I want to make sure our union continues to be a successful enterprise which brings you the services and facilities you want; using my experiences from working here and being Student Council Chair I will make sure this happens for the next year and for many more after that. Dwi am sicrhau bod ein hundeb yn parhau i fod yn fenter lwyddiannus sy’n darparu’r gwasanaethau a’r cyfleusterau rydych am eu cael; gan ddefnyddio fy mhrofiadau o weithio yma a bod yn Gadeirydd Cyngor y Myfyrwyr bydda i’n sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf ac am amser maith wedi hynny. About me: I am a friendly and approachable 3rd year Computer Science student who has been actively involved in the Students Union and University since coming to Cardiff. I love being a student here and hope to make the experience equally as enjoyable for both you and future students alike. During my degree I have: •Worked at the Students Union; I’m sure many of you will have seen working behind the bar, be it in Taf or at one of the many club nights such as the iconic ‘Come Play’. •Also been voted as your Student Council Chair, recently chairing the AGM. •Been selected as a course representative for three years. •Shown round prospective students for UCAS open days. •Helped to set up the 2009 and 2010 Summer Balls with the ENTS department. •Even worked in the IT shop on the first floor! How could I improve your university experience? As President I hope to guide and work with the other officers to improve your Student Union. My main ideas are: 1.To find more storage within the building for Societies who need it AND to make sure that the societies budget is fairly used. 2.To sort out our website so that it contains not only correct information, but also information that we actually want and need! 3.Drawing on my personal experience, having worked on all of the Unions bars, I want to rekindle the excitement of freshers week for all of our weekly club nights and events. Gig nights - I want to bring in a system so that students can enjoy discounted prices for live events. Club nights – The recent ‘Student Satisfaction Survey’ showed that a common problem on club nights is the long queues at the bars. The solution to this is simple, more staff = quicker service. For the best opportunity to further the successes of our fantastic Student Union, vote Jen Lay for President. If you would like to know more, have any questions or even just want a better idea of how I could help you, please add yourself to my facebook group ‘Jennifer Lay for SU President’.
marcus coateswalker PRESIDENT Spartacus Marcus to lead your union I am dedicated, passionate and committed to ensuring Cardiff Students’ Union becomes the best in the UK and you receive the best experience possible in your time at University. Dwi’n ymrwymedig, yn frwd ac yn ymroddedig i sicrhau mai Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd fydd y gorau yn y DU a’ch bod chi’n cael y profiad gorau posibl yn ystod eich amser yn y Brifysgol. I’m Marcus and I’m a third year Law student. I have been part of many aspects of the Union throughout my time in Cardiff; I am currently the President of the Law Society and have been Captain of Cardiff University RFC 3rd XV. I want to enhance the Union on many different levels by addressing three key areas: REPRESENTATION Provide all Associations with effective representation so that postgraduate, disabled, international, healthcare, mature, industrial and international placement students feel integrated into the success of the Union. Build on the success of the Course Rep System. Increase participation throughout all University schools, develop more training opportunities and hold elections earlier. IMPROVING EMPLOYABILITY PROSPECTS Give you the most effective advice and support to help you find out what you want to do before leaving University and entering a competitive job market. Create a University wide Alumni system to enable you to develop your knowledge and networking by contacting successful Cardiff graduates in many different industries Introduce employability awards to recognise individuals who undertake extracurricular activities and University schools who provide the most opportunities for students. STUDENT LIFE EXPERIENCE Maintain the quality and funding of the Union’s extremely successful aspects such as SPORTS, SOCIETIES, EVENTS and STUDENT MEDIA to ensure you benefit from the fantastic opportunities on offer Increase the awareness of and expand the Student Support Services and the Advice and Representation Centre to help you overcome any worries on major issues such as housing and finances. Work with University Schools to increase the amount of areas available for study at revision times. Improve safety in Cathays and Roath by working alongside local police to make sure every student feels comfortable in those areas. It’s your Union and your vote; let me make your time at Cardiff University the best it can possibly be. VOTE MARCUS COATES-WALKER for SU PRESIDENT
Millie Boswell President Don’t be silly vote for LITTLE miss millie
