July 11, 2018
Vol. 36 No. 14
GFB YOUNG FARMER & RANCHER CONF. FOCUSES ON GAINING GROUND The 2018 Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher Conference, set for July 19-21 on Jekyll Island, will follow the theme “Gaining Ground.” The conference, to be held on Jekyll Island for the sixth straight year, will feature the YF&R competitive events, a golf tournament to raise money for the GFB Foundation for Agriculture, the Calf’s Weight in Change fundraiser for the Georgia Food Bank Association, children’s activities and educational workshops. General session speakers include: American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Director of Organization Development Elise Stoddard, who will focus on bridging the generational divide; FarmBabe Michelle Miller, who will discuss social advocacy; Tim Hammerich of the Future of Ag podcasts and Chad Scruggs of the Farm Service Agency. The conference kicks off on July 19 with an evening cookout at Great Dunes Park with party inflatable for the kids. On July 20, the competitions begin in the Young Farmer & Rancher Discussion Meet and Excellence in Agriculture interviews. The winners of those competitions and the winner of the Achievement Award competition will be announced at the closing general session on July 21. The winners of the three contests advance to national competition at the AFBF Convention in New Orleans in January. The Discussion Meet, which features approximately 30 competitors from around the state, is a committee-style conversation focusing on topics important to agriculture. Competitors will be divided into groups of five or six for the first two rounds, after which the top 16 will be determined. The Sweet 16 round will be held the same day, and the Final Four will be announced via Facebook Live on the Georgia Farm Bureau Facebook page. The final round will be held July 21. The YF&R Achievement Award recognizes farmers between the ages of 18 and 35 who earn the majority of their income from production agriculture. The finalsts are Elton Baldy of Colquitt County, Will and Heather Cabe of Franklin County and Mitchell and Becky Pittman of Toombs County. The Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes farmers between the ages of 18 and 35 who earn the majority of their income from something other than production agriculture. The finalists are Caroline Lewallen of Hall County, Melissa Mathis of Monroe County and Justin Shealey of Cook County. Follow GFB’s coverage of the conference at https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaFarmBureau/.
GFB News Alert page 2 of 12 SENATE PASSES FARM BILL; CONFERENCE COMMITTEE NEXT On June 28 the U.S. Senate passed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 by an 86-11 vote. The bill, S. 3042 is the Senate’s version of the new farm bill. The 2014 farm bill is in effect until the end of September. Both Georgia Sens. Johnny Isakson and David Perdue voted for the bill. The House passed a separate bill on June 21. The two chambers will form a conference committee to work out the differences between the two bills. “Georgia’s farmers need a viable farm bill. We are encouraged that the Senate passed its version with strong bipartisan support,” said Georgia Farm Bureau President Gerald Long. “We look forward to working with the conference committee to help get the new bill in place before the current one expires.” Perdue, a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee that helped write the bill, said the bill continues peanut and cotton support programs. The bill includes provisions that make disaster funding available to peach and blueberry growers who were affected by a late-season frost in 2017 under the Wildfire Hurricane Indemnity Program (WHIP). The bill also allows the Farm Service Agency, which loans to disadvantaged and new farmers, to increase its loan authority during years when the demand for FSA loans unexpectedly exceeds its cap. “Agriculture is Georgia’s number one industry and a major reason why our state continues to be the best state in the country in which to do business. One thing is clear – this farm bill is a jobs bill. America’s food security is economic security,” Perdue said. “This bill saves more money than the last farm bill, cracks down on food stamp fraud, and preserves programs that have helped Georgia farmers weather low commodity markets. Getting a bipartisan bill that balances the needs of every commodity and region is not an easy task. While this farm bill is not perfect, it will provide certainty to farmers in Georgia and around the country.” Isakson praised the bill, saying it invests in the future of American agriculture. “Our farmers feed the world, and it’s essential that we do everything we can to anticipate challenges down the road and make sure our policies reflect the needs of our farmers for the long term,” said Isakson, who offered several amendments to the legislation that were adopted to help Georgia farmers. “This important legislation provides numerous benefits for Georgia agriculture and for our rural communities, which are struggling with the opioid epidemic and with lack of access to modern-day essentials such as broadband. The 2018 farm bill will help our commodity producers when prices go down and expand trade assistance to ensure we remain competitive worldwide.”
