Treatment for Joint Pain & Arthritis

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Joint Vibrance with Arthred® Patented Nutritional Support to Restore and Maintain Healthy Joint Function

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Safe and healthful treatments for arthritis are in the news. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, in a variety of forms, are currently enjoying great popularity as potential remedies for joint ailments. These include arthritis, of course, along with sports injuries, sprains and strains. But chondroitin and glucosamine are only part of the story. In arthritis, cartilage is destroyed. In fact, nearly everyone exhibits some breakdown of cartilage somewhere in their bodies by the age of 32 to 35. Today nutritional science has shown us that cartilage can be restored. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate play an important part, but cannot be utilized by themselves to rebuild the entire structure of cartilage. More is required. First, Know What Cartilage Is

Cartilage is a mass of collagen fibers embedded in a glue-like ground substance called chondrin. Chondrin is made up of about 20% protein and 80% carbohydrate. Special cells (chondrocytes) within the cartilage synthesize both collagen fibers and the chondrin matrix which holds them. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine are used by the chondrocytes in the manufacture of chondrin. Collagen fibers require something more. They are 67% protein, and about 33% carbohydrate. Neither chondroitin sulfate nor glucosamine supply the amino acid building blocks for the proteins that make up two-thirds of collagen. Therefore, they (chondroitin sulfate & glucosamine) do not contribute to the manufacture of a major component of cartilage, the collagen fibers.

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Completing the Picture

Enter Arthred™, a new hydrolyzed bovine collagen from Germany backed by extensive clinical research demonstrating its ability to rebuild cartilage. Including Arthred™ in Joint Vibrance endows it with all primary nutrients required to maintain, build and restore healthy joint function. No other joint health formula is so complete. Arthred™, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine HCL and glucuronic acid complex in Joint Vibrance supply the necessary major materials to build cartilage and strengthen connective tissue. Another key nutrient, MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane), provides organic sulfur that will be incorporated into connective tissue. Its role is to restore and maintain supple flexibility as it forms tie-bars {disulfide bonds) among the collagen fibers of tendons, ligaments and cartilage. In its absence, more rigid protein bonds would otherwise fill in, making connective tissue more brittle and more prone to damage. MSM, which is also necessary for collagen synthesis, assists a special mineral pack in Joint Vibrance that fuels enzymes in the chondrocytes. Those enzymes are vital to new tissue construction. Think of the enzymes as carpenters that actually build new cartilage.

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First Defense F.L.U. Support

A selection of anti-inflammatory herbs and herbal extracts in Joint Vibrance helps reduce some of the stiffness and discomfort of damaged joints. High potency grape seed extract even helps bind broken collagen fibers for a "quick fix" while the other ingredients in Joint Vibrance initiate substantial reconstruction. MSM helps here too, supporting production of free-radical scavenging (sulfurcontaining) amino acids, peptides and cellular enzymes that both protect against oxidative damage and help control inflammation. Be Patient

Yes, we now know that nutritional supplements can restore healthy joint function for many people. But it takes time. We can't stress this fact enough: BE PATIENT. Cartilage is a non-vascular tissue. That means healing nutrients are not "mainlined" into cartilage by capillaries. Nutrients must reach cartilage by passive diffusion through synovial fluids lubricating and bathing joints. This process moves more slowly and takes longer to support healing. Therefore, IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE TO KEEP UP A STEADY FLOW OF NUTRIENTS INTO THOSE BATHING FLUIDS.Joint Vibrance should be used every day without fail until healing is complete. It may take 3, 6, 10 or 12 weeks, but it works! Thereafter, a maintenance dose of about two or three servings per week should work to keep joints healthy for most people.

Joint Vibrance

The good news is that chondrocytes can be rekindled. They never lose their ability to build cartilage, but can lie dormant or nearly dormant in aging cartilage. A good, strong bath of nutrients, however, has been shown to stimulate 80 year old chondrocytes back to their productive activity of age 20. That can Cran-Max®

U.T. Vibrance

A Man's Zinc

only result in healthier, stronger more flexible joints. So remember...Joint Vibrance, the name says it all.

Krebs Zinc

Ingredient Briefs Phyto-Boron Phyto-Chromium Phyto-Selenium

Joint Vibrance is based on the effective combination of Arthred™, Glucosamine HCL, Chondroitin sulfate and Glucuronic acid complex, plus selected minerals, antioxidant/anti-inflammatory herbal extracts and botanicals. Each component of the unique and synergistic Joint Vibrance formula is explained briefly below. Arthred™: Arthred™ is the newest and most effective material to enter the arena of therapeutic nutrition for joint health, and it is of bovine origin. Arthred™ is a pharmaceutically pure hydrolyzed (predigested) and agglomerated (spray-dried) collagen. It has been put to the test through extensive animal and human clinical trials that have established its safety and effectiveness. It is a non-toxic food.

