May 2, 2018
Vol. 36 No. 9
GFB FOUNDATION AWARDS $58,500 IN SCHOLARSHIPS The Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) Foundation for Agriculture awarded 29 students across the state will a total of $58,500 worth of scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic year to pursue degrees related to agriculture, forestry and natural resources or family and consumer sciences. The scholarships recognize outstanding students who have excelled academically and exhibited a committed interest to pursuing a career in one of those fields. The scholarships will be awarded to graduating high school seniors headed to college or a technical college, rising college juniors and seniors and students enrolled in the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine who plan to care for livestock and other farm animals. “One of our key functions at Georgia Farm Bureau is to develop leaders for the future of both our organization and agriculture in general,” said GFB President Gerald Long. “Part of that is helping deserving students offset the cost of their education, so we’re proud to offer these scholarships, and we can’t wait to see what these young people achieve.” Five students preparing to enter college as freshmen at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (CAES) and Emmanuel College were selected for the Scholarship for Agriculture at $3,000 each: Jacob Cliett, Bulloch County; Tucker Felkins, Bleckley County; Cason Howard, Charlton County; Kathryn Santos, Mitchell County, and Hannah Watkins, Stephens County. These students plan to pursue degrees in animal science, ag communications, poultry science, biology and agribusiness. An additional 10 students were selected for the Scholarship for Agriculture at $1,500 each: Christa Anderson, Franklin County; Laurabeth Bland, Bulloch County; Brittany Braddy, Montgomery County; Guerin Brown, Greene County; Courtney Conine, Mitchell County; Ivy English, Butts County; Miller Hayes, Decatur County; Tyler Hortman, Taylor County; Emily Leonard, Echols County and Hamp Thomas, Chattooga County. These students plan to attend UGA CAES or ABAC to pursue degrees in ag education, animal science, biological sciences and biotechnology. Parker Sheridan of Banks County was selected to receive the Technical College Scholarship for Agriculture of $1,000. Sheridan plans to attend Lanier Technical College to study forest -continued on next page
GFB News Alert page 2 of 14 Continued from previous page technology and horticultural science. The foundation awarded 10 scholarships of $2,000 to the following rising college juniors and seniors: Savannah Austin, Butts County; Scarlett Barber, Jones County; Lucas Brock, Carroll County; Ben Hancock, Irwin County; McKenzie Lewis, Tift County; Peyton Mattox, Oglethorpe County; Jay Moon, Morgan County; Cassie Powell, Johnson County; Morgan Rowan, Lowndes County and Caroline Waldrep, Monroe County. All are students at ABAC, UGA CAES or Emmanuel College studying agribusiness, ag education, agriscience, forestry or animal science. Morgan Adkins of Clarke County, Brook Helton of White County and Erik Ragan of Catoosa County were chosen to receive scholarships of $2,500 each as they study to become food animal veterinarians at the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine. All students will receive their scholarships pending verification they are enrolled in a qualifying school and major. The GFB Foundation for Agriculture funds activities and programs designed to increase the agricultural literacy of Georgia residents. Visit to learn more about the foundation or to make a tax-exempt donation. Instructions for applying for the 2019 scholarships will be announced on the foundation website in the fall. GEORGIA FFA CELEBRATES 90TH YEAR IN STYLE A speech from a presidential cabinet member, a bill signing that could prompt the organization’s future growth and a concert by a platinum recording artist highlighted the 90th Annual Georgia FFA Convention, held April 26-28 at the Macon Centreplex. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue gave the keynote address for the opening general session on April 26, delivering a message of persistence. Perdue shared the story of author J.K. Rowling, who received numerous rejections of her work before reaching worldwide fame with her Harry Potter Series. “It’s easy to get frustrated,” Perdue said. “It’s possible to rise above that frustration and succeed.” Perdue also gave an object lesson with a jar of beans and a walnut. The walnut rests on top of the beans until the jar is shaken, when it moves downward within the beans. With constant Sonny Perdue movement, Perdue moved the walnut back to the top. “Things happen, and your world gets turned upside-down, and you just get smothered there, as if everything is piling in on top of you and you don’t know what to do,” Perdue said. “What happens? You know, you just keep on going. The walnut came to the top because it’s bigger on the inside than anything else in the jar. When things don’t go your way, the natural reaction goes -continued on next page