GFB News Alert page 3 of 12 GFB ACCEPTING PROPOSED POLICY CHANGES As the voice of Georgia farmers, Georgia Farm Bureau works to make sure its policy stances reflect the needs and desires of its farmer members. To do this, GFB takes policy suggestions and reviews them through its annual Policy Development process. GFB is now accepting policy submissions for its 2019 policy book. “This process is critical to maintaining the grassroots vision and goals of our organization and will provide direction for us in the legislative arena for the coming year,” said GFB President Gerald Long. Long asked for policy submissions and encouraged GFB members to recommend the deletion of existing policy that is vague or outdated. For access to an electronic version of the 2018 GFB Policy Book or to file a policy submission, contact your county Farm Bureau office manager. All policy submissions must be approved by a county Farm Bureau president. The deadline to submit your resolution(s) to the Public Policy Department is Sept. 7. If you have questions regarding the Policy Development process, please contact Katie Duvall at kgduvall@gfb.org or 478-474-0679, ext. 5217. GEORGIA FARM BUREAU JOINS AFBF ON MOTION IN WOTUS CASE Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) will join the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) on amotion to intervene in a case concerning the 2015 Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule, which was issued jointly by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). GFB and AFBF have opposed the WOTUS rule since it was first published as a proposed rule. The WOTUS rule was finalized in 2015. The suit, filed by the State of Georgia and 10 other states against the EPA and Corps, sought to stop the rule from being implemented. The states argued that the rule expanded the agencies’ jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act beyond what was granted by Congress, ignored limits imposed by the Supreme Court and infringed on private property rights, and is vague to the point of being unconstitutional. The case is being heard in the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Georgia in Glynn County. On June 8, the court issued a preliminary injunction blocking the rule’s implementation in Georgia and the other states participating as plaintiffs. GFB and AFBF were not parties to the case and with the motion to intervene they are seeking to join the states as plaintiffs because the case will affect GFB and AFBF members. If the motion to intervene is granted, GFB and AFBF would be allowed to make arguments in the case.
GFB News Alert page 4 of 12 KATIE DUVALL TRANSFERS TO GFB PUBLIC POLICY DEPARTMENT Katie Gazda Duvall is now serving Georgia Farm Bureau members in a new position. On June 4 Duvall began working as a public policy specialist in the organization’s Public Policy Department where she is responsible for coordinating and managing GFB’s Policy Development process and will provide support for the GFB Commodity Advisory Committees. “We’re pleased Katie has joined our department,” said Jeffrey Harvey, director of the GFB Public Policy Department. “Katie brings a working knowledge of Farm Bureau and agriculture that allows her to hit the ground running as we begin our policy development season.” Duvall joined the GFB staff in 2016 as the executive director of the GFB Foundation for Agriculture. Prior to joining GFB, Duvall was the donor and alumni relations coordinator for North Carolina State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. She was an event planner for UGA’s College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences between working at N.C. State and graduating from UGA in 2012. “I’ve enjoyed working with our county Farm Bureau volunteers the Katie Duvall past two years as I worked in the Field Services Department to support GFB’s ag literacy efforts,” Duvall said. “In my new role I’m looking forward to working with our members to develop GFB’s policy, which determines the position we take on legislative issues.” Duvall, who grew up on her family’s farm, Gazda Cattle Company in Clarke County, is married to Zeb Duvall. The couple live on their beef cattle farm in Morgan County. CHINA IMPOSING TARIFFS ON U.S. AG PRODUCTS On July 6, the United States and China began assessing tariffs on imports from each other, according to published reports. The U.S. started collecting duties on a range of industrial machinery and other manufactured items imported from China. China placed tariffs on imports of a variety of agricultural products from the U.S. According to published reports, among the Georgia-grown agricultural products targeted by China’s tariffs are meat (including beef, pork and chicken), fruit (apples, peaches and blueberries), grains (wheat, corn, soybeans), pecans and cotton. A more extensive list can be viewed at http://www.businessinsider.com/china-trade-war-tariff-product-list-fish-soybeans-pork-carscoal-2018-7 Soybean growers could be hit especially hard by the imposition of duties on their Chinese customers. “Soybeans are the top agriculture export for the United States, and China is the top market for purchasing those exports,” said American Soybean Association (ASA) President John Heisdorffer. “The math is simple. You tax soybean exports at 25-percent, and you have serious damage to U.S. farmers.” According to the ASA, the value of U.S. soybean exports to China has grown 26-fold in 10 years, from $414 million in 1996 to $14 billion in 2017. Since talk of the tariffs began back in March, U.S. soy prices have dropped more than $2.00 per bushel.
