Manifestos 2010

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Elections 2010 The Candi dates Manifestos Who will y

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Wednesda y 10th Mar ch 10am – Su nday 14th March 5pm


Elections … Explained Your Students’ Union holds elections in order to allow you to choose your student representatives for the academic year. There are 8 full time Executive Committee who act as directors and trustees of your Students’ Union, a body that is run by students, for students. They are your voice and act as your representatives in the Union, University and wider community, The candidates’ manifestos contain the ideas and principles of the case to the people who have the power to make your time in Cardiff better. can help you and which of these you feel best to act as your voice. Ask yourself if they display key creative and communicative skills that you qualities you feel are valuable, vote RON to re-open nominations and propose someone better, it could be you feel you are the best person for this role. The ideas and principles of the elected candidates are what your and really make a difference. Remember if you have time to moan about

What are Sabbatical



President Main Purpose of the Role

My name is Dickon Baird and I am a 3rd Year Ancient and Medieval History student. I have been involved in many different aspects of university life during my three years: creating and managing an IMG team, various societies and am student representative for department meetings. I will be striving for a union which represents you the way that you want. It’s not always obvious that the union is on your side. As your future president I will address this by: every month for each school for you to voice your concerns and complaints. students within each school. years abroad, and in years in industry.

card. university’s poor facilities – for instance 10 hockey teams to one Astroturf, and money is being spent on.




Dom Stone >Final Year Politics Student >Departmental Staff-Student Committee Co-ordinator >Has Narcolepsy but won’t sleep on the job! EMPOWERING STUDENTS Student politics is too exclusive and this years AGM proved that. The student body made it clear that night that it was not happy with the proposal to change the minimum membership of societies. But why should the Union Executive limit this opportunity to one event a year? I propose to increase the number of General Meetings so that you, the student body can SOLUS clubnights rejuvinated to their former glory. But more could still be done. Do you have ideas best nights of your lives here in the Union. SPORT Our BUCS teams continue to go from strength to strength and the publication of the Sport has been development across all the sports for which it operates, but more can be done to ensure it runs as smoothly as its competitors deserve it to. I propose to investigate the

SOCIETIES than ever before to improve your Union experience. REPRESENTATION FOR ALL done in the past two years! So if you are an: International, Postgraduate, Mature, LGBT, Female or a Student with Disability, the people representing you have not been properly of their time in Cardiff.


WHY I’M RE-RUNNING I believe the team and I have performed extremely well this year. I want to use my experience to build an even stronger team for next year and to give the Union some much needed continuity. MY POLICIES - Academic and University Affairs: Establish a Course Rep. System. Training and support for each Rep. throughout the year. - Welfare, Campaigns and Communications: Two things. Develop and strengthen our excellent democratic systems (Student Council, AGM, Associations and elections). Set a clear program for events and campaigns for each month – this will improve communication. - Healthcare Students: Take the Union to the Heath Park! Instead of insisting that Heath students always visit the Union, we should simply aim to facilitate whatever it is they need – where they need it! - Societies, Events and Activities: Address society funding by making it more transparent and ensure that societies are judged on the same merit as sports clubs. recruiting more students is the key to all commercial success e.g. Cash-back system and record Summer Ball sales. The second is to make the Union more studentfocused; e.g. by making it easier and affordable for clubs and societies to run events and socials within the building. - Athletic Union: Create a Sport Strategy with the University that students deserve and then deliver it! This is the key to ending all frustrations over equipment, provision and funding. - Student Media: Two things. First is to secure quality external training for all our student journalists. The second is to use Gair Rhydd, Quench, XPress and CUTV a lot more in communicating all that is happening around the Union. - And Something New: After graduating last summer, I realised that both the Union and University can do so much more for students at this time. I have launched a new project, ‘Grad Week’, which gives students the opportunity to spend their gradu ation week in Talybont South (just like Freshers’ Week). There will also be bespoke careers fayres and Union club-nights for each day of graduation. ABOUT ME - I am currently the Union President. - I’ve spent 2 years as Student Council Chair - I play IMG football - I play Volleyball - I’ve run two societies - Please ask me anything about my campaign:

Changing Our Union for the Future Proven Results, Delivered for Students I have lead the AU forward this year, while still remaining a down to earth, approachable guy, and getting out there and being involved! putting the AU in a stronger position than ever before. this sports strategy will transform the way sport is provided at Cardiff University! BUT‌‌.. There is so much Cardiff Students Union should and can do for students, and I can lead this organisation forward to achieve these goals Number One In the UK

Democracy and Representation I will engage with students at every level

support they require to achieve big change. Student Activities and Student Support I will actively champion the services that only a Union can provide protect their funding from the top, while reviewing the support they currently have, with the

While advancing our satellite sites such as the HUB to deliver our services across the Heath street. For a President that has Delivered For a President that will lead this organisation to be Number One For SU President


Who am I? Third year Law and Criminology student. Incredibly experienced student representative: Current Student Council and AGM Chair, Nightline Co-ordinator 2008-2010, ShAg Vice-President 09-10, Ladies Rugby Club Captain 08-09, Ladies Rugby First Team Player 07-10, Welcome Crew member 2008-2010, Elected student Council member 07-10, LGBT What Wood I do? Your future: Sally Wood introduce the Cardiff University Award for all students incorporating extra-curricular achievements. Sally Wood develop the Honour Roll Award to recognise more students who have participated in a wide range of Union activities including clubs and societies, SDU courses, Associations, academic representation and student council. Sally prospects. Your Union: Sally Wood ensure sabbs go to students rather than waiting for them to come to the Union. Sally Wood establish regular sabb surgeries across campus. Sally Wood publish regular sabb blogs to keep students updated on Union activities. Sally Wood create more opportunities for students to get involved in decisions in their Union. Sally Wood work to improve associations as representative bodies for Mature students, International Students, LGBT Students, Welsh students, Postgraduate students and students with disabilities. Sally Wood Continue to invest in and respect the differences with Heath societies and sports Clubs. Increase Union non-alcoholic provision for students. Sally Wood put measures in place to regulate the bilingual policy more stringently. Sally Wood ensure that we capitalise on external funding opportunities to gain sponsorship for for gair rhydd. Your University: Sally Wood work with the University to improve National Student Survey Wood obtain a guarantee of better gym provision and dedicated support for University appropriate holidays for Healthcare students. Sally Wood avoid further cuts in postgraduate funding. Sally Wood ensure all investments of fees money are in accordance with high ethical standards. Got Wood? Vote Sally Wood #1 for Students’ Union President


