Halloween Edition 2021 (Issue 1173 - Monday, 25th September)

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gair rhydd Cardiff University’s student paper | Established 1972

Inside: Gair Rhydd takes a look at the 'Korean Culture Wave' taking Western audiences by storm

Does the UK government print money to fund itself? Alex Hughes News Editor


here are two very different views dominating the debate about the Bank of England’s (BoE) ‘quantitative easing’ (QE) programme – the purchase of government bonds using newly created money. The first, as neatly summarised by GB News’ economics editor Liam Halligan, sees the BoE as having “long been engaged in the monetary financing of government debt, pure and simple.” Halligan has previously referred to it as “the most dangerous economic experiment for generations.” Echoing the same concern, the leading Eurosceptic MP Steve Baker recently wrote that “artificial prosperity . . . had built up as a result of the massive artificial monetary stimulus of recent years.” Their claim is that the treasury’s spending is partly being funded by the BoE’s printing press, presumably because it’s unable to source enough money through the usual routes of taxing and borrowing. This view remains popular in the print media, and last year, a Financial Times poll showed that most major investors in UK government bonds subscribe to it. The other view – held by policymakers and academics – is that QE is a tool that the BoE only uses to achieve its traditional objectives. “We do not . . . set a level of QE and asset purchases in any way related to what the government is going to borrow”, insisted Bank governor Andrew Bailey last November. Former central banker David Miles, of Imperial College London, writes that “accusations that [QE] . . . amounts to ‘printing money’ . . . are unfounded and misleading.” These views appear to be incompatible, but their key difference is conceptual, not factual. This is a complicated issue theoretically, but the basic idea is quite simple. We should start by outlining the role of central banks. These institutions, though they remain mysteries

to many, are the central hub of every modern economy. Contrary to a lot of popular descriptions, their staff don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the money supply, in part because “money” is very difficult to define. In the modern world, money isn’t physical assets like gold or silver, but nor is it strictly the paper currencies issued by governments. Any sufficientlytrustworthy financial promise, or ‘IOU’, can function as money. Government IOUs are the most reliable form, because stable governments have an interest in – and a long record of – maintaining their value, in terms of real goods and services, and in order to do this, they have a large tax base to draw upon. But broad definitions of money can include all sorts of IOUs, whose quantity is not under the central bank’s direct control. So instead, policymakers focus on interest rates, i.e. the cost of borrowing and the reward for saving. In most developed countries the central bank’s tools are kept ‘independent’ from the democraticallyelected government, to shield their decisions from opportunistic politicians trying to temporarily stimulate the economy to win an election. Their overall goals, on the other hand, are prescribed by Parliament; essentially, they’re given two – low inflation and low unemployment. Broadly, they achieve these twin goals by adjusting interest rates. When rates fall, saving becomes less attractive and borrowing is cheaper, so total spending rises. The reverse is true when rates rise. When unemployment is high and inflation is below target, they lower interest rates to boost spending, which in turn incentivises firms to hire more workers and raise prices. The treasury, meanwhile, takes in revenue through taxation, which it spends on transfers, like Universal Credit, and government purchases, like vaccine doses. To read Alex's full breakdown of the Bank of England's in-depth 'quantitative easing' programme, turn to page 5. 5

Canolfan Bywyd Myfyrwyr: Mae'r ganolfan cymorth i fyfyrwyr newydd bellach wedi agor ei drysau yn swyddogol i fyfyrwyr ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Credit: Jack Robert Stacey

Canolfan y myfyrwyr newydd i Gaerdydd

Nansi Eccott

Golygydd Taf-od


n ddiweddar gwelwyd Canolfan Bywyd y Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn agor ei drysau am y tro cyntaf. Mae campws Prifysgol Caerdydd ar hyn o bryd yn profi gwaith uwchraddio a buddsoddiad sydd wedi’u disgrifio fel y mwyaf ers cenhedlaeth. Mae’r datblygiadau yn golygu buddsoddiad o

Labour MP found guilty of harrassment Haris Hussnain Contributor

£600 miliwn i drawsnewid y campws a dyfodol y brifysgol. Caiff £300 miliwn ei gwario i greu Campws Arloesedd a £260 miliwn ar addysgu, dysgu a phrofiad y myfyrwyr. Buddsoddwyd y £40 miliwn arall mewn ‘mentrau i sbarduno twf yn yr economi a’r sector diwydiannol.’ Mae Canolfan Bywyd y Myfyrwyr, sydd gwerth £50 miliwn, yn ganolbwynt i’r datblygiadau arloesol ar gampws y brifysgol. Mae’r adeilad wedi’i




Maintaining a healthy work-life balance

Brain cell differences may be key to knowledge

Ruth Hoey

Aditi Girish Kallanagoudar

Advice Editor

he former Labour MP for Leicester East, Claudia Webbe, has been suspended by the Labour Party after being found guilty of harassment. Webbe allegedly harassed her boyfriend’s female friend, 59 year old Michele Merritt, threatening to throw acid on Merritt as well as send explicit images to her family. The MP has denied harassing Merritt, claiming she only made “courtesy calls” to prevent Merritt from breaching COVID-19 restrictions during her interaction with Lester Thomas, her partner. To read Haris' article on the recent verdict reached against the former MP, turn to page 8.

leoli yng nghalon y ddinas gyferbyn â phrif adeiladau’r brifysgol ar Park Place. Dechreuodd gwaith ar y ganolfan, sydd wedi’i ddylunio gan y practis pensaernïol Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, yn gynnar yn 2018 ac mae disgwyl i’r gwaith amgylchfyd cyhoeddus gael ei gwblhau erbyn Ionawr 2022. I ddarllen erthygl lawn Nansi ar adeilad newydd y Ganolfan Bywyd Myfyrwyr, ewch i dudalen 6



he stresses of daily life and university can often make it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. With midterm and Christmas deadlines approaching it can be tempting to put our social lives on hold and remain glued to a laptop screen until they are over. This can seem like a good idea, and in some cases, it feels as though it is the only option. However, placing the focus only on study can leave you feeling burnt out, drained and unable to do the best that you can. To read Ruth's article on the importance of maintaining your worklife balance, turn to page 18.



cientists, engineers, and inventors find the solutions to our problems. From numbers released by the Royal Society in 2018-19, 1.8% of science, technology, engineering, and maths academic staff aged 34 and below are black. In physics and chemistry, the proportion of black researchers stands at zero percent (rounded down). Further to this, no black scientist has ever won a Nobel Prize. In honour of Black History Month, this article will highlight on the achievements of a number of notable black scientists throughout history. To read Aditi's full article into the promising science of brain cell differences, turn to page 23.



EDITORIAL Gair Rhydd 2021/22 Coordinator Elaine Morgan

Editor-in-Chief Jack Robert Stacey

Deputy Editors Tom Kingsbury Vicky Witts Zoe Kramer


Zoe Kramer Alex Hughes Beth Williams Shivika Singh


A note from the Editor Nodyn gan y Golygydd Have we forgotten the ‘true meaning’ of Halloween?

Ydyn ni wedi anghofio ‘gwir ystyr’ Calan Gaeaf

The ‘true’ meaning: Halloween has changed considerably over time, but have we forgotten what it means? Source: GoToVan (via Flickr)

Yr ystyr ‘gwir’: mae Calan Gaeaf wedi newid dros amser, ond ydyn ni wedi anghofio beth mae’n ei olygu? Tarddiad: GoToVan (via Flickr)

Sarah Anne Griffiths Eva Rodericks


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At Gair Rhydd we take seriously our responsibility to maintain the highest possible standards. We may occasionally make mistakes, however if you believe we have fallen below the standards we seek to uphold, please email editor@gairrhydd.com. You can view our Ethical Policy Statement and Complaints Procedure at cardiffstudentmedia.co.uk/complaints. Opinions expressed in editorials and opinion pieces are not reflective of Cardiff Student Media, who act as the publisher of Gair Rhydd in legal terms, and should not be considered official communications or the organisation’s stance. Gair Rhydd is a Post Office registered newspaper.

Jack Robert Stacey Editor-in-Chief


s artificially-lit pumpkins, brightly-coloured costumes and overfilled bags of sweet treats begin to re-line shelves in supermarkets and costume shops around the UK, it’s safe to say that ‘Halloween’ has arrived once again. Similarly to Christmas and Easter, however, the meaning behind Halloween is becoming increasingly ambiguous and, to many people, now represents little more than another opportunity to party and over-consume. With this in mind, it’s now important for us to remind ourselves of the ‘true meaning’ of Halloween and to recognise all the changes that this annual event has seen throughout history. When looking at the history of Halloween, most historians often draw on the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain. This pagan festival was celebrated on the last day of October, a period when many people believed the barrier between life and death would weaken. During this time, Celts would light communal fires using the friction created by a large wheel and leave offerings for their ancestors, often also disguising themselves as monsters or animals in order to ward off evil spirts and fairies.

Samhain is, most obviously at least, is the explanation behind the Halloween’s costumed and even supernatural roots. The Halloween that we would be most familiar with, however, emerged much later in colonial America. Within the southern colonies, where European settlers and American Indians were engaging in early cultural exchanges, Halloween had begun to grow in popularity. Whilst its clear to see that Halloween has undergone a series of key changes and developments throughout its long history, these annual festivities are still deeply rooted in a strong sense of community. Most interestingly, the idea of ‘Halloween’ has continued (and no doubt will continue) to grow and evolve. The celebration has taken on a more complex, but nuanced meaning over time as different cultural influences have introduced new elements to the festivities – Including, dressing up in costume, apple bobbing, and the now iconic activity of pumpkin carving. So, whether your plans involve an extravagant night out with others in matching costume, or a more smallscale evening in with close friends, remember that Halloween is first and foremost about celebrating with your local community and ushering in the winter months together, rather than alone.

Jack Robert Stacey Prif Olygydd


rth i bwmpenni wedi’u goleuo’n artiffisial, gwisgoedd lliwgar a bagiau sydd wedi eu gor-lenwi â danteithion melys ddechrau ail-lenwi ein silffoedd mewn archfarchnadoedd a siopau gwisgoedd ledled y DU, mae’n saff i ddweud bod ‘Calan Gaeaf’ wedi cyrraedd unwaith eto. Yn yr un modd â’r Nadolig a’r Pasg mae’r ystyr y tu ôl i Galan Gaeaf yn dod yn fwyfwy amwys ac, i lawer o bobl, nid yw bellach yn cynrychioli llawer mwy na chyfle arall i gael parti a gor-yfed. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, mae’n bwysig i ni atgoffa ein hunain o ‘wir ystyr’ Calan Gaeaf a chydnabod yr holl newidiadau y mae’r digwyddiad blynyddol hwn wedi’u gweld drwy gydol hanes. Dathlwyd yr ŵyl pagan hon ar ddiwrnod olaf mis Hydref, cyfnod pan oedd llawer o bobl yn credu y byddai’r ffîn rhwng bywyd a marwolaeth yn gwanhau.Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, byddai Celtiaid yn cynnau tanau cymunedol gan ddefnyddio’r ffrithiant a grëwyd gan olwyn fawr ac yn gadael cynigion i’w hynafiaid. Yn aml hefyd y byddent yn gwisgo fel bwystfilod neu anifeiliaid er mwyn osgoi ysbeidiau a ffeiriau drwg. Samhain felly yw’r esboniad mwyaf amlwg y tu ôl i wreiddiau gwisgoedd

brawychus Calan Gaeaf. Fodd bynnag, daeth y term ‘Calan Gaeaf’ (neu “All Hallows Eve” fel ei gelwir i ddechrau) yn llawer mwy cyffredin yn ddiweddarach ar ôl i America gael ei goloneddio.O fewn y trefedigaethau deheuol, lle’r oedd sefydlwyr Ewropeaidd ac Indiaid Americanaidd yn cymryd rhan mewn cyfnewidfeydd diwylliannol cynnar, roedd Calan Gaeaf wedi dechrau tyfu mewn poblogrwydd. Er ei bod yn glir i weld bod Calan Gaeaf wedi cael cyfres o newidiadau a datblygiadau allweddol drwy gydol ei hanes hir, mae’r dathliadau blynyddol hyn dal wedi’u gwreiddio’n ddwfn mewn ymdeimlad cryf o gymuned. Yn fwyaf diddorol, mae’r syniad o ‘Galan Gaeaf’ wedi parhau (ac mae’n siŵr y bydd yn parhau) i dyfu ac esblygu. Mae’r dathliad wedi cymryd ystyr mwy cymhleth dros amser gan fod dylanwadau diwylliannol gwahanol wedi cyflwyno elfennau newydd i’r ŵyl – gan gynnwys, gwisgo i fyny mewn gwisgoedd brawychus, twcio afalau a’r weithgaredd eiconig o gerfio pwmpen erbyn hyn. Felly, p’un a’i yw eich cynlluniau’n cynnwys noson allan gydag eraill mewn gwisgoedd arswydus, neu noson mewn gyda ffrindiau agos, cofiwch fod Calan Gaeaf yn ymwneud yn bennaf â dathlu gyda’ch cymuned yn ystod misoedd y gaeaf yn hytrach nag ar eich pen eich hun.




A closer look at the David Amess killing

Alex Hughes News Editor

O Zoe Kramer

Alex Hughes

n Friday, David Amess, the Member of Parliament for the Southend West constituency, was stabbed to death during a meeting with constituents in a church. The suspect, 25-year-old Ali Harbi Ali, was taken into custody at the scene shortly after the attack. A British man with Somali heritage, whose family fled the country’s vicious civil war in the 1990s, Ali has since been charged with murder, as well as with the preparation of terrorist acts. Police have made it clear that they are not looking for anyone else in connection with the attack. Many have compared the killing with that of Labour MP Jo Cox, who was murdered in Birstall at the height of the Brexit campaign in 2016, by a man with links to National Alliance, a notorious neo-Nazi group based in the United States. A representative for the Crown Prosecution Service said that Ali had “both religious and ideo-

logical motivations”, with police pointing towards “a potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism”. He was allegedly referred to the government’s anti-radicalisation program Prevent a number of years ago. At the same time, a more complex picture of the attacker is now emerging. While a former teacher of Ali’s described him as “a good boy, polite and friendly”, who “readily joined in with the other children”, Ali’s uncle sheds a different light on his nephew. He has speculated that Ali, who travelled to Southend from his home in North London, likely targeted the MP because of his connections to Qatar, which lends its support to the current Somali President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo. Amess chaired the AllParty Parliamentary Group on Qatar, and had developed personal links with representatives of the Gulf monarchy. Many Somalians resent their current president’s refusal to step down after his term elapsed, labelling it a

David Amess: Political figures around the UK paid their respects to the former MP. Source: Number 10 (via Flickr)

‘silent coup’. Ali’s father, Harbi Ali Kullane, was a communications director for Somalia’s former president, and Kullane was vocal about what he saw as Qatar’s ‘unhealthy’ influence in the country. A friend of Kullane described him to the Guardian as liberal, open-minded and not very religious. He had worked on projects countering the influence of Al-Shabab, a major Salafi-Jihadi terror group that controls swathes of the

country. Ali’s uncle went on to say that the family was “very political”, and that his nephew “was very aware of what was going on in Somalia and the involvement of Qatar.” Whatever the true motive behind the attack, it reawakens concerns regarding the safety of political figures in Britain, with the Home Secretary Priti Patel weighing options for how to tighten security measures around MP surgeries.

Senedd officially re-opens for sixth session

Beth Williams News Editor

Beth Williams

Shivika Singh news@gairrhydd.com


fter being postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the re-opening of the Senedd took place on October 14th. The Senedd was re-opened by the Queen, signalling her first visit to Wales in five years. The day started with a 21 gun salute signalling the Queen’s arrival in Cardiff Bay. She was accompanied by Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall. Macebearer Shaz Khan, a member of the Senedd’s security team, was chosen to be the macebearer. He met with the First Minister Mark Drakeford and Llywydd Elin Jones before leading the queen into the Senedd’s chamber. The

mace was placed in its sconce, which signifies that the Senedd had been officially opened. The Youth Branch of the national Opera performed “Ar Lan Y Môr”. In his speech, first minister Mark Drakeford said that the reopening was an “a time for all of us to look to the future”. Discussing the government that had been voted for in May, Drakeford continued “I’m sure that we will argue and disagree about what is best for Wales, but always in this Senedd with the interests of those we represent at the centre of everything that we do.” The re-opening of the Senedd takes place every five years to signal the start of a newly-elected government. Since the Senedd was first established in 1999, this year is the sixth reopening. The re-opening

was the first time every MS was invited to be physically present in the Chamber since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also in attendance were a number of people nominated as Covid Community Champions due to the work they performed in their local communities during the pandemic. An afghan family who had settled in Wales after fleeing the Taliban were also invited. In her own speech, the Queen praised the spirit of the Welsh population. “We all owe a debt of gratitude to those who have risen so magnificently to the challenges of the last 18 months, from key workers to volunteers who have done so much to serve their communities. She also addressed the name change

of the institution from the National Assembly for Wales to Senedd Cymru, which “demonstrates your status as a national parliament. As with her previous visits, the Queen’s involvement in the democratically elected Senedd’s reopening has received criticism. Some MS’ chose not to attend the reopening. Politicians and the public shared their disagreement on social media. The previous leader of political party Plaid Cymru, Leanne Wood tweeted “Let’s carry on and work for the day when we don’t need a monarch to officially open our Senedd, is it?”. The party, which is committed to Welsh independence, have been historically vocal surrounding the Queen’s involvement in the ceremony.

Climate Cymru calls for climate action at the Senedd

Zoe Kramer

Our window of opportunity for action to protect the things we love is also fleeting and impermanent.”

Head of News


limate Cymru ambassadors and partners assembled at the Senedd on Tuesday in a call for climate action. The event took place at 12 PM on October 19th, giving an opportunity for voices from across Wales to be heard regarding the climate emergency. With the UN Climate Summit (COP26) on the horizon, the speakers placed emphasis on ensuring that Wales has a voice in the upcoming talks. Equally, speakers urged the UK Government as a whole to show leadership during the Summit by making meaningful commitments towards the environment.