GFB News Alert page 3 of 14 Continued from previous page like this for most people: blame, pity party, resentment, jealousy, bitterness. It takes everything out of you and you start to shrink inside. But as a human being, you have the power to choose to think differently. When you choose to think differently, you’re going to grow from the inside out, and that growth doesn’t depend on your circumstances.” Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal appeared during an April 27 general session, signing into law Senate Bill 330, which passed unanimously in both chambers of the Georgia legislature and expands the FFA education model. See the next story for more details. Recording artist Frankie Ballard brought his country stylings to approximately 800 FFA members in an April 27 concert sponsored by Georgia Farm Bureau. GFB also provided sponsorship for “Living to Serve” tshirts worn by more than 800 students who worked on service projects in Macon and provided support for the FFA Discussion Meet Career Development Event (CDE), which was won by Emily Leonard of Echols County. Other final four participants were Dakota Daniel of Cairo, Ty Kim of Hart County and Mary Logan Tostenson of Colquitt County. All of this took place in addition to the organization’s competition in numerous other CDEs and workshops. Before any of the formal events, more students from around the state worked on the service projects including weeding and planting the raised-bed gardens at the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia, repainting a dozen local homes and performing landscaping work at local parks. “It shows the men, women and children who live here that they have community support and that they have worth,” said Rescue Mission Development Coordinator Amy Walker. “It means so much when people come and do volunteer work. We can’t do it without them. Students from Henry County schools Ola, Hampton and Locust Grove worked on the gardens at the Rescue Mission, which provides housing, training and various forms of service to more than 50 men, women and children. The students weeded the gardens and planted vegetables to provide produce for the Rescue Mission residents. “I really think it’s great helping the community because you’re becoming a part of it,” said Locust Grove FFA member Kevin Poole. “You’re not just standing aside, you’re being active. You’re helping yourself by helping other people.” During the opening session, Georgia FFA announced its state membership has topped 42,000 for the first time, marking the 19th straight year of membership growth. To view photos from the FFA Convention visit
GFB News Alert page 4 of 14 GOV. DEAL SIGNS FFA EXPANSION BILL INTO LAW An idea that originated with two students at Gordon Lee High School was signed into state law on April 27 during the 90th Annual Georgia FFA Convention. Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal signed Senate Bill 330 in a ceremony during one of the general sessions at the convention, culminating a process that began in late 2016 with Gordon Lee students Emily Potter and Dalton Green. “This piece of legislation puts into statute what FFA really has been doing for a very long time,” Deal said. “It puts it in a format where it can’t be tampered with very easily without changing the law.” The bill sets up a pilot program to expand agricultural education into elementary schools. Currently, the FFA only has chapters at the middle school and high school levels, but SB 330 calls for a minimum of six elementary schools around the state to participate in the pilot program to determine whether and how an elementary agriculture education program could be implemented statewide. Gov. Nathan Deal (seated, right) signs Senate The pilot is to begin with the 2019-2020 Bill 330 during the FFA Convention. The bill school year and will last three years, after originated with students Emily Potter, far which the DOE will report the results to the left, and Dalton Green, far right. House and Senate Agriculture Committees. Potter, now a UGA student studying agricultural education, noticed a knowledge gap among younger students. “We put on a farm to fork camp at our local elementary school the two years prior to coming up with the bill,” Potter said. “They knew the animals and plants and vegetables, but didn’t know how to connect that to the farm.” Potter shared the idea with Green, who had worked on the re-election campaign of state Sen. Jeff Mullis. The two of them presented the idea to Mullis in December 2016 and by the 2017 session of the Georgia Legislature they had a bill introduced. It did not pass that year, but with some modifications it was reintroduced by the Senate Agriculture Committee in 2018. “I’m really hoping this will open up other opportunities for students,” Green said. It was clearly a hit. SB 330, titled the Quality Basic Education Act, was sponsored by Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman John Wilkinson (R-Toccoa), with Jeff Mullis (R-Chickamauga), Larry Walker III (R-Perry), Ellis Black (R-Valdosta) and Dean Burke (R-Bainbridge) as cosponsors. It passed both the Senate and the House with unanimous votes. The bill calls for agricultural education programs to be formatted according to the FFA’s threepart model: 1. classroom instruction; 2. Hands-on learning opportunities and 3. Leadership and learning opportunities. The bill tasks the Georgia Department of Education (DOE) to develop curriculum and standards for the agricultural education program with input from ag education teachers. It also requires the Georgia DOE to assign regional ag education coordinators who are certified in agricultural education.
