July 26, 2017
Vol. 35 No. 15
GFB YOUNG FARMERS EAT, PLAY, LEARN ON JEKYLL ISLAND Young farmers were urged to engage in educating the public, learned marketing tips, saw man-made rain, played on the beach and the golf course and dined on seafood during the 2017 Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmer Leadership Conference, held July 19-22 on Jekyll Island. More than 100 young farmers and their families attended the conference, held for the sixth straight year at the Jekyll Island Conference Center. While the grownups heard speakers on topics including how to engage with consumers, managing cash flow while operating the farm and land management practices for forage crops, their children had the opportunity to visit the Georgia Sea Turtle Center and participate in hands-on ag activities. The conference also featured the culmination of GFB’s Young Farmer competitive events – Achievement Award, Discussion Meet and Excellence in Agriculture (see next story). American Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmer & Rancher Coordinator Marty Tatman spoke at the opening session, providing information about Farm Bureau structure and programs. Tatman pointed out AFBF President Zippy Duvall’s theme for 2017 – Engage. Participants heard messages prompting them to Dr. Dennis Hancock engage with consumers, with lawmakers and with lenders, three groups of people on whom farmers’ livelihoods depend. The GFB Public Policy staff provided information about their new The next issue of department, which consolidated the previous Commodities and Legislative GFB News Alert comes out departments, as well as providing key bills considered during the Georgia August 9. Legislature’s 2017 session this spring. Jordan Tippett from UGA's Small Business Development Center presented information on marketing strategy. While building strategy typically takes 10 percent of businesses' marketing efforts, with the rest devoted to actions, or tactics, to implement strategy, Tippett said the -continued on next page
GFB News Alert page 2 of 12 Continued from previous page planning/tactics ratio should be closer to half. “It’s easier to just jump into these tactical things,” Tippett said. “If you’re doing that and you’re spending your money on the wrong Facebook ads, and you’re tweeting to the wrong people and you’re putting the wrong kinds of posts out there, it’s not going to have much effect. Really, you should be more balanced in your strategic and tactical planning.” Marketing, Tippett said, has evolved from the outbound marketing model – the traditional advertising vehicles like billboards, print publications and broadcasts – to an inbound model. Inbound marketing, which Tippett recommends, involves two-way communication between the business and its target audience, often through social media. Inbound marketing includes web-based search engine optimization, social media messaging, using retargeting and repeated exposure to marketing messages to draw customers in so they choose to engage with the business. “If you’re not on Facebook as a business, that’s a big step forward to take,” Tippett said. The financial panel discussion, moderated by GFB Young Farmer Coordinator Taylor Sills, featured AgSouth Farm Credit's Mitchell Dickey, Bulloch County Farm Bureau Young Farmer Chairman Ryne Brannen and AgGeorgia Farm Credit's Jed Evans. The panelists advised young farmers to cultivate relationships with their lenders, closely track farm expenses and loan balances and be transparent with their lenders when problems arise. “As a farmer you need to develop a deep relationship with your lender,” Evans said. “Find someone you want to do business with.” The panel emphasized maintaining a constant awareness of crop expenses and conditions that might affect their ability to pay off annual operating loans. When they recognize they have a problem, sooner is better than later when contacting their lender. Brannen emphasized a conservative approach to spending and heeding the lender’s advice. “You don’t have to sell them on ag,” Brannen said. “They’re there to support agriculture. If they have reservations about your business plan, you need to listen to them.” Dr. Dennis Hancock, UGA Extension forage, presented information about how farmers can enhance soil health and “turn grass into cash.” He addressed grazing practices and recommended a rotational grazing system that allows the grass and the soil to rest while avoiding having the grass grazed all the way to the ground. “Good grazing contributes to root development,” Hancock said. “It builds great roots and builds better soil.” In simulations outside, Hancock showed how varying soil types hold water by placing clumps from three different types of soil into water-filled tubes. One disintegrated when submerged, indicating that it did not hold water well and would end up as runoff, while the two others remained intact. Hancock also showed conference participants a rainfall simulator which showed how varying levels of vegetation impact the soil’s ability to hold water. During lunch on Friday, Georgia Sea Turtle Center Education Associate Kira Stearns presented information about the turtles’ anatomy. During the closing session July 22, keynote speaker Paige Pratt, a beef cattle producer from Kansas, discussed food labels and how they impact farmers sometimes without the backing of sound science. For instance, the labels can include the word “natural,” but there is no scientific consensus on what it means. Pratt also discussed the misconceptions about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the entrenched perception that they are dangerous. “We have a population of consumers who are concerned about GMOs and the science says they shouldn’t be,” Pratt said. For photos from the conference, visit http://bit.ly/17YFconfpics.