Human trials reveled that dosages of 7 to 10 grams daily could reduce inflammation in arthritic joints, and actually fuel construction of new cartilage by the sixth week. The amino acids from Arthred™ are taken in by chondrocytes and assembled into new fibers of collagen. CSA and glucuronic complex in the Joint Vibrance formula are employed by chondrocytes to make the proteoglycan matrix or base in which the new collagen fibers are embedded. In this way, Joint Vibrance assures that true, complete, new cartilage will be built. Joint Vibrance, employs the maximum 10 gram dose of Arthred™ that was used in clinical trials in each serving. We want to be certain the formula will work for the maximum number of people. Perhaps because of its newness, we nevertheless receive a number of questions about it. Two of the most common questions dealing with safety and purity, and their answers, follow: 1. Is Arthred made form animals pumped up on growth hormones?

Arthred is produced in Germany. Federal regulations in Germany prohibit the use of growth hormones in beef and prohibit the importation of beef or beef products raised with growth hormones. Furthermore, since the material is produced to pharmaceutical standards of purity, no growth hormone, pathogens or other toxins would be left in the material after processing, even it they were initially present in the animal. 2. Are animals infected with mad cow disease used in Arthred?

No animals with mad cow disease are used in the manufacture of Arthred™. In fact, Germany does not allow the importation of beef and beef products from the United Kingdom (England) or the U.S. because of the use the tainted reputation of disease among British cattle. and the heavy use of growth hormones, antibiotics and other medications in U.S. beef. And finally, the pharmaceutical process by which collagen is processed into Arthred™ eliminates mad cow prions or other pathogens in the finished Arthred™ material. Glucosamine HCL: A deficiency of any one of a number of nutrients can lead to impaired cartilage

formation. This means that glucosamine (in any form), being only one nutrient that can be used by the cartilage-building cells called chondrocytes, is not going to be able to effect complete, thorough reconstruction of cartilage. More nutrients are needed than just glucosamine. Yet glucosamine has value. Glucosamine re-hydrates cartilage, and the effect is transient. Glucosamine is taken into the chondrocytes, cells buried within cartilage that manufacture cartilage. In the chondrocyte, glucosamine is used in the synthesis of the acidic mucopolysaccharide, hyaluronic acid. By-the-way, it is NOT glucosamine sulfate that is used. The sulfate portion is discarded and only the glucosamine is used. Similarly, when glucosamine HCL is taken in. the HCL is discarded and the chondrocyte uses the glucosamine. The hyaluronic acid thus produced is then sent out of the cell to percolate out through the cartilage and eventually become a primary component of synovial fluid, the slippery lubricant bathing opposing plates of cartilage. So you can see that the hyaluronic acid made from the glucosamine is only a transient component of cartilage. It is not a structural member of new cartilage. But, since hyaluronic acid is a water magnet, it attracts and holds moisture to it. So as it wends its way very slowly through cartilage, it drags a lot of water with it. As a result, the cartilage becomes infused with water. It becomes more plump (thicker), and more able to cushion forces placed upon the joints. You can now see how supplemental glucosamine leads to the production of more hyaluronic acid which leads to the re-hydration of cartilage which leads to thicker (up to one-third), more protective cartilage.