GFB News Alert page 5 of 14 GEORGIA CATTLEMEN INITIATE FEASIBILITY STUDY A group of cattlemen in the state of Georgia think enhanced producer control might mean opportunity for one of Georgia's largest commodities are looking at the supply chain to decide if there’s a better way to “finish” cattle here to give local farmers the opportunity to grow the estimated $3 billion industry. The Georgia Cattlemen’s Association (GCA), along with Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB), Georgia EMC, the Georgia Department of Agriculture, AgGeorgia Farm Credit, AgSouth Farm Credit and Southwest Georgia Farm Credit have commissioned a feasibility study to determine if statewide finishing and processing facilities—in which local cattlemen could own an interest—makes strong economic sense. The University of Georgia’s Center for Economic Development and Agribusiness is conducting the study. Currently, Georgia’s cattlemen typically ship their herds to feedlots in the West, so the cattle can grow to an acceptable market size. The finishing process grows a cow by about 450 pounds and typically lasts between 120 and 180 days, helping to ensure a high-quality product for beef consumers. Cattle are raised in all 159 counties in Georgia. “We think that financially, the opportunity to maintain ownership in the downstream process may make sense for area cattlemen,” said Will Bentley, executive vice president of the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association. “Eliminating the cost of shipping cattle out of state, combined with giving farmers the opportunity to own a share of the finishing process, could benefit Georgia's cattle industry. The feasibility study will help us understand if we are on track.” GFB’s contribution to the study is part of the organization’s Harvest 20 Vision. “Beef cattle are raised in every Georgia County, so a Georgia Grown Beef brand has tremendous potential to impact Georgia’s ag economy,” GFB President Gerald Long said. During the GCA Convention, beef producers heard how similar plans have boosted growers of other agricultural commodities. “We’ve seen vertical integration work in agriculture for a variety of row crops and other commodities and so we think there is the possibility that with the right business model, it could help grow Georgia’s cattle industry,” said Richard Monson, president of Southwest Georgia Farm Credit. The feasibility study is expected to be complete during the fall of 2018. “We’re looking at this as a way to grow agriculture, the cattle business, and to create jobs in Georgia’s rural communities,” said Keith Kelly of Kelly Products and Farm View Market, located in Madison, Georgia. “This is just the beginning—the study will help us determine if we should keep moving forward.”
