gair rhydd
Cardiff University’s student paper | Established 1972
Inside: NASA launches new fossil-hunting probe to study asteroids near Jupiter's orbit (Page 19)
UK Nightclubs face boycotts due to drink spiking 'epidemic'
Spiking has become a consistent issue in Wales and more widely in the UK. The increased numbers of reports, as well as the new injection issue have led to country-wide boycotts.
To spike someone means to put drugs or alcohol, in their drink without their knowledge or consent.
Prof Adam Winstock from the Global Drugs Survey has stated that the most common spiking method is through increasing the alcohol content of one’s drink, and that the new injection method is a lot less used, as it is more noticeable.
This does not mean spiking through drugs or injection does not happen and getting stats regarding the increase in numbers is difficult.
Between 2015 and 2019 there were more than 2600 reported cases of spiking in England and Wales, according to a BBC study. However, many cases do not get reported, or the victim does not get a blood test in the allocated time.
Clubs tend to have a dismissive attitude towards this, as many have spoke out on social media about how instead of being helped when spiked, they were kicked out for being too drunk.
Anger has been directed to clubs and security, as the public urges them to take precautions against spiking, especially against injections.
A number of precautions have been suggested to reduce the occurance of spiking, including providing drinks covers at the bar, drug testing kits as well as more thorough searches on entry and a clear medical centre and ways for people to get home.
Speaking on the impact of the recent 'epidemic', Graeme Da Silva, the director of Pryzm Car -
diff, recognised that drink spiking remains to be a "a real fear for our guests" and said that his staff would be taking "any reports extremely seriously".
He continued by noting that everyone at Pryzm nightclubs "would like to show our support to our student partners this Friday in raising the awareness of safety in the night-time economy. Let's work together to stamp this out."
There have been controversies regarding giving more power to security staff as there are already reports of discrimination on entry in multiple clubs around the UK.
'Girls Night In' was started by sisters Ellie and Ruby O’Sullivan, and it first began as a movement to boycott London Clubs. The movement has recently changed its name to Big Night In after calls for inclusivity, not affecting the plans for the boycott. In the space of a few days the movement grew to 30 cities across the UK, including Cardiff on the 29th of October and Swansea and Bangor on the 27th.
The group has posted on their Instagram account that “Spiking has become an epidemic” as well as insisting that “This is not getting ‘black-out drunk’, this is getting drugged”.
The group has faced some backlash from campaigners who say that the message to ‘stay in’ is “backwards” as it follows the idea of ‘if you don’t like it, stay home’.
The movement, however, has not backed down, as they believe that clubs will have to address the issue out of fear for loss of revenue.
The last planned boycott is Norwich on the 4th of November, but that does not mean the fight will be over then, as the group is planning to boycott until something gets done, and they have already achieved multiple statements from clubs and bars promising precautions.
To read Francesca's full article detailing the boycotts set to occur at nightclubs around the UK, turn to page 5.

Terror threat to MPs raised to 'substantial'
Following the murder of MP Sir David Amess, Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced that the terror threat to MP’s has been raised to ‘substantial’. Patel clarified there is not any ‘credible or specific imminent threat’ behind the change, but it does bring the threat level specifically for MPs in line with the level of threat facing the whole of the UK. The ‘substan-
tial’ label means that an attack is now deemed ‘likely’, whereas the previous ‘moderate’ threat indicated an attack was ‘possible but not likely’. This threat level increase will not lead to personal protection to all 650 members of parliament. It will, however, lead to greater foresight when elected officials and others are calling on MPs to look ahead when planning events and considering security measures while maintaining accessibility to their constituents.
There has also been a push to fast track the highly awaited Online Safety Bill which aims to prosecute and remove harmful and extremist content online.
The tragic events of the past month have led to cross party support for this bill and the Prime Minister has said that it will be passed by christmas.
To read Deio's article on the impact of the new 'substantial' terror threat to MPs, turn to page 9.
COVID-19 rules in Wales vs England Are Liverpool FC back to their best?
As COVID-19 rules are gradually relaxing, and we are heading back closer to normality, it can be easy to forget why restrictions even exist.
However, as Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford has said, in a recent speech, Coronavirus cases have “risen sharply to the highest rates we have seen since the pandemic first began”, demonstrating that whilst it feels like a thing of the past, COVID-19 is very much still present and many of us are still very much at risk.
To read Vicky's article comparing the COVID-19 rules in Wales and England, turn to page 10.
The Queer EmporiumRoyal Arcade, Cardiff
The Queer Emporium sits right in the entrance of the Morgan Quarter, impossible to miss with its vibrant colours and big windows.
Within a week of opening, both the arcades – the Royal Arcade, where the store resides, and Morgan Arcade – were decorated with a vast array of pride flags as a show of support for Morgan Quarter’s new addition. Opposite is the gay cabaret bar Mary’s; Yan White, the owner of the Queer Emporium, jokes, “We’re hopefully creating a bit of a new queer street in Cardiff, which is kind of fun!”
To read Iris' review of Cardiff's 'The Queer Emporium', turn to page 16.
The 2020/21 season was a difficult one for Liverpool, with injuries to key players such as Virgil van Dijk and Jordan Henderson seeing them slump to a 4th placed finish as they attempted to defend their title. However, this season appears to be one of renewed optimism for the Merseyside club. With an almost entirely fit squad, they look to be playing the style of football that won them a Champions League and Premier League trophy. The question is, are they back to their best, and are they capable of winning those competitions again this season?
To read Harvey's full article on Liverpool FC's promising start to the season, turn to page 23.
Gair Rhydd 2021/22
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A note from the Editor Nodyn gan y Golygydd
What impact does ‘cancel
culture’ actually have?

effaith mae
canslo’ yn ei gael?

Dave Chapelle: ‘The Closer’ has sparked some backlash from members of the LGBTQ+ community. Source: John Bauld (via Flickr)
Jack Robert Stacey Editor-in-Chief
Following a recent controversy surrounding Dave Chapelle’s latest Netflix comedy special, the ongoing debate around the influence of socalled ‘Cancel Culture’ has seen a resurgence on social media.
Dave Chapelle, the Mark Twain PrizeWinning Comedian, has faced backlash from members of the LGBTQ+ community who accused him of making trans-phobic and discriminatory comments as part of ‘The Closer’, the American performer’s new stand-up comedy special.
YouTube star Shane Dawson, author J.K. Rowling and American television Host Ellen DeGeneres) have experienced being “cancelled”.
As the mass rejection of a celebrity or high-profile organization often takes place on social media, it’s sometimes difficult to accurately gauge the impact that “cancelling” can have on someone.
‘Cancel culture’ has already proven its potential to alter the way that individuals are perceived in society.
Dave Chapelle: Mae ‘The Closer’ wedi tanio rhywfaint o adlach gan aelodau o’r gymuned LGBTQ+. Tarddiad: John Bauld (via Flickr)
Jack Robert Stacey Prif Olygydd
Yn dilyn dadl ddiweddar ynghylch a rhaglen gomedi Netflix diweddaraf Dave Chapelle, mae’r ddadl barhaus ynghylch dylanwad ‘Diwylliant Canslo’ wedi dychwelyd i’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol.
ant (gan gynnwys seren YouTube Shane Dawson, yr awdur J.K.Rowling a chyflwynydd teledu Americanaidd Ellen DeGeneres) wedi cael y profiad o gael eu “canslo”.
At Gair Rhydd we take seriously our responsibility to maintain the highest possible standards. We may occasionally make mistakes, however if you believe we have fallen below the standards we seek to uphold, please email editor@gairrhydd.com.
You can view our Ethical Policy Statement and Complaints Procedure at cardiffstudentmedia.co.uk/complaints. Opinions expressed in editorials and opinion pieces are not reflective of Cardiff Student Media, who act as the publisher of Gair Rhydd in legal terms, and should not be considered official communications or the organisation’s stance. Gair Rhydd is a Post Office registered newspaper.
This ongoing debate raises an interesting question about the current relationship between comedy, audiences, and free speech: namely, ‘Should celebrities be held accountable or “cancelled” for expressing their views?’
As a movement rooted in black culture and the rejection of problematic cultural norms, the act of “cancelling” is based around the notion of holding someone in power accountable for their actions, essentially punishing them by “cancelling” their harmful messages or behaviors - Focusing on this aspect, many historians have likened ‘cancel culture’ to a modern, mass form of social ostracization.
Over the last few years, for instance, several highly influential individuals in the entertainment industry (including
Taking this into account, it’s also important to recognise that the act of “cancelling” someone does, as the movement’s critics have previously highlighted, also has the potential to cultivate a mass ‘mob mentality’ which may fail to acknowledge the core issue in a rational or fair way; Addressing the controversy surrounding ‘The Closer’ during a recent performance, Chapelle echoed this point.
The comedian said that he was “confused” by the backlash he has received online and, speaking about his own experiences with the LGBTQ+ community, maintained that everyone “has been nothing but loving and supporting, so I don’t know what all this nonsense is about.”
‘Cancel culture’ occupies an interesting position within our modern social landscape and, without doubt, will continue to be a pertinent topic of debate moving forwards.
Mae Dave Chapelle, Comedïwr sydd wedi ennill Gwobr Mark Twain, wedi wynebu adlais gan aelodau o’r gymuned LGBTQ a’i gyhuddodd o wneud sylwadau traws-ffobic a gwahaniaethol fel rhan o ‘The Closer’, sef ei set comedi ‘stand-yp’ newydd.
Mae’r ddadl barhaus hon yn codi cwestiwn diddorol am y berthynas bresennol rhwng comedi, cynulleidfaoedd, a’r rhyddid barn: sef, ‘A ddyliai enwogion gael eu “canslo” am fynegi eu barn?’
Fel mudiad sydd wedi’i wreiddio mewn diwylliant du ac sy’n gwrthod normau diwylliannol problematig, mae’r weithred o “ganslo” yn seiliedig ar y syniad o ddal rhywun mewn grym yn atebol am eu gweithredoedd, ac yn eu cosbi drwy “ganslo” eu negeseuon neu eu hymddygiad niweidiol - Gan ganolbwyntio ar yr agwedd hon, mae llawer o haneswyr wedi cysylltu ‘diwylliant canslo’ i gymdeithas fodern, torfol ac ynysig.
Dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf, er enghraifft, mae nifer o unigolion dylanwadol iawn yn y diwydiant adloni-
Gan fod trigolion yn gwrthod enwogion neu sefydliadau proffil uchel yn aml ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, mae’n anodd mesur yn gywir yr effaith y gall “canslo” ei gael ar rywun.
Mae ‘diwylliant canslo’ eisoes wedi profi ei botensial i newid y ffordd y mae unigolion yn cael eu gweld o fewn cymdeithas.
Gan ystyried hyn, mae hefyd yn bwysig cydnabod bod gan y weithred o “ganslo” rhywun, fel y mae beirniaid y mudiad wedi tynnu sylw ati o’r blaen, hefyd y potensial i feithrin ‘meddylfryd mob’ torfol a allai fethu â chydnabod y mater craidd mewn ffordd resymegol neu deg; Wrth fynd i’r afael â’r ddadl ynghylch ‘The Closer’ yn ystod perfformiad diweddar, ategodd Chapelle y pwynt yma.
Dywedodd y comedïwr ei fod wedi ei “ddrysu” gan yr adlach y mae wedi’i dderbyn ar-lein, ac wrth siarad am brofiadau ei hun gyda’r gymuned LGBTQ dywedodd nad yw pawb “wedi bod yn ddim byd ond cariadus a chefnogol, felly dydw i ddim yn gwybod beth yw pwrpas yr holl ddwli hwn.”
Mae ‘diwylliant canslo’ yn meddiannu sefyllfa ddiddorol ac, yn ddi-os, bydd yn parhau i fod yn bwnc trafod perthnasol wrth symud ymlaen.
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COVID-19 cases on the rise in Wales
Rising numbers of Coronavirus cases could lead to another lockdown
With 3,152 new positive cases reported on Sunday October 24, Wales’ coronavirus infection rate is reported at the highest level since the pandemic began. Number of reported deaths is now 6, 136 with a further record of 12 deaths on Thursday. Wales’s case rate has risen to 681. 9 cases per 100000, making the highest ever record.
Rapidly increasing Covid 19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths have put NHS into pressure once again as health services seem to be struggling. Although numbers in hospital with Covid have risen but remain relatively low, it is reported that the highest proportion of cases in the community remain among the under-19s.
First Minister Mark Drakeford has issued a warning saying restrictions in Wales could be reintroduced in
Wales in three days time if cases do not drop.
According to the statement given by the First Minister, ““Over the past three weeks, coronavirus cases have risen sharply to the highest rates we have seen since the pandemic began and more people are falling so seriously ill that they need hospital treatment.
“All this means that the pandemic is far from over. We need to take more action now to strengthen the measures we have in place at alert level zero to prevent coronavirus spreading even further and more people falling seriously ill.
“We hope this action will help to turn the tide of this delta. None of us wants to see a return to restrictions but if rates continue to rise, the cabinet will have no choice but to consider raising the alert level at the next review.
A new set of covid rule changes have also come into force. As reported by Wales Online, these rules

Changes to the rules around selfisolation. You can read all the details. You’ll need a Covid Pass in theatres and cinemas.
Headteachers will be helped to introduce measures if case rates are high locally.
Shops have been encouraged to get people to stick to the rules to
wear masks.
Businesses will be encouraged to resume working from home
Wales is in Alert Level 0 or covid stable situation however it is undeniable to expect tougher measures or a suspected ‘Christmas lockdown’ in coming days as the total number of Cases in Wales since the pandemic have hit 432,395.
New commission considers Welsh Independence
Since the early 15th century, when the likes of Owain Glyndŵr led a revolt against the English, the movement for Welsh independence has been a key political debate in Wales.
As we saw last week, however, this debate seems to be re-igniting in the present day.
Led by Prif Weinidog Mark Drakeford, the Labour government in Bay recently revealed the co-chairs of the new commission into Welsh Independence: Cardiff University’s own Professor Laura McAlistar and Dr
Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury.
Speaking about their intentions as part of the new commission, McAlistar asserted that “everything” will be on the table whilst Dr Williams, a Swansea native, said that he would be intending to make “democracy work for everyone.”
Over the last few years, the Welsh independence movement (Annibyniaeth) has seen large demonstrations take place across the country, with gatherings occurring in Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil and Caernarfon also. This movement is also paralleled in Scotland where some groups are calling for Scottish independence.
Speaking on the possibility of an independent Wales, the former Labour Prif Weinidog Carwyn Jones has previously maintained that Wales is “not too poor to be independent” and has claimed that relations between “England and Wales” will weaken if Scotland and Northern Ireland were to gain independence.
This claim has been disputed by members of the Conservative party, who have recently criticised the current Government for focusing too heavily on this debate and assert that they have been “wasting time” by not addressing other issues facing Wales. Plaid Cymru have welcomed the
establishment of this commission, calling it a step forward towards “an independent Wales” - Independence remains to be a key focus for the party following the results of the Welsh election last year.
As Dr Williams, the former head of the Church of England, has stated, this commission will not only focus on the idea of independence, but will also cover a broad range of areas concerning the relationship between London and Cardiff.
However, time will only tell what the findings of the commission will be and what impact these findings will have on the modern governance of Wales.
United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) underway in Glasgow
The Cop26 Summit is underway in Glasgow. Around 30,000 are set to attend the climate change conference over the next two weeks.
The discussions will include around 200 nations, making it the largest meeting of world leaders in history.
As climate change impacts devolved issues such as housing, farming and transport, Wales will be attending as its own delegation. Wales will use the opportunity to highlight all that they are already doing to combat the issue.
The country’s recycling initiative means that Wales rank third globally when it comes to reprocessing their rubbish.
Discussing Wales’ intentions, Julie James, The Sneed’s minister for climate change, said, “We must all work together across Governments, across

public sector, with businesses, our communities and society at large and I will call upon our science community for help, advice and support. I am keen we follow the science, understand the evidence and make robust decisions – some of which there
is no doubt will be difficult choices. As I will continue to emphasise, this cannot be done in isolation.”
A recent study showed that the yearly temperature of Wales has increased by 0.9c on average since the 1970s. Wales has already experienced
extreme weathers, in particularly flood.
Storm Dennis in 2020 is only one of the many floods that devastated communities across the country.
Claire Instrell, who lives on the banks of the river Taff in Pontypridd, was shocked at the speed her home was destroyed, “I ran to my window and I saw it coming over my garden wall. Within minutes of us going back upstairs and carrying things back and fore, the towels were then floating.
She said that she makes sure she always has a bag ready in case she needs to evacuate again.
It is predicted that Wales will only get hotter and wetter in the future.
Many have raised concerns that it’s too late to act now. Professor Gareth Wyn Jones, a scientific advisor to the Welsh government, believes it’s “highly unlikely” to stop global warming from reaching a dangerous levels.
Professor Jones said, “We have created a society that’s dependent on

