Gaiaonline Magazine - Issue 8

Page 1



Tell us your birthday!


Admiral Lord Cochrane** Co-Captain

Chaos Beaver Journalist

Nymph of Spring Co-Captain

Escuro-sama Digital Graphics

neehole Vice Captain

Fayrouza Journalist

slothiiiey Vice Captain

Jamie Ranai Artist

-Candii_SweetLead Financials

Josephine the Harpist Journalist/Editor

A Glass Passenger Journalist

Kanari Moon-sun Financials

Alkalune Journalist/Editor

Kethrynrose Editor

Anasui Editor

KisKis Journalist


Lewpy Von Cakes Journalist/Editor

Sir Renlio Journalist

lXl_Soka_lXl Advertiser

Soah Serendipity Assistant/Artist

Meia15** Consultant

TheAnneh Editor

Morwen Whiinch Digital Graphics

xWalkingInTimex Artist

Mrs Preinz Artist

1XxRenxX1 Editor

Nintendo Freak 32 Journalist/Editor

Nyx Avalon Journalist/Editor

Sheva Das Digital Graphics

Shinigami-ANBU Assistant/Artist


Want to see your username up here? JOIN GOM! New crew members are marked with one *, those that will be missed have two **.

1. Introduction Pages 2 Crew 4 Table of 6

2. All Around Gaia Summer 9 A Week in the 10 Gaia TOS and 14 Advantages of Cash 16

3. Featured and Contributed Featured 19 Featured 20 Featured 21 Featured 22 23

Join the GOM Family!

Want to Join The GOM Crew?


Click Here for more information!

4. Conventions 27 Anime 28 32

5. miscellaneous Crew Interview: Chaos 35 Recipe: Chocolate Cherry 36 Tektek 37 What is an Otaku? 38 Tiger & Bunny 39 Ghost Trick 40 Fire Emblem 44 Kawaii School 46 Studio 48 Being an Anime 52

6. Games Anime Word 55 Anime Cross Word 56

GOM thanks and Credits images from the Gaia Online Team font from fonts from brush by green-eyed-butterfly @dA brush by horhew @

brush by sylvehr @dA brush by SparklingTea @dA brush by Lou012 @dA brush by Debi-Chiru @ dA brush by Nekochuni @ dA


All around Gaia

Summer Springs Neehole Vice Captain

Facebook is a popular social site. Some people have four friends; others have four-thousand friends! So, what better way to get Gaia exposed to more users then Facebook? Summer Springs is a new Gaia online game, introduced to Facebook. Maybe it’s another way to advertise Gaia, earn money, or just keep users entertained. How does it work? Summer Springs is a lot like the well-known Facebook game, FarmVille. You grow crops and get experience points from watering then harvesting. Some of your crops are needed as a food source for your animals to eat. Because if your animal is not fed, how can it produce the things you need? The items produced from the animals then goes into producing something else. For example, you feed the cow cabbage, it makes milk, and you use the milk to make cheese. You can also catch annoying mice to get experience points, help friends, or just decorate your farm. This game is built to be user friendly. All the instructions on how to do things or what produces what is at the bottom of the game play screen. All you have to do is scroll down! Forget how to plant a crop? Just scroll down! Forget how to make milk? Scroll down! On the flip side of being user friendly, in the beginning, this game was slow at loading and lagged quite a bit. Over time, it is slowly getting the kinks worked out. It’s a game after all. They all need patch work here and there. There is another bonus to playing the game. After you level up so many times you can claim a prize which is a Gaia item. You also accumulate gold redeemable on your Gaia account. So, even though Summer Springs has been “seen before” only with a different name and by a different company it has its pros and its cons.


Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! A week in the woods, what could be more perfect? Sleeping in the great outdoors, only a thin lining of material separating you from hurricanes and tornados, beasts of ferocity and terror, and superstitious legends of the local area. So why not do it online? From August 16th to September 4th, the Newbie Supporting and Training Guild hosted the 4th Annual Camp NSTG, and I gotta tell you folks, it was a blast. From start to finish, it was a community contest of cutthroat tactics and subtle sabotage to earn the most points between three cabins. I went to the ever lovely Ebony the Peacian, current leader of the NSTG, for more information.

Ebony the Pecian

First off, Ebony, what exactly is Camp NSTG? “Camp NSTG is, in short, the Newbie Supporting and Training Guild’s fourth annual summer event. However, what sets this event apart from other NSTG events is its unique setup. We present participants with the opportunity to join one of three Cabins, each led by a Crewmember Counselor. GillaGrrl leads Team 4 on the Floor, where members dress up four-legged, powerful beasts; Twilight Afternoon leads Team Honey Badgers, where members don their yellow, badass uniforms and take whatever they want; and TheAnneh leads The Space-Time ContinuCabin, where the members are simply out of this world. In order to earn points for their respective Cabins, participants must take part in the many contests, games, auctions, raffles, art booths, etc. This encourages teamwork, camaraderie, and good sportsmanship within each Cabin, and invites participants to take part in every awesome activity the event has to offer.”

What is the goal of Camp NSTG? “Camp NSTG means to put a twist on a typical user-run event. It has a unique Cabin/ point system, a wide variety of opportunities to win some amazing prizes and buy some gorgeous art, and, most importantly of all, an abundance of places in which great, lasting friendships can be made. We intend to give our members (and visitors!) a fulfilling and fun experience as they explore the campgrounds, get to know new people, and take part in activities they love (and perhaps didn’t know they loved!). We want everyone who participates to walk away with prizes, art, and memories.”

The NSTG has been around for a while now, helping the Gaia community. What is your motivation to keep being awesome, and setting up events such as this? “The motivation to keep making interactive, creative events with a variety of fun activities for our members is very simple: we do it for the joy that comes from knowing that you’re making someone’s Gaia Online experience that much richer and fulfilling. When I first joined Gaia, I would have never guessed a guild existed that would have welcomed me in spite of my newness to the site. Not only does the NSTG do that; we also give these new people a chance to win some fantastic prizes, buy some gorgeous art for an awesome price, and make friends with people of all backgrounds. Our motivation is in the happiness we feel when we see newbies and oldbies alike enjoying what we have to offer them and, of course, befriending one another.”