GFB News Alert page 5 of 12 GA CORN, COTTON AND SOYBEAN ACRES UP, PEANUT ACRES DECLINE Georgia farmers planted significantly more corn, cotton and soybeans in 2018, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Southern Region June acreage report released on June 29. Georgia cotton growers planted 1.45 million acres in 2018, up 13 percent from 2017, when they planted 1.28 million acres. The state’s corn growers planted 360,000 acres in 2018, up 24 percent from 2017, when they planted 290,000 acres. Soybean acreage increased from 155,000 planted acres in 2017 to 200,000 planted acres in 2018, up 29 percent. Hay acres in Georgia declined by 3 percent, from 620,000 in 2017 to 600,000 in 2018. Georgia farmers trimmed peanut acreage from 835,000 acres in 2017 to 700,000 in 2018, a reduction of 16 percent. Georgia sorghum producers planted 25,000 acres in 2018, a 25 percent increase from 2017 when they planted 20,000 acres. Georgia wheat growers planted 180,000 acres in 2018, up from 160,000 in 2017, an increase of 12.5 percent. The state’s tobacco growers planted 12,500 acres in 2018, the same as in 2017. PRUITT RESIGNS AS EPA ADMINISTRATOR Scott Pruitt, appointed by President Donald Trump as EPA Administrator, stepped down from the post on July 5 after 16 months on the job. Trump announced that EPA Deputy Administrator Andrew Wheeler would serve as acting administrator. Pruitt led the push to roll back numerous EPA regulations that many farm groups maintained were overly burdensome, but was dogged by constant scrutiny over alleged ethics violations and unrestrained spending of government funds. Pruitt said the scrutiny had taken its toll on him and his family in his resignation letter to Trump. Following an executive order from Trump, Pruitt repealed the Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule and was working to establish a replacement rule that would return the definition of “Waters of the United States” in the Clean Water Act to the definition in place before 2015. An Ohio native, Wheeler was confirmed as deputy administrator in April. He worked in the George H.W. Bush administration in the EPA’s pollution prevention and toxics office, and he has served as an advisor for the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
GFB News Alert page 6 of 12 UGA RESEARCHERS TO APPEAR ON FACEBOOK LIVE This fall the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) is opening the labs of some its most distinguished researchers to students and science fans across the state. In a series of Facebook Live broadcasts, UGA CAES’s Live from the Lab will introduce the public to ten researchers in disciplines from across the college. During the broadcasts, the scientists will talk about the nuts and bolts of their labs, how they got started and possible real-world applications of their research. So bring your science questions to www.facebook.com/UGACAES at 10 a.m. every other Friday beginning Aug. 17. The complete schedule: Aug. 17: Marianne Shockley - Shockley is a CAES entomology researcher who uses insects as a tool for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. She’s also an international advocate for insect agriculture, or raising insects for food. During her Live from the Lab session, she’ll discuss how entomophagy, the practice of eating insects, could benefit the environment and end food insecurity. Aug. 31: Marc van Iersel - van Iersel is a CAES horticulturist who has pioneered intelligent systems that can change the way food and ornamental plants are grown. As a professor of horticulture, he has developed biofeedback systems that measure soil moisture and use optical sensors to automatically control the amount of water and light provided to plants in greenhouses and vertical farms. The result is happier, healthier plants with a smaller carbon footprint and cost. Sept. 7: Franklin West - West is a CAES associate professor of animal and dairy science and a member of the UGA Regenerative Bioscience Center faculty. West’s pioneering work with stem cells has led to possible treatments for stroke and traumatic brain injuries. He’s also worked on new research models for testing common household chemicals for human toxicity. Sept. 21: Zenglu Li - Li is the lead researcher of the UGA Soybean Breeding, Genetics and Genomics Laboratory in the CAES Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. He has pioneered the use of molecular breeding technologies to develop soybean varieties that are