The Union represents students ability to effect and create change within Cardiff University, the National Union of Students, and the Wales as a whole. One of the keys roles of President is that of facilitation. Only through full and active participation at all levels of the Unions process’s by the wider student body, will we achieve any comprehensive and effective action. We require a Union that is open and clear, so that any student with a query or grievance can come and easily receive the support of the entire student body. Only by working with all members of Cardiff University, staff and student, can the Union fully achieve its internal role of recognising students demands and being wholly accountable to them. From this platform the Union can go on to give a clear message to any external partner, and with solid legitimacy, negotiate, campaign and achieve for all. - In close consultation with the full student body, create a long term coherent strategy regarding tuition fee’s. - Creation of greater transparency and accountability by publishing detailed minutes and transcripts of council and executive meetings, increasing the frequency of meetings, and establishing effective methods of receiving student opinion. - Formation of close ties with Academic and Support Staff Unions so together we can - Full and extensive review of the Unions environmental and ethical policies, with an aim to campaign for implementation across the University. - Expansion of existing co-operative schemes, and the turning over of excess University space to small scale food production, so that students can learn horticultural expertise - Creation of a direct action committee, so that in the face of any problems the Union can respond with intelligent and immediate collective action. If you feel like the Union requires some new perspectives and is currently operating simply as a bureaucratic student management body, failing to meet its representative responsibilities, and is alienating old and new students from believing in the possibility of real change. Vote Tom Hindson for S.U President Any questions or queries please e-mail:

Tom Chilman


I am a 3rd year Civil Engineering Student, who’s been involved in the Union on many levels since Fresher’s week, I’m a friendly, approachable guy, that has gained the leadership and organisational skills to the drive the union onwards in the coming year. President of Engineering Society Keen IMG Player, Rugby and Football Current Member of Student Council with experience in student politics Policies: Stop congested Exam periods - Exams timetables can be too concentrated, 5 exams in 5 days is unacceptable. Create More 24 hour Study Rooms – During exam periods these rooms become cramped and stuffy, I aim to increase the amount of these study areas across the university during these busy periods. IMG Rugby - I have been involved for three years, and know that I can reinstate it with a league Netball – Allow teams to block book courts for training rather than having to arrange on a week by week basis. Football – Arrange a travel system to pitches, develop a system to ‘rest’ pitches so they can recover and stay at a higher quality. Union nights to stay open till 3AM – because Comeplay should be open an hour longer! introduce refereeing and coaching courses so that students leave with more than a degree. This will improve the quality of sport, and students can earn money refereeing matches. Campaign to cap any rise in student fees - Fees are expected to rise in the coming years, I will do everything possible to prevent this happening. Improve the Heath Campus ‘Student experience’ - often students based at the Heath Park campus have little interaction with the ‘rest of the university’. I will push to increase integration with students from Park Place so that healthcare students have more involvement in the Union. CHIL-MAN, VOTE TOM!

Academic & University Main Purpose of the Role



Or vote RON to re-open nominations



It’s more than Miss copping off with Sir, Vote AMELIA for Academic Affairs…. Yes indeedy, this position isn’t just about schoolroom scandal. I intend to provide a fully interactive system between the student body and our University and keep you all posted on what is happening. A REWARDING UNI LIFE education, regardless of economic circumstance. I will therefore push for workshops that give essential bonus skills and accreditation. spreading out deadlines.

about volunteers, dentists are chewing over second opinions or optometrists are one of the departments that I will visit with weekly surgeries (no pun intended) to maintain an awareness of any issues all over the university. afraid if you see yourself as the stereotypical undergrad; I won’t just represent the students who face discrimination... I will represent the others too! students’ needs are being met.

departments or staff/student panels. stand for them and an adequate means of taking any issues beyond their departments, if necessary.

of what is worrying students. With great sensitivity, I will ensure that schools are aware of the pressures on students and together we can work out how to reduce any academic stress. But don’t trust me to come up with all the ideas. I’m just one student and want to speak for you all. Most importantly of all, I promise I’ll listen to any ideas you have about your university. Vent to me. Vote for me.



ABOUT ME: I have always taken an active interest in the Students’ Union having been a member of Welcome Crew for the last two years which has meant I have been involved with several events and campaigns. I am currently a third year Politics student and want to carry my knowledge and passion for politics into the student politics arena. I am Social Secretary for the Politics Society, I enjoy having a greater involvement with my subject as well as the responsibility the role entails. This year I started playing IMG netball and have loved being part of a team and working together. Having been involved in several student campaigns I hope to use my enthusiasm for student issues and make a difference to students’ lives. WHAT DO I HOPE TO ACHIEVE?


EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: to lecturers, particularly in subjects with less contact hours.


CAMPAIGNS: higher fees. funding.



