Issue 1169 - Monday 22 March

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rhifyn 1169 issue 1169

22 Mawrth 2021 22 March 2021

gair rhydd Cardiff University’s student paper | Established 1972

Inside: How to avoid becoming unhealthily obsessed with body image and fitness (page 16) Students' Union defends claims of "paid" 2021 Election votes Tirion Davies



n March 13, Cardiff University Students’ Union announced its new elected officers, after an Election Week which saw 9,111 votes cast. The Election turnout was the highest in Cardiff University Students’ Union’s history, surpassing the 2019 record number of 6,690 votes cast. The most votes were cast in the race for Students’ Union President, with votes cast reaching 7,336 and securing Hannah Doe top spot with a 60% lead, beating her opponent Georgie East. The race for the Black and Ethnic Minorities Officer spot saw the second-highest voter turnout, with Ashly Alava Garcia gaining 6,827 of the 7,010 votes cast. Students voting in this year’s Students’ Union Elections were each offered a £5 Amazon gift voucher, receiving a code through their University emails within 24-hours of casting their votes. Many students considered the voucher additional incentive to vote, though many said their intention was to vote regardless. Others, however, claimed the Students’ Union had ‘payed’ students to vote by using the vouchers, with some students claiming the record number of votes cast were only as a result of the vouchers. A spokesperson for Cardiff University Students’ Union responded, saying, “We don’t believe as many people would have voted without the voucher offer, that’s a significant reason we wanted to provide this as a thank you. Having seen other Students’ Union election turnouts fall, we felt it was essential to protect the legitimacy of our democratic structures and ensure the new Elected Officer team had a strong mandate to lobby Cardiff University in the upcoming year. Allegations were made by some that by using the Amazon gift vouchers, this year’s Students’ Union Elections was made into a popularity contest, with some candidates referring to the vouchers as part of their campaigns.

The Students’ Union rejects these allegations, and notes that although the Amazon vouchers may have been incentive for some to vote, they saw that the candidate manifestos document available on their website was heavily viewed during Election Week. Cardiff University is not the only Students’ Union to have adopted a strategy of offering vouchers during an election week. Coventry University Students’ Union were seen this week to be offering students several prizes for voting in their elections. Students who voted would be entered into a prize draw where they could win £20 notes, £10 notes, SkullCandy wireless headphones, a Fitbit and even a PlayStation 5. A concern for many students was from where the money to fund these prize draw and vouchers were being sourced. Cardiff University Students’ Union maintains that the budget for the Amazon gift vouchers were covered by the Student Engagement Fund. A spokesperson said that the Student Engagement Fund budget would usually cover activities such as Spring Elections, AGMs and other democratic and campaigning events throughout the academic year, which are unattainable during the pandemic. The spokesperson said that the budgets of other departments in the Students’ Union were not affected by providing Amazon gift cards to students as part of the election process this year. Some students have expressed concerns that the vouchers were bought while some societies have seen budget cuts this year, the Students’ Union expressed, “The Union has made additional funds available to student groups to assist in the funding of community building and welfare-based initiatives, which at present has seen very low uptake. “We would wholeheartedly encourage student groups with ideas for events or activities they wish to host, to talk to the Union to see what can be made available.” The Students' Union maintains that although the vouchers encouraged students to vote, there was an overall increase in student engagement in this year's Election Week than in previous years.

COVID-19 lockdown: Warnings have been made that Wales could face a third wave in the spike of COVID-19 cases if restrictions are eased too soon. Source: Cwmcafit (via Wikimedia Commons)

Experts warn of COVID-19 third wave in Wales Zoe Kramer

Head of News


s of this week, it has been a year since the first COVID-19 death in Wales. First Minister Mark Drakeford reflected on the pandemic during this anniversary, announcing that two new woodlands will be created as a memorial to those who have died during the outbreak. Mr Drakeford also stressed the

New Turing scheme unveiled Morgan Perry Politics Editor


he Department for Education in the UK Government has announced its new exchange scheme, called Turing, which is set to replace the European Union's Erasmus programme. It was announced at the beginning of the year that due to the Brexit negotiations, the UK would no longer participate in Erasmus, with Welsh students unable to return. The Turing scheme will "enable up to 35,000 students throughout the UK to work or study across the globe". To read more about the replacement to the Erasmus scheme, Turing, turn to page 11 11

importance of holding a public inquiry into the pandemic. This investigation would not have to occur after the pandemic is completely over, but when the end is ambiguously in sight and the memories are still fresh. There have been some promising statistics lately, including that hospital admissions in Wales are at an all time low since the beginning of the pandemic, with a daily average of 37 admissions. Additionally, confirmed and suspected cases are

currently at a fifth of what they were in December. The latest case rate is 39.1 cases per 100,000, which is the lowest it’s been since 16 September. Students will be able to return to Universities across Wales following the Easter recess, given that numbers of COVID-19 cases remain low. To read more about the easing of restrictions in Wales and the warnings about the third wave of COVID-19 if restrictions are eased too suddenly, turn to page 3. 3

Myfyrwyr Cymru i Henry Ford and ddychwelyd i'r campws Modern Production Catrin Lewis

Golygydd Taf-od


yhoeddodd Gweinidog Addysg Cymru Kirsty Williams yr wythnos diwethaf y bydd modd i fyfyrwyr dychwelyd i'r brifysgol wedi cyfnod y Pasg. Er bod y cyfyngiadau "aros yn lleol" yn aros yn ei le, mae eithriadau yn mynd i'w wneud am addysg, fel bod modd i fyfyrwyr dychwelyd i'r brifysgol a ddychwelyd i ddysgu wyneb-ynwyneb. Mae'r cynllun dychwelyd i arddull addysgu cyfunol yn ddibynnol ar y nifer o achosion COVID-19 yn aros yn isel dros yr wythnosau nesaf. I ddarllen yn fwy am fyfyrwyr yn ddychwelyd i'r brifysgol, trowch i dudalen 6. 6

Jack Robert Stacey Technology Editor


s a pioneering figure in the development of the US automobile industry, Henry Ford is perhaps best known for making cars accessible to the masses. Ford's advent of the first continuously moving production line, a new fundamental method for manufacturing almost everything in our modern world, cemented the success of his company well into the rest of Ford's life. A now multi-million dollar manufacturing company, Ford Motor Company exemplifies Ford's genius. To read more about Henry Ford, his inventions and his influence on the modern world we live in, turn 21 to page 21



At Gair Rhydd we take seriously our responsibility to maintain the highest possible standards. We may occasionally make mistakes, however if you believe we have fallen below the standards we seek to uphold, please email Opinions expressed in editorials and opinion pieces are not reflective of Cardiff Student Media, who act as the publisher of Gair Rhydd in legal terms, and should not be considered official communications or the organisation’s stance. Gair Rhydd is a Post Office registered newspaper.

THE TEAM Coordinator

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A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR We need to listen when women discuss safety

Disclaimer: this article discusses topics some may find disturbing. he UK was rocked when it was announced that the remains of Sarah Everard, who initially went missing on March 3, were found in Ashford, Kent. The 33-year-old marketing executive had been walking from a friend’s home in Clapham to her own home in Brixton in South London when she was abducted. Sarah Everard’s story started a nationwide, and now global, discourse regarding the safety of women. Beginning on Twitter in the UK, millions of women shared their experiences of worrying about their safety while walking home, encouraging a global discussion about the experiences almost every woman has had. In an article published by The Guardian in the same week, it was found that 97% of young women aged 18-24 have experienced sexual harassment, with 80% of women of all ages noting they had been sexually harassed in a public space. The YouGov survey by UN Women of more than 1,000 women, indicated a general lack of faith had by women in the UK authorities’ ability to deal with sexual harassment incidents. 96% of respondents on the survey noted they had not reported the incidents, with 45% of those claiming they would not


change this decision. We need to have a serious discussion of the experiences women face so that there is an understanding from each side of the dangers people experience. Of course, walking alone is dangerous for everyone regardless of their gender, however, as we’ve seen from various surveys, women feel they are in significantly more danger when walking home alone than men. The MP Jess Phillips last week read the names of the women killed by men in the UK over the past 12 months, compiled by the Femicide Census; the speech lasted six minutes and showed that, in 2020 and 2021, the list amounted to one woman every three days. It’s important that we listen to the women who are expressing their concern, and we begin to change the way we address the safety of women. Men’s stories deserve a platform - but should not be used in order to diminish the stories of women; each story is valid, and we need to have a serious discussion about sexual harassment of all genders, without diminishing their importance. Unfortunately, we all, as women, have a story of sexual harassment or assault or know someone who has. After the events of this week, the discourse surrounding the safety of women is underway, and it’s important we all listen.

Mae’n rhaid gwrando ar fenywod am ddiogelwch


Experts warn of third wave of COVID-19 (p.3)


Myfyrwyr Cymraeg i ddychwelyd i gampws wedi Pasg (t.6)

Rhybudd: Mae’r erthygl yma’n trafod materion gall bod yn drallodus i rhai. r oedd y Deyrnas Unedig wedi’i phoeni pan ddaeth y cyhoeddiad bod corff Sarah Everard, aeth ar goll ar Fawrth 3, wedi’i ddarganfod yn Kent. Yr oedd y fenyw 33-oed wedi’i bod yn cerdded o dy ei ffrind yn Brixton i’w chartref yn Clapham yn ne Llundain pan oedd hi wedi’i chipio. Dechreuodd stori Sarah trafodaeth genedlaethol, a nawr byd-eang am ddiogelwch menywod. Dechreuodd y drafodaeth ar Drydar yn y DU, erbyn hyn mae miliynau o fenywod wedi rhannu profiadau o boeni am eu diogelwch wrth gerdded adref, yn ddechrau trafodaeth ryngwladol am y profiadau sydd gan bron pob menyw. Yn erthygl gan The Guardian yr wythnos diwethaf, cyhoeddwyd bod 97% o fenywod rhwng oedrannau 18 a 24 wedi cael profiad o aflonyddwch rhywiol, gyda 80% o fenywod o bob oedran yn nodi eu bod wedi profi aflonyddwch rhywiol yn fan cyhoeddus. Darganfuwyd y poll YouGov o dros 1,000 o fenywod bod llai o obaith gan fenywod yn y system heddlu i ddelio gyda’r achosion o aflonyddwch rhywiol. Nododd 96% o’r menywod nad oeddynt wedi cofnodi’r achosion, gyda 45% o’r menywod hynny’n sôn na fydden



New Erasmus replacement scheme announced (p.11)


Problematic policing after Sarah Everard’s vigil (p.14)


How to stay safe in the city (p.16)


Cancer patients less responsive to first dose of COVID jab (p.18)


Calls for homes in Wales to be closer to green spaces (p.22)


Formula One season preview (p.24)

Dechrau’r trafodaeth am ddiogelwch: Mae’n rhaid i ni wrando tra bod menywod yn dechrau’r trafodaeth am aflonyddwch rhywiol. Tarddiad: Matt Bango (drwy

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Starting the discussion about safety: We need to listen while women share their stories of sexual harassment and assault. Source: Matt Bango (via

nhw’n newid y penderfyniad yma yn y dyfodol. Wrth gwrs, mae cerdded ar ben eich hun yn beryglus i bawb, ond o’r hyn yr ydym wedi gweld o nifer o astudiaethau, mae’n gallu fod yn fwy peryglus i fenywod, ac mae menywod mwy tebygol o boeni. Darllenodd y MP Jess Phillips enwau’r menywod oedd wedi’i lladd dros y cyfnod 2020-21, oedd wedi’i ddangos gan Femicide Census; yr oedd yr enwau wedi cymryd chwe munud i’w enwi, ac oedd yr enwau’n dangos bod un fenyw pob tri diwrnod wedi marw yn y cyfnod 2020-21 yn y DU. Dylai bod y drafodaeth am ddiogelwch yn un bod pawb yn cael, heb sôn am ryw. Ond, mae’n bwysig ein bod ni’n gwrando ar y menywod sy’n trafod eu poenau, ac yn dechrau newid y ffordd ein bod ni’n trafod diogelwch menywod. Mae straeon gan ddynion yn wir bwysig - ond ni ddylai bod y straeon yma’n cael ei ddefnyddio i brinhau straeon gan fenywod; mae pob stori’n bwysig, ac mae’n rhaid cael y drafodaeth am ddiogelwch pob rhyw heb brinhau eu pwysigrwydd. Mae gan bob menyw stori am aflonyddwch rhywiol, neu’n adnabod rhywun sydd gyda stori. Ar ôl yr achosion yr wythnos diwethaf, mae’r drafodaeth am ddiogelwch menywod ar waith, ac mae’n rhaid gwneud yn siŵr ein bod yn gwrando.



Experts warn of COVID-19 third wave

Wales’ Chief Medical Officer suggests another wave could hit in May Zoe Kramer

Head of News


s of this week, it has been a year since the first COVID-19 death in Wales. First Minister Mark Drakeford reflected on the pandemic during this anniversary, announcing that two new woodlands will be created as a memorial to those who have died during the outbreak. Mr Drakeford also stressed the importance of holding a public inquiry into the pandemic. This investigation would not have to occur after the pandemic is completely over, but when the end is ambiguously in sight and the memories are still fresh. Regarding the inquiry, Mr. Drakeford said: “It needs to be at the point when we can be confident that the pandemic is behind us. “I don’t mean necessarily all over, but we are confident that we are emerging from it unambiguously. “And then it needs to be an inquiry that is not simply Welsh because so much of what has happened to us in Wales has been linked to the wider

Third wave: Wales could see a third wave of COVID-19 if restrictions are relaxed too quickly. Source: Cwmcafit (via Wikimedia Commons) UK picture. currently at a fifth of what they were “So, it needs to be at a time when in December. The latest case rate is we can draw all those threads to- 39.1 cases per 100,000, which is the gether and then it will be absolutely lowest it’s been since 16 September. right that we look back and learn the Still, these improvements do not lessons of what has taken place.” mean that lockdown can be fully There have been some promis- lifted again. The latest scientific proing statistics lately, including that jections show that due to new varihospital admissions in Wales are at ants of the virus and increased mixan all time low since the beginning ing, there is likely to be a third wave of the pandemic, with a daily aver- of the virus from May into June. age of 37 admissions. Additionally, Starting on March 22, non-essenconfirmed and suspected cases are tial retail will be able to reopen in

phases, however this will depend on how the rates fluctuate. “We are trying to reopen Welsh society and the Welsh economy carefully, cautiously and step-bystep. This means you’ve got to do the least risky things first. You have to assess whether they’re having any adverse effect on the circulation of the virus. Even staying local will mean there are more risks to people than when they had to stay at home,” said Mr. Drakeford. Wales’ Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Frank Atherton, said: “Our modelling scenarios suggest that overlyrapid relaxation combined with increased transmissibility of the now dominant variant and low public adherence to restrictions could lead to a third wave of virus circulation in late spring (May/June). “If we are unable to avoid this scenario then it is likely that, despite the success of our vaccination programme, we would see a return in Wales to a period of high viral transmission with increased hospitalisations and deaths.” The next review of COVID-19 restrictions will occur on April 2.

Career Kickstart helps youth at risk of long-term unemployment Dominic Williams News Editor


oung people at risk of longterm unemployment are being offered a kick start into the jobs market via the national Kickstart scheme. Sixteen to 24-year-olds in the city, who claim Universal Credit, have the opportunity to access six-month job placements across a wide range of sectors to help give them the experience, skills and knowledge that could lead to longer term employment. Young people at risk of long-term unemployment are being offered a kick start into the jobs market UK over the next two years, guarantees a job placement for a minimum of 25 hours a week for each young person supported. The Council’s ‘Cardiff Commitment’ to young people, which brings together partners across the city, will ensure that the number of Kickstart places in the city are maximised. Employers of all sizes and sectors

are encouraged to consider how they can support young people eligible for the scheme, which is fully funded by the UK Government. Employers will receive full funding for each job placement for setup costs and to support a young person to develop their employability skills. Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, Cllr Sarah Merry,said: “I’m really pleased that the Council and our Cardiff Commitment partners are working together closely to pool their expertise and knowledge to support young people, who may have lost jobs and opportunities because of the pandemic. I am also delighted to confirm that the Council itself will soon be advertising an initial 30 Kickstart placements within Council Services.” The Council’s Into Work Advice Service , Cardiff Youth Service and citywide youth support services are all working together to ensure that as many young people as possible get the guidance and support they need to access these new opportuni-

Luthien Evans News Editor


he Angel Hotel, situated in Cardiff city centre, has stated that they are a ‘safe space’ for anyone that feels at risk whilst in Cardiff. The statement released on social media focuses on women and girls who feel “intimidated, scared or at risk” while in the city centre. The Angel Hotel is located on Castle Street and is near many university hotspots such as Revolution, Cardiff Arms Park, and other smaller bars. This action comes in response to the outcry on social media surrounding sexual harassment, following the kidnapping and murder of Sarah Everard. Many women online commented about their own personal stories surrounding sexual harassment and sexual abuse, spark-


Zoe Kramer

Luthien Evans

Sam Portillo Employment: Without in person career fairs, other strategies must be adapted. Source: LaunchVic (via Flickr) ties and secure a better future. their chances of getting long-term Cabinet Member for Finance, work. Modernisation and Performance, “We hope that organisations and Cllr Chris Weaver, said: businesses, big and small, will take “Job placements will enable young the opportunity to give a young perpeople to build their skills in the son a meaningful kick start into work workplace, give them invaluable where they can gain confidence and on-the-job experience and enhance skills for future careers.”

Angel Hotel offers safe space for anyone at risk ing a national conversation on the topic of women’s safety. Sarah Everard went missing in early March when walking home from her friends’ house in London. Vigils commemorating Sarah have been occurring throughout the country, including within universities. Many of these videos were held online and so accessible for people at home. A protest occurred near Cardiff Bay police station, with the message to “reclaim the streets “. This phrase was coined on social media following Sarah‘s murder, commenting on the safety of women. The director of sales at the angel hotel, Kim Pedlar, has stated that this is a reiteration of their “safe place” policy that was already in existence. She has said on the topic: “as a management team we were seeing women and girls coming forward and saying he didn’t feel safe walking to work or home either day or night.


Dominic Williams feel intimidated, scared or at risk in Cardiff city centre a “safe place”.

Please come into reception and a member of our team will help you call a taxi, friend or family member to ensure you get home safe. The Angel Hotel

Safe space: Anyone in Cardiff who feels unsafe can go to the hotel for help. Source: Robin Drayton (via Wikimedia Commons) And we realised, especially maybe A transcript of the Social media the older generation, wouldn’t think post outlining the hotel standpoint of coming into a hotel and asking us is as follows: ‘in light of the devasto use the phone or wait there. It was tating news regarding Sarah Everard just really to reiterate that we are this week, Here at the angel hotel we there if anybody needs. would like to offer women and girls

“Please come into reception and a member of our team will help you call a taxi, friend or family member to ensure you get home safe. “Our doors are open 24/7 we will help. We are a business with females at the forefront and we want everyone to feel like they have somewhere to go if they need help. “We are here.”

4 NEWS Three bodies Increase in bicycle theft and vandalism in Cardiff discovered Iris Knapman in search for Contributor missing C fishermen Sam Portillo News Editor


ix weeks after the Nichola Faith fishing boat was due to return to Conwy Quay in North Wales, the families of the three fishermen who were on board turned to community donations to fund a private search led by the recovery expert who helped to find the plane wreck of Argentine footballer Emiliano Sala and pilot David Ibbotson. After the discovery of three bodies over the weekend, efforts are being turned to offer support to the families. The original search was called off after two days when the RNLI, local police and Coastguard teams failed to find any trace of the missing vessel. The Nichola Faith had three people on board: Ross Ballantine, 39, Alan Minard, 20, and skipper Carl McGrath who was 34. The families of the fishermen received technical advice from David Mearns, the ocean recovery expert who was pivotal in the discovery of Emiliano Sala’s plane wreck after the footballer perished in tragic circumstances while flying to join his new club Cardiff City from Nantes. Over £60,000 was raised for the search through an online donations website, with the families aiming for a target of £75,000 to fund a specialist team and equipment who can complete a thorough scan of the seabed. “I can see the sea from our home and I haven’t looked at it the same since this day. Every day I’ve thought about these three men,” one donator said. Over 2,000 people have donated money for the cause. The search has also caught the attention of people outside the Conwy community, such as television actor and presenter Michael Palin, who said “I completely understand them not wanting to give up. I hope there will be others like myself who can make a contribution.” Supporters have also been running raffles, marathons and shaving their heads in order to raise money for the search. The mother of Alan Minard, the youngest passenger on board the boat, thanked the online community for its “support and generosity”, explaining that the activity and attention around the search brought a level of “comfort and strength” to the affected families. On 5th March, HM Coastguard found a loose life raft off the coast of Kirkcudbrightshire in southern Scotland, which the Marine Accident Investigation Branch later identified as belonging to the Nichola Faith. Over the weekend, hours before the search was due to begin, three bodies were discovered off the coast of England. A statement from the Lancashire police said: “The families of the missing crew members from the vessel ‘Nicola Faith’ have been kept informed, and continue to be supported by specialist officers. We would request that they are given the necessary privacy at this difficult time.”

ardiff ’s widely popular bikehiring scheme “Nextbike” has been subjected to a wave of vandalization and theft crimes, with over 80 e-bikes damaged or stolen in the past five weeks. Over the pandemic, the company has been closing in on 100,000 registered customers within the city. These numbers continue to grow after a successful expansion into Penarth. Many Cardiff residents have come to depend on the scheme as a flexible, affordable, and environmentally friendly way of both exercising and navigating the city, which is ideal for those who don’t own a motorised vehicle. The company’s UK managing director Krysia Solheim described it as shocking. She stated, “It has an impact on our customers […] People rely on the fleet to get around the city and every time a bike is made available due to vandalism or theft, it has a knock-on effect to the whole system.” Nextbike has been working with the South Wales Police to track down

those responsible. 20 arrests have been made on suspicion of theft and vandalism while 4 have been convicted to date. “The police have been very supportive, and we’re delighted that they have made arrests and convictions,” Solheim commented. She proceeded to urge members of the public to report all suspicious activity to aid the current investigation and prevent further crimes. Police have reported that the Cardiff communities of Ely, Caerau, Llanederyn, Tremorfa and Riverside have all been hotspots for bike attacks. Inspector Kevin Jones, who has been investigating the crimes against e-bikes, seconded this statement. Jones was also vocal about his personal support of the scheme for its benefit to residents and condemned “the minority who steal and vandalise these bike” for ruining the facilities for others. “During lockdown they have given local residents the opportunity to exercise and carry out essential journeys in a convenient and environmentally-friendly manner.” Damage to the e-bikes themselves was dealt to the front and rear lights, advertising panels, baskets, and kickstands. Furthermore vandals are

Nextbike: There has been an upswing in theft and vandalism of the bikes for hire. Source: Chris Sampson (via Flickr) said to have attacked the bike stations, breaking signs, locks and bike stands, as well as covering them in graffiti. Solheim explained the impact the damage has on Nextbike’s maintenance system. “It is taking our mechanics between two and four hours to repair the damaged bikes, depending on the severity of the vandalism. That’s time they could be spending on general maintenance.” This would not be the first time

vandals have targeted the scheme in Cardiff, with attacks against the bikes making news back in 2019. Similar damage was dealt to the bikes, with those responsible dismantling seats and lights and then abandoning the bikes in parks or on roadsides. Authorities urge witnesses to acts of vandalism or theft to call 101. Additionally, abandoned and/or damaged Nextbikes can be reported to

Taff Trail set for cycling path improvements Dominic Williams News Editor


n March 2020, Cardiff Council held a public consultation regarding improvements to the Taff Trail. These improvements are set to be located in Hailey Park, between Bridge Road and Ty Mawr Road. Cardiff has a number of cycling paths in the city and as a city is constantly improving or building new cycling paths. It is anticipated that works will begin in the Spring or early summer, though a date is yet to be confirmed. The Taff Trail is a 55mile waymarked route for walkers and cyclists running from Cardiff to the Brecon Beacons National Park. The wide range of routes from the Trail is to seek and develop active travel throughout the city. As of now the path through Hailey Park is formally shared by pedestrians and cyclists, however the proposed work would mean the path being wid-

ened and to realign part of it in order to enhance the experience of all path users. The aim for the council is to provide an improved shared use path facility which enables all park users to move safely within or through the park. Alongside this the path is being made wider and designed to separate pedestrians and cyclists where possible and to remove blind bends and conflict points. Raised sections have been proposed along the path to slow cycle speeds and to identify crossing points especially near the play area at the southern end of the park. Furthermore, the improved path will follow the alignment of the existing path, however parts of the proposed scheme run along an alternative alignment. At the Northern end the alternative alignment avoids a narrow section of the existing path which passes close to the trees. The existing path will be retained and the Taff Trail will follow the new alignment.