The voices collected by Climate Cymru demonstrate there is real public support for bold climate action here in Wales.” Mari McNeill, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Cymru

Sam Ward, Campaign Manager for Climate Cymru

The Senedd: Climate Cymru made a call for action. Credit: Zoe Kramer Mari McNeill, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Cymru said, “The voices collected by Climate Cymru demonstrate there is real public support for bold climate action here in Wales. We urge the Welsh Government to pick up the gauntlet and publish an ambitious Net Zero plan that is in line with climate science and the principles of justice and responsibility. “Let’s not waste this crucial opportunity to take action and protect what we love. There are so many things at stake

- our lives and livelihoods here in Wales, the future of the rich biodiversity of this fragile planet and the future of those most affected by the climate emergency in the world’s poorest countries who are doing least to cause it. “We can’t solve the problem when we scratch at the surface. Our emissions targets, for example, are still out of kilter with climate science. We need to urgently up the pace, and move swiftly and deeply, towards the goal of net zero

emissions to save lives, livelihoods and our fragile ecosystem.” The event featured a large heartshaped ice sculpture, which melted progressively throughout the day. Lit with purple lights, this public spectacle was designed to deliver an impression of impermanence to highlight the timesensitive nature of the climate issue. Sam Ward, Campaign Manager for Climate Cymru said, “The ice heart sculpture at the upcoming event is beautiful, and temporary. It will soon melt away. Our window of opportunity for action to protect the things we love is also fleeting and impermanent. “In a few weeks time world leaders will descend on Glasgow for the UN Climate Talks. Our message to Welsh and UK Government ministers attending

COP 26 is this: be bold, show leadership, push for concrete, timely action, inspire, and galvanise others on the world stage. There is a groundswell of public opinion behind you, who want real change. “From every corner of Wales, and from every walk of life, thousands of people and hundreds of organisations have spoken. They all want the same thing. They want action from our leaders to protect what they love and make a better future for us all.”

Ice Sculpture: Credit: Zoe Kramer



Does the government print money to fund itself? Tax on Alex Hughes breaks down the UK’s ‘Quantitative Easing’ Programme

Alex Hughes News Editor


here are two very different views dominating the debate about the Bank of England’s (BoE) ‘quantitative easing’ (QE) programme – the purchase of government bonds using newly created money. The first, as neatly summarised by GB News’ economics editor Liam Halligan, sees the BoE as having “long been engaged in the monetary financing of government debt, pure and simple.” Halligan has previously referred to it as “the most dangerous economic experiment for generations.” Echoing the same concern, the leading Eurosceptic MP Steve Baker recently wrote that “artificial prosperity . . . had built up as a result of the massive artificial monetary stimulus of recent years.” Their claim is that the treasury’s spending is partly being funded by the BoE’s printing press, presumably because it’s unable to source enough money through the usual routes of taxing and borrowing. This view remains popular in the print media, and last year, a Financial Times poll showed that most major investors in UK government bonds subscribe to it. The other view – held by policymakers and academics – is that QE is a tool that the BoE only uses to achieve its traditional objectives. “We do not . . . set a level of QE and asset purchases in any way related to what the government is going to borrow”, insisted Bank governor Andrew Bailey last November. Former central banker David Miles, of Imperial College London, writes that “accusations that [QE] . . . amounts to ‘printing money’ . . . are unfounded and misleading.” These views appear to be incompatible, but their key difference is conceptual, not factual. This is a complicated issue theoretically, but the basic idea is quite simple. We should start by outlining the role of central banks. These institutions, though they remain mysteries to many,

‘Quantitative Easing’: Source: Bank of England (via Flickr) are the central hub of every modern economy. Contrary to a lot of popular descriptions, their staff don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the money supply, in part because “money” is very difficult to define. In the modern world, money isn’t physical assets like gold or silver, but nor is it strictly the paper currencies issued by governments. Any sufficiently-trustworthy financial promise, or ‘IOU’, can function as money. Government IOUs are the most reliable form, because stable governments have an interest in – and a long record of – maintaining their value, in terms of real goods and services, and in order to do this, they have a large tax base to draw upon. But broad definitions of money can include all sorts of IOUs, whose quantity is not under the central bank’s direct control. So instead, policymakers focus on interest rates, i.e. the cost of borrowing and the reward for saving. In most developed countries the central bank’s tools are kept ‘independent’ from the democratically-elected government, to shield their decisions from opportunistic politicians trying to temporarily stimulate the economy to win an election. Their overall goals, on the other hand, are prescribed by Par-

liament; essentially, they’re given two – low inflation and low unemployment. Broadly, they achieve these twin goals by adjusting interest rates. When rates fall, saving becomes less attractive and borrowing is cheaper, so total spending rises. The reverse is true when rates rise. When unemployment is high and inflation is below target, they lower interest rates to boost spending, which in turn incentivises firms to hire more workers and raise prices. The treasury, meanwhile, takes in revenue through taxation, which it spends on transfers, like Universal Credit, and government purchases, like vaccine doses. When unemployment is unusually high, a gap between taxation and spending opens up, since more people qualify for unemployment benefits, while fewer people are earning enough to pay much tax. Rather than raising taxes – which could well reduce spending further – the treasury often fills the gap by borrowing, either domestically or from abroad. This is done by issuing IOU contracts, known as bonds, that private lenders can purchase. Now, when a central bank engages in QE, it is creating new money to purchase treasury bonds from the private sector, which enter onto its balance

on part time jobs and internships during university, careers and pathways after university, as well as study abroad and internship/employment abroad schemes. Student Health and Wellbeing can offer advice for a range of health and wellbeing concerns. You can access workshops and self-help resources or book an online appointment. Inperson appointments will be reinstated soon. Student Disability Service can provide advice and guidance to disabled students, including specialist support services and assisting with accessibility. In some cases, the Student Disability Service can offer students adjustments during exams. The Academic Study Skills and Mentoring Team can assist with adjusting to university teaching and offers study skills workshops and courses. Quiet rooms are available on the fourth floor for students of all faiths to engage in prayer and worship. A Chaplain will also be available on the

fourth floor. For those in need of assistance with IT, the IT clinic is located on the third floor from 09:00-15:00. Support includes connecting to university networks, account issues, and general support. For those studying remotely or from the Heath Park Campus, online

sheet. At a glance, this reduces the government’s IOUs. But of course, a central bank is part of the government, and money, like a bond, is also an IUO. The difference between government bonds and government money is like the difference between a savings account and a current account: they come with different terms and conditions, but as representations of wealth they’re essentially equivalent. In other words, when central banks create money they’re borrowing from the private sector. The point is to alter the composition, not size, of the government’s total IOUs – one type is injected into circulation, and another of equivalent value is withdrawn. So QE, on its own, has nothing to do with the government’s debt management objectives. If interest rates had to rise for inflation to remain on its target path, then QE – which amounts to borrowing at zero interest – might have to be reversed, and to attract lenders, further borrowing would need to be conducted using interest-bearing bonds. The actual effect of QE is a lively topic in empirical economics. The basic idea behind it is that bonds and money play somewhat different roles in the monetary system, since bonds are slightly more difficult to exchange for other assets. This enables central banks to lower long-term interest rates by buying long-dated bonds, but economists don’t have a clear idea of how exactly this occurs. In former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke’s words, QE “works in practice, but doesn’t work in theory”. One potential channel is that an announcement of further QE alters expectations about future rates, since it implies that central bank policymakers are pessimistic about growth, and are therefore likely to hold rates low for longer. The effect, in any case, is relatively small, and has nothing to do with the government’s ability to fund its spending.

A look inside the new Centre for Student Life

Zoe Kramer

Head of News


tudents looking for support services can now find them in the brand new Centre for Student Life (CSL) building adjacent to the Students’ Union. With construction completed, the building opened earlier this month. The building offers a wide range of options for students seeking advice, as well as the Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, seminar rooms, coffee shop, and study spaces. Student Advice and Money can assist students with financial concerns. Guidance ranges from personal finance and money management to emergency funds, bursaries and scholarships. This service is also available to international students seeking immigration advice or visa extension. Student Futures is located on the first floor. Formerly known as Careers and Employability, Student Futures can offer students advice

The Centre for Student Life: Credit: Jack Robert Stacey

consultations are available with all of the support services, so travelling to the CSL is not necessary. The building is open from 08:00 20:00. If you need signposting or are unsure of which support service you need, Student Connect Advisors will be available to point you in the right direction.

second homes in Sir Benfro set to double Beth Williams News Editor


he tax on second homes in Sir Benfro is set to double from April 2022 onwards. The rise in tax aims to curb the amount of second homes. It also hopes to curb any increase, after the biggest influx between 2017/18 of 45% Speaking to BBC Wales Live, local resident and member of “No to Second Homes” campaign, Hedd Harries welcomed the news. “We must applaud the cabinet for their action as it’s a very positive step in trying to reach the route of the problem”. However, he feels the measure does not go far enough and believes the Welsh government should impose caps on the number of holiday homes and lets in certain areas. According to Sir Benfro Council, 75% of the proceeds will be spent on affordable housing in the area. This follows a report that 5,100 are on the county’s waiting list for a council home. The remaining 25% will be placed in the “Improve Sir Benfro” fund. Dubbed the second home crisis, holiday home ownership spike the demand for houses in areas across Wales. Sir Benfro is the second most affected county, with 16% of all houses considered second homes. Average property prices in those areas start to sore, driving locals, particularly younger first-time buyers, out of their local communities. The second home crisis also threatens the future of the Welsh-language. Many of the communities affected are predominantly welsh-speaking. As locals are driven away, the identity and culture of these communities begin to disappear as the amount of Welsh speakers in those areas reduce. Councils in Swansea and Gwynedd have also decided to impose the highest amount of tax possible on second homes. Gwynedd Council Leader Dyfrig Siencyn spoke of the unfairness of second home ownership after the county’s council voted to raise their taxes in March 2021. “We believe this is unjust. Gwynedd council’s clear and firm desire is to ensure that every possible measure is used to try to respond to the housing crisis facing the county’s residents in their communities today”. Second home owner Jonathan Martin believes that the tax rise is unfair. “To say that ‘you are in an identical home as someone next door but you have to pay more’ is discrimination. It is not social justice and it is not equality”. A number of demonstrations have been held across Wales to protest against the ownership of second homes. In September, the campaign group “Hawl I Fyw Adra”, translated to “The right to live at home”, organized an 18 mile procession from Pen Llŷn to Caernarfon. Speaking about the event, organizer Rhys Owen said “Our communities continue to be defenceless with the bonds of local citizens being ripped apart because they can’t afford homes in their own communities. It’s a shame that neither our government or our leaders in the county council are working hard enough to solve this crisis”.




Digon yw digon: Merched y colli eu rhyddid

Alyssa Upton Cyfrannydd

Nel Richards

Gracie Richards

Nansi Eccott

Steffan Alun Leonard taf-od@gairrhydd.com


rth ddychwelyd yn ôl i’r brifysgol ar ddiwedd cyfnod digynsail yng ngeiriau’r pandemig a materion diogelwch ymysg merched. Llethol yw’r teimlad wrth geisio ymgymryd â’r bywyd myfyriwr ‘arferol’, o ddathliadau Wythnos y Glas i’r ochr gymunedol o ymuno â chymdeithasau newydd. Yn sicr, nid fi yw’r unig un o dan bwysau’r teimlad yma. Teimlad yn sgil effaith yr holl newidiadau blaenllaw yn ein bywydau, ac yn un hollol gyfiawnadwy. Mae’r cynnydd mewn achosion trais, ymosodiadau rhywiol ac yn gynyddol ymosodiadau sbigo, yn cynyddu pryderon ymysg myfyrwyr. Dengys ystadegau o’r flwyddyn 2020 gan yr ONS fod chwarter o fenywod wedi profi ymosodiadau rhywiol neu ymgais rhywiol ers yr oedran o 16 yn Lloegr a Chymru. Canran cymharol gyda gwahaniaeth o 18.5% rhwng ymosodiadau rhywiol ar fenywod a gwrywod. Wrth i 22.9% o fenywod fynegi hyn. Cynhaliodd achos brawychus Sarah Everard bloedd ar draws y cyfryngau a’r wlad, gan orfodi sylw at bryderon diogelwch menywod. Mae’r digwyddiadau o amgylch Caerdydd ei hun, wedi cynyddu’r aflonyddwch yma. Wrth gymharu’r ymdeimlad o ddiogelwch o’r flwyddyn flaenorol â’r presennol, does dim dwywaith amdani fy mod i yn fwy ymwybodol ynghylch fy amgylchedd wrth grwydro ar hyd strydoedd y ddinas. Beth sy’n cael ei wneud i wella’r sefyllfa? Yn ystyriol o fyfyriwr sy’n newydd i Gaerdydd, heb amheuaeth rwy’n siwr fyddai’r digwyddiadau diweddar wedi dwysau’r pwysau sylfaenol sydd wrth symud i ddinas ddieithr heb sôn am bryderu am eu diogelwch personol, wrth geisio mwynhau’r pro-

Strydoedd y ddinas - digon diogel? Tarddiad: Geraint Rowland (via Flickr) fiad. Fel cefnogaeth i fyfyrwyr a thrigolion y ddinas, lansiwyd cymorth diogelwch digidol ar hyd ffyrdd Caerdydd drwy hysbysebion gan y cwmni ‘For Cardiff’. Mae’r hysbysebion digidol yn cynnwys côd QR y gellir sganio drwy gamera eich ffôn er mwyn ddarganfod rhestr o leoliadau diogel ar draws y ddinas. Cyhoeddwyd y byddai’r gwasanaeth yn parhau am amser cyfyngedig, sef pythefnos cychwynnol y tymor. Os yw’r hysbyseb yn cynnig cefnogaeth i unigolion Caerdydd, a oes rhaid cwestiynu os ddylai’r hysbyseb aros yn barhaol? Er bod hyn yn syniad athrylith ac hefyd yn gam cadarnhaol, ydy hyn yn ddigon i amddiffyn unigolion? Does dim dweud nad yw’r cynlluniau sydd eisoes yn ei le yn effeithiol, megis cynllun tacsis y brifysgol ac ymwybyd-

diaeth o faterion diogelwch ynghylch myfyrwyr. Yn dweud hyn, ni ddylai fod menywod yn pryderu am sut byddent yn cyrraedd adref ar ddiwedd y dydd. Yng nghanol yr anwybod a chyfnod digynsail ac ofnus, dyrchafedig yw’r ymdeimlad o gymuned ymysg menywod Caerdydd sy’n dod at ei gilydd i ofalu am unigolion ar y strydoedd yn nhywyllwch y nos. Dyma rywbeth rwyf wedi profi yn uniongyrchol wrth gerdded ar ben fy hun wrth iddo dywyllu, ffodus oeddwn yn teimlo pan wnaeth ddwy ferch nad oeddwn i yn eu hadnabod ymestyn eu pryderon a chynnig i gerdded gyda fi at ben fy nhaith. Yr oeddwn i ar ochr arall y geiniog wrth ddychwelyd adref hefo un o fy ffrindiau ar ddiwedd noson allan. Dyma ni yn cyfnewid rhifau ffôn â myfyriwr yn ei

flwyddyn gyntaf, er mwyn sicrhau y byddai yn cyrraedd yn ôl yn ddiogel heb unrhyw broblemau. Heb amheuaeth, mae’r cynlluniau hyn yn bwysig er mwyn hysbysebu a sicrhau diogelwch ar strydoedd Caerdydd. Maen rhaid taclo’r broblem wrth ei wraidd, er mwyn osgoi unrhyw ferch rhag dioddef yr hyn a wnaeth Sarah Everard ar noson a newidiodd y drafodaeth yn genedlaethol, ynghyd â miliynau o fenywod eraill ar hyd y wlad. Cofiwch os ydych mewn sefyllfa lle nad ydych yn teimlo’n ddiogel i gysylltu hefo rhywun – yr heddlu, tîm diogelwch y brifysgol, ffrindiau neu deulu. Ceisiwch i ddarganfod lloches ddiogel o fewn y ddinas ac edrychwch allan am eich gilydd.

Drysau Canolfan Bywyd y Myfyrwyr yn agor Nansi Eccott

Golygydd Taf-od


n ddiweddar gwelwyd Canolfan Bywyd y Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn agor ei drysau am y tro cyntaf. Mae campws Prifysgol Caerdydd ar hyn o bryd yn profi gwaith uwchraddio a buddsoddiad sydd wedi’u disgrifio fel y mwyaf ers cenhedlaeth. Mae’r datblygiadau yn golygu buddsoddiad o £600 miliwn i drawsnewid y campws a dyfodol y brifysgol. Caiff £300 miliwn ei gwario i greu Campws Arloesedd a £260 miliwn ar addysgu, dysgu a phrofiad y myfyrwyr. Buddsoddwyd y £40 miliwn arall mewn ‘mentrau i Fe fydd y ganolfan yn gartref newydd i holl adnoddau a gwasanaethau cyfnogi myfyrwyr ”

sbarduno twf yn yr economi a’r sector diwydiannol.’ Adeiladu’r ganolfan: Mae Canolfan Bywyd y Myfyrwyr, sydd gwerth £50 miliwn, yn ganolbwynt i’r datblygiadau arloesol ar gampws y brifysgol. Mae’r adeilad wedi’i leoli yng nghalon y ddinas gyferbyn â phrif adeiladau’r brifysgol ar Park Place. Dechreuodd gwaith ar y ganolfan, sydd wedi’i ddylunio gan y practis pensaernïol Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, yn gynnar yn 2018 ac mae disgwyl i’r gwaith amgylchfyd cyhoeddus gael ei gwblhau erbyn Ionawr 2022. Adeiladwyd i fod mor gynaliadwy â phosib gyda’r bwriad o gyflenwi ynni effeithlon, lleihau ar y defnydd o’r ynni yma a lleihau ôl troed carbon yr adeilad lle bu modd. Mae’r prosiect, sydd ar y cyd gydag Undeb y Myfyrwyr, yn ffocysu ar wasanaethau i fyfyrwyr ac wedi’i ddisgrifio megis drws blaen i’r Undeb a gweddill campws Cathays. Y cyfleusterau sydd ar gael: Mae’r ganolfan ar agor o Ddydd

Llun i Ddydd Gwener rhwng 8:00 ac 20:00 ac yn cynnig lleoliadau astudio cymdeithasol di-ri yn ogystal â mannau astudio tawel ac ystafelloedd ymgynghori. Cewch hefyd o hyd i ddarlithfa gyda lle i 550 o fyfyrwyr yn yr adeilad. Fe fydd y ganolfan yn gartref newydd i holl adnoddau a gwasanaethau cefnogi myfyrwyr. Mae’r brifysgol wedi ymrwymo i fuddsoddi amser ac arian i wella’r cymorth a chyfleusterau sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr gan gynnwys ffocysu ar iechyd meddwl a lles. Fe fydd y cyfleusterau yma ar gael arlein 24 awr y dydd fel rhan o’r trawsnewidiad yma. Yn ôl eu gwefan mae Prifysgol Caerdydd am wella’r cyfleusterau yma er mwyn “sicrhau bod ein myfyrwyr yn teimlo’r gefnogaeth i lwyddo drwy gydol eu taith myfyriwr, o ymgeisydd â diddordeb i gynfyfyriwr balch Prifysgol Caerdydd.” Mi fydd cymorth priodol ar gael i unrhyw fyfyriwr sydd angen cefnogaeth gydag astudio,

cyllid, iechyd a lles, byw yn y ddinas a pharatoi ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae’r adeilad arloesol yma yn crisialu ymrwymiad y brifysgol i les ei myfyrwyr a datblygiad addysg, economi a diwylliant y brifddinas.