It is certain that the next two weeks will be crucial for the future of this planet. ”
consumerism, on capitalism and it’s very difficult to reconcile that with cuts that are necessary.”
Wales are currently responsible for 20% of all carbon emissions in the UK. The average carbon emission per person, yearly in Wales is double the world average.
Despite Wales’ own worrying statistics, the U.N will be focusing closer on the world’s worst climate offenders, such as China, the U.S and India with UK leaders also predicted to lobby them for action.
The U.N will continue to ask developed nations to keep their promise in spending at least £72.5 billion pounds a year to finance a greener future. It is certain that the next two weeks will be crucial for the future of this planet.
Nationwide boycott of nightclubs due to spiking
Francesca Ionescu ContributorSpiking has become a consistent issue in Wales and more widely in the UK. The increased numbers of reports, as well as the new injection issue have led to country-wide boycotts.
To spike someone means to put drugs or alcohol, in their drink without their knowledge or consent. Prof Adam Winstock from the Global Drugs Survey has stated that the most common spiking method is through increasing the alcohol content of one’s drink, and that the new injection method is a lot less used, as it is more noticeable. This does not mean spiking through drugs or injection does not happen and getting stats regarding the increase in numbers is difficult. Between 2015 and 2019 there were more than 2600 reported cases of spiking in England and Wales, according to a BBC study. However, many cases do not get reported, or the victim does not get a blood test in the allocated time. Clubs tend to have a dismissive attitude towards this, as many have spoke out on social me-
dia about how instead of being helped when spiked, they were kicked out for being too drunk.
Anger has been directed to clubs and security, as the public urges them to take precautions against spiking, especially against injections. Precautions suggested include :drink covers provided by the bar, drug testing kits as well as more thorough searches on entry and a clear medical centre and ways for people to get home. There have been controversies regarding giving more power to security staff as there are already reports of discrimination on entry in multiple clubs around the UK.
Girls Night In was started by sisters Ellie and Ruby O’Sullivan, and it first began as a movement to boycott London Clubs. The movement has recently changed its name to Big Night In after calls for inclusivity, not affecting the plans for the boycott. In the space of a few days the movement grew to 30 cities across the UK, including Cardiff on the 29th of October and Swansea and Bangor on the 27th.
The group has posted on their Instagram account that “Spiking has be-

Many are opting out of clubbing due to spiking concerns.
come an epidemic” as well as insisting that “This is not getting ‘black-out drunk’, this is getting drugged”. The group has faced some backlash from campaigners who say that the message to ‘stay in’ is “backwards” as it follows the idea of ‘if you don’t like it, stay home’. The movement, however, has not backed down, as they believe that clubs will have to address the issue out
of fear for loss of revenue.
The last planned boycott is Norwich on the 4th of November, but that does not mean the fight will be over then, as the group is planning to boycott until something gets done, and they have already achieved multiple statements from clubs and bars promising precautions.
Autumn budget reveals a shift in priorities
Alex Hughes News EditorOn Wednesday, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled his Autumn Budget on spending and taxation, with the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) Director Paul Johnson calling it a once in a decade fiscal event, the most important budget since 2010, when George Osborne laid out the five-year austerity program.
Compared to those it provided last March, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has raised its growth forecast and lowered its borrowing projections for the next few years. On the back of those March projections, Sunak had announced significant tax increases, in an effort to minimise government borrowing. Because of the new rosier projections, he could have reversed a third of those tax hikes and still achieved his original borrowing target, but has opted instead to use the revenue to increase spending.
With the exception of Defence, all government departments are set to receive either stable or rising funding, with Health and Social Care on course for a sizeable cash injection of 4% per year. This is a significant decision for a government and for a party torn over the trade-offs of low taxation and the NHS’s funding requirements.
It also involves a degree of luck. Some of the injection is due to higher-than-expected revenue from the Health and Social Care Levy, a 1.25% addition to national insurance contributions implemented in September. Of course, fluctuations in the levy have nothing to do with the demands faced by the NHS, so the government has effectively put a chunk of its

Autumn Budget: HM Treasury. Source: Carlos Delgado (via Wikimedia Commons)
healthcare funding strategy on autopilot.
Other departments, already under strain after a decade of real-terms cutbacks, have instead been neglected. In economics, modern theories of technology-led growth point to the crucial role of large state investments in education. Although education spending will rise by around 2% per year, as the IFS notes, ‘For the chancellor to have felt it appropriate to draw attention to the fact that per pupil spending in schools will have returned to 2010 levels by 2024 is perhaps a statement of a remarkable lack of priority afforded to the education system since 2010. A decade and a half with no growth in spending despite, albeit insipid, economic growth is unprecedented . . . This is not a set of priorities which looks consistent with a long term growth strategy. Or indeed levelling up.’
Funding for the Ministry of Justice is set to receive a significant boost, but still won’t hit its 2010 level. Council budgets, while receiving a temporary boost, will come under strain in
the next few years without greater support from central government. Otherwise, to maintain service provision, council taxes will need to rise. This is especially difficult in poorer areas.
UK consumer price inflation is on a sharp upswing, due to a combination of base effects – headline inflation rates are calculated relative to prices 12 months prior, when they were subdued partly because of the government’s VAT reductions and ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme – as well as supply bottlenecks, and the continuing high demand for goods relative to services.
In response, markets expect the Bank of England to raise its policy interest rate next Thursday, although its committee is divided, with external member Silvana Tenreyro – who thinks inflationary pressures will soon ease – casting doubt on an imminent rate hike.
Two other key moves by the Chancellor include the increase in the hourly National Living Wage to £9.50, and the higher Universal Cred-
it work allowance and flatter taper rate – the speed at which benefits are withdrawn as a recipient’s earnings rise. Analysis by the IFS finds that a full-time minimum wage worker on Universal Credit – after adjusting for inflation and netting out the tax and benefit changes – will see their real income rise by around £1,160 a year.
A median earner, on the other hand, will see their real take-home pay fall by about £180, or 1%. Those out of work will see their real income temporarily fall due to inflation, before benefits are uprated in April.
Overall, the budget implies a fairly significant increase in the scale of the public sector – total government spending is set to rise from just over 39% of GDP in 2018/19, to around 41.7% by 2024/25. Again, most of the increase has nothing to do with the pandemic; it represents a conscious prioritization of departmental funding needs over the government’s underlying low-tax objectives. It comes alongside a new fiscal target: current policy should imply a falling debt/GDP ratio between the 2nd and 3rd year of the OBR’s current forecast horizon. However, as with prior targets, this is likely to be amended (i.e. missed) if growth slows down, both because further tax hikes and spending cuts might be difficult to sell to Tory backbenchers and to voters, respectively, and because the government has ample space for additional borrowing.
Overall, the budget attempts to address the strain on living standards, and to raise more revenue to ease the funding pressure on key departments. It represents a subtle yet important shift in economic policy that could define the next decade, but for critics, it’s one that leaves much to be desired.
Zoe Kramer Head of NewsNew plans have been revealed for the Brains Brewery site in Cardiff to be converted into over 700 waterfront apartments.
The £150 million development would consist of four apartment blocks as well as office, bar, restaurant and retail space located south of Cardiff Central Station. With links with the train station as well as a new bus station operated by Transport for Wales, the location will be ideal for transport. A pedestrian bridge across the Taff into Grangetown could also be included in the regeneration of the area.
According to development firm Rightacres, “The unique waterfront location is the ideal setting in which to create a blend of lifestyle, entertainment and nature. There will be 1,000 distinctive riverfront residences in what will be Cardiff’s most spectacular waterfront district. Residents will be drawn to this unique new neighbourhood designed to bring urban life into balance with the natural world.”
Demolition on the Brains Brewery site is complete, and Rightacres has begun a public consultation as well as attained planning consent for two of the office buildings and a car park. As plans stand, the tallest of the buildings would have 29 storeys.
Paul McCarthy, Rightacres’ chief executive, told Business Live: “The demand from institutional investors for residential developments on this scale is unprecedented and Central Quay’s proximity to Cardiff’s central transport hub, city centre and waterfront presents a unique opportunity for investors and operators in the build-to-rent market to offer very high quality residential accommodation to their prospective tenants.”
However, the bureaucratic barrier is not the only obstacle to the development moving forward. The apartments are also costly, and their construction is contingent on a balanced budget. “With the current inflationary market conditions the planning application is only the first step of many. Starting actual construction will depend upon building costs stabilising in the next 12 months,” McCarthy said.
Once the consultation has ended, Rightacres plans to submit a formal application for the apartments. Depending on how the planning process moves forward, the development will take an estimated three years to complete.

Steffan Alun Leonard taf-od@gairrhydd.com
Nansi Eccott Golygydd Taf-od
Mae Megan Angharad Hunter, myfyrwraig y brifysgol wedi cael ei chyhoeddi fel enillydd coron Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2020.
Mae Megan, sy’n dod yn wreiddiol o Benygroes, Dyffryn Nantlle, ar hyn o bryd yn ei blwyddyn olaf yn astudio cwrs BA mewn Cymraeg ac Athroniaeth yng Nghaerdydd.
Mae cystadleuaeth y Goron yn gwobrwyo darn (neu ddarnau) o ryddiaith, a’r thema yn 2020 oedd ‘Mwgwd/Mygydau.’ Disgrifiodd Megan ei gwaith buddugol fel “Stori ddystopaidd, ôl-apocalyptaidd a gwyddonias wedi’i sgwennu’n bennaf ar ffurf llythyrau gan hogyn bach yn sgil nifer o drychinebau hinsoddol a chymdeithasol.”
Fe gafodd Megan ei hysbrydoli i ysgrifennu’r darn gan raglen welodd hi ar y newyddion am broblemau llygredd aer yn Ulaanbaatar, prifddinas Mongolia.
Sbeicio: y pandemic newydd?
Mae’r cynnydd mewn sbeicio diodydd yn y DU wedi cynyddu ofnau
Nel Richards Pennaeth Tafod
Dros y misoedd diwethaf, mae nifer o bobl, yn enwedig merched, sy’n cael eu sbeicio wedi cynyddu’n sylweddol.
Beth yn union yw ‘sbeicio’?
Dyma weithred sydd yn dueddol o ddigwydd mewn partïon, clybiau a bariau; ble mae unigolion yn gosod cyffuriau neu sylwedd arall mewn i ddiod rhywun arall heb iddyn nhw wybod. Wrth i hyn ddigwydd, mae’n cael effaith negatif ar y dioddefwr - fe all achosi dryswch, teimlo’n sâl, siarad yn eglur a cholli ymwybyddiaeth.
Beth sydd wedi digwydd yn yr wythosau diwethaf?
Wrth i achosion sbeicio o fewn diodydd godi - mae rhai mannau lletygarwch, e.e. Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd wedi croesawu gorchudd i’r cwpanau fel bod dim yn gallu cael ei osod yn y diodydd. Mae hyn yn gam yn nes at greu cymuned fwy diogel yn y clybiau gan fod llawer yn teimlo’n anniogel yn barod.
Bu ymchwydd mewn pryder ynghylch sbeicio diodydd yn dilyn cynnydd mewn adroddiadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol gan fenywod a oedd yn credu eu bod wedi cael cyffuriau trwy bigiad.
Yn gynharach yr wythnos ddiwethaf, gofynnodd yr ysgrifennydd cartref, Priti Patel, am ddiweddariad brys gan yr heddlu ar eu hymchwiliadau.
Yn y cyfamser, mae grwpiau mewn mwy na 60 o brifysgolion ledled y DU wedi ymuno ag ymgyrch ar-lein yn galw am foicotiau “Girls Night In” o glybiau nos ar 27 Hydref i dynnu sylw at fater

D ros y misoedd diwethaf, mae nifer o bobl, yn enwedig merched, sy’n cael eu sbeicio wedi cynyddu’n sylweddol.”

diogelwch menywod a rhoi pwysau ar berchnogion lleoliadau i fynd i’r afael â’r broblem - ac i wneud rhywbeth am y peth - i fod yn fwy llym ac ofalus. Digwyddodd y boicot at Nos Wener, 29ain yng Nghaerdydd, Dyma beth ddywedodd Cerys Davage, 20 oed o Brifysgol Aberystwyth ar BBC Radio Cymru wythnos diwethaf; “Oeddem ni’n ofalus iawn gyda’n diodydd ni, oedden ni’n cadw ein diodydd gyda ni am yr holl amser, cadw ein llaw ar ben hi, yna ‘naeth rhai clybiau gyflwyno stoppers - fatha caeadau bach i roi ar ben diodydd i roi gwellt trwyddyn nhw - er mwyn sicrhau bod neb yn gallu... sneakio rhywbeth mewn i’r diodydd.”
“Ond wedyn fe ddaeth y nodwyddau yma wedyn, a phobl yn dweud, ‘Wel os
‘dych chi’n gwisgo dillad sy’n eich covero chi wedyn mae’n iawn,’ ond wedyn ‘naethon ni glywed achosion o bobl yn cael eu sbeicio trwy jîns er enghraifft, felly mae ‘na ddim ond hyn a hyn gallwn ni ‘neud.”
“Mae’n anodd iawn gallu osgoi rhywbeth fel nodwydd trwy unrhyw ddilledyn rili.”
Beth nesaf?
Yn ogystal â galwadau am orchuddion diodydd, gwell hyfforddiant i staff, ac i’r heddlu gynnal chwiliadau mwy trylwyr o fewn y clybiau, dywed ymgyrchwyr hefyd y dylid cael staff yn bwrpasol mewn lleoliadau i helpu pobl i gyrraedd adref yn ddiogel.
Mae deiseb wedi’i greu i bwyso ar y gyfraith i sicrhau fod clybiau nos yn

O na ddylai prifysgolion arall y DU ddilyn yr esiampl hon?”
chwilio gwesteion yn drylwyr wrth ddod i mewn i glybiau wedi derbyn mwy na 170,000 o lofnodion.
Gyda digwyddiadau yr adroddwyd amdanynt mewn pedair dinas prifysgol ledled yr Alban, dywedodd Prifysgol St Andrews y byddai’n cyflwyno mesurau gan gynnwys; chwiliadau bagiau ar hap, patrolau diogelwch a phrofi diodydd heb oruchwyliaeth mewn lleoliadau myfyrwyr mewn dull “dim goddefgarwch” tuag at sbeicio.
O na ddylai prifysgolion arall y DU ddilyn yr esiampl hon?
Roedd y beirniaid, Sian Northey a Casia Wiliam yn cytuno “heb fymryn o amheuaeth” mai gwaith Megan, a ddefnyddiodd y ffugenw ‘Lina’, daeth i’r brig. Disgrifiwyd y darn fel un “uchelgeisiol” gan “lenor dawnus efo meistrolaeth dros iaith.”
“Mae Ati a Jei ei frawd, ac Emyn ei ffrind, yn gymeriadau fydd yn aros yn y cof am hir.”
“Llongyfarchiadau gwresog i Lina, mae’n llwyr haeddu Coron yr Urdd 2020.”
Er sicrwydd amlwg y beirniaid o deilyngdod Megan fel enillydd y Goron, fe ddaeth y fuddugoliaeth fel sioc “hollol annisgwyl” i’r llenor ifanc. Mae eleni wedi bod yn flwyddyn hynod o lwyddiannus i Megan. Ym mis Awst enillodd ei nofel gyntaf, ‘Tu ôl i’r Awyr,’ a gafodd ei chyhoeddi ym mis Tachwedd 2020, brif wobr Llyfr y Flwyddyn 2021.

