Georgia Farm Bureau's Leadership Alert - March 4, 2010

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March 4, 2010

Vol. 28 No. 9

PROPOSED UGA BUDGET CUTS HIT 4-H, EXTENSION & AG RESEARCH HARD All Georgia 4-H programs would be eliminated and half of the Cooperative Extension county offices would be closed under a Board of Regents proposal to cut an additional $300 million from the University System of Georgia’s FY 2011 budget as requested by state legislators. The proposal also calls for closing the C.M. Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, closing the Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center in Reidsville, closing the Attapulgus Research Farm, closing the Georgia Mountain Research Center in Blairsville, closing all 4-H facilities across the state and reducing state support for the UGA Veterinary teaching hospital. The cuts would eliminate 116 4-H staff positions and 169 Extension staff positions. “Georgia Farm Bureau’s policy supports full funding of the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, the Agricultural Research Stations and the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences,” GFB President Zippy Duvall said. “We’re alarmed by the possibility of these cuts and are talking with UGA officials and state legislators to address preventing these cuts.” During a joint meeting of the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Higher Education Feb. 24, legislators asked the Georgia Board of Regents to cut an additional $300 million from the University System of Georgia’s FY 2011 budget beyond the $245 million Gov. Perdue cut in his proposed budget. University System of Georgia Chancellor Erroll Davis asked the 35 presidents in the University System to produce a list of budget cuts to meet the request. UGA’s portion of the cuts totals $58.9 million, including $11.66 million in cuts to Extension programs and $816,000 in cuts to the CAES research budget. Proposed cuts to the CAES budget total $14.4 million. Visit to see the entire proposed budget cut document. “We’ve got to make some cuts, but the proposal by the chancellor and the president of the University of Georgia on some of the cuts they’ve proposed are just outrageous,” Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman John Bulloch said. “ It may be that the University System has to look at increasing tuition costs because of the cuts we may have to impose on them, but all of those things are still on table. We won’t be eliminating 4-H. We won’t be eliminating the Cooperative Extension Service or the research stations.” CAES Dean Scott Angle also voiced concern for the proposed cuts saying, “I hope these proposed reductions can either be restricted or eliminated. Agriculture is Georgia’s largest industry and the college has played a vital role in the success of this great industry.”

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