What are some other ways that the NSTG helps the community? “We know that there are three things that most newbies seek when they come into the NSTG: answers to their questions, gold, and friendship. And it is our intention to provide everyone with the opportunity to find all three in the NSTG. Let’s address the first need: answers to their questions. We have an extensive Resources subforum, filled with all sorts of guides to help newbies get started on their Gaian endeavors. In addition, we have launched a guide commission initiative, where we ask Gaian guide-makers of the outside forums to post copies of their guides to our Resources subforum. Our aim in that is to make it so that newbies can have access to some of the most popular, informative, and up-to-date guides of Gaia’s public forums without having to leave the NSTG. If newbies aren’t looking for a guide, but rather, for a quick answer to a question that they have, they are more than welcome to visit our Questions and Answers subforum, where a dedicated Crewmember or a kind, informed member will answer their questions in a jiffy.


The second need of new Gaians is the one with which are are all most familiar: gold. We do many, many things to address this need. We use conventional methods, such as running contests and donating to resident charities throughout the year. In addition to that, we donate to our members who set up their quest threads in our Item Quests subforum. I have estimated that, by the end of 2012, our guild treasury will have spent over 4 million gold on various NSTG programs and charities. But we also use more creative methods! Every month, two Crewmembers put on the persona of the mysterious NSTG Fairy and anonymously give out items to active members to thank them for contributing to the warm, generous atmosphere of the NSTG. Also, a few times a year, we host, as you know, various guild-wide events, our biggest being our summer and Christmas ones. During these guild events, which usually last around two weeks, we give out hundreds of thousands of gold in prizes, the Fairies go into overdrive mode, and we make sure that everyone has a wonderful time participating in contests, games, and other activities. The third need is the one that most Gaians tend to forget about when it comes to helping newbies: friendship. We tend to newbies’ desire to find friends in several ways. In June ‘10, a group of dedicated Crewmembers put together the Newbie Adoption Program, which grants every newbie who is interested in the Program one mentor who will provide them with personal, one-on-one assistance, great conversations, and, as we have seen, beautiful friendships. But we find that our most successful attempts to provide newbies with new friendships are the ones that do not come from various programs or events, but from the heart. Our Chatterbox forum is where many friendships start -- inside a funny game thread, a discussion topic, or even a simple chat thread. I am proud to say that the NSTG Crew has mastered the art of befriending newbies and experienced members alike by doing what it is they do best: being kind. In everything that the Crew does and in everything that our amazing members do, our aim is the same: to be kind, selfless, and generous with our time and care.”

What are some ways any user of Gaia can get involved and help out? “We’re glad you asked! There are many, many ways that anyone can come in and help. I’ll list a few: 1. The easiest thing anyone can do to help make the NSTG the absolute best place it can be is to simply come in and post. We have a wonderful Questions & Assistance subforum, where you can answer the questions of your fellow NSTGers. That’s a great way to help. Another thing you can do is venture into the Chatterbox, and make


some great friends who share similar interests. If you’re feeling really friendly, you can even head into our Introductions subforum and welcome new Gaians into the guild, offering them your assistance and friendship. Our Crew can do a lot, but it can’t do everything; that’s where our amazingly generous and kind members come in. 2. Another interesting way you can help out is by sharing with us your talents. If you’re a great graphic artist, we’d love to see some banners that you could make for our homepage; if you draw killer chibis, open an art booth at any NSTG event and sell your work to our participants; if you make lovely signs, make a sign for a hardworking Crewmember who made your day a little brighter, and you’ll find that you will make our guild a little brighter. 3. If you’re short on time or talent, you can also share your treasure. The simplest way to help us monetarily is to send a donation to the NSTG Mule; this ensures that we will have enough gold to keep these event traditions and programs running for many, many years. If you want a more personal connection with the people you help, you could give out anonymous gifts to active or new members (like the NSTG Fairy), set up a charity in our Charities & Minishops subforum, or send a trade to a member who has a quest thread in our Item Quests subforum. The possibilities are endless for helping us out, and anyone who wants to provide us with financial support has the opportunity to do so in a way that is meaningful and fulfilling for them. I would like to close by saying this: Our members are our reason for logging on in the morning, and you are welcome in the NSTG today and always!”

And there you have read it, from Ebony the Peacian herself. We all hope that you had a fun time, and we all look forwards to joining the NSTG for their next event!

Come see xI Persephone Ix's Art Shop! Great art at great prices!


Gaia’s TOS and You kethrynrose Editor

BREAKING NEWS....Authorities today brought a member of the online community Gaia Online in for questioning. More details are forthcoming, but reports claim the questions are involving posts made Gaia’s forums. We will give you more information as it arrives.... Like it or not, this could actually happen to me, you, and your friends. One joke can cause you to end up on the 6:00 news or on the court reports in the local paper. This is why your friends at GOM have decided to talk to you about the ToS and Rules. On May 17, in an effort to reduce the number of banned accounts, Gaia Admins posted a reminder of Gaia’s Terms of Service. The post didn’t place new restrictions on activity within Gaia. It just reminded us what was in the ToS that we read when signing up. We all were presented these rules when we signed up, but many Gaians have been on Gaia long enough for the rules to get just a tad fuzzy. The reminder was aimed at jokes being made about topics such as violent acts committed, threats, solicitation, and jokes about being under 13 years old. Jokes of this nature require Gaia to take immediate action to protect not only Gaia, but the community as a whole. In the ToS, Gaia states that while they are not responsible for the content of messages sent within Gaia, posts and messages may be edited or restricted when necessary. When the announcement came out, I followed the thread for a number of hours. The common thread in the discussion was that this violated the first amendment rights of Gaians. I would usually be inclined to agree, but I also know that the Supreme Court has limited speech in many situations. Most notably, speech is limited when it can harm