Welfare, Campaigns and Main Purpose of the Role



Or vote RON to re-open nominations



Who am I? student who gets the job done! I have loved my time at Cardiff and have made full use of it, having had many roles in OUR Union. I am currently elected as Chair of the Board of Trustees that runs Student Volunteering Cardiff (SVC), through which I have gained experience of how charities such as our students’ union are run and about the rules that govern them. I am also a trustee of a large Cardiff based charity with a budget of over £6,000,000, meaning I am used to dealing with large organisations and the responsibilities involved. I am also an active member of Student Council meaning I have an understanding of our I have what it takes to make this union the best, by providing YOU with the services that YOU deserve! If elected I will improve our sense of... Community Create a Welfare Subcommittee: that will form vital links between key groups and The Student led Services. Create an accessible community: working closely with Representative Committees, faith groups and under-represented students to ensure everyone is included in our students union. I will also ensure you know what systems are in place for you! And how you can get involved Cardiff community: Working together on issues such as housing, crime and our ethical policy, I will campaign to tackle negative perceptions of students and ensure that student contributions to the Cardiff community are recognised and appreciated. Awareness wellbeing, housing and the services available to help you. Promoting Services: to utilize the full potential of the great services we offer as a Union; such as Cardiff Student Letting and The Job Shop Inform students: improving your knowledge about vital issues especially Sexual Health, crime prevention, mental health issues and house hunting. Vote for me if you want UNITY. I will build upon the great work already going on to make Cardiff Students union the best in the country. So make the right choice and vote Edd Gudgeon at the polling Station.

Hi. I’m a postgrad doing astrophysics. I’ve been honoured to spend this past academic

for decent housing.





Who am I? I’m an enthusiastic and approachable Third Year Politics and Economics student. I am also President of ShAg and have been a member for all of my 3 years at Cardiff, so not only do I know what a Society, but also a Student Led Service needs to be an effective part of the Union. I have previously played for an IMG netball team, so I have an understanding of how the AU operates. I’m an elected member of student council, so have seen the democratic system working Cardiff University. A SAFE PLACE: Open a safe space after Solus closes on club nights to give you somewhere to buy food, get free water, phone a taxi for free and wait for it somewhere safe and warm. This could also include a way to get a short-term loan for a cab home if you’ve run out of money in exchange for your student card. STUDENT LED SERVICES: Make Student Led Services, (Nightline, ShAg, RAG and SVC) a clear group with their different aims recognised by the Union. This would mean they have a

Heath campus students by gaining a better understanding of the different issues they face, with more campaigns that bridge the two campuses and bring all students together. ACCOMODATION: Ensure all accommodation is up to scratch. I would work closely with the Council to continue and expand the HMO scheme and would also work with residences to ensure that halls of residence are suitable to live and work in and that any problems are solved quickly with as little disruption to you as possible. TAKING CARE OF YOU: Increase the amount of students registering with a local GP by providing easily accessible advice within the Union. I would also like to increase the student body’s knowledge of the University Health Centre on Park Place. TRAINING: Improve your future employability by encouraging the use of the Student Development Unit, the Advice and Representation Centre and the Careers Service, all of

So ... Who am I? I’m Rose Savage, 3rd Year Sociology and Social Policy Student and I’m running for Welfare, want to work ensure that you guys do too. Why I’m suitable? I have had involvement in the Union in different capacities:

level, supporting and promoting the rights of individuals and prioritising their needs and welfare. My Principles I wish to create democratic, sustainable and informed welfare services, campaign initiatives and communication systems, by liaising with students, the wider community and stakeholders. With my door always open to suggestions, I will work effectively to deliver a Union that provides an excellent service for you. Proposals: cational initiatives effectively, Cardiff students, the community and the Council can work to make Cathays a cleaner place to live. dressed to achieve acceptable standards of living for all students.

mechanisms for Students.

the provision of Information Points.

want happy healthy students



Societies, Events and



My Experience: Worked with a production company for over 5 years hence experience in event organisation. Worked with a number of societies in Cardiff. Organised events such as the charity week (roughly £2700 were raised in one week for orphans and needy children), Fusion and the Go Global World Cup. Working with societies for almost 2 years now gave me a chance to work close to the union, hence gave me the knowledge of how everything works. Having worked closely with the Union myself, I have a good knowledge of what problems different societies face, and their potential solutions. What I’ll do: Better Funding: Will make sure that the funds for societies are allocated properly to all societies, and use a feedback system where the societies get a chance to make their requirements known. More Space: particularly at times like the go global when each society needs space for rehearsals. I’ll make sure that more rooms are made available for the societies to use. More Interaction: I feel that societies should have more interaction among themselves. For this purpose, I will propose a yearlong plan in which the union would celebrate festivals from different parts of the world, as I think there isn’t any other way to come close to each other than celebrating our festivals together. More Assistance Having worked with different societies over the past two years, I realized that many Societies have trouble organising events due to the lack of experience, sponsors and other important factors. To overcome this, I propose on setting up an ‘Events Wing’ for the societies that would work towards planning and helping societies with their events.

About Cos: - 3rd year Philosophy and History student - Friendly, experienced, enthusiastic and slightly eccentric! - Passionate about societies, they have been the most fun and memorable part of my Uni life and could be for you too Why Cos? the position + able to hit the ground running! - President and co-founder of the United Nations society – experienced in campaigning, leading trips and organizing events - Student Council representative to the Academic Standards and Quality Committee - member of the Events Committee – developing and improving your Union club nights (i.e.

Societies - Encouraging society co-operation - more can be done together - Protect societies from budget cuts - developing external company sponsorship lists

Events and Activities and the Real Ale and Cider festival graduate fairs and accommodation in Talybont


SOCIETIES, EVENTS & ACTIVITIES VOTE DANIELLARRR- SHE’S A REAL TREASURE! ABOUT ME I’m a third year History and Politics student and a member of the Societies Executive, President of RAG and gair rhydd Features Editor. I’m also a member of Student Council and Welcome Crew. I’ve been heavily involved in the organisation of many events, including Heath RAG Week, Student Come Dancing and the Clothes Exchange. I’m passionate about societies and feel I have the experience and drive to solve the problems with the current system. MY AIMS at ways to increase the overall budget, I would help societies increase their funding by establishing an effective commercial sponsorship system. PRACTICAL SUPPORT- I would streamline the trip request process and improve the societies training system so that committee members receive more relevant training. I would also

HEALTHCARE STUDENTS- Healthcare students have their own individual needs, which should be supported by the Students’ Union. I would work with the AU President and Healthcare ever before, and organise a more effective welcome for the March intake of nurses. I would accessible to healthcare students. PUBLICISING AND RECOGNISING ACHIEVEMENTS- Societies are involved in many positive activities which deserve to be publicised and recognised. I would use my experience as Features Editor to edit a societies section in gair rhydd, establish a weekly email to increase awareness of society events and achievements, and look into better ways to recognise societies’ hard work. SOCIETIES COUNCIL AND THE SOCIETIES EXECUTIVE- I would restructure Societies Council, making it a two-way forum for engagement. I would also restructure the Societies Executive, ensuring each member represents a particular group of societies to ensure greater representation and accountability. STUDENT LED SERVICES AND ASSOCIATIONS- I would work with the non-sabbatical team to support the development of student led services and associations, ensuring their role in the

Association and international societies to create a bigger and better welcome week for all international students.



