Issue 1162 - Monday 7 December

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rhifyn 1162 issue 1162

7 Rhagfyr 2020 7 December 2020

gair rhydd Cardiff University’s student paper | Established 1972

Inside: Coping with bereavement during COVID-19 after the death of a loved one (page 17)

Brains to close more than 100 pubs during change in Welsh rules Tirion Davies



t has been announced by the head of Wales’ biggest brewery, Brains, that more than 100 managed Brains pubs will need to close from Friday due to the new COVID-19 restrictions introduced by the Welsh Government. Brains has stated the majority of its 1,500 staff members will need to be put on furlough as the Chief Executive Alistair Darby said the earlier Wales firebreak cost Brains £1.6m. The Welsh Government announced this week that there would be further restrictions put on pubs and restaurants across Wales in order to halt the further spread of COVID-19. The restrictions include banning the sale of alcohol and closing pubs and restaurants to customers after 18:00 each night, which is similar to the Tier 3 system the Scottish Government has in place. Despite the rule allowing four people from four households to meet indoors remaining in place, these new restrictions have dealt a devastating blow to the hospitality sector in Wales. A spokesperson for the Welsh Association of Visitor Attractions, which represents more than 70 attraction across Wales, told the BBC that the Welsh Government had not consulted tourism leaders before deciding the new COVID-19 rules. Despite this, First Minister Mark Drakeford did note that there is strong evidence to indicate that the virus is spreading within hospitality, according to various reports by the Welsh Government’s Technical Advisory Cell. The scientific advisory group for emergencies reported in September that closing bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants would have a “moderate impact” on COVID-19 transmission, though many, including pub owners have argued that transmission is not always reliant on hospitality. Brains employs around 1,500 peo-

ple, and includes 300 tenants, suppliers and regular trades people. Mr Darby told he felt the Welsh Government were “changing their mind” too often, resulting in a devastating impact on the hospitality sector across Wales. He noted that not only could this change in regulations affect staff at Brains pubs but could also have the potential to affect workers who supply the industry, such as plumbers and caterers. Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford promised firms in sectors such as hospitality would receive £340m in support, as they have been affected by the regulations. Mr Darby expressed to the BBC he doesn’t believe this figure would help companies like Brains, who will lose excess profits from these changes in regulations. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, pubs like Brains will have to do without the usual boost in business brought on by the Christmas rush. Pubs and restaurants often rely upon Christmas business to help get them through the quieter months at the beginning of the new year. The Welsh Government, however, has noted they believe the closure of hospitality businesses like pubs and restaurants could help to halt the spread of the virus, in particular ahead of the Christmas regulations, which include the bubbling up of three separate households. Welsh Health Minister Vaughan Gething also stated he understood why companies in the hospitality sector were upset by the change in regulations, though he admitted there was “no perfect balance” between protecting public health and business. Speaking to Claire Summers on BBC Breakfast, Gething added he felt it was important we go through a period of hardship so that we can “make sure more of us will be here in the future to celebrate life events”. The Welsh Government is said to re-evaluate its new regulations on December 17, ahead of the Christmas regulations.

COVID-19 vaccine: The UK is the first country in the world to have an approved COVID-19 vaccine as a result of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Source: fernandozhiminaicela (via Pixabay)

COVID-19 vaccine to be rolled out across Wales Zoe Kramer

Head of News


hree COVID-19 mass vaccination sites have been confirmed for the Cardiff area. The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which has been confirmed to be up to 95% successful, was recently announced as the first vaccine to be accepted by the British Government.

Now approved by the MHRA, the Pfizer vaccine will go through further testing to ensure each batch of the vaccine is viable, and as successful as the first. After more of the vaccine gets created in Belgium, doses will begin being rolled out to residents in Britain from as soon as this week. Residents and staff at care homes will be the first to receive the vaccine, with over-80s and those with pre-existing

medical issues following shortly after. Residents in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan will have three vaccination centres to choose from when mass vaccination becomes more normal in the new year. Turn to page 3 to read more about the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine, when it will be rolled out across Britain, and the Welsh vaccination cen3 tres near you.

Senedd petition Eisteddfod yr Urdd Success of The threshold raised 2021 wedi'i ohurio Queen's Gambit Hallum Cowell Head of Politics


t's about to get a lot harder for members of the public to petition the Senedd to debate popular issues after the threshold for debate was raised to 10,000 signatures. The Senedd Petitions Committee said that “a significant increase in the number of petitions” and limited opportunities to debate had contributed to the change. Currently, however, none of the active petitions on the Senedd website have enough signatures to be debated under the new plans. To read more about the new Senedd petition threshold, be sure to turn to page 10. 10

Aled Biston

Molly Govus

Pennaeth Taf-od

Head of Comment


ganlyniad i'r pandemig COVID-19 eleni, mae Urdd Gobaith Cymru wedi cyhoeddi ei bod am gohurio Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2021 yn Ninbych. Yn sgil y pandemig, mae'r Urdd wedi sôn ei bod yn poeni am ddiogelwch, ac wedi felly cymryd y camau i ddal yr Eisteddfod ar-lein, yn debyg i eleni, o ganlyniad i lwyddiant Eisteddfod T nôl ym mis Mawrth. Aled sy'n ymchwilio i'r cyhoeddiad gan yr Urdd, a'r camau sydd i ddal Eisteddfod wahanol eleni. I ddarllen yn fwy am Eisteddfod yr Urdd Dinbych 2021, ewch i dudalen 8.



ollowing the success of Netflix's new show, The Queen's Gambit, Gair Rhydd takes a look at why the show has been so popular . Between an introduction to the world of chess for many, and a strong female character taking the lead, the Netflix hit quickly became the streaming platform's top-performing show. But what about it exactly has pulled at the heartstrings of millions of viewers across the globe? Find out more! To read about The Queen's Gambit, it's reach, and its impact, turn to page 15. 15



At Gair Rhydd we take seriously our responsibility to maintain the highest possible standards. We may occasionally make mistakes, however if you believe we have fallen below the standards we seek to uphold, please email Opinions expressed in editorials and opinion pieces are not reflective of Cardiff Student Media, who act as the publisher of Gair Rhydd in legal terms, and should not be considered official communications or the organisation’s stance. Gair Rhydd is a Post Office registered newspaper.

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A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Meghan Markle’s article on miscarriage is needed

Disclaimer: This article covers topics some readers may find disturbing. If you have been affected by any of the topics in this article please don’t hesitate to contact student support on


he Duchess of Sussex addressed the world last week and opened up about one of the hardest things anyone could go through – a miscarriage. In a piece for the New York Times titled ‘The Losses We Share’, the Duchess revealed that she had suffered a miscarriage in July, writing, “I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second”. Similarly, American presenter and model Chrissy Teigen, revealed in October that she and her singer husband John Legend had experienced their own child loss, in an essay uploaded to her Instagram and Twitter accounts. Following both instances, many took to social media to address how they felt about the Duchess of Sussex and Chrissy Teigen opening up about miscarriage. Although many showed their support, noting that the two addressing the topic helped to normalise miscarriage, some disputed this and noted they felt ‘uncomfortable’ by the frank discussion.

According to UK-based charity Tommy’s, an estimated one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, and the topic is still very much considered a taboo. Tommy’s midwife Sophie King told that “mothers like Meghan sharing their stories is a vital step in breaking down that stigma and shame”. A miscarriage shouldn’t be hidden. It is painful enough, without being told you must hide that pain. Celebrities such as the Duchess of Sussex and Chrissy Teigen don’t reveal they have suffered a miscarriage in order to reach headlines; they are doing so because it helps them to grieve, or because they know someone else who is grieving will appreciate hearing that it happens to everyone, regardless of status. Miscarriages shouldn’t be a taboo subject. Little is known about why miscarriages occur, but there is hardly ever a reason. There is no blame, and yet it can often feel as though those who have miscarried are meant to grieve in silence, with the weight of feeling as though it was their fault. If we don’t have the discussion about miscarriage the way Chrissy Teigen and the Duchess of Sussex are attempting to do, few will realise how common child loss is, and how many others need to hear theirs is not an isolated incident.

Mae erthygl camesgoriad Meghan Markle yn un hynod o bwysig


New alcohol ban begins in pubs across Wales (p.3)


Rhybudd: Mae’r erthygl hon yn drafod rhai materion gall effeithio ar rhai ddarllenwyr. Os ydych wedi’ch heffeithio gan materion yr erthygl hon, sicrhewch eich bod yn danfon neges yn syth at fel iddynt eich helpu lle’n briodol.

Ymgyrch ‘Het i Helpu’ Urdd Gobaith Cymru (t.9)


Senedd petition threshold raised (p.10)



Is the alcohol ban in Wales a good thing? (p.15)


Becoming body confident over Christmas (p.16)


Baby’s brain development affected by mother’s stress (p.19)


Celebrating a COVID-19 affected Christmas (p.22)


Welsh Rugby Union: a year in review (p.25)

Colled plentyn: Wnaeth y Dduges Sussex drafod y camesgoriad wnaeth hi ddioddef ym Mis Orffennaf yn y ‘New York Times’. Tarddiad: Mark Jones (drwy Wikimedia Commons)

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Child loss: The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, recently revealed she had suffered a miscarriage in July. Source: Mark Jones (via Wikimedia Commons)

ythnos diwethaf, ceir sôn gan Meghan Markle, Dduges Sussex, ei bod wedi delio gydag un o’r pethau anoddach i fenyw: camesgoriad. Wrth drafod gyda’r New York Times yn erthygl dan y teitl ‘The Losses We Share’, sonia’r Dduges ei bod wedi delio gyda’r camesgoriad ym mis Orffennaf, yn sôn, “wrth imi dal fy nghyntaf-anedig, yr oeddwn yn ymwybodol fy mod ar fin colli fy ail blentyn”. Ym mis Hydref, wnaeth model Chrissy Teigen sôn ar Instagram bod hi a’i gwr, John Legend, wedi delio gyda cholled plentyn, ar ôl iddi fynd i’r ysbyty yn dioddef problemau gyda’i beichiogrwydd. Wedi i’r ddwy nodi eu bod wedi colli’u plant, wnaeth nifer sôn ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol am sut yr oeddynt yn teimlo am y cyfaddefiadau. Er oedd nifer yn gefnogol, yn sôn bod y ddwy’n trafod camesgoriad yn helpu i wneud y topig yn un fwy arferol i bawb sydd wedi dioddef o gamesgoriad, wnaeth

nifer hefyd nodi eu bod yn teimlo’n ‘anghyfforddus’ gan y drafodaeth. Yn ôl elusen Brydeinig Tommy’s, mae un ymhob pedwar menyw beichiog yn ddioddef camesgoriad, ond mae’r drafodaeth dal i’w ystyried yn taboo. Mae’n annheg, hyd yn oed heddiw, bod dal gwarthnod wrth drafod camesgoriad. Ni ddylai fod camesgoriadau’n gorfod cael eu cuddio. Mae’n ddigon poenus, heb orfod cuddio’r poen. Nid yw enwogion megis Chrissy Teigen a’r Dduges Sussex yn nodi eu bod wedi dioddef o gamesgoriad i fod yn y papurau; mae nifer yn drafod eu camesgoriad er mwyn agor y drafodaeth a gwneud yn siŵr bod pobl yn ymwybodol bod hi’n arferol ac oherwydd ei bod yn helpu nhw i alaru. Does dim llawer o wybodaeth am pam bod camesgoriadau’n ddigwydd, ond yn arferol, nid oes rheswm. Nad oes bai, a ni ddylai bod rhaid i’r rhai sy’n ddioddef camesgoriad teimlo fel bod rhaid iddynt alaru yn dawelwch, yn teimlo fel nhw sydd â’r bai. Os nad ydynt yn dechrau’r drafodaeth am gamesgoriad, yn y ffordd ceisiodd Chrissy Teigen a’r Dduges Sussex, ni fydd pobl yn ymwybodol o ba mor gyffredin yw colled plentyn, a faint o bobl dylai clywed nad yw eu dioddefaint yn ddigwyddiad unig.



COVID-19 vaccine to be rolled out in Wales

Three testing sites will administer the vaccine within the month Zoe Kramer

Head of News


hree COVID-19 vaccination mass testing sites have been confirmed for the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan area. The testing sites will be located in Cardiff and Vale Therapy Centre in Splott, as well as Pentwyn Leisure Centre and Holm View Leisure Centre in Barry. The vaccine in question is the Pfizer model, which has been approved by the MHRA and supposedly offers up to 95% protection against the virus. The UK will be the first country to roll out the vaccine. The health board has confirmed that social care workers and care homes will be prioritised during the first stages of the vaccine’s roll out. Around 265,000 individuals will be elligible for the vaccine during this stage, as determined by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). This roll-out will take an estimated 9-12 months to be fully executed. Priority groups will be identified by the JCVI and asked to book an appointment. The vaccine is expected to involve two doses administered 28 days apart. A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said on Wednesday:

COVID-19 vaccine: The UK will be the first country to roll out the Pfizer vaccine. Source: fernandozhiminaicela (via Pixabay) “The Government has today accepted able. the recommendation from the inde“The vaccine will be made available pendent Medicines and Healthcare across the UK from next week.” products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) The order in which the vaccine is to approve Pfizer/BioNTech’s Cov- administered is expected to go as folid-19 vaccine for use. lows: “This follows months of rigorous Older adults in nursing homes and clinical trials and a thorough analysis care home workers; individuals 80+ of the data by experts at the MHRA years of age and health and social care who have concluded that the vaccine workers; individuals 75+ years of age; has met its strict standards of safety, individuals 70+ years of age; individuquality and effectiveness. als 65+ years of age; high-risk adults “The Joint Committee on Vaccina- under 65 years of age; moderate-risk tion and Immunisation (JCVI) will adults under 65 years of age; individushortly also publish its latest advice als 60+ years of age; individuals 55+ for the priority groups to receive the years of age; individuals 50+ years of vaccine, including care home resi- age; the rest of the population. dents, health and care staff, the elderly The Splott centre is expected to and the clinically extremely vulner- begin administering the vaccines this

month, while the Pentwyn and Barry centres are expected to begin during January. Once operational, the centres will be open seven days a week. Fiona Kinghorn, Director of Public Health at Cardiff and Vale UHB, said: “Covid-19 has been a big part of our lives over the last year and this is promising news that we are now in a position to deliver a vaccination when it becomes available. “A lot of work has been going on behind the scenes to identify suitable venues, recruit staff, set up a booking line and implement processes for the storage and transportation of the vaccination to get us ready to protect the population of Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. “While the vaccination programme will take time it is important that we all still adhere to the Welsh Government and Public Health Wales guidance and ensure we are social distancing, washing our hands regularly and wearing face coverings in public places to limit the spread of the virus.” First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “Last week, the NHS in Wales carried out a large and successful test of all the practical things, which will need to be in place once a vaccine is given the go-ahead. He added that this “could be as early as this week and we will be ready for it”.

The Welsh prohibition: new alcohol ban in Wales Dominic Williams News Editor


fter pubs re-opened in Wales on 9 November after the two-week long firebreaker, First Minister Mark Drakeford has announced Welsh pubs, restaurants, and cafes will be banned from serving alcohol from 4 December and will be unable to open to customers beyond 18.00 GMT. With English pubs set to re-open with tier’d restrictions, the Welsh hospitality sector is set to close not long after reopening. Although the first minister has announced the new rules to tackle a rise in Coronavirus cases, and without changes, there could be between 1000 and 1,700 deaths over the winter. Even though there has been a Prohibition of alcohol in pubs, businesses can offer a takeaway service after 18.00, and if they have an off-license can sell takeaway alcohol up until 22.00.

Prohibition: Pubs and restaurants will no longer be able to serve alcohol. Source: kaicho20 (via Pixabay) With many pubs closing at one of the will offer firms in the hospitality, tourbusiest times of the year, there could be ism, and leisure sectors that pay nona huge effect on the health and well-be- domestic rates grants of up to £5000. ing, and mental state of staff members The Welsh Government estimated who have to provide for families and the around 60,000 businesses with a ratepotential of many pubs going bust. able value of under £150,000 would reFinancial support has been offered ceive the support, while a ‘’sector-speto the hospitality sector under the new cific’’ £180m economic resilience fund restrictions. A £340m fund has been would be made available. announced by the First Minister The Also the Welsh Government said £160m ‘’Restrictions Business Fund’’ small and medium-sized businesses

meeting the criteria could receive up to £100,000, while larger firms could receive up to a maximum of £150,000. The first minister also that the all-Wales seven-day incidence rate was 187 cases per 100,000 people. Furthermore, this was only increasing because from 30 November, that had risen to almost 201 cases per 100,000. The numbers of cases were not only beginning to climb in young people but also in the over 60’s in most parts of Wales. Although Business groups said the move would devastate Wales’ hospitality industry, with closures “guaranteed”. Groups have also wanted the First Minister to provide scientific evidence behind the closure of the hospitality sector. Along with pubs, bingo halls, bowling alleys, soft play centres, casinos, skating rinks, and amusement arcades will also have to close. The decision will be reviewed on 17 December.

Police fine drivers breaking COVID-19 guidelines Zoe Kramer

Head of News


uring the first 24 hours of random checks on vehicles in Cardiff, police have stopped 110 drivers. The total number rose to over 200 over the weekend. From 9:00 last Friday, police officers in Cardiff were given the power to stop drivers in an effort to fine those individuals from outside Wales. This enforcement is intended to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to Wales from high-risk areas. Travel to and from England is currently illegal. The “firebreak” lockdown ended on 9 November, reopening bars, restaurants and other businesses, a freedom no longer granted. These temporary extra powers, afforded under regulation 33 of

the Health Protection restrictions, were given as a result of reports regarding groups who had travelled to Cardiff from regions where pubs and bars were closed. Police reported handing out 12 fixed penalty notices, and issued a further 15 warnings to leave the city. The individuals found in violation of these guidelines included travellers from Essex who were delivering Christmas presents, as well as a group looking to visit their friends at university. Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Chief Superintendent Wendy Gunney said: “I would like to thank the vast majority of people who are enjoying their weekend with caution and within the confines of the existing regulations, but those not adhering to the rules are continuing to put others at increased risk. “The measures which are in place

are in place for a reason. Our checks will continue throughout the weekend, and anybody blatantly flouting the rules, which have been made very clear, face being fined.” Cardiff has also seen a larger police presence as of late, with more officers being dispatched. Other fixed penalties have been issued over house parties and large gatherings breaking the current COVID-19 guidelines. Supt Jason Rees said: “The past few months have been difficult for us all, and with the rules having relaxed slightly, non-essential business reopening and Christmas just around the corner, it’s understandable that people will want to get out and about and enjoy all our city has to offer. “The vast majority are doing so with caution and within the confines of the existing regulations, but those not adhering to the rules

are continuing to put others at increased risk. “We are anticipating another busy weekend in our city centre, and while we will continue to adopt the policing style we have throughout the pandemic - working with the public to encourage voluntary



Zoe Kramer

Luthien Evans

Sam Portillo

Dominic Williams compliance - we are committed to enforcing where blatant and flagrant breaches occur.” Pubs and restaurants will be closing at 6 starting on Friday, the 4th of December, and alcohol will no longer be served at these establishments.

Police action: Over 200 drivers were stopped over the weekend. Source: Jon Candy (via Wikimedia Commons)



Shops allowed Polls show increased support for Welsh Independence stay open 24 dent argued his opinion on Welsh Dominic Williams independence claiming he would News Editor “not particularly” vote for Welsh hours over Independence. Furthermore “Wales s the Coronavirus pandemic could not sustain itself on its own, Christmas has shown devolution in the not because of resources and wealth U.K has never been more evi- but purely down to leadership and dent. With the Welsh Government lack of momentum. Also that the to allow for having more power over their own “nationalist campaign is fuelled by Welsh Independence has anti Europe/anti immigrant hatred shopping rush country, crept into the mainstream. in wales.’’ Also, “it boils down to the YesCymru’s membership has Brexit issue and the betrayal of the


Luthien Evans News Editor


t has been confirmed that over the Christmas period shops will be granted the permission to remain open and trade 24 hours a day. This has been granted for the economic purpose of recovering some of the losses caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This has helped the bypassing of the normal procedure for extending the trading window going through the local authorities. The process will allow a temporary waiver of these rules, although businesses are not obliged and can remain open within the normal window solely. In addition to the economic relief this change may bring for businesses, it has been discussed that it may bring relief for the shoppers too. Communities Secretary, Robert Jenrick, has discussed with the Daily Telegraph, that “with these changes local shops can open longer, ensuring more pleasant and safer shopping with less pressure on public transport.” Allowing the extension may reduce the heavy traffic in peak times, allowing for a spread through the day, allowing greater adhering to social distancing rules. Jenrick continued by stating, “As local government secretary I am relaxing planning restrictions and issuing an unambiguous request to councils to allow businesses to welcome us into their glowing stores late into the evening and beyond.” The economic pressures caused by the COVID lockdowns has caused immense stress on the highstreet. The inability to open has left many companies and groups, such as the Arcadia Group, to be on ‘the brink of collapse’. Primark has been one of the most vocal businesses around the subject of the new 24 hour regulations. They have stated they intend to have eleven shops open for extended hours during the Christmas period. Primark faced huge losses during the pandemic due to not having an online store. The stores staying open longer are: Trafford, York Monks Cross, Leeds White Rose, Bluewater, Lakeside, Birmingham Fort, Meadowhall, Stratford, White City, Charleton, and Gateshead Metrocentre. Many supermarkets are also using this period to extend their hours. Sainsbury’s and Marks and Spencer will extend their hours of trade. Tesco have stated that 300 stores will use the entire 24 hour period to be open. This 24-hour capacity comes in the wake of pubs and restaurants being required to close at 6pm as well as to stop serving alcohol. The two industries will be facing very different economic climates during this holiday season, and likely into the new year.

grown from 2,000 members at the start of the year to 14,000 in November, with some polls showing support for Wales is currently at an all-time high. Furthermore, a YouGov poll found that almost a third of people in Wales would vote for Independence. According to the poll, support for Welsh Independence is strong in the South, with 37% of South Wales West and 36% of Cardiff and South Central in favor of Welsh Independence. The Chair of YesCymru Siôn Jobbins, has said there is a “sense of momentum in the young”, adding “I really 100% believe in my lifetime Wales will be an independent country. I actually think the momentum around this is becoming an unstoppable force.” While the figure stands at 27% in North Wales and 34% in Mid and West Wales, it is important to get an overall view on the matter. A Welsh Cardiff University Stu-

working class in Wales.’’