has been done to someone earlier. The common example is yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theater, but is has also been limited in the cases of threats. Keep this in mind; whenever we post in Gaia, we are essentially speaking to the Gaian community as a whole. You wouldn’t make threats of this nature in public places, like Wal-Mart or McDonalds. It would be possible for a person to overhear you and report what you say. In Gaia, everyone can see what you say, and it isn’t easy to take what you type back. Looking at the ToS, I found a few interesting points to remember in addition to the PSA. First, submissions made to Gaia can be used to advertise or promote the site as a whole. Gaia is prevented from utilizing your submissions (art, journals, etc...) for commercial gain. While promoting, they can reproduce your submission as they deem necessary. You still own the art in question, but Gaia can use your art as needed for running the site. Second, when a person is banned, they lose access to items they have acquired during their membership at Gaia. In the case of a permanent ban, the former user will lose all items, gold, and cash acquired during that time. These are considered nonrefundable. Gaia also reserves the right to ban or invalidate your account at any time, based upon activity. As stated earlier, Gaia will also contact the authorities when necessary. The third point is probably the most important. As times change, so do the rules we have to abide by, both in real life and on Gaia. This point involves changes to the ToS which are bound to happen. When Gaia feels the need to change the rules, they are required to inform the community prior to the change. This occurs as a notice on the site or by sending e-mails to the accounts affected by the change. After the notice has been released, users who continue to use Gaia acknowledge the change and accept it. This means that by continuing to use the site you agree to abide by the new rules. Keeping these in mind, hopefully we can all manage to stay off the 6:00 news, or better yet, the local paper.


The Advantages of Cash Shops -Candii-SweetHead of Financials & contests

About a month ago, Gaia did a “Cash Shop Cleanup” that removed a few items from the cash shop below is a list of the items removed. Cirque Du Lumiere Bundle Tamer of Blue Fire Fanciful Light Charmer Cockatiel Cub Rejected Olympics Team Bundle Team Aekea Uniform Team Gambino Uniform Team Durem Uniform Golden Uniform Forgotten Pages Bundle Forlorn Wordsmith Sinuous Ink Qudis the Squid Perfect Summer Bundle Island Sherbert Laraha Sea Crimson Sunset Lovely Maritime Streetpunk Karak Bundle

ICHI-maru-KYUU Kiken Rider Chase the Painted Bandit Wuxia Assassination Bundle Deadly Ansha Yinlong Warrior Guang the Golden Qilin Arabian Wonder Bundle Prince Dhanun Aamira the Wanderer Mari the Djinn Flora Fauna Bundle Nymph Adora Fay Cervidae Enchanted Meadows Rapid EI Bundle #4 Rapid EI Bundle #5 Full Mood

Due to this removal of these items, the values of these items have been inflated. It’s not too late to invest in these items, here is a quick tip to spend big but make even more over-time.


The Forgotten Pages Bundle is the easiest bundle to afford at this point which is a moderate 690k, any bundle will do but for this example we will use the forgotten pages bundle as an example.

Above is a graph of the forgotten pages inflation over the course of one month, over time this item may reach 1mil. Though August and September this bundle has grown 300k and the other cash shop items have had a similar increase as well. As the Financial Lead, it is recommended to take advantage of this cash shop cleanup and invest in the items that were removed in the cash shop. Taking advantage of the cash shop isn’t limited to the cleanup, all EI’s rise in worth exponentially. Once an EI is released to the public, it is wise to purchase it in the marketplace and simply wait for it to rise in value once the evolution stages are released. We’ll take the Modus Operandi item as an example. It started in its 12th Gen at about a mere 700k but the fully evolved form is worth 1.5mil, waiting and selling would create a 800k profit which may or may not be a lot but profit is profit. These tips may or may not work, so try them at your own risk. With all gold and cash aside, good luck.


Featured Avatars


Toby Vespa




Mistress Shiny


Tute Sweet

GOM Reader of the Issue! Cygnus the Dark Star has been with GOM for a long time and he has made a total of 1,291 posts with in the guild! Unfortunately, he informed us that he will be leaving Gaia to pursue other things. Thank you Cygnus for staying with GOM! We’ll miss you!





Featured Guilds


Featured Shops


Contributed Photography by GOM Reader Ezra


“SHORTS” Comics by GOM Reader IxITheDustKeeperIxI

Avatar Art by GOM Crew Member neehole


Avatar Art by GOM Crew Member neehole

Have Something you want to feature in the Magazine, but dont want to join the crew?

Check out the Contributor System!


Otakon Convention Coverage Meia15 Consultant

Hey guys! If you happened to miss Otakon, don’t fret! I attended and was able to get the scoop on what’s to come for Gaia Online! We already have other convention reviews and what not, so I’m not going to take up your time with another. Just a quick list! • Edmund’s shop will get a redesign and will be filled with new things • More items coming to the Neko Neko shop as Gaia is in the process of getting more sponsorships • The storyline will continue later this year • There will be an awesome Halloween and Christmas event • The Event page will be getting a makeover with a huge calendar • Another Alchemy update • The Gaia iPhone app will be extended to Android phones • A few more games o “Monster Galaxy: Exiles”: another Monster Galaxy game o “HOC”: strategy game o “Rumble Kitten”: a really cute cat fighting game for iOS (iPhone, iPad, etc.) • Monster Galaxy manga


Anime Expo Convention Coverage slothiiiey Vice Captain This year, Anime Expo, located in the Los Angeles Convention Center, was definitely an exciting convention. (Or should I call it “Brony” Expo because the place was overrun with Brony cosplayers?) Apart from all the ponies, there was Legend of Korra, Tiger and Bunny, Blue Exorist, Penguin suits, one guy in a Santa Clause suit, and even the annual favorite The Pokemen. There was a wide array of different types of anime, manga, and videogames. Apart from all the photos that I have posted around the article for you, feel free to check out this photographer’s showcase of all the interesting cosplay.

