gair rhydd
ISSUE 829 NOVEMBER 27 2006
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gair rhydd presents Edification, our new fortnightly column Page 13
ARE YOU LISTENING? Helen Thompson News Editor THE VICE Chancellor will be confronted with a petition signed by thousands of students demanding a greener University this week. In a fortnight of campaigning, Cardiff’s People and Planet group have been drawing attention to the University’s poor environmental record and asking Cardiff to be the first Welsh university to sign up to a
Go Green strategy immediately. The group intend to present 2,000 signatures to Vice Chancellor Dr David Grant, who is believed to own several large, gas-guzzling cars, in order to persuade him to instigate more eco-friendly measures. People and Planet (P&P) is a nationwide network of student groups that campaign on issues related to world poverty, human rights and the environment. Of 60 universities reviewed by the organisation in 2005, only two had
fewer environmental provisions than Cardiff. The impact of universities on the environment is huge, with the UK higher education sector emitting three million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. To reduce this impact, the Go Green campaign began in 2004. Since then, 30 universities have signed up to the Go Green strategy, leaving Cardiff lagging behind. Cardiff University P&P are asking for four key points to be addressed. They require: the support of the Vice
Chancellor; the introduction of a fulltime environmental manager; an environmental audit to review the University’s performance; and clear targets set out in a publicly available environmental policy. These are the factors common to universities that have a high environmental performance, such as Oxford Brookes and Sheffield. If their requests are ignored, P&P intend to hold demonstrations and put pressure on the University through the media and .local council.
Students challenge Vice Chancellor to make major environmental changes
John Cowie, president of Cardiff P&P, said: “There is no reason for the Vice Chancellor to refuse to go green. It will save the University money by cutting energy and resource costs.” Sarah Emmerson, a Language and Communications student and member of People and Planet, said: “This is not just an environmental issue, it is a moral one. Climate change will affect us all, especially those in the third world.” Emma Hughes, a Journalism PHD Continued on Page 4
NOVEMBER.27.2006 NEWS@gairrhydd.COM
a glance November 27 2006
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EDITOR Perri Lewis DEPUTY EDITOR Sophie Robehmed ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR Elaine Morgan CREATIVE EDITOR Graeme Porteous NEWS Adam Millward, Helen Thompson, Jo Dingle, Katie Kennedy POLITICS Andy Rennison EDITORIAL AND OPINION Ed Vanstone, Georgie SPORT Dave Menon, George Pawley LISTINGS Jenna Harris, Rosaria Sgueglia TELEVISION TV Gareth, TV John, TV Neil, TV Jane, TV John LETTERS Rachel Clare GRAB Kayleigh Excell, Lisa Hocken TAF-OD Huw Pritchard SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENT Ceri Morgan MEDIA Aline Ungewiss, Nadia Bonjour HEALTH Liz Stauber JOBS AND MONEY Gill Roberts PROBLEM PAGE Grace De Ville FIVE MINUTE FUN Lara Bell PICTURE EDITORS James Perou, Sarah Day SUB EDITOR Cathal McMahon ONLINE EDITOR Paul Springett CONTRIBUTORS Sebastian Cook, Victoria Lane, Samantha Shillabeer, Corinne Rhoades, Ed Pitchforth, Chris Criossant, Rishi Shonpal, Jahnavi Harrison, Kirsty Page, Caleb Woodbridge, Jess Gregson, Lydia Janes, Natasha Prest-Smith, Annie Buckle ADDRESS University Union, Park Place Cardiff, CF10 3QN ADVERTISING 02920 781 474 EMAIL
Science decline
The chicken pox buster THE WORLD’S most powerful antichickenpox drug has helped a Cardiff University professor to win an award this month. Professor Chris McGuigan, professor of Medical Chemistry and Director of Research at the Welsh School of Pharmacy, was awarded the BASF prize by the Royal Society of Chemistry. He received the award in Glasgow for his contributions to antiviral and anticancer medicinal chemistry. Professor McGuigan said: “I am particularly pleased for my research students and staff, without whom I would have nothing to present. “To have come from an award-winning medicinal chemistry team will be valuable to them and reflects well on the hard work they put in daily.” The company he owns, Fermavir Pharmaceuticals, holds the patents and rights to the anti-chickenpox and shingles drug discovered and refined at Cardiff University. He has also formed another private company, Cardiff ProTides, to market the anti-cancer technology developed by Fermavir. Marco Migliore, a PhD student who has worked with Professor McGuigan for three years on the project, said he was “very happy” for the team to be recognised for the work they were doing. He added: “they were completely changing the treatment of the disease (chickenpox) as they had found an extraordinary compound.”
Lack of interest in sciences leading to crisis in economy Angela Pook Reporter IN THE LAST decade the scrapping of science and maths courses has led to a growing university science crisis. A report by the University College Union says there are regions of the country which will soon be unable to offer science based subjects. In these regions it will be science students from poorer backgrounds and ethnic minorities who will be worst affected as they are more likely to live at home and won’t be able to afford the maintenance costs of moving away. The government has offered universities millions of pounds in an attempt to rectify the situation. This, however, is too late for Reading’s physics department, which will be closing in 2010. Despite a last minute plea to save the renowned physics department, the university’s council voted last Monday in favour of
its closure. Reading’s vice-chancellor said that the university was unable to continue subsidising the department due to increasing costs. Industry leaders are warning that the economy is suffering because of the lack of science-trained graduates. Tony Blair stepped in earlier this month in an attempt to enthuse young people about science. He called for world-famous scientists to be celebrated alongside sports personalities and actors. BAE systems has been running a schools programme targeted at children as young as nine to try to achieve the same thing. The government is now taking definite action and has pledged £75 million of resources to support what it has called “strategic subjects”. It is hoped that this will encourage universities to continue offering science-based subjects even though they are more expensive to teach.
The signs of extremism? Students to be ‘taught’ how to identify extremists Samantha Shillabeer Reporter STUDENTS NEED to be taught how to identify religious extremists in order to prevent them from preying on vulnerable young people, according to controversial new government guidelines. The guidelines, presented by Higher Education Minister, Bill Rammell, offer ways of spotting possible extremists and give information on how they operate and recruit. Mr Rammell warned of the dangers posed by Muslim radicals looking to recruit students and convert them to terrorism. He insisted the guidelines are not specifically aimed at England’s 1.8 million Muslims, but that they are about protecting vulnerable students from bullying and harassment. He said: “The guidance provides a recognition that violent extremism in the name of Islam is a real, creditable and sustained threat to the UK, and that there is evidence of serious
Islamist extremist activity in [higher educational institutions].” Under the guidelines, radical speakers with a history of racism could be banned from university campuses. Lecturers are also being urged to work together with mosques and imams to prevent “extremism in the name of Islam” taking hold. In addition, they are being encouraged to collaborate with police, learning to recognize signs of extremism. By giving universities more information about the dangers of extremist infiltrators, the Government hopes to prevent more young muslims becoming radicalised. The guidelines follow the emergence of a number of specific incidents of students being radicalised at UK universities. Omar Saeed Sheikh, who took part in the kidnap and murder of Daniel Pearl, was said to have been recruited by extremists at the London School of Economics, and Omar Sharif, who became a suicide bomber in Israel, learned his radical Islamism at King’s College, London.
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Out with the rich in with the poor Eleanor Morrey Reporter BRITAIN’S ELITE universities have been warned that they could face a forfeit of millions of pounds in a shake-up of higher education funding. David Eastwood, head of England’s university funding council, has revealed that universities which admit a large number of students from poorer backgrounds are likely to receive as much public funding as those that concentrate on research alone. With this shift, middle-class students could face jeopardy in getting places at universities. Almost a third of all research funding goes to just five institutions: Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, Imperial and University College London. These are also the institutions that take on the lowest number of students from poorer backgrounds. The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) current-
ly spends £6.7 billion on teaching and research in universities. Of this, £1.6 billion goes on research, £332 million on raising the number of working-class students in higher education and £118 million on developing regional business links. Professor Malcolm Grant, chairman of the Russell Group of leading universities, stated: “Whilst we applaud widening participation, it would be sensible for HEFCE to look at ways to allow our world-class universities to compete at an international level and not to tax research funding to crosssubsidise widening participation.” Forty-two percent of 18 to 30 year olds are currently in higher education; the government wants this figure to increase to 50 percent by 2010. However, with the introduction of increased tuition fees to £3,000 per year, the number of students applying to university has dropped, particularly among school leavers from less privileged backgrounds.
NOVEMBER.27.2006 NEWS@gairrhydd.COM
AS-BO like it
Sam Malone Reporter
A BOOK that gives yobs advice on getting an ASBO has caused outrage amongst experts. How To Get An ASBO is the follow-up from authors Mia Wallace and Clint Spanner’s best selling CHAV! A User’s Guide to Britain’s New Ruling Class. Promoting itself as having “all you need to be the most anti-social members of your neighbourhood”, it recommends chaining up a pit bull terrier or playing music at full blast as the ideal ways to land yourself with an ASBO. But enraged councils say the book is irresponsible. One councillor said: “This book is absolutely terrible. It certainly isn’t funny. It seems to propagate the myth that some people actually would like an ASBO.” The authors, on the other hand, defended the book as an amusing critique of ASBO policy. They said: “We appreciate the
ironic situation where the Government thinks it’s tackling antisocial behaviour, yet there are also bad guys out there desperately trying to get an ASBO.”
ASBO BOOK: Yobs’ perfect gift?
At it like rabbits Cathal McMahon Reporter
CARDIFF STUDENTS donned bunny costumes and auctioned themselves off to raise money for charity last weekend. The 16 participating students, who are all members of Cardiff University’s Student Scout and Guide Society (SSAGS), managed to raise £420 for the Morriston Childrens’ Hospital in Swansea. The peculiar fundraising event was held at one of three annual national Student Scout and Guide Organisation (SSAGO) events in Bangor, North Wales.
The society’s secretary Helen Walter said: “We did it because our treasurer [James Thornton] said he would cut his hair if we raised £500 for charity by Christmas.” Society chairperson, Will McGenn said: “It was a bit nerve-racking for everybody involved, with the worries of ‘what happens if we don’t make much money?’ or ‘what happens if I’m bought by somebody scary?’ Once other people got the idea of what was going on, the bids started flowing in and the money started piling up.” One of the most expensive lots was Matt Rawlings, who managed to raise £50 by making a bet to keep clothed from the neck down and still dress in a
Popular student kebab shop accused of poor hygiene
bunny-girl outfit. Sisters Erin and Hannah Lowther, who were sold together, fetched £50 to become the top earners alongside Rawlings. McGenn added: “The auction was for dance partners and general dogsbodies for an evening. The kind of things done (that we know about) included dancing, bar runs, tea making and general menial tasks.” Although the group has not yet reached their target, Secretary James Thornton shaved his hair the following morning. The cheque will go towards maintaining the burns unit at the children’s hospital.
Helen Thompson News Editor A KEBAB shop that is often used by students has been declared too filthy to serve food. Mama’s Kebab House on Salisbury Road, Cathays was closed last Monday after its proprietor was charged for seven food safety offences. Jalal Shiwani, 43, failed to appear at Cardiff’s magistrates’ court last Monday, causing a warrant for his arrest to be issued. It was found that the take-away’s employees did not maintain “a degree of personal hygiene” consistent with food industry requirements. Other charges include that Shiwani failed to keep the shop clean and in good repair; failed to ensure food refuse didn’t accumulate in food rooms; and failed to ensure that articles, fittings and equipment were kept clean.
The high life? New medical report highlights general ignorance of the potentially harmful side effects of legal ‘herbal highs’ A REPORT by the New Zealand Medical Association questions the safety of so-called ‘herbal highs’, which are entirely legal in the UK. These legal ‘party pills’ contain the active ingredient benzylpiperazine (BZP) which gives the user similar effects to the class A drug ecstasy. However, there are fears that as these ‘party pills’ are available legally, users may see them as having none of the dangerous side effects associated with their illegal counterpart. BZP is illegal in Sweden and Australia, and is classed as a Schedule 1 drug in the US, giving it similar legal status to heroin. The New Zealand Medical
Association chairman, Dr Ross Boswell stated: “There is nothing herbal about them [party pills]. BZP was developed as a drug to treat cattle for worms.” BZP-based drugs are now becoming increasingly available across the UK, with shops and even mainstream clubs beginning to stock them. There are a variety of unpleasant effects that can be caused by BZP including insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, vomiting and even seizures. A second-year Cardiff Business student said: “I tried a liquid version on a night out; it just left me feeling sick and lethargic. In the end, I had to get drunk just to stop feeling so rough.”
Kiwi attacks Wales THE WELSH have been labelled a bunch of “village idiots” by New Zealand’s flagship newspaper in an attack on Wales and its rugby. In a column by respected writer Chris Rattue in the country’s topselling daily newspaper, The New Zealand Herald, the showdown between Wales and the All Blacks last Saturday is dismissed as a non-
event. He wrote: “It’s pointless at this point going on about the great history of All Black and Welsh rugby because there isn’t one. “Let’s face it. Wales are rubbish. They are the village idiots of rugby union. They have fans who live for the game, administrators who’ve killed it and players who lie down for the cause.”
NOVEMBER.27.2006 NEWS@gairrhydd.COM
Test of faith
Unions accused of discrimination after removing Christian societies from lists Corinne Rhoades Reporter
CHRISTIAN students throughout Britain have had their faith forced underground after universities attacked their beliefs. Christian Unions at four British universities have been targeted by their university authorities and now face accusations of discrimination and homophobia. The Christian Unions at Edinburgh, Birmingham, HeriotWatt and Exeter Universities are threatening legal action against their student associations after they were banned from the official society lists. Funding and facilities were suspended at Exeter, whose students’
guild accused the Christian Union of breaking rules about equal opportunities. The move sparked legal action from Exeter’s CU, who gave the university 14-days to revoke the suspension. Legal advice came from Andrea Minichiello Williams who said she was ‘puzzled’ as to why other groups were not experiencing such discrimination. 150 christian students at Birmingham University also saw their society suspended after they rejected university demands to allow non-christians on the ruling committee. Birmingham University branded the CU homophobic after it refused to alter its literature to include homo-
Give a little money, get a little action? William Taylor Reporter SINGLE CARDIFF students were out in force for RAG’s annual speed-dating night last Sunday. Cardiff University’s Raise and Give society held the event at The Social Pub, raising nearly £400 for Tenovous Cancer research and Marie Curie Cancer Care. Student Becky Frankish said: “It was a good opportunity to meet new
people and have fun with those you already know.” Gemma Scott, President of RAG, said, “I am really happy with the success of the event and I’m glad so many students got involved.” RAG is considering repeating the event in response to the night’s popularity. Anyone who would like to get involved in RAG can contact the society’s President, Gemma Scott via her email on
Are you listening?
Continued from front page
student, added: “We’re the generation that will suffer the consequences. “If ordinary people like students don’t care about the environment, how can we expect governments to care? We have a 15-year time frame to make a difference before it’s too late.” Ed Sayer, a postgraduate Psychology student, said that he was signing the petition because he thought it was important that the University is conscious of the impact it makes on the local community and environment. Recently, the University has introduced the ‘eco-champion’, a member of staff from each department that reviews how the department can improve its environmental performance. Other steps employed by the University include a car-share scheme, office recycling and green energy purchasing. Renewable energy powers 21 major campus sites, with smaller sites in the process of conversion. But People and Planet insist that further action is necessary to fulfil the University’s obligation to the environment. Double-sided printing, installing
light sensors and improving recycling facilities in cafes and bars are all measures that could be introduced. Buildings should also be reviewed to assess their energy efficiency. A review of the Union building’s maintenance requirements in 2005 revealed that it would cost £10 million over 10 years to fulfil environmental requirements, prompting the University to consider spending extra to create an entirely new building. Vice President Ed Jones said: “We need a more energy efficient Union building, and structural improvements. The costs in heating and maintenance are exponential.” Construction is due to begin within five years. Currently it is not certain where the building will be situated but a meeting between University and Union representatives before Christmas is expected to provide answers. A student centre steering group will put together a proposal containing ideas on aspects such as effective space utilisation and the needs of students by June 2007. These could include holding a competition among architecture students to design an energy efficient Union.
sexual references that are against its beliefs. Cardiff’s Christian Union co-presidents, Ben Read and Joy Shannon stated that they were experiencing no such discrimination by the University. They said: “We are grateful to the Students’ Union which still believes in the right to discuss issues in an open manner.” The need for a secular society to show tolerance was also welcomed by the co-presidents. They added: “The move does sadly show that many Students’ Unions have stopped being centres for democratic debate. We will be praying for the difficulties highlighted recently in other universities, asking that they’ll be resolved quickly.”
Dragons Harmed Jessica Hart Reporter DRAGON SAUSAGES don’t actually contain dragon’s meat, consumer watchdogs have explained. The Welsh meat firm Black Mountains Smokery are being forced to add the word ‘pork’ onto the labels of their sausages. The trading standards department told the company
that it was breaking the law because of the misleading name. The meat firm, which turns out 200,000 sausages a year, has been warned it could face legal action for suggesting they use dragon’s meat in their product. The letter from the Council’s Trading Standards Department read: “The public analyst has stated that the name Welsh Dragon Sausage is not sufficiently precise to inform a pur-
chaser of the true nature of the food.” After a tip-off that the meat firm had breached the 1996 Food Labelling Act of Misleading Description, the consumer watchdogs pounced. The meat firm’s boss, Jon Carthew, stated: “I don’t think any of our customers actually believe that we use dragon meat in our sausages. “It’s ridiculous that we have to comply by tacking the word pork on the end just to satisfy them.”
The Prince of Wales at last? Adam Millward News Editor PRINCE CHARLES is to buy his first home in Wales, which he and Camilla plan to use on visits to the country. Contracts have been exchanged and the current completion date is intended to be towards the end of March 2007. The Llwynywormwood estate is located near Llandovery in Carmarthenshire and consists of a derelict mansion and other buildings within a 192-acre site. The land includes 40 acres of woodland, a walled garden and the remnants of a lake. Clarence House commented that
Charles had been eager to buy a house in Wales for some time. When the current building has been renovated, it may be let to holidaymakers when the prince and duchess are not visiting. The purchase is considered ‘symbolically’ significant because, despite Charles’ title of the Prince of Wales, he has never owned a property here. Royal critic, Richard Fitzwilliams said that the numerous opportunities for conservation and organic agriculture would have ‘appealed’ to the Prince.
CHARLES: So I’m Prince of this place, right? INSET: Llwynywormwood estate
gairrhydd 5
NOVEMBER.27.2006 NEWS@gairrhydd.COM
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University: value for money? ■ ■ ■ ■
Want more teaching time? Don’t know where your £1200 fees per year are going? Need more access to tutors? Katie Kennedy took to the streets to see what you think... NUS calls for students to demand value for fee money Charlie Nicholls Reporter on s and Le ckson years, Physic a J t a C d n 2 , t Swee
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ANGRY STUDENTS are demanding value for fee money and teaching hours. With fees set to more than double to £3000 next year, many students are asking what benefits they will receive over older students. In effect, it seems that second and third year students are receiving the same quality of service as newer students but for far less money. Professor John Coyne, Vice Chancellor at the University of Derby said: “With all the universities now looking to charge top-up fees, the most important aspect will be the quality of teaching and support on offer, because students are in effect going to become customers.” Many students are calling for universities to increase staff-student contact hours and to improve the quality of their service. However, many will be shocked to hear that the majority of the money is required to cover services that students are already receiving. University resources have not been able to cope with the fast increase of students. In the last 20 years, the student-staff ratio has risen from 1:9 to 1:18. Sophie Robinson, a first year Cardiff student said: “It seems unfair that we should have to pay more
money for the same service. “As with any institution, you expect the quality to rise with the price. Yet that doesn’t seem to be happening here.” Further complaints have been made by students taking courses with few teaching hours. Lucy Barnes, a Law student at Cardiff said: “I only have about 11 hours of lectures and tutorials. “Someone doing a course like Medicine has far more teaching than I do but they pay the same price.” The National Union of Students has called on students to be more vocal if they think they are being shortchanged. This is supported by the Association of University Teachers. Head of the Association, Paul Cotterrell said: “I think if the students are not satisfied with the teaching they get, they should speak up; they should bring it to the attention of the authorities. “I would hope that our members will accept positive criticism and will try to respond to students’ needs.” Some universities have taken up this point and are running campaigns to improve aspects of university life. The University of Sussex has launched a campaign called ‘Sort us out’, which encourages students to get involved and demonstrate against cuts in contact hours and poor learning resources.
NOVEMBER.27.2006 NEWS@gairrhydd.COM
Pressured to perform? Shocking figures reveal number of women forced into sex Katy Gorman Reporter A SHOCKING NUMBER of young people know women who have been forced or pressured into having sex with their boyfriends. A new ICM Survey commissioned by the End Violence Against Women campaign (EVAW), found that 40% of the 16 to 20-year-olds questioned know someone who has been pressurised into having sex. Figures also show that 42% know girls who have been hit by their boyfriends. Most worryingly the survey showed
RELATIONSHIPS: Are you more at risk than you think?
BED: Sleeping on the highway?
Medical bedlam
68% of girls and over half of the men who answered the survey felt that they did not have enough information or support on how to deal with violence against women. Similarly, 77% of young people felt they were not equipped to give advice to friends who had been the victims of either physical or sexual violence. The results have caused the EVAW to demand greater government action in combating violence towards women. Action could include more support for young people and more easily accessible resources in schools, clubs, colleges and universities.
NUS outrage as law could define gay people as mentally ill William Taylor Reporter
Emma Jones Reporter
FIVE DOCTORS ARE pushing a bed 50 miles as part of a demonstration against plans to cut hospital services. The GPs aim to push the bed from Powys, starting early on Tuesday, all the way to the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff, where they hope to arrive by Wednesday morning. Dr James Wrench, of Haygarth surgery in Talgarth, said, "We may even push the bed through the night, depending on how well we're doing. We could even take a nap in the bed in a lay-by."
some tolerant views held by young people regarding violence towards women. Although 95% of young people said that physical violence towards a partner was unacceptable, five percent felt that it was. Some felt that sexual coercion could be justified under certain circumstances. 27% of respondents felt that a boy could expect to have sex with a girl if the girl had been very flirtatious. One in 12 people shared this view, provided that the boy had spent a lot of time or money on the girl. 11% believe coerced sex is justified if sex has been initiated and the male is very aroused.
GOV’T: Could remove LGBT protection
THE NUS HAS expressed alarm at proposed changes in the law that could lead to the diagnosis of lesbian, gay and bisexual people as mentally ill. The suggested changes to the Mental Health Act 1983 could remove the legislation that protects LGBT people from being detained solely on the grounds of their sexuality. The new bill includes a disturbingly broad new definition of people suffering from mental ill health entitled
‘mental disorder’. Claire Anderson, the NUS LGBT officer expressed her concerns over the changes, saying: “The Mental Health Act 1983 provided vital protection from homophobia in the mental health system. “It is ridiculous and regressive that this government, which has a good record on LGBT rights, is considering removing this important protection.” The NUS described the suggested changes to the Mental Health Act as ‘draconian’ and ‘out of touch with the needs of mental health service users today’.
Veronica King, the NUS Vice President for Welfare said: “The government has today not only let down mental health service users, it has let down society as a whole.” Veronica added: “One in four students suffer from mental ill health and the very broad new definition could result in many of those being sectioned under the act, at the discretion of individual clinicians.” Lara Wheatley, a second year Psychology student, described the proposed changes as “ridiculous” and fears they could result in “many incorrect diagnoses.”
On your bike
A CARDIFF LECTURER is currently training to embark on a sponsored bike ride to Cuba for charity. Geoff Edwards, an associate lecturer in the Centre for Language and Communication, is to cycle 320 kilometers on the challenging trip in April next year. In order to go, he needs to raise £2700. The sponsorship will go to the British Heart Foundation, Cardiac Risk in the Young, Echo - the tiny tickers charity, HEART and Wessex Heartbeat. Any donations to the cause would be appreciated. For more information contact him on his e-mail at:
Love is in the air-waves BLIND DATE went live on Xpress Radio last Thursday when auctioneer Joe Parry had his choice of three ‘saucy’ Economics netball players. And, staying true to the original show, the questions were cheesy and the answers laced
with sexual innuendos. When Mr Parry asked Mim McCulloch, Charlie James and Anghard Davis what sea creature they would like to be, Ms Davis responded: “I’d like to be a whale so I could free Willy.” The idea for the unusual show came about when Economics
player Katie Darlow was challenged by Mr Parry to set him up with one of her team-mates. Mr Parry finally chose Anghard Davis whom he took for champagne and dinner in Bar Orient, Cardiff Bay on Thursday night, and to the Wales and New Zealand game on Saturday. LUCKY LADIES: Wait to see who will be picked
NOVEMBER.27.2006 NEWS@gairrhydd.COM
World News in brief Victoria Lane Reporter
Congo split by election Sebastian Cook Reporter THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of Congo’s Supreme Court was set on fire by protesters after the loser of the recent elections declared he was cheated of victory. Followers of Jean-Pierre Bemba clashed with police and UN peacekeepers in the capital city of Kinshasa, who used tear gas to disperse the protesters. The violence led the Supreme Court to suspend its hearing into Mr Bemba’s claims he was cheated of
victory and evacuate the building after the court itself was set alight, destroying documents inside, including some election material. Two vehicles, one belonging to the UN peacekeepers, were also set ablaze and additional UN troops were sent in to secure the location. The Congo has the world’s largest peacekeeping force, numbering 17,000 peacekeepers, to try to quell unrest in the region. Bemba’s election rival, Joseph Kabila was last week declared the winner with 58% of the vote against 42% for Mr Bemba. The country itself was divided
down the middle with the west voting for Bemba and the east for Kabila. Many powerful supporters of Bemba, including figures in the Catholic Church refused to accept the result, despite the gap being around 2.5 million votes; far more than voting discrepancies could account for, according to impartial observers. The first part of the election took place on July 30, which caused a two-day fight between the two factions on August 20 across the streets of the capital city. Sixteen people died before police and the UN mis-
Swallow-ed UN: Attempting to restore peace
sion retook control. The election itself was hoped to be the turning point for the Congo, ending 130 years of corrupt regimes and most recently a five-year conflict which claimed four million lives. It officially ended in 2003, but the UN still predicts that around 1000 people a day die in the country. It has been the hope of the UN to use the Congo as an example to other poor African nations, as the country possesses vast mineral deposits and could use the huge river Congo to generate electricity across the continent.
The Grease Escape Samantha Shillabeer Reporter
GREASED UP: What the prisoner may have looked like
A PRISONER has escaped from a high security jail in South Africa after covering himself in Vaseline and squeezing through his cell window. Ananias Mathe, 29, was being detained in the prison for over 50 charges of murder, rape, armed robbery and hijacking. He had been kept in isolation at CMax prison, in Pretoria, South Africa, which holds offenders who are considered escape risks. He was described last year by the police who caught him as “the ultimate criminal” who would do anything to reach his victims. Last Saturday, Mathe covered himself in Vaseline and slipped off his handcuffs and shackles. He then squeezed through a bulletproof window which measured just 20cm by 60cm. A Correctional Services spokeswoman stated: “The window was so small, he could just get his head through. This is the amazing thing.” It is thought that he used his bare hands to break two steel bars supporting his bed, which he lodged on either side of the window to aid him in sliding through the tiny gap. Mathe previously broke out of Johannesburg Central police station’s high-risk detention facility in 2005, and has been nicknamed the ‘Houdini of C-Max’. Police Captain Arnold Boonstra said: “He has extensive military training, which we believe enabled him to escape in this manner. “We are devastated. We will not sleep until we get him.”
BIRDWATCHERS gathered in Scotland last week to view a rare swallow only to see it be eaten by a sparrow-hawk. The twitchers looked on in horror as the bird of prey swooped down, crushing the swallow in its talons. Mike Sawyer, of the Dundee branch of the RSPB said: “We had just phoned local birdwatchers to tell them of this rare occurrence. Then we had to ring them back and tell them it had been eaten.” Red-rumped swallows seldom visit the UK; if they do, it’s usually the result of taking a wrong turn from the Mediterranean.
Blade runner
A liquid lunch Corinne Rhoades Reporter A US DRINKS company has invented an original new taste for its soda – green pea flavour. The Jones Soda Co. has previously marketed sodas such as fish taco and salmon flavour and has created its green pea pop as a special holiday drink. A holiday pack of the company’s drinks will contain other bizarre beverages, including turkey and gravy, dinner roll and sweet potato flavour. The $10-$15 pack will go on sale nationwide in time for the US holiday season and the company says it is expected to sell out quickly. The packaging of the bottled drinks has also raised their popularity as the consumer is able to customise the labels. Chief Executive of the Seattle-based company Peter Van Stolk said he started the business when he saw the potential of “emerging ‘alternative’ products in the beverage industry”. However, he admitted last Monday that he cannot stomach the drinks which have, in the past, tasted of broccoli casserole, corn on the cob and brussel sprout. He said: “Why people buy it is
beyond me. I can’t drink a bottle of this stuff.” In 2003 the first holiday pack of these drinks sprung Jones Soda to infamy with their Christmas turkey and gravy flavoured soda. Since then the company has continued to sell traditional sodas alongside their own creations of waters and energy drinks which include unusual flavours like fufu berry and green apple. Mr Van Stolk claims the drinks “have zero calories and zero carbs, but have all the rich flavour you have come to expect from the nation’s number one selling poultry flavoured soda”. Confident that the drinks can’t be rivaled, he insisted: “We know we can’t compete with Coke or Pepsi by playing their game, but we know they’re not going to come out with a turkey-flavour or antacid flavour.” Although the company has now entered into business with companies such as Starbucks and 7-Eleven stores, there are still some drinks which it considers off-limits. Mr Van Stolk announced he “put his foot down” when it came to curried chicken, stating: “Fish taco was just nasty and we tried curried chicken. That was just wrong.”
A 7-YEAR-OLD girl is on the run after pulling a knife on a cashier in an attempt to steal Lego. The young girl hid toys under her coat and proceeded to walk out of the Wal-Mart store in Florida. An employee who tried to stop the girl, however, was confronted with a 10-inch carving knife. The worker managed to persuade her to drop the boxes and the blade. However, she got away on her bicycle.
A worm-hole in one A RUSSIAN cosmonaut is to play golf during a spacewalk. Mikhail Tyurin will hit the ball into space for an upcoming Canadian television advert. Average golf balls weigh 45g, however, the specially designed ball will weigh just 4.5g and only require a tap to send it flying. There are debates as to how long the ball will fly for. NASA predicts the ball will burn up in 3 days though others have said it could take up to 3 years.