Refurbishment: Parts of the path will be widened to accomodate social distancing safety. Source: John Light (via Geograph) At the southern end an alternative “Cycling in Cardiff has doubled in the alignment is proposed to avoid a num- last 5 years and there is a growing cyber of constraints for example the prox- cling culture. imity of trees, existing infrastructure The new infrastructure is an imporand ecological features. tant part of this as people can see efTherefore, this means it is not pos- forts are being made to make it safer for sible to widen the existing path where them and their children. it passes between the tennis courts and I think it’s really positive, for kids in the River Taff. particular, to see this behaviour modA representative of the project said: elled and normalised for them.”

New pop-up bike lane built in Cardiff city centre

vious ‘stay home’ message. This is said to be the reason for the acceleration of the bike lane plans, allowing people to “move around the city as restrictions are eased “.

Luthien Evans News Editor


ardiff city centre has welcomed a new “pop-up” bike lane which opened up on 15 March. This is the start of a wider expansion of further bike lanes. This new lane and cycleway spans from Cathedral Road, along Castle Street and finally onto Dumfries Place. The opening of the lane is welcomed as it connects the streets together for cyclists. Many were already using the lane before it opened officially. The plan for further extension has been cited as extending the route to Wellington Street and Newport Road. These plans extend to reaching the junction with Broadway Adamsdown. These plans were part of a Cardiff initiative to make the city one of the best cycling cities in the UK. Cabinet member for strategic planning and transport, Councillor Caro Wild commented on further plans to Wales Online: “we plan to build an integrated cycleway network from the city

Making Connections: The pop-up bike lane is part of a bigger plan for expansion of bike routes.. Source: Alexander Kachkaev (via Wikimedia Commons) centre which connects to teach exciting Further comments were made by the neighbourhoods, as set out in the cur- Councillor regarding the effect that the rent adopted local development plan.” pandemic has had upon exercise and He continued: “the new routes will sporting activities, as many have been be separated from other traffic on the halted. He commented on the accessiroad, making cycling safer, easier and bility of cycling and walking for Cardiff a far better experience. We can be- citizen’s daily exercise that has been come a more attractive option for both discussed within COVID regulations residents, families and visitors, giving for various health benefits. This is espepeople the opportunity to enjoy all the cially prevalent as Wales has adopted a health and fitness benefits it can bring. “ “stay local” message, replacing the pre-

The new routes will be separated from other traffic on the road, making cycling safer, easier and a far better experience. Councillor Caro Wild Cabinet Member More routes are currently being discussed, in order to connect the neighbourhoods of Cardiff, making the city accessible. Routes that have been discussed involve the inclusion of bike lanes from the City centre, along the connection between Lloyd George Avenue with Herbert Street and Tyndall Street.

Your Wellbeing Activities, information and advice to help your wellbeing



taf od

Barn y Bobol

Gyda Chymru yn cychwyn eu gemau rhagbrofol Cwpan y Byd, sut mae cefnogwyr ein gwlad yn meddwl bydd Cymru’n chwarae? Cychwyna carfan Rob Page eu hymgyrch yn erbyn Gwlad Belg a’r Weriniaeth Tsiec ymhellach yn y mis. Felly ydy myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn hyderus neu ddim? Dyma farn Elin, Gwern a Tom.

Elin Lloyd

Myfyrwraig y drydydd flwyddyn, Ffrangeg a Sbaeneg Heb os nac oni bai, does dim gêm anoddach i ddechrau ymgyrch rowndiau rhagbrofol Cymru ar gyfer Cwpan y Byd 2022 na’r gêm yn erbyn Gwlad Belg. Rhif 1 yn rhestr detholion FIFA yn ogystâl a cholli dim ond pedair gêm ers penodi Roberto Martínez yn 2016, teg fuasai dweud ei bod hi’n mynd i fod yn gêm anodd. Gydag amheuon am ffitrwydd Aaron Ramsey, mae gan Gymru ambell i broblem wrth arwain at y gemau cychwynnol. Ond does dim un yn fwy nodedig nag absenoldeb y rheolwr, Ryan Giggs, sydd yn parhau i fod ar fechniaeth. Ar yr ochr bositif, gyda Dan James yn ôl yn chwarae’n rheolaidd, Kieffer Moore ar ben ei gêm a Gareth Bale yn holliach, mae gobaith i Gymru gael dechrau positif i’r ymgyrch. Buasai cael 4 pwynt o’r ddwy gêm gyntaf yn erbyn Gwlad Belg a’r Weriniaeth Tsiec yn addawol iawn ac yn hwb ychwanegol ar gyfer yr ymgyrch hon yn ogystal â’r Ewros.

Gwern ab Arwel Myfyriwr y drydydd flwyddyn, Cymraeg a Newyddiaduraeth

Ma adeg gora’r calendr pêl-droed wedi cyrraedd unwaith eto! Fyddi’n gêm anodd i gychwyn yn erbyn Gwlad Belg - tim sydd efo talent anhygoel yn y blaen. Gobeithio fydd ein rhediad ni’n erbyn nhw’n parhau. Ond y gêm yn erbyn Gweriniaeth Tsiec ydi o bosib yr un bwysicaf o’r ymgyrch i gyd. Ma nhw’n dim ifanc ac eitha cyffrous ar hyn o bryd, ond ddim yn rhannu’r un profiad â rai o bechgyn Cymru. A ma Bale yn agos at ei orau hefyd felly ddylwn ni gael tri phwynt yn fana.

Tom Moore

Chwaraeon: Rhagolwg ar gemau rhagbrofol Cwpan y Byd Cymru (tudalen 8)


Myfyrwyr Cymru i ddychwelyd i gampws ar ôl y Pasg

Daw’r newyddion trwy gyhoeddiad gan Gweinidgog Addysg Kirsty Williams Catrin Lewis Golygydd Taf-od


ewn cynhadledd i’r wasg cyhoeddodd y Gweinidog Addysg, Kirsty Williams, y byddai myfyrwyr yn gallu dychwelyd i gymysgedd o addysg ar-lein ac wynebi-wyneb o’r 12fed o Ebrill ymlaen. Er bod y cyfyngiadau ‘aros yn lleol’ yn parhau i fod mewn lle, mae eithriadau ar gyfer addysg ac felly mae caniatâd i drafeilio i’r Brifysgol. Bydd hefyd camau ychwanegol yn cael eu gwneud er lles diogelwch myfyrwyr megis profion yn cael eu cynnig dwywaith yr wythnos. Bydd y profion yn cynnig canlyniad o fewn hanner awr a byddent ar gael i unrhyw fyfyrwyr neu staff sydd ddim yn gallu gweithio o adref. Yn y gynhadledd, dywedodd y Gweinidog Addysg wrth fyfyrwyr: “Rwyf yn ymwybodol bod eich profiad prifysgol wedi bod yn wahanol iawn i’ch disgwyliadau eleni ac rydych wedi colli allan ar lawer o agweddau cymdeithasol bywyd prifysgol.” Ers cychwyn y cyfnod clo diweddaraf ym mis Rhagfyr, mae nifer fawr o fyfyrwyr wedi aros adref i astudio. Er hynny, mae rhai cyrsiau ymarferol a chyrsiau iechyd eisoes wedi dychwelyd i arddull wyneb-i-wyneb. Roedd hefyd caniatâd i unrhyw fyfyrwyr oedd angen defnyddio cyfleusterau’r campws megis llyfrgel-

loedd neu fannau astudio i ddychwelyd i’r Brifysgol ar gyfer eu hastudiaethau. Ar yr un diwrnod a’r cyhoeddiad, dychwelodd fwy o fyfyrwyr yn ôl i’r ysgol ar ôl bod adref ers cychwyn y gwyliau Nadolig. Wrth siarad am y cyhoeddiad, dywedodd y Gweinidog Addysg: “O’r 12 Ebrill, rydym yn disgwyl y gall pob myfyriwr ddychwelyd ar gyfer dysgu cyfunol trwy gydol tymor yr haf ”. “Mae prifysgolion wedi cynllunio i fwy o addysgu a dysgu parhau yn nhymor yr haf nag mewn cylchrediad academaidd arferol”. Mae’r cyhoeddiad wedi cael ei groesawu gan Universities Wales sy’n cynrychioli’r sector a dwedasant nhw mewn datganiad: “Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr eisoes wedi dychwelyd i’r campws lle mae angen hynny i gwblhau neu i fodloni deilliannau dysgu, neu i gael mynediad at gyfleusterau”. “Rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen at groesawu gweddill ein myfyrwyr yn ôl i’n cymunedau ar ôl y Pasg” . “Mae diogelwch a lles myfyrwyr, staff a chymunedau lleol yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i brifysgolion yng Nghymru, a gall y rhai sy’n dychwelyd ar ôl y Pasg fod yn hyderus bod ein campysau’n parhau i fod yn amgylcheddau diogel o ran y coronafeirws”. Daw’r cyhoeddiad yn dilyn y Dirprwy Brif Swyddog Meddygol, Dr Chris Jones, yn dweud mewn cynhadledd i’r wasg na fu “trosglwyddiad

sylweddol” o ganlyniad i ddysgu wyneb-i-wyneb mewn prifysgolion. Mae Adam Price, arweinydd Plaid Cymru, ymysg rheiny sydd wedi ymateb i gyhoeddiad y Gweinidog Addysg. Dywedodd ei fod yn credu bod y dystiolaeth a ddarparwyd gan Dr Chris Jones a llwyddiant y rhaglen frechu yn awgrymu y byddai dychwelyd i ddysgu prifysgol yn ddiogel. Fodd bynnag mae Andrew RT

Davies, arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymraeg, eisiau gweld pethau’n mynd cam ymhellach ac i bob disgybl ysgol uwchradd ddychwelyd i’r ysgol ar y dyddiad yma hefyd. Mae’r cynllun i ddychwelyd yn ôl i arddull addysgu cyfunol yn ddibynnol ar y nifer o achosion coronafeirws yn aros yn isel dros yr wythnosau nesaf. Bydd myfyrwyr yn dychwelyd i’r brifysgol yn gam arall yn agosach at y sector addysg yn dychwelyd i normal.

Eisteddfod T yn dychwelyd i’r sgrin unwaith eto Annell Dyfri

Golygydd Taf-od


yda’r flwyddyn ddiwethaf wedi bod yn un heriol i bawb, a’r sefyllfa gyfredol yn parhau yn ansefydlog yn sgil lledaeniad y coronafeirws yng Nghymru a thu hwnt, datganodd yr Urdd, wedi cyfnod anodd o bwyso a mesur, fod y mudiad am ail-ymweld â threfniadau llynedd o greu Eisteddfod T. Eisteddfod rithiol sy’n cael ei chynnal a’i darlledu ar S4C a BBC Radio Cymru rhwng y 31ain o Fai a’r 4ydd o Fehefin yw Eisteddofd T.

Nodwyd ar wefan yr Urdd ei bod yn ‘Eisteddfod yr Urdd mewn fformat rhithiol sy’n rhoi cyfle i blant a phobol ifanc ledled Cymru a thu hwnt i gystadlu o’u cartrefi’. Gan adeiladu ar lwyddiant yr ŵyl y llynedd, mae Eisteddfod T yn gyfuniad o’r traddodiadol a’r arloesol gan gynnig ystod eang o gystadlaethau ar gyfer aelodau’r mudiad. Fel y dywedir ar wefan yr eisteddfod, ‘yn giamstar ar ganu neu ddweud jôc, yn feistr lip-sync neu’n hoff o ddynwared enwogion? O’r traddodiadol i TikTok, mae’r Urdd am gynnal gŵyl ddigidol yn ystod hanner tymor y Sulgwyn am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol, ac

Myfyriwr y drydydd flwyddyn, Ferylliaeth Rhaid cyfaddef fy mod yn gyffrous ac yn nerfus wrth i Gymru mynd mewn i’r gemau rhyngwladol yma. Mae Gwlad Belg a’r Weriniaeth Tsiec yn dimoedd anodd i guro, a bydd hi’n her enfawr i Gymru goresgyn y ddau. Ond, gyda Bale yn chwarae ei orau ers blynyddoedd, Kieffer Moore yn sgorio di-ri yn y Bencampwriaeth a Dan James yn chwarae’n gyson, mae gennym ymosod i’w hofni. Efallai na fydd Cymru yn ennill y ddwy gêm, ond os gallwn cael 4 pwynt bydd sail cadarn gennym am weddill y gemau.

Prifysgol Caerdydd: Bydd modd i fyfyrwyr dychwelyd wedi cyfnod y Pasg. Tarddiad: Jeremy Segrott (drwy Flickr)

Maes gwag: Er bydd maes gwag eto eleni, bydd bob dim dal ar ein sgrins. Credyd: Nel Richards

mae Eisteddfod T am fod yn fwy arbrofol, blaengar a chyffrous nac erioed o’r blaen!’ Tra’n croesawu’r holl gystadlaethau newydd hyn - sy’n cydnabod bod yr Urdd yn fudiad cyfoes sy’n deall anghenion a diddordebau pobl ifanc heddiw – braf hefyd yw gweld llond trol o gystadlaethau traddodiadol yn cael eu cynnig hefyd a fydd wrth fodd y rheini a fu’n cystadlu mewn eisteddfodau yn y gorffennol. Bydd y rheini sy’n mwynhau perfformio ar lwyfan, yn gantorion, yn offerynwyr ac actorion wrth eu bodd; felly hefyd y rheini sy’n mwynhau cyfansoddi gartref, boed yn ddarn o gelf, yn ddarn o ryddiaith, yn farddoniaeth neu’n ddarn o gerddoriaeth. Mae’r cydbwysedd o fewn y rhestr destunau yn sicr yn taro deuddeg. Er mwyn sicrhau tegwch i bawb sy’n cystadlu, da gweld yr Urdd yn cyflwyno fidios cryno’n egluro beth sydd angen ei wneud wrth fynd ati i recordio. Meredudd Jones fu’n gyfrifol am gynhyrchu’r rhain, ac maent ar gael ar wefan Eisteddfod T er mwyn helpu’r genedl gyfan i ddeall sut mae modd creu fideos rhithiol yn safonol ar gyfer y digwyddiad. Syniad da iawn ddwedwn i! Ond beth yw barn rhai o gystadleuwyr brwd Eisteddfod yr Urdd yn arferol am y newid yma? Nododd Alaw Mair Williams, my-

fyrwraig ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac sydd wedi bod yn cystadlu yn yr Eisteddfod ers yn ddim o beth, ei bod hi’n ‘cytuno’n fawr â’r penderfyniad o gynnal Eisteddfod T.’ Ychwanegodd ei bod hi’n ’holl bwysig fod y genhedlaeth iau a phobl ifanc ein gwlad yn cael yr un profiad a’r cyfle ag y mae cenedlaethau yn y gorffennol wedi cael, hyd yn oed os ydy hynny mewn modd gwahanol i’r arfer’. Mae hi’n un sydd yn edrych ymlaen at wylio’ Eisteddfod T eleni, mae hynny’n sicr. Wrth i’r Urdd a phob un arall gobeithio ddychwelyd at ryw ffurf ar normalrwydd yn hwyrach eleni, tybed beth fydd y farn ynghylch defnyddio rhai agweddau ar ein bywydau presennol wrth gynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol? Tybed a welwn ni’r mudiad yn dychwelyd at yr eisteddfod draddodiadol y flwyddyn nesaf neu a welwn ni hi yn datblygu eisteddfod a fydd yn gyfuniad o’r hen a’r newydd? Byddai llawer yn dadlau y byddai hynny’n fwy cynhwysol gan roi cyfle i ystod ehangach o aelodau’r mudiad arddangos eu talentau. Amser a ddengys! Yn y cyfamser, cofiwch ddilyn hynt a helynt Eisteddfod T ar S4C, Radio Cymru a’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol ddiwedd Mai a dechrau Mehefin. Bydd gwledd o ddiwylliant yn ein disgwyl.


Pryd o Daf-od: Cerian Rees Myfyriwr yn ei hail flwyddyn, Cerian Rees sydd yn Pryd o Dafod yr wythnos hon. Darllenwch wrth iddi drafod ei thaith o golli pwysau yn y cyfnod clo ac effaith hynny ar ei hiechyd meddwl.


yda’r haf ar ‘bikini season’ yn prysur agosáu, mae cyrraedd ryw ‘safon’ penodol o sut rydych chi’n edrych ar feddyliau nifer o bobl ifanc. Er y flwyddyn hynod anodd a gwahanol rydym wedi cael, i raddau rhoddodd y cyfnod clo rhyw ‘reality check’ oedd wir angen arna’i. Un o’r pethau daeth i’m sylw yn syth ar ddechrau’r cyfnod clo oedd bod rhaid imi newid fy ffordd o fyw, yn enwedig fy mherthynas â bwyd, ymarfer corff a’m hiechyd meddwl. Ar ôl blwyddyn o ganolbwyntio ar fy hun, rwyf bellach yn agosáu at golli pedwar stôn! Ym Mawrth 2020, gyda phopeth yn cau a chyfnod hir o neud dim byd o’m blaenau, deallais na fyddwn i’n cael yr amser hwn yn ôl, felly roedd hi’n amser perffaith mewn ffordd i ddechrau colli pwysau. Mae llawer o bobl yn gofyn imi ‘Beth oedd y trobwynt?’ neu ‘A oedd ‘na moment nes di sylweddoli bod ti eisiau colli pwysau?’ a’r ateb yw na! Ond ar ôl cyfnod o ddechrau diet newydd pob cwpwl o fisoedd, dioddef â gorbryder a hunanhyder isel yn ystod fy arddegau, penderfynais fod yn

rhaid imi weithio ar fy iechyd meddwl yn ogystal â’m hiechyd corfforol er mwyn profi newid. Roedd yr holl ‘comfort eating’ bues i’n ei wneud yn sgil fy ngor-bryder a’m hunan hyder wedi fy arwain at fy mhwysau uchaf erbyn diwedd 2019... felly roedd rhaid gwneud rhywbeth. Felly dyna beth ddigwyddodd. Dechreuais fy nhaith drwy wneud 10 munud o ‘HIIT training’ bob dydd yn ogystal â cherdded o leiaf 10,000 cam y dydd. O ran bwyd, doeddwn i ddim yn bwyta diet gwael cyn dechrau ar fy nhaith , ond yn fy mhrofiad i roedd adeiladu perthynas iach gyda bwyd yn bwysig, felly dechreuais drwy gyfri calorïau, gan wneud yn siŵr fod ei fod yn gynaliadwy. Un darn o gyngor byddwn i’n ei roi i eraill o ran bwyd, yw peidio â chael gwared â’ch hoff fwyd, ond parhau i’w cael mewn symiau cymedrol. Mae’n hollol iawn i gael ychydig o bopeth pob hyn a hyn, mae’n fwy realistig a chynaliadwy. Mae’n anodd heddiw gyda thechnoleg, y we a chymaint o ddeiets a chynlluniau yn cynghori’n wahanol, ond mae’n bwysig i wneud yr hyn sy’n gweithio ichi gan beidio â chymharu eich hun a theithiau eraill. Peidiwch ychwaith feddwl am eich ffordd o fwyta fel bod ‘ar ddiet’, mae ei weld fel ffordd o fyw yn feddylfryd gwell, ac yn eich galluogi i gael y cydbwysedd sydd angen arnoch mewn bywyd. Ers colli pwysau, rwy’n teimlo’r

iachaf rwyf erioed wedi bod! Mae addysgu’ch hun ar fwyd ac ymarfer corff yn rhoi gymaint o hwb i unigolyn. Mae cerdded lan y grisiau yn haws, mae rhedeg yn dechrau dod yn rhywbeth rwy’n mwynhau, ac mae’r teimlad ar ôl gorffen ‘workout’ anodd yn well deimlad na mae cael pitsa yn ei wneud (ond cofiwch, popeth yn gymedrol). Roeddwn i wastad yn meddwl ‘pan fyddai’n colli pwysau fyddai’n hapus’, ond nid yw hyn yn wir i bob ystyr. Mae colli dros 3 stôn a hanner wir wedi cael effaith ar fy hapusrwydd, ond mae hefyd wedi gwneud i mi sylweddoli taw dim ond chi’ch hun sy’n poeni am eich edrychiad! Mae eich teulu a’ch ffrindiau yn eich caru chi am chi, ac nid y ffordd rydych

2. Beth yw’r digwyddiad sy’n codi’r mwyaf o embaras arnat? Disgyn lawr grisiau serth Cube ym Mangor a chleisio pobman.

9. Beth oedd y diwrnod gorau iti ei gael erioed? Crwydro Yosemite ar wylia’n California.

11. Beth fyddet ti’n gwneud yn ystod dy noson ddelfrydol? Yfed hefo ffrindia, dawnsia, canu, Maccies. 12. Pe taset ti’n gallu bod yn unrhyw anifail am ddiwrnod, pa un fyddet ti’n dewis, a pham?