GFB News Alert page 3 of 12 YOUNG FARMER COMPETITIVE EVENT WINNERS ANNOUNCED Thomas and Alicia Harrell, Skye and Josh Pennino and Will Godowns walked away with top prizes from the Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmer competitive events, which were completed during the 2017 GFB Young Farmer Leadership Conference on Jekyll Island. The Harrells, from Madison County, won the GFB Young Farmer Achievement award, given to recognize young farmers who derive the majority of their income from production agriculture. The Harrells raise poultry and cattle, grow hay and operate a farm equipment metal shop on their farm. The couple received a crossover utility vehidle (XUV) sponsored by Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance and $500 cash from AgSouth Farm Credit. Ben and Vicki Cagle of Cherokee County and Elton Baldy of Colquitt County were the other finalists for the Achievement Award. Each finalist family received $500 cash from AgSouth Farm Credit. State winners in all three contests also receive expense-paid trips to the 2018 American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, in January to compete for national honors. The Penninos, from Hancock County, won the Young Farmer Excellence in Agriculture Award, given to recognize young farmers who derive the majority of their income from something other than production agriculture. Josh also works as a livestock auctioneer and livestock relocation specialist. Skye is an assistant district attorney in the Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit. The couple received an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) sponsored by Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance. Other finalists were Justin Shealey of Cook County and Melissa Copelan Mathis of Monroe County. Shealey and Mathis receive $500 cash sponsored by Georgia Farm Bureau. Godowns, from Pike County, emerged from a field of 29 competitors to win the GFB Young Farmer Discussion meet. Godowns received an ATV sponsored by Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance and $500 cash from Georgia Farm Bureau. Other finalists were Heather Cabe of Franklin County, Newt Gilman of Jackson County and Kaitlyn Butler of Morgan County. Each received $350 in cash sponsored by SunTrust Bank. In the final round, the discussion centered on how Farm Bureau can help members with increasing legal and regulatory obstacles so they can continue to farm. Madison Lynn of Toombs County, a student at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, was the top collegiate finisher in the Discussion Meet and earned a spot in the AFBF Collegiate Discussion Meet, to be held in early 2018. For photos of finalists and winners visit http://bit.ly/17YFwinners. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR PRODUCES WAGE AND HOUR RESOURCE VIDEO The U.S. Department of Labor, in conjunction with the Farm Labor Practices Group, has produced a 15-minute video guide on compliance with the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA) and H-2A. The video can be accessed online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGjMecmoIkA.
GFB News Alert page 4 of 12 FORMER GREENE COUNTY FARM BUREAU PRESIDENT LARRY ELEY DIES Larry Eley Sr., who served five two-year terms as Greene County Farm Bureau president, died on July 17. He was 71. Born in Washington, Georgia, he was the oldest son of J. W. “J Buck” Eey and Dorothy Mae Thurmond Eley. Larry graduated from Greensboro High School in the class of 1963. After high school he attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, earning an associate degree in dairy science. At the time of his death he was running Larry Eley Farm Supply in White Plains. “We were greatly saddened to learn of Larry Eley’s passing,” said Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) President Gerald Long. “His dedicated service and leadership will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.” Farming was his life and he was a member of Georgia Farm Bureau Larry Eley since 1969. He served as president of Greene County Farm Bureau in 1978-79, 1988-89, 1996-97, 2007-08 and 2015-16. He was chairman of the GFB Young Farmer Committee in 1978 and served on the GFB Water Committee from 2005 to 2015. In February, he was inducted into the Georgia Association of Conservation Districts Hall of Fame. He was an active member of White Plains Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Nancy Rowe Eley, of White Plains; daughters, Amy Simpson (and husband Charles) and Beth Clifton (and husband Chad); sons, Jeff Eley and Mark Eley (and wife Tawny); grandchildren, Lauren Eley, Lea Eley, Lindsey Eley, Henry Eley, Will Eley, Ella Eley and Kaeley Clifton; brothers, Jamie Eley (Dollie), Phil Eley (Jan), and Keith