Caiff £300 miliwn ei gwario i greu Campws Arloesol a £260 miliwn ar ddysgu”

Canolfan newydd sbon: Tarddiad: Jack Robert Stacey


Dyfodol ein Llyfrgelloedd

Gyda chynnydd yn y defnydd o dechnoleg; a yw’r llyfrau papur yn ysu am sylw? Nel Richards

Pennaeth Taf-od


oes dim byd gwell na llyfr da! Oes ‘na? Neu beth am y ddihareb “Lleufer dyn yw llyfr da”. Pryd ddarllenoch lyfr (ar wahân i lyfr cwrs) ddiwethaf? Ac er bod cymaint ag erioed o lyfrau’n cael eu cyhoeddi, yn enwedig yn Gymraeg, yn ôl arts.gov lleihau mae’r darllenwyr. Mae’r Kindle a’r iPad mor boblogaidd erbyn hyn a chymaint o wybodaeth ar gael wrth wasgu Mae’r Kindle a’r iPad mor boblogaidd erbyn hyn a chymaint o wybodaeth ar gael wrth wasgu ‘’Google search’’ neu alw ar Alexa wrth orwedd yn y gwely neu’r soffa.”

‘’Google search’’ neu alw ar Alexa wrth orwedd yn y gwely neu’r soffa. Does dim eisiau trafferthu cerdded y filltir yna i ymchwilio ryw lyfr yn y gwynt a’r glaw. Y paradocs yw bod darparu mwy a mwy o ddeunyddiau ar-lein yn galluogi pobl ymhob man i ddefnyddio’r gwasanaethau yn rhwydd, heb orfod croesi trothwy’r llyfrgell ei hun. Oherwydd pwysau ariannol, mae Cynghorau yn chwilio am ffyrdd i dorri ar gostau ac mae darogan bydd parciau chwarae a llyfrgelloedd ar frig y rhestr. “Diogelu gwasanaethau hanfodol’’ yw cri’r awdurdodau ac nid yw llyfrgell, erbyn hyn, yn ‘’wasanaeth hanfodol’’. Mae gan gynghorau ddyletswydd statudol i ddarparu gwasanaeth llyfrgell gynhwysfawr ac effeithiol ac er eu bod dan straen ariannol, yn dilyn yr argyfwng presennol, mae llawer, yn enwedig pobl ddifreintiedig, heb adnoddau ariannol yn dibynnu ar ly-

frgelloedd sy’n agos i’w cartrefi. Yn ol y Senedd, mae degau ar ddegau o lyfrgelloedd dros Gymru wedi cau a nifer mewn perygl. Trosglwyddir rhai i ofal gwirfoddolwyr lleol, er hyn mae angen cefnogaeth ariannol arnynt. Dros y blynyddoedd mae llyfrgelloedd wedi newid gyda’r oes ac yn darparu mynediad rhyngrwyd, cyfleusterau wi-fi, cyfle i ddarllen papurau newydd a chylchgronau (yn rhad ac am ddim), ystafelloedd cyfarfod a lluniaeth ysgafn. Mae ‘’Llyfrau Llafar’’ ar gael hefyd, yn ogystal â recordiau sain. Serch hynny mae’r pwysau arnynt o hyd. Mae Sali Wheway, sydd yn treulio llawer o’i hamser prifysgol yn y llyfrgell yn dweud; “Un o nodweddion unrhyw gymdeithas iach yw ei gallu i sicrhau bod ei thrigolion, o bob oed a chefndir, yn medru darllen ac ehangu eu gwybodaeth. Nid yw anwybodaeth o werth i neb.” Sut mae

denu pobl drwy ddrysau llyfrgelloedd bach? Mae gan bobl Caerdydd, yn enwedig myfyrwyr, hoffter arbennig o gaffis, felly beth am ddilyn arweiniad llyfrgelloedd eraill a rhoi lle i ddarllenwyr sipian eu coffi wrth bori drwy dudalennau llyfr da? Ym mis Chwefror eleni derbyniodd Llyfrgell Rhiwbeina fuddsoddiad gan Gyngor Caerdydd fel rhan o’i ymrwymiad i ganolfannau pwysig y ddinas. Golygodd hyn adnoddau gwell i’r brif fynedfa, delwedd addas i rai sy’n dioddef o ddementia, silffoedd newydd, cadeiriau addas ac esmwyth, ystafelloedd cyfarfod ychwanegol, toiledau newydd, cyfleusterau technoleg gwybodaeth well a gardd newydd. Bydd yn ddiddorol wybod os cafwyd mwy o aelodau a rhai’n mynychu’r Llyfrgell? Beth am gefnogi un o’n sefydliadau pwysicaf a’u diogelu : ymaelodwch â llyfrgell?

Pryd o Daf-od Matthaus Bridge : Swn y Stryd Matthaus Bridge Cyfrannydd


r ôl blwyddyn o ymyriadau, mae Stryd Womanby o’r diwedd yn ail-agor ei ddrws ar gyfer gŵyl Sŵn. Yn ddiweddar roeddwn i yn lwcus iawn i ymuno ar dîm gwirfoddoli Sŵn fel cyswllt-artist. Ein swydd oedd i groesawu artistiaid, helpu gyda’r cynhyrchiad, a sicrhau bod yr artistiaid yn cyrraedd ei slotiau cywir. Fel rhywun sy’n caru cerddoriaeth, roeddwn i yn ddiolchgar iawn o gael y cyfle yma, ac fe wnes i weld fy hunain ym mwrlwm yr ŵyl. Yn sicr, fe wnes i sylweddoli faint o waeth caled a brwdfrydedd sy’n mynd mewn i’r Yn ddiweddar roeddwn i yn lwcus iawn i ymuno ar dîm gwirfoddoli Sŵn fel cyswllt-artist.”

penwythnos yma - ynghyd a’r holl gigs arall sy’n cael eu trefnu dros y flwyddyn. Mae hefyd rhaid i mi ganmol pawb sy’ wedi trefnu, cymryd rhan a gwirfoddoli dros benwythnos yr ŵyl. Mae rhaid i mi gyfaddef, roedd e’n arbennig i weld drysau Clwb Ifor Bach, The Moon, Fuel a Tiny Rebel ar agor eto. Am y tro cyntaf ers amser roedd yna awyrgylch cynnes o gwmpas Stryd Womanby. Fe welais i lawer o bobl yn cofleidio gyda’i gilydd, dawnsio gyda’i gilydd, ac yn wir llenwi’r awyrgylch gyda hapusrwydd. Y peth gorau am Sŵn ydy’r faith mae’r ŵyl yn rhoi cyfleoedd i fandiau lleol a hefyd bandiau sy’n parhau i dyfu. Gwnaeth Lynks a Sinead O’Brien gloi’r noson yn hwyr nos Wener. Roedd cynulldeifa Ddydd Sadwrn yn gweld ‘suprise set’ Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard yn llenwi llawr gwaelod Clwb Ifor Bach. A set arbennig gan drio Deep Tan wedi cloi nos Sul. Yn ol hyrwyddwr Cerddoriaeth

Cymraeg, Elan Evans, roedd yr wyl yn llwyddiant unwaith eto, “ni’n caru bo’ ni’n cael rhoi’r ŵyl yma ‘mlaen bob blwyddyn. Mae’n gyfle i bawb sy’n caru cerddoriaeth ddod at eu gilydd i ddarganfod artistiaid newydd, i droedio mewn i gigfan falle bo’ nhw erioed wedi bod ynddo o’r blaen a jyst cael y cyfle i fwynhau awyrgylch yr ŵyl yma. Mae’n braf gallu rhoi llwyfan i gymaint o artistiaid newydd y sîn a gwylio nhw’n datblygu i fod yn headliners y dyfodol.” Ar ddydd Sadwrn roeddwn i yn gweithio yn Fuel, sef clwb sy’ wirioneddol yn gweld bandiau ‘hard rock’ a ‘heavy metal’ yn chwarae, ond yn yr achos yma wnaeth Fuel croesawu amrywiaeth o fandiau Cymraeg arbennig fel Pys Melyn, Papur Wal ac Adwaith. Yn bersonol, roedd e’n arbennig gweld cynulleidfa enfawr ar gyfer y bandiau yma. Yn sicr, roeddent yn pwysleisio pa mor bwysig mae’r bandiau yma i’r iaith a chymuned Cymraeg, a dim ond gyda gw-

3. Beth yw dy hoff albwm? Mamma Mia 1 the soundtrack. 4. Oes hoff ddiod feddwol gyda ti? Vodka lemonade. 5. Pwy yw dy arwr? ‘Britt’ o Bobol y Cwm. 6. Beth yw dy hoff brofiad? Gwylio Caryl Parry Jones yn Tafwyl 2019 - anhygoel. 7. Prosecco neu champagne? Champagne.

8. Beth sy’n cadw ti’n effro gyda’r nos? Pobol swnllyd Senghennydd. 9. Disgrifia dy hun mewn 3 gair. Fully trained Barista. 10. Pam dewis Caerdydd? Ro’n i’n bendant ishe profi’r Brifysgol trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg felly pa le gwell i fyw a chymdeithasu na’r brifddinas? (Ac fe roedd y cyfle i aros yn Senghennydd yn rhy apelgar i wrthod).

Barn y Bobl: Lleihau diwrnodau’r wythnos o 5 i Sion Davies Cyfrannydd

Blwyddyn gyntaf Cwrs: Meddygaeth wy’n credu fydd y wlad yn un hapusach os fyddai pobl yn gweithio llai o ddiwrnodau gweithio yn ystod yr wythnos. Wrth gael mwy o amser i dreulio gyda’r teulu, ac i wneud beth mae pawb yn mwynhau, bydd pobl efallai yn fwy gweithgar yn yr hir dymor. Wrth i lai o bobl deithio yn ol ac ymlaen i’r gwaith - bydd llai yn defnyddio’u ceir, a dyma un peth bydd yn buddio’r amgylchedd. Er hyn, os byddai rhieni yn gorfod edrych ar ol y plant am fwy o ddiwrnodau, bydd rhai ddim yn gallu dibynnu ar gymorth megis prydau bwyd am ddim, a bydd rhaid gwario mwy o arian ar y dydd ychwanegol yma i’r penwythnos.


Lois Campbell Cyfrannydd

Tan flwyddyn nesaf rwy’n annog pawb i barhau i gefnogi eich artistiaid lleol ac wrth gwrs dod ac ymweld â Womanby Street.” yliau fel Sŵn ydyn ni yn gallu gweld parhau mewn hyn. Mae Sŵn hefyd yn brofiad gwych i gwrdd â phobl newydd a hefyd cefnogi busnesau a chlybiau lleol. Wrth groesi’r stryd yn ol ac ymlaen o Clwb Ifor Bach i’r Moon mae’n anodd peidio cael sgwrs gyda rhywun tu allan cyn mynd ymlaen i weld y band nesaf. Mae hefyd yn wych gweld yr artistiaid yn integreiddio gyda’r cyhoedd. Doedd yna ddim unrhyw hierarchaeth, roedd pawb gyda’i gilydd mewn un cymuned glos i fwynhau a dathlu ei’n hangerdd am gerddoriaeth byw. Tan flwyddyn nesaf rwy’n annog pawb i barhau i gefnogi eich artistiaid lleol ac wrth gwrs dod ac ymweld â Womanby Street.

Yr ail flwyddyn Cwrs: Cymraeg a Newyddiaduraeth: ae’r safle gwaith yn medru bod yn le straenus ble gall nifer deimlo o dan bwysau, felly byddai cael diwrnod ychwanegol adre yn treulio amser gyda theulu a ffrindiau a mwynhau gwneud gweithgareddau hamdden yn fuddiol i’r lles meddyliol. Gyda thorri’r wythnos gwaith i 4 diwrnod mae’n haws cael cytbwysedd rhwng bywyd gwaith a bywyd personol. Yn y pendraw, mae’n bosib bydd hyn yn cynyddu ethos gwaith unigolion o ganlyniad i gael mwy o drefn ar eu bywydau personol. Ond er hyn, byddai colli diwrnod o gyflog yr wythnos yn ergyd mawr i rai, yn enwedig i’r rheiny sydd ar gyflog lleiafswm. Dwi’n meddwl mai’r opsiwn orau fyddai treialu wythnos gwaith o 4 diwrnod er mwyn i’r unigolyn benderfynu os yw’r ffordd newydd yn fuddiol iddyn nhw neu beidio.


Elen Hall

Trafod gyda’r Taf-od Anest Williams 1. ​​P wy wyt ti a beth wyt ti’n astudio? Anest Williams – yn y flwyddyn gyntaf yn astudio’r Gymraeg a Ffrangeg. 2. Beth yw’r digwyddiad sy’n codi’r mwyaf o embaras arnat? Siarad gyda rhywun o’r pentref oedd yn meddwl mai fy chwaer oeddwn i a gorfod esgus mai fi oedd hi gan ‘mod i rhy lletchwith i ‘weud fel arall.



11. Beth fyddet ti’n gwneud yn ystod dy noson ddelfrydol? Archebu bwyd o Deliveroo, prinks yn F6 wedyn draw i Clwb!! 12. Celebrity crush? Huw Chiswell! 13. Hoff glwb nos? Clwb Ifor Bach. 14. Pwy fydd yn trafod gyda’r tafod wythnos nesa’? Megan Davies.

Trydydd flwyddyn Cwrs: Cymraeg a Newyddiaduraeth ydde 4 diwrnod o waith yr wythnos lot gwell yn fy marn i, dyw dau ddiwrnod yr wythnos i ffwrdd ddim cweit yn ddigon, yn enwedig ar gyfer y bobl hynny sy’n gweithio oriau dirifedi yn ei gwaith. Bydde diwrnod ychwanegol i’r penwythnos yn gyfle i allu ymlacio a gorffwys bach mwy ac wedyn erbyn fyddai dydd Llun yn cyrraedd fydd pobl lot fwy parod ar gyfer yr wythnos o waith sydd o’i blaenau.


Bydde diwrnod ychwanegol i’r penwythnos yn gyfle i allu ymlacio a gorffwys bach mwy.”



POLITICS Labour MP found guilty of harrassment Haris Hussnain Contributor

T Tom Kingsbury

Ella Lloyd

Luthien Evans

he former Labour MP for Leicester East, Claudia Webbe, has been suspended by the Labour Party after being found guilty of harassment. Webbe allegedly harassed her boyfriend’s female friend, 59 year old Michele Merritt, threatening to throw acid on Merritt as well as send explicit images to her family. Webbe has reportedly been making threats to Merritt since 2018. Westminster Magistrates court heard testimony that the threats have been made during phone calls, where Merritt has been referred to as a “slag” by Webbe. Webbe has also told Merritt approximately 11 times on these calls to “get out of my relationship”. The MP has denied harassing Merritt, claiming she only made “courtesy calls” to prevent Merritt from breaching COVID-19 restrictions during her interaction with Lester Thomas, her partner. At the time of the allegations Webbe and Thomas were living together. He went to court with her, holding her hand during the hearing. During the two day trial, charac-

Taiwo Owatemi, shadow minister for women and equalities

Now on unconditional bail, Webbe sits in the House of Commons as an independent MP, unaffiliated with the Labour Party.

onservative MP James Gray has been let off with a warning from the Conservative party after mixing up Sajid Javid and Nadhim Zahawi and allegedly claiming “they all look the same to me”. Gray reportedly made the remark at an event for St Johns ambulance where both ministers were guests. St John’s ambulance took quick action over the comments, asking the MP to step back from his role as a parliamentary advocate for the ambulance service. In contrast to the strong and swift action from St John’s ambulance, the Conservative Party’s response has been criticised as much weaker. The Independent has reported that Gray has been reminded by Tory Chief

after the incident, and said he is “very close friends” with both ministers. Speaking to the Mail Online, Gray said that he had apologised to them saying: “The notion that this is some sort of racist remark is ridiculous. They are two very good friends of mine. I said, ‘I am sorry to confuse the two of you. You two look very alike.’ I said, ‘I am sorry if I got you two mixed up.’” This is not the first time that Gray has made a controversial statement. Last month he was forced to apologise for a leaked WhatsApp message suggesting a bomb should be planted in a senior Labour MP’s office. Questions have been raised among MPs around the timing of the remark. Messages were sent during the Conservative Party conference in Brighton, where in 1984 at another Conservative Party conference the Provisional IRA bombed a hotel in

an attempt to assassinate Margaret Thatcher, killing five people. Despite calls for the contrary, for now, it seems, Gray will face no further repercussions for his comments.

in its creation and roll out, has been widely celebrated and the report reiterated this, calling it one of the most effective initiatives in UK history. One of the failures the report outlines was that the government became entrapped in a system of ‘group think’, a phenomenon which occurs when a group of individuals reach a consensus without critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives. One example of this is that the government became resigned to pursuing herd immunity and failed to consider an earlier lockdown, greater control of borders or prioritising trackand-trace. However, this explanation has been accused of giving the government too much leeway and critics have pointed out that both internationally and domestically there was significant pres-

sure on the government to act. Advice from both China and Italy gave warnings that COVID-19 was incredibly infectious, dangerous and that it had no cure, and as the UK was a few weeks behind Italy on the curve, many have argued that the government did have an idea of the scale of the issue and still failed to act. The public were also aware of the severity of the situation and were beginning to take measures into their own hands to try and keep themselves safe, including staying home from work or keeping their children home from school if they could. As with many tragedies there were particular groups within society who suffered disproportionately to others. The report revealed that the decision to discharge elderly patients back to care homes without a negative test or even a

period of isolation demonstrated a lack of care for elderly people and the care home workers who support them. Arguably more shocking was the revelation that in some cases inappropriate ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders were given for people with learning difficulties and autism, leading some accusations of ableism to be levelled at the government. Finally, the report highlighted ‘unacceptably high’ death rates in ethnic minority groups. It has been argued that this demonstrates a fundamental lack of care about vulnerable members of society, encouraging the process of ‘othering’ and the view that some people’s lives have more worth than others. Whilst the report has done significant work to bring issues of the pandemic to light there were still key omissions, for example, the government has

been widely criticised for failing to prioritise the school system, an issue not covered by the report. Similarly, long COVID and the potential effect it will have was also absent from the report. The pandemic has to date caused around 150,000 deaths in the UK, many of those fatalities are said to have been avoidable and yet ministers have repeatedly said that it is too early to allocate blame. For these reasons the report is no substitute for a full public inquiry, something that the government has promised. The lesson for the next pandemic must include the government being more thoroughly challenged on its ideas to discourage ‘group think’, a focus on protecting the vulnerable within our society and an ability to look outward from the UK and to listen to and learn from those around us.