Experience: I’m an outgoing, friendly and active member of a broad range of societies, representing them on both student council and societies council. During college I was student president organising charity events as well as the end of year ball. I also sat on the governing body as a student representative. Joining the university Anime society in its infancy, I’ve have contributed to it since by setting up a comic and artwork sessions and running a variety of events. This has given me the experience of seeing a new society grow and expand its successes which have been recognised at the Society Awards. Since becoming secretary this year I’ve made great use of the communication skills that my three years of a BA English Literature provides me with. I also currently sit on the events committee contributing to society-involved one-off club nights such as ‘Bhangra vs. Boombox’ and other new developments (i.e. CF10 now being free to hire and the possibility of a new monthly metal night). Balancing these activities with a full time degree as well as a part time job means that my organisation skills have to be fantastic and I pride myself on the ability to network and communicate successfully. Aims: - To ensure budget is allocated effectively and societies are rewarded for making use of union facilities and club nights by expanding and effectively communicating the cashback scheme. - To improve and expand the poor storage space available to societies who have - To produce and effectively distribute the society handbook to a higher standard thus improving communications between societies, student media and the multitude of union departments available to students. - To encourage societies to use student media to promote events and activities. - To build upon current cross cultural one-off events, encourage small societies to col laborate together and make use of union facilities easier and cheaper to book. - To expand on the success of this year’s Refreshers Fair. - To overhaul, advertise and promote the current stARS reward system. ate and healthcare students, and operate an open and friendly atmosphere avail able

Athletic Union President Main Purpose of the Role



Or vote RON to re-open nominations


Throughout my time in Cardiff I have been heavily involved in sport, having been a successful club captain of both the Hockey and Clay Pigeon Shooting Clubs. This unique blend of experience has given me a crucial insight into issues faced by different types of AU clubs, allowing a greater fairness and understanding to be brought to the job. I want to bring the passion that I hold for sport to the Athletic Union as a whole. I am a strong communicator, which is vital when putting students concerns and demands to the University. Team Cardiff I will implement several measures aimed at improving the University’s community through passion about sport:

league tables will be displayed; this will also be mirrored on the AU web page. and exciting ways to reward the successes of sports teams. Despite previous AU presidents’ best efforts which have yielded limited success, there is still large room for improvement: full potential. Volleyball and Hockey, to name a few. Invest in Sport Invest in Sport has begun to lose focus, with many students unaware of what it stands for: campaign for. This will be aimed at improving sporting facilities for all Cardiff University students. Vote to build a winning team.


ATHLETIC UNION PRESIDENT FRANTASTIC: YOU READ IT HERE FIRST, SHE’S THE ONE FOR THE JOB I’m Fran and I want you to vote for me for Athletic Union President. This year I’m president of the Volleyball Club as well as an AU representative on Student Council. My experience in these roles has given me insight and the skills needed to be a great AU President. My friends describe me as loyal, honest, hard working, fun and enthusiastic and I would absolutely love the opportunity to represent you as Athletic brains and the brawn. Upon winning, there would be six main points on which I would act: 1) Budget - Link Wednesday nights in Solus even more with sports clubs as well as look into additional sponsorship for the AU, generating further available funds. 2) Team Cardiff – continue investigating it to make ordering kit cheaper, easier and faster for any club that wants it. 3) IMG – Work in partner with Sports and Exercise and have plans in place preCup Proposal to allow full contact games. Also, I’d carry on building up the IMG Executive committee and look into adding hockey and basketball as IMG sports. 4) AU Executive – continue its development, as their support is invaluable carriers. 6) Carry on with Sports Strategy and Invest in Sport, giving them clear direction. If you like what you hear then VOTE FRAN ‘FRANTASTIC’ STANTON-REID FOR YOUR 2010/2011 ATHLETIC UNION PRESIDENT


ATHLETIC UNION PRESIDENT CAPTAIN JACK - THE SAVVY CHOICE I’m Jack a third year Maths student. I’ve been involved with the AU since I joined Cardiff University RFC as a fresher. I have made a real home here in Cardiff through meeting loads of people both at university itself and particularly through my involvement in sport. All changes that take place within our Union rely heavily on money. As a result I feel it’s important to develop and increase student awareness of Invest In Sport and its purpose. I would aim to set up an “AU for AU” system, a part of Invest In Sport that will provide an additional source of income that can be pumped directly back into the AU. This would include events such as; a Cardiff University Rugby Sevens Competition open nationally to university sides and also to our own IMG teams, a Super Sixes Cricket tournament during the summer months, and a Cardiff University style “Superstars” Competition. Furthermore we must invest in and create better facilities for all students, IMG teams and AU clubs whilst coordinating and ensuring a fair share of these facilities for all. We want to continue to be an I hope to develop the current transport facilities for the AU and extend this to IMG sport. This will ensure a consistent coach service for players and supporters to venues such as Llanrumney and Trelai. I intend to look into using more pitches for IMG football, for example the pitches by Ninian Park. I also intend to make sure there is greater help, support and information for those looking to establish new AU or IMG clubs and generally for those unsure about getting involved at the Freshers’ Fayre. Creating some form of IMG rugby will be a priority. I believe one of the most important things to change within our University/Union is raising more awareness and generate more excitement for all sports. I feel we could generate happening each week and where those events are taking place. We can then post the results up inside the union, at the Lash and also online. Sport has always been my passion in life. I believe accessibility and success can overall quality of sports at Cardiff University.