Eley (Cheryl) all of White Plains; many other relatives and numerous friends. The family requests that memorials be made in memory of Larry Eley to the White Plains Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, P.O. Box 38, White Plains, GA 30678. CHATHAM COUNTY FARM BUREAU RECEIVES WHITE-REINHARDT GRANT Chatham County Farm Bureau (CCFB) has been awarded one of 10 mini-grants by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. The foundation provides the mini-grants to communities across the nation through the White-Reinhardt Fund for Education program. The grants are allocated through county and state Farm Bureaus and are used to create new agricultural literacy projects or expand existing agricultural literacy efforts. CCFB is working to place outdoor chicken coops at St. Andrew’s School in Savannah, housing flocks and building on lessons about the life cycle of a chicken. Criteria for selecting winners included: the effectiveness of demonstrating a strong connection between agriculture and education; how successfully the project enhances learner engagement in today’s food, fiber and fuel systems; and the processes and timelines for accomplishing project goals. “We’re pleased to help bring agriculture literacy ideas to life across the nation through the minigrant program,” said Julia Recko, education outreach director for the Foundation. The White-Reinhardt Fund for Education is a project of the Foundation in cooperation with the American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee. The fund honors two former committee chairwomen, Berta White and Linda Reinhardt, who were trailblazers in early national efforts to expand the outreach of agricultural education and improve agricultural literacy.
GFB News Alert page 5 of 12 NEW LEADERSHIP CENTER AT FFA/FCCLA CAMP HONORS TERRY ENGLAND Ga. Rep. Terry England (R-Dist. 116) was honored for his support of ag education, Georgia FFA and the Georgia Family, Career & Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) programs during a dedication ceremony for the new Terry England Leadership Center on July 18 at the Georgia FFA/FCCLA Camp. England, who has served in the Ga. House since 2005, was instrumental in developing an oversight committee for ag education more than 12 years ago. As chairman of the Georgia House Appropriations Committee since 2011, England has been instrumental in spearheading the appropriation of around $20 million for improvement projects at Camp John Hope in Fort Valley and at the Georgia FFA/FCCLA Center in Covington. Funds have been used to build new cabins, dining halls and activity centers, renovate existing cabins and improve water and sewage infrastructure at the two camps to sustain the ag education and FFA/FCCLA leadership programs. “I want to thank everyone who felt this was appropriate. Cindy and Terry England I’m humbled to the point of not knowing what to say,” England said during the dedication ceremony. “As I left high school, one of my goals was to give back to an organization that helped a boy who started in FFA afraid to speak in front of a mirror. FFA gave me the opportunity to learn how to stand in front of people and speak. It taught me how to be a better friend, husband, son and a better person. My hope is that for decades to come this building will create the memories that some of the buildings down the hill {at the camp} helped make for me.” An exhibit highlighting the contributions of Terry England and his wife Cindy to the Georgia FFA program and Terry’s achievements as an FFA member in the early 1980s is displayed in the foyer of the Terry England Leadership Center at the Georgia FFA/FCCLA Camp. The Englands served on both the Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmer Committee and the American Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee in the early 1990s. England chaired the GFB YF Committee in 1993. “We’re here to honor Terry and Cindy. We appreciate what you have done. This is a tangible example of what great leadership can produce. This center is a very important addition to this historic institution," Gov. Nathan Deal, a former FFA member, said during his remarks at the dedication center. “Terry has been the leader of the appropriations committee in the House and he’s been a supporter and encourager of ag education. There was a time when vocational ag education was in jeopardy even though agriculture is the number one economic driver.” Deal thanked the camp staff and ag teachers across Georgia for their work with Georgia’s youth. More than 150 Chapter FFA officers were on hand for the dedication ceremony and the Chapter Officer Leadership Training Conference held at the FFA/FCCLA Center later that day. During the conference the officers set goals for the coming year.