Gwaith fydd yn ‘aros yn y cof am

Fe gafodd Megan ei hysbrydoli i ysgrifennu’r darn gan raglen welodd hi ar y newyddion am broblemau llygredd aer yn Ulaanbaatar, prifddinas Mongolia.”
Dyma wobr fawreddog sydd yn “rhoi llwyfan allweddol i awduron sy’n cyhoeddi cyfrolau am y tro cyntaf, yn ogystal â llwyfan arbennig i gynnig cydnabyddiaeth i rai o awduron amlycaf Cymru.”
Pan ofynnwyd pwy oedd ei hysbrydoliaeth fwyaf yn y byd llenyddol, atebodd Megan fod ganddi “ormod i’w henwi” ond y mae’n cadw ail ymweld
â’r cyfrolau O!
Tyn y Gorchudd gan Angharad Price a Saith Oes Efa gan Lleucu Roberts.
Disgrifiodd Megan y broses o ysgrifennu rhywbeth newydd fel un “brawychus bob tro achos ‘sgen ti’m syniad be’ fydd barn pobl eraill am y gwaith!” Mwynhau’r broses o ysgrifennu sydd angen gwneud yn ei barn hi oherwydd “os ti wir yn mw-

ynhau be ti’n sgwennu, mi fydd pobl eraill yn mwynhau’r darllen hefyd.” Mae Megan yn ddiolchgar iawn i’r Urdd am yr “anrhydedd” o ennill Coron Eisteddfod 2020 ac am drefnu
“dathliad amgen mor hyfryd.” Hoffwn longyfarch Megan ac edrychwn ymlaen yn fawr at
Cam Ymlaen i Hawliau LHDT+ yn y byd Pêl-Droed
Steffan Leonard Golygydd Taf-od
Fe ddaeth newyddion fod Josh Cavallo, chwaraewr pêl-droed proffesiynol i Adelaide United, wedi dod allan yn hoyw yr wythnos diwethaf.
Mae hyn yn golygu mai ef yw’r unig chwaraewr proffesiynol i fod yn hoyw yn gyhoeddus ar hyn o bryd.
Mewn fideo ar Gyfryngau Cymdeithasol a llythyr agored i’r gymuned Pel-Droed a thu hwnt, gwnaeth Josh Cavallo ddod allan yn gyhoeddus.
Dywedodd Josh Cavallo ei fod “o’r diwedd yn teimlo’n ddigon cyfforddus” i allu dod allan ac i siarad lan dros yr hyn y mae ef wedi teimlo ei fod yn gorfod cadw i’w hun ers amser.
Yn ôl Cavallo ei hun, yr oedd
Nel Richards Pennaeth TafodAchwarae pêl-droed, gan hefyd ceisio gwneud hynny i’r safon orau posib, gan wybod nad oedd yn gallu gwneud hynny tra’n bod yn ef ei hun, bron yn amhosib.
Teimlai Cavallo ei fod wedi “cuddio pwy oedd e” er mwyn medru llwyddo yn y byd pêl-droed.
Mae cyhoeddiad Josh Cavallo nid yn unig yn gam enfawr yn ei fywyd ef, ond hefyd i nifer o chwaraewyr a phobl yn rhyngwladol wrth ystyried y gêm a thu hwnt.
Nid Josh Cavallo yw’r unig chwaraewr pêl-droed yr ydym wedi gweld yn dod mas tra’n chwarae.
Nôl yn 2019, gwnaeth cynchwaraewr y Newcastle Jets ddod mas yn hoyw - mae ef erbyn hyn yn chwarae i dîm lled broffesiynol
Hume City.
Fe ddaeth nifer o chwaraewyr enwog y byd pêl-droed i gefnogi Josh Cavallo ar gyfryngau Cymdeithasol - gan gynnwys Gerard Pique a Col-
lin Martin, chwaraewr o’r MLS sydd eisioes wedi dod mas yn hoyw “Da iawn @JoshuaCavallo. Fe fyddet di ddim yn gwybod faint o effaith yr wyt yn cael wrth ddod mas fel chwaraewr Pel-Droed odn fe fyddet ti wedi ei gwneud hi’n haws i bobl ifanc sydd yn edrych lan ato ti” Mae newyddion megis y newyddion yma yn hynod o bwysig o ran datblygu y modd y mai’r byd pêldroed yn ymdrîn â materion fel hyn. ‘Roedd y diffyg cynrychiolaeth LHDT+ o fewn y byd pêl-droed yn un o brif rhwystrau Josh Cavallo wrth benderfynnu pryd i ddod mas. Yn tyfu lan, ‘roeddwn i yn teimlo bod rhaid imi guddio pwy oeddwn i oherwydd fy mod yn teimlo cywilydd - yn teimlo cywilydd nad oeddwn i byth am wneud beth oeddwn yn caru a hefyd bod yn hoyw”
Mae’r newyddion yma yn drobwynt hynod o bwysig arall i’r byd pêl-droed gan ddangos fod modd
Cyllideb newydd Sunak
mlinellodd Canghellor y DU Rishi Sunak agenda gwariant Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2022 yn San Steffan wythnos diwethaf. Bob blwyddyn, mae canghellor y trysorlys - sy’n gyfrifol am gyllid y llywodraeth - yn gwneud datganiad Cyllideb i ASau yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin.
Mae’n amlinellu cynlluniau’r llywodraeth ar gyfer codi neu ostwng trethi.
Mae hefyd yn cynnwys penderfyniadau mawr ynglŷn â ble fydd y llywodraeth yn gwario’r ariangan gynnwys iechyd, ysgolion, yr heddlu a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus eraill. Dywedodd Rishi Sunak fod ei gyllideb yn darparu economi gryfach i bobl Prydain: twf cryfach, cyllid cyhoeddus a chyflogaeth. Dywedodd nad yw’r gyllideb yn
1. Pwy wyt ti a beth wyt ti’n astudio?
Enw fi ydy Megan Davies a dwi’n astudio’r Gymraeg a Gwleidyddiaeth.
2. Beth yw’r digwyddiad sy’n codi’r mwyaf o embaras arnat? Gwthio drws sy’n ddrws tynnu.
3. Beth yw dy hoff albwm? Mamma Mia neu High School Musical - Clasuron!
tynnu llinell o dan Covid ond ei bod yn dechrau ar y gwaith o adeiladu economi ar ôl y pandemig.
Ond y polisïau allweddol yng Nghyllideb 2021 oedd ailwampio treth alcohol, cynnydd yn yr Isafswm Cyflog a chyflog Cyflog Byw a mwy o arian i’r Alban a chenhedloedd datganoledig eraill. Dyma rhai ohonynt; Bydd yr isafswm cyflog yn cynyddu i £9.50 yr awr y flwyddyn nesaf, i fyny o’r £ 8.91 cyfredol. Cynnydd yn yr hyn sy’n cael ei wario ym mhob adran o’r llywodraeth.
Mwy o gymorth ar gyfer ymchwilio diwydiannol a datblygiadau. Mae dyletswydd alcohol yn cael ei symleiddio’n “radical” trwy gyflwyno system sydd wedi’i chynllunio o amgylch yr egwyddor “y cryfaf yw’r ddiod, yr uchaf yw’r gyfradd”.
Bydd cenhedloedd datganoledig yn cael y “grantiau bloc mwyaf”
4. Oes hoff ddiod feddwol gyda ti? Dwlu ar mojito!
5. Pwy yw dy arwr? Elin Fflur!
6. Beth yw dy hoff brofiad? Gweithio yn fy swyff rhan amser fel ‘Disney Princess’ i blant.
7. Prosecco neu champagne? Prosecco, bob dydd o’r wythnos.
i chwaraewyr sydd yn perthyn i’r gymuned LHDT+ i fod yn ran ac i gael eu derbyn o fewn y gymuned pêl-droed. Yr ydym ar hyd y blynyddoedd wedi gweld sawl cynchwaraewr yn dod mas wedi iddynt orffen eu gyrfaoedd yn y byd pêldroed; felly mae gweld chwaraewr yn dod mas tra yn chwarae’r gêm i lefel uchel yn hynod o b2wysig i’r gymuned LHDT+ ac i gymdeithas yn gyffredinol. Mae hi’n hynod o bwysig fod gan bobl ifanc sydd yn ran o’r gymuned LHDT+ modelau rôl fel Josh Cavallo, ac yn enwedig y bobl ifanc hynny sydd yn gweld chwaraewyr pêl-droed fel eu harwyr.

Roedd y diffyg cynrychiolaeth LHDT+ o fewn y byd pêl-droed yn un o brif rhwystrau Josh Cavallo.”

ers 1998, gyda chynnydd i gyllid Llywodraeth yr Alban ym mhob blwyddyn ar gyfartaledd o £4.6 biliwn, £2.5 biliwn i Lywodraeth Cymru, a £1.6 biliwn i Weriniaeth Gogledd Iwerddon.
Cyhoeddwyd £ 2.2 biliwn ychwanegol ar gyfer llysoedd, carchardai a gwasanaethau prawf, gan gynnwys £ 500,000 i leihau ôl-groniadau llysoedd.
Beth sy’n digwydd i’n tocynnau awyren?
Bydd tocynnau hediadau domesdig rhwng Lloegr, yr Alban, Cymru a Gogledd Iwerddon o Ebrill 2023 yn rhatach. Fe ddywedodd y canghellor, Rushi Sunak, i’r Guardian; “Bydd hyn yn helpu costau byw, gyda naw miliwn o deithwyr yn gweld eu dyletswydd yn cael ei dorri i hanner.”
“Bydd yn dod â phobl ynghyd ledled y DU.”
Er bod y prisoedd yma’n lleihau, mae cwestiynau yn cael eu codi
ynglŷn â pha mor amgylcheddol yw’r pwyntiau yma yn y gyllideb, yn enwedig wrth deithio ar yr awyren.
Mae Rishi Sunak wedi’i gyhuddo o danseilio ymateb y DU i’r argyfwng hinsawdd, ar ôl i’w Gyllideb gynnwys mesurau i’w gwneud yn rhatach â hediadau mewnol a gyrru ceir sy’n allyrru nwyon tŷ gwydr.
Ugain munud i mewn i’w araith gyllidebol, fe ddywedodd Sunak am ei uchelgais o gael y wlad yn net sero erbyn 2050. Dywedodd trigolion o Friends of the Earth fod y penderfyniad yma yn “rhyfeddol” ac yn “gam yn ôl” - ychydig ddyddiau cyn y Cop26, cynhadledd sy’n hanfodol ar gyfer dyfodol ein byd. Penderfyniad anodd yw cymharu pwysigrwydd yr economi a’r amgylchedd; mae’r ddau yn mynd law yn llaw o raddau.
Ond wrth ddarllen cyllideb y canghellor, mae’r glir beth yw ei ofidiau a’i flaenoriaethau.

8. Beth sy’n cadw ti’n effro gyda’r nos? Y larwm tân yn cael ei setio off yn Senghennydd!!
9. Disgrifia dy hun mewn 3 gair. Dramatig, di-amynedd, a lightweight
10. Pam dewis Caerdydd? Rwy’n hoff iawn o fywyd dinas, a clywais fod y night life yn dda!
Barn y Bobl: Beth mae clybiau yn gallu gwneud i geisio sicrhau ein bod ni’n teimlo’n fwy diogel?
Gracie Richards Golygydd Tafod
Ail flwyddyn
Cwrs: Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu
Fel Myfyriwr benywaidd mae wedi bod yn anodd iawn mynd allan i fwynhau bywyd nos Caerdydd gyda’r pryder o deimlo fy mod mewn perygl gyson. Rwy’n teimlo gall bariau, clybiau nos a’r heddlu gwneud cwpl o bethau er mwyn cadw ni yn fwy diogel.
Dylai gorchuddion diod a phlygiau boteli bod yn rhad ac am ddim i bawb. Ni ddylai bariau gwneud elw o werthu rhain i’r cyhoedd. Dylai mynd mewn i clwb a fod yn ddiogel bod yn rhad ac am ddim. Dylai clybiau bod yn lle diogel, gan ystyried mae nifer yn cael ffioedd mynediad. Dylai rhain sicrhau noson saff a hwyl i bawb.
Dylai’r defnydd o CCTV mewn clybiau cael ei werthuso a’i wneud yn fwy effethiol i amddiffyn dioddefwyr yr ymosodiadau hyn a dod o hyd i’r troseddwyr.
Dylai pebyll/ meddygol bod ar gael i bobl sydd angen. Yng nghanol Bryste mae yna ambiwlans yn aml yn barod i unrhywun sydd ei angen felly credaf dylai hyn cael ei gyflwyno yng Nghaerdydd hefyd. Yn bersonol, dwi’n teimlo bod hi’n beth da bod cymdeithasau Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi penderfynu cerdded pobl adref o nosweithiau allan ond sai’n credu dylai hyn bod yn gyfrifoldeb i fyfyrwyr eraill ond mater i’r heddlu neu’r Brifysgol edrych mewn i hyn ddyfnach.
Lois Campbell Cyfrannydd
Yr ail flwyddyn
Cwrs: Cymraeg a Newyddiaduraeth:
Mae’n drist meddwl bod ofn ar bobl i fynd allan i glybiau nos bellach oherwydd y cynnydd mewn straeon am sbeicio ar nosweithiau allan.
11. Beth fyddet ti’n gwneud yn ystod dy noson ddelfrydol? Drinks yn Wetherspoons ac yn cael y deal 4 shots for £5.
12. Celebrity crush? Zac Efron, ers talwm.
13. Hoff glwb nos? Clwb Ifor Bach.
13. Pwy fydd yn trafod gyda’r tafod wythnos nesa’? Elin Williams
Er bod llawer o dafarndai a chlybiau wedi mynd i’r afael â cheisio taclo’r broblem, mae o hyd lle i wella. Dylai pob clwb nos neu dafarn gynnig gorchuddion cwpanau/poteli a phecynnau profi diodydd am ddim, gosod mwy o gamerâu diogelwch, chwilio drwy fagiau a phocedi pawb a chyflogi mwy o staff i oruchwylio.
Mae dyletswydd ar glybiau nos a thafarndai i sicrhau ein bod ni’n teimlo’n saff ar nosweithiau allan ac i roi hyder i ni fwynhau heb orfod poeni am gael ein sbeicio.

Mae dyletswydd ar glybiau nos a thafarndai i sicrhau ein bod ni’n teimlo’n saff.”


Brazilian President reccommended over 100 years in jail by COVID-19 report
Tom Kingsbury Head of PoliticsAfter a six-month inquiry, a final draft report has been made examining the Brazilian Government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
The report recommends that Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro be accused of multiple crimes, which (if he were found guilty) would put him in prison for more than 100 years.
Included in the charges reccommended by the report is that of crimes against humanity. Until very recently, previous drafts had also included homicide and genocide.
The charge of genocide had been included in response to the disporportionate number of indigenous Brazilian citizens that died as a result of the pandemic, and due to Bolsonaro’s history of discriminatory comments against indigenous Brazilians - he once said: “It’s a shame that the Brazilian cavalry wasn’t as efficient as the Americans, who exterminated their Indians”.
The report is clear in its view of the Bolsonaro administration’s attitude towards indigenous people during the pandemic, stating: “The federal government found in the virus an ally to strike the indigenous”, and that there was “a clear causal link between the anti-indigenous posture of [Brazil’s] top leader and the harm suffered by indigenous people”.
It added: “Even before the pandemic, President Jair Bolsonaro commanded an anti-indigenous policy that deliberately exposed native peoples to a lack of assistance, harrassment, land invasions and violence, with these acts of hostility intensifying [...] after the arrival of the virus.”
The report also criticised Bolsonaro more generally for his handling of the pandemic, which killed over 600,000 Brazilians - the world’s second highest COVID-19 related death toll, behind the US.
Bolsonaro has consistently spoken out against transmission-reducing measures, criticising mask wearing, lockdowns and vaccines throughout the pandemic.
The inquiry found that “transmission rates could have been reduced by about 40%, which means 120,000 lives could have been saved by the end of March 2021.”
In a broader statement it also said: “[We must] never forget what happened in this country or the innocent people who lost their lives as a result of the government’s reckless handling of the pandemic”.
A professor from the University of Sao Paulo, Deisy Ventura, said the revelation of the government’s deliberate policy of herd immunity needed to have consequences - “If this isn’t recognised as a crime, as something that needs punishing, then the risk is that this could become natural. The biggest fear those of us who study pandemics
have is that the use of the herd immunity through infection strategy might be legitimised as a respose to other epidemics.”
Bolsonaro has dismissed the inquiry as being politically motivated, stating: “we know that we are guilty of absolutely nothing. We know that we did the right thing from the first moment.”
He added that the report “produced nothing but hatred and resentment”.
The president of the inquiry, Senator Omar Aziz, said: “The president committed many crimes and he will pay for them”.
The investigation concluded on October 26, and was approved by the Senate Commission by seven votes to four. Bolsonaro is not guaranteed to face criminal charges though, and will now be placed under the scrutiny of prosecutor general Augusto Aras, who Bolsonaro himself appointed.
Though Aras is expected to protect Bolsonaro, the report will doubtless harm his reputation, which has already been damaged by the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil, ahead of the country’s 2022 election.