Well gen i Chinese takeaway.

Fy nghath, Fflwff, er mwyn cael cysgu trwy’r dydd.

6. Pwy oeddet ti’n ffansio pan oeddet ti’n iau?

13. Disgrifia dy hun mewn 3 gair.

Tudur o Stwnsh Sadwrn.

Crazy cat lady.

7. Pwy yw dy hoff fand/artist?

14. Pwy fydd yn trafod ‘da’r Taf-od wythnos nesaf?

Sŵnami neu Rex Orange County.

Catrin Lewis

10. Beth yw dy gas beth?

‘Mam’ ma’n siŵr.

5. Beth fyddet ti’n ei archebu o’r bwyty Indiaidd lleol?


Alaw Fflur Jones

Prosecco- mae’n rhastach ac yn gneud i mi feddwi’n hawdd.

Gorfod deffro cyn 11 y.b.

Unrhyw beth gan ABBA, ma’n siwr!

Trafod gyda’r

8. Prosecco neu champagne?

3. Beth oedd dy air cyntaf? 4. Pe fyddet ti ar yr X-Factor, pa gân byddet ti’n ei chanu a pham?

Aled Biston

Colli pwysau dros cyfnod clo: Tarddid: Axosoft (drwy Flickr)

Medi Morgan

Fy enw i ‘di Medi a dwi’n astudio’r Gyfraith a’r Gymraeg.


Annell Dyfri

Yn Trafod gyda’r Taf-od wythnos yma mae...

1. Pwy wyt ti a beth wyt ti’n astudio?

yn edrych. Felly, fy mhrif awgrymiadau yw:Byddwch yn bositif am eich corff cyn cychwyn, mae’n rhaid iddo fod yn brofiad bositif neu fyddwch chi ddim yn parhau gyda’ch taith. 1) Gwnewch ymarfer corff! Unrhyw beth rydych chi’n ei fwynhau. 2) Mae diet cynaliadwy imi yn golygu fod yn 80% iach ac yna gyda’r 20% arall rwy’n gadael fy hun i fwynhau unrhyw fwydydd eraill. 3) Ac yn olaf, yfwch ddigon o ddŵr. Heb os, mae colli pwysau yn ‘roller coaster of emotions’ i ddweud y lleiaf, ond o’m mhrofiad personol, rwy’n falch iawn fy mod wedi dechrau ar fy nhaith. Er mae gwario arian ar wardrob newydd wedi bod yn boen...ond pwy sydd ddim yn hoffi esgus da i siopa?


Swyn Williams.

taf od Nel Richards

Y Parc a Popworld: Medi yn mwynhau gyda’i ffrindiau yng Nghaerdydd. Credyd: Medi Morgan.



Guto Williams: CHWARAEON Rhedeg er cof Cymru’n obeithiol o guro gemau rhagbrofol am ei gefnither Bydd Cymru yn gwynebu Gwlad Belg a’r Weriniaeth Tsiec Alaw Fflur Jones Golygydd Taf-od


n ddiweddar rhedodd Guto Williams, myfyriwr o’r drydedd flwyddyn ym Mhrifysgol Met Caerdydd, 48 cilomedr mewn 24 awr. Bu’n rhedeg 2 cilomedr bob awr am 24 awr mewn ymdrech i godi arian tuag at elusen Ataxia. Dechreuodd Guto’r her ar Fawrth y 9fed a’i gwblhau ar Fawrth y 10fed, ar ddiwrnod penblwydd ei gyfnither, Scarlett a fu farw o’r salwch Ataxia ddwy flynedd yn ôl. “Roedd Scarlett fel chwaer i fi a’m mrawd,” meddai Guto. Fe’i collwyd Scarlett i’r anhwylder Ataxia, cyflwr sydd fel arfer yn deillio o ddifrod i ran o’r ymennydd neu i rannau eraill o’r system nerfol. Ac mae’n gyflwr sydd ar hyn o bryd heb iachâd. Felly, penderfynodd Guto redeg 48 cilomedr i godi arian tuag at Ataxia er cof amdani. Creodd dudalen ‘gofundme’ gyda’r gobaith o godi targed o £150 tuag at elusen Ataxia ond, â Guto bellach wedi cwblhau’r her, mae wedi llwyddo i godi dros £1,500 drwy gefnogaeth ei deulu, ffrindiau a’u cymdogion, “Dwi’n hynod o hapus hefo’r arian dwi wedi codi, i ddechra gosodais darged o £150, ond ar ôl awr, roeddwn wedi mwy na threblu’r targed a osodais.” Mae Guto “yn hynod ddiolchgar” am yr holl gefnogaeth ariannol, ond hefyd yn ddiolchgar i’w ffrindiau am ei gefnogi drwy’r her, “Roedd y gefnogaeth yn wych, dim ond rhyw 10 cilomedr neshi orfod rhedeg ar fy mhen fy hun gan fod fy ffrindia yn ddigon parod i redeg rhai o’r cilomedrau hefo fi.” Dionne Thomas, ei gariad oedd un o’r rhedwyr a redodd wrth ei ymyl ar y diwrnod. Mae Dionne fel gweddill ei deulu a’i ffrindiau yn “falch iawn” ohono. “Roedd hi’n dipyn o her, ond ro’n i’n benderfynol o’i gefnogi am ei fod yn golygu cymaint iddo a’i deulu. “Rwy’n browd iawn ohono am gwblhau’r her, a minnau bron a marw ar ôl rhedeg ond hanner y pellter!” meddai Dionne. Er lwyddodd Guto i redeg y 48 cilomedr o amgylch Caerdydd, doedd hi ddim yn hawdd, gyda’i “goesau yn methu a chodi o’r llawr erbyn y cilometrau olaf ”. Ond eglurodd fod cefnogaeth ei ffrindiau, a’i deulu adref yn Sir Conwy wedi ei ysgogi i gyrraedd pen y daith, “Roedd fy nheulu yn fy nghefnogi drwy gydol y diwrnod gyda fy mrawd, Noa yn neud her ei hun o redeg 10 cilomedr pob diwrnod drwy gydol mis Mawrth, hefyd tuag at elusen Ataxia” Wedi cwblhau’r her mae Guto fel ei frawd, Noa yn falch o fedru codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r anhwylder Ataxia a’r heriau wrth ei glwm, yn ogystal â chodi arian, mewn gobaith i ddatblygu a chanfod triniaeth posib yn y dyfodol. “Dwi’n hynod o falch fy mod wedi gwneud yr her achos roedd yn wbath sy’n feddwl llawer i mi ac i fy nheulu. “Dwi’n gobeithio gall y pres dwi a fy mrawd wedi codi yn medru ‘neud gwahaniaeth i’r elusen drwy wella’r offer ymchwilio er mwyn dod o hyd i driniaeth posib.”

Aled Biston

Pennaeth Taf-od


yda saib ers mis Tachwedd, bydd gemau rhyngwladol nôl ar ein sgrins wrth i Gymru cychwyn eu gemau rhagbrofol ar gyfer Cwpan y Byd. Ynghyd â gêm gyfeillgar yn erbyn Mecsico, bydd Cymru yn herio Gwlad Belg a’r Weriniaeth Tsiec. Mae Rob Page wedi cyhoeddi carfan gryf i chwarae’r timoedd hyn, gydag ond David Brooks yr unig enw mawr sydd yn colli allan trwy anaf. Ni fydd Ryan Giggs yn cymryd rheolaeth o’r tîm gan ei fod ar fechniaeth, felly Rob Page bydd yn cymryd yr awenau unwaith eto. Mae’r garfan ar gyfer y gemau hyn yn un gryf, mae hynny’n sicr. Gwelwyd Joe Allen yn dychwelyd i’r garfan am y tro cyntaf ers 2019 wedi cyfres o anafiadau, yn ogystal gwelwyd Wayne Hennessey nôl wedi’r anaf cafodd yn erbyn Bwlgaria ym mis Hydref. Bydd cyffro wrth weld Bale yn chwarae yn y gemau hyn mae hynny’n bendant, gyda’r ymosodwr yn chwarae’n anhygoel i Spurs ar y funud. Mae ef wedi sgorio 10 gôl y tymor hwn. Mae Dan James wedi bod yn chwarae’n gyson i Manchester United hefyd, felly cyffrous bydd gweld ef yn grys coch Cymru eto. Efallai’r safle bydd yn achosi bach o ben tost i Rob Page bydd canol yr amddiffyn gyda Ben Cabango, Joe Rodon, Chris Mepham, James Lawrence, Tom Lockyer ac Ethan Ampadu yn cystadlu am safle.

Dyma garfan Cymru yn llawn: Gôl-geidwad: Wayne Hennessey, Danny Ward, Adam Davies, Tom King. Amddiffyn: Neco Williams, Rhys Norrington-Davies, Connor Roberts, Ben Cabango, Chris Gunter, Ben Davies, Joe Rodon, Chris Mepham, James Lawrence, To Lockyer, Ethan Ampadu. Canol cae: Joe Allen, Joe Morrell, Dylan Levitt, Metthew Smith, Brennan Johnson, Josh Sheehan, Jonny Williams, Aaron Ramsey. Ymosod: Dan James, Rabbi Matondo, Tom Lawrence, Harry Wilson, Kieffer Moore, Hal Robson-Kanu, Gareth Bale, Tyler Roberts. Carfan gryf mae hynny’n sicr, a braf gweld Aaron Ramsey yn cael ei gynnwys er iddo anafu i Juventus yn ddiweddar. Mae ychwanegiad RobsonKanu a Tyler Roberts yn rhoi opsiynau eang yn yr ymosod hefyd. O gymharu gyda gemau Cynghrair y Cenhedloedd UEFA Cymru, bydd y gemau nesaf yn her llawer mwy iddynt. Mae Gwlad Belg yn dîm sydd yn anodd iawn i guro. Gorffennodd tîm Roberto Martinez yn drydydd yng Nghwpan y Byd 2018, ac maen nhw ond wedi colli pedwar gêm ers 2016. Ond eto’n dweud hynny, mae Cymru wedi ennill dwy a chael dwy gêm gyfartal yn y pedair gêm chwaraewyd gan y ddau dîm ers 2013. Mae gan Gymru tuedd i chwarae’n dda yn erbyn Gwlad Belg, ac yn sicr bydd Martinez a’i garfan yn ymwybodol o hynny. Ni fydd y

Brenin y bêl: Gareth Bale yn joio gyda ffotograffydd Tarddiad: Stylish HD Wallpapers (drwy Flickr)

gêm yn erbyn y Weriniaeth Tsiec yn hawdd chwaith. Curodd y Weriniaeth Lloegr yn gêm ragbrofol yr Ewros nôl yn 2019, y tro cyntaf i Loegr colli gêm ragbrofol ers blynyddoedd. Mae gan Gymru mantais yn y gêm hon, gan fod chwaraewyr y Weriniaeth sydd yn chwarae yn y Bundesliga ddim ar gael oherwydd cyfyngiadau teithio Yr Almaen. Golyga hyn fod capten Vladimír Darida ddim ar gael, yn ogystal ag ymosodwr allweddol y Weriniaeth, Patrik Schick sydd wedi sgorio 11 gôl y tymor hwn. Bydd Cymru yn bendant yn hyderus yn mynd mewn i’r gemau hyn. Dros

y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae meddylfryd Cymru wedi newid o fod yn un lle’r oeddent yn ceisio osgoi colli i dimoedd gwael, i allu curo timoedd gorau’r byd. Ni fydd Rob Page nag un chwaraewr yn garfan Cymru yn meddwl na allent guro’r grŵp hwn. Heb amau bydd y gemau’n heriol iawn, a bydd angen Cymru i chwarae o’r safon uchaf er mwyn goresgyn Gwlad Belg a’r Weriniaeth Tsiec. Ond, wedi gemau llwyddiannus yng Nghynghrair y Cenhedloedd UEFA, bydd Cymru llawn hyder wrth fynd mewn i’r gemau hyn.

Ydy deddf newydd yn golygu colli’r hawl i brotestio? Nel Richards

Golygydd Taf-od


n dilyn llofruddiaeth Sarah Everard, 33 oed o Swydd Efrog, a oedd yn byw yn Brixton, Llundain; mae gwylnosweithiau, cyfarfodydd heddychlon a phrotestiadau wedi eu cynnal er mwyn ei chofio hi, ac i bwysleisio archolladwyedd (vulnerability) sy’n cwmpasu menywod yn ogystal ag aflonyddu rhywiol. Mae menywod ledled Prydain wedi siarad am eu profiadau nhw ynglyn â thrais, aflonyddu rhywiol yn gyhoeddus a’r teimlad o beidio bod yn ddiogel wrth gerdded strydoedd, gyda’r hwyrnos ac yng ngolau dydd. Fe wnaeth Reclaim These Streets, ynghyd â grwpiau Ffeministiaeth arall drefnu bod eu digwyddiad nhw mewn sawl dinas ar draws y wlad gan gynnwys Caerdydd, Caergrawnt,

Llundain, Glasgow ac Abertawe, yn troi mewn i gwylnos-stepen-drws i gofio am yr hyn ddigwyddodd. Symudodd llawer o’r digwyddiadau ar lein, wrth i bobl areithio dros zoom, neu ar YouTube. Er hyn, teimlodd pobl yn gryf am y sefyllfa, ac er bod mesurau Cofid yn parhau i fod yn llym, ymlwybrodd llawer i ganolfannau megis Comin Clapham i adael blodau, i alaru ac i uno fel grŵp o fenywod, a phobl aneuaidd i dalu teyrnged. Mynychodd Rosa Humphreys gwylnos Reclaim These Streets Abertawe, ble roedd pawb yn ceisio ymbellhau yn gymdeithasol; “Mae angen pwysleisio graddfa y broblem o drais yn erbyn menywod yn y Deyrnas Unedig. “Dyma broblem sydd hefyd yn ymestyn ymhellach, tu hwnt i brofiadau menywod ‘straight’ gwyn, yn unig – a dwi’n meddwl bod hynny mor bwysig i gofio yn ein cymdeithas ni heddiw. Rwy’n gobeithio

Pwysigrywdd protestio: A fydden ni’n colli’r hawl syml i brotestio? Tarddiad: Chad Davis (drwy flickr)

bod mudiad Reclaim These Streets yn llwyddo i gael effaith, ac arwain at newid uniongyrchol a pharaol o ran y ffordd mae menywod yn cael eu trin o fewn cymdeithas y Deyrnas Uniedig heddiw.” Mae Heddlu Llundain wedi wynebu beirniadaeth hallt am y ffordd roeddent wedi ymateb, ac ymyrryd ar wylnos er cof am Ms Everard ar Gomin Clapham ddydd Sadwrn. Mynychodd yr heddlu’r wylnos ac arestio rhai o’r mynychwyr, un yn cynnwys Patsy Stevenson. Mewn fideo ag ymddangosodd ar Twitter gan @counterfireorg, dywedodd Ms Stevenson wrth y camera ei bod yn ddigwyddiad - “To support any woman, where it be cis woman or trans woman, who cannot walk down the street by themselves because of the fear of men. It’s not all men, we know that, that’s not what we’re saying.” Yn ystod y brotest, mae Ms Stevenson yn honni iddi gael ei thaclo i’r llawr gan swyddogion, ei gwthio i mewn i gerbyd, ac yna ei rhyddhau â dirwy, a adawodd iddi feddwl bod yr arestiad yn ddibwrpas. Mae’r hawl i ymgynnull eisoes wedi’i gwtogi’n gan Ddeddf y Coronafeirws, ac mae Bil yr Heddlu, Trosedd, Dedfrydu a Llysoedd a gyflwynwyd yn San Steffan yr wythnos hon yn golygu gall hyn fynd yn fwy bregus. Ynghyd â’r ymosodiadau ar brotest ddemocrataidd, mae’r bil yn cynnig gwaredu “pwerau stopio a chwilio’ newydd; symudiad i droseddu cymunedau Sipsiwn a Theithwyr trwy gryfhau deddfau tresmasu; a dyletswydd statudol ar awdurdodau lleol i atal troseddau cyllyll sy’n adleisio’r wyliadwriaeth a ddefnyddir yn y cynllun ‘PREVENT’”. Ar draws y mesurau hyn, cymunedau o leiafrifoedd ethnig a fydd yn

cael eu hawliau a’u rhyddid yn cael eu cwtogi mwyaf. Ac mae rhai’n dadlau bydd y mesurau llym ar brotestiadau yn ei gwneud yn anoddach herio’r pwerau hyn, ac yn anodd cael eu lleisiau wedi’u clywed. Bydd y pwerau a gyflwynir gan Fil yr Heddlu, Trosedd, Dedfrydu a Llysoedd hefyd yn rhoi grym i’r heddlu i benderfynu ble, pryd a sut y caniateir i ddinasyddion brotestio. Bydd hefyd yn cynyddu cosbau i’r rhai sy’n torri rheolau’r heddlu o fewn protestiadau. Mae’r hawl i brotestio yn hanfodol i bawb, ac yn enwedig goroeswyr trais, i ddal sefydliadau pwerus yn atebol. Siwan Mason o brifysgol Caerdydd sy’n sôn am bwysigrwydd system ddemocrataidd; “Mae’n distawi lleisiau’r cyhoedd am yr hawl i leisio barn. Mae er budd pawb, bod San Steffan yn cael gwared Bil yr Heddlu, Trosedd, Dedfrydu a Llysoedd. Os na wnawn ni, mae gennym bopeth i’w golli.” Heb brotest, ni all bobl ymladd dros yr hawl i dai diogel, i gynrychiolaeth gyfreithiol, i ddŵr glan, i addysg, i ofal iechyd neu i gyfiawnder atgenhedlu. Heb brotest, does dim modd ymgynnull mewn gwylnos am Sarah Everard nac atal dioddefwyr trais ar sail rhywedd yn y dyfodol. Mae Gwenllian Quirke yn gwrthwynebu’r ddeddfwriaeth sydd wrthi’n cael ei basio i leihau grym unigolion wrth geisio lleisio eu barn mewn protestiadau; “Rwy’n meddwl ei fod yn annerbyniol, fel menyw fy hun, yn gallu troi ei chefn ar achos sy’n effeithio ar ganran enfawr o fenywod ym Mhrydain. Os oes gan yr awdurdodau’r pŵer i gyd wrth geisio rhwystro protestiadau – sut ydym ni am gael ein llais wedi’i glywed ac atal trychinebau, fel yr hyn a ddigwyddodd i Sarah Everard?”

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YOUR Welsh Governemnt Advisor on Violence Against Women says justice system needs overhaul POLITICS DESK A Hallum Cowell Head of Politics

Welsh Government Advisor on violence against women has said that the justice system needs to be overhauled calling it “broken”. Wales and the rest of the UK have been engaged in a newly urgent discussion about women’s safety following the high-profile case of Sarah Everard. Yasmin Khan, the Government Advisor in question, said that men “have the power” in the justice system and that there needed to be a “change in terms of their role in tackling violence against women and girls”.

Victims tell me that

Hallum Cowell

in coming forward to the police, that they’re not listened to or in some cases they’re not trusted Yasmin Khan Welsh Government Advisor on violence against women

Tom Kingsbury

When appearing on Politics Wales the government advisor said that it was

Justice system in need of an overhall, Welsh Government Advisor states. Source: Ian Capper (via. Geograph) “so important to listen and to recognise the scale of violence against women and girls” and that “Victims tell me that in coming forward to the police, that they’re not listened to or in some cases they’re not trusted, and I think that truly informed policing investigation really must start to shape people’s confidence, so they do come forward and report. We’ve got to stand up and speak out about it. But once people have spoken about it, we need to make sure the offenders are held to account.” Khan made these comments in the wake of the highly controversial way

in which Metropolitan police broke up a vigil which paid tribute to Sarah Everard. Officers at the scene were criticised for handcuffing and taking women away from the vigil which has been seen as an overreaction to the breaking of Lockdown restrictions brought in to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Commenting on the events at the vigil to the BBC Khan said, “The footage that we saw last night wasn’t a good picture because people were coming together, they wanted to show solidarity. And, what it seems on the surface, from the footage and the pictures that

elections are also due to take place at the same time. There had previously been concerns that the election could be delayed, in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. “The review this week concluded the criteria for postponing the Senedd election have not been met. Full preparations for May 6 will therefore continue,” Drakeford confirmed last week. Voters have already been encouraged to register for a postal vote, or, if voting in person, to take their own pen or pencil to the polls in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Although leafleting is now permitted, under the latest relaxation of public health rules, doorstep campaigning remains prohibited. Although currently banned, he said that the Welsh Government would be issuing guidance for doorstep campaigning ahead of the

Senedd election this summer. The reason for the ongoing ban surrounds the potential confusion about what is, and isn’t, allowed under Wales’ coronavirus restrictions. “You cannot meet members of your own family but you can meet a political canvasser, I don’t see that being easy to explain,” Drakeford said. Welsh politicians have previously criticised the ban on the delivery of election leaflets, with the Propel Party MS, Neil McEvoy receiving a visit from police after reports that he had been delivering leaflets by hand. McEvoy defended himself after being cautioned by South Wales Police: “I was carrying out essential work which is communicating with constituents who are representing them,” he said. The next review of Wales’ coro-

we’ve seen this morning, there really needs to be some kind of review about what actually happened and what force was implemented.” Vigils were also held in Cardiff and across the rest of the UK. Khan has called for a “multi-agency approach across Wales, so that whether the violence has been presented at health or whether it’s been presented at education, this is something that we need to understand better so that we can avoid it.” Adding that “If we focus resources and work around the prevention, that’s when we can really start to eradicate this from our society” Other MPs and MSs have also been commenting on the recent developments. The UK government’s safeguarding minister Victoria Atkins said that a public survey has been reopened following the “public outpouring of grief and anger in response to the tragedy.” Beth Winter, the Labour MP for Cynon Valley, told BBC Radio Wales that “we need far reaching change. It’s been normalised. You know, as a woman myself, I go out and I automatically cross the road if there’s a man walking behind me” First Minister Mark Drakeford also commented on the tragedy tweeting that “the stories from other women this week about their experiences - tell us why we have so much more to do to end violence and abuse against women.”