GFB News Alert page 6 of 12 GEORGIA AVOIDS DICAMBA ISSUES SO FAR While state governments in several other states have taken steps to limit sale and use of dicamba technology, Georgia has avoided the need for similar actions so far, according to state officials. On July 10, Missouri issued a statewide stop sale order of herbicides using dicamba as their active ingredient. These herbicides are designed for use in conjunction with Monsanto’s Xtend cotton and soybean seeds, which have traits that make them tolerant of dicamba. Other states have received numerous complaints that the herbicides had drifted into areas where other crops were planted, causing damage to those crops. Georgia implemented a certification program and required training before the auxin class of herbicides – which include dicamba – can be used. The training, titled “Using Pesticides Wisely,” provides information to help growers make wise decisions on when and where to spray pesticides. Georgia Department of Agriculture Plant Industry Division Director Tommy Gray attributed the state’s success in preventing dicamba drift. “We are extremely fortunate and I truly believe the training efforts have made the difference,” Gray said in an email exchange with Georgia Farm Bureau. “I also give growers here a lot of credit for doing the right thing and not using the new products in areas they might have problems.” The training sessions, developed by UGA Weed Specialist Stanley Culpepper, were held around the state in February and March. Culpepper said the UGA Cooperative Extension Service has had no complaints arising from inseason applications of dicamba and did not anticipate any restrictions in other states having an immediate impact in Georgia. ATYPICAL BSE FOUND IN ALABAMA COW The USDA confirmed an atypical case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), a neurologic disease of cattle, in an eleven-year old cow in Alabama, according to a USDA press release. This animal never entered slaughter channels and at no time presented a risk to the food supply, or to human health in the United States. USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) have determined that this cow was positive for atypical (L-type) BSE. The animal was showing clinical signs and was found through routine surveillance at an Alabama livestock market. APHIS and Alabama veterinary officials are gathering more information on the case. Atypical BSE generally occurs in older cattle, usually 8 years of age or greater. It seems to arise rarely and spontaneously in all cattle populations, the USDA press release said. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has recognized the United States as negligible risk for BSE. As noted in the OIE guidelines for determining this status, atypical BSE cases do not impact official BSE risk status recognition as this form of the disease is believed to occur spontaneously in all cattle populations at a very low rate. The finding of an atypical case will not change the negligible risk status of the United States, and should not lead to any trade issues. The United States has a longstanding system of interlocking safeguards against BSE that protects public and animal health in the United States, the most important of which is the removal of specified risk materials - or the parts of an animal that would contain BSE should an animal have the disease - from all animals presented for slaughter. The second safeguard is a strong feed ban that protects cattle from the disease. Another important component of our system - which led to this detection - is our ongoing BSE surveillance program that allows USDA to detect the disease if it exists at very low levels in the U.S. cattle population.
GFB News Alert page 7 of 12 CONGRESSMEN URGE PRESIDENT TO AUTHORIZE COTTON ASSISTANCE Acknowledging ongoing severe economic hardships in the U.S. cotton industry, members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate sent letters to President Donald Trump on July 18 asking him to use his authority to help stabilize the cotton industry by operating the Cotton Ginning Assistance Cost Share Program on an ongoing basis. “We can’t continue ignoring the economic turmoil of U.S. cotton farmers,” said House Ag Committee Chairman Michael Conaway (RTexas). “While countries like China and India are pouring billions of dollars into subsidies for fiber production each year, America’s cotton producers have been struggling to scrape by without a safety net to help them soldier through these tough times – the steepest slide in net-farm income since the Great Depression. Cotton producers can’t wait until the next farm bill – they need help now. I urge the president to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with U.S. cotton farmers to provide them with the assistance they so desperately need.” The House letter was signed by 109 representatives, including 12 of Georgia’s 14 members. Sens. Johnny Isakson and David Perdue were among 26 members who signed the Senate letter. According to the letters, the number of ginning businesses has declined by 33 percent, while the number of cotton warehousing businesses have dropped by 21 percent. “It is imperative that we protect the remaining 20,000 businesses in this industry that employ 126,000 people and generate over $21 billion in revenue,” the letters said. Georgia is second in cotton production, with its farmers typically devoting more than 1 million acres to the crop. Cotton is the largest field crop produced in Georgia. Approximately 2,600 Georgia farmers grow cotton according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture. CENSKY NOMINATED AS DEPUTY AG SECRETARY American Soybean Association (ASA) Chief Executive Officer Stephen Censky was nominated for Deputy Secretary of Agriculture on July 13. Censky has served as the ASA’s CEO for the past 21 years. He served in both the Reagan and George H. W. Bush Administrations at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, including a stint as administrator of the Foreign Agricultural Service, where he was involved in running U.S. export programs. “Our work has only just begun in delivering results for the people of American agriculture, and the experience and leadership skills of Stephen Censky will only enhance our efforts,” said Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. “He will bring enthusiasm and a dedication to this country which will be great assets to USDA’s customers. I am extremely pleased with the nomination for this key position and am hopeful that the Senate will take it up in short order.” Censky has a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from South Dakota State University and a postgraduate diploma in agriculture science from the University of Melbourne in Australia. He grew up on a soybean, corn, and diversified livestock farm near Jackson, Minnesota. He and his wife Carmen reside in suburban St. Louis and have two daughters who are in college.