In my lifetime Wales will be an independent country...the momentum is becoming an unstoppable force. Siôn Jobbins Chair of YesCymru

While another Welsh resident argued that “It’s obviously a nice idea, I don’t think it should happen. We’d go straight from being under English sovereignty to bring under EU sovereignty, so there is less chance of independence.’’ Finally, while Cardiff seemed to have a large percentage of people wanting Welsh Independence, a Cardiff resident said “I have lived in

Independence: A march for Independence last year. Source: Ifan Morgan Jones (via Wikimedia Commons)

Wales all my life I think I can safely say I love this country. I love its unique culture, the language and its people. Yet the growing murmur of independence has never made me so worried about its future. In the world we live in today, where we have worked so far towards unity and co-prosperity for all, independence would undo everything we have worked towards. Independence would show an ever inclusive world that Wales has turned it’s back on togetherness and community. Of course, Wales is a different nation to England and it rightly deserves that recognition but independence is not and will not be the answer we seek as a nation. It is nothing more than a nationaIist pipe dream that threatens the very livelihoods that make Wales what it is but still the movement is gaining traction. It would be the biggest act of self destruction

our country has ever undergone, leaving a union for which we have been apart of for 1200 years.

It’s obviously a nice idea, I don’t think it should happen. We’d go straight from being under English sovereignty to bring under EU sovereignty.” “Let’s work out our differences and build towards a stronger and more prosperous United Kingdom with Wales at its beating heart. Say no to independence and yes to union and unity.’’

Cardiff University’s main building used for filming Luthien Evans News Editor


n November 25 the main building of Cardiff University was transformed into a colonial era building for the filming of Sky One’s A Discovery of Witches. The TV show is produced by Sky TV and Bad Wolf Productions. Previous seasons of A Discovery of Witches have also been produced and filmed in Wales. From the Welsh branch of Pinewood Studios and Wolf Studios in Cardiff. Scenery has also been used of the Brecon Beacons in the show. Workers were seen amending the set on November 25 to create the scenery and set pieces. The replication of the architecture common to southern US cities like New Orleans. The set was improved with the addition of fake greenery to the winter

Main Building: Cardiff University once again becomes the set for a TV show. Source: Philip Halling (via Geograph) trees located at the Main Building. A Discovery of Witches is a Sky TV show based on the book series of the same name by Deborah Harkness. The show follows a historian who discovers a bewitched manuscript and

is then taken into a world of magic. The show stars actors such as Matthew Goode and Teresa Palmer. The second season is set to air in January 2021. Cardiff University’s buildings and

the surrounding areas have made television multiple times. From Sherlock to Doctor Who to big Blockbuster films. The University Main Building was featured in the 10th season of Doctor Who. The building however was named in the show as ‘St Luke’s University, Bristol’. The city and the university have featured heavily on the BBC drama Sherlock too. Many Cardiff buildings have been masked as London properties, as well as using The National Museum masked as the ‘National Antiques Museum’ featured in season 1. The Sherlock team also turned Cardiff Student Union into a fictional hospital for season 4. In late 2019, Mark Wahlberg was seen in Cardiff filming for a Hollywood blockbuster called Infinite. Newport Street was closed for public access and a car chase scene was supposedly filmed.

83 Welsh beaches awarded “excellent” water quality rating Sam Portillo News Editor


his year, government agency Natural Resources Wales have awarded 83 beaches in the country an “excellent” bathing water rating, the same number as in 2019. The fieldwork involved five tests at each beach between 22 June and 30 September, providing data to be analysed in a specialist laboratory. In 2015, the standards for bathing water in Wales were raised, meaning beaches must be even cleaner to receive an “excellent” rating. In recent years, the fieldwork has begun in May, but was pushed back due to logistical difficulties and safety concerns around coronavirus, getting underway a month later instead. Clare Pillman, CEO of Natural Resources Wales, explained the significance of the results to WalesOnline.

Sufficient: Jackson’s Bay was one of seven Welsh beaches to receive the lowest grade of bathing water quality. Source: Sionk (via Wikimedia Commons) “This year’s results show how hard we and our partners are working both locally and nationally but also the tremendous dedication that our organisations have to an important environmental service,” she said. “We look forward to Wales continuing to work as a team to protect and im-

prove our beaches and the benefits they bring to us.” According to the agency, there are five main sources of water pollution affecting beaches in Wales: sewage from water overflows or system failures; drainage from farms and agricultural land, which can contain ma-

nure if not properly processed; waste from animals at the location such as dogs and birds; drainage from populated areas; domestic sewage. 83 beaches were given an “excellent” rating this year, equating to 79 percent of all surveyed, including tourist favourites Southerndown, Saundersfoot and both Tenby North and Tenby South. North Wales hotspot and subject of Phillip Larkin’s poetry Prestatyn also received the best possible rating. A further 15 beaches (14 percent) received a “good” rating for their quality of bathing water, including Swansea Bay. Seven meanwhile received the lowest possible rating, “sufficient”, suggesting that work needs to be done to improve the purity of water. Included in the seven were Jackson’s Bay in Barry Island and Abergele, near the location of this year’s I’m a Celebrity set, Gwrych Castle.

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taf od

Barn y Bobol

Gyda chyfyngiadau COVID-19 wedi eu cyhoeddi gan Lywodraeth cymru, rydym yn gofyn barn myfyrwyr am yr hawl i gymysgu gyda tai eraill dros y gwyliau. Bydd myfyrwyr gallu teithio gartref dechrau wythnos yma, felly beth mae ein darllenwyr ni yn meddwl? Dyma farn Beth, Owain a Beca

Beth Williams

Myfyrwraig y flwyddyn gyntaf, Saeasneg a Newyddiaduraeth Yn dilyn blwyddyn mor anodd â hon, fuasai’n braf cael profiadau normalrwydd yn ystod cyfnod y Nadolig. Cyn belled â bod pobl yn cadw at fesurau pellter cymdeithasol tan y cyfnod hwn, credaf fod y cynllun yn gallu cael ei gyfiawnhau. Buasai’n gallach i wario cyfnod llai o amser gyda chartrefi eraill os maent yn cynnwys grwpiau sydd mewn risg, fel yr henoed. Er hyn, teimlaf fod newyddion am ddosbarthiad y brechlyn am arwain at rhai pobl i gymdeithasu tu allan i’r cyfnod o bum diwrnod ac y tri thŷ mae’r llywodraeth wedi’u caniatáu.

Iwan Kellett

Myfyriwr y flwyddyn gyntaf, Cemeg Ar ôl blwyddyn reit anodd i bawb, mae cymryd mantais ar ŵyl fel Nadolig yn gyfle gwych i wella iechyd meddwl y rhai sy’n ei ddathlu. Yn enwedig yn dilyn y newyddion bod brechiad wedi cael ei gymeradwyo. Efallai bydd yn saffach i ni gymysgu. Ond mae’n rhaid gofyn pa mor addas yw hi i ni ddathlu’r Nadolig a chymysgu hyd at 3 tŷ pan na gafodd rhai o grefyddau eraill dathlu eu gwyliau pwysig nhw, megis Eid, Diwali a Hannukah sydd yn gorffen dim ond wythnos cyn y ‘dolig.

Beca Nia

Myfyrwraig y flwyddyn gyntaf, Cymraeg a Newyddiaduraeth Ar ôl y flwyddyn ddwys hon, gallaf ddeall pam fod pwysau ar y Llywodraeth i geisio cynnal rhyw ymdeimlad o normalrwydd eleni - a hynny drwy beidio â gohirio’r Nadolig. Ond, popeth ond “normal” oedd ac yw 2020, ac felly dwi’n siŵr y buasai pawb yn deall os na fuasai’r Nadolig eleni fel yr arferol. Dwi’m yn credu y gwneith llacio’r rheolau ddadwneud unrhyw waith caled, ond mi wneith wneud ychydig o ddifrod achos anodd yw disgwyl i’r boblogaeth ddilyn y rheolau’n gyfan gwbl... Dwi’n credu bod y syniad yn un neis, ond ddim yn ddelfrydol iawn a dim ond oedi’r broses o normaleiddio’r byd y gwneith o, er lles dathlu un diwrnod.

Pêl-droed: Chris Gunter yn agosau at 100 o gapiau dros Gymru (tudalen 9)


Cefnogi busnesau bach yn rhithiol eleni

Ni fydd ffeiriau Nadolig yn cael eu cynnal yn ffisegol y flwyddyn hon Alaw Fflur Jones Golygydd Taf-od


r gwaetha’r coronafeirws, mae dathliadau’r Nadolig yn parhau! Mae 2020 wedi bod yn flwyddyn anodd i bawb yn sgil goblygiadau’r feirws. Ond a ninnau ar drothwy’r Nadolig, mae busnesau bach Cymru yn ‘ddibynnol’ ar gefnogaeth pobl leol wrth brynu ar gyfer eu hanwyliaid eleni. Fel rheol, byddai busnesau bach yn brysur iawn ar hyn o bryd yn mynychu digwyddiadau a ffeiriau Nadolig lleol. Ond yn sgil cyfyngiadau iechyd a diogelwch y feirws mae wedi bod yn amhosib cynnal digwyddiadau wyneb yn wyneb eleni. Ond, er gwaetha’r heriau, mae cymunedau a busnesau bach Cymru wedi llwyddo i harnesu ar rym y we drwy gynnal ffeiriau a digwyddiadau rhithiol. Ac mae’r digwyddiadau rhithiol a phŵer y cyfryngau cymdeithasol wedi bod yn arwyddocaol, yn ôl Crefftau’r Dyffryn wrth ‘achub busnesau bach’. Esboniodd Crefftau’r Dyffryn, menter newydd a sefydlwyd dros y cyfryngau cymdeithasol adeg y cyfnod clo yn Felinfach, Ceredigion. ‘Dwi’n credu bod y pandemig wedi gwneud i bob oedran ystyried o ddifri i gefnogi’r busnesau lleol, ac mae’r digwyddiadau rhithiol wedi dangos bod un rhywbeth yn bosib.’ Gyda mwy o bobl yn

ystyried cefnogi busnesau lleol, yn ôl Internet Retailing, mae 55% o gartrefi yn y DU wedi cynyddu eu gwariant gyda busnesau lleol ers dechrau’r pandemig. Mae’r agwedd gynyddol tuag at siopa’n lleol yn ganolog i lwyddiant y digwyddiadau rhithiol, sydd yn ôl Crefftau’r Dyffryn, ‘O gymorth mawr, wrth imi dderbyn sawl archeb Nadolig.’ Mae L-P-D, busnes arall o Geredigion hefyd wedi elwa’n fawr o’r digwyddiadau rhithiol. Roedd L-P-D yn rhan o un o’r digwyddiadau rhithiol cyntaf sef ffair Crefftwyr Aberystwyth a fu’n ‘lwyddiannus iawn’. Ond gyda mwy o bobl yn dilyn yr un trywydd, esboniodd, ‘mae gormod o ddigwyddiadau rhithiol yn digwydd mewn ffordd, gyda busnesau yn gwrthdaro yn lle cyd-weithio. A gyda chymaint o ffeiriau gwahanol yn cael eu cynnal, mae Facebook cwsmeriaid yn gorlifo ac felly dyw’r cwsmeriaid chwaith ddim yn gwybod ble i ddechrau edrych’ Mae L-P-D yn ddiolchgar iawn bod pobl yn awyddus i ‘gefnogi busnesau bach’ ond os yw’r digwyddiadau rhithiol am barhau, ‘mae angen pawb i gydweithio a bod yn glyfar wrth farchnata er mwyn sicrhau fod y digwyddiadau yn llwyddiannus i bawb’ Oni bai am y digwyddiadau rhithiol a’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol, ni fyddai busnesau, Crefftau’r Dyffryn a L-P-D yn bodoli. Esboniodd Crefftau’r Dyffryn, fod y cyfryngau cymdeithasol

Siopa gwahanol: Bydd rhaid siopa arlein eleni. Tarddiad: pxfuel ‘wedi chwarae rhan allweddol wrth sefydlu’r busnes’. Yn yr un modd, dywedodd L-P-D, ‘dwi ddim yn credu fydde fy musnes bach i wedi goroesi eleni heb y cyfryngau cymdeithasol’. Er eu bod yn ‘ddiolchgar iawn’ bod pobl yn dewis cefnogi busnesau lleol trwy’r cyfnod ansicr hwn. Mae ‘naws y Nadolig yn cael ei golli tu ôl i’r sgrin’. Felly edrychai’r busnesau bach ymlaen at ddychwelyd i ddigwyddiadau wyneb yn wyneb yn y dyfodol agos gan obeithio cwrdd a sgwrsio â’u cwsmeriaid

unwaith eto er mwyn teilwra eu cynnyrch ar eu cyfer. Heb amau, mae’n siŵr bod y cyfnod yma wedi bod yn heriol iawn iddynt, gyda’u bydau wedi troi ar eu pennau cyn iddynt sylweddoli, bydd dychwelyd at normalrwydd cyn gynted â phosib yn dda i’r busnesau a hefyd eu cwsmeriaid, yn ogystal. Felly, a hithau’n ddiwrnod cenedlaethol cefnogi busnesau bach ddydd Sadwrn 5 Rhagfyr, ewch ati i siopa’n lleol gan gefnogi eich busnesau lleol.

Yr Elyrch yn ceisio hedfan i’r Uwch Gynghrair Aled Biston

Pennaeth Taf-od


edi bron iddynt ddyrchafu i Uwch Gynghrair Lloegr llynedd, mae CPD Abertawe wedi dechrau’r tymor yma fel gorffennon nhw’r diwethaf, yn gryf. Pan ysgrifennwyd yr erthygl hon, mae Abertawe ond wedi colli 3 gêm allan o 15. Maen nhw wedi cael dechreuad gwych i’r tymor, ond beth sydd wedi galluogi ei llwyddiant hyd at hyn? Mae’r Elyrch wedi bod yn llwyddiannus yn dod a chwaraewyr newydd i’r clwb y tymor yma, er bod llawer ohonynt ar fenthyg o glybiau eraill. Mae Morgan Gibbs-White, Freddie Wood-

man, Marc Guehi, Viktor Gyökeres a Kasey Palmer i gyd ar fenthyg i’r Elyrch tymor yma. Ar y llaw arall, mae Ryan Bennett, Ryan Manning, Korey Smith, Jamal Lowe, Joel Latibeaudiere wedi dod i Stadiwm y Liberty ar gytundebau parhaol. Yn wahanol i hafau’r gorffennol, mae Abertawe wedi dod mewn a llawer o chwaraewyr newydd sydd yn siwtio system chwarae o dan reolaeth Steve Cooper. Mae Abertawe wedi bod yn gweithredu system 3-5-2 eleni, gyda’r ‘wingbacks’ yn troi’n asgellwyr wrth ymosod. Mae un o’r chwaraewyr canol cae yn aros nôl i gynnig cymorth i’r amddiffyn, felly mae cydbwysedd yn yr ymosod ar amddiffyn trwy’r amser. Yn ogystal â gweithredu’r system newydd

Dyrchafiad: Abertawe yn dathlu dyrchafu i Uwch Gynghrair Lloegr yn 2011. Tarddiad: Rhysowainwilliams (drwy Wikimedia Commons)

yma, mae cadw Andre Ayew dros yr haf wedi bod yn allweddol i ymosod Abertawe, mae ef wedi sgorio 6 gôl tymor yma, y pumed mwyaf yn y gynghrair. Y peth mwyaf trawiadol am chwarae Abertawe y tymor yma yw’r ffordd y maen nhw wedi tynhau ei amddiffyn ac ildio ond 9 gôl, er i ddau amddiffynnwr allweddol, Mike van der Hoorn a Joe Rodon, gadael yr Elyrch. Ym mis Medi, nid oedd Yr Elyrch wedi ildio ôl o gwbl, testament i faint o dda oedd yr amddiffyn o’r cychwyn y tymor yma. Mae ychwanegu Ryan Bennett i amddiffyn sydd yn gymharol ifanc, wedi mewnosod profiad i fur amddiffynnol Abertawe, ac mae’r cymysgiad o chwaraewyr ifanc cyffrous a chwaraewyr profiadol yn creu amddiffyn da. Ers darostyngiad Abertawe i’r ail gynghrair, maen nhw wedi gweld hi’n anodd darganfod prif sgoriwr parhaol Dechrau eu tymor gyntaf yn yr ail gynghrair, roedd oli McBurnie yn sgorio goliau di-ri, ond wedyn cafodd ei werthu i Sheffield United. Yn eu hail dymor, roedd Borja Baston yn dda ar ddechrau’r tymor, ond gadawodd e fi Aston Villa. Wedyn, roedd Rhian Brewster wedi dod ar fenthyg ym mis Ionawr a sgorio 11 gôl mewn 22 gêm. Felly mae dau chwaraewr wedi bod at Stadiwm y Liberty ond maen nhw wedi bod yna am gyfnod byr yn unig. Ond, dros y ddwy flynedd diwethaf mae An-

dre Ayew wedi selio ei hun fel prif sgoriwr Yr Elyrch, er nad yw’n ymosodwr confensiynol. Llynedd, sgoriodd Ayew 18 gôl i’r Elyrch, ac mae e dal i sgorio tymor yma. Gyda Jamal Lowe ar ei bwys yn yr ymosod, a’r chwaraewr ifanc Liam Cullen i ddod oddi ar y fainc, mae gan Yr Elyrch lu o opsiynau ymosodol. Efallai’r peth anoddach mae Abertawe wedi darganfod y tymor hwn yw perfformio’n gyson. Er bod yr elyrch ond wedi colli 3 allan o 15 hyd at hyn, maen nhw wedi cael 5 gem gyfartal ac ennill 7. Mewn nifer o gemau, ac fel arfer yn erbyn gwrthwynebwyr byddwch yn disgwyl i Abertawe guro, nad yw tîm Steve Cooper wedi perfformio o’r safon ddisgwyliedig. Maen nhw wedi colli yn erbyn Middlesborough a Huddersfield, timau y byddwch yn disgwyl i Abertawe curo, enwedig y tymor yma. I fod yn deg i Cooper, mae rhaid iddo newid ei dim oherwydd bod llawer o gemau mewn cyfnod byr, ond mae’r amodau’r un peth i bob un tîm. Pwy a ŵyr, os ydy Abertawe yn parhau gyda’u perfformiadau campus eleni, does dim rheswm pam bod nhw methu dychwelyd i Uwch Gynghrair Lloegr. Mae Steve Cooper wedi mewnosod system chwarae effeithiol, a nawr mae ganddo chwaraewyr sydd wedi addasu ac yn ffitio’r system yma. Efallai byddwn yn gweld Yr Elyrch yn hedfan gyda’r goreuon unwaith eto, tymor nesaf.


Pryd o Daf-od: Martha Owen Myfyrwraig yn ei ail flwyddyn, Martha Owen sydd yn Pryd o Daf-od wythnos yma. Gyda’r pandemig wedi golygu bod llawer o bethau yn cael eu gohirio, mae bywyd allgyrsiol yn y brifysgol yn un o’r prif bethau sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio. Fel Llywydd y GymGym eleni, mae Martha Owen wedi gweld hi’n haws ar adegau oherwydd nad oes ganddi bethau i’w trefnu, ond mae hi’n methu allan ar y profiad o gael trefnu crôls, digwyddiadau a thripiau i’r GymGym eleni. Felly dyma Martha yn trafod ei phrofiadau hi o fod yn llywydd ar y Gymdeithas Gymraeg flwyddyn hon.

trefnu (a wedi cael peidio gorfod gwneud yr ‘initiations’!), ond ar yr un pryd, roedden ni wedi edrych ymlaen at gael trefnu digwyddiadau cyffrous fel trip rygbi’r GymGym, a mwyaf oll, yr eisteddfod ryngol yng Nghaerdydd. Cyn i’r tymor ddechrau, roeddwn i a’r pwyllgor wedi gobeithio i ganllawiau COVID lacio ychydig er mwyn gallu cynnal ein hoff ddigwyddiadau traddodiadol fel y crôl teulu, y ddawns fawreddog ym mis Ionawr, a niferoedd o grôls eraill. Ond yn anffodus, gyda llawer o hoff leoliadau’r GymGym fel Popworld a Retros unai gyda diffyg llefydd i’n holl aelodau neu ar gau yn gyfan gwbl, roedd trefnu digwyddiadau cyson yn sialens enfawr. Yr anfantais mwyaf y flwyddyn yma yw’r teimlad ein bod ni fel pwyllgor methu helpu’r myfyrwyr flwyddyn gyntaf i ymgartrefu a dod i nabod ei gilydd a aelodau hn o’r GymGym. Fel arfer, mae crôls y GymGym yn ffordd anhygoel i fyfyrwyr wneud ffrindiau newydd yn eu blwyddyn gyntaf, a dyna’r ffordd nes i gyfarfod y ffrindiau dw i’n byw gyda nhw yn fy ail a thrydydd blwyddyn. Felly, er fod y myfyrwyr newydd yn cael cyfle i gymdeithasu yn eu llety, gyda llawer o’r GymGym yn Senghennydd a Tal-y-bont, mi ydw i’n teimlo drostyn nhw nad ydyn nhw wedi cael yr un profiadau a


ae’r profiad o fod yn lywydd y GymGym wedi bod yn un gwahanol iawn i’r arfer flwyddyn yma, o fynychu ffair ‘freshers’ rithiol i drefnu gyfarfodydd pwyllgor dros Zoom. Fel arfer, byddai tymor cyntaf myfyrwyr Cymraeg Caerdydd yn llawn gwisgoedd ffansi, cymysgu a chymdeithasu mewn crôls, a thrip i’r ddawns Ryngolegol yn Aberystwyth. Ond, yn anffodus, darlun wahanol iawn oedd hi tymor yma. Ar un llaw, mi ydw i a’r pwyllgor (Ifan, Rhys ac Elain) wedi ei chael hi’n hawdd flwyddyn yma gan nad oedd gennym ni gymaint o waith

phawb arall. Roedd rhaid i ni wneud chydig o newidiadau flwyddyn yma, er enghraifft, rydym wedi creu grwp Facebook i aelodau’r GymGym yn unig fel eu bod nhw’n gweld newyddion am unrhyw ddigywddiadau yn gyntaf (gan nad yw’r mantais arferol o ostyngiad cost tripiau ar gyfer aelodau yn gallu bod flwyddyn yma). Hefyd, roedd y proses o ethol pwyllgor yn wahanol eleni, gyda fideos o areithiau yn cael eu postio ar Facebook yn hytrach na digwydd wyneb-yn-wyneb. Ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, mi wnaeth pwyllgor llynedd drefnu hwdis i werthu i aelodau’r GymGym, sydd gobeithio wedi helpu rhoi teimlad o berthyn i’r gymdeithas, yn enwedig

Deio Owen

Bwncath, fel pawb arall ym Mhen Llŷn masiwr.

Deio Owen o Bwllheli a dwi’n astudio Cymraeg a Gwleidyddiaeth.

8. Prosecco neu champagne?

2. Beth yw’r digwyddiad sy’n codi’r mwyaf o embaras arnat? Gwisgo fyny fel Beyonce a Lady Gaga mewn meims ar gyfer y feermwyr ifanc, ddaru ni guro felly maeo werth o.

