gair rhydd - Issue 840

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ISSUE 840 APRIL 30 2007




! !"#$%&&'%()*#(")%+(",'-).$*() $%$'/+00%)'-.%/%$*1'-"2-'!+#+(*# " 3#*--.#*'+&'*4"0-'&+#/*-'5%0 !" )+')"6*'5%-'+7(',%&* Katie Kennedy News Editor A BRIGHT CARDIFF University Law student who had ‘so much ahead of him’ committed suicide, a Cardiff and Vale coroner has concluded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


DRIVEN TO THE EDGE 3")% 0."0% /60(#6"0/,6"$% 4023(60% E# E")"#"-%0,,'%./4%,:6%$/+(A% K/4%+$"0-"0(%8/4."$%;4:"6/*%:., $/?(3% :/0.% ./-% /6%&)(?(#6(% J,"3* !"0.")4*%4"/3R%S&(%."3%'6,:6%("1. ,0.(#%4/61(%0.(%+/#40%)("#%"63%24(3%0, 7,%,20%"63%<$")%+,,05"$$%"63%<$")%,6 0.(%1,-<20(#AT U20% 0.(% 4023(60% #(1"$$(3%0."0%E# E")"#"-B4% 5(."?/,2#% 1."67(3 "#,263% (Q"-% 0/-(A% K(% (Q<$"/6(3R SK(%7,0%"%5/0%:(/#3%0,:"#34%0.(%(63 "63% .(% :,2$3% 4")% 0./674% 0."0% 42#@ <#/4(3%-(A% SP0% 4((-(3% 40#"67(% 5(1"24(% .( 6(?(#%24(3%0,%:./67(%,#%1,-<$"/6A 9.(6%.(%40"#0(3%4<(63/67%"$$%,+%./4 0/-(% /6% 0.(% $/5#"#)% ,#% /6% ./4% #,,-A K(% :,2$3% 4/0% /6% 3"#'% (Q1(<0% +,#% " 4-"$$%$/7.0*%"63%.(%:,2$3%,6$)%4$((<% Continued on page five

Cardiff student in lucky escape at Virginia massacre Helen Thompson News Editor A CARDIFF STUDENT narrowly missed walking into the Virginia Tech University massacre because of an email. !"#$% &"'($)*% +#,-% &./01.2#1.* !"#3/++*%."4%5((6%4023)/67%"0%8/#7/6/" 9(1.%+,#%+,2#%)("#4%"63%:"4%"5,20%0, 4(0% ,++% 0,% $(102#(4% ,6% 0.(% -,#6/67% ,+ ;<#/$% =>% :.(6% .(% 7"?(% ./4% (-"/$4% " $"40@-/620(%1.(1'A ;6% /640"60% -(44"7(% +#,-% "% +#/(63 :"#6(3% ./-% 6,0% 0,% 7,% 6("#% 0.(% 1"-@ <24*%"4%4,-(,6(%1,2$3%.("#%4.,04A% 9.(%0(6@,B1$,1'%$(102#(%0."0%0.( Continued on page six

What a load of Varse Sport on Varsity 2007 CYNCOED: Where Anirudh Mayaram, described as ‘a friendly young man who got on really well with people’, spent his last moments



2 !"#$!"#$$


APRIL.30.2007 NEWS@!"#$!"#$$.COM



APRIL 30 2007 News Editorial & Opinion Letters Column Science/Environment Jobs & Money Media Health Television Problem Page Five Minute Fun Grab Listings Sport Politics: centre

Let battle commence

1 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 23

EDITOR Perri Lewis ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR Elaine Morgan CREATIVE EDITOR Graeme Porteous NEWS Adam Millward, Helen Thompson, Jo Dingle, Katie Kennedy POLITICS Andy Rennison, Tim Hewish EDITORIAL AND OPINION Huw Pritchard, Chris Croissant SPORT Dave Menon, George Pawley LISTINGS Jenna Harris, Rosaria Sgueglia TELEVISION TV Gareth, TV John, TV Neil, TV Jane, TV Ellen LETTERS Rachel Clare GRAB Kayleigh Excell, Lisa Hocken TAF-OD Huw Pritchard SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENT Ceri Morgan MEDIA Aline Ungewiss, Nadia Bonjour HEALTH Liz Stauber JOBS AND MONEY Gill Roberts PROBLEM PAGE Grace De Ville FIVE MINUTE FUN Lara Bell, Jesse Scarf PICTURE EDITORS James Perou, Sarah Day ONLINE EDITOR Paul Springett PROOP READERS Katie Stuart, Bryony Tallach,, Jenna Weeks, Aisling Tempany, Beth Samuel, Phillip Jones, Kieran Harwood, Sarah Murrey CONTRIBUTORS Corrine Rhoades, William Taylor, Lee Macaulay, Samantha Shillabeer, Danielle Rideher, Louise Gray, James Stileman, Abigail Whittaker, Victoria Lane, Chris Croissant, Matt Cutler, Hazel Plush, Penelope Apostolou, Kate Warren, Lisa Evans, Jesse Scharf, Scott D’Arcy, James Woodroof, Ed Salter, Rob Taylor, Adam Gasson, James Sexton, Angharad Jones, Ben Walker, Erica Ballantyne, Becky Oatley, Steven Florey, Jon Berridge, Katherine Webster-Duncan ADDRESS University Union, Park Place Cardiff, CF10 3QN ADVERTISING 02920 781 474 EMAIL WEB LOCATION 4th Floor Students’ Union

Lee Macaulay Deputy News Editor ONE BAND WILL get the chance to play in front of thousands of Cardiff students at this year’s Summer Ball. >)30&22$E/(0#./'B N.&,.$).0$/"# F&%#$ =('&+$ E,+&#/4$ )3#$ ",*0&.5$ ) 8)//*#$,2$/"#$8).0'$/,$0#+&0#$:", :&**$ 5)&.$ )$ +,%#/#0$ '7,/$ ,.$ /"# E(--#3$ 8)**$ *&.#6(7$ '(77,3/&.5 "#)0*&.#3'$!"#$O##*&.5<$ !"#$ 8)//*#$ :&**$ /)D#$ 7*)+#$ ,. E(.0)4$P73&*$?Q$&.$E,*('9$).0$!"#$ $%&'' :&**$13&.5$4,($/"#$0#/)&*'$,2 /"#$1).0$/")/$5)&.#0$/"#$+").+#$/, '(77,3/$!"#$O##*&.5$.#;/$:##D< E/(0#./'$ :&**$ )*',$ ")%#$ /"# +").+#$ /,$ 1#+,-#$ /"#$ R&.5$ ,3 S(##.$ ,2$ /"#$ E(--#3$ 8)**<$ !"# R&.5$:&**$:&.$23##$/(;$3#./)*$23,=,''$83,'$).0$/"#$S(##.$:&**$:&. TUV$,2$!,7'",7$%,(+"#3'<$ !"#$ :&..#3'$ :&**$ )*',$ 5#/$ TWV :,3/"$ ,2$ %,(+"#3'$ /,$ '7#.0$ &.$ /"# !)29$).,/"#3$T?V$/,$'7#.0$,.$03&.D' )/$/"#$E(--#3$8)**$).0$23##$#./34 /,$ )$ N.&,.$ +*(1$ .&5"/$ ,2$ /"#&3 +",&+#<$ X#/)&*'$ ,2$ ",:$ /,$ #./#3$ )3#$ ,. :::<+)30&22(.&%#3'&/41)**'<+,-< !&+D#/'$)3#$'/&**$'#**&.5$2)'/$2,3$/"# E(--#3$ 8)**$ ).0$ +).$ 1#$ 1,(5"/ 23,-$ /"#$ E/(0#./'B N.&,.$ 8,; Y22&+#$ ,3$ ,.*&.#$ )/ :::<'(/&+D#/'<+,<(D<

THE SUMMER BALL: Fit for a king

Roast, anyone? William Taylor Deputy News Editor A STUDENT FROM Germany is studying the traditional Sunday lunch as her degree in Wales. !"#$%&'()*$+,--(.&+)/&,.'$'/(0#./ 1#*&#%#'$ /")/$ 23,-$ '/(04&.5$ /"#$ +,.6 '(-7/&,.$ ,2$ /"#$ 83&/&'"$ 3,)'/9$ 3#7,3/' ,2$&/'$0,:.2)**$)3#$#;)55#3)/#0< ='$ >)3*9$ ?@9$ #;73#''#'$ ",:$ '"# #;7#3&#.+#0$ A#;+#**#./$ ",'7&/)*&/4B 23,-$ '#%#.$ C#*'"$ 2)-&*&#'$ :", +,,D#0$)$E(.0)4$*(.+"$2,3$"#3< ='$ >)3*9$ )$ 7,'/53)0()/#$ '/(0#./9 23,-$ F#&7G&59$ ")'$ 73,0(+#0$ 7&+/(3#' ).0$ &.'/)**)/&,.'$ /,$ 0#-,.'/3)/#$ /"# :##D*4$ 3,(/&.#$ ,2 #)/&.5$ )$ 3,)'/< E"#$ ')&0H

HALF-BAKED: What a coque

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

Students scammed !"#$%&"'()%*"(+,"-( ./'',0%($%1"'(/'(23"%&",/) %.2)34%5'(63(1#'" Corinne Rhoades Deputy News Editor STUDENTS have become the victims of fraudsters and criminals in a student loans’ scam that has left them in millions of pounds worth of debt combined. !"#$ >)3##3$ X#%#*,7-#./ F,).$ Z>XF[$ '+"#-#$ &' 1)+D#0$ 14$ /"#$ 5,%#3.6 -#./$ /,$ #.+,(3)5# -,3#$ '/(0#./'$ /, #.3,**$&.$'D&**'61)'#0 +,(3'#'< J./#3#'/623##$*,).' ,2$(7$/,$T\VVV$)3#$,. ,22#3$ :"#.$ )77*&+)./' /3)&.$ :&/"$ ,.#$ ,2$ ?VVV +,-7).&#'$ *&'/#0$ 14$ /"# F#)3.&.5$ ).0$ ED&**'$ >,(.+&* ZFE>[< 8(/$ =]'$ ")%#$ *#)3./$ /")/$ /"# '+"#-#$ ")'$ 1##.$ #;7*,&/#0$ 14 +,-7).&#'$ /")/$ ")%#$ '&.+#$ 5,.# 1('/9$ *#)%&.5$ '/(0#./'$ :&/"$ -)'6 '&%#$0#1/'$/,$3#7)4$).0$.,$+,(3'# /,$5,$/,< J/$ :)'$ 0&'+,%#3#0$ /")/$ ,.#$ J! 1('&.#''$ 3#+,--#.0#0$ 14$ /"# FE>$:)'$3(.$14$)$-).$:",$:)'$&. ^)&*$ 2,3$ +,33(7/&,.$ ^('/$ '&;$ 4#)3'

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

!"#$!"#$$ 3


APRIL.30.2007 NEWS@!"#$!"#$$.COM

Rampant ravens VISITING BIRDS have made themselves at home in the University, leaving Cardiff students at risk of receiving an unpleasant surprise as they walk into the Main Building. E&"$-+?"#.W #".8($'&39&$9+#$1" .""#$7-:5$8&"$=+3#$!/36,3#4$9+0+-D$:#$X+-D$X6+9"($&+.$-"9"3?", +$ .34#3739+#8$ +5:/#8$ :7$ 3#8"-".8( +#,$8&"$Z#3?"-.382$&+.$8+D"#$0-"F 9+/83:#.$ 8:$ 0-:?3,"$ .&"68"-$ 7:0+.."-.F12;

William Taylor Deputy News Editor

P 4+["1:$ &+.$ 1""#$ 06+9",$ +8 8&"$ "#8-+#9"$ 8:$ 5+.D$ .8/,"#8.( .8+77$ +#,$ ?3.38:-.$ 7-:5$ 7+663#4 13-,$'+.8"; E&"$ 13-,.$ +--3?",$ 3#$ 6+8" I"1-/+-2$ +#,$ 38$ 3.$ 1"63"?",$ 8&+8 8&"2$9+5"$7-:5$%382$V+66$'&"-" 8&"2$ '"-"$ ,-3?"#$ :/8$ 12$ 0"-"F 4-3#"$ 7+69:#.;$ \?"-$ 8&"$ J+.8"1-"+D($ 8':$ &+89&",$ 76",463#4. &+?"$1""#$1:-#$3#$8&"$#".8; E&"$ Z#3?"-.382$ '366$ #:8$ 1" 7:-93162$5:?3#4$8&"$-+?"#.$+.$8&" 13-,.$ +-"$ "G0"98",$ 8:$ 762$ 8&"3#".8$,/-3#4$=+2;


Joanna Dingle News Editor

Student cott-on fire A LOCAL COLLEGE student was set alight while attending a fancy dress party dressed up as a cotton wool bud, a Swansea court heard last week. !"#$ %&"'($ )*($ &+,$ ,-"..",$ /0$ 12 '-+003#4$&35."67$3#$'&38"$.&""8.$+#, 9:88:#$ '::6; <+72,,$ =:-4+#$ >"".( +6.:$+$6:9+6$%+-,377$.8/,"#8($+,5388", 8:$ 8&"$ 9:/-8$ 8&+8$ &"$ &+,$ 3#76398", 4-3"?:/.$1:,362$&+-5; %&"'$ 8:6,$ @'+#."+$ %-:'#$ %:/-8 &:'$ &"$ &+,$ 1""#$ A1+,62$ 3#B/-",C$ 3# 8&"$ 0-+#D$ +8$ E-3#382$ %:66"4"( %+-5+-8&"#; >"".($ :7$ %2#9:",($ %+-,377($ &+. 1""#$-"5+#,",$:#$1+36$/#836$&"$3.$."#F 8"#9",$#"G8$5:#8&;

Scholar for no dollar Samantha Shillabeer Deputy News Editor

udy for free


!"#$%&"'()*+%&(,-.&,%("/(,/01%"%(2/3 ',-/4.3'-*1'(*&(&%5(3%.4*"6(78('-/5

AN INDIAN REALITY television show is set to offer students a chance to compete for scholarships to British universities, including Cardiff. E&"$8"6"?3.3:#$.&:'($!"#$%&'()*+,./0,1+&,1$+( 23($ '366$ :77"-$ +$ 8:8+6$ :7 73?"$ .9&:6+-.&30.($ :#"$ :7$ '&39&$ 3.$ 8: .8/,2$ H:/-#+63.5($ I365$ +#,$ =",3+ &"-"$+8$%+-,377; J+9&$ .9&:6+-.&30$ '366$ 1"$ ':-8&$ /0 8:$KLM(NNN$"+9&($'38&$8&"$'3##"-.$8+DF 3#4$/0$8&"3-$06+9".$3#$@"08"51"-; E&"$9&:."#$.8/,"#8.$'366$&+?"$7"". +#,$"G0"#.".$0+3,$7:-$8&-""$2"+-.$'38&

8&"$ :083:#$ :7$ +$ :#"F2"+-$ ':-D$ 06+9"F 5"#8$/0:#$4-+,/+83:#; O8$3.$"G0"98",$8&+8$8&:/.+#,.$:7$.8/F ,"#8.$ '366$ +0062$ '&"#$ -"43.8-+83:# :0"#.$8&3.$5:#8&; P.$ '"66$ +.$ %+-,377($ 06+9".$ '366$ 1" :77"-",$+8$Q"",.($@&"773"6,($=3,,6"."G +#,$R+-'39D; %+#,3,+8".$ '366$ 1"$ .9-""#",$ 8: "#./-"$ 8&"2$ 5""8$ /#3?"-.382$ "#8-2 -"S/3-"5"#8.$ 1"7:-"$ 8+D3#4$ +#$ :#63#" 8".8; E&"$8:0$LNN$'366$8&"#$1"$#+--:'", 8:$ TN$ 0"-$ /#3?"-.382$ 12$ "G+5.$ +#, 3#8"-?3"'.($1"7:-"$8&"$.&:'$4:".$63?" 3#$ H/62($ '38&$ 8".8.$ ."6"983#4$ 8&"$ '3#F #"-.; E&"$ 0-:4-+55"($ '&39&$ '366$ -/# /#836$ U:?"51"-($ '366$ 1"$ +3-",$ 12 !@D2!$3#$!-38+3#;

