How to Avoid Weight Gain when You Retire from the Military Military personnel are used to a strict fitness regime that is intended to keep them in shape while they are on active duty. How about military retirees? How can they avoid gaining any excess weight when they retire from the military? Military retirement brings a great deal of change to a person's life. Their hectic routine will be gone, bringing with it a slower pace of life. Even if military retirees quickly find employment again as a civilian, they will find that the pace of life is considerably different in the civilian world. Their job in the military that required that they be on their feet for several hours at a time might change to an office job where there is less opportunity for physical exercise throughout the day.
Another change that they will notice is that they will no longer have to take compulsory fitness tests or set time aside during and after duty hours in order to meet military standards of fitness. While some military retirees will be pleased that they no longer have to take a 5:00am jog each day, a lack of structured exercise following military retirement can contribute to post-military weight gain.
Military retirees will find it easier to keep up with a regular routine of exercise if they find alternative ways to exercise. Meeting military standards of fitness is not the most exciting way for some to fit in their exercise, especially when they have to work harder than some of their fitter friends to meet the required standards. That is why they should consider choosing a less demanding, but still beneficial form of exercise. Rather than taking that 5:00am job, take the dog for a walk before breakfast. Dog owners can spend extra time with their beloved canine and still gain a good workout having to face the drudgery of a form of exercise that they do not enjoy. Or go for a swim instead. The point is to keep up with your weekly exercise routine by choosing a sport or activity that you enjoy.
Of course, exercise alone will not prevent post-military weight gain. Military retirees need to watch their diet and portion control. But more is required. They should also watch their cholesterol, blood pressure and other health related issues and eat accordingly.
Military retirees who want to prevent unnecessary weight gain will face a drastic change in routine, which is often why so many retirees gain weight. But if they stay active in a sport or activity they enjoy and they watch their diet, they should not have to deal with any excess weight gain.