9. Beth oedd y diwrnod gorau iti ei gael erioed?

11. Beth fyddet ti’n gwneud yn ystod dy noson ddelfrydol?

4. Pe fyddet ti ar yr X-Factor, pa gân byddet ti’n ei chanu a pham?

Mynd a’r Mrs allan am fwyd a peidio goro talu’r bill. \ 12. Pe taset ti’n gallu bod yn unrhyw anifail am ddiwrnod, pa un fyddet ti’n ei ddewis, a pham?

6. Pwy oeddet ti’n ffansio pan oeddet ti’n iau? Alex Jones, ‘di watchod gormod o Hip neu Sgip. 7. Pwy yw dy hoff fand/artist?


Alaw Fflur Jones

10. Beth yw dy gas beth?

Mi oni rhy ifanc i gofio, ond wbath boring fel Mam ne’ Dad masiwr.

Lamb Rogan-Josh, efo popaduns a mint yoghurt.

Trafod gyda’r

Catrin Lewis

Peint cynta ar ôl lockdown.

Frwythau, allai’m diodda ffrwytha’.

5. Beth fyddet ti’n ei archebu o’r bwyty Indiaidd lleol?

Aled Biston

Prosecco, rhatach na Champagne.

3. Beth oedd dy air cyntaf?

Yma wyf innau i fod, ‘di ganu fo ormod o weithia efo’r CFfI.

Noswaith allan: Bydd y GymGym yn obeithiol am noswaith allan cyn hir. Tarddiad: Pxhere


Annell Dyfri

Yn Trafod gyda’r Taf-od wythnos yma mae...

1. Pwy wyt ti a beth wyt ti’n astudio?

i’r aelodau newydd. Er bod cyfyngiadau COVID wedi cael effaith mawr ar fywyd cymdeithasol myfyrwyr, dwi wedi mwynhau cydweithio gyda gweddill y pwyllgor er mwyn addasu agenda a digwyddiadau’r gymdeithas. Gyda newyddion gobeithiol o ‘vaccine’ COVID ar y gorwel, rydw i’n gobeithio’n arw fydda i a’r pwyllgor yn gallu trefnu ein digwyddiadau arferol rhywbryd yn y dyfodol. Ac os yw pethau yn ôl fel oedden nhw amser maith yn ôl cyn COVID, y crôl teulu fydd y cyntaf ar fy rhestr – watch out freshers!


Sloth, fydd genai esgus i neud dim wedyn. 13. Disgrifia dy hun mewn 3 gair. Poen, yn, dîn. 14. Pwy fydd yn trafod ‘da’r Taf-od wythnos nesaf? Gwion Ifan

taf od Nel Richards

Joio mas draw: Mae Deio yn gwneud y mwyaf o fod yn Ne Cymru wrth ddringo Pen y Fan a joio gyda ffrindiau. Tarddiad: Deio Owen.



Ydy trydariad British Airways yn ddadleuol? Catrin Lewis Golygydd Taf-od


ae British Airways wedi cael eu beirniadu am drydar “Good Luck England” penwythnos diwethaf cyn gêm rygbi yn erbyn Cymru. Yn amlwg, mae sawl un o’r Cymry wedi siomi gyda’r trydar ac yn disgwyl gwell gan gwmni Prydeinig a dylai fod yn gefnogol o bob cenedl yn y Deyrnas Unedig, nid Lloegr yn unig. Felly, mae’n hawdd deall pam fod pobl wedi ymateb yn wael i weithredoedd y cwmni. Fodd bynnag, mae hefyd yn bwysig ystyried bod British Airways yn noddi tîm rygbi Lloegr ac felly mae ganddynt ddyletswydd i fod yn gefnogol o’r tîm, yn enwedig gan eu bod yn eu hariannu. Roedd YesCymru ymysg rheiny oedd wedi beirniadu’r trydar gan ddweud “Nid UK Airways yw eich brand ond British Airways. Fodd bynnag, rydym wedi cael digon ar yr undeb anghyfartal, wedi torri hwn. Mae’n amser am newid.” Roedd hefyd rhai nad oedd yn gweld beth oedd yn bod gyda gweithredoedd British Airways gan gynnwys rhywun a wnaeth drydar “Mae’r un fath a chwmnïau’n noddi timau pêl-droed, dydy hynny ddim yn golygu eu bod yn casáu pob tîm/ gwlad arall!” Ar eu gwefan, mae British Airways yn nodi “Fel partner swyddogol tim Undeb Rygbi Lloegr y dynion, tim Red Roses y merched, a tim Sevens y dynion a merched, mae British Airways yn falch i hedfan y timau a chefnogwyr rygbi Lloegr ar draws y byd”. Mae rhai wedi cytuno gyda hyn ar drydar gan ddweud ei fod yn gwneud synnwyr bod British Airways yn dangos cefnogaeth tuag at y tim maent yn ei noddi, nid oes unrhyw gynodiadau cenedlaetholgar neu gwleidyddol i’r trydariad, bydd hi yr un path petai noddwyr Cymru yn datgan eu cefnogaeth i Gymru. Yn bersonol, credaf fod y ddwy ddadl yn rhai digon teg ac er eu bod yn noddi Lloegr, fel cwmni Prydeinig y mae disgwyl iddynt fod yn fwy gofalus wrth drydar ac ystyried y canlyniadau posib cyn gwneud hynny. Felly, credaf er bod modd cyfiawnhau beth a wnaethant drydar a’i fod yn rhaid ystyried eu dyletswyddau nhw fel noddwyr mae hefyd yn hawdd deall pam fod pobl wedi siomi ar ôl gweld y neges. Mae’n debyg na fyddent yn gwneud yr run camgymeriad yn y dyfodol ac mae’n rhaid iddynt fod yn fwy gofalus yn eu defnydd o gyfryngau cymdeithasol, yn enwedig gan ystyried bod ganddynt gwsmeriaid ar draws Prydain. Roedd yn benderfyniad blêr gall achosi iddynt golli cwsmeriaid yn y dyfodol.

Dadleuol?: Oedd trydariad British Airways yn ddadleuol neu ddim? Tarddiad: BriYYZ (drwy Wikimedia Commons)


Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2021 yn cael ei ohurio

Ni fydd Eisteddfod yn Ninbych eleni oherwydd COVID-19 Aled Biston

Pennaeth Taf-od


oedd pawb wedi siomi pan gyhoeddwyd bod Eisteddfod yr Urdd yn Ninbych mis Mawrth wedi ei chanslo, ond roedd gobaith i normalrwydd yn 2021. Ond mae’r Urdd wedi cyhoeddi na fydd Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2021 yn mynd yn ei blaen oherwydd sefyllfa’r coronafeirws. Dywedodd yr Urdd ei fod nhw wedi gwneud y penderfyniad “er mwyn gwarchod iechyd a lles aelodau, gwirfoddolwyr a swyddogion yr Urdd yn ogystal â’r cyhoedd” mewn datganiad i’r wasg. Yn sgil pandemig COVID-19 eleni, cafodd Eisteddfod T ei chynnal lle’r oedd plant a phobl ifanc yn cystadlu o adref. Dyma oedd y tro cyntaf i’r mudiad gynnal prifwyl gyfan yn ddigidol, ac fe wnaeth dros 7,000 o gystadleuwyr gymryd mewn cystadlaethau traddodiadol fel corau a chanu cerdd dant. Un o’r 7,000 o bobl yma oedd Daniel O’Callaghan, dywedodd ef “Gwnaeth Eisteddfod T roi cyfle i gystadleuwyr gyflwyno eu darnau prawf mewn modd creadigol. Roedd cyffro newydd i’r Eisteddfod hon, oherwydd dyma oedd Eisteddfod yr Urdd ar ei gwedd newydd… am y tro. Eleni, oherwydd amseru’r cyfnod clo ym mis Mawrth, ychydig o amser oedd paratoi ar gyfer y cystadlaethau gan fod rhaid danfon rhain mewn da bryd er mwyn i’r beirniaid gael cyfle i ddewis rhwng yr holl gystadleuwyr. Mae’n debyg bod

rhai pobl wedi cystadlu na fyddent wedi gwneud mewn Eisteddfod arferol, oherwydd bod yr Eisteddfod T wedi croesawu cystadlaethau amgen ac anarferol er mwyn denu carfan ehangach o gystadleuwyr. Wrth edrych ymlaen at Eisteddfod T nesaf, rydym – fel cystadleuwyr – gyda mwy o amser i fireinio ein perfformiadau a chyfansoddiadau, felly bydd y safon hyd yn oed yn well.” Y bwriad bellach yw cynnal Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych- dwy flynedd yn hwyrach na’r disgwyl. Bydd Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Gaerfyrddin yn symud i 2023 ac Eisteddfod yr Urdd Maldwyn i 2024. Dywedodd cyfarwyddwr dros dry r Urdd, Siân Eirian i BBC Cymru Fyw “Nid oedd y penderfyniad i ohirio’r Eisteddfod am flwyddyn arall yn un hawdd. Ond yn anffodus, o ystyried y sefyllfa sydd ohoni, roeddem yn teimlo nad oedd unrhyw ddewis arall”. Wrth ymateb, dywedodd Prif Weithredwr yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol y byddai’n penderfynu ar beth fydd yn digwydd gyda’r ŵyl honno yn y flwyddyn newydd. Dywedodd Betsan Moses “Ni mewn trafodaethau wythnosol gyda’r llywodraeth i gael gweld beth yw hynt a helynt y brechlyn felly bydd rhaid inni wneud penderfyniad ddechrau’r flwyddyn”. Ychwanegodd nad oedd hi’n anochel y byddai Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Tregaron yn cael ei gohirio gan fod y sefyllfa gyda’r feirws yn newid bron yn ddyddiol. Ond, a dyllai cynnal Eisteddfod T

Eisteddfota o adref: Bydd Eisteddfod T yn digwydd eto eleni. Tarddiad: FruitMonkey (drwy Wikimedia Commons) fod y dyfodol i’r Urdd? Yn sicr, wrth cymdeithasu yw un o’r elfennau gorau recordio’ch hun ar gyfer rhagbrawf o gystadlu mewn Eisteddfodau hyd a neu berfformiad, byddwch gallu cym- lled Cymru. ryd eich amser, os ydych yn gwneud Yn nhermau ariannol, yn sicr mae camgymeriad, gallwch ddileu’r fideo cynnal Eisteddfod T wedi arbed arian a chychwyn eto. Felly, yn sicr byddai i deuluoedd byddai wedi gwario arian camgymeriadau yn cael eu torri allan ar westy, teithio a mwy o bethau. Ond, pe bai Eisteddfod T. mae’r mudiad wedi cydnabod eu bod Ond, yn bwysicach oll, mae’r elfen nhw wedi colli £14 miliwn o incwm gymdeithasol yn elfen sydd yn gwneud yn ystod 2020 ac yn wynebu dyled o Eisteddfod yr urdd mor unigryw, £3.5 miliwn, ar ben colli 160 o swyddi cwrdd â phobl eraill o ysgolion Cymru wedi eu colli. Mae’r cyfnod presennol i gyd, mwynhau gyda’ch ffrindiau, ac yn heriol i’r mudiad, ond yn sicr mae i nifer, diwrnod allan. Fi’n siŵr y by- Eisteddfod T yn agor llu o ddrysau ar ddai llawer o bobl ifanc yn dadlau mai gyfer ffyrdd wahanol o gystadlu.

Cofio bywyd anhygoel yr awdures Jan Morris Catrin Lewis

Golygydd Taf-od


Dachwedd 20 bu farw’r awdures a newyddiadurwraig Jan Morris yn 94 mlwydd oed. Bu farw am 11:40 y bore yn Ysbyty Bryn Beryl wedi bywyd byrlymus ble bu hi ysgrifennu dros 40 o lyfrau a gohebu ar sawl digwyddiad mawr ar draws y byd. Ganwyd Jan yng Ngwlad yr Haf yn 1926 fel James Morris i dad Cymreig a mam Saesneg. Bron 50 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach teithiodd i Casablanca ym Moroco er mwyn cael ei llawdriniaeth newid rhyw. Yn ei hunangofiant, Conundrum, mae Jan yn trafod ei hatgofion o sylweddoli pan yr oedd hi’n dri

neud pedwar blwydd oed ei bod wedi cael ei geni yn y corff anghywir. Dywedodd ei bod hi wedi cadw hynny fel cyfrinach trwy gydol ei phlentyndod ond bod ganddi, ers ei phlentyndod, “ddyhead am wyddwn i ddim beth, fel petai ddarn ar goll o fy mhatrwm, neu ryw elfen ynof a ddylai fod yn galed ac yn barhaol, ond yn hytrach roedd yn hydawdd ac yn wasgaredig.” Wrth drafod ei thrawsnewidiad dywedodd nad oedd hi’n credu ei fod wedi newid ei hysgrifennu a’i fod, mewn gwirionedd, wedi achosi llawer llai o newid na beth yr oedd hi’n ei ddisgwyl. Cyn trawsnewid i fod yn Jan, priododd James ei wraig Elizabeth Tuckniss

Cofio’r goreuon: Yn ystod ei hoes, bu Jan Morris yn gohebu ar ddigwyddiadau mawr yn fyd-eand. Tarddiad: Victualles (drwy Wikimedia Commons)

yn 1949. Yn ystod eu bywyd magwyd pedwar o blant gyda’i gilydd sef tri mab ac un ferch - Twm, Henry, Mark a Suki. Yn dilyn y llawdriniaeth roedd yn rhaid i Jan ac Elizabeth gael ysgariad gan nad oedd yn gyfreithlon i ddwy fenyw fod yn briod ar y pryd. Er gwaethaf hynny, parhaodd y ddwy i gydfyw a threulio eu bywydau gyda’i gilydd. Bron 60 mlynedd ar ôl eu priodas bu’r ddwy ail-briodi mewn partneriaeth sifil ym Mhwllheli a bu Elizabeth wrth ochr Jan am weddill ei bywyd. Wrth drafod gyda BBC Cymru Fyw, dywedodd ei mab Twm Morris ei fod yn debygol na fyddai pentwr llyfrau Jan wedi bod mor uchel oni bai am Elizabeth. “Go brin y byddai’r pentwr llyfrau mae wedi eu sgrifennu yn ystod ei gyrfa hir wedi digwydd oni bai am ei chymar.” Bywyd prysur a chyffroes oedd bywyd Jan a chychwynnodd ei gyrfa ar ôl iddi ddod yn enwog ar ôl gohebu ar daith Syr Edmund Hillary a’r Sherpa Tenzing Norgay ble wnaethant goncro’r mynydd Everest yn 1953. Hefyd yn ystod ei gyrfa ysgrifennodd am gyfranogiad y Ffrancwyr yn ymosodiad Israel ar yr Aifft yn ystod yr argyfwng Suez yn 1956. Roedd ei gwaith yn ddylanwadol iawn a chyfrannodd at Anthony Eden, Prif Weinidog Prydain, yn cael ei ymddiswyddo ac at filwyr Prydeinig yn cael eu tynnu o’r Aifft. Cychwynnodd Jan Morris deithio pan yr oedd hi’n 17 mlwydd oed ac yn rhan o’r fyddin. Astudiodd Saesneg ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen pan yn 23 mlwydd oed ac un o’i swyddi cyntaf oedd fel gohebydd tramor i The Times ac yna The Guardian. Mae ei gwaith yn trafod yr holl ddinasoedd a’r gwledydd ble y bu hi’n teithio ac mae’r gwaith am Hong Kong ac Efrog Newydd ymysg ei henwocaf. Er bod cyfran sylweddol o weithiau Jan yn

son am ei phrofiadau wrth deithio nid oedd hi am gael ei diffinio fel gohebydd teithio a dywedodd: “Rwyf yn ysgrifenyddes sydd yn trafeilio, nid ysgrifenyddes trafeilio”. Ymysg yr anrhydeddau a dderbyniodd yn ystod ei gyrfa mae’r Wobr Teithio Thomas Cook am ei chyfraniad i ysgrifennu teithiol. Yn ogystal, yn 2008 cyrhaeddodd safle 15 ar restr The Times o ysgrifenwyr gorau Prydain ers yr Ail Ryfel Byd a derbyniodd CBE yn 1999. Yn 2005, derbyniodd y wobr Golden Pen sy’n nodi ei chyfraniad i’r byd llenyddiaeth. Un o bryderon mwyaf Jan yn ystod ei gyrfa oedd y perygl y buasai’n cael ei chydnabod am ei rhywioldeb yn hytrach na am ei gwaith a’i hysgrifennu. Fodd bynnag, wrth edrych yn ôl ar ei bywyd yn 2018 dywedodd nad oedd newid rhyw yn teimlo fel y foment ddiffiniol yn ei bywyd bellach. Dywedodd, yn ystod ei blynyddoedd olaf ei bod yn gweld ei hun fel “dyn a dynes...neu gymysgedd o’r ddau.” Treuliodd Jan diwedd ei bywyd yn Nherfan Morys, Llanystumdwy ble bu hen gartref ei theulu. Roedd wedi cynllunio i gael ei chladdu ar ynys fechan yn Afon Dwyfor, sydd y tu ôl i’w cartref, gyda’r geiriau “Dyma ddau ffrind ar ddiwedd un bywyd,” wedi eu hysgrifennu ar y garreg fedd. Talodd ei mab, y bardd Twm Morys, teyrnged iddi yn dilyn ei marwolaeth a dywedodd ar Twitter, “cychwynnodd Jan Morris, yr awdur a’r teithiwr, ar ei siwrnai fwyaf!. Mae hi’n gadael ar y lan yma ei chymar oes, Elizabeth.” Nid oes amheuaeth bod dylanwad Jan ar y byd llenyddol wedi bod yn un mawreddog a bod ei hanes wedi ysbrydoli miloedd mewn sawl ffordd. Roedd ei bywyd yn un llawn bwrlwm a threuliodd ei hoes yn gwneud yr hyn yr oedd hi’n ei garu sef ysgrifennu a thrafeilio.

TAF-OD 9 ADDYSG Llacio rheoY Gynghanedd ar Gynnydd ymysg pobl ifanc lau mewn Ond, ni oni ddylai dysgu’r grefft hon fel rhan o gwrs yr ysgol? ymweliadau Ysbyty Nel Richards Golygydd Taf-od


rth i fwy o bobl ifanc ddysgu am eu treftadaeth Gymreig yma yng Nghymru, tu hwnt i’r ystafell ddosbarth, cwestiwn sy’n codi’n aml yw ‘pam nad yw cynganeddu’n cael ei ddysgu i ddisgyblion yn yr ysgol?’. Wrth i’r cyfnod clo fod yn gatalydd i fwyfwy o bobl ddysgu sgiliau newydd, mi ddewisoed miloedd o bobl cynganeddu fel eu sgil newydd nhw. Cynhelir Ysgol Farddol Caerfyrddin gwersi cynganeddu ers 1992. Fel arfer, mi fydd dosbarthiadau’n cael eu cynnal yng Nghlwb Rygbi Cwins Caerfyrddin, ond yn sgîl cyfyngiadau’r pandemig, mae sawl dosbarth yn cael eu cynnal yn wythnosol ar zoom, lle mae degau o bobl yn mynychu. Yn y dosbarthiadau, ceir gyfle i weithio gyda llenorion uchel eu parch, megis Mererid Hopwood, Tudur Dylan Jones a Geraint Roberts, ond yn bwysicach, ceir gyfle i greu yn y sesiynau yma. Yn ystod y cyfnod clo, bu trigolion ar draws Cymru, o Lundain ac o ochr arall y byd, ym Mhatagonia yn dysgu’r grefft.

Curo’r cynghaneddu: Tarddiad: North.jvta (trwy Wikimedia Commons) Un aelod o’r Ysgol Farddol hon yw Annell Dyfri, . Dros y cyfnod clo, buodd yn dysgu sut i fynd ati i ysgrifennu englynion; “Mae’r awydd i ddysgu’r grefft o gynganeddu wedi bod ynddai ers cryn dipyn o amser, ac er imi gael ambell wers gan fy mrawd yn y gorffennol, bûm yn ffodus iawn i allu ymuno ag Ysgol Farddol Caerfyrddin yn rithiol yn ystod y cyfnod clo. Roedd yn braf iawn gallu dysgu elfen newydd a phwysig o’r Gymraeg yn ys-

tod y cyfnod ac rwyf wedi parhau fel aelod o Ysgol Farddol Caerfyrddin ers hynny er fy mod bellach yn y brifysgol yng Nghaerdydd. Dros y cyfnod clo, fe gynhaliodd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol (AmGen) gyfres o wersi ar y gynghanedd, yn rhithiol. Roedd yr athrawon hyn yn cynnwys, Aneurin Karadog, Karen Owen a Robat Powell; prifeirdd sy’n arbenigo yn y maes. Mae rhai o’r farn y dylai’r unigolion yma fynd i mewn i

wersi a dysgu’r sgil, yn uniongyrchol i’r bobl ifanc, megis Owain Ap Myrddin, sydd yn fyfyriwr yn y drydedd flwyddyn ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd; “Dwi’n meddwl fod angen dysgu pobol i ddeall beth ydi cynghanedd yn iawn i dechrau a’r ffordd orau i wneud hynny yn fy marn i ydy trwy gael pobol i sgwennu cynghaneddion eu hunain. Mi fyddai’n anodd iawn i wneud hyn yn amlwg gan nad ydi’r mwyafrif o athrawon Cymraeg yn medru cynghaneddu, ond dyma’r ffordd orau i annog diddordeb ac i werthfawrogi’r grefft.” Er bod gweithdai yn cael eu cynnal mewn rhai ysgolion yn barod, cred rhai y dylid dysgu’r grefft o greu, gan bwysleisio ar y gynghanedd ym myd ysgrifennu creadigol, fod yn rhan o gwrs Gymraeg yr ysgol, o oed ifanc. A yw gormod o bwysais ar ddysgu’r rheolau, ond yn llacio o ran cael y cyfle i gyfansoddi? Neu a yw bobl ifanc Cymru yn astudio manylion iaith cymaint, tan eu bod ddim yn mwynhau bellach? Er ellir hyn fod yn wir, pwysig cofio bod mwy o drigolion ifanc, sydd yn ein hysgolion â’r angerdd i ddefnyddio un o elfennau mwyaf unigryw Cymru.