NOVEMBER.27.2006 OPINION@gairrhydd.COM
freewords the voice of gairrhydd
Est. 1972
Environment matters
tudents protesting about Cardiff University’s environmental policy have every right to be aggrieved. It is startling to think that a Russell group university as large as Cardiff could give such scant attention to the environment to leave us in the bottom three of a national table. The University, as with so many institutions, is so often tempted to take an ostrich-esque approach to those facts which they dislike: burying their heads in the sand. Policy like this however, has to be dealt with. When students are knocking on the VC’s door it is time to listen in and take note. This is an issue which people clearly care about; the University must not bury this problem, and it must not take half measures. It would be easy to hide the policy suggestions with half-baked solutions; an internal ‘audit’ here, part time ‘self-regulation’ there, but ultimately the University should take the honest route. Not because it is honest or ethical necessarily to do so, but because it will show that our institution is serious about climate change, an issue which students care about and one which it seems just about every other university has managed to get more or less right already. Interestingly enough, many of the suggestions would have cost saving implications for the University as well. Light motion sensors, improved energy efficiency drives and doublesided printing could save the University considerable amounts of cash in the long term, as well as satiating students desire for a more environmental institution. It is important, in ensuring that the University does carry out these policies to the full, that student pressure groups keep their eye on the progress, and do not allow the University to merely institute half measures such as their ‘eco-champions’ without following through on larger forward-thinking policies . It is also important, however, that these groups work with, and not against the University, and both sides need to realise that it is in their best interests not to polarise against each other on the issue. If we work together to institute these changes then Cardiff can surely turn around its dismal form
Riled over rugby
ost would agree that , an attack on Welsh Rugby in the New Zealand Herald this week (see page 3) is complete and utter tosh.‘ Respected’ writer Chris Rattue must have been having something of an off day when he described Wales as “the village idiots of Rugby Union.” Wales may have its problems, but we’d be willing to bet that Wales will give the All Blacks a run for their money. Now it’s up to the Welsh team to go out and show the kiwis how real rugby is played in the Northern Hemisphere. Let’s see what they can do.
Antisocial army
With youths valuing ASBOs as a symbol of notoriety, Ed Pitchforth considers whether we should hug the hoodies or send in the supernannies
ony Blair is no stranger to a bit of spin and has always been a fan of a snappy slogan. A favourite New Labour slogan was: “Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.” I am sure he was delighted when one of his PR men produced that little beauty. However, unfortunately for Tony, his time in office is rapidly running out, and there is no evidence that his stance is having any impact. Sadly for the public, we refuse to learn from our errors, and having elected Tony on the back of his original policies, we decided to give him another chance with a second flimsy buzz word stratagem. This time it was the ‘respect’ campaign, which promised to bring the youth back in line, and make us feel safe to walk the streets. I don’t feel the public can be blamed for being suckered twice, as there is no denying that Labour has identified a policy area that needs to be addressed. People are fed up with facing groups of menacing youths who will inevitably shout abuse at them, if not worse. Anti-social behaviour is an issue that has swept through the nation, and is not simply confined to deprived city areas. Just visit my hometown if you don’t believe me. Now Mr Blair’s Labour government cannot be faulted on their work rate in their attempt to tackle the problem. They have passed 50 Home Office bills and created 3,000 new offences since 1997. However, his original slogan appears to have slipped his mind, as his efforts have focused on sanctions and failed significantly to address the causes of crime. A cornerstone of Labour’s reforms has been anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) which were introduced in 1999. These gave magistrates the power to impose varying conditions on misbehaving teens, preventing them from going to certain areas, or socialising with specified people. Failure to comply with an ASBO made the subject liable to imprisonment.
European teenagers are far more likely to spend evenings in the house, while British teens will go out with friends Labour ministers have frequently championed the impact of ASBOs but this appears to be a false dawn, as recent studies have left their credibility severely undermined. A study by the Youth Justice Board found that over half of ASBOs are breached, while another study confirmed that a quarter of its subjects breached their orders on
more than one occasion. Perhaps even more damaging to ASBOs’ reputation is the finding that young people view them as a ‘badge of honour’. A mother of three young men involved in the study commented, “Some of the friends are left out now because they are not on an ASBO”. In many ways this is unsurprising it is well known that bad behaviour is often stimulated by a desire for attention. By giving problem teens such direct publicity the government is playing into their hands, rather than addressing the root of the problem. However, they are not helped when TV channels persistently broadcast programmes on badly behaved youths, feeding the public’s unrelenting appetite for reality television. I almost choked on my tea when I saw a trailer for a channel five programme entitled From ASBO Teen to Beauty Queen. Being subject to an order should be a reason for criticism, and not be glamorised by a television appearance. Although the ASBO scheme has its merits, and may well have had a positive effect in some areas, clearly something has now gone badly wrong. The government is failing to control unruly teens; 1.7 million Britons admit to being afraid to leave the house after dark and 1.5 million have considered moving house because of local youths. So is it time for a new approach? And, if so, what should this be? Tory leader David Cameron believes that we need to show teenagers, ‘a lot more love’. The media, who coined the ‘hug a hoodie’ campaign, has ridiculed
Cameron. But although his choice of phrasing may have been ill-conceived, the message of addressing the underlying causes of disruptive behaviour is sound.
It is well known that bad behaviour is often stimulated by a desire for attention Lib Dem home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg’s aims were perhaps more realistic when he commented, “We need to engage, not shut out, young people who behave badly if we want to prevent them from becoming the hardened criminals of the future.” Precisely how to engage with the youth is still unclear, but the body of opinion believes that things need to begin at home. If studies which suggest that British teenagers are the most disruptive in Europe are correct, evidence points to a direct correlation to the amount of time spent at home. European teenagers are far more likely to spend evenings in their house, while British teens will go out with friends. It doesn’t take a genius to see a connection here - Europeans are learning from positive role models, while our teenagers take to the streets. With nothing to do, boredom sets in and, coupled with a desire to impress their
mates with their lack of respect for authority, trouble inevitably follows. Faced with such evidence, draconian solutions such as curfews for teenagers appear an attractive option. But forcing teens to stay at home clearly is not the long-term answer to the dilemma. The government last week announced their plan to send 80 ‘super nannies’, who will actually be trained child psychologists, to tackle antisocial behaviour in identified problem areas. Under the scheme, parents can be forced to undergo programmes of parenting classes in an effort to promote a higher level of control over their offspring. For me this is finally a step in the right direction; by strengthening family ties we can seek to provide an effective mechanism to keep children off the streets. If parents can be turned into effective role models a culture of respect may be ingrained into young people. Perhaps the government has belatedly realised that re-education may be a more beneficial solution to anti social behaviour. I would suggest that similar schemes are essential if a noticeable change is to be brought about. The new problem, however, lies in the lack of funds. The super nanny scheme has an estimated cost of £4 million per annum, a drop in the ocean compared to our defence spending, or the conservative £5 billion estimate for the Olympics. But if Blair was serious about getting ‘tough on the causes of crime’, he cannot afford to hold back.
10 gairrhydd
EDITORIAL & OPINION Britney’s got divorced. Tom and Katie have got married. Chris Croissant doesn’t care. At all.
ot a day goes by when we are not informed of yet another celebrity controversy. Whether one of them has got their knickers out, is making a sex video or smoking crack, it seems that we simply have to know about it. This week’s celebrity shock horror was the divorce of Britney from her complete flid of a boyfriend, Kev. Well, oh my gosh, I simply couldn’t believe it. Not my favourite pop star heartbroken over her sod of a boyfriend? What a monster he’s been! I actually read articles - and, subsequently, wasted my time - about people thanking Britney for being so brave and dumping this loser they call Kev. They were just simply so relieved. But who are the people creating such a demand for this media nonsense? I mean, there must be a market for the celeb magazines. It certainly wouldn’t make the news unless someone thought we cared tremendously about it. It seems rather empty to me that anyone should really care about the ins and outs of yet another Hollywood relationship. Yet people do, and they are fascinated by it. Forgive me for forgetting that these were the people who we are supposed to model our lives on. Yet if they don’t inspire us then what do they do? Make us feel better about ourselves? If that is so then we should really look into ourselves and wonder why we find such fulfilment in other people’s downfalls.
It isn’t just in the fantasy land of Hollywood that this celebrity frenzy is occuring
It isn’t just in the fantasy land of Hollywood that this celebrity frenzy is occurring. Just by looking at the magazine shelves in our shops we can see that the celebrity cult is very much rife here in the UK. Not just with the powdered nose of Kate Moss and her soul-searching Pete, but even in our own back yard in Cardiff with the romantic fable of Charlotte and Gavin. I know that any celebrity is such because they have been to some extent successful. So maybe we believe in some sort of fairy tale for these pairs of starcrossed lovers that is awaiting them in the wonderland behind the lens. Inevitably, this is what the celebrities believe themselves. They seem to have lost touch with reality and any true happiness and opted instead for a make-believe world that can never come true - simply because these worlds are fantastical and in the realm of the imagination. Children believe in fairy tales because they offer escapism and, inevitably, are reassuring. So why do celebrities opt for them? Maybe their child-brains simply haven’t developed.
I can’t help but suspect that Britney’s supposed divorce is just another celebrity stunt to gain completely undeserved attention. Let’s be honest, her entire marriage has been a bit of a farce. Pretty much like her first one, which lasted about two hours. Maybe I’m being too harsh on Britney’s little piece of happiness, but I’m more inclined to think that she’s probably got an album in the pipeline and is trying to reinvent herself. My mind drifts back to the pregnancy of Katie Holmes and that gnome of a man Tom Cruise. I don’t think I have ever been so appalled at the deluded attempts of celebrities to increase their status and fool one another into a pretence of love. Let me not forget the sex tape that Paris Hilton accidentally let slip out. And let no one believe that this was a possible accident. Paris Hilton was previously a little known heiress to her father’s fortune. Then suddenly she gets naked and has sex on film and suddenly she’s a star. Incredible! As the celebrity tornardo twists and turns, it seems stars will do anything to gain attention. There is a great danger in this. It is not so much that this celebrity garbage is what people want. Instead, it is what they are made to believe they want. But the more inclined we are to allude to these illusions, the more likely we are to start believing in them. Let’s move away from the fake tans and materialism of love, and hold onto something real. Whatever it may be, remember it, and don’t bow down to this onslaught of plasticity.
NOVEMBER.27.2006 OPINION@gairrhydd.COM
Crimbo carnage
Rishi Shonpal and Jahnavi Harrison criticise the increasingly early onset of the Christmas season and the consumerism it induces
alking into my local supermarket a week after the school holidays ended, I was confronted with a huge display of flashing reindeer, inflatable Santas and strings of tinsel. A fat, gurning snowman sat atop the pile; holding up a sign that reads ‘Countdown to Christmas!’ It’s not surprising that the retail industry are the greatest culprits in turning what was a religious holiday, into one of the biggest profit opportunities of the year. In promoting the consumer culture of Christmas, they have everything to gain, and very little to lose.
Why do we buy into this ritual of torture every year? By the beginning of October, the catalogues start to appear, each full of perfect families enjoying their new purchases over lavish dinners. From Boots to Body Shop to BHS, they all try to outdo one another with new products and Christmas offers. Old products are renamed and repackaged and arranged into gift sets. If you couldn’t work it out yourself, they’ll instruct you on which set Grandma would appreciate, or which shaving foam Dad will be ecstatic to receive this year. Anxious mothers read their lists and check them twice as they dutifully cart away piles of food to the checkout. Shopping centres extend their opening hours, happily facilitating the endless streams of shoppers, trying to fulfil the desires of their social circles. On TV, endless ads rotate: food, wine, toys, jewellery, clothes, makeup, electronics, DVDs, the Greatest Hits of Cliff Richard – you need it all this year and don’t delay! Even children are encouraged to write substantial lists of what they want to Father Christmas - that ultimate granddad who, in his modern incarnation, is nothing more than an invention of the Coca Cola Company. But what is this all for? Every single year advice columns are filled with exasperated people, struggling to keep everything together under the
SANTA: He loves the coke immense social and financial pressure that the Christmas period brings. Why do we buy into this ritual of torture every year? Why is it that at this time of year we selfishly feel we have the right to chop down millions of fully grown trees, so we can look at them for a few days in the comfort of our own armchairs, or murder even more innocent animals than usual because we must have the biggest and best Christmas dinner?
In promoting the consumer culture of Christmas, retail companies have everything to gain Why do we fill out stacks of 20 to a pack Christmas cards, worrying that we’ve missed someone out, because if we have, they’ll think we don’t care enough to send them a piece of folded cardboard with holiday greetings
hastily written inside. I’m not even Christian, but I feel sorry for the vicars, trying to keep some sort of spirituality in what has become just another way of feeding our insatiable desire to consume. I know it’s a cliché to sanctimoniously whine about the horrors of Christmas, but pardon me. I don’t hate robins or reindeer, log fires or snow. I don’t hate being with friends or family; I don’t hate having a holiday and I don’t hate presents (in moderation). But on Boxing Day, when presents start being returned to the shops, in an echo of the previous frenzy; as leftover food gets thrown in the bin; as the pine needles start to brown and children start to merrily browse the Argos catalogue deciding what they want next year, I can’t help but remember Ferdinand the duck, from the movie ‘Babe’, who said ‘Christmas is carnage’. I tend to agree. Rishi Shonpal is president of the Krishna Consciousness Society.
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NOVEMBER.27.2006 OPINION@gairrhydd.COM
Paying out for cold turkey Giving compensation to drug users while in prison is insulting; Kirsty Page argues that the money would be better off invested elsewhere
iving up something you are addicted to is never easy or fun. But then again being on the receiving end of a drug-fuelled crime isn’t exactly a barrel of laughs either. It amazes me, therefore, that up to 200 drug addicts are being awarded compensation for being forced to go cold turkey while in prison. They claim their human rights have been violated. Surely, the very reason they are in prison is because they have abused someone else’s human rights. Everyone is entitled to ‘respect for his private and family life, his home and correspondence’, according to the Human Rights Act.
Alcoholics don’t get given drink in prison so why should drugs be any different? Among others, it is this clause that has been breached, or so the addicts claim. Being a victim of crime is an infringement of human rights and being denied an illegal substance while in detention for such a crime, is not. Prison is about the withdrawal of liberty; there is a reason they are there and it inevitably comes down to their addiction. Why should they be allowed to continue taking drugs in prison? Drugs that completely undermine the effort to combat crime. Of course going cold turkey is not ideal, but prison is not meant to be a
COLD TURKEY: Here’s some cash walk in the park. Alcoholics don’t get given drink in prison and sex addicts don’t get sex, so why should drugs be any different? The prison service is paying out money it shouldn’t and it is inevitably the taxpayer that will be forking out to pay for these addicts’ ‘rough time.’ Has anyone stopped to think about the victims of their crime? The very
people who have been abused and traumatised by these offenders are now having to sit back while these addicts are paid. It is insulting. It is arguable that the chances of reoffending are dramatically reduced if the prisoner is clean when they leave, but there are other ways of going about this. If the prison security was tightened to stop drugs being smug-
Can you ban a Christian society for being Christian? Caleb Woodbridge discusses discrimination and misunderstanding following recent attempts to ban religious societies at Edinburgh, Birmingham and Exeter Universities
f all the oddities of the weird and wonderful world of student politics, seeing Christian societies being banned for being Christian has to take the biscuit. Christian Union societies at Edinburgh, Birmingham and Exeter are being threatened by their students’ unions with being thrown out for discrimination, because their leaders are required to be Christians - despite all their events being open to all. Like so much of student politics, such actions by students’ unions are both well-intentioned gestures and badly thought-out posturing. It’s great that students’ unions want to combat prejudice, and we should fully support that. But for christian unions to face
expulsion from their students’ unions for “discriminating” against nonChristians is rather like accusing the Mountain Biking society for discriminating against non-mountain bikers. If someone is denied something on irrelevant grounds (such as being barred from a chess club on religious grounds), then that is unfair and prejudiced. But religion is not irrelevant if it is a religious group. It is perfectly normal to expect leaders, be they Muslim, Jewish, Christian or whatever, to be members of the religion of that group. What right has an atheist to lead the islamic society or christian union? If we’re consistent about every society being open to anyone and everyone, let’s see socialist students
running for presidency of the Conservative Future society. And how about the sci-fi society letting people who in fact hate sci-fi, run it and turn it into the romantic comedy society? Issues of freedom of speech and tolerance are also at stake. Edinburgh’s Christian Union has already been banned from running “Pure”, a course for Christians about sex and relationships, on campus after allegations of homophobia. The accompanying book holds to the traditional Christian view that sex is a good gift from God to be used in the context of marriage, and barely mentions homosexuality - hardly hatefilled invective. However much the Students’ Union may disagree with such views,
Putting money straight into the pockets of the offender is not an investment Edinburgh CU is clearly not promoting hatred or discrimination, and is not in any way seeking to impose those views on others. The banning of this course is a dangerous and repressive attack on free-speech, an intolerant secularism acting in the name of the tolerance it denies. Tolerance means putting up with opinions we disagree with, and being willing to engage with them in respectful yet rigorous discussion. Students’ unions should be fostering debate, not suppressing it through an oppressive total intolerance.
The banning of this course is a dangerous and repressive attack on free-speech Discussion and tolerance are foundational to democracy and a free society. If we do not develop these skills now, then I fear for our country’s future. It’s unfortunate that the battle between intolerant secularism and
gled in, or there were effective rehabilitation programmes and counselling on offer, then the chances of prisoners being clean when they leave would be significantly higher. These things do cost money, but if we can afford to offer compensation to almost 200 prisoners, there must be funding somewhere. Going cold turkey, as I’ve said, is not fun but surely the horrific experiences they go through is a powerful deterrent. Knowing that this is what happens by eliminating or even reducing the intake of the substance is enough to make them never want to go near it again once they are clean. Surely their experiences are something that they would only want to go through once, and even that is one time too many. If the government would spend the £28 million it pledged for this year rather than the £12 million it has actually spent, then maybe we would get somewhere. If going cold turkey is a no-go area then the least they can do is drastically improve the treatment programme to help addicts get clean before they are released back into the community. Spending money this way is an investment and a step in the right direction. Putting the money straight into the pockets of the offender is most definitely not. In a time when prisons are overcrowded and money is scarce, it is astounding that addicts have the audacity to claim compensation and even more shocking that they succeeded. It is an insult to every law-abiding citizen and anyone who has ever been a victim of a drug related crime.
religion on campus looks set to be fought out in court. In many places, a gulf of mutual misunderstanding and distrust exists between students’ unions and people of faith. There is not only a duty for students’ unions to be a forum for debate, but for believers to participate in the life of the student body, and on both sides to build relationships in which differences can be worked out amicably. Happily, Cardiff Students’ Union and Christian Union are able to work harmoniously alongside each other, working together in projects like the shoebox appeal, and welcoming international students to the University. But there is still much more that could be done. Jesus Christ called his disciples not just to evangelise, but to be a force for good in society. He came proclaiming a message of freedom, set an example of reaching out to those on the fringes of society and calling for lives of love that would in the power of God start building the kingdom of heaven here and now. Rather than an unholy war between religious and secular extremism, let’s hope and pray that respect, debate and true tolerance can flourish between students of all beliefs.
12 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 POLITICS@gairrhydd.COM
Pre-veiling winds Hanan Issa Political Correspondent
RUNNING: Royal will be the first woman to run for the Presidency
Royal appointment Rhiannon Doe Political Correspondent
ith last week’s election of Ségolène Royal as the French Socialist party’s presidential candidate, France turned a corner in its politics. For the first time, a woman will run for the presidency next year, having won a tough battle against her two male rivals, Dominique Strauss- Kahn and Laurent Fabius. Royal has had to endure many comments about her abilities as a candidate, being firstly a woman, and secondly a mother of four. Criticism has come from within her own party from traditionalist male members.
Royal has had to endure many comments about her abilities as a candidate, being firstly a woman Questions have even extended to who would look after her children if she and her partner, party Secretary Francois Hollande, would be devoting so much time to the presidential campaign. However, despite her achievements thus far in gaining enough support from within her own increasingly divided party, we must ask ourselves how her potential election to the presidency would affect us here in little old Britain. Royal has, against her party’s
wishes, openly expressed support for some of Tony Blair’s policies, particularly those on law and order and juvenile delinquency, towing the hard-line approach. She also shares his economic beliefs in the markets and their role in the country’s economy. But it’s not all handshakes across the Channel. The Telegraph wrote recently of the unveiling of Royal’s plans for Europe through her spokesman Gilles Savary, in which she proposes a twospeed Europe, allowing further integration for those countries that want it. Needless to say, Britain would not feature, or if it did it would be in a low-key role. This is something which has concerned Blair for a long time, as he worried that not joining the Euro at the first opportunity in January 2000 would leave Britain out in the cold. This may cause problems between him and a newly elected socialist president. Royal has also claimed a need for Britain to choose between being a “vassal” for America and supporting the French-led moves for integration. Granted, this is something which we in this country have been debating for a while now, but increased pressure from a French president could create even greater tensions within the EU. However, all this might just be irrelevant, as by the time the new French president is established in office come May, we could very well have Gordon Brown as our very own PM. What delights would that hold for both Britain and Europe? Who knows.
olland’s proposal to ban the face-veil, or niqab, has led many Muslims living in the UK, including myself, to wonder ‘what’s next?’ The Dutch Immigration Minister, Rita Verdonk, claimed it was “undesirable that face-covering clothing is worn in public places for reasons of public order, security and protection of citizens.” On the subject of ‘public safety’ and ‘protection’ it needs to be considered, however much people may disagree personally, that to some of these women the face-veil actually provides a sense of security. Some would argue that the ban is a sensationalist attempt to outlaw something we are yet to see threatening our society’s security. In fact the only example I can remember of someone abusing the wearing of a face-veil is that of a reporter for The Sun newspaper. The fact that this ban confuses secular and religious issues complicates the matter further. Undeniably, there are a number of Muslim women who are wrongfully forced to wear the face veil; however, the majority are not. Their decision to wear the niqab stems from a sincerely held belief that this is something required of them by God, and is not for anyone’s pleasure or displeasure. Why should they be penalised for this, as long as they do not cause harm or impinge the rights of others? How can it be satisfactorily justified to ban a religious piece of clothing in a dem-
ocratic country? The idea that freedom of religious expression is being taken away cannot be pacified by goodwill gestures such as including ski masks in the ban. The proposal is being countered with the argument that it is a limited percentage of the Dutch Muslim population that actually wear the niqab. Of the estimated 1 million Dutch Muslims - approximately 5% of the country’s population - fewer than 50 women are believed to actually wear the face-veil. The question of whether this ban can be justified is invariably tied to larger issues regarding Islam. In Western society, a growing culture of Islamic scapegoatism is taking hold. This “vilification of Muslims”, as Ken Livingstone puts it, resonates with the demonisation of women during medieval witch-hunts.
NIQAB: to be banned by the Dutch The alarmingly apparent association between the words “Muslim” and “terrorist”, particularly within the media, indicates the level of prejudice ordinary Muslims are facing today. It seems, however, that Muslims in Britain can, for the moment, breathe a sigh of relief. A recent opinion poll shows 75% of the London population support the right of Muslims, and those of other faiths, to dress ‘in accordance with their religious beliefs’. But how long this toleration of Muslims will last, is a question many are beginning to ask. It is interesting to note that there is no universally agreed upon obligation for Muslim women to wear the faceveil, as Islamic scholars differ in opinion. The imposition of an acceptable standard of Islamic dress comes from a democratic European quarter instead.
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Edification Heading into the Red Searching for the clean towel of truth in the dirty bathroom of life...
he nights are closing in and money is getting tight. It’s been a long time since that first loan cheque. With Christmas approaching, American Express has begun fervently advertising their Red card, which was launched on March 1 to almost universal acclaim. This eye-catching rectangle’s particular hook is that it is ‘designed to help eliminate Aids in Africa’. Wristbands, it would seem, have failed to save the world. Perhaps a different form of plastic is the answer. The Red card sets out to fulfil its admirable aspiration, so ostentatiously trumpeted in its advertisements, by donating one percent of everything spent on it to the Global Fund – an Aids charity. I freely admit that my perception of American Express is a little partisan. For me, the company will always be synonymous with yuppie capitalism and, more specifically, Patrick Bateman – the axe-wielding protagonist of American Psycho. Normally I would instinctively praise an attempt from any company – regardless of whether it has fictional sociopathic customers or not – to contribute to and promote awareness of Aids. But, along with the ridiculously arrogant use of the word ‘eliminate’ in the card’s tagline, this product has various other sizeable problems. Firstly, the American Express Red Card has a 12.9% APR. Strangely, given the heartache the company suddenly feels about Aids in Africa, none of the 12.9% charged if they don’t receive your money on time is siphoned off to the Global Fund. You pay it all, and, if you can’t, you spiral down to join the thousands of other people whose crippling debts make up the £56 billion owed to credit card companies in the UK. Secondly, the Red campaign was
co-founded by Bono. Enough, as they say, said. Perhaps I’m being too cynical, not to mention slightly unfair to an egotistical Irish rock star. If a customer paid off their sum of borrowed money every month and used their card a great deal they would be making an admirable contribution to the fight against Aids, right? Well, not really. We’re talking about one percent here; you’d have to spend a huge amount of money before you made any substantial donation. In truth, the card is little more than a handy guilt-pacifying tool. Its appeal rests in its assertion – further propagated through tabloid media coverage – that with it you can go guilt-free shopping while simultaneously eradicating the need to make a regular donation to a charity. After all, you’ve already made a contribution, and what a lovely new haircut it is. Guilt, and to a lesser extent celebrities periodically humiliating themselves for our entertainment, are the principal weapons charities have at their disposal in the constant battle to persuade us to donate a decent amount of money. Humans are fundamentally selfish creatures; we need frequent affective assaults on our consciences in order to do the right thing. Our capacity for self-delusion is second to none, and the American Express Red card assuages the allimportant shame which makes us fork out cash for a decent cause after binge-buying DVDs. There will undoubtedly be a small amount of rich people who are able to make a significant contribution to Global Fund through liberal flashing around of their Red AmEx. Unfortunately, there will also be a very large amount of people who slip the card into the front of their wallet, where it can easily be seen by their friends, and use it sparingly to pur-
This eye-catching rectangle is ‘designed to help eliminate Aids in Africa’
Overcoming the Monster
because they are all health freaks, wary of the slothful decadence of sitting; or perhaps it is because I am wearing my best surly sociopath face and will probably cause harm to anyone who wishes to share my armrest. Either way, I am satisfied with the turn of events and most pleased to still be a Good Person. I am just returning to my book – Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle – and congratulating my clever self once again with the choice of a novel both respectably highbrow and easy to read, when a man-person slumps down beside me. “Oh shucks,” I think, “there I was believing my armrest monopoly was assured, when out of the blue a separate entity barges in and negates my dictatorial regime.” Sure enough, the
man-person is soon creeping his elbow towards my own, forcing me into withdrawal. “How quickly,” I sagely reflect, “contentment can turn to chaos.” Beleaguered as I am by this unfortunate turn of events, I find it hard to concentrate on my book and instead busy myself with glancing at the clutched literature of my armchaircombatant. “I bet my novel is more highbrow than his novel,” I mischievously think. “If I try to read his pages maybe I can tell what novel it is and then begin a condescending discussion or something.” I attempt to discover the identity of the novel by surreptitiously scanning the page the man-person is reading. I do not recognise it. And, thus, I fail. Beaten by one more of life’s little
am on a train, returning to dear old Cardiff, when I notice that we have stopped at a station. There are no spare seats available for the boarding passengers, and in a flash I realise I must remove my bag from the adjacent seat in order to avoid being a Bad Person. This I promptly do. Oddly, none of the several standing citizens opts to come and settle beside me. Perhaps this is because they enjoy, as do we all, allowing their body to sway back and forth to the rhythmic jolts of the train as it trundles on its merry way; perhaps it is
challenges, I slump disconsolately against my chair, doomed, surely, to spend the rest of my life never knowing the literary tastes of this armrestfascist stranger. But life, as it turns out, has more pain in store for me yet, for even as I turn to the window, the unmistakeable crack of a novel being slapped down onto a table resounds through the carriage. I turn, suddenly afraid. It is Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory. “Egad!” I think, “Graham Greene is more highbrow than Kurt Vonnegut. I have lost this contest and must entirely abandon the armrest to this superior being.” Dutifully, I turn over the cover of my novel to face my tormentor. I catch him glance at it, clearly satisfied.
chase the occasional Gap jumper or pair of trousers, judging their philanthropic duties for the month accomplished. If the percentage donated was not so measly, the Red card might be something worth getting excited about. As it is, it’s just another excuse for inaction. It’s also a friendly way of bankrupting a demographic of ethical, naive people, who don’t understand the draconian fiscal implications of a 12.9% APR. Driving a person to economic ruin because, in a confusing flush of juxtaposed selflessness and materialism, they spend too much cash ‘eliminating’ Aids doesn’t give them much of an opportunity to donate a decent amount of money elsewhere. With World Aids Day almost upon us (December 1), you can join the fight without burgeoning the profits of Bateman’s bank. Simply go to the Global Fund website, or any other reputable Aids charity, and donate £5 a month. If you can’t be bothered to do that, you’re fabulously wealthy, and you want to show off to your friends, then the American Express Red card is better than nothing. To help as much as possible, as the website explains, “All you need to do is apply for your card today and use it as often as you can.” The cut of your spending donated to Global Fund increases to 1.25% if you spend over £5000 in a year. Using my exceptional mathematical skills, I have calculated that this requires you to spend just under £6000 if you are to beat the £60 you would contribute through a £5 monthly donation.Happy shopping. If you’re struggling to reach your £6000 target, and you need to buy strangers Christmas presents, I’d like an iPod. I promise that, after I get bored with it, I will sell it on eBay and give two percent of the profit to charity. I spend the rest of the trip wondering in what other ways this man-person is superior to me. “He probably speaks Spanish and has a pretty girlfriend with a face,” I bitterly ruminate, making sure that none of my inferior flesh makes contact with the armrest. Later, as I leave the train, I catch sight of the man through the window. He is quite unattractive in a mouseymole kind of way. “Ha!” I think, triumphantly, “I bet he hasn’t got a girlfriend at all, and there’s no way he knows any Spanish.” I walk out of the station swinging my bag back and forth. “I bet he doesn’t even understand that book he’s reading, he just carries it on trains for show.” My perambulation homeward is a very happy one.
14 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 LETTERS@gairrhydd.COM
The letters page is heating up. Hot headed students are crawling out of their dirty crevices. Are anyone else’s clothes growing mould now that the weather has turned their walls to mush? Maybe this is why people are riled, or is that just me...