GFB News Alert page 8 of 12 CHEROKEE COUNTY CANDIDATE FORUM/MEET & GREET July 27 Cagle’s Family Farm, 5267 Conns Creek Rd. 6:30 p.m. Ball Ground All local, state and national candidates running for office in 2017 are invited to attend and each will have two minutes to speak if they have opposition. Those candidates with no opposition will be introduced. Questions from the audience will follow. Current elected officials will also be introduced. Everyone will have time to meet & greet the candidates before and after the event. Homemade ice cream will be served by Boy Scout Troop #465. Soft drinks, water and peanuts will be provided by Cherokee County Farm Bureau. RSVP by July 21 to Cherokee County Farm Bureau Office Manager Shirley Pahl at sfpahl@gfb.org or 770- 479-1481 ext. 0. STRIPLING IRRIGATION RESEARCH PARK FIELD DAY July 27 Stripling Irrigation Research Park 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Camilla This field day includes remarks from UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Dean Sam Pardue and Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black. Field tours feature advanced irrigation scheduling, soil moisture sensors and smartphone app, chemgiation of fungicides on cotton and corn and much more. RSVP by July 21 by calling 229-522-3623 or sending an email to sirp@uga.edu. FSA COUNTY COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS Aug. 1 deadline for nominations The USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is accepting nominations for its county committees. County committees are made up of farmers and ranchers elected by other producers in their communities to guide the delivery of farm programs at the local level. Committee members play a critical role in the day-to-day operations of FSA. After the nomination period, candidates will encourage the eligible producers in their local administrative area to vote. FSA will mail election ballots to eligible voters beginning Nov. 6, 2017. Ballots will be due back to the local county office either via mail or in person by Dec. 4, 2017. Newly-elected committee members and alternates will take office on Jan. 1, 2018. To become a candidate, an eligible individual must sign an FSA669A nomination form. The form and other information about FSA county committee elections are available at www.fsa.usda.gov/elections. All nomination forms for the 2017 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug. 1. Locate your local office at https://offices.usda.gov and visit to get more information. GEORGIA STRAWBERRY GROWERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Aug. 8 Georgia Farm Bureau 10 a.m. Macon This free meeting for extension agents and growers, includes updates on insects, weed control and variety testing. A business meeting and lunch will follow the educational sessions. RSVP to Taylor/Peach County Extension Agent Jeff Cook at 478-862-5496.
GFB News Alert page 9 of 12 NATIONAL CHILDREN’S CENTER OFFERING AG SAFETY GRANTS Aug. 16 deadline to apply Proposals are now being accepted for mini-grants up to $20,000 to support small-scale projects and pilot studies that address prevention of childhood agricultural disease and injury. The National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety plans to award three grants. Since 2002, 55 projects have been funded through the National Children's Center. For information on eligibility, how to improve your chances of being funded, submitting a proposal and frequently asked questions, go to: https://www.marshfieldresearch.org/nccrahs/mini-grants or contact Marsha Salzwedel, M.S., salzwedel.marsha@marshfieldresearch.edu or by phone at 715-389-5226 or 1800-662-6900 option 8. 2017 AGAWARE WORKSHOP Aug. 25 Burke County Office Park Waynesboro AgSouth Farm Credit and AgGeorgia Farm Credit are hosting this workshop to give farmers a better understanding of how to approach their finances. Topics covered in the program include: balance sheets; income statements; family finance & family budgeting; risk management; accrual income; applying for financing and preparing a business plan. Bonus videos on recordkeeping, marketing and technology will be available for continued education. To register visit http://bit.ly/agawaresignup. AFBF COUNTY ACTIVITIES OF EXCELLENCE Sept. 1 deadline to apply The American Farm Bureau Federation County Activities of Excellence (CAE) Awards are designed to celebrate unique volunteer-driven programming at the local level. The program recognizes and shares successful county Farm Bureau programs and activities to help generate grassroots activity. The CAE program categorizes activities into the following areas: Education and Ag Promotion, Member Services, Public Relations and Information, Leadership Development and Policy Implementation. Up to 24 county Farm Bureau activities from across the nation will be selected to display in the IDEAg Trade Show January 2018, in Nashville, Tennessee. Individual county activities and multi-county collaborative activities selected will receive $2,250 toward expenses incurred to participate in the CAE program at the AFBF Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show as well as four free convention registrations. For information about the program or to enter, visit http://bit.ly/AFBFCAE. 22nd ANNUAL LUMBER CITY FARM DAY FESTIVAL Sept. 9 & 10 Lumber City Saturday’s events include a Fun Run & 5K race, arts/crafts, food vendors, a parade and live entertainment. A community church service will be held Sept. 10. For more information or to register for the race visit www.lumbercityfarmday.org or call Jeanette Ban at 912-363-4643 or email jeaban2007@mac.com.
