Different Styles Of Massages

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Different Styles Of Massages You will learn about the several types of massages in massage therapy school. You'll get handson experience when studying these techniques when you do this. Massage therapy schools will typically require students to ascertain nearly all of the following basic massage techniques. The Swedish The Swedish massage originated by a Swedish doctor in the 1700s and is most commonly seen in the West. This includes different techniques that will help to relax the muscles when pressure is applied to the muscle, combined with the applied pressure for blood flow to the heart. A Swedish massage can be slow or strong based upon the personal style of the therapist and respective needs of the patient. To release muscle tension and also to break up knots and other adhered tissues, the therapist will give different massage strokes. Western anatomy and physiology is what the Swedish system is based upon, while the Eastern systems of massage will focus on meridians and energy lines. The Deep Tissue Deep tissue massage breaks up chronic muscle tension, injury and adhesions which is a standard in massage therapy school and another form of Swedish. Adhesions are groups of rigid tissue in muscles, which obstruct circulation and limit movement. Deep tissue massage targets contracted or knotted muscle areas commonly found in necks, shoulders, and backs. Deep targeted pressure will be placed on the areas of pain. For the therapist, deep tissue massage is most likely the most physically tiring technique to give. You will need strong hands and arms to massage deeply into the person's muscles and tense trouble spots. Shiatsu Shiatsu massage combines some Western techniques with Eastern medical and spiritual philosophy, and it is often referred to as Zen shiatsu. This type of massage would normally concentrate on the Eastern principle of "chi" or the energy that flows through the body's meridian channels. The shiatsu therapists will often concentrate on pressure points, rotate and stretch joints and ask the patient to take deep breaths. The term shiatsu means "finger pressure" in Japanese and the therapists will put pressure on the entire body to help unblock it, and to help the person's body heal all on its own. The Sports Regardless of their sports, the sports massage will work especially on athletes. Therapists will help to heal various sports injuries to muscles and tendons, placing a focus on prevention of injuries and helping the athlete to get ready either before or after a big game. There are four types of situations where a sports massage might be given. First, a stimulating massage may be given as a pre-event sport activity in order to warm up the athlete. Secondly, to normalize tissues and muscles within the body, a therapist can give a post-event massage. Third, a therapist will give restorative massages to athletes in times of difficult training. Fourth, to soothe the ache and to heat the muscle pain from injuries, a sports therapist will offer rehabilitative massages to the Victory Career College

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Different Styles Of Massages athletes. As a way to decrease the likelihood of injury and lower the recover time, sports massage may also include maintenance techniques. Sports massage can be viewed as being related to Swedish massage, as they both stimulate blood and fluid circulation. Different types of massages given will vary drastically depending upon the needs and intentions of each individual patient. Students will be taught how to grasp nearly all four of the basic massage techniques when they attend massage therapy school, and will then be able to get many other massage specialties too. A student is going to have the upper hand to becoming a healer once they have mastered each of the basic massage techniques. Victory Career College has among the highest placement rates of students among any massage therapist school in Los Angeles. Take a peek at Victory Career College by going to their web page which is http://victorycareercollege.com/.

Document Tags: massage therapy school in los angeles, massage therapy school in los angeles ca, massage therapist school in los angeles http://victorycareercollege.com/

Victory Career College

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