I want to defend student life. Student life should be fun, affordable, happy, and (as much as possible) healthy. I have been a key organiser in the campaign to defend education from the tuition fee rise and cuts to your degree. Now I’m standing for president so I can defend student life. Dwi am amddiffyn bywyd myfyrwyr. Dylai bywyd myfyrwyr fod yn hwyl, yn fforddiadwy, yn hapus ac yn iach (cyn belled ag y bo’n bosibl). Dwi wedi bod yn un o drefnwyr allweddol yr ymgyrch i amddiffyn addysg rhag y codiad mewn ffioedd dysgu a thoriadau i’ch gradd. Dwi bellach yn sefyll am y Llywyddiaeth fel y galla i amddiffyn bywyd myfyrwyr. HAVING A LIFE: I want to build a bigger, better summer event for after exams celebrations. I will create a summer festival feeling with quality bands, DJs, food, and stalls all day and night. LIBRARY LIFE: I will push for a new ‘quick fix’ computer system. In all libraries there should be computers offering timed sessions of 15 minutes, allowing you to print off documents and check emails quickly, without waiting. COST OF LIFE: I will create our own fortnightly Student Cardiff Voucher; offering deals at bars, cafes, shops and clubs around Cardiff – getting you the most for your money! ACADEMIC LIFE: We should be told why we got the marks we got. Otherwise, how can we get better? I’ll push for top-notch feedback in every department. HEATLHY LIFE: I will introduce water fountains to all university buildings meaning you can fill up your bottle whenever you want. I also want to make sure that student support services are easier to access as I recognise that for many they are an essential part of university life. LIFE ON EARTH: I want to ensure that every product bought by the union which can be fairtrade and ethically sourced is. I will work hard to reduce the union’s carbon footprint. Student life matters. We live, we learn, we develop, we have fun. Elect me president and I’ll protect student life. Find me on Facebook: Millie Boswell for president
ROSE SAVAGE President ‘Sweet Like Chocolate’
ROSE for PRESIDENT #1. Voting for me means voting for passion, commitment and continuity. I’m currently Welfare, Campaigns and Communication Officer; working closely with the President, Union and University already. I will be the face of YOUR UNION, standing up to represent your individual needs as a Cardiff University Student. ROSE am y LLYWYDDIAETH #1 Os byddwch yn pleidleisio drosof byddwch yn pleidleisio dros frwdfrydedd, ymrwymiad a pharhad. Fi yw’r Swyddog Lles, Ymgyrchoedd a Chyfathrebu ar hyn o bryd a dwi eisoes yn gweithio’n agos gyda’r Llywydd, yr Undeb a’r Brifysgol. Byddaf yn wyneb i’ch UNDEB CHI, gan sefyll i gynrychioli eich anghenion unigol fel Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd. Voting Rose for President means….. • H onesty, Direction and Motivation – I am enthusiastic and dedicated to campaigning for student issues. • Clarity and Continuity – Being a member of the Full-Time Elected Team this year means I have lobbied local and national bodies to deliver in the best interests of students. • A Transparent Union; where students are involved on all levels Therefore I promise to: • … Continue to work with the University so when the inevitable tuition fees rise, students get value for their money and maximum support, for example no extra or hidden course costs and bursary schemes. • …Work with the University to deliver on its commitment to the ‘Student Experience’ • …Develop Support Services across campus so that all students’ needs across Cathays and the Heath are met effectively. • …Continue to fight for improvements to sports facilities to enhance Cardiff Students health and engagement with sport. • …Ensure that students who find it difficult to engage with the Union feel valued, integrated and part of campus life.
Vote for Rose #1 – Sweet Like Chocolate
Edmund Schluessel university & academic affairs Officer Defending libraries, courses & tutors means Action Against Cuts Over the past two years, I’ve led successful campaigns for progressive change at Cardiff University, working inside and outside the official system. I was at the front of action that kept fees down and saved EMA for college students. Dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, dwi wedi arwain ymgyrchoedd llwyddiannus ar gyfer newid blaengar ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, gan weithio oddi mewn ac oddi allan i’r system swyddogol. Roeddwn ar flaen y gad yn y frwydr i gadw ffioedd i lawr, ac arbed LCA ar gyfer myfyrwyr coleg. 2011 brings the biggest challenges uni students have seen in decades. The first round of budget cuts will take effect while the University discusses raising its fees. The Students’ Union must act assertively so the university puts the interests of all 29,000 of us first. Last year, I was the only candidate calling for students to work closely with lecturers against cutbacks, for the establishment of Welsh and Women’s Associations, and for action to keep tuition fees down. All of these became reality at Cardiff this year, and it’s working. Now, we need to fight to keep what we have. Integrate the course rep system and secure University support for it. Stand up for international students; work to stop short-sighted visa changes. Draw the line: no cuts to library hours or journals, no cuts to contact time, no cuts to courses.