C Enough is enough. These reported remarks from James Gray are shameful and completely unacceptable.”

said he believed that Webbe threatened Merritt because she was “jealous” of Merritt’s friendly relationship with Thomas.

Whip Mark Spencer of the standards expected of him as an MP – but no further action has been taken. A conservative spokesperson said of the remarks: “These comments were misjudged. We do not tolerate racism or discrimination of any kind.” The Labour Party has responded saying that the Conservative Party should have taken firmer, swifter action. Taiwo Owatemi, Labour’s shadow minister for women and equalities, said: “Enough is enough. These reported remarks from James Gray are shameful and completely unacceptable.” She also said that Boris Johnson needed to change his habits when it comes to discipline in the party. An eyewitness at the event told the Mail Online that Zahawi immediately had a private conversation with Gray following his speech. However, Gray denied he was spoken to by Zahawi



Suspended: The Labour Party has suspended Webbe, who now sits as an independent MP for Leicester East, although she may face jail time after being convicted. Source: David Woolfall (via. Wikimedia Commons)

Conservative MP let off with warning despite making ‘shameful’ comments Katherine Seymour

Manal Ahmed

ter references from Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Dianne Abbot were read out by Paul Hynes GQ defending. Abbot described Webbe as “committed” and stated that she finds her to be “a very honest woman”. The former Labour Party leader Corbyn described her as “a person of good character who makes a positive contribution to our world”. Despite the character references, Chief Magistrate Paul Goldspring has found Webbe guilty of harassment. He said he did not find her evidence to be “truthful”, and said that “some of the things she said I believe were made up on the spur of the moment”. Goldspring found Webbe to be “vague, incoherent and at times illogical”. The sentencing of Webbe has been adjourned to November 4, though Webbe has been told that she could face prison charges. Webbe’s lawyers have said that she will appeal against the conviction. Webbe says she is “deeply shocked” by the court proceedings and claims she is “innocent”. She also claims that she was a victim of domestic abuse and coercive control. Merit has been a long term friend of Thomas and they had previously dated. Chief Magistrate Goldspring

Unpunished: Gray has faced no repercussions beyond a warning for his comments. Source: Chris McAndrew (via. Wikimedia Commons)

Report asseses the lessons to learn from COVID-19 Holly Mulholland Contributor


n September 21 the Parliamentary Health and Social Care Committee and Science and Technology Committee released a 150-page document detailing a review of the government response to the coronavirus pandemic in England, entitled ‘Coronavirus: Lessons Learned to Date’. The review revealed significant mistakes the government made in their handling of the pandemic, leading the response to be called ‘one of the most important public health failures the UK has ever experienced’. Despite few major successes the report was not wholly negative. The vaccine response within the UK, both



Kim Jong-Un faces lawsuit over resettlement scheme Ella Lloyd

Politics Editor


he North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un may have to pay damages to those who were a part of a ‘resettlement’ scheme from 1959 to 1984. The scheme saw more than 90,000 ethnic Koreans, many of whom were forcibly displaced to Japan during it’s colonial rule of Korea, return to their country of origin. These returnees made up for a labour shortage after North Korea lost many working age citizens in the Korean War. The programme advertised North Korea as a ‘paradise on earth’, with free education and vast opportunities. The reality however was a lack of human rights and forced labour, with no free will to leave. Many Japanese spouses also migrated to North Korea under the scheme, which has been described as ‘state kidnapping’. Five people who returned under

the scheme and have since escaped North Korea are now sueing the state for 100m Yen (£640,000) each in damages. One plaintiff, Lee Tae-kyung, who travelled to North Korea as a child, told the New York Times: “We were told we were going to a ‘paradise on Earth’. Instead, we were taken to a hell and denied a most basic human right: the freedom to leave.” The case is primarily symbolic; neither the plaintiffs nor their lawyer expect North Korea to accept the decision or pay any compensation. However, the case will highlight the ordeal of those who returned to North Korea under the scheme. It may also open up communication between North Korea and Japan, who currently have no formal diplomatic relations, if the court rules in the plaintiff ’s favour. Their lawyer, Kenji Fukuda said “we hope that the Japanese government will be able to negotiate with North Korea”. The five plaintiffs include 4 Koreans and the Japanese wife of a Korean

man, all of whom returned to Japan after escaping North Korea. They accuse North Korea of ‘false advertising’ of an idyllic homeland, whilst many Koreans faced discrimination in Japan after having their citizenship stripped after the Second World War. The Japanese Government supported the scheme as they regarded Koreans as outsiders in Japanese society. The Japanese government is not a part of the current lawsuit. The plaintiffs also complain of family members separated from them still in North Korea. “I don’t know what happened to my family. Maybe the coronavirus has hit them, maybe some of them have died of hunger,” said Eiko Kawasaki, one of the plaintiffs. The Japanese director of Human Rights Watch has said that the Japanese Prime Minister should “demand that Kim Jong-Un allow those remaining in North Korea to return to Japan”. The Court’s final decision is expected in March 2022.

Facing a lawsuit: Kim Jong-Un is being sued over a resettlement scheme that enticed displaced Koreans in Japan to come to North Korea. The lawsuit is unlikely to achieve any concrete outcomes, but serves as a symbolic means of holding North Korea to account. Source: The Presidential Press and Information Office (via. Wikimedia Commons)

Twelve people indicted in Noor Mukadam murder case Manal Ahmed Politics Editor

Warning: this article discusses graphic violence and more.


district and sessions court in Islamabad indicted 12 people on Thursday October 12 for their involvement in the murder of the 27-year-old daughter of a former diplomat, Noor Mukadam. Mukadam was killed in what is believed to be a premeditated murder earlier this year. The chief suspect is Zahir Jaffer, whose role in the murder was revealed through DNA evidence and a confession from Jaffer. The sessions court charged Jaffer, his parents, three members of household staff and six employees of Therapy Works – a counselling and rehabilitation centre where Jaffer was employed at the time of Noor’s murder. All those indicted plead not guilty. On October 18, the Supreme Court of Pakistan granted bail to Jaffer’s mother, Asmat Adamjee, while the

plea of her husband, Zakir Jaffer, was rejected. The two had filed separate petitions for bail after the Islamabad High Court had rejected them last month. At the end of August, Additional Sessions Judge Ata Rabbani granted the employees of Therapy Works one of whom is CEO Dr. Tahir Zahoor - bail. This allowed them to make an appearance in court for their charges in a more personal manner than the remaining 6 indicted, who were brought in from Central Jail Rawalpindi, otherwise known as Adyala jail. Noor Mukadam was killed after being held captive for two days, during which she was tortured and raped by her alleged murderer, Zahir Jaffer, on July 20. The son of the director of one of the oldest and largest trading and management firms in the country, Jaffer lived a lavish and privileged life, with access to nothing but the best to support him in his future. However, from a young age he displayed violent tendencies and was briefly interred in a psychiatric facility to help regulate his mood. He had a

significant drug and alcohol dependency and was allegedly deported from the UK because of his involvement in a sexual harassment case. The two met a few years ago and their families were known to each other. Noor’s father, Shaukat Ali Mukadam registered a First Information Report (FIR) against Jaffer under Section 302 of the Pakistan Penal Code. In the FIR, Shaukat stated that on 19 July he had travelled to a nearby city, to purchase a goat for Eid al-Adha while his wife had left the house to run errands. The two arrived home later that day and found Noor missing. Shaukat and his wife attempted to contact her throughout the night and into the early hours of the following morning but there was no response. The police believed her phone to be confiscated by Jaffer at this point. At 10:43 am on July 20, Mukadam responded to her mother’s messages with a voice message, her final message before she was killed. That night, she jumped from a balcony and headed towards the main gate but she was allegedly stopped by a household

guard and brought back inside by the accused. The police believed it to be around this time that she was tortured, shot and then beheaded. Her body was found at his residence, in the affluent Sector F-7/4 of Islamabad. The Therapy Works employees were called to the house in the immediate hours after her death, rather than the police, by Jaffer’s father. Police found the accused tied and a member of the Therapy Works team injured. The household staff indicted are believed to have played a complicit role which prevented her from escaping. The killing of Noor Mukadam has been at the epicentre of media and public attention in Pakistan, during a year which has seen numerous cases of sexual harassment and femicide the killing of women because of their gender - in the country. The attention brought to the case was partly due to her influential background, but largely due to the frustration many felt at the ongoing, systemic violence against women, expressed through the Twitter hashtag #JusticeForNoor.

During the hearing, Jaffer stated that Mukadam wanted to “sacrifice” her life and “presented herself for the sacrifice”, but ultimately asked for forgiveness from her father. Many members of the public noticed that by referring to her murder as a “sacrifice”, Zahir was attempting to cajole the Pakistani public into viewing the horrific incident as a case of qurbani (the act of sacrificing an animal, typically a goat, during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah) rather than honor killing. Jaffer confirmed this was a premeditated attack by contacting his parents and informing them that he would kill Noor if she refused his marriage proposal. Honor killing is the act of killing an individual on the basis that they have acted in an ‘unacceptable’ manner in public, frequently occuring when the perpetrator is a male family member of the victim. While this is illegal it remains commonplace in the country and human rights organisations have pushed the government to prosecute more cases of this and other acts of gender-based violence.

Seven deaths after Beirut protests turn violent Luthien Evans Politics Editor


ast week, seven people were killed and dozens injured at a protest in Lebanon when gunfire broke out. Funerals have now been held in the capital. Protestors stated that they had been “fired on by gunmen on rooftops”. Locals fled their homes as rifles and grenade launchers were disturbing the streets of Beirut. It has been reported that one woman was killed while inside her home due to a stray bullet. Schools were reported to have gone through a safety procedure where children were told to ‘lie face down on the ground with their hands on their heads’. Shia Muslim groups Hezbollah and Amal came together to protest against the judge who is investigating the blast at Beirut’s port last year. The judge has yet to hold anyone

accountable for the blast that killed 219 people and destroyed many sections of the city. This has brought dissatisfaction from groups at the slow speed of judicial response. The groups claim the current judge investigating the blast is biased and is too slow with bringing accountability and justice for the victims. Shia politicians have supported the claims of bias, and argue that the blast investigation has become politicised, ultimately demanding the removal of Judge Tarek Bitar. The gunfire was supposedly from two opposing groups, that of the Shia and Christian militias, and went on for several hours. Arrests have been made on both sides. A political debate has arisen over the events. The families of the blast victims have stated that this dialogue of the MPs is an attempt to ‘evade justice’. Early in the day of

the protest, two former government ministers and Amal MPs had a legal complaint dismissed by the courts. The two in question had been sought for questioning by Judge Bitar for suspicion of negligence with the case, though they have accused Judge Bitar of bias. Many condemned this legal complaint as for the second time in three weeks, the inquiry was suspended. This was furthered when the victims’ families accused the political leadership of ‘trying to shield itself from scrutiny’. Previous demonstrations following the blast blamed the explosion on government corruption and negligence regarding the manner in which the ammonium nitrate was stored. It is uncertain what the outcome will be and if the current judge will stand down following the protests and deaths of seven people.

A tought time for Beirut: Lebanon’s capital is still processing the aftermath of the explosion that rocked the city in August 2020. The latest trouble has come in the form of shooting breaking out between opposition groups during protests. Source: World Bank (via. Flickr)



New York Rabbi helps evacuate Afghans IN OTHER fleeing Taliban through his organisation


Tom Kingsbury Head of Politics

I The BBC has profiled Manjula Pradeep, an activist who has spent decades fighting for Dalit women’s rights and providing support to women by giving them the legal training needed to fight cases of sexual violence in India’s legal system.

The UK Brexit Minister David Frost has proposed plans for a new Northern Ireland Protocol, as well as threatening to trigger Article 16 if changes to the protocol are not made. The Protocol is a part of the Brexit deal designed to prevent a hard border on the island of Ireland, though Unionists believe it undermines Northern Ireland’s British status. The EU is expected to offer to scrap up to 50% of post-Brexit customs checks on goods entering Northern Ireland, as well as over half of checks on meat and plants.

n the midst of Afghans fleeing the country after the August 15 Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, Rabbi Moshe Margaretten of New York began to help people escape. Margaretten is the founder of the Tzedek (Hebrew for ‘Justice’) Association, a humanitarian organisation that says it has “been privileged to play a key role in rescuing many people from Kabul, Afghanistan since August 2021 - especially women and children.” It started when Zablon Simintov, a carpet trader known as the last Jew in Afghanistan, contacted Margaretten asking for help leaving the country. Along with a number of others, Margaretten was able to help Simintov escape, and from there he began to

Francesca Ionescu Contributor

A larger version of this statue will replace that of Colombus. Source: Gobierno de la Ciudad de México (via. Wikimedia Commons)

George Gourlay



Reunited: The Tzedek Association was able to reunite a mother with her four children, helping them out of Afghanistan. Credit: Tzedek Association


ollowing indigenous rights activists’ threats to tear a statue of Christopher Columbus down, Mexico City’s local authorities have removed the statue themselves. Protesters had already splattered the statue with paint, and the authorities did not have a clear plan for what was to replace Columbus. Now, a year after the statue was taken down, the governor has confirmed the replacement: a replica of the pre-Columbian statue ‘Young Woman of Amajac’. The announcement was appropriately made on the anniversary of Columbus’ supposed discovery of the Americas, October 12. The day is known as Columbus Day in the US, despite recent criticism of the popular holiday. In some Latin American countries, including Mexico, it is known as a Día de la Raza, or ‘Day of the Race’. The day is not a celebration of discovery, but rather a memorial for the indig-

enous resistance against conquest. Christopher Columbus was supported by the Spanish Crown in his explorations, especially one in 1492 where he explored the Atlantic Ocean and ended up reaching the Bahamas. He believed he reached India, which led to the wrong denomination of indigenous populations as ‘Indians’. Columbus opened the Americas to European colonisation, and this is estimated to have led to the genocide of eight million indigenous people. Many deaths were caused by the spread of diseases that had not reached the continent before, as well as wars against native groups, and notably starvation through eliminating food sources. Mexico suffered the loss of native languages, with efforts ongoing to preserve some of the remaining ones. Approximately seven million people still speak one of these languages, such as Nahuatl, Yucatec,

Mixtec or Zapotec. However, this makes up approximately 5% of the population, highlighting the cultural extermination caused by colonization. The ‘Young Woman of Amajac’ was only discovered in January this year, and according to Claudia Sheinbaum it is part of the ‘decolonisation’ of the Reforma Avenue where the old statue stood. The new statue will be three times bigger and will be a replica of the original from Mexico City’s Anthropology Museum. The sculpture is believed to represent a leading member of the Huastec people, which lived Pre-Columbian in the La Huasteca region, along the Gulf of Mexico. The Huastec people still live in the region, making up approximately 66,000 Huastec speakers. The original statue of Columbus will remain in the city, moved to a park in a different location.

US and Israel prepare for ‘Plan B’ if Iran refuses to re-enter 2015 nuclear deal Contributor

The US demanded an end to the 20day siege of the Al-Abedia district in Yemen by Houthi rebels after local authorities pleaded to international aid organisations for the rescue of over 35,000 civilians. The rebels have cut off humanitarian assistance to the district and prevented ill and elderly civilians from leaving to acquire medical aid. A US official stated, “there is no military solution to this conflict”, and urged for a ceasefire and dialogue between Saudi Arabia and the government of Yemen.

in an apartment trying to avoid the Taliban. Their mother had fled the country a few years prior after her husband had disappeared, and the children had been staying with relatives. “I thought about those four kids, all younger than 18, I thought ‘ who knows if they are still alive, I have to try and reach them’,” he told the BBC. He contacted members of Tzedek in the region and got them to help the children get to the airport. Within a few hours, they were being flown to Qatar, and then Albany, New York. The mother and her children have now been reunited. Through an interpreter at the Albany airport, she said: “We’re so happy, we’re like floating in the sky”. Margaretten and Tzedek are still working to help Afghans flee the country. Margaretten said he would continue his work “as long as it takes”.

Colombus statue replaced with one of indigenous woman in Mexico city

The Young Woman of Amajac: Celebrating the 76th anniversary of the creation of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Kim Jong Un has asked North Korean officials to provide a greater focus on the current ‘grim’ economic situation in the country due to COVID-19. Coinciding with his statements for economic reprieve, the World Health Organisation has stated that some of their COVID-19 medical supplies have finally made it to a North Korean port.

learn more about the situation in Afghanistan, and became motivated to help other people escape. Part of this motivation came from values he learned from his family - he told the New York Post: “My grandparents from all sides are Holocaust survivors. They all escaped the Nazis. We all went through the kind of pain these people are going through and we have to do whatever we can.” Margaretten began to fundraise in Brooklyn and Chicago from within the Jewish community to help more people escape. His efforts helped members of the Afghan national women’s football team escape, as well as an Afghan prosecutor and her family. One case that drew particular media attention was his role in reuniting four children with their mother. Margaretten had heard of four children in Kabul who were hiding

ntony Blinken and Yair Lapid, foreign secretaries of the US and Israel, gave a joint press conference to state that “time is running out” on Iran’s re-entry into the 2015 nuclear deal. The Biden administration is considering alternative options to deal with Iran’s nuclear programme after the country has refused to indicate whether it intends to re-join the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, originally proposed in 2015. The original deal, which enforced nuclear non-proliferation between Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and the EU, was jeopardised by the withdrawal of the United States under President Trump in 2017. Trump expressed a need for a more comprehensive deal to replace the JCPOA, however his

administration failed to introduce an alternative by the end of his presidency. Since then, the deal has deteriorated, with Iran refusing to abide by its original principles as a result of sanctions placed on them by the Trump administration. Under new leadership by President Ebrahim Raisi, Iranian officials have expressed an interest in only renegotiating with the European co-signers of the deal, leaving the US and their closest Middle Eastern ally, Israel, to consider alternative ways to exert their interests on Iran’s nuclear programme. In a press conference alongside his Israeli counterpart, Blinken made the case that the US’s position of diplomacy may be abandoned if the stalemate continues, stating: “…it takes two to engage in diplomacy, and we have not seen from Iran a willingness to do that at this point.” Yair Lapid of Israel elaborated on

Blinken’s statement by delivering an ultimatum: “If a terror regime is going to acquire a nuclear weapon, we must act.” The immediate threat Iran’s nuclear arsenal poses has been assessed by US officials who believe the country to have built up a stockpile of highly enriched uranium at 60%. Suspicions have also been raised over Iran’s restriction of UN inspections. The EU is keen to get Iran back to the negotiating table as its chief negotiator, Enrique Mora, expressed an urgency to bring back talks on a visit to Iran. China, one of the Security Council members attached to the original deal, has also reiterated its support for the revival of negotiations. Iran’s newly appointed Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, has confirmed that talks with the UN Security Council Members alongside Germany will resume within the coming weeks.