Hi I’m Lisa and I am running for AU President. I am committed to continuing the successes of the current AU as well as improving on areas that need that bit of extra attention. Having held the role of Ladies Football Club President for the past 2 years I have gained invaluable experience in various aspects of the role and such

However, I believe that each individual club and the AU as a whole has a lot to offer potential sponsors which is why I pledge to try and secure another sponsor for the AU. Furthermore, I will organise a “meet-and-greet” evening at the beginning of term where all club committees will be invited, as will potential sponsors. This evening will hopefully help clubs secure sponsorship for their own club, but also lead to stronger relationships between clubs. Secondly, I want to continue to establish a “togetherness” brand within the AU, by developing the concept of “Team Cardiff”. The camaraderie between all clubs and members of the AU can be developed, which will give us a stronger sense of team spirit. The “Team Cardiff” idea will include AU-wide kit options so that we can be better publicised using a bimonthly newsletter and a better online presence, including weekly results, top performers and other key messages. Next year Varsity should be back in Cardiff, and I want to make it bigger and better than ever! This will be achieved by involving more teams in the peripheral games, such as IMG Varsity matches; as well as considering the option of holding Varsity over a weekend rather than on one Wednesday. Finally, I will be aiming to improve IMG by looking to introduce more sports, such as hockey and basketball, in order to ensure as many people can participate in sport that want to. Also, I will be looking to increase the coaching provisions for clubs which are struggling by subsidising coaching courses for some members of the club.


ATHLETIC UNION PRESIDENT MEGGY-MOO FOR AU Sport has made my university experience AMAZING and I want to give this and more to YOU! Having worked in the AU been part of the AU Exec and Club Captain and Treasurer for Ladies’ Hockey I have a clear understanding of the organisation in a sports club. Every club is very different and needs to be assessed on an individual basis including facilities, transport, equipment, coaching and most importantly the BUDGET needed for these. Finance and Budgeting Budget allocation has meant some clubs have struggled to provide the necessary basics this year. competition needs, these will be judged on individual club basis.

reward clubs for their achievements. Transport BUCS Medic Sport sport is a great retreat from studies organisation of a Medic Varsity. IMG Sport The management of IMG has improved greatly this year. Swansea on Varsity giving IMG a larger identity in the Athletics Union. the goal of developing a full contact Rugby programme, by committing time and quickly and effectively. I will look into developing a College Cup Varsity match. Campaigns important for post-graduate students as penalties can apply if lectures are missed for society activities.



“To make your wildest sporting dreams come true” But not that kind of service…I’m here for Sport and EXercise as I feel passionate about making sport accessible for all as well as providing the facilities for high level athletes. I am a third year Marine Geographer and understand the importance of juggling course commitments and participating in a sports club at an individual level as well as team sports at a national level. I am enthusiastic, hard working and approachable. I want students to have the best support available from the AU. I have previously been Treasurer and I am now President of the Swimming and Water Polo Club. I have worked closely this year with the AU President and want to encourage other clubs to do so to achieve their full potential. What I plan to do… Sporting Equality Ensuring that all individuals have equal level of access to sport and that their achievements are fully recognised Transport Find out the individual issues that clubs face with the current transport available and IMG Continue to increase the awareness of all IMG disciplines. Also to encourage a higher level of participation in IMG sport and to support the structure and development of the leagues. Facilities ensuring the facilities available are utilised most effectively. I will also continue to support the progress of the Sports Strategy Plan that is being created for the long term development of sport.


ATHLETIC UNION PRESIDENT THE FUTURE’S BRIGHT, THE FUTURE’S MASON About me: As the AU Vice President, I have worked closely with the AU President from 2008-2010, English Language and Communication student, I believe the most important role of the AU President is LISTENING to students and acting upon this. I am hard working, passionate and experienced, making me the ideal candidate for the position. As Vice president, I have gained knowledge of every aspect of the AU including funding, membership and Sports Strategy. My role also includes the organisation of and communication within the AU Executive, on which I have sat for 2 years. I have experience in dealing with budgets, the Invest in Sport Campaign, organisation of events and representing AU members. I am also a student counsellor, representing sport and helping to shape the future of our Union for the past two years. I sat on the Trampolining well as representing the club in competitions. I have also been a member of Snowsports from 2007-2010. My Campaign: PARTICIPATION AND PERFORMANCE: to encourage performance through participation, I believe the more members we have, the more money that can be spent on competitive and non competitive sports. BRINGING THE AU TO YOU: I will visit every AU club’s training sessions to understand any issues or problems that may occur to improve communication between the AU and its members. MEDICS: to encourage better integration within the AU through greater recognition of week for members of the AU who are on placement during the day. INVEST IN SPORT: I will encourage the continuation of the campaign with agreed achievable targets to persuade Cardiff University that their sports provisions are holding us back! IMG: I will support and encourage the current proposals for IMG contact rugby and I will improve organisation in IMG leagues. AU AND IMG EXECUTIVE: to continue the development of the Executives, raising awareness of their roles and establishing their new structure. EQUALITY WITHIN THE AU: to work towards equality within the AU and within IMG through standardisation of procedures with regard to funding, transport and representation. SPORTS STRATEGY: I will work with the University to develop a direction for sport whilst defending the needs of our clubs!

