March 30, 2011
Vol. 29 No. 12
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Dean Dr. Scott Angle said he has seen signs that an end to the CAES budget cuts may be near and he is optimistic that the Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network (AEMN) could be kept open. He also lauded the establishment of the tiered system of services for the UGA Cooperative Extension, which was made necessary by severe budget cuts over the past two years. “It’s pretty clear that the public wants smaller government,” Angle said. “Whether that’s state or federal level, everyone wants government to be downsized. We’re a part of government. We are downsizing not just as a temporary cutback. Some of these cuts will become permanent. “We need to ‘right-size’ ourselves with the new budget realities. I think we’ve probably been cut a little too far, so we don’t want to be as small as we are right now. We need some growth, but in the end, when the budgets are finalized a couple of years from now, we are going to be a smaller college than we were five years ago.” An infusion of funds from the Georgia Department of Agriculture and from CAES’ Horticulture Department will extend by two months the operation of the AEMN, and Angle expressed confidence that the school would find funding to keep it open. The dismantling of the AEMN was to begin April 15 and completed by July 1, but the funding from the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the UGA Horticulture Department, which totaled $50,000, delayed its shutdown and allowed the university time to garner continuing financial support. “We’ve gotten tremendous support for the weather network around the state,” Angle said. “I feel pretty confident we’re going to find a way to keep it open. Today I can’t tell you where we’re going to find the money to do that, but there’s enough interest and enough positive buzz out there right now that I’m 99 percent sure it’ll stay open.” While the data generated by the AEMN is vital for agricultural producers, according to Angle, the largest users of the AEMN are energy utility companies, which use the information in their decisions about power generation and distribution. And, he said he has been contacted by attorneys who use the network’s data to help establish timelines for court cases. “We’ve got people who have lined up to provide more money. I just haven’t gotten them the answer yet about exactly how much they need to provide,” he said. “Many people have offered, it’s just a matter of getting it organized at this point.”
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GFB URGES USDA TO RECONSIDER FUNDING FOR PEANUT LAB Saying that the National Peanut Research Laboratory (NPRL) in Dawson has made dramatic contributions to the peanut industry, Georgia Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall recently urged the administrator of the United States Department of Agriculture’s research arm to support measures that would save the lab from spending cuts included in continuing resolutions to fund the federal government. Under the resolutions, the lab’s budget was trimmed by $1.08 million, eliminating staff positions and projects funded by earmarks. In a March 21 letter to Dr. Edward B. Knipling, administrator of the Agricultural Research Service, Duvall stressed that farmers and consumers need the NPRL research to continue, pointing out that the lab’s studies help farmers be more productive and profitable. “These are difficult times and difficult decisions must be made,” Duvall wrote. “However, it is important to recognize that research is the key to our future in agriculture. The USDA/ARS National Peanut Research Laboratory has been very responsive implementing and conducting research that is vital to our competitiveness.” The letter was also sent to Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.), Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.), Rep. David Scott (D-Ga.) and Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson seeking their support. GFB CONFERENCE PREPARES MEMBERS TO PROMOTE AGRICULTURE Georgia Farm Bureau members attending the organization’s annual Educational Leadership Conference in Columbus on March 26 gained skills and information to help them answer the call to leadership in their counties. The conference gave the 230 members attending the event ideas for promoting beef, the commodity GFB will promote from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. GFB Women’s Leadership Committee members Nanette Bryan and Linda Crumley, who are both beef producers, gave an overview of promotional materials available through the Georgia Beef Board. Katie Perrin, a third grade teacher at Toccoa Elementary School, shared books and activities she uses to teach her students about agriculture while meeting state curriculum requirements. Stephens County Farm Bureau sent Perrin to the 2010 National Ag in the Classroom Conference after she showed an interest in agriculture during the annual farm day the county holds. “As a teacher I have a hand in who my students become as adults,” Perrin said. “Think of what an impact you can have on your community by stepping up and doing some of these activities.” Conference participants also learned how to recruit new members using the new membership brochures available from the GFB Member Services Department and new PowerPoint presentations available through the GFB Field Services Department. A “make & take” fair gave attendees a chance to learn about a wide variety of ag education, Farm-City Week and farm safety activities. During lunch, GFB President Zippy Duvall and GFB Women’s Leadership Committee Chairman Donna Powell presented $6,000 to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of West Georgia on behalf of the county and state Farm Bureau Women's Committees.