Dear gair rhydd,
I WOULD FIRSTLY like to express the disappointment I felt on reading both of the letters Ken sent to the gair rhydd last week. It is a shame that he views the elections in such a manner and probably doesn’t fully comprehend the amount of hard work and time both candidates and their campaign teams contribute to the whole election process. I sympathise with him that it would be nice to see candidates not having to revert to gimmicks in order to obtain votes, but as I worked on a campaign team last year I am only too happy to tell him that it is not quite that simple! For any election it is hard to arouse enough interest to get people to vote. I’m sure you will agree Ken, that it is the same even with national and local government elections. The costumed gimmicks you write about are just a way to boost interest and get people talking, not only about that candidate, but the whole election in general. I am sure most people last year found themselves at some point during the campaign season talking about candidates dressed as Woody from Toy Story or an egg or all those potatoes! Surely increasing awareness and interest can only be a positive thing. The use of costumes and decorated T-shirts makes it easier for campaign team members to go and talk to students about the elections and their candidate’s manifesto. Dressed in something other than the norm breaks the ice and gets conversations going that bit quicker. This then brings me to question
My housemate thought a balloon was a rat. What a fool. Facebook ruins lives. I have a thing for Martin Bashir but Menon will do fine. News team…assemble. It’s just not the same. Procrastination is my middle
where Ken gets the opinion that the candidates who have run for positions in the past do not show integrity and drive. They all work extremely hard to make sure student voters are aware of the points they feel about so strongly. At no point during the campaigning do I feel that any of last years candidates demonstrated a lack of drive. They were out before 9am to catch students on the way to lectures and stayed out all day and into the night, campaigning tirelessly to make sure students are aware of what they stand for and why they should vote.
The costumed gimmicks you write about are just a way to boost interest and get people talking Their integrity was also demonstrated by their ability to follow the strict rules and guidelines set before them by the Union and at no point did I personally experience any candidate drop to a level below that of the expected campaigning etiquette. Ken, I believe that you are wasting your time hoping for serious candidates to come forward who have integrity and drive because they are already there! Once elected the new officers do a continuously amazing job of running one of the finest unions in the UK; offering entertainment, support and many, many more services to such a vast and diverse student body. They work with astounding energy to repre-
name. And it’s probably yours too. David Gest is so endearing. I wish I could pet him. Daytime tv just reels you in on its ruddy rod. Give me the IMG breakfast. I love Rennison’s face. Lots.
text: 07791165837
Integrity Integral
sent both the collective and the individual. If Ken really did have any kind of idea about what the candidates and elected officers did, he would not have even considered writing his letter in the first place. I applaud the idea for him to spend even a day in Ed’s shoes and would be interested to see his report printed in the gair rhydd. Perhaps if he became more active and involved within the union his disappointingly negative attitude would change!
In fact if anything surely my decisions, being based on a logical rational thought process, are more valid as I’m not doing what is seen as right because a higher power told me that’s what I should do? And in the most recent paper (November 20) Caleb brings J.C. into things again when arguing against sentencing Saddam Hussein to death. I myself am opposed to the sentence given however yet again, this is not based on the fact that a couple of thousands of years ago someone who believed he was the son of a fictional character told me that was wrong, but because I believe it’s not the best thing to do based on ethics plus we don’t need to make Saddam into a martyr for a bunch of zealots with guns.
Going Nuts Dear gair rhydd,
Want to discuss this issue in more detail? Leave a comment on it on the letters section of our website,
I FOR ONE thought that Christmas had come early when I read in last week’s edition that the likes of Nuts were being banished to the murky realm of behind the counter status. It’s about time to be frank. As for whinge-bags like Leicester University’s newspaper editor, Tom Goodwyn, (a budding Murdoch if ever I heard one, a pro-Page three-er I bet!) men have managed to obtain the likes of fags, paracetamol and packets of batteries from behind the counter, so I fail to see why male consumers cannot ask a shopkeeper for their weekly fix of let’s celebrate the oppressive state of women lad publications over the counter, too? Goodwyn described the new product positioning as a bit dirty old manish, but why is there an aura of shame and embarrassment surrounding having to pipe up and request these publications from a newsagent if they are as innocent as men continually protest they are? The fact that a large proportion of
Dear gair rhydd, A WHILE BACK (October 9) I read an article in the paper by Caleb Woodbridge commenting on the fact that politics and religion should be inextricably entwined due to the fact that God created the universe and therefore politics comes under his sphere of influence. An amazing point except for one tiny little problem i.e. God doesn’t actually exist. In the article Caleb argues we need faith and belief to end oppression and to transform the world, my question is this: Why? I am in no way religious yet that doesn’t make me any less good than a raving God-squadder. I am as capable of making decisions which are morally and ethically right.
Male students cannot be judging their female peers in seminars one minute on their glowing intellect, then on their lunchbreaks be chortling over the sexist smut
Anonymous third year Biochemist
Duncan Stevens
Religious politics
men recoil at the sheer prospect of being seen overtly requesting their copy of Nuts just goes to expose the rotten core of guilty pleasure that lies beyond their candid consumption.
At the end of the day, in order for women to gain a state of equality, women have to be judged by their brain capacity rather than being valued by the size of the bra they buy.
Corrections and clarifications In last week’s issue, the back page match report (‘Back on track’) was written by Chris Croissant, not Frank Nally as it was stated.
We will endeavour to print anything that we think is worthwhile, but please remember that we do have space restrictions and some standards of decency. Please also note that the views expressed in these letters are not necessarily the views of Letters Desk, Cardiff University Students’ Union or gair rhydd.
The Red Dragon Centre, Cardiff Bay, Hemingway Road CF10 4JY Tel: 02920 256261
NOVEMBER.27.2006 LETTERS@gairrhydd.COM Male students cannot be judging their female peers in seminars one minute on their glowing intellect, then on their lunchbreaks be chortling over the sexist smut these magazines regurgitate and inevitably, evaluating a woman's worth by the proportions of her glowing breasts. It's a clash of cultural interests, and these blokeymags act as brazen blockades obstructing the path leading to women being taken seriously, instead of being pawed over as nothing but objects. S.L Parry
NUS Useless Dear gair rhydd, IT’S EXCELLENT TO finally see a writer for gair rhydd who is not living in the land of well meaning but naïve and socialist fairies but instead has his head in the land of reality. The Ridler is quite correct to point out that the NUS is held in total ambivalence by the overwhelming majority of students, and I would also agree that the NUS should keep out of the political process altogether and work instead by attempting to improve the lives of students in matters that are actually achievable, advice with student letting for example. The NUS is not a powerful organisation and carries absolutely zero weight in political matters. Just what can the NUS threaten? If its members went on strike and just stayed at home watching Neighbours, drinking cheap beer and eating crisp sandwiches all day, instead of doing anything productive, I’d wager that most students would consider this a perfectly typical way to spend an afternoon. The NUS won’t stop top-up fees
just like it won’t stop any new government policy. Is it not time for someone, God forbid, to actually point out that top-up fees are not only necessary but also a positive for current students? If you want more people to attend University (the current government’s aim is for 50% of school leavers, a ridiculously high number) then you can’t keep subsidising them at the current rate indefinitely. Why should Joe Taxpayer be expected to pay 90% of fees so someone can go on a three year drinking binge?
The NUS is not a powerful organisation and carries absolutely zero weight in political matters Now while top-up fees may not be the ideal solution to this problem they are, at least, a solution. Students who would otherwise have just gone to university because that’s what all their friends were doing, study Media or some other equally pointless Mickey Mouse degree for three years and then go and work in a supermarket will perhaps think twice before wasting three years and join the work force at an earlier stage. Current students will pay the current fees for the remainder of their degree and not be effected by top-up fees regardless of when they are introduced. Limiting or reducing the number of graduates in an already overcrowded job market will aid you in finding a job. Current students need to let the NUS know that instead of wasting time attempting in vain to oppose a
policy that will actually benefit its current members they should start doing what they’ve meant to been doing all along and support current students in university related matters in which they (the NUS) can actually achieve something. Mark, PhD Modern British and International History and Politics.
Keeping a-breast of the facts Dear gair rhydd, I JUST WANTED to point out some factual mistakes in the recent breast cancer feature: I worked in a cancer hospital for a year so wanted to put things right. The article read: "When a man is suspected to have breast cancer he will undergo exactly the same procedures as a woman (this I have no problem with). Firstly a mammogram will be performed to determine whether or not cancer is present (this is a little basic, as blood tests and other invasive and non-invasive procedures can be done to check as well, but broadly, yes correct). Men with cancer in their breast then undergo a mastectomy. In a woman, this involves the removal of the breast, and in a man this involves removal of most of the affected pec including the nipple in order to remove the breast tissue. The treatment after mastectomy can include chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormonal therapy. Basically a mastectomy occurs only when no other option is available, or all else has been tried. There are other treatments such as something called a 'lumpectomy' which is far less invasive (and destructive) and much more likely to happen. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also likely to be offered before any surgical route, as well as afterwards. I feel that by saying that everyone with breast cancer (especially focusing on males) will have to have their entire breast removed completely undoes the point of the article and is more likely to make someone who is worried about having it not report it, for the fear of having to undergo such a traumatic surgical procedure. Ben Hill
Mongrel machine Dear gair rhydd, I WAS SITTING down eating my baguette reading the reguarly amusing articles of gair rhydd on a lazy friday. I was feeling quite grimy to say the least, after getting steaming in Bounce yet again, and so to read about someone else’s misfortune was aiding the relief of my hangover. I couldn't help but laugh about how
letter of the week Just say yes to weed Dear gair rhydd, I WANT TO have a moan about Liz Staubers article "Just say no to weed". Despite being a piss-poorly written account of the negative aspects of cannabis, I feel it failed miserably to point out the numerous benefits of the drug. She made it sound like laughing your tits off while sharing a joint with your buddies was a bad thing. Liz compared weed with alcohol, which is a very good comparison to make, especially seeing that alcohol has many worse, and more numerous problems associated with it.
We would all get along better if we had a legal source of that funky, smelly green stuff She forgets alcohol is more addictive, and is a strong depressant. How many stoners have you seen in town starting fights and wearing traffic cones as a weed trophy? There are also numerous health benefits, especially to the elderly. I also feel if legalised it would not only benefit the population as a whole, but the economy. Being a plant it is easy to produce, and if sold at current dealership prices it would boost the economy some poor guy had gotten his seat stolen off his bike. Note I wasn't laughing entirely at his misfortune, but about what a petty crime it was. The further I read into his letter, the more I laughed about it, and my hangover slowly ebbed away. I was paticularly amused at his theory of how this perpetrator may possibly be stealing random pieces of bike to build his mongrel machine. Anyway, more to the point, I was thinking that there was no way on earth that a crime such as that could happen to me. I was too clever for that to happen, and besides my bike is just rusting outside my house in Talybont, no one would dare try and steal it, what with all that CCTV around. So, fast forward to Sunday, and I’m
by billions of pounds annually. Hemp can be used to make all sorts of plastics, and can be used as a biofuel, making it an invaluable renewable rescource. Grown along motorways it can also absorb much of the CO2 produced by cars, therefore would also benefit the environment. I am a Second year Geology student, and I have been socially smoking cannabis for a few years. Everyone is affected by drugs in different ways, but I have never had any lack of motivation, or mental, or health problems, or decreased sex drive, nor have I had any worse experiences on it than I have on a pissed up night in town. Us students are always going to want to get wasted one way or another, at least give us more legal options! Different drugs affect different people in many ways, weed or not, and it goes without saying that if you have some sort of underlying condition that will worsen under the affect of something, then of course you shouldn’t do it. But I think if your health editor was going to dish out advice about this subject, she should a) try some, and b) consider that, illegal or not, a hell of a lot of people are going to smoke a hell of a lot of it, knowing full well what it will do. You cant delay the inevitable! I feel in a modern, multicultural society, we would all get along better if we had a legal source of that funky, smelly green stuff to chill us out, and I think it’s wider acceptance is something long overdue. Ash Toner (say it fast) feeling grimy yet again after a blinder in Come play, and to make matters worse I had to do washing, so on my way back from the laundrette, I looked at my rotting machine, and to my astonishment, it seemed a little more slanted than usual. On closer inspection, no way, some fucker had nicked my front wheel, just how Thomas Davey, in his letter last week, had contemplated. Needless to say I was gobsmacked. I wasnt clever enough for it not to happen to me, and what makes matters worse is that that wheel cost me a lot of money when I was 13. So I now have to walk to Physics in the pissing rain every day, and yes, it is a 10 mile walk. Matty Wade, a first year student.
Got something to say about one of our articles? Read it online and leave us a comment
NOVEMBER.27.2006 JOBS@gairrhydd.COM
No job for you Gillian Roberts looks at how the many students who wish to pursue a career in media face a tough time getting into the industry with their degrees
s more and more students are opting to study a media studies related degree, competition for jobs are getting even tougher for even the top graduates. Not many media students can get away from the stereotype of studying a ‘Mickey Mouse’ degree, as Margaret Hodge, the former higher education minister labelled the degree, and since it has received heavy criticism. Research from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), has reported that the number of students in media studies courses have risen from 13,600 to 26,700 in the past five years and journalism degrees doubled. Although the popular course turns out more and more graduates each year, they are unable to find a degree-related job and are finding other career paths. Of the media graduates surveyed by HESA only 36% had found employment within the media industry within sixth months, and 21% have entered into the administration field due to the lack of media jobs available. Jobs & Money spoke to a recent Journalism graduate who had studied at Preston’s university. He said that although obtaining a good degree it had been difficult finding a media related job, and that now he was work-
ing in administration. Martin Spence, from the broadcasting union, BECTU said: “Many media graduates are being ripped off. Colleges or universities put on courses which they know will be popular regardless of whether they lead to jobs afterwards, because courses bring in government money.” The government who are aiming for 50% of young people to be in higher education by 2010 can be seen to stretch the media industry for graduate job openings. This year HESA’s research show a massive increase of 26% of students taking media studies exams.
The number of students in these courses have risen from 13,600 to 26,700 in the past five years Paul Hartley, an experienced studio producer said: “Media is about graft, you put in the hours, and you will do well. I personally, would give a person who has had two years’ running experience a job over someone who has just graduated, although it does depend on
what that person’s degree entailed.” Recently, media studies courses have received more criticism from a survey claiming that media students put in the least hours for their degree course. The survey which added up actual time at lectures and seminars as well as private study, reported that while medicine and dentist students were putting in on average 35.2 hours week, media students were only putting in 19.9 hours. The course is perceived as an easy, glamorous option as it is always popular among students on other courses who need to take up a subsidiary module to gain extra credits in year one. Yet, courses which do have less actual university time are required to take on more private study to enhance their studies. Media studies has been seen to be a fast track way into working in the media, yet this is a very narrow minded view as a degree alone is not enough. Most courses are not practical based and it is relevant work experience which is needed to provide students with a taster of the skills they need to build on. Yet, media students should not give up hope as the degree like many is a stepping stone to many other careers, such as administration, public relations, retail, teaching, as well as in the media.
Welcome to the house of fun
t is fast approaching the time of year when first year students may begin to consider living arrangements for next year. Jobs & Money look at what these students could start to think about.
Check everyone out. Think about who you would like to live with next year. Most importanly, do not rush into this. the people you are friends with now, may not be the people you are friends with at the end of the year.
Not yet 2 registered with Jobshop? Come and register with our great free service.
We have lots of jobs available both around the campus and outside. ■
We are located on the ground floor, Students’ Union. Open 10am-4pm Monday-Friday). ■
Telephone Interview
Sales Advisor, Cardiff
A transport research centre requires people to take part in a phone interview asking about their use or non-use of a driver's progress record. You must be learning to drive for the first time i.e. have not yet sat a test.
A hair and beauty retailer requires people to assist customers, handle cash and replenish stock. You need to have an outgoing personality and the ability to work unsupervised.
£25 Late November/December
£5.35 per hour Ongoing
Do not panic. House hunting is not a case of ‘the sooner the better’. There are more houses than there are students, so take the time to really think about who you want to live with, where you want to live, and the kind of house you want. Once you have signed a contract, you are financially and legally bound to both the house, and the people, for at least a year.
Choose a letting agency. It is advisable to choose an agent who has been listed within the ALMA guide (The Association of Letting & Management Agents) where members have to have certain standards supported by Cardiff County Council. The letting agents are listed on the site
Have a gander. Visit agencies and take away housing lists, think about what your budget for rent will be. The average rate for a months rent is £200-£220. Sometimes bills are included but make sure it wouldn’t be cheaper paying yourselves
Private landlords. It is possible to rent a student house without using an agent, this would save in agency fees, yet you are expected to sort everything out with your landlord yourself. The house may not have certain standards
that an ALMA house would have. Landlords, as well as agents, are regulated by law, so make sure they comply.
Picture perfect? Take photos or notes on each house, you will forget which one was which. Take note of faults which will need to be looked at. When drawing up the tenancy agreement make sure everything you need changing is on there before you sign
Hot dosh. Usually it is expected for tenants to pay half rent over the summer months to ‘hold’ a house. A bond is also expected to be paid when signing the contract, it is a one off payment which is usually similar or a little higher than the monthly rent. When leaving the property if nothing has been damaged or removed you should be able to retrieve it. An agency fee is usually the cost of a weeks rent plus VAT. Ensure that any money you hand over is recorded by your bank, so that there can be no qustion that you have paid.
No pressure. Do not feel pressured into signing a contract once you have found a house. Never sign anything until you are completely happy with the property and the people. Wait until after Christmas and you will have plenty of time to properly suss out the housing situation. For more advice, visit the Advice and Representation Centre in the Students’ Union., and look out for the ‘Don’t Panic’ Housing Guide.
18 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 SCIENCE@gairrhydd.COM
Antarctica: the last
A habitat under threat South Atlantic Ocean
Jess Gregson Environment Correspondent
ntarctica is the fifth largest continent in the world. Its total surface area reaches 14.2million sq km, making it 50 times the size of the UK. In winter the continent doubles in size when sea ice forms around the coasts.
Although it’s commonly assumed that Antarctica’s terrain consists of a flat sheet of ice the area is actually extremely mountainous and is the highest continent in the world. There are at least two active volcanoes, with Mount Erebus being the highest and holding a permanent molten lava lake. Due to the harsh weather conditions
of 42 year-round scientific bases. Yet this quiet, unthreatening land faces a number of serious threats. Global warming is a long-term threat which poses a sever threat to Antarctica’s future. In October 1991 it was reported that the ozone shield,
to rise by 3°C in the next 100 years, thus melting large amounts of the ice. It is thought that over 13,000sq km of sea ice in the Antarctic Peninsula has been lost over the last 50 years. However, according to the British Antarctic Survey there is little evidence for increased melting of the land-based ice sheet. This is due to 99 per cent of Antarctica being so cold and high that temperatures cannot
Queen Maud Land Weddell Sea
out to sea. The second and more immediate threat is the increasing amount of tourism to the continent. Tourist trips to Antarctica are becoming increasingly popular, the chance to view the last great unexplored wilderness is obviously too great an opportunity to miss. Yet any time spent in Antarctica inevitably causes high-impact damage due to its pristine condition. Tourists, by their very nature are attracted to the most picturesque and wildlife rich areas, consequently causing the most harm. Tourism in Antarctica is at present self-regulated by the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO). This organiza-
Indian Ocean
Antarctica holds 70 per cent of the world’s freshwater
vegetation is limited. There are 350 species of lichens, mosses and algae that we know of. The surrounding Southern and Antarctic oceans are home to millions of marine mammals, the most popular and majestic being the blue whale. There are no land mammals. There is no native population. Teams of scientists are the only temporary residents. There are a total
tion applies strict guidelines to its member tour Amery operators and ships. Such Ice Sheet guidelines limit the size of the ships that can cruise Antarctic waters and also how many people can land at sites South Pole around Antarctica. However, there are still numerous private tourist organisations which avoid these guidelines. There have been acciShackleton dents involving Ice Sheet ships being grounded on uncharted rocks Ross and oil-spills. Tourism Ice Sheet needs to be sustainable in order to protect this last unique wilderness from descending into a hot-spot leisure area complete with hotels, shops and most depressingly, people. After all, it’s the absence of these social aspects, which cause such widespread intrigue. Victoria Land It seems the influence of man along with commercialism is everywhere these days, even in the most remote locations you can stumble upon a McDonald’s restaurant or tacky sourise above venir shop. So shouldn’t this one last freezing. The pristine environment, relatively average surface untouched by man, remain this way? temperature of the Antarctic continent is around which protects the Earth's surface from harmful ultravio- -37°C and at an average site there is let radiation, had receded to the lowest no melting on any day of the year. Yet level recorded over Antarctica since there is evidence for melting on the 1975, when measurements were first Antarctic Peninsula, here the warming climate has led to disintegrating ice taken. The global temperature is predicted shelves, and huge icebergs floating
Antarctica Palmer Land is actually classified as Ronne a desert as it Ice Sheet receives less than 254mm of precipitation per year. More than 99 per cent of Ellsworth Antarctica Land is covered with ice and it’s estimated that it provides 70 per cent of the world’s fresh Marie Byrd water supplies. Land In today’s crowded globe it seems almost incomprehensible that such a vast, Amundsen unpopulated and desSea olate continent as Antarctica exists. Antarctica is an alien environment, abundant with wildlife and with some areas unexplored by man. Yet this pristine environment faces a number of threats and its future is in jeopardy.
South Pacific Ocean
gairrhydd 19
t great wilderness
Working in Antarctica Chris Brett Science Correspondent
eep within the southern ocean, surrounded by storms and waves lies the highest, coldest, windiest continent on Earth. The continent is truly inhospitable, with katabatic winds flowing from its centre, low temperatures of -50°C and a hole in the ozone layer allowing scorching ultra violet radiation to reach the Earth’s surface in unrivaled amounts - when the continent isn’t dark, which it is for three months of the year. This is not a friendly, welcoming, land, however, Antarctica offers a bounty of natural resources from metals to hydrocarbons, huge quantities of biomass in its surrounding seas and an
unparalleled record of Earths atmosphere for the last 500,000 years. This is what attracts the scientists from 27 countries to face a unique challenge. Britain has been involved in Antarctic research and exploration for more than 200 years and, for over 50 years, the British Antarctic Survey has been undertaking the majority of the UK's research of the continent. One of the research stations, Halley V, is built on the Brunt Ice Shelf, above the Weddell Sea. It’s primary position since 1956 has been to monitor Ozone levels; depletion in stratospheric ozone was first discovered in 1985 leading quickly to the international response to curtail production of CFCs. However, because the Ice Sheet is rapidly breaking away, Halley V is approaching the ice cliffs above the sea
and will soon be abandoned like its four predecessors. Halley VI is currently being designed as a mobile research station. Mounted on skis it will be capable of motoring against the ice’s unrelenting progress to the sea. It is hoped that by 2009 Halley VI will be fully operational, capable of monitoring the ozone layer, providing data from ice cores, giving the MET office information contributing to world weather patterns and as a source of information about how the sun’s rays interact with the Earth’s atmosphere - known as Geospace research.
Antarctica is not just a scientific curiosity nor is it simply the world’s largest environmental reserve
Antarctica is not just a scientific curiosity nor is it simply the world’s largest environmental reserve. It is interwoven in the fabric of the Earth system. The processes taking place now in the Antarctic affect the world's climate and its oceans, linking the continent inextricably to what we experience thousands of kilometers away.
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Remember, remember the Ist of December As World Aids Day is celebrated on Friday, Lydia James guides Health through the important aspects of the disease
NOVEMBER.27.2006 HEALTH@gairrhydd.COM
he term 'Health' is primarily used to describe one's physical health and less often in reference to one's mental and emotional health. I would like to expand the definition to include national and international health global health; the combined health of individuals in our world. I even think a side effect of thiswould be that our own emotional health would improve. World Aids Day is on Friday December 1. As students and informed adults, we have the power to transform the future of millions of lives and of Aids itself that will not only improve our global health but potentially our own as well. In order to do this however, it is essential to understand the complex issue of Aids.
Action (and alertness) Every three days, the equivalent of every student and staff member of Cardiff University is infected with HIV. 11,000 people are newly infected with HIV around the world every day. 40 million people around the world are HIV positive, 95% of these people live in developing countries. In the UK 80,000 people have the virus and in 2005, 7,000 new cases were reported. However, the number of people who are living with HIV as a result of increased access to drugs rather than dying of Aids is rising, accounting for some of the HIV prevalence rate. In the UK, nearly every person with HIV has access to retroviral drugs, a good diet, information and support. The cost to the NHS for drugs is high but manageable; in stark contrast to developing countries where many people with HIV simply need food, drugs aren't a priority, or a choice. A healthy diet is crucial as this alone means the average time between exposure to HIV and the onset of Aids is about 10 years; far longer then the average person in Sub-Saharan Africa has at present. Much has been said about making drugs free to developing countries; however, even the cost of administering them compared to the health budgets of African countries is too high. For many, drugs will simply never be an option and Aids will continue to cut short life indiscriminately unless we in the West take action.
Insight and Information How much do you really know about HIV/AIDS? HIV is the virus that causes the syndrome. People who are HIV positive may not know it. They often feel well and don't have any symptoms for many years.
11,000 people are newly infected with HIV around the world every day Some people a few weeks after being exposed to the virus, develop a flu like illness, but usually not severe enough to go and seek medical attention. The virus works quietly and quickly over a number of months or
years; attacking the immune system instead of different parts of the body like other viruses, meaning that the very system that wards off virus invasion is the one under attack. Cells in the immune system vigorously mutate, too quickly for the immune system to fight it off resulting in the weakening of the immune system, to the point where it is no longer strong enough to withstand exposure to viruses a healthy person would be able to fight off.
In the UK 80,000 people have the virus and in 2005, 7,000 new cases were reported. When the individual develops a serious illness or disease, or when the number of immune system cells in their body drops below a crucial point, this person is said to have developed Aids . Aids isn't a disease in itself, but due to HIV, is the means to which serious illnesses such as TB can easily take hold in a weak body. However, some people even recover from Aids and revert back to having HIV, while an even smaller minority appear to have a natural resistance to the virus. Although drugs are responsible for prolonging and improving many people's lives, including giving unborn babies protection from HIV, they can have serious side effects and different strains of HIV are becoming resistant
to many drugs meaning new ones are always needed. World Aids Day is organised by World Aids Campaign and its aim is to raise awareness and understanding of HIV/Aids around the world and to remember the millions living with it and those who have died. It also raises funds for HIV/Aids organisations and aims to unite individuals, communities and nations around the globe in eradicating stigma and prejudice through knowledge. The UK has a World Aids Day theme for this year of 'You, Me, Us - we can prevent the spread of HIV and end prejudice.' The general World Aids Day theme this year and until 2010 is 'Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise'. This ongoing campaign puts pressure on world leaders to keep their promise they made in 2005 of providing HIV treatment for all by 2010. To take action and mark World Aids Day, on November 30, RAID is coming to Solus for one red night only. Societies are organising this event of live music, funky ass dancing, fair trade cakes and more, with all the proceeds going to HIV/Aids charities.
Sexual Health If you think you may have been exposed to the HIV virus, or any other STI, go and get tested at a GUM clinic, knowing really is better, and chances are it will give you peace of mind. There is no excuse not to practice safe sex, condoms are easily available and can be obtained free of charge; SHAG (the Sexual Health Awareness Group) often give them away, as will any family planning clinic.
NOVEMBER.27.2006 MEDIA@gairrhydd.COM
This isn’t just M&S anymore, this is your ‘bondified’ M&S M&S sees a rise in its sales and popularity as they opt for glamour and sophistication in their new advertising campaign Annie Buckle Media Correspondent
here was a time when sandwiches and a big pair of cotton pants teamed with some one-off legendary jumpers were all that Marks & Spencers had to offer. But step into your nearest store today and you will notice the makeover of all makeovers. The moment you enter a Marks & Spencers store you are greeted by adverts featuring four impossibly striking and undeniably good-looking women that ooze glamour and style. M&S is no longer old fashioned and ‘mumsie’: it is now something much more. It is a fashion playground where women can play with clothes that one time seemed unobtainable to them and just something to aspire to. Unless you’ve had your eyes closed over the past few months you can’t have missed the £1billion advertising campaign that is responsible for this revolutionary change. The adverts are glamorous, the models are glowing and the M&S package is appealing not just to younger women but older women too. The celebrity endorsement on this advertising campaign is hugely successful and one of the major the reason why shoppers are flocking back to Marks & Spencer. As a result, its revenue rose 11% and its pre-tax profit by 32% in the most recent half-year period. Its adverts now feature the 60s fashion-icon Twiggy and younger models, such as Erin O’ Conner, dressing up for glamorous nights out on the town. They are confident, successful women representing a new era for Marks & Spencers, where mummies can at last feel yummy and teens will not feel embarrassed but excited to join them in a sophisticated shopping experience. The use of celebrities in these campaigns has clearly achieved success for the business on a level above that of rival stores such as Asda or Tesco. The most recent advertisement that started last week is something of a Christmas feast. A recent article in the Guardian looked at the ways in which the models are featured in their new adverts. All the women are youthful, beautiful and inevitably thin, shown at times when they are clothed and at times when they are in the bare minimum. Perhaps this doesn’t tick the box for
originality and represents a cliché situation that all men and women have seen on their TV screens for many years. Yet for some reason, to the majority of the viewing public the adverts are likeable, accessible and do not pose a threat to young women in a way that many other fashion adverts do today. The M&S women still appear successful and enriched by their achievements, which is not often portrayed in fashion advertisements. It is usually the case that the model is represented almost as if it were a clothes hanger. Simply designed to show the clothes at their best, these women are silenced and are not seen to laugh and cheer with friends, unlike the M&S women.
M&S has taken its style from frumpy mum to glamorous and sophisticated women What is key here is that the campaign has moved forward and shows that M&S is concerned with keeping in tune with the modern day women. Six years ago, M&S tried to be original by using a larger-sized woman who ran up a hill in the English countryside, shedding her clothing as she went stark naked, shouting, “I’m normal.” The advert was intended to attract shoppers by telling them they could be comfortable in the company’s stores no matter what their body type. Yet this backfired and many customers headed for the hills themselves making Marks & Spencer hit bottom rock. Now it seems they have found a great balance and after hearing the catwalk reports for winter, you see that M&S has it covered. They say a big yes to grey and even the greatest horror that is in store, the egg-shaped coat, as featured in this month’s Vogue, is a hit.
The controversial new Bond-inspired advert Aline Ungewiss Media Editor
he Casino Royale-inspired M&S advertising campaign does not only attract attention through the famous people starring in it, but also through the musical touch featuring in the trailer, ironically wishing a very ‘druggy’ Christmas! In the clip, Dame Shirley Basses sings a jazzed-up version of Pink’s 2001 hit Get The Party Started happily singing the lines “I’ll be burning rubber, you’ll be kissing my ass” and “I’m coming up so you better get this party started”. A rather ‘inappropriate’ song to be sang in a red ball gown at an elegant Arctic Christmas party, promoting glamorous Christmas dresses and exquisite party food It is questionable if the PR team of M&S realised the drug reference in one of the most popular party songs at all. If so, did they use it out of provocation to spice up the Christmas campaign? Apparently, when confronted with a translation of the slang featured in the song, no one in the PR team was aware of the jargon reference of taking ecstasy. The trailer with the song is definitely coming out at a convenient and calculated time with the recent release
of the new James Bond film. It can be seen as some cross-promotion. After all, who does not fantasise of the Bond appeal merging glamour, charm, sex and danger? M&S wants to deliver a new message – it has upgraded its standards and M&S can provide you with a bit of that fantasy. The fun yet stylish advert, combined with modelling icons of today and the 60s ensures that the younger, as well as older generations are attracted and enticed to shop at M&S. The trailer definitely gives the brand a fresh and youthful touch, but additionally features an older sophistication through the glamorous setting and the jazz-version of the famous party song. The Bond theme has proven successful in many areas of advertising, as it is a way to sell and to fulfil consumer needs in Britain. Successful brand deals are the secret behind the success, as well as the constant success of Bond in worldwide business. Bond never ages. It is no surprise then that M&S used the idea of the British Bond to boost its Christmas advertising campaign, playing onto the success of classiness as well as on hip party songs and models from all generations, addressing a much wider range of audiences than they used to.