Head of Student Media and Gair Rhydd Editor Main Purpose of the Role



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A little bit about me During my three years studying journalism and cultural criticism at Cardiff University I have been heavily involved in all areas of student media. I have presented a music show for three years on Xpress radio, as well as a political discussion show. I have always written for gair rhydd, and in my second year, I became the editor of the politics section. I won the award for best section of gair rhydd, and this year I am one of the news editors. I continue to dedicate my time to student media, and I hope to use my knowledge and experience to develop and improve the operations of all branches of student media. I am determined to create a more integrated and dynamic student media which encourages creativity and engages with the ideas and passions of Cardiff students. My manifesto 1. Continued development of a brand new Cardiff Student Media website which will champion and promote all branches of student media on a professional website. 2. I will set up a student media board. This will allow all areas of student media to discuss ideas, share news, promote campaigns and solve problems. A more integrated and united student media will improve and expand the quality of Cardiff student media. 3. Promotion, exposure and development of the Xpress and CUTV brand. I will strengthen and widen the appeal of the radio and TV station with more outside broadcasts from Xpress, and screenings from CUTV. More promotional events and better engagement with the entire student body to encourage students to listen to Xpress and watch CUTV. 4. I will provide greater support to the Xpress and CUTV station managers, providing ideas, encouraging creativity and maintaining support. 5. Better representation for societies with the introduction of a societies’ page in the gair rhydd. This would allow all societies to advertise events, celebrate achievements and promote their societies. 6. A redesign of gair rhydd with a more consistent and improved house style. A return of ‘Found on Facebook’. 7. Improved quality and editing time of CUTV programming. 8. Better presentation of CUTV programs, through the new student media website, through dedicated screening events, and through Union TV screens. 9. Investment in desperately needed equipment for Xpress. 10. Expansion of training and work experience days. Closer links with local media or ganisations, more master class sessions, and media training days.


HEAD OF STUDENT MEDIA Who am I? Jamie Dance Thunder. Third-year English Language student. gair rhydd news editor. What have I done? I’ve edited the opinion and news sections in gair rhydd, and have sub-edited the whole paper. I’ve also written a fortnightly opinion column (The Boy Thunder). Last year I was named ‘Most Dedicated Member’ at Cardiff Student Media Awards, and the opinion section I edited was shortlisted for best section by investigative journalist Nick Davies. came runners-up in the Guardian Student Media Awards. I’ve worked at the Crewe Chronicle and the Western Mail/South Wales Echo, and write a monthly column for Vehicle, a US-based culture magazine ( I’ve also written for (music reviews) and (Cardiff culture and arts zine). What will I do? I’ll be a Head of Student Media – not just a gair rhydd editor. I’ll make it my business to know what’s going on with Xpress and CUTV as well as gair rhydd and Quench. I’ve contacted previous heads of student media and this year’s Xpress and CUTV heads, so I know what needs to be done. I’ll make sure there’s co-operation and co-ordination between the different parts of student media – for far too long they’ve acted as completely separate groups. make that happen I’ll set up weekly editorial meetings for gair rhydd to help co-ordinate the sections, especially for events like Varsity, student elections, and AGM. I’ll make student media more accountable by establishing a formal complaints system – we’re your media, and if we get things wrong or are unfair you should be able to hold us to account. you should know what’s happening. I’ll ensure we scrutinise the university – but fairly. No sensationalism, no tabloid tactics, just accurate, honest reporting. Contact me There are lots of things I want to do that I don’t have space to set out here. Email me at or send me a message on Facebook – I’ll answer every (serious) question I get.


HEAD OF STUDENT MEDIA SAVING THE DAY FOR STUDENT MEDIA Who am I? I’m a 3rd year Literature student who has been a committed member of the Student Media team throughout my three years in Cardiff. I worked as a NEWS EDITOR for gair rhydd during my second year, and I am currently the SUB EDITOR. I am also a dedicated member of XPRESS, working as part of the news team, and also producing a specialist radio show. Working within VARIED platforms across the whole of Student Media has given me an excellent grounding in journalism and has ensured that I have the dedication, insight and understanding that the Head of Student Media needs. What will I do for YOU? incorporating XPRESS, CUTV, GAIR RHYDD, QUENCH and PARK LIFE to bring you audio-visual content around the clock, keeping you fully updated 24/7. Diversify SPORTS and SOCIETIES COVERAGE – I will improve sports and societies coverage across the whole of Student Media, ensuring that we fully highlight your events and successes. Publish more SUPPLEMENTS to showcase your talents and interests. I want PULLOUTS to include more creative writing, photography and sports editorials to ensure that gair rhydd remains your creative forum. Launch a CUTV NEWS TEAM that will work alongside gair rhydd and XPRESS to provide online visual news content so that you can always have access to the stories that matter to you, even when you’re not on campus. Improve the equipment for XPRESS to maintain high quality output. I will also encourage outside broadcast events and ensure that we continue to reach you through University cafes, keeping you tuned-in throughout the day. Conduct more INVESTIGATIONS to bring you the juicy stories you want to hear about. I will ensure that Student Media continues to keep you up-to-date with accurate, honest reporting. Continue to support, develop and integrate PARK LIFE as a vital part of the Student Media team. Improve COMMUNICATION, INTEGRATION and CROSS PROMOTION. I will work towards a

Focus on keeping Cardiff Student Media RELEVANT TO YOU. Issuing a CAMPUS-WIDE SURVEY to see how we can continue to improve output and identify with the student body. Student Media is YOUR mouthpiece and I want to ensure that your needs are met.




Clementine Westlake- Your Head of Media! I have numerous experiences which would make me a unique choice for Head of Media. I have presented my own radio show on Xpress Radio, written for Gair Rhydd and have had a number of work experience placements for publishing organisations such a rep for Beach Break and having worked in the Union Bars Department for three years, I’ve an extremely broad idea of what it is to be a student at Cardiff University. This has not only provided me with insight, creativity and contacts, but it means I have a more balanced perspective on how to approach this responsibility. My objectives: Radio and CUTV. think, further society coverage, sport results for IMG and BUCS and news relevant to students. existing skills, or have a practical insight into what it is like to write an article/produce a radio show. Particularly: covering issues like the use of tuition fees and student experiences of prejudice, latest exciting events in Cardiff. wider airplay across the University, for instance in cafés, and will aim to get airplay in the Taf during the day. I will also further its identity as a place to discover new, diverse and live music. channel. I will also focus on providing wider coverage of student events, like the student Strictly Come Dancing, making sure these are frequently updated online. I want Cardiff’s media department to be involved in every student’s life whilst they are at university here............ from Day One!