GFB News Alert page 6 of 14 NATIONAL CAMPAIGN BRANDING PECANS AS THE ORIGINAL SUPERNUT The rest of the U.S. is about to learn some things Georgians have known for years: pies aren’t the only way to eat pecans, pecans are good for you and pecans are locally grown! On April 25, the American Pecan Council (APC) launched its national campaign to brand pecans with the slogan “American Pecans, The Original Supernut.” The campaign is intended to get consumers thinking outside the pie pan when it comes to pecans. “The American pecan industry has a rich history dating back centuries and a powerful story that is largely untold. Our goal is to change that,” said Mike Adams, a Texas pecan grower who chairs the APC. Public relations firm Weber Shandwick is coordinating the national marketing campaign based on consumer research that showed top-of-the-mind recall of pecans was significantly lower for pecans (15 percent) compared to other nuts. The survey of 1,500 consumers, half female, half male, ages 25-64, also showed most consumers associate pecans with desserts while other nuts were more likely to be linked to snacking and nutrition. “Our objective is to broaden the appeal for pecans as more contemporary and preferred as an everyday snack or versatile cooking ingredient,” Adams said. “There’s a real sense of optimism among pecan growers and shellers for what this campaign can do.” The APC campaign will focus on three reasons pecans are The Original Supernut: pecans are super nutritious; pecans are super versatile; and pecans are super local. Did you know that a handful of pecans (about 19 halves) is a great source of fiber, “good” monounsaturated fats, protein, zinc and manganese? Pecans may be most associated with holiday pecan pies, but consumers will soon learn pecans make great toppers for oatmeal, yogurt or salads and can be used in appetizer, pasta, and numerous entrée recipes. The campaign will highlight that pecans are the only tree nuts native to America and are commercially harvested in a 15-state growing region that runs across the Southern part of the U.S. from the east to west coast. “We are absolutely delighted to be working with this industry,” Weber Shandwick Sr. Vice President Sarah Yaffee told pecan producers attending the Georgia Pecan Growers Association conference March 27. “We’re promoting pecans on social media platforms and preparing for any crisis management issue that might arise. We measure our progress every day in terms of how well does one recipe track with consumers over another. We are very cognizant of how significant your assessment dollars are.” Yaffee said the firm has already reached 145 million people with only a few months of preliminary outreach before the campaign kicked off. The campaign includes digital advertising and national media integration via media partnerships and social media influencers to promote the health benefits of pecans. The APC is teaming up with -continued on next page
GFB News Alert page 7 of 14 Continued from previous page two of America’s top digital platforms, Serious Eats and Simply Recipes, which will feature “shoppable” pecan recipes that make it easy for consumers to buy pecans via Amazon Fresh – a first for a commodity board. Pecan growers and shellers in the 15 states where pecans are grown – Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas – passed a referendum in 2016 to fund a federal marketing order that created the APC and will fund the marketing campaign. The pecan FMO is patterned after those U.S. almond and walnut growers have had for years. Georgia is well-represented on the APC. Trent Mason of Fort Valley, Buck Paulk of Ray City and Molly Willis of Albany represent various sized growers for the APC Eastern Region which consists of Georgia, Alabama, Florida, North and South Carolina. Jeff Worn of Valdosta and Larry Willson of Albany represent shellers for the eastern region. Angie Ellis of Vienna, Randy Hudson of Ocilla and Claire Powell of Bainbridge are grower alternates. Kenny Tarver of Glennville is a sheller alternate. The APC office is in Fort Worth, Texas. The national pecan campaign is being funded by an assessment the APC collects from growers who produce 50,000 pounds of inshell pecans or more in the last four years or have 30 acres or more of pecans. The APC assessment rate is 3 cents per inshell pound on improved pecan varieties and two cents per inshell pound on native, seedling and substandard pecans. U.S. pecan growers annually harvest about 300 million pounds. Georgia pecan growers usually average an annual harvest of about 100 million pounds or one-third of the national crop. In comparison, U.S. almond growers produce around 2 billion pounds annually and U.S. walnut growers harvest about 1 billion pounds a year. Almonds and walnuts have had federal marketing orders for decades that are attributed with increasing demand for the nuts. U.S. pecan growers have planted thousands of acres of new trees in recent years due to increased demand for pecans from China and an expected increase in demand here. Visit for unique recipes, nutrition information or to learn about the APC. GA COMMODITY COMMISSIONS TAKING NOMINATIONS FOR BOARD SEATS The Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commissions for apples, beef, blueberries, corn, cotton, equine, milk, peaches, pecans, tobacco and vegetables will accept nominations to fill positions for their respective boards. To be nominated, eligible individuals must be an active Georgia producer of the commodity. Nominations may be made by filling out a Nominee Information Form found at http://agr.georgia/gov/commodity-promotion-forms.aspx and sending it to: Georgia Department of Agriculture, 19 MLK Jr. Drive S.W., Room 320 Atlanta, GA 30334. The form may also be faxed to 404-656-9380, or emailed to The deadline for submissions is May 31. The nominees will be certified to ensure they are active Georgia producers of the respective commodities, and geographic representation may be considered when making appointments. Appointments will be made by the Agriculture Commodity Commission Ex Officio Committee in July. Producers with questions may contact the Georgia Department of Agriculture at 404-5861405.