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NOVEMBER.27.2006 TV@gairrhydd.COM
This Week’s Calvins among the Rotters: November 27-December 2
Too Fool For Cool We give you our guide to the NME Cool List, ‘cause it’s better than the Telly
TV Gareth - If Beth Ditto is the coolest person in the world (which she may well be), then her declaring me (and I quote), “The cutest thing I’ve ever seen”, surely puts me up there too. At least higher than Mince from the Fratellis, his beard is worse than TV Neil’s.
o, we’re sat in the office and have been for a couple of hours. Tanked up on (free) Red Bull and (paid for) Ginsters sandwiches, and we know very well that we have no interest in television. So, somehow myself, TV Neil and Music Sof have found ourselves in posession of 2 copies of this week’s NME (that’s 0.6 recurring copies each), and we are quite frankly outraged at the state of
Soaps This week sees us revert back to the Radio Times for copying details about TV programmes ‘cause the union shop was sold out of all the others. Thing is though, Gareth McLean is very tentative and mysterious in his news of what’s going on in the soaps, so I might just have to read between the lines. Right, in Eastenders he says something about Pauline and Ian conspiring over Ian’s wedding. There’s a picture of Ian staring at Pauline, and Pauline looking downwards at a candle on the table. Ian’s arm is reaching beneath the table, I don’t know to where though. I assume this means Ian is going to jilt Jane and leave with Auntie Pauline (?). I don’t know for sure though. In Coronation Street I think Danny may kill himself and Les and Yana might get off with each other. TV Gareth, Super Sleuth.
this year’s cool list. We try to pretend that cool means nothing to us, but who are we kidding, amongst most of the losers at this uni we’ve been elevated to a level of coolness, that quite frankly we’re not even really that comfortable with ourselves. So here, allow me to moan. This is what is wrong with the world. Okay, so, the apocalypse is not cool. This
Fudge Tunnel Gold: 1
rules out Matt Bellamy and Thom Yorke. Consider yourself further isolated if like Matt, you talk about conspiracy theories, or like Thom, you have a googley eye. The only person ever to be cool and have a googley eye is the Seven Seas Cod Liver Oil fish, and he only really carries it off because he’s a fish. And ace at chess. Possibly the least cool thing of all is Rock and Roll music. Therefore, do not wear leather and do not pose with cigarettes. Cheerio to Liam Gallagher and anybody else over the age of 35 or in The View, then. Do not take drugs, they make you look gaunt regardless of any health affects or ensuing BBC documentaries. More importantly, do not ever allow anybody to refer to you as a poet. You just rhyme words, and if you spoke that shit in A Level English Literature then I would have laughed. Incidentally, I’m still laughing anyway. Be the second most ‘cool’ person in your band. That way the NME will avoid putting your bandmate in ‘cause it’s too obvious, then boring ol’ you will get the chance. Ala Frost from of The Automatic. It helps if you’re part of a genre that has been invented in the past two days. So, new-rave and grindie a-go-go. Also, think of an icon that
never was and give their shtick another try. I was slightly concerned that the MySpace generation wasn’t going to have itself a Guy McKnight, not to worry, here’s Faris Rotter. Do be female. It’s common fact that girls are a lot cooler than boys. And girls are allowed to make a self-conscious effort to be cool, welcome Kate Jackson, made even cooler by the fact she probably owns both Kenickie albums. Interestingly, there’s not a
single girl undeserving of her place in the cool list. Except Karen O should be a lot further down, because looking like some Barfly slag is so 2004. Top 10 hits DO make you cool, especially if you’re Lilly Allen, not only because you’re labelmates with The Decemberists, but also because you know the score. Accept that you will NEVER be as cool as Amy Winehouse. Accept that you lose. x
DVDS TO RENT/BUY Hey all. It’s that time again where I recognise my lack of knowledge on films, and then purge TV John’s blog for a review of a film which, if it hasn’t already been released on DVD, surely will be sometime soon...The Omen... a fantastically unnecessary remake you suspect was commissioned, funded and promoted entirely by cinematic fuck-merchants Fox donkeys years ago, but on the back burner until 2006 and shevelled on on June 6 as the world’s least ingenious but most effective marketing strategy, like ever. The original 'Omen' film was flawed in many, many ways. The Omen 2006 has so many flaws and plot holes, it's a small miracle there’s actually anything to watch that didn't get creamed on the cutting room work bench. The queasy and to be honest, ludi-
NME Cool List Faris Rotter, Karen O, Kieren Webster, Thom Yorke, Liam Gallagher, Paul Simonon, Carl Barat, Jack White, Serge Pizzorno, Pete Doherty, Jack White, Matt Bellamy, Brandon Flowers, Vincent Vincent, Mince, Bobby Gillespie, Mike Skinner et al; ROT OFF!!
crous hatchet-job of scares and sub-Da Vinci meanderings in Italy doesn't work, and is, as any fool could have worked out beforehand, and any fool will tell you afterwards, a pale imitation of the original. Plus, unless it's Nightmare on Elm Street, any horror film in which all the big scares occur in someone’s sleep, can kiss my fucking reality-based ass.
A Chance Of Snow, five (3.40pm Friday), In this shamelessly corny melodrama, newly divorced JoBeth Williams finds herself stuck in a snowbound airport with her errant ex. As the couple revisit their travails they’re overheard by Charles Durning and Barbara Barrie, an old married couple who know all about working through the bad times.
Sport This week is a UEFA Cup week, so tune into five on Thursday at 7.15pm for Eintracht Frankfurt v Newcastle United. Actually, on second thoughts, don’t bother tuning in until 7.45, ‘cause that’s when kick off is, and then you won’t have to listen to the obnoxious Colin Murray with all his heelarious Ron Burgundy-isms.
Radio The main issue I've always had with The Omen, and this is highlighted in the final scene, is that Damien is EVIL INCARNATE. He can make BIG BLACK DOGS appear and people hang themselves, and tries to kill his mum, and then actually does, but his real mum’s actually a weird manchicken-dragon monster, and is detailed in the bible as one of the signs of the apocalypse. No offense, but any six-year-old with powers like that isn't going to waste his time on making the nanny hang herself. And this final segment, where Damien’s dad carries him across london to stab him. You'd expect THE SON OF ALL EVIL to retaliate in some way. But no. (3)
24 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 TV@gairrhydd.COM
BBC1 8.30pm
Incredible Animal Journeys BBC2 7pm
6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Animal Park 10:00am Homes under the Hammer 11:00am To Buy or Not to Buy 11:30am Bargain Hunt 12:15pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:40pm Neighbours 2:05pm Doctors 2:35pm Murder, She Wrote 3:20pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:25pm CBBC:ChuckleVision 3:40pm Arthur 3:55pm Krypto the Superdog 4:05pm SMart 4:30pm Jackanory: Muddle Earth 4:45pm The Fairly Odd Parents 5:00pm Blue Peter 5:25pm Newsround 5:35pm Neighbours 6:00pm BBC News and Weather 6:30pm Wales Today; Weather 7:00pm Holiday 2006 7:30pm Inside Out England 8:00pm EastEnders 8:30pm Trauma An ambulance crew attends a car crash. 9:00pm Crimewatch Britain’s mostwanted rapist, with loads of attacks to his name, is among the subjects of a “cold case” special. 10:00pm BBC News; Regional News; Weather 10:35pm Scrum 4 Daf and Iestyn decide to support Children In Need. 11:05pm Crimewatch Update 11:15pm Skint: No Home Special 11:55pm Film 2006 with Jonathan Ross 12:25am Q &#38; A 2:10am Sign Zone:Johnny Kingdom: A Year On Exmoor 2:40am Sign Zone:The State Within 3:40am Sign Zone:Natural World 4:30am Joins BBC News 24
7:00am CBBC:Batfink 7:10am Batfink 7:15am Witch 7:40am Fergus McPhail 8:05am Serious Desert Diaries 8:30am The Koala Brothers 8:40am Underground Ernie 8:55am Brum 9:05am Balamory 9:30am Doodle Do 9:50am Step Inside 10:00am Barnaby Bear 10:15am Our Planet 10:30am Numbertime 10:45am Look and Read 11:00am Look and Read 11:20am Testament: The Bible in Animation 11:50am Focus 12:00pm The Daily Politics 12:30pm Working Lunch 1:00pm Watch: Barnaby Bear 1:15pm Something Special 1:30pm Coast: Blackwater 1:35pm Doctor in Distress 3:15pm Castle in the Country 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Ready Steady Cook 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Nature's Calendar 6:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 7:00pm Incredible Animal Journeys Steve Leonard encounters a mother grey whale who has just given birth to her calf. 8:00pm It's Not Easy Being Green Inventor Dick Strawbridge and his family build a greenhouse. 8:30pm University Challenge East Anglia v Linacre College, Oxford. 9:00pm Monkeys, Rats and Me: Animal Testing 10:20pm Coast: Wales - The Smalls 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm Cricket: The Ashes 12:00am This Life 1:00am BBC Learning Zone: Languages and Travel:Buongiorno Italia! 13-20 4:30am Talk Italian 1-6
6:00am GMTV Newshour 6:58am GMTV Today 8:35am LK Today 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:00pm This Morning: I'm a Celebrity Special 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2:00pm The Price Is Right 2:30pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:30pm Pocoyo 3:35pm Jim Jam and Sunny 3:55pm Tricky Quickies 4:00pm King Arthur's Disasters 4:30pm My Parents are Aliens 5:00pm The Price Is Right 5:30pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! Exclusive 6:00pm ITV Wales News and Weather 6:30pm ITV Evening News; Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm Wales This Week In depth current affairs reports, focusing on the big issues affecting the people of Wales. Presented by Helen Callghan, with assistance from viewers’ rights campaigner the Ferret. 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 10:30pm ITV News 11:00pm The Food Show - Food Awards The finest food and drink producers in Wales gather together for the True Taste Awards 2006/7, taking place at Sophia Gardens in Cardiff. Hywel James captures all the excitement of the night. 12:00am To Catch a Predator: Tonight 12:25am ITV Play: The Mint 4:25am Dial a Mum 5:00am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Early Morning News
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 8:55am Frasier 9:30am Gay to Z 10:00am Sex, Lies and Soaps 10:30am Fame Asylum 11:30am My Crazy Life 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Headland 1:25pm King of Queens 1:50pm Third Watch 2:40pm Third Watch 3:30pm Countdown 4:15pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons Mr Burns’ longlost son tries to trick his dad into admitting he loves him. 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 3 Minute Wonder 8:00pm Dispatches: Britain's Healthcare Lottery 9:00pm Monarchy by David Starkey 10:00pm Without a Trace An agoraphobic advice columnist disappears, despite having spent the last two years confined to her apartment. 11:00pm The Perfect Penis Charting the quest for penile perfection, which has driven men to extraordinary and dangerous lengths. 12:00am My Chemical Romance: Video Exclusive The premiere of the single Famous Last Words 12:05am Hollyoaks: In the City 1:05am The Closer 2:05am World Cup Skiing 3:55am 3 Minute Wonder: Raw Cuts Competition 4:00am Extra 2 4:25am Extra 2 4:50am Extra 2 5:15am Extra 2 5:40am Making It 5:45am Music Search
6:00am The Save-Ums! 6:10am Rolie Polie Olie 6:40am MechaNick 6:50am Hi-5 7:20am Funky Valley 7:25am Rupert Bear 7:40am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am Peppa Pig 8:15am Franny's Feet 8:30am Thomas &#38; Friends 8:40am Roobarb and Custard Too 8:50am Mio Mao 9:00am The Wright Stuff 10:30am Trisha Goddard 11:30am five news and Ashes Special Report 12:00pm Home and Away 12:30pm BrainTeaser 1:40pm Donor Unknown 3:30pm five news update 3:35pm Mary Higgins Clark: The Cradle Will Fall 5:30pm five news and Ashes Special Report 6:00pm Home and Away 6:30pm In the Grid 7:00pm five news and Ashes Special Report 7:15pm The Gadget Show 8:00pm Fifth Gear 9:00pm Disappearing Britain Royle Family star, Ricky Tomlinson charts the rise and fall of Britain’s coal industry. Having been jailed during the 1971 builders’ strike, Ricky feels a particular affinity with the fate of the coal-mining community. 10:00pm Tripping Over Callum is shocked to discover that Charlie is getting married. 11:05pm A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex 11:50pm World's Wildest Police Videos 12:50am ITU Triathlon 1:25am NFL Live: The Monday Night Game 5:00am French Football - Le Championnat
7:00pm The House of Tiny Tearaways 8:00pm Honey We're Killing the Kids 9:00pm New Dog Borstal 10:00pm EastEnders 10:30pm Tittybangbang2 11:00pm Little Britain 11:30pm Family Guy 11:50pm Family Guy 12:15am New Dog Borstal 1:15am Tittybangbang2 1:45am The Indestructibles 2:10am Grime Scene Investigation 2:40am Honey We're Killing the Kids 7:00pm The House of Tiny Tearaways 8:00pm Honey We're Killing the Kids 9:00pm New Dog Borstal 10:00pm EastEnders 10:30pm Tittybangbang2 11:00pm Little Britain 11:30pm Family Guy 11:50pm Family Guy 12:15am New Dog Borstal 1:15am Tittybangbang2 1:45am The Indestructibles 2:10am Grime Scene Investigation 2:40am Honey We're Killing the Kids 7:00pm The House of Tiny Tearaways 8:00pm Honey We're Killing the Kids 9:00pm New Dog Borstal 10:00pm EastEnders 10:30pm Tittybangbang2
7:00pm Sounds of the Seventies Shorts 7:10pm Doctor Who 8:00pm The World 8:30pm The Day of the Triffids 9:00pm The Martians and Us 10:00pm Random Quest 11:00pm John Wyndham: The Invisible Man of Science Fiction 12:00am Profile 12:40am Home 1:40am Random Quest 2:40am The Martians and Us 3:40am Profile 7:00pm Sounds of the Seventies Shorts 7:10pm Doctor Who 8:00pm The World 8:30pm The Day of the Triffids 9:00pm The Martians and Us 10:00pm Random Quest 11:00pm John Wyndham: The Invisible Man of Science Fiction 12:00am Profile 12:40am Home 1:40am Random Quest 2:40am The Martians and Us 3:40am Profile 7:00pm Sounds of the Seventies Shorts 7:10pm Doctor Who 8:00pm The World 8:30pm The Day of the Triffids 9:00pm The Martians and Us 10:00pm Random Quest 10:00pm Random
6:00am Fun Song Factory 6:10am Engie Benjy 6:25am Mopatop's Shop 6:35am Pocoyo 6:50am Fun Song Factory 7:00am Winx Club 7:25am Transformers Cybertron 7:55am ATOM 8:25am Sabrina's Secret Life 8:55am Sonic Underground 9:25am Coronation Street 9:55am Emmerdale 10:25am Emmerdale 10:55am The Montel Williams Show 11:35am Judge Judy 12:00pm Coronation Street 12:30pm Emmerdale 1:00pm Emmerdale 1:30pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm The Ricki Lake Show 4:30pm Sally Jessy Raphael 5:10pm Airline 5:40pm Judge Judy 7:00pm The New Adventures of Superman 8:00pm Planet's Funniest Animals 8:30pm Airline 9:00pm Britain's Youngest Boozers 10:30pm I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Now!
6:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:30am Wake Up with... Casino Royale 8:00am Wake Up with... Casino Royale 8:30am Whatever... You Want 9:00am Whatever... You Want 10:00am Whatever... You Want 11:00am Nothing but... Blondes 12:00pm E4 Music: Uninterrupted 1:00pm Freshly Squeezed Extra 2:00pm The OC 3:00pm Reunion 4:00pm Scrubs 4:30pm Hollyoaks 5:00pm Friends 5:30pm Friends 6:00pm The OC 7:00pm Hollyoaks 7:30pm Scrubs 8:00pm Friends 8:30pm Friends 9:00pm Hollyoaks: In the City 10:00pm Along Came a Spider 11:55pm Russell Brand's Got Issues 12:30am Invasion 1:20am Hollyoaks: In the City 2:20am Russell Brand's Got Issues 2:45am The OC 3:30am Invasion 4:10am Reunion 4:55am Switched 5:15am Switched 5:35am Switched
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 8:55am Frasier 9:30am The Play's the Thing 10:30am Make Me a Grown Up 11:00am Ballet Changed My Life: Ballet Hoo! 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Planed Plant Bach:Dwdlam 12:45pm Planed Plant Bach:Ffi-Ffi A'i Ffrindiau 1:00pm Deal or No Deal 1:45pm Countdown 2:30pm Y Ffair Aeaf 4:00pm Planed Plant (4.005.00):Popty Bob Man 4:25pm Planed Plant (4.00-5.00):Stamina 4:50pm Planed Plant (4.00-5.00):Ffeil 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Rownd a Rownd 7:00pm Wedi 7 7:30pm Newyddion 8:00pm Pobol y Cwm 8:25pm Y Ffair Aeaf 9:00pm Ffermio 9:30pm Cefn Gwlad 10:00pm Sgorio 11:05pm Y Clwb Rygbi 11:35pm Monarchy by David Starkey 12:35am Dispatches
20% student discount on all pizzas and starters Every second pizza half price Call in store for our take away deals
Tricky Quickies
The Perfect Penis
The Gadget Show
ITV1 3.55pm
Channel 4 11pm
five 7.15pm
62 Crwys Road, Cardiff, CF24 4NN
02920 229977
NOVEMBER.27.2006 TV@gairrhydd.COM
Nature’s Calendar BBC 2 6pm
Tricky Quickies ITV1 3.55pm
My First...
16 for a Day
five 9am
Channel 4 10.30am
BBC1 3.40pm
6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Animal Park 10:00am Homes under the Hammer 11:00am To Buy or Not to Buy 11:30am Bargain Hunt 12:15pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:40pm Neighbours 2:05pm Doctors 2:35pm Murder, She Wrote 3:20pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:25pm CBBC:ChuckleVision 3:40pm Arthur 3:55pm Krypto the Superdog 4:05pm SMart 4:35pm The Crust 5:00pm Blue Peter 5:25pm Newsround 5:35pm Neighbours 6:00pm BBC News and Weather 6:30pm Wales Today; Weather 7:00pm Watchdog 7:30pm EastEnders 8:00pm Holby City 9:00pm A Child Against All Odds This is the TV programme with the advert that shows some crazy woman saying something like ‘having the eggs (as in ovaries) in the freezer was such a comfort to me’. So she’s saying that having her frozen unborn baby in her freezer was comforting? I think that’s just creepy. Now the poor thing’s been born and they’re making a show on it, it’s crap though because they couldn’t get the bambino out of cold dark spaces to get a look at him. 10:00pm BBC News; Regional News; Weather 10:35pm The Welsh in London 11:15pm Imagine... Being a Diva 12:05am A Simple Plan 2:10am Sign Zone:Coast 3:10am Sign Zone:Jam and Jerusalem 3:40am Sign Zone:Heston Blumenthal
7:00am CBBC:Batfink 7:10am Batfink 7:15am Witch 7:40am Fergus McPhail 8:05am Serious Desert 8:30am The Koala Brothers 8:40am Underground Ernie 8:55am Brum 9:05am Balamory 9:30am Doodle Do 9:50am Step Inside 10:00am Barnaby Bear 10:15am Our Planet 10:30am Primary History 10:50am Primary Geography 11:10am Horizon: Lost City of New Orleans 12:00pm The Daily Politics 12:30pm Working Lunch 1:00pm Bobinogs 1:10pm Science Clips 1:20pm Science Clips Investigates 1:30pm Return to Tuscany I went to Tuscany once, when I was eight. A smelly pipe-smoking old Italian man in a restaurant found me adorable and started pulling at my cheeks, I cried. 2:00pm 3:00pm The Flying Gardener 3:15pm Castle in the Country 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Ready Steady Cook 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Nature's Calendar 6:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 7:00pm Digging Deep 7:30pm Jamie Owen’s Welsh Journeys 8:00pm Bill Oddie's How to Watch Wildlife 8:30pm Heston Blumenthal: In Search of Perfection 9:00pm Tsunami, the Aftermath 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm This Life 12:05am This Life 12:45am Joins BBC News 24 2:00am BBC Learning Zone: Schools:AS Guru: English 1
6:00am GMTV Newshour 6:58am GMTV Today 8:35am LK Today 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:00pm This Morning: I'm a Celebrity Special 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2:00pm The Price Is Right 2:30pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:30pm Pocoyo 3:35pm Jim Jam and Sunny 3:55pm Tricky Quickies My hair smells like Quavers, how can that be? 4:00pm King Arthur's Disasters 4:30pm My Parents Are Aliens 5:00pm The Price Is Right 5:30pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! Exclusive 6:00pm Wales Tonight 6:30pm ITV Evening News; Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 8:00pm Trinny and Susannah Undress I can’t imagine that seeing either of them naked would be very thrilling, but if I had to be subjected to the experience I think I would rather see Susannah naked, (she is the one with the more normal, not-so-scarely-skinny figure isn’t she?) because at least she has a shape and she doesn’t look like an alien. What is it with women with alien faces? All the models in that America’s next top model look like aliens. 9:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 10:30pm ITV News 11:00pm Glee Time 11:30pm Police, Camera, Action! 12:00am ITV Play: The Mint 3:55am Mum's On Strike 4:35am The Jules And Lulu Show 5:00am ITV Nightscreen
6:00am The Cubeez 6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Gay to Z 10:00am Sex, Lies and Soaps 10:30am 16 for a Day 11:50am Designers Under Pressure 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Headland 1:25pm King of Queens 1:45pm Third Watch 2:35pm Third Watch 3:30pm Countdown 4:15pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 3 Minute Wonder 8:00pm How Clean Are the F*lthy Fulfords Now? 9:00pm Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares 10:00pm 638 Ways to Kill Castro Numero uno: hold onto his legs and stick his head in a big pool of pirahnas. Alternatively, lock him in a room with All Saints’ new single on repeat, that should do the trick. According to the Radio Times one of the attempts to kill Castro involved an exploding cigar. 11:30pm Scars 12:35am Hollyoaks: In the City 1:40am The Closer 2:30am Unreported World 3:00am Get the Picture 3:10am Dispatches: Britain's Healthcare Lottery 4:00am Music Search 4:15am Music Search 4:30am Music Search 4:45am Music Search 5:00am Music Search 5:15am Music Search 5:30am Music Search
6:00am The Save-Ums! 6:10am Rolie Polie Olie 6:40am MechaNick 6:50am Hi-5 7:20am Funky Valley 7:25am Rupert Bear 7:40am Make Way for Noddy or he’ll set the dog on you. 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am Peppa Pig 8:15am Franny's Feet 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:40am Roobarb and Custard Too 8:50am My First... 9:00am The Wright Stuff 10:30am Trisha Goddard 11:30am five news 12:00pm Home and Away 12:30pm BrainTeaser 1:35pm Packin' It In 3:35pm five news update 3:40pm Seduced and Betrayed 5:30pm five news 6:00pm Home and Away 6:30pm In the Grid 7:00pm five news 7:15pm Glories of Islamic Art 8:00pm Hitler's Private World: Revealed Apparently the people that made this documentary have developed a way to lip-read Hitler’s home movies. The programme reveals Hitler’s love of scones and cream teas and his enjoyment of long walks on summer days picking wild flowers in the meadow and then taking them home to arrange them in beautiful crystal vases. 9:00pm CSI: Miami 10:00pm CSI:NY 11:00pm MacIntyre's Underworld 12:05am The FBI Files 1:05am NBA Action 1:25am NBA Basketball 3:55am Race and Rally UK 4:20am Motorsport Mundial 4:55am Boxing Classic
7:00pm The House of Tiny Tearaways 8:00pm The Indestructibles 8:30pm Grime Scene Investigation 9:00pm Little Britain 9:30pm The Catherine Tate Show Our Martin is a gay man noooww. How does Tate get away with performing the same sketches every week? I can quite clearly see the repetition that appears in every weekly show and I’m actually quite bored of that ‘how very dare you’ thing or whatever it is but I still watch it. How does she get away with it? Has no one else noticed? Perhaps I should write to the BBC and maybe I’ll be on Points of View. No, that’s just sad. TV Neil just said it is. 10:00pm EastEnders 10:30pm Torchwood 11:20pm Tittybangbang2 11:50pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:20am Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:50am The Indestructibles 1:20am Grime Scene Investigation 1:50am Torchwood 2:40am The Indestructibles
7:00pm Planet Earth: The Future 8:00pm The World 8:30pm The Cult of... Star Cops 9:00pm Timeshift: Parallel Worlds - A User's Guide 10:00pm Star Trek 10:50pm Star Trek: The Next Generation 11:35pm Random Quest 12:35am The Cult of... Star Cops 1:05am Nation on Film: Package Holidays 1:35am Timeshift: Parallel Worlds - A User's Guide 2:35am Random Quest 3:35am The Cult of... Star Cops Well I’ve run out of interesting things to say so I decided to Google ‘Prussian Blue’, the crazy little girls in America who seem to be overly into the fact that they are white and have blond hair and blue eyes. I think basically they’re racists. Apparently the girls’ grandfather has a swastika belt buckle and uses the symbol to brand his cows. The girls also claim that Hitler was a great man with interesting ideas. Only in America would you find these crazy fucks.
