3 minute read
On Frıday
Then we had a workshop about 'Ebru'. Ebru is the tradıtıonal art of creatıng colorful patterns by sprinkling and brushing color pigments on a pan of oıly water then transform this on a special paper. We visited Fairy Tale School with our students.They studıed a faıry tale wıth musıc. It was a different experience for us.
At the end of the week we got tired but felt so happy. We had a great week together. We shared our experiences and had good memories. We took our certıfıcates wıth big smiles on our faces.
From April 4 to 8, 2022, Elementary school „Heroj Radmila Šišković“ from Serbia had the great honour and pleasure to host teachers from partner schools within the Erasmus+ project "Power of Fairy tales and stories on literacy and language skills" ). The school received four teachers each from Romania, Sweden and Turkey, while a team of teachers from Slovenia joined online.
In accordance with the Serbian tradition, at the entrance of the school, the students in national costumes welcomed the guests and offered them bread and salt. In the school hall, students from the first to the eighth grade prepared a wonderful welcome for the guests, presenting the school with music, song and dance.
On the first day, Slavica Jocković, an English teacher, held, with the help of students 6/3, the "Storytelling - Lesson observation" workshop. She showed the project partners how to include fairy tales and stories into daily teaching and with this approach enable students to learn a foreign language with ease.
The second day of the project's implementation began with a workshop on handicrafts, which was conducted by Milena Radivojević, a biology and home economics teacher, and psychologist Suzana Lazić. Guests from partner schools were able to try their hand at embroidery and handicrafts with the help of 8/2 students. The Nikolić family, who own a local pottery business and produce traditional objects made of clay, were the hosts of the following activity. They presented the guests with the method of producing pottery products, giving them the opportunity to try their hand at making clay objects.
On the third day, Živan Bachujkov, the art teacher, gave a lecture in English about the rich mythology of the Slavic peoples, about the beliefs and deities they worshipped. The practical part of the workshop caused special interest and enthusiasm. The teacher and his students prepared sketches of the deities on canvas, which the guests painted with acrylic paints. The workshop was also attended by students who assisted our guests and presented them with appropriate work techniques. The next workshop was dedicated to the creation of a multilingual dictionary intended for work on the literary work about Peter Pan, the famous character created by the Scottish writer and playwright James Matthew Barry.
At the beginning of the fourth day, Dijana Vlajić, a fourth-grade teacher, with her students held a creative workshop for teachers, the topic of which was making and using paper dolls in the teaching process. The teachers of the partner schools made puppets together with the students, and then they had the task of designing the situation and presenting it to the others.
Violeta Načković, a geography teacher and long-time member of „KUD Abrašević“, took the guests to visit the premises of „KUD Abrašević“, look at national costumes and various items of folk handicrafts that are exhibited there, and then she held a workshop where she presented our folk dances. The guests tried to learn the steps, so with the help of the students, by the end of the workshop, all the participants were in the circle, dancing, and their smiles showed that they were having a great time.
The grand finale of this day, filled with various activities, was the ceremonial awarding of certificates and dinner in the premises of the "Despotika" Winery. A special honor was given to all the guests by Nikola Vučen, president of the Municipality of Smederevska Palanka, who as the guest of honor awarded certificates to the participants of this international project.
The last day was marked by a drama workshop held by the school’s Headmaster, Miroslav Mihajlović, in cooperation with Dijana Vlajić, a fourth-grade teacher, and with the help of the English teacher Dragana Andrić, who translated the instructions for the work. With great pride, they presented to all guests a longstanding successful practice in preparing student performances within drama club. The topic of this workshop was a Serbian folk fairy tale Baš Čelik, and the goal was to acquaint the participants with the way the drama club works and the methods used to get from a dramatic text to a quality stage performance.
TThe guests from partner schools had the opportunity to get to know the town. Apart from the school, the guests attended lectures prepared for them by the local staff from the "Veroslava Veljašević" Archive and the "Milutin Srećković" City Library. After the workshops, the project participants were involved in various cultural visits, such as Serbia’s capital Belgrade, places of cultural and historical importance as well as natural beauty of the country.