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Education in Nanov has its beginnings in the first half of the 19th century around theRevolution of 1848 in the Romanian Principalities Until 2009, two schools wereoperating in Nanov The first school was founded in 1850 The names of the first teachersin Nanov are not known as the place where the first school functioned is unknown Since 1919, the Nanov school has functioned in its own home, built on a land donated bythe Nanoveanu boyar family. Today, this kind of building is run by the Kindergarten no 1 Secondary School no 2 Nanov functioned in the village of Adamesti in 1912, at firstwith two posts, later evolving, this being a boyar house of the boyar IonelDumitriu, agreat landowner in the area The site increased in 1969 by building three moreclassrooms.
In 1961 a new school is being built in the village of Nanov, located in the center of thecommune, near the Town Hall It consists of five classrooms, two laboratories (one ofchemistry - physics and one of computer science, equipped with 27 computers). There isalso a library (4600 volumes), a cabinet, and the director’s office Starting with the schoolyear 2009-2010, the schools in Nanov were merged, the educational and educationalprocess taking place in the school’s center in the center of the commune.The framing of the school with qualified teaching staff has evolved, currently onlyqualified teachers, many of whom (approximately 82%) are the Nanov School The Teachers' Team, together with the school’s leadership and the hopeful support of theMayor, is constantly concerned with ensuring the best conditions for the educationalprocess, trying to eliminate the barriers, the gaps between country schooland schoolsin the city Thus, besides the concerns regarding the improvement of the environment,there is also the orientation towards the spiritual side, a good example being the projectWeekend Schoola project developed in an excellent partnership School - City Hall and NGO –”Plaiurinanovene” and which aims at the initiation of the Nanov students in thefield of music and dance