Burberry burglar break-in 9*'"/36('"#$%&"(5/:%&(;6(,.1<5%.3*&)(*&"3#$%3(5-/( 0.$%(.5.6(5*"-(-*'().0%(,/&'/4%( Danielle Rideher Reporter A CARDIFF student was rudely awoken last week when a burglar tried to enter his bedroom. P6"G$ R"11($ +$ 8&3-,$ 2"+-$ V3.8:-2 .8/,"#8($ '+.$ ':D"#$ 12$ 8&"$ 8&3"7

"#8"-3#4$ &3.$ -::5$ +78"-$ -+3,3#4$ 8&" +,B:3#3#4$63?3#4$-::5; AR&"#$ O$ 6::D",$ /0$ O$ +../5",$ 38 ':/6,$1"$52$&:/."5+8"($1/8$3#.8"+, O$ .+'$ 8&3.$ -+882$ 6::D3#4$ 4/2$ '38&$ + !/-1"--2$ 9+0(C$ .+3,$ 8&"$ =+3#,2 >:+,$-".3,"#8; >"+63.3#4$8&+8$38$'+.#W8$&3.$&:/."F

5+8"($ 8&"$ .8/,"#8$ 9-3",$ :/8$ +#,$ 8&" 9-353#+6$ 1:68",$ 7-:5$ 8&"$ &:/."$ ?3+ 8&"$/#6:9D",$1+9D$,::-;$ P68&:/4&$ 8&"$ 8&3"7$ 5+,"$ +'+2 '38&$+$X6+2.8+83:#$T$+#,$+$1+47/6$:7 4+5".$ +#,$ <Y<.$ 7-:5$ 8&"$ &:/."( P6"G$'+.$-"63"?",$38$'+.#W8$':-."; AO7$ OW,$ 1""#$ +'+2$ 8&3.$ '""D"#,

&"W,$ &+?"$ &+,$ 7-""$ -"34#$ :?"-$ 8&" '&:6"$ 4-:/#,$ 76::-($ &"$ 9:/6,$ &+?" .8:6"#$+#28&3#4;$E&"$:#"$-",""53#4 7+98$ 3.$ 8&+8$ +8$ 6"+.8$ '"$ &+?"$ 3#./-F +#9"($ .:$ O$ .&:/6,$ 1"$ +16"$ 8:$ 4"8$ 8&" .8:6"#$38"5.$-"06+9",;C X:639"$,:$#:8$&:6,$5/9&$&:0"$:7 73#,3#4$8&"$.8:6"#$4::,.;$$

New Fopp shop to open in the Union Joanna Dingle News Editor

MUSIC LOVERS will be happy to hear that the Union will soon be home to a new entertainment shop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

4 !"#$!"#$$


APRIL.30.2007 NEWS@!"#$!"#$$.COM

Nash-ional outcry DENTAL STUDENTS studying at Cardiff University may graduate without a permanent job offer in Wales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Alan Johnston: still no word JOHNSTON: Missing in the Gaza strip for almost seven weeks

SMILE MILES: Welsh dental students may have to move for work

Condom clueless Adam Millward News Editor

CONDOMS: Are you up to speed?

UNIVERSITY students have been found to be ‘completely clueless’ when it comes to condoms and birth control, according to a new survey. H1+' 30>>=' 51%;1' 5"-' ;0,$*;)+$' AC )1+''H+##+,;+'F%22%,-'H#*-)';1"#%)C'",$ )1+'G")%0,">'/,%0,'0&'()*$+,)-'^G/(_= V*+-)%0,+$' T=TUU' 2#"$*")+-' ",$' <"$+ -0<+'-10;6%,2'$%-;0B+#%+-? H1+' #+-*>)-' -*22+-)' )1")' 0,+' %,' RU -)*$+,)-';",,0)'3*)'0,'"';0,$0<'3#034 +#>C' ",$' )1+' -"<+' 3+#;+,)"2+' A+>%+B+ ;0,$0<-' -10*>$' A+' -)0#+$' %,' "' 5"#< 3>";+='51%;1'<"C'>+"$')1+<')0'3+#%-1?

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Do you know what’s in it? !"#$%&&'()*$+,)-.'/,%0,')"1+-'2"#)'%,'"')3#++4 5++1'$#%6+')0'+,$'-)*$+,)-.'%7,0#",8+'"90*)

James Stileman Reporter STUDENTS ACROSS the nation are being reminded to drink responsibly by a campaign launched last week. !"#$%&&' ()*$+,)-. /,%0,' 1"-' -%2,+$ *3')0')1+')1#++45++6'78,05'91").-':, :). ;"<3"%2,='51%;1'"%<-')0'<"6+'-)*4

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THE BOTTLE LINE: Is drinking just a student stereotype?

D9+' )#C' )0' *-+' 3#+B+,)%0,' #")1+# )1",';*#+?'@#+-1+#-'3#0A"A>C'$#%,6')1+ <0-)'A*)'"-')1+')+#<'20+-'0,')1+C'$#%,6 >+--?' ()*$+,)-' $0,.)' $#%,6' "-' <*;1' ")1+C'*-+$')0?'H1+'G/('$0+-'-*#B+C-'0, )1%-'",$'%)'1"-'20,+'$05,? DH1+#+'%-'"'-)+#+0)C3+'0&')1+'1+"BC $#%,6%,2'-)*$+,)'A*)':'$0,.)'"2#++'5%)1 )1")?' ()*$+,)-' 1"B+' )00' <*;1' 50#6' )0 $#%,6'"'>0)'",$')1+C';",.)'"&&0#$'%)?E

:+"#-'7#05'&0#';;!'80##+-20,$+,)< ",$'&0#=+#'!"#$%&&'>0*#,"?%-=' -)*$+,)<'530'%-'-)%??'=%--%,7'%,'@"A" Lee Macaulay Deputy News Editor ALAN JOHNSTON must be released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Corinne Rhoades Deputy News Editor

BUTE BUILDING: Attended by Johnston as a journalism student

!"#$!"#$$ 5


APRIL.30.2007 NEWS@!"#$!"#$$.COM

Engineer to Ecuador OPEN DOOR: The perfect steal

Police warning Lee Macaulay Deputy News Editor POLICE HAVE warned students about a spate of burglaries taking place in the Cathays area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

Neighbours-ly dispute William Taylor Deputy News Editor POPULAR STUDENT soap opera Neighbours could be dropped by the BBC due to extended negotiations over broadcasting rights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`:"#-:$ 1B`'::A$ %': SSLF)$ ;,#:B%"#$ "!$ *BV(,),%,"+)A )*,;C$DG!$*$;:*@$,)$+"%$#:*B':;...&: &,@@$&,%';#*&$%':$7"+:2$*+;$7">: ,%$:@):&':#:./ Q SSL$ )9"M:)7*+$ *;;:;C$ DO: '"9:$ %'*%$ !"#$%&'()* &,@@$ #:7*,+ "+$ %':$ SSL$ <(%$ +"$ 9#"-#*77:$ ,) ,+;,)9:+)*<@:$*+;$,%$'*)$%"$B"7:$*% %':$#,-'%$9#,B:./

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ECUADOR: Volunteers can make a big difference to people’s lives

Abigail Whittaker Deputy News Editor CARDIFF STUDENT Mark Stanko is to travel and work in Ecuador this summer to improve the local people’s quality of life. 1*#MA$ &'"$ )%(;,:)$ B,>,@$ *+;$ :+>,J #"+7:+%*@$ :+-,+::#,+-A$ ):B(#:;$ %': 9@*B:7:+%$ *)$ 9*#%$ "!$ %':$ R+-,+::#) O,%'"(%$S"#;:#)$TROSU$)B':7:. ROS$,)$*$)%(;:+%J#(+$B'*#,%2$):%$(9 ,+$ "#;:#$ !"#$ :+-,+::#,+-$ )%(;:+%)$ %"

,79#">:$%':$V(*@,%2$"!$@,!:$"!$%'"):$,+ %':$ ;:>:@"9,+-$ &"#@;$ &',@:$ -*,+,+>*@(*<@:$&"#M$:K9:#,:+B:. 1*#MA$&'"$,)$,+$',)$!"(#%'$2:*#$"!$* 7*)%:#)$ ;:-#::$ *%$ L*#;,!!$ =+,>:#),%2A &,@@$ <:$ &"#M,+-$ "+$ *$ 9#"8:B%$ %" ,79#">:$ %':$ V(*@,%2$ "!$ ;#,+M,+-$ &*%:# *+;$):&*-:$:!!@(:+%$,+$#:7"%:$>,@@*-:). P':$)B':7:$*,7)$%"$#*,):$*&*#:+:)) "!$ 9#"<@:7)A$ ,;:+%,!2$ )"@(%,"+)$ *+; <:-,+$%"$,79@:7:+%$%':):$&,%'$%':$':@9 "!$%':$@"B*@$9:"9@:.

Driven to the edge Continued from front page

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More information, counselling services and helplines Cardiff University Counselling ServiceC$ R7*,@$B"(+):@@,+-aB*#;,!!.*B.(M L"+!,;:+%,*@$*+;$*>*,@*<@:$!"#$!#:: !"#$L*#;,!!$=+,>:#),%2$7:7<:#) L*%'*2)$B*79()C$B*@@$54Y$45ZX$bY[[$ ?:*%'$\*#M$B*79()C$B*@@$54Y$45Xb 45X5$ CallC$5Z55$3W4XWXA$*>*,@*<@:$1"+J N#,$35*7$%"$497A$X97$%"$3397$*+; E*%JE(+$+""+$%"$7,;+,-'%A &&&.B*@@':@9@,+:."#-.(M L"77(+,%2$*+;$*;>,B:$@,)%:+,+-$@,+: !"#$O*@:)A$"!!:#,+-$:7"%,"+*@$)(9J 9"#%$*+;$,+!"#7*%,"+c@,%:#*%(#:$"+ 7:+%*@$':*@%'$*+;$#:@*%:;$7*%%:#). MindC$5Zb6$X[[53[WA$*>*,@*<@: 1"+JN#,$Y.36*7$%"$6.3697A

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APRIL.30 .2007 NEWS@!"#$!"#$$.COM

World News in brief Victoria Lane Reporter

Mistaken identity AN ELDERLY man caused panic at a Belgian nursery school when he took home the wrong granddaughter. U%* R+"&22&)* D@)* ./6'4* 2/+ 624&%-+$24*5,(*+,&*'"++'&*7"%'*5$.%("27* $''* +,&* 5$(* ,/0&)* =6+* $'' =&.$0&* .'&$%* 5,&2* ,"-* 5"8&* +/'4 ,"0*"+*5$-*+,&*5%/27*.,"'4;* <,&* +5/* .,"'4%&2)* =/+,* .$''&4 U$%"&)* '//G* 3&%(* -"0"'$%* $24* +,& 0$2* ,$4* 2/* %&$-/2* +/* -6-1&.+* "+ 5$-*$2/+,&%*7"%'*$-*+,&*+&$.,&%*,$4 .$''&4*,&%*8/%*,"0;* !/+,*.,"'4%&2*5&%&*'$+&%*%&62"+9 &4*5"+,*+,&"%*%&-1&.+"3&*8$0"'"&-;

The artful bodger

Continued from front page ??9(&$%9/'4*5$-*$=/6+*+/*$++&24*5$-*+/ =&* ,&'4* "2* +,&* =6"'4"27* 2&I+* +/* +,& C/%%"-*!6"'4"27*5,&%&*b@*-+64&2+-*$24 '&.+6%&%-*5&%&*-,/+*4&$4*=(*c,/*>&627 [6")*$*-+64&2+*8%/0*>/6+,*d/%&$; >&6279[6"* =&7$2* ,"-* G"''"27* -1%&& "2*$*4/%0"+/%(*$+*F;O^$0)*'&$3"27*+5/ 4&$4*=&8/%&*,&*0/3&4*+/*+,&*/11/-"+& -"4&*/8*+,&*.$016-*+/*./2+"26&*-,//+9 "27*a6-+*$8+&%*X$0; [$3"27* -'&1+* +,%/67,* +,&* 0$a/%"+( /8* +,&* -,//+"27)* Z$G&'(* 4"4* 2/+* +$G& +,&*0&--$7&*-&%"/6-'(*$+*8"%-+; [&* -$"4K* \H* +,/67,+* "+* -/624&4 %"4".6'/6-*=6+*H*+6%2&4*/2*+,&*<N $24*"+ 5$-*/2*+,&*2&5-;* \H+* 5$-* ,$%4* +/* =&'"&3&* +,$+* +,& =6"'4"27-* H* G2&5* -/* 5&''* 5&%&* =&"27

=&$0&4* $%/624* +,&* 5/%'4* 8/%* -/0&9 +,"27* -/* +&%%"='&;* R3&%(/2&* 5$-+622&4;* <,&* 5,/'&* 1'$.&* 5$-* -/ Q6"&+;] Z$G&'(* 4"4* 2/+* G2/5* $2(* /8* [6":3".+"0-)* =6+* 4/&-* G2/5* 1&/1'&* 5,/ ,$3&*'/-+*8%"&24-; Z$G&'(* ,$4* '&--* +,$2* +,%&&* 5&&G'&8+*-+64("27*["-+/%(*$24*e&/7%$1,(*$+ +,&*.$016-*5,&2*+,&*+%$7&4(*/..6%%&4;* c6%%&2+'(* +,&* Z&'-,* $0$+&6%* 7/'8 .,$01"/2)* ,&* "2+&24-* +/* 0/3&* +/ E'/%"4$*2&I+*0/2+,*+/*+$G&*1$%+*"2*$*1%/ 7/'8* +/6%* =&8/%&* %&+6%2"27* +/*Z$'&-* "2 >&1+&0=&%;* Z$G&'(*-$(-*+,$+*,&*"-*2/5*'//G"27 8/%5$%4* +/* '&$3"27* +,&* .$016-* +,$+ =&.$0&*+,&*+,&$+%&*/8*P0&%".$:-*5/%-+ &3&%*0$--*-,//+"27;*[&*5&2+*/2K*\H*a6-+ 5$2+*+/*4/*0(*8"2$'*&I$0-*$24*7&+*/6+;*

Pirates left high and dry

AN AUSTRALIAN MP’s antigraffiti campaign has backfired after he scrubbed off a specially commissioned piece of street art, reducing it to a discoloured smear. P8+&%* "23"+"27* +,&* 0&4"$* +/ 5$+.,)* U%* B%$++* 6-&4* "246-+%"$'9 -+%&27+,* 4&+&%7&2+* $24* -.%6==&4 8/%*^*,/6%-*+/*%&0/3&*+,&*L/=2/I9 "/6-*1"&.&*/8*3"3"4*7%$88"+"*3$24$'9 "-0: /2'(* +/* 8"24* +,$+* "+* 5$-* 1%/9 46.&4*=(*$*'/.$'*-1/%+-*.'6=; U%*B%$++*0$(*8$.&*1%/-&.6+"/2;*

DINERS AT a busy London restaurant were left horrified when a man cut off his penis with a kitchen knife. M2'//G&%-* $+* `"##":-* 1"##$ %&-+$6%$2+* "2* +,&* >+%$24* 5"+9 2&--&4* +,&* 0$2* a601* /2+/* $ +$='&*5$3"27*$*G2"8&;* [&*+,&2*4%/11&4*,"-*+%/6-&%-) -+$%+&4* +/* 5$3&* ,"-* 0$2,//4 $=/6+*=&8/%&*.6++"27*"+*/88)*'&$39 "27*4"2&%-*-.%&$0"27*"2*4"-+%&--;* B/'".&* $%%&-+&4* +,&* 0$2* $24 1$.G&4* +,&* /%7$2* "2* ".&; [/5&3&%)* +,&* ,/-1"+$'* ,$%&86-&4* +/* -$(* "8* +,&* /1&%$+"/2 5$-*$*-6..&--*/%*2/+;*

='$0&* +,&* L4&=$6.,&%"&-: $24* L,&4/9 2"-+".* 2&&4-: /8* P0&%".$2* -/."&+(* 8/% 4%"3"27*,"0*+/*.$%%(*/6+*+,&*0$--$.%&; H2*+,&*3"4&/)*,&*-$(-K*\C/5*(/6*,$3& ='//4* /2* (/6%* ,$24-* +,$+* 5"''* 2&3&% 5$-,*/88;] P ./''&.+"3&* 4$(* /8* 0/6%2"27* 5$,&'4*"2*P0&%".$*/2*P1%"'*?@)*$24*/2&9 0"26+&*-"'&2.&-*,$3&*=&&2*/=-&%3&4*"2 -(01$+,(* $.%/--* +,&* 7'/=&)* "2.'64"27 $+* +,&* c$%4"88* 3-;* >5$2-&$* N$%-"+( 0$+.,* "2* c$%4"88* P%0-* B$%G* '$-+ Z&42&-4$(;

Have you been affected by the Virginia Tech shootiings? Let us know your story by emailing

Gimme an F! Gimme a B! Gimme an I!