GFB News Alert page 8 of 14 GA. PEANUT GROWERS PASS REFERENDUM TO CONTINUE GPC Georgia peanut growers reaffirmed the Georgia Peanut Commission, with 94.02 percent voting in favor of continuing the GPC’s research, promotion and education programs. The referendum was held March 16 through April 16, and the vote of 94.02 percent in favor was the highest the commission has received in its nearly 57-year existence. “I am thankful our board and staff have been able to work in the areas of research, promotion and education of peanuts, as well as support efforts in Washington to maintain legislation that is helpful for peanut farmers; which in turn, continues to allow us to provide a healthy, nutritious product for consumers,” said GPC Chairman Armond Morris. “Agriculture is Georgia's No. 1 industry and we are proud our farmers contribute more than $2.2 billion to the state's economy with the hard work they produce on their farm.” Morris encouraged peanut farmers who have concerns, comments or suggestions on the commission’s activities to contact the GPC office at 229-386-3470. As required by Georgia state law, the state's peanut farmers vote on the commission every three years. The ballots were mailed to peanut growers the week of March 16. On April 25 the Certified Public Accounting firm of Allen, Pritchett and Bassett counted the ballots. “I am humbled by the support of peanut farmers in Georgia,” Don Koehler, GPC's executive director said. “We will never forget the trust our farmers place in us and do not ever take it for granted.” Georgia peanut farmers invest $2 per ton annually to the commission to be used in the program areas of research, promotion and education. For additional information on the Georgia Peanut Commission and its activities, visit UGA CAES ANNOUNCES HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS FOR SUMMER 2018 High school students can explore the sciences through a variety of hands-on summer programs offered by the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES). Participants will work with live animals, tour UGA laboratories, classrooms and greenhouses and work with current UGA students and faculty members with shared interests. These programs give participating students a good idea of what their experience at CAES may be like should they choose to pursue a degree in the college. There are three enrichment camps set for UGA’s Athens campus this summer. The ADVANCE Ag Institute is intended for rising high school seniors interested in pursuing an education and a career in agriculture. Students partake in classes and laboratory sessions. The institute takes place from Sunday, June 24, to Wednesday, June 27, and the registration deadline is May 25. The cost is $250. The Livestock Judging Camp is for students interested in improving their livestock examining skills. It is open to 4-H or FFA members rising to grades six through 12. The camp runs June 2628, and the deadline to register is May 25. The cost of this camp is $100. The Poultry Science Open House is a daylong event that gives high school students and potential college transfers an opportunity to interact with UGA poultry science faculty. The open house takes place on Friday, July 20, and is free to students. The deadline to register is July 13. For more information about these programs, visit
GFB News Alert page 9 of 14 MERCER MED SCHOOL, UGA EXTENSION WORK TO DRAW FUTURE DOCTORS Jean Sumner is a third-generation rural doctor. As a child, she watched her grandfather and father care for the residents of Washington County. She followed in their footsteps and became a “small-town doctor,” the kind that knows your mother, sits behind you in church and roots for the local football team. “Now in rural Georgia, there are no physicians, so children can’t aspire to be something they don’t see. They don’t see that role model out there, so we have to connect with them some way,” said Sumner, who became dean of the Mercer University School of Medicine (MUSM) after a 28year career as a physician in Washington County. In her role at MUSM, Sumner sees fewer and fewer new doctors choosing to stay in Georgia to practice medicine. In an effort to encourage students to study medicine and become doctors in the Peach State’s rural communities, she turned to Georgia 4-H, a youth development program administered by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, for help. “Four-H is a leadership organization and physicians are some of the most influential people in their communities,” said Sumner. “Four-H is full of the best and the brightest of young people. It gives them a chance to excel, have a mentor and connect with something that is greater than them. I was a 4-H’er and I’ve always been impressed with 4-H.” Sumner, along with UGA Extension Southeast District 4-H Program Development Coordinator Lee Anna Deal, Effingham County 4-H Agent Abby Smith and Bleckley County 4-H Agent Brandi McGonagill, created a program called “Setting Your Sights on Medical School.” The program’s goal is to expose Georgia 4-H’ers from medically underserved, rural Georgia to the idea that medical school is an option for them, Smith said. Members of 4-H must apply to the program, and accepted students travel to Macon