UK Government unveils new ‘net zero’ plan
Haris Hussnain ContributorThe UK Government is making efforts to make Britain greener.
Ministers have revealed a plan that they say will create up to 440,000 jobs and “unlock” £90bn in investment in the next decade, most of this coming from private sector companies.
However, its long awaited strategy for reaching net-zero emissions is not backed up with adequate funding, and the treasury has said that taxes might rise to support the decision.
The plan that ministers have formulated revolves around electric vehicles
and hopes of expansion. This includes increasing the number of charging points that electric powered vehicles can use. As well as this, the UK aims to utilise other forms of renewable energy such as offshore wind, and to invest in new technologies including hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuel.
The government also aims to invest £120m in at least one new nuclear power station. Despite the concern of high energy prices and rising consumer bills, the government said the investment would provide the UK with energy security and stable prices in years to come. Households will be given grants to instal low-carbon heat pumps as part of a £3-9bn plan for de-
carbonizing heat and buildings. This would include a £450m three-year boiler upgrade scheme.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said, “The UK’s path to ending our contribution to climate change will be paved with well-paid jobs, billions in investment and thriving green industries- powering our green industrial revolution across the country. By moving first and taking bold action, we will build a defining competitive edge in electric vehicles, offshore wind, carbon capture technology and more, whilst supporting people and businesses along the way”.
Officials have stated that £26bn of funding towards the green plans
would come from the public sector over the next spending review period, from 2021 to 2025. It has been said that more than £60bn is expected from the private sector. However, the net-zero review published by the treasury has revealed that the government is likely to lose tens of billions in revenue from fossil fuel taxes. It also highlighted other issues with tax collection with many businesses moving abroad, leading to the potential need for new taxes. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has made no comments on the treasury review amid concerns of a rift in the government over green spending.
Leak reveals countries lobbying to change climate report
As reported by BBC news, a massive leak of documents has revealed the names of countries attempting to persuade the UN to amend its recommendations on how to tackle climate change.
Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are named, among other countries, as having lobbied the UN to downplay the need to move away from fossil fuels, alongside wealthier nations questioning the need to pay poorer states to move to greener sources of energy.
This release of information comes just days before the COP26 climate summit, where the same countries will be asked to make significant commitments to slowing down climate change and keep global warming to 1.5 degrees. The leaked documents consist of more than 32,000 statements made by
governments, companies and other interested parties in order to bring together the best scientific evidence on how to tackle climate change, compiled by a team of scientists.
These reports will have a crucial input into the upcoming Glasgow conference.
The leak reveals a number of countries argued that the world does not need to reduce it’s fossil fuel usage as quickly as is being suggested.
An adviser to the Saudi oil ministry demands “phrases like ‘the need for urgent and accelerated mitigation actions at all scales […]’ should be eliminated from the report”. Similarly, one senior Australian government official rejects the conclusion that closing coal-fired power plants is necessary, even though the use of coal is one of the stated objectives of the COP26 conference.
A senior scientist from India’s Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research warns coal is likely to remain
the mainstay of energy production for decades because of what they describe as the “tremendous challenges” of providing affordable electricity.
Various countries are in favour of carbon capture and storage (CCS), such as Saudi Arabia, China, Australia and Japan as well as the organisation of oil producing nations, Opec. Claims state that CCS technologies could dramatically cut fossil fuel emission from power plants and some industrial sectors.
However, Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, requests the UN scientists delete their conclusion that “the focus of decarbonisation efforts in the energy systems sector needs to be on rapidly shifting to zero-carbon sources and actively phasing out fossil fuels”.
Brazil and Argentina, two of the biggest producers of beef products and animal feed crops in the world, strongly argue against findings in the draft report that reducing meat consumption
is necessary to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Both countries wish to delete or alter passages in the text referring to ‘plant-based diets’ that state that a change in diet has a hand in tackling climate change.
Argentina also requested that any taxes on red meat or an international ‘Meatless Monday’ campaign, which encourages people to forego meat for one day a week, be removed from the report. Both Brazil and Argentina feel that there is insufficient evidence to promote this view, with the former stating that “plant-based diets do not themselves guarantee the reduction or control of related emissions”, despite a recent study finding that meat accounts for almost 60% of all greenhouse gas emissions from food production, and twice as much pollution as the production of plant-based food.
A significant number of Switzerland’s amendments were directed at the part of the report arguing that developing
countries will need financial support from richer countries in order to meet emission reduction targets. Australia makes a similar case, stating that climate pledges do not depend solely on financial support.
Several eastern European countries argue that the report could be more supportive of the role that nuclear power can play in meeting the UN’s climate targets. They argue it can play a positive role in delivering most of the UN’s development agenda.
The attempts by these nations to change or remove sections of the climate report are likely to have a significant impact on COP26, the agenda of which will be partly informed by the report. The revelation that countries are trying to alter the report lays bare the politicisation of climate discussion, and how some states attempt to influence which topics are given more weight than others, without the scientific basis to do so.
Hundreds of political prisoners released in Myanmar
Luthien Evans Politics EditorOver 100 political prisoners were released and rearrested in a socalled amnesty in Myanmar this week, according to a rights group. The Myanmar junta previously promised that they would pardon 1,316 people, as well as dropping charges against 4,320 people who had participated in protests in the country. However, major crowds of families surrounded the prisons, as no warning was given regarding who was being released.
Over 7,000 political prisoners are still detained according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners Burma (AAPP), many of which were arrested on suspicion of questioning the recent military coup in February. The political prisoners range
from doctors to actors to journalists and activists. The AAPP stated that they were aware of 110 cases where these prisoners were later re-arrested or additional charges were issued.
Some at the scene informed the media that they watched prisoners walk free, then be re-arrested before their eyes by plainclothes officers. Rock singer Ito was one of those re-arrested and returned to Yangon Insein Prison the following day. He was one of the major names that had been arrested and jailed for anti-regime activism, including ‘harbouring volunteers, receiving military training in Shan state and plotting bombings’. Other celebrities still incarcerated are actor Lu Min and model Paing Takhon.
Many have alleged there is torture taking place inside the prison. An anonymous source stated that detainees had to use toilet water to drink and
wash. The source further stated that the military frequently put guns in their mouths and threatened them. He suggested that some prisoners were there for sharing a Facebook post or beating pots and pans as a protest. According to the military, prisoners were detained and charged under section 505a, which allows the junta to punish those who criticise the military or the recent coup.
Some have suggested that the recent shunning at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) regional summit played into the reasons for the release of some political prisoners. Min Aung Hlaing, coup leader, said that the releases were to ‘please the public on humanitarian and compassionate grounds’. However, the AAPP has stated that at least 1,181 people have been killed by the junta as of October 20.

Poll gains for far right candidate ahead of Chile election
Ella Lloyd Politics EditorJosé Antonio Kast, the far-right Republican candidate has pushed ahead one point in a recent opinion poll ahead of the upcoming Chilean presidential election, though left wing

election is expected to be a close one, as Chileans cast their votes for the first time since voting to change the constitution in 2020. Source: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile (via. Wikimedia Commons)
former student leader Gabriel Boric remains ahead in other polls.
Cristóbal Bellolio, a political scientist at Adolfo Ibáñez University in Santiago has called the upcoming election “The most fluid election since the return to democracy”.
It’s also the first election since mass protests against inequality broke out in 2019. On the anniversary of the protests this year, thousands gathered in Santiago to reiterate calls for universal healthcare, better schooling and a more equal society.
However, there’s also been a growth of far right anti-immigrant rhetoric. In September, anti-immigrant violence erupted in the city of Iquique. After a group of homeless Venezuelan immigrants including children were moved on by police, marchers threw their belongings onto a bonfire.
Kast has been capitalising on this sentiment, proposing digging ditches along the border to prevent migrants, as well as a police force to ‘actively seek’ illegal immigrants modelled after the US’s ICE. He has also made comments reminiscent of the former
US President Donald Trump. In a visit to Colchane, a hotspot for migrant crossings on the border to Bolivia, he highlighted violent crimes committed by migrants.
Chile has seen a more than tripled rate of foreign-born citizens since 2014, as many Haitians and Venezuelans flee violence and poverty in their home countries.
Kast has been critical of political correctness and a perceived abandonment of Chilean identity, backing instead conservative values, free markets, and a monocultural European descendant Chile.
He has also positioned himself as a supporter of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, stating in the run up to the 2017 election that Pinochet would have voted for him had he still been alive.
However, in a 2020 referendum the electorate voted in a landslide decision to replace the Pinochet-era constitution, with a largely leftist cohort to re-write it.
The move was considered a chance to write a new progressive chapter in
Chile’s future. Pinochet came to power in 1973 in a coup. By the end of the dictatorship in 1990, between 1200 and 3200 political enemies and critics had been executed as well as tens of thousands tortured. However, some continue to support the neoliberal economic legacy of the regime and its constitution.
Earlier this year a councillor candidate for Kast’s party announced her support for Pinochet, and used his image, alongside one of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, in a montage.
Chileans are divided on the precipice of an uncertain future. ‘Make Chile Great Again’ paraphernalia lined the streets during the 2020 referendum. A shift to the left was perceived when the old constitution was rejected by voters, and mostly left wingers were chosen to write a new one, however this recent poll may betray a growing right wing feeling amongst Chileans.
The election is scheduled for November 21, with the new president assuming office in March.
Terror Threat Against MPs raised to Substantial amid promises to fast track Online Safety Bill
Following the murder of MP Sir David Amess, Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced that the terror threat to MP’s has been raised to ‘substantial’. Patel clarified there is not any ‘credible or specific imminent threat’ behind the change, but it does bring the threat level specifically for MPs in line with the level of threat facing the whole of the UK. The ‘substantial’ label means that an attack is now deemed ‘likely’, whereas the previous ‘moderate’ threat indicated an attack was ‘possible but not likely’. This threat level increase will not lead to personal protection to all 650 members of parliament. It will, however, lead to greater foresight when elected officials and others are calling on MPs to look ahead when planning events and considering security measures while maintaining accessibility to their constituents.
There has also been a push to fast track the highly awaited Online Safety Bill which aims to prosecute and remove harmful and extremist content online. The tragic events of the past month have led to cross party support for this bill and the Prime Minister has said that it will be passed by christmas.
Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer critisised the availability of dangerous content on social media, telling the commons he had been shown posts containing ‘violent Islamism and far-right propaganda’ on TikTok.
Starmer also pointed to the messaging app Telegram as ‘the app of choice for extremists’. The app has half a million users and has been linked to the Islamic State and the Capitol Hill riots. Telegram told the BBC that ‘calls for violence are expressly forbidden’ on their platform.
Boris Johnson has said he hopes that ‘no matter how tough the proposals we produce, that the opposition will support it’. The Online
Safety Bill would give the regulator Ofcom powers to fine those who do not comply with the law and block services from the UK which are deemed to present a risk of harm to British citizens.
The murder of the longstanding Member of Parliament, Amess, this month has cast a cloud over the political sphere in the UK, the security of members of the House of Commons and other elected officials. As the shockwaves of the attack hit the nation on a Friday afternoon, many were reminded of the murder of another MP, Jo Cox in 2016. Charges of murder and preparing terrorist acts have now been filed against a suspect of Amess’ killing.
Amid these discussions, another man has been arrested over threatening and abusive phone calls made to Deputy Labour Leader Angela Rayner.
To ensure the safety of MPs, enforced police protection, or subsidised private security for each member, would carry a hefty price
tag for taxpayers. The Government seems to be going for a proactive response by identifying possible threats before any actions are taken, rather than responding to more ter-
ror attacks when they occur. However, the murderer of Amess was a known terror threat, casting a shadow on the efficiency of the government’s plan.


Alleyne, master of a college in Cambridge University, is returning a looted bronze statue of a cockerel to Nigeria. The statue was looted by British colonial forces in 1897, and has been in the Cambirdge college for over a century. Alleyne said it was the “right thing to do” to return the artifact, as it was of “cultural and spiritual significance to the people of Nigeria”.

Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford has called for Labour to back electoral reform, saying he is ‘baffled’ by support for first-past-the-post systems. Last month at Labour’s Party Conference proposals to back a system of proportional representation were blocked by delegates from Trade Unions. Drakeford commented that the current system was a threat to the Union and may ‘prise the UK apart’.

Intense combat has been reported in the cities of Dessie and Kombolcha, in northern Ethiopia, between the Tigray region’s forces and the Ethiopian army and its allies. This fighting is a continuation of a conflict that has been ongoing for months now, causing high levels of disruption to the lives of civilians, and displacing many of them. Fighting in Dessie is particularly concerning as the city contains tens of thousands of people who took refuge there after being displaced by previous fighting.

The House of Commons standard committee concluded an investigation into the lobbying activities of Conservative former MP Owen Patterson. He was found to have broken three rules in the MPs’ code of conduct; 1) acting as a “paid advocate” on behalf of Randox and Lynn’s Country Foods during ”proceedings of the house”, 2) failing to declare his role as a paid consultant for Lynn’s Country Foods, and 3) using his parliamentary office to regularly conduct business meetings. He was further criticised for stating that Stone had been biased against him since the investigation first began.
Farmers unhappy as UK strikes free trade agreement with New Zealand
Ka Long Tung ContributorPrime Ministers Boris Johnson and Jacinda Ardern agreed on a deal during a video call on October 20, that would see British consumers pay less for imports from New Zealand. Critics say the deal won’t benefit the UK very much and that it may even put farmers at risk.
British exports such as cars, buses, and construction vehicles will benefit from the removal of 10% tariffs, while clothing, chocolate, cheese, and crisps will no longer be imported at a 5% tax.
Labour’s shadow international trade secretary, Emily Thornberry, said the total value businesses stand to gain from the agreement would be “less than half the cost of Boris Johnson’s new yacht”.
Thornberry went on to say, “It is a deal whose only major winners are the mega-corporations who run New Zealand’s meat and dairy farms, all at the expense of British farmers who are already struggling to compete.”
Trade between the two countries was worth £2.3bn last year, equivalent to just 0.5% of the UK’s commerce with the European Union.
According to a report conducted by the government itself, a trade deal with New Zealand could have “limited effects” – between -0.01% and 0.01% - on the UK’s GDP in the long run.
Minette Batters, the National Farmers Union president, echoed the criticism, stating that “the government is now asking British farmers to go toe to toe with some of the most export-oriented farmers in the world, without the serious, long-term, and properly funded investment in UK agriculture that can enable us to do so.”
“It’s incredibly worrying that we’ve heard next to nothing from the government about how it will work with farming to achieve this.”
Despite all the criticism, the trade deal is expected to pave the way for trade agreements with more countries and help to counter New Zealand’s reliance on China.
New Zealand, Australia and Japan are members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Last year, the UK signed a deal with Japan. It then signed a draft trade agreement with Australia in June. The trade deal with New Zealand may boost the UK’s appeal to the CPTPP.
Ramzan Karmali, BBC business reporter wrote: “The trade deal the UK really wants is with the US.”
New Zealand opposition leader Judith Collins told the Guardian earlier this month that by not pro-
viding free trade agreements, the US and UK were “leaving the door open” to Chinese dominance in the Indo-Pacific region. This can also partially explain why the deal was struck.

Sudan’s transition to democracy on the brink after widespread protests and a military coup
Manal Ahmed Politics EditorAs of October 25, Sudan’s military have seized power and dissolved the Sovereign Council. A state of emergency has been declared by General Abdel Fattah alBurhan, the previous head of the power-sharing council and the de facto leader of Sudan.
The prime minister was arrest-
ed and taken to an undisclosed location, but later allowed to return home as General Burhan assured the public that the military would support a transition to democracy and would duly hand over power to the government elected in the set date of July 2023.
According to Burhan, the country was experiencing a ‘real threat’ to the ‘hopes of the nation’ from the transitional government’s mismanagement.

Under military rule: Sudan’s military have staged a coup, siezing power and dissolving the power-sharing council. The military has promised it will support a transition to democracy through an election in July 2023.
Source: Christopher Michel (via. Wikimedia Commons)
On October 21, mass protests took over major cities in Sudan in support of the transitional government. Huge crowds demonstrated against the ongoing pro-military sit-in staged in front of the Presidential Palace in the capital, Khartoum.
The removal of President Omar al-Bashir after three decades in power occurred in August 2019, after a popular uprising and a military coup d’état. His removal was largely coordinated by the Forces of Freedom and Change alliance (FFC), a coalition of rebel groups and rights groups that organised demonstrations during the 201819 revolution.
Following al-Bashir’s deposition, the FFC agreed to share power with the Transitional Military Council (TMC) during the country’s transition to democracy. Federal elections were hesitantly scheduled for 2022 during this time.
The FFC and TMC completed a general Constitutional Declaration that transferred the sovereign power to the newly formed Sovereign council, which would oversee the transition under the leadership of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan alongside a civilian cabinet led by Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok.
However, in recent months, tensions have arisen between different factions of FFC supporters due to a crippling economic crisis with low reserves of necessities such as fuel, bread, and medicine - said to be caused by Hamdok’s policiesleading to a failed coup-attempt in September.
While international aid and debt relief brought brief respite to the country’s ailing economy, General
Burhan called for the dissolution of the transitional cabinet on October 15 and explained his desire to see “the formation of the constitutional court, the appointment of an independent chief of justice and the formation of a parliament that represents all the people” occur soon.
Pro-military supporters took to the streets the next day, chanting “down with the hunger government” and voicing support for Burhan to seize power. Civilian leaders organised counter-protests, which occurred on the 57th anniversary of the October Revolution, in response to the vocal support of the military.
Protestors at the pro-military sit-in were allowed to reach the palace gates due to little police presence and are said to belong to a group called the National Charter Alliance, a group previously involved in the FFC. They were surrounded by soldiers offering protection.
Despite both sides expressing their hope for the demonstrations to remain peaceful, violence broke out after security forces sought to disperse large crowds through any means necessary.
The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors pinned the cause of the 37 injuries on government forces. It has been reported that tear gas and bullets were heavily used.
Prime Minister Hamdok stated that he was not a “neutral or a mediator in this conflict”, expressing that his goal was to lead Sudan out of its “worst and most dangerous” political period during the transition through a civilian-led democratic method.