I’ll apologize to everyone right now that I was not able to attend any panels, with the exception of the My Little Pony Panel. The Pony Panel was hilarious! This Q&A type panel had several Ponies in the front who improvised responses based on the character they represented. Meanwhile, the audience asked a wide array of questions, such as “Doctor Whooves, have you ever tried one of Derpy’s muffins?” (it just so happened that Derpy, who was sitting next to him, had a muffin in front of her.) Doctor Whooves continues to say a response while staring at the muffin. Eventually he tries to grab the said muffin, only to have Derpy take it away. After the Q & A, there was a raffle for handmade items.


The one place that Anime Expo should be prized for is its Artist Alley (aka Art-Hoarder’s heaven), which is composed several aisles of small one-manned tables covered with fanmade arts & crafts. Next to the Artist Alley is the Exhibit Hall, which was filled with the non-unique anime products that you could get at any anime convention, except for the beautiful high-end lolita and steampunk retailer fashion booths whose products are almost too beautiful to touch. Like any convention, or any other anime/cosplay get-together, it is really about the community, not the merchandise. There are several cosplay gatherings based on a series that take place throughout the convention. This helps fans, whether cosplaying or not, to make new friends and acquaintances with similar interests. The gatherings meet outside for a giant cosplay photoshoot, and then wander around downtown to explore the sights - usually. This year, however, it was difficult to gander at the sights when a giant race track is built in the streets, blocking a huge portion of the city. The X-Games, a multi-sporting event, was held literally next to the convention center, taking up the Nokia hotspot with it. Although it was pretty cool to see professional racecar drivers (from inside the Anime Expo Convention Halls) tear up the streets of downtown LA, it was extremely difficult to navigate and drive outside, as well as inconvenient for the AX Dance which was forced to move to someplace smaller. Speaking of the AX Dance, Gaia admin DJHellsing made a special guest appearance as one of the DJs! Several black baseball hats with the Gaia logo were thrown out to the crowd as he played upbeat music. Despite the shortcomings, the convention was excitable and fun. Anyone with acquaintances that go to this convention will definitely want to catch up on each others’ lives while making new friends.


Comic Con Convention Coverage slothiiiey Vice Captain

Being a San Diego native, The Comic-Con wasn’t something I had been to in years. Its actually something most of us avoid simply because there are too many people in town. I wasn’t even planning to attend but somehow got ahold of professional ticket a week before. One of the awesome things about Comic-Con was the easy transportation. Comic-Con’s shuttle service consisted of fancy charter buses that went all over town (free for ticket holders!) all day. Plus the trolley is literally located across the street. Downtown San Diego was a mess. I swear there were more conventioneers outside the convention center than in it. A bar across the street was giving out handsanitizer. Somehow a wristband ended up on my arm as I ventured the Downtown Gaslamp. The Youtube lounge was giving out lemonade, pop-corn, and candy. They also had a special appearance with Stan Lee. The History Channel was giving out sandwiches, sausage, and other goodies in a parking lot down the street. The Nintendo Club room in the hotel next door to the convention center was having “Talk with Mario” sessions and had all their newest games out to play. Anime was being shown constantly at the other nearby hotels. Inside the convention, the Exhibit hall was filled with everything you could think of; video games, television, vintage American comic books, old Disney artwork and storyboards, Japanese love pillows, and clothing. Many of the large booths, such as CBS TV, gave out bags, pens, and a picture where they green-screen you into your favorite television show. The hallways around the television stations were hard to move through even though the path was wide enough to fit an SUV. To get out of this swarm, smaller type panels were a must.


One of the panels I went to was called the Klingon Lifestyles Presentation. This small group of Star Trekkies have been performing a scene from the Star Trek series for over 15 years. Though the acting and costumes are not the best, they had a large audience turn out - even DJHellsing was there to watch. I wanted to say hi, but I couldn’t find him after the show. Speaking of DJHellsing, this time I actually went to the GaiaOnline panel. I met up with GOM crew member TheAnneh and her friends and we hung out together for a while before. After DJHellsing finished talking about all the new stuff that will be happening to Gaia (See Meia15’s Otakon article), the Q&A session was quite....interesting. One user kept begging Mr.Hellsing for a job, while saying odd things. Even though the situation was quite difficult for Hellsing, it definitely lightened the mood in that room. Later that evening, I wandered over to a panel that hosted old cartoons. This was run by a cartoon historian(How cool is a job like that?) who exhibited cartoons such as Mighty Mr. Titan and Johnny Cypher. Although I can’t remember the name, there was another cartoon that asked kids to “pull out your crayons and draw on the screen.” What was extremely funny about this cartoon was that it asked kids to also “pull out your erasers and rub really hard” and I’m sure most of you already pulled out your Thats-what-she-said jokes... Masquerades are always the big event for any convention - its basically the cosplay superbowl. However, the procedure for getting tickets to the event at Comic Con was unorganized and scary. When I arrived at the ticket booth early, the volunteers claimed that there wasn’t a line, despite the many people hovering around the booth. When they decided to give out the tickets, the crowd of 50 or more people turned into vultures around those poor ladies. It was quite scary to be trapped in the mob. Once you got your ticket, you had to wait in line, which was another thing in itself. The line wrapped around the half of the entire upper level and even outside. People had been in line for hours just to get a good set up front - there were lots of fold-up chairs, blankets, and sleeping bags to prove it. My advice for anyone planning on going to Comic Con is that if you don’t like being pushed around within a large mobs of people (both inside and outside the convention center), spare yourselves and attend smaller conventions or even social groups within your home city or state/province. Unless collecting a few freebies is your number one hobby, Comic-Con is not worth the $175 for a weekend pass just to be trampled on. P.S. If you ever happen to go to Comic Con in the future, stay with a friend or relative who lives in the area. All the hotels and motels within the county jack their prices up by at least $100.


