In-depth gair rhydd unearths the truth behind Rohypnol in Cardiff
Investigations p.7
rhydd free word - EST. 1972
World Aid sD
ISSUE 752. December 1 2003
Issue 6 - Dece mber 1 2003
PLUS: Interviews, Travel, Gay, Fashion, Music, Books, DC Gates, Film, Blind Date, Arts...
56 pages packed with reviews, news and features
Radiohead light up Cardiff
Interviews Fashion - Gay - Travel - Mus ic - Books - Digi tal - Film - Arts - Food - Goin g Out
AIDS awareness day
Fashion on the che ap The best films of
Third city centre knife attack in a week Female victim robbed in Bute Park in broad daylight
By Peter Bramwell News Editor A FEMALE CARDIFF University student was robbed at knifepoint last week while enjoying a cycle ride in Bute Park. And fears are growing for safety in the city centre, as the incident comes as the third known knife-related attack in the
Winter Wonderland Turn to page 3 for a rundown on this year’s festive fun at the civic centre
PHOTO: Gemma Griffiths
as if I was walking home at night last week. Only last issue, gair rhydd or in a vulnerable position. "You always hear ‘don’t walk reported on a student who was threatened with a knife in the back to Talybont through the park’, and ‘don’t go along the city centre on Sunday morning. This week’s incident, however, Taff Trail’, but it was right by occurred in broad daylight at town at nine in the morning, it around 9am on Saturday morn- was really light and there were ing in Sophia Gardens, close to other people around. "I just feel really nervous now Cardiff Castle. The victim, who wishes to be because there was nothing I left unnamed, was cycling in could have done to prevent it. It Sophia Gardens when a man was just opportunistic but it has walked up to her asking for the been really horrible." Her description of the robber time. She told gair rhydd, "Park was of a white male aged 25-30, Place gym was closed until 10am around 5’5", wearing a black hat and with a very pale so I thought I would just complexion. go for a cycle ride in The incident Bute Park around the occurred less than castle. an hour after a "As I went jeweller was round a corner, robbed by knifeabout 50 yards point in a similar from the main place along the entrance to Sophia Taff Trail. The robGardens on Castle ber also asked for Street, a guy came up the time before pulling to me and asked me for out a knife f itting a simthe time. So I stopped, and ilar description. as I turned around he PHOTO: Kirtsy The victim, who lives pulled a knife on me. "It was a kitchen knife Monaghan in Caerphilly, handed over his wallet and disabout six inches long so I screamed. He said, ‘I’m not tinctive gold and black wristgoing to hurt you if you give me watch before the robber rode off on a bike. your bike and your bag.’ Police found two men in "He said, ‘If you tell anybody or go and get help my friend is town on Sunday, each f itting watching you and he’ll come and the different descriptions given by the student and businessget you.’ After the assailant cycled off man. Two men have reportedly with the stolen bike, the victim found help from people in the been charged with offences of park who then phoned the police. possession of a weapon and There was nothing of any sig- possession of drugs, but no one has of yet been charged with the nificant value in the bag. The victim added, "It wasn’t robberies.