Are UK students being treated unfairly by lettings agents?
November 1st is a special date, and not because it’s the day after Halloween.
On November 1st, Cardiff student lettings agencies open their doors to student house hunters.
CPS Homes and Cardiff Student Lettings are just two of the agencies with banners already up. On one banner, a smiling model stands in a too-clean kitchen, advertising tips for tenants. The advert looks attractive enough, though in reality, CPS Homes has recently been the centre of national attention.
An investigation of the agency in May 2020 brought CPS into the spotlight on Channel 4’s ‘Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back’. During research, the TV team talked to thirty students who all claimed they had been charged for damages they didn’t cause.
Freshers signing on houses this November will likely be subject to similar practices.
Though this year, with in-person viewings back on, maybe students will see more of what they’re getting themselves into.
Signing contracts for houses this early in the year is a waiting game with some tenants waiting almost a year before they actually settle into their new houses. As is the case with many horror stories, some students will end their first year on nonspeaking terms with future housemates. Perhaps worse still, some will

Though this year, with in-person viewings back on, maybe students will see more of what they’re getting themselves into.”

move into half finished and potentially dangerous accommodation.
This was Becky’s problem.
Along with nine others, she moved into what the agency had promised was a normal house.
Upon arrival, it became clear that it was anything but. A large hole in the kitchen ceiling made life impossible and worse still, it leaked.
After four months of begging their landlord to contact a handyman, being ignored and told that the problem would take days to fix, Becky and her housemate threatened legal action. ‘He shouted down the phone telling us to just leave the property.’ She says. ‘We were paying collec-
Atively £3.5k a month’. What had been framed as a big job by their landlord turned out to take just a couple of hours. Once the workmen arrived, they also claimed they hadn’t been contacted until two days previously.
Becky’s situation seems to indicate a problem with student housing as a whole. Students move in large numbers, paying landlords rent in the thousands.
Since the vast majority are first time renters, tenants don’t have a grasp of their rights and may not understand the ins and outs of their contract.
Unions such as ACORN are aiming to combat this, as well as house

this November is set to be an important opportunity to look into housing arrangements for next year.”
review sites like Moove. Resources are becoming more available but an early house-hunting season means students are still rushing to make decisions.
For students around the UK, this November is set to be an important opportunity to look into housing arrangements for next year - A key part of their university and social experience moving forwards.
COVID-19 rules in Wales vs England
Are the ‘stricter’ Welsh rules making people feel safer than those living in England?
Government are maintaining ‘stricter’ measures than those of their English counterparts.
s COVID-19 rules are gradually relaxing, and we are heading back closer to normality, it can be easy to forget why restrictions even exist.
However, as Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford has said, Coronavirus cases have “risen sharply to the highest rates we have seen since the pandemic first began”, demonstrating that whilst it feels like a thing of the past, COVID-19 is very much still present and many of us are still very much at risk.
Throughout the pandemic, Wales and England have followed similar general plans with how to tackle the virus, with some variation throughout. At present though, the Welsh

the Welsh Government are maintaining ‘stricter’ measures than those of their English counterparts.”
In England, face-coverings are no longer required in most shops, and nightclub-goers are free to attend events how they wish. However, Wales in contrast, is continuing to enforce the use of face masks, and as of the 11th of October, people attending nightclubs or other events with large numbers of attendees are required to present an NHS COVID Pass to prove that they are either free from the virus with a negative test result or have been double vaccinated.
These differences have prompted questions about which government approach is the ‘best’ for keeping infection rates down, whilst allowing people to go about their normal lives.
On one hand, many have argued that the Welsh rules are too ‘strict’, as it is estimated that 95.2% of the UK population have had at least one vaccine as of the 27th of September 2021. The high number of vaccinated adults in the UK is encouraging, and it is understandable that many people see this as a sign that

COVID-19 Rules: There has been much discussion over these different responses to the pandemic. Source: groovelanddesigns (via Pixabay)
the country is safe enough that extra protection like face-coverings are not necessary.
As you can also still get the virus if you have been vaccinated, it may be said that tools such as COVID Passes for nightclubs are pointless endeavours, as it does not state that you are currently
free from the virus, and so, you are still at risk of catching it if you attend such events.
On the other hand, COVID-19 rates are still high, and so the Welsh Government’s decision to prolong extra measures may be sensible.
Wearing a facemask, even if you are

consider taking extra precautions if you feel that it will make yourself or those around you feel safer. ”
not worried about catching the virus yourself, may help other people around you to feel safer, as it does ultimately reduce the chance that you will pass it on to someone else.
COVID Passes for busy events, although not completely preventing outbreaks, do reduce the chances of someone who has COVID-19 attending, or the virus spreading, as people who have not had the vaccine (and thus are more likely to spread the virus), are unable to attend without proof that they have tested negative.
Whilst it is not clear with current COVID-19 statistics which approach is more effective, it is important to respect the rules in place in your area, and consider taking extra precautions if you feel that it will make yourself or those around you feel safer.
Vicky Witts Catarina Pinto Vicente Katherine Wheeler Megan Evans Katherine Wheeler Comment Editor Vicky Witts Head of Comment Student Housing: As students around the UK begin to look into housing arrangements for next year, lettings agencies are preparing to resume in-person viewings. Source: mariskabloem (via Pixabay)Jesy Nelson and the rise of ‘Celebrity Black-Fishing’
Why is it important to address the growing trend of ‘black-fishing’ on social media?
The term ‘Blackfishing’ has been foregrounded on social media and news outlets in recent weeks, targeting specific celebrities, and causing a new discourse about how people are choosing to portray themselves online.
But what is ‘Blackfishing’, and why is it so important that it is being addressed?
Journalist Wanna Thompson created the term as a way of describing a growing phenomenon in which white women are drastically changing their appearances and darkening their skin tones in ways which many people are claiming are an attempt to emulate the appearances of black and mixed-race women.
In recent months, many celebrities such as Kylie Jenner, Ariana Grande, and Rita Ora have been targeted with accusations of ‘Blackfishing’ in different forms.
Former Little Mix member Jesy Nelson was another of the accused, following the release of her new solo single. Social media users posted numerous pictures of Nelson over a number of years, to suggest that she has had a drastic change in skin tone from when she first appeared in the public eye. In addition, critics have suggested that the mu-

a large number of people have taken offence to the ways that white celebrities are choosing to portray themselves.”

sic video of her new song contains influences from Black culture and fashion in the form of cultural appropriation.
Regardless of Nelson’s intentions, a large number of people have taken offence to the ways that white celebrities are choosing to portray themselves. Issues with ‘Blackfishing’ do not just come from the fact that some people who are accused of it are perhaps pretending to be of a different race, but also more generally that celebrities are using Black culture as a trend without acknowledging history or giving credit to Black culture as inspiration.
Controversial fashion which appropriates cultures is not a new problem, especially in October, when annually there seems to be costumes that attempt to
make trends and jokes out of culturally significant items of clothing- from Native American war bonnets to Mexican Day of the Dead skull makeup. ‘Blackfishing’, appears to be another trend in the pattern of taking culturally specific imagery without credit, except that it is not restricted to one day of the year, like a Halloween costume may be.
Celebrities known for fake-tanning particularly dark shades, or dressing in a way deemed as cultural appropriation, also are posing the risk that their fans will view ‘Blackfishing’ as a new fashion trend and attempt to do the same.
So, what should be done about it?
To simply ask that people stop trying to achieve darker skin tones, or to change the way that they dress is not
enough to address the underlying problems with the ongoing ‘Blackfishing’ trend.
Already some celebrities are issuing apology statements and acknowledging that they should have perhaps been more respectful to other cultures. Adele publicly apologised following accusations of cultural appropriation at a Notting Hill Carnival party, when she had her hair in Bantu knots- a traditional African hairstyle. The singer responded to the accusations in a Vogue interview, admitting that she should have read the room, and fully understood why her outfit was considered by many to be offensive.
Public figures apologising and taking responsibility for their actions is a good first step. By giving credit back to Black communities and demonstrating that cultural appropriation should not be a fashion trend, celebrities may be taking positive steps in ending the ‘Blackfishing’ trend altogether.
With many key figures still failing to address or acknowledge that their choices in appearance are offending people of other cultures however, it is unlikely that the phenomenon will end soon. Whether by encouraging individuals to take accountability for their actions, or educating them on why what they are doing is considered to be offensive, something needs to change. Ultimately, it is down to every individual to consider if the way that they portray themselves in public and online is appropriate, and inoffensive to communities to which they are not a part of.
The environmental dangers of NFTs
CIoming out of lockdown, it can be easy to overlook news about COVID and even push aside reports of reimposed restrictions.
As Christmas approaches, however, Boris Johnson has categorically denied plans for another lockdown. He has affirmed that rising infections and hospitalisations are being factored for and there will be no ‘plan B’.
The British Medical Association has criticised the Prime Minister’s plans, saying the government has been ‘willfully negligent’ in their lax approach to face coverings. It appears that Westminster’s approach is to encourage and advise mask wearing from a distance with press conferences but fear imposing new rules may be unpopular, particularly for a second year running.
First Minister Mark Drakeford may have different plans. After lockdown restrictions lifted in September, the Welsh government indicated that, if cases rose to an unmanageable amount, tougher restrictions would be imposed. Cases in Wales are currently falling from a record high although cases are higher than they were at the same time last year. With the added challenge of flu season and now, it seems, a more severe strain of cold making its way round the country, it may be time to lockdown in time for Christmas.
Should consumers continue to purchase ‘non-fungible tokens’? Are we heading for a ‘COVID Christmas’ this year?
Ethereum, and wherein this connection lies the cause of NFT’s damage to the environment.
nternet images that most users would simply right click to save and keep forever are now being sold for millions – in the form of NFTs. These tokens are very popular in the tech world right now, together with cryptocurrencies, gaining an unprecedented following and value. Sadly, recent research has revealed that NFTs are having devastating effects on the environment.
NFTs are non-fungible tokens: in other words, tokens - which can exist as GIFs, art, even tweets or video games character outfits – that can be traded, sold or bought. These have become more popular as ownership of art – images online, for example – is more contested, and artists find new ways to monetize their content. They can be purchased mostly with cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin or

An average NFT transaction has the same carbon footprint as an average EU resident for a month.”
Cryptocurrencies are created in high powered computers, which use up a lot of energy and release tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. An average NFT transaction has the same carbon footprint as an average EU resident for a month. Ethereum is especially power hungry, using up as much energy as the entire country of Libya; the cryptocurrency is designed to be energy inefficient to discourage excessive mining.
Moreover, the problem with NFTs is that they are driving the NFT’s popularity, encouraging miners to up the number of machines they use to mine, and thus increasing their carbon emissions.
Solutions to this have been limited in success: some researchers recommend using clean energy in the creation of cryptocurrency, but this has not been widely implemented. The situation is especially difficult for artists, for whom NFTs were a new way to monetize their content and have ownership of their art.
Some NFT creators, aware of their environmental impact, have begun

investing their earnings into technology that takes CO2 out of the atmosphere.
As of yet, there is no solution to the environmental impact that NFTs – and cryptocurrencies – have on the world. But their popularization could mean a big increase in carbon emissions; thus, many environmentalists have urged users to steer clear of
NFT buying, trading and selling, and investing in cryptocurrencies. With concerns for the climate ongoing, we should be doing all that we can to limit our negative global impact. Whilst NFTs and Cryptocurrencies do not need to be removed all together, there should be attempts to reduce their environmental damage.
A short circuit breaker lockdown like last Winter’s may be the key to relieving the pressure on the NHS this Christmas. Wales’ restrictions have been more rigorous than England’s throughout the pandemic and it may be time for England to catch up. Any effort to control cases now might mean a potentially restriction free future in 2022, a functioning vaccine booster programme and better hospital capability.
However, with people so used to near-normality once again, the likelihood of the public adhering to new measures is doubtful.
Even last year in the height of the pandemic, people were still choosing to break rules in order to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with their friends and family, so it is unlikely that it would be different this year if a circuit breaker was to occur.
The position that the UK will be in at Christmas is not certain, but regardless, it is important that we all stay safe and adhere to the rules, so that future circuit breakers and new measures will not be necessary.

the Welsh government indicated that, if cases rose to an unmanageable amount, tougher restrictions would be imposed.”

Handling Homesickness while at University
A number of helpful tips and methods to help you deal with homesickness
Ruth Hoey Advice EditorHandling homesickness is something that many students have to face throughout their time at university. It is a lot more common than you may think and it doesn’t only affect university students. Research found by the BBC suggests that, “up to 70% experience it at some point” in their lives.
These first few months of the university term can be the hardest, as you settle into a very different way of life away from home. No matter how far you have travelled to get to university, one thing is true, it isn’t at all like home. From having to cook for yourself to living with people you’ve just met; the reality is that everything is different.
This can be great thing for some! Many students thrive in this new environment that affords new experiences and freedoms. Moving to University is a huge step in becoming independent and moving towards adulthood. Some students however, require a little bit more time to get into the swing of things. Regardless of which category you may fall into, moments of missing home happen to us all.
I can assure you, however, that as you spend more time at university, getting used to your surroundings and your new normal, you will pine less for the comforts of home and embrace this exciting new lifestyle.
Here are a few tips and methods you can use to help you combat homesickness:
Make new friends
Firstly, remember that you won’t make deep friendships straight away or with the first people that you meet. These months away from home can remind us of how important it is to have friendship connections. However, these strong connections are not built in a day. They are built through time spent together and shared experiences. It is only October. There is still plenty of time to meet new people and develop strong connections with people at university.
Make the most of Video and Phone calls
In the meantime, make good use of FaceTime and calls.Your family and friends back home are probably missing you as much as you are missing them. Remember that you are not leaving these relationships behind- they still very much exist. You just have this opportunity to meet new people and start new relationships. With the technology of today we are never more than a phone call away from family and friends back home. Keep in contact and let them know how you are getting on. It can be as often or as little as you would like. (However, remember that it’s important to give yourself time to go and live your life, making new friends and socialising).
Explore as much as you can
Getting out of your room and exploring your new home is a great way to combat homesickness. You may miss the comforts of your hometown, but at Uni you have an amazing opportunity to get to know a brand-new city and call it home to. As we’re a few months into term you’ve probably learnt how to find

your Uni buildings and, the all-important Lidl. Consider taking some time to explore the city, be a tourist for a day and visit the landmarks. Maybe go on a trip to a museum and learn about the history of the city. There are so many things for you to discover, all within walking distance!
Get involved with societies Joining clubs and societies is the best way to meet new people and spend time doing the things you enjoy. It’s never too late to join a society. Societies are always looking for new, enthusiastic members. Finding people who share your passions is a great way to keep homesickness at bay as it is a means to instantly connect with people over a common interest. Joining a few socie-
ties is also a good way to keep yourself busy as often the pangs of homesickness hit when you are spending too much time by yourself in your bedroom. Overall, it’s important to be honest with yourself. It’s okay to feel homesick. It’s a completely natural and very common response to such a major life change as moving to Uni. Being self-aware, recognising when you are feeling homesick and handling your homesickness accordingly is the best thing you can do. Soon this homesickness will fade into a distant memory. As you make stronger connections and get used to the city it will begin to feel more and more like a new home. For now, don’t panic, just get stuck into all that University life has to offer.
How to work on and improve your time management skills
Effective time management and organisational skills are essential tools for anyone to develop. Good time management practises can have numerous benefits throughout all areas of your life. It can help improve your relationships, allowing others to trust in your reliability. It can also help prevent stress from building up as well as reducing the potential of feeling overwhelmed.
Time organisation is, however, something that must be constantly worked on and improved. Even the best of us will falter in our schedules and can be thrown off balance. The key goal of time management is to ‘achieve the lifestyle balance you want’ as well as developing a level of control over your life. Organisation skills will allow you to be more flexible and relaxed. The main aspects of building your time organisation are to plan, prioritise, and to allow yourself time for both work and downtime. Where to begin:
The first thing you need to know is what you need to get done. Plan out what goals you want to achieve. Find out what upcoming activities will need to be done in the next few weeks. Creating a plan of everything you need to know allows you to re-

Good time management practises can have numerous benefits throughout all areas of your life.”

flect on your life and keep track of all the tasks you need to complete. Tracking your tasks also allows you to break larger tasks into manageable bite size tasks. This step is key to managing overwhelming feelings. Big intimidating tasks are easier to tackle when they can be segmented and worked through individually.
Once everything is planned out and ready to be completed, the next key aspect of time management is to prioritise. You can attempt to accomplish your important tasks first or work through them in any order that fits you best. Some people will find it easier to get all their small tasks out of the way first so they can focus on larger tasks later. This step will take some trial and error,
but it is always important to track how well you manage your time. If you find that you are still struggling to manage your time, reorganising which jobs you prioritise will likely be a good place to start.
Allowing Yourself Time: It may sound like an obvious statement to allow yourself time but doing so also counts towards your downtime. One of the key elements to getting your tasks accomplished is to allow yourself to enjoy sufficient downtime. Plan what goals you need to accomplish but do not forget that you need recovery time as well. For example, you could plan a half hour of gaming or TV for every hour you study. If you have spent a day at work, allow yourself an hour or two to relax first before trying to get any
studying or housework done. Similar to rest days from the gym, your mind needs time to process and recover from your mental work also.
Where to go from here?
Begin your tasks early, completing what you can do early means you will have much more downtime later.
Create a schedule if you can. Some people will find that having a rigid and timed schedule will help get tasks finished. Similarly, having a routine can be extremely beneficial to ensure you have dedicated times to work and play. Try rewarding good behaviour. Some people will find small rewards to help them get their jobs done. You could treat yourself with that game you wanted if you get your assignment handed in early. You could enjoy a treat food if you complete all your tasks for the day. This method will not work for everyone but can work well if you can be strict with yourself. Do not be too hard on yourself if you break your schedule. Sometimes life will get in the way and you may find yourself behind in your plans. This is normal. The best advice is to not to let it get you down. Acknowledge what caused you to break your time management to keep in mind for the future. It is also a good practise to be mindful about those who are relying on you to get your tasks done.
Your relationships may begin to suffer if you are repeatedly late or behind on projects that they need your help with. This would be a time to re-evaluate where you are prioritising your time and create a new plan.
Structure your priorities. Not all your tasks will carry the same