Crew Interview: Chaos Beaver Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself! I am Chaos Beaver. I am an Anime collector and amateur Anime critic. What made you join Gaiaonline? I joined Gaia back in 2004 because it was an Anime community back then. What is your favorite thing to do on Gaiaonline? My favorite thing to do on Gaia is roleplaying, discussing Anime, and lurking. What do you do for GOM, and why? I write Anime Reviews for GOM and the reason is because I feel my opinion might actually matter to someone. Other than working for GOM or playing on Gaia, what do you do? I watch Anime, play video games, go to college, drink/smoke, and read a lot of webcomics. If you could be a character in any anime or manga, who would you be, and why? Takeya from DearS, why... Well if you read the manga to the end then you would know why. Is there anything else about you that you would like our readers to know? Touhou Fans are still the craziest fandom, suck it Pony fans.


Recipe: Chocolate Cherry Cobbler A Glass PAssenger Journalist Ingredients: - a dutch oven - a can or two of sprite - a box of chocolate cake mix - two large cans of cherry pie filling - aluminum foil - nonstick spray. Instructions: 1. First things first. Build a fire (Make sure that if you are under 18, that you have adult supervision and a nearby extinguisher or bucket of water. I would suggest also using coals, but wood could work too). 2. Take the can of sprite and mix it with a single box of chocolate cake mix. The result should be fairly thick dough. 3. The second step is to line a dutch oven with aluminum foil. Make sure you spray the foil with degreaser. Add in half of our devilishly delicious dough to the bottom. 4. After that is done, add two large cans of cherry pie filling to the dutch oven, heating them thoroughly, and finish by adding the remaining dough on top of the filling. Heat until the top is done, just like a cake! 5. If you are really feeling for the sugar high, you can eat it with whipped topping or vanilla ice cream.


TekTek Contest Every issue, we challenge GOM readers to make a tektek based of a theme. This issue’s theme was Anime & Manga Character Cosplay. The GOM staff then picks the best tektek. This issue’s tektek winner, insert username here, made off with a large gold prize and had their tektek featured on the front cover! Remember - you too can try your hand at our next tektek competition! Check out the other participant’s submissions to the Cosplay theme! Can you tell what anime or manga they’re from?

Amanda the Panda Queen



Atrocious Panda

Le Zephyr

Soah Serendipity


Mary Williame Taranee


kanari Moon-sun



Rei Akira-chan


Vincent Tamotsu

What is an Otaku? Neehole Vice Captain Why use three or four words to describe someone’s love for anime when you can use one? Otaku! That’s right, otaku. Otaku (おたく / オタク) directly translates to english on google translator as nerd/geek, though it is a term more often used to describe an obsessive interest, particularly anime and manga. Otaku is a Japanese term delivered for another’s house. In the 1980’s, “otaku” was used as an honorific second-person pronoun. Now, in modern Japanese slang, “otaku” is used as geek for a theme or a subject. The term can be applied for both males and females. In English, the word “otaku” is “on one’s own” compared to the Japanese translation. It’s usually used to refer to an obsessive fan of anime/manga, and/ or Japanese culture generally, and Japanese video games. The term is simply a label, meaning the same thing as fanboy/girl. In Japan, though, the word “otaku” has an altered meaning, along with the Otaku culture of today. Akihabara district in Tokyo is the center of Otaku culture that includes manga, anime, and “mild cafes”. One of the most recent developments that have taken place in this district, which continues to spread the Otaku culture out into the rest of the world, have been a lot of shops which carry anime character merchandise and manga fan fiction. There are also maid cafes all over the district, where the waitresses wear maid costumes similar to the ones that are featured in manga. This word has so much history - I believe there isn’t a reason we shouldn’t use it! So forget the weeaboos and be more grammically correct - an otaku!


Tiger and Bunny Review Chaos Beaver Journalist Tiger and Bunny, a relatively new anime by my standards; and for once, an anime I will be reviewing without a hard copy of it to watch. But hey, it’s modern and pretty interesting. Tiger and Bunny takes place in a world where people have the ability to be uber human, kind of like X-men, and these people, called NEXT, become super heroes to fight crime. Sounds pretty generic and boring? Well you would be wrong. The interesting thing is that the super hero gig has become a gameshow! The heroes fight crime, save the day, and are awarded points based on many different factors within the show. Really, they are everyday people, with superpowers, that fight crime while trying to live an everyday life. This allows for characters to have depth and be unique characters. In fact most of the characters get an episode about them to really expand who they are and what they are like. This creates a strong cast that only helps build plot later on when the bigger problems hit. Now Tiger and Bunny is not perfect, but it does make up for its flaws pretty well. One thing that might throw you off is the advertisement of products directly within the show. One of the Heroines is supported by Pepsi. Within the setting, this fits perfectly and since it isn’t heavily stressed getting use to the ads is fairly easy. Another problem is that Bunny can have a bit too much angst, but Tiger makes up for it by being a great counter to him. Hell, the show even has a Deus Ex in it that actually works and is well played. Overall, Tiger and Bunny is great, has a few flaws here and there but overall is extremely well done even if it gets a little weak towards the end. -Chaos Beaver


Ghost Trick Review Escuro-sama Digital Graphics You ‘wake’ up. There is a woman you don’t know being held at gunpoint by an equally unfamiliar man in a dark old junkyard. Between them, collapsed in an unflattering heap, is a body…your body. You’re dead, you see. You know that much (everything else seems a bit of a blur). You want to help the woman, but you can’t. There’s not much a dead man can do, now is there? The man raises his shotgun slightly in a lazy motion. “So long, sister,” he says, words ringing cold, disinterested, as he begins to pull the trigger. In that split second, as you resign yourself to sitting on the sidelines and the man’s finger presses down, another voice rings in your disembodied ears.

