Gair Rhydd 1065 - 16th November 2015

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gair rhydd | freeword Cardiff ’s student weekly Issue 1065 Monday 16th November 2015 Also in this issue

Advice: What to look for in a student house P9>>

Sex survey finds more than half of students are not aware of SU’s sexual health services

Comment: Should drug use be decriminalised? P13>>

t VP Welfare says SU should be “doing more” to help sexual health society SHAG t Students complain of lack of support for sexual and gender minorities t Calls for consent lessons among suggestions from 250 students surveyed

EXCLUSIVE Joanna Beck, Anna Lewis, Shanna Hamilton & Joseph Atkinson


Gair Rhydd student sex survey of 250 Cardiff University students has found that around 50 per cent of participants are not aware of the sexual health services that are currently offered by the Students’ Union. The survey asked students about attitudes towards sex, experiences with sexual health and knowledge of existing health facilities. One particular cause of concern recorded was the lack of sexual health advice for LGBT+ students as one participant suggested, “there should be sexual health and education resources aimed directly at the LGBT+ community. We are, after all, sexual

and gender minorities. “Virtually all of the resources exist catered to straight people and most queer people are left completely in the dark having to fend for themselves and learn about sex the hard way with no prior educative material”. In the study 21 per cent of the participants described themselves as either gay, lesbian, bisexual or other, with the remaining 79 per cent selecting heterosexual or “rather not disclose”. Comments were also made regarding sexual consent and a large number of participants suggested that the University should introduce consent lessons or workshops. One participant suggested that the Students’ Union “make sure people know what consent is.” They explained: “Make people more aware of what a sexually abusive relationship may include and the warning signs of sexual abuse.”

Many universities have started to implement consent lessons and both Oxford and Cambridge have introduced compulsory sexual consent workshops for their students. One of the concerns associated with consent is the influence of alcohol-an issue which features prominently in the study. According to results, 59 per cent said that they have had a sexual encounter whilst drunk that they might not have had sober. One participant described their own experience of “pressured sexual encounters where I felt unable to express a ‘no’ emphatically enough for the other person to understand. Initial and early encounters were often undertaken because I felt unable to explain a No and was not comfortable in insisting”. Other comments mentioned the negative stigma associated with sexual activity and sexual health. One

Pictured: SHAG’s condom dispenser in the reception of the Students’ Union (Photographer: Anna Lewis)

Continued on page 4

Politics: Kirsty Williams talks tuition fees to Gair Rhydd P18>>

Science: Why there’s probably mould in your house P25>>

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