Ready for talks: Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has said nuclea talks are forthcoming. Source: khamenei.ir (via. Wikimedia Commons)



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COMMENT Streaming services versus live television Are online platforms making TV broadcasting an unnecessary media?

Vicky Witts

Head of Comment

N Vicky Witts

Catarina Pinto Vicente

Katherine Wheeler

Megan Evans

etflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+; the number of online streaming services available in 2021 seems to cover almost every genre and show that someone could possibly want. Netflix alone is estimated to boast over 500 TV shows and 2000 movies in the UK. These include the service’s original shows, as well as films that are uploaded to the platform immediately after their release date. With a huge range of media available on all of these online platforms, it seems that live television is often being forgotten, as more people are making the jump to on-demand viewing. In 2018, the BBC admitted that there were some concerns regarding the number of young people watching BBC TV, as it was discovered that 16–24-year-olds on average spent more time on Netflix in a week than all of BBC TV and iPlayer. There are still shows which have been huge successes within this demographic, such as ITV’s Love Island, which amassed 3.3 million viewers to its first episode earlier this year. However, with online platforms still being the dominant forces of entertainment for the 16-24-yearold demographic, there are obvious questions and concerns about why live TV is becoming less popular, and what this will mean for the future of broadcasting. In recent years, streaming services have seen huge figures for the number of users watching shows and

Streaming services have seen huge recent viewing figures.”


The battle for views: With thousands of new shows and movies being streamed and broadcast yearly, providers are having to compete for viewers and new members, both online and on live TV. Source: RoyBuri (via Pixabay) movies on their platforms. Notably, Netflix’s Squid Game broke records with 111 million households having watched at least part of the show, whilst earlier this year Black Widow earned $60 million on Disney+’s subscription service. With such massive figures, it is understandable to question what is making these online services so popular. Binge-watching is one major possibility. A problem with live television which was brought to light recently in the public’s responses to BBC One’s Strictly Come Dancing. The show, currently in its 19th season, has been criticised as results are frequently being leaked before the Sunday night results show. In

response, many viewers are calling for the second show to be scrapped entirely. These problems with spoilers and leaks may be one of the reasons why people are choosing to move over to binge-watching and online streaming services. These platforms typically release all episodes of a season of their shows at once, which means that viewers are able to avoid spoilers if they so choose to, by streaming immediately on the release-date of new shows. Bulk-uploading also means that there is no issue, unlike with live TV, of missing episodes, as there are no specific timings or requirements to online streaming. All the benefits of online stream-

ing over live television does create concerns about if traditional broadcast TV will become outdated in the future, and whilst this is understandable to some degree, live television does offer some things that cannot currently be provided elsewhere. Truly live shows with audience participation and voting have not yet appeared on the likes of Netflix and Prime, perhaps as this clashes with the sheer scale of the mass production of content on these sites. Despite criticism of shows such as Strictly Come Dancing, live voting and donations require live broadcasting, which only live TV offers. Until everyone can afford the considerable fees of online platforms, it seems that the competition for views

What is the value of the minimum wage in 2021? Katherine Wheeler questions if £8.91 is enough to survive in modern society

Katherine Wheeler Comment Editor


t’s October 2021, the minimum wage is £8.91 but not everyone’s earning that much. Slavery and horrendous abuses of power aside, there’s a very legal way employers can get away with paying their employees less. The legal minimum wage for 18 to 20 year olds is £6.56. A gap of over two pounds. Multiplied over countless hours of work, the costs add up. Not all 18 to 20 year olds receive student finance nor are lucky enough to keep living at home. On top of that, many are considered completely inde-

An 18 year old working full time on the minimum wage will earn £3,774 a year less than an equivalent colleague aged 25 or over ”.

pendent by their parents and receive no emotional support upon reaching adulthood. So why are workers doing the same jobs being paid less for equal work? There’s no evidence that younger workers are less productive. In fact, some are performing the most physically demanding tasks on behalf of their older colleagues. Whilst we may think this sort of wage distribution is the same worldwide, the only other developed country to adopt a similar system is Greece. France, Germany, the US and others have no age bracket for minimum wage payments. Research by the House of Commons library calculates that ‘an 18 year old working full time on the minimum wage will earn £3,774 a year less than an equivalent colleague aged 25 or over.’ This means young adults, without being supplemented, can’t save for the future despite being burdened with the same expenses: food, utilities, rent…

Young adults are getting unequal pay for equal work. This raises the question: What is the value of minimum wage? Not just for the younger population but the job market on the whole. Jobs such as being a carer are valued more often than not at minimum wage but it would be wrong to say that there are minimum skills required for the job. A truly unskilled carer would pose a safety hazard so it follows that appropriate training is required, alongside additional emotional labour and stress. With more skills comes a position of higher responsibility and with more responsibility, it seems the decent thing to do would be to compensate workers for their skills. Whilst the government claims low wages incentivise employers to hire staff, this does nothing to improve quality of life amongst employees. Whereas employers may be incentivised to hire on lower wages, employees aren’t seeing appropriate value

being given to their livelihoods and, distressingly, more are turning to food banks. After nationwide staff shortages during the pandemic, it seems the low

pay employers offer just isn’t enough and that the value of minimum wage really isn’t guided by skill and productivity as we may have thought.

Poor Pay: The financial impact of the pandemic has meant that high-enough wages are more important than ever before. Source: Lepraxis (via Pixabay)


Celebrities and the rise of the ‘TERF’ ideology within the media

Catarina Pinto Vicente

Comment Editor


here has been buzz surrounding Dave Chapelle’s new comedy set, when the comedian voiced his support of JK Rowling, dubbing himself ‘Team TERF’. If you don’t spend most of your time online, you might have only heard this word – TERF – in passing. It was more talked about regarding JK Rowling, when the author published some inflammatory tweets, but it left the public sphere quite quickly. This does not mean the TERF ideology has diminished in popularity – if anything, due to the author’s mass following and the support of other celebrities, TERF ideology has become very common online. TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical feminism: it is an anti-trans rhetoric against specifically trans wom-

TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical reminism: it is an anti-trans rhetoric.”

en, which hinges on the belief that trans women are predatory and a danger to cis (assigned female at birth) women. The most dangerous aspect of TERF ideology is how it has been endlessly normalized. With so many celebrities and public figureheads who have influence over large followings voicing their support of TERFs, it has mainly been dismissed as online discourse. As there is not much general knowledge about the term, there isn’t much knowledge of the ways TERFs are impacting trans rights, especially in the UK. Some media coverage has remained notably transphobic despite growing concerns about the ideology, with many major news outlets publishing articles by TERFs, or having trans rights activists’ debate TERFs on live television, about dog-whistle topics such as women’s safety in bathrooms. Likewise, celebrities who support TERFs have suffered almost no backlash. JK Rowling’s newest short Christmas story is at the top of the UK charts, published by a major publishing house. As with Dave Chapelle, Netflix continues to stream the comedy special, despite protests from employees’. Three


TERF media: a number of celebrities have been accused of supporting TERF groups. Source: Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (via Flickr) employees were even suspended for interrupting an executive meeting, and the organizer of a planned walk-out was fired. Netflix’s CEO has defended Chapelle and downplayed the effects of Chapelle’s views on real-life trans rights.

As it seems that companies are not aware of the effect of transphobic media on trans rights, it is up to the public, the consumers of such media, to act against public figures that support TERFs, and to stand in solidarity against the TERF ideology.

What aspects of Korean media are making it popular with Western audience? Darcy Arnold Contributor


Thanks to the Korean cultural wave, the country has enjoyed significant economic and social benefits. ”

Riding the Korean wave: in recent years, Korean media has been a huge subject for Western society. Source: Republic of Korea (via Flickr) from London, England to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. BTS’ Korean language programme ‘Learn! KOREAN’ has also helped to bolster the use of their native language amongst fans, it’s a recent addition to the language’s explosive growth internationally in recent years. The Korean wave has also reached super-markets, with almost all major supermarkets in the UK stocking staple Korean ingredients such as Kim Chi in their world food aisle. Korean food has become increasingly popular nationally, with restaurants popping up across the country in Bir-

Are Twitch streamers’ high earnings really justified? Francesca Ionescu Contributor

Why is the UK surfing a so-called ‘Korean culture wave?

orean pop, food, sport and media has been capturing the attention of the UK recently. Known in Korea as ‘hallyu’, Korean creatives are being celebrated by this international cultural wave. Major sporting names like Tottenham Hotspur’s Son Heung-min, whose own national flag was waved most recently in Manchester’s Etihad Stadium by Spurs fans. An extremely talented player, Son has not only proved himself as one of the Premier League’s most valuable strikers but also as a South Korean ambassador, who is pushing the boundaries of his nation’s culture as it blossoms, in both Britain and on a global scale. When it comes to music, boyband BTS are paving the way in the UK charts. Formed in 2013, the band boasts over 12 million subscribers on YouTube. They also currently hold the record for the most viewed music video within 24 hours. Their messages of global unity and selflove throughout their discography have captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide, selling out arenas


mingham, Sheffield, Manchester and Edinburgh. Most recently, the Korean Netflix series ‘Squid Game’ has been capturing the hearts of viewers. The programme centres on Seong Gi-Hun- a man struggling to make ends meet and a debt squad on his back- who is invited to participate in a mysterious game that ends up being more deadly than he could have ever realised. A fascinating concept, gripping dialogue and characters with depth has meant the show has become the most popular on Netflix worldwide, despite being filmed entirely in Korean.

A similar phenomenon occurred in 2019 with Bong Joon-Ho’s ‘Parasite’, the film gripped western audiences and went on to win the Oscar for Best Picture, with Bong famously stating in his acceptance speech that ‘Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.’ Thanks to the Korean cultural wave, the country has enjoyed significant economic and social benefits, through being championed across the world by its citizens. So why is Korean culture so appealing to Western society? Although there is no definitive answer to this, as there are likely a vast number of reasons why Korean media is taking the world by storm, there are a few major differences when compared to our own content, which may contribute to this ‘wave’. For one, Korean boy-bands such as BTS are hugely different to the musicians we see in the Western charts. Whether it is the sheer size of their boy-bands, or the often choreographed routines they do when performing, which we just do not see with British or American groups. In shows like Squid Games, and movies like Parasite, the viewer experiences different styles of production, drama, and humour, which clearly is appealing to many. Regardless of how long it continues, Korean media is clearly a huge success in 2021.

n the 6th of October Twitch was hacked, and an Anonymous poster of 4Chan leaked a 125GB torrent, which The Verge verified as legitimate. The most controversial part of the leak was the details regarding creators’ pay, going back as far as three years. Multiple streamers received hate regarding how much they are being paid, and it raises the question: are streamers paid too much? Twitch functions on people subscribing to individual streamers for usually $5 a month, of which streamers get to keep 50%. Streamers also can receive donations from their viewers, sponsorships, and ad revenue, as well as possible contracts with Twitch if they agree to exclusively stream on the platform. The leak showed that streamers have made millions since August 2019, with CriticalRole having made $9,626,712.16 and ranking first on the leak list. Hasan Piker, a political commentator and streamer, has already been under fire for buying a $2.74 million house in Hollywood, and now it has been revealed he made $2,810,480.11 since August 2019. But is this wrong? The streamers’ work is not exploitative, nor is it involving anyone’s labour but their own. Their payment is not reflected by a profit margin, but rather by the public engagement they receive. Twitch has this revenue built into the platform, where the more popular a streamer is, the more they will receive from subscriptions and donations. The leak only showed the payment they have received through the platform, and therefore reflects what they have been given voluntarily. Of course, Twitch’s platform could be to blame, as both features benefit popular streamers as well as creators who join the platform with a pre-existing audience. But to say that a content creator is to blame for the money they receive for their content is ironic for people who have lived through the Covid-19 lockdown. Content creators were a huge part of people’s lives when everything else was unavailable, so it is natural their pay would spike as a result of this. Ultimately, online entertainment has carried many people through the pandemic, and while these entertainers do get paid a lot, I don’t believe there is anything wrong with it when it reflects their audience’s support of them and the work that they are doing.

The leak showed that streamers have made millions since August 2016, with CriticalRole having made $9,626,712.16.”




Heading out of COVID and into Halloween

The importance of staying safe and all the ways you can look out for others while celebrating Lucy Matthews

if you lose your friends and have to face the long walk back home alone, those monsters start to seem that little bit more real.”


O Harriet Lowbridge

Megan Shinner

Ruth Hoey

ctober has commenced and this signals the start of the ‘spooky season’! Due to missing out on the ghostly festivities last year, this year’s celebrations are guaranteed to make up for last year’s lack of trick or treating and dressing up. Halloween is an assured night of eerie and exciting adventure for all students; costumes are planned months in advance, and nightclubs promising to host an unforgettably spine-tingling night are sold out immediately. Getting the ‘perfect’ Halloween costume together Amongst all this preparation for the big night, however, we can sometimes find ourselves forgetting certain steps and precautions that ensure safety and a fun night out on one of the most hyped events of the year. Everyone wants to be crowned best dressed on Halloween, and some go to extreme lengths to win this title.

we can sometimes find ourselves forgetting certain steps and precautions that ensure safety and a fun night out on one of the most hyped events of the year.”


Celebrating Halloween: When celebrating this October, there are a number of ways to keep yourself and others safe. Source: JillWellington (via Pixabay) When planning the ultimate cos- dates marked down on our calentume, steer away from anything that dars, yet sometimes the night can uses elements from other cultures, turn dark in ways we don’t see comand could potentially perpetuate ing. negative stereotypes. Whether it is walking around Whilst a costume may seem like alone at night or even just drinking a good idea in your head, in reality with friends at a bar, there are some it may come across as gimmicky steps we can take that maximise our and disrespectful towards certain safety and those of others when celcultures and individuals. Instead of ebrating. culture appropriating this HallowThe spiking and drugging of een, don an outfit that will bring the drinks is an ongoing issue which ocright sort of attention, whether it be curs all year round - Halloween just a traffic cone or a whoopie cushion, maximises the risk. anything that ensures the right kind If you are holding a drink, ensure of scares is the way to go. that it is well covered and does not Staying safe whilst a Halloween appear to be tampered. There are party or night out also a number of spiking-related Halloween is one of the darkest helplines available online if you

or someone you know is unsure of what to do in the event of a drink spiking. Staying safe whilst walking around on Halloween night Bumping into monsters and ghouls in the street is a common occurrence on the night of October 31st, however if you lose your friends and have to face the long walk back home alone, those monsters start to seem that little bit more real. Street safety, like drink safety, is something we exercise all year round and Halloween doesn’t have to be an exception. Although we all know the basics like checking before crossing the road and planning a route home in advance, these helpful practices can sometimes be overlooked. Pre-planning, as always, is one of the best ways to keep yourself and others safe, so make sure that you have a clearly set-out route and a fully-charged phone with you - You never know when both of these will come in handy if something unexpected happens. Walking in groups or texting that friend who lives close by will bring a safe end to a thrilling night, and you don’t have to worry about fighting off ghosts alone!

The importance of budgeting while living at university Megan Shinner Advice Editor


ne of the main things that terrify people about coming to university is finance. The debt, different types of loans, grants, bursaries, maintenance, tuition fees. There are too many big words and the whole process can start to look a little grim when you look at the cold figures regarding course and accommodation fees. Although, once you’ve panicked your way through the relentless forms of student finance, that lump sum is looking rather fabulous in your account during freshers’ week. You’re blinded by the potential of possessing this much money that you forget, in the words of Uncle Ben, with great power comes great responsibility. You’ve got to feed yourself and pay your rent, not just buy your new mates 4 rounds of drinks every Saturday night! However, you don’t need to stress, you can still have fun whilst affording all the essentials, and possibly saving a bit in the meantime. University isn’t just about academia. It’s probably the first time for most of you where you’ve had to live on your own and fend for yourself. Here are some ways in which you can spend your money wisely and realistically, avoid financial scares whilst still being able to afford the finer things in life.

One of the main things that terrify people about coming to university is finance.”

Start planning your budget as early as possible According to Save The Student, 24% of students had hit their overdraft limit and 45% of them didn’t know how to start paying it back (2021). Hitting the overdraft becomes way too complicated and we are better off staying clear of it. Wifi and water bills are already too stressful; you don’t need to add the bank to the list! One efficient method of doing this is budgeting as soon as possible. I don’t mean once your course starts or a few weeks after moving in. As soon as the letter with your entitlement comes through, you should get an estimated figure in your head on what you’re going to spend and save. This just needs to be a rough guide as things will change. Especially in your first year, you won’t really have an idea just yet on circuit laundry, your regular food shop items, course items that need covering – the list goes on. Things will slip your mind like a music service subscription, or you may drop your phone and need the screen repaired. Scares and surprises pop up sometimes and we need to be prepared for them. Work out your essentials first: weekly food shop allowance, important bills, course materials, any health bills, and rent. Once you’ve done this you can look at disposable income. I would suggest taking what you have left and splitting it down the middle, half to spend and half to save. This way you can go out on the weekends and shop the sales whilst having peace of mind knowing that if anything does crop up; you’re totally prepared!

Budgeting: Staying on top of your finances at university is a great way to ensure that you have everything you need to make the most of your time away from home. Source: geralt (via Pixabay) ‘Smart Swaps’ you can make to stay underbudget With the money we’ve given ourselves for the weekly food shop in the budget, we want to expand this as much as possible and get everything we need for the week – that’s 15 meals plus snacks! Firstly, let’s start with the where! You won’t want to do your full weekly shop in an expensive place for sure. The meat can be double the price when compared to the likes of cheaper supermarkets. Whilst smaller stores are handy for a few essential items, you might sometimes struggle to get a full week’s worth of food this way. I would recommend sticking to the cheaper, lo-

cal supermarkets. Wherever you shop and no matter what you’re looking for at a cheap price, the best place to start is always with a mix of branded, offbrand, and saver items. Next, batch cooking! Buying and cooking in bulk will save you so much money and time, bringing your cost per meal rate right down. Sometimes we can’t be bothered to cook because we’re so drained from our lectures so our pre-made spag bol mix will be a lifesaver! Instead of ordering a takeaway 3 times a week due to this burnout, you’ve already predicted this would happen and have made a money-saving decision. It’s not just a case of saving mon-

ey, but being mindful as to how and where we are spending it. All the little swaps and saves add up and can go such a long way, especially when we hit Christmas or a birthday and we need to find some money for a gift or two. Preparation is key!

