Georgia Farm Bureau's Leadership Alert - June 9, 2010

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June 9, 2010

Vol. 28 No. 23

PERDUE SIGNS WATER STEWARDSHIP BILL With a full Lake Lanier in the background, Gov. Sonny Perdue last week signed into law the Water Stewardship Act of 2010, a water use bill that he said helps build a statewide “culture of conservation” and shows that the state is serious about using water efficiently. “This legislation helps secure our water supplies by preparing for future growth, protecting water-sensitive industries and equipping us to navigate future droughts that are sure to come,” Perdue said. Georgia Farm Bureau supported the bill and assisted in forming provisions it includes that relate to agriculture. The law protects agricultural use and establishes permit categories for farm use of surface and ground water. “We recognize that efficient use of water resources is a serious issue that affects all Georgians,” GFB President Zippy Duvall said. “Continued access to water is crucial to maintaining agricultural viability in our state, and we believe this legislation helps protect that access.” The law establishes a system of watering permit categories, protecting the permits by statute. Landowners who have unused permits will be given the chance to classify them as active or inactive. Active permits are those being used for agricultural purposes. Inactive permits are those not being used, but which the permit holder wants to hold in reserve for future use or reuse. Permits that go unused for two years without being classified as active or inactive will be revoked under the new law. The law, sponsored in the senate by Sen. Ross Tolleson, was based on recommendations from the Governor’s Water Contingency Task Force, and is part of the state’s effort to forge a water-sharing agreement with Alabama and Florida. The legislation prohibits irrigation for landscaping purposes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Commercial agricultural operations are exempt from the law’s watering restrictions. Builders will be required to install more efficient plumbing fixtures in new developments while encouraging retrofits to install efficient water-use technology in existing buildings, and directs eight state agencies to examine water provider grant and loan programs to develop incentives for retrofits on existing construction. Under the law, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division is required to set standards for water loss and leak detection for all medium and large public water systems.

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