CHEERLEADERS: Shorter the skirts, longer the screentime?

!"#!$%&'()*#+,#"-)-'.*"#&%(%'/%# -0&%)-%*'*1#2%--%&"#&%1)&3'*1#-0%'&#4.&5 -&)6)2#.7#(0%%&2%)3%&"8#-0%#9:;#)*3#<= 4."-)2#"%&/'(%#"%%>#-.#'3%*-'76#-0%#)?-0.& James Stileman Reporter

PIRATES: Out on their buccaneers

Dumbfounded diners

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c*C&5-*=&8/%&*,&*&24&4*,"-*/52 '"8&*$'/27*5"+,*b@*/+,&%-; ["-* 8"'0&4* ./28&--"/2* -&&0-* +/

Abigail Whittaker Deputy News Editor PIRATE ATTACKS on vessels in the first quarter of 2007 have decreased dramatically from that of last year, according to a global watchdog. P+*/2'(*AO*$++$.G-)*+,&*H2+&%2$+"/2$' U$%"+"0&* !6%&$6* VHU!W* ,$-* .'$"0&4 +,"-*"-*'/5&-+*8"76%&*-"2.&*OXXY; <,&*%&46.+"/2*"-*=&'"&3&4*+/*=&*+,& %&-6'+*/8*"2.%&$-&4*3"7"'$2.&*$24*-&.69 %"+(*0&$-6%&-; Z"+,*2"2&*$++$.G-)*-&$8$%&%-*%&0$"2 "2* 0/-+* 4$27&%* 5,&2* "2* H24/2&-"$2 5$+&%-; [/5&3&%*+,&(*,$3&*0$4&*$*0$%G&4 "01%/3&0&2+* /2* ?@@D)* ,$'3"27* +,& 260=&%*/8*$++$.G-*46&*+/*+,&*7%/5"27 260=&%*/8*-&$*1$+%/'-;

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THE FBI IS investigating a series of strange, threatening letters, some of which are dusted with a potentially harmful insecticide, that are being mailed to a number of US broadcasting companies. !"#$%%&'()* +,&* '&++&%-* ./01'$"2 +,$+* +,&* +&'&3"-"/2* -+$+"/2-* 4/* 2/+ -,/5* &2/67,* 8//+$7&* /8* -.$2+"'(9 .'$4* .,&&%'&$4&%-* /2* +,&"%* -1/%+-: ./3&%$7&;* <,&*$6+,/%*/8*+,&*'&++&%-*7/&-*/2 +/* .'$"0* +,$+* 0/%&* 0/4&-+'( 4%&--&4* .,&&%'&$4&%-* $%&* 7"3&2 0/%&*-.%&&2*+"0&*+,$2*+,&"%*'"7,+&%9 4%&--&4*./2+&01/%$%"&-; <,&* 8"%-+* =$+.,* /8* '&++&%-* 5$-&2+* /6+* "2* >&1+&0=&%* ?@@A* 8%/0 B/%+'$24)* =6+* +,&%&* ,$-* =&&2* $

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APRIL.30.2007 OPINION@!"#$!"#$$.COM

%$&&%&!$' ')*$7"04*$"2$!"#$!"#$$


Under pressure Most students get anxious about exams. Some make themselves ill with worry, others are forced to take leave from university to deal with the stress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

Press-ing times gair rhydd would like to applaud The Collegiate Times, Virginia Tech’s student newspaper, for their coverage of the horrific events. A)*8$ ),7*$ #*;"#'*3$ ')*$ '#,-*38 &.;*#/+8($'#*,'01-$2#0*13&$,13$2,%0+8$"2 ')*$ %.#3*#*3$ 50')$ #*&;*4'($ 5)0+*$ ,+&" "22*#01-$ 5*++D#*&*,#4)*3($ $ .;D'"D3,'* 012"#%,'0"19$ A)*$ &'.3*1'&$ 5)"$ ;.'$ '"-*')*#$ ')0& ;./+04,'0"1$&)".+3$/*$4"1-#,'.+,'*3$2"# ')*0#$*22"#'&9$C'$0&$),#3$*1".-)$),701-$'" +07*$3,8D'"D3,8$"1$,$4,%;.&$5)*#*$_\ ;*";+*$5*#*$%.#3*#*3($,13$*7*1$),#3D *#$ '"$ -"$ 01'"$ ,$ 1*5&;,;*#$ "2204*$ ,13 ),7*$ '"$ #*4,++$ ,13$ #*D'*++$ ')*$ )"##0204 2,4'&$*7*#8$3,89


League Fables !"#$%&'(% )&*$%+#,%&$$.%$/#(+#)" 0.""+%#1.&) (234%,+3)-#1% &))%256 73+$32' 8%9/&2-#3+ 0%,)&32#).&) ).%-#5"2:)


he newspapers have been publishing their university league tables and rankings for years now. But apparently the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) are interested in looking at these tables themselves, and the way in which they rank and categorise the quality of British universities. It’s a shame no students seem to really care about them. So much time and energy seems to be wasted on the most meaningless resource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STUDENTS: influenced by league tables? .107*#&0'0*&$ ,#*$ %"701-$ ,#".13$ ,$ /0'( ')*$'";$;+,4*&$1*7*#$#*,++8$4),1-*($,13 ;*";+*$ ')#"5$ %"1*8$ ,#".13$ 01$ ')* )";*$'),'$')*8<++$/*$/*''*#($5)*1$0'<&$,++ F.&'$%"1*8$-"01-$3"51$')*$3#,019

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APRIL.30.2007 OPINION@!"#$!"#$$.COM

University no challenge? !"#$%&'()*+%&'*#*%)"*",-%.,/%&',#.&#%0"#$%1+&#()+)*%2","2.13%4$)"*%4)'"**.,# 1''5*%",#'%0$+#$+)%#$+%(,"6+)*"#7%+89+)"+,&+%:(*#";"+*%#$+%#"2+%.,/%2',+7%%%


n a recent article on the Guardian’s website ‘Comment is free’, Stephen Moss has suggested that university is a waste of time. !"#$%&' #$"(' )&"*+%' "(' %,-."#*/(' #$"# ,%0%1/)+'-(,%&+#"(,*(2'"(,'*(,%)%(,3 %(#' 1%"&(*(24' 5/++' "&2-%+' #$"#' 67% $"0%' 8%.$"(*9%,' -(*0%&+*#:' 1*;%' "(, .&%"#%,'%<"8';".#/&*%+=>'?%'*+'*(.1*(%, #/'"2&%%'7*#$'@A'B"*)"-14'B/C%1'D&*9%3 7*((*(2' 7&*#%&4' #$"#' -(*0%&+*#:' E,*,(F# #%".$' 8%' "(:#$*(24' (/#$*(2' "#' "11E= G$*1+#' #$*+' 8":' C%' +/8%#$*(2' #$"# 8"(:'+#-,%(#+'"2&%%'7*#$4'#$%&%H+'+-&%3 1:'8/&%'#$"#'(%%,+'#/'C%'./(+*,%&%,=

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C'(%2.7%',17%$.6+ DE%0++5*%';%F&'()*+G #"2+3%@(#%7'(%$.6+%H 7+.)*%';%*$++)%$+/'> ,"*2 I1%"&1:' +/8%#$*(2' *+' 2&*(,*(2 A#%)$%(' 5/++H+' 2%"&+=' JH8' "' $-8"(*3 #*%+' +#-,%(#' "(,' 7$*1%' #$%&%' 8":' C%' " ;%7' #$*(2+' #$"#' -(+%##1%' 8%' "C/-#' 8: ./-&+%4' J' .%&#"*(1:' 7/-1,(H#' +":' #$"# JH8'7"+#*(2'8:'#*8%=''J'&%"1*+%'J'8": $"0%' &%0%"1%,' 8:' .&%,*C*1*#:' )&%8"3 #-&%1:' $%&%' C-#' C%;/&%' "(:' %:%C&/7+ "&%'&"*+%,4'&%",*(2'C//K+',/%+'(/#'(%.3


hree weeks into the ban on smoking in public places, and it seems passive smoking is to become a thing of the past. In Wales, and later elsewhere in the UK, no longer can cigarette-addicted fumigators create a smokefilled atmosphere that unwittingly violates the tracheas of passive smokers. See the scores of men and women on the streets of Cardiff, unable to enjoy a nicotineinduced relief indoors, and breathe the fresh air. P$%' )&%.%,%(#' ;/&' #$%' O&*#*+$' J+1%+ ."8%' "&/-(,' #$&%%' :%"&+' "2/' 7*#$' " +*8*1"&'C"('*('J&%1"(,='O%(%;*#+'/;'#$*+ *(.1-,%' "(' \]^' ,%.&%"+%' /;' "*&' )/11-3 #*/(' *(' J&*+$' )-C+' "(,' +#";;' C%*(2 %<)/+%,'#/'#/C"../'+8/K%';/&'/(1:'"( "0%&"2%'/;'WY'8*(-#%+')%&'7%%K4'./83 )"&%,'#/'_`'$/-&+')%&'7%%K4'C%;/&%'#$% C"(=' P$*+' *+' +*2(*;*."(#4' "+' %0%&:/(% K(/7+')&/))*(2'-)'#$%'C"&'"#'#$%'1/."1 C//9%&' *+' #$%' )&*(.*)"1' )"+#*8%' ".&/++ #$%'J&*+$'A%"=' M+'+-.$4')%&$")+'#$%'2%(%&"1')-C1*. +$/-1,'$"*1'/-&'8*(*+#%&+';/&'"('*(2%(3 */-+' )1"(' "(,' 2&%"#' -+%' /;' #"<)":%&+H 8/(%:='a(;/&#-("#%1:4'*;'#$%'"*8'/;'#$%

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UNIVERSITY: a waste of time?

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

SMOKING: tut tut

+8/K*(2= JH8'.%&#"*(1:'(/#'"2"*(+#'#$%'+8/K3 *(2' C"(=' J' N-+#' #$*(K' #$"#' #$%' (-8C%& /(%'#"&2%#'/;'#$%'2/0%&(8%(#'+$/-1,'C% ./8C"#*(2'",,*.#*/('"(,'&%"11:'"##".K3 *(2' +/.*"1' +#"(,"&,+' /0%&' +8/K*(24 &"#$%&' #$"(' N-+#' ;/&.*(2' +8/K%&+' /-#3 +*,%=' J+' #$%' "((/:"(.%' /;' $"0*(2' #/ 0%(#-&%' "1;&%+./' 2/*(2' #/' +#/)' )%/)1% ;&/8' K*11*(2' #$%8+%10%+T' P$%' N-&:' *+ .%&#"*(1:'/-#='J#H+'"'+#%)'#/7"&,+4'C-#'C: (/'8%"(+'#$%'+/1-#*/('#/4'#$%')&/C1%8=

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APRIL.30 .2007 LETTERS@!"#$!"#$$.COM ! 52"%678/%/29::%3";<8!"%8<%7%6/"7!%=.7>"%!0%:8<>?<<%90?/%0=8@80@< 7;0?!%7/!8>."<%1"7!?/":%8@%!2"%=7="/A%B03"C"/D%:0@E!%10/6"!%!27! 90?%>7@%"FG78.%7@9%01%90?/%0=8@80@<%0@%0!2"/%G7!!"/<%!0%!2"%."!F !"/<%=76"A%H"%7/"%7.379<%"76"/%!0%2"7/%327!%90?%27C"%!0%<79A


here has yet again been much heated debate on the gair rhydd website. H,"%I+17"2+4J 92.)2%"3"0+.)2%$"413+4 /,.0,%/"$"%$"6)$+"7%.2%+,"%3#4+%K#.$ E,577%8"*)$"%L#4+"$%0#14"7%#%3)+%)* 5)1%+)%#77%0)(("2+4%+)%+,"%/"84.+"= K#.$%E,577%0)20317"7%.+J4%0)-"$#:" )*%+,"%"3"0+.)2%85%+#A.2:%#%3.++3"%+.(" +)%:"+%+)%A2)/%+,"%2"/35<"3"0+"7%0#2< 7.7#+"4=%M,"+,"$%5)1%3.A"7%+,"%0#27.< 7#+"4%/,)%/)2&%7.43.A"7%+,"(&%)$%7.4< #:$""7%/.+,%+,".$%6)3.0."4%/"%/#2+%+) ,"#$%()$"N H,"%#$+.03"%/$.++"2&%0#33"7%OI5175.2: D3#44>.04?P%85%F(5%I.(64)2%#27 Q#+,"$.2"%M"84+"$%!124+#2=%'+ ";63)$"7%+,"%.441"%)*%+,"%2"/%9DFI #663.0#+.)2%*)$(4%/,.0,%/.33%.20317"%# R1"4+.)2%$":#$7.2:%+,"%"710#+.)2#3

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

Comments about the Student Union election results

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`D$)/2=%'B(%2)+%#++#0A.2:%5)1

Alas, the gair rhydd phone is broken. Hopefully normal service will return next week.


OH,"%"30+.)2%$"413+4%/"$"%#%:$"#+%-.0< +)$5%*)$%D5($1%E577=%M"%2)/%,#-" #%03"#$%(#27#+"%+)%$"6$"4"2+%#%(.2)$< .+5%)*%4+17"2+4%/,)%$"#3.4"7%+,#+%)235 #%*$""%4)0.#3.4+%E"6183.0%)*%D5($1 /.33%8$.2:%+$1"%6$)46"$.+5=%T1$ 92.-"$4.+5%,#4%(#25%'2+"$2#+.)2#3 4+17"2+4%/,)%-)+"7%*)$%("&%#4%/"33 #4%$"6$"4"2+#+.-"4%)*%+,"%\#3"4+.2.#2 I)3.7#$.+5%I)0."+5&%S143.(4%8$)+,"$4& #2.(#3%$.:,+4%#0+.-.4+4%#4%/"33%#4 M"34,%6#+$.)+4%#27%)1$%L2:3.4, *$."274%/,)%7"*"27%)1$%$.:,+%+) 2#+.)2,))7%#27%*$""7)(=P

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

Comments on the article “It’s a Family Affair” and “Studying Class(ics).” OH,.4%.4&%)*%0)1$4"&%#33%-"$5%#00"6+< #83"%6$)-.7.2:%#0+1#3%7.40$.(.2#+.)2 #:#.24+%6")63"%/,)4"%6#$"2+4%7.7 #++"27%12.-"$4.+5%/#4%#-).7"7= M,.0,%.+%/)1372B+%8"&%123"44%()$" 63#0"4%/"$"%(#7"%#-#.3#83"&%#27%#4 *#$%#4%'B(%#/#$"%+,"5%#$"2B+=%\)4.+.-" 7.40$.(.2#+.)2%*)$%)2"%("#24%)$7.< 2#$5%7.40$.(.2#+.)2%#:#.24+%#2)+,"$& #27%+,#+B4%2)+%$"#335%)2%/,.3"%/"


Election rant !"#$%!"#$%$&'((&%% It is my opinion, and I am sure the opinion of many others, that the winner of an election ought to be the person who is the first choice candidate for the highest number of voters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a+,"%6$)3"+#$.#+a /)137%.2"-.+#835%7)%<%.4%+,"%#24/"$=P OM,5%4,)137%4)(")2"J4%4";1#3.+5& $"3.:.)14%8"3."*4%)$%7.4#8.3.+5%8"%# *#0+)$%.2%#++"27"20"%#+%92.-"$4.+5_ H,"$"%4,)137&%)*%0)1$4"&%2)+%8"%#25 7.40$.(.2#+.)2%#:#.24+%#25)2"%/#2+<