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APPEALS COURT DELAYS EFFECTIVE DATE OF NPDES PERMIT RULES The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a motion on March 29 to delay enactment of pesticide permit rules under the Clean Water Act until Oct. 31, 2011. On January 7, 2009, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a 2006 Clean Water Act rule relating to pesticide use (National Cotton Council v. EPA). The rule in question had exempted pesticides applied near or into water from NPDES permits if those permits were applied in accordance with the label and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). As a result of the ruling, discharges to waters of the U.S. from the application of pesticides will require NPDES permits when the court’s mandate takes effect. According to EPA’s website, the ruling will affect 365,000 pesticide applicators nationwide that perform 5.6 million pesticide applications annually. Without congressional remedy, these EPA regulations will expose farmers to litigation from activist groups seeking to thwart all pesticide use. NPDES reporting will add recordkeeping and reporting requirements and preempt the science-based ecological review of pesticides and label requirements for uses regulated under FIFRA. Pesticide users who are not eligible for coverage under an NPDES general permit will be at risk of citizen or EPA enforcement action for pesticide application without a permit. In the 62 years of FIFRA and 38 years of the Clean Water Act, the federal government has never required such permits to apply pesticides. Congress chose not to include pesticides in 1972 when it enacted the Clean Water Act NPDES program, and despite major rewrites since, never looked beyond FIFRA for pesticide regulation. The House of Representatives is considering H.R. 872, which would amend FIFRA to clarify Congress’ intent regarding permits for the use of pesticides. BOLL WEEVIL ERADICATION BOARD SETS 2011 ASSESSMENT The Georgia Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation Board of Directors met March 16 to review operations, approve the program’s operational budget and set the 2011 assessment. The board of directors set the 2011 crop year assessment at 50 cents per bale. The assessment was based on a projection of 1.5 million acres of cotton. The gins will collect and remit the assessment to the boll weevil program in the same manner as it was for the 2010 crop year. For information about the boll weevil program or assessment, call Executive Director Jim Wilson at 229-263-9366. CALLAWAY APPOINTED TO AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION AUTHORITY John Callaway, who chairs the Georgia Farm Bureau Beef Cattle Commodity Advisory Committee, has been named to the board of the Georgia Agricultural Exposition Authority by Gov. Nathan Deal. Owner of Callaway Cattle Company, he is a past president of the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and serves on the Troup County Farm Bureau Board of Directors. Callaway is retired from the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, where he worked for 29 years in Clarke and Haralson counties. He and his wife Marcia live in Hogansville.
Leadership Alert page 4 of 5 GEORGIA EGG COMMISSION RECIPE CONTEST ENTRY DEADLINE April 1 The Georgia Egg Commission is holding its annual Egg Recipe Contest. This year’s theme is “Your Most Incredible Egg Recipe.” Recipes must be an original creation, include a minimum of four whole eggs, serve at least four people and have a preparation time of 60 minutes or less. Recipes must be typed and include the entrant’s name, address, home, cell and office phone numbers. First prize is $2,000, second prize is $850 and third prize is $650. Send recipes to: Egg Recipe Contest, Georgia Egg Commission, P.O. Box 2929, Suwanee, Ga 30024 or by email to GEORGIA EGG COMMISSION HALL OF FAME NOMINATION DEADLINE April 1 The Georgia Egg Commission is accepting nominations for a person to be inducted into its hall of fame. The award is presented once every three years and is intended to recognize a living person of older age who has rendered outstanding and unselfish service to Georgia’s egg industry. Priority will be given to Georgia residents. Nomination forms are available by writing the Egg Commission office at P.O. Box 2929, Suwannee, Ga. 30024. LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP April 1 UGA Research and Education Garden 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Griffin This workshop will cover site analysis and bed preparation, woody and herbaceous plant selection, fertilization and irrigation, and troubleshooting. Participants will also learn the basics of landscape equipment selection. Commercial and private pesticide credit in category 24 will also be awarded. Costs $30. To register or for more information, contact Val Schott at 770- 233-5598 or FARMERS MARKET WORKSHOP April 6 Exhibition Hall of Atlanta State Farmers Market Forest Park Registration begins at 9 a.m. with training sessions running from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Workshop sessions will cover WIC vouchers, EBT (food stamp) benefits, state regulations and food safety issues. National Farmers Market Coalition President Sharon Yeago will deliver the keynote address. For information or to register contact Jerome Brown with the Upper Ocmulgee River RC&D Council at or 770-339-6071. GEORGIA WATER RESOURCES CONFERENCE April 11-13 Ga. Center for Continuing Education Conference Center Athens This biennial event is an open forum to discuss current water policies, research, projects and water management in Georgia. The conference will feature oral discussions, poster presentations, panel discussions, workshops and field trips. Panel topics include: sustainable infrastructure, water planning and management at regional and state levels, resource assessments, stormwater management and mitigation, flooding response and impacts, drought occurrences and impacts, and water use estimation and efficiency. To register or for more information, visit http// TEAM AGRICULTURE GEORGIA SPRING WORKSHOP April 12 UGA Campus Conference Center 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Tifton April 5 is the deadline to register for this free one-day workshop for small, beginning and limited resource farmers. Lunch is included. Pre-registration is required to allow for meal planning. To register call 229-386-3416 or visit APRIL 15 IS DEADLINE TO VOTE ON PEANUT ASSESSMENT INCREASE The deadline to submit ballots in the referendum on raising the checkoff assessment for peanuts is April 15. The referendum will determine whether the assessment will be raised from the current $2 per ton to $3 per ton. If you are a peanut grower and have not received a ballot, contact the Georgia Peanut Commission at 229-386-3470.