for an inside look at medical school through sessions led by MUSM students and faculty. There are about 30 4-H’ers in each session of the program. Georgia 4-H’ers rotate through stations to learn about basic physiology, patient interaction, rural medicine, telemedicine, medical research and more. The 4-H’ers also receive information about admission requirements and scholarships, like MUSM’s Nathan Deal Scholarship. This scholarship pays 95 percent of a student’s tuition for up to four years if the student agrees to work for four years in a medically underserved, rural Georgia county. A private university, MUSM is funded by the state for one purpose: to prepare students to become doctors for underserved, rural Georgia, Sumner said. Medical school students graduate with about $200,000 in debt, she said. To date, 84 high school-aged 4-H’ers have participated in three events in Macon in fall 2016, spring 2017 and fall 2017. The next session will be held on Mercer University’s campus in Savannah. In addition to introducing 4-H’ers to medical school, the program allows the students to benefit from the university’s resources, like medical models of human body parts. For more information about the Georgia 4-H program, visit
GFB News Alert page 10 of 14 USDA LAUNCHES RURAL DEVELOPMENT WEBSITE On April 25 the USDA unveiled a new interactive website to identify best practices for building rural prosperity, according to a USDA press release. The site is at The site highlights effective strategies that have been used to create jobs, build infrastructure, strengthen partnerships and promote economic development in rural America. An interactive feature allows webpage visitors to submit comments on ways USDA can improve Rural Development program delivery. Innovation Center staff will review these recommendations and direct customers to resources, services and expertise that will help their communities create transformative solutions to complex rural challenges. The webpage also highlights USDA resources that can be used for investments in infrastructure and innovation. These resources include USDA’s Distance Learning & Telemedicine Grant Program, Community Connect Grant Program and Community Facilities Programs. Secretary Sonny Perdue established the Rural Development Innovation Center to streamline, modernize and strengthen the delivery of Rural Development programs. To do this, the Innovation Center is focused on improving customer service to rural communities and increasing rural prosperity through strategic partnerships and capacity-building, data analytics and evaluation, and regulatory reform. USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities and create jobs in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community services such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural areas. For more information, visit
GFB News Alert page 11 of 14 NASS STILL ACCEPTING RESPONSES TO CENSUS OF AG Farmers still have time to be counted in the 2017 Census of Agriculture. The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is accepting census information through the spring to get an accurate picture of American agriculture. Federal law requires everyone who received the 2017 Census of Agriculture questionnaire to complete and return it, even if they are not currently farming. NASS will continue to follow up with producers with mailings, phone calls and personal visits until a response is received. To avoid these additional contacts, farmers and ranchers are encouraged to complete their census online at or by mail as soon as possible. For questions or assistance filling out the census, call toll-free (888) 424-7828. GFB TAKING LISTINGS FOR HAY DIRECTORY Farm Bureau members with hay for sale or offering custom harvesting or custom sprigging services are invited to list in the GFB Quality Hay Directory published on the GFB website. Because this directory is now offered online, hay can be listed or removed from the site as your inventory dictates. To participate, please complete a submission form available at your county Farm Bureau office or online at Please include a $10 check made payable to Georgia Farm Bureau for each listing of hay, custom harvesting or custom sprigging. Multiple listings are allowed. GEORGIA FOOD ANIMAL CONFERENCE May 4 Callaway Resort & Gardens 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Pine Mountain Farmers, ranchers and cattle producers are invited to join food animal veterinarians for this oneday conference. The general session will focus on greater productivity, efficiency, health and welfare, with an emphasis on better outcomes, better profits and better beef. This session is for producers, veterinarians and the entire production team. Registration for non-veterinarians is $50. To register, visit and use special code GFAC25 to receive the discounted rate. For more information visit SUMTER COUNTY STOCKYARD GRAND OPENING May 7 505 Southerfield Road 11 a.m. Americus Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black is scheduled to speak at the grand opening event. Lunch will be served at 11 a.m. and the weekly sale begins at 1 p.m. For more information contact Dr. Leanne Wilder at 478-244-2136 or Sam Steele at 478-244-8426.