Senedd election: Leafleting returns Morgan Perry Politics Editor

Dewi Morris

Morgan Perry


fter public health restrictions were relaxed by the First Minister, the delivery of election leaflets is now permitted ahead of the Senedd election in May. During Wales’ “stay at home” phase of restrictions, campaigners were not permitted to deliver leaflets directly to voters’ homes. Those delivering leaflets ahead of the election – which is scheduled to go ahead on May 6 – are permitted to do so, so long as they deliver them on their own, and not as part of a group. In his press conference on Friday, March 12, the First Minister, Mark Drakeford, confirmed that preparations for the election to go ahead as planned on May 6 are in full swing. Police and Crime Commissioner

navirus restrictions will take place on April 1, when the Welsh Government will determine whether nonessential retail and close-contact services will be permitted to open. Currently, non-essential shopping is due to begin opening on March 22, though ammendments may be made, dependant on the number of COVID-19 cases in Wales during this time.

The review this week concluded the criteria for postponing the Senedd election have not been met. Full preparations for May 6 will therefore continue Mark Drakeford Welsh First Minister

Nick Ramsay pulls out of Monmouth 2021 selection Hallum Cowell Head of Politics


ick Ramsay, Conservative MS for Monmouth since 2007, will not be standing for the Welsh constituency in the upcoming Senedd elections. Ramsay withdrew from the selection saying that “it was best for everyone” that he withdrew. The Monmouth MS has been the centre of a number of controversies in recent months which have damaged his standing with voters. The Monmouth Conservative Association (MCA) called for Ramsay to be deselected late in 2020. The MS took the MCA to court in November to stop the attempt, accus-

ing party members of a “witch hunt”. However, he withdrew the case late in the process and was ordered to pay £25,000 to the MCA in legal fees. After rejecting this order, he faced a contempt of court hearing. This was not the first time Ramsay had launched legal action against the Welsh Conservative, following an arrest on New Year’s Day 2020 the MS was suspended from the party. After being released without any charges levelled against him he remained suspended from the party, which he argued went against the party’s constitution. At the time he said he never disputed the original suspension “but my problem was beyond that, once there were... no charges and no action, the suspension wasn’t dropped.”

This court case was also dropped early after the suspension was lifted. Ramsay was also one of the MS named by the Welsh Parliament inquiry into the drinking of alcohol on Senedd premises during the Welsh alcohol ban early this year. This scandal led to the resignation of former Welsh Conservative leader Paul Davies and Ramsay resigning from the front bench. Following Ramsay’s deselection, as per party rules, he was allowed to be one of the three candidates to stand again for the MS position in Monmouth however, he has now of course pulled out of the race. Peter Fox, leader of Monmouth council, will now replace Ramsay as the Welsh Conservative MS for Monmouth.

The chairman of the MCA, Nick Hackett-pain, said that Fox “has been an outstanding leader of Monmouthshire County Council for many years and he will make a very fine member of the Senedd” Peter Fox will run against Labour’s Catrin Maby, Liberal Democrats’ Jo Watkins and Plaid Cymru’s Hugh Kocan in the May 6 Welsh election.

It was best for everyone [that I] withdraw Nick Ramsay MS for Monmouth

Nick Ramsay Source: Stefan Bernd (via. Wikimedia Commons)


Erasmus replacement, Turing, unveiled Morgan Perry Politics Editor


he Department for Education has unveiled its new educational exchange scheme, called Turing, which will replace the European Union’s Erasmus programme. With the UK having formally left the European Union (EU) last year, British students are no longer permitted to join Erasmus. The replacement scheme is named after British mathematician Alan Turing, who was an integral part of the UK’s code-breaking efforts during the Second World War. Turing will “enable up to 35,000 students throughout the UK to work or study across the globe”, said the universities minister, Michelle Donelan. The UK could have continued to participate in Erasmus post-Brexit but choose not to do so. The aim of the new scheme is to provide funding towards international placements and education exchanges. Unlike the Erasmus scheme, which is EU-focused but has partner institutions as far away as Mexico, the Turing programme aims to be a global replacement. It’s not just university students who are eligible, either. Those who find themselves in vocational training, an apprenticeship, or those retraining at a college or school are eligible. The UK Government will provide grants to help cover travel expenses and living costs. How much is paid will depend on where students are

going, and for how long. However, different to Erasmus, the government will not pay tuition fees for UK students that are studying elsewhere, nor will it cover the cost of students studying in the UK. Instead, the UK Government expects fees to be waived by the partner universities that choose to take part. There’s a large focus on providing opportunities for disadvantaged students, too. Turing aims to help disadvantaged students with expenses associated with the exchange, again dependent on where and for how long they are travelling for. So far, more than £100m has been allocated to support 35,000 students, but no funding has been guaranteed after the first year. Kirsty Williams, the Welsh Education Minister, had previously expressed an intent for Welsh students to continue accessing the scheme, though this proposal was rejected by EU leaders. Scottish ministers had also expressed hope that Scottish students could continue to access the scheme. It was dismissed by Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission President, who argued that for Wales to participate in Erasmus, the “whole” of the UK would need to rejoin the Union. Mark Drakeford previously called the decision of the UK Government to withdraw from the scheme as “small-minded”. He added that the Welsh Government was continuing to discuss the possibility for bilateral educational exchanges with other countries, including Ireland and Germany. Students in Northern Ireland,

meanwhile, will be able to access both Erasmus and the new Turing scheme. This is because of an arrangement agreed between the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Irish Government. The response to the scheme has been somewhat lacklustre, not least because Erasmus helped to cover tuition fees (which are often heavily inflated for international students), and Turing only provides travel cost support to disadvantaged students. Given there’s no guarantee partner institutions will offer to cover the cost of tuition, it’s not clear how students from disadvantaged back-

grounds will find themselves in a position to afford the scheme. Labour’s shadow education minister, Kate Green said the scheme “did not live up to reality”. “Boris Johnson broke his promise when he committed to ensuring the UK would remain part of Erasmus+ after Brexit, and he is subjecting the Turing scheme to future spending review decisions creating financial uncertainty for organisations and young people,” she added. The National Union of Students, meanwhile, said the replacement scheme will “damage” the prospects of many students to study abroad.

Alan Turing: The new scheme is named after Alan Turing who is widley creditied for breaking Nazi codes during the Second World War. Source: Ian Usher (via. Flickr)

New policing bill “threatens right to protest” Dewi Morris

Politics Editor


he Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill passed its second reading in the House of Commons on Tuesday March 16. Only two days after the police arrested demonstrators at a vigil remembering Sarah Everard, who was allegedly killed by a police officer. 307 pages long, the police bill will introduce many new laws. However, the section which has caused the greatest controversy outlines that a person has committed a criminal of-

fence if they: Cause “serious annoyance” or “serious inconvenience” to a person Or “disrupts the public or a member of the public”. If a person is convicted, they can face imprisonment for up to 10 years. The new law will mean protests of one person or more which commit the offenses above could be stopped. The bill has been called draconian by critics and is alleged to curb Human Rights which include the right to expression. According to the Home Office the new bill will: “Strengthen police

The Police, Crime, Sentancing and Courts bill: The new Bill aims to make sweeping changes to law and order in the UK, but it has faced heavy opposistion from protestors and other political parties. Source: Defence Images (via. Flickr)

powers to tackle non-violent protests that have a significant disruptive effect on the public or on access to Parliament.” However, Labour MP and Former Shadow Home Secretary Dianne Abbott warned that “powers in this bill could have been used against the suffragettes. Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter might have upset people, but protests are supposed to.” Shadow Justice Secretary David Lammy described the bill as “poorly thought-out measures to impose disproportionate controls on free expression and the right to protest.” Plaid Cymru’s Westminster leader Liz Saville Roberts called the new bill an “aggressive crackdown on the right to protest”. She also called for greater justice powers to be devolved to the Welsh Government saying: “We could do so much better in Wales if we had proper control of our policing and criminal justice. We could deliver a more humane and more accountable justice system”. Boris Johnson has defended the bill arguing that it is “sensible” and “takes new tough action against domestic violence.” The bill also changes rules on how long serious criminals such as sexual offenders must stay behind bars before they can be conditionally released. Another new law will give police officers greater power to stop and search people on the street. Liz Saville Roberts raised concerns saying: “We all know that the bill’s stop and search measures will disproportionately target Black people.” Notably, the bill also specifies defacing monuments as damage to land or property which has led many

to point out that defacing a statue could potentially lead to a longer prison sentence than for rape. Sir Keir Starmer argued the new bill contains “next to nothing” on combatting violence against women despite having “lots of stuff on statues”. Amanda Milling, Co-Chair of the Conservative Party claimed the bill includes “many vital measures to protect women from violent criminals’’. However, Labour’s Jess Phillips called her statement “disgusting and untrue”. In June, it came to light that following Extinction Rebellion protests, Cressida Dick, the Metropolitan Police Chief, had written to Priti Patel urging that the protests presented a “much-needed opportunity” to give police further powers to shut down demonstrations. On Monday 15 a protest was held at Parliament Square against the new bill. A large crowd was also gathered outside Cardiff Bay Police Station, many holding placards reading “Kill the Bill” and “We will be heard”. On Wednesday 17, a protest took place outside Cardiff Central Police Station against the new bill as well as the alleged police brutality against Mohamud Hassan and Sarah Everard. The bill was voted for by 359 to 263 votes. Every Conservative MP (except for two who did not vote) voted for the bill. The Noes included each MP from every other party except for three Labour MPs, the DUP and Sinn Féin who also did not vote. Labour MPs were planning to abstain but the party changed its stance following police response to the vigil in remembrance of Sarah Everard last Saturday.


UK Goverment lays out mili-

tary spending reform

Monique Dyer Contributor


he Prime Minister recently announced in the House of Commons his new postBrexit defense and foreign policy plans. This comes after a damning report from the Commons Defence Committee described how the UK’s fleet of Armoured Vehicles was putting the army at “serious risk” of being outmatched by adversaries such as Russia and China. The report even said its fleet had “reached a point of batch obsolescence”. The ministry of defense promised in response an upgraded and digitized new network of technology, including an armored force, which would meet future globalized threats. In order to meet this objective, some programs and technology might have to be completely scrapped. To combat this the Armed Forces are set to see an increase of 2.6% of Government spending to support in the modernization efforts over the next few years. This is in line with the 2020 spending review which had announced an additional £24 billion in spending for defense. The funding and ensuing reforms will be affecting all branches of the Armed Forces including the Army, RAF, Royal Navy, and Strategic Command. Conservative MPs claim the reason for the shortfalls in defense is due to the “bureaucratic procrastination” and “general ineptitude” of the Ministry of Defense. However, Labour claims it was “Conservative defense cuts and indecision” that has led to the Military failings. The Defence Committee report came ahead of the Government’s Integrated Review of Security, Defense and Foreign Policy, which was released on March 16. The Defence Committee report remained optimistic about the Government Integrated Review which it touted as being a “radical rethink of the UK’s Defense Posture”. Many experts in the field agree that the review is a massive conceptual shift in the Government’s approach to security and defense. While the idea and title of the report, ‘Global Britain’, is itself not very radical, what is new for the review is the focus on prevention of violence and the promotion of integration in all areas. The Prime Minister tweeted that the Integrated Review, titled “Global Britain”, will ensure that the UK can “use the full spectrum of [their] abilities, now amplified by record spending on both defense and science, to engage with and help the rest of the world”. Critics have been quick to criticize both the increase in military spending and the new Government review. They claim £24 billion is an absurd amount to spend on defense The review and funding announcements do not, however, set out any changes to the structure and capabilities of the UK Armed Forces. These are expected to be contained in a Defence Command Paper which should be released on 22 March 2021.

12 POLITICS In other news Central

African Republic holds new round of elections after rebel attacks Tom Kingsbury Politics Editor

Mass shootings took place in Atlanta, Georgia on March 16. The shootings were at three massage parlours, and killed eight. The victims include six Asian women, killed at a time when crimes against Asian-American peopls is on the rise. Though the attack has not been described as racially motivated at this stage, activists have stressed their concern at such attacks. Stop AAPI Hate, an advocacy groupd tracking attacks on Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders, said: “right now there is a great deal of fear and pain in the Asian American community that must be addressed”.

The Tanzanian President, John Magufuli, has not been seen since February 27. Magufuli has repeatedly downplayed the effect of coronavirus pandemic on the country, and the government has not released any records on its impact since May 2020. Opposition figures suggest Magufuli is being treated, having contracted coronavirus, though officials denied these “rumours”, saying he is “in good health”. The President has not appeared on TV, social media or publicly though, and public acknowledgement of having contracted coronavirus could undermine Magufuli at this point.


he Central African Republic (CAR) is holding a second round of its legislative elections, after the first round in

Central Afican Republic: The central African nation has been rocked by rebellion and unrest for many years, and that violence has made holding elections very difficult. Source: hdptcar (via. Flickr)


A US Government report has found that the Russian Government spread “misleading or unsubstantiated allegations” about US President Joe Biden. It added that the Kremlin is likely to have authorised attempts to influence the 2020 US election in favour of former President Donald Trump. However, it found that the election results had not been compromised by any country, and that the Iranian Government had launched a “multi-pronged covert influence campaign” against Trump. China was found not to have sought to influence the campaign by the report.

cies in the CAR are holding a second round of voting. For 69 of them, rebel activity meant voting could not take place, and for 49 constituencies there was no clear majority. Officials in CAR’s capital Bangui have said the security situation is now more stable, as the CAR army has taken back more territory. The military is being assisted by Rwanda and Russia, who sent more troops to aid government forces. UN peacekeeping forces are also present, and are reportedly better positioned now to protect the election process. The rebels are alleged by the UN to be led by former CAR president François Bozizé, though he denies this claim. In December, Faustin-Archange Touadéra was re-elected as President, securing 53% of the vote, though the results have been challenged by opposition figures. President Touadera was a maths lecturer and a former Prime Minister of the CAR before being elected president in 2016. He ran as a candidate for peace, calling for an end to sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims in the country. Bozizé, a Christian and former rebel leader, was ousted from his Presidency by a coup in 2013, organised by the Seleka rebel group, which is mainly Muslim. The event led to an escalation of violence between Christian and Muslim military groups, with thousands killed.

The country has suffered political instability since it became independent of France in 1960. Its current borders were established by France, which has intervened in the country multiple times in the years since it became independent. For decades after independence, the CAR was ruled by despots, having its first democratic election with multiple parties in 1993. The country has suffered multiple civil wars, and voters in 2020 stressed their desire for peace.

Voting Lines. Source: GovernmentZA (via.Flickr)

Myanmar protestors see bloodiest day in Yangon as the military tightens their grip on the nation Malgorzata Rudnicka

A Japanese court has ruled that a Japanese ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, stating that it violated a constitutional guarantee of equality. The constitution describes marriage as being of “mutual consent between both sexes”. The Japanese Government has said this does not permit same-sex marriage, though the plaintiffs’ lawyers argued that the law was meant to ban forced marriages, not same-sex marriage. Whilst same-sex marriage is still not legal in Japan, the decision is a step forwards for LGBTQ+ activists.

December 2020 was inconclusive, partially as a result of rebel group activity. A rebel uprising in the CAR led to about two thirds of the country being controlled by rebel groups at the time of the initial election. Now, 118 of the 140 constituen-


yanmar experienced one of its bloodiest days of protest yet when 38 protesters were allegedly killed by the army in the city of Yangon last Sunday. Reportedly, security forces opened fire on the crowd of civilians protesting the military’s continued hold on Myanmar’s largest city and industrial center. According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), there are more deaths and sustained injuries around the area and beyond. In total, approximately 120 civilians (most of them protestors) are reported to have been killed since the military crackdown since the first of February. The military has recently declared martial law in Yangon, particularly in the townships of Hlaing Tharyar and neighbouring Shwepyitha, after Chinese businesses were allegedly being targeted for attacks. The Chinese embassy claimed that people had attacked about 10 facilities with iron bars, axes, and petrol. Reporting that staff had been injured and property had been destroyed, Beijing urged Myanmar to “take further effective measures to stop all acts of violence, punish the perpetrators in accordance with the law and ensure the safety of life and property of Chinese companies and personnel in Myanmar”. Protestors believe that China has been supporting the local military but no evidence has arisen. Myawaddy Media (controlled

by the military) reported that firefighters were “hindered” in their response to the scene by “the blazes of people blocking their routes.” Demonstrators reportedly barricaded themselves inside with sandbags, car tyres and barbed wire when security forces opened fire. Some were witnessed using makeshift shields and moving forward to retrieve injured civilians. This incident has been part of an ongoing political and military crisis within the country during the past months. Myanmar has originally been led by an elected leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, the head of the National League for Democracy, since April 2016. The most recent election in November 2020 saw the landslide victory of the NLD again, though the military claimed that there was widespread fraud involved. Over the years, Suu Kyi has been the centre of controversy for her local and international reputation, the most notorious being the country’s continued prosecution and genocide of the minority Rohingya Muslims (since 1982). Suu Ki has also been under other allegations still under investigation, including unevidenced accusations from the military. On February 1 2021, the military overthrew Myanmar’s local government and seized control through a coup. Among those detained included Suu Kyi, along with those in her political party. A few ousted MPs went into hiding. Military commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing is currently in power over the region.

The military crackdown led to strict curfews, sporadic arrests, isolated incidents of civilian assault, and restricted media access. When protests began, military responses escalated. Upon analysing more than 50 videos taken during the crackdown, Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab confirms that the security forces are implementing increasingly lethal force. Most of the killings documented are extrajudicial executions; there is further evidence of “planned, premeditated, sanctioned killings amid extensive deployment of battlefield weaponry.” Furthermore, not only protestors have been targeted; bystanders, children, and medics have been wounded and killed in the crackdown as well. The soldiers operating are also implicated to have been involved in the atrocities against the Rohingya Muslims. Other ethnic minorities that have suffered from the violence include the Chin, Kachin, Karen, Rakhine, Shan, Ta’ang and more. MPs of the NLD who managed to escape arrest after the coup formed a new group called the Committee for Representing the Union Parliament, or CRUH. Despite the military’s threat of charging those associated with them for treason, they are seeking to be internationally recognized as the rightful government of Myanmar. In a speech on Facebook, the appointed head of this group, Mahn Win Khaing Than, states: “This is the time for our citizens to test their resistance against the dark moments. In order to form a federal democracy, which all ethnic broth-

ers who have been suffering various kinds of oppressions from the dictatorship for decades really desired, this revolution is the chance for us to put our efforts together. Despite our differences in the past, this is the time we must grip our hands together to end the dictatorship for good. “ Multiple countries across the globe have condemned the military takeover. The US and UK have imposed sanctions on military officials. Though some South East Asian countries aim to pursue diplomatic resolution, China has previously opposed international intervention in Myanmar. They have blocked a UN Security Council statement condemning the coup, but have backed calls for the release of Ms Suu Kyi and a return to democratic norms.

This is the time for our citizens to test their resistance against the dark moments. In order to form a federal democracy, which all ethnic brothers who have been suffering Win Khaing Than Leader of the CRUH




Problematic policing: Sarah Everard’s vigil

Everything you need to know about the flagship crime bill




he Metropolitan Police have been accused of oppressing women through their handling of the “Reclaim These Streets” vigil in Clapham on March 13. Four women were arrested and many others were fined for being present at the peaceful vigil which was in remembrance of Sarah Everard, who was murdered on her way home from a friend’s house on the night of March 3 by a police officer. The chief of police, Dame Cressida Dick, has refused to step down from her role despite the uproar caused by her force’s policing of a peaceful protest. The police’s deputy commissioner has also refused to apologize for the policing methods used. Despite the police’s lack of remorse over their actions, both the Home Secretary Priti Patel and the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan have rightly called for an independent investigation into the Metropolitan Police’s handling of the vigil. Any sort of vigil or demonstration has been difficult to organize, as well as to police, during the unprecedented period of the pandemic. While it had been cancelled and social distancing wasn’t being maintained, the treatment of those present by police was unacceptable. It is integral to remember that we still have a right to speak out, and to protest. Those in attendance had a valid reason for congregating, unlike the crowds of people who weren’t stopped from going to beaches last summer. This gathering was to highlight how Sarah Everard’s death was not an isolated incident of violence against a woman and therefore did not deserve to be policed as forcefully as it did. The intimidating nature in which the women present were treated highlights the lack of understanding towards the issue of violence against women by the very people whose job it is to protect the public. The event at Clapham Common motivated further vigils to be organized with attendances even higher than they would’ve been if the police hadn’t reacted with such disrespect. The police’s handling of the issue strengthened the message of Patsy Stevenson, the woman being handcuffed in a widely circulated photo

across traditional and social media. She said that “we need to get the message away from: ‘We are against the police … We now need to open a dialogue for change and to support women’s safety.’ The police’s actions are a distraction from what the true issue is, which is the safety of women in society. The police have only increased the public’s fear of them after an officer was charged with Everard’s murder. This could be damaging to the number of women who are willing to report incidents of violence or assault against them. Considering that Sarah Everard’s murderer was a police officer, the police are doing very little to rebuild the trust between them and the women in their communities. It has been confirmed that undercover officers will be situated in bars and clubs once COVID-19 restrictions come to an end in order to protect women. The fact that the officers will be plain-clothed will not act as a deterrent to predators and will be no comfort to women due to the profession of Everard’s murderer. In order to limit interactions with the police and to adhere to lockdown restrictions, vigil organizers have been creative in thinking of other ways for people to come together. After the in-person vigil at the Senedd was cancelled, the “Reclaim These Streets” Cardiff organizers held a successful zoom gathering which was attended by over a hundred people. During the event, participants were encouraged to donate to a fund for women’s charities, which has since surpassed £500,000, and to discuss their personal experiences with the topic. Social media has also been an invaluable tool for people to come together to discuss the issue as well as educate others on the platforms through sharing resources and posts. The policing of the vigil has only helped the message of those present spread wider and louder. Conversations are starting to be had between old friends as well as strangers that might not have taken place before the events of this month. Yet, it is impossible to predict for how long this issue will be at the front of the public’s mind. How many fatalities such as Sarah Everard’s must happen in order for women’s safety in society to be considered a priority?