Leadership Alert page 5 of 5 STARTING A NEW FOOD BUSINESS IN GEORGIA SEMINAR April 15 Food Science Bldg., UGA Campus 9a.m.-4 p.m. Athens This seminar is co-sponsored by the UGA Food Science Extension Outreach Program and the UGA Center for AgriBusiness Development. Registration is $100, which includes lunch, workshop materials and a notebook. The deadline to register is Monday, April 4. Visit to register. For more information call 706-542-2574 or e-mail NATIONAL AGDISCOVERY PROGRAM APPLICATION DEADLINE APRIL 15 Fort Valley State University will host this USDA-sponsored program June 20-July 1 for students ages 14 to 17. This program offers observation opportunities and participation in veterinary care and management of goats, sheep, cattle and other animals. The experience includes field trips to various farms, UGA’s College of Veterinary Medicine, Zoo Atlanta and the Georgia Aquarium. A completed application package should be postmarked by April 15 and submitted to the USDA. Application packets can be downloaded at For more information about the program, visit the AgDiscovery site, or contact Dr. Seyedmehdi Mobini, interim head of the FVSU Department of Veterinary Science at or 478-825-6424. TEAM SUCCESS APPLICATION DEADLINE APRIL 15 High school students who will be juniors, seniors or college freshmen next year from 13 Middle Georgia counties have the chance to participate in an eight-week program this summer that gives them the chance to intern with the Fort Valley State University’s Cooperative Extension Program and the Extension agent in their county. From June 6- July 29 students will work with Extension agents assisting with their community programs. Students from Bulloch, Burke, Crawford, Dougherty, Hancock, Houston, Irwin, Laurens, Macon, Marion, Peach, Talbot and Twiggs counties are eligible to participate. Students must have a 2.0 GPA, be 16 as of April 15 and complete an application and essay. For more information or an application, visit or contact Kena Torbert at 478-825-6573 or NATURALLY REMARKABLE PLANTERS AWARD APPLICATION DEADLINE APRIL 15 This award, developed by Planters and the National Peanut Board (NPB), will recognize peanut farmers who are implementing sustainable practices and making positive social changes in their communities. A panel of peanut industry experts will judge applications on sustainability, effectiveness and originality. A winner will be chosen to represent the nation’s three growing regions: one each from the Southeast, Southwest, and Virginia-Carolinas. Each winner will receive: a three-day trip to New York for themselves and up to three family members in August and a donation of $10,000 in their name towards a community land revitalization project of each winner’s choice. Visit to apply. UGA CAES ALUMNI G-DAY TAILGATE April 16 Connor Hall, UGA campus 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free Athens The UGA College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Alumni Association is hosting a tailgate for alumni, friends and students before the annual spring G-Day game. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided while supplies last. Attendees are asked to bring lawn chairs and other tailgate supplies. Tailgate games will be available for kids of all ages! Please RSVP to the CAES Alumni Office at or call 706-542-3390 for planning purposes. 13TH ANNUAL SOUTHLAND JUBILEE April 16 Historic Downtown Square 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Greensboro Enjoy a display of classic cars, arts, crafts, food and entertainment. Greene County Farm Bureau will display exhibits highlighting Georgia’s agricultural commodities, which will highlight peanuts this year. The event also includes a petting zoo of miniature animals. For more information call Cail Hammons at 706-453-7674.