GFB News Alert page 10 of 12 31ST ANNUAL GEORGIA PEANUT TOUR Sept. 19-20 Southwest Georgia The 31st annual Georgia Peanut Tour brings the latest information on peanuts while giving a firsthand view of industry infrastructure from production and handling to processing and utilization. Tour stops will be made in several peanut producing counties including Dougherty, Lee and Sumter County. Attendees can expect to see first-hand nearly every aspect of peanut production in the state. This year's tour hosts many exciting stops including on-farm harvest demonstrations and clinics, peanut processing facilities, and several special highlights which include research at the University of Georgia Southwest Georgia Research and Education Center, Jimmy Carter's Boyhood Home, Georgia Seed Development Commission Foundation Seed Facility in Plains, Smithville Peanut Company Buying Point and JLA USA in Albany. Hotel accommodations can be made at the Merry Acres Inn in Albany, Georgia, by calling 229-435-7721. Rooms are available at the rate of $89 plus tax for a standard room. Ask for the Georgia Peanut Tour room block. To register online visit http://bit.ly/17GAPnutTour. For more information contact the Georgia Peanut Commission at 229-386-3470. FIREWISE ON THE FARM FIELD DAY Sept. 26 William Harris Homestead, 3636 Hwy 11 N, 9:30 a.m. – noon Monroe This free field day, sponsored in part by Walton County Farm Bureau, promotes fire safety on the farm and in the home. Numerous agencies will give demonstrations and provide information about fire safety. The fire departments will be demonstrating equipment and methods of prevention and easy and convenient methods of extinguishing fires and how to equip a utility task vehicle with a small tank of water that is easily transported for equipment fires. For more information contact Frank Riley by email at frank.CCRCD@gmail.com or by phone at 706-897-1676. GEORGIA FARM TO SCHOOL SUMMIT Oct. 5 & 6 Helms College Augusta The Farm to School Summit connects schools, early care centers, and local farms and distributors to serve and champion healthy, local meals in cafeterias, improve student nutrition, and increase farm and gardening educational opportunities. This year’s summit welcomes farmers, teachers, early care educators and administrators, school nutrition staff, students, parents, and others interested in learning more about Georgia’s farm to school movement. Highlights include the opening keynote address from national farm to school leader Betti Wiggins of Detroit Public Schools, closing keynote address from Burke County School Nutrition Director and Presidentelect of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Donna Martin, workshops, educational sessions and networking. For more information visit http://bit.ly/farmtoschoolsummit. ASA DUPONT YOUNG LEADER PROGRAM Applications are being accepted for the ASA DuPont Young Leader program, a challenging and educational two-part training program. Phase I of the 2017–18 program will take place at the DuPont Pioneer headquarters in Johnston, Iowa, Nov. 28–30, 2017. The program continues Feb. 25–28, 2018 in Anaheim, California, in conjunction with the annual Commodity Classic Convention and Trade Show. Soybean grower couples and individuals are encouraged to apply for the program which focuses on leadership and communication, the latest agricultural information and the development of a strong peer network. To apply, visit https://soygrowers.com/learn/youngleader-program-application/.