For example, they had the choice of protest songs from H.E.R and Beyonce, a different perspective compared to the escapism-approach projected from Taylor Swift’s ‘Folklore’ and Dua Lipa’s ‘Future Nostalgia’. Both genres saw wins on the night, revealing that both approaches proved to be beneficial to music lovers, especially this year. Ethereal themes won Swift album of the year, alongside Dua Lipa winning best pop album. On the other side, in a year full of protest and activism, H.E.R won song of the year whilst Beyonce took home the award for the best R&B performance. It is clear that women swept the big four awards this year, alongside Billie Eilish’s win for new record of the year and Megan Thee Stallion’s victory in the best new artist category. This is a

far cry from 2018, when the Recording Academy’s then-president stated that women needed to ‘step-up’ if they wanted to win awards. And so it has been confirmed, being a ‘Savage’ isn’t the only power women have after all… The Grammys definitely represented a year for the power of females. Beyonce set a new record with her 28th win and she is now the most-awarded woman in Grammys history. Additionally, Taylor Swift made history by becoming the first female artist ever to win album of the year three times. This is interesting to consider when both artists have completely different styles and approaches to their music, but it seems variety in our listening is what we all needed this year. Host of the 2021 awards, Trevor Noah, stated how music has ‘touched

Beth Williams

Molly Govus

Sian Hopkins

Cerys Ann Jones

Izzy Morgan

he Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Bill (PCSC) is a colossal new piece of legislation, first introduced in the House of Commons on March 9. Sitting at over 300 pages, the Conservative government claims the bill is essential in tackling crime and justice reform in England and Wales. However, the bill has been heavily criticized as it unnecessarily restricts individuals’ civil liberties. Many fear that, should it be passed, the bill threatens an end to freedoms of assembly and dissent as is currently known in the UK. While the Labour party had originally chosen to abstain on voting, after the police violence that occurred during the Vigil in the Clapham Commons for Sarah Everard, the party has changed course and are now voting against the legislation. While Labour is accused of exploiting citizens anger over what happened at the vigil, at least they are listening to popular opinion. Labour claims their change in heart is because they fear that some of the clauses in the bill give police too much power over protestors. They believe it could lead to even more violence at peaceful vigils and protests, which is almost sure to occur. Despite opposition from Labour, the SNP and the Liberal Democrats, the bill passed the second reading on Tuesday by 359 votes to 263. The bill has now been sent to the committee stage where it will be scrutinized in more detail, line by line. While the bill does seem to include some popular criminal justice reform measures such as increased sentences for violent criminals, and changes to sexual offence legislation, including all the reforms in one giant omnibus bill is underhanded. The freedom to protest is already currently severely limited by the Coronavirus Act, and the Policing Bill threatens to continue to restrict civil liberties even further. Clauses 54 and 56 of Part 3 of the bill amends police powers so that authorities can impose restrictions on protests which are too noisy. A second clause allows authorities to control the length of the protest, and another allows them to block protests in certain locations. Other controversial sections include abolishing the common law offence of public nuisance and replacing it with a new statutory offence of “intentionally

or recklessly causing public nuisance”. The main fears of the new act, however, revolve around the seemingly intentional use of extremely vague language, which many claims can be used by authorities to mean whatever they wish. Specifically, protesting cannot occur if it causes “serious annoyance” - a concept that is not clearly defined. The crackdown on the right to protest is not the only area of the bill generating dissent. Part 4 of the Bill is aimed at disrupting Gypsy and Traveller communities in the UK by granting increased powers for authorised to use against “Unauthorised encampments”. Others see the tougher sentencing for those convicted of a Knife Crime as further criminalizing Black youth and Black men more specifically who are largely overrepresented in the policing of knife crimes specifically. The other major controversial provision of the bill is the new punishment for the vandalization of memorials and statues. The section stipulates that those who destroy or cause damage to any building or structure (including statue) with a commemorative purpose can face up to 10 years in prison. To give a reference, 10 years is the same sentence as people convicted of manslaughter. The sentence seems thus outrageously harsh and is also likely to only largely be used against marginalized communities. The last upsetting factor about this bill deals not only with its content but with the relative speed at which it is being passed through the House of Commons. Having only been introduced a week ago, it is being pushed through parliament at an alarming rate. Being over 300 pages long, a week is not long enough to properly scrutinized and debate a bill of this importance. The Minister of Justice claims the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill will bring much-needed reform for the justice system and that is why the bill is being rushed through parliament. Critiques claim the bill is “draconian”, “illiberal”, “anti-democratic” and “authoritarian”. While many agree that police and justice reform is certainly necessary for this country, the way this bill goes about solving this particular issue seems likely to only cause more controversy. If you oppose this piece of legislation, please consider signing the petition demanding changes to the legislation: https:// stop-the-attacks-on-our-democraticrights-policing-bill

our lives and saved our souls over this unprecedented year’, and I think he hits the nail on the head. Music is always in the background of our lives, a distraction, and always used as something to pass the time. This year, music has provided us with motivation, empowerment, and an escape from the mess that the last year has been. BBC music reporter, Mark Savage, noted how the awards had ‘a new feel this year’. For example, US rapper, Lil Baby, delivered one of the most powerful, politically charged moments of the night in the opening of his song ‘The Bigger Picture’. With a dramatic re-enactment of Rayshard Brooks’ shooting by Atlanta Police in June 2020, Lil Baby’s lyrics echoed the atrocities and racial injustices that have come to light in the last year, heightened by an incorporated

speech from US activist, Tamika Mallory. What set this performance apart from the Grammys usual splendour is that the COVID-19 restrictions didn’t allow for the choreography or the grandeur. Simply, it was an artist, his music, and his passion. His lyrics and word spoke more than any choreographed performance ever could; and yet, his voice was louder than ever. The whole glamour of the awards is often quite predictable to the audience, but this year’s Grammys could be seen with new, fresh eyes. Instead of audience cues, microphone feedback and awkward pauses, we were instead met with an extremely laid back and relaxing three and a half hours. Savage noted how it was ‘intimate and fresh – something it has needed for a long time’.

Monique Dyer


The Grammys 2021: the most insightful show to date Molly Govus

Head of Comment


n any usual year, the 63rd Annual Grammy Awards would have been an event like any other. Red carpets, paparazzi and glitz and glamour are normally paraded over our phone screens – but this has been a year like no other for the Grammys. With the awards representing the upand-coming talent alongside our favourite quarantine artists, executive producer, Ben Winston, had a job to make the award ceremony as memorable as possible whilst under COVID-19 restrictions. This year, voters faced a choice between records and artists that took their music career in different directions in response to the pandemic.


The problematic nature behind #NotAllMen Content warning: contains discussion of sexual harrassment and assault Sian Hopkins

Comment Editor



onflict is entertaining. There’s a certain thrill to be had from watching a heated argument you aren’t involved in; it’s like a story. You wonder what happened to get to that point? What are the speakers’ stories - why are they so outraged? That, in a nutshell, is Piers Morgan’s job. To make himself either into the outspoken protagonist or the overbearing enemy, either way you’re going to watch him and be entertained. He is the drunken wannabe boxer in a bar full of blokes with their trousers half-down. It comes as no big surprise that Piers’ reign as TV toddler of the decade ended with a tantrum. It’s his showstopper

Piers on Meghan,

Duchess of Sussex


We need men to stand with us: We need men to stand with us on this situation, not against us. Source: Molly Adams (via. pixabay)

mas yet are still followed, leered at and harassed by men. If this doesn’t prove that women cannot prevent their harassment with their clothes or time of day, the main reason points to the failed education of the nation’s men. The term ‘not all men’ has been a common response to the afflictions of women at the hands of men. Instead of offering support and remorse for the actions of their fellow sex, a popular response from men and women can be the defence of: ‘but it’s not all men.’ The reason this term of phrase means nothing but ignorance against female harassment because any experience a woman faces or suggests she is afraid of walking at night because of men, is not a demonisation of all men. Jenna Proudfoot in Marie Claire sums it up “Of course we’re not saying that all men are dangerous, but we are saying that all women feel unsafe. And we need all men to stand with us to do something about it. “So, instead of getting defensive and deflecting the important conversation to focus on your own image perception, help us tackle the problem.” Several posts have been circulating depicting images such as sharks, ticks and other animals we consider to be dangerous to humans. Their point is to emphasise how not all sharks or ticks are necessarily harm-

‘Piers has no job if the public don’t care’ Kat Wheeler

GMB’s problematic

Cerys Ann Jones Comment Editor


his last week has been an emotional rollercoaster for all women, from International Women’s Day, followed by criticism of Meghan Markle’s Oprah interview and then the death of Sarah Everard at the hands of a Met Police officer. Whilst this has brought to light and opened up the needed discussion about harassment and violence women can face on a daily basis, there is another half of the population that are more concerned about how men are coping in this situation. The devastating discovery of Sarah Everard’s remains, after she went missing on March 3, opened up the vocal protest about women’s safety in the hands of men. The fact that Sarah had been walking home after visiting her friend in South London and turned up dead at the hands of a Met Police officer demonstrated the on-going battle women face everyday in terms of harassment and their inability to feel safe when just leaving their homes. Whilst there may be arguments surrounding what Sarah was wearing, what time of night it was and whereabouts she was in South London, none of these factors are important. None of that information justifies why Sarah lost her life at the hands of a serving police officer and all this does is reduce women as being the problem, rather than the men who harass them. For 97% of women to experience sexual harassment in their lifetime, this statistic clearly points to the real problem: men. Just in Cardiff recently, the amount of stories and posts documenting day to day harassment and unease felt by women on groups such as Overheard at Cardiff and exposed Cardiff has led to the creation of a women’s safety group on Facebook and countless posts about apps and alarms that can aid a woman to just go on a walk, regardless of the time of day. So many accounts have described they were walking in public, in broad daylight, in groups of women and in clothing such as their pyja-


piece, the big cash generating clip ITV have always wanted and a perfect advertisement for prospective new employers (*cough* GB News *cough*). The clip of Piers’ big exit has been watched over ten million times; that’s three million more views than the show’s previous most popular clip. If you’re of the opinion that Piers Morgan shouldn’t be given the time of day, the best advice I have for you is to ignore him. Don’t follow him, don’t watch his shows, treat him like old news. Of course, tasking someone with ignoring Piers Morgan is no small feat but Piers Morgan has no job if the public do not care. Challenging the dangerous views he’s affiliated himself with is a moral obligation, but treating Piers as a news item isn’t.

ful to people, but we still avoid all of them because we cannot tell which ones are harmful or not. When applied to the current argument, when women talk about men in general, they cannot know whether a man will be dangerous or not when they see them on the street, so it is safer to avoid all men. This applies also to when men decide to join the argument that they also can feel scared to walk alone at night, in fear of being attacked. No woman is arguing against any experience a man may have been through as any less because he is a man, but their fear also comes down to the common denominator: other men. Jameela Jamil summed up in a popular tweet: “It’s true that #notallmen harm women. But do all men work to make sure their fellow men do not harm women? Do they interrupt troubling language and behavior in others? Do they have conversations about women’s safety/consent with their sons? Are #allmen interested in our safety?” Jameela expanded her point on Instagram, “If you allow it then you condone it. If you condone it, you’re part of the problem. It could not continue without the silent complicity of the majority.” Jameela highlights the problem being not just the violent men who harass the women, but those who fight back with comments like ‘it’s not all men’, because by not actively fighting for female safety, they allow

the problem to continue silently. There have been plenty of celebrities and popular personalities who have spoken out in support of reclaiming the streets and given a voice to all women and people with vaginas, but there are also those who jump on the ‘it’s not all men’ bandwagon. TV personality Davina Mccall came under fire after tweeting that ‘female abduction/ murder is extremely rare’ relating to Sarah Everard’s disappearance. She continued: ‘Men’s mental health is an issue as well. Calling all men out as dangerous is bad for our sons, brothers, partners.’ Davina rightly received plenty of backlash for her insensitive tweet, pointing the finger back at women for speaking out about their experiences at the hands of men. One reply added: “Most of us have men in our lives that we love, so I can see where your post [comes from], your post was poorly timed and was like ‘all lives matter’ insensitive and unnecessary” linking Davina’s tweet to the inconsiderate comments that cam in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. Davina’s tweet, like many other #notallmen posts, silence and demean the countless harassment accounts told by women and the statistics that prove the extreme likelihood of a woman experiencing a form of harassment, at the hands of a man, in her lifetime.

Is it finally time to Kill the Bill? Tehreem Sultan Features Editor


s the fundamental elements of a democratic society, the Human Rights Act 1998 protects both the right to protest and freedom of expression. However, the latest Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill which has been approved by 359 votes and is on its second reading will not only curtail these rights but rather lead towards devastating consequences and weaken the human rights framework of the nation. The bill contains measures on increasing sentences for criminals and toughening penalties for assaults on emergency workers including police officers. The most controversial issue remains to stand as the rulings on political protests and excessive police powers. Not

only do these powers create uncertainty by giving far too much discretion to police, but they also pose a threat to the freedom of protesting. Any disruption including noise levels and serious annoyance can result in activists being prosecuted for practicing their own rights. Another major objection remains to be defacing statues and monuments punishable by up to 10 years in jail. The bill seriously addressed the protection of statutes and leaves a gaping hole regarding domestic violence issues and rape, and the protection of women. In light of the recent murder of Sarah Everard, there ought to be greater protection for the security and safety of women. Are these ‘draconian’ powers reforming the state into a dangerously police controlled state? Do we need

prah Winfrey’s highly-anticipated interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle catalysed public discourse globally consequent to issues raised encompassing the British royal family. Meghan Markle revealed that she at times “didn’t want to be alive anymore” after the pervasive pressures and hateful criticism derived from the British media, with limited support provided by the institution despite requesting help on several occasions. The interview revealed that racist remarks were made concerning which colour Archie’s skin would be upon his birth by a member of the monarchy. The couple refused to relay further details when questioned, to which Meghan replied: “I think that would be very damaging to them”. The Duchess experienced institutional racism whilst serving the royal family, but received little support from the institution. Harry stated: “No-one from my family ever said anything over those three years. That hurts”. The media personality and former presenter of ITV’s ‘Good Morning Britain’, Piers Morgan, has become subject to scrutiny regarding his hostile criticism of the Duchess of Sussex following the interview’s broadcast which led to his eventual departure from the show. During the GMB programme following the interview’s release in the US, he stated that he did not believe a word that the Duchess had said, adding “the fact that she’s fired up this onslaught against our royal family I think is contemptible”. Preceding the programmes broadcast, the UK media regulator, Ofcom received a total of 41,015 complaints regarding Morgan’s condemnation of the interview, the second-highest number of complaints since its establishment 17 years ago. Despite receiving a roaring backlash, the disruptive presenter defended his comments, Tweeting; “On Monday, I said I didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview. I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t. “Freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on. Thanks for all the love, and hate. I’m off to spend more time with my opinions”. ITV established the Be Kind campaign to disseminate an anti-bullying message consequent to the suicide of presenter, Caroline Flack. As an employee of the broadcasting corporation responsible for this campaign, Piers Morgan’s dismissal of the Duchess’s previous suicidal state is wholly unacceptable. This raises concerns about how Morgan’s inappropriate comments may influence members of society contemplating suicide. An individual’s mental welfare should not be a subject of debate or discussion. Booker Prize-winning author Bernardine Evaristo said: “His departure is a triumph for feminists everywhere”. The mental health charity, Mind, who are partners with ITV on its Britain Get Talking campaign, also criticised Morgan, stating that it was “disappointed” by his comments. Following his departure, regulation regarding the discussion of issues that may impact the viewer should be legislated by the programme. ITV are advocates of mental health, they should always ensure that the mental wellbeing of viewers is not disturbed. The ‘Be Kind’ campaign can’t work otherwise.



YOUR How to avoid forming unhealthy obsessions What can you do to avoid becoming unhealthily obsessed with your weight? ADVICE DESK W Vicky Witts

Head of Advice

Vicky Witts

Megan Evans

ith a rise in online fitness challenges, social media accounts based on exercise, and new diet trends, it can often feel that everyone around you is trying to alter their appearance or health in some way. Whilst charity runs and fitness challenges do have many benefits for a large number of participants, such exercise obsessions can also be mentally damaging to those who are unable to participate or choose not to and are self-conscious regarding their body image. Therefore, it is important to learn how to avoid becoming unhealthily focused on fitness and health. Alter your social media Social media platforms are usually a great method of self-expression, and often many people use it as a method of sharing pride regarding their body image and fitness ‘journeys’. However, the possible consequences that perhaps are not thought about when these posts are created may include unrealistic expectations for body image, as well as damaging feelings of self-consciousness to people who do not look like the people that they are seeing on their social media feeds. It is therefore important to ensure that your social media pages act in a way that helps rather than hinders your body confidence.

To do this, it may be beneficial to look at who you are following online and ensure that they are people who will not cause you to make negative comparisons between yourself and them. For example, following people who post daily about their intense workout regimes or new diets lead you to feel inadequate about your own lifestyle and so, you could choose to unfollow these people, and instead follow accounts which are more about promoting body positivity and self-love towards the way that you are now. Whilst following fitness accounts is not inherently bad, it is important that you follow accounts that suggest healthy and realistic routines rather that overly intense and unrealistic posts. Alternatively, if you feel that this is not enough and you are still creating negative comparisons to the people that you see online, taking a break from social media in its entirety may allow you to get a fresh perspective on yourself and what is healthy for you. Talk to your peers If you feel that you are struggling with body image or find that you are overly focused on health and fitness, you may find it helpful to discuss this with your friends and family, especially if you feel that without knowing they may be harmful to your mental health. For example, if your friends are taking up exercise challenges or trying out a new diet, it can often make you feel worse and that you are getting left behind

whilst everyone else is actively and openly trying to change their body image or fitness level. Simply having an open conversation about topics which you may be sensitive to and ways that they can help you become less worried about your own body can help you to progress and may let you begin to appreciate yourself more. Track for the right reasons Fitness trackers and watches have been gaining in popularity in recent years, with estimates that 245 million could have been sold in 2019 alone. These are not just popular with athletes and keen sports people however, as many of us are taking to them to simply count our steps and measure how many calories we have burnt in our everyday lives. However, whilst there is likely nothing particularly damaging about just knowing how many steps you have done in a day and comparing them to your friends in fun competition, setting your goals too high or getting into a routine of recording eve-

ry aspect of your life may lead you to be health conscious to an unhealthy degree. In order to avoid this, it is important to remember that everyone has different needs and physical capabilities, and so, you should not be focused on comparing how much exercise you do in a day with those around you because what is healthy for them may not be healthy for you. Additionally, in order to avoid worrying about the fact that you do not always meet you daily exercise or calorie goals that are set on any form of tracker that you have, you should aim to set them to numbers which are realistic and that you are likely to achieve. Even if you choose to push yourself and increase the amount of exercise that you do daily, you should still aim to make any fitness goals that you have reasonable and remember to not feel disappointed if these goals are lower than your peers or people that you see online, as we all have different physical capabilities.

Gaining work experience How to feel safe within Cardiff in 2021 Megan Evans Advice Editor


e are getting to that time of the year, where there are opportunities to strengthen your CV and gain experience within a field you are passionate about. Here are a couple of sites that have helped me: LinkedIN LinkedIN is a platform that offers you a chance to connect with people in any industry, and acts as a ‘CV’ for you to write all of your experience, and have it all in one place. There are sections within the page that allows you to see any job opportunities or internships that are nearby and have recently been posted. JobShop If you sign up to Job Shop within Cardiff University, you can get emails that can be tailored to suit your skills. Even if you get emails that aren’t necessarily in the field that you are hoping to look into, you can still have access to a range of differing placements and internships, which have already been sourced by the university. Indeed I used Indeed to find my part-time job in which I have worked for over 2 years. The listings are updated regularly, and you can curate specific keywords. Prospects On the ‘Jobs and Work Experience’ page, there are lengthy pages and details explaining the best ways to approach placements and opportunities. This offers some brilliant tips, particularly those that require you to have a formal interview, or an assessment. It also boasts tips on how to manage your time well, especially if you’re doing this whilst you are doing your degree.

Obsessing on our bodies: How do we stop ourselves from obsessing over our bodies in an unhealthy way? Source: Unkown (via: Piqsels)

Megan Evans Advice Editor


t comes as no surprise that living within the heart of a capital city bears its trials and tribulations. In recent news, the advocacy of keeping the streets safe has become crucial, as students have reported acts of injustice whilst walking home at night. There are several methods that you can actively interweave into your routine, to ensure you are comfortable and as safe as you can possibly be, at all times. Use your common sense and trust your gut instincts If you’ve decided to go to the shop late at night, chances are a small part of you may feel like you should’ve chosen to go at a different time. If you feel that it could be a danger if you leave at a certain time, chances are you may be right. If you are desperate, either ask someone close to come with you, or choose a route that you know well that is lit up. If you feel like where you want to go could be a danger, either use Uber, or plan to go another time. If the journey is necessary, then make sure you have provided the right precautions to ensure you feel comfortable walking, if you are prepared to go alone. For example, grabbing some chocolate late at night isn’t as essential as it is to grab some pain killers. Don’t carry too many expensive possessions on you When you are out and about, you could be tempted to keep hold of all personal belongings, whether that be your purse or wallet, and your

Staying safe in 2021: How can you feel safe in Cardiff after recent events? Source: Giuseppe Milo (via Wikimedia Commons)

expensive devices. Unless you need it with you, I feel like it’s probably safer to leave some possessions, such as an expensive watch, or a laptop at home. If you’re using a library slot and you have a laptop with you, if possible, ring a friend to walk home with you. Even if you know where you are heading, you can never be sure who is around. It is definitely best to only have a phone on you, in case you need to message or call someone. Let people in your house or flat know where you are If you are about to embark on a journey, whether that is in the day or in the evening, let your house know where you are at all times. If you and those around you are alert to what’s going on, then you can act quicker if you need to. It is so important to communicate with those closest to you, because even if you aren’t in trouble, people can feel satisfied knowing you are safe. Even if you are going somewhere you know well, the threats of the outside can still linger. Being as alert as

you possibly can, will benefit you a great deal, especially when you least expect it. Download apps on your device for extra precaution If you need to check a map to get around, that’s perfectly okay! There are also other apps such as bSafe and Watch Over Me, which acts as a guard and also someone else being there, even if you are making a journey on your own. The apps can let you check in wherever you are going, and also hosts a list of preselected contacts if you are worried or feel partially threatened. It is quicker than having to dial a number in, especially if you are in a panicked state, and something does go slightly wrong. If you are feeling distressed however, make sure you dial 911 immediately. Make sure you have a charged phone If you have a portable charger with you, even better! It is vital to have a charged phone on your possession, in the case that you need to ring someone, or if you need to

double check directions on your way home. This will benefit you greatly if you are aware and alert, and having a phone on you allows you more options to act fast when you need to, or if you see anything suspicious. Blend in with other people Something I used to do on my way back home from work, was to walk very closely to a group of people in front of me, so I didn’t look like I was walking alone. It is important to ensure you don’t look like a threat to other people, if there are people lurking around. You may even appear to outsiders as more confident, and you are unlikely to become a target if you seem as a part of a group. Avoid using headphones It is always tempting to have something to listen to when embarking on a later walk into town or wherever you appear to be going, but risks could happen when you least expect it. You need to be able to hear what’s going on in your personal surroundings, so you can act responsibly and appropriately. If you feel you are at risk or danger, please don’t hesitate to inform 911, the local police force and authority, and there are also plenty of helplines, including: Confidential Helpline : 0808 800 5008 Confidential Men’s Helpline: 0808 800 5005 In Wales, you can call the Community Advice and Listening Line (C.A.L.L.) on 0800 132 737 or text ‘help’ and a question, to 81066.