6:00am Fun Song Factory 6:10am Engie Benjy 6:25am Mopatop's Shop 6:35am Pocoyo 6:50am Fun Song Factory 7:00am Winx Club 7:25am Transformers Cybertron 7:55am ATOM 8:25am Sabrina's Secret Life 8:55am Sonic Underground 9:25am Coronation Street 9:55am Emmerdale 10:25am The Montel Williams Show 11:10am Judge Judy 12:30pm Coronation Street 1:00pm Emmerdale 1:30pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm The Ricki Lake Show 4:25pm Sally Jessy Raphael 5:15pm Airline 5:40pm Judge Judy 7:00pm The New Adventures of Superman 8:00pm Neighbours from Hell 9:00pm Britain's Youngest Mums and Dads II 10:30pm I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Now! 11:30pm Entourage 12:00am The Office: An American Workplace
6:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:30am Wake Up with... The Killers 8:00am Wake Up with... The Killers 8:30am Whatever... You Want 9:00am Whatever... You Want 10:00am Whatever... You Want 11:00am Nothing but... Brunettes 12:00pm E4 Music: Uninterrupted 1:00pm Freshly Squeezed Extra 2:00pm The OC 3:00pm Reunion 4:00pm Scrubs 4:30pm Hollyoaks 5:00pm Friends 5:30pm Friends 6:00pm The OC 7:00pm Hollyoaks 7:30pm Scrubs 8:00pm Friends 8:30pm Friends 9:00pm Ghost Whisperer 10:00pm Stop Treating Me Like a Kid 11:00pm Unanimous 12:05am Unanimous: The Fallout 12:35am Shameless 1:40am Stop Treating Me Like a Kid 2:40am One Tree Hill 3:20am Shameless 4:20am Switched 4:40am Switched 5:05am Switched 5:25am Switched
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 9:00am Frasier 9:30am The Play's the Thing 10:30am Make Me a Grown Up 11:00am Ballet Changed My Life: Ballet Hoo! 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Planed Plant Bach:Dwdlam 12:45pm Planed Plant Bach:Penblwyddi! 12:50pm Planed Plant Bach:Sali Mali 1:00pm Deal or No Deal 1:45pm Countdown 2:30pm Y Ffair Aeaf 4:00pm Planed Plant:Y Brodyr Adrenalini 4:15pm Planed Plant:Wap! 4:25pm Planed Plant:OFN 4:50pm Planed Plant:Ffeil 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Retro 7:00pm Wedi 7 7:30pm Newyddion 8:00pm Pobol y Cwm 8:25pm Y Ffair Aeaf 9:00pm Y Byd ar Bedwar 9:30pm Hanes Dirgel Molly Maguires 10:30pm How Clean Are the F*lthy Fulfords Now? 11:30pm 638 Ways to Kill Castro 1:00am
20% student discount on all pizzas and starters Every second pizza half price Call in store for our take away deals
62 Crwys Road, Cardiff, CF24 4NN
02920 229977
26 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 TV@gairrhydd.COM
BBC News
BBC News 24
BBC1 6.00pm
BBC2 12.45am
6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Animal Park 10:00am Homes under the Hammer 11:00am To Buy or Not to Buy 11:30am Bargain Hunt 12:15pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:40pm Neighbours 2:05pm Doctors 2:35pm Murder, She Wrote 3:20pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:25pm CBBC:ChuckleVision 3:40pm Arthur 3:55pm Krypto the Superdog 4:05pm SMart 4:30pm Jackanory: Muddle Earth 4:45pm The Fairly Odd Parents 5:00pm Blue Peter 5:25pm Newsround 5:35pm Neighbours 6:00pm BBC News and Weather 6:30pm Wales Today; Weather 7:00pm Iolo's Welsh Safari 7:30pm Coming Home 8:00pm Traffic Cops 8:30pm DIY SOS 9:00pm The Brain Hospital 10:00pm BBC News; Regional News; Weather 10:35pm The National Lottery Draws 10:40pm Evicted 11:40pm Match of the Day 12:55am Sign Zone:Planet Earth 1:55am Sign Zone:A Child Against All Odds 2:55am Sign Zone:Digging Deep 3:25am Joins BBC News 24 I missed a seminar today. This meant that I could get to the office before midday. I didn’t miss it so I could get to the office early though. That would be lame. I missed my seminar because I needed the toilet and I had to brush my teeth. By the time I’d accomplished these, I was
7:00am CBBC:Batfink 7:10am Batfink 7:15am Witch 7:40am Fergus McPhail 8:05am Serious Desert Diaries 8:30am The Koala Brothers 8:40am Underground Ernie 8:55am Brum 9:05am Balamory 9:30am Doodle Do 9:50am Step Inside 10:00am Barnaby Bear 10:15am Our Planet 10:30am What the Ancients Did for Us 11:30am 1:00pm Uncharted Territory 1:30pm Working Lunch 2:00pm Small Town Gardens 2:15pm Sun, Sea and Bargain Spotting 3:15pm Castle in the Country 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Ready Steady Cook 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Nature's Calendar 6:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 7:00pm Coast 8:00pm Bill Oddie's How to Watch Wildlife 8:30pm Oz and James's Big Wine Adventures 9:00pm Torchwood 9:50pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps Last night, Alex ‘Alex Ramsay’ Ramsay, TV Gareth and I, got a bit drunk. We had a litre bottle of San Miguel each. Gareth tried to jump through the wall which seperates the living room and Alex’s room. 10:20pm Look around You 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm This Life 12:00am This Life 12:45am Joins BBC News 24 2:00am BBC Learning Zone: Schools:Space Files: the Universe Unveiled 5:00am Creativity in Digital Media
6:00am GMTV Newshour 6:58am GMTV Today 8:35am LK Today 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:00pm This Morning: I'm a Celebrity Special 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2:00pm The Price Is Right 2:30pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:30pm Pocoyo 3:35pm Jim Jam and Sunny 3:55pm Tricky Quickies 4:00pm Horrid Henry 4:15pm Bel's Boys 4:30pm Jungle Run 5:00pm The Price Is Right 5:30pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! Exclusive 6:00pm Wales Tonight 6:30pm ITV Evening News; Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm The Bill 9:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 10:30pm ITV News 11:00pm Rio Ferdinand's Wind Ups We finally got Pro Evo 6, so that’s pretty much all we’ve been doing for the last week. I like the random team selection mode. How funny is it that you can’t get this on the Xbox. Anyway, we’ve played a lot. Inter vs Man. Utd. is a popular fixture. I’m Inter and TV Gareth is Man. Utd. I normally win. Alex likes to be anyone good. I normally beat him too. You might think that I’m good at Pro Evo but trust me, I’m really not. Whenever I play Pete or Tom I get nailed. 11:35pm Entourage 12:00am ITV Play: The Mint 4:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:00am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Early Morning News
6:00am The Cubeez 6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Gay to Z 10:00am Sex, Lies and Soaps 10:30am Let's Talk Sex 11:30am My Crazy Life 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Headland 1:25pm King of Queens 1:45pm Third Watch 2:35pm Third Watch 3:30pm Countdown 4:15pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 3 Minute Wonder 8:00pm 10 Years Younger: Christmas Special Is Santa going to try and look 10 years younger? I hope not, because if a youngish-looking man came down the chimney I’d think he was robbing the house. Hold on a minute. How old is Santa? Does anyone know? I think he’s pretty old so 10 years younger isn’t going to make much difference. Gutted you wrinkly old bastard. 9:00pm Secret Millionaire 10:00pm Goldplated We’ve got Red Bull and I’ve drunk half a can and I’m already feeling wired. I wonder if I can fly. TV Gareth’s had two cans. He must be smashed. 11:05pm Goldplated 12:10am Hollyoaks: In the City 1:15am Late Night Poker Masters 2:45am World Cup Skiing 4:35am Goalissimo! 5:25am Countdown
6:00am The Save-Ums! 6:10am Rolie Polie Olie 6:40am MechaNick 6:50am Hi-5 7:20am Funky Valley 7:25am Rupert Bear 7:40am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am Peppa Pig 8:15am Franny's Feet 8:30am Thomas &#38; Friends 8:40am Roobarb and Custard Too 8:50am My First... 9:00am The Wright Stuff 10:30am Trisha Goddard 11:30am five news 12:00pm Home and Away 12:30pm BrainTeaser 1:40pm Scandalous 3:30pm five news update 3:40pm The Lookalike 5:30pm five news 6:00pm Home and Away 6:30pm In the Grid 7:00pm five news I went a bit mad this weekend and bought quite a lot of vinyl. On Saturday I bought Sebadoh’s The Freed Man in a record store and it’s signed by Lou Barlow. Cool? Fuck yeah. On Sunday I ordered, Bro. Danielson Brother is to Son, Shellac1000 Hurts which includes a CD, SlintSpiderland and Songs: Ohia-Magnolia Electric Co. which comes with a bonus CD and a poster. There’s a couple more I’ll order in the next few weeks. Oh and my Okkervil River T-shirt came today so I’ll be wearing that out tonight. 7:15pm Game Ranger Diaries 8:00pm ASBO Teen to Beauty Queen 9:00pm Out for a Kill 10:45pm Bloodsport 12:35am Aussie Millions 1:25am NHL Ice Hockey 4:05am Boxing Classic
7:00pm The House of Tiny Tearaways with Tanya Byron 8:00pm Catch Me If You Can 10:15pm Pulling 11:15pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 11:45pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:15am Ideal 12:45am Pulling 1:40am The Real Hustle 2:10am The Real Hustle 2:40am New Dog Borstal When I believe that the skin will give peace to my inners, only winners of those "me me me" conspiracies. Enemies of the spirit of the truth and the soothsayers talking ‘bout my gentle, dragon slayer. That dragon ate the love sweet love. The rubbernecker ain't no lover, he's a wrecker of the family of ties, now a word for his wives. If you see him checking out my little sister, tell that mister that his thoughts are quite contrary and her brother is big and scary. The temper's hereditary, raised a fight unfairly. Comin' to impair me. Got good vocabulary. Put down that half-baked thought and get caught...
7:00pm The Martians and Us 8:00pm The World 8:30pm Valley of Song 9:00pm Return to Lonesome Dove 10:30pm Don't Watch That Watch This! 11:00pm Timeshift: Parallel Worlds - A User's Guide 12:00am The Martians and Us 1:00am Valley of Song 1:30am Don't Watch That Watch This! 2:00am Timeshift: Parallel Worlds - A User's Guide 3:00am The Martians and Us ... by the purity of truth, kick the darkhorse in the tooth. The morning after and the ladykiller's dead, self-promotion's in the red, happy hour kicked his stone. That love slapped the dragon, that love ate the dragon, that love cut the dragon, that love ate the dragon, that love broke the dragon, that love ate the dragon. That dragon ate the love sweet love. That dragon ate the love sweet love. That dragon ate the love, that dragon ate the love, that dragon ate the love sweet love.
6:00am Fun Song Factory 6:10am Engie Benjy 6:25am Mopatop's Shop 6:35am Pocoyo 6:50am Fun Song Factory 7:00am Winx Club 7:25am Transformers Cybertron 7:55am ATOM 8:25am Sabrina's Secret Life 8:55am Sonic Underground 9:25am Coronation Street 9:55am Emmerdale 10:55am The Montel Williams Show 11:40am Judge Judy 12:00pm Coronation Street 12:30pm Emmerdale 1:30pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm The Ricki Lake Show 4:30pm Sally Jessy Raphael 5:15pm Airline 5:45pm Judge Judy 7:00pm The New Adventures of Superman 8:00pm Nanny 911 9:00pm Driving Mum And Dad Mad 10:00pm Coronation Street 10:30pm I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Now! 11:30pm I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Live 1:00am ITV Play: Playdate 4:00am ITV Play: Playalong
6:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:30am Wake Up with... Ben Affleck 8:00am Wake Up with... Ben Affleck 8:30am Whatever... You Want 9:00am Whatever... You Want 10:00am Whatever... You Want 11:00am Nothing but... Men with Moustaches 12:00pm E4 Music: Uninterrupted 1:00pm Freshly Squeezed Extra 2:00pm The OC 3:00pm Reunion 4:00pm Scrubs 4:30pm Hollyoaks 5:00pm Friends 5:30pm Friends 6:00pm The OC 7:00pm Hollyoaks 7:30pm Scrubs 8:00pm Friends 8:30pm Friends 9:00pm Desperate Housewives 10:00pm Bo in the USA 10:30pm Bo in the USA 11:00pm The Russell Brand Show 11:55pm Funny Cuts: Tank Commander 12:05am Goldplated 1:10am Sex and the City 1:50am No Angels 2:50am Desperate Housewives 3:30am No Angels 4:30am The OC 5:10am Switched
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 9:00am The Play's the Thing 10:00am Make Me a Grown Up 10:30am Ballet Changed My Life: Ballet Hoo! 11:30am Bitesize Cymraeg Ail-Iaith 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Planed Plant Bach:Dwdlam 12:45pm Planed Plant Bach:Peppa Pinc 12:50pm Planed Plant Bach:Ding Dong 1:00pm Planed Plant Bach:Falmai y Fuwch 1:15pm 3 Minute Wonder 1:20pm Your Money or Your Wife 1:55pm How Clean Is Your House? 2:25pm Deal or No Deal 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Planed Plant (4.00-5.00):Clwb Winx 4:25pm Planed Plant (4.00-5.00):Retro 4:50pm Planed Plant (4.00-5.00):Ffeil 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Rownd a Rownd 7:00pm Wedi 7 7:30pm Newyddion 8:00pm Pobol y Cwm
20% student discount on all pizzas and starters Every second pizza half price Call in store for our take away deals
ITV News
Channel 4 News
five news
ITV 10.30pm
C4 7pm
five 7pm
62 Crwys Road, Cardiff, CF24 4NN
02920 229977
NOVEMBER.27.2006 TV@gairrhydd.COM
River Cottage Road Trip Channel 4 8.00pm
Flood: a River’s Rampage five 3.40pm
The Innocence Project BBC1 8.00pm
The Bible in Animation
The Ferret
BBC2 10.50am
ITV 7.30pm
6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Animal Park 10:00am Homes under the Hammer 11:00am To Buy or Not to Buy 11:30am Bargain Hunt 12:15pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:40pm Neighbours 2:05pm Doctors 2:35pm Murder, She Wrote 3:20pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:25pm CBBC:ChuckleVision 3:40pm Arthur 3:55pm Krypto the Superdog 4:05pm SMart 4:35pm The Crust 5:00pm Young Dracula 5:25pm Newsround 5:35pm Neighbours 6:00pm BBC News and Weather 6:30pm Wales Today; Weather 7:00pm Super Vets 7:30pm EastEnders 8:00pm The Innocence Project 9:00pm The State Within I’ve just been to the shop to buy some lunch. I decided to go for food that would make the office smell. There was no real competition. It had to be a tuna and cucumber roll and a packet of pickled onion Monster Munch. I’m really enjoying the roll. I should eat tuna more often. Sometimes I have tuna mayo with pasta. That can get a bit stodgy if you have it on its own though. This roll is yum. It nice. I like. 10:00pm BBC News; Regional News; Weather 10:35pm Dragon's Eye 11:05pm Question Time 12:05am This Week 1:05am Sign Zone:Oz and James's Big Wine Adventures 2:05am Sign Zone:Simon Schama's Power of Art 3:05am Joins BBC News 24
7:00am CBBC:Batfink 7:10am Batfink 7:15am Witch 7:40am Fergus McPhail 8:05am Serious Desert 8:30am The Koala Brothers 8:40am Underground Ernie 8:55am Brum 9:05am Balamory 9:30am Doodle Do 9:50am Step Inside 10:00am Barnaby Bear 10:15am Our Planet 10:30am Let's Write Non-Fiction 10:50am Testament: The Bible in Animation 11:50am Emotional Literacy 12:00pm The Daily Politics 12:30pm Working Lunch 1:00pm Small Town Gardens 1:10pm The Sea Hawk 3:15pm Castle in the Country 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Ready Steady Cook 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Nature's Calendar 6:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 7:00pm Hi-de-Hi! 7:30pm A Pembrokeshire Farm 8:00pm Coast I’m not sure what’s wrong with me. Recently I’ve kind of got into cooking. OK, well I’ve not actually got into because I never do it. I do like thinking about it though. I went to big Tesco last night and bought spinach leaves, ricotta cheese and I wanted... 9:00pm The Catherine Tate Show 9:30pm Lead Balloon 10:00pm Never Mind the Buzzcocks 10:30pm Newsnight 11:20pm This Life 12:05am This Life 12:45am Joins BBC News 24 2:00am BBC Learning Zone: Schools:GCSE Bitesize Revision: Science 4:00am GCSE Bitesize Revision: Science -
6:00am GMTV Newshour 6:58am GMTV Today 8:35am LK Today 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:00pm This Morning: I'm a Celebrity Special 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2:00pm The Price Is Right 2:30pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:30pm Pocoyo 3:35pm Jim Jam and Sunny 3:55pm Tricky Quickies 4:00pm Horrid Henry 4:15pm Bel's Boys 4:30pm Jungle Run 5:00pm The Price Is Right 5:30pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! Exclusive 6:00pm Wales Tonight 6:30pm ITV Evening News; Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm The Ferret 8:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 9:00pm Strictly Confidential get pine nuts but they’re quite expensive so I got sesame seeds instead. It must be because I’m a third year. I hardly go out anymore and I’d rather spend money on nice food instead of beer. I might go out tonight. Only after I’ve made a nice meal. I might cook salmon for Harriet. I saw the recipe in a girls’ magazine. 10:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 10:30pm ITV News 11:00pm Video Diary 11:30pm Waterfront 12:00am Free Ride 12:25am ITV Play: The Mint 4:10am Britain's Best Back Gardens 4:35am Redcoats 5:00am ITV Nightscreen
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Gay to Z 10:00am Sex, Lies and Soaps 10:30am Young Black Farmers 11:30am My Crazy Life 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Headland 1:25pm King of Queens 1:45pm Third Watch 2:35pm Third Watch 3:30pm Countdown 4:15pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:55pm 3 Minute Wonder 8:00pm River Cottage Road Trip This programme excites me. I like cookery programmes. Last night I thought to myself, hmm when I grow up I might be a TV chef and I could wear an apron with a naked man on it so it looks like I’ve got my cock out whilst I’m cooking. Some of Hugh’s seasonal recipes include, Bramley Burnt Creams, Mussel and Sea Beet Gratin, Roast Belly of Pork with Apple Sauce, Pear, Apple and Beetroot Salad, Celeriac and Chilli Gratin, Game Terrine, Pot Roast Chicken and Vegetables and Rice Pudding with Butterscotch Apples. Sounds good huh? 9:00pm Churchill's Girl 10:00pm The Magdalene Sisters 12:15am Hollyoaks: In the City 1:15am Parineeta 3:40am FIA GT Championship 4:10am Trans World Sport 5:10am Countdown
6:00am The Save-Ums! 6:10am Rolie Polie Olie 6:40am MechaNick 6:50am Hi-5 7:20am Funky Valley 7:25am Rupert Bear 7:30am Rupert Bear 7:40am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am Peppa Pig 8:15am Franny's Feet 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:40am Roobarb and Custard Too 8:50am My First... 9:00am The Wright Stuff 10:30am Trisha Goddard 11:30am five news 12:00pm Home and Away 12:30pm BrainTeaser 1:40pm A Deadly Business 3:35pm five news update 3:40pm Flood: a River's Rampage 5:30pm five news 6:00pm Home and Away 6:30pm In the Grid 7:00pm five news 7:15pm UEFA Cup Football 10:00pm Criminal Minds 11:00pm Killer Instinct 12:00am John Barnes' Football Night 1:00am The Great Big British Quiz 4:00am Football Argentina 5:00am Dutch Football The whole place is dark. Every light on this side of the town, suddenly it all went down. Now we'll all be brothers of the fossil fire of the sun. Now we will all be sisters of the fossil blood of the moon. Now they'll be working in the cold grey rock, in the hot mill steam, in the concrete.In the sirens and the silences now, all the great set up hearts, all at once start to beat. After tonight if you don't want us to be a secret out of the past. I will resurrect it, I'll have a good go at it, I'll streak his blood across my...
7:00pm The Real Hustle 7:30pm Runaways 8:00pm New Dog Borstal 9:00pm Brand New Honey We're Killing the Kids 10:00pm EastEnders 10:30pm Pulling 11:00pm Tittybangbang2 11:30pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:00am Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:30am New Dog Borstal 1:25am Honey We're Killing the Kids 2:25am Pulling 2:55am Grime Scene Investigation 3:20am Runaways ... beak and dust my feathers with his ashes. I can feel his ghost breathing down my back. I will try and know whatever I try, I will be gone but not forever. The real truth about it is, no one gets it right. The real truth about it is, we're all supposed to try. There ain't no end to the sands I've been trying to cross. The real truth about it is, my kind of life's no better off. If I've got the maps or if I'm lost. The real truth about it is there ain't no end to the desert I'll cross. I've really known that all ...
7:00pm Sounds of the Seventies Shorts 7:10pm The Avengers 8:00pm The World 8:30pm Up Pompeii 9:00pm Voyages of Discovery 10:00pm The Cult of... Star Cops 10:30pm The Late Edition 11:00pm I, Claudius 11:55pm Voyages of Discovery 12:55am The Late Edition 1:25am The Cult of... Star Cops 1:55am The Martians and Us 2:55am Voyages of Discovery ... along. Mama here comes midnight with the dead moon in its jaws. Must be the big star about to fall. Long dark blues. Will O the Wisp. The big star is falling, through the static and distance. A farewell transmission. I’ve run out of lyrics, and I’ve also run out of ideas. I’m looking forward to going out tonight. It feels like I haven’t been out for absolutely ages. I think I’ll go to see Sweet Baboo at Dempseys and then I’ll go to the Welsh Club. I haven’t been there for a few weeks so hopefully it’ll be a good one.
6:00am Fun Song Factory 6:10am Engie Benjy 6:25am Mopatop's Shop 6:35am Pocoyo 6:50am Fun Song Factory 7:00am Winx Club 7:25am Transformers Cybertron 7:55am ATOM 8:25am Sabrina's Secret Life 8:55am Sonic Underground 9:25am Coronation Street 9:55am Emmerdale 10:25am The Montel Williams Show 11:10am Judge Judy 12:30pm Coronation Street 1:00pm Emmerdale 1:30pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm The Ricki Lake Show 4:30pm Sally Jessy Raphael 5:15pm Airline 5:45pm Movies Now 5:55pm The New Adventures of Superman 6:55pm Xtra Factor: Aftermath 7:55pm Honeymoons from Hell 9:00pm Fit For A Prince 10:00pm Test Drive My Girlfriend 10:30pm I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Now!
6:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:30am Wake Up with... Wolfmother 8:00am Wake Up with... Wolfmother 8:30am Whatever... You Want 9:00am Whatever... You Want 10:00am Whatever... You Want 11:00am Nothing but... Dodgy Hair 12:00pm E4 Music: Uninterrupted 1:00pm Freshly Squeezed Extra 2:00pm The OC 3:00pm Reunion 4:00pm Scrubs 4:30pm Hollyoaks 5:00pm Friends 5:30pm Friends 6:00pm The OC 7:00pm Hollyoaks 7:30pm Scrubs 8:00pm Friends 8:30pm Friends 9:00pm Scrubs 9:30pm The War at Home 10:00pm Blunder 10:30pm Star Stories 11:05pm 8 Out of 10 Cats 11:40pm Smack the Pony 12:10am Scrubs 12:40am The War at Home 1:10am Blunder 1:35am Star Stories 2:05am 8 Out of 10 Cats 2:30am Smack the Pony 2:55am Scrubs 3:20am The OC 4:00am Reunion
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 9:00am The Play's the Thing 10:00am Ballet Changed My Life: Ballet Hoo! 11:30am Campyfan 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Dwdlam 12:40pm Pingu 12:45pm Tomos A'i Ffrindiau 1:00pm Meees! 1:15pm 3 Minute Wonder 1:20pm How Music Works with Howard Goodall 2:25pm Deal or No Deal 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Tylwyth Od Timmy 4:20pm Tylwyth Od Timmy 4:45pm Mama Mia 4:50pm Ffeil 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm OFN 7:00pm Wedi 7 7:30pm Newyddion 8:00pm Pobol y Cwm 8:25pm Chez Dudley 9:30pm Bandit 10:00pm James Bond's Greatest Hits 12:00am Secret Millionaire 1:00am Oasis: Lord Don't Slow Me Down 2:20am Hollyoaks: In the City 3:15am Oasis: Live from Manchester
20% student discount on all pizzas and starters Every second pizza half price Call in store for our take away deals
62 Crwys Road, Cardiff, CF24 4NN
02920 229977
28 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 TV@gairrhydd.COM
The Wrong Trainers
BBC1 4.45pm
BBC2 7.15am
6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Animal Park 10:00am Homes under the Hammer 11:00am To Buy or Not to Buy 11:30am Bargain Hunt 12:15pm Cash in the Attic 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:40pm Neighbours 2:05pm Doctors 2:35pm Murder, She Wrote 3:20pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:25pm CBBC:ChuckleVision 3:40pm Krypto the Superdog 3:55pm Krypto the Superdog 4:00pm The Basil Brush Show 4:30pm Jackanory: Muddle Earth You see what they did there? Oh how my face is streaming with tears and my ribs are shattered with laughter. 4:45pm The Wrong Trainers 5:00pm The Slammer 5:25pm Newsround 5:35pm Neighbours 6:00pm BBC News and Weather 6:30pm Wales Today; Weather 7:00pm A Question of Sport 7:30pm Big Cat Week My kitten Gandalf has now transformed himself into a large kitten or a small cat, and the novelty is somewhat lost. 8:00pm EastEnders 8:30pm Outtake TV 9:00pm Have I Got News for You 9:30pm Jam and Jerusalem Jerusalem was a place of peace and solace until the jam wars started, oh the humanity. A whole school was buried under three tonnes of apricot jam, and the school children all perished 10:00pm BBC News; Regional News; Weather 10:35pm Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 11:35pm Days of Thunder 1:20am BBC News
7:00am CBBC:Batfink 7:10am Batfink 7:15am Witch 7:40am Fergus McPhail 8:05am Serious Desert Diaries 8:30am The Koala Brothers 8:40am Underground Ernie 8:55am Brum 9:05am Balamory 9:30am Doodle Do 9:50am Step Inside 10:00am Barnaby Bear 10:15am Our Planet People and Planet hippies are all lying down outside the union protesting about the environment. I support them, but not the fact they have no placards “down with this sort of thing.” 10:30am Razzledazzle 11:20am Primary Geography: Using the Land 11:40am See You, See Me 12:00pm The Daily Politics 12:30pm Working Lunch 1:30pm Billion Dollar Brain 3:15pm Castle in the Country 3:45pm Flog It! 4:30pm Ready Steady Cook 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm Nature's Calendar When the leaves turn brown, it is autumn, when the bunnies appea,r it is March. When Jack Frost slaughters your whole family with his ice pick of doom, it is winter. 6:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two ... baby, it takes two baby, thats me and you, you know it takes two. Everybody! Sing it with me! Dance around your tea and pile of washing! 7:00pm Newsnight Review 7:30pm Scrum V Live 9:30pm Simon Schama's Power of Art it’s not very powerful. 10:30pm Newsnight 11:05pm Cricket: The Ashes 11:40pm Later with Jools Holland 12:50am Joins BBC News 24 2:00am BBC Learning Zone: General
6:00am GMTV Newshour 6:58am GMTV Today 8:35am Entertainment Today 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:00pm This Morning: I'm a Celebrity Special 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV Lunchtime News; Weather 2:00pm The Price Is Right 2:30pm Dickinson's Real Deal 3:30pm Pocoyo 3:35pm Jim Jam and Sunny 3:55pm Tricky Quickies 4:00pm Horrid Henry 4:15pm Bel's Boys 4:30pm The New Worst Witch 5:00pm The Price Is Right 5:30pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! Exclusive 6:00pm Wales Tonight 6:30pm ITV Evening News; Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm Tonight with Trevor McDonald 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! Final Do you know how busy I am? I Just handed in a 2,000 word essay, I have a 4,000 word dissertation lit review due in next friday, and a 600 word newspaper feature to hand in next wednesday. Plus this. Plus rehersals. Plus trying to have a life. I resent you all for making me do this. I resent the Red Bull for its sugar crash and I resent the NME cool list for putting Pete Doherty in again. Drugs are cool according to NME. 10:30pm ITV News 11:00pm Eros Unleashed 11:30pm Take That... for the Record 12:55am ITV Play: Make Your Play 4:10am 60 Minute Makeover 5:00am Nightscreen
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 9:00am Frasier 9:30am Gay to Z 10:00am Sex, Lies and Soaps 10:30am Young Black Farmers 11:30am My Crazy Life 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Headland 1:25pm King of Queens 1:45pm Third Watch 2:35pm Third Watch 3:30pm Countdown 4:15pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Hollyoaks 7:00pm Channel 4 News 7:35pm Unreported World 8:00pm Unanimous 9:00pm The Simpsons 9:30pm The Simpsons 10:00pm 8 Out of 10 Cats 10:30pm Blunder 11:05pm The Russell Brand Show 11:55pm My Name Is Earl Here is my DVD Christmas list in no particular order so you can anonomously buy these beauties and send them to me. Address is TV Ellen, gair rhydd office. 1. My Name is Earl 2. Carnival Series one and two 3. The Mighty Boosh Live Show 4. Angel Series Five 5. I just got chocolate in the keyboard and it won’t come out! 12:20am The Album Chart Show 12:50am Gumball 3000 1:20am Gumball 3000 1:55am Late Night Poker Masters 3:25am World Cup Snowboard 5:15am Countdown
6:00am The Save-Ums! 6:10am Rolie Polie Olie 6:40am MechaNick 6:50am Hi-5 7:20am Funky Valley 7:25am Rupert Bear 7:40am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am Peppa Pig 8:15am Franny's Feet 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:40am Roobarb and Custard Too 8:50am My First...boyfriend broke my heart when I was eight by going out with some slag in the year below. I still haven’t forgiven you Paul Smith. No, it wasn’t the singer from Maximo Park (I wish.) 9:00am The Wright Stuff 10:30am Trisha Goddard 11:30am five news and Ashes Special Report 12:00pm Home and Away 12:30pm BrainTeaser 1:35pm The Ladies 3:40pm A Chance of Snow 5:30pm five news and Ashes Special Report 6:00pm Home and Away 6:30pm In the Grid 7:00pm five news and Ashes Special Report 7:30pm Pimp My Ride UK 8:00pm World's Strongest Man Super Series 9:00pm Wyatt Earp I think Kevin Costner is in this. My mum use to fancy him, and his inability to put an English accent on in Robin Hood. Its like how Sean Connery is always Scottish. He’s a Russian with a Scottish accent, he’s a Swede with a Scottish accent. That’s just lazy. Like Kirsten Dunst in Marie Antoinette. Man that film sucked so much. 12:35am Cathouse 1:05am The Great Big British Quiz 5:35am Wildlife
7:00pm Robin Hood 7:45pm The Real Hustle 8:00pm The Real Hustle 8:30pm EastEnders Unveiled: A Weddings Special 9:10pm Torchwood 10:00pm EastEnders 10:30pm EastEnders Unveiled: A Weddings Special 11:15pm Tittybangbang2 11:45pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:15am Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:45am Family Guy 1:05am Family Guy 1:30am Torchwood The I button is fucking up on this keyboard, damn you to hell. I watched this for the first time the other day: it was pretty racy and scary. They said the word fuck about three times, as well as one character talking about “screwing” and “coming.” Naughty. It was about some cannibals in the Brecon Beacons. My only problem with this though is the fact that, apart from Captain Jack, the actors are hideous looking. 2:20am Tittybangbang2 2:50am The Real Hustle
7:00pm Voyages of Discovery 8:00pm The World 8:30pm Nation on Film 9:00pm Legends: Joan Sutherland The Reluctant Prima Donna 10:00pm Sight and Sound in Concert 10:30pm QI 11:00pm Don't Watch That Watch This! Previous winners in NME’s cool list have been Alex Turner and Pete Doherty (WHY?) He has been arrested again this weekend for apparently possesing crack cocaine. Why is someone with a massive drug habit in any way cool? Especially someone who would not have been given so many chances had he not been famous! He just keeps on falling off that band wagon and we keep on applauding him. He is a massive untalented stupid cunt. 11:30pm The Avengers 12:20am Legends: Joan Sutherland - The Reluctant Prima Donna 1:20am Nation on Film 1:50am Don't Watch That Watch This! 2:20am Voyages of Discovery 3:20am Legends
6:00am Fun Song Factory 6:10am Engie Benjy 6:25am Mopatop's Shop 6:35am Pocoyo 6:50am Fun Song Factory 7:00am Winx Club 7:25am Transformers Cybertron 7:55am ATOM 8:25am Sabrina's Secret Life 8:55am Sonic Underground 9:25am Coronation Street 9:55am Emmerdale 10:25am The Montel Williams Show 11:10am Judge Judy 12:30pm Coronation Street 1:00pm Emmerdale 1:30pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm The Ricki Lake Show 4:30pm Sally Jessy Raphael 5:15pm Judge Judy 5:45pm Movies Now 5:55pm The New Adventures of Superman 6:55pm Xtra Factor: Aftermath 7:55pm Xtra Factor: Xcess All Areas 9:00pm Trinny and Susannah Undress 10:00pm Dating the Enemy 10:30pm I'm A Celebrity
6:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:30am Wake Up with... Dustin Hoffman and Will Ferrell 8:00am Wake Up with... Dustin Hoffman and Will Ferrell 8:30am Whatever... You Want 9:00am Whatever... You Want 10:00am Whatever... You Want 11:00am Nothing but... Baldies 12:00pm E4 Music: Uninterrupted 1:00pm Freshly Squeezed Extra 2:00pm The OC 3:00pm Reunion 4:00pm Scrubs 4:30pm Hollyoaks 5:00pm Friends 5:30pm Friends 6:00pm The OC 7:00pm Hollyoaks 7:30pm Scrubs 8:00pm Friends 8:30pm Friends 9:00pm Stop Treating Me Like a Kid 10:00pm Unanimous: The Fallout 10:30pm Along Came a Spider 12:30am Porn: A Family Business 1:05am Stop Treating Me Like a Kid 2:05am Reunion 2:50am The OC 3:35am Porn: A Family Business 5:10am Switched Ra Ra Rasputin
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Friends 8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30am Will and Grace 9:00am Frasier 9:30am New Boy 10:30am Judah and Mohammad 11:30am Freshly Squeezed 12:00pm News at Noon 12:30pm Planed Plant Bach:Dwdlam 12:45pm Planed Plant Bach:Penblwyddi! 12:50pm Planed Plant Bach:Penblwydd Pwy 1:00pm Tecwyn y Tractor 1:15pm 3 Minute Wonder 1:17pm 3 Minute Wonder 1:20pm It's Me or the Fat Dog 2:25pm Deal or No Deal 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Planed Plant (4.00-5.00):Beyblade 4:25pm Planed Plant (4.00-5.00):O Na! Y Morgans 4:45pm Calendr Adfent 4:50pm Planed Plant (4.00-5.00):Ffeil 5:00pm The New Paul O'Grady Show 6:00pm The Simpsons 6:30pm Uned 5 7:30pm Newyddion 8:00pm Pobol y Cwm 8:25pm Y Briodas Fawr 10:00pm CNEX 10:15pm Bad Girls
20% student discount on all pizzas and starters Every second pizza half price Call in store for our take away deals
Pimp My Ride UK
The Ladies
My Crazy Life
five 7.30pm
five 1.35pm
Channel 4 11.30am
62 Crwys Road, Cardiff, CF24 4NN
02920 229977
NOVEMBER.27.2006 TV@gairrhydd.COM
Robin Hood
Bob the Builder
The Morning Line
The Turner Prize...