GFB News Alert page 11 of 12 SAVANNAH COMMUNITY GARDEN SEEKS VOLUNTEERS, DONATIONS The community garden at Savannah Regional Hospital needs volunteers to help with garden maintenance – weeding, watering, transplanting, pruning and other tasks – that cannot be completed by the hospital’s therapeutic patients. The garden has six raised beds and houses various plants that provide forage for butterflies and bees. The hospital also needs donations of small gardening supplies and other items to make it visually interesting. For more information, contact Volunteer Services Coordinator Jessica Mathis at 912-356-2826. FARM BUREAU-AFFILIATED FARMERS MARKETS CANTON FARMERS MARKET Through Oct. 28 Saturdays 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Cannon Park Canton This market features 100 percent GA Grown produce and handcrafted items. Cherokee County Farm Bureau will hold an event once a month at the market promoting watermelon day, apple day, peach day etc. COBB COUNTY FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays 3 p.m.-7 p.m. Lost Mountain Park Powder Springs Cobb County Farm Bureau (CCFB) in cooperation with Cobb County Parks & Recreation is hosting this farmers market. CCFB is offering vendor space to farmers, growers and producers in Cobb and surrounding counties, with the goal of offering locally grown food to the community. Each vendor must be a Farm Bureau member. Vendor fees are only $5 per week, with a discount for paying in full for the entire market season. For more information contact cobbcountyfarmbureau@gmail.com or Debbie Payne at dmpayne@gfb.org or 770-9433531. MONROE FARMERS MARKET Saturdays until Oct. 7 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Court Street, Downtown Monroe This market, sponsored in part by Walton County Farm Bureau, features fresh produce and goods from local farmers, work from local artisans and family friendly activities. For more information visit www.monroedowntownfarmersmarket.com PAULDING COUNTY FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Thursdays through Oct. 26 3 p.m.-7 p.m., 549 Hardee St. Dallas Paulding County Farm Bureau (PCFB) is accepting vendors for its weekly farmers market being held at the PCFB office. Visit the market’s Facebook page (http://bit.ly/PCFBmkt) for weekly updates. Vendors sell locally grown produce and other ag commodities or homemade crafts. There is no fee to participate but vendors must be Farm Bureau members. To participate in the market, contact Tracy Grice at 770-445-6681 or email her at tcgrice@gfb.org.
GFB News Alert page 12 of 12 ROCKDALE/DEKALB FARM BUREAU FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays & Saturdays 8 a.m. – noon, RDCFB office Conyers The Rockdale/DeKalb Farm Bureau Farmers Market will be held at 1400 Parker Rd. SE in Conyers. The public is invited to stop by and shop for fresh, locally grown vegetables, dairy products, crafts and more. The market is expected to run into late summer or early fall when produce production ends. For more information contact the Rockdale/DeKalb County Farm Bureau office at 770-922-3566. SHIELDS-ETHRIDGE HERITAGE FARM CULTIVATORS MARKET Aug. 5, Sept. 2 & Oct. 21 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 2355 Ethridge Rd. Jefferson Jackson County Farm Bureau (JCFB) sponsors this monthly open-air market that features local farmers and entrepreneurs selling products they make or grow in a festival atmosphere. Market held rain or shine. The Shields-Ethridge Heritage Farm is an outdoor ag museum that functions as an educational and interpretative facility. Proceeds from the market will be used for restoration projects at the farm. If you are interested in having a booth at the market, contact JCFB Office Manager Denise Temple at dftemple@gfb.org or call 706-367-8877 or visit www.shieldsethridgefarminc.com to complete an application online. UNION COUNTY FARMERS MARKET Tuesdays 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. Saturdays 7 a.m. – 1 p.m., 148 Old Smokey Road Blairsville The public is welcome to shop for fresh, locally grown vegetables from local farmers. For more information contact Mickey Cummings or Kristy Peney at 706-781-8802 or visit www.ucfarmersmarket.com. Union County Farm Bureau will sponsor a tractor show at the market Labor Day weekend. WOODSTOCK FARM FRESH MARKET Saturdays through September 8:30 am to Noon. Woodstock Located on Market Street in Downtown Woodstock, the market features vendors who grow at least 85 percent of the products they sell. The Cherokee County Farm Bureau is partnering with the market to bring special events to the market throughout the 2017 season. For more information call 770-924-0406 or visit http://bit.ly/WoodstockFarmFreshMarket.