When beginning to learn your time management skills, allow yourself to be flexible and test what allows you to work most efficiently.”
As suggested by Emma DonaldsonFeilder, a chartered occupational psychologist0, each will fall under one of the following four categories: These will either be ‘urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent but not important, neither urgent nor important’. Your best chance for success is to focus on which tasks fall into the second category when possible and get those done early.
By doing this you are less likely to find yourself with urgent tasks and you will find that you are not rushing yourself to get tasks done. Consider that not everyone will work the same or find the same resources helpful. You may need to consider what different resources you may require and adapt your time management towards what fits you best. Those of us with neurodivergent minds, such as people living with ADHD/ADD or are on the autism spectrum might need different routines.
An example of this may be that they find working in shorter but more frequent intervals will work better. Do not expect to find that a cookie cutter organisation plan that works for others will necessarily work for you. When beginning to learn your time management skills, allow yourself to be flexible and test what allows you to work most efficiently.
Musings with Megan Advice Column

The start of shorter days and longer nights
Why the wintertime is something for you to look forward toMegan Shinner Advice Editor
The clocks have just gone back and you’ve all enjoyed that extra little hour in bed, all snuggled up in your duvet.
It’s that time of year to swap the shorts for scarves and the sliders for slippers. As we enter November the days are shorter, nights are longer, weather is colder, and the layers are doubling! You may be missing the late sunsets and all-day picnics in Bute Park, but I can guarantee you there is so much to look forward to in the wintertime.
With Bonfire Night looming and the Christmas period just around the corner, I’m going to share with you my favourite things about the season and how you can avoid the winter blues.
Adapting to the new season
Every week the air gets a little colder and the night falls a few minutes earlier.
More leaves are scattered across the pavements as we walk to lectures, and you can see your cold breath in the air. The world around us is entering Autumn and it’s time for us to join in! I love any excuse to wear my scarf and winter coat again.
Wrapping up warm and being cosy all the time is one of my favourite feelings. Woollen boots, bobble hats, and thick winter jumpers are also bound to make a reappearance in the wardrobe. The change in season is also a great excuse to surf the sales of all the summer clothes but also to check out the new autumnal range being stocked. I’d be lying to you if I said I hadn’t already added a few items to my ever-growing scarf collection!
Naturally, we’ll start to spend a lot more time inside to stay cosy and
warm. If you’re not usually a fan of the winter because of the constant darkness, now is a great time to start making a list of all the things you’d love to do around the house.
This can be anything from jotting down a few books and films you want to watch or read to rearranging your bedroom. Maybe you have a new recipe book of autumnal-flavoured cookies or soups that you’ve been desperate to try but it has always been too hot?
After rushing around to get all your shopping in and errands done during the daylight hours you could settle into the evening with a cup of tea and that new book you’ve just dived into. I like to think of the winter as a time where we can relax, really appreciate the little things, and become much more comfortable with our own company. Although, for those of you who love to catch the sunset or sunrise during the summertime, the extended winter darkness works in your favour!
Yes, it may be a little colder, but you never have to wake up as early or stay up as late.
You can catch the sunrise and sunset all on the same day, without being seriously sleep-deprived!
You can still get those important hours of sleep whilst re-living the little things that remind you of the longer summer days.
Quite controversially, I love the early evenings. The night-time always makes me feel more productive.
Getting the work in whilst there isn’t much going on always allows me to enjoy the day times more. The evenings being much darker and colder is also a very good excuse to just cwtch up and watch a movie with some snacks and a dozen blankets.
There’s a certain security when I’m all wrapped up in my favourite pyjamas
with a hot chocolate or tea and some snacks, blessed with the company of my favourite fictional characters. There’s nothing else I’d rather do after a long day of seminars and essay writing.
Spending Christmas in Cardiff I know, I know! I can hear you saying “Christmas already?! It’s 1st November!”. The festive period is my favourite part of the winter season, and it arrives in Cardiff so much sooner than you may think. The lights in the city centre will be shining in a few weeks, so we’d better start preparing!
Cardiff during the festive season is just magical.
The lights through the St David’s Shopping Centre, the Christmas market that runs down St Johns Street and the reindeer that guard Cardiff Castle; we are surrounded by the festivities in our everyday activities. Walking amongst the lights and decorations makes me feel like I’m in my very own Christmas movie. There are so many ways to appreciate the festive period across the city and even more so this winter! Arguably, the lockdown situation is looking miles better this year as this time last November, the whole UK had been hit with the “fire-breaker”, or the second lockdown. With restrictions remaining rather relaxed, some of our favourite sociable events are making a long-awaited comeback. Winter Wonderland is returning so making a fool out of myself on the ice-skating rink is back on the cards! Something else to look forward to is the Christmas light show in Bute Park that will be running from late November to New Year’s Eve.
As you can see, there are loads of ways to feel the Christmas spirit whilst walking around the city centre, but how about in your own home? I can imagine most of you will live in a
Making friends during your time at University
Francesca Ionescu ContributorYour time at University can be equal parts exciting and overwhelming, and a huge anxiety for myself as a fresher was whether I will find friends.
My fear of how people perceived me did not make it harder to meet people –but it did make me anxious that none of my friends really liked me.
Now, three years later, and living with above mentioned friends, I think back to how daunting friendships were in first year and how myself and everyone else overcame that.
When it comes to making friends in first year think of it like different radiuses, and the further you go the more people you will meet. Your first area of interest will be your flat, the strangers that you get put with.
Your flat is all about luck, but regardless if you are lucky or not, reach out to your neighbours, see whether they would like to organise something as a house.
Everyone will be in the same boat, where you have met your flatmates, and you’re not sure where to now, so don’t be scared to organise things yourselfeveryone will be grateful someone else took on the task.
Your next step: societies and course mates.
It’s never too late to join a society, even if you feel as though you had to do it in freshers’ week.
new flat, house, or building each year of your university course; this means fresh opportunity.
You have the chance to decorate an entirely new place with all sorts of festive decorations. Christmas is usually everywhere as soon as the summer holidays have come to a close, so I wouldn’t mind betting you’ve seen your fair share of Christmas gift and decoration displays in every shop you’ve come across.
Picking up a small tree for the living room coffee table and some tinsel to wrap around the staircase could be just what you need to brighten up the house and get in the mood for the holidays.
One thing I am most excited about is the theatres being open again, and more specifically the Christmas shows being able to return.
It’s been a long 18 months without a trip to the theatre, but now it’s all looking up! National tours have already arrived in Cardiff Bay, the Christmas panto will soon be starting in the New Theatre and the Christmas show in the Sherman Theatre is just around the corner. They all look and sound fantastic, and some are very festive! I’ll give you one guess as to where my student loan is going! I can’t wait for the feeling of finding my seat and reading the programme whilst waiting for the overture music to commence.
The “oh-no-he-didn’ts” and “oh-yeshe-dids” are echoes I have so dearly missed. The atmosphere of the theatre is incomparable and I’m sure I share much excitement with all you theatregoers out there.
Whether you’re binging a new Netflix series or trying to make a chef of yourself, I hope you are embracing the chance to relax and enjoy the many long and peaceful nights ahead.
Most societies are happy to take on new people, and even if you feel as though a certain social might not be for you, a big part of meeting new people is stepping out of your comfort zone, finding things you never thought you’d enjoy and giving them a try.
The most you can lose is an hour of your time, and a new experience is never a waste.
The wonders of living in a new city is that there are so many new people to meet, even if they are not your immediate thought.
Social media is full of groups for every interest. Whether you’re into roller skating or Taylor Swift music, or if you’re an international student looking for people with the same experience, you will find a group of people with the same interest.
Most important step to making friend in university is to not think you’re ever done meeting people.
It’s sometimes best to think about it like this: ‘The more people you meet and spend time with, the more social options you have when you need a break from studying and University work’. Obviously, this doesn’t mean that you have to neglect your studies when meeting new people - In fact, one of the best places to meet likeminded people is during your lectures and seminars. Just making the effort to talk to people can really go a long way for you! Even in my third year I’m meeting people, and I never think ‘I wish I met you earlier’, but rather ‘I’m glad I met you at all’.

The wonders of living in a new city is that there are so many new people to meet, even if they are not your immediate thought.”

‘The Movies that made us”Season
Jack Robert Stacey Editor-in-ChiefNetflix recently released the third season of ‘The Movies that made us’, a docuseries detailing exactly what went into creating some of the most popular movies of the last several decades.
After watching a few episodes, it’s not difficult to see why this series remains to be one of the streaming giant’s most successful and popular original programs.
The third season features an extensive look back at the production behind a variety horror, science-fiction, comedy, and christmas movies; including John Carpenter’s ‘Halloween’ (1978) and Ridley Scott’s ‘Alien’ (1979) - Two films that are considered to be ‘classics’ in their respective genres.
The main appeal of ‘The Movies that made us’ (for me at least) was the way that the series would engage with the real, often disasterous production processes and set-backs.
The series does this by inviting directors, production members, and occasionally film historians to retell the events from their own memories, often revealing how frantic things were ‘behind the scenes’.
As a docuseries focused around older works of cinema, ‘The Movies that made us’ is admittedly difficult to approach without having previously seen the films first-hand - An aspect that may understandably put off certain audiences.
Regardless of this, however, the series still gives an intriguing insight into film production and, perhaps unsurprisingly, remains to be a real treat for ‘film buffs’ looking to unearth the story behind some of their favourite movies.

it’s not difficult to see why this series remains to be one of the streaming giant’s most successful and popular original programs.”
The Queer Emporium - “so many wonders to discover”
Jess Clifford-Jones takes a look around ‘The Queer Emporium’ in Cardiff’s Royal Arcade
Jess Clifford-Jones Review EditorThe Queer Emporium sits right in the entrance of the Morgan Quarter, impossible to miss with its vibrant colours and big windows that lets you see all of the magic inside. Within a week of opening, both the arcades – the Royal Arcade, where the store resides, and Morgan Arcade – were decorated with a vast array of pride flags as a show of support for Morgan Quarter’s new addition. Opposite is the gay cabaret bar Mary’s; Yan White, the owner of the Queer Emporium, jokes, “We’re hopefully creating a bit of a new queer street in Cardiff, which is kind of fun!”
The Queer Emporium originally opened as a pop-up store for Pride

A collective of over 15 LGBTQ+ businesses under one roof (all of whom are eco-friendly).”
Month earlier this year, but (to my great joy) it is now here to stay.
A collective of over 15 LGBTQ+ businesses under one roof (all of whom are eco-friendly), entering the Queer Emporium for the first time was a delightfully overwhelming experience for me and every time since it’s been impossible not to leave with something, be it an art print, a pair of quirky earrings, or simply a snack from their café section.
Every time I see it, it seems to evolve further; it now has an outside café area to sit down and enjoy their baked goods.
Upon entering, the first thing that catches my eye every time is their book section, split into helpful categories to help you navigate. Queer bookshop Paned O Gê had been primarily online before, but the Queer Emporium has given it its first physical presence in Cardiff. Its collection of books, graphic novels and zines are always a joy to browse and it’s wonderful to have queer literature made so easily accessible.
The store jewellery section in-
cludes products from Kelzo Jewellery, whose colourful pieces made of polymer clay are adorable, and Candy Goblins, whose quirky earrings are delightful. Plants from Tropigaz add a homey feel to the store and beside it is a collection of pride flags and beautiful mythology-inspired art prints by illustrator Mythsntits.
Recently binders have been provided to the store by G(end)er Swap, a clothing outreach organisation; it’s great to see binders become more accessible and, being sold for £15, affordable.
The store contains so many wonders to discover, more than I can name here, and I would encourage anyone to go check it out; with the number of companies that reside there, you can understand why it’s called an emporium.
The Queer Emporium has collaborated with many other stores, including vegan pie store the Pie Box, tea shop Bird & Blend, and cocktail bar Lab 22, just to name a few. They also host a number of events, ranging from stand-up comedy to drag shows to cabaret performances; you

The sense of community that the Queer Emporium has created and continues to create is extraordinary.”
can keep up with their upcoming events on their social media. Notable people who’ve been involved are local drag queen Victoria Scone, who appeared on season 3 of Rupaul’s Drag Race UK as the first cis woman contestant, and Owen Hurcum, mayor of Bangor and the first non-binary mayor of any city.
The store has also given opportunities for new people to get involved with drag performances and standup comedy; for example, their event Draglings allowed anyone to get on stage and perform.
The sense of community that the Queer Emporium has created and continues to create is extraordinary. I’m amazed at the atmosphere of inclusivity and pride they have established in under a year and I’m excited to see what they’ll do with even more time.
Venom: Let There Be Carnage - an “epic sequel”
Iris Knapman takes a look at Sony’s latest film adaptation of the iconic comic book anti-hero
Iris Knapman Review EditorVenom: Let There Be Carnage is the epic sequel to its 2018 predecessor, Venom that sees its titular alien symbiote and journalist Eddie Brock work together to stop bad guys once again.
This action-comedy comes with oodles of both action and comedy, making for an exciting watch with friends as you flinch at the gratuitous violence one minute then laugh at Venom’s strange endearment of the earthling chickens now living in Eddie’s apartment. I’d fully recommend seeing this movie while it remains in cinemas as the big-screen experience only serves to better the viewing.
Plot - 4 stars
We return to San Francisco to find that Eddie Brock has re-established his reputation as a journalist thanks to Venom’s superior abilities. If you remember from the end of the first movie, serial-killer Cletus Kassidy was introduced in an ominous postcredit scene.
It’s revealed Cletus is looking to share a message via the papers and will offer Eddie his own life-story to publish in return. Unfortunately for Cletus, the information he offers leads Venom to solving the location of the missing bodies of his victims and as consequence seals his fate on death row.
Of course, considering Cletus is the primary antagonist of the movie, it won’t be that simple.
Now that Eddie has his life back (except the love of his ex-fiancée, Annie Weying), he seeks to keep it that way - By contrast, Venom simply wants to “fight bad guys.”
The differences in their motivations as two co-existing entities in one body serves to create conflict between them. Venom’s passion-

This action-comedy comes with oodles of both action and comedy, making for an exciting watch with friends.”

with oodles of both action and comedy, making for an exciting watch. Source: Columbia Pictures (via Wikimedia Commons)
ate, perhaps reckless, care for Eddie leads to a new symbiote being born into Cletus, a symbiote that becomes known as: Carnage. And naturally, violence ensues.
Without revealing anything further, I will say that while the movie is short compared to other contemporary action superhero movies, it’s also sweet. In essence, the film focuses on a twisted, but undeniably captivating romance between two of the bad guys.
Characters - 5 stars
I genuinely can’t get enough of Venom. There is something incredibly adorable about this terrifying alien entity that harbours both a deep love and hunger for humanity.
At one point in the movie there’s this hilarious scene where Venom attempts to cook breakfast for Eddie and the levels of chaos rival the actual action scenes.
Almost every line spoken by Venom is smile-inducing and they’re easily my favourite character in the movie.
Meanwhile, all other characters – new and old – made it an enjoy -
able watch, not just through their dialogue or role within the story but the acting too.
Woody Harrelson as Cletus Kassidy was a superb casting choice; his more recent roles as sinister villains are not unwarranted, as he plays them well. It’s funny considering my first exposure to him was through Cheers, where he plays the dumb but loveable, kind bartender who is a markedly different character to Cletus.
Also, I absolutely adore the relationship between Eddie and his ex-fiancée’s new boyfriend Dan. Typically there is animosity or at least tension between “the ex” and the current partner in movies where such a dynamic exists, but instead they’re perfectly cordial to one another, seemingly in agreement over their desire for Annie to be happy.
Production Value - 5 stars
Once again, Columbia Pictures has made a movie with fantastic aesthetic value in all aspects; the camera shots, the effects, the settings, etc. are great and in no way jarring or laughable (in a bad way.)

All the fight scenes were well-choreographed, particularly the final encounter between Venom and Carnage.”
All the fight scenes were wellchoreographed, particularly the final encounter between Venom and Carnage, which featured some pretty heavy CGI and so kudos to the graphics team for putting together one of my favourite fight scenes in a movie ever, or maybe I just really like Venom.
Either way, Venom: Let There Be Carnage is film that I’m planning to see again once it releases onto streaming services, and a film I’d encourage you to experience yourself from if you enjoy this unorthodox action-comedy-action ‘sandwich’.