Wherever you shop and no matter what you’re looking for at a cheap price, the best place to start is always with a mix of branded, off-brand, and saver items.”

CYNGOR 15 Breast Cancer Awareness: Exactly what to look for

Help from Harriet Advice Column

Emma Williams Contributor


Future journaling: Outlining your hopes and aspirations is a great way to structure your routine and to give yourself a number of things to work towards over the next few weeks, months, or years. Source: Free-Photos (via Pixabay)

The benefits of keeping a Future Journal

What ‘Future Journaling’ is and how it can improve your mental health Harriet Lowbridge Head of Advice


uture journaling is a great resource for anyone who wants to actively work towards self improvement in their daily life as well as their mental health. Future Journaling will look different for everyone that tries it. The basic principle is to sit down and write a journal entry detailing how the next week, month, or year is going to happen for you. You could write about that big career step you’re going to take. Maybe you’ll achieve that big fitness goal you’ve been working towards? The fine details are up to you. All that matters is that the year you write about is one that you can look back on and be proud of. Once you reach the date that you had originally written towards, you can look back with a sense of accomplishment. At this point I like to write a real journal entry to see which details I achieved and which worked out differently. If there were any you missed out, you can reflect on why they didn’t work out. At that point you are set up to attempt them again with a better perspective on how to realise those goals. Future journaling provides an outlet for you to push positivity onto your future self. The key to

The basic principle is to sit down and write a journal entry detailing how the next week, month, or year is going to happen for you.”

finding success with future journaling is to find a style that suit you. I first found future journaling in the classic post-breakup ‘recreating myself ’ phase a couple of years ago, but it’s something that has stuck with me ever since. It allowed me an opportunity to reflect on the aspects of my life that I was unhappy with. I could then identify which of those aspects I had enough control over to fix. When December 31st arrived, I sat down and wrote a journal entry that described all of the changes that I planned to make and how they were going to impact my life. For me, future journaling is something that I restart once a year. I treat myself to a fancy new journal (because that alone can brighten up your day). I begin with writing a journal entry of about three to five pages long that is dated December 31st of the upcoming year. One of the essential aspects that I’ve found is to keep positive. You set the tone for the rest of the year then. I begin by describing how I have changed and improved my life. The goals that I achieved. The new hobbies and skills that I have cultivated. These can be big goals like those steps towards pursuing your career. They can also be simple goals, like you’ve noticed that you only watch reruns of old favourites on TV, so you want to watch fifty two new movies this year. Maybe you have always wanted to take up dancing? Maybe you need to call your mom more to let her know that you still think of her despite being away from home? Another aspect of my future

It allowed me an opportunity to reflect on the aspects of my life that I was unhappy with. I could then identify which of those aspects I had enough control over to fix.” journaling revolves around miniature bucket lists as well. After my main journal entry, I enjoy creating checklists for my year. The first will be a bucket list for the year, with things like: Attend a festival Grow my own sunflowers Publish a book Save £500 Try ten new foods Learn how to sew a skirt Try veganism for one month All of these examples focus on positive improvements in your life. They shouldn’t be like new years resolutions where you have to lose weight, stop smoking, stop this and don’t do that. Instead it should focus around what you can do for yourself. Next, I will make mini goal lists to track what I’m doing. For example, I’ll have an empty check list to fill with the fifty two books I read that year. I’ll do another for new movies and TV shows. I might do another for new cities or countries I visit. You could do them for concerts and festivals. Maybe for new foods you’ve tried or new skills you’ve learned. This, however, is just the style that works best for me. The style that suits you might orient itself more around your daily life than such long term aspirations.

The same template can apply but with shorter aspirations. You could track that big assignment and journal about how you worked so hard that you’re a week ahead in your work. You could journal about how well you impressed your date and are getting to see them next week. Journaling has long been promoted as a great resource for mental health. It’s biggest benefit can be simply through regulating your emotions. It creates a platform for you to reflect on your life and prevent overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety. It is a “way to get to know yourself, to take control of yourself and create your own world”. Future journaling allows you to push positivity into your mind as well as providing a framework for what you need to get done and how to get there. You allow your mind to focus on the little wins in life. Even if your little win is making time to read a new book. Taking time to reflect is essential to maintaining a health perspective on yourself. Future journaling, in my opinion, provides a positive, entertaining and encouraging outlet towards this. One I hope that could help many of you towards your own goals of self improvement.

Taking time to reflect is essential to maintaining a health perspective on yourself. Future journaling, in my opinion, provides a positive, entertaining and encouraging outlet towards this.”

reast cancer is cancer that begins in the breast tissue, most commonly in the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) or the lobule glands (where breast milk is produced). It is caused by a combination of genes (especially an inherited mutation of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene), lifestyle, and environment. One in seven women in the UK will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Men can also get breast cancer, though this is rare. As with most cancers, the earlier it is caught, the better chance of defeating it. Thus, it is important to spread awareness, check our breasts regularly, and see a GP if you notice any symptoms or changes. According to the research and care charity, Breast Cancer Now, there are several signs to look out for. Signs to look out for A lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit A change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling A change in the colour of the breast – the breast may look red or inflamed A nipple change, for example it has become pulled in (inverted) Rash or crusting around the nipple Unusual liquid (discharge) from either nipple Changes in size or shape of the breast Pain – on its own this is not usually a sign, but look for pain in your breast or armpit that is there all (or almost all) of the time. It is important to see your GP about any symptoms, especially if you notice a change. It may be difficult to know what is unusual or whether your body has always been like that, thus it is recommended to check yourself at least once a month to get to know your normal. How to check yourself Touch: Feel around your breasts, chest, collarbones, and armpits. Can you feel anything new or unusual? Look: does anything look different to you? Check: any new or unusual changes with a GP If you menstruate, it is also worth doing this at different times during your cycle as your boobs may change throughout. However, please remember that any changes are still worth getting checked by a professional. Your GP can discuss your concerns over the phone, and/or see you in person to investigate. Understandably, you may feel uncomfortable having an examination alone, especially with a male doctor, therefore you may request to have somebody with you, and to see a female doctor or practice nurse. On top of this, there are many charities or organisations which are more than happy to help you if you are concerned about your breast health, or have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

As with most cancers, the earlier it is caught, the better chance of defeating it. Thus, it is important to spread awareness, check our breasts regularly, and see a GP if you notice any symptoms or changes.”



How to avoid suffering from FOMO during this semester As COVID-19 restrictions continue to ease and in-person events come back to Wales, there are a number of ways to avoid facing the Fear of Missing Out (or ‘FOMO’) again

Megan Shinner Advice Editor


he Fear of Missing Out (or ‘FOMO’) is a real issue that a lot of young people experience. You may feel the pressures of other people going out, socialising and actively doing things that you may not necessarily feel comfortable doing, but you may want to do them anyway, in order to fit the norms and stigma of what normal university life is like. These pressures can heighten young people’s feelings of anxiety, and it can also really affect other areas of normal day to day living, as you are constantly comparing to see if you are living up to those expectations that other people push towards you. And the reality is, you are allowed to feel like this. The normal university experience of going to lectures in person, and then speaking to coursemates, and perhaps organising a night out after has been hindered due to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19. There are so light ways to stop you feeling negative and the feelings of missing out on what university is offering.-life balance The importance of putting everything ‘into perspective’ It may be incredibly frustrating that you can’t attend that perfect night out

that you have always been dreaming of, or meet up with the people that you have wanted to meet, but when you really think about it, everyone is in the same boat. Instead of stressing out on all the things that you can’t do now, focus on the here and the now. What can you actively do right now that can benefit your well-being? If you can’t go out, what can you do to enjoy spending time with the people in your house or accommodation to match that? What you need to realise is that not everyone gets the opportunity to go to university and experience the ‘uni’ lifestyle, so just enjoy the fact you have enrolled and you still have time to go out and do exactly what you’ve been wanting to do. Making time for the things that really matter I find that the more I focus the time on what actually matters to me, which could be a number of things, it just makes me feel so much better about any anxious feelings inside. A lot of my time is spent doing sport, or writing, and spending time with those who are closest to me. If you continue to do the same, then those feelings of FOMO will fade, because you aren’t really missing out if you are doing all the things that continue to make you feel positive and with that, will better your university experience.

FOMO: Many young people are likely to experience FOMO this year. Source: JerzyGorecki (via Pixabay) Too much time trying to think negatively about what you are missing will make you miss out more on finding the beauty in what makes you happy in day to day life, which is the most important thing. Being optimistic about the future As much as we don’t know how things will pan out, all we can do to keep us feeling that we aren’t missing out as

much as we are, is to prepare for when we are able to. Accept that maybe now isn’t the time to do everything you want to do, which is an extremely hard skill in life that we all have to face up to, and be patient. Things will improve with time. We haven’t had to experience anything like this before, so we are all hoping that we can regain some sense of

normality. That optimism will be the fuel to helping you to navigate the concerns and worries that we can all agree that we are feeling. University is so much more than the nights out. Take up a new skill, a sport, a volunteer group, and use this time to engage with new opportunities you may not get again.

The importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance Ruth Hoey

Maintaining a good work-life balance is a continuous and everchanging process.”

Advice Editor


he stresses of daily life and university can often make it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. With midterm and Christmas deadlines approaching it can be tempting to put our social lives on hold and remain glued to a laptop screen until they are over. This can seem like a good idea, and in some cases, it feels as though it is the only option. However, placing the focus entirely on study can leave you feeling burnt out, drained and unable to do the best that you can. Mental Health UK describes burnout as, “a state of physical and emotional exhaustion.” Being in this state can actually slow down your productivity and work pace. By allowing yourself time to relax and unwind, you can combat these negative consequences of burnout. It seems rather convoluted, however, in essence this means that by doing less work you will get more work done. So, having a good worklife balance not only gives you time to do the things you love outside of work. It also makes your work or study time more effective and helps you to appreciate the benefits of lei-

By allowing yourself time to relax and unwind, you can combat these negative consequences of burnout.”

A healthy work-life balance: As your university workload begins to ramp up, it’s critical to maintain a positive balance between your studies and student lifestyle. Source: leninscape (via Pixabay) sure time. There is no set plan or structure to achieve this. Maintaining a worklife balance is not a set goal to attain. Instead, it is a changing balance. Learning to give yourself both time to relax and socialise but also achieve your university goals is a key skill to success. Sometimes you will need more time to socialise or more alone time and other times you might need to do slightly more work. The key is to have all of these elements loosely scheduled into the week so that you can adjust as required.

With all of this in mind, here are some key ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance: Set-out your priorities Setting priorities is essential. Make a list of everything that takes up time in your week. From this list you can see which of the things are important to you and which are an unnecessary burden. Choosing to focus your energy on things that matter to you and cut out unnecessary stress will give you drive and energy. Simplify your schedule and set limits for yourself

Along with setting your priorities, it is helpful to simplify your schedule when struggling to maintain a work-life balance. Rather than becoming overwhelmed by how much you have to do in the week, set limits. Only do a set amount of work before taking a break. Couple this with a solid routine of eight hours sleep and daily exercise for maximum benefits. Leisure activities Leisure activities include everything you enjoy that isn’t university or work related. This could be anything from hobbies, sports or even

going on nights out. Giving space for passions and hobbies has a massive positive impact on mental wellbeing. They can act as a complete distraction from work and can be an outlet for built up stress. Set some time aside for some self-care Socialising and spending time with friends is important. But it is equally important to spend time by yourself. Take some time to focus on your needs and just switch off for a while. Maybe have a ‘digital detox’ where you switch off your devices at the same time. With so much of our post-lockdown University experience being online, giving yourself a break from screens can also help make that important distinction between work and leisure time. Detach from work and studying It is important to leave your work alone during leisure time. Don’t do it, look at it or even think about it. Having time to completely detach from studies allows you to rejuvenate and re-energise for study time. An easy way to help with this is to work outside of your bedroom. Now that coffee shops and libraries are open again, it is easier to work in spaces other than your room. This allows you to completely switch off and relax in your bedroom as it is

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Amazon’s ‘Alex Rider’ - “a mostly faithful interpretation”

Iris Knapman takes a look at this adaptation of Anthony Horowitz’s spy/thriller series Iris Knapman Review Editor

A Iris Knapman

Jess Clifford-Jones review@gairrhydd.com

nthony Horowitz’s renowned spy thriller book series Alex Rider came to TV back in June of 2020, starring South London actor Otto Farrant as Alex. It was produced by Eleventh Hour Films, known for other British creations including the war-time detective mystery Foyle’s War and Safe House. More than a year has passed since the show’s initial release, but after giving the show a chance (despite not being a fan) I felt the need to share my feelings on the show. For those unaware, the original book series began at the turn of the millennium. Conveniently the first book celebrated its 20th anniversary the year the show first aired. Its titular character, Alex Rider, is a teenager living in the custody of his uncle after his parents died. Due to events I cannot name without spoiling, Alex is forcibly recruited as a child spy by MI6 and thrown into the lion’s den, so to speak. I never read the books before, so this was my contact with Alex Rider

outside the 2006 movie. Through my own research, I concluded that while the show is a mostly faithful interpretation of the books (in comparison to other page-to-screen renditions), it by no means follows them religiously. This first season adapts the plot from the second rather than the first book in the series, Point Blanc, which takes Alex to a mysterious school in the French Alps for the troubled kids of extremely rich and powerful men. Meanwhile, the upcoming season is based on the fourth book, Eagle Strike. Speaking of which: they officially announced November 2020 the series will return for a second season. Although there is no release date as of yet (due to filming delays caused by the pandemic), I’m excited to know that a continuation of this chilling action series lies just beyond the horizon. It provides you with ample time to go read the books and/or catch up before the next season airs (likely) sometime next year. The plot is the creative property of the original author, Horowitz, rather than the exclusive work of showrunner Guy Burt and the writing team. Never-

theless, the premise of a strange school isolated from the rest of the world by miles of snowy mountains makes for a thrilling story. It follows Alex’s initiation into MI6, a direct consequence of a tragedy that leaves him hunting for answers and revenge. Alex no longer worries about asking his crush Alisha to the school dance but whether he’ll even survive long enough to see it. There’s an interesting twist surrounding the school and its students. However, as a writer I personally believe that the concept’s execution could have been improved both in the show and the book. Additionally, the introduction of some characters felt purely for the sake of generating conflict rather than progressing the story. The standard of acting throughout the cast is decent with the exception of a few minor characters. I want to specifically praise the acting ability of Brenock O’Connor who plays Tom Harris, Alex’s best friend. His character exists as the source of comic relief and relatability in the show. He’s a loudmouthed but loyal nerd who inadvertently causes nothing but problems for Alex. Despite this, he’s easily my fa-

vourite character in the show because of the likeability O’Connor brings into his performance. He feels like a friend you would have back in high school. That sense of realism experienced across the cast sealed the deal for me as I approached the end of the first episode. Alex himself is well-acted, albeit awkward and moody in personality. While he’s not the best protagonist I’ve ever seen he definitely isn’t the worst. Farrant does an excellent job of conveying the grief and trauma following Alex’s heavier experiences. Regardless of my gripes with the acting or plot, the show wins in the visual department. Each camera shot is purposeful, aesthetically pleasing and does well especially during the action scenes to capture the adrenaline of the moment. I found myself genuinely tense at points, particularly at the “meat” of the show where Alex sneaks around the poorly-lit hallways of the school late at night to uncover its secrets. The direction truly hit the mark when creating that thriller essence and overall the production house demonstrated their talents.

The Ivy Cardiff - “a fantastic way to celebrate”

George Symonds takes a seat at this Cardiff-based restaurant for a special anniversary dinner George Symonds Contributor


fter dining at The Ivy Cardiff for my anniversary, my partner and I had to wonder whether the steep prices were equivalent to the food and atmosphere. And, in short, yes it was. Greeted at the door by a warm and friendly doorman, we were immediately made to feel at ease. Walking through the luxe setting of the restaurant, we were sat at a table with views of the busy night in Mill Lane. After being assigned our waitress I was given a small but delicious

looking menu detailing an array of cocktails, having been lucky enough to have been to the Ivy before I went for the salted caramel espresso martini which was, as expected, spectacular. My partner however decided to take a risk and order the speciality cocktail of the week entitled ‘Dragon’s Fire’; a vodka based drink with a passionfruit ablaze on the top - Due to the high concentration of citrus within the cocktail, however, this drink was a little overpowering. Due to our small university student budget we forwent a starter and moved onto a main meal, with the both of us choosing the blackened cod wrapped within banana

leaves and marinated in a soy based sauce. Arriving at the table steadfast, the meal at glance could be viewed as underwhelming due to its smallish size. The fish was paired with only three pieces of somewhat ‘crunchy’ broccoli and a dollop of yuzu mayonnaise on top. However; after we loaded our forks up with a piece of each element, it all became clear: The salty fish was pleasantly complimented with the yuzu mayonnaise and charred tender-stem as well as citrus-pickled fennel buried underneath the banana leaf. This clearly Oriental inspired dish was surprisingly filling and, I have to say, was well worth the money for

me. We accompanied our main with a bottle of rosé - a 2020 Spanish Lierre. The waitress soon took our plates and offered us the dessert menu, and (perhaps due to the cocktails and wine) we quickly said yes. I opted for the apple tarte which was served with a flambe brandy and a vanilla ice cream scoop. The sweet but sour apple tart was cooked expertly and balanced well with the vanilla; however the Calvados flambe was too overpowering for my immature palate. The crescendo of the night however, wasn’t the food we ordered but the surprise enlarged profiterole topped with sparklers and an

engraved chocolate transcribed ‘Happy Anniversary’ - Something that neither of us had ordered but a touching memento from the restaurant and no doubt a fact our keen waitress had picked up on. The classy and over the top energy that emanates from the Ivy can put many students off, however, for me, it was better than a night out in town and was perfect for the occasion. A fantastic way to celebrate.

Greeted at the door by a warm and friendly doorman, we were immediately made to feel at ease.”