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

WIN WIN WIN The letter selected to be Letter of the Week will receive vouchers to spend in the Union, including CF10, the box office and the shop

.2:%+)%#6635%*)$%92.-"$4.+5&%/,.0,%.4 /,5%.+J4%8#4"7%16)2%#0#7"(.0%#8.3.+5=%

Comment on the article “Time for Action.” S#5%'%0)2:$#+13#+"%S$%V"/.4,%)2%# -"$5%/"33%/$.++"2%#27%0)2-.20.2:35 #$:1"7%#$+.03"=%W.(8#8/"%,#4%8""2 #33%81+%7"4+$)5"7%85%S1:#8"%#27%.+ $"R1.$"4%3.++3"%U14+.*.0#+.)2%+)%127"$< +#A"%7.$"0+%(.3.+#$5%.2+"$-"2+.)2%+) .24+.:#+"%$":.("%0,#2:"=%'%/.33%2)+ $"6"#+%+,"%$"#4)24%4)%"3)R1"2+35%3.4+< "7%85%S$%V"/.4,%#8)-"&%81+%2""7< 3"44%+)%4#5%+,"5%#$"%/"33%A2)/2%#27 #8)-"%$"6$)#0,=P

10 !"#$!"#$$


APRIL.30.2007 OPINION@!"#$!"#$$.COM


You’ll want more in the morning

Backing the baccy ban W

ell, I’ve finally got round to it. It took a good 19 days, thanks largely to spending my Easter suffering severe bouts of essay procrastination, interrupted by the merciless pillaging of my parents’ wellstocked fridge. But I’ve done it: I’ve enjoyed a smoke-free night out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here are certain lives in this world that are, without a doubt, intertwined with our

own. !"#$%&'$()%*$+#,#-.$%*#.$/*00$1#$,"# %&'$ 2'$ 3"*0%"44%$ /*,"#-.$ &/&'$ *),4 2#24-'5$()%$ *6$ &)'4)#$ #7#-$ ,#00.$ 2# ,"&,$(-)*#$*.$)4$04)8#-$,"#$2&)9$:$/*00 %#.,-4'$ ,"&,$ ;#-.4)<.$ 6&3#$ 4)$ ,"# !#-2*)&,4-<.$1#"&065 =>,9$ *)#7*,&10'9$ ,"4.#$ 34-)#-.,4)#. /#$ -#0'$ 4)$ /*00$ 342#$ >)%#-$ ,"-#&,$ &. ,"#$'#&-.$,*3?$47#-5 @)$ !">-.%&'9$ ,"#$ ==A$ 34)6*-2#% /"&,$/&.$;-#7*4>.0'$,"#$.,>66$46$)*8",B 2&-#.$ C$ )4,$ ,"&,$ !"#$% &'"($#) "&% 1##)$3422*..*4)#%$&)4,"#-$.#-*#.9$1>, ,"&,$ *$+,-./0129$ &$ ."4/$ /"4.#$ 0*6# 1#8&)$,"#$.&2#$'#&-$&.$2'$4/)9$*.$*) .#-*4>.$%&)8#-$46$,#-2*)&,*4)5 (;;&-#),0'$ )#84,*&,*4).$ /*,"$ ,"# ."4/<.$%*.,-*1>,4-.$&-#$1-#&?*)8$%4/) 1#64-#$ 4>-$ /&,#-'$ #'#.9$ &)%$ ;-#,,' .44)$D&2.#'$E,-##,$2&'$1#$247#%$,4

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Procrasti Nation

In the spirit of the season, here are a few helpful tips to keep those pesky books and essays at bay.

10) Log onto eBay, go to those search options and select ‘Items ending within 24 hours’, ‘minimum price £100,000’. Sit back and gawp at the web-based mentalism. 9) Download three Kiss albums and count the number of key changes; for every key change, eat a Malteaser. 8) Write your own will, being sure to include directions for semi-amusing epitaph, funeral playlist and final messages to all those bastards who also deserve death.

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.,#&%*0'$6&00#)$&24)8$.,>%#),.5$!"# 6&*-0'$.2&00$8-4>;.$46$;#4;0#$">%%0*)8 ,48#,"#-$4>,.*%#$G>10*)<.$;>1$%44-. .##2#%$,4$74>3"$64-$,"&,5 E4$*6$'4>$"&7#)<,$#)Q4'#%$&$.24?#B 0#..$)*8",$4)$,"#$0&."$'#,9$8#,$4>, ,"#-#9$'4>$-#7*.*4)$24)?#'.5$( -#3#), :-*."$.,>%'$34)30>%#%$,"&,$,"#$%&2&8B *)8$;400>,*4)$46$.#34)%B"&)%$.24?# *)$;>1.$"&.$6&00#)$1'$cLX5$ =>,$)#7#-2*)%$,"&,J$)4/$'4>$3&) /&?#$>;$,"#$)#H,$24-)*)8$&)%$/#&,"#$.&2#$304,"#.$&8&*)d$ _4><00$.,*00$1#$&$.?&)?9$1>,$&$.,*)?B 0#..$.?&)?$&,$0#&.,5

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ENDANGERED: Erinsboro’ Massive

7) Hire power tools for the day and see how many practical domestic uses you can find for them before you lose your bond. Once bond is lost, try for a police caution. 6) Daydream of winning £142 billion on some super lottery. Then make a food budget for the next seven years – of everything, down to the last portion of quadruple gateaux. 5) Buy a multi-pack of Pringles and do not stop eating until you’re able to produce the sound of that advert-perfect crunch. Add a second Pringle, crunch, repeat. 4) Go on Facebook. 3) Enlist half a dozen friends. Make as many paper aeroplanes as your home’s A4 supply will permit. Take these miniature squadrons to the nearest main road footbridge, and unleash an aerial bombardment. Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries soundtrack optional. 2) Buy 1000 post-it notes. Write down the names of all the people you’ve ever known, then affix them to your landing wall in order of attractiveness. If you’re a Mormon, replace the word ‘attractiveness’ with ‘depravity’. 1) Alphabetise every moveable item in your room. Not merely your films or CDs, but everything. E.g. ‘R’ might go: Radiohead, railcard, Rambo, razors, reefa. Clear the floor, take a deep breath, and just go for it.

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APRIL.30.2007 SCIENCE@!"#$!"#$$.COM


Chilling out over global warming !"#$%&'%()*&")+),&*"-$&.$&/01&/%02"% ."3456/&2"7+&10&830619


t’s impossible to ignore the new environmentally friendly Britain, with our energy saving lightbulbs, air travel taxes and nationwide recycling campaigns. Recent government legislation has set targets for reducing carbon emissions and our energy sources are being re-evaluated globally. But will these changes really make a difference to our climate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Is using energy-saving bulbs, turning off the TV and stopping power stations worth it?

12 !"#$!"#$$


Take the heat out of your summer phone bill !"##"$%&'()*+,-&"%.*-,"/$,*0(1&-,23*%,-4&5()"#*&)"##-&$+* -*,&,(&60$%/*&1",0&,0*&3*6+*$-* (7&8+($5"%/9&60$+/*-&$%3&#((:$,&$#,*+%$,".*&1$;-&,(&62,&6(-,-


tudents packing their bags this summer will be looking forward to cheaper phone calls home, as roaming charges are set to drop. !"#$%&'()#*+$,*'-.*/#+012$.+3&20'4 5(//.00##$ "*6#$ '#5#+0-4$ 3#5.3#3$ 0( 7*58$ 0"#$ %9$ :(//.22.(+$ )'()(2*-$ 0( 5&0$/(7.-#$0#-#)"(+#$'(*/.+;$5"*';#2

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APRIL.30.2007 MEDIA@!"#$!"#$$.COM An advert from campaigning organisation Reporters Without Borders

!"#$%&'"()#*+("',("*-.( Kate Warren chats to Syd Lawrence, Xpress Station Manager Xpress Radio’s main man Syd Lawrence has taken on the role of station manager for the last academic year. He presents on his show, ‘Syd and Ben in the Afternoon’ (Wednesdays 4pm –6pm), runs the award winning student radio station and is in his second year studying computer science. K: How did you get involved with Xpress Radio? =N%^C/#&D%(6%1#/$8%6)'/%4%*)&8%8.%8,) _OG$% '--/)$$% '&-% `'/6% +&-/)*$ #&8/.-C:)-%()%8.%8,)%()-#'%*./2-%'8 O'/-#11%<&#9)/$#86A%4%*'$%#(()-#'8)3 26% #&8)/)$8)-% #&% a;/)$$% '$% #8% $))()2#0)% '&% '('X#&D% .;;./8C&#86% 8.% D)8 #&9.29)-% *#8,% /'-#.A% =8/'#D,8% '18)/ 8,)% '--/)$$% 4% *)&8% C;% 8.% 8,)% $8C-#. '&-%8/#)-%8.%B.#&A%4%*'$%8.2-%8.%D.%8. 8,)%=.:#)8#)$%T'6/)A%4%*'$%9)/6%0))&A 4%$8'/8)-%-.#&D%'%$,.*%*#8,%(6%1/#)&b)&% 1/.(% ,.()% '&-% '2$.% D.8 #&9.29)-%*#8,%'C-#.%;/.-C:8#.&A

Journalists under fire: Can you handle the tr uth? Penelope Apostolou Media Reporter


f your answer is no, then close your eyes and ignore the facts. If your answer is yes, read on and find out about the deadliest countries for journalists to operate in, about those who are behind the killings and what has been done to punish the crimes against the freedom of the press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K: Would you say running Xpress has been challenging? =N% 48% ,'$% >))&7% >C8% 4% ,'9)% /)'226 )&B.6)-% #8A% 4% 8,#&0% 8,)% >#DD)$8% :,'23 2)&D)%'$%'%('&'D)/%,'$%>))&%8.%0)); )9)/6>.-6%,';;6A K: Do you have any radio related pet hates? =N%+ /)'2% ;/.>2)(% '8% 8,)% (.()&8% #$ ;).;2)% 1#&-#&D% 8,#&D$% D.#&D% */.&D *#8,% 8,)% )5C#;()&8% >C8% &.8% 8)22#&D '&6.&)A% F,)&% *))0$% -.*&% 8,)% 2#&) 8,)6% $'67% c*,6% ,'9)&G8% 6.C% 1#V)-% #8 6)8dH %&'(")!)'*+,-'.)'/)!0,'-1'-")'21. 3,'4)556 =N% Y)$7% 8,)/)% -)1#&#8)26% #$A% 4% D)8% 8. ())8% 9'/#.C$% :)2)>/#8#)$7% '&-7% *)227 /C&% '% /'-#.% $8'8#.&A% 4&% @.9)(>)/% 4 :)2)>/'8)-% (6% IZ$8% >#/8,-'6% >6 2'C&:,#&D% '% /'-#.% $8'8#.&e% 48% $))()2#0)%'%D/)'8%':,#)9)()&8A% K: Who have you met that is famous? =N% 4% ,'9)% ()8% '&-% #&8)/9#)*)-% ^/ f'/2%f)&&)-6%R+2'&%T2)8:,)/S%*,)& ,)%:'()%#&8.%a;/)$$A%")%)9)&%,'-%' :.&9)/$'8#.&%.9)/%8,)%;,.&)%*#8,%(6 $#$8)/A% +2$.7% *,)&% 8,)% `C#22#(.8$ ;2'6)-%'8%8,)%C&#.&%8,)6%BC$8%:'()%#& '&-%,C&D%.C8%#&%(6%.11#:)A %&'738)'#1+'"3$'39#'1-")! ):/)!;< )9=),'4;-"'>39$,'-"3-'#1+?8)'*)-6 =N% E)22% &.8% /)'226% '% >'&-% >C8% '% 1)* 6)'/$% 'D.% 4% *'$% 2C:06% )&.CD,% 8.% >) #&9#8)-% >':0$8'D)% '8% 8,)% P/#&:)G$ F/C$8%P'/86%#&%8,)%P'/0A%?6%('8)%'&4% *)/)% $'8% ;2'6#&D% P/.3% U9.% .&% 8,#$ ('$$#9)%$:/))&%$C//.C&-)-%>6%>)'C3 8#1C2% *.()&% $)/9#&D% -/#&0$A =C--)&267%8,#$%DC67%*,.%*'$%'%1/#)&.1% L)&&6% f/'9#8X7% :'()% .9)/% '&'$0)-% *,)&% *)% *)/)% ;)/1./(#&DA% 4 /)$;.&-)-7% !*)% '/)&G87% *)% ,'9)% BC$8 1#&#$,)-% .C/% UC/.;)'&% 8.C/% '&-% '/) )V,'C$8)-7H%*,#:,%,)%BC$8%$))()-%8. '::);8A%48%*'$%$.%1C&&6A% K: If you could interview anybody, dead or alive who would it be? =N% 4% 8,#&0% 4% *.C2-% #&8)/9#)*% 8,) Q'&#8./% 1/.(% =:/C>$A% 4% 0&.*% #8G$% &.8

(C$#:%/)2'8)-%>C8%4%/):0.&%,)%*.C2>)%/)'226%1C&&6A K: Who would you say has inspired you in radio? =N%O,/#$%?.62)$7%4%0&.*%,)%#$%'%>#8%.1 '%8*'8%'&-%'22%>C8%,)%#$%;/)886%D..-%'8 >)#&D%'%8*'8A%+&-%D)8$%>#D%>C:0$e %&' @"3-' $1' #1+' -";90' ;,' -")' .),-";9A'3.1+-'B/!),,6 =N% 4% 2.9)% 8,)% ;).;2)% '&-% :.(;)8#3 8#.&$A% L'$8% >/.'-:'$8% *)% D'9)% '*'6 ?PW%;2'6)/$%'&-%D6(%()(>)/$,#;$A K: If you could DJ anywhere where would it be? =N% F,)% `'/-)&% O2C>% #&% g'D/)>A% 4 *)&8% 8,)/)% 2'$8% $C(()/% '&-% #8% #$ '('X#&DA%+28,.CD,7%8,)%8*.%()&%8,'8 .*&% #8% '/)% 1/.(% <bhJ7% ';'/8% 1/.( 8,'8%8,.CD,7%#8%#$%'*)$.()A% K: What has been your highlight of the year on Xpress so far? =N% P/.>'>26% $;)'0#&D% 8.% M.21% "'//#$ .&%8,)%;,.&)A%")%#$%'%2)D)&-A%U9)/6 $.% .18)&% ,)% *.C2-% >/)'0% #&8.% $.&D7 *,#:,%*'$%9)/6%/'&-.(A K: Do you want to go into a career in radio? =N%4%*.C2-%2.9)%8.%D.%#&8.%'%:'/))/%#& /'-#.A% 4% *'&8% 8.% ;/.-C:)i% #8% /)'226 >/#&D$%.C8%(6%:/)'8#9)%$#-)A K: So not the presenting side of things then? =N%4%$C;;.$)%4%*.C2-%2#0)%8.%>)%'%Q.:0 >C8%#8%#$%'%(C:,%8.CD,)/%('/0)8A K: How do people get involved with Xpress? =N%F,)%>)$8%8,#&D%8.%-.%#$%B.#&%'8%8,) =.:#)8#)$%T'6/)A%+18)/%8,'8%*)%,.2-%' ('$$% #&8/.-C:8#.&% #&% a;/)$$% 8.% ,)2; 6.C%C&-)/$8'&-%,.*%#8%'22%*./0$A

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APRIL.30.2007 HEALTH@!"#$!"#$$.COM

Give me some sugar !"#$%&'()*+$&',*-$'$.//,$'&$0"')*&*-1$'$2/30"&"/3$&4'& 2'3$'55*2&$'36/3*1$3/$7'&&*+$84'&$&4*"+$."5*-&6.*


iabetes has been a recognised condition for more than 3,500 years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APRIL.30.2007 POLITICS@!"#$!"#$$.COM


Welsh Assembly elections !"#$%#$&

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Interviews with the main contenders in Cardiff Central 3-6 A look at the vote for Cardiff North


Comment and analysis from the gair rhydd Politics team 8 Electing who in the what now? On May 3 Wales goes to the polls for the third time since 1999 to elect its 60 Assembly Members. 40 of these represent constit-uencies such as Cardiff Central. The remaining 20 consist of regional members - 4 party representatives for each of the 5 Welsh regions. So, when you go to vote, you’ll be asked first to select your local AM, and second to vote for the party you want to represent this region.