This is no time to be lolling around dead! You’re the only one who can save her! This is how our story begins. What follows is a harrowing mix of twists and turns as you use your abilities as a Ghost to manipulate the events around you and ultimately solve the mystery of who you are and why you were killed. Taking place in the span of one crazy night, you must unlock the secret behind the suspicious circumstances surrounding your death, all the while preventing the deaths of many others in the progress. With the dawn you disappear. Time is of the essence. Ghost Trick is a text-based adventure/puzzle game for the Nintendo DS developed by Shu Takumi, creator of the hugely popular and well-received Ace Attorney series. Released in the US on January 11, 2011, it received mostly positive reviews amongst gaming magazines and fans alike. I myself only had the pleasure of playing through this game in its entirety at the beginning of this year. I’ll keep my thoughts on it as spoiler-free as possible. This is definitely a game you’ll


want to check out.

Gameplay: When it comes to gameplay, Ghost Trick definitely takes an interesting approach. You play as a well-dressed spirit by the name of Sissel. He remembers little of his past, including his own name (though he does manage to find it out not too long after the game’s start). It’s through his special ‘ghost tricks’ that we progress through the game. Using Sissel’s unique abilities, one can possess and manipulate the cores of objects nearby and connect with the souls of the recently deceased in a separate plane referred to as the Ghost World. In this connection, one can turn back the clock 4 minutes before that person died. In this 4-minute period, it is your job to manipulate your surroundings to prevent this person’s death and thus create something called a ‘fate change’. This happens quite a few times in the game, with certain characters becoming almost nonchalant towards their own deaths since they know Sissel can bring them back should he so manage to manipulate the circumstances in time (those whose lives are saved retain a link with Sissel as well as the memory of their death).

The Ghost World, the objects you can manipulate, and their cores. Each object has it’s own unique action.

Of course, such a power has its limitations. He cannot reverse his own fate, nor can he save those dead longer than 24 hours. His has a limited radius of movement when it comes to hopping from core to core too, so there are many points in the game where you have to find a way to get yourself closer to another core in order to continue.


It’s a fun and really interesting gameplay mechanic that forces you to think creatively on your feet as you try to figure out which of the many objects around you can be triggered/manipulated in your favor. Art and Animation: In contrast to his thin lines and less stylized designs in the Ace Attorney series of games, Ghost Trick sports a bright, vivid color scheme with thick lines, highlights, and shadows along with a very exaggerated cartoony style. Not unlike the Ace Attorney series, each character is given life through beautifully animated sprites and expressive art stills. Compared to most top-selling games, Ghost Trick’s graphics would seem quite simplistic at best but when you think about the type of console it’s made for and the kind of gameplay/story it’s offering, it is one of the top games of its kind for the Nintendo DS system.

Inspector Cabanela, at your service. When one sees some of the sprite animation in the game, it’s not hard to see why Ghost Trick was nominated for an Annie Award in the “Best Animated Video Game” category.

When it comes to story and writing, both Ghost Trick and Takumi’s Ace Attorney series have always shined brightest. The makers of the game knew how to get a player invested in the characters. Each line gives you a little more about a character and while playing this game, it almost feels like you’re right there in the game watching the characters move, speak, and act the story in front of you. It truly is a wonderful feeling and I love that this game can inspire that in me. If given the chance, I feel like Ghost Trick would work great as an animated feature length film, or even as a short series of graphic novels...The writing and feel of it all is just that good.


Writing: When it comes to story and writing, both Ghost Trick and Takumi’s Ace Attorney series have always shined brightest. The makers of the game knew how to get a player invested in the characters. Each line gives you a little more about a character and while playing this game, it almost feels like you’re right there in the game watching the characters move, speak, and act the story in front of you. It truly is a wonderful feeling and I love that this game can inspire that in me. If given the chance, I feel like Ghost Trick would work great as an animated feature length film, or even as a short series of graphic novels...The writing and feel of it all is just that good. Conclusion: Buy this game. I cannot recommend it enough. It’s fun, a bit challenging, and has one of the most engaging stories I’ve ever had the pleasure to play through. The plot can get really crazy sometimes (because everyone in the story is connected to you in some way) but it is such a breath of fresh air and the characters are just so much fun. Don’t miss out on adding this great game to your Nintendo DS collection. You will not regret it. Until my next review, everyone, keep on playing~♥.


Fire Emblem GBA Review kethrynrose Editor

Fire Emblem GBA is a turn-based strategy game which introduces the player to Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector as they fight the evils that have decided to plague their world. As they progress, meeting new allies and enemies, they discover secrets hidden from their world ages ago. The story tends to touch the border of clichÊ, while still retaining enough individuality to stay interesting. Overall, I love this game. FE can be challenging at times, but I do not find myself experiencing the frustration I feel while playing other turn-based games. I hate to level-grind, and I find that this game can be completed without an excessive amount of grinding. Some classes, however, are difficult to level up and promote without some level grinding. In these cases, it is possible to level grind, but it is not necessarily required. One of the greatest challenges of this game is what makes it different. In this game, a character that loses all their hit points in a battle is unavailable for future battles. With 44 characters available, losing one may not be devastating. Losing too many characters can make it difficult later on. On my first play through, I found this frustrating. Now I find this to be an enjoyable part of the game. While I love this game, there are a few things I hate about it. While Eliwood’s campaign contains the meat of the storyline, I find that I dislike him the most. When each lord reaches their upgraded classes, Hector and Lyn gain weapons that make them a unique and powerful character. Lyn and Hector become more versatile after promotion. Eliwood, however does not seem to be as lucky. The lance-sword combination makes me feel that the promotion was unfinished. At that point in the game, he seems underpowered compared the promoted paladin class.


My other gripe with this game involves the FE’s story. This game can be broken into three main sections based on the lord that acts as the main character. I find Hector’s campaign to be problematic. It is too similar to Eliwood’s campaign since they spend most of the story together. While they changed the number of enemies and some chapters, the similarities made me more than a little bored. With little post game content, it would have been better to have another unique campaign. While Fire Emblem GBA is not the best game, it is challenging enough to be enjoyable. The lack of post-game content also makes this game difficult to continue playing after the main game is complete.