BBC1 7.05pm
BBC2 3.50pm
BBC2 6.20am
S4C 8am
Channel 4 7:30pm
6:00am Breakfast 10:00am Saturday Kitchen 11:30am Rachel's Favourite Food at Home 12:00pm BBC News; Weather 12:10pm Football Focus 1:00pm Grandstand 1:05pm Rugby Union: Dubai World Sevens 2:00pm Rugby Union: Anglo-Welsh Cup 4:30pm Wales on Saturday 5:30pm BBC News; Regional News; Weather 5:50pm Strictly Come Dancing 7:05pm Robin Hood I have officially given up watching this, I don’t believe in the love between the Hood and the munter Marion. I just don’t sense any sexual tension. 7:50pm The National Lottery: In It to Win It Facebook has put me back in contact with my ex-boyfriend from when I was 15 and my old best friend. I fail to remember why this is a good thing. 8:40pm Casualty Comfort is leaving, oh no. She has a very silly name, and people were suprised when she became an alcoholic. Hello, Southern Comfort. I know loads of Jacks and Barcardis who like their tipple too much. 9:30pm Strictly Come Dancing Dance with me, let’s dance the night away, dance dance, we’re falling apart to half time. Erm... digging the dancing queen, you can’t start a fire without a spark, even if you’re dancing in the dark. With those magical words I have summoned up Courtney Cox. She looks mad. 9:55pm BBC News; Weather 10:15pm Match of the Day 11:55pm Eyes of Laura Mars are all squiggly.
6:00am CBeebies:Me Too! 6:20am Bob the Builder 6:30am Big Cook Little Cook 6:50am Bob's Mini Projects 7:00am CBBC:Batfink 7:10am Astro Boy 7:30am Dennis the Menace 7:55am BB3B 8:15am Legend of the Dragon 8:40am What's New Scooby-Doo? 9:00am TMi 11:45am Sportsround 12:00pm See Hear 12:45pm Small Town Gardens 1:00pm Film 2006 with Jonathan Ross 1:30pm Star Trek 2:20pm Star Trek: The Next Generation 3:05pm Star Trek: The Next Generation My favourite episode is when The Enterprise explodes, and they have to keep repeating the same day until Data works out how to stop it exploding. Yes I may know all this but I’m number 89 in the NME cool list so its fine. 3:50pm Monk 4:30pm The Good Life 5:00pm Gardeners' World Specials 5:30pm What the Papers Say The Daily Mail says “Kill everyone we don’t like.” 5:40pm Planet Earth Last week had the ones with the sharks in, I don’t think anything can top that 6:40pm The Culture Show 7:30pm QI Is it fag time yet? 8:00pm TOTP 2 Fag time now? 8:30pm Coast Fag time was enjoyable if not windy. 9:30pm Into the West Don’t go to the Brecon Beacons, that’s where the cannibal farmers live! 11:00pm Cricket: The Ashes 11:40pm Ash Wednesday 1:15am Joins BBC News 24 2:00am BBC Learning Zone: General Interest
6:00am Fun Song Factory 6:10am Mopatop's Shop 6:20am Pocoyo 6:30am Little Einsteins Little German midgets with beards 6:55am Dora the Explorer 7:20am Lilo and Stitch 7:55am SpongeBob SquarePants 8:15am Biker Mice from Mars 8:50am Avatar 9:25am CITV:Spongebob Squarepants 9:40am CITV:The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers 9:50am Horrid Henry 10:00am CITV:Shuriken School 10:30am CITV:Drake and Josh 11:00am CITV:Skyland 11:30am CITV:The New Adventures of Superman 12:30pm ITV News; Weather 12:40pm ITV Wales News and Weather 12:50pm Shadow of a Doubt 2:50pm Agatha Christie's Murder Is Easy 4:40pm ITV Wales News and Weather 5:10pm All New You've Been Framed! 5:40pm Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 6:40pm The X Factor Ben to win! He is the only one with genuine talent, and he looks a little bit like Trent Reznor which isn’t a bad thing. Why the hell are those stupid Scottish brothers in it? They suck like thrush. Except it sort of stings. So I am told. 8:10pm All Star Family Fortunes 9:00pm The X Factor - The Result 9:30pm An Audience With Take That Live I have their greatest hits at home. 10:30pm Parkinson 11:30pm ITV News 11:55pm ITV Play: Make Your Play 4:35am Trading Treasures 5:00am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Early Morning News I have Bruce Springsteen in my head.
6:00am The Cubeez 6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Red Bull Air Race 7:30am Freesports on 4: Surfing 8:00am The Morning Line 8:55am T4:Over the Hedge: T4 Movie Special 9:25am T4:Chancers 10:30am T4:Popworld 11:25am T4:Friends 12:00pm T4:Nothing but U2 1:00pm T4:Charmed 2:00pm Channel 4 Racing from Sandown Park and Wetherby 4:05pm A Place in the Sun 4:35pm Battle of Britain TV Neil is looking at warty willies! 7:00pm Channel 4 News Now he is looking at warty bottoms. It has put me right off my tea. 7:30pm The Turner Prize Challenge Actually this is what The Daily Mail will be writing about: “Why can’t they just paint dogs and flowers like they used to?” Because it’s not the 1850s anymore you bunch of ignorant fools. Then of course they do have the stupid competition called “The Real Turner Prize” in which idiots submit drawings of their nan gazing longingly at the family dog. 8:00pm Waste Man 8:30pm How Music Works with Howard Goodall 9:30pm Changing Lanes Poor Ben Affleck he hasn’t done a good film since Dogma 11:25pm Out of Time 1:25am 4 Music:A Day in the Life of the Edge 1:55am 4 Music:O2 Undiscovered 2:10am 4 Music:4 Play 2:25am Late Night Shopping 4:00am Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss The mistress is called Lola
6:00am Sunrise 6:55am Funky Valley 7:05am Harry and his Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:15am Harry and his Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:30am Rupert Bear 7:45am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Franklin 8:30am Gerald McBoing Boing 9:00am Jane and the Dragon 9:35am Blue Water High 10:05am Hercules: Legendary Journeys 11:05am Harry and Cosh 11:35am Dream Holiday Home 11:50am Make Me a Supermodel: The Winner's Story 12:50pm Columbo: A Case of Immunity 2:25pm Columbo: Blueprint for Murder 4:00pm The Return of Jafar Aladdin is adjusting to his new life as part of the upper crust. He and Princess Jasmine may not be married yet, but the pressures of palace society have already begun. On top of that, Iago (the parrot pet of the Sultan's ex-vizir turned genie, Jafar) appears asking for help and no-one is happy to see him. But things begin to look up when Genie returns from his trip around the world. Meanwhile, Jafar's black lamp is discovered by an idiot crook called Abis Mal. By using Abis Mal, Jafar makes his way back to Agrabah with ideas of payback for Aladdin and his friends 5:20pm Rocketeer 7:20pm five news and Ashes Special Report 7:40pm NCIS 9:30pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:30pm Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 11:30pm Dead Calm
7:00pm The Real Hustle Let’s find some songs with my name in! Yeh! “Oh Ellen!” by Gob. “ Ellen and Ben” by The Dismemberment Plan. Erm...lesbian song of the week on I-tunes, the Ellen DeGeneres theme song. 7:30pm The Real Hustle 8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Little Britain 9:30pm Crimson Tide Sofie music ed and my raging flatmate is going to the Welsh Club tonight, and I am holding her to it by writing it down here. These pages are haunted don’t you know? If you agree to something and I write it down and you don’t do it then your nostril hair will implode. You have been warned Sofie.11:20pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 11:50pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:20am Tittybangbang2 12:50am The Real Hustle 1:20am The Electric Proms: The Raconteurs 2:05am Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 2:35am Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps
7:00pm Carmina Burana in Paris 8:10pm The Cinema Show 9:10pm Random Quest 10:10pm Uzak 11:55pm The Martians and Us 12:55am Timeshift: Parallel Worlds - A User's Guide How to handle yourself if a door to an alternative universe opens up in your kitchen. Now the real dilemma is if you find yourself in the alternative universe - do you have sex with yourself? 1:55am Random Quest 2:55am The Cinema Show How to make cheese fondue! You will need: 1 clove garlic, halved pint white wine cheese cheese 1 tsp cornflour cubed bread pieces, for dipping How to make: Put in massive bowl and heat up then dip the cubed bread into the cheese and insert into your mouth. You can also do it with choc.
6:00am Ni Ni's Treehouse 7:20am MacDonald's Farm 8:25am Mags and Mo 8:30am Bug Alert! 8:50am The Wheels on the Bus 9:00am Teleshopping 9:25am Emmerdale Omnibus 12:35pm Coronation Street Omnibus 3:30pm Holiday Showdown 4:35pm The New Adventures of Superman 5:40pm Xtra Factor: Xcess All Areas See what they did there? It actually makes no sense when you read it out loud. 6:40pm Planet's Funniest Animals 7:10pm Nanny 911 7:55pm Movies Now 8:10pm Xtra Factor They did it again ha ha ha hilarious.9:00pm Planet's Funniest Animals 9:30pm Rio Ferdinand's Wind Ups 10:00pm Xtra Factor: Results 10:30pm Take That Live: The Ultimate Tour 12:00am The X Factor 1:30am The X Factor - The Result 2:00am ITV Play: Playdate
6:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 8:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 9:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 9:30am The All Star Wake Up Call 10:00am The All Star Wake Up Call 11:00am The All Star Wake Up Call 11:30am Nothing but U2 Bono should be quiet now. 12:00pm Nothing but U2 1:00pm We Love U2 I personally think they are poison to my earry pegs. 2:00pm The Album Chart Show 2:30pm Hollyoaks Omnibus 5:00pm Friends 5:35pm Friends 6:00pm Wife Swap 7:05pm Invasion 8:00pm Friends 8:30pm Friends 9:00pm 100 Greatest Movie Stars 12:10am XRated: The TV They Tried to Ban When nativity plays go wrong. 1:50am Porn: A Family Business Imploding: Always unexpected. 2:25am Wife Swap 3:25am Invasion 4:05am The Album Chart Show who cares anymore? 4:30am Switched 4:55am Switched
6:10am The Hoobs Like Hob nobs! 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Red Bull Air Race Bulls in Balloons! 7:30am Freesports on 4: Surfing 8:00am The Morning Line of coke! 8:55am Futurama got cancelled! 9:20am Sugababes: A Night at the Dominion 10:10am Charmed 11:00am Smallville: Superman the Early Years 11:55am The Pink Panther 2:00pm Channel 4 Racing from Sandown Park and Wetherby 4:05pm Great British Brands The Wurzels! 4:15pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Newyddion 5:10pm Y Clwb Rygbi 7:25pm Y Clwb Pel-Droed 8:00pm Newyddion a Chwaraeon 8:15pm Jones Jones Jones Steve Jones clones himself and has a threesome with me! 9:50pm CNEX 10:05pm Changing Lanes 11:55pm Blunder 12:25am Infernal Affairs 3 2:15am Hunting Emmanuelle 3:35am The Turner Prize Challenge 4:00am Waste Man 4:25am Gumball 3000 4:50am KOTV
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NOVEMBER.27.2006 TV@gairrhydd.COM
Something for the weekend BBC2 10am
Match of the Day
BBC2 7.30am
BBC1 7.35am
Channel 4 8.50am
6:00am Breakfast 7:35am Match of the Day 9:00am Sunday AM 10:00am What the World Needs Now 11:00am Countryfile 12:00pm The Politics Show 1:00pm Match of the Day Live 3:35pm EastEnders Catch up on the week’s happenings in Big benders. Well this is the week where the evil Ian and the lovely Jane get married!.....Or do they? This week we learn that Ian plans to jilt Jane at the altar, probably because he can’t face the fact that Grant was a much better shag than him . But big hardcore-not-turned-loveable Phil finds out and sets out to ruin his plans. But I think Ian ends up telling the wedding guests anyway. Ooooh yeah, now this is what I’m talking about! Maybe Grant will come back and take Jane in his arms and run off with her when she’s still in her wedding dress and jump on a bright yellow school bus to start their happy life together. 5:05pm Robin Hood 5:50pm Points of View 6:10pm Songs of Praise 6:45pm Antiques Roadshow 7:35pm BBC News; Regional News; Weather 8:00pm Casualty 9:00pm Planet Earth 10:00pm BBC News; Weather 10:15pm Panorama 10:55pm Hannah and Her Sisters 12:40am The Sky at Night 1:25am Sign Zone:Holby City 2:25am Sign Zone:The Great British Summer 3:25am Sign Zone:Antiques Roadshow 4:15am Joins BBC News
6:00am CBeebies:Me Too! 6:20am Bob the Builder 6:30am Big Cook Little Cook cardboard box.6:50am Bob's Mini Projects 7:00am CBBC:Batfink 7:10am Legend of the Dragon 7:30am Smile even though you’re breaking, Smile do be do be do do. 10:00am Something for the Weekend 11:30am Malcolm in the Middle 11:50am Animal Park 12:20pm The Sundowners 2:30pm Sunday Grandstand 2:35pm Amateur Boxing: ABA Finals 3:45pm Rugby Union: Dubai World Sevens 4:45pm Rugby Union: Anglo-Welsh Cup 5:10pm EastEnders Omnibus 5:40pm Scrum V 6:30pm Shark Therapy 2 7:00pm Strictly Come Dancing 8:00pm The Accidental Angler how do you accidentally angle? Answers on a postcard to tv at gair rhydd.9:00pm Welsh Sports Personality of the Year 2006 10:00pm Match of the Day 2 10:45pm Cricket: The Ashes 11:25pm American Dad 11:45pm American Dad 12:10am Backstage 1:30am Joins BBC News 24 2:00am BBC Learning Zone: WorkSkills in Engineering:The Complete Guide 3:00am Building Bridges 4:00am Bionic Buildings 5:00am Design Matters For the first time ever I am the last TV person left in the office as everyone else has finished. This is sad. I don’t like it. I’m all lonesome, poor me, woe is me. Oh well, I need a gin.
6:00am The Sunday Programme 7:20am Power Rangers SPD 7:55am Totally Spies! 8:30am Emperor's New School Similar to the Emperor’s new clothes but this time it’s about... yes you guessed it! An invisible school! 9:05am SpongeBob SquarePants 9:25am CITV:Art Attack 9:50am CITV:Planet Sketch 10:00am The Championship 11:00am The Sunday Edition with Andrew Rawnsley and Andrea Catherwood 12:00pm ITV Wales News and Weather 12:10pm The Cosby Mysteries 1:10pm Soccer Sunday Time to leave this shitty TV programme and go to the pub, don’t watch Soccer Sunday. That’s just sad. But it is OK to watch the Eastenders omnibus.1:40pm Airline 2:10pm The X Factor 3:40pm The X Factor - The Result 4:10pm World Rally Championship 5:10pm All Star Family Fortunes 6:00pm The Road that Changed Wales 6:25pm ITV Wales News and Weather 6:40pm ITV News; Weather 7:00pm Emmerdale 7:30pm Coronation Street 8:00pm Heartbeat why do you miss when my baby kisses me? Do do do do do do do do do doo. 9:00pm I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! Coming Out 10:30pm ITV News 10:45pm Faith and Music 11:40pm UEFA Champions League Weekly 12:10am ITV Play: Make Your Play 4:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:00am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Trans World Sport 7:55am World Cup Skiing 8:50am T4:Popworld 9:35am T4:Friends 10:10am T4:Hollyoaks Omnibus It’s getting exciting in Hollyoaks at the moment, what with that crazy Clare girl pretty much attempting to kill Max and his little bro (I think that’s what she does anyway). Also, Tony takes Becca out for a meal apparently and makes her a proposal about her unborn baby. What could this mean? Does this mean that he’s going to try and do a deal with her? Maybe he’s going to buy her baby off her so that she doesn’t have to worry about it while she’s in prison. To be honest she’s probably going to give birth to an imp of Satan anyway if that Justin kid is the father. An imp of Satan who’s adopted father is Tony... 12:45pm T4:Chancers 1:50pm T4:U2: Live in Milan 3:00pm T4:U2: T4 Special 3:50pm T4:Charmed 4:50pm Wild Thing I Love You 5:50pm Deal or No Deal 6:35pm Codex 7:40pm Channel 4 News 8:00pm The School of Rock 10:05pm Zoolander 11:45pm 4 Music:U2: Zoo Tour 12:45am 4 Music:The JD Set Presents: Birthday 1:20am 4 Music:O2 Undiscovered 1:35am 4 Music:The Album Chart Show 2:00am FIVB Beach Volleyball 2:55am South American Championship Football 3:50am KOTV 4:20am World Cup Skiing
6:00am The Save-Ums! 6:10am Rolie Polie Olie 6:35am Sailor Sid had 15 kids. 6:45am MechaNick 6:55am Harry and his Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:10am Harry and his Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:25am Rupert Bear had a lot of hair. 7:40am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am Franklin 8:30am Gerald McBoing Boing 9:00am Jane and the Dragon 9:30am The Secret of Eel Island 9:45am Demolition Dad 10:00am Round the Twist no way, is this THE Round the Twist? “Have you ever, ever felt like this? When strange things happen are you going round the twist?” 10:30am Hospital 11:05am Snobs 11:35am Michaela's Wild Challenge 12:05pm A Different Life 12:35pm Revelations 1:10pm five news update 1:15pm Built for the Kill: Night Stalkers 1:45pm Three Violent People 3:45pm The Sword in the Stone 5:15pm five news and Ashes Special Report 5:30pm The Green Berets 8:00pm Victoria Cross Heroes 9:00pm Just Cause 11:00pm World's Wildest Police Videos 11:55pm Adventure Triathlon 12:20am ITU Triathlon 1:10am NFL Live 4:45am Law and Order: Criminal Intent 5:30am Race and Rally UK There is a pretty big space to fill here. It was left like this. Boo. I’m not cool enough to fill it with witty comments and fun like the TV editors. I just design pages and proof them. I’m just the geek of the team. The head geek. The biggest geek if you will.
7:00pm Robin Hood 7:00pm Robin Hood 7:45pm Torchwood: Declassified 8:00pm Chicken Run 9:20pm Little Britain 9:50pm Three's Outtakes 10:00pm Torchwood 10:50pm Pulling 11:20pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 11:50pm Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:20am Torchwood 1:10am Torchwood: Declassified 1:25am Pulling 1:55am Tittybangbang2 2:25am Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 2:55am Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 3:25am The Indestructibles As Stephanie McIntosh (Sky Mangel from Neighbours) has released her album this September I thought I might let you know a few interesting facts. Stephanie is the half-sister of Jason Donovan. Her mother is a former newsreader for ABC News. There’s been a show on Australian TV called ‘The Steph Show’ which has been filming her as she made her first album......
7:00pm Planet Earth 8:00pm Legends: Joan Sutherland - The Reluctant Prima Donna 9:00pm How to be Science Fiction 10:00pm Planet Earth: The Future 11:00pm The Late Edition 11:30pm How to be Science Fiction 12:30am Planet Earth: The Future 1:30am Legends: Joan Sutherland - The Reluctant Prima Donna 2:30am The Late Edition 3:00am How to be Science Fiction .....’Tightrope’. Her favourite chocolate is a Snickers and if you are still reading this you need serious help. I can’t think of anything more boring than Sky from Neighbours. Why do they all have to go into music? And why can’t the cool characters do it, like Harold and Lou? They’d make a great duo. Or even a dead dog. That’d be better than all these shitty ‘musicians’ coming out of Neighbours. Stick to the acting, that’s what they should do. Fuckin’ fascists.
6:00am Ni Ni's Treehouse 6:25am Mopatop's Shop 6:35am Engie Benjy 6:45am Fun Song Factory 6:55am Pocoyo 7:10am Fun Song Factory 7:20am Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta 7:55am Totally Spies! 8:30am Emperor's New School 9:05am SpongeBob SquarePants 9:25am All Star Family Fortunes 10:15am Emmerdale Omnibus 1:25pm An Audience With Take That Live 2:25pm Take That Live The Ultimate Tour 3:45pm Coronation Street Omnibus 6:30pm An Audience With Take That Live 7:30pm The X Factor 9:00pm The X Factor - The Result 9:30pm Xtra Factor: Results 10:00pm Entourage 10:30pm The Office: An American Workplace 11:00pm Coronation Street 11:30pm Entourage 12:00am The Office: An American Workplace 12:30am ITV Play: Playdate 4:00am
6:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 7:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 8:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 9:00am E4 Music: Uninterrupted 10:00am The All Star Wake Up Call 11:00am The All Star Wake Up Call 12:00pm We Support U2 1:00pm We Support U2 2:05pm Popworld 2:55pm U2 Live in Milan 4:00pm Girls Aloud: Off the Record 4:30pm Girls Aloud: Off the Record 5:00pm Friends 5:30pm Friends 6:00pm Scrubs 6:30pm The War at Home 7:00pm One Tree Hill 8:00pm Friends 8:30pm Friends 9:00pm Ghost Whisperer 10:00pm Scrubs 10:30pm The War at Home 11:00pm Hollyoaks: In the City 12:00am Girls Aloud: Off the Record 12:35am Girls Aloud: Off the Record 1:05am Popworld 1:55am One Tree Hill 2:40am Ghost Whisperer 3:25am Young, Sexy and... Sporty 4:05am Switched 4:30am Switched 4:50am Switched 5:10am Switched
6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Hoobs 7:00am Trans World Sport 7:55am World Cup Skiing 8:50am Grudge Match 9:00am Hollyoaks Omnibus 11:30am Charmed 12:30pm Yr Wythnos 1:00pm Maniffesto 1:30pm Rownd a Rownd 2:00pm Rownd a Rownd 2:30pm Codex 3:30pm Cwpwrdd Dillad 4:00pm 04 Wal 4:30pm Chez Dudley 5:30pm Newyddion 5:35pm Pobol y Cwm Omnibws 7:30pm Mozart: Concerto Rhif 23 8:00pm Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol 8:30pm Cefn Gwlad 9:00pm Newyddion 9:10pm Mozart Yr Hanes 11:10pm Zoolander 12:45am Mohabattein 4:35am Unreported World ... a bit more geeky. Can you guess who I am? No? You want a few more clues? I have to work pretty hard. No? Any ideas? I clearly don’t have the biggest funny bone in the office as I’m writing about who I am. Oh bugger, I’ve run out of space...
20% student discount on all pizzas and starters Every second pizza half price Call in store for our take away deals
Sailor Sid five 6.35am
62 Crwys Road, Cardiff, CF24 4NN
02920 229977
The de Ville’s Advocate This Week: a ‘tired and emotional’ Grace seeks the advice of others
Ask the audience: Dear Grace, I feel pressurised into taking drugs. What should I do? My flatmates all do it, so how do I withstand the peer pressure? Jenny, Talybont North Dear Jenny, Here’s what a few of my celebrity friends had to say:
Smell you later Dear Grace, I’m so busy with work commitments and social engagements that I barely have time to wash. I overheard some children in the convenience store making rude remarks about my “musk” and it upset me quite a lot. How do I maintain a full schedule AND fit in a quick spruce now and again? Yours truly, Marty, 2nd Year Physics Dear Marty, The problem with the festive* season is that one gets invited to a few parties and has to work more hours in order to shop for longer to buy more presents for family and
Macaulay says: Drugs maketh the man. Look! I can blow smoke rings now!
Viktor says: If I’d stayed away from the weed then I wouldn’t have eaten that Dioxin. Screw the munchies! Stay clean kids!
sional (or, in your case, scabiesinfested student) to seamlessly flit from work to play without the fuss of bathing. There’s only one small problem: hair. Wet wipes don’t a glossy mane make, I’m afraid. This is why Duncan Goodhew always graces the pages of Tatler or Hot Stars, while others are left in the shade, frantically trying to straighten their fringes. Shave your head and get ahead of the rest. I hope this helps. See you out on the town! Grace xxx
*As much as I’m loathed to say this in November, the season of goodwill has been thrust upon us at a ridiculously early date and we must revel in its frenzied glory. Or hide in a nuclear bunker for a month?
Choosers can’t be beggars Dear Grace,
P!nk says: Drugs aren’t rad, they’re bad. I looked like a butch lesbian when I was on the crack.
friends who then in turn suggest that you meet them for a “get together” and then disown you when you are later horrendously ill all over them after drinking too much Baileys. Ouch! It hurts my head just thinking about it. Where, upon where, does one fit in time for a sponge bath, let alone an adequate beauty routine? There’s no point trying to mask a smell with cheap synthetic fragrance such as Glade Circulair or Lynx. Products designed to disguise odours only serve to remind others that something terrible and unglodly lurks beneath them. I have two words my friend: BABY WIPES. Kate Moss swears by them, as do quite a few children below school age. I’d be lost without a quick swipe here and there to (literally) blow away the cobwebs while on the go. Baby wipes allow the modern profes-
I’m a perfectly sane and rational individual. I had a happy upbringing in the Cotswolds. My afternoons were spent playing hide and seek in the cornfields and making tree houses. My siblings and I revelled in our freedom and our loving parents ensured that we would want for nothing. I attended a prestigious public school and excelled in all areas of study. I’m stunningly attractive and my fiancé is a graduate with a well-paid job in the City. When I started university in September I hoped to make thousands of chums and network until the cows came home, but nobody wants to talk to me. I’d make anyone look cool. If I wasn’t me, I’d want to BE me. I know I sound conceited but the truth is that I’m probably too brilliant for my
own damn good. How do I go about meeting people of a higher calibre to the lowlifes that seem to litter this educational establishment? Regards, B. S. Dear B. S, Unlike your good self, I am not fortunate enough to possess a sound mind and academic prowess. It goes without saying that I am naturally dashing, but sometimes that won’t cut the mustard. My childhood was slightly less idyllic than your own sheltered existence but I’m still standing AND I’ve got more friends than you. When my father was arrested on suspicion of espionage, we had to relocate from London to a small village in deepest, darkest Yorkshire. Times were hard but somehow we got by.
Mother had to scrimp and save and my brother even stole coal to provide for the remnants of our once proud family unit. The only person who would talk to me was the slightly perverted station operator. My brother and sister used to accompany me in waving to an old man on the train as it hurtled past. When he was sober he’d wave back. As you can imagine; life was boring. The biggest excitement that occurred was when a tree fell onto the local railway line and my sister and I had to remove our underwear and wave them around on twigs to get the attention of the driver. Eventually the train came to a halt but I passed out. I then got a medal and everyone wanted to be my friend but I told them all to fuck off. Why am I telling you this? Senility is so very tragic. I suppose the moral of the story is: if in doubt, get your knickers out. Grace x
As per usual, I urge you to cast aside your inhibitions and spew forth your innermost secrets. I promise I won’t laugh. I may, however, inform your mother and/or the university authorities if you engage in reckless/inappropriate behaviour. So ner!
4 4
2 9
1 2
5 3
9 6 7
3 7
1 5
HOW TO PLAY SUDOKU: Fill in the grid using only the numbers 1 through to 9. All the vertical and horizontal rows should contain the numbers 1 to 9. All the smaller 3 by 3 squares should contain the numbers 1-9. No row or 3 by 3 square should have the same number twice.
Weird festivals and I mean weird
Camel Wrestling Championship, Turkey: While the Spanish have bullfights, and the Italians cockfights, and the English go hunting with hounds, the Turks have camel wrestling.
Top 3... Conspiracy Theories
Ever heard the phrase “Don’t let the bastards grind you down?” Well contrary to popular belief it was not said by Francis Drake but in fact a very wise worm who remains anonymous to this day. All I can say is thank the Lord I am on the ball or we’d all be screwed. The world is not as it seems... JFK Lee Harvey Oswald and the grassy knoll. Bollocks. What is a knoll anyway? Recent developments suggest that a cherry consumed by Mr. Kennedy in the spring of ’59 became lodged in his sinus, sprouted and had been growing for several years unnoticed. Doctor Nick Riviera, a recovering porn addict and ex-
Cow Art, Luxembourg: Last years winner was a cow named Splendide by Christine Dumbsky, who lovingly painted her cow metallic blue with deep purple hooves. Just to add that extra va va voom there were also (apparently), two topless pole dancers air brushing her left flank with pink glitter. Kanamara Matsuri, Japan: Three things. A large, pink phallus, 12 men with bandanna's sitting on it and locals carving white radishes into images of the male reproductive system. Bloody foreigners.
secret serviceman, claims to have been hit by ‘pieces of fruit’ as he stood by the car during the incident. Ummm. Suspicious. The Moon Landing Although widely assumed to have been filmed in a Hollywood studio this is now known not to be the case. If you take a copy of Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out and play it backwards while chewing on a piece of horse radish then you will see it is made up from the left over NASA footage taken on the moon. So we defitly landed there. End of story. Big Foot He’s real I tell you, REAAAALLLLLLL. Last time someone suggested that he wasn’t I was forced to poke out their eyes and make his privates into a risotto. In fact encountered this delightful creature in the biscuit isle of Tescos. He asked me if I knew where the jammy dodgers where and we ended up staring into each others eyes over a glass of Bucks Fizz at Talybont social. He’s taking me to Paris next week for some hot loving. So there. I definitely don’t have an imaginary boyfriend, I just have a thing for hair, plus it means I never have to shave my armpits.
Hart’s Art
Just cause ya’ mum said that doodle was a master piece doesn’t make you an artist. Let Uncle Tony guide you...
11 12
The t ank e ngin
21 22
24 25
27 28
3. Disabled (7) 7. Bread maker (5) 8. Mineral source (3) 10. Choir voice (4) 11. Bone in the Spine (8) 13. Our continent (6) 14. Customer (6) 16. Entice, attract (6) 18. From side to side (6) 22. Funeral bugle-call (4,4) 24. Beast with mane (4) 26. Payment (3) 27. Man-made waterway (5) 28. Candidate (7)
1. Burning fiercely (6) 2. Ice danger (6) 3. Irritate (3) 4. Female fox (5) 5. Period of fasting (4) 6. Times by two (6) 9. Perform (5) 12. Rider’s goad (4) 15. Make secure (4) 16. Train driver’s union (inits) (5) 17. Heed, give ear (6) 19. The East (6) 20. Decrepit (6) 21. The trembling poplar (5) 23. Open hand (4) 25. Top Card (3)
Get tha of here t cheese out
Exibit no. 35 - Cold as Ice. Sacrifice.
Win a pizza party D
omino’s Pizza, the local pizza delivery expert, has teamed up with grab to offer one lucky reader the chance to host the ultimate pizza party for six friends. Ideal for sharing, this pizza feast will get your guests in the party spirit and make your night go with a bang! Whether you’re having a girls night in watching DVDs, are watching footie with the lads or simply having a party with friends and family, nothing beats a fresh slice of piping hot pizza. Every Domino’s pizza is made to order using only high quality, fresh ingredients; traditional hand-spun dough is topped with vine-ripened tomato sauce and real mozzarella, then customised with fresh and tasty toppings from around the world. With the choice of four bases, three sauces, two cheeses, and twenty tasty toppings, there are an incredible 88 million different pizza combinations to choose from. People in Cardiff’s favourite pizza is Create-Your-Own, so whether it’s Domino’s reduced-fat Delight mozzarella, lean chicken breast or extra veg that takes your fancy, or something a little more indulgent like Double Decadence, the world’s first double decker pizza, Domino’s can deliver. Domino’s is dedicated to delivering the freshest, tastiest and hottest pizza on time, every time and offers customers more ways to order than any other pizza delivery company.