more productive and more ecologically efficient than current seed lines. Li says more efficient soybean varieties will be critical to meeting the growing demand for soy oil and protein while protecting the world’s environment. Oct. 5: Esther van der Knaap - van der Knaap, CAES professor of horticulture, started her research into the genetics of tomatoes in the early 2000s as a model for investigating the evolution and domestication of flowering plants. The tomato’s path from a tiny, berry-sized, wild fruit to the juicy beefsteak tomatoes found in supermarkets today sheds light on the ways early agriculture changed the evolution of common plants and on the function of genes shared by many plants. Oct. 19: Kevin Vogel - Kissing bugs are a lot less romantic than they sound. These bugs feed on blood, often by biting a sleeping person on the face. Several species of these insects can also transmit the parasites that cause Chagas’ disease, a major disease in Central and South America.Vogel, CAES assistant professor of entomology, is curious about the interaction of these harmful pests and the gut bacteria that allow them to produce vitamins not present in their favorite food – blood. -continued on next page
GFB News Alert page 7 of 12 Continued from previous page Nov. 2: Kristen Navara - Just how powerful are moms? Navara, an associate professor in the CAES Department of Poultry Science, studies the ways that bird moms program the behavior and physiology of their babies. She focuses on finding ways to harness this maternal power to purposely manipulate the sexes of chicks for the poultry industry. Nov. 16: Luke Mortensen - Mortenson’s research in the UGA Regenerative Bioscience Center focuses on developing advanced imaging techniques that will allow for more precise application of stem cell therapies to patients with severely damaged bone tissue. His lab in the CAES Department of Animal and Dairy Science uses groundbreaking microscopy techniques and lasers to help refine therapies that could soon be used in hospitals to help heal bones. Nov. 30: Cecilia McGregor - The biggest challenges of growing vegetables, especially summer vegetables, in Georgia are the heat and humidity and the disease and insects that they fuel. McGregor, CAES associate professor of horticulture, is interested in breeding vegetable varieties that can better handle Georgia’s climate and better resist disease and insect damage. She’s specifically interested in breeding nutrient rich watermelon with high levels of disease resistance. Dec. 7: Ash Sial - The first secret of managing insects on the farm is to understand the insect. Sial, assistant professor and integrated pest management coordinator in the CAES Department of Entomology, has spent his career investigating the life cycle and ecology of some of agriculture’s most costly insect pests. His research provides farmers with sustainable pest control methods. NRCS IN GEORGIA ANNOUNCES EQIP SIGN-UP The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is taking enrollment for fiscal year 2019 Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). All Georgia producers who wish to be considered for financial assistance should apply by Aug. 17. Visit http://bit.ly/19EQIPsignup for more information. While producers can apply year round, this application cutoff announcement is for all general EQIP, as well as some special initiatives such as the Longleaf Pine (http://bit.ly/19longleafpine), On-Farm Energy (http://bit.ly/19onfarmenergy), Organic (http://bit.ly/19organic) and Seasonal High Tunnel (http://bit.ly/19hightunnel). They can do so by visiting to their local USDA Service Center (http://bit.ly/19NRCSsvcctrs) submitting their Conservation Program Application (NRCS-CPA-1200). EQIP was originally established under the 1996 Farm Bill and reauthorized in the 2014 Farm Bill. It provides technical and financial assistance to landowners to voluntarily address soil, water and other natural resource concerns on private lands. EQIP conservation practices include, but are not limited to: pasture and hay land planting, heavy use areas, waste storage facilities, terracing, pest management, tree planting, seasonal high tunnels, organic crop assistance and wildlife habitat management. NRCS provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain and improve our natural resources and environment. More information on NRCS conservation programs can be found at http://www.ga.nrcs.usda.gov under the Programs tab.