It’s that time of year again - Time to pull out those Geronimo High Uniform Vests, and Wensleydale Prep Uniform Skirts, complete with those cute over-decorated cellphones, PlayStation portables, and briefcases....on Gaia. It’s funny how on Gaia, we purchase the cutely decorated school-related items but in real life we stick to those plain old pencils and highlighters. Its time for a change, my fellow gaians. The cute items you’ve always wanted doesn’t take much money, if you know where to look.

Match those adorable Bento Bunny Gaian items with one of your own! Cute little bento boxes are easy to find online and at your local Asian markets.

Randoseru backpacks can be expensive! The backpacks on ebay that matched the Gaian item featured best were in the $100s! Luckily, pretty canvas bags are in style and easier on your wallet.


Lets be honest - nothing can ever be like Gaia’s Kiki, Coco, and Gwee umbrellas. However, umbrellas with patterns and designs of candy or other cute things will give your new look the boost it needs during those gloomy days.

Forget the nerd look with Gaia’s scientific cacluators and go for animal shaped, even plain colored calculators. They are bound to brighten up any math class!

If deco tape isn’t enough, then stick cute puffy stickers!

Don’t run with scissors kiddies! Hello Kitty products can be found virtually at any large department store.

Paper, Pens, and Pencils - Oh My! Colored and styled mecanical pencils will make you want to write more without giving your teachers a hard time reading your writing.

Need tape? No problem! Decorated tape will give your teachers something nice to look at especially when you get a little tear your homework assignment.

Whip out these bad boys during break, and you’ll be the center of attention with your friends. Not only is it the perfect sharable snack, but the commercials represent its product as fun and flirty - exactly the image “kawaii” girls are going for.

Check out my pinterest page to discover more items as well as where to buy them!


Studio Ghibi kethrynrose Editor Ask nearly any otaku what Ghibli means to them, and you’re not likely to hear about hot winds in the Sahara Desert. Chances are they will mention Studio Ghibli. This company has been prevalent in the creation of animated films since its inception. Studio Ghibli is a company in Japan started in 1985. To this day it has produced the works of five directors, including the legendary directors Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Takahata and Miyazaki have been more prolific throughout the history of Ghibli, but Yoshifumi Kondo, Hiroyuki Morita, and Goro Miyazaki have also produced successful films for Ghibli. There is something special about Studio Ghibli’s Movies. Some people are drawn to the sense of adventure, others to the characters, and some are even drawn to Ghibli’s lack of music. Oftentimes, animated movies think they need to rely on catchy tunes to engage the audience. That may work for six year olds, but it doesn’t exactly keep adults tuned in. In this aspect, Ghibli excels in creating animated movies that can be watched by just about anyone. They do this by creating worlds that people of all ages can imagine. One thing that Studio Ghibli is talented at is world building. They don’t just put characters in generalized settings. From grass growing through the cobblestones in an old town to the wondrous knick-knacks in Howl’s bedroom, viewers can tell that Ghibli spends time paying attention to detail. While the setting is important in movies, it is the story that really attracts or repulses audiences. In many movies, a good story can overcome shoddy acting. A story that is cleverly written can get people to overlook character concepts that are a little less than complete. One factor that is common among Ghibli movies


is the lack of a clear antagonist. A number of their movies feature coming of age stories that rely on character development and growth. Others pit the characters against society or place them in between two conflicting societies, each acting by their own morals and beliefs. Ghibli excels at creating believable characters. The characters are each driven by something that viewers can relate to. For example, we can understand how San and Eboshi can fight for what they believe in because we all have a cause. In addition, we are able to see how the characters change and grow through their experiences. One notable example is the changes that occur in Chihiro throughout Spirited Away. Ghibli never wastes the opportunity to teach us that we as people can change as the situation allows. Starting in 1997, Studio Ghibli and Disney started releasing Studio Ghibli’s movies to the American markets. To this day, all but three movies have been dubbed and released. Many of these movies were released with little advertising or merchandising. I think this reduced the exposure of Ghibli’s movies to North American audiences. There have been many movies released by studio Ghibli. At this point in time, only three movies out of twenty one movies have not been dubbed. Featured here is a list of the Ghibli movies that have been dubbed in North America, or have been released since the inception of Ghibli. Included is also a short description on the story, my reaction to the story, and sometimes an interesting fact about the movie. Here are a couple of famous Ghibi titles you may have seen: Castle in the Sky (1986): This movie is normally overlooked in the company of some other Ghibli titles, but by watching this, you can see how creatively the characters and story can be developed. It maintains a balance between adventure and comedy. Towards the end of the movie there are a few plot points which change this balance, and makes the movie more interesting. The Castle of Cagliostro (1979): Officially, this movie was not released by Studio Ghibli. It was directed by Hayao Miyazaki as part of the Lupin III series. This movie features Lupin as he investigates counterfeit bills the obtained in a caper. Even if you haven’t watched Lupin III, it is worthwhile to watch. It is a good caper film, and some scenes reminded me of the resourcefulness of MacGuyver. One detractor to this movie is the fact that you need to watch the series to understand the relationships between some of the characters.