MONTERO by Lil Nas X - “an incredible debut album” Jess Clifford-Jones takes a listen to the American-born rapper’s highly anticipated debut album

Jess Clifford-Jones Review Editor


il Nas X’s debut album has been long anticipated ever since the rapper-singer started making waves in 2017 when his country rap single ‘Old Town Road’ became a viral sensation. The song broke records by staying in the charts for 19 weeks, becoming the longest-running number one hit on Billboard’s Top 100 chart; during this time, Lil Nas came out as gay, becoming the first and only artist to do so while having a number one hit. Lil Nas has remained in the public eye since then, but his release of the single ‘MONTERO (Call Me by Your Name)’ and its music video put him back into the spotlight. The song and video sparked both praise and controversy due to its use of religious imagery and explicitly homosexual nature. It became Lil Nas’ second number one hit

While the album is primarily pop-rap, it has an interesting range of inspirations and influences, specifically R&B, trap, and rock.”

and was the first single released from his eponymous album ‘MONTERO’ (Nas’ real name being Montero Hill). ‘MONTERO (Call Me by Your Name)’ is an excellent lead single, showcasing Lil Nas’ bold song-writing, eclectic genre inspiration and themes of sexuality. The song seems to take inspiration from a variety of genres, mainly hip-hop, electropop and trap, but it also has been noted to have Latin and reggae influences too. My main complaint about the song is its short length (though an extended version has since been released), leaving it feeling slightly unfinished. However, thankfully it is the shortest track on the album; while many of the songs don’t hit the three-minute mark, which is a little too short for my taste, there is overall a wider range of lengths. While the album is primarily poprap, it has an interesting range of inspirations and influences, specifically R&B, trap, and rock. I was surprised to find that the majority of the songs were moodier and more soulful than Lil Nas’ singles and usual style. Lil Nas does ballads well, his lyrics heartfelt and, while I’d say he’s a stronger rapper than singer, his vocals are emotive and dreamy, his higher pitches especially impressive and enjoyable. His slower-tempo songs seem to

dominate the album sometimes, making me wish for a bit more variety, but for the most part I enjoyed them so much I didn’t mind, as the lyrics and instrumentals are interesting enough to prevent them for becoming too similar. One of my favourite tracks is his collaboration with Miley Cyrus, ‘AM I DREAMING.’ It’s about being a young person growing up and exploring their sexuality in the public eye, something both artists have experienced; the pared down instrumentals are evocative of indie rock with simple guitars and violins, the vocals are lovely and melancholy, and the lyrics are heartfelt. Songs like ‘VOID’, ‘SUN GOES DOWN’ and ‘TALES OF DOMINICA’ similarly display Lil Nas’ lyrical and vocal skills, being deeply personal songs with simple but effective instrumentals. However, Lil Nas does change it up. He deviates from his usual tone with ‘LIFE AFTER SALEM’, a dark rock song with a chilling, bitter vibe. ‘THATS WHAT I WANT’ is an upbeat power pop song backed with an acoustic guitar that gives an almost country or rock feel. Lil Nas goes back to his signature style in ‘DOLLA SIGN SLIME’, a collaboration with rapper Megan Thee Stallion, a boastful and confident trap pop song; Lil Nas and

MONTERO: Lil Nas X’s debut album has been long anticipated ever since the rapper-singer started making waves in 2017. Source: Free-Photos (Pixabay) Megan Thee Stallion work excellently together, though sometimes Megan Thee Stallion can overshadow with her force of personality. Both ‘DOLLA SIGN SLIME’ and single ‘INDUSTRY BABY’, a collaboration with rapper Jack Harlow, make an interesting and effective use of brass as its backing instrumental, lending a triumphant tone that works perfectly with the songs’ tone. ‘MONTERO’ is an incredible debut

album from Lil Nas X. While sometimes the songs risk being too similar, Lil Nas avoids this with his eclectic cross-genre influences, interesting use of instrumentals and bold, sincere lyrics about his life experiences. Those who thought Lil Nas X to be a one-hit wonder or a meme are sorely mistaken, and I truly believe he’s lived up to his own hype. I only hope he continues to do so.

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SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The health benefits of taking part in Outdoor Swimming


Why ‘Wild Swimming’ is proving to be an effective way to improve mental and physical health

Mia Becker-Hansen

Elie Gould

The benefits of cold water swimming: Recent studies have found that ‘wild swimming’ has notable mental and physical health benefits. Source: Lewis Pugh (via Wikimedia Commons)

Jemma Powell Science Editor

T Jemma Powell

Theodore Tadros science@gairrhydd.com

he popularity of outdoor swimming is on the rise, with 7.5 million people taking to the colder waters in 2019. Regular participants will tell of the ‘swimmers high’ feeling you get afterwards, or list of a wide variety of health benefits, but are these true? Or is the population turning to a short, chilly activity as a favoured exercise for no real reason? The physical benefits of cold water swimming As it turns out, the swimmers aren’t wrong. Aside from the obvious health benefits of swimming in general, there’s a plethora of physiological advantages associated with cold water immersion specifically. For example, people who regularly swim outdoors have healthier blood pressure and lipid profiles. There are also numerous studies showing the improved well-being of those who suffer from

rheumatism, fibromyalgia and asthma after venturing into the water. Those who regularly swim in cold water are theorised to have increased immunity, as cold shock triggers white blood cell production leading to a natural immune system boost. There is also a strong link between cold water and increased tolerance to stress. Our bodies physiological stress response to mental and physical stress are very similar, and repeatedly submerging yourself in cold water causes your body to increase its activation threshold. This means you can stay calmer in situations you previously wouldn’t have been- whether that be jumping into an ice pool or asking out your crush. Outdoor swimming, especially in salt water, also has proven benefits for you skin. The mineral rich, mildly antiseptic sea aids in the healing of damaged skin, and gives you a general healthy-looking glow. The mental benefits of cold water swimming

There are plenty of proven mental health benefits of outdoor swimming as well. Cold water can help increase mindfulness, boost your self esteem, and provide the sense of grounding found in natural environments. These are proven tools for many forms of mental rest. Wild swimming has also been proven to have a positive impact in treating mood disorders. A case study in 2018 found weekly open water swimming was an effective treatment for a patient suffering from long-term anxiety and depression. The patient in question became, and has remained, medication-free since the study ended. A few things to keep in mind If you’ve read this article and find yourself wanting to throw yourself into the nearest body of water and instantly be cured of asthma… DON’T!! Though there are general proven benefits, the effectiveness of coldwater swimming as a health tool depends entirely on unique anatomical

make-up of a participating individual. Long term benefits are also seen more frequently in regular participation instead of the occasional one off. Sadly, open water swimming has its own set of very real dangers. Changing currents, sharp objects, water pollution, and the temperature of the water itself regularly lead to preventable deaths- either directly, or indirectly through drowning or hypothermia. Some advice on safe swimming Still fancy giving it a go? Here’s some top tips to stay safe out there: RESEARCH! – the internet is full of fantastic safe swimming spots but also importantly which ones to avoid. Do some safety checks before entering the water. Are there any warning signs nearby? Is the water moving quickly? How deep is the water and at what point does it go deep? Is there anything in the water that could cause injury? Is there more than one safe exit point etc. BE PREPARED! – a thermos of hot juice, plenty of warm layers, shoes to wear in the water, a working mobile phone with signal, and telling someone where you’re going etc are all basic things that could genuinely save your life. For longer swims, a float and warmer swimwear are also a must. BE CAREFUL! – if you can’t swim, don’t go, or wear a life jacket. If you go somewhere with jumping spots: check the depth of the water before jumping, have someone in the water close by in case something goes wrong, if you don’t commit fully to a jump from high up, you will do it wrong and hurt yourself. Wild swimming is definitely worth a shot; if done safely it can have real long-term benefits on your health. However, if you have any doubt about safety, don’t have any good spots nearby, or would rather stay at home? Regular cold showers have a similar effect.

Wild swimming is definitely worth a shot; if done safely it can have real long-term benefits on your health.”

Conservationists invite the public to become ‘Walrus Detectives’ Mia Becker-Hansen

This novel project promises to be a fascinating exploration into the pertinent issue of climate change and its impacts on one of the Arctic’s most incredible creatures.”

Head of Science and Technology


team of ‘Walrus detectives’ are being sought in a new initiative exploring the impact of climate change on Arctic walrus populations. Together, the World Wildlife Fund and the British Antarctic Survey have put out a call to assist with data collection for a five-year investigation of walrus populations in the Arctic. Volunteers are being asked to locate and count these massive mammals in thousands of satellite images cataloguing over 25,000 square kilometres of sea ice – an area larger than Wales. Categorised by the Red List as ‘at high risk of extinction in the wild’, scientists hope that half a million

Volunteers are being asked to locate and count these massive mammals in thousands of satellite images cataloguing over 25,000 square kilometres of sea ice.”

‘Walrus Detectives’: This joint venture between the World Wildlife Fund and the British Antarctic Survey will lead a 5-year-long investigation of walrus populations. Source: richardpics (via Flickr) volunteers scouring the coastline will help shine a light on the impact climate change is having on walrus populations. Rising global temperatures have had an irrefutable impact on the Arctic habitat with NASA reporting a 13% decrease in sea ice per decade since 1981. Walruses rely on sea ice for rest and reproduction, therefore

the consequence of the decline in their habitat is putting enormous pressure on walrus populations. Increasingly, the move off ice and onto land is resulting in walruses being forced to swim ever increasing distances in search of food. This issue is exacerbated by rising CO2 levels leading to ocean acidification, a process threatening the survival of

animals such as molluscs and crabs which are a major food source for Arctic walruses. Additionally, walruses are easily spooked and habitually head to the sea if they feel under threat. Unfortunately, the reduction in exploitable area has led to overcrowding. Consequently, when exhibiting this panic response, walruses may be tram-

pled by others of their species and killed, further reducing their already diminished population. Restrictions are in place which ensure that only Native Americans, for whom walruses hold great cultural significance, are permitted to hunt these animals. This jurisdiction was implemented after huge demand for tusks, meat and oil in the 18th and 19th century resulted in the extinction of walruses from several areas around the globe. This novel project promises to be a fascinating exploration into the pertinent issue of climate change and its impacts on one of the Arctic’s most incredible creatures. Anyone who is interested in getting involved with this new initiative can do so by signing up online via the World Wildlife Fund Website portal.

GWYDDONIAETH A THECHNOLEG 21 UK startup claims breakthrough in Quantum Computing Strange radio signals from Theodore Tadros Science Editor the centre of .” the galaxy O rca Computers is a British company led by Oxford academics and set up two years ago. The team led by Professor Ian Walmsley claims that their new approach to Quantum Computers will make the whole industry more commercially viable. Many major companies such as Google and IBM, use quantum computers and put millions of pounds into the research.”

Many major companies such as Google and IBM, use quantum computers and put millions of pounds into the research. The main hurdle with them is that it requires freezing Qubits, the building blocks of quantum computing, down to near absolute zero; making the running costs alone of these computers astronomically high. Orca, the company behind the breakthrough, has a much smaller computer relative to other multinational corporations, using only four qubits. This makes the power of their computer comparable to that of an Apple watch, and the device would

require a massive scale up before any of the main potential advantages of quantum computing could be addressed. There are, however, numerous real world applications for Quantum Computers, such as advanced AI and machine learning. This is all down to the fact that they are able to perform millions more calculations per second than standard computers; some programs could theoretically be solved in seconds which ordinarily would take years. Orca has managed to obtain some funding from the government, with the hope that the UK will eventually be a centre for Quantum Computing

There are, however, numerous real world applications for Quantum Computers, such as advanced AI and machine learning

and able to compete with the likes of Google with their technologies. The company has also signed commercial deals with BT and BP, in order to allow the UK to compete with the better funded American companies. With this new funding secured, the field of UK-based computing technology is set to ramp up over the next few years.

Brain cell differences: A new key to knowledge New research suggests that individual cells can help advance human and AI learning Aditi Girish Kallanagoudar Contributor


espite being the most neurologically advanced species, we humans actually know very little about how our own brains work. It is crucial for us to understand more about our own mind and its workings if we wish to advance our endeavours in the sphere of AI. A new study conducted by Imperial College London found that tweaking the electrical properties of individual cells in simulations of brain networks makes them learn faster than network simulations with completely identical cells. This method, which is less energy intensive than models with identical cells, also needs fewer of the tweaked cells to get the same results. This information takes us a step further in understanding how our brains are so good at learning and can further our advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence by helping us improve the technology behind various modern applications like self-driving cars and digital assistants that are capable of face and voice recognition.

It is crucial for us to understand more about our own mind and its workings if we wish to advance our endeavours in the sphere of Artificial Intelligence.”

Brain cells: This interesting new study shines a light on just how little we know about our own brains and the siginificance of our brain cells. Source: ColiN00B (via Flickr) Lead author Dr Dan Goodman, of Imperial’s Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, said: “Evolution has given us incredible brain functions -- most of which we are only just beginning to understand. Our research suggests that we can learn vital lessons from our own biology to make AI work better for us.” The human brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons which are connected by a vast ‘neural network’ and are responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world, for sending mo-

The Brain and Artificial Intelligence: Source: geralt (via Pixabay)

tor commands to our muscles, and for transforming and relaying the electrical signals at every step in between. Although these neurons look similar on the surface, no two of them are actually perfectly alike. Contrastingly, in an artificial neural network each cell is identical with the only variation being in their connectivity. Despite rapid advancement in Artificial Intelligence over the past few years, machines are still unable to learn as accurately or quickly as the human brain and researchers began to suspect that this key difference between the variability in the neural networks is the reason behind their underperformance. To study whether imitating the brain by varying neural network cell properties could boost learning in AI, researchers decided to vary the “time constant” of cells. The time constant of a cell is basically how quickly a cell decides what it wants to do based on what the cells connected are doing. Some cells come to a decision almost immediately as they’re looking only at what the connected cells have just done but some cells are slower to react and base their decision on what other cells have been doing for a while. After varying this, the networks

were tasked with standard machine learning tasks like, classifying images of clothing and handwritten digits, recognizing human gestures and identifying spoken digits and commands. They found that by allowing the network to combine slow and fast information, the machine became more capable of solving complex problems in real world settings. By varying the amount of variation in these networks, researchers also found that the machines that performed best were the ones with the exact same amount of variability seen in the human brain. This result shows that the human brain was evolved to have just the right amount of variability for optimal learning. However, even in the light of this groundbreaking study, current AI systems are far from achieving the level of energy efficiency that we find in biological systems and researchers are looking to reduce their energy consumption to get them closer to performing as efficiently as the brain.

current AI systems are far from achieving the level of energy efficiency that we find in biological systems.”

Word of the week: Brain Cells • ‘Brain Cells’ are a fundemental part of the brain, making up the organ’s functional tissue. • There are two types of main brain cells, including neurons (sometimes referred to as ‘nerve cells’) and neurogila. • Research suggests that whilst human brain cells naturally decay as we age, we may be able to stimulate the growth of new ones in our future.

Mia Becker-Hansen

Head of Science and Technology


stronomers are baffled by strange radio signals emerging from the centre of the galaxy last week. They seem to turn on and off at random… the source must be from something never observed before. The source, ASKAP J173608.2321635, has been nicknamed ‘Andy’s object’, after the man who first discovered the radio waves at the University of Sydney, Australia. He and his colleagues have been monitoring the source since last year, detecting it a total of seventeen times using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder radio telescope pointed towards the centre of our galaxy. Further observations have also been made using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa. Researchers found that the object flared up for periods of weeks before going dark again. The polarisation of the received radio waves suggests that the object probably has a strong magnetic field. Due to the object not being visible in any other wavelength, several known objects were ruled out as the possible source, such as a star or magnetar (neutron stars with very powerful magnetic fields). “We’ve looked at every other wavelength we can,” says David Kaplan at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “all the way from the infrared to optical to X-rays, and we see nothing, so it doesn’t seem to be consistent with any kind of star that we understand.”. During flare periods the brightness of the source varied by up to a factor of 100, and they generally lasted for short periods of times, sometimes even as fast as a single day, suggesting that the object is small. “It’s an interesting object that has confounded any attempt we have to explain it,” continued Kaplan, “It could turn out to be part of a known class of objects, just a weird example, but that’ll push the boundaries of how we think those classes behave.”. Could this object be aliens trying to communicate with us? Many have speculated so. However, Professor Tara Murphy from the University of Sydney’s Institute for Astronomy observed that it is highly unlikely. “[The source has] a lot of properties that mean we know they must be from something astronomical,” she says, “For example the radio emission is what we call broadband – it covers a very wide range of frequencies, and this could not be generated by an artificial source.”. While astronomers cannot confirm what is causing the signals, they are confident it is from a natural, astronomical source. The new object appears to have some parallels with an emerging class of mysterious objects known as Galactic Centre Radio Transients (GCRTs), which are flashing radio signals that originate from near the galactic centre. Despite the parallels, there are properties of the signal which differ to those of GCRTs. This all adds more to the mystery as GCRTs themselves are not fully understood yet anyway. The scientists will now bank upon the transcontinental Square Kilometre Array radio telescope, that will make sensitive maps of the sky every day to find out what the mysterious blinking object really is.



Why does the internet keep breaking?