Finance & Commercial Main Purpose of the Role

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A little bit about me I am an enthusiastic, upbeat third year psychology student. This year I have founded the Cardiff Fashion society and been an active member of the Union’s events committee. My involvement in the events committee has given me an insight into the creative and logistic processes involved in developing an idea and implementing it within the union. It has also provided me with an invaluable insight into Cardiff students’ openness to changes to Union services, and the scope for innovation and improvement. Founding the fashion society has encouraged me to take initiative and have faith in my creative and leadership qualities. It has been a great platform for meeting other students and working with other societies. Ok...but what will I do for you? involvement in the Union it must do more to make YOU want to be a part of it. Ensure that students feel rewarded for the time and money they spend in the union; the union the day after having attended a Union club night.

Increase interaction between students and the Union to create a more inclusive ethos; the presentation of IMG sports game results on the screens within the union. students; ensuring that the union provides something for EVERYONE. Increase awareness about the services and events taking place within the union; individual subject departments and that a comprehensive guide to union services is provided to ALL students.



Who am I? I am a friendly, sociable 3rd year Maths and Physics Student. My time at Cardiff has been the best of my life and I want to enhance this experience for all Cardiff students. Why you should vote for me: I am currently Vice-President and former Treasurer of the Badminton Club, and Treasurer of MathSoc, which has provided me with an insight into how societies and

inside perspective of how club nights and gigs are organised, and I feel this experience will help me if elected. What I want to do:

students to get involved.

guidance on how to effectively use their budgets.

to organise their own events. other venues and shops in Cardiff. I will support JobShop in giving students the opportunity to support themselves by earning money during their degrees. chance to recruit at a second Freshers Fayre, and provide varied nights to encourage


FINANCE & COMMERCIAL OFFICER MILLARTARY EFFICIENCY I’m Jason Millar and I love working with and for people! I’m a 2nd year Psychologist, the Chair for my department’s Staff-Student panel and the Co-President of Psychology Society. As well as that I’m the Wine Appreciation Society Treasurer, Member of the Societies Executive, Member of the Commercial Events Committee, Samaritans Union! My Vision “I will work rigorously to make our Student Union central to each student’s positive experiences whilst at University” My Objectives increase Union turnover facilities and provisions at Talybont, Uni Halls and the IV Lounge at the Heath failures in Union run services like club nights and catering that will be open to non-members to try social event in the Union (1500+ people, codename 7Sins) for their students and how you can contact them





About Me I’m a friendly, approachable and enthusiastic 4th year Chemistry student. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at Cardiff Uni and would love to further enrich the Cardiff experience for all students. I have two years experience working for Cardiff Student Union’s retail departments. I’m currently on the Events committee. I’m also been a member of several societies and clubs, including Sailing, Climbing, IMG Football and Student Volunteering. My Aims:

How will this be done… viable facilities discounts and loyalty schemes viability and survival

nights and societies



Who Am I? year Maths student, so by my calculations, I won’t let you down. I’m currently social secretary for Yoga Society, so I’m the one to stretch your money further. What will I do? Great news! With Becca holding the purse strings, you can justify that fantastic night out in Come Play because all the money you spent on those gloriously reasonably priced drinks will come back to you in the form of discounts at the Taf, or a fantastic new society for you to join. For those of you who like bullet points, we have some here:

of the year: Exams.

Getting you to know the union more… so you get more back. Becca for Better|Paid â becs – mae Becca yma.

Healthcare Student Main Purpose of the Role



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HEALTH STUDENT INTEGRATION OFFICER THE HEALTHCARE OFFICER WITH A TWIST You’re a healthcare student and part of Cardiff University, yet the only time you seem to spend down at the Students Union is on a night out! Sound familiar? Your union offers so much more than a social point of contact, yet sometimes even this deserve to have the same opportunities and facilities that are made available to other

- Listen to your views and represent you where and when it matters

With your help we can strive to provide not only the type of Students Union you want,

What are Non-Sabbatical

International Stu dents; Post-graduate Students; Mature Students; Disabled Students; Female Students and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Students. Lead Work

Ethical and Environmental Main Purpose of the Role



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Who is Sam Coates? I’m Sam Coates, I’m a Masters Student in CPLAN and I’m standing for Ethical and

What can I offer?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Main Purpose of the Role when appropriate. professional bodies. Candidates



Mark Robert Anderson

John Davies

Will Summers


Hi my name is Mark. I have lived in Cardiff for 3 years and I’m a Maths, Operational Research & Statistics undergraduate. I’m 21, a Libra, Caucasian and “gay”. caring and enthusiastic person, who is ambitious, hard-working and full of life and encouragement. After three years of life in Cardiff, I feel welcome and supported for who I am… and I owe this all to the LGBT community. Since joining the LGBT society, I have been a very big part of the lives of students who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender, especially in the past year as president of the LGBT Society. During the last year Cardiff University has been nominated for BEST University and BEST LGBT Society in Pink Papers™ Reader’s Choice Awards 2010; a widely circulated LGBT newspaper. This is a great achievement for both the university and Cardiff generally; portraying a diverse culture and liberal nature. My key objectives if elected are to: 1. Strengthen the LGBT voice as an association; by electing a team of four voluntary strands equally. 2. Promote LGBT calendar dates, such as IDAHO: International Day against Homophobia and TDR: Transgender Day of Remembrance. 3. To work closely with the NUS LGBT on their annual campaigns and bring awareness to our campus on issues such as; “Out in Sport”, “Bi-Invisibility” and “Trans-Awareness.” Thanks for reading!!!