GFB News Alert page 12 of 14 ALFALFA IN THE SOUTH WORKSHOPS May 8 Bacon County Extension Office Alma May 9 UGA Tifton NESPAL Tifton May 10 Irwin County High School CASE farm Ocilla The UGA Forage Team is proud to announce the return of the popular Alfalfa in the South workshops. UGA Extension will host a series of one-day workshops entitled "Alfalfa in the South". Each workshop will focus on the management and use of Alfalfa in the South, including how to successfully interseed alfalfa into Bermudagrass. Subjects covered include site selection and establishment, management, and improving animal performance with alfalfa. Faculty and graduate students from University of Georgia and Auburn University will provide updates of the ongoing alfalfa research throughout the Southeast. Each workshop will also include a field tour highlighting a producer who is using alfalfa in Bermudagrass across Georgia. Visit to see the full agenda Cost of the one-day workshop is $15 and includes lunch and refreshments, an 'Alfalfa in the South' notebook, and other publications on alfalfa production and use in the South. Registration is now available online at or by phone at 706-310-. Registration is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The first 10 registrants at each location will receive a free Alfalfa in the South cap! Hurry and register today!!! FERAL SWINE WORKSHOP May 17 Walton County Agricultural Center, 1208 Criswell Rd. Monroe This workshop, which feature trapping demonstrations, are sponsored by Georgia Farm Bureau, the Georgia Association of Conservation Districts, Georgia Department of Agriculture, USDA, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and UGA’s Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources. Please register by May 14 online at For more information, send an email to . UGA EXTENSION FARM TAX WORKSHOPS May 15 Carroll County Ag Center 9 a.m. – noon Carrollton May 16 Oglethorpe County Extension Office 9 a.m. - noon Lexington May 17 Colquitt County Extension Office 9 a.m. - noon Moultrie May 18 Bulloch County Extension Office 9 a.m. - noon Statesboro The UGA Cooperative Extension will host this series of tax law workshops, where farmers and landowners will learn tax planning techniques and review how to correctly report income. The workshops will cover individual tax changes like standard deductions, business tax changes and comparisons of corporation tax statuses. All of these workshops will take place from 9 a.m. to noon, and a networking lunch will follow the program. Registration is $20 and preregistration is available online through May 10. Limited walk-up registration will be available. The workshops will be conducted by Robert Tufts, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System farm management specialist emeritus and attorney. To register, visit: for the Carroll County event; for the Oglethorpe County event; for the Colquitt County event or for the Bulloch County event. For more information about the workshops, contact Regina Fitzpatrick at 706-542-5046 or email
GFB News Alert page 13 of 14 2018 PICTURE AGRICULTURE IN GEORGIA PHOTO CONTEST May 18 deadline to enter Georgia Farm Bureau is now accepting entries for the 2018 Picture Agriculture in Georgia Photo Contest. The contest, administered by the GFB Young Farmer and Rancher Committee, gives GFB members an opportunity to showcase agriculture and encourage appreciation of rural Georgia. The contest is open to any Georgia Farm Bureau member who receives no income from photography. To enter, email entry forms and photos as attachments to, with “Photo Contest” in the subject line. Entry forms and complete contest rules may be accessed on the GFB website at The deadline for entries is May 18. 