If glucosamine supplementation is not continued, then as the hyaluronic acid eventually works its way out of the cartilage and into the synovial fluid, the re-hydrated cartilage will eventually begin to shrink back to its thinner, harder configuration. There is some evidence that very long, continued use of glucosamine supplements may eventually lead to the actual construction of new cartilage, but that would come as secondary effect. Chondrocytes driven to greater activity in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid will eventually also synthesize a little more of the proteoglycan base AND collagen fibers that form the structural parts of cartilage. That synthesis of new cartilage will be limited, however, by the availability of building materials. Joint Vibrance uses glucosamine hydrochloride (HCL) because the hydrochloride molecule is highly compatible with human biochemistry and because a gram of glucosamine HCL contains more glucosamine than a gram of glucosamine sulfate due to the greater bulk of the sulfate fraction of the molecule. Although it is true that most glucosamine research has been conducted on the sulfate form, that fact is primarily a reflection of scientific method where one researcher's findings must be corroborated by another's. In the end, a great number of studies will be done on the first substance tested whether or not that first substance ultimately proves to be the best. Now that studies have begun to appear on glucosamine HCL, we see the hydrochloride form of glucosamine has shown itself to be every bit as effective and bioavailable, if not more so, as the sulfate. Chondroitin sulfate: In the 1960's, Lester Morrison at Loma Linda University, demonstrated the effectiveness of chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) to restore elasticity in connective tissue of arteries, to clear blood of dangerous blood fats, and generally to reduce the likelihood of heart attack in patients with cardiovascular disease. His work verified that CSA was indeed bioavailable, and that it could be effective at restoring flexibility to connective tissue. Although his focus was on cardiovascular health, later researchers verified that supplemental CSA could help restore connective tissue in different parts of the body. Pipitone, in his paper titled "Chondroprotection with chondroitin sulfate", clearly states, "glycosaminoglycans [chondroitin sulfate]…play a crucial role in the physiology of joint cartilage … supplementation might enable chondrocytes to replace the proteoglycans [the glue that holds cartilage together]…[CSA] exhibited good therapeutic efficacy …act[s] as an anti-inflammatory…[is] able to inhibit enzymes which may damage joint cartilage…[and] is absorbed by the body…" This is strong evidence which says chondroitin sulfate is an efficacious treatment for osteoarthritic joints. "Glucuronic acid complex": This material is literally bovine trachea extract. It is the most abundant source of glucuronic acid we could find. Glucuronic acid is utilized by chondrocytes (cartilage building cells) in the synthesis of new cartilage. MSM: MSM expands the ability of Joint Vibrance to restore supple flexibility to ligaments and tendons (and also skin and muscle). It will replace more rigid protein bonds, that form over time among fibers of connective tissue in the absence of adequate sulfur, with flexible disulfide bonds as nature intended. MSM should also speed healing of damaged joints. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): Vitamin C is required along with calcium for the synthesis of hydroxyproline, the major structural protein of connective tissue. Calcium (from lactate): Calcium is required along with vitamin C for the synthesis of hydroxyproline, the major structural protein of connective tissue. The lactate form was chosen for Joint Vibrance as a form of the mineral that combined satisfactory palatability with excellent bioavailability. Magnesium (from lactate): Present in the formula to balance the supplemental calcium and to help maintain proper hormonal balance among hormones controlling connective tissue and bone synthesis and degradation. Along with sulfur (from MSM) helps restore and maintain flexibility in connective tissue. Lactate form chosen for palatability. Zinc (from citrate): Zinc is essential for the activation and function of alkaline phosphatase, and

enzyme utilized in the synthesis of bone and connective tissue. Zinc is also required for all growth of every cell in every tissue. Repair and reconstruction cannot take place if zinc is under-supplied in the diet. Citrate form is chosen for palatability and excellent bioavailability. Manganese (from citrate): Manganese is required for synthesis of connective tissue. It provides tensile strength and durability to ligaments and tendons, and structural integrity to cartilage. Citrate form is chosen for palatability and excellent bioavailability. Horsetail silica: Along with sulfur, helps maintain flexibility in connective tissue. Boron (from glycinate): Boron at just three milligrams per day intake, prevents negative calcium balance, stopping the all too common loss f that critical mineral through the urine. Boron in Joint Vibrance helps assure that not only the calcium in the formula but also any dietary calcium will be

retained and used for the synthesis of strong, healthy connective tissue. Cinnamon bark powder: Cinnamon is added for taste. After expending much time and money

searching for the right natural flavor combination, we discovered that the simple addition of cinnamon could block the mineral and botanical flavors inherent in Joint Vibrance. Ironically, the major component of the formula, Arthred (at 10 of the 16.3 gram dose) is virtually tasteless. Devils claw (very bitter), Boswellin® (tastes mildly like turpentine), grape seed extract (very astringent and bitter) and curcuminoids (taste like ground pencils) contribute some unfortunate tastes. Cinnamon especially in combination with grapefruit juice or apple cider, handily blocks the strange flavors of the botanical and, to a lesser extent, the mineral components of the formula. Grape seed extract: This is a potent anti-inflammatory with the unique ability to also cross link

broken collagen fibers in damaged connective tissue. In that way, this package of water soluble polyphenols can help bring some fast relief to damaged joints. Grape seed extract works against further tissue breakdown by additionally inhibiting elastase and collagenase enzymes, enzymes we normally manufacture that are responsible for breaking down connective tissues in skin, joints, tendons and ligaments. Curcuminoids, Boswellin™, Devils claw, alfalfa, and Yucca: These five additional botanical ingredients join grape seed extract as part of the team of botanical anti-inflammatory/antioxidant agents in Joint Vibrance. Polysaccharides in Yucca are effective at not only reducing inflammation but also providing added lubrication to articular tissue (joints.) Stevia leaf extract: A little stevia extract is added to assist cinnamon and help improve the taste of

Joint Vibrance. Available in Joint Vibrance 12 oz. (342 gm) Powder Available in Joint Vibrance 252 Tablets Joint Vibrance 12 oz. (342 gm) Powder $40.95 Joint Vibrance 252 Tablets - $41.95

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