Megan Evans


Running 27 Miles Challenge: 27% of young people have reported a mental health problem during their studies, so I challenged myself to run 27 miles. Source: Unkown (via Pxhere)


am by all means, not a ‘runner’. In fact, I could barely run a couple of km without wanting to curl up into a ball right at the end and cry. At the start of 2021, I wanted to mentally challenge myself to running 27 miles in 27 days with the brilliant mental health charity ‘Mind’, which advocates for the well-being and support for those who are struggling. A shocking statistic that I stumbled across showed that 27% of young people have reported a mental health problem during their studies. Young Minds conducted a survey in February 2021 on 2,438 young people aged between 13-25 which showed that 75% found the current lockdown harder to cope with than the previous ones, and 67% believed the pandemic will have a long-term negative effect on their mental health, including those who have bereaved or undergone traumatic experiences during the pandmeic, and those concerned about relationships, friendships and finding work. It really honed in on me, how difficult the majority of my support network, family members, and general social media platforms have been with the ongoing restrictions. With a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel, I wanted to prove that I could run each day (or every other day to make up the mileage). To say that I was afraid to run publicly is an understatement. I love a challenge, but I was always terrified

that I would stumble across people I knew whilst attempting my running. I wanted to raise money for not only a charity that means a lot to me, as I had genuinely found the previous year really difficult to deal with, but a charity that aids those near and dear to me. As much as I wanted to raise a staggering amount, the main goal was for me to successfully run the miles, as that achievement, as little to some people as that may seem, is a huge achievement in my eyes. Some of the tips I have learnt whilst trying to not only improve my fitness routine and get me going outside, but by completing the challenges is as follows:

The amount of energy I would spend sitting and overthinking, can be easily spent doing the running and achiev[ing] my goals Don’t compare your time to others When I first started running, I would use Strava to record them, and I found myself looking at my fellow friends and friends of friends’ times and feeling mortified.

Everyone can run at different speeds and distances. As a beginner, my 5km will be slightly different to someone who runs long distance regularly - and that’s okay! It is not a competition to outrun everyone. It is quite inspiring to see people who run in fast times, but what is truly remarkable, is actually getting yourself out there to complete a run- regardless of the time! Getting out and about does WONDERS for mental health Being stuck inside during lockdown really made me feel tense inside. I have noticed the changes in my mental health by running regularly, and that has been so satisfying. People always say exercise is great for your mental health, and it really showed. I loved getting outside more, even if it was to run. I ended up bumping into lots of people I know (which usually would make me feel bad, but in actual reality, I am just delighted to see people, aside from my house!). Running increases the positive neurotrasmitters in our system, reduces stress and helps to alleviate symptoms of depression. People do not care if you are running As a self-conscious person, I found it hard to drag myself out to run, in case people made comments. In actual reality, nobody is remotely interested. Everyone has their own things they want to focus on. The amount of en-

ergy I would spend sitting over-thinking, can be easily spent doing something I really want to do, which is to run and achieve my goals. If I am feeling stressed and I want to run, I should be able to, without having the stress of worrying that others are watching and criticising.

The cliques formed in school won’t make you more likely to achievesuccess Running helps you sleep better and allievates negative thought patterns I have always been a bad sleeper, as I am constantly scrolling before bed, or tempted to finish a Netflix series. Physcial exercise such as running increases the amount of time you spend in a deep sleep, and also helps with insomnia. You can’t beat the feeling after completing a run either. It is hard to explain, but it gives me more energy and makes me feel much more outgoing. Running also releases natural endorphins, which also helps me to stop overthinking. It makes you feel so much healthier As somebody who would rather do yoga in the comforts of my home, as opposed to exercising outside, running reguarly makes you feel much more energised, and is of

course, incredibly beneficial for physical health. Running is infinite in the amount of pros it releases, as it is one of the best ways to exercise your legs and all the muscles, and the deeper muscles such as stabilising the spine and strengthening arm power. You can easily fit it into a routine An excuse I would very reguarly say to avoid running was ‘will I have time in the day for this?’. Chances are, yes. Most of the runs I have completed this month have been between 20 and 30 minutes. You don’t need to be running marathons! I got to a point where I enjoyed the time I set aside to run as I knew I was getting the chance to re-set my mind. You can learn so much about your body by running Within this pandemic, the craze of exercising reguarly has peaked. With gyms shut, the best way to allievate the stress and anxiety, has been running for most. At the beginning, I found myself getting out of breath really quickly because I was over powering myself. If you take some time to look at how you are breathing as you run, you can increase and decrease the force you take, and you can train yourself to run longer distances, without getting out of breath. I am amazed that I have gotten to a point where I have nearly completed 27 miles. This challenge has impacted how I feel about exercise and has drastically improved my confidence.



Cancer patients less responsive to first COVID jab

YOUR A new study shows that cancer patients are less protected from SCIENCE COVID-19 after one dose of the vaccine than other people DESK 2 Holly Giles

Head of Science & Technology

Holly Giles

Rowenna Hoskin

Mili Jayadeep

4.2 million UK citizens, at time of writing, have now received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and it is a figure that continues to increase everyday through the national vaccination rollout. Of those prioritised to receive their vaccine were cancer patients as a result of their suppressed immune system, meaning thousands had been shielding since March 2020. However, a new study this month has shown that cancer patients are less protected from COVID-19 after one dose of the vaccine than other people. This is a significant finding as the government decision to delay the second dose of the vaccine in order to vaccinate as many people with their first dose, may be putting cancer patients at risk. The study looked at 205 individuals, including 151 with lung, breast, bowel or blood cancer and looked at the level of antibodies in their blood as a result of the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. They found that three weeks after the first dose of the vaccine an antibody response was detected in 39% of people with solid cancers (such as lung, breast of bowel) and in 13% of people with blood cancer. This is in stark contrast with the 97% of people without cancer displaying antibodies.

results should be considered in an urgent review of vaccination timings. “Until then, it is important that cancer patients continue to observe all public health measures in place such as social distancing and shielding when attending hospitals, even after vaccination” Ishrad told.

However, encouragingly it has been shown that having a second dose three weeks after the first led

to a sharp rise in antibodies to 95%, equivalent to the rest of the population. This supports the acceleration of the second dose for cancer patients. This 95% figure was decreased to 43% for solid cancers and 8% with blood cancer if the interval was increased to five weeks. The researchers have explained that the trial for a longer gap was done on healthy volunteers, meaning the findings cannot be immediately transferred to vulnerable people such as cancer patients. Reflecting on the findings, Dr Sheeba Ishrad, oncologist and senior study author from King’s College London, said: “One size does not fit all. Cancer treatments have profound effects on the immune system and cancer patients’ immune mechanisms are inferior. We need to be concerned about other vaccines for this population too - they do need a second dose quickly.” She continued explaining that the

cine (WAM) group. Predominantly, there are more men than women in the medical field. The subject field has urged women to come forward with their talents; in 2008, the British Medical Association published a report about women in academic medicine, including a number of recommendations to encourage more women to join the medical profession. On her success, Professor Taylor stated: ‘It is an honour to be part of this fantastic celebration of the power of role models. I am exceptionally fortunate to have had some amazing female and male mentors as my role models throughout my career – I consider myself to be part of an unstoppable ‘chain reaction’ for progress’. A chain reaction is exactly what

will spark from the book’s publishing; with stories of hardships and success, it is certain to become a source of inspiration for its readers. Professor Taylor’s academic work surpasses standard boundaries. From becoming a Registered General Nurse in 1983; a Bachelor of Nursing in 1993; a Msc in Medical Education in 2001; and a 2013 Doctorate in Philosophy, Professor Taylor is now Director of Post Graduate Taught Studies. Her research specialises in pain management, where she has many publications and has advised on national, and international, collaborations. The introduction of the new book states: ‘You can’t be what you can’t see’. A book celebrating the achievements of talented women in medicine is exactly what is needed to

push forward inspiration and encouragement, and for people to feel passionate about their subject. Having real-life representations of such knowledge is invigorating for prospective female medical marvels, and the publication will definitely serve as motivation for the subject. The Women in Academic Medicine group have stated that they hope this book is another progressing step in ‘opening up this world to as many people as possible’. Co-chair of the group, Sarah Allsop, has stated the importance for instilling budding inspiration into others: ‘For me, working in medical education gives me the opportunity to be part of medical students’ early journeys. I still remember role models from when I was at university… their advice and guidance has stayed with me over the years’.

One size does not fit all. Cancer treatments have profound effects on the immune system and cancer patients’ immune mechanisms are inferior. We need to be concerned about other vaccines for this population too - they do need a second dose quickly. Dr Sheeba Ishrad

Oncologist from King’s College London

Jack Robert Stacey

Cancer Lab: The research shows that Cancer patients are more vulnerable during the period between the first and second dose as the vaccine is less effective.. Source: Pan American Health Organization (via Flickr)

In light of these findings an anonymous cancer patient told Gair Rhydd: “With data showing that the vaccine isn’t as effective for patients undergoing chemotherapy it concerns me that there is a delay between first and second doses. We are extremely vulnerable and I would be reassured to know that by having the second dose 3 weeks after the first I was being given the best possible protection against this virus.” Many cancer charities have also issued statements, in light of the growing concern of patients. Martin Ledwick, the head information nurse at Cancer Research UK, said:

“We know that this information could be worrying, but anyone undergoing cancer treatment should continue to follow the advice of their doctors, and we encourage all who can to take up the vaccine.” The trial is yet to be peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal, meaning the results are yet to be finalised. The study is ongoing, with plans to continue following up patients for the first six months after their first vaccination in order to understand the full effect. THe findings are expected to be published in the coming weeks, after which it is assumed there will be an examination of evidence and a plan of action for cancer patients and their vaccines. However, at this stage the findings show the timing of vaccinations cannot be the same for everyone in order to elicit the desired 95% response and suggests that cancer patients should receive a faster treatment.

Cardiff professor in new book to celebrate International Women’s Day Molly Govus

Deputy Editorr


n Monday 8th March, we celebrated the amazing women in our lives and around the globe. The day encapsulates the celebration of social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. One of our very own lecturers at Cardiff University, Professor Ann Taylor from the school of medicine, has been included in a book to celebrate inspirational women in the medical field. The book itself paints a picture of the stories behind each woman, discussing their achievements, career highs, advice for prospective medical talents and opportunities. The publication has been backed by the British Medical Association’s (BMA) Women in Academic Medi-

Professor Ann Taylor’s success deservedly earns its place in the book amongst other female inspirations, and how brilliant it is that she is one of our very own at Cardiff University. ‘It is an honour to be part of this fantastic celebration of the power of role models. I am exceptionally fortunate to have had some amazing female and male mentors as my role models throughout my career – I consider myself to be part of an unstoppable ‘chain reaction’ for progress’. Professor Ann Taylor Lecturer in the school of medicine at the UNiversity of Cariff


Scientists are close to discovering the mystery of the ancient ‘first computer’

The mystery of the very first computer, dating back to the very first century Catarina Vicente Contributor


here have been recent developments in research surrounding the very first known ‘computer’. The ‘very first computer’, as it has been called, is a device discovered in the Greek sea over a century ago, by sponge divers in 1901, who were exploring a merchant ship. The ship is believed to have been on course for Rome from Asia Minor, where it shipwrecked off Antikythera, a Greek island. Among other treasure, the device was largely disregarded as it consisted of segments of corroded brass; despite initial impressions, further research incited more scholarly discussion. Cardiff University researcher Mike Edmunds and his team published scans of the fragments, which revealed details of the inner workings and hidden inscriptions. This further research has revealed the machine’s complexity. It is now known the device’s function was to map the motions of five planets - the sun, moon and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, phases of the moon, by using a math-

ematical method described by the Greek philosopher Parmenides, to work out gear arrangements to move planets and other bodies to assume their correct positions. It also had a special ‘Dragon Hand’ to determine solar/lunar eclipses. Made up of around 30 bronze gearwheels connected to dials and pointers, and only 25mm deep, the machinery shows incredible craftmanship. The machine is dated at around 2,000 years old and is considered the world’s oldest analogue computer. Without a complete understanding of how the device works, researchers at UCL have set forth to reconstruct it with modern mechanisms. There were previous attempts – Michael Wright, a curator of mechanical engineering at the London Science Museum, built a working replica, but much is still unknown about the machine. It is in wary state – only having 2/3rds of its full structure, the remains divided into 82 fragments – this will be particularly difficult. Even if this is achievable, the machine’s purpose is yet unknown, although some dispute a toy, teaching tool, or something else entirely. A team at UCL has published a paper theorizing a new display of

New study provides hope for the endometriosis community Rowenna Hoskin Science Editor


t is Endometriosis awareness month and a new study by the University of Edinburgh is searching for an effective treatment. Endometriosis is a condition where cells that usually grow within the lining of the womb grow elsewhere in the body which can be extremely painful as blood is produced but, unlike a period, has no way to escape the body. A build up of trapped blood can result in internal lesions and scar tissue. Some people experience no symptoms, while others experience pain and can become infertile as a result. Making matters worse, the condition can take years to diagnose and there is no known cure. The study is looking at thirty women suffering from endometriosis and their reactions to dichloroacetate, a drug that is currently used to treat metabolic conditions in children. It can help to control lactate levels, which have been found to be higher in patients with some cancers and endometriosis. One of the issues concerning endometriosis is the fact that it has received very little attention in both the media and medical realm of research – and as such diagnosis has been stunted. 1.5 million women in the UK are said to suffer from endometriosis, and Jessica who’s 24, went to hospital 200 times with her initial symptoms before she was correctly diagnosed. These symptoms were initially diagnosed as IBS and coeliac disease, when this was found to be incorrect doctors removed her appendix thinking it was the source of the problems. Jessica took part in the University of Edinburgh study, a 12-

week trial, in which her symptoms dramatically improved. “The pain decreased immensely. I was able to go and take the dog out and do six-mile walks – and do things that on a daily basis I would not do, or if I did try and do them I would be in a lot of pain. “It’s definitely changed by life so far, having been on this treatment after so many failed treatments and medications and operations.” Dichloroacetate’s key benefit is that, unlike every other drug currently used to treat the condition, it is non-hormonal. Andrew Horne, professor of gynaecology and reproductive sciences, who is leading the study, says: “Clearly endometriosis affects a young female population many of whom are wanting to try and get pregnant, so they don’t want to take hormones; they don’t want to take a contraceptive. So this would be a very different approach.” While Professor Horne says that it is too early for any conclusive results on the effectiveness of the drug, the findings so far are “exciting”. The team is hoping to expand and receive enough funding to organise a much larger trial involving upto 400 volunteers. The work, among other research projects, will be highlighted at the World Congress on Endometriosis. Current treatment options are limited to repeated surgeries (including full hysterectomies), hormonal drugs or painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. The University of Oxford is also undertaking a study concerning endometriosis; scientists are seeking to discover the genetic secrets of the condition.

Does cold water swimming have health benefits?

Harriet Lowbridge Contributor


Antikythera Mechanism: Discovered in the greek sea over a century ago, researchers have reconstructed the device. Source: Andrew Barclay (via Flickr) the ancient Greek order of the UniThe device is another example of verse. Author Tony Freeth, professor how much we do not yet know about of mechanical engineering at UCL, ancient Greek, as they had advanced says “Ours is the first model that methods to manufacture a machine conforms to the physical evidence like this. and matches the descriptions in the Its existence is contrasted by the scientific inscriptions engraved on fact nothing of the sort has been the mechanism.” Dr Adam Wojcik, found before. “It is odd that nothing part of the same team, explains that remotely similar has been found or “This is a key theoretical advance on dug up,” Wojcik said. how the Cosmos was constructed For now, research on the device in the Mechanism”. The team will is ongoing, with the team making now prove the design by creating it hasty progress on creating a replica through ancient techniques. of the device to test their design.

Endometriosis in the fallopian tube Endometriosis is caused by the growth of ovarian cells outside of the ovaries. Source: Ed Uthman (via Flickr)

Over the past three years, Professor Krina Zondervan and her team have been analyzing tissue samples donated by 60,000 patients with endometriosis around the world. It is the largest study of this kind to ever have been undertaken. The soon-to-be-published work reveals new details about endometriosis, including a confirmation that it is not a single condition. They have uncovered genetic links to other inflammatory conditions such as asthma and osteoarthritis, and pain conditions such as migraines and back pain. Professor Zondervan says they hope that the new understanding will mean that investigations into which drugs can be used to treat endometriosis. Ultimately, now that a link has been established, already used drugs

Word of the week: Dichloroacetate

could be repurposed – such as one used to treat asthma which could be tweaked to treat endometriosis. This would be a much quicker process than building a drug from scratch. Emma Cox, CEO of Endometriosis UK, says: “Research is vital, offering hope for those with endometriosis and future generations. “We need to know so much more to support those living with this chronic disease to manage their sometimes-debilitating symptoms, and to one day find a cure”. Although the non-hormonal drug treatment is likely to be a few years away, the community who has often felt overlooked and ignored now has hope that there will be a medical breakthrough on the horizon.

• Dichloroacetate is a synthetic halogenated organic acid, this means that 2 of the 3 hydrogen atoms of the methyl group have been replaced by chlorine atoms. • It has been used to treat rare diseases such as congenital lactic acidosis • Recently scientists have found that it can be made to target cancer cells


he topic of cold-water swimming has sparked debates for centuries, with hundreds claiming that it can have various different health and wellbeing benefits. This subject has been recently reignited on social media by the worldrecord holder Cath Pendelton from Merthyr Tydfil. Pendelton was the first person to ever swim a full mile in the Antarctic circle in 2020 and is a huge advocate for its benefits. For her, the process is similar to ‘pressing controlalt-delete on a computer’, giving her whole body a refresh. Cold-water swimming became immensely popular throughout the UK in the Victorian era. It was supported by many of the contemporary influential figures, such as Florence Nightingale and Charles Darwin. Swimmers are found all over the globe and are especially common in Nordic and Eastern European countries where the practice is tied to religious events. The key factor of cold-water swimming is the “cold shock” you experience when submerged in water below 15°C. Recent studies have found that the rush of cold water triggers a fightor-flight response within the body, causing chemicals such as noradrenaline to quintuple and dopamine to double. Tensing the body for action as well as providing a reward stimulus within the brain. This rush of the cold shock has been likened to that of a drug rush found with amphetamines. This cold shock is thought to promote one’s health by alleviating the symptoms of stress, depression, and dementia. As well as help build tolerance to stress in other areas of one’s life through a process called hormesis, otherwise known as “what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger”. While it is also thought to help manage autoimmune disorders, rheumatoid arthritis in young people, and reduce inflammation throughout the body. It has even enabled some to completely stop using their anxiety and depression medication due to the immediate improvement in mood she found after swimming. Despite the benefits there are numerous risk factors to consider before someone decides to throw themself into the deep end of cold-water swimming. There are still some medical doubts about the practice, and it is recommended to consult your doctor about before scrapping all of your medication and trying it. Aside from the obvious water-safety issues involved with any form of swimming, the cold shock also causes the body to make an involuntary gasp for air. This is especially dangerous when someone is submerged underwater as they cannot control whether or not they take water into their lungs and can cause them to drown. Cold water can also pose a risk of hypothermia and triggering heart attacks, even in young and physically fit people, as cold temperatures slow down the heart rate and body functions. It is, therefore, relieving to know that most of the benefits are attributed to the cold shock and quick changes in body temperature. One does not have to completely cool your core temperature or spend hours submerged in freezing water to enjoy its benefits. Whether you are interested in the numerous mental and physical health benefits, cold-water swimming can be appreciated for its aesthetic and for simply providing an opportunity to focus on and connect with one’s body in nature.