2 x Potato Wedges 2 x bottles of Coke 2 x tubs of Haagen Daz ice cream Are you hungry to win? Simply answer the following question: How many different pizza combinations are there to choose from at Domino’s? a. 88million b. 8,000 c. 800 If you think you know the answer just send us an email and you can be in pizza heaven!
Dominos are giving you the chance to win: 2 x Large pizzas of your choice 2 x Garlic Pizza Breads
Up in arms
he Sherman is a fantastic theatre that is right on your doorstep, next to the union. Showing a wide range of productions from critically acclaimed plays to satirical comedies. It’s a great place to catch small budget productions that you just wouldn’t get to see at other theatres around Cardiff. If you have never been there and would love to go, The Sherman have kindly offered us a pair of tickets to give away to see the fantastic political comedian Mark Thomas in his forthcoming show, 'As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela...' on the 6th December. Mark has been on a journey of discovery in the company of arms dealers, torture victims, ex-SAS officers, spooks and geeks. This show is the deeply funny, deeply disturbing journey of Mark’s rampage through the arms trade. Under a fairly flimsy disguise and with the use of some worryingly poor accents, Mark managed to set himself up as an arms dealer, a PR adviser on the most sensitive of human rights issues and generally did what he does best, which is to annoy the right people. As he works out deals, brokers torture equipment, and advises armies he discovers just
how easy it is to avoid the law. Make sure you don’t miss Mark’s hilarious and insightful show by entering this competition! To be in with the chance of winning pair of tickets to see Mark Thomas at The Sherman Theatre just email us at the usual address. If you are not lucky enough to win our tickets then they are available to buy from the Sherman Box Office and cost a mere £15 or £12 with Reductions.
Terms and conditions Valid at Domino’s Cathays only - Valid for collection Mon - Thurs until the end of this term - No purchase necessary Domino’s Pizza operates a limited delivery area and reserves the right to refuse delivery - Winners who reside outside the delivery area may need to collect their order from the nearest store - No cash alternative available and no change given No purchase necessary - When ordering via 087 12121212* the winner must reside within a Domino’s delivery area in order to be directly routed to their local store * calls cost 10p per minute. Charges for calls made from mobile phones may vary.
Hello again. We have some awesome prizes for you this week including some great nights out and a great night in! Enter our Domino’s competition and you could win loads of tasty treats for the perfect night in in front of the telly. Or, if you fancy a night out, why not enter our competition to see the fantastically funny Mark Thomas. With his inspiring tales of his journeys through the arms trade. Or if you want to go to the best Christmas party in town then Goldie Lookin’ Chain Christmas Party extravaganza is the one for you, and we have the tickets. So go on and give us an email and you could be a lucky winner!
The best christmas party in town...
anna go to the ultimate christmas party this year? The union are giving you the chance to win tickets to the hottest gig in town, the Goldie Lookin Chain Christmas Party. The party is taking place at Cardiff University’s Great Hall on Friday 8th December. Doors open at 6.30pm and tickets cost £14 in advance and are available from the Uni Box Office. Alternatively tickets are available from the Citycentre Ticketline 029 20230130, Spillers Records Cardiff, Diverse Newport, It should be a fantastic night that will no doubt be full of the usual GLC shenanigans. And, as an extra treat, the guys will hit the decks at Access All Areas after the gig with a DJ set that should be quite interesting! Hopefully the Newport lads will play some cheesy Chrsitmas classics to get you in the mood for the festive season!
What Welsh town are the GLC boys from? a. Swansea b. Bangor c. Newport
To be in with the chance of winning tickets just email us the answer to the following question to email address at the top of the page.
36 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 LISTINGS@gairrhydd.COM
This week: The stories of Hans Christian Andersen, the very, sexy Paolo Nutini
Turban Myths
Paolo Nutini @ SU Tues, Nov 28/ 8pm Natasha Prest-Smith recommends
aolo Nutini. The name just rolls off the tongue. So why should you go and see him grace the stage in Cardiff? Firstly, he’s beautiful. That fact alone should be incentive enough. Nutini is of mixed Scottish and Italian blood, endowing him with a distinc-
tive, unusual look: all pouting lips and floppy hair. Secondly, he’s one of those inspiring young artists who reveal genuine talent, in his case at the tender age of 19, with his rich, husky voice transcending his years. It’s no wonder that his debut album, These Streets, has gone platinum. Surprisingly, Nutuni has no formal training in music and is mostly selftaught. His passion for music first began when his grandfather taught him traditional Scottish folk songs. Also influenced by rock and bohemian royalty such as David Bowie, U2, and The Beatles, his songs have a raw, acoustic feel to them. His lyrics possess searing honesty, allowing his individuality and natural charm to shine. Nutini’s music is often described as soul-based, echoing black American singers, such as Al Green, Ray Charles and Bill Withers. It is this
diversity, this conflation of soul and guitar-based music styles, which makes him so special. Nutini has a real knack for narrating a self-enclosed story within a song. His first hit, the infectious ballad, Last Request, and forthcoming single Rewind, are laments on a reallife turbulent relationship. Recent release Jenny Don’t Be Hasty is, intriguingly, about encounters with an older woman. It’s important for him that his listeners are able to identify and empathise with his lyrics, and his understated, intimate voice certainly allows for this. As an artist, he’s now going from strength to strength. Currently completing a European tour, he has also appeared on Later With Jools Holland, supported the Rolling Stones in Vienna and performed at the V Festival earlier this year. He’s one person that you’d be mad to miss out on seeing.
@ WMC Sat, Dec 2/ 1pm/ free Listings Editor Jenna Harris recommends
torytelling has long been a staple of traditional Welsh culture, and today it is more popular than ever. Wales currently runs an international storytelling festival, Beyond the Border, which aims to be culturally diverse and partake in community outreach projects and is now branching out beyond its traditional festival format. Normally held in the grounds of the medieval St. Donats Castle, a medieval dwelling located 22 miles away from Cardiff, the festival has taken a break this year to run a series of events throughout 2006 across Wales. One such example is First Saturday
of romantic and sexual life. This week’s performance is an amazing masterpiece wrote by the sweetest author of all time. Come on, find your personal escapism in The Stories of Hans Christian Andersen and please let me know everything about the Emperor's clothes - I'm really curious about it .
The Stories of Hans Christian Anders e n @ The Sherman Fri, Dec 1/ 7pm
Listings Editor Rosaria Sguegilla recommends
ello folks, do you feel tired of the less-than lovely November essays? Well, luckily for you, this week the magic word is escapism with the stories of Hans Christian Andersen. His stories will be the stars of an
Coming Up
Storytelling, a series of monthly performances featuring some of the best storytellers, held at Wales Millennium Centre. This month’s featured event is Turban Myths, performed by storytellers Pete and Gorg Chand. They weave a selection of tales taken from the rich tapestry of Indian mythology and folk lore, often starring jealous gods and mystics, all while using traditional Punjabi music. The Chands are a Punjabi family duo now living in Wolverhampton. Pete Chand, a storyteller for several years, specialises in the telling of folk tales, while his nephew Gorg focuses on stories from Hindu epics The Mahabharata (the world’s longest poem), and The Ramayana. Beyond the Border is a festival dedicated to promoting understanding of the world’s pre-literature and oral traditions and showcasing work by different cultures. First conceived in 1993, it now attracts thousands of attendees, both from Wales and the world, to attend each July, and Turban Myths should be equally as popular. If you’re fascinated by other cultures, have a love of stories or just want to experience something different, then Turban Myths could be one of the best Saturday afternoons you’ve invested in.
amazing show held at the Sherman Theatre company. My choice of this lies with my purely childish personality (so sorry about that!) I truly love Andersen's tales. Presuming that all of you know Andersen's tales, this week I want to give you some notes about the author. Andersen was born in Denmark and throughout his childhood he had a passionate love of literature. He memo-
rized entire plays by Shakespeare in order to recite them when using his wooden dolls as actors. He also had a great love of the art of banter and helped to initiate a society of like minded banterers among his friends. At the age of 14, Andersen moved to Copenhagen seeking employment as an actor in the theatre. He had a pleasant soprano voice and succeeded in being admitted to The Royal Danish
Theatre, but this career stopped short when his voice broke. A colleague at the theatre had referred to him as a poet, and Andersen took this very seriously and began to focus on writing. The feeling of being different, usually resulting in pain, is a recurrent motif in his work. This is attributed to his early life in poverty, his homeliness and in particular to his lack
The Rocky Horror Show- 4-7 Dec @ New Theatre... The Two Faces of Mitchell and Webb -5 Dec @ Wales Millennium Centre... Bootleg Beatles -7 Dec @ St. David’s Hall... Adequate 7 -10 Dec @ SU... The Damned -12 Dec @ The Point... Kasabian -12 Dec @ CIA...Ralfe Band (as seen on The Mighty Boosh) -13 Dec @ Barfly... Men Women and Children/Kill The Arcade -14 Dec @ Barfly... Ga Ga -15 Dec @The Point... Bogiez -16 Dec @ The Point... Blackfly -18 Dec @ Barfly ...The Sex Pistols Experience -20 Dec @ Barfly... Said Mike/Cornerstone/SKWAD -22 Dec @ Barfly...
NOVEMBER.27.2006 LISTINGS@gairrhydd.COM
and cultural story telling with Turban Myths
Fun Factory @ Solus, SU Cardiff’s own alternative sweat fest, with live bands put on by LMS and DJing by Oddsoc in between bands in the side room. 10pm-2am. £3. X Factory @ The Taf The University’s student radio station shows off its best DJs. 9pm - 1am. Free with NUS. I-Candy @ Tiger Tiger Wales’ latest superclub. £3/4 NUS. Pick Of The Day Chris Wood @ St. David’s Hall Singer/songwriter Chris Wood is an uncompromising and remarkable musician whose music reveals his love for the alternative history of the English-speaking people. Using his acoustic guitar and fiddle, Wood produces traditional folk music, as well as covers of old favourites such as Lord Bateman, in a Martin Carthy-influenced vocal delivery. For folk fans, this is a must. 8pm. £10. Kubichek! / The Heights / My Luminaries @ Barfly Kubichek! make music consisting of jerky, angular rock/indie. Their catchy dance-rock and indie pop is soon to gain them a large following. Support comes from The Heights, a fourpiece from North Wales playing rock 'n' roll influenced from Led Zeppelin to the Rolling Stones. The band apparently have “anthemic, riff-righteous rock songs with a snarling, shrugging indifference!” (The Fly). 7.30pm. £6. Off the Grid @ Chapter Arts Centre Warren Miller’s latest film Off the Grid takes the ski and snowboard fan to the mountain without leaving his or her seat. Some of the world’s best skiers and snowboarders pushing themselves to the limit in a terrain that seemingly defies gravity. The night will also feature ski and snow sports-related prize giveaways. 7.30pm. £7.50.
Friday 01/12
.. Access all Areas @ SU New Look Friday. Another Union event, another way to make people drunk. It should be a good night, featuring the best of Fun Factory’s music. 10pm - 2am. £3.50/£3 adv. The Dudes Abide @ Clwb Ifor Bach Music for those who love music. An indie and retro night that takes in the heady landscape created by the likes of Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Dusty Springfield. 10pm – 2.30am. £3.50/£4. Mad4It! @ Barfly DJ Mike TV compares an indietastic night of alternative music, from the Strokes to the Smiths. 10.30pm-2am. £5. Chaos @ Metros The hard rock night. £2.50 before 10pm. Pick of the Day Characterful: Adam Hills @ The Glee Club Adam Hills Adam Hills is a top Australian comic who has had many successful performances at the Edinburgh Fringe and Melbourne Comedy Festival. As well as being a nominee for the Perrier Award in 2001 and 2002, he has made numerous television and radio appearances, winning a large number of fans with his energy, spontaneity and positive take on the world around us. 7.30pm. £9. Whole Lotta Led @ The Point Whole Lotta Led are one of Britain’s premier Led Zeppelin tribute bands, While the real thing may be long gone, thankfully their music has lasted, and Whole Lotta Led are a great chance to go and hear the closest thing to Led Zep around today. 7.30pm. £12. Maes B Presents: Genod Droog / Derwyddon Dr Gonzo / Plant Duw @ Clwb Ifor Bach Genod Droog is a big mix consisting of internationally-born musicians presenting an explosion of different musical styles. Held upstairs. 10pm. £5.
Forecast@ Buffalo Bar Something of a night of hidden treasures: Representing under-represented music. 8pm-3am. £6. Planet Rock @ Clwb Ifor Bach Revamped rock night that promises “familiar classics from the fields of metal, hard rock and goth.” Drinks promotions and you can email song requests. Alternatively, MySpace at 9pm-2pm. £3. Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama @ St. David’s Hall Orchestra and Chorus of Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Elgar – The Dream of Gerontius. 7.30pm. £6. Live Music Society Presents: Open Mic Night @ Buffalo Bar Always a good chance to catch some local bands, students or otherwise. 8pm. Free. Kerrang! Most Wanted Tour 2006: CapDown @ Barfly Club CapDown are proof that something good can come out of Milton Keynes. Originally named Soap, CapDown’s music features skacore, brass, punk ideologies and clever lyrics. They’ve sold out, but try any means possible to get hold of a ticket. 7.30pm. Pick of the Day Brakes @ The Point Brakes are one hell of a good band. Debut album Give Blood gave birth to fantastic disco tune All Night Disco Party, and their new stuff on their latest album The Beatific Album sounds just as good. Cease and Desist features raspy vocals and angry lyrics, while Beatific Visions is gentle West Coast rock. Tiny Dancers are a slightly odd Neil Young-inspired band who sound amazing with their melodic alt. folk rock, harmonising and use of handclaps. 7.30pm. £7.50.
Saturday 02/12
Come Play @ Solus, SU Party tunes in the main room. Traffic (DJ and clubbing society) playing house music in the other. 10pm. £3.50. Fly Swatter @ Barfly Indie party fest that mixes up the best music with the even better. Actually nothing to do with fly swatters. 10.30pm. £5 NUS. Hellbent! @ The Model Inn, Quay Street Cardiff city’s only rock night on a Saturday for fans of true rock music, keeping it alternative. 9pm - 2am. Delinquent @ Metros Alternative and new music mixed with the best indie tunes. The dungeon-like surroundings makes it even better. Go to get sweaty and have a good time. 9pm - 4am. Free with flyer before 10pm/£4. Jazz @ The Gate: Night Shift (2) @ The Gate Night Shift (2) is a fusion band that apparently “bridges funk, blues, soul and jazz, to produce an eclectic mix of driving music that will set your feet tapping”(So says 8pm. £8/£6. Beyond The Border International Storytelling Festival: Turban Myths @ Wales Millennium Centre See preview on opposite page. 1pm. Free. Actus Reus: Theatr Bara Caws @ Chapter Arts Centre A Welsh theatre company production. 8pm. £8/£6. Pick of the Day: Bound & Gagged: Felix Dexter @ Sherman Theatre Award-winning comedian and actor Felix Dexter has had a varied career. He has just finished a season with the Royal Shakespeare, has appeared on shows like Alan Partridge and Have I Got News for You, as well as writing for others like The Lenny Henry Show and The Fast Show. His work is a fusion of acutely observed characterisations and high-energy hilarity. 7.30pm. £12.50 / £10.50.
Wednesday 29/11
Thursday 30/11
Popscene @ Clwb Ifor Bach Three floors, three different clubs. On one, classic funk and Motown, another indie classics and brand new music, and on the final floor, cheese. 10pm. £3. Rubber Duck @ Solus, SU Clubbing for jocks, pretend jocks and those who love to dress up in costume, as there is a different theme most weeks, from chavs to pornstars. Suprisingly, it is a huge sell out. 10pm. £3. Bromheads Jacket / The Oxfam Glamour Models / The Ha'pennies @ Barfly Sheffield band Bromheads Jacket come from the same school of thought as the Arctic Monkeys. With songs in the same vein as the Monkeys’ use of everyday tales, Bromheads Jacket may well have something. Not just a rip-off band, their lyrical style also recalls The Jam at their most wittily scathing. The Oxford Glamour Models support.7.30pm. £7. Odd Man Out @ Chapter Arts Centre In Odd Man Out, James Mason stars as a wounded IRA man, making his way across Belfast with the police on his trail. He’s heading towards refuge with the woman who has his heart, but he encounters many other people, and therefore problems, on the way, meaniing that he can never be sure whether they will ultimately protect him or try to turn him in. 8.30pm. £5.10. There's No Place Like a Home @ New Theatre There’s No Place Like a Home is written by Paul Elliott, a producer who has worked alongside actors from Rock Hudson to Richard Gere, Dame Maggie Smith to Vanessa Redgrave, to name just a few. His experiences and backstage tales have been his inspiration to write this wonderful new comedy. Starring faces such as Gorden Kaye, Ken Morley, Richard Grieve and Ray Alan, this great production promises to really tickle your funny bones. 7.30pm. £11.50 - £23.50.
Krishna Consciousness Society present: Atma Yoga @ SU Free yoga session with a qualified teacherlearn quick and simple yoga to apply to your modern life. Includes a free vegetarian feast and refreshments. No previous yoga experience required. Free entry! Griffiths Room, fourth floor of the Union. 6pm - 8pm. The Bait Shop @ Barfly Student night with an alternative twist. AC/DC. Metallica, Jet, Deathcab for Cutie and the Chemical Brothers all happily exist side-by-side with a little bit of the best tunes by Prince et al. 10.30pm. £3. £2 with NUS. Clubnight @ La Tropicana Hip-hop and R&B student night. 10pm. Double Indemnity @ Chapter Arts Centre A peerless example of classic American film noir, this succeeds triumphantly in all departments. Directed by Billy Wilder, the film is also lucky enough to have had the great Raymond Chandler adapting the screenplay from James McCain’s original novel.
Sunday 03/11
Open Mike (Upstairs) @ Buffalo Bar An intimate and relaxed atmosphere, along with your chance to experience live acoustic acts, songwriters, bands and performers, as well as participating yourself if you so desire and sharing your musical talent with the rest of the world. (OK, a small part of Cardiff.) 8pm - 3am. £1. The Hop @ Buffalo Bar Resident DJs present 50’s night: rock ‘n’ roll, jive, rockabilly and psychobilly. Cult 50s films, drive in themes and extra large milkshakes are said to be involved as well. You know that you want to go. 8pm - 3am. Free. The Datsuns @ Barfly Resheduled from September 13, everyone’s favourite New Zealand angst-rockers are back. Playing White Boy rock with raging hormones and a belief in the redeeming spirit of their music. 7.30pm. Alison's Op / Random Elbow Pain / Rusted Metal @ Clwb Ifor Bach A pretty neat little lienup for this Ifor Bach gig. 8pm. £4. Cardiff Polyphonic Choir, Rebecca Evans, Christopher Ainslie, Andrew Staples, Robert Davies @ St David's Hall Some classical music for all you fans. Rebecca Evans is an opera singer who has sung with Pavarotti, and Bryn Terfel among others 2pm. £22.50 - £7.50. Pick of the Day Peppermint Patti: The Hot Puppies / Wet Dog (formerly Rev Pike) / The Days / Candy Panic Attack @ Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff-based up-and-coming quintet The Hot Puppies play quirky, synth-based poppunk. Fronted by singer Rebecca Newman Already garnering a reputaion for being pretty good, the NME has decribed them as: “Tunes that ooze a seductive danger scent that make you want to snip locks of mullet off of Nick Cave”. 7:30pm. £5/£4.
7.30pm. £5.10.
Tool @ CIA Featuring support from Mastodon, iconic rockers Tool bring their gloom metal to this fair city. Founded in the 80s in LA, they’ve since become one of the most influential hard rock bands around. 7.30pm. £28.50. Pick Of The Day My Alamo / Octivox / The Hunted @ Barfly The hotly tipped My Alamo embark on their first UK club tour, but they have already made successful appearances at both Download and Oxygen over the summer. My Alamo are Midlanders rocking in the finest tradition as set down by Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and so many more. 7.30pm.£5/4 flyer.
Students’ Union, Park Place 02920 387421 Med Club, Neuadd Meirionydd, Heath Park 02920 744948 Clwb Ifor Bach (The Welsh Club), 11 Womanby Street 02920 232199 Barfly, Kingsway Tickets: 08709070999 Metros, Bakers Row 02920 399939 Dempseys, Castle Street 02920 252024 Bar Cuba, The Friary 029 2039 7967 Incognito, Park Place 02920 412190 Liquid, St. Mary Street 02920645464 The Philharmonic, 76-77 St. Mary Street 02920 230678 Café Jazz, 21 St. Mary Street 02920 387026 The Riverbank Hotel, Despenser Street St. David’s Hall, The Hayes 02920 878444 Chapter Arts Centre, Market Road, Canton 02920 304400 Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay 0870 0402000 The New Theatre, Park Place 02920 878889 The Sherman Theatre, Senghennydd Road 02920 646900 The Glee Club, Mermaid Quay 0870 2415093 Cardiff International Arena, Mary Ann Street 02920 224488 The Millennium Stadium Can’t miss it. The Point, Cardiff Bay 029 2046 0873.
38 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 SPORT@gairrhydd.COM
The Deloitte IMG Breakfast
Inter sabotage the Chem Soc charge James Hayward IMG Reporter
Chem Soc 1 - 1 Inter STRUGGLERS Inter Me-Nan put a dent in Chem Soc’s Premiership hopes after snatching a point against the Group D leaders. And to make matters worse for high-flying Chem Soc, Inter Me-Nan found the net from their only shot on target. But although Chem Soc were held to a draw, a win against Cardiff Crusaders this week would guarantee them a Premiership spot for the second successive season. Chem Soc started brightly and directed their efforts down the wings, leaving Inter Me-Nan slogging through puddles. This tactic worked well, allowing Chem Soc to repeatedly attack MeNan. And in the 12th minute, they had a goal ruled out after the referee felt the Inter goalkeeper was pushed off the ball. But Chem Soc were soon rewarded
in the 37th minute when a good run by Gavin Clifford led to him being brought down in the area, resulting in a penalty which he scored with confidence. Meanwhile, Me-Nan’s own efforts, consisting of chasing long balls, were thwarted repeatedly by a solid Chem Soc defence. Left-back Stuart Ralphs played his part by effectively preventing Inter from attacking on the right flank. However, a dominant Chem Soc were let down by poor finishing throughout the first half. And they paid the ultimate price in the 59th minute. Me-Nan’s Sam McKerrel managed to beat Chem Soc goalkeeper Dan Coe from the edge of the centre circle, to level the match. After allowing Inter back into the game, Chem Soc appeared to lose their composure. They got caught in possession far too frequently, while their attempts at goal grew wilder as the match progressed. However, Me-Nan were unable to capitalise as the Chem Soc defence held firm until the final whistle. Inter are still looking for their first win.
Real Ale don’t fail to please Luke Havill and Mike Platt IMG Reporters
TWNN 1 - 2 Real Ale
REAL ALE MADRID won their first ever IMG game against fellow strugglers TWNN and climbed off the bottom of Group A. Meanwhile, TWNN are rooted to the bottom after suffering their fifth successive defeat. After a lively start from Real Ale, TWNN responded well with a sustained period of pressure. However, TWNN failed to create any clear-cut chances despite holding the lion’s share of posession early on. Real Ale broke the deadlock in the 25th minute. A sublime ball from Oli Salisbury and intelligent forward play from Chris Straker, allowed Luca Maestrini to race clear of the TWNN defence and finish with a low drive. After opening the scoring, Real Ale went on to control the rest of the first half. Despite creating a host of halfchances, they failed to find a finish to increase their lead. TWNN improved after the break as
IMG Football Results Wed 8 Nov
Japsoc Socsi Law B TWNN
0 2 3 1
2 3 2 2
v v v v
TWNN Law B Socsi Japsoc
Esplanyol JOMEC Economics Myg Myg
v v v v
Boca Seniors Tank Engin Arse’Alona Gym Gym
AFC History Psycho Ath. Uni Hallstars English Soc
v v v v
J-Unit CARBS Butthead FC Law A
1 1 1 2
Myg Myg Economics JOMEC Esplanyol
Law A Butthead FC CARBS J-Unit
1 5 9 3
4 2 0 5
AFC History English Soc Uni Hallstars Psycho Ath.
1 2 5 3
Wed 15 Nov
MOMED Real Ale Pharm AC Zoology
7 4 2 8
1 4 2 2
IMG Football Fixtures
MOMED Zoology Pharm AC Real Ale
Arse’Alona Tank Engin Boca Seniors Gym Gym
Chem Soc Havana Drag. Park Rangers Euros
they searched for a much-needed equaliser, but poor conditions meant opportunities from both sides were few and far between. However, Liam Stokes-Massey, who had a storming game in midfield for Real Ale, came close with a couple of long-range efforts. Shortly afterwards, TWNN thought they had found a way back into the game when a low shot from Gareth Taylor appeared to creep past goalkeeper Ben Carrier's left hand. In fact, the ball skimmed the outside of the post. But Real Ale doubled their advantage on 57minutes when Ben Davies put through Luca Maestrini for his second goal of the game. TWNN didn’t give up and were given hope when Real Ale’s Chris Walker, who had an excellent game in defence with skipper Tom Parsons, was penalised for a foul in the box. Munveer Thind confidently dispatched the spot-kick and set up a tense finish. But Real Ale battled hard to hold on to all three points. Both teams have difficult matches this week, as Real Ale play against Law B while TWNN face MOMED.
Inter Me-Nan Crusaders Thundrekatz AFC Cathays
Inter Me-Nan AFC Cathays Thunderkatz Crusaders
v v v v
Euros Park Rangers Havana Drag. Chem Soc
Football Tables IMG Football
Group A P
Law B
Pharm AC
Real Ale Madrid
IMG Football
No joy for J-Unit in thriller J-Unit 3 - 5 Psycho PSYCHO grabbed their first win since the opening day in what turned out to be an epic thriller. After suffering three consecutive defeats, Psycho kickstarted their season and gave themselves hope of salvaging a Division One spot. On the other hand, newcomers JUnit lost their second game and remain in mid-table of Group C. Although both teams started strongly, it was J-Unit who took the lead when the ball was poked home following a goalmouth scramble. However, Psycho immediately responded with an equaliser thanks to a perfectly-placed Rich Barnes effort from outside the area. Shortly afterwards, both teams continued to play attacking football and create more chances. While Psycho almost scored from a couple of dangerous crosses, J-Unit came closest when they struck the bar. But J-Unit soon restored their lead in the latter stages of the first half when they found the net with a header. However, in a game of many goals, the J-Unit lead didn’t last long. Soon after the interval, Psycho striker Justin Savage took control of the ball after another goalmouth scramble and fired home a second equaliser. As the tension increased, both teams battled hard to gain control in
IMG Netball Fixtures Sat 25 Nov
Pharmacy B English A Gym Gym English B
v v v v
Optometry (10.0) IWC A (10.40) A’motive (11.20) IWC B (12.10)
Wed 29 Nov SAWSA Medics Locomotive Law B Optometry IWC B Automotive IWC A
v v v v v v v v
Socsi B (1.30) Econ B (2.10) CARBS B (2.50) D. Tigers (3.30) English B (4.10) English A (4.50) Pharm B (5.30) Gym Gym (6.10)
Gym Gym
Tank Engin
Boca Seniors
Myg Myg
IMG Football
HEAD TENNIS: Chem Soc and Inter fight for ball
Justin Savage IMG Reporter
Group B
what proved to be a heated second half. Eventually the deadlock was broken when Barnes notched his second goal of the match. Following an accurate Adam Edwards free-kick, Barnes rose above the J-Unit defence to head home at the far post. But J-Unit refused to give up and they soon made it 3-3 to set up an exciting finish. Harry Birch struck the winner for Psycho after some strong interplay and Barnes completed his hattrick late on to complete a memorable victory. Although Psycho won, J-Unit deserve credit for playing some creative football. But the points went to Psycho who merited their win following a strong performance. They entertain CARBS this week, while J-Unit play league leaders AFC History.
menon on the match FOOTBALL NUMBER OF GOALS: 90 goals, 5.625 goals per game WHIPPING BOYS: Uni Hallstars conceded 9 to CARBS SURPRISE PACKAGE: AFC Cathays because they didn’t draw. In fact, they won for the first time. EPIC GAME: Loads of close games, but Psycho v J-Unit was a classic, 8-goal thriller. CONSISTENT PERFORMERS: History and Zoology are currently the only two sides with maximum points. TEAM OF THE WEEK: After getting thrashed every single week, Real Ale Madrid finally recorded their first ever IMG win. Credit is due.
IMG Netball Results Wed 22 Nov
Cardiff B Cardiff A C. Union Socsi A
5 7 9 5
17 Pharmacy A 9 Economics A 16 Law A 7 CARBS A
Group C D
AFC History
Law A
Psycho Ath.
Butthead FC
English Soc
Uni Hallstars
IMG Football
Group D D
Chem Soc
H. Dragons
C. Crusaders
AFC Cathays
Inter Me-Nan
Park Rangers
* Team has been deducted 1 point
Netball Tables IMG Netball
Premiership P
Pharmacy A
Law A
Economics A
Cardiff A
Socsi A
Christ. Union
Cardiff B
IMG Netball
Division One D
Economics B
D. Tigers
Law B
Socsi B
IMG Netball
Division Two D
More coverage of IMG Netball can be found on the opposite page.
English A
Please send in your 300-word match reports with pictures to
English B
Gym Gym
If you have any queries about fixtures, see or Alex McIntosh.