Ymgyrch ‘Het i Helpu’ Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Cymru. Yn amlwg, mae hyn wedi cael effaith sylweddol ar sefyllfa ariannol y mudiad ac mae angen help y gymuned fwy nag erioed ar yr Urdd er mwyn sicrhau ei bod yn goroesi ac yn parhau i ysbrydoli a hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol. Mewn datganiad diweddar i’r wasg, nododd Siân Lewis, y Prif Weithdredwr, ‘ein bod wedi ein taro’n galed gan effeithiau’r pandemig ac yn rhagweld bod cyfnod anodd o’n blaenau’. Fel modd o geisio annog a hyrwyddo gwaith yr Urdd ac i godi arian i’r mudiad yn ystod y cyfnod yma, mae’r Urdd wedi sefydlu ymgyrch ‘Het i

Helpu’ lle mae modd i unrhyw un fynd ati i brynu het aeafol o wefan yr Urdd am £15. Bydd cyfraniad o’r swm yna’n mynd at y mudiad er mwyn sicrhau ei ddyfodol. Mewn datganiad i’r wasg, nododd yr Urdd fod ‘yr ymgyrch ‘Het i Helpu’ yn bwriadu troi Cymru yn goch, gwyn a gwyrdd y gaeaf hwn ac yn gyfle i bobl ddangos eu cefnogaeth i’r mudiad yn ystod y cyfnod heriol yma. Mae nifer cyfyngedig o’r hetiau ar gael i’w prynu am £15 ac eisoes wedi derbyn croeso cynnes gan rai o gefnogwyr amlycaf yr Urdd’. Ychwanegodd ‘Rydym ni’n galw ar

y rheiny sy’n medru fforddio gwneud, i gefnogi’n hymgyrch ‘Het i Helpu’ y gaeaf hwn, ac i ddangos cefnogaeth i’r Urdd ac i Gymru drwy wisgo’n hetiau coch, gwyn a gwyrdd. Rydym fel mudiad yn parhau i roi ein haelodau gyntaf ac i flaenoriaethu ein gwaith gydag ieuenctid Cymru’. Gyda’r sefyllfa yn un heriol dros ben, bu’n rhaid i’r Urdd feddwl am ddulliau gwahanol o weithredu eleni. Fel y nododd Sian Lewis, ‘mae’r Urdd wedi addasu i’r ‘normal newydd’, wedi arall gyfeirio ein gwasanaethau ble’n bosib i gynnig gweithgareddau rhithiol a chymunedol ac rydym yn hyderus y down ni drwyddi gyda’n gilydd.’ Bu dylanwad Yr Urdd yn drwm ar genedlaethau o Gymry, o Fôn i Fynwy. Mae cymaint ohonom wedi cael budd o’r gweithgareddau a drefnwyd gan yr Urdd. Mae cymaint ohonom wedi gwneud ffrindiau newydd ac wedi cael cyfle i fwynhau cymaint o brofiadau amrywiol yn enw’r Urdd. Bellach, gyda’r mudiad yn mynd trwy gyfnod anodd, mae’n amser i ni roi ychydig yn ôl i’r Urdd. Ewch ati, felly, i brynu eich het goch, gwyn a gwyrdd gan ei gwisgo â balchder y gaeaf hwn!

erbyn Seland Newydd, chwaraeodd yr hanner gyntaf yn gêm a orffennodd 2-2 yn y Cae Ras. O hyn ymlaen, sefydlodd ei hun yn y tîm gyntaf ac fe oedd yr unig chwaraewr i chwarae pob un gêm yn yr ymgyrch rhagbrofol ar gyfer Cwpan y Byd 2010. Roedd ei gampau dros Gymru yn anhygoel, enillodd ei 50fed cap pan oedd ond yn 24 oed mewn gêm yn erbyn Gwlad Belg yn 2013. Ond, efallai ei gamp fwyaf gyda Chymru oedd bod yn rhan o’r garfan yn EWRO 2016, haf bydd cefnogwyr ddim yn anghofio mewn brys mae hynny’n sicr. Nid yn unig roedd ef wedi chwarae pob munud o’r chwech gêm chwaraeodd Cymru, ond fe wnaeth greu’r trydedd gôl yn

erbyn Gwlad Belg, a sicrhau bod Cymru yn ennill y gêm. Roedd Cymru wedi mynd trwyddo i’r rownd gyn-derfynol, y rownd pellach mae Cymru erioed wedi cyrraedd. A pwy gall anghofio’r llun eiconig o Chris Gunter gyda’i law o dan ei ên, symbol i ni gadw ein pennau fyny wedi colli i Loegr. Byddai’r llun yn dod yn un eiconig yn hanes pêl-droed Cymru. Enillodd cap rhif 85 fel capten yn erbyn Panama yn 2017, y tro cyntaf iddo gapteinio Cymru, a daeth cap rhif 86 yn erbyn Tsieina ym mis Mawrth y flwyddyn ganlynol, y record capiau am chwaraewr nad oed dyn gôl-geidwad. Fe gurodd record Southall fel y chwaraewr gyda mwyaf o gapiau dros

Gymru pan oedd yn gapten yn erbyn Albania, a nawr mae pawb yn aros yn awyddus i Gunter ennill cap rhif 100. Bydd y diwrnod mae Gunter yn ennill ei ganfed cap yn un bydd yn sefyll allan o fewn hanes Cymru i gyd, a pwy a ŵyr, efallai bydd Gunter gallu sgorio’i gôl gyntaf dros ei wlad wrth iddo ennill cap rhif 100. Felly nad yw Gunter yn ganwriad, dim eto. Ond dwi’n siŵr erbyn iddo ymddeol, bydd ef wedi ennill dros 100 o gapiau i Gymru. Nid oes eiriau i ddisgrifio Gunter, ond maen siŵr unwaith bydd ei yrfa yn dod i ben, bydd hiraeth amdano, nid yn unig am ei ddawn ar y cae, ond am ei gymeriad, parodrwydd a sbortsmonaeth.

Annell Dyfri

Golygydd Taf-od


udiad a sefydlwyd yn 1922 gan Syr Ifan ab Owen Edwards yw’r Urdd, mudiad sydd wedi bod yn rhan greiddiol o ddatblygiad y Gymraeg ymysg plant a phobl ifanc wrth eu hysbrydoli a’u hannog i fyw, cymdeithasu a chystadlu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Gyda’r mudiad yn cynnal llu o weithgareddau yn flynyddol - o gystadlaethau chwaraeon cenedlaethol a lleol i’r eisteddfod fawreddog sy’n rhoi llwyfan i blant a phobl ifanc Cymru arddangos eu doniau perfformio a chreadigol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg - mae ein dyled yn fawr iddo. Wrth gwrs, fel yn achos cymaint o fudiadau a chyrff cyhoeddus eraill, mae’r Urdd wedi dioddef yn fawr yn sgil yr aflwydd diweddar gan golli tua hanner ei weithlu yn ystod yn chwe mis diwethaf. Bu’n rhaid cau’r tri gwersyll yng Nglan Llyn, Llangrannog a Chaerdydd dros dro gan hefyd ohirio’r eisteddfod a’r holl weithgarwch a bwrlwm cymunedol yn enw’r Urdd ar draws

Helpu trwy’r hetiau: Dyma Ganolfan yr Urdd, Caerdydd. Tarddiad: Seth Whales (trwy Wikimedia Commons.)

Camraniad... bron a bod i Chris Gunter Aled Biston

Pennaeth Taf-od


is diwethaf, pan chwaraeodd Cymru yn erbyn Y Ffindir, daeth Chris Gunter ymlaen i ennill cap rhif 99 dros ei wlad, a nawr mae pawb yn aros tan y foment bydd Mr Cymru yn ennill ei ganfed cap. Yn sicr, bydd pob un fricsen o’r Wal Goch eisiau fod yn bresennol i weld Gunter dod yn ganwriad a sefydlu ei hun yn gadarn ymysg goreuon pêl-droed Cymru. Trwy gydol ei yrfa ryngwladol, mae Chris Gunter wedi bod yn amddiffynnwr cadarn. Pan oedd ond yn 17 oed, enillodd ei gap gyntaf mewn gêm yn

Aled Biston

Pennaeth Taf-od


rth i gyfyngiadau COVID-19 cael eu llacio hyd a lled y wlad wrth i ni ddod at y Nadolig, mae rheolau ynglŷn ag ymweld ag ysbytai yn cael eu llacio hefyd. Bydd partneriaid menywod beichiog sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd â chyfradd isel o achosion COVID-19 yn cael mynychu apwyntiadau mamolaeth. Bellach bydd yna fwy o hyblygrwydd i fyrddau iechyd a hosbisau gael caniatáu ymweliadau ar sail cyfraddau achosion yn lleol. Cyn i reolau cael eu llacio, dim ond dan rai amgylchiadau penodol y bu’n bosib mynychu apwyntiadau meddygol gyda chlaf ac ymweld â phobl mewn ysbytai. Dywedodd Llywodraeth Cymru bod hyblygrwydd y rheolau newydd wedi dod yn sgil darlun newidiol trosglwyddiad coronafeirws ar draws y wlad, a bod gwahaniaethau arwyddocaol mewn trosglwyddiad cymunedol ar draws gwahanol rannau o Gymru. Bydd cyfyngiadau pellhau cymdeithasol yn cael eu gweithredu o fewn ysbytai, gyda maint ystafelloedd yn newid er mwyn galluogi’r cyfyngiadau yma. Yn ôl Prif Swyddog Nyrsio Cymru, Jean White, bydd y cyfyngiadau newydd bron fel yr adeg cyn COVID i fenywod sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd â chyfraddau isel iawn o’r haint. Mae cyfyngiadau coronafeirws wedi cael effaith ar nifer y bobl o fewn ystafelloedd. Roedd Sophie ac Alun Lincoln-Jones wedi croesawu eu babi i’r byd bum wythnos yn ôl, ond roedd Alun ond gallu bod yn yr ystafell am ddeg munud wedyn gorfod gadael yr Ysbyty. Dywedodd y ddau wrth BBC Cymru Fyw “O’dd o bach o sioc achos doeddwn ni ddim wedi cael fy prepario ar gyfer hynna (gadael yr ysbyty)”. Dywedodd Alun ei fod hi’n anodd gorfod gan fod Sophie a’u mab (Mabon) wedi gorfod aros yn yr ysbyty am wythnos ychwanegol. “Dwi ‘di methu wythnos gyntaf ei fywyd o, a hefyd o’dd o’n teimlo’n reit ddrwg achos o’dd Sophie yna ar ben ei hun ac o’n i’n teimlo fel o’n i ddim yn gallu helpu hi”. Er na fydd y rheolau yr un peth i ardaloedd lle mae cyfradd uchel o’r feirws, mae llacio’r rheolau yn y mannau isel yn galluogi bach o normalrwydd yn y broses o geni plant. Bydd partneriaid cariadon gallu fod yn bresennol wrth i’w plant cael eu geni, rhywbeh fi’n sicr byddai llawer o bobl hyd a lled Cymru wedi methu dros y misoedd hunllefus diwethaf. Gobeithio yn y misoedd nesaf bydd mamau-i-fod gallu cael eu partneriaid gyda nhw trwy gydol y daith.

Normalrwydd: Edrycha llawer ymlaen at normalrwydd yn y broses genedigaeth. Tarddiad: KR96 (drwy Wikimedia Commons)



YOUR Senedd increases threshold for petitions POLITICS DESK I Morgan Perry Politics Editor

Hallum Cowell

Tom Kingsbury

t’s about to get a lot harder for members of the public to petition the Senedd to debate popular issues after the threshold for debate was raised to 10,000 signatures. The move comes after what the Senedd petitions committee has called a “a significant increase in the number of petitions”, and limited opportunities for debate. Under previous rules, petitions wIth more than 5,000 signatures are considered for debate. The rules changed on December 1, 2020. At the moment, petitions with more than 50 signatures are discussed by the dedicated Senate Petitions Committee, but only those with the larger number of signatures are considered for debate. The Senedd petitions website grew in prominence during recent coronavirus restrictions after a petition that sought to allow supermarkets to sell non-essential items was signed by more than 65,000 people. The issue was considered and later debated by the Senedd. But, despite being the largest petition the website

Dewi Morris


Morgan Perry

received, including those with more than 5,000 signatures.” “This makes it difficult for the committee to fulfil the demand for debates and it has therefore decided to increase the threshold above which it will consider referring pe-

titions for a debate to 10,000 signatures for all petitions closing after 1 December 2020.” So far, none of the active petitions on the website have enough signatures under the new rules to be considered for debate.

A signature move: The threshold for signatures has increased to 10,000 following recommendations from the Senedd Petitions Committee. Source: Rosser1954 (via. Wikimedia Commons)

European Union funding for Wales to be replaced Politics Editor

Dewi Morris

has seen, the rules were not reversed. The committee was set up in 2016, and its purpose is to “enable the public to highlight issues and directly influence the work of the Senedd.” Petitions can be submitted through a dedicated website, though issues that the public are petitioning must fall under the competence of the Welsh Government; not all issues, of course, are devolved. A similar system is in place to highlight issues to the UK Government. A higher threshold of 100,000 signatures is required for a debate in the House of Commons, however. At the time of writing, the most signed petition is one calling for an end to child poverty. More than 1.1 million people have signed the petition so far, and although the government has responded, it has not yet been given a date for debate. By comparison, the petition with the most signatures on the Senedd’s equivalent website has just 8,400 signatures, with members of the public seeking to protect Kenfig Nature Reserve A spokesperson told the BBC that the ongoing coronavirus pandemic “has resulted in an unprecedented increase in the number of petitions

n Wednesday November 25, Rishi Sunak, the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, presented the annual spending review. The review outlined plans for a UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which aims to replace EU funding. However, Sunak did not clarify how much would be allocated to Wales or other parts of the UK. This has caused concern for Welsh politicians as Wales received five times more EU funding per capita than England. Plaid Cymru’s treasury spokesperson, Ben Lake, told the BBC: “If [the fund] is not allocated on a needs-based factor then Wales, I’m afraid, does stand to lose out quite considerably” The former Secretary of State for Wales, Stephen Crabb, said the UK government should “get a move on” as not enough information has been given about the new fund. Crabb, the Conservative MP for Preseli Pembrokeshire who chairs Parliament’s Welsh Affairs Select Committee, published a report last

month which deemed progress on plans to replace EU funding in Wales as “simply unacceptable.” A consultation on the fund’s design was pledged by the Conservatives to take place in late 2018, but never happened. Stephen Crabb stated in October: “the government hasn’t made anything like sufficient progress in terms of developing clear policy for replacing European funding at the end of this Brexit transition in less than three months’ time” However, after the annual spending review was presented, he said: “I’m pleased personally that the government has shown a bit more of its workings out and a bit more detail but there’s a lot more that we need to see” With the transition period quickly coming to an end, and less than a month remaining until EU funding stops, how much Wales will receive in replacement remains unanswered. Rishi Sunak promised the UK’s prosperity fund would match the EU funding received by the UK (£1.5 billion a year). However, it is not confirmed whether Wales would receive full replacement funding for the estimated £375m it received annually

from the EU. The UK Government has previously said Wales will receive no less than it would from EU funding, however, some MPs remain unconvinced. Chair of a Parliamentary group on post-Brexit funding and Labour MP for Aberavon, Stephen Kinnock, told the BBC: “Our big worry is that as we take the programme and the money out of Brussels and it is channelled through Westminster. At some point along the way the Westminster government will start to get its hands on it, and start using it for purposes that its not really supposed to be used for” In July 2018, the UK Government promised that the Shared Prosperity Fund would respect devolution. However, the proposed Internal Market Bill would give the UK Government power to directly spend in devolved areas, such as on Highways and Transport. For example, if the bill is passed, the UK Government would be able to spend money on an M4 relief road, despite plans being scrapped by the Welsh Government – a case which has become a devolution flashpoint. Concern has also been raised over the replacement for EU Agricultural

funding in Wales. The spending review allocates £242m to Welsh agriculture next year, which the Farmer’s Union of Wales claims to be at least £95m short of EU funding. The UK Government claims the funding is the same as what Wales received in 2019. Rebecca Evans, Wales’ Finance Minister said: “If you’re looking for a serious failure of management of funding, and if you’re looking for a betrayal of the farming industry, I think that you can find it right there.”

If you’re looking for a serious failure of management of funding... I think that you can find it right there.

Rebecca Evans

Wales’ Finance Minister

Welsh Government COVID-19 Grant excludes single parents Francesca Ionescu Contributor


n mid-November, the Welsh Government introduced a grant of £500 for those who have to self-isolate due to a positive test or being contacted by track and trace schemes. The applicants also must not be able to work from home during the two-week isolation period. This has however, raised concerns about carers for those who need to self-isolate, especially for low income parents. Public Health Wales has reported that at the beginning of November, 39% of primary schools recorded at least one case, and 82% of secondary school, which would mean almost half of

children aged 4-11 would have been in contact with a positive case. Authorities did state that the number of cases does not mean the pupils contacted the virus in the school in the first place. According to the NSPCC children under the age of 12 should not be left alone for long periods of time, and those under 16 should not be left alone overnight; this creates difficulty for parents whose children have to self-isolate. Single parents have reportedly been struggling to find carers, especially if their support bubble is someone at risk or someone living too far away. This leaves them with only one option, to miss work and stay home to care for the self-isolating child.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has found that the number of people living in poverty in Wales had almost doubled since coronavirus, and that includes around 180,000 children. Many people in deprived areas have jobs that can’t be done remotely, according to Ellie Hardwood, from the Child Poverty Action Group. COVID-19 seems to have exacerbated these issues. Leanne Wood, equality spokesman for Plaid Cymru has spoken out about how the grant should be extended to parents in need, and that the only proof they should have to present would be the selfisolation record for the child. A Welsh Government spokeswoman said that the grant is still under review.

Chidren and COVID-19: Schools have become a hot bed of COVID-19 infections during the pandemic, and when kids are out of school parents are forced to stay home to care for them. Source: Amanda Mills (via. PixNio)


Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine receives approval Hallum Cowell Head of Politics


OVID-19 has dominated the headlines again this week as a myriad of events have unfolded. From the announcement that a vaccine has been approved by the UK’s medical regulator to the unfolding Tory rebellion over the implementation of the tier system following the end of England’s lockdown.

Matt Hancock: The current Health Secretary of the UK. Source: Number 10 (via. Flickr)

December 2 saw the announcement that the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been approved safe for use in the UK. The vaccine will begin to be rolled out in the coming weeks. The question of who will get the vaccine first has been one many people in the UK have been eager to have answered. The UK Government has said that the first recipients of the vaccine will be adult and elderly residents in care homes, followed by those over the age of 80 and frontline health workers. Following this distribution the vaccine will be given to people of decreasing age, starting at 75, then 70, 65, 60 and so on in that incrementation; with some additions of those with underlying health conditions between 16 and 64 further down the list. Prime Minister Johnson said, “it’s the protection of vaccines that will ultimately allow us to reclaim our lives and get the economy moving again.” The vaccine will be free from the NHS and people looking to get the vaccine earlier will not be able to purchase it individually from private healthcare services. The vaccine will also not be compulsory. The Government is planning on distributing the vaccine through hospitals, repurposed Nightingale hospitals which were established in the early months of the pandemic to assist with large numbers of pa-

tients, and through GPs and pharmacists. Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said he is hopeful that life will begin to return to normal by Easter 2021. Until then however the Government is keen to remind people to continue to follow the restrictions in place to prevent the spread of the virus. Professor Chris Whitty, the Government’s chief medical advisor said, “we can’t lower our guard yet”. Despite this news, friction still exists within the Government over how the rest of the pandemic will be handled. Boris Johnson’s Government faced a rebellion from 55 of their MPs this week as a new, tougher, tier system was pushed through Parliament. This is the largest revolt Johnson has seen since his landslide victory in the December 2019 election however, the bill did pass with 291 votes in support and 78 against. 16 Conservative MPs also abstained from the vote. Most other parties in the Commons abstained with only 15 of Labour’s 199 MPs voting against the bill, along with the DUP’s eight MPs and two independents. Kier Starmer, leader of the Labour party, said that he whipped Labour MPs to abstain as he recognised that restrictions needed to continue yet was “far from convinced” that this system would work.

Who gets the vaccine first? 1 - Care home residents and workers

2 - Everyone aged 80+ and frontline health and social care workers 3 - Everyone aged 75+ 4 - Everyone aged 70 + and people who are clinically extremely vulnerable 5 - Everyone aged 65+ 6 - People aged 16 - 64 with underlying health conditions These priority groups cover between 90% to 99% of those at risk of death from COVID-19

Brexit talks continue up to the 11th hour

As the end of the transistion period draws to less than a month away both EU and UK negotiators work late and start early. Hallum Cowell Head of Politics


rexit talks continue as the end of the transition period on December 31 draws closer. Since March the UK and EU have been negotiating what the UK’s relationship with the EU will be once

the two unions part ways. There are still a number of outstanding issues however, including; fishing rights, competition rules and how the agrement would actually be enforced. Fishing has been a key part of Brexit negotiations for some time now. When the Brexit campaign was attracting voters in the run up

to the 2016 referendum, improving fishing restrictions was a key part of the leave campaign’s message to “take back control”, despite fishing making up around 0.1% of the UK domestic economy. Ireland’s foreign affairs minister Simon Coveney said that talks are “at the very end.” And it does seem that talks are beginning to draw to a close. Talks have been stretching longer into the night and starting earlier, indicating that perhaps a deal in on the way. The BBC’s Laura Kussenburg writes “They don’t work late into the night if there is nothing to talk about, and if there is no pressure.”

They don’t work late into the night if there is nothing to talk about, and if there is no pressure. Laura Kussenburg BBC Political Editor

Port of Dover: A large ammount of lorries carrying goods to and from the UK pass through Dover every day, and it could become one of the major blockages following Brexit. Source: AlfvanBeem (via. Wikimedia Commons)

The transition period began in early 2020. It’s a period of time where the UK has offically, and legally set in stone their departure from the European Union. During this year both parties have been attemping to agree to a deal for when

the UK offically, and wholly, leaves the European Union. Throughout this year however the UK has still been using EU laws however from January 1, the UK will have to replace those laws with their own. However, this does not mean that a deal can be reached on December 30 and then the UK leaves the EU on those terms. Any deal would have to be approved by Parliament in the UK and the EU. Experts believe that realistically, a deal will need to be agreed upon by roughly December 10 for there to be enough time to ratify the agreement; but as we’ve seen with Brexit over the last four years, nothing is certain. In the event that no deal is reached by the end of the transition period the UK will leave with a no-deal Brexit, a position that many economists have argued could be economically devastating for the UK, especially when the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is taken into consideration. One major concern is the disruption that a no-deal would cause to the large amounts of imports and exports that go through, or to, the UK each day. The Government has said that “huge advances” have been made in preparation. However Duncan Buchanan, policy director at the Road Haulage Assosiation, has said that he is anticipating something “between shocking and catastrophe”; while the National Audit Office said that “it is still likely that widespread disruption will occur from 1 January 2021”.