Andy Rennison Political Editor


ascism, Communism, washing-up rotas: none of these systems are as difficult to implement as democracy. Today, the very reminder of the political order we live with can be enough to put people off it altogether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APRIL.30.2007 POLITICS@!"#$!"#$$.COM

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Central of attention !"#$%&'()*'%$


Andrew Murphy

hose in the Max Clifford groove of life would probably reflect over the last decade of the Tory opposition and diagnose an ‘image problem’. !"#$% &'()*% +#% &#,'"-.% /01% +# 23--*4#$5*.%6#78*"9'+39*8%:'9*%:''% +*7-*74;% +#% $'<*% ;#)% ,374*% 5*=#"* +:*;>9*% :'-% '% 4:'74*% +#% #?*7% +:*3" $#)+:8@% 1#$*% $';% 4'AA% 3+% +"'(34.% 5)+ *9*"% 8374*% B*,% C'5#)"% 8+")++*-% 37+# =#4)8% ,3+:% 3+8% 8$3A*8.% 8#)7-53+*8% '78#)7-+"'4<8.% 3$'(*% :'8% 5*4#$*% +:* -#$37'7+%*A*4+3#7**"37(%,*'?#7@ D7-"*,% % E)"?:;.% +:*7.% 38% 8;$?+#F $'+34% #=% +:*% G#";% ,'<*F)?% 4'AA@% D +,*7+;8#$*+:37(% 5'"*A;% +:"**% ;*'"8 #)+%#=%)739*"83+;.%/%=#)7-%:3$%4'8)'AA; ,'3+37(%=#"%$*%37%'%A#4'A%8+)-*7+%4#==** :'7(#)+.% '44#$?'73*-% 5;% :38% '(*7+. E3<*.% ,:#% /% 8##7% -384#9*"*-% ,'8% ' =37'A%;*'"%A3<*%$;8*A=@ /=%HA'3"%:'-%:38%5'5*8%+*7%;*'"8%'(#. +:*7% :*"*% 8)"*A;% ,'8% #7*% #=% 6'$>8 <3-8@%/%,#7-*"*-%3=%D7-"*,%=*A+%+:'+%:* 4#)A-%4#$?*+*%,3+:%+:*%("*'+*"%*I?*"3F *74*%'7-%$#"*%4#79*7+3#7'A%()38*8%#= :38%4#$?*+3+#"8@ J/%+:37<%;#)+:%5"37(8%8#$*%?#83+39* *A*$*7+8% '8% '% ="*8:% ='4*@% /% +:37<% 3+>8 :*'A+:;%+#%:'9*%'%(##-%$3I+)"*%#=%4'7F -3-'+*8%'7-%D88*$5A;%$*$5*"8%'+%+:* *7-%#=%3+.%5*4')8*%+:*%("*'+*"%"'7(*%#= '(*% ("#)?8% +:'+% ;#)% :'9*% (39*8% ;#)% ' $)4:% ,3-*"% -*$#("'?:34% "*?"*8*7+*37%;#)"%*A*4+*-%5#-;@K

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• Born 1982 in Newport • Moved to Cardiff in 2001 to study Biochemistry • Member of the Conservatives since he was 19 • Stood for Council elections in 2004 • Former chair of Conservative Future in Cardiff • Member of the Campaign for Real Ale • Why vote for him? “Because we’re the party that won’t just lecture on what’s good for you; we’ve been listening and developing policies with students’ views in mind”

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APRIL.30.2007 POLITICS@!"#$!"#$$.COM



he divisions within Labour are hardly a secret. What is often overlooked is that such rifts are not confined to the depths of Westminster but are also easily uncovered at local level – what some may refer to as the ‘grassroots’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• Born 1952 in Manchester; graduated Cardiff University 1973 • School governor for 19 years • County Councillor 1989-2004 • Member of the socialist choir, ‘Cor Cochion Caerdydd’ • Chair of Cardiff’s Stop the War Coalition • Why vote for her? “I understand students, I started out in politics as a student. I think I always showed when I was a councillor that I worked hard for people” C,6C4,*'(,*C/##$"7*$#*6++*4'#,(*'".*4'#,(:* ;V6/* 3'B,* #6* A,* C(,C'(,.* #6* 3,4C #3,-,*C,6C4,*&36*3'B,*83$4.(,")*'".*< #3$"0* &3'#* 2'A6/(=-* .6$"7* "'#$6"'445 '".* $"* @'4,-* $-* 766.)* $"* #,(>-* 6+* #3, #'[* 8(,.$#-)* +(,,* -83664* A(,'0+'-#-) &3$83*&,(,*6CC6-,.*A5*#3,*2$A*P,>'".*#(,'#,.*'-*7$>>$80-*A5*6#3,(-:* ;<*#3$"0*2'A6/(=-*#3,*6"45*C'(#5*#3'# 6++,(-*'*863,(,"#*+('>,&6(0*+6(*.,4$B% ,($"7*(,-/4#-: ;<=>* '* >,>A,(* 6+* 7('--* (66#2'A6/()* &3$83* $-* '* 8,(#'$"* -,8#$6"* 6+

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APRIL.30.2007 POLITICS@!"#$!"#$$.COM



aving regularly regarded her national party as the plucky outsider, it is slightly bewildering to me to write about a Lib Dem defending her throne. Such a Lib Dem is Jenny Randerson, who swept into office four years ago with a crushing majority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• Born 1948 in London, where she was also educated • First elected as a councillor in 1983 • Elected AM for Cardiff Central 1999 • Re-elected 2003, more than doubling her majority • Since 2005 she has been the Welsh Lib Dem spokesperson for Health, Finance and Equal Opportunities • Has been learning Welsh for “a number of years” • Why vote for her? “We’re standing on a better manifesto that promises a fair, green future for Wales, that strongly emphasises education and a lot of radical policies on the environment; after all students are the ones who will be here in 50, 60 years time”

6 !"#$!"#$$


APRIL.30.2007 POLITICS@!"#$!"#$$.COM


Thomas Whitfield


f there’s a single theme running through the election battle this spring, it’s broadening one’s appeal. Plaid Cymru have perhaps the biggest challenge on their hands, having spent years being known almost solely for their fever for Welsh independence. !"#$%&"'(()*+)%#$%,'-.#&/('-(0%1'/*.2 #*+%#*%3*+(#$"24#(()1%5'-1#446%7/.%8('#1 "'9)%-)'(#$)1%.")%,#.4'(($%:4%-);'#*#*+ '%:*)2<:=)%'&.%>%</$.%(::=%'.%?@A8 B#." .")#-%3?27'$"#*+C D:/*+% &'*1#1'.)$% (#=)% !":;'$ E"#.4#)(1% '-)% :/.% .:% &:*9#*&)% /$% ."'. 8('#1F$%)G,'*$#:*%#$%;:-)%."'*%</$.%('$. 0)'-F$% :9)-"'/(% :4% .")#-% *';)% '*1 &:(:/-2$&");)C%% H-)$"% 0:/*+% 4'&)$% '7:/*1% #*% ."#$ 0)'-F$%5'-1#44%&';,'#+*$6%'*1%!":;'$ #$6% (#=)% .")%!:-0% &:;,).#.#:*6% '% -)&)*. 5'-1#44%+-'1/'.)%$.#((%#*%"#$%IJ$C%E'$%") /$#*+%"#$%0:/."%.:%"'-*)$$%.")%$./1)*. 9:.)K LA%."#*=%.")-)%#$%'%$;'((%'19'*.'+)%#* #.6% #*% ."'.% B")*% 0:/% ;)).% '*1% .'(=% .: ,):,()%.")0%&'*%4))(%$:;)%$:-.%:4%#1)*2 .#4#&'.#:*%.:B'-1$%0:/C LM)#*+% '% +-'1/'.)% 4-:;% 5'-1#44 ")(,$% '($:6% '$% AF9)% 7))*% ."-:/+"% .") $0$.);% ")-)% '*1% A% =*:B% .")% .-:/7()$ 5'-1#44% $./1)*.$% 4'&)% '*1% .")% #$$/)$ ."'.%-)('.)%1#-)&.(0%.:%.");C%

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• Born 1979 in Hereford • Graduated from Cardiff Uni in 2001 • Acquired a PGCE in Geographical Education from Swansea in 2004 • Currently a Geography teacher in Cardiff • Chair of Plaid in Cardiff • Lists sustainable development, education and devolution as his main political interests • Enjoys rugby and squash in his spare time • Why vote for him? “Vote for me because I will value the student voice, and value every student that comes to this city.”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`%B#(( $))% .")% 4#-$.% ;'<:-% .)$.% :4% '% 8('#1 50;-/% $))=#*+% .:% ;:9)% 7)0:*1 50;-/% '*1% 4/-.")-% #*.:% .")% ;'#*2 $.-)';C%

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APRIL.30.2007 POLITICS@!"#$!"#$$.COM

Voting up North !"#$%$&' ()(#*'+',%-+,.(%%#+,/"0,1(02$//,3"0%-4 (,&")%+'%,%-(%,$','+%,%",5",2"6),%",%-+,6$0+

!"#$%&'()*+ • Born 1953 in Cardigan. • Gained a Masters in Physics from Aberystwyth University • Currently a self-employed computer consultant • Stood for the Assembly back in Why vote for him?

Wyn Jones

“Well we’ve had for a long time now a policy of no top-up fees, and we also are strongly opposed to student debt, with our policy of helping students pay off their student loans. “We’re also proposing more affordable housing, so students who want to stay in Wales can.

,$-/*#"&0/).1*#23 Why vote for him?

2003, and again for the council in 2004 • Political interests include the economy and the environment • Enjoys singing in his choir and watching rugby “For my part, I’m the only candidate who isn’t a professional politician; I’ve been working in business for 30 years, and have a lot of experience other than just in the political field. “A lot of Assembly members never see how things are on that side of life, which I think is a disadvantage.”

“I’ve been a councilor for the Gabalfa ward of Cardiff, which includes Talybont, for three years, and have tried to take forward the issues that have come up in the student area such as recycling and cycle lanes. “As far as policies go we’re the party that want to see fees eventually abolished, as we believe education’s a right not a privilege. “I’m a student myself doing my PhD, so I’m well in touch with student issues – my finger’s on the pulse – and so students would be voting for one of their own. “We need more people in politics who don’t work like politicians, and my background is academic more than political.” • Born 1982 in Oxfordshire • Came to Cardiff in 2001 to study Social Policy • Elected to the Gabalfa ward of Cardiff Council in 2004, a month before his graduation • He is still a student at Cardiff, having now earned his Masters in Social Science Research

Ed Bridges •

• •

Methods, and is currently writing his PhD thesis on the social role of public libraries Alongside this he also teaches a number of Sociology and Social Policy modules to Cardiff undergraduates His main political interests include civil liberty, the environment and citizenship, and he has campaigned against the introduction of ID cards Keen football fan, supporting both Oxford United and Newport County Plays 5-a-side football and squash weekly, and has also recently taken up mixed netball





• Born 1977 in Cardiff • Graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in Law and Politics • Following uni, she was employed as a Research/Casework Assistant for the MPs Julie Morgan and Sue Essex • Currently works as the Legal Services Manager at the Equal Opportunities Commission in Wales, managing the legal department and helpline, as well as helping people who have suffered unlawful discrimination in the justice system • Has been a member of the Labour party since she was 16; her political interests include

Sophie declined to tell gair rhydd why the thousands of students she would be representing should vote for her, but she may, or may not, have said something like this: “Welsh Labour has brought Wales growth and propserity. “Everybody’s five grand richer now than they used to be. “A vote for Labour is a vote for stability and progress.” equality and social justice • She is involved in various council youth schemes and initiatives, in addition to being a governor for two primary schools

• Born 1974 in Cardiff • Graduated from Cardiff University with a Law degree and a Masters in European Policy • Spokesman for Education from 1999 and for Health from 2003 • Stood for the Assembly in 2003 and narrowly lost out to Labour’s Sue Essex. • Stood for Cardiff North in the 2005 General Election • Is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts • Lists his political interests as education, health, Europe and local government Why vote for him? “As a former and relatively recent student at the University of Cardiff, I am very aware of the concerns and pressures faced by students in the Welsh capital. “When I went to Cardiff University, I lived in University Hall - then, as is even more the case now, money is probably the first concern that springs to mind! “I was genuinely proud of my

Jonathan Morgan party's opposition to top-up fees in Wales, and whilst it does not solve all the financial difficulties that students face, you can count on one thing that if my party and I are elected to govern in Wales, students will not pay top-up fees in Cardiff. “David Cameron is the youngest leader of the political parties and we are seeing a revival in Wales and throughout the UK.”

8 !"#$!"#$$


APRIL.30.2007 POLITICS@!"#$!"#$$.COM

The death of indifference? ;('-),'4*5"4',4,5-%*2('4**+/'<%+'=,>%() "((,((,('-),'#*4, (-1$,2-(')"?,'-*'34"@'%2'-),'3*4%-%5"4'*1-5*+,'*&'!"#$%&&


tudent and apathy are two words which normally stand side by side, and when it comes to voting there is, you would assume, no exception. However, could ‘the student’ surprise his fellow electorate and muster the will to mark a cross on a ballet paper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

VOTER: not all students are quite so enthused

Out with the old


he arrival of young politicians on the Welsh political scene has sparked debates concerning the age of political candidates. This election allows the opportunity for young politicians to rightly claim their seat, due to the candidacy age being reduced from 21 to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YOUNGUN: Blair pre-PM

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!"#$!"#$$ 15


APRIL.30.2007 TV@!"#$!"#$$.COM

Go and buy Radio Times, we’ve closed t’shop.



Ice-cream: Ironically enough, it is ice cream that is hot with TV desk this week. This reminds me, t’other day I tried to purchase a ‘99’ and was politely informed, “That’ll be £1.20 mate”. How Much? Not on my watch sir, I’ll have a Feast instead you heartless git.

Soaps Hiyarr! Soap world is shit hot this week. It truly is, there’s domestic violence, bombs, separations and the usual bonking of people you probably shouldn’t. For one, the rock of maritial bliss that are Deirdre and Ken split in Coronation Street, when Ken decides to return to an old flame, Michelle and Steve get jiggy with it too. In Neighbours Steph realises that she still thinks Toadie is a buff ting and baby Kerry is having a real hard time, first your mum starts doing rudies with your uncle, then you get kidnapped due to the ineptness of your grandfather and now she’s ill or something. TV Kyle says its fine to joke about these sorts of things so it must be ok. In Eastenders, May and Rob have a showdown in the Queen Vic. As long as it results in Peggy shouting ‘GERRAOFMAPUB’ I’m a happy bunny. x



espite the fact that Macs are all shiny, new and nice looking, they can’t do everything, and evidently this includes not chewing up this weeks TV Listings. Therefore, dear readers reader, this week we can’t provide you with up to date information about what we hate, what pointless thing from our past we have become mildly obsessed by, or even whatever puerile in-jokes are in vogue at the TV Desk. So, this week I thought as there is now no TV on at all, wouldn’t it just be absolutely spiffing if you all just went outside and played skipping or built a den or something. Go terrorise a cat, find a weaker kid and have a fight and then go buy some football stickers.

Fudge Tunnel B.6

Girls, you are allowed to go and pick up a load of shit from somebody’s garden, brew it up in a bowl and call it perfume. No? Just my sister then. Yeah, that’s right, I’m making you look like an arse in front of the whole of Cardiff’s student population and there’s nothing you can do to stop me! What is it that girls used to do when about a hundred boys spent a lunchtime kicking a tennis ball about? (F.y.i TV Ben, we used to do really cool stuff like plaiting each others hair, telling secrets and learning the dance moves to PJ and Duncan’s ‘Let’s Get Ready to Rumble’) I seem to remember some girls playing ‘Ponies’ and with the clever innovation of a

skipping rope, a crude set of reins could be fashionned. Boys being boys however, would spend the whole of lunchbreak trying to steal said skipping rope with the sole intent of whipping each other until we could see bone. Basically, what I have discovered is that young girls are delusional morons and young boys are violent morons. Basically I hate kids, and anyone who likes kids is also a moron. Yeah, I’m looking at you Michael Jackson, grow the chuff up. Kids can’t do anything cool, like drink and drive, go midget tossing or bearbaiting. Right, so that’s all from us. No it actually is. We’ll be back same time next week. And hopefully so will the listings. Love x

Film If TV existed this week, which it clearly doesn’t, then this weeks ‘BIG MOVIE’ would be Get Shorty (Five, Monday 11.00pm-12.55) . Apparently, according to an editors best friend (Wikipedia), John Travolta originally snubbed his role in Get Shorty until he recieved a call from Quentin Tarantino telling him to ‘read the book’. The fact this then convinced John Travolta probably suggests that you should read that instead you cultureless swine. Besides, TV isn’t even on.