Pharmacy B
CARBS B 6 - 3 Law B Econ B 15 - 12 Locomotive Socsi B 2 - 17 Medics
NOVEMBER.27.2006 SPORT@gairrhydd.COM
The Deloitte IMG Breakfast
Engin steam past CARBS B
Engin beat CARBS B and win their second consecutive game without conceding a point IMG Rugby Results
Gareth Owen IMG Reporter
Wed 22 Nov CARBS A 10 - 5 CARBS B SAWSA 0 - 21 Engin
Engin 19 - 0 CARBS B
IMG Rugby Fixtures
ENGIN continued their excellent start to the season with a comprehensive victory over CARBS B. It was a very heated game on a miserable afternoon, which saw CARBS B hold the majority of possession and territory in the first half. But despite CARBS’ best efforts,
Sun 26 Nov MASTS v Medics Stoma v SAWSA Wed 29 Nov Planning v Law Engin v CARBS A
IMG Rugby
they could not do quite enough to get over Engin’s try line. The second half saw Engin score three soft tries and a conversion. Admirably, CARBS did not lose their fighting spirit and they constantly battled up the pitch into the Engin twenty-two. Crucially, they failed to score after losing the ball cheaply on
too many occasions. Both sides played well in defence and Engin’s superior set play helped them to win. As a result, Engin top the IMG Rugby table. Elsewhere, the game between Pharmacy and Law was called off because a neutral referee was not present. LOST IT: The ball, not the plot
23/11/06 P
The IMG Football refs have their say, starting from next week in the Deloitte IMG Breakfast
Was Menon’s netball predictions right? Netball Tables IMG Netball
Group A P
Socsi A
Cardiff A
Dynamo Tigers
IMG Netball
Group B D
Christ. Union
Cardiff B
Economics B
Socsi B
IMG Netball
Group C D
Law A
Law B
Pharmacy B
English A
IMG Netball
Group D D
Economics A
Pharmacy A
Gym Gym
English B
As Phase 1 of IMG Netball is now complete, Dave Menon finds out whether he got his pre-season predictions correct
TEAM Cardiff A Socsi A CARBS A Economics A Socsi B Cardiff B Pharmacy A Law A IWC A English A SAWSA IWC B Medics Economics B Optometry Locomotive Engin CARBS B Dynamo Tigers Pharmacy B Law B Christian Union Automotive Engin English B Gym Gym
Premiership Premiership Premiership Premiership Premiership Premiership Premiership Premiership Division One Division One Division One Division One Division One Division One Division One Division One Division Two Division Two Division Two Division Two Division Two Division Two Division Two Division Two
5-1 7-1 7-1 10-1 20-1 20-1 25-1 25-1 33-1 33-1 33-1 40-1 40-1 40-1 50-1 50-1 60-1 60-1 66-1 66-1 66-1 80-1 80-1 80-1
Premiership Premiership Premiership Premiership Division One Premiership Premiership Premiership Division Two Division Two Division One Division Two Division One Division One Division Two Division One Division One Division One Division Two Division One Premiership Division Two Division Two Division Two
WAS MENON RIGHT? Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Menon got 15 out of 24 predictions right, giving him a percentage score of 62.5%
40 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 SPORT@gairrhydd.COM
Tom Williams discusses the ongoing debate into video technology, after another bout of controversial refereeing decisions
POLL: He doesn’t have a clue
For contentious fouls where the question of intent might come into play, video technology will not help one jot Football isn’t like cricket. It’s not stop-start. It flows. Cricket-style ‘third umpires’ will serve only to slow the game down, which, in a league as fast as the Premiership, is unthinkable. Yes, refereeing decisions change matches. But so does the weather. So does the unpredictable ricochet. So does the exact part of the foot with which your player strikes the ball. Football is a glorious, organic, free-flowing thing. Taking away inaccurate refereeing decisions will not guarantee perfect sporting justice. And the beauty of the game – the real souldestroying, mirror-to-life Shakespearean tragedy of football – is that, sometimes, the best team doesn’t win.
Craig Nunes Snooker Reporter IT’S QUITE rare for a snooker player to attract the attention of the public. Recent critics have cited the lack of ‘characters’ within the sport as a reason for it dwindling in popularity, but this seemed to be disproved last month following the premature death of one of its leading players. At the age of 25, Paul Hunter was fast becoming a major contender for winning ranking titles. He had already posted three remarkable wins in the coveted Benson and Hedges Masters and in 2003, he suffered a narrow final-frame defeat in the semi-finals of the World Championship against Ken Doherty. It seemed as if Paul was set to become a household name in snooker. But on April 6 2005, it was announced that Hunter was suffering from malignant neuoroendocrine tumours, a very rare form of stomach
HUNTER: a loss to snooker cancer. He persisted in playing snooker through his chemotherapy treatment, but it was believed that Paul’s treatment had limited success and last month he was taken into the Kirkwood Hospice in Huddersfield where he died at the age of 27. After being diagnosed with the cancer, Paul pledged his support to the NET Patient Foundation, a charity organisation which works to erase the problems currently found with patients suffering with neuroendocrine cancer. The charity funds research for treatment, and also for the training of nurses and helps local health trusts provide monthly treatment for patients. With this in mind, Cardiff University Snooker Club organised a fundraising day to help increase awareness of the disease. With support from the SU, there was a bake sale throughout the morning and with the help of the AU and Games Room there was a charity tournament in the afternoon.
Even AU president James Woodroof entered the tournament to show his support for the charity, and found himself losing on the pink in the final. Organiser Craig Nunes said “I’m so overjoyed with the support that everyone has shown in the event; from the girls in my flat who pretty much baked everything, to the guys that turned up to play in the tournament”. “I still keep counting the money just to make sure we have actually raised £330 - it’s incredible. It’s not just a testament to how charitable people at this University can be, but it says a lot about the character of Paul Hunter”. “So many people recognised his face and some didn’t even realise he had died. “I really hope the event becomes an annual thing because I wouldn’t like to ignore a cause which has so little funding and attention”. “And I wouldn’t like the snooker world to forget Paul Hunter. He’s the type of character that the game should be so proud to have had.”
Firsts not second best
pened. And if Sparky thinks video technology will take power away from those meddlesome refs, he should think again. Who will be analysing the video footage in his utopian vision of an injustice-less footballing future? Another referee, I should imagine. Thereby increasing the chances of referee error by 100 percent. Video replays will not work in football. Yes, goalmouth microchips could be used for contentious goalline decisions. Some form of instantverdict technology could probably be used for split-second offside calls as well. But the laws of the game dictate that each match be officiated by a referee who is allowed to use his (or her) own judgement when assessing whether an offence has been committed. For contentious fouls where the question of intent might come into play, video technology will not help one jot.
T’S MONDAY and it can mean only one thing: moaning managers. I confidently predict that the latest round of Premiership matches resulted in at least one manager publicly bemoaning the “inconsistency” of top-flight officials, pledging his support for the introduction of video technology or calling for all referees to be summarily castrated. In recent weeks we have seen Luton Town manager Mike Newell blame his side’s defeat against QPR on the gender of one of the assistant referees, and Watford boss Aidy Boothroyd calling for poor referees to be “put in the stocks and hit with tomatoes for a week.” And just in case you thought these comments were flippant, heat-of-the-moment things, both Newell and Boothroyd subsequently released statements reaffirming their respective viewpoints. So is there an epidemic of horrendous officiating currently plaguing the Premiership? Well, no. Look at the managers complaining. Boothroyd, Hughes, Warnock, Jol. All managers of struggling/underperforming clubs. It is no coincidence. Managers of more successful teams are not wholly innocent – you could write an encyclopaedia on what über-moaner Jose Mourinho has said about Premiership officials – but on the whole they realise that referee error is part of the game and that, over the course of the season, these things really do tend to even themselves out. But try telling Mark Hughes that. His Blackburn Rovers side have had seven penalties awarded against them this season. I wouldn’t want to suggest that this is because Blackburn are a team of brutes who play football with all the subtlety of an Israeli missile strike, but Sparky is adamant that his team really is being unfairly treated. His solution? Video technology. How video technology will help, I don’t know. The incident which prompted Hughes’s latest outburst was a penalty awarded against Blackburn for a foul by Turkish midfielder Tugay on Tottenham’s Hossam Ghaly. The pundits on Match of the Day 2 watched the incident in super slow-motion from about 17 different angles, and it still wasn’t entirely clear what had hap-
Charity day for Hunter
Squash Reporter Erica Ballantyne watches Cardiff Men’s Firsts battle to a 5 - 0 victory over the Seconds IN AN all Cardiff grudge match, the Men’s squads were pitted against each other in BUSA 2B. All eyes were focused on court as the tense first game unravelled with Josh Bull beating second team player Mike Beecham 3 - 1. It was then the task of first year James Lees to equal the match, playing against Owain Jones, but he couldn’t level the tie in a 3 - 0 loss. Second team Captain Rich Thompson played James Wuerzer in another tight game. Wuerzer took the lengthy first game, but Thompson responded with a 9 - 2 victory in the next set. This wasn’t enough to stem
the first team’s winning streak as Wuerzer eventually secured the match with a tight 10 - 9 victory in the fourth set. It was then Ryan Lello’s turn to attempt to record the second team’s first win, against Matt Curry. With both players using the whole of the court in trying to out-manoeuvre their opponent, Curry came away with the win; notching up the first team’s fourth win. Cardiff first team captain and University number one Rhys Owen was stretched all the way, eventually winning in the fifth set of an epic match against Mark Pearce, with both players executing some excellent squash. The first team came away with all five points, which was probably an
SQUASH: In House unfair reflection of the match as a whole. However, the second team were gracious in defeat and the extra points for the first team makes them favourites to win promotion over Swansea. Meanwhile, Cardiff Ladies Squash team drew 2 - 2 against Bristol 2nds in BUSA 1A, seeing them move further away from the bottom of the league. Team Captain Gwenan Jones-Parry and Anthea Philpot both secured 3 - 1 wins after playing their way to comprehensive victories, but Jo Watkins and Erica Ballantyne went down in tough rubbers against their opponents.
NOVEMBER.27.2006 SPORT@gairrhydd.COM
Let’s face the music Victoria Soman waltzes to Warwick to report on a successful weekend for Cardiff DanceSport
DANCE: Sport
CARDIFF’S DANCESPORT team attended their first competition of the season last weekend; Warwick Varsity. Hosted by Warwick University, the event took place at the King’s Hall in Stoke-on-Trent and saw at least ten universities attending. As usual the Modern Ballroom events were first, with Cardiff’s Intermediate couple Mike Chen and Luiza Patorski making the finals for their Tango and Quickstep and being awarded third place by the judges. Beginner couple Helen McKenzie and Lauren Old made the fourth round with their Waltz, just missing out on a place in the quarter finals. Club President Dave Sunnucks and his partner Amelia Reed were placed in the Novice Ballroom semi-finals coming eigth overall. The Latin American events saw more of our beginner couples through rounds as Joe Pooley and Louise Southwell went through to the semi-finals in the Cha-cha-cha (coming 9th), as did Chen and Patorski in the Intermediate rounds with their Rumba and Samba. Dave Lewis and Karen Franklin also reached the quarter finals in the novice Latin events. The number of rounds Cardiff couples were called through was huge and many of them only just
missed out on reaching quarter and semi-finals. The Team Event saw an excellent show for Cardiff with the Ateam being placed in the first division and the B and C teams placed in the second. The A-team, made up of Chen and Patorski on Waltz, Sunnucks and Reed on Quickstep, Chris Lee and Sarah Murray on Cha-cha-cha and Neil Humphreys and Nicola Barker on Jive, was called through rounds to the semi-finals in Division One, missing out on a place in the finals. Overall, Cardiff A finished 7th, a great achievement for the team. Cardiff B (Paul Nash and Victoria Soman on Waltz, McKenzie and Old on Quickstep, Jason Fish and Hannah Paley on Jive) were placed in the finals and came 6th, while Cardiff C (Pooley and Southwell on Waltz, Ed Duke and Elizabeth Stock on Quickstep, Matt Moss and Rachel Jury on Cha-cha-cha, and Dan Walters and Bethan Phillips on Jive) came 12th in Division Two. President Dave Sunnucks was thrilled with the team’s performance and was enthusiastic about the year ahead: “Considering the time the Team have been in training this year, we are showing a lot of potential.”
Honours Even Settor Tengey Tennis Reporter
UWIC Men’s 1sts.......................5 CARDIFF Men’s 1sts..................5 IN AN eagerly anticipated repeat of the opening match of the season, Cardiff Men’s Tennis First team made the short trip across Cardiff to take on UWIC. Due to Cardiff’s indifferent start to the season thus far, defeat was unthinkable if they harboured any desire to avoid relegation. Cardiff got off to a good start, with their captain Gareth Knight first off court, after recording a straight sets victory over his opponent. Knight, who has arguably been Cardiff’s most consistent player this season, produced a gritty display that has come to be associated with him over the years. His unrivalled athleticism, coupled with timely forehand drives, left his opponent reeling, who eventually succumbed to a 6 - 3, 6 – 2 defeat. Next to finish his match was Chris Keelty, although he did not fare as well as Knight.
Although starting the match promisingly with a blitz of winners, it was plain that something was amiss. After losing a closely contested first set 6 - 4, and going down 3 - 1 in the second set, Keelty was forced to withdraw from the match, suffering from dizzy spells and blackouts. Hopefully this is not a serious setback for Keelty who is a pivotal member of the team. This loss left the tie at one match each. Settor Tengey was involved in a tight contest with his UWIC opponent, although seemingly dominating the match. Tengey’s mix of speed and power around the court are pleasing to the eye, and were pivotal in Cardiff’s promotion last season. After losing the first set 7 – 5; hampered by a foot injury, Tengey took inspiration from the efforts of Keelty, battling on despite eventually losing the second set 6 - 3. Tom Crowther was last to come off court, embroiled in a heated battle with the number one player from UWIC. Temperatures reached boiling point on a number of occasions, and despite losing the first set on a tiebreak to a hotly disputed line call, Crowther kept
his cool to level the match at one set all. It was one-way traffic in the third set, where Crowther’s class shone through. His 6 - 7, 6 - 2, 6 - 3 victory left the tie level at two matches each going into the doubles. Cardiff had to win at least one of these to ensure they avoided defeat. Doubles thus far this season has not been their strongest area, and fortunes were not looking up when the team of Knight and John Harvey, who had come into replace the injured Keelty lost comfortably to the UWIC pairing. The pressure was now on the number one pairing of Tengey and Crowther to ensure a positive result. The duo did not disappoint. Producing quality tennis in the tense environment, Tengey and Crowther excelled. The pair ran away with the match easily to end the contest between UWIC and Cardiff in a draw. After the match Tengey commented: “The most important thing was that we didn’t lose. Our performances were of a very high standard against good opposition, and we feel confident of continued success throughout the remainder of the season”.
BUSA Results Wed November 22 Gloucester 3 Cambridge 3 Winchester 18 M AFC 1 1 UWE 1 4 Aberystwyth 2 1 Swansea Institute 6 Gloucester 3 6 Gloucester 6 Reading 3 Gloucester 1 6 M Hockey 1 2 UWE 2 1 Aberystwyth 1 0 Bristol 4 0 W Hockey 2 1 Aberystwyth 0
5 M Badminton 1 5 W Badminton 70 W Basketball 3 Hartpury 2 M AFC 2 3 M AFC 3 3 M AFC 4 1 M AFC 5 0 W AFC 1 3 Golf 1 0 Golf 2 2 Brunel 2 M Hockey 2 2 M Hockey 3 3 M Hockey 4 3 UWIC 3 1 W Hockey 3
Lacrosse 4 Netball 2 36 UWIC 4 29 Glamorgan 3 19 M Rugby 2 38 Exeter 8 Exeter 16 M Squash 1 5 W Squash 2 UWIC 1 5 Solent 2 Trinity 2 1 M Medics Hockey 5 Swansea 3 1 Swansea 2 25 Gloucester 10 Newport 1 13
14 Bristol 29 Swansea 1 55 Netball 3 45 Netball 4 10 M Rugby 3 3 M Rugby 1 16 W Rugby 0 M Squash 2 2 Bristol 2 5 M Tennis 8 W Tennis 6 Medics AFC 2 0 Swansea 2 2 W Medics Hockey 2 52 Medics Netball 1 25 M Medics Rugby 1 18 M Medics Rugby 2
Woody’s words A note from the AU President AU CLUBS this year are raising unprecedented amounts of money for charity. Clubs are following in the illustrious footsteps of the Rowing club’s row-off during Freshers’ Week. To date, AU clubs have raised nearly £5,000 for various charities, and that figure is destined to increase as we approach the season of giving. In particular, the Netball club are hoping to raise £3,000 for Cancer Research with their saucy new calendar (now available in the Union shop, priced £4). In addition, the Kickboxing club have raised £628 for Cancer Research, while the Snooker club raised £330 for the late Paul Hunter’s patron charity, NET Foundation.
in drunken debauchery for a fantastic cause. This year’s theme is ‘What I want to be when I grow up’. Congratulations to Tae-Kwon Do, who won seven medals at the British National Championships last weekend, and to the Canoe club for finishing a club best eighth in the BUSA Championships. Meanwhile, our regular Wednesday BUSA teams continue to perform, with Ladies’ Hockey and Ladies’ Rugby remaining unbeaten.
AU clubs have raised nearly £5,000 for various charities, and that figure is destined to increase It is with great pleasure I can announce that this year’s AU Annual Auction is, for the first time, raising money for charity. Ten AU clubs will be busy over the weekend choreographing their dance routine to convince Rubber Duck punters to part with their change in aid of Sport Relief. This night is a highlight of Cardiff’s sporting calendar, and I would urge everyone to come along to Duck at 8pm to watch your favourite sports teams humiliating themselves
TAE-KWON DO: And Still...
42 gairrhydd
NOVEMBER.27.2006 SPORT@gairrhydd.COM
CARDIFF DEVILS, one of the most powerful ice hockey teams in Britain, are offering big discounts to students for their Elite League home matches this season. All students with a Cardiff NUS bearing a photograph can buy their tickets at £4 off the normal price. The tickets for all students is £8.50 for seats in the silver area, £8 for standing or seats in the bronze area. Cardiff Devils' first home match at their new rink in Cardiff Bay is on Saturday, December 2 against Newcastle Vipers. That is followed by visits from Manchester Phoenix (Wednesday, December 6) and Nottingham Panthers (Saturday, December 9). The Echo Devils team includes two players currently studying at Cardiff University. Goalie Phil Osaer and defenceman Tyson Teplitsky are both on a two-year course at Cardiff Business School. They have been key players for the Devils, who have made an outstanding start to the new season despite playing all their Elite League matches away so far. They have won eight of their 11 League matches and coach Ed Patterson says: "We've done well away, but we can do better. The home matches coming up really give us a chance to close in on the leaders - and we can be right up there at the top.” “Cardiff has a huge number of students and we’d love to see lots of them come to our new rink and get behind the team. Ice hockey is a fast, exciting sport with plenty of physical contact.” “We have a genuine chance of doing really well this season - and a big student following would be a big help.”
The Devils you know
RUGBY:All Cardiff Battle
Thirds put in place Scott D’Arcy Rugby Reporter CARDIFF Men’s 2nds................38 CARDIFF Men’s 3rds................10 BOTH TEAMS took to the field fired up for this inter-university derby, and some early crunching tackles signalled the thirds’ determination to cause an upset. The seconds, wearing the traditional black and red, were taken a little off guard as the thirds, wearing grey and blue, pressed hard and forced their way into their opponents half. The pressure paid off as the thirds drew first blood with a well kicked penalty from just outside the seconds’ twenty-two. The seconds struggled to get their
passing going and a series of knockons and handling errors occurred. The tension was palpable as a few late tackles and keenly-contested scrums were cheered on from the touchline. The seconds started to get into their rhythm midway through the first half and, although their rivals maintained some good tackling, a quality passing move led to their first try, scored by Harri Morgan and converted by Chris Jenkins. Things started to go the seconds’ way as they won scrums and lineouts, putting the pressure on the thirds’ backline, who eventually buckled again just before the end of the first half. After snappy passing out to the left wing, Dan Arthur received the ball on the overlap and drove himself over the line to score. It was not converted but the persistent crosswind may have
TAE-KWON DO: Hiiiiiiiiii-ya
Alive and Kicking Cardiff’s Tae-Kwon Do squad strike gold, silver and bronze
had some effect on the kicking. At this stage the thirds’ heads seemed to have dropped, but after the restart there was a renewed energy, following a stirring half time team talk. This was reflected in the thirds’ dogged tackling, although they were pressed back into their own twentytwo. As the seconds pushed forward again, a wayward pass opened a channel for Codey Rees to punt forward and chase all the way to the try line. He converted to take the score to 1210, and the thirds within touching distance. The seconds’ passing continued to falter but their rivals could not take advantage and after a lineout near the thirds’ try line, the seconds drove a large maul over the line with Nick Howell touching the ball down. The seconds then pulled away as their
opponents’ tackling was ineffective. A quick break after a penalty caught the seconds off guard and Johnny Gait slid over the line in the far right corner. This set up a difficult kick, which was missed by Jenkins, whose kicking was inconsistent in the wind. The seconds piled forward again, this time a seconds flanker laid the ball down, and Jenkins converted. The frustration was clear in the body language of the thirds and, after a late tackle, there was pushing between Michael Winter and Gethin Thomas, who were both yellow carded. Winter’s actions reflected the mood of his team mates, who just before the death conceded again to take the score to 38-10. The result leaves the seconds midtable in BUSA 2B.
Richard Hanson Tae-Kwon Do Reporter
heaving with every breath, held off his
CARDIFF UNIVERSITY’S Tae-Kwon Do Club struck gold at their biggest event of the year: The British Open in Sheffield. Numbers were depleted by injury and illness, but with several British and Welsh champions and a world class instructor, hopes were high and the team did not disappoint. The biggest achievement of the day was taken by Carlos Sendra. Despite having recently been crowned Welsh Champion, he was knocked out of patterns (set movements against an imaginary opponent) without a medal. Undetered, Sendra fought back to win a well deserved gold in sparring, making him the new Red Belt British Champion. This was the toughest of all categories in the Open, with startling skill and strength displayed by all fighters. Sendra took the fight to the opposition with stunning reverse turning kicks, followed up by flying combination punches. He battled hard in every fight, especially the final, with his opponent pushing him out of the ring and landing punch after hurtful punch. Holding on, an exhausted Sendra,
challenger with his long and reliable sidekicks. Also in sparring, Dave Stanton and Rob Beavin showed they were willing to fight anyone. Stanton confronted all competitors, coming forward with constant pressure. In the heavies, Beavin showed confidence with his turning kicks, making connections at an astonishing rate. James Cox won a silver in patterns and a bronze in sparring, while Hannah Murphy brought success for the girls, winning silver, also in sparring. Former British Champion, Alex Hill battled skilfully in his new (higher) category against stiff competition to secure a sparring bronze. Success was similarly attained by the club instructors. Dean Matthews (IV Dan), silver medallist at the Sydney World Championships in 2005, swept the opposition aside in patterns with his precision, technique and power to win gold. Richard Taylor (II Dan) won gold in sparring, having only recently come second in the European Championships in Greece. Both competed for Britain in the team event against Ireland, and won gold.
NOVEMBER.27.2006 SPORT@gairrhydd.COM
Hockey off the mar k Paul Hayes Hockey Reporter CARDIFF Men’s 1sts..................2 BRUNEL Men’s 1sts...................2 CARDIFF MEN’S Hockey First team grabbed their first point of the BUSA Premier season with a dramatic draw against Brunel University. Cardiff came back from behind twice in the game, scoring in the final five minutes to tie the game 2 - 2. The game started in a scrappy fashion, with an array of crunching tackles and misplaced passes. It was Cardiff who settled first, with some impressive attacking down the flanks. The work rate in the Cardiff team was exceptional, with wide men Tom Nicholas and Henry Cole winning tackles in the midfield and supporting White and Gough in attack. But the first half chances were squandered and despite Cardiff dominating much of the first half, the score
remained goalless at the interval. Ten minutes after the break, Brunel took the lead, scoring from open play with a fast counter attack. However, this did not deter the home side. Despite being without a win in BUSA this season, Cardiff showed real character and a team spirit reminiscent of last season. They remained composed on the ball and kept possession, patiently waiting for gaps in the Brunel defence. Half way through the second half, Cole found space down the left hand side and released Paul Hayes who was fouled inside the D. Cardiff’s first short corner of the half did not go to plan but Duncan Courtney reacted first to the keeper’s save and slotted home the equaliser. Immediately after the equaliser the game opened up. Cardiff found themselves on the back foot once again as the Londoners pushed forward. A barrage of Brunel attacks lead to a flurry of penalty corners, and despite some heroic defending the visitors regained the lead.
Ladies’ hot streak draws to a close against Exeter EXETER Ladies’ 1sts................19 CARDIFF Ladies 1sts................19
Desperate for a point, Cardiff adjusted their formation and played with three strikers in an attempt to rescue the game. The tactics seem to pay off as Brunel began to tire. Central defender Anthony Gough joined the attack and set free Hayes down the left. His cross was intercepted by a Brunel foot inside the D, giving Cardiff one more chance to salvage a point from the short corner. Once again, the routine was not perfect and the Brunel ‘keeper saved from the first shot; but Tom Moore reacted first and slapped home the rebound scoring his second goal of the season. Captain Hayes saluted the heroic defensive performance: “Our defence was brilliant today - they kept us in the game.” Goal scoring hero Moore explained how important the result was: “Today is a massive confidence boost. We still have every chance of staying in this league. We have given ourselves a platform now and we have to build on this result.”
Angharad Jones Rugby Reporter CARDIFF LADIES’ Rugby winning streak came to a disappointing end after only managing to secure a draw away at Exeter. After a convincing 32 - 5 victory at home to Exeter at the beginning of the season, the side were optimistic in the run up to the start of match. However, Exeter showed a marked improvement in their performance and proved difficult opposition for the undefeated Cardiff team. The match began in the home team’s favour as they relentlessly attacked inside the Cardiff half. Luckily for the visitors, Exeter conceded a penalty in the 20th minute allowing for a Cardiff line-out close to the try line. The ball was secured and scrum-
HOCKEY: Evasive Action
LACROSSE: Ladies Game
Loss for lacrosse Kate Davey & Izy Try Lacrosse Reporters
CARDIFF Lacrosse.................4 BRISTOL Lacrosse................14 HAVING RECENTLY moved into the Premiership, Cardiff Ladies’ Lacrosse faced a tough match against rivals from across the bridge, Bristol. The typically Welsh wet weather was embraced by both teams and their supporters as the players took to the field. The opening minutes saw Cardiff caught off-guard, and Bristol used this to their advantage claiming three early goals. However, Cardiff fought back through Alex Lodge, who made a great take and planted Cardiff’s first goal into the net. The game continued evenly with the ball moving from end to end with little conversion of possession.
half Ceri Hill made a break through the defensive line, off loading to winger Roz Lambe for the score. After the half time interval Cardiff came out with renewed optimism, but strict refereeing saw them give away an unforgivable amount of penalties, keeping Exeter’s hopes alive. The home team soon capitalised on this lack of discipline and after a ferocious drive they got their first points of the day. The try was converted, putting Exeter in the lead 7 5. Cardiff were undeterred and replied just minutes later when a strong forward drive pushed the ball over the line, allowing flanker Kerry Boxall to delicately ground the ball. Captain Simone Shepherd converted making the score 12 - 7 to the away side. However, Cardiff’s hard work was undone in the 55th minute, when Exeter got a converted try,
Excellent tactical play from Lisa Paul and Lydia Hartridge gave Cardiff good field positions, however the pressure applied from Bristol’s defence made chances hard to convert. In attack, Bristol broke strongly and despite some exceptional defending by Ellie Drury, Bristol snuck a further four goals past, ending the half 7 - 3. In the second half, the home side came out stronger and fashioned some creative plays. In particular, Tiree Atkinson blocked a shot and countered to Lizzie Vernon in the midfield. She carried through, evading three Bristol players and passed it to Sarah Crowley who converted. Two goals from Izy Try and Vernon gave the scoreboard a respectable look at 14 - 4, despite Bristol’s overall quality. Bath are up next for the Lacrosse team.
leaving the visitors trailing 14 - 12. The visitors breathed a sigh of relief when with just ten minutes remaining they were back in the lead. Fly-half Kat Lenan intercepted the ball, it was passed out wide to winger Anwen Harry who after dodging a number of Exeter players, scored her first try of the season. Cardiff were hopeful that they had done enough to secure their sixth victory of the season, but Exeter battled on and with just minutes remaining their scrum-half found a gap in a tired Cardiff defence, crossing the line to even the score. This ensured a nervous finish for Cardiff but thankfully for the visitors the try was unconverted and the scores remained tied. Despite only picking up one point this week, Cardiff remain at the top of the BUSA League 1A and are hopefulof getting back on track next week at home against Bristol.
g a i rr h y d d
Coverage of everything from Lacrosse to DanceSport, plus the double page Deloitte IMG Breakfast
HART ATTACK Ed Pitchforth Football Reporter
DESPITE FALLING to an agonising 3 - 1 defeat against league leaders Hartpury, Cardiff’s first team produced a battling and much-improved display. Having lost the corresponding away fixture 12 - 0, Cardiff clearly had a point to prove. And they certainly appeared to be committed during the early stages, as tackles flew in from all angles. Hartpury enjoyed plenty of possession but they were not allowed any time on the ball as Cardiff worked hard to upset their rhythm. As a result, Hartpury’s previously potent strike force were given nothing to feed from as Cardiff centre-backs Andy Wylde and Nick Bowker dealt comfortably with their threat. Promisingly, Cardiff began to wrestle control of the midfield battle, allowing them to exert pressure of their own. Left-winger Andre Stairmand looked threatening as he tormented the visiting defence with his pace. After bursting down the flank, Stairmand fired over a dangerous cross, which was sadly not converted. But the breakthrough soon arrived. A few minutes later, another Stairmand cross found winger Sean Hogan who gave Cardiff the lead with a calm finish. This was the first goal Hartpury had conceded all season and they appeared to be rattled by Cardiff’s resilience. However, the visitors soon regained their composure and almost exploited Cardiff’s previous vulnerability to a high ball. A deep cross evaded goalkeeper Cole Stacey, but luckily a defender was able to scramble clear. They continued to press strongly and were rewarded when they netted an exact replica of Cardiff’s opener. After getting back on level terms, Hartpury began to justify their table-topping status with
some impressive possession football. Undaunted, Cardiff continued to work hard and were unlucky not to regain the lead when midfielder Jack Jarvis’ opportunistic lob was tipped over the bar. The second half began at the same high tempo as the first; both sides fighting hard for the pivotal second goal. Stairmand’s fine run from inside his own half almost produced a spectacular goal, but his shot drifted just wide of the post. Then with 60 minutes gone, Cardiff should have restored their lead when striker Roberts fired wide of an empty net following a mix-up in the Hartpury defence. And Cardiff paid the ultimate price as Hartpury made it 2 - 1 shortly afterwards. An incisive cross-field ball set up a counter-attack, which culminated in a deflected strike finding the corner of the net. After finding themselves behind in a game they could easily have been winning, the Cardiff heads instantly dropped. They struggled to get back into the contest against a wellorganised and physical visiting outfit. A flattering third goal was added when the ball was bundled home after goalkeeper Stacey had kept out a curling effort at full stretch. Stacey then produced another solid save to keep the score respectable as Hartpury finished strongly. This latest defeat leaves Cardiff at the bottom of BUSA 1A with just one point, but they can take many positives from an improved performance against strong opposition. Afterwards, Cardiff’s disappointed coach observed: “As a team we played well, but we lacked concentration for the goals, and at this level if you switch off you get punished.” Meanwhile, captain Andy Wylde looked to the future by commenting: “We know we have to win all of our remaining games to avoid relegation.”
Football 1sts take shock lead against Hartpury, but succumb to unlucky defeat