4 minute read
Editor’s Note
Collaboration has been key to Quench’s successes this year, and without the constant support and hard work from editors, designers, illustrators, photographers and contributors, we simply wouldn’t have made it this far. It’s a theme that seems similar to the previous, Union, but is actually different in meaning and interpretation. To unite is to bring together, but to collaborate is to work together, something we’ve excelled at this year as a team. Upon putting together our first edition of the year I remember wanting Quench to feel like a piece of teamwork, something I wanted everybody to take part in and be proud of. After what feels like the blink of an eye here we are - our final issue.
Running a team is hard work and a lot of effort, but I wouldn’t change any of my experiences for the world. Despite the technical mishaps at the beginning of the academic year, we ploughed on and gave it everything we had. I am overwhelmingly proud of us all. I’d like to give a very warm diolch to my deputies Maddie and Molly, who kept me sane during the process of publishing each issue. You two are the best.
My third year at University hasn’t been easy, and like most third years do, I struggled with some tough academic burnout. I can’t believe that despite all of the ups and downs of the previous twelve months, I’ve made it. I’ve got just a few more weeks of hard work before I can hold up 5 magazines, a dissertation and a whole degree and say that I did this, I really did. It was a lot of laughs, tears, hard work and a lot of new grey hairs. The sun is setting on my life as a student, but it certainly isn’t setting on my time at Cardiff - there’s no getting rid of me. I can’t wait to see what this next chapter brings.
As this is our final edition, I have a lot of people to thank. Charlotte, Rhiannon, Dario and Jacob have been my rocks this last year. You carried me home after one too many pints, made me laugh until I snorted, and held me whenever I needed. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate all four of you. I love you like I love family. Diolch, diolch, diolch.
To my parents, sisters, housemates and coursemates- diolch for every word of encouragement and for celebrating every success. We’ve finally done it, I couldn’t be here without you. These experiences have been invaluable and I’m so grateful to have worked on Quench this year.
My team have been absolutely invaluable. I can’t wait to see what you all get up to next - thank you for having me this year.
To all our lovely readers, good luck with all of your final assessments. I hope you get to celebrate all of the hard work that’s gone into this academic year. You should be proud.
For the final time this academic year, I hope you enjoy this issue of Quench!
Ta-ta for now,
Alexa Editor-in-Chief
Well, here it is, the last issue of Quench for this academic year! I can’t quite believe how quickly this moment has arrived. It feels like only yesterday that I was sitting down to write my first Deputy Editor’s note, and now I am bringing you my last. The theme of this issue is Collaboration; one that is particularly fitting as I reflect on everything we have achieved at Quench this academic year.
In my first Deputy Editor’s note, I expressed how I have always loved the freedom and independence that Quench affords its editorial team and contributing writers. Whilst this statement still stands, I cannot deny that, at its core, Quench is a collaborative process. From every pitch meeting, to every social media post; from every online article published, to every printed edition, Quench is fueled by the creative collaboration of our editorial teams and contributing writers. The process of working together is so rewarding in itself, but it feels even more so when the fruits of our labour are materialised in each issue of Quench!
With Alexa as the driving force, there has been a strong sense of camaraderie at Quench this year. The five issues that we have brought you, along with all of our online articles, have been the result of hard work, but also the result of friendship, laughter, positivity and a supportive, uplifting environment. I will look back on every pitch meeting, pub trip and house party with such fond memories, grateful to have found myself part of such a wonderful and talented team. I am so proud of where we have taken Quench this academic year, and none of it would have been possible without the hard work of everyone involved. So, one last time, thank you all and a huge well done!
I hope you enjoy Issue 193 of Quench, and thank you, as always for picking up a copy.
Welcome back readers, and thank you again for picking up the final edition of Quench magazine for this academic year. It has been an absolute pleasure to serve as one of the Deputy Editor and to bring you an incredible year of arts and culture content at Cardiff University.
For this edition, we have decided to explore the theme of collaboration. It is a theme that is central to the ethos of Quench, and an essential aspect of the culture of Cardiff University. We believe that collaboration is the key to unlocking creativity and to making meaningful connections with others.
In this issue, we have some fantastic pieces that showcase the power of collaboration. Our writers have come together to explore how collaboration can inspire us to be better, to do more, and to connect more deeply with those around us.
As this is the final edition of the year, I want to take this opportunity to thank our readers for their unwavering support throughout the year. It has been an absolute privilege to bring you the latest news and insights from the arts, culture and entertainment world.
I also want to express my gratitude to the incredible team behind Quench magazine. Without their dedication and hard work, none of this would have been possible. Thank you to Alexa and Maddie for their exceptional leadership and to every writer, editor, and designer who contributed to the success of this year’s magazine.
As we approach the end of the academic year and the beginning of summer, I wish you all a lovely break. May it be filled with joy, creativity, and an abundance of collaboration.

Finally, as I sign off for the last time as the Deputy Editor of Quench magazine, I want to say thank you again to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. It has been an honor to work alongside such a talented and dedicated team, and we hope that you enjoy reading this final edition as much as we enjoyed creating it.
Best regards,
Maddie Molly Deputy Editor Deputy Editor