Johnson Appoints Dan Rosenfield as Chief of Staff Eva Rodericks



wo of the Prime Minister’s closest aides; Dominic Cummings, Johnson’s chief advisor, and Lee Cain, director of communications, have left Downing Street, seemingly for good. This departure comes after a long period of tension amongst factions in the Tory party. There has been pressure from MPs to shift senior positions in the party, with Cummings at the top of the list after he broke lockdown rules which his opponents say damaged public trust in the government. Cummings was accused of being out of touch with backbenchers and always at the centre of political conflicts. It is unclear whether Cummings and Cain resigned or were asked to leave Downing Street, but it’s no surprise they have left government as a pair after their close work together on the Brexit campaign. Johnson has appointed an ex-civil servant, Dan Rosenfield as his new chief of staff, employed from a London based strategic firm, Hakluyt. At Hakluyt, Rosenfield served as the global head of corporate clients but also ran the UK side of the business. It was speculated that a senior Conservative politician would have been appointed the role, such as Sajid David or Oliver Dowden. Rosenfield’s background is in economics, not politics, which has caused some stir in the party. Rosenfield’s rather neutral and largely private background is in stark contrast to Cummings public life and controversies. This looks like the start of Johnson’s cabinet refresh. After graduating from University College London in 2000, Rosenfield landed a job in the treasury. He worked there for eleven years, advising previous Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling and Conservative Chancellor George Osbourne. The former civil servant is not a member of the Conservative party and an outsider to current political circles. In fact, whilst Rosenfield speaks fondly of his work with Osbourne, the economist has shown no particular feelings towards the Conservative party, at least publicly. One of Rosenfield’s most interesting economic ventures includes setting the budget for the London 2012 Olympics Later in his economics career, Rosenfield became the managing director of the bank of America. This deep insight into America’s economy is no doubt appealing to Johnson as Britain leaves the EU, and new trade opportunities with the US open up. Rosenfield grew up in a small Jewish community in Manchester, where he attended Manchester Grammar school. Rosenfield has expressed his Jewish identity as being very important to him, calling the synagogue his second home. He is the Chair of Jewish World Relief, a non-profit organisation that helps to tackle abject poverty in both Jewish and non-Jewish communities world-wide. Last month the relief organisation joined other charities to urge the government not to reduce the amount of money spent on overseas aid. Rosenfield is expected to enter No.10 on December 7, and to take over from the interim chief Lord Udny-Lister on the first of January.

12 POLITICS In other news Thai Government reinstates the ban of criticism against monarchy Tom Kingsbury Politics Editor

The Australian Government has demanded that China apologise after a Chinese official tweeted an allegedly doctored photo of an Australian military officer murdering an Afghan child. The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrion, called the move “truly repugnant, deeply offensive, utterly outrageous” and cautioned Beijing that the rest of the world would be watching. The tweet followed the publication of a report earlier this month that detailed the involvement of the Australian military in the murder of 39 Afhgan citizens between 2009 and 2013. China-Australia relations have become strained in recent months after Australia led calls for an enquiry into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, which is believed to have originated from China.


n the wake of months of protests, which have called for reforms and spoken out against the Thai government and monarchy, at least seven activists have been charged with the criticism of Thailand’s royal family. The law has not been in use for over two years, but after a wave of Thai protests, led by students, key figures in the movement now face charges from the highly controversial law. The lèse-majesté, or ‘doing wrong to majesty’ law has historically been applied using secret trials and harsh sentencing, meaning almost no criticism of Thai royalty for years. It states: “Whoever defames, insults or threatens the King, Queen, Heir-Apparent or Regent shall be punished with imprisonment of three to 15 years”. The use once again of this law follows a week in which protesters clashed with police in Thailand’s capital, Bangkok. The protesters used umbrellas and inflatable ducks, defending themselves from police water cannons reportedly laced with chemicals.

“This generation of Asian youth, we are not afraid to ask questions, we are not afraid to question authority.” Ethiopia has agreed to open a humanitarian pathway into Tigray, where a conflict is displacing thousands of citizens. Many are fleeing into neighbouring Sudan, and until recently humanitarian organisations had no means of helping those still in Tigray. There have been some reports that people have been prevented from crossing into Sudan by Ethiopian army members, though this is not confirmed.

Akkarasorn Opilan Political activist



Hong Kong pro-democracy supporter and media tycoon Jimmy Lai was arrested in early December for fraud, and is set to appear in court in April 2020. This arrest came after another three main pro-democracy supporters were arrested. The controversal National Security Law led to the arrest of these activists.

In what is being called the Milk Tea Alliance – named after the popular drink in Hong Kong, Thailand and Taiwan – other protest strategies have been shared too. Thai protesters are using umbrellas and helmets for self-protection, learning from the lessons of the Hong Kong protests. They are mobilizing efficiently and on a large scale using social media, coordinating action both online and in Thailand’s streets. One app used in this coordination is Telegram, an app that authorities have attempted to have

banned in Thailand, without success. Also borrowed from Hong Kong are hand signals, used to communicate key information quickly across largescale protest groups. Signals include the call to put on helmets, to communicate that someone is injured and to disperse in response to a threat. The protests are being led by Thailand’s youth. The BBC spoke to one 16-year-old activist Akkarasorn Opilan, who said: “This generation of Asian youth, we are not afraid to ask questions, we are not afraid to question authority.”

A marathon, not a sprint: Protests have been ongoing in Thailand for months now, calling for systemic reform and an end to persecution of activists. Source: Hi na cang pldxæk (via. Wikimedia Commons)

Boko Haram claims responsibility for massacre of over 40 farmworkers in Borno state Umaima Arif

India is undergoing a general strike in what has been called one of the largest in human history. An estimated 250 million people have taken to the streets to protest against the current government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. the protestors comprise almost all the national worker’s unions as well as a large number of farmers’ organisations which have since descended on Dehli. This comes after the government pushed through three bills to open up the farming sector to more corporate and financial intrests.

More than 40 people were injured in the protests, and later that day protesters threw paint on the police headquarters in Bangkok. This was both in response to the injuries and the government’s rejection of a proposal to reform the constitution. The renewed use of the law also comes ahead of a planned protest at the Crown Property Bureau, the institution in charge of the royal fortune. Thailand’s King Vajiralongkorn caused controversy when he claimed his share of the royal assets, which are traditionally controlled by the Bureau. King Vajiralongkorn is reportedly the one who called for the law to be brought back into use, and despite some royalists maintaining support many citizens in the last few months have been openly criticizing the Thai monarchy. Until recently, it was difficult for many Thai citizens to express criticisms of the monarchy, fearing persecution, but following human rights lawyer Anon Nampa’s criticisms, many other activists became more outspoken. Now it seems the testing of this law has reached its limits. In anticipation of some form of crackdown, Thai protesters have made organistational changes in order to avoid a stall in the protests following the loss of movement leaders. Following the advice of activist allies in Hong Kong, Thai protesters have been creating a more ‘flat’ and ‘open’ leadership, and sharing the hashtag #everybodyisaleader, hoping to convey that no one figurehead can make or break the protests.

n the early afternoon of Saturday November 28, at least 43 civilians, and likely many more, were massacred. The brutal attack took place in Koshobe, a northwestern Nigerian village near the capital of Borno state (Maiduguri), and other rural communities in the local Jere government area. Boko Haram, a militant Islamist group in West Africa, has claimed responsibility for the attack, which targeted unarmed farmers in the rice fields. The group is also reportedly active in Chad, northern Cameroon, and Niger.

Accounts from a pro-government militia claim that the assailants arrived in motorcycles, tied the farmers up and slit their throats. The victims largely consisted of immigrants and labourers from the Sokota state in northwestern Nigeria; as of Saturday, six were wounded and eight were missing. According to Edward Kollon, the United Nations’ Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, the incident has been “the most violent direct attack against innocent civilians this year,” an alarming statement considering 2019 was reported to be the deadliest year for local security forces, with 800 soldier deaths. In addition, Kallon cites several reports claiming that an undetermined

Massacre in Borno: The targets of the attack were farmworkers in the northwerstern state of Borno, Nigeria. Source: Igwemba (via. Wikimedia Commons)

number of women were kidnapped and are being held hostage. He advocates for “the perpetrators of this heinous and senseless act to be brought to justice.” The attack was further condemnned by Nigerian president Muhammad Buhari, who states: “the entire country has been wounded by these senseless killings. My thoughts are with their families at this time of grief. May their souls rest in peace.” The attack took place as voters were coming to the polls for the long-awaited elections of Borno state, which were repeatedly delayed in the past due to an increase in local attacks by Boko Haram and its rival faction, known as the Islamic State of West Africa Province (or ISWAP). Several similar attacks in the region on loggers, fishermen, farmers and other agricultural workers have been blamed on these two groups as well. Both groups are active in Nigeria and have collectively slaughtered at least 30,000 civilians within the past decade. On its own, Boko Haram has displaced about 2.3 million people from their homes and is directly responsible for tens of thousands of civilian deaths since the radical insurgency began in 2009. Their increased radicalisation and mobilisation over the years has occurred despite suppression attempts by local Nigerian security forces, leading to heightened military tension in the region. Earlier on Sunday November 29, Borno governor Babaganan Umara Zulum noted that the death toll may rise as search operations resumed and urged the federal government to recruit more civil defense fighters, Civilian Joint Task Force members and

soldiers to protect agricultural workers in the region. Together, the political dispute and heightened security concerns have had a devastating impact on Nigeria’s economy and the welfare of its people. Zulum observed that “on one side, they stay at home they may be killed by hunger and starvation; on the other, they go out to their farmlands and risk getting killed by the insurgents.” Bulama Bukarti, an analyst at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, supplements this and attributes it partially to the failure of the Nigerian military in controlling the insurgents. He refers to the military’s most recent strategy of withdrawing militants from rural communities and remote areas which, while reducing military fatalities, effectively surrendered much of northeastern Nigeria to Boko Haram and northwestern Nigeria to rogue criminal gangs. Furthermore, security analyst Sulaiman Aledeh points out that several people in Nigeria are growing restless with the failing military control and partially blame the Nigerian government as well. There are questions about the competence of multiple security chiefs and why they still retain their positions, as a similar incident in Niger resulted in President Mahamadou Issoufou firing existing security chiefs. Vincent Leilei, the UN’s deputy Humanitarian Coordinator for Nigeria, fears that the prolonged effects of the current political and economic crisis, along with the increasing violence against unarmed civilians, will continue to destroy livelihoods and cause more displacement.

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Molly Govus

Sian Hopkins

Cerys Ann Jones

Will a streaming service film win the Oscar? Hallum Cowell Deputy Editor


t has been quite the year I think we can all agree on that; but, for the film industry, this year has been one of the strangest. Taking a glance at IMDB’s highest-rated movies of 2020 and seeing the number eight and 9 slots taken by Bad Boys for Life and the Sonic the Hedgehog movie respectively you feel like something has gone very, very wrong. The highest-rated film on IMDB’s list is Hamilton, which was released on Disney + this year. But could it win an Oscar? No, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Hamilton on Disney’s streaming service is a recording of the stage performance rather than a film adaptation, as such it’d be a better fit for something like the Tonys. Additionally, Hamilton premiered in 2013 so narrowly misses the cut off for being considered for 2020’s Oscar awards, being about seven Oscars too early. So, when we eliminate Hamilton from the list the highest-rated film of the year on IMDB is… Onward, with a solid Metacritic score of 61 which purely amounts to slightly above average, not quite the glowing reviews the best film of the year should be getting. So maybe IMDB is not the place to go. After all, it’s the critics who decide the Oscars, not the people. We want to know what all the experts think, so let’s have a look at what Metacritic says for the best film of the year. And, we have high numbers, but I don’t recognise any of these films. Maybe I’m just out of the loop here but I can’t say I’ve

heard of their number one pick, Collective which garnered a 95 on Metacritic. Upon reading the description it does sound good, a “fast-paced, real-time detective story about truth, accountability, and the value of an independent press in partisan times”. Yeah, alright I can get on board with that, however, there is one problem. Collective is a documentary, which normally wins awards in the best documentary category, but what I want to find is the best fiction film of the year, and so the search continues. So, my limited knowledge of film review sites takes me next to Rotten Tomatoes, in the hopes of finding something worthy of the 2020 best picture. The Rotten Tomatoes list was much of the same as Metacritic, films I hadn’t heard of with decent scores but only reviewed by 40-50 critics. But there I saw something that made me reevaluate my entire thought process. Bad. Boys. For. Life. It was there again, at a cool 13 slot. Audiences loved it at 96% approval from over 42,000 reviews. 257 critics gave it 77%. Apparently, it’s “loaded up with action and a double helping of lead-man charisma”. Maybe, just maybe Bad Boys for Life could be the one. Maybe a film that I dismissed as a cheap gag in my first paragraph could come back and surprise me, and maybe, just maybe, Bad Boys for life is the perfect 2020 movie just to forget everything going on in this wild world and watch Will Smith and Martin Lawrence be Bad Boys for Life. Bad Boys for Life is my pick for 2020 best picture.

Izzy Morgan

Source: Etc289 (via. WikimediaCommons)

TikTok takes on education: is this the way forward? Cerys Ann Jones Comment Editor


he pervasive presence of TikTok within contemporary society has transformed the media market consequent to its extensive audience reach and successful business strategy. There is no doubt that TikTok has become one of the most influential platforms in 2020. The video-sharing social networking service became ubiquitous during the coronavirus pandemic and has continued to dominate the social media landscape since its emergence. The global phenomenon has become a major cultural force attracting 850 million monthly active users, thereby appealing to a range of sectors, including the education system. Tutorial videos disseminated on digital platforms such as YouTube have been a favoured educative tool amongst content consumers. The success of such content has migrated onto TikTok’s application, thereby increasing the platform’s social reach and brand appeal. The corporation launched an initiative titled “Learn One TikTok” established to financially facilitate an array of educational content during the lockdown period of the coronavirus pandemic. The content was funded through TikTok’s $50 million creative learning fund which was announced as part of a $250 million commitment commissioned to assist with the negative implications of COVID-19. The platform employed a congregation of creators to produce educational content. The head of content partnerships for TikTok’s communicative platform stated in a blog post; “The joy of learning on TikTok is that the content offers instructional tips and takeaways in a creative format, teaching something useful and inspiring users to seek out more information in a way that is fun and engaging. Our community has been drawn to videos that highlight unique science experiments, useful life hacks, creative math tricks, easy DIY projects, and motivational messages and advice.

With our Creative Learning Fund, we’re continuing to nurture creators and partnerships that support this type of content on the platform”. Following the programme’s indisputable success, TikTok is currently trialling a new feature on the platform which allows users to discover educational content, labelled ‘The Learn Tab’. The new menu item will prominently appear alongside the “for you” and “following” icons. TikTok describes the tab as a new place to discover informative and tutorial-based videos, with a purpose of “exploring additional ways to showcase the rich offering of instructional content that’s thriving on the platform”, which includes “building a creator learning portal that will provide insights, tools, and best practices on how to create quality content on TikTok”. The company became subject to scrutiny by authoritative figures for having a potential detrimental influence as more people consume the application’s content during the COVID-19 pandemic. As an omnipresent platform utilised by viewers of all ages, the application should construct tighter rules, restrictions, and regulations for the protection of its younger audience. The platform has been developing an image as a platform utilised for educational purposes, evolving following the requirements of its users. Formal efforts have been conducted such as partnering with institutions including the University of Cambridge and encouraging students to create educational videos. #EduTok has been trending consistently on the application for over three months, gathering over 35.6 billion views for educations videos across categories, illuminating its prevalent influence on the audience. This additionally included soft diplomacy, where teachers utilise Tik Tok as a method of being more relatable to their student audience, the application’s focal demographic. Such factors exhibit that TikTok influences core elements to the functionality of society, therefore playing a vital role in influencing the wider population.

The Welsh alcohol ban: was it the best thing to do in this situation? Izzy Morgan

Comment Editor


ollowing an announcement from the Welsh government this week, the sale of alcohol in pubs will be banned as well as being forced to shut their doors at 6pm instead of 10pm. This decision has caused huge debate and outrage online. There is no denying that even with the financial safeguards in place, this decision could cause irreversible damage to the hospitality industry with pubs in particular already on shaky grounds before the pandemic. These measures also come off the back of the circuit-break in Wales which was supposedly in place to ensure a safe christmas for those in

Wales with as little restrictions as possible. The contrast to the English tier system means that all areas of Wales will suffer at the hands of this decision Christmas is probably the most important time of year for the hospitality industry and this decision will come as a major blow. The decision could be seen as insensitive and extremely insulting to business owners who already have suffered extreme profit loss this year. Whilst there is a £340 million financial support fund to help businesses, it perhaps will be the damning of local business. Many are confused by the decision especially to ban the sale of alcohol in pubs and cafes due to the fact that if so many resources have been dedicated to making these establishments socially distanced and safe then how

is the sale of alcohol any more dangerous than ordering a soft drink? Business owners specifically have spoken out against the decision as it shows no regard to those who have prepared in advance for the christmas period and have dedicated time and resources to ensuring the safety of their customers. Many businesses are deciding to close all together as it’s better for them financially rather than to risk staying open and going out of business.This decision not only poses a risk for the financial side of businesses, this decision being taken right before christmas cannot be understated in its power to potentially seriously damage the morale of the welsh population after such a tough year. With the post-second lockdown society just seeming to return to the ‘new

normal’, many will feel this decision is a step in the wrong direction. Many families who had planned to meet in pubs and restaurants after months of being isolated have had their hopes dashed by this decision and communities will undoubtedly suffer. There is also the risk that this decision is just more likely to cause unorganised drinking in peoples homes and out in the communities. This could also lead to a dangerous amount of people meeting and causing a significant rise in alcohol consumption and even the coronavirus case rate. At Least in pubs like other establishments that have been allowed to carry on as ‘normal’ during this period, social distancing can be enforced and drinking can be controlled to a certain extent. There is also the issue if house

parties become more common during this period, it will conceivably put a strain on the resources of law enforcement with time and money dedicated to stopping these illegal events. The decision was certainly unpopular with students with many understandably not understanding how drinking alcohol in a pub or restaurant is any different to drinking anything else there. The curfew of 6pm doesn’t even attempt to be understanding of these establishments as most of the clientele would be there in the evening after work anyway. Festive cheer may be sparse this year but hopefully with the advancements made and the vaccine roll-out around the corner we won’t have to wait much longer until we can enjoy a pint in safety again.


Black Friday sales reveal a dark side to shopping

Why we can no longer ignore the detrimental effects of fast fashion Sian Hopkins

At what cost?: behind the sales are unthinkable working environments for the staff Source: pascalkoenig (via. Pixabay)

metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions from home deliveries alone. The Fair Fashion Project notes that ‘80% of Black Friday purchases are discarded after zero or one use,’ meaning most of the world’s energy sources are going to waste to manage the needless demand of fast fashion. With all these statistics and damaging knowledge about the effect Black Friday sales has on the environment, why is it not discussed more widely? As The Ecologist explains in their article: ‘Black Friday and the Climate Emergency,’ Black Friday has become an advertisement minefield that encourages overconsumption. While the long battle against advertising smoking was won, why would we not do the same for advertising that encourages our planet to go up in smoke? According to research, advertising does cause a lot of harm: ‘the links between advertising and environmental damage and found a body of evidence that highlights connections at both a systemic level and at the level of individual, example products.’ Campaigners like the Badvertising campaign are calling on the government at all levels ‘to use available powers to introduce low-carbon advertising policies. This includes ‘clear mandated warnings on ads for ecologically-damaging products.’ One of the biggest scandals of this year’s Black Friday

sales appeared when the online store PrettyLittleThing, owned by retail giant Boohoo, announced an up to 99% off saving. This sale included discounts that meant clothing and even heels were being sold for as little as 5p, supposedly reduced from prices like £6.99. The Canary online commented how ‘The most shocking reductions included a 5p dress and a 25p pair of heels, as advertised on their website on Black Friday. Boohoo Group PLC owns PrettyLittleThing and other fast fashion brands such as Boohoo, Nasty Gal and Karen Millen.’ These fellow owned retail companies were similarly offering prices as little as £1.50 with 80% off most lines. Whilst many took to twitter boasting about how they had managed to buy £600 worth for only £36, many people were outraged at what these sales meant for the conditions of the workers making the merchandise. Only a few months ago PrettyLittleThing was in the news for the discovery that many factory workers in Leicester were being exploited by only being paid as little as £3 an hour. Following this, it was calculated by the Fair Fashion Project that the average monthly salary garment worker in India, was around £71.19 for a 48hour week. Compared to the CEO of Boohoo Mahmud Kamani and PrettyLittleThing CEO Umar Kamani having

net worths of $1 billion, these 5p sales demonstrate a disgusting exploitation of their workers and quality of clothing. Other big brands like Amazon also get away with inhumane working conditions, doubled in times like Black Friday deals. A demonstration was held outside of Amazon’s London HQ recently, to highlight the devastating working conditions in the company’s warehouses. This followed a GMB investigation, states The Canary news, ‘that ambulances were called to Amazon warehouses 600 times in three years, and reports of “602 serious injuries and near misses”. Amazon factory workers shared experiences of “working in constant agony, not having time to go to the toilet and a heavily pregnant woman being forced to work standing.” They are yet to demonstrate any evidence of their contribution to fair working conditions and a business that actively takes part in solving environmental issues. When looking at Black Friday offers and Christmas sales this year, maybe stop and think about how a company can afford to reduce a product by so much. What does this reflect about their working conditions, wages, and quality of the product itself? Hold companies like Boohoo PLC and Amazon accountable for their actions.

‘Is alcohol solely responsible ‘We need to take alcohol out of the equation’ for the rise of cases?’ Contributor


he Welsh Government’s decision to prohibit the sale of alcohol in pubs, bars and restaurants has been controversial amongst the people of Wales. The hospitality sector has been badly affected economically by the pandemic and the government’s recent announcement may be the final straw, especially for small businesses. The announcement has been heavily criticized by those in the industry. It is also questionable whether the blame for rises in cases should be placed on pubs and that they are perhaps being scapegoated. CAMRA National Chairman Nik Antona said “There is simply no evidence that a draconian alcohol ban will stop the spread of Covid-19. What is clear is that our pub culture is being used as a convenient scapegoat for the

the top Netflix streaming hit of 2020



Abi Edwards

The Queen’s Gambit:

Molly Govus Comment Editor

Comment Editor ith the end of November turning into the beginning of December, shops take their annual excuse to offer up excessive savings with Black Friday deals. This year, Black Friday seems to have become Black November as stores both online and in store raced to offer the ‘best’ deals as early as the 7th of November. Even when Black Friday is supposedly over there is still Cyber Monday bringing in the Christmas season. The Ecologist comments on this evolution stating: The term began in Philadelphia in the United States as slang for the madly busy shopping day after Thanksgiving, with bus drivers calling it that because of the traffic chaos. Nowadays however there is a much darker meaning to the term ‘Black Friday’ rather than just a day of sales. Many controversial advertisements and savings highlighted the ignorance of our population when it comes to our Carbon footprint and inhumane working conditions, that are the result of our continued spending and support for businesses that do not promote a good quality of life for their workers. More advanced research and scientific findings within the last decade have calculated how detrimental the fast fashion industry is to the survival of our planet and global warming. According to reports made in an article by Metro, the IPCC found that, ‘the fashion industry produces 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions every year and uses around 1.5 trillion litres of water annually.’ This makes it the second largest consumer of the world’s water supply and a main factor in the rising danger of the climate crisis. Even after the amount of clothes that have been made to keep up with the rising demand of changing styles and seasons, once bought it is estimated that around £30 billion of clothes have never been worn and are hanging in wardrobes across the UK. As Orla Behill notes in her article for Local London, even those items which are eventually thrown away make up around £140 million worth and end up in landfill every year. These statistics are just generally throughout the UK, whereas Black Friday sales on their own are predicted to use 429,000


spread of the pandemic.” Welsh pubs have taken extensive measures to still operate effectively whilst maintaining the safety of its customers. With one way systems, track and trace, table service and a limit of four people on one table (except for those who live in the same household), it has been possible to enjoy alcoholic beverages whilst social distancing. Are people not allowed to enjoy themselves so close to Christmas? Also for many people who live alone, a visit to the pub may be the only social interaction they have. It is understandable why restrictions have come into place, yet it remains questionable whether alcohol is solely responsible for the rise in coronavirus cases. Drakeford set these new rules for a reason, however if continued, the hospitality sector may never properly recover.

