Georgia Farm Bureau's Leadership Alert - January 15, 2014

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January 15, 2014

Vol. 32 No. 2

GFB MEMBERS TRAVEL TO SAN ANTONIO FOR AFBF CONVENTION Almost 200 Georgia Farm Bureau members attended the 95th Annual American Farm Bureau Federation Convention held Jan. 12-15 in San Antonio, Texas. AFBF President Bob Stallman, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, “Duck Dynasty’s” Alan Robertson and retired Gen. Stan McChrystal addressed convention attendees. Stallman, a rice and cattle farmer from Texas, welcomed the 7,000 Farm Bureau members attending the event to his home state and reviewed the status of national legislation impacting agriculture such as the farm bill, Water Resources Development Act and labor legislation. Vilsack called on Congress to pass a new farm bill saying it is vital not only for farmers but to the other 99 percent of the U.S. who depend on farmers to grow their food. “Every American should be concerned about the farm bill and contact their representatives saying the farm bill needs to be done,” Vilsack said. Robertson, the oldest son of America’s favorite duckhunting family, said that after serving as a pastor for 22 years, he decided to join the family’s TV show to share his message of faith with a larger audience. McChrystal, who commanded U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan before retiring as a four-star general in 2010, discussed leadership and the importance of adapting to change to ensure survival and success. “I appreciate all of our members who took time off from their farms to attend this convention and represent our state. Convention workshops offered our members the chance to hear crop forecasts and learn about new technology, such as smart phone apps and drones that could help them with their operations,” GFB President Zippy Duvall said. “The convention also gave our members the chance to get a national view of what’s going on in agriculture.” GFB won Awards of Excellence for its programs in the categories of Education & Outreach, Leadership Development, Member Services, Membership Initiatives, Policy Development & Implementation and Public Relations & Communications. The organization also received an Apex Award for its financial contributions to AFBF’s Foundation for Agriculture. Washington County Farm Bureau members James and Brooke Hitchcock represented Georgia in the Young Farmer & Rancher Achievement Contest at the convention. Madison County Farm Bureau member Trisha Lastly competed in the first two rounds of the YF&R Discussion Meet competition. Elbert County Farm Bureau member Clay Talton represented GFB in the Excellence in Agriculture Contest.

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