Netflix begins testing new measures against customer

“password sharing” Omo Ifabua Contributor


t has now been over a year since the world was hit by COVID-19 and despite the downsides of lockdown, many would agree that it has given us the chance to catch up on TV shows we never had the time to watch. Considering this, it seems impossible to deny the role of Netflix in keeping the world entertained during the pandemic; However, it seems like soon, the fun is due to come to an end for some of us. This month, some Netflix users reported seeing a pop-up notification on their screens, warning that, “if you don’t live with the owner of this account, you need your own account to keep watching”. Alongside this, they were then offered a 30-day free trial if they created their own subscription. Addressing the situation, a Netflix spokesperson emphasised that this trial is to avoid people using accounts without the owner’s permission. Soon the streaming platform may also introduce verification codes that will only be made available to the account holder through their email or phone number; This would then give them greater control over which individuals can gain access to their streaming account. A Netflix representative told the BBC that, “This test is designed to help ensure that people using Netflix accounts are authorised to do so”, which they say is a rising concern. Although Netflix specifies that accounts must only be used with explicit permission from the owner, the situation is not so straightforward. Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings admitted that, “Password sharing is something you have to learn to live with, because there’s so much legitimate password sharing, like you sharing with your spouse, [or] with your kids”. However, with this, ‘password leaking’ also becomes a security concern – What happens when one’s family member shares the password with someone outside of the household? What if this password is used to access other accounts, such as one’s email address? Speaking on the matter, cyber security specialist Jack Moore says that although password sharing “may sound innocent”, “when people are using the same password for their media service that they use for other accounts, it starts to become dangerous, and the risk of account compromises increases”. As a result, he advises users of streaming platforms to change their passwords regularly. Aside from the security concerns, it’s interesting to consider why Netflix would be concerned about account sharing, since the streaming service gained around 37 million new subscribers in 2020 alone. Research conducted by Park Associates revealed that password sharing, and piracy have cost streaming companies an estimated $9 billion (£6.45 billion) already. Such figures, alongside the increasing security breaches, highlight that this recent crack down on account sharing has become a priority for streaming services across the globe. The truth is that we shouldn’t be sharing passwords, and adding multifactor authentication will help this process” Jake Moore Cybersecurity Specialist at ESET

‘Father of the Web’, Sir Tim Berners-Lee calls for universal broadband in annual open letter Jack Robert Stacey Technology Editor


ollowing the 32nd birthday of the ‘World Wide Web’, the system’s creator, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has raised concerns on the impact COVID-19 may have made on the ‘digital divide’. As outlined in Sir Tim BernersLee’s most recent annual open letter, unequal levels of access to the internet and internet-enabled devices (often referred to as the ‘digital divide’) remains to be a prominent issue for all nations and, with the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic across the world, this ‘divide’ appears to be widening. The letter notes that, although there is a common assumption that all young people in the world have some level of internet access, “a third of young people have no internet access at all” and many millions of others are unable to engage with remote teaching “without the stable access they need to learn online”. Even those with reasonable connections, Sir Tim continues, are frequently subjected to harmful content which, as a result, can discourage them from interacting with the global communication network: “When young people do get online, too often they are confronted with abuse, misinformation, and other dangerous content, which threatens their participation and can f​orce them from platforms altogether​ . “This is especially true for those disproportionately targeted on the basis of their race, religion, sexuality, abilities, and gender” Sir Tim Berners-Lee initially proposed the concept for the ‘World Wide Web’ back in 1989 and, while working as a software engineer at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Switzerland, he identified a fundamental need to link computers together in order to allow simple and fast exchanges of information. Following several months of ex-

A Widening ‘Digital Divide’ : Sir Tim Berners-Lee warns that “the UK cannot be complacent” and must strive towards making the internet available to all people. Source: Paul Clarke (via Flickr).

tensive code-writing and development, Sir Tim successfully created the first web page browser/editor (‘’) one year later and, after trailing the early program inside of CERN, the web page was made available to everyone with a computer on the early internet. Mere weeks before this open letter was published, UNICEF compiled a new report alongside the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) which asserted that 2.2 billion young people around the world do not have any access to the internet. Additionally, whilst over 90% of education authorities “have adopted some type of remote learning policy”, around 617 million children and adolescents are still estimated to be below “minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics” – UNICEF’s report highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic has

caused “the largest mass disruption of education in modern history”. Sir Tim’s letter therefore maintains that, in order to close this ‘digital divide’, existing network infrastructures need to be updated and expanded into rural communities which, he asserts, acts as a “down payment for future generations” who are growing up outside of urbanised areas. Raising the notion that our efforts

within pills that, upon swallowing, can show healthcare professionals the insides of the gut and help determine the presence of cancerous growths. The PillCams may also be useful in detecting Crohn’s disease. Sir Simon Stevens, Chief Executive at NHS England, highlighted that, “as we come out of ‘peak COVID’ and the disruption of the pandemic”, “these ingenious capsule cameras” will assist the NHS in completing “cancer investigations quickly and safely”. Although these capsule cameras may seem “like sci-fit is now becoming a reality”, Sir Simon elaborated on the device’s capabilities to take and store multiple pictures as they move harmlessly through the human body, “checking for signs of cancer and other conditions” in the process.

Normally, bowel cancer is screened using colonoscopy and upper endoscopy; colonoscopy involves inserting a thin, flexible tube with a camera attached up the anus, and endoscopy involves inserting a tube down the throat. However, this procedure can be invasive, uncomfortable, painful and time-consuming. As such, the PillCams provide an equally effective means of screening that may be less invasive and more time-efficient, especially since this will bypass the need to wait long to get an appointment for the colonoscopy procedure and enable patients to undergo this screening at home. As the cameras travel throughout the digestive tract, they capture two pictures per second, providing ample views and angles for which to look for the cancer and other potential disease. These images are then stored in a data recorder, which will be kept with the patient during the process. Across about 40 areas of England alone, approximately 11,000 patients are about to partake in initial trials for the PillCams. Dr. Alastair McKinlay, a prominent Consultant Gastroenterologist, suggested that the capsule cameras could “simplify and improve the early diagnosis of gastrointestinal

As we repair and rebuild, we have an opportunity to reimagine our world and create something better. The web’s power to catalyse change can and must help shape the world we want.” Sir Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of the World Wide Web

need to focus on “delivering the web we want for the world we want”, Sir Tim concludes by addressing the responsibilities of different groups on the digital landscape and notes that: “Tech companies must understand the unique experiences and needs of young people and work with them to co-create products and services that respect their rights. “And governments need to pass effective laws that govern technology and hold companies to account for creating responsible products and services” Whilst the internet is still regarded as an open and diverse source of information for almost everyone around the world, this recent letter and numerous reports have revealed a significant level of disparity between population groups which, if not responded to, could continue widening the ‘digital divide’.

NHS is set to trial ‘Capsule Cameras’ to find signs of bowel cancer in UK patients Umaima Arif Contributor


iniature cameras encapsulated in the form of a pill, called PillCams, are being considered as a potential, less invasive screening method for bowel cancer, as well as other diseases related to the gut. Bowel cancer is the result of an uncontrolled replication of mutated cells within the bowels, interfering with normal bodily functions and causing painful symptoms such as blood in the urine, bloating in the lower areas of the stomach, and drastic changes in bowel movements. Depending on where it starts, bowel cancer may also be referred to as rectal or colon cancer. Currently, bowel cancer is among the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the UK, and claims the lives of about 160,000 people in the UK every year. Fortunately, recent developments that aid early screening and prevention have been decreasing the number of deaths. According to Professor Peter Johnson, an NHS clinical director for cancer, a similar hope is applied to the invention of small cameras

This has the potential to make a huge difference for people with bowel cancer symptoms and could help the NHS to prioritize those who urgently need further tests” Genevieve Edwards Chief Executive at UK charity Bowel Cancer UK

disease and, in particular, colorectal cancer” which, he confirms” “is still responsible for many unavoidable deaths”. Speaking on behalf of the British Society of Gastroenterology, Dr. McKinlay praised the “promising new technology” and said that, providing its “limitations and advantages” are evaluated, it “may offer a real advantage for some patients”. These kinds of Pillcams have already seen successful use in private healthcare practices across several US states and, following numerous evaluations of the technology, are set to become more common in Europe and other parts of the world. Their success in other countries has remained fairly similar and, as such, the devices are currently under new development to see how else they could be used. Though the implications and possible disadvantages of this new technology have yet to be considered, there are high hopes that the PillCams will reduce wait times, ensure patient comfort, and effectively catch signs of bowel cancer or other potential diseases in their earlier stages, enabling early treatment and possibly a lower mortality rate as a consequence.



Innovators of the past & future: March 2021 Henry Ford and the Modern Production Line

Gas engines, the Ford Motor Company and now Tesla; a look back at Ford’s work Jack Robert Stacey Technology Editor


s a pioneering figure in the development of the US automobile industry, Henry Ford is perhaps best known for making cars accessible to the masses and for founding the multinational American car giant, the Ford Motor Company, back in the nineteen-hundreds. Whilst he is often incorrectly accredited as the inventor of the modern car (actually created by Karl Benz in 1886), Ford’s idea to construct vehicles along a constantly moving production line has now become fundamental to modern manufacturing methods around the world. Born in rural Michigan in 1863, Ford grew up immersed in life on his family’s farm and, while working closely with steam-driven farming equipment, demonstrated an early curiosity for how these machines worked. Over time, Ford became highly knowledgeable on a variety of mechanisms and found early employment as a steam engine repairman, and later as the Chief Engineer at the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. At the time, this nearby city was undergoing rapid industrialization and, with the widespread use of steamboats to transport goods to the Western frontier, attracted engineers like Ford with the promise of numerous well-played jobs. Shortly after learning about Nikolaus Otto’s creation of the gas engine in a European magazine, Ford began investing almost all of his spare time and money into experimenting on gas (or ‘internal combustion’) engines. Ford intended to replicate this device for himself and, following almost three years of independent experimentation, he created a primitive horseless carriage, the four-wheeled ‘Quadricycle’. The ‘Quadricycle’ drew the attention of several notable investors and, several iterations of the vehicle later, Ford founded the Detroit Automobile

The Creator of the First Constantly Moving Production Line: Henry Ford pictured alongside the Ford Model T back in 1921. Source: Themadchopper (via Wikimedia Commons) the luxury car manufacturer Cadillac) increasing the rate that cars (most noAs the world’s foremost electric vealongside other members of the Detroit tably the Model T) were produced. hicle manufacturer, all of Tesla’s factoelite and attempted to produce delivThis is perhaps the most pivotal ries are highly automated and, through ery wagons for businesses in the city. development to the growth of the the use of state-of-the-art robotics and Whilst Henry Ford was eventually Ford Motor Company and, just four sensor technology, the company is able ousted from the company due to slow years after Ford had begun to imple- to construct an average of 500,000 to production rates, his musings on failure ment these changes into his manu- 600,000 vehicles per year. Similarly as “only the opportunity more intel- facturing processes, around half of to Ford, many of the individual tasks ligently to begin anew” subsequently all cars on the road were Model Ts. along the production line are fairly redrove him to create the Ford Motor Ford’s advent of the first continu- petitive so can be completed in quick Company. Now intending to create a ously moving production line, a now succession by the specially designed new line of vehicles designed for the fundamental method for manufactur- robots. The more intricate or difficult average person, Ford eventually found ing almost everything in our modern roles are still completed by humans success with the accessibly priced world, cemented the success of his who, as Gilbert Passin the former VP of Model T, his twentieth design for a company well into the rest of Ford’s Manufacturing outlined, are currently car. The car initially took an average life. As a now multi-million-dollar car superior to robots at tasks “where there of twelve hours to fully assemble but, manufacturer, the Ford Motor Com- is a lot of value for that intelligence”. as Ford continued with his philosophy pany still persists to this day and, recIn the past, Musk has imagined that “nothing is particularly hard if you ognizing Ford’s achievements along- the factory of the future something divide it into small jobs”, the manufac- side his more controversial history of akin to an “alien dreadnought” that, turing process would become increas- antisemitism, continues to adapt its as an expansion of Henry Ford’s ingly streamlined over the next decade. practices to fit with the changing times. initial production line, could easHenry Ford drew a lot of inspiration Other notable modern car companies ily mass produce battery cells “faster Anyone who stops learn- from a visit to a prominent Slaughter- have shaped their own manufacturing than bullets from a machine gun”. Whilst this may appear to be ing is old, whether at house in Chicago, where the animal operations around Ford’s early productwenty or eighty. Anyone carcasses were slowly disassembled as tion lines and, building on the century a far-off dream for Musk’s comwho keeps learning stays they moved through the facility. Ford’s old idea, have set about introducing new pany, Birgit Dietze, a spokesperson young. The greatest thing own production line, regarded as the methods to further increase efficiency. for Germany’s autoworkers’ unin life is to keep you mind first continuously moving assembly Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, ion, contend that this could actuyoung.” line, operated in reverse and pulled the has previously referenced Henry Ford ally be achieved with proper investcomponents past various workstations as a key influence for the company’s ment and planning from Tesla’s side: using a strong rope (later replaced by a own production processes but, also “Tesla has a bit of an advantage Henry Ford metal chain in 1914). Stationary work- raised the importance of developing on because it isn’t having to shift from Founder of the Ford Motor Company ers would then be able to assemble the these ideas with “a radical redesign of using old tech to new tech, but is parts in a much faster fashion, rapidly the core technology of building a car”. starting immediately with new technolcompany (which would later become ogy. This simplifies matters somewhat,” Tesla, specifically, has recently received support from members of the UK government for their proposal for a massive ‘Gigafactory’ in Somerset (South-West England) that industry experts speculate will continue pairing the company’s state-of-the-art robotics and human workers within the 90-acre site. Although it is currently unknown whether Tesla will finalize this location for the construction for a new ‘Gigafactory’, it is clear to see how this multinational car company (and numerous others) have been shaped around Henry Ford’s first continuously moving production line back in 1914. As new automated methods of creating vehicles become increasingly used around the world, it is interesting to see that, regardless of these developments, modern production lines still function Ford’s Vision Becomes Realised : The Ford Motor Company’s Long Beach Assembly Plant, built between 1929similarly to Ford’s century-old design. 1930, was one of the six largest assembly plants in the United States. Credit: Library of Congress

Henry Ford facts: In 1878, Ford constructed his own steam engine at 15 years old At the height of its efficiency, Ford’s company completed a Model T every 24 seconds, on average Although he did not create the car, many historians credit Ford for creating the first ‘affordable car’ Ford created the first constantly moving assembly line and, by 1918, about half of all cars on the road were Model Ts. Ford attempted to run for a seat in the US Senate in 1918 but failed. As part of his desire to provide employment for handicapped people, over 20% of Ford’s workforce in 1919 had some form of disability. Ford is regarded as America’s second billionaire in 1925, following the industrialist and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller.

Ford preserved the last breath of his mentor, Thomas Edison, in a test tube which can now be seen at the Henry Ford Museum. By the time he died in 1947, Ford owned the rights to more than 160 different patents for ideas he had during his life.



Calls for homes in Wales to be close to green spaces YOUR COVID- 19 has highlighted an opportunity for profound change, and grow@CAERDYDD ing appreciation of public green spaces during a time where it’s an escape DESK Fflur Trevor

@Caerdydd Editor


Natalie Graham

Fflur Trevor

n March 2020, parks and footpaths were closed due to the national lockdown, which disturbed the publics usual walking routes. Almost a year later, official statistics show that during the first lockdown only one in eight households in Wales did not have access to a garden, yard or balcony. At the start of the first lockdown, official figures showed 133,542 Welsh households did not have access to a private outdoor space. According to the Office for National Statistics figures this is approximately 9% of households in Wales. Latest figures show that at least 36% of those living in flats in Wales did not have access to a private space- a higher rate than England or Scotland. Campaigners have said that cities, towns and villages must be redesigned to improve access to nature in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Sophie Howe, the future generations commissioner wants everyone to have a public green space within four minutes’ walk. Ms Howe, said “It shouldn’t be based on where you live, and the price of your house, it should be a right for everyone,” Ms Howe wants to see changes to towns, cities and villages, to ensure that no one in Wales lives more than

four minutes’ walk from a public green space. She continued by saying that public green spaces had been a “lifeline” for many people during lockdowns and were vital for physical and mental health. It is also one of Sophie Howe’s recommendations in her Manifesto for the Future, which calls on Welsh Government to commit to greening communities by delivering 20% tree canopy cover in every town and city in Wales by 2030. Although about a fifth of Wales is covered by national parks, the mountains and coastlines they have off-limits during lockdowns to all but those who live on their doorsteps, due to travel restrictions. During the first lockdown, UK citizens were only allowed to exercise outdoors once a day. This proved difficult for some who did not have a garden and were reliant on open public spaces- but many had continued to struggle to do that due to travel restrictions The Welsh government has said more than £50 million had been allocated for permanent and temporary improvements to walking and cycling routes “to allow people to safely and conveniently travel” to local destinations. For example, in Cardiff, the council is planning to spend around £2m improving green spaces, parks and pavements in 2021-22. Matthew Jones said, “There’s a potential to really rethink what we

do with public spaces... how streets connect together, how people can move safely around where they live,” He continued by saying that recovery post- COVID was a great opportunity to “profoundly change” towns, as more people worked from home over the last year and devel-

moment… rapping and being a DJ, controlling the music- it’s an empowering situation to be in”. The beginning of Ladies of Rage came at a time when Britain had a female Prime Minister, and a growing number of womxn in positions of power, it was the perfect opportunity to force the industry to get with the programme. Members are trained to work in radio, take photos and shoot music videos, allowing all aspects of music to be kept in house. In 2018 Ffion and her Ladies of Rage collective faced an onslaught of criticism from male rappers within the industry, accusing her of dividing the South Wales hip-hop scene, with her women-only crew. In response, Ffion told alt.cardiff “it’s because they’re threatened. I’m highlighting the fact that there are women here too”. The original goal for Ladies of Rage was to create a judgement free safe haven for womxn to share their concerns and issues of working in the music industry. It was about creating confidence in womxn to mix and write lyrics, and go out into the music scene and grab what is theirs for the taking! Since that 2018 interview, the Cardiff born and bred Ladies of Rage music collective has been hugely influential resulting in 400 members across Wales. It remains home for rappers, songwriters, spoken word poets. Those interested in hip-hop, grime and DnB, continuing to provide a safe space in the industry. The continued focus on urban and MOBO genres has encouraged greater racial and gender diversity within Wales. The Welsh arts scene has been previously criticised by those within it for failing to reflect the society we live in, and the Arts Council of Wales has itself admit-

ted it is ‘failing to meet the mark’ regarding equality in the arts. Ladies of Rage member and reggae artist Aleighcia Scott, who features on the Black Lives Matter protest song Freedom, has also spoken about the need for increased representation in the Welsh music industry. She has also mentioned the need to keep up conversations around inequality if change is to be made. Singer and Ladies of Rage chair Dionne Bennett has said its her ambition to cultivate a new generation of musicians in Wales. Bennett left Wales to pursue her music career in London, however emphasised to BBC News that Wales should be providing young musicians the same opportunities as London. “We’re Welsh and we need to create a vibrant music scene- and that comes from diversity, that comes from equality. It doesn’t come from shutting people out. Wales is not just indie music; black music is not just hip hop. I just hope the next generation gets more opportunity here and can be proud to be diverse, welsh and play black music- and why not? Wales is the land of song- so let’s sing”. Bennett has likened her success to the support of such groups like Ladies of Rage, and now sees it essential that she gives back to the music community, giving kids and other black women the opportunities Bennett, herself received. Throughout the pandemic although it has been a knockback to not be able to perform, Ladies of Rage evolved into a support system for its members. Ladies of Rage celebrated International Women’s Day 2021 in style despite being unable to play live on stage. There were local radio takeovers and the release of a bilingual EP;

oped a greater appreciation for local shops, paths and parks. Therefore, green spaces are not only vital for environmental reasons but also beneficial for mental and physical health - especially during the hardships of lockdown where outdoors can be an escape.

Roath Recreation Park: COVID-19 has boosted a need for homes to Is it time to rebe closer to greener spaces across Wales. Credit: Natalie Graham open the arts sector in Wales? Ladies of Rage: “I’m highlighting that there are womxn here too”

Natalie Graham

Head of @Caerdydd


his month marks the year anniversary since the forced closure of the Welsh arts sector at the hands of COVID-19. Some of Wales’ largest events such as the Hay Festival and the Royal Welsh Show have already been cancelled, and no date for either theatres nor music venues has been given yet. The Welsh Government has said it was working towards safe reopening, but We Make Events Cymru (WMEC) has said in a BBC News interview it was essential “we keep up the pressure” on the Welsh Government, proposing test events should be held to help the arts sector reopen. Rhys Maule, director of events company ProLX Productions, based in Cwbran, Torfaen, is supporting WMEC’s cause, emphasising the damaging effect Government policy and COVID-19 has had on performers and freelancers. The uncertain nature of lockdown has seen the arts industry placed on a shelf, waiting for the day it is picked back up and brought into daylight. Maule told BBC News that “The loss of extremely talented, hardworking and dedicated professional is really hard to see… lots of these people may never return as the risk is too great, which is devastating, and the impact on their mental health as a result of this is hard to hear… a huge number of people have fallen through the gaps and had not qualified for funding”. Others working in the industry have expressed optimism, feeling confident the sector can reopen this summer to ‘build confidence’.

Natalie Graham

Head of @Caerdydd


ounded in 2018, the award winning initiative ‘Ladies of Rage’ is the brainchild of Ffion Wyn Morris. Ffion herself has over seven years’ experience working in the Welsh arts industry, including organisations like Arts Council Wales and Wales Art International. Ffion also hosted a show on Radio Cardiff that brought womxn in hip hop into the limelight, and highlighted the extent to which female talent was being neglected. Ffion was told on numerous occasions that she would run out of things to play if she relied solely on womxn’s hip-hop and electronic music. This was of course not the case. Ten years’ experience in promoting led Ffion to notice a distinct gender disparity within the MOBO (music of black origin) and electronic music scenes, as well as the absence of opportunities for MOBO artists in Wales. The Electronic and dance music scene has been placed under increasing scrutiny in recent years, with the release of new documentary “Underplayed” offering an intersectional angle to the sexism that has imbedded itself in the Dance Music Industry. The documentary interviews women who have been stereotyped, sexualised, shut out by their male counterparts, and the pressure put on them to succeed. Speaking to alt.cardiff at the dawn of Ladies of Rage in 2018, the collective was on the cusp of their first showcase performance at The Moon. Ffion expressed how Ladies of Rage would give womxn a voice in an industry that silences them, “You’re missing half the story at the

Harddwch Du/Black Beauty, which features women of colour only. The lyrics are powerful, giving the listener an insight in to “being brown and Welsh” as well as the Black Lives Matter protests. Ladies of Rage also produced podcasts, mixtapes, tracks, poems, discussions and interviews for a takeover on the digital radio station Dub Frequency. After the events that have unfolded since International Women’s Day, I can’t help but feel that Ladies of Rage encapsulate the fight we all have infront of us. The need for a safe haven, the security and support that is provided by womxn to anyone that wants to be included. Ladies of Rage were pushing back against inequality, refusing to be silenced long before any of us realised how bad the situation was. The collective has also spoken about the need for male allies, which are needed with society and the music industry alike. Ladies of Rage member Amelia Unity spoke to the BBC earlier in the month stating; “We need male allies to make change. I would never have had the confidence or self-belief if it wasn’t for his encouragement, and its thanks to him that I’m now learning to produce my own music”. The ‘him’ Amelia is talking about is the South-Walian producer Rob Stagg, an indispensable part of the Cardiff underground music scene, who sadly died just before Christmas. Since it’s adolescence the Ladies of Rage music collective, has grown from strength to strength arguably becoming about more than just music. It is somewhat of an institution welcoming womxn with open arms, giving them the skills to forward their careers and giving these womxn a voice in a hostile industry.

Gabrielle Aplin

April/Ebrill The Hunna

14/04/21, £24 ADV

May/Mai Fontaines D.C.


