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KNIFE TERROR Robber threatens to stab student for wallet and phone
By John Collingridge News Editor A CARDIFF STUDENT was robbed early on Sunday morning as he returned home from work. The 19-year-old Cathays resident was walking along Churchill Way after a late bar shift. He was passing the Landmark Place steps near the British Gas building at 4.30am when a man
approached him demanding money. The student, who cannot be named, initially ignored the man but was told that he would be stabbed if he did not hand over his possessions. He had on him a Siemens mobile phone, watch and wallet containing bank and credit cards, all of which the attacker took. The suspect was black, aged 18 to 20, between 5ft 10 and 5ft 11, wear-
ing a baseball cap, grey hooded top and dark tracksuit trousers. Cardiff CID is investigating the robbery, reviewing both police operated scanning CCTV footage and local business security films. A CID spokesperson said, "The very violent and specific nature of this crime makes it crucial that we catch this man.”
Story continued on Page 2