The Hunna
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Thomas Headon
£10.00 (+SBF)
Sleep Token
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Kelly Lee Owens
£20.00 (+SBF)
Sonny Fodera
£20.00 (+SBF)
The Darkness
£32.50 (+SBF)
Nathan Dawe
£16.00 (+SBF)
The Libertines
The Xmas Xtravaganze: 'Shantay you sleigh'
10/12/2021 Tickets starting from:
£35.00 (+SBF)
The Cadillac Three 11/12/2021 £20.00 (+SBF)
Little Simz
Black Country, New Road
£14.00 (+SBF)
Enter Shikari
The Sweet 17/12/2021 £27.50 (+SBF)
January/ Ionawr
Funeral For A Friend
Funeral For A Friend
£22.00 (+SBF)
Stone Broken
£17.50 (+SBF)
Belle & Sebastian
£32.50 (+SBF)
Knocked Loose | Terror
08/02/2022 £18.00 (+SBF)
The Stranglers
Secret Affair 11/02/2022
£20.00 (+SBF)
Pale Waves
£19.00 (+SBF)
KSI 17/02/2022
King King
£28.00 (+SBF)
Tom Odell
£28.50 (+SBF)
Halestorm (An evening with...)
Stiff Little Fingers
£22.50 (+SBF)
Palaye Royale
£23.50 (+SBF)
Gabrielle Aplin
£20.00 (+SBF)
The Undertones
Jade Bird
£26.00 (+SBF)
£15.00 (+SBF)
Jake Bugg
31/03/2022 £26.00 (+SBF)
Oh Wonder
08/04/2022 £20.00 (+SBF)
Skunk Anansie
£29.50 (+SBF)
Groove Armada
15/04/2022 £28.50 (+SBF)
Gary Numan
28/04/2022 £35.00 (+SBF)
Half Man Half Biscuit 13/05/2021 £20.50 (+SBF)
The Feeling 21/10/2022
£27.50 (+SBF)

Seagrass Meadows - a critical part of the ecosystem
Why Seagrass could be a vital “hidden weapon” in the fight against climate change
Jemma Powell Science EditorSince the industrial revolution, the ocean has absorbed onethird of the carbon man-kind has emitted.
This is due to the aquatic ‘blue carbon’ (marine carbon sinks) such as mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass.
What is Seagrass?
Many climate researchers have previously described seagrass as a “hidden weapon” against climate change.
There is estimated 16-27 million hectares of sea grass meadows globally.
However, the ocean has lost around 6 million of those due to human activity.
With other 80 different species worldwide, seagrass meadows used to be common place on the ocean floor from Jamaica to Scotland. Importantly, seagrass is such a good carbon sink that some species of sea grass are 35 times more effective at absorbing carbon dioxide than the rainforest.
Why is Seagrass so effective in absorbing carbon?
Seagrass is effective at storing carbon, partially because they have such a high leaf turnover rate. Multiple times a month (instead of just in autumn), new leaves will grow and the old ones will fall and sink to the sediment.
However, unlike with leaves from trees, these leaves don’t rot away. Instead, they become part of the sediment on the ocean floor, trapping the carbon they absorbed indefinitely. This action is similar to the peat bogs on land, which are some of the most effective carbon sinks in the terrestrial hemisphere.

Many climate researchers have previously described seagrass as a “hidden weapon” against climate change.”

Seagrass is also incredibly effective at trapping carbon in multiple different ways.
Whilst CO2 is used for photosynthesis like in most plants, seagrasses also extract extra carbon from the passing water via particle trapping.
As the water flows over seagrass, the meadows increase the friction on the water, slowing it down. This leads to heavier particles being carried in the water falling, and also becoming trapped in the sediment.
Seagrass removes particles such as carbon from organic waste (like fish foeces) and heavy metals from pollution are taken out of the currents - Essentially trapping the carbon twice.
The importance of restoring natural seagrass meadows
Researchers at Cardiff University are investigating how we can restore grass meadows to the sea around the UK. Sea grass used to be common, but through ecosystem damaging fishing techniques such as trawling, pollution, and heavy methyl mining, its occurrence is reduced.
Field sites in north-west Wales and Pembrokeshire are planting (by hand) over a million seeds a month. They’re hoping to emulate and expand on work done by US researchers, who have planted and successfully grown over 30 km of sea grass in Chesapeake bay.
Apart from the positives of carbon absorption, seagrass meadows provide a load of other environmental benefits. They’re key ecosystems for numerous aquatic life, invertebrates, and birds.

seagrass is such a good carbon sink that some species of sea grass are 35 times more effective at absorbing carbon dioxide than the rainforest.”
Is Seagrass a ‘game changer’ in the fight against climate change? By itself, the impact seagrass will have on carbon emissions is not very dramatic. However, if we aid the restoration of multiple blue carbon storage sites, they’re predicted to act as a sink for 0.2% of global carbon output. If we add other sustainable operations and lifestyle choices, that small number grows to have a significant impact.
How bad is the ongoing ‘Fossil Fuel Crisis’ around the world?
Theo Tadros Science EditorThe recent fuel shortages in the UK highlighted our dependency on fossil fuels, and with the steady decline of available non renewable resources, there is a pressing need to find alternative energy sources in the immediate future.
The UK in part, has made some commitment to renewable energy. As of 2020, roughly 40% of electricity was generated by renewable sources, and roughly 6% of total energy usage; in fact it is thought that a significant factor in higher electricity prices last year was purely down to a lack of wind.
The coronavirus pandemic led to a temporary decline of fossil fuels usage in 2020, but many companies as a result have pledged to increase production by amounts that would

with the steady decline of available non renewable resources, there is a pressing need to find alternative energy sources in the immediate future.”

The ‘Fossil Fuel Crisis’: Our ongoing dependence on fossil fuels are int venture between the World Wildlife Fund and the British Source: richardpics (via Flickr)
coincide with the 1.5 degree or 2 degree global temperature pledges made in the Paris climate agreement.
The fossil fuels industry remains one of the largest in the world, making up around 4% of the global economy. However this has been in steady decline over recent years, with the rise of renewable energy and electric vehicles.
Many companies have increased their projections for production and usage of fossil fuels in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and the UN has warned that we need to cut down production by at least 6% in order to keep the global temperature rise below the 1.5 degrees which we agreed to in the Paris climate agreement.
There is debate over the UK’s role in the fossil fuel crisis and the impact that it’s having on the globe. Recent studies showed that 60% of the world’s fossil fuels are produced by eight key countries: Australia, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Norway, Russia and the US, sparking debate over how much of the onus should really be on Britain to cut fossil fuel production.

Many companies have increased their projections for production and usage of fossil fuels in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.”
A recent report has also shown that G20 countries have on average, invested nearly double the amount of money that was invested into clean energy; into fossil fuel production.
Niklas Hagelburg at Unep, said that this money is being borrowed from future generations, and will mean that the next generation will be left in not only a less green planet, but one that is less financially prosperous as well.
The need for a drastic cut in fossil fuel production is becoming ever more pressing, and many countries’ recent policies reflect a disappointing level of commitment to climate change.

The need for a drastic cut in fossil fuel production is becoming ever more pressing.”
Seagrass Meadows: Numerous scientific projects are attempting to re-plant seagrass meadows around the world to create new ‘carbon sinks’ under the ocean. Source: GRID-Arendal (via Flickr) Mia Becker-Hansen Elie Gould Jemma Powell Theodore TadrosPoaching is causing evolution of Tuskless Elephants
new study into elephants has linked a rare genetic condition to ivory poaching
Mia Becker-Hansen Head of Science and TechnologyAstudy in Gorongosa National Park has found that a previously rare genetic condition in elephants causing them to be born tuskless has become more common, as a consequence of ivory poaching during Mozambique’s civil war.
Genes are responsible for whether elephants inherit tusks from their parents. Tuskless elephants were left alone by poachers due to their lack of ivory, meaning they had a much higher chance of surviving and therefore having offspring, which would also not have tusks.

Genes are responsible for whether elephants inherit tusks from their parents. ”
Elephants with tusks were highly likely to be hunted during the Mozambican civil war from 1977 to 1992.
A massive 90% of the African elephant population there were slaughtered by armed forces on both sides for their ivory, which was sold to finance the conflict.
However, this development may not be advantageous to the survival of these magnificent creatures at all.
Researchers had long suggested that the trait was only linked to female elephants.
Analysis led to the discovery that the trend of tuskless elephants was linked to a mutation in the X chromosome.
This meant female elephants could be born without tusks, but the mutation was fatal to males, causing them to not develop properly and die in the womb. Before the war, about 18.5% of female elephants were naturally tuskless. This figure has now risen to 33% among elephants born since the early 1990s.
Professor Robert Pringle of Princeton University noted that as the mutation proves fatal for male elephants, it is possible for fewer elephants to be born overall, slowing the recovery of the population, which now only stands at 700 in the park.
Another potential problem is changes to the landscape, as a study has revealed that tusked and tuskless animals eat different plants.
Professor Pringle emphasised that as populations recover from near elimination, the trait should be reversible over time.
“We actually expect that this syndrome will decrease in frequency in our study population, provided that the conservation picture continues to stay as positive as it has been recently,” he said. Populations have been growing for two decades and more than tripled since the 1990s.
The whole ordeal reveals the impact that human interference can have on nature.

What I think this study shows is that it’s more than just numbers. The impacts that people have, we’re literally changing the anatomy of animals.”
Professor Robert Pringle, Princeton University
Pringle continued: “What I think this study shows is that it’s more than just numbers. The impacts that people have, we’re literally changing the anatomy of animals.”
In addition to looking at the ways that these elephants are evolving to better protect themselves against poaching, this recent study has raised the possibility that a number of other species may be undergoing similar genetic changes in order to curb the impact that humans are placing on the environment.
This area of research, therefore, is set to expand over time.
NASA launches new fossil-hunting asteroid probe
The Agency have sent a new probe, designaed ‘LUCY’ to study asteroids near Jupiter
Earlier this month, Lucy, a new NASA asteroid probe launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Named for the famous Australopithecus fossil specimen ‘Lucy’, also known as AL 288-1 or ‘Dinkinesh’ discovered in 1974, the spacecraft will perform a series of flybys over twelve years, visiting seven of Jupiter’s trojan asteroids as well as a main belt asteroid.
Asteroids and comets are often studied to learn more about the Solar System’s formation, as well as that of other planetary systems.
“The trojan asteroids lead or follow Jupiter in its orbit by about 60 degrees,” explained the mission’s principal investigator Hal Levison, from the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI).
“They’re held there by the gravitational effect of Jupiter and the Sun. And if you put an object there early in the Solar System’s history, it’s been stable forever. So, these things really are the fossils of what planets formed from.”
Every two-body system, in this case the Sun and Jupiter, has five corresponding positions in space where their gravitational effects cancel out and can hold additional bodies in stable orbits maintaining a fixed distance from the two primary bodies. These Euler-Lagrange points, discovered by Le-

Asteroids and comets are often studied to learn more about the Solar System’s formation, as well as that of other planetary systems. ”

onhard Euler and Joseph-Louis Lagrange, are also useful locations for certain satellites, such as the James Webb Space Telescope.
Lucy’s complex path, incorporating multiple gravity boosts from Earth, will provide the first close-up view of all three major trojan body types.
Darker-red P-type and D-type trojans look like Kuiper Belt objects, icy asteroids from out beyond Neptune’s orbit. On the other hand, C-type “carbonaceous” asteroids are found primarily in places like the outer asteroid belt and make up around three-quarters of known asteroids.
The mission is also notable for being the first to rely on solar pan-
els so far from the Sun, where power production is greatly reduced, as opposed to the nuclear power generation usually used for such journeys. However, not everything has gone to plan after Lucy’s launch at 09:34 UTC on 16 October. After successfully separating from its rocket, one of the fan-like solar arrays failed to fully deploy. Fortunately, the current power reduction has not significantly hindered the probe.
According to a NASA update: “The team continues to look at all available engineering data to establish how far it is deployed. That solar array is generating nearly the expected power when compared to the fully deployed wing. This power
Word of the week: Asteroid
DNA analysis identifies Sitting Bull’s great-grandson
Mia Becker-Hansen Head of Science and TechnologyAA sample of hair belonging to the legendary Native American leader Sitting Bull has allowed scientists to confirm the identity of his great-grandson.
Sitting Bull was a Native American leader who led his people during the years of resistance against United States government policies during the 1800s.
Scientists took a DNA sample for a small amount of the historical figures hair that had been stored in Washington DC.
It showed that a 73-year-old man from South Dakota, Ernie LaPointe, is his great-grandson. “People have been questioning our relationship to our ancestor as long as I can remember” said Mr LaPointe, “I feel this DNA research is another way of identifying my lineal relationship to my great-grandfather.”.
The new method of DNA analysis was developed by scientists led by Eske Willerslev, director of the Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre at the University of Cambridge.
It is the first time that ancient DNA has been used to confirm familial relationships between living and historical individuals, and opens to doors to the prospect that this can be done for a large quantity of historical DNA.
The novel technique is based on what is known as autosomal DNA in the genetic fragments extracted from the hair. It took 14 years to perfect the method.
Willerslev had been fascinated by Sitting Bull since he was a child, and offered LaPointe his services a decade ago to prove his relation.
Before handing over the sample of hair, LaPointe asked Willerslev to take part in a ceremony involving drummers, chanting, and a medicine man, where Sitting Bulls spirit gave his blessing to the study.
level is enough to keep the spacecraft healthy and functioning.”
“The team continues its assessment and an attempt to fully deploy the solar array is planned no earlier than the end of next week.”
This new mission by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is expected by many to significantly advance our understanding of these asteroids, mapping them out in more extensive detail than ever before.

The mission is also notable for being the first to rely on solar panels so far from the Sun ”
• ‘Asteroids’ (or ‘minor planets’) are small, typically rocky objects were created when our solar system formed.
• A majority of asteroids can be found within the main asteroid belt located between the Mars and Jupiter.
• According to research by NASA, asteroids range in size from bodies that are only 10 metres across, to significantly larger asteroids that are estimated to be around 329 miles in diameter.
Majority of the lock of hair was burned, in line with the spirits instructions. This left the researchers with only 4cm, which was believed to be ‘disastrous’ at the time. This forced the team to develop their new effective method.
“I got very little hair and there was very limited DNA in it,” said Willerslev, “It took us a long time developing a method that, based on limited ancient DNA, can by compared to that of living people across multiple generations.”.
Sitting Bull, famously led 1,500 Native American warriors at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, wiping out US General Custer and five companies of soldiers. He was shot dead in 1890 aged 5859 by the “Indian Police”, acting on behalf of the US government. The lock of hair was cut off without permission by an army doctor and taken along with some cloth leggings.

Powering the UK using the Sun in the Sahara Desert
Haris Hussnain ContributorAstronomers are baffled by strange radio signals emerging from the centre of the galaxy last week. They seem to turn on and off at random… the source must be from something never observed before.
The source, ASKAP J173608.2321635, has been nicknamed ‘Andy’s object’, after the man who first discovered the radio waves at the University of Sydney, Australia. He and his colleagues have been monitoring the source since last year, detecting it a total of seventeen times using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder radio telescope pointed towards the centre of our galaxy. Further observations have also been made using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa.
Researchers found that the object flared up for periods of weeks before going dark again. The polarisation of the received radio waves suggests that the object probably has a strong magnetic field. Due to the object not being visible in any other wavelength, several known objects were ruled out as the possible source, such as a star or magnetar (neutron stars with very powerful magnetic fields). “We’ve looked at every other wavelength we can,” says David Kaplan at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “all the way from the infrared to optical to X-rays, and we see nothing, so it doesn’t seem to be consistent with any kind of star that we understand.”. During flare periods the brightness of the source varied by up to a factor of 100, and they generally lasted for short periods of times, sometimes even as fast as a single day, suggesting that the object is small. “It’s an interesting object that has confounded any attempt we have to explain it,” continued Kaplan, “It could turn out to be part of a known class of objects, just a weird example, but that’ll push the boundaries of how we think those classes behave.”.
Could this object be aliens trying to communicate with us? Many have speculated so. However, Professor Tara Murphy from the University of Sydney’s Institute for Astronomy observed that it is highly unlikely. “[The source has] a lot of properties that mean we know they must be from something astronomical,” she says, “For example the radio emission is what we call broadband – it covers a very wide range of frequencies, and this could not be generated by an artificial source.”. While astronomers cannot confirm what is causing the signals, they are confident it is from a natural, astronomical source.
The new object appears to have some parallels with an emerging class of mysterious objects known as Galactic Centre Radio Transients (GCRTs), which are flashing radio signals that originate from near the galactic centre. Despite the parallels, there are properties of the signal which differ to those of GCRTs. This all adds more to the mystery as GCRTs themselves are not fully understood yet anyway.
The scientists will now bank upon the transcontinental Square Kilometre Array radio telescope, that will make sensitive maps of the sky every day to find out what the mysterious blinking object really is.
Trump to launch new social media app
The former U.S. President has announced plans to unveil ‘TRUTH Social’ early next year
Anna Thomas ContributorFormer U.S. President Donald Trump has announced plans to launch a rival social media app ‘TRUTH Social’ following his suspension from various platforms earlier this year.
During his presidential term, Trump became known for his frequent and oftentimes divisive use of social media. Whilst in office, Trump shared more than 16,000 tweets and racked up a staggering 88.7 million followers making him one of the most wide-reaching accounts on the platform.
However, following the storming of the US Capitol in January of this year, Trump was permanently banned from Twitter and suspended from Facebook.
Prior to the breach, Trump was accused of making a speech on baseless claims of election fraud, a message which he reiterated across his social media.
This resulted in the removal of the former President’s online accounts due to beliefs that his online activity posed a risk to public safety
- Critics of Trump have asserted that these falsehoods may have been the catalyst for the violent attack on the Capitol building.
Trump’s polarising removal from social media did not silence him completely; the ex-president’s messages were still shared through other live accounts. However, likes and shares on related posts after the ban saw a significant downturn demonstrating the irrefutable power social