Tirion Davies



lthough some may think the alcohol ban is unfair, I feel maybe we should have limited alcohol consumption a while ago. We all like to drink in this country, but it’s usually done leisurely with our friends. It always felt throughout the pandemic like people were going against the rules to have that sense of normalcy in the pub with their mates. If you take alcohol out of the equation, you’re likely to get less people breaking the rules to go out and have a pint. Additionally, inhibitions lower when alcohol is in the picture; social distancing is so much harder when you’ve had a drink, because you forget about the rules, and it’s harder to measures two metres when your

mind is a little foggy. We all saw the celebrations that took place on VE Day this year, with hundreds of people crowding with one another and embracing after they’d had some alcohol. We all stood and watched the news in disappointment when pubs reopened in London and England seemed to flock to one busy street. Pubs will be hit hard by the ban on alcohol, which is devastating in itself. But if the number of cases continue to rise, pubs and restaurants will be hit harder by the alcohol ban long-term if there is a need for it to continue. The alcohol ban might be annoying, but I think we’d all rather have a few weeks of no pub than a lifetime. Besides, once the pandemic is over, pubs who’ve survived this period will be able to go from strength to strength.

hen I went back home to England during their lockdown, it’s safe to say that I needed something to keep me occupied. We’ve all been in the situation; I was mindlessly scrolling through Netflix, looking for some series that I wouldn’t need to pay too much attention to. I’d heard of The Queen’s Gambit, but after hearing it was about chess, I judged far too early and assumed it wouldn’t be my kind of thing. I can now say I regret making such a snap judgement. Scott Frank and Allan Scott’s seven-part miniseries has become Netflix’s most-watched scripted limited series to date, attracting 62 million account viewers within its first month of being on the streaming platform. With themes of the show not following the usual show-stopping genre, the only question remains: how did they manage it? One of the arguments for why the show was such a hit lies within its timing of release. With the entire show released just a few weeks before the US election, The Queen’s Gambit boasts escapism and distraction from our chaotic lives at the moment. It was almost too easy to sink into Beth Harmon’s life and narrative, and before you know it, you are completely immersed into her story of becoming one of the greatest chess players of all time. Beth Harmon, played by TaylorJoy, is a brilliant character. TaylorJoy’s representation of an enigmatic yet cold and mysterious female lead creates a Killing-Eve-Villanelle type kind of infatuation from viewers. Dare I say it, her character holds the platform to make chess sexy and appealing without sacrificing the accuracy of the game. One thing I loved about the series is that you don’t need to know anything about chess. The whole series is easily watchable without understanding the rules; there is nothing stopping you from feeling the intense emotions and tensions of the series. According to The New York Times, numerous chess board manufacturers have reported surges in sales, with increases anywhere from 215% to 1000%. I also must admit, even I have downloaded a beginners chess app since watching the series in the slight glimmer of hope that I may be a chess prodigy like Harmon. It cannot be denied, or ignored, that The Queen’s Gambit boasts female empowerment. With chess being a male-dominated game, it was refreshing and exciting to see a strong female dominate the board in this fictional tale. The character of Harmon is unphased by her gender, rising above each opponent effortlessly and with grace. Not only is her character and story beautiful, but the cinematography and filming of the series holds an element of class. Set in the 1960s, based on Walter Tevis’ novel, the series has a highly aesthetic charm that brings an air of sophistication to viewing. The colours, fashion and filming create an enjoyable watching experience. After watching this series, I will never again make a judgement on a show so quickly. I was proved wrong, and fell into the judgement trap, similar to the one that Beth Harmon sets for her many opponents.



YOUR How to enjoy living alone over Christmas What can you do to prevent loneliness and enjoy Christmas if you are living alone? ADVICE DESK F Vicky Witts

Head of Advice

Vicky Witts

Megan Evans

Considering your post-uni career options Vicky Witts

Head of Advice


f like many people you are unsure about what you want to do it the future, the idea of thinking about planning your career path can seem very daunting. It may therefore be helpful to try out different methods that may give you more certainty about your future. Career advice Universities such as Cardiff usually offer specific services for helping you with this and you can often book meetings with an advisor who may be able to help you with areas such as organising work experience, discussing possible future careers and helping you perfect your CV and interviewing techniques. Work experience Physically experiencing different workplaces and jobs is also a good way to try and learn what types of jobs you may enjoy, as you get to experience real life situations. As well as giving you an idea about what certain jobs entail, work experience is also good to have on your CV, as even if you do not choose to go into that area of work, it shows that you have likely gained valuable general workplace skills that other employers may look for. Placement Much like work experience, a placement year can give you an idea of what working in a specific career is really like. There is also a possibility that you may be offered a job following your placement, trasitioning you into work.

or many, the Christmas period is a time for celebration and excitement. Whether you are looking forward to all the activities associated with Christmas day itself or you do not celebrate the holiday but are just looking forward to some time at home to relax, this time of year has many positive associations. However, for some students this time can feel much lonelier and more unenjoyable, as they may be having to stay at university over Christmas for a variety of reasons. For these people, it is important to know how to maintain a good mental wellbeing so that the holiday feels more like a blessing than a burden. Wellbeing services It almost feels inevitable that living alone over Christmas will have some negative impacts on your mental wellbeing, as you are by yourself while your friends may be at home with their families. It is therefore important to know that many of the wellbeing services that Cardiff University offers will still be open during the festive period. There are a range of resources available such as pre-recorded self-help wellbeing workshops as well as the possibility for a call with one of the wellbeing team

which can help you to talk about how you are feeling and get any mental help that you may need. Staying social Perhaps one of the hardest aspects of living alone over Christmas may be dealing with loneliness, as there may not be anyone that you know left in your city to meet up with or talk to. It is therefore important to try and stay social over the festive period so that your mental health is not negatively affected by feelings of isolation and loneliness. A good way to prevent such feelings is taking time to call or facetime someone that you know, whether it is a family member or friend, and just have a catch up. It may feel that by doing so you are being a burden or annoying them at what is usually a busy time of the year however, even just a fiveminute conversation can help you to remember that whilst you may be physically alone, there are people who care for you. It may also be beneficial to speak to other students like yourself who are also experiencing Christmas alone this year. For this reason, the Cardiff University residence life team are putting on festive zoom events so that you can take time out of your day to chat about Christmas as well as how you may be feeling. Christmas in Cardiff Being alone for Christmas may also have some consequences that can be overlooked, such as the fact

that you are free to explore your city. In Cardiff there are many festive activities such as Christmas at the castle and the Christmas markets which can help you to still enjoy and celebrate Christmas if you choose to. Even if you do not choose or want to celebrate Christmas, you could still take this opportunity while you are alone to try new coffee shops that you have never been to or take a trip to somewhere you have never been to before like the bay. Even if you are not one for exploring or do not like the idea of being alone in the city, there are

other perks to being alone over the holidays that you can take advantage of. For example, if you are the only person living in your house, it may be a good time to experiment with something like cooking a Christmas dinner or baking, as there will be no pressure to make space for other people in the kitchen. Being by yourself at Christmas means that you get to spend the holidays exactly how you want to. Overall it is important to remember that you are not alone even if you are living independently over Christmas, and that there is always someone to talk to.

Christmas alone: How can you avoid feelings of loneliness and isolation if you are living alone over the Christmas period ? Source: (via PxHere)

Becoming body confident over Christmas Megan Evans Advice Editor


ody confidence is such an important issue that still affects so many young people and adults. An online survey conducted by the Mental Health Foundation with YouGov in 2019, suggested that 1 in 5 felt shame, over a third felt down or low and 20% felt disgusted because of their body image. Christmas is that time of the year, especially this year being particularly tricky, to let loose and eat as much as we can and drink as much as we can physically hold. For some though, Christmas is the lead up to the New Year and the distressing emotions leading up to a new year, where you are reflecting on the past and over-thinking. There are lots of little ways that you can actively make yourself feel better, in regards to maintaining an effective body confidence that will keep you going past the Christmas period. Use Instagram as little as you can We all see those models and influencers that are constantly in your feed, which make you have that pang of jealousy as you don’t look exactly like that. Truth is, Instagram is such a filtered app where people post when they feel their best. People also go as far as editing photos to make themselves appear more attractive. I would avoid using this app as much as possible over Christmas, because it isn’t the best for your own mentality, if you are constantly scrolling and thinking you should look one way. Truth

Body confidence: A Mental Health Foundation survey found that 1 in 5 felt shame, over a third felt down or low about appearance. Source: (via Piqsels) is, these people are probably posting to make themselves feel better and they may not feel like they look that good anyway, and are posting for self assurance in a world that is heavily immersed with fitting into society. Tell yourself you are worthy Sounds easy, but next time you think badly about your body, tell yourself that your body is not a representation of you as a person. It doesn’t make you a better person whether you are slightly bigger or smaller than the average of people your age. It is perfectly normal to fluctuate weight, particularly during times that might be a little more stressful, so don’t panic about that too much. When you next look at yourself in the mirror, don’t pick apart certain aspects you don’t like. Instead, look at how well you are doing, the parts of you that you are happy with, whether that be your per-

sonality, kindness or maybe if you have been working out, and you can see significant improvements towards your mental health, which is such an amazing attribute to have, particularly with the times that we are in. If you wouldn’t say it to your friends, to say it to yourself Think- would you tell a friend that you are too ‘overweight’ or don’t look that nice on a particular day because your arms are big, or your hips are too wide? Chances are you probably wouldn’t, so the rule is that you need to stop criticizing yourself to the point that it is damaging, because you need to look after yourself more than ever during this horrendous period. With COVID-19 already affecting mental health, you don’t want to be actively making it worse by shaming your self worth and confidence. If you think your friends look nice, chances are

they are probably think you look great as well, so there is no need to degrade yourself futher, as you are probably looking for small issues that aren’t even there. Learn to take a compliment It’s always the days I find, where you aren’t overly happy with yourself, but you might venture outside and get a random compliment off a stranger. If someone compliments how you look, take it with pride. It may take a lot for someone to actively say this to you, so accept that you are looking great, as someone you don’t know has appreciated what you look like. Even a sibling or a parent commenting on your appearance, should make you feel better, not because they care but because they may have noticed a change that you may not have noticed yourself. Wear clothes that you love and embrace it Experts have found that we spend approximately 16 mins on a weekday deciding what to wear. If you are cut up about a certain item of clothing that doesn’t fit you anymore, why not donate it? You can then make room for the clothes that you love to wear, and that means you can’t torture yourself with the ‘what if ’s’, and instead, have a wardrobe full of clothing that makes you feel amazing. Is the body shaming helping? The time you spend upset with your body, can be spent much more productively. This wasted energy can be used to promote positivity in so many other areas, such as helping improve mentality, doing little bits for your family or just relaxing!



Megan Evans


Coping with bereavement: There is never a correct way of dealing with grief, but there are some things you can do which could help to ease the pain. Source: geralt (via. Pixabay) Disclaimer: This article covers topics some readers may find disturbing. If you have been affected by any of the topics in this article please don’t hesitate to contact student support on


here is never a correct way to feel when you are tackling such an important issue, such as how to feel when there’s a big life change that you can’t control is affecting your daily mentality. With COVID-19 playing a role in uncertainty during these hard times, and then having the fears of not being able to say goodbye to a loved one, is completely distressing and upsetting. It is something that unfortunately, everyone will have to go through at some point in their lives. Some losses and strain can have an affect on relationships with those around you, and whilst you may feel guilty about the way in which you conduct, it is completely natural to feel out of touch with what is going on right in front of you. It is this time where you can implement steps to try and cope with it in the best way possible. Seek support immediately If you are urgently suffering, make sure you let people close to you aware of this. Communicating is absolutely es-

sential when you are grieving. It doesn’t matter if it’s a really close friend, a family member, or a friend of a friend. I have found it a bit more relieving when I tell someone I don’t know about something that has been brewing on my mind, it feels like a weight lifting of your shoulders straight away, and you can gain a perspective of a new person that can’t judge you or your situation, aside from on face value.` If it is starting to affect day to day routines, make sure you book an appointment whether that is online or in person, because these people are trained to deal with these issues so you don’t have to deal with them on your own.

Dealing with that pain in a manner that suits your personality and needs, can make it easier to deal with in the long run. Make time for yourself It can be tempting to act as normal after a massive life change, but truth be told, you need to make time to do exactly what you want to do. Throwing yourself in the deep end

is not the way forward, it can make you feel worse because you are trying to actively distract yourself from the root worry that you are already feeling. Make sure you do what you feel like doing, and if that means you want to grab a coffee with a close friend, do that. If that means you want to go to the gym, then do it. Staying on your own is perfectly okay too. There is no need to justify, especially if you live with other people about what has happened, as I am sure they can understand the stresses of how you are feeling. You may even get guidance from someone, who may have experienced the same thing, so has already taken steps to continue on with normal life after a down period, which is better as first hand experience is much easier to take on, than getting advice from someone who maybe hasn’t experienced it yet. Talk about it with someone you trust This may take some time, as the immediate reaction you can gain from loss is complete shock and denial. Someone close to you will definitely be able to help support you in every way possible, and I am sure they wouldn’t mind if you did tear up a bit, because it is only human to get upset when something bad has happened. It helps release tension and anxiety build up.

This is where relationships can get affected, as if you don’t speak to people but you are bottling your emotions up inside, it can end up coming out in bursts and sometimes you may not know how to assert these emotions. Don’t ever feel guilty to randomly call close family or a best friend, as I’m sure if it was the other way round, you would be there to support them.

Do not ever feel guilty about taking your time in processing those overwhelming emotions Build resilience Building resilience is crucial, as this is what allows us to cope with the ups and downs of what life throws at you. If you feel like you want to get out some emotion through writing a journal, or joining an online support group, or painting, this creative outlet can be extremely beneficial for dealing with these overwhelming emotions. It can help express innate pain and be a forcing drive in continuing on with your passions, instead of leav-

ing it and feeling more guilty. Especially when you do have a big life change, it is initially very easy to feel extremely negative about the world around you. Dealing with that pain in a manner that suits your personality and needs, can make it easier to deal with in the long run. Take each day at a time If you try to think too outwardly at future events, this can make you more stressed and susceptible to feeling much worse. Each day, set yourself something you can do, even if it isn’t work or uni related. Only throw yourself into something when you can.Dealing with bereavement is one of the most challenging parts of living, so do not ever feel guilty about taking your time in processing these overwhelming emotions. It is not all about being normal again after a loss, it’s about understanding the changes and being able to balance between a healthy mindset but also being aware of how you might be feeling in the meantime. It is all about learning how to live your life, even if you are grieving. Re-building your growth is hard, but you will be able to regain some sense and meaning back into yourself. That person who has a hold on you will continue to do so, until you are ready to embrace the new normal, which is how your life currently sits.




‘Essential Diagnosis’ board game developed by Cardiff University medical student

The game helps trainee-medics discover the diagnosis behind symtpoms Holly Giles

Head of Science & Technology

A Holly Giles

Rowenna Hoskin

Mili Jayadeep

Jack Robert Stacey

new board game, titled ‘Essential Diagnosis’, was developed by Dr Chris Baker during his final year of medical school at Cardiff University. The board game simulates conversations between a clinician and a patient in order to help future doctors find the right diagnosis and treatment. The game is aimed at junior doctors and Advanced Nurse Practitioners to help them assess three key symptoms and the potential causes behind them. The first edition looks at breathlessness, chest pain and loss of consciousness. The game, now on sale, is described by Focus Games as “a game-based learning simulation that helps medical students and junior doctors improve their diagnostic thinking and history taking skills… The game enables students to practice history taking in a fun and engaging way without any external support. Simple, effective and practical”. When explaining his inspiration for the game, Baker said: “I came up with the idea for Essential Diagnosis after attending an informative communication skills workshop at Cardiff University. It inspired me to create an interactive learning opportunity for myself and other medics to practice for our final exams and future careers.” “After developing a prototype, I tested the game on fellow students who responded positively. They felt it gave them a different perspective on the diagnostic process, generated important discussions and helped them understand the value of the questions needed to reach a diagnosis. Students showed measurable improvements in diagnostic thinking skills after engaging with the game for 60 minutes.” Dr Baker took his idea to the South East Wales Academic Health Science Partnership (SEWAHSP) who provided funding and support to get the game produced commercially. It is now being produced by Focus Games. Dr Corinne Squire, Manager at SEWAHSP, said: “We could instantly see the potential in Chris’s idea. He had come up with a fun and

Playtime for doctors: This new boardgame comes after findings that healthcare teams playing board games develops their communication, which could improve patient care. Source: (via Pickpik) interactive concept to help students learn how to ask the right questions to arrive at a definite diagnosis for conditions with similar symptoms and backed this up with accurate and accessible clinical information. We introduced him to Focus Games who helped refine and develop Chris’ design to produce the eventual game. I hope we will see this being widely used by medical schools in the UK and internationally.” Medical students have also provided positive feedback on the game; with Dr Chay Markham from the School of Medicine explaining “Essential Diagnosis provides a comfortable and easily accessible opportunity to practice history taking for final exams.” This was added to by Joseph Pickett from Southampton University who said: “Playing the game with friends provided a sociable way to learn both practical and theoretical medicine.” Finally, the Pro-vice Chanellor at Cardiff, Professor Ian Weeks OBE,

reflected: “It’s very timely that the game is being brought to market during the Covid-19 pandemic as it can play an important role in student learning. Essential Diagnosis was initially supported by the Clinical Innovation Multidisciplinary Team. Several members who are medically trained appreciate that developing diagnostic and history taking skills can be a struggle. Face to face conversations with patients and simulation workshops usually help, but some of these opportunities are not available to students during the pandemic.” This board game specifically focuses on medical knowledge and skills required in the daily life of a clinician, but it has also been suggested that general board games could help doctors performance. Board games teach vital skills including teamwork, communication, sharing, future planning and team coordination which can all be transferred to a clinical setting. Increased

boardgame use in hospitals may lead to improved teamwork and subsequently, an increase in quality of patient care. Essential Diagnosis will be an increasingly important tool for medics training throughout these unprecedented times. It is an achievement of Dr Baker and the team at Cardiff University that this board game is now on the market in time for Christmas and for years to come. They felt it gave them a different perspective on the diagnostic process, generated important discussions and helped them understand the value of the questions needed to reach a diagnosis.” Dr Chris Baker

Cardiff Medical School graduate

Microplastics discovered at Everest peak, but alternatives also flawed Gemma Muller Contributor


lastic waste occurs at all levels of the environment from our front doorstep all the way to the depths of the ocean; it has now been discovered 8,440-metres above sea level on the Balcony of Mount Everest. Plastic has been taken up the mountain since the first summit in 1953. Microplastics (< 5 mm) may shred from explorers’ clothes and equipment or may be translocated by wind from nearby cities. Such pollution has previously been discovered in snow from the Alps and the Arctic and is now shown to reach new heights. Researchers from University of Plymouth found microplastics in

stream water and snow at all elevations sampled on Mount Everest, April to May 2019. Levels ranged from 3 to 119 particles per litre, with the highest concentration at Base Camp (5,300 m.a.s.l.). Particles were mostly fibrous material, made of polyester (56%), acrylic (31%) and nylon (9%), used to make clothing and outdoor gear. Lead author, Dr Imogen Napper, said “plastic pollution is a key issue of our time” and finding it “near the top of the tallest mountain on Earth… is definitely eye-opening.” Microplastics have multiple potential environmental impacts, causing physical damage to organisms and chemically toxicity from leaching components, additives, and potential adsorbed environmental pollutants.

Plastic could also carry organisms to non-native environments, potentially transporting harmful species and even antibiotic resistance. Specific impacts and their magnitude are uncertain, but this research suggests that nowhere on Earth may be completely pristine. However, alternatives to plastic may not be any better. Researchers from University of Southampton compared the environmental impact of five drinks containers made of different materials and interestingly, glass and recycled glass were ranked the worst. Glass takes the most resources and energy to produce, and mining of the raw materials (silica and dolomite) releases pollution harmful to the lungs. Melting raw materials and used glass requires

high temperature, powered by finite fossil fuels, generating greenhouse gases. Even glass itself releases carbon dioxide, all contributing to climate change. Moreover, glass bottles are up to 20 times heavier than similar sized plastic bottles, meaning more fossil fuels are consumed to deliver the same amount of liquid, due to the extra weight. Plastic is less environmentally impactful, due to its lighter weight and less energy required for recycling. However, recycled plastic is less useful and plastic waste more damaging, with microplastics distributed across all environments as highlighted by the findings at Everest. Aluminium was ranked the least environmentally damaging container material, and recycled aluminium is

the best. Aluminium is not derived from fossil fuels and its production requires less energy, generating less greenhouse gases. Recycling aluminium does not change its properties and saves 95% of the energy used to make a new can. Aluminium is also lighter than glass, making transport more efficient. However, mining its raw material, bauxite ore, does pollute water, threatening wildlife and human health. Even if some materials are better than others, they all have environmental impacts. Clothes and equipment need to be designed to shed fewer microplastics and singleuse packaging must be reduced, to diminish synthetic materials entering novel environments.


New study shows baby’s brain development affected by mother’s stress levels in pregnancy Mili Jayadeep

Science Editor


new study conducted by a research team at the University of Edinburgh highlights the impact a pregnant mother’s stress levels has on the developing baby. The researchers have found a link between the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol to the development of the baby’s brain and affecting its growth. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the body as part of its natural stress response. The findings published in the journal eLife shows the hormone’s effect on the baby’s amygdala, which is responsible for emotional and social development. As a result of this study, doctors agree that particular importance should be given to the mental health of pregnant mothers as well as their Our findings are a call to action to detect and support pregnant women who need extra help during pregnancy as this could be an effective way of promoting healthy brain development in their babies” Professor James Boardman

Direction of the Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory

physical health. Previous research has not been as reliable as it relied on qualitative data such as that from questionnaires. This study is not only reliable but is also the first one that uses objective methodology to reach these conclusions. The study collected hair samples from 78 women to measure the cortisol levels in the previous three months. The scientists also performed brain scans using MRI on the babies to note some interesting observations. They found a relationship between structural differences in the amygdala and observed changes in the network in the brains of the babies whose mothers had increased levels of cortisol. It is also possible that there may also be a link to long-term emotional problems in children whose mothers experienced a significant amount of stress during pregnancy. Professor James Boardman, the Director of the Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory at the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health at the University of Edinburgh says, “Our findings are a call to action to detect and support pregnant women who need extra help during pregnancy as this could be an effective way of promoting healthy brain development in their babies.” Studies like these are important to

highlight the importance of mental health during pregnancy. Knowledge about how the maternal environment can affect the growing baby can help pregnant women and health professionals support the needs of the mother and baby during such a crucial developmental stage. Professor Rebecca Reynolds who is a co-lead researcher and Personal Chair of Metabolic Medicine at the University of Edinburgh says, “Thankfully, psychological treatments are very successful at helping

mothers and children and we hope that our findings could guide therapies in future to help spot those who might be most in need of support.” Sarah Brown, the Chair of Theirworld, adds: “This research highlights how important it is to support women’s mental health during pregnancy to ensure that their needs are met and that their babies have the best start in life. Helping mothers cope with stress is an important step to ensure both mum and baby thrive.”