The Minecraft Live Mob Vote 2021

Minecraft players given the opportunity to vote for a new ‘mob’ to be added to the game

Haris Hussnain

This mob will work to make the environment in which it inhabits dynamic in hopes of giving the scenery more depth and life.”



ver the last few weeks, there have been several days where social media apps including WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook have stopped working. Earlier in this month, for example, an apparent configuration error brought Facebook down for millions around the world. Due to this error, the company’s online services were unavailable until around 22:00 GMT on 5th, October. When speaking about this issue, Facebook explained that its services had been impacted by an internal technical error which, as a result, also caused internal emails and staff building passes to stop working. According to Sheera Frenkel, a technology reporter at the New York Times, the response to the outage was delayed as “the people trying to figure out what this problem was couldn’t even physically get into the building” to find out what the problem was. This recent outage, however, is not the first time Facebook has experienced problems. Back in 2019, another issue left Facebook and its other apps mostly inaccessible for a large number of users; many of them also reported that the company’s Oculus Device, a Virtual-Reality headset, had stopped working. The impact of this outage caused Facebook’s stock price to drop considerably and, according to estimates by analysts, this most recent shutdown may have cost Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and ceo of Facebook, around US $6 billion (£4.4 billion) from his personal fortunes. Apart from using social media for entertainment, many people around the world also use Facebook as a platform for their businesses which, in the event of an outage, can disrupt their operations. As a result of the disruption caused by these recent outages, a number of businesses are seeking compensation with a businessman from Nigeria asserting that Facebook cannot allow the platform to “shutdown at the same time” as the impact to online businesses “is unprecedented”. Social media apps shutting down seems to be a regular occurrence. Back in June, a settings-related issue caused online services such as Amazon, reddit, the Guardian and the New York Times to go down. When people tried to access these services a “DNS Error” message would appear on screen. A similar instance also happened in December 2020, where a number of Google-integrated services reported experiencing an outage due to storage quota issues. Luke Deryckx, Chief Technical Officer at the real-time online disruption website ‘Downdetector’ highlighted that these kinds of widespread outages are becoming more frequent and more serious. “When Facebook has a problem,” he explained, “it creates such a big impact for the internet but also the economy, and, you know… society” at large. When addressing concerns around their recent outage, Facebook maintained that there is “no evidence” to suggest that user data has been compromised.

ing the tadpole in different environments will also result in different variants of frog. There will be a normal, winter, and tropical variant. These will also have different and unique benefits for players, which are yet to be decided. A small addition will also be in the form of frog food, otherwise known as fireflies. This mob will work to make the environment in which it inhabits dynamic in hopes of giving the scenery more depth and life. The biggest and most anticipated news of this year’s Minecraft Live was the mob vote. This year it consisted of the ‘Ally’, a friendly mob that will collect and drop similar items to the ones you give it. The ‘Glare’; another friendly mob that will alert players to dark spaces in which enemy mobs will spawn. Mojang’s ‘Minecraft Mob Vote 2021’: The 2021 ‘Mob Vote’ allowed players to vote between the ‘Ally’, The last friendly mob is the ‘Copthe ‘Glare’ and the ‘Copper Golem’. Credit: Mojang Studios per Golem’, a programmed randomiser that will push copper butThis article will be the first set of a great addition to Minecraft. The tons in front of it. Elie Gould features that will discuss everything fact that the Warden relies on smell After a not so close first round in Technology Editor that went on in this year’s Minecraft and not sound means that you can which the glare got a measly 11% of Live, which was a lot! So let’s get alert it to your whereabouts even the vote, the race ended with a head his Saturday has given us started with all the new mobs an- when crouching. to head between the Copper Golem one of the most anticipated nounced and the much anticipated This inclusion of a creep me- and fan favorite Ally. streams of the gaming calen- annual vote. chanic is going to make for some Unsurprisingly it was the Ally dar, Minecraft Live. The head developers Agnes and welcome and suspenseful gameplay. that won the final vote. It will now Some of you may know the rich his- Henrik took us through some new Next up are the mobs that will be added as part of next year’s ‘Wild tory of Minecraft Live and Minecon. features of the much anticipated be included in next years Wild up- Update’ which, in keeping with Since 2010 it has brought us great Warden. date. We’ll look at the update in its Minecraft’s previous update style, updates, mobs, and compilations. From the first footage shown, entirety next week but for now, let’s is certain to add a considerable this mob is looking like something talk about all the great mobs that amount to the game. This Saturday has straight out of a horror game. Not this will introduce. First off, and a Honestly, I can’t say that I’m too given us one of the most only can it dispose of a player with personal favourite of mine, is the upset with the outcome. Despite my anticipated streams of full netherite armour in two hits, frog! original attachment to the glare, the the gaming calendar, but it seems to come out of the walls Like most other mobs, the frog ally will be a welcome and helpful Minecraft Live.” and floor of the deep dark. will also be accompanied by their addition to my own and many other This kind of mob is going to be juvenile version, the tadpole. Rear- player’s games.


Is the Nintendo Switch OLED Model worth it? Elie Gould

Technology Editor


week has passed since Nintendo launched the new OLED Switch. While most of the talk has been centred around its impressive visuals, a lot has seemingly been left out. This begs the question, is the OLED worth the cost? It’s always nice to start on a positive note, so let’s look at the exciting new features of this Switch. The standout and most talked about is its 7-inch display screen, which boasts vibrant and “vivid colours”, according to Nintendo. A refurb to the switch families previously limited visuals and displays are very welcome and will surely be used to the full advantage when Breath of the Wild 2 is released next year. Unfortunately, this still falls short of the 4K expectations that were rumoured by the community. Setting the display aside, the only other noticeable feature to be upgraded with the newest release would be increased storage. From 32GB to 64GB, players using the OLED will be able to play the latest games without fear of running out of storage. Topped with a new built-in

The Switch OLED Model: Nintendo’s latest console announcement has recieved a mixed reception. Source: Pierre Lecourt (via Flickr) LAN port, the OLED seems to be directing its audience towards streamers more than the average player. Unfortunately, this is where the exciting new features run out. Critics of the console have suggested that there is only a slight difference between this switch and the original model. A big letdown concerning the OLE, however, is that there is no increase in hardware power. The battery life is still approximately 4.5

to 9 hours. For many switch players like myself, one of the biggest draws originally was its portability. To be able to use it on long commutes and journeys was a massive positive. Now with the release of a new model, I have to say that I was hoping for something that gave me a bit more leeway in battery life, especially when you are playing games that tax the battery life more than others. Similarly, the OLED has not seemed to address the problem of

joystick drift. Many players, including myself, had many issues with this when playing games like Mario Kart. Well, is the new OLED worth it? For American audiences, shops like GameStop offer discounts of up to $200 on the OLED when you trade in your switch—making the price $150 a pretty impressive figure. For those who either cannot or don’t want to trade in old devices, however, this might prove to be a dealbreaker. I would say that if you have some money to spare, and your only concern is graphics, then the OLED would be a pretty good match for you. But I’ll be waiting until the next switch console before making any purchases. Hopefully, by then, Nintendo have made considerably upgrades to the graphics and hardware of the Switch Console.

For many switch players like myself, one of the biggest draws originally was its portability. To be able to use it on long commutes and journeys was a massive positive.”



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Team Spirit trounce PSG.LGD to win TI-10

Anurag Hegde

out of a fairytale. Much like Team OG in TI8, Spirit fought their way through the lower bracket before eventually reigning supreme to claim their first ever Aegis. Team Spirit had a decent outing in the group stage as their 10-6 scoreline helped them sneak into the upperbracket after finishing 4th in GroupB. Unfortunately though, they were knocked into the lower-bracket in their very first main stage game after Invictus Gaming (IG) beat them 2-1. However, what followed was one of the most inspiring runs in Dota 2’s

history. They cleared their first hurdle by beating Fnatic 2-0. Next came one Spirit’s most impressive victories as they knocked out the defending champions OG with a 2-0 win. In Round-4 of the lower bracket, Spirit were up against regional rivals Virtus Pro (VP), a team that they hadn’t been able to best throughout the previous DPC season. However, it was Spirit that emerged triumphant after beating VP in the third game to take the series 2-1. Spirit then went on to beat Invictus Gaming 2-0 to reach the lower-bracket

final where they were up against giants Team Secret. Many expected Team Secret to put an end to Spirit’s dream run. However, Team Spirit defied all odds and beat Team Secret to reach the Grand Finals. Team Spirit were up against PSG. LGD, a team that had bulldozed their way through the upper-bracket, in the Grand Finals. PSG.LGD were clear favourites to win the championship even before the tournament as they performed impressively throughout the preceding DPC season. With a mix of extremely skilled players like Wang “Ame” Chunyu and Cheng “NothingToSay” Jin Xiang and experienced players like Zhang “Faith_bian” Ruida and Zhang “y`” Yiping, PSG.LGD were expected to stomp Team Spirit. The Grand Finals did not disappoint. Team Spirit defied expectations yet again to take the first two games of the Best of Five series but PSG.LGD came storming back to win the next two games. The action reached fever pitch as the series went into a deciding 5th game. After 36 minutes of intense action in the 5th and final game, PSG.LGD bowed out as Team Spirit claimed an impressive and memorable victory to seal the series.

high amount of travel and the hours upon hours of use of cars, machinery and factories, this would be a highly impressive feat, and a well-received one too. Jost Capito, CEO of Williams Racing, stated that they “wanted to push the envelope and be the pace setter for sustainability in motorsport.” He added that “F1 has the ability to create technical solutions to help tackle the challenges we face as a planet”, as they hope to continue to create innovative technologies to reduce the impact of F1 and the automotive industry on the

climate. Williams are not the first team to make sustainability pledges. In 2020, Mercedes-AMG achieved a net-zero carbon footprint and have remained that way since, while McLaren have pledged to be net-zero by 2030. There is clear intent from several F1 teams, therefore, that they are aware of the impact their sport has on climate change, and how they feel they can counteract this effect. This view is clearly echoed by Lindita Xhaferi-Slihu, who stated that Williams’ actions are “sending a clear signal on the growing

importance of setting clear climate targets and of using the sport and technologies as a catalyst for change.” Williams are a beloved part of F1 history despite recent lack of success, and the prominence of Mercedes and McLaren who are also making these pledges on climate goals means that other teams, and other sports, may follow suit. The impact of sport on the public cannot be underestimated, and if these teams set an example, it could also lead to societal changes of behaviour in the fight against climate change.

Head of Sport


n what will undoubtedly go down as one of Dota-2’s greatest Cinderella stories, Team Spirit beat favourites PSG.LGD 3-2 and claimed the Aegis of Champions at The International 10 last week. Team Spirit become only the 2nd team from the CIS (Commonwealth Independant States) region to win the coveted tournament after team Na`Vi, who won the inaugural championship back in 2011. 19-year old Magomed “Collapse” Khalilov, Team Spirit’s off-laner, was their standout player and his performance on Magnus was nothing short of legendary. Illya “Yatoro” Mulyarchuk, aged 18, was impressive as well in the position-1 role and he had three rampages to his name by the end of the tournament. Team Spirit’s $18 million dollar win garnered widespread attention, including that of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who congratulated the team (consisting of three Russian players) via a public letter posted on the official Kremlin website. It wouldn’t be farfetched to claim that Spirit’s road to glory was straight

Dota 2 TI-10: Team Spirit won $18 million in prize money at TI 10. Source: F2ComButton (via Wikimedia Commons)


Anurag Hegde

Harvey Palmer

F1: Williams pledge to be climate positive by 2030 Harvey Palmer Sport Editor


1 team Williams Racing have announced plans to become climate positive by the year 2030, as well as becoming the first F1 team to join the United Nations Sport for Climate Action Framework. In order to be climate positive, the team will have to remove more carbon than they are putting into the atmosphere. Considering the nature of Formula 1, with regards to the

Oscar Lucas

Tom Hawkins


Steve Bruce Keeps Job Ahead of Return to Premier League Tom Hawkins Sport Editor


ewcastle’s fixture against Tottenham will mark Steve Bruce’s 1000th appearance as a manager, yet he splits opinions amongst fans when it comes to the job he’s done so far in charge of Newcastle. Some supporters recognise Bruce has done well to keep Newcastle in the Premier League – a realistic expectation for Newcastle fans for where their club is currently. However, others argue Bruce has got them playing negative football and are fed up with the team’s form, having yet to win a league game thus far this season. The £305m takeover by the Saudi Arabian led consortium brought an end to Mike Ashley’s 14 year reign as club owner. The end to this miserable period might have had Geordies already speculating on where the sudden injection of cash would be spent first amidst the excitement of what the future might bring, whether it be a new manager or some big signings

to strengthen the squad. Steve Bruce’s job has thus been speculated about due to uncertainty about his future at the club. Newcastle have been linked with a series of managers including former Borussia Dortmund boss Lucien Favre. The club has also been linked with young talent in the form of English replacements. Rangers Manager, Steven Gerrard and former Chelsea and Derby boss Frank Lampard could also be potential suitors. Leicester Manager Brendan Rodgers has dedicated himself to the fox’s saying he is “very happy being here at the club”. Similarly, fan favourite and former Magpie boss Raphael Benitez said he wants to “keep his word and continue working here (Everton)”. Steve Bruce, however, has hit out at the media ahead of their game with Spurs after reports on his future following a press conference on Friday. “I hope you’re feeling the heat from your bosses, because it hasn’t happened has it? What you all wanted,” he said. “Let’s hope you’re getting a bit of stick as well.” Bruce admitted that preparations

for the weekend’s game had “not been easy”. But when asked if he could convince the new owners he deserves to stay he remarked “Who wouldn’t want this opportunity? Any manager would love to sit in my chair, so will make a fist of it and try my upmost. I will try my best for the club.” New part – owner and financier Amanda Staveley has given Bruce her backing stating that “it is imperative we continue to be patient and considered in our approach.” “It (change) demands time and that we follow a considered plan and strategy.” St. James’s Park will be packed on Sunday in anticipation and excitement of a new chapter at the club. A win for Bruce and his team would be a huge morale boost given they are yet to win their first point and would help put fans at ease considering they are already second from bottom in the relegation zone this early on in the season. The takeover has also had transfer rumours flying round regarding who Newcastle will spend their money on

Football: There is a lot of speculation surrounding Newcastle United. Source: Rach (via Flickr) first to bolster the prospect of a safer league position. Big name players in the form of Phillipe Coutinho, Niklas Sule, Clement Lenglet and Chelsea’s Timo Werner could all be targets come January. Eintracht Frankfurt winger Filip Kostic and West Ham midfielder Declan Rice have been linked with a move to Newcastle but this was

quickly dismissed by both clubs. It seems a more realistic signing would be Burnley captain James Tarkowksi or Jesse Lingard who is out of favour at Manchester United. Nevertheless it is an exciting time to be a Newcastle fan and the new owners have definitely seen the fans feel a sense of hope, something that was absent under Ashley.


Tommy Fury accepts fight offer from Youtuber Jake Paul Angharad Roberts Contributor


ontroversial american youtuber Jake Paul took an unexpected turn in his career in August 2018, becoming one of the first youtubers along with his brother, Logan Paul and british influencer KSI, to partake in a boxing match. Jake Paul’s first win was against Deji Olatunji, KSI’s younger brother, via TKO. This has since spurred him to continue his boxing career. The more experience that Jake Paul gained, the more hunger he developed to fight bigger names, one of which included former MMA fighter and ONE Welterweight Champaign Ben Askren. Paul has managed to achieve an impressive boxing career, with a 4-0 win to him, no losses and no ties. Paul has stated in the past that he wishes to fight ‘a real boxer’ next and it shall be none other than Tommy Fury. The boxer who gained popularity during his time on Love Island in 2019, is set to fight Jake Paul at the end of 2021. This might be seen as too soon, as talks of this fight began in the latter half of 2021. Fury signed a two fight deal

with US network Showtime, and made his American debut defeating Anthony Taylor, the same night, Paul had defeated Tyron Woodley. It is said that talks about a possible fight began backstage. Although the public feud and public speculation began due to heavyweight champion, Tyson Fury believing a hoax about his brothers viewing figures and trolling Jake Paul led Paul to take to Instagram claiming he needed to call Tommy Fury out himself. This began a series of back and forth insults. Since then, conjectures from fans had taken a massive increase, and many rumours of a Jake Paul vs Tommy Fury fight began. Tommy Fury had admitted he rejected two fight offers from Paul on Twitter, claiming that he was offered a million pound deal and that in terms of a fighters magnitude ‘it was not worth getting out of bed for.’ After months of twitter duels, the fight is finally a reality and a date is being finalised for late 2021 as Fury accepted an offer from Paul. Recently, Tommy Fury’s family have claimed they would ‘retire him from boxing’ if he was to lose against Paul. Despite both Paul and Fury

Sport Editor


ournemouth and Wales midfielder David Brooks announced on the 13th October that he has been diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin Lymphoma, at the age of just 24. Brooks said in a statement on social media that “the prognosis is a positive one”, and “although this has come as a shock” he is “confident [he] will make a full recovery and be back playing as soon as possible.” The former Sheffield United player was enjoying a good start to the season with Bournemouth in the Championship, scoring 3 goals in 9 appearances across all competitions so far, but he is expected to be unavailable for a significant length of time as he undergoes treatment. Hodgkin Lymphoma is a type David Brooks: Brooks requested of cancer located in the lymthe media for privacy and rephatic system, which is heavily spect. Source: AFC Bournemouth involved in the human immune (via Wikimedia Commons) system. It is more common in young adults or elderly people, Despite being an aggressive with more than 2100 people di- form of cancer that is known to agnosed in the UK every year. spread quickly, it is considered

England steamroll Windies to kickstart T20 WC campaign Anurag Hegde Head of Sport


Boxing: YouTuber Jake Paul challenged professional boxer Tommy Fury for a match Source: andreas160578 (via Pixabay) being influencers in some way, Tommy Fury was a professional boxer first and comes from a family with a

significant boxing history. This is definitely a fight that viewers will not want to miss.

Football: Wales international midfielder David Brooks diagnosed with cancer aged 24

Harvey Palmer


also to be one of the most easily treated. Treatment involves chemotherapy and sometimes radiotherapy, but due to being Stage 2 there is a greater chance of recovery. Statistics show that around 85% of people diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma live for at least five years after diagnosis, with most of these being cured. Brooks has previously made 21 appearances for Wales at senior international level, and gives credit to the medical staff of the team as they helped detect the illness while he was on international duty recently. the prognosis is a positive one . Although this has come as a shock. Confident will make a full recovery” - David Brooks It is uncertain how long Brooks will be away from football for or if he will be able to play again in the future, but messages of support were sent from football fans and former players around the world.

Brooks’ club manager, Scott Parker, led the well-wishes, saying the news was “devastating” but that “the main focus for all of us is putting in support mechanisms” and making clear that “we will unite around David”.

ngland claimed a comprehensive 6-wicket win over defending champions West Indies to kickstart their T20 World Cup campaign. After winning the toss and electing to bowl first, England got exactly what they were looking for. They managed to knock over four West Indian wickets inside the powerplay and the Windies never really recovered after that. The Windies’ batting order crumbled and no one managed to stand up and shoulder responsibility. They kept losing wickets at regular intervals and despite that, there was no shortage of reckless batting. Chris Gayle, with 13 to his name from as many deliveries, was the only batsman to get into double figures. Having said that, England’s bowling performance was impressive as well. Moeen Ali, who opened the bowling, picked up two big wickets in the powerplay and that set things up for England. Adil Rashid, however, was the pick of the bowlers as he ended with figures of 4-2 from 2.2 overs. The Windies were bundled out for an abysmal 55 runs in 14.2 overs. While the chase wasn’t exactly a walk in the park for England, they managed to get there in just 8.2 overs with 6 wickets still in hand. England will next face Bangladesh on October 27.

The main focus for all of us is putting in support mechanisms. We will unite around David ”

- Scott Parker

Brooks is not the first active footballer to be diagnosed with cancer. In recent times, Newcastle forward Jonas Gutierrez was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2014, but was able to make a full recovery and even scored in an emotional return to football at St James’ Park. With a tough road ahead, Brooks has asked for privacy and respect from the media and it is clear that he is being supported by those around him, and all at Gair Rhydd wish him a speedy recovery.

Cricket: England won by 6-wickets. Source: Acabashi (via Wikimedia Commons)

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