Main Purpose of the Role

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I’m Kelly, a 31 year old mature student and I came to Cardiff University through an access course at a local FE College. I am currently the Secretary of the recently re-established Mature Student Association. I have also worked with the lifelong learning centre in various ways, including welcoming new mature students and also as an EMentor to a mature student who is currently studying at an FE College.

- Making sure that mature students are informed about the variety of support available to them, and assist them in obtaining this support. - In understanding the obstacles that mature student couples/singles with children often face, I will strive to make available further support for any childcare issues, such as childcare during half terms. - Make myself visible to mature students by attending mature student association their uni experience. Using this info I will attempt to make their uni experience as enjoyable as possible. - Aim to set up a mature student blog for existing and potential mature students, in order to familiarise them with mature student life, helping them to connect to other mature students.

Postgraduate Students

Main Purpose of the Role

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Use your vote: Wednesday 10th March 10am – Sunday 14th March 5pm WHEN VOTING: - Use numbers and rank the candidates for each position in order of preference, beginning with 1. - You do not have to vote for every position, or for every candidate. the choice of candidates. For more information on the Transferable Voting System, click here.




My name is Victoria Jones, I joined Cardiff University is 2007 to study Politics and Philosophy. I will be completing my degree this year and undertaking a post grad in international relations. During my time in Cardiff I have been very involved in the Debating society; I am currently President, which I very much enjoy. see that Cardiff doesn’t offer many schemes which help make the lives of their female students safer; I intend to change this. I want a mini-bus service, run by the Union, which drives women to their door steps. The mini-bus would ensure that none of our female students will be left to walk home alone again from Union run socials. I want a cheap service, running regularly from the Union to your door step, keeping you safe. I also believe in the further promotion of women’s issues. In Wales, it is recommended that women start getting smear tests from the age of 20, in contrast to England in which it is 25. I want to make sure you know the facts about smear testing; don’t wait to leave university before you start. The Union should be playing a greater role in educating women on the issues that In short, I want to protect you from the potential dangers that being a female student can policies, make any suggestions or improvements just email me! One more time… Safety:


that affect women worldwide.

Why Vote? The Students’ Union’s Executive Committee has the power to improve your student experience at Cardiff University. Every single one of our 25,000 student members has the right to vote in the Union elections. Your vote is your opportunity to elect the student representatives who will lead your Union and address the issues that matter to you. Ultimately, it’s also down to the candidates themselves to inspire you to vote. Each of the nominated candidates has a manifesto that outlines their ideas, and all of the manifestos will be available online for you to view here from the start of campaigning at 10am on Monday 8th March 2010. There are also various opportunities to meet and question the candidates during the campaign period - click here to see the full list of key dates in the election process. Candidates Question Time, an opportunity to grill all the candidates on their policies for 2010/11, is on at 18:30 on Tuesday the 9th in the Great Hall. Use your vote and take us forward this year. ONLINE VOTING: Vote online at between 10am Wednesday 10th to 5pm Sunday 14th March. WHEN VOTING: Use numbers and rank the candidates for each position in order of preference, beginning with 1. You do not have to vote for every position, or for every candidate. the choice of candidates.

Student Council Chair Main Purpose of the Role



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Why me? I’m a friendly and approachable 2nd year Computer Science Student who since joining Cardiff University has been actively involved in the Students Union and University. I love being a Student here and want to give something back to the Student body, making sure you all have a great time here too! Here’s just a few things I’m involved in: lots of you have seen me working behind the bar on your favourite night out, be it Wall Street in the Taf or the iconic Come Play! giving your feedback to events in the union.

By drawing on my experiences here in Cardiff and before I will be able to Chair your governing body for the Students Union making sure that it is been run in your interest.

Student Council is the Union’s highest decision making body where your elected representatives are held accountable. I believe students’ interests should be at the centre of every policy and therefore I plan to develop a genuinely democratic and student focused Council. Since I joined the University, I have tried to contribute to student welfare through the Students’ Union. I have added value to the Students’ Union through my role as: -Student Councillor 2009/10 -President- Cardiff Paksoc 2008/09 (Most Improved Society 2008/09) Student Focus We need the Student Council meetings to be led by student councillors who should project your interests to the Students’ Union. I plan to promote the Student Council amongst the wider student body to create interest in the policy making process. I will encourage the Councillors to effectively communicate with their respective electorates to project your issues to the Student Council more effectively. Genuine Democracy We need to widen the democratic base of the Students’ Union and I will be open to all

of the wider student body. Councillors to highlight academic issues more frequently. I would like the Student Council to run training sessions for new members of the Council from the start of the term so they can represent you effectively.

NUS Annual Conference 2010 NUS’ next Annual Conference takes place from 13 April – 15 April, in Newcastle. The conference is similar to an extended version of our own Annual General Meeting, with hundreds of delegates representing the views of students from higher and further education institutions across the UK. Cardiff University Students’ Union is entitled to 8 delegates, a number which is proportionate to the size of our student body here in Cardiff. Main Purpose of the Role:




Carys Hazell

Miranda Bishop

Jennifer Lay

Daniella Graham

Jamie Thunder

Amy Humphries

Ed Carey

Sam Coates

Kayleigh Stevens

Edmund Rudolph Schluessel Amelia Barker

Jack Parker

Edward Dolding

Dom Stone

Daniella Graham

Emma Jones

Daniella Graham

Hector Roddan

Faizaan Khan

Sohaib Khan

Gaurav Thakur

Gaurav Thakur

Sohaib Khan

Faizaan Khan

Jack Navein

Katherine Thomas

Jennifer Lay

Michaela Neild

Serena Burgess

Sarah Spencer

Sam Coates

Doug Beattie

Amelia Barker

Sohaib Khan

Sara Correia

Gaurav Thakur

Tanzeel Ur Rehman

Basit Rehman

Chalib Taimur

Use your vote Take us forward:

From Wednesday 10th March 10am – Sunday 14th March 5pm Vote online @

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