During his presidential term, Trump became known for his frequent and oftentimes divisive use of social media.”

media companies have should they choose to use it.
Through TRUTH Social, however, Trump intends to “stand up to the tyranny of big tech”.
Expected to roll out across the U.S. sometime next year, TRUTH Social has been described as a platform aiming to “encourage an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology.’ Users of the app will be required to sign terms and conditions which prevent them from ‘disparag[ing], tarnish[ing], or otherwise harm[ing], in our opinion, us and/or the site’.
The CEO of RightForge, the company which will host Trump’s
new platform, shared that it has been “laying the groundwork” for TRUTH Social to have more than 75 million users.
Trump has expressed hope that TRUTH Social will be a rival to existing giants such as Facebook. Considering Facebook has around 2.89 billion users, however, the platform is more likely to be similar in scale to other ‘free speech’ platforms such as Gab.
TRUTH Social has incited a lot of buzz from Trump and his team. However, this is not his first venture back online following his removal from popular outlets in January.
Earlier in the year, Trump launched a ‘communications plat-

The platform is set to launch to a limited number of invited users in November and then launch nationwide early next year.
form’ named ‘From the Desk of Donald J Trump’ in an attempt to reach his supporters which was scrubbed less than a month after its launch due to low site traffic.
Only time will tell whether TRUTH Social is to be a more fruitful venture.
The platform is set to launch to a limited number of invited users in November and then launch nationwide early next year.
Minecraft to add game changing ‘Wild Update’
Elie Gould Technology EditorFollowing on from the Minecraft Live event, Mojang have announced the much anticipated and exciting next instalment of Minecraft; ‘The Wild Update’.
A leading developer for Mojang, Agnes Larsson, spoke passionately about all the significant changes that this update will bring to gameplay. Big and small.
One of the most noticeable changes players will see are updates to various biomes. In a move to make each one stand out - Biomes like the birch forest and the swamp, specifically, are expected to get a great revamp as part of the update
Through looking at the concept art displayed during the live stream there are several possible traits that we may see in this new update. Not only will trees be raised to make the surroundings more spacious and light, but we may also see additions of hollow logs,

Mojang have announced the much anticipated and exciting next instalment of Minecraft; ‘The Wild Update’.”

moss, mushrooms and even some new flowers.
In contrast, the swamp seems to be going in a different direction. The biggest addition will be that of a new tree type, the mangrove. Not only will this promote a more climate-conscious perspective but it will also introduce new wood types, with all the associated wooden items.
We will also see the introduction of mud. You can either dig it up with a shovel or make your own by soaking a dirt block with water. Furthermore, the act of drying mud out using dripstone
will also supply the player with clay blocks. Finally, offering players a way to create clay bricks automatically.
A smaller gameplay change will also be the ability to find and place chests in boats. The developers did not only want to create new chances to find loot in the swamp biome. But this will also allow the player to be more mobile while transporting large amounts of items through the swamp.
The final expansion that the Wild Update will bring to the game will be ancient ruined cities that can be found in the deep dark. In order to sustain

All in all, each one of these updates will come as a very welcome change to how Minecraft is played.”
the air of mystery that surrounds the ancient cities, the developers have said that they won’t give out too much detail on what can be found and why they exist.
Luckily there is a certainty of unique and precious loot, so players will be rewarded for braving the darkness and the Warden. The developers also enclosed during the stream that there will be some sort of tower or structure that will hold a “surprise”.
The deep dark won’t be a walk in the park though. It will also come with skulk censors. These will work to alert the Warden to a player’s whereabouts by activating the shrieker. Unfortunately, not even crouching will help players here as a censor can go off just due to proximity.
All in all, each one of these updates will come as a very welcome change to how Minecraft is played. Not only are Mojang adapting the scenery to reflect a changing world, but the developers are also introducing some more challenging areas of gameplay. Hopefully, this will lead to a more rewarding experience for players.
‘TRUTH Social’: Former U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to unveil the new social media app early next year. Source: Gage Skidmore (via Flickr) Minecraft: The upcoming ‘Wild Update’ is set to expand on the game’s existing biomes in new and exciting ways for players. Credit: Mojang.Looking for casual work?
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Are Liverpool FC back to competing at their best?
Harvey Palmer Sport EditorThe 2020/21 season was a difficult one for Liverpool, with injuries to key players such as Virgil van Dijk and Jordan Henderson seeing them slump to a 4th-placed finish as they attempted to defend their Premier League title.
However, this season appears to be one of renewed optimism for the Merseyside club. With an almost entirely fit squad, they look to be playing the style of football that won them a Champions League and Premier League trophy. The question is, are they back to their best, and are they capable of winning those competitions again this season?
At the time of writing, Liverpool are sat second in the Premier League, just 1 point behind Chelsea, but with a better goal difference. They remain the only team in the top division unbeaten after 9 games, and are flying high on the back of an incredible 5-0 away win against bitter rivals Manchester United.
That game alone is evidence of the form that Liverpool are in, especially considering that just a week before they had another 5-0 win, al-

beit against newly-promoted Watford. Their Premier League form alone suggests that there is a high chance of them challenging for the title.
There is no doubt that certain players are largely responsible for the success of Liverpool this season, and in recent years. The current front three of Mohamed Salah, Sadio Mane and Diogo Jota, between them, have attained 19 goals and 6 assists this season in the league. To put that into context, only Manchester City and Chelsea have scored more goals as a team than Liverpool’s front three have
this season.
There is no doubt also that their defensive options, especially with the return of Virgil van Dijk, will stop the leaking of goals that was seen on a few occasions last season. New signing Ibrahima Konate, formerly of RB Leipzig, has proved a revelation as a defensive partner for van Dijk, while Trent Alexander-Arnold and Andrew Robertson continue to provide an attacking threat from the full-back positions, yet also seem to be becoming more defensively sound. Meanwhile, in the Champions
League, Liverpool are currently top of Group B, halfway through the group stages, pulling off incredibly impressive wins against European giants such as Spanish champions Atletico Madrid, FC Porto and AC Milan. They have shown in recent years that they are capable of succeeding in the Champions League, having won in 2019 against Tottenham, and reaching the final in 2018 when they lost to Real Madrid.
There is, then, no doubt that Liverpool are showing signs that this season could be a profitable one for them in terms of trophies and accolades, but it is still worth remaining cautious. Injuries can strike at any time, and it is still early in the season. Meanwhile, teams such as Chelsea and Manchester City are also having incredibly impressive seasons so far, and will prove stiff opposition to Liverpool in both the Premier League and Champions League. There is also a lot to be said for European sides such as Bayern Munich, PSG and Real Madrid, who always prove to be formidable opponents when met in the UCL. Regardless, this season will prove to be extremely exciting for Liverpool fans, and could prove to be a successful one if they stay on the track they are currently on.
Andy Murray to Francis Tiafoe Loses in Antwerp
Tom Hawkins Sport EditorAndy Murray entered the European Open on a wildcard and had to draw from everything he had in the first round to beat American Francis Tiafoe in a closely contested battle. There was still a long way to go but Murray was one step closer to achieving what he did in 2019, winning the Open in Antwerp, the last time he won a single’s title. However, the four hour match might have taken its toll on the Brit as he went into the next
round where he faced the second seed in the competition – Diego Schwartzman.
Things were looking good for Murray when he broke the Argentinian’s serve to break 3 -1 up. It was not until the seventh game of the first set when Schwartzman troubled Murray’s serve in an effort to fight back. Schwartzman then eventually managed to break back and won the next five games in a row to take the first set 6 – 4.
Murray said “Mentally I was poor and my attitude was poor on the court.”
In the second set the bout was a bit more tightly contested than the first. The score was 4 – 4 before the players engaged in an
entertaining tie break which included five breakpoints. Schwartzman was able to see the game out and clinch victory when he won his second match point of the game.
At the end of the contest Schwartzman had progressed into the next round 6 – 4, 7 – 6 and was closer to achieving his fifth ATP title.
For Murray his ranking has slipped to 172 after previous results but this is still only a year after having hip resurfacing surgery, with the Scotsman looking to get back to playing the sort of tennis that saw him win three major titles and Olympic gold single’s medals in London and Rio de
Janeiro. Murray must now decide which competition to play in next. Murray could make an appearance in November’s Stockholm Open and could also possibly play in the Rolex Paris Masters, gaining entry via the qualifying stages or even possibly as a wildcard.
“Sport is a results business” said Murray, “play well or poorly doesn’t really matter if you lose matches. You need to be winning. That’s what I want in the last few tournaments. They are really strong tournaments and there are no guarantees the results will come, but I want to win more matches.”

Tom Hawkins sport@gairrhydd.com
The issue of Sexism in eSports: The case of Frankie Ward at TI-10
ducer for over 10 years before moving into full time presenting and has worked in the eSports scene for over 5 years now.
It would be safe to say that sexism and misogyny remains to be a key issue in most sports around the world. The eSports community, specifically, has previously faced criticism for not promoting “an inclusive gaming environment.”
Most recently, however, the community behind Valve’s popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game, DOTA 2 has faced online backlash. The community has been accused of sexism and discrimination following the treatment of of presenter and desk-host, Frankie “Frankie” Ward at The International 10 (TI-10).
It all began back in July when Valve announced the broadcast talent for the blockbuster event. There was significant criticism from the community at Valve for the inclusion and exclusion of certain names, including that of Frankie.
Frankie is an experienced broadcast professional, having been a pro -
While TI-10 might have been her first Dota 2 event, Frankie has been a mainstay in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournaments since 2018 and her transition to Valve’s other major gaming title, Dota2, seemed only natural.
The community, however, thought otherwise.
A number of critical posts and comments were made on platforms such as Reddit and Twitter, calling for Valve to re-think their decision to name Frankie as a broadcast talent for TI-10.
One such instance was when the community expressed criticism was after they felt that Frankie had “disrespected” Team Spirit’s coach Airat “Silent” Gaziev - This criticism has been disputed by others, who assert that it is “uncalled for”.
These recent events were not the last time Frankie was targeted by online critics either.
While Frankie’s performance at TI-
10 drew a lot of criticism, colleagues and several other prominent personalities came out in support and stood behind the 31-year old British host. Michelle “Moxxi” Song was very vocal about the issue in particular and posted a long ‘Twitlonger’ post calling the community out for going after Frankie.
In the post, Moxxi wrote; “I’ve admired Frankie for years now. The way she handles herself professionally and also tackles issues head on is an act of bravery and dignity … So it was ENRAGING beyond belief to see the push back when she was announced. The gatekeeping coming out of the community was beyond insane. This was a chance to bring in new people with a very professional and talented host joining us! Someone who is highly respected across multiple fields and beloved by many gamers-it could only be a good thing! Instead, the community slammed the choice and proceeded to harass one of the kindest, most hard working ladies I have ever met. This is a lady who flew to a COVID infested country, in her 3rd trimester, mind you, because she

had made a deal with Valve and was too honorable to cancel it.”
Frankie herself, while acknowledging that there was some room for improvement in her hosting, stood behind her working and posted a blog-post on her personal blog site detailing her experience at the event. Frankie wrote; “In terms of things to improve on with my hosting, I can
think of a ton of things … But the great thing was, if I did get something wrong, I was with experts who could correct me and then we’d simply move on. No harm done. It would not be productive for me to dwell on one mistake that didn’t significantly derail production or my colleagues. Instead it’s important to learn and quickly move on with the show.”
Champions League Round up
Tom Hawkins Sport EditorThe end of the international break saw the return of one of football’s most prestigious competitions – The Champions League. It was important that teams didn’t return to the European competition complacent as club sides such as Liverpool, Bayern Munich and Paris Saint Germain could all cement their positions at the top of their group.
Arguably the most entertaining game of the week came in Spain, at the Metropolitano Stadium, the home of Atletico Madrid. The Spanish league leaders hosted a Liverpool side in brilliant form and with recent affairs between these two making for great viewing, the stage was set.
Liverpool got off to a great start when a Mohammed Salah shot ricocheted off an outstretched James Milner to find its way in the bottom corner in the seventh minute. The visitors soon doubled their lead when a fine volley from Naby Keita from just outside the box flew past the helpless Oblak. Diego’s Simeone’s men needed a response and they found one in the form of a tap-in from Antoine Griezmann. The Frenchman got his second on the night shortly after. However, his evening was cut short when he was sent off for a high foot on Roberto Firmino. Liverpool would take home all

three points thanks to a penalty for a push in the box on Diogo Jota, which Mohammed Salah stuck calmly away.
Elsewhere, in Manchester the Red Devils hosted Atalanta. The Italian side took a two nil lead against a struggling United side despite having five of their regular starters unavailable. Manchester United managed to bring the game back to two all thanks to goals from Marcus Rashford and club
Captain Harry Maguire. Of course it would be a Cristiano Ronaldo goal that managed to save United from defeat when the Portuguese talisman rose to head the ball home ten minutes before the end of play.
In other groups Chelsea beat Malmo in a convincing four nil win, PSG beat Red Bull Leipzig in a closely contested 3 – 2 win and Ajax thumped group rivals Borussia Dortmund four nil at
home in Amsterdam.
This week was clearly a week for hefty scorelines as the goals did not stop there. Manchester City beat Club Brugge 5 – 1, Real Madrid beat Shakhtar Donetsk 5 – 0, Bayern Munich outplayed Benfica to win 4 – 0 and Villarreal beat Young Boys 4 – 1 to see them go second in Group F, behind leaders Manchester United.
All in all this week was an entertaining watch for neutrals
Mick McCarthy leaves role as Cardiff City manager
Harvey Palmer Sport EditorIn a statement, Cardiff City announced that “first-team manager Mick McCarthy and assistant manager Terry Connor have left the club by mutual agreement and with immediate effect.” They thanked the pair for their “efforts” and wished them “luck for the future”.
Having joined Cardiff City in January, he replaced Neil Harris and guided the club to a solid 8th place EFL Championship finish. However, the good form seems to have ended, with Cardiff just one point above the relegation spots after 14 matches.
In McCarthy’s final game in charge, the Bluebirds lost 2-0 in a poor performance against Middlesbrough. This came on the back of a mid-week loss to highflying Fulham, and a 3-0 loss to

first-team manager Mick McCarthy and assistant manager Terry Connor have left the club by mutual agreement and with immediate effect.”
Cardiff City Football Club

fierce rivals Swansea City. Just a week in advance, before the South Wales derby against Swansea City, McCarthy said he “only had support from the top” at the club. However, the three
results that followed this statement clearly proved to be the final straw for the board of the club.
McCarthy’s departure leaves a managerial spot open. In the in -
Ben Stokes returns to competetive cricket after break
Anurag Hegde Head of SportAce England cricketer Ben Stokes announced earlier last week that he was ready to return to competitive cricket after a break that lasted a little over 3 months. Earlier in July this year, Stokes had announced that he would be taking an ‘indefinite break’ from competitive cricket owing to mental health issues.
Stokes had initially injured his left index finger during the first leg of the IPL (Indian Premier League) in April and had therefore been ruled out for selection for at least 3 months. However, Stokes returned to the fray earlier than expected and even led England in 3 ODIs against Pakistan in July after the entire English squad selected for the series was forced to quarantine due to a Covid-19 outbreak.
Post that series, Stokes made himself unavailable for selection citing mental health issues and did not participate in both the 2nd leg of the IPL and the ongoing T20 World Cup.
Earlier last week, however, Stokes announced that he had recovered from his finger injury after a second surgery in early October and that he was ready to play cricket again. He shared several videos of him training in the nets on Instagram.
terim, Steve Morison and Tom Ramasut, who usually manage the under-23 team at Cardiff, will take charge of the first team.
While the club are in a terrible run of form, they are still considered one of the bigger sides in the Championship. As such there are plenty of big name managers being linked with the job.
Most bookmakers have Chris Wilder, formerly of Sheffield United, as the odds-on favourite for the job. He did a remarkable job of taking Sheffield United up through the divisions of English football, all the way to a 9thplaced Premier League finish, before leaving his job at the club in March 2021.
Other names mentioned for the role include Newport County manager Michael Flynn, and the inexperienced coach Jody Morris, who was formerly assistant to Frank Lampard at Derby County.
Regardless of who takes on the position, it is clear that they have a difficult task on their hands to turn this season around for Cardiff. They are a club often touted to be in the play-offs at the very least, so the incoming manager must at least avoid a relegation battle for fans to be content this season.
In his column for The Mirror, Stokes wrote; “I was in a real dark place and having some difficult thoughts. I was always one of those people who wouldn’t talk about how they are feeling and just keep it internal and crack on. I now realise talking is such a powerful thing and it has completely changed me.”
Stokes has since been added to England’s Ashes squad that will travel to Australia on November 4. Stokes’ return will certainly buoy the English team as they’re set to face a difficult challenge downunder. Stokes had missed the previous tour to Australia in 201718 due to issues off the field.