GFB News Alert page 8 of 12 NRCS, PARTNERS ANNOUNCE POULTRY FARM ENERGY INITIATIVE SIGN UP The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Limestone Valley Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Council are accepting enrollment for the North Georgia Poultry Energy Efficiency and Nutrient Management Planning Initiative for fiscal year 2019. The deadline for eligible poultry producers to apply is Aug. 17. This north Georgia specific project is one of 88 projects across the country was selected for funding two years ago through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP, http://bit.ly/19RCPP). The 18-county project area covers Bartow, Catoosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Dade, Fannin, Floyd, Gilmer, Gordon, Murray, Paulding, Pickens, Polk, Rabun, Towns, Union, Walker and Whitfield counties. Poultry producers looking to improve on-farm energy efficiency as well as water and soil quality through nutrient management, should visit their local USDA Service Center (http://bit.ly/19NRCSsvcctrs) and submit their Conservation Program Application (NRCS-CPA1200) before the Aug. 17 deadline. The RC&D Council (http://limestonevalley.org) covers most of northwest Georgia, but is leading a team of seven public and private partners during this three-year project that spans the northern border of Georgia. Created by the 2014 farm bill, the RCPP is a partner driven, locally-led approach to conservation. It offers new opportunities for USDA’s NRCS to harness innovation, welcome new partners to the conservation mission, and demonstrates the value and efficacy of voluntary, private lands conservation. More information on NRCS conservation programs can be found at http://www.ga.nrcs.usda.gov under the Programs tab. CROP INSURANCE DEADLINE NEARS FOR GEORGIA SWEET CORN GROWERS Georgia sweet corn producers have until July 31 to apply for crop insurance coverage or make changes to their existing coverage under the 2014 farm bill. Crop insurance provides protection against a loss in production due to natural perils, such as drought or excessive moisture. Coverage is available for corn grown in Decatur, Grady and Mitchell counties. Growers are encouraged to visit their crop insurance agent soon to learn specific details for the 2019 crop year. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers by visiting the RMA agent locator at www.rma.usda.gov/tools/agent.html. Growers can use the RMA cost estimator at bit.ly/rmacost to get a premium amount estimate of their insurance needs online. Learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net at www.rma.usda.gov.
GFB News Alert page 9 of 12 UGA POULTRY SCIENCE OPEN HOUSE July 20 UGA Department of Poultry Science Athens This free event allows high school and potential college transfer students interested in science, technology, animals and more to spend a day with UGA Department of Poultry Science faculty as they showcase their work in poultry science and avian biology. Interactive sessions will allow students to focus on their interests and provide information about poultry science career options. A Chick-fil-A lunch and Department of Poultry Science gift bags will be provided. Register by July 13 by visiting http://bit.ly/18poultryopenhouse. For more information contact Jessica Fife at jfife@uga.edu or 706-542-9153. GFB YF&R “A CALF’S WEIGHT IN CHANGE” FOR GEORGIA FOOD BANKS The Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher Committee is asking Farm Bureau members and ag supporters to dig deep to help each county collect a calf’s weight in loose change, estimated to be 65 pounds of coins, until July 16. All money collected will be donated to the Georgia Food Bank Association. Donations are accepted at county Farm Bureau offices. Farm Bureau Bank has pledged to match all donations collected. For more information, contact GFB YF&R Coordinator Erin Nessmith at ennessmith@gfb.org or at 478-474-0679, ext. 5232. GRAIN SORGHUM CLINIC AND FIELD TOUR July 18 UGA Iron Horse Farm Watkinsville This event will be held in coordination with UGA Extension for producers, crop consultants and industry representatives. Topics will include a discussion of the UGA Extension grain sorghum statewide variety testing program, an agronomic review on fertility and key considerations, field scouting for weeds, diseases and insects, and information on harvest and storage best management practices (BMPs). For more information on this event, contact your local extension office or Brent Crafton, Sorghum Checkoff regional director, at 618-340-8263. AGAWARE FINANCIAL TRAINING WORKSHOP July 20 Jackson EMC Community Room 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Hull Northeast Georgia farmers have an opportunity to attend a free, nationally award-winning financial training workshop. The program, AGAware, has been developed with the purpose of promoting the next generation of farmers by educating them in the many aspects of running a successful agricultural operation. The program is tailored for young, beginning, small, and/or minority farmers. Topics covered in the program include: balance sheets, income statements, family finance & family budgeting, risk management, accrual income, applying for financing and preparing a business plan with bonus video topics on record keeping, marketing, and technology available for continued education. The AGAware educational program is certified for FSA Direct Borrower Training Credit. To register, visit www.aggeorgia.com/agaware.