Happy mum, happy baby: The phrase takes on new meaning through the finding that the mother’s mental health impacts the baby’s brain development. Source: DMCA (via Pxfuel)

High-frequency soundwaves to revolutionise drug delivery and provide new smart materials Rowenna Hoskin Science Editor


ew research has revealed the way in which high-frequency sound waves can be used to create new materials, from smart nanoparticles and even to deliver drugs to the lungs for needle-free vaccinations. Sound waves themselves are not a new discovery; they have been part of science and medicine for decades 1942 was the year that ultrasound was first used for clinical imaging. Researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, have provided new evidence that high frequency sound waves could revolutionise the field of ultrasound-driven chemistry. Advanced Science published a new review which revealed the unusual effects of these sound waves on materials and cells, such as molecules that seem to spontaneously order themselves after being hit with the sonic equivalent of a truck. The scientists noted that this pioneering work could be used in many new areas of application. It can be used to deliver drugs to the lungs, for example in patented nebulisation technology which can deliver life-saving drugs and vaccines by inhalation, as opposed to injections. The nebuliser uses the high-frequency

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to excite the surface of the fluid or drug to create a fine mist which can deliver larger biological molecules to the lungs. Another area of application would be encapsulated drugs in special nano-coatings to protect them from deterioration. This would help to control their release over time and ensure they precisely target the right places in the body like tumours or infections. Scientists believe that this technology would also be a breakthrough in the sector of smart materials. The sustainable production of superporous nanomaterials would be able to be stored, separated, released, and protected from almost anything. The conventional way to create metalorganic frameworks (MOFs) can take days and uses harsh solvents and intensive energy processes, the RMIT team has developed a clean technique using these soundwaves to create MOFs in minutes and can be easily scaled up for mass production. Lastly, researchers see these soundwaves as being valuable in the nano-manufacturing of 2D materials as they would be cost-effective and produce a fast exfoliation of automatically-thin quantum dots and nanosheets. The lead researcher Distinguished Professor Leslie Yeo and his team have spent over a decade researching

the interaction of sound waves at frequencies above 10 MHz with different materials. Yeo says that it is only now that they are beginning to understand the strange phenomenon that they often observe in the labs. “When we couple high-frequency sound waves into fluids, materials and cells, the effects are extraordinary,” he says. “We’ve harnessed the power of these sound waves to develop innovative biomedical technologies and to synthesise advanced materials. “But our discoveries have also changed our fundamental understanding of ultrasound-driven chemistry - and revealed how little we really know. “Trying to explain the science of what we see and then applying that to solve practical problems is a big and exciting challenge.” The research team generates highfrequency sound waves on a microchip to precisely manipulate fluids or materials. Ultrasound has been used at 10 kHz to 3 MHz - to drive chemical reactions for a long time. At such low frequencies, these chemical reactions are driven by the violent implosion of air bubbles. This process is known as cavitation, and results in high pressures and extremely high temperatures.

Word of the week: Sound waves

If you turn these frequencies up, however; these reactions are entirely changed. When high frequency sound waves were transmitted into various materials and cells, the researchers saw behaviour that had never been observed with the lower-frequency ultrasound. “We’ve seen self-ordering molecules that seem to orient themselves in the crystal along the direction of the sound waves,” Yeo says. “The sound wavelengths can be over 100,000 times larger than an individual molecule, so it’s incredibly puzzling how something so tiny can be precisely manipulated with something so big. “It’s like driving a truck through a random scattering of Lego bricks, then finding those pieces stack nicely on top of each other - it shouldn’t happen!” While low frequency cavitation often destroys molecules and cells, under high-frequency sound waves they remain mostly intact. This means that they are gentle enough to use in biomedical devices to manipulate biomolecules and cells without affecting their integrity. This new discovery will revolutionise many different areas of science and technology, be it vaccinations or smart materials. High-frequency soundwaves have created a new horizon and many new outlets for research and innovation.

Sound waves are the vibrations of particles which transfer energy from the source of the sound to your ear to enable you to hear They travel at 343 m/s through the air There are two types of sound waves (longitudinal and transverse) which characterise the features of the wave and the way the sound moves Sound waves are reflected by surfaces; this is best in hard surfaces which reflect sound well to cause echoes. Soft surfaces absorb most of the waves


Engineered animal immune cells show promising response to HIV Holly Giles

Head of Science & Technology


here are approximately 38 million people in the world living with HIV, of which close to 2 million are under 15 years old. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system, weakening your ability to fight other infections and diseases. This makes patients vulnerable to opportunistic infections; this is described as AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) when the body is damaged by a number of infections and illnesses as a result of HIV immunosuppression. Despite improvements in treatment and care, HIV is behind many other diseases as there is still no cure or vaccine. Researchers may have taken a step forward with the latter of these two in November 2020 through engineering immune cells to fight infection. The team at Scripps Research showed in 2019 that it was possible to reprogram antibody genes of B cells (cells in the immune system) using CRISPR so they produce neutralising HIV antibodies. New research built on this and showed that when these engineered B cells are reintroduced to mice they are able to multiply and mature into memory cells and plasma cells, leading to high levels of protective antibodies which remain in the body for a long period of time and provide immunity. They also showed that the engineered genes improve the efficacy of the antibodies against the virus. Principal investigator, Dr James Voss, explained: “This is the first time it has been shown that modified B cells can create a durable engineered antibody response in a relevant animal model”. Whilst the work is currently limited to mice, he hopes that one day it can be transferred to humans in order to provide a vaccine for HIV. Current challenges include that the method requires the collection of the patient’s own cells through a blood draw to then be engineered and reintroduced. This is an expensive process so the team is now working on making this technology more accessible and affordable to those that need it the most. “People think of cell therapies as being expensive. We’re doing a lot of work towards trying to make the technology affordable as a preventative HIV vaccine or functional cure that would replace daily antiviral therapy,” Voss explained. Current treatment options for HIV are antivirals which work to stop the virus replicating in the body to prevent further damage. These need to be taken every day and in a varied combination to reduce the chance of the virus developing resistance. The medications have to be taken for life which places a huge economic burden on health services and means novel treatments are urgently needed. Whilst the research still has many steps to go, it is an exciting proof of principle that we can enhance our immune cells to fight this deadly disease and suggests one day it may be a condition of the past.



Air-taxi start-up ‘Lilium’ set to expand to Orlando by 2025

The Germany-based, personal air vehincle manufacturer has its sight set on a groundbreaking US development as part of a $25 million project in the next 5 years Jack Robert Stacey Technology Editor


ollowing several successful partnerships, one of Europe’s most prominent ‘air taxi’ startup companies has recently revealed plans for a new development that, by 2025, will expand its services to also include Orlando, Florida. As outlined in a recent statement on their website, Lilium have expressed their intentions to install a flagship development of their “ondemand air taxi service” in the US State of Florida. The 56,000 squarefoot transportation hub, proposed for construction close to the City of Orlando, is set to house multiple aircraft and will offer new, faster transportation connections to multiple nearby cities. Lilium, the five-year-old Munichbased development company, is one of the world’s foremost ‘air taxi’ startups and has already secured lucrative partnership deals with two airports in Germany – These “vertiports” will likely function identically to the planned expansion in Lake Nona, Florida. The project, costing upwards of USD $25 million by 2025, will work primarily with the Tavistock Development Company in order to build a sustainable residential community that will provide homes for 65,000 people with 143 high-wage jobs. Present financial estimates are fairly positive and predict that, over 10 years of continued operation, the venture could attract USD $1.7

million in funds. Dr. Remo Gerber, the Chief Commercial Officer at Lilium, recently gave a press statement praising the planned development for showing “that regional high-speed air mobility can be built by private initiative and give communities such as Lake Nona […] the ability to determine themselves whether they want a link into a high-speed transportation network”. Speaking on the difficulties in establishing Lilium’s vision, Dr. Gerber noted that although the construction of the new transportation hub would be “hard and difficult work”, he remains optimistic: “I think all of it is possible. We know it’s possible, but it’s certainly something to remain humble about”. In the past few years, Lilium has seen a near unprecedented level of international interest with the reveal of its revolutionary ‘Lilium Jet’: “the world’s first all-electric, five-seater, Vertical Take-Off and Landing Jet” (or VTOL). The current iteration of the Jet, first demonstrated in May 2019, features enough room for five passengers and, although already pilot-controlled, may be able to fly autonomously within the next 10 years. 36 single-stage electric motors provide all the propulsion which, once the Lilium Jet has reached full speed, enables the aerial vehicle to travel approximately 300km within one hour. Additionally, the VTOL Jet has been specially designed with urban use in mind and, as a result, is inaudible when flying above an altitude of 400m. However, Lilium is not the only

Full speed ahead: A conceptual vision of Lilium’s “vertiport” project in Lake Nona, Florida. Source: Lilium company to put forward their concept for a publicly-accessible autonomous air taxi service. The Chinese Drone Manufacturing company EHang, for instance, made waves with its demonstration of the ‘EHang 216’ in January 2020, which critically marked the first flight of an autonomous air vehicle in North American history. Other prominent technology companies such as Boeing, Hyundai, and Toyota, are also expected to unveil

their own offerings within the next few years. Buddy Dyer, the City of Orlando’s current and longest serving mayor, praised Orlando’s “unique partnership” with Lilium for “the expansion of safe, efficient and environmentally friendly transportation options throughout one of the fastest-growing regions in the country”. Continuing in reference to the development of the flying taxi service itself, Dyer attested that in

order for the technology to “benefit Orlando residents long-term, it’s going to take a true partnership between cities, developers and transportation operators”. With the ever-expanding development of all-electric technologies and artificial intelligence, the once distant future of autonomous aerial transportation seems more accessible to us than ever before.

Using plant power to Excessive smartphone not linked synthesise medicines to notifications says new study Rowenna Hoskin Science Editor


alo Alto, CA--Anthraquinones are a class of naturally occurring compounds celebrated for their medicinal purposes, not to mention their ecological friendly dyes. Until recently, this compound was shrouded in mystery. New work from an international team of scientists, including Carnegie’s Sue Rhee, reveals the gene responsible for anthraquinone synthesis in plants. Their research could aid scientists in developing a plant-based mechanism for harvesting these useful compounds in bulk quantities. “Senna tora is a legume with anthraquinone-based medicinal properties that have long been recognized in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions, including antimicrobial and antiparasitic benefits, as well as diabetes and neurodegenerative disease prevention,” Rhee explained. Senna tora, also called Sticking Cassia, is a hairless shrub that grows wild on roadsides. The leaves are used in the treatment of skin diseases. The seeds contain compounds that are antibacterial, antifungal and hepatic (to do with the liver). The seed is used in Korea to treat constipation, oedema, glaucoma, nyctalopia and to protect the liver. A paste can be made from the seed too, and this is used

in Nepal to treat leprosy and itchy skin. When the roots are made into a paste and mixed with lemon juice, it can be applied as a poultice to treat ringworm. Genomic studies of Senna have been limited despite the advantageous applications. The research team, Sang-Ho Kang of the Korean National Institute of Agricultural sciences and Ramesh Prasad Pandey of Sun Moon University and MIT, used an array of sophisticated genetic and biochemical approaches to identify the first known anthranoid-forming enzyme in plants. “Now that we’ve established the first step of the ladder, we can move quickly to elucidate the full suite of genes involved in the synthesis of anthraquinones,” said lead author Kang. Once the process by which plants make these important compounds is fully known, this knowledge can be used to engineer a plant to produce high concentrations of anthraquinones that can be used medicinally. “The same techniques that we use to help improve the yields of agricultural or biofuel crops can also be applied to developing sustainable production methods for plant-based medicines,” Rhee concluded. This discovery of the gene responsible for these medicinal applications has the potential to help in the synthesis of plant-based medicines as opposed to chemically

Jack Robert Stacey Technology Editor


ccording to a recent study by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), there is little tangible evidence linking smartphone addiction to the frequency of notifications. The study, published in the Science Direct Journal, concludes that only 11% of our interactions with smartphones are in response to an alert and, in fact, 89% of interactions occurred were entirely unprompted by the phone. LSE’s study evaluated the daily smartphone use of 37 different people across the UK, Germany, and France. Participants, all of which had a combined average age of 25, were given high-tech camera equipment in order to log their phone-based interactions from a ‘first-personperspective’ – When the data was compiled, a total of 1,130 separate interactions were recorded. Upon later analysis by the researchers, it was found that social media application-related notifications (perhaps unsurprisingly) were a primary source of interaction while 17% were actually driven by nothing at all and were checking for missed notifications. This desire to check your smartphone, the study considers, acts on “an urge of the user to interact with their phone that seems to occur in an almost automatic manner, just as a smoker would light

a cigarette”. Professor Saadi Lahlou, a researcher at the London School of Economics and co-author of the study, highlighted that phone addiction “is a serious issue, especially for children” and contended that, as a society, we don’t fully understand “how these devices are changing our way of living”. Speaking on methods to reduce excessive interactions with smartphones, Professor Lahlou offered an insightful example: “we must learn tricks to avoid the temptation when we want to concentrate […] To do like the cowboys did with their gun when they entered saloons: leave it outside! Or at least shut it down”. When questioned by the researchers, most participants were entirely unaware of how frequently they interacted with their mobile phones with some of these reactions being recorded to aid in LCE’s research: One participant noted that: “I wouldn’t consider myself as someone who isn’t attached to their phone much” however, when shown the collated data, they said “seeing this has made me realise that I don’t even remember picking it up. I think I use it a lot more than I let myself believe.” While, another attested that “I don’t remember getting my phone out. When I see that moment, I don’t remember doing that ... and I’m surprised that I keep checking it,” Amongst the questioned participants, a clear trend was produced that considered ‘group

chats’ to be the most prominent “source of distress”. Scrolling features too, saw the most active watch time from participants and encouraged the most interactive user response. Dr Linda Kaye, a leading psychologist at the Edge Hill University’s Department of Psychology, has consistently advocated for additional research into the link between habitual impulses and their function. Elaborating on the significance of this strand of research, Dr Kaye noted that this aids our understanding to “whether these behaviours are driven by specific human needs, and how these behaviours help fulfil these, or whether they are simply behaviours for their own sake,”. Whilst psychologically-focused research on smartphone addiction remains to be an increasingly contended field of study, this particular example will shape the way we critically look at the effects of notifications. We must learn tricks to avoid the temptation when we want to concentrate […] To do like the cowboys did with their gun when they entered saloons: leave it outside! Or at least shut it down”. Professor Saadi Lahlou

Researcher at the London School of Economics

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YOUR Welsh Christmas toy appeal hit by coronavirus @CAERDYDD Concerns have arisen over the possibility a christmas toy appeal will not provide for every child DESK T Fflur Trevor

@Caerdydd Editor

Natalie Graham

Fflur Trevor

Impact of latest COVID restrictions Natalie Graham

Head of @Caerdydd


irst Minister Mark Drakeford outlined his latest COVID-19 restrictions, after the virus has said to be ‘spreading incredibly quickly’ throughout Wales. Pubs, cafes, restaurants and bars will have to close by 6pm, with a ban on alcohol sales. Pubs and bar owners across Wales face closure during a financially crucial Christmas period. Understandably many pub and bar owners across Wales have been angered by Drakeford’s announcement, seeing it as a potential final nail in the coffin for the hospitality industry. After nine months of severe financial insecurity caused by COVID-19 restrictions, the industry faces job losses and financial ruin. Alistair Darby CEO of Wales’ largest brewery, Brain’s has announced that 100 of it’s managed pubs will close indefinitely whilst the new restrictions are in place, with the majority of it’s 1500 staff being put on furlough. Darby is not alone, Tim Martin owner of JD Wetherspoon also announced all of their pubs in Wales will be closing. Alistair Darby spoke to Wales online, stating that “when broken down to a sector specific Economic Resilience Fund grant scheme, the financial support package of £340m being offered to businesses in both hospitality and leisure would not be enough…It doesn’t even touch the sides”. The firebreak cost the firm £1.6m, “We make £200,000-300,000 of profit from that turn over each week, and we are being given access to a big company grant of £150,000”.

his last year has been a difficult year for everyone. With businesses and charities balancing on a financial knife’s edge as to whether or not they will avoid the same fate as Philip Green’s Arcadia Group who went into administration earlirer this week. COVID-19 has caused unprecedented financial and emotional strains for thousands of families across the UK. Numerous lockdowns have led to business closures most recently, Debenhams and Topshop which means that thousands have lost their jobs just before Christmas. It has been estimated that UK charities will lose approxiemntly 24% of their income this year. Moreover, the coronavirus pandemic has gravely affected Welsh charities with the Wales council for voluntary action estimating a loss of £620 million for Welsh based charities. According to the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) there are almost 170,000 general charities in the UK which between them share an annual income of £51 Billion. However, the coronavirus pandemic has had dire consequences on smaller charities with many of them making financial cuts. Matt Whittaker, chief executive of Pro Bono Economics said, “The fact that one in 10 charities expect to go under in the next six months is on its own a

shocking enough statistic. But once we add in the significant constraints being faced by many of those organisations that do survive, we’re looking at a huge hit to the overall capacity of the sector.” One Welsh charity facing finacial difficulties is Carmarthenshire’s county council christmas toy appeal. This year they are anticapting higher demands for gifts compared to previous years and are concered as it is more difficult to collect and donate the gifts year due to the pandemic. The Toy appeal was launched ten years ago and intially 10 hampers were handed out to local children in need. At the end of the decade they gave 1,000 gifts to children. Marie Griffiths from the Council Youth Support service said, “It’s more important this year - I think we’re going to double our numbers. I don’t like the thought of any child going without.” However, there are some other ways to donate toys this Christmas. The Salvation army are still running their Christmas toy appeal this year while keeping within COVID-19 restrictions. They will be collecting toy donation until mid-December in any Church and centres throughout the UK. All their locations are available to see on their websites. Another charity, JustGiving annually support 5000 children every Christmas and are currently seeking money donations. They aim to spend £25 on each child which contain 8 items consisting of board games, teddies and books.

In Cardiff, St Davids Shopping Centre are working with 20 charities for their 2020 christmas appeal. They have partnered with charities such as Tŷ Hafan and City Hospice which provide exceptional care for children. Further information

of non-intimidating places to support. We understand that venturing away from familiar brands can be quite daunting, especially for freshers – so we support students to support Cardiff ’s small businesses. What prompted you to embrace a non-proftit model? Being a non-profit is essential in upholding the BIZZY values. At our core we want to support small businesses in the Cardiff, Cathays and Roath areas as much as possible. We do this, not to make a profit but to re-circulate as much money as we can back into the BIZZY community What does BIZZY mean for Cardiff University students, what is the benefit to them?

businesses expect from Bizzy? We want to provide expert support across all fields. From all the work that goes on in the background to the more obvious customer support, as well as creating a community for small businesses to support other small businesses How do you think COVID has impacted the independent business community within Cardiff, how can incoming students support indie’s? Independent businesses have been hard hit over the last 6 months and this is the reason Bizzy came into fruition. Seeing independent coffee shops with positive values, struggling through yet always remaining optimistic and determined to survive was both heartbreaking and inspiring. We aim to promote them to students and get them interested in recognizing how to support small businesses simply by being more conscious of where they’re buying their daily dose of caffeine. And even on a budget, by tagging or sharing these businesses on social medias is supporting and getting these names known. Who are the creatives behind Bizzy? We’re all friends and have known each other for varying lengths of time; Issy and Justine from secondary school, Ella through University, and Jenny through her house-share with Ella and Justine. I’m so happy to have a bunch of passionate and encouraging friends who volunteer their

is available on their website. Family action, a charity that provides emotional and practical support for families has conducted a toy appeal since 2009. In 2019, they delivered presents and toys to 8,000 children in need.

Christmas toy appeal: 2020 has had many devastating affects, including affecting the Welsh Christmas toy appeal for 2020. Credit: James Petts (via Wikimedia Commons)

Cardiff ’s new indie business community Natalie Graham

Head of @Caerdydd


orn out of the ashes of lockdown is Cardiff ’s first nonprofit independent business community and zine; Bizzy. Grown out of a simple booklet showcasing Cardiff ’s independent businesses to students new and old. Bizzy has flourished, connecting Cardiff ’s best independents through a carefully curated community of like-minded professionals. “Compassion over competition” runs through the veins of the Bizzy model, believing that independent business should encourage and celebrate, rather than work against each other. Bizzy has no ulterior motive, it is run entirely by volunteers. A small but skilled group of young professionals and students are at the healm of the Bizzy ship, and have just released their first Bizzy Zine through ISSUE. Gair Rhydd spoke to founder and director Rebecca Cox about her brainchild and the future of Bizzy. What is Bizzy? BIZZY is Cardiff ’s Independent Business Community and Zine, which means we have two main services. Our first is the BIZZY Community, which will launch in November and provides subscribed businesses with a network of support, such as: advise from experts in different fields; connecting businesses who share similar values; a monthly newsletter accounting Cardiff happenings and student info; and any other kind of support businesses would like or need. Our Zine is BIZZY’s second half, we aim to encourage students to explore the incredible array of independent providing them with a reference point

Now more than ever our generation are so aware of how their actions are impacting those around them both ethically and socially. Being a smart consumer to support businesses that match their beliefs means they’re able to do a little bit more to help those around them. Do you think Bizzy will act as a mediator between the student world and local community? Absolutely! That is the primary aim of the project. Part of moving to a university in a different city is not knowing the local hotspots, especially those small independent gems that would otherwise go unnoticed when you could easily go to a mainstream chain business. By providing a collection of these amazing businesses and putting them all in one place we are creating an accessible platform to tap into as and when. What should Independent

skills and time to me and BIZZY. Let me start with Issy Priddey. I feel really lucky to have her as our Head of Design because she is an undeniable talent. She’s taking a break from her Contour Design degree course due to Covid and is managing to create ingenious patterns, designs and layouts for the zine between working as a watersports instructor and as an intern in London at House of Harlot. 
Ella is currently our Social Media Co-Ordinator, she also produces all our marketable content and outreach packs. She’s detail orientated, colourful and visionary. Having obtained a first in her English Literature and Creative Writing Degree from Cardiff Uni, she heads into a Masters program as this interview is published. She’s a force to be reckoned with! Justine and Jenny work in the BIZZY background and keep things running smoothly. Justine’s maternal status during our teenage years has developed into the role of Administrative Assistant for BIZZY. She works full time in a popular Cathays restaurant and has over seven years of invaluable experience in the hospitality industry. Jenny has been such a wonderful surprise in all our lives. An Overheard at Cardiff success story! Heading all our research while studying a Doctorate full time. She is an absolute machine with all this research, none of my questions or research objectives are ever too hard!