Sport Football is on this week, SUPRISE! Football is on every week and it usually consists of men kicking a ball around while angry men howl their lungs out with a copy of Nuts in one hand and a mixed grill and/or ‘piece of ass’ in the other. If all this sounds terribly appealing to you then you should watch Chelsea Vs Liverpool on Tuesday ITV1 at 7.30pm.

Bring Back... SMOKING.

TV Legends are suffering this week with the introduction of the smoking ban in “public places”. We’ve all felt the burn since the 2nd of April, but has anybody stopped to think of our favourite tobacco-wielding soap hags? Dot Cotton, Pat Butcher and Deirdre off of Coronation Street can no longer put the world to rights over a large sherry and an Embassy. Instead they’re going to have to brave the cold night, which taking into account their age, could prove more deadly than lung cancer. Not only that, but the script-writers are going to have to think of new ways to shoe-horn Pat Butcher into getting into tobacco and alcoholfuelled scraps if she’s already outside having a fag. If anything, this smoking ban is just creating more problems, rather than solving our

The Heat: Before you tell me to toss off, the joyous weather is (occassionally) a fricking hoot. But now It’s just uncomfortable, you feel sweaty and lethargic, pressurized to wear as little clothing as possible, and around essay and exam time it’s just plain mean. Overcast clouds anyone?

TV Grapevine Philip Scofield has converted to Judaism, and the gold-digging, hopalong tramp that is Heather “No, I really do love Paul McCartney’s shrivelled dick” Mills got voted off Dancing With The Stars in America. Yeah, we called her a gold-digger. And a hop-along. And a tramp. Yeah come on


national health issues. Gene Hunt wouldn’t stand for this shit.

then, . In other news, Mario Lopez of Saved By The Bell fame has died, along with Richard Blackwood in an unfortunate gay dogging incident this week. Rest in Peace. LOL x.

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APRIL.30.2007 PROBLEMPAGE@!"#$!"#$$.COM

The !"#$%&&"'( Advocate !"#$%&''()%!"'%*++,%-.$%.%/"+$012%/.11'+,%0+$$'3%45+,%61+432%$'.$777%

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Fitter, happier, more destructive Dear Grace, I’m contemplating starting a fitness regime but haven’t got a clue what one should wear to the gym. Any ideas? Amy Dear Amy, The fundamental problem with gymnasiums is that they are unequivocally rubbish. I’ve witnessed men and women of all walks of life pound themselves to a deathly shade of purple on some truly terrifying machines in order to sculpt an acceptable physique. Gyms seem to epitomise everything wrong with the world. Cankles? Use the treadmill. Sloppy dinner-lady arms? Pull down on this contraption for long enough and they’ll melt away like a lard-filled Magnum. Inside and outside of the fitness suite, there are a multitude of

machines available to service every facet of our miserable lives. It started off with the kettle and will inevitably culminate in a robot coup and the death of all humanity. You’ve been warned. It’s only a matter of time before emotions are manufactured or maintained with mechanical assistance and we’ll have to visit Mood Gyms in order to feel anything at all. Rageless fights will break out in the queue for the anger machine but the heartbreak machine will doubtless be left rusting in the corner. Welcome to the future. I’m guessing that you are female, no? If my presumption is correct, you’ll need to dress in such a way that conceals ANY perspiration. It’s a fact of life that when men sweat during exercise, it’s seen as a badge of honour but sweaty women are simply wrong. Just don’t wear grey, blue, or long-sleeved cloth-

ing. The results will be dire, trust me. And then you’ll have to walk home with your temple veins bursting forth from your head and patches of your own bodily fluid visible from a hundred yards away. It’s SO not a good look. For the past few years I’ve been working on a special TOP SECRET project. But now it’s safe to let the marathon-running cat out of the duffel bag, I can reveal that I’ve patented an exercise frock made entirely of sponge. Want to be the first to try it out? Drop me an internet mail and I’ll see what I can do. Until then, hydrate yourself regularly and listen to motivational cock-rock. Enjoy the extra lung capacity. I envy you. Much love, Grace xxx

Exams are dissolving me Dear Grace, I think that I may be suffering from exam-induced psychosis. I’ve got the distinct feeling that something terrible, awful and downright earth-shattering is going to happen. And I’m also being stalked by a nine-year-old boy who follows me around and manhandles me after I repeatedly refuse to give him cigarettes. I can’t hit him back because he’s only small and it might be construed as child abuse. I wish it was still socially acceptable to punch minors in the face. How do I rid myself of the little blighter and stop the feelings of dread that plague my waking thoughts? Jon, Cathays Dear Jon, I think you’re right - Earth appears to be cracking under

the strain of housing too many idiots. Only the other day I witnessed a toddler kicking a miniature poodle in the head. What has happened to the world? Rolf Harris is probably crying right this very minute. And to top it all off, the massively twattish Big Issue seller who lurks outside Waterstones continues to abuse passers by with an insane zeal. He told two elderly women to 'fuck off' the other day. I know he's got a big homeless chip on his shoulder, but seriously, you should NEVER buy the Big Issue from this vile man. I think you should be worried; it smells like the apocalypse outside. Yesterday I noticed something very strange about my street. The doors of several houses had been daubed with sinister red crosses. Either we're in the middle of another Black Death, or there are a few hee-larious satanic pranksters in the vicinity. I'm just glad my

door has been spared. Everything would be much easier if idiotic and/or dangerous people were visible from a distance. Perhaps they could be coated with a luminous sheen. Maybe these red-spray-paint wielders are operating a system whereby they daub the houses of people they believe to be idiotic in the hope that this will terrify them enough to stop allowing their children to kick poodles, accost students or grow up to be angry, cursing homeless men. It's ALWAYS the fault of the parents. Again, I'm just glad my door has been spared. I hope both the weird satanic idiot door-labelling AND the influx of nobbers ceases to be an issue. Until then, stay indoors and arm yourself with a baseball bat or a similarlyshaped vegetable. I’ll employ my heavies to deal with the kiddiefiend. Chill out. Grace xxx

So. You’ve been revising like you’re possessed and have lost the will to proceed. It’s O.K. Fret not my academic friend. Things are only going to get worse once you’ve graduated so enjoy your loan while you can. Just like those amazing 10p Puff crisps, you’ll miss it when it’s gone. Good luck and all that guff. G.E.D.V x

19 !"#$!"#$$


1 6





Everyone knows that revision/essay time is when the creative juices start gushing, carrying the sperm of ideas that will bag you the cash to drop out of uni and spend more time sleeping and/or touching yourself. Here’s a few of my best.

1 8 9

7 3




7 2 3

8 7 1

A swiss army knife with a cheese slicer attachment. Think of those times camping or fighting off vast armies. Never get caught short again.


+,* -&%./*0$*



Beer top trumps. Just imagine drinking beer in the garden or pub and playing a beer based game. Um beer. A set top box that turns one corner af your tv screen into constant stream of pictures of boobs. At the touch of a button it can take over the whole screen. Interactive features include matching the on-screen star with whatever sex tape or playboy shoots they have done. (I have already applied for a patent on this one so hands off) Starting a school training monkey butlers and then selling them from a boutique in Castle Arcade. After a while I would branch out into training all kinds of small mammals, then when they were in every home in the country I would send out the message and hold the UK hostage till they met my demands. ohh ha ha

The Himalayan gogi berry contains, weight for weight, more iron than steak, more beta carotene than carrots, more vitamin C than oranges. Fingerprints of koala bears are similar (in pattern, shape and size) to the fingerprints of humans Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

HOW TO PLAY SUDOKU: Fill in the numbers. ruby ruby ruby ruby da da da da da da, do it do it do it to me, na na na na na na. I love you godfather.



! !"#$%&'()!*&

9 4






No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.

Pele has always hated his nickname, which he says sounds like "baby-talk in Portuguese".

The first product to have a bar code scanned was Wrigley's gum.

As of 2006, 200 million blogs were left without updates

Earth is the only planet not named after a pagan God.

Urban birds have developed a short, fast "rap style" of singing, different from their rural counterparts.

A Boeing 747’s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.

More than 90% of plane crashes have survivors.

Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.


8 9



found ‘ e h t t a k o o b ’ a d n o Post them up on facebook’ group.

11 12





17 18






24 25 26 27

ACROSS 5 Italian foodstuff (5) 8 Modern name for Siam (8) 9 Dried plum (5) 10 Story-teller (8) 11 Oriental rich dish (5) 14 Vigour (3) 16 Blot carelessly (6) 17 Devon city (6) 18 Witty comic (3) 20 Succulent (5) 24 Holiday missive (8) 25 British film and tv award (5) 26 Strong black coffee (8) 27 Smallest amount (5)

oods damaged g DOWN 1 Make up for deficiencies (5) 2 Wed (5) 3 Fold in material (5) 4 Revenue (6) 6 Passenger plane (8) 7 Traditional birthplace of King arthur (8) 12 Remove (a limb) (8) 13 Instructs (8) 14 Fixed bench in a church (3) 15 Wooden pin (3) 19 Make active (6) 21 Work of fiction (5) 22 Temporary drop on




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Exhibit no. 864 Mr. Football




APRIL.30.2007 COMPETITIONS@!"#$!"#$$.COM



!"#$%&'())#'%*()+ A

s the end of university life is nigh for some of us, we are all suddenly aware of the hardest part of leaving our student days in Cardiff. It’s not the hazy days lounging in the Taff, nor is it the playful times in Roath Park. No, what most third year students shall miss will be the 10% discount in all our favourite shops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`/>88+,*$&))+$%#&'*0(1*( ;#C+,1+*,('B+*%&*1>#%*())@*N0+*$&)&>,1 ,('B+*",&8*E(10+;*&>%*-(1%+)1*('; ->'$0?*6,#B0%19*%&*;>1=?*B,+?1*('; $&&)*$,+(81*E0#$0*(,+*())*-+,"+$%*"&, ('*("%+,'&&'*&"*1%>;?*(';*,+)(O(%#&' #'*%0+*-(,=*&,*+C+'*6+%%+,9*%0+*6++, B(,;+'_* N0+*8+'1E+(,*$&))+$%#&'*#1*1&-0#17 %#$(%+;*?+%*1-&,%?*(';*$&'"#;+'%)? 8#O+1*%,(;#%#&'()*"&,8()E+(,*E#%0 8#)#%(,?*1%?)#'B@*

V&8+'1E+(,*0(1*(*1%,&'B*1+'1+*&" %0+*5ab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c*-+,"+$%*"&,*%0(%*1-+$#() &$$(1#&'@ V#%0*1>88+,*"(1%*(--,&($0#'B*#%*#1 %0+*#;+()*%#8+*%&*,+7(11+11*?&>, E(,;,&6+*(';*)&&=*%&*->))*%0(%*1%>''+, ?&>2C+*0(;*?&>,*+?+1*&'*"&,*8&'%01@* N0+*54^*;#1$&>'%*$+,%(#')? E&'2%*)+(C+*?&>*"++)#'B &>%*&"*-&$=+%*(';*E#)) +'1>,+*?&>*0(C+*%0+ +O%,(*-+''#+1*%&*1-+'; &'*%0+*"&,%0$&8#'B ;(%+*%0(%*10&>);*'&E 6+*+O-+$%+;!"

Time for tea


ou may remember we introduced you to last term and tried to entice you with their introductorary offer of student discount on the amazing range of priducts they sell, fair trade. Well, they’re back and have a new product to launch. Drink Me Chai Fairtrade certified chai tea is now available at the online store. Fairtrade Drink Me Chai is the only instant chai tea in the UK to have been certified by the Fairtrade Foundation. All you have to do for a luxurious Chai Tea Latte is add a couple of

French Connection and Grab have teamed up to create a great giveaway to celebrate French connection’s student discounts. We have a women’s top worth £35, a men’s t-shirt worth £25 and a belt worth £20 to giveaway to lucky readers.

teaspoons into steamed milk and your in heaven. It’s currently only sold in Harvey Nichols, but you guys have the chance to get your paws on a box absolutely free! All you have to do is log on to the fairtrade boutique website and register your details. Names will go into a hat and winning readers will be sent the boxet through the post. While your on the site, check out their finest fair trade goods available. They’ve recently added photo frames, photo albums and journals to the fair trade products on offer, so it really is worth a look if you have a birthday coming up or a bit of spare cash to spend on something nice for yourself. The prices are great too.

For a chance of winning, just drop us an email to the address at the top of the page and winners will be drawn at random. Best of luck!

Do you want fries with that? I

t’s finally here! The long awaited Fast Food Nation hits the screen this Friday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For your chance to be entered into the draw to win one of these anazing prizes, just answer the following question:

Greg Kinnear was recently seen in which Oscar-nominated film? A. Little Miss Sunshine B. Little Miss Naughty


C. Little Miss Bump Send your answers to the usual address as at the top of the page. good luck!


20 !"#$!"#$$


APRIL.30.2007 LISTINGS@!"#$!"#$$.COM


High Society !"+(,$-"./,,$0/12 3$0)*$ Mon - Sat 30 April - 05 May 7.30pm/£5-£29 Listings Editor Rosaria Sgueglia recommends


his is the story of Tracy Lorda rich woman who is planning her second wedding.

However, to plan a wedding is not as simple as it seems and poor Tracy will have to face many incoveniences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

The New Statesman: Rik Mayall !"#$%"&'$()*$ Mon - Sat 30 April - 5 May

7.30pm/£8.50£28 Listings Editor Jenna Harris recommends


ew Labour is dead. Long live New Labour. Rik Mayall’s comic creation Alan B’stard from The New Statesman - the original 1980s Tory MP television parody- has defected to the other side. From his Conservative origins as a conniving, money-obsessed politician, B’stard has made an about turn as a conniving, money-obsessed politician for New Labour. !"#$%&#'()*+(#,*$(--#$.)#&"%"(/ ".%"#01#2)-0"03&4#".(#2()2-(#)1#")2#%*( *(2-%3(/#56#".)&(#$.)#/(&20&(#$.%" ".(6#&"%1/#7)*4#%1/#6("#(1/#82 5(3)901+#(:%3"-6#-0;(#".(#2*(<0)8& 2()2-(#01#2)$(*=#>(--4#".(#$*0"(*&#)7 !"#$%#&$'()(#*+),4#".(#&.)$#)1 $.03.#?@&"%*/#$%&#3)13(0<(/4

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Manic Street Preachers - 11/12 May @ SU... The Who - 1 June @ Swansea...Paul Weller - 20 June @ Newport Centre... Damien Rice - 12 Oct @ CIA... Fflam Festival: Manic Street Preachers / Placebo / Feeder (plus others) - 12-15 July @ Singleton Park, Swansea...