GFB News Alert page 10 of 12 AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE OF THE SOUTH July 23-25 Alpharetta Conference Center Alpharetta This is Georgia’s first conference dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship that is shaping the future of agriculture. Hosted by Tech Alpharetta, in partnership with the City of Alpharetta, the three-day conference will address the explosive growth in ag tech that has resulted from the intersection of agriculture and technology. The event will feature an impressive list of speakers from leading organizations like ACGO, Syngenta, Microsoft, Proagrica, The Climate Corporation, Oracle, Georgia Tech, the University of Georgia, and many more. Panel discussions and break-out sessions will cover a variety of topics, including big data, ag tech logistics and supply chain, state of the region in ag tech, innovation, plant genetics and biotechnology. Registration is $550 until July 23. Day-of-event fee is $595. To register, visit http://bit.ly/agtechconf18. 2018 SUNBELT EXPO FIELD DAY July 24 Spence Field 7:15 a.m. Moultrie Farmers are invited to the Darrell Williams Research Farm on the grounds of the Sunbelt Expo, where they can see the latest research on irrigation, variety trials for Southeastern crops, seeds and chemicals, and agricultural technology. A biscuit breakfast and barbecue lunch will be provided, and attendees can register for door prizes. For more information visit www.sunbeltexpo.com or call 229-985-1968. POND MANAGEMENT SEMINAR Aug. 2 Lake Laceola, North Shore Dr. Cleveland The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and UGA Extension will present information about pond management, and Chris Looney of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources will lead a pond shocking demonstration. To register, contact the Eastanollee NRCS office at 706-779-2134, ext. 3. NOMINATIONS FOR GFB COMMODITY COMMITTEES Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) is taking nominations for spots on its 20 commodity advisory committees. These committees serve in an advisory capacity to the GFB president, board of directors and staff to implement Farm Bureau policy. They also make recommendations to the GFB Policy Development Committee relative to their commodities. Every GFB Commodity Committee has a representative from each of GFB's 10 districts. Committee members must produce the commodity their committee represents. The commodities for which GFB has committees are: aquaculture; beef cattle; cotton; dairy; direct marketing/agritourism; environmental horticulture; equine; feedgrain/soybean; forestry; fruit; goats and sheep; hay; honeybee; peanut; pecan; poultry; swine; tobacco; vegetables and water. Committee chairpersons will be appointed for a one-year term, and will also serve on the GFB Policy Development Committee. Nomination forms should be submitted by county Farm Bureaus and received no later than Aug. 17. For more information contact Joe McManus in the GFB Public Policy Department at jcmcmanus@gfb.org or 478-474-0679, ext. 5259.