Grave of the Fireflies (1988): This movie is often considered one of the best antiwar films ever created. It follows the lives of two children orphaned after Allied bombing raids in World War II. This movie is not a movie you want to watch if you don’t like to cry. The story is extremely gripping. It really gives people an opportunity to see the affect that WWII had on the Japanese economy. It is an amazing movie that should have more attention than it has initially gotten. Howl’s Moving Castle (2004): If you are a person who wants their movie adaptations to match the material it was based on, you need to steer away from this movie. The movie is based on a book by Diana Wynne Jones. The movie is amazing, but Miyazaki made so many changes that it can be difficult to recognize the original material. The plot also features so many changes that the book is barely recognizable within the movie. All-in-all it is a good movie, just not very true to the source material. Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989): This movie was directed by Hayao Miyazaki and was the first movie to be dubbed by Disney. It features a cute coming of age story about a young witch-in-training named Kiki. This movie was the first Ghibli movie I watched. I originally disliked it because it lacked a clear antagonist. Now, I find this movie a refreshing break from my career. My Neighbor Totoro (1988): This movie has actually been dubbed twice, once by Disney and once by 20th Century Fox. The Disney dub includes a number of scenes removed from the 20th Century Fox version. It is a cute coming-of-age story and introduces the world to Ghibli’s mascot, Totoro. This is a great movie to watch with younger children. Princess Mononoke (1997): Most people would probably say that this is their favorite Miyazaki film. It contains a depth in the storyline rarely seen in animated films. The story follows a cursed prince named Ashitaka as he tries to negotiate peace between a the spirits of a forest, and the town that needs to go through the forest to survive. In this movie, it is difficult to clearly define good and evil. Each character has attributes and flaws that make them both good and evil based upon the stand you decide to take. Spirited Away (2001): If you have never seen this movie, you really should. It follows a girl named Chihiro as she tried to save her parents from being killed. Throughout the movie you can see Chihiro change from being a meek and scared girl, to being a strong young woman. It is well executed, and the characters really do complement the storyline.


Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984): This is another pre-Ghibli movie directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It is based upon a the graphic novels created by Miyazaki himself. It is a joy to watch. It was also dubbed once before. The dub was called Warriors of the Wind. The dub featured so many changes that many of the environmental themes in the movie disappeared. The alterations drove Miyazaki to call for fans to forget it existed and made Ghibli adopt their famous “no cuts” policy. Ponyo (2008): When watching this movie, I found that I just couldn’t enjoy this movie very much. It is about a goldfish that wants to become a little girl. I enjoyed the feeling of adventure and discovery featured in the movie, but I found myself wishing that the movie would be targeted for older audiences. This is a movie that you can watch with your kids, but not one I would really want to watch alone. Porco Rosso (1992): This high-flying adventure features a flying ace named Porco Rosso. Porco is a freelance bounty hunter who tries to stop pirate attacks. This movie features a lot of aerial action, which can be exciting. The story is creative, but can appear to be a bit cliché at times. I would have preferred a little more back story in this movie. Tales From Earthsea (2006): I enjoyed this movie. There is a lot of detail in the movie, but there is also a lot that is omitted from the movie. It is based upon a single short story within an anthology of the same name by Ursula leGuin. There were many points where the audience was left to wonder why certain things were said or presented in the way they were. One major point was the importance of a person’s true name. I think a little more explanation would have helped this movie out a bit. The Secret World of Arietty (2010): This movie is loosely based on the children’s classic The Borrowers. In this movie, I found myself enjoying the scenes and settings more than the storyline. The story does keep a balance between action and development, but it is the creativity of the borrowers that really shines. Pom Poko (1994): This movie can come off as a little strange. It follows a group of raccoon like tanuki as time progresses. It shows how they try to fight the progress in industry that is endangering their lives. It highlights how time can change how human societies can change their perceptions of other groups and creatures. Only Yesterday (1991): This movie was shown in subtitles once when AMC was honoring Studio Ghibli. At the time, it was shown in subtitled format, and it still hasn’t been dubbed. This movie is about a woman who goes to spend time with her family. As she travels, she thinks about her past and her childhood friends.


Being an Anime Reviewer Chaos Beaver Journalist

Oh joy, you guys get to learn about me and what I do when I review an Anime. Aren’t you just excited? Well if you are, and may your God help you, then read on. A lot of people think reviewing Anime is easy, hell it is just my opinion but that isn’t always the case. When it comes to reviewing Anime there is more than just a feeling of “Do I like it?” With being a critic it is, how I feel about it material and the people who would watch it. DearS is an Anime that is one of my personal favorites but when people ask me about it I have to tell them that it isn’t all that great. It is learning that just because I like it doesn’t mean it is good. Next you have to look into a lot of things to list off a few: characters, character development, story, story development, story flow, animation, continuity of material, effectives of action if applicable, and the overall point of the story. You also must weigh them all and look at execution of everything. An example would be the Hellsing OSTs. The story on them isn’t all that strong and really the story is made to pretty much hold the combat together, however the execution of it is very well done. You don’t watch it for the story, you watch it for the fights and blood. The story doesn’t get in the way of that, it flows the action together to get you going. Gunslinger Girl is different in that the action is what flows the story instead, something that is very rare. Each of these Anime have a different strength in it but it is the combination and execution of these parts that make them good. Now when it comes time to review the piece you want to watch twice or watch it again to refresh details in your mind. Get a feel for it and see if you missed something so that you can get the most accurate review. Sometimes you may need to watch it more than once, like FLCL. Normally that is the process I follow for writing a review unless I really don’t want to watch it ever, and I do


mean ever, again. Something like Chobits for example. I don’t hate Chobits, it isn’t a terrible Anime, I just didn’t like it and found it dry. That is an Anime I rate higher than my personal feelings but I already covered that. Overall the one thing about being a critic frankly believes your opinion matters more than other people’s opinions and not being persuaded by others. I find Eflen Lied to be a terrible anime and I can back it up with many different points despite people telling me how good it is. They point out that it has great action and violence; while I point out its weak story, weak character development, weak characters, unfinished love interest, and terrible pacing. At the same point someone could tell me how poor and Anime is but if I find all of its parts to be great then frankly what they say doesn’t matter. People will always disagree with you and you have to accept that. Hell you could PM me right now and say Elfen Lied was amazing, however chances are I would call you and idiot and explain to you why. But hey… I am who I am. Also your standing as a critic is based on how many people with you are full of shit but keep listening to your rants. –Chaos Beaver

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