!"#$!"#$$ 21


APRIL.30.2007 LISTINGS@!"#$!"#$$.COM


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Fun Factory @ Solus, SU Cardiff’s own alternative music night. Also features DJing by Oddsoc and bands put on by LMS in the live music room. 10pm - 2am. Free entry with NUS. £3 otherwise. The Jazz Attic @ Cafe Jazz Jam in a jazzy manner with the house jazz trio. All instruments and singers are welcome. £2/£1 if you perform. Arrive early. Vodka Island @ Tiger Tiger Wales’ superclub. 9.30pm - 2am. £4. Free Noise @ The Point Free Noise is a unique collaboration featuring major names from the burgeoning noise and free jazz scenes. Over two sets and through a series of improvised combinations, the paths of these two unorthodox musics will converge to produce something both beautiful and terrifying. 7.30pm. £10. Assembly Now / The Stanley Band / The Cartelles @ Barfly Indie bands times three.7.30pm. £5. Running with Scissors @ Chapter Arts Centre Based on the personal memoirs of Augusten Burroughs, Running with Scissors is a wickedly funny, brave and moving tale of surviving a most unusual childhood. Constantly recording his life in journals as a way of coping, Augusten finds himself avoiding school, learning about love, and making big decisions. at the tender age of fifteen. 6.30pm. £5.10

Forecast @ Buffalo Bar The usual Forecast DJs spin the decks. 8pm - 3am. Free. LMS Open Mic Night @ Buffalo Meanwhile, in another room at the same venue, LMS host their open mic night. 8pm. Free. Planet Rock @ Clwb Ifor Bach The one and only rock request night, originating from a Cardiff music society way back. You ask, and they play the rock, metal and goth classics. You can also request via 9pm - 2pm. £3. The Cinematic Orchestra @ The Point says of The Cinematic Orchestra that their music evokes “lush soundscapes in the vein of John Barry. Minimal backing from drums and double bass add a very funky element”.7.30pm. £12.50. Kenny Driscoll Jam Band @ The Bute Dock Hotel, West Bay St, Cardiff Bay Free music! For information contact 02920651426. 7pm. Free.

Rubber Duck @ Solus, SU Dressed up clubbing for jocks and pretend jocks. 10pm. £3. Popscene @ Clwb Ifor Bach Three floors, three different club nights. 9.30pm. £3. Cheapskates @ Metros. Indie, alternative and cheese, mixed together with £1.09 house doubles. Oh, and don’t forget the smell of sweat. Still, it is Metros and the sweaty ambiance is what makes it so good. £6. 8pm-3pm. Celebrating Women @ Gate Arts Centre Forty artists exhibit for International Women's Day 2007. For information visit The Used @ SU Utah’s The Used have made music that, to quote, “created a raw but touching sound that veers wildy from a whisper to a full-on screeching wail”. 7.30pm. £15.

The Bait Shop @ Barfly For alternative music fans, the Barfly has handily provided this club night, named after the establishment frequented on The O.C., to minister to your musical needs. 10.30pm. £3/2 NUS. Laser Safari @ Buffalo Bar A night of live indie music and DJs. 8pm £4. The Unsigned Band Connection: Everfade / Vend / Lowlights @ Callaghan's 9pm - 2am. £1. SwitchedOn Sherman: Scriptslam @ Sherman Theatre Regular session devoted to developing new writing talents. There will be four 15 minute pieces written by four new writers and the audience votes for the piece they would most like to see developed. 8pm. £3. The Zombies @ The Point The classic rock group responsible for hits like She's Not There and Time Of The Season, so go and check them out in a small and intimate venue. 7.30pm. £12.

Luke Pickett / Black Atlantic @ Clwb Ifor Bach Luke Pickett’s day job is acting as vocalist for the emo band Her Words Kill (the name totally belies their emo origins). However, he has started a side project as a solo artist. His six-track EP, For Every Petal Lost; Another Gained, which was recently released, departs from his emo orgins and instead establishes him on a path consisting of songs played out on guitar, piano and strings. He is supported by The Black Atlantic - a rock group from the Netherlands. 7.30pm. £5.

Pick Of The Day Marissa Nadler / Jenifer Gentle / Richard James @ The Point Richard James is one of the members of Gorky's Zygotic Mynci and is currently embarking on a solo project. This will be a mix of traditional Welsh folk, psych-pop and John Fahey-esque guitar picking. New York-based singer Marissa Nadler will, intriguingly, accompany herself on guitar, ukulele and five-string banjo. 7.30pm. £8.50.

Pick Of The Day The New Statement @ New Theatre Alan B’stard is back! See preview page for in depth information. The great philosopher Donald Rumsfield once made this fantastically sharp point: There are known knowns and unknown unknowns- things we know, things we think we know, things we know that we don’t know and things we don’t know that we don’t know. On that intellectual bombshell, it’s time to meet B’stard, one of the worst politicians in the world.7.30pm. £8.50-£28.

Shame About Sam / Boy In Flight @ Barfly 7.30pm. Inland Empire @ Chapter Arts Centre 7pm. £5.10.

The Toy Band / The Gar @ Barfly Toy-tastic. For more information on The Toy Band visit, and for information on The Gar, visit £4/ £5. JimJam @ Clwb Tafod (NosDa), 53-59 Despenser St. Live bands/acoustic open mic night. 8.30pm1am. Free. For more information, contact venue on 02920 37 88 66.

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Access all Areas @ Solus SU New Look Friday...Another Union event, another way to make people drunk. Promises the best alternative music and beats for you to boogie to. 10pm - 2am. £3.50 / £3 adv. The Dudes Abide @ Clwb Ifor Bach Music for those who love music. An indie and retro night that takes in the heady landscape created by the likes of Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Dusty Springfield. – 2.30am. £3.50 / £4. Mad4It! @ Barfly DJ Mike TV comperes an indietastic night of your favourite alternative music, ranging from the Strokes to the Smiths to absolutely everything in between. 10.30pm - 2am. £5. Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog / Yucatan / Mr Huw @ Clwb Ifor Bach Welsh language indie band fun. 9.30pm (Doors 8pm). £4/£5 on door. BBC National Orchestra Of Wales @ St David’s Hall A programme of classical works originally written by Giles Swayne: Pentecost Music, and Ravel: Alborada del Gracioso, Rhapsodie Espagnole and La Valse, performed by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales. 2pm. £7.50. Ghosts / Tiny Dancers @ Barfly Club Sheffield-based alt-folk in a Neil Young vein, supplemented with lots of lovely harmonies from Tiny Dancers. Ghosts play fragile indierock apparently. Worth going to see. 8pm. £6.

Come Play @ Solus, SU Party tunes in the main room and Traffic DJing in the side room. 10pm. £3.50. Fly Swatter @ Barfly Indie party fest that mixes up the best music with the even better. 10.30pm. £5 NUS. Hi-On-Maiden / Hunted / Sanction @ Clwb Ifor Bach Iron Maiden tribute band. 8pm. £4. Resonance:Tanja Raman, D'bini Industries @ Chapter Arts Centre Dance works by Finnish choreographer Tanja Råman in collaboration with sound/video artist John Collingswood (d’bini industries). Features a number of dances and performances including Kaihokaksi, an autobiographical work exploring Tanja Raman’s displacement from one culture to another. 8pm. £6 £10. High Society The Musical @ Wales Millennium Centre An adaptation of !"#$% &"'($')*% +,#-% !"#$

Open Mike (Upstairs) @ Buffalo Bar An intimate and relaxed atmosphere where you can experience live acoustic acts, songwriters and performers, as well as participating yourself. 8pm - 3am. £1. The Hop @ Buffalo Bar The resident DJs present 50’s night: rock ‘n’ roll, jive, rockabilly and psychobilly. 8pm 3am. Free.

Pick Of The Day Dressed To Kill @ The Point The world’s longest-running Kiss tribute band. They have been going for over 16 years now and were selected by Gene Simmons himself to be involved with his programmes Gene Simmons - Rock School and Gene Simmons Family Jewels. Expect the full on works, from blood-spitting and firebreathing to pyrotechnics. Rock on! 7.30pm. £9.

%&'"()*+(./(%+$/(0'$*%011$'%2#/**%+',3"#"0*4$** +/'2$%/45%-0*,2/#%40-6$'*%/*%,(%($##*%(.$%(/#$%"+ (.$%*"2,$(7%8$55,49%"+%(.$%7$/':%;:<=1-:%>;?@ >AB:%% Pick Of The Day Mike Milligan / Sol Bernstein / Greg Davies / Steve Harris @ Jongleurs It’s comedy time this week. Greg Davies is the winner of the Laughing Horse New ‘Comedian of the Year’ award 2002, along with having the accolade of being ITV's ‘Take The Mic’ 2003 award runner-up. Sol Bernstein has intriguingly been described by as, “one part Alf Garnett, two parts Mel Brooks”. The final purveyor of comedy today is Steve Harris, who won the ‘North West Comedian of the Year’ 1998 and was also a finalist in 'So You Think You're Funny' in that same year. So, a clutch of promising comedians at the bargain price of £10. 8pm. £10 (also includes free entry to Club Risa.)

Pick Of The Day Blowout Festival 2007 @ The Point / Coal Exchange / City Canteen Bank holiday Sunday mini festival presenting 45 acts over 12 hours. Four different stages and a multitude of musical genres. There’s also a bit of comedy thrown in as well. Acts include Poncho Comedy Club, Strawberry Gash, Chico (that Chico? I have no idea), The Loves, 3 Minute Warning, Ozric Tentacles and The Spiral Brothers. 2pm - 2am. £12. The Greatest Hits and More Tour: Jason Donovan @ St David's Hall Eighties crooning cheese fest with the former Neighbours star-turned celebrity jungle survivor. 7.30pm. £22.50 The Wombats / Black Cherry / Walker @ Barfly The Wombats are an indie/rock Liverpudlian trio influenced by Arcade Fire and The Beach Boys. Gig Wise has described their music as, ‘…tight as hell and with an ear for quirky melodies that defies belief.’ Support comes from quintet Black Cherry, who are currently being courted by various record companies. 7.30pm. £6. The Donde Stars / Poppies / The Strand @ Clwb Ifor Bach Local indie rock from The Strands. 8pm. £4. Victorian English Gentlemen's Club / Party Weirdo / The Stilletoes @ Chapter Arts Centre More indie rock for today. 7.30pm. £5/£4.

Pick Of The Day The New 1920 / Adiboomtown @ Clwb Ifor Bach A Save the Children Benefit. There are 43 million children who cannot attend school due to armed conflict. This gig is organised to raise funds for Save the Children's ‘Rewrite the Future’ campaign. Joint headliners The New 1920, who recently supported The Lost Prophets, are supported themselves by DJ sets from DJ Gidge (Off the Hook, Milgi) and Optimas Prime (Dial Up Records). 7.30pm. £6. Rise Against @ SU Chicago-based hardcore punk rock band who have been around since 1999. While you get the usual gluttal screaming, they differ perhaps from some of the other bands of that ilk by using their profile to support some good causes. 7.30pm. £12.50.

VENUES Students’ Union, Park Place 02920 387421 Med Club, Neuadd Meirionydd, Heath Park 02920 744948 Clwb Ifor Bach (The Welsh Club), 11 Womanby Street 02920 232199 Barfly, Kingsway Tickets: 08709070999 Metros, Bakers Row 02920 399939 Dempseys, Castle Street 02920 252024 Incognito, Park Place 02920 412190 Liquid, St. Mary Street 02920645464 The Philharmonic, 76-77 St. Mary Street 02920 230678 Café Jazz, 21 St. Mary Street 02920 387026 The Riverbank Hotel, Despenser Street St. David’s Hall, The Hayes 02920 878444 Chapter Arts Centre, Market Road, Canton 02920 304400 Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay 0870 0402000 The New Theatre, Park Place 02920 878889 The Sherman Theatre, Senghennydd Road 02920 646900 The Glee Club, Mermaid Quay 0870 2415093 Cardiff International Arena, Mary Ann Street 02920 224488 The Millennium Stadium Can’t miss it. The Point, Cardiff Bay 029 2046 0873.




APRIL.30.2007 SPORT@!"#$!"#$$.COM


Swansea take early shuttle Jesse Scharf Badminton Reporter CARDIFF MEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SWANSEA MEN. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CARDIFF Mens Badminton secured an impressive victory over their Swansea rivals at Talybont Sports Hall last Wednesday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

INTENSE: Badminton

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menon on the match Varsity edition GOLDEN GIRLS: Ladies’ Basketball and Rugby win this award for demolishing the opposition. That’s what you call winning in style. WHIPPING BOYS: Men’s Rugby struggled at Cardiff Arms Park and failed to score a point against our rivals. Enough said. EPIC GAME: Men’s Basketball took part in a thrilling match that was decided in the closing stages. A great victory. THE ‘SOD’S LAW’ AWARD: Lacrosse were unfortunate to lose in a nail-biting affair that went right down to the wire. Unlucky guys. SOLID STARTERS: The cricket team started well didn’t they? Perhaps they could teach Michael Vaughan and Co a lesson or two. CLEAN SHEET BONUS: Men’s Football, both hockey teams, Ladies Squash didn’t concede a point or goal. Great stuff guys. TEAM OF THE WEEK: A very difficult one to call, due to the large number of great performances. But the winner is Ladies’ Rugby for continuing their excellent form this season on a high. Congratulations girls.

Last-gasp dunk hands Cardiff win CARDIFF Men . . . . . . . . . . . .62 SWANSEA Men . . . . . . . . . . .60 IF THE WELSH CUP basketball match before the Easter break was anything to go by, then this would have been a dull event for the large crowd that turned out for this Varsity match-up between Cardiff and Swansea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IMG end-of-season review Welsh Cup finals Cardiff on the international sporting scene

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

TENSION: Basketball


Scott D’Arcy Sports Reporter

!""#$%&'!"(# WHAT A DAY! Cardiff bossed Swansea in 17 of the 22 disciplines. G+ -'.+ )%7?*+ (&"%21+ $"+ -'$71 3".$+ "6+ $1(+ .8"#$.+ $1#"%21"%$+ $1( 4'*0+'&4+,$+-'.+2#('$+$"+.((+."+3'&* .$%4(&$.+ .%88"#$,&2+ "%#+ $('3.+ '$ R)'&#%3&(*+'&4+I')*5"&$=+ A-'&.('+ 5#"%21$+ ')"&2+ ."3( #(')+[71'#'7$(#.[+$"+-'$71+$1(+2'3(.0 ."+ G+ '3+ (:$#(3()*+ 8#"%4+ $1'$+ -( "%$8(#6"#3(4+ $1(3+ 81*.,7'))*+ "& $1(+ 8,$71+ '&4+ ,&$())(7$%'))*+ "66+ ,$= >'&$(#= @.+6"#+$1(+#%25*0+-(+8%$+%8+'+#(')

6,21$+ '2',&.$+ '& (:$#(3()* .$#"&2+ _.8#(*.0 G+3('&+A-'&.('0+$('3=+G&+'&*+7'.(0 N0PPP+8("8)(+'$+$1(+@#3.+E'#?+7()(; 5#'$(4+X'#.,$*+,&+.$*)(=++ @ 3'..,<(+ $1'&?.+ $"+ 9'#4,66 @#3.+ E'#?+ 6"#+ 1".$,&2+ $1(+ #%25*+ 0 '&4+ ')."+ $"+ "%#+ &(-+ (<(&$+ .8"&."# @77(&$%#(0+ -1"+ 1()8(4+ 3'?(+ $1( 4'*+8"..,5)(=+ 9"&2#'$%)'$,"&.+ $"+ '))+ "%#+ '$1; )($(.+$1'$+5)(4+#(4+'&4+5)'7?+"&+.%71 '+ 3"3(&$"%.+ 4'*+ ,&+ $1(+ .8"#$,&2 7')(&4'#=

24 !"#$!"#$$


APRIL.30.2007 SPORT@!"#$!"#$$.COM

Rosy day for rowers James Sexton Rowing Reporter BOTH CARDIFF rowing teams retained their title as they set Cardiff’s Varsity push off to a winning start.