GFB News Alert page 11 of 12 NATIONAL EGG PRODUCTS SCHOOL Sept. 10-13 UGA Food Science Building, 100 Cedar St. Athens Participants will receive a thorough introduction to eggs and egg products, from their initial formation through the packaging of liquid and dried egg products for industrial use. This “farm to fork” review includes side excursions into molecular structure, safety, microbiology and the latest research on egg nutrition. Alongside the presentations, the program incorporates hands-on sessions for participants to use a variety of egg ingredients to create products such as angel food cake, ice cream, mayonnaise and custard. The intent is to demonstrate functional characteristics egg ingredients supply to these applications, investigate the scientific principles behind the functionality, and then taste the results. Participants will learn about the effects of impurities or bad processing techniques. Registration is $595 until Aug. 15 and $695 afterward. To register online visit https://bit.ly/2uEXwQ6 and click on “National Egg Products School.” For more information contact Jeniece Vinson at jgvinson@uga.edu or 706-542-1371. AG SAFETY GRANTS OFFERED BY NATIONAL CHILDREN’S CENTER Proposals are now being accepted by the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety for grants up to $20,000 to support small projects and pilot studies that address prevention of childhood agricultural disease and injury. Application deadline is August 20. Highest priority will be given to projects that: Utilize the www.AgInjuryNews.org website; incorporate the Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines (www.CultivateSafety.org/family-farms), and/or focus on special populations (e.g., workers’ children, Anabaptists, African Americans, Native Americans). For more information, visit www.marshfieldresearch.org/nccrahs/mini-grants or contact Marsha Salzwedel at salzwedel.marsha@marshfieldresearch.org; 715-389-5226 or 1800-662-6900 option 8. AFBF ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR COUNTY ACTIVITIES OF EXCELLENCE AFBF is now accepting applications for the 2019 County Activities of Excellence (CAE) program. County Farm Bureaus wishing to enter can access award information, applications and the CAE archives from http://bit.ly/19AFBFCAE. The deadline for counties to have their applications submitted online for state CAE coordinator approval is Sept. 1 at 12 a.m. EDT. AFBF will accept applications that are approved online by the state CAE coordinator by Sept. 14. Georgia’s state CAE coordinator is Field Services Director Dennis Black (478-474-0679, ext. 5224. Winners will be announced no later than Oct. 19. Individual county and multi-county CAE winning entries will each receive a $2,250 cash award to be used toward travel and display costs to attend the 2019 AFBF Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show. In addition, individual and multi-county CAE winning entries will each receive a total of four free registrations for the AFBF Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show.
GFB News Alert page 12 of 12 32ND ANNUAL GEORGIA PEANUT TOUR Sept. 18-20 Savannah and surrounding area The Georgia Peanut Tour brings the latest information on peanuts while giving a firsthand view of industry infrastructure from production and handling to processing and utilization. Tour stops will be made in several peanut-producing counties, including Bulloch, Burke, Candler and Screven. Tour stops include on-farm harvest demonstrations and clinics, research at the University of Georgia Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center and the Georgia Ports Authority. Hotel accommodations can be made at the Hilton Garden Inn-Savannah Airport by calling 912-964-5550 Rooms are available at the rate of $129.00 plus tax for a standard room. Be sure to ask for the Georgia Peanut Tour room block. COBB COUNTY FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays through September 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. Lost Mountain Park, Powder Springs The public is invited to check out a variety of vendors with locally grown produce, baked goods, strawberries, peaches, jams, jellies and much more. Lost Mountain Park is located at 4845 Dallas Highway in Powder Springs. For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/cobbcofarmbureau/ or call 770-943-3531. MONROE FARMERS MARKET Saturdays until October 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Court Street, Downtown Monroe This market, sponsored in part by Walton County Farm Bureau, will feature fresh produce and goods from local farmers, work from local artisans and family friendly activities. For more information visit www.monroedowntownfarmersmarket.com. GFB TAKING LISTINGS FOR HAY DIRECTORY Farm Bureau members with hay for sale or offering custom harvesting or custom sprigging services are invited to list in the GFB Quality Hay Directory published on the GFB website. Because this directory is now offered online, hay can be listed or removed from the site as your inventory dictates. To participate, please complete a submission form available at your county Farm Bureau office or online at www.gfb.ag/hay. Please include a $10 check made payable to Georgia Farm Bureau for each listing of hay, custom harvesting or custom sprigging. Multiple listings are allowed. UPCOMING BEEF EVENTS GEORGIA CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION 8TH ANNUAL SUMMER CONFERENCE July 26-28 Villas by the Sea Jekyll Island For more information visit www.gabeef.org or contact Will Bentley or Michele Creamer at 478474-6560. FADEOSH 3RD ANNUAL BRED HEIFER SALE Aug. 25 8636 Boston Monticello Hwy. 1 p.m. Boston For more information contact Josh Herring at 229-244-2517 or Deidre Parramore at 229-460-6843 or dhp31602@yahoo.com.