheat you.” TikTok sensation Will Brinkley, the “Tarheel Farmer,” talked about how to leverage social media’s reach in agriculture’s favor. Brinkley has more than 318,000 followers on the video sharing app, where his humorous clips put farm life on display. He noted statistics that show a ratio 258 people for every farm operation in Georgia. He praised Farm Bureau for its work in support of agriculture. “If I had to go try to reach all those people, I wouldn’t get much farming done,” said Brinkley. “We’re farmers and we’ve got to advocate for our own products and our own markets, and we’ve got to do a better job for the next generation and give everybody a voice. We don’t have to reach everybody. We just have to get it out there and let it spread. A lot of us have a voice now.” Brinkley said it is important to share benefits derived from agriculture. “You’ve got to be positive about ag and farm life. Positivity is the number one thing.,” he said. Lori Tiller, a public service associate with UGA’s J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, led the GFB group through exercises to help bridge generational communication -continued on next page

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