M%+& 4'0"& -'$+.)& /3& $%+& M'3& -+.+ (#)$*.2+(&')&$%+&"+,E)&',(&-/"+,E) 4.+-)&'$$+"<$+(&$/&1++<&%/0(&/3&$%+ M/"/)&S'$1#,&M./<%;&#,&$%+&)+4/,( S+0)%&T/'$&U'4+&'5'#,)$&!-',)+'= M%+&9'.(#33&O+,E)&V6&3/00/-#,5&' $/*5%&-#,$+.&$.'#,#,5&<./5.'"6&-+.+ 4/,3#(+,$&$%'$&$%+#.&</-+.3*0&./-#,5

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M%+& -/"+,& )#"#0'.0;& )$./(+& $/ B#4$/.;&#,&'&.'4+&$%'$&%'(&"*4%&/3&$%+ +A4#$+"+,$& /3$+,& )++,& #,& $%+& $.'(#7 $#/,'0&RA2.#(5+&)%/-(/-,=& >3$+.& '& 40')%& /3& 20'(+)6& 9'.(#33 )*.5+(&$%./*5%&$%+&0')$&HDD"&$/&$'1+ '&$#5%$&2*$&-+00&(+)+.B+(&B#4$/.;=&& >,$#4#<'$#/,& #)& '0.+'(;& "/*,$#,5

9'.(#33& 4/,$#,*+(& $/& -/.1& $%+ )4/.+72/'.(& '3$+.& $%+& #,$+.B'06 .+<+'$+(0;& 4.+'$#,5& $%+& /B+.0'<& $/ '00/-& $%+& )4/.+& /*$& -#(+=& ^'"2+ CARDIFF Ladies . . . . . . . . . . .61 '((+(& $-/& "/.+& $.#+)& $/& %+.& $'00; ',(& 30;7%'03& c'$& ^+,',& '0)/& 5/$& ' SWANSEA Ladies . . . . . . . . . . .5 %'$7$.#41=& 9'.(#33E)& '$$'41& -')& <+.7 )#)$+,$& -#$%& '& ,*"2+.& /3& 2.+'1) CARDIFF LADIES’ Rugby round- 2+#,5& "'(+& 2;& $%+& 3/.-'.()& -#$% ed off a successful season with ,/$'20+& <+.3/."',4+)& 2;& .+<0'4+7 an emphatic victory over Varsity "+,$&?/=V&[#41;&d'5+&',(&30',1+.) c'$+&^;,4%&',(&T+$%&c+,*.+=& rivals Swansea. N/-+B+.6& !-',)+'& $//1& '(B',7 M%+& T]!> ^+'5*+& H> -#,,+.) (/"#,'$+(&$%./*5%/*$&/,&$%+#.&-'; $'5+& /3& '& "/"+,$'.;& 0'<)+& #, 9'.(#33E)&(+3+,)#B+&0#,+&$/&5+$&$%+#. $/&'&4/,B#,4#,5&_H&7&`&B#4$/.;= M%+&)4/.#,5&2+5',&'3$+.&:*)$&$%.++ ,'"+& /,& $%+& )4/.+& )%++$=& ^//)+7 "#,*$+)& -#$%& 3*0072'41& ?#4/0+ %+'(&<./<&>,5%'.'(&@/,+)&,'../-0; !1+%',& 4./))#,5& $%+& 0#,+=& 9'.(#33 "#))+(& /*$& /,& )4/.#,5& '& $.;& -%+, 4/,$#,*+(&$%+#.&5//(&3/."&$%#)&;+'. $%+&2'00&-')&%+0(&*<&"#,*$+)&2+3/.+ -#$%& +'.0;& $.#+)& 3./"& 4+,$.+& U/a $%+&-%#)$0+=&N/-+B+.6&-#,5+.&e"#0; ^'"2+& ',(& ?/=V& T+41;& T0'1+-';= !%+<<'.(& (#(& $/<& /33& '& )$./,5 P.+)%+.&>0+A& b*#,,+00& '0)/& 4./))+( 9'.(#33& <+.3/."',4+& -#$%& '& )+,)'7 #,& $%+& 4/.,+.& '3$+.& KD& "#,*$+)& 3/. $#/,'0& $.;6& "'1#,5& $%+& 3#,'0& )4/.+& ' %+.& (+2*$& 9'.(#33& $.;=& S#,5+. -+007(+)+.B+(&_H&7&`= 9'.(#33& <*$& #,& '& )/0#(& <+.3/."7 O+0',#+& T*.5+& '((+(& $-/& "/.+ )4/.+)&$/&$%+&2/'.(6&<*$$#,5&9'.(#33 ',4+& #,& ',& +,:/;'20+& 5'"+& -%#4% #,& $%+& 0+'(& KD& 7& D& 5/#,5& #,$/& %'03 -')&$%+&0')$&3/.&'&,*"2+.&/3&<0';+.)= $#"+=


Leading Ladies


Angharad Jones Rugby Reporter


3/.&,+A$&;+'.E)&)%/-(/-,&-%+,&$%+ .'4+&-#00&2+&4/B+.+(&2;&JM[=&& T/$%& )\*'()& '.+& ,/-& #,& 3*00 .+5'$$'&$.'#,#,5&3/.&,+A$&-++1+,(E) T]!> +B+,$&-%+.+&$%+;&'.+&%/<#,5 $/&)%/-&$%+#.&3/."=&&&&

Cardiff inspired by goalie’s goals Dave Menon Sports Editor CARDIFF Ladies . . . . . . . . . . . .4 SWANSEA Ladies . . . . . . . . . . .1 CARDIFF GOALKEEPER Ruth Smith scored a second-half brace in what proved to be a comfortable win for the hosts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ROBERTS: Swansea could not contain him

Cloud 9 Ben Walker Cricket Reporter

SWANSEA Men . . . . .109 All Out CARDIFF Men . . . . . . . . .112 - 1

Super Sub George Pawley Sports Editor CARDIFF Men . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 SWANSEA Men . . . . . . . . . . . .0 A WONDERFUL brace from Cardiff substitute Eifion Roberts saw the home side cruise to a comprehensive win against Swansea at Llanrumney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Swansea Squashed Erica Ballantyne Squash Reporter CARDIFF MEN’S and Women’s squash teams both secured points for the Cardiff cause in their Varsity fixtures. 81&#3),-&*#+$$4#)#($</$'+)23&#L#a


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CARDIFF STARTED Varsity week in perfect fashion with a nine-wicket demolition of Swansea. !"# $%&'()*+# ($",-+-$"*# .)',-//# 0$" +1&# +$**# )",# ,&(-,&,# +$# 2$03# $"# 01)+ 3$$4&,#)#2$03&'#/'-&",35#6-+(17# 81-*# ,&(-*-$"# 0)*# 9:*+-/-&,# )*# 3&/+; )'<# *&)<&'# =&"# >)34&'# *+':(4# &)'35 0-+1# +0$# 0-(4&+*# -"# +0$# 2)33*?# 2$+1 ():@1+# 2&1-",# 25# A4&&6&'# B'&@$'5 C:'57# 81-*# 3&/+# D0)"*&)# *+':@@3-"@# )+ EF#;#G#/'$<#/-%&#$%&'*7 8$#+1&-'#('&,-+#D0)"*&)#/$:@1+#2)(4 0&33#0-+1#+1&#/-'*+#$/#+1&-'#$"35#+0$#'&)3 6)'+"&'*1-6*# $/# +1&# @)<&7# 81&5# 6'$; @'&**&,# +$# FE# ;# G# $//# EG# )",# ($:63&, 0-+1# D0)"*&)H*# 2$-*+&'$:*# *:66$'+ <)")@&,#+$#6:+#.)',-//#:",&'#6'&**:'& /$'#+1&#/-'*+#+-<&#-"#+1&#@)<&7 81&# -"+'$,:(+-$"# $/# I-(4# >-33-)<* )",# J%&'+# =&44&'# -"+$# +1&# )++)(4 (1)"@&,#+1&#($:'*&#$/#+1&#<)+(17#=$+1 6-(4&,#:6#)#0-(4&+#)6-&(&#&)'35#-"#+1&-' *6&33*?#2:+#+1&#2&*+#0)*#5&+#+$#($<&7 JK&<63)'5# *&)<# 2$03-"@# /'$< >-33-)<*# )",# +1&"# =&44&'?# 01$# &)(1 2$03&,# ,$:23&# 0-(4&+# <)-,&"*# )", +:'"&,# +1&# @)<&# ,&(-*-%&35# .)',-//H* 0)57# >1&"#>-33-)<*#6-(4&,#:6#1-*#/$:'+1 0-(4&+?# 2'&)4-"@# )# *+:<6# -"# +1& 6'$(&**?#D0)"*&)#1),#(')*1&,#/'$<#FL

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!"#$%&'(#)'*(+ Cardiff won toss Swansea Goodway c Allen b Bekker . . . .37 Williams c Fury b Walker . . . . . .4 Scott c Fury b Walker . . . . . . . .0 Ghumman c Stewart b Williams . . .14

Rees lbw b Bekker . . . . . . . . . .8 Mugnaioni c Hesketh b Williams . . . .7

Rose b Williams . . . . . . . . . . . .0 Shrives b Williams . . . . . . . . . . .0 Tustan b Bekker . . . . . . . . . . . .0 Dredge not out . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Treagus lbw b Bekker . . . . . . .21 Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 TOTAL (26 overs) . . . . . . . . .109 Bowling: Walker 7-1-27-2; Stewart 5-0-21-0; Bekker 8-2-29-4; Williams 6-2-31-4

D0)"*&)H*# 63)5&'# /)-3&,# +$# '&(&-%& J'-()H*#*&'%&7# 81&# 6)++&'"# ($"+-":&,# )* =)33)"+5"&#0&"+#$"#+$#0-"#O#;#R?#O#;#R -"# +1&# *&($",# )",# +1-',# ':22&'*? )(1-&%-"@#)#01-+&0)*1#GM#;#R#%-(+$'5 $%&')337# B0&")"# Z$"&*;b)''5?# .)',-//H* ":<2&'#$"&?#/$33$0&,#*:-+]#*1&#+$$4#) O#;#E#3&),#-"#1&'#/-'*+#':22&'#)",#($"; +-":&,# $"# 0-+1# +1-*# 6&'/$'<)"(&# +$ +)4&#)#*+')-@1+#*&+*#%-(+$'57 X*# /$'# +1&# <&"?# .)',-//H*# :*:)3 1-@1# *+)",)',# $/# 63)5# 0)*# ,&<$";

Cardiff Hesketh c Scott b Mugnaioni . .28 Cox not out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Butterworth not out . . . . . . . . .19 Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 TOTAL (for 1, 15.5 overs) . . .112 Bowling: Mugnaioni 6-0-35-1; Tustan 2-0-25-0; Dredge 5.5-0-270; Scott 2-0-8-0 Cardiff won by nine wickets

----------------------------------------------------------------Next Week’s Fixtures - Men’s 1 v Reading (H) - Men’s 2 v Marjons (A) - Ladies’ 1 v Gloucester (A)

*+')+&,# -"# )33# /-%&# <)+(1&*7# [0)-" Z$"&*?#63)5-"@#)+#*&&,#/-%&?#)(1-&%&, )# GM# ;# R# 0-"# -"# 1-*# +1'&&# *&+*?# 01-3& /$:'+1#*&&,#Z)<&*#>:&'e&'#)",#*&&, +1'&&?#Y)++#.:''5?#/-")3-*&,#+1&#0-"7# Y)'4#b-&'(&#c.)',-//#":<2&'#+0$d )",#S15*#[0&"#cY&"H*#.)6+)-"#)", +$6# *&&,d# 0&'&# "$+# *$# 3:(457# =$+1 63)5&'*#()<&#:6#)@)-"*+#+$:@1#$66$; *-+-$"# -"# +1&# /$'<# $/# >&3*1# -"+&'"); +-$")3#63)5&'*7# b-&'(&# 3$*+# P# ;# E?# ,&*6-+&# /-@1+-"@ 0&33#+$#0-"#1-*#$"&#':22&'?#)",#[0&" *:((:<2&,#+$#)#P#a#R#,&/&)+7

26 !"#$!"#$$


APRIL.30.2007 SPORT@!"#$!"#$$.COM

DEDICATION: The hair says it all

Steven Florey Sports Reporter

CARDIFF Men . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 SWANSEA Men . . . . . . . . . . . .0



VICTORY WAS achieved with minutes to spare in the Men’s Hockey, after a relentless display from the Cardiff side. An inspired performance from Swansea goalkeeper Smith, was all that prevented a landslide victory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Triple Crown for Netballers CARDIFF Ladies . . . . . . . . . . .62 SWANSEA Ladies . . . . . . . . . .35 CARDIFF COMPLETED the Varsity treble with three wins in as many years following a convincing win over archrivals Swansea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What do you think of their performance? Let us know at


Becky Oatley Netball Reporter

NETBALL: Reach For The Stars




APRIL.30.2007 SPORT@!"#$!"#$$.COM

Heroes to Zeros !"#$%&&'(''')*"+),"'-. PHOTOS: ADAM GASSON & JAMES PEROU

Jon Berridge Rugby Reporter AT THE HOME of Cardiff rugby, the Arm’s Park, and in front of an expectant crowd the Cardiff University Rugby team were humbled by archrivals Swansea in the annual Varsity match. !"#$#%&"'()*$'+$,--.$/##0#1$*$1)/2 3*43$ 0#0'(5$ */$ 6*(1)++$ #41#1$ 3"# 0*37"$8)3"'%3$*$/)49:#$&')43; <8*4/#*$ 8#(#$ 8'(3"5$ 8)44#(/$ '4 3"#$ &)37"=$ 3"'%9"$ 3"#$ 7'41%73$ '+$ 3"#)( 3(*>#::)49$+*4/$:#+3$0%7"$3'$?#$1#/)(#1;$ !"#)($ /#73)'4$ '+$ 3"#$ /3*1)%0$ 1)/2 9(*7#+%::5$ +*):#1$ 3'$ '?/#(>#$ 3"#$ &(#2 0*37"$ 0)4%3#@/$ /):#47#$ *41=$ '4$ 3"# +)4*:$ 8")/3:#=$ <8*4/#*$ +*4/$ >#43%(#1 '>#($3'$3"#$6*(1)++$&*(3$'+$3"#$/3*1)%0 3'$ 3*%43$ 3"#$ 1#+#*3#1;$ A'8#>#(=$ /'0# '+$ 3"#$ 6*(1)++$ +*4/$ 8#(#$ 4'3$ 8)3"'%3 ?:*0#$ */$ 0)//):#/$ 8#(#$ "%(:#1$ )43' ?'3"$/#3/$'+$+*4/; !"#$ '&#4)49$ #B7"*49#/$ '+$ 3"# 0*37"$8#(#$1'0)4*3#1$?5$<8*4/#*$*/ 6*(1)++$/3(%99:#1$3'$9#3$*45$9''1$?*::; 6*(1)++$+'%41$:)+#$3'%9"$)4$3"#$7'43*73 *(#*$3"('%9"'%3$3"#$0*37"$*41$3"#$?*:: 8*/$ 3%(4#1$ '>#($ +(#C%#43:5$ ?5$ 3"# <8*4/#*$+'(8*(1/; D)E#$0*45$&(#>)'%/$F*(/)35$0*37"2 #/=$ 3"#$ 9*0#$ /3(%99:#1$ 3'$ +:'8=$ 8)3"

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LEFT TO RIGHT: Swansea’s flanker heads for the turf; Cardiff struggle to stop Swansea’s counter; Cardiff’s Head Coach Martyn Fowler; Cardiff captain Matt Hopper lines up a penalty

/01234563'*3781349$:68106'10;38'56'123'85<218'06='8>:6=8'>?'234'?5481'@04851A'3BC34536D3 AH VARSITY. There’s a heady mix of excitement, suspense, rivalry and testosterone wafting in the breeze as I enter Cardiff Arms Park to support our boys against Swansea. R#)49$)4$05$3")(1$*41$+)4*:$5#*($*3 6*(1)++=$ *41$ "*>)49$ 4#>#($ ?##4$ 3'$ 3"# /&'(3/$?'4*4U*$?#+'(#=$V$1#7)1#1$)3$8*/ 3)0#$3'$W&'&$05$F*(/)35$7"#((5@ ?#+'(# )3@/$3''$:*3#; G10)33#1:5$V$1'4@3$E4'8$*$:'3$*?'%3 (%9?5=$?%3$V$1#7)1#1$3'$9'$*41$/'*E$%& 3"#$ *30'/&"#(#$ *41$ /##$ 8"*3$ V$ 7'%:1

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Dave Menon Sports Editor ON A DAY that was fuelled by mixed emotions, Cardiff retained the Varsity Shield but failed to score a single point in the competition’s biggest spectacle – the men’s rugby match at Cardiff Arms Park. !"#$%&'$()*+,-..(/%0(#$1(2$-1", /-#$(*(3%45+1$106-71(89(:(;(7-3#%+< %71+( +-7*"6( 2/*061*=( %&+( 410>6 +&'?<(#1*4(.*-"1,(#%(6$-01(-0(*(,-6: *55%-0#-0'(@(:(8A(,1.1*#=(/-#01661, ?<(*0(16#-4*#1,(B=@@@(6&55%+#1+6C

Continued from Back Continued on Page 26


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