5TH ANNUAL MADISON COUNTY GOAT SALE May 19 Brush Creek Farm 9 a.m. Colbert The sale is a platform for Madison County FFA members to sell show quality goats. Viewing begins at 9 a.m. followed by lunch at 11 a.m. and the sale at noon. Brush Creek Farm is located at 1631 Moriah Church Road in Colbert. For more information contact Madison County Middle School FFA Sponsor John Lastly at 706-783-2400 ext. 1228 or SYNGENTA AGRIGULTURE SCHOLARSHIP May 25 Deadline to apply Syngenta invites eligible university students to apply to its annual Syngenta Agricultural Scholarship program. University students currently pursuing bachelor’s or master’s degrees in crop-related disciplines are eligible to compete for $20,000 in scholarship awards. Applicants must be U.S. residents enrolled as of spring 2018 in an accredited agriculture program at an eligible university. Syngenta will award scholarships to a bachelor’s and master’s level national winner, selected from a pool of 4 regional winners in each category. Scholarship recipients will be announced in the fall. For more information about the scholarship, including official rules, prize amounts, essay topic, eligible universities and application guidelines, please visit GFB YOUNG FARMER & RANCHER LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE July 19-21 Jekyll Island Convention Center Jekyll Island This can’t-miss even for GFB farmer members between the ages of 18 and 35 is a great opportunity to meet members from around the state, attend educational workshops in areas such as leadership development, financial planning, advocacy, urban agriculture, and current industry trends Attendees will learn first-hand how our YF&R members are “Gaining Ground” in our industry and in our organization. Registration is $75 per person. The deadline to register is June 1. For more information or to register for the Young Farmer and Rancher Leadership Conference visit
GFB News Alert page 14 of 14 FB YOUNG FARMER & RANCHER COMPETITIVE EVENTS June 1 deadline to enter Georgia Farm Bureau is accepting entries for the Young Farmer & Rancher competitive events the Achievement Award, Excellence in Agriculture and the Discussion Meet. Applicants must be between 18 and 35 years old. The Achievement Award recognizes young farmers and ranchers who earn the majority of their income from production agriculture. The Excellence in Agriculture Award recognizes young farmers and ranchers who earn the majority of their income from something other than production agriculture. The Discussion Meet is a series of committee-style discuss topics important to agriculture. The winners in all three contests will be honored at the GFB Convention in December and will qualify for national competition, to be held at the American Farm Bureau Federation Convention in New Orleans next January. To enter the competitive events, contact your county Farm Bureau office manager or GFB Young Farmer & Rancher Coordinator Erin Nessmith at or 478-474-0679, ext. 5232. DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIPS June 1 deadline to apply The American Agri-Women (AAW) Foundation is taking applications for Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarships – the Jean Ibendahl Scholarship and the Sister Thomas More Bertels Scholarship. These two scholarships are available to any farm, ranch, or agribusiness woman or her daughter to pursue accredited courses in agriculture leadership, communications, rural sociology, medicine, or any other courses directly related to agriculture. The Ibendahl Scholarship is available to high school graduates and women ages 18 – 23. The Bertels Scholarship is available to women who are returning students in agriculture and are 24 years or older. Both scholarships are for $1,000. Applications must be postmarked by June 1. Applications are available at SYNGENTA #ROOTEDINAG CONTEST June 30 deadline for entries Syngenta is offering members of the ag community a way to honor those individuals who have ignited their ag passion the most. The application period is open for the annual #RootedinAg contest. In exchange for sharing their stories, participants will have a chance to be named one of five finalists, who will each receive mini touch-screen tablets and have their inspirational stories featured on the Syngenta Thrive website at From those finalists, one grand prizewinner will receive a $500 gift card and have their story published in Thrive magazine, plus Syngenta will make a $1,000 donation in the winner’s name to a local charity or civic organization. To participate, interested candidates should : Fill out on the easy-touse online entry form at; in about 200 words, describe who most inspired them to be #RootedinAg; when prompted, upload a photograph or video that visually supports their written entry.