YOUR Commercially conscious or deliberately damaging? SPORT DESK F

Are the Premier League and its broadcasters ruining its product with the television schedule and fixture congestion Will Parry


Tom Walker

ireworks at the Amex. On the pitch Liverpool were disallowed two goals and VAR gave a controversial penalty, enabling Brighton to snatch a late leveller with Pascal Gross slotting away the subsequent penalty. It was the press conference that followed that grabbed the headlines. A battle between Liverpool manager and BT Sport reporter Des Kelly which stole the show. Klopp laid blame at the door of the broadcasters for not caring about his players by handing Liverpool 12:30pm kick off times, which Kelly retorted, believing Klopp was targeting the wrong people with his tirade. A fiery encounter. Klopp’s critique of the broadcasters follows his fury surrounding the continuation of the three substitutions limitations on Premier League

clubs. The league is facing added muscular injuries due to the heavy schedule of games, with top sides playing in the league on the weekend and in Europe during the week. Liverpool are facing the brunt of this but are not the only ones. Liverpool are without Trent Alexander-Arnold, James Milner, Naby Keita and Thiago Alcantara, who are all missing due to muscular injuries. Manchester City have faced similar problems with Sergio Aguero. Other notable injuries include Michail Antonio and Ross Barkley, who are facing weeks on the side lines. The players are struggling with the toll. For the rule to change, Klopp needs 13 other Premier League managers to back him. Jose Mourinho and Ole Gunnar Solksjaer have backed his 12:30pm argument and Pep Guardiola has supported the former Borussia Dortmund manager over increasing the substitution rule change.

The previous vote only gathered the support of eleven managers with six in disagreement. Most notably Chris Wilder. Wilder has pushed the idea of this giving the bigger teams an advantage, due to the wealth of

The league is facing

added muscular injuries due to the heavy schedule of games.

Will Parry

talent at their disposal. The Premier League stands alone on this rule. Germany allows five substitutions, Italy five , France five and Spain also five. Even the EFL voted in favour of increasing the substitutions to five. The stubbornness of the few is preventing this. Klopp stated that there is no tactical

benefit of five substitutions but that it was simply for his players protection. Another vote would surely change this. 12:30pm kick offs are a part of the new era of modern football. These games maximise the amount of football games fans can watch in one day, crucial during a pandemic. Championship clubs also face the prospect of an early kick off. Some play Wednesday night then Saturday morning, the same as Premier League clubs. Is three hours seriously affecting the fitness of the players? Klopp seems to be attacking too many demons at once and is allowing the portrayal of him as a moaner to grow as a result. Kelly explained that the broadcasters are offered the time slots by the Premier League. To stop this, the league has to be willing to change. In a world where money beats the spectator, this will not be seen on the horizon any time soon.

Celebrity boxing: a dangerous precedent or a product of our times?

Recent celebrity boxing fight between YouTube star Jake Paul and ex-NBA player Nate Robinson sparks ongoing debate

Freddie Bennett

Alex Hales Contributor

Y Ella Fenwick

Ben Lovell-Smith

ou could say there is quite a jump between creating YouTube content and playing video games in the safety of a home to fighting on undercards and to sometimes even being the main event in professional boxing matches. However the likes of KSI, Logan Paul and Jake Paul are just a few of the names who have made that big leap. Yet the question of legitimacy in their fights has been debated by professional boxers and boxing fans alike. The first debut of the new generation of influencer fighting was back in 2018 between British YouTubers KSI and Joe Weller. It was streamed live on YouTube but received limited coverage from the mainstream media. With neither party being from a professional boxing background, the fight commenced with strict rules and heard guards were worn. KSI went on to comfortably beat Weller and challenged fellow YouTuber, Logan Paul, shortly after his victory. Celebrity fights soon started to

kick up controversy after the announcement of a KSI and Paul rematch following a draw in the first fight. The scheduled fight was labelled a professional bout, with fighters not allowed to wear head guards and had to use 10oz gloves. The fight immediately picked up an immense amount of coverage, with it even being shown on Sky Sports Box Office and DAZN. Notorious boxing promoter, Eddie Hearn, revealed the rematch between Paul vs KSI sold more payper-views than Anthony Joshua’s defeat to Andy Ruiz Jnr. Although sceptical at first about the concept of celebrity boxing fights, Hearn warmed to the idea of the new audiences it could bring to boxing. The fight allowed fans of both KSI and Paul to become emotionally invested in the fight, something professional boxing had struggled to do for years. There is however a strong disagreement from professional boxers and passionate fans surrounding the legitimacy of celebrities striding into this as a career path.

The most recent celebrity fight card, which hosted YouTube star Jake Paul and ex-NBA player Nate Robinson, brought equal controversy. Robinson was knocked out in the second round, and many professional boxers took to commenting online their worry about the outcome of the fight. Professional women’s boxer, Amanda Serrano, tweeted after the fight; “Boxing is a serious game. Nothing to be doing for YouTube likes.” What made this specific fight between Jake Paul and Robinson controversial in the first place was the fact Robinson had no previous boxing experience. Unlike Jake Paul who had not only fought at amateur level and “professionally” when he beat fellow YouTuber AnEsonGib at the beginning of the year. Boxing coach and commentator, Teddy Atlas, tweeted, “I don’t care about athletes or not, stop allowing guys who don’t know how to fight into a ring.” Later in the tweet Atlas began to question why the California boxing commission allowed the fight to even take place. The financial incentives from

these occasions make it hard for organisers not to consider putting it on a show. The audiences the likes of Robinson and more significantly, Jake Paul, will continue to meet high PPV levels and generate more hype than most professional fights. Whether the organisers take into account the safety of the fighters is another matter, an issue especially apparent with Robinson who looked very much out of his depth, raising concerns over the moral decisions made by the event organisers. The increasing popularity of celebrity fights are undoubtedly bringing a lot of attention and different types of audiences to the sport of boxing. More people are becoming engaged with the sport, who usually wouldn’t have prior to seeing their favourite YouTuber or celebrity enter the boxing ring. For this to continue more has to be done to protect celebrities who decide to take on this challenge and should be equally matched with the same professionalism as what would be seen in any other professional boxing match.

Sydney Thunder take the title in the Women’s Big Bash League Freddie Bennett Sport Editor


n this year’s Women’s Big Bash cricket competition in Australia which took place from October 25 to November 28, it was the Sydney Thunder who took the title after a comfortable final win against Melbourne Stars. After a hard fought tournament, the final proved to be almost anticlimactic with the Thunder only needing 13 of their 20 overs to chase down the Stars’ measly score of 86. This title is the Thunder’s second WBBL triumph with their first coming in the inaugural tournament in 2015-16. Throughout the tournament the Stars looked set for success as they finished top of the eight team table after the initial 14 match league, winning eight games. The Stars side that really included some stars of the women’s game such as the Australian Meg Lanning, England interna-

tional Natalie Sciver, as well as promising Australian seventeen year-old prospect Tess Flintoff would have been favourites from the off. However, in the all- important final game, the international talent of Tammy Beaumont and Heather Knight from England proved too much as the Thunder coasted to victory, despite only coming third in the table after the initial league round. Though, the main story surrounding this year’s WBBL was the quantity of young talents in the competition. Flintoff was not the only teenager to have taken part as the Thunder had nineteen year-old seamer Hannah Darlington in their ranks. However, this year it was Adelaide Strikers player Darcie Brown who took the record as the youngest ever person to sign for the Strikers. At the age of sixteen this is a terrific accomplishment and shows that the women’s game is going to be in very capable hands for many years

to come. The South Australian fast bowler is already clocking speeds as high as the fastest in the women’s game, reaching a top speed of 116km/h. This speed at such a young age shows she is capable of reaching heights not yet seen in the female game. This year’s WBBL was something of a sporting phenomenon. The tournament was shown on free to air TV throughout Australia and was not clashing at all with the men’s game, meaning that viewing figures were up from any other year of the tournament. Often clashes have meant that the viewing figures for the women’s game have been lower. Furthermore, with plenty of domestic and internationally acclaimed talents taking part, the future of the women’s game looks set for success. The WBBL looked to be a tournament packed with fast bowling and hard hitting excitement. It

is encouraging to see the WBBL grow in terms of its international acclaim as well as its viewing figures in Australia. Hopefully other countries will be able to follow suit and further the success of the women’s game as there looks to be plenty of young talent for the years to come. Overall, this looks to be an exciting time not just for the future of Australian domestic cricket, but the women’s game in general. With worldclass international players being seen in this tournament alongside such young but skilful talents shows how rich the women’s game has become and will hopefully stay for many years to come. It was encouraging to see these players throughout the tournament and included in all the teams which made it a tough competition for all involved, but nevertheless very entertaining. Hopefully the WBBL next year can be just as much of a spectacle.



Will a disturbed 2020 sets Wales up for Euros? BLUES COLUMN Despite what was meant to be a historic year, Wales have still had a brilliant year Tom Walker

Head of Sport


020 was set to be another momentous year in the extraordinary recent history of Wales. A second consecutive major tournament was on the cards, a first in the country’s history. Despite the obvious disappointment of the tournament’s cancellation, it has still been a great year for Wales. Of their eight games this year Wales have won five, drawn two and lost one. The impressive run secured them a place in next season’s Nations League Group A, giving them the chance to test themselves against Europe’s best international sides.

Defensive Masterclass

From their six Nations League games, Ryan Giggs’ side won five and drew one, only conceding one goal in the process. Joe Rodon and Chris Mepham have developed a great understanding at centre half, and the solidarity of the ever-impressive Ethan Ampadu has offered some great protection. Ampadu in particular has impressed, and my own personal calls for him to be put into midfield were met in the later half of the season (I will be awaiting my check in the post Giggsy). His calming presence on the ball, wide range of passing ability and positioning are all extremely impressive for a player of his age, and despite Sheffield United’s terrible start to the 2020/21, the Welshman has been one of the only glimpses of

light. Joe Rodon has also come on leaps and bounds for club and country this year. After five years at Swansea City, the 23-year-old was bought from the welsh side by Premier League outfit Tottenham Hotspur for £11 million. He has drawn comparisons to the likes of John Stones for his ability to play from the back and receive the ball on the half turn and play forward. The young duo will give Giggs and co confidence as they have a solid foundation to build the rest of the team on in the future.

Despite the obvious disappointment of the tournament’s cancellation, it has still been a great year for Wales. Tom Walker

Injury woes

A theme of Wales’ past few years has been injuries to key players. Superstar duo Aaron Ramsey and Gareth Bale have been plagued by injuries their whole career, which is especially damning given how reliant Wales are on those two in the attacking third. The likes of Kieffer Moore, David Brooks and Wayne Hennessy, usually certain starters have been missing from international action through-

out points in the year, making their

Bale and Ramsey remain fit as their

Qualified: Wales continue to prepare for the postponed Euros Source: Football Association Wales (FAW) impressive record even more remarkable. Luckily for Giggs, he has had output from unlikely sources, most notably from Liverpool youngster Neco Williams. Williams has risen through the ranks of the infamous Liverpool academy, and has featured for Wales at youth level. His last minute goal against Bulgaria in September, and his assist for Johnny Williams winner against Finland have been his most notable impacts in the Wales shirt so far. The 19-year-old is a big talent and has a great career ahead of him. If Wales are to leave any sort of imprint of the Euros next summer, they will need to ensure the likes of

combined experience at the highest level of European football cannot be understated. This might be harder than it sounds given their injury track record and the already condensed season to deal with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

A year of progress

Things are on the rise for Welsh football. Overall, Giggs, his staff and playing squad will be happy with their year. It was not quite built up to be the historic one it initially was, but huge progress has been made. 2021 should be focused on the continued development of their young talent, the careful management of their veterans and the growth of chemistry within the team.

Unpredictable start to the NFL 2020/21 season Bill Vickress Contributor


he 2020/21 NFL season has proven once again why the sport is so hard to predict. Various inconsistent results have left NFL fans seriously confused with just 11 games in. Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski teamed up on a new look Tampa Bay Buccaneers side, with the inevitable buzz surrounding this side the Buccaneers started the season better than most expected. Some analysts started by viewing them as a top three team in the entire NFL after decimating wins over the Green Bay Packers and the Las Vegas Raiders. Conversely, recent weeks have exposed big holes in the Buccaneers game, with an embarrassing loss to the Saints, the biggest loss in Brady’s career, followed by two more back-toback against a tough Los Angeles Rams team and the current world champions in Kansas City. It’s not in doubt that the Buccaneers are a good football team with a great pass rushing defence and a satisfactory Tom Brady. However, they need to focus more on the short throwing game rather than looking for long balls, a proven weakness of Brady’s game. Another team that has consistently made headlines for different reasons are the Seattle Seahawks. Russell Wilson seemingly had to play with everything he had every game for them to scrape

wins. Due to their defence not being able to get off of the field with an almost nonexistent pass rush at the start of the year, Carlos Dunlap and Jamal Adams have proved to be two key in-season signings that have seemingly helped them fix this problem on the defensive end, making them a top five team in the NFL. Their games are almost always guaranteed to be close this year against good opposition. Wilson has proven again to be one of the best quarterbacks in the world with a relatively poor offensive line outside of left tackle in front of him. The dynamic partnership between him and DK Metcalf has been one of if not the most enjoyable things to watch this year, with Metcalf making an argument to be one of the best wide receivers in the league. In contrast to what I thought I would be saying at this stage of the season, my top three teams heading into the late stages of the season and postseason consists of the New Orleans Saints, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Kansas City Chiefs. I thought the Baltimore Ravens would have another brilliant regular season but sitting at 6-4 at this stage I am not even sure if they squeeze into the top 10 teams right now, and they definitely don’t match up well with these three teams. The Saints are on a strong winning streak of 8-0 with some incredible performances despite having key players missing at times. A fully healthy Saints

Head to Head: The Chiefs and Steelers have been the best two teams of the season. Source: SteelCityHobbies (via Wikimedia Commons) team will be tough to beat come the disappear faster than any other team. playoffs. They can score at will at times and their The Steelers have shocked me, I offense has been the best by far since thought they would be a good team week five in the league. this year with big Ben Roethlisberger at They are strong in every area that’s quarterback. Sitting at 10-0, the only un- important in winning a Superbowl; defeated team left. This might be partly coaching, offensive line, quarterback due to their easy schedule, the second and their defensive line continues to imeasiest in the league, however they have prove. one of the best pass rushing defences in The MVP race has become a threethe league with the highest scoring de- horse race between Patrick Mahomes, fence. Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson. They have the championship abil- Oddsmakers have Mahomes as the faity of winning close games with a gritty vourite at the moment, but personally I style of football, something that will help believe Aaron Rodgers deserves to win them massively come playoff time. it in his recent form. He has just had For me the Kansas City Chiefs remain his 37th birthday and year in year out my pick for the Superbowl this year. Pat- analysts began the season by saying he rick Mahomes is a generational talent is past his prime and that the Packers and leader and the Chiefs have the same should start looking to replace him at ability as last year to make big deficits quarterback.


fter a solid start to the season, the Cardiff Blues’ campaign took a turn for the worse. Since defeating Zebre and Connacht at the start of October, the Blues have won just one match, meaning they complete the first eight game fixture block with three wins and five losses. This leaves the Blues fourth in the Pro14’s Conference B, and with the possibility of slipping to fifth when games in hand are completed and potentially seven points off the play-off places. Part of the reason for the Blues’ turn in form has been a plight of injuries and national call ups, particularly in the back row. With the absence of stars Olly Robinson, Ellis Jenkins, Josh Navidi, Shane Lewis-Hughes, James Botham, Sam Moore and Will Boyde, the back row has been somewhat makeshift. To add to troubles, after over a year out and having played just two matches this season, dynamic centre and key man Willis Halaholo has been forced to undergo surgery on his troublesome knee again. As a result of such injuries, head coach John Mulvihill has been forced into selecting Alun Lawrence out of position or 20 year old Gwilym Bradley at openside alongside James Ratti and Josh Turnbull in the back row in recent fixtures. Subsequently, the Blues have struggled at the breakdown. Whilst squad depth in the backs has reduced Mulvihill to the selection of 18 year old winger-come-centre Mason Grady, who got his debut off the bench in the defeat to Glasgow. These issues have been compounding performances recently, with a clear absence of coherence throughout the team producing error-strewn performances. Particularly when key men Jarrod Evans and Rey Lee-Lo have been absent. Breakdown issues and poor execution of a kicking game have also been a recurrent theme. Compounding these troubles, the Blues have been forced to play their home matches at the unfamiliar Rodney Parade, home to the Newport Gwent Dragons, due to the Arms Park’s temporary use as part of the battle against the coronavirus pandemic. Though results have not been good on the eye, performances have been somewhat encouraging. Especially given the circumstances. Defeat away at champions Leinster was not a disaster. The Blues produced a brave performance and remained in the game until the 65th minute. The collapse incurred when the bench was unloaded at the end of the match - by full time the forwards’ average age was just 21. However, defeat to Glasgow Warriors was a real kick in the teeth. The Warriors had come into the game having won just one of six games. With four consecutive defeats and having not won away from home so far. Victory would have given the Blues a glimmer of hope for the playoffs. The Blues now face a break from the Pro14, with European fixtures resuming this weekend. This gives the international players a chance to reintegrate and boost the team before the second half of the season kick starts again on Boxing Day. Newcastle Falcons are the opposition, as the Blues head to Kingston Park with hope of reinvigorating the form that they began the season with.

Reporting by Ben Lovell-Smith

Klopp’s quarrel:

Is the Premier League being ruined by its commercial interests? page 24

SPORT CHWARAEON Sydney Thunder steal show in womens Big Bash CRICKET

Freddie Bennett Sport Editor


he finale of the Women’s Big Bash Cricket tournament in Australia saw the Sydney Thunder side take the trophy home after a comfortable victory over Melbourne Stars. This year’s tournament saw many promising young teenage prospects taking part such as Darcie Brown for the Adelaide Strikers. Yet, there were plenty of international talents on show as well. This was a tournament to remember, and has been a major success in terms of viewing figures which is promising for the future of womens sport in Ausrtralia. Continued on page 24

Wales football review of 2020 as Euro Champs loom FOOTBALL

Tom Walker

Head of Sport

At the blocks: Cardiff University Rugby Football Club are ready to kick off the new season. Credit: Ben Lovell-Smith

CURFC ready for new BUCS season if WRU agree to reduced format

Sports Editor, Ben Lovell-Smith speaks to Cardiff University Rugby chairman Edward Thompson about covid compliant rugby and preparations for the new season Ben Lovell-Smith Sport Editor


s the Autumn internationals come to a close and the domestic seasons kick start once again, rugby at the top level is certainly back. Meanwhile, Cardiff University’s exuberant, young and talented squad remain in limbo as they wait for the return of BUCS sport. The squad has been training twice a week on top of commitment to workout plans in an effort to be ready for the new season when the time comes. But as Club Chairman Edward Thompson explains, maintaining motivation has not been easy. “It has been very difficult. Coming back from the summer it was easy, the boys had missed rugby a lot and getting out on the pitch was great fun. It has been hard to maintain motivation, but we’ve looked at it as a time to get out, to get onto the pitch with your mates and obviously it is great for your mental health.”

After the RFU announced a reduced format of the game, which includes the outlaw of the maul and the replacement of the scrum with a free kick, there is hope that the WRU may follow suit. It is clear Edwards is enthused by the possibility of getting the knees muddy once again, although he is all too aware that the removal of the scrum would take a large facet of his game away from him. “From my point of view, I’m a loosehead prop so the scrum is a big part of my game. But if a free kick is what we have to do to carry on playing then it is not the end of the world!” Last BUCS Super Rugby was a real disappointment for the first team who, despite much promise, went 16 matches without a win. Including losing both home and away fixtures against Swansea. Since then key players such as Chairman Ben Edwards, Captain Cary Davies and workhorse back row Aron Hughes have left the setup. Though Thompson believes that the squad has the players to fill the

void. Players such as Griff Evans, Mikel Davies, Ed Dunford, Ben Chapman and Luke Shore were all freshers who regularly played for the 1s last season, and Thompson notes their progress. “It’s all about stepping up, everyone has been in the gym putting size on and the mood is optimistic. They are great players, you can see on the pitch in recent training sessions they are definitely having more of an influence on the boys. Even if not by speaking, just by their actions. You can tell they are highly skilled, they have great rugby brains and they were very important to us last year and I guarantee they will be just as important this year.” There will be no promotion or relegation this season, should BUCS Super Rugby go ahead in the new year, which takes the pressure off and allows for some experimentation. “If we get some game time it’d be great, it would be great to see what talent our freshers have got and to build for the future” In other good news, the team welcomes Jamie Hoyes, who played Sar-

acens academy alongside Thompson, as well as Cardiff Blues and Wales under 20s prop Theo Bevacqua. The connection with Cardiff Blues is a longstanding one. Last season the team were granted to play a number of matches at Cardiff Arms Park, the home of the Blues. Whilst current Wales defence coach Gethin Jenkins did some work with the CURFC forwards during his time with the Pro14 side. A number of players were also invited to train with the Blues senior squad, to cover when squad numbers were low. “It’s a great connection that we do enjoy having with them” Thompson crows. Much of the club’s latent energy last month was channeled into charity work for Movember. Collectively the boys amassed an astonishing £6,436, smashing last year’s total of £4,815. “To hit the 6,000 mark is a massive achievement from all the boys, it is great for the boys as well.” The tone is positive heading into the new year, perhaps the pandemic was the break that the squad needed.

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ales’ mens football team’s 2020 has come to an end. It looked set to be a historic year for the team with the 2020 Euros set to take place in the summer, but of course the postponement of the tournament dampened a few hearts. The remaining year can be deemed as an incredibly successful one nonetheless, with a brilliant Nations League campaign, securing promotion to the top tier. Head of Sport, Tom Walker, explores the key moments in Wales’ year and how their squad shapes up going into 2021. Continued on page 25

Celebrity Boxing: has commercialisation overrun boxing? Boxing Ella Fenwick Sport Editor


elebrity boxing has always seemed to spark controversy with many YouTubers and celebrities entering the ring since 2018. Once again, the debate has been stirred after a recent second round knockout of former NBA player Nate Robinson by YouTube star Jake Paul. With Paul not only having amateur experience but having beaten fellow YouTuber AnEsonGib at a professional level at the beginning of the year, odds seemed very much against Robinson from the get go. Are organisers becoming too focused on the money making of a new fan base rather than on the safety of the fighters? Continued on page 24

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