You Me at Six

24/05/21, £22.50 ADV

September/Medi Declan McKenna


The Brand New Heavies 11/09/21, £27.50 ADV

The Boomtown Rats 12/09/21, £30 ADV

October/Hydref From the Jam & The Selector

16/10/21, £32.50 ADV

Becky Hill



21/10/21, £22 ADV

Holding Absence 28/10/21, £15 ADV


November/Tachwedd Kelly Lee Owens 25/11/21, £20 ADV

Sonny Fodera

26/11/21, £20 ADV

December/Rhagfyr Nathan Dawe

03/12/21, £16 ADV

Oh Wonder

04/12/21, £20 ADV

Black Country, New Road 13/12/21, £14 ADV

Enter Shikari

Pale Waves


11/02/22, £36.60 ADV

Secret Affair

11/02/22, £20 ADV

Pale Waves

12/02/22, £19 ADV

King King

20/02/22, £28 ADV

Tom Odell

27/02/22, £28.50 ADV

March/Mawrth Stiff Little Fingers 11/03/22, £22.50 ADV


Gabrielle Aplin

The Sweet

The Undertones

17/12/21, £27.50 ADV

January/ Ionawr Funeral For a Friend


Stone Broken

30/1/22, £17.50 ADV

February/Chwefror The Stranglers

10/2/22, £32.50 ADV

17/03/22, £20 ADV 19/03/22, £26 ADV


27/03/22, £25 ADV

Jake Bugg

31/03/22, £26 ADV

April/Ebrill Skunk Anansie

11/04/22, £29.50 ADV

May/Mai Half Man Half Biscuit 13/05/22, £20.50 ADV



YOUR Formula One season preview SPORT We examine how some of the top teams and drivers shape up heading into the new year DESK F Oscar Lucas Contributor

Tom Walker

Freddie Bennett

Ella Fenwick

Ben Lovell-Smith

ormula 1 is returning to normality, or as close as it can, with the proposed 23 race calendar starting at the end of March. This year sees the return to many fan favourite tracks which we missed out on last year. Suzuka, Canada, Monaco and Brazil to name a few are all back and the prospect of seeing fans again raising the excitement levels more and more. We are returning to the iconic and beautiful Imola (Italy) and Portimao (Portugal), both circuits which appeared on the calendar last year and were fan favourites. The cars will be a slightly evolved version of 2020’s car, with a few tweaks to the aerodynamics regulations in the hope to slow the cars down slightly. What makes this year more exciting is the number of offtrack decisions heading into this season. We have new driver lineups, new team names and new engine partners all of which are enhancing the sport. We have plenty to look forward to, the return of Aston Martin, taking over from the team formerly known as “Racing Point.” Their drivers are Lance Stroll, son of Lawrence Stroll, the owner of Aston Martin, and four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel who left Ferrari after a tough year where he struggled to impress. Then we have Alpine, formerly Renault, who have had a strong preseason test and look like they are building on their 2020 success which brought them their first podium for nearly a decade. The loss of Daniel Ricciardo is huge but replacing him with Fernando Alonso, who looks like he hasn’t been away for the past 2 years, will not be a step down for the team. Estaban Ocon will need to step up and compete against Fernando for him to stake his claim as a proper talent as his overall performance last year wasn’t good enough. Williams have had a significant makeover over the winter, with the team choosing to have three different shades of blue across the back half of the car. They go into 2021 having finished at the bottom of the constructor’s championship for the past two years, and they look like they are on an upward trend now. George Russell and Nicholas Latifi are embedded in the team and looking at the pace from testing they look

Number eight on horizon: Hamilton will be one of the favourites for this years championship once again. Source: Morio (via Wikimedia Commons) much closer to the midfield than the past few years. Major changes have seen them incorporate more Mercedes parts into the car and with Russell’s talent, I would not be at all surprised if the Williams catches up to the pack. For Haas, the offseason has been a rather mixed bag. Firstly their driver line up, the choice of Mick Schumacher, reigning F2 champion, brings back the love affair of the Schumacher family and F1. However, their choice to hire Nikita Mazepin has not been widely resented. Many fans have been protesting his arrival to the sport with the hashtag #saynotomazepin, due to some off the track events. The Russian has brought much-needed money into the Haas team that has come at a cost to the team, they decided to have a blue, white and red livery which coincidentally looks like the Russian flag, which Is banned from international world championships by WADA, which has called general disgust amongst fans. Another year of pain could be set for the Tifosi and the Ferrari team. Last year they ended up a record low sixth in the constructor’s championship and were plagued by low straight-line speed and driver errors. Carlos Sainz, formerly of Mclaren, is known to be a consistent driver who grinds out results so

a positive move for the team, but many fans think that he might clash with Ferrari golden boy Charles Leclerc who has taken the team by storm over the past few years. They both have a lot against them as the car doesn’t look like it will be a title contender, it looks to have made some progress, but this year seems like another year in the midfield for the Scuderia team. Red Bull have had an about as promising start to a season as you could have, arguably they have massively improved their drivers’ lineup, the stability and quality of Sergio Perez, which will help the constructor fight much harder, he is a race winner at Sakhir 2020, which will help Red Bull bring the fight to Mercedes. With Max Verstappen, there is a driver with future world champion material, all he has been lacking is the car, and testing last week shows that the car is quick and reliable. They look like a formidable title challenger. Alpha Tauri, Red Bull’s sister team look quick, They impressed over the preseason test, showing good speed and reliability like Red Bull. Pierre Gasly who has looked like a new man since he was dropped by Red Bull in 2019, was ever impressive and will be a great influence on his rookie teammate Yuki Tsunoda, who looked extremely gifted and

had great control over the car. The Mclaren team finished 2020 in an impressive third place and they look to be building something special. With the addition of Daniel Ricciardo, their team will be hoping to stay at the front. Many are fascinated to see how Daniel compares to their own Lando Norris. Ricciardo is more than capable of winning titles but hasn’t had the car to do it in; They could be a surprise package. With the new Mercedes power unit adding to the already very good Mclaren chassis they look to be a real threat after a successful preseason test. Many are applauding the new diffuser which seems to be legal and adding a lot to the downforce of the car. A dark horse for the title I might suggest. Finally, the reigning champions seem to have some work to do after testing. Lewis Hamilton, arguably the greatest driver of all time, partnered with Valtteri Bottas seems to be nowhere near Hamilton’s standard and was over a hundred points down last year. Trouble in paradise is something I keep thinking, demonstrated by the stall in Hamilton’s contract negotiations. Despite the troubles, the team has been so dominant for the past seven years it is impossible to rule them out.

Murray Walker’s legacy warrants a moment of reflection for twitter generation Ben Lovell-Smith Sport Editor


ver the past fortnight, tributes have been paid to the life of former F1 commentator Murray Walker, who recently died at the age of 97. A self proclaimed ‘Middle England 007’, because of his dual life split between a career in advertising and sports commentary, Walker was a remarkable character. His distinctive style combined an evergreen exuberance and a genuine passion for motorsport with an impressive command of the English language. In his fifty plus years behind the microphone at motorsport events, Walker was able to command the

endearment of the nation. Much of his appeal was down to his faults, his delicate attempts to manipulate the English lexicon with originality were inevitably going to invite a number of slip ups and he was very famous for them. ‘There’s nothing wrong with the car, except it’s on fire’ is a celebrated example. However the sad truth is, there will never be another Murray Walker. And not because the man himself will never pick up a microphone again. Walker operated in a world where the gap between live events and the public was huge, which allowed for a performance with a freedom of innovation, expression, realism and most importantly, entertainment. In the modern world of social media and its culture of

criticism and apology, the modern commentator is not afforded such luxury.

Walker operated in a world where the gap between live events and the public was huge, which allowed for a performance with a freedom of innovation, expression, realism and most importantly, entertainment. Frequently the names of commentators trend on twitter during live matches, often because of criticism they face for being biased, ignorant,

boring, stupid or for the sound of their voice. In recent months this has become increasingly high profile, as abuse has taken a sexist tone. Sonja McLaughlan, Nollie Waterman and Karen Carney are just a few examples of victims. The consequence has been that this ruthless culture has also transferred to the broadcast corporations, no one is too high profile. Scottish football commentator Bobby Bulloch was recently sacked for joking that he had gone for a “jobby” at half time. A cheap joke with an expensive price. Meanwhile, ITV’s sudden removal of the iconic voice of Clive Tyldsley is synonymous with a new dismissive attitude to cultural figures.

Commentary mishaps are unacceptable now but it is important to remember that English football’s most iconic piece of commentary, “They think it’s all over…” was preceded by a moment of complete commentary confusion and chaos. One dreads to think of the reception that may have received today. Just as Arsene Wenger has argued in football “Young players need freedom of expression to develop as creative players, they should be encouraged to try skills without fear of failure.” Commentating is the epitome of expression, but the direction of travel seems simply in favour of washed out monotony. Let’s all put our phones down and enjoy the game, for Murray’s sake.


British boxers look to put imprint on World stage

From AJ to Billy Joe Saunders, we examine a big few months for British boxing

All on the line: A unification fight against Tyson Fury would undoubtbaly be Joshua’s biggest test. (Source: quapan via Flickr)

Tom Walker

Head of Sport


or a sport made up of people, very simply put, beating each other up, ironically it is the if, buts and maybe discussions that often comes to define it. The “will they, won’t they” narratives in boxing are incredibly frustrating but they are also what make it such a great spectacle. None of this is truer than when it comes to the three headed Heavyweight giants of Deontay Wilder, Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua whose back and forth over the years often overshadows almost everything else. Fury’s return in 2018 came as a breath of fresh air for boxing, and he backed up his seeming willingness

to fight just about anyone when he jumped in the ring against Wilder and after a controversial draw in the first bout, demonstrated his championship status with a seventh-round stop on the American in the rematch last year. Next in his sights was AJ, and well he’s got him, we think. Renowned promoter Eddie Hearn told Sky Sports last Monday that a two-fight deal between his fighter Joshua and Fury had been agreed. “All parties have now put pen to paper” explained Hearn, “we will be working hard over the next few weeks to confirm the site and date for the biggest fight in boxing.” Despite no official announcement at the time of writing, it is hard not to get excited by the prospect of this mammoth of an occasion. Regardless

of what the fighters say, organising a fight this big never seems as simple as it does in theory, particularly when Joshua and Fury are represented by separate titans of the sport broadcasting industry, Sky Sports and BT respectively. Fans in attendance will (hopefully) be an imperative for this battle of two of Britain’s best heavyweight boxers of all time, with Wembley and the Principality likely in consideration as its host. For the meanwhile, there is still some tasty action locked in for British boxing fans to get their teeth into. This past weekend, Lawrence Okolie delivered a perfect display with a sixth-round knockout of Krzysztof Glowacki to become WBO world cruiserweight champion. This upcoming weekend sees Dillian Whyte get the chance to write his wrongs against Alexander Povetkin in Gibraltar for the WBC interim title. Many had tipped Whyte to deal with Povetkin rather comfortably the first time round as he continued to look up towards the likes of Wilder and Joshua for his next opponent. Things were seemingly going to plan for the 32-year-old as he dominated the opening rounds, putting the Russian on the canvas twice in the first few rounds. However, a devastating left uppercut blow in the fifthround from Povetkin ended the fight instantaneously, and with that another setback for Whyte who had only just come back from being cleared of a doping charge. A repeat of last year’s events would be devastating for Whyte who must feel it’s time for a title shot. Povetkin on the other hand is undoubtedly coming to the end of a successful career and retaining the belt in Gibraltar could see himself get the ultimate payday as the WBC mandatory chal-

lenger. Stepping down the divisions, Billy Joe Saunders has the fight of dreams lined up on May 8 when he is set to face super middle weight WBC and WBA champion Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez, where the Briton will also put his WBO title on the line for the ultimate unification. Canelo is coming off the back of very impressive title victories over Avni Yildrim and fellow Briton Callum Smith, whilst Saunders retained his WBO title over Martin Murray in December. The 30-year-old from Hertfordshire is undefeated in his boxing career having won all 30 professional fights, with 11 knockouts, and his speed and ability to find angles may cause Canelo some serious problems. However, the Mexican has proved himself time and time again to be one of the best fighters on the planet. His only loss came against Floyd Mayweather back in 2013, but since then has reigned dominant over the division and was the better half of one of the greatest boxing two part fights of the decade with Gennadiy Golovkin. His knack of being able to break opponents down over the course of 12 rounds, unmatched counterpunching and defensive awareness are just some of the things that make Canelo such a nightmare to deal with, and will require an all time great performance by Saunders to overcome. It is shaping up to be a big few months ahead for British boxing, with opportunities for continued and emerging areas for dominance across the divisions, with the Olympics also giving us the chance to spot amateurs with potential to impose themselves on the professional scene in the same way Anthony Joshua and Nicola Adams did way back when.

Strong Wales squad look to make good start in hopes of first World Cup Adam Brown Sport Editor


ater this month, Wales will begin their journey towards qualification for the 2022 World Cup, which will be held in Qatar. Their first opponent being world number one ranked team, Belgium. Coverage of this game will be available via the Sky Sports Football channel. Over the duration of the year, Wales will also face the accompanying teams in group E, including Czech Republic, Belarus and Estonia. Wales will play their final qualifying game at home against their first opponents in the group, Belgium. Wales will be looking to continue their good run of form that they showcased late last year during the Nations League, securing victory over the likes of Finland, Ireland and Bulgaria. Robert Page will be the person hoping to lead Wales to victory, after becoming Wales’ caretaker manager. Page was made caretaker manager after Ryan Giggs, who was Wales’s manager at the time, was arrested back in November 2020, after a reported row with “on-off girlfriend”, and was charged on suspicion of assault. The Welshman denied all allegations, and his bail was extended to May 1. This resulted in Giggs missing the next three fixtures of the international side, resulting in fans speculating whether this will have a knock-on effect on how Wales perform during the qualifiers. Joe Allen and Wayne Hennessey have both been recalled to the squad, after recovering from injuries. Cardiff City’s Kieffer Moore has secured a

Attacking prowess: Bale and James will be pivotal to any success in the coming games Credit: FAW place in the selected squad also, who is having a great season in the championship, netting 16 goals for his club side this season so far. What may turn out to a risky selection is Aaron Ramsey. The 30-year-old missed his latest fixture for club side Juventus, due to nursing a thigh injury. The Welsh midfielder is scheduled for an examination by Wales’ medical team to evaluate his fitness. When caretaker manager, Robert Page, was questioned on the matter, he stated, “we’ve got to be sympathetic in how we deal with it” and that “communication between ourselves and the club is imperative”. He continued, “We’ll have conversations and if we feel it’s doable to get him in and in conten-

tion for parts of these games then we’ll see”. Welsh fans will be hopeful over the next few days, as Ramsey can have a considerable impact on a game when he is involved. Welsh superstar, Gareth Bale, also earned a spot in the squad. Club teammates at Tottenham Hotspur, Ben Davies and Joe Rodon were also named for selection. An honourable mention is Manchester United winger, Daniel James. Over the past year, James has struggled to secure a place in his club side, but with his recent form, the Welsh winger has caught the attention of United manager, Ole Gunnar Solskjær, who has begun to display confidence in James. Young, upcoming talent have also re-

ceived places in the squad. One being Ethan Ampadu, loanee of Chelsea who is playing at Premier League side, Sheffield United this season. Another, Rabbi Matondo, loanee from German side FC Schalke 04 who is currently playing for Championship side Stoke City. Unfortunately missing out on being part of the squad is 23-year-old, David Brooks. The Bournemouth midfielder has been left out of the squad this March. The Welsh squad that has been selected brings a lot of promise and anticipation to Welsh sports fans. After a delay of international tournament football, due to the ongoing pandemic, both players and fans will be eager for these upcoming fixtures.


Team Talk


ith lower league and local football in Wales being inactive since the end of last year, it has given teams a lot of time to reflect and discuss what they have achieved, and what their future aspirations are for the club, one club doing exactly that is Cardiff Draconians FC. Cardiff Draconians FC was founded in the early 1960’s and are based in South Wales. After a short exploration of the club’s history, I believe it’s fair to say that Cardiff Draconians FC are well renowned on and off the pitch. Especially their first team, who over the last decade have collected an array of achievements that have bettered and benefitted the club in more than one way. The birth of the Draconians’ success came from their strong campaign display in the 15/16 season, where they competed in the South Wales Alliance League (SWAL) and finished as strong runners up, resulting in securing promotion. The following season, the first team simply evolved, and they took their progressing development into the new campaign. The season of 16/17, the Cardiff side were crowned champions of the SWAL (Division one), alongside being victorious in the W. John Owens cup. This was a truly phenomenal display from the Draconians, considering they had clinched promotion to the more challenging and competitive league only the season prior. The Cardiff side almost claimed a triple-silverware winning season, but unfortunately came off second-best in the South Wales FA Intermediate Cup. The team finished runners-up in the South Wales Alliance League Premier Division in 2019–20 on a pointsper-game formulation following its pandemic-enforced cancellation. But following a restructuring among the welsh divisions, the club initially failed to gain a place in the new league system, despite being granted a Tier 3 licence by the FAW. There was much frustration about this from many at the club who had worked hard throughout the pandemic to ensure the Tier 3 requirements were met, including several renovations to their ground and onsite facilities. However, the withdrawal of STM Sports opened a space in the SW Ardal League, and to much delight the Draconians were admitted. Evidently lacking activeness on the football field, the club itself, and the people involved have been far from that. During quarantine, and the absence of the game itself, the Cardiff Draconians have been highly active on social media, making sure people keep themselves involved with what is currently going on at the club. It is apparent that the club are partaking in a variety of activities to keep things positive, which is imperative in these current times. They have weekly fundraisers and competitions which has increased the quantity of people interacting with the club. This is a new chapter for the club in the newly formed Ardal SW, and I’m sure they will be hoping to make more history. “As you imagine everyone at the club is delighted with the news and can’t wait to be part of the new exciting league”. Treasurer of the Draconians, David Harding, said to Gair Rhydd a few weeks back. People have been doing what they can for the club, knowing that the little aspects of their aid can make a great impact. The club’s home pitch, Lydstep park, is still receiving regular maintenance, so that when the game can return, the club will be undeniably prepared.

Reporting by Adam Brown


Formula One Preview:

We examine how each team shapes up for the start of the new racing season page 24

British boxers look to put imprint on World stage BOXING

Tom Walker

Head of Sport


ith the rumours of the much anticipated Anthony Joshua and Tyson Fury fight growing stronger, it could make the already jam packed coming few months of British boxing even more of a spectacle. Billy Joe Saunders is set to fight Saul “Canelo” Álvarez at the beginning of May for a chance to unify several of the Super Middleweight belts. While Dillian Whyte looks to win back his interim WBC title from Alexander Povetkin. We examine the potential historic bout between AJ and Fury as well as the other upcoming action. Continued on page 25

Walker’s legacy warrants a moment of reflection for Twitter generation


Ben Lovell-Smith Sport Editor

F Cardiff University Ladies Cricket Club eager to return for a summer season Promises of a return: CULCC will be preparing for the summer season. Credit: CULCC

Freddie Bennett Sport Editor


fter what has been a difficult period of lockdown for everyone, there is hope that we could be seeing the return of Cardiff University Ladies Cricket (CULCC) team later this summer. To find out about how the team has been getting on, Sport Editor Freddie Bennett spoke to team President Lydia Rickenbach. Before Covid restrictions took their course, the team had been performing well in their indoor cricket league. ‘’Before the pandemic, we were great, having just done quite well in the indoor cricket league in November 2019 at the SWALEC. We were getting ready for the usual outdoor league with regular twice weekly training’’, explained Rickenbach . In preparation for the outdoor league for the following year, the team’s excitement about playing against other universities were spoiled due to the pandemic following the 2020-21 seasons cancellation. However, the team has not

seemed too phased by the lack of game time. ‘’We had to have committee handover as well as socials and quizzes over Zoom. Then as first lockdown restrictions lifted, we managed to get outdoor space for weekly training at the Talybont Hockey pitch’’. During this time, the team was looking to bring in more talent to the team. ‘’We had a couple Give it a Go sessions which were surprisingly popular. Unfortunately, we could no longer use our indoor nets because the Talybont equipment had been put away’’. It is encouraging to hear that even during this difficult time, there was still plenty of interest in the sport. These Give it a Go sessions must have proved successful as the team welcomed plenty new players at the beginning of the academic year. Despite lower numbers of first years compared to previous years, there is clearly lots of excitement around the side. ‘‘They all had prior experience with cricket and so I think their love for the sport has meant they would have joined the University cricket club whatever the situation’’. Rickenbach said of the new squad addi-

tions. Hopefully before too long there will be an opportunity for this new talent to showcase their skills. There are plans for getting CULCC back on the pitch in the BUCS competition. ‘’The great thing about cricket is that our outdoor season is later than most sports.” she explained, “BUCS are currently planning a league and we are hoping to have home and away games after Easter’’. Due to travel restrictions, it is likely these will remain against Cardiff Metropolitan University, University of South Wales and Swansea. Nevertheless, it is a very exciting prospect to be able to see Cricket back at some point soon and hopefully this team will be able to grow and improve as their pre-Covid progress shows. Using their spare time for good however, the team have dedicated themselves to a challenge off the pitch. A YouGov survey done in January 2021 of over 1000 women showed that 97% of young women (aged 18-24) have been sexually harassed in public spaces. This has been particularly relevant in recent weeks after the Sarah Everard case.

In aid of this prevalent issue, CULCC will be running 97 miles in a week to raise awareness and funds for The Survivors Trust which is a charity that provides therapy and support to over 80,000 individuals each year. The challenge is due to take place between March 28 and April 3, with donations ending on April 10. You can head to their Just Giving page which can be found on their social media platforms. With the prospect of getting the team back to the pitch this summer, there is a lot of excitement amongst the girls. ‘’I am in my fourth year, so this is sadly my last season with CULCC.” Rickenbach mentioned, “I am hoping that the team continues to grow and gets even more women playing this fantastic sport’’. Hopefully the current team President will be able to get the side back to their previous success. When the restrictions are eased it will be exciting to see what the next chapter holds for this side. With the current England Women’s captain Heather Knight a former student of Cardiff University, maybe there is another future world cup winner in this current team.

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ollowing the death of F1 commentary legend Murray Walker, tributes poured in to highlighting the brilliance of a man who’s commentary genius can be accredited with putting F1 at the heart of the national sporting consciousness. Walker’s talent for commentary was unique but it was his authenticity of character that was so appealing. With such an exceptional eulogy, and in a world of social media scrutiny and broadcast corporations who leave no room for error, can we expect commentators to live up to the examples of previous generations? Continued on page 24

Wales World Cup Qualifiers Preview FOOTBALL

Adam Brown Sport Editor


ith the Welsh squad selected, players and fans will be eager for the qualifying games to benign. Wales’ first fixture will be against world number one ranked international side, Belgium, with other fixtures to be played throughout the duration of the year against the likes of Czech Republic, Belarus and Estonia, who also accompany Wales in group E. Names such as Gareth Bale and Aaron Ramsey are present within the squad selection. After failing to qualify for the World Cup that was held in Russia back in 2018, Wales have a big incentive to strive for victory this year. Continued on page 25

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