James thomas University and academic affairs YOUR COURSE, YOUR MONEY, YOUR VOICE As a final year Music student who is a Course Rep and Chair of my School’s Staff/ Student Panel, I have actively engaged with my School to help ensure that its students have maximum course satisfaction and value for money. With your support I can do the same for all students. Fel myfyriwr Cerddoriaeth yn fy mlwyddyn olaf sy’n Gynrychiolydd Cwrs ac yn Gadeirydd Panel Staff/Myfyrwyr fy Ysgol, dwi wedi ymgysylltu’n helaeth â’m hysgol i sicrhau bod ei myfyrwyr yn cael y boddhad mwyaf gyda’u cwrs a’r gwerth gorau am arian. Gyda’ch cefnogaeth chi galla i wneud yr un fath i bob myfyriwr. What have I done so far? • Chair, previously Secretary, of the School of Music’s Staff/Student Panel. • An active and vocal Academic Representative for CUSU’s Student Council and Academic Council. • Secretary and Voice Rep for Cardiff University Choir. Why me? As well as my own ideas and my experiences so far, I consider my most valuable skill to be the ability to listen. As your Officer I will work with you, your course reps and the University to deal with your concerns and implement your ideas.My Ambitions: • To protect Cardiff University students from the effects of government cuts. The University also wants to protect you, but in order for this to happen they need to be told what you think needs protecting. • To promote and develop initiatives that improve your career prospects and employability. University isn’t just about studying for a piece of paper, it’s about what you gain from your time in Cardiff, the skills you learn and the experience you accumulate. • To further improve the course rep system so that more students are aware of its existence and that any concerns raised reach the highest possible level. • To campaign for more transparent and more effective feedback and assessment. • To involve students in the key decision-making processes at every level. • To engage with the University in order to improve the student experience and provide better access to resources. It’s YOUR COURSE – you should decide how it is delivered. It’s YOUR MONEY – you should know how it is spent. I will be YOUR VOICE to represent you and implement change for the better.
SAM REID University & Academic Affairs OFFICER Vote for Fireman Sam, YOUR Academic Hero ARWR EICH ADDYSG CHI Throughout University I have sat on various staff student panels, the student council and lead and participated in the Union’s Welcome and Campaigns Crew which has allowed me to gain an insight into how both the University and the Student’s Union work, this is why you should vote for me to represent your academic and university interests. Drwy gydol fy amser yn y Brifysgol, dwi wedi bod ar nifer o banelau myfyrwyr, cyngor y myfyrwyr ac wedi arwain a chymryd rhan yng Nghriw Croeso ac Ymgyrchoedd yr Undeb, sydd wedi fy ngalluogi i ddeall sut mae’r Brifysgol ac Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn gweithio, a dyma pam y dylech bleidleisio i mi i gynrychioli eich buddiannau academaidd a phrifysgol chi. My name is Samantha Alice Reid, a 4th Year Law and French student, and as your Academic Hero I will look to encourage: • F eedback policy awareness. I want to help launch the proposed academic feedback policy to ensure that ALL students get good + consistent feedback from their lecturers. • Increased awareness and campaigning for issues such as the gap in funding for part-time students in Wales compared to in England and the potential lack of tuition fee funding for the mandatory year abroad on modern languages courses. • Recognition throughout the University with programmes such as the Enriching Student Life Awards. • Extended library opening hours and ensure that the current pilot scheme becomes a more permanent fixture throughout the University campus. • Maintenance and development of positive relationships between: the University, the Union and the Students, both on an academic and a general university level. • Academic Representation Schemes which include getting more Course Reps into training and raising awareness and the efficiency of the system. • Negotiations with the University on matters such as consistent approaches to degree classifications throughout the schools and issues including whether the University will do anything to compensate for a rise in tuition fees. I want to represent YOU as a student body and will operate an open door policy so you can come to me anytime about any problem, no matter how large or small.
Amy Robin(son)Hood Welfare, Campaigns & Communication Officer RobinHood, Let’s do Good! I’ve loved my Cardiff University experience; I’ve organised, promoted and publicised successful fundraising events as RAG’s treasurer, volunteered with Amnesty and Mental Wealth together with contributing to Quench’s human-rights issue and I will do all I can to ensure each student has everything they need to make their experience incredible. Dwi wedi bod wrth fy modd â’m profiad ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd; dwi wedi trefnu, hyrwyddo a rhoi cyhoeddusrwydd i ddigwyddiadau codi arian fel trysorydd RAG, gwirfoddolwr ag Amnest a Mental Wealth ynghyd â chyfrannu at faterion hawliau dynol Quench, a bydda i’n gwneud popeth a allaf i sicrhau bod gan bob myfyriwr bopeth sydd ei angen arno i wneud ei brofiad yn un anhygoel. If you vote for me for Welfare, Campaigns and Communications Officer: • I will ensure that the Union website and all communications through facebook, twitter and email are improved. I want to make the student population fully aware of all the fantastic events, services and opportunities our union has to offer. I will also promote the welfare, support and advice available to make sure everyone is able to make the most of their university experience. • I aim to promote guidance for student accommodation, to make sure students are aware of their rights when problems occur with letting agencies and landlords and that they are helped to overcome these issues, so all students are insured an acceptable standard of living. • I will work with Cardiff Digs to unite the union, the community and the council in fun yet effective initiatives to clean up student areas. • I will try to extend hours of Sexual Health clinic in Park Place, and remind students of all services available from the health centre. • I plan to increase awareness of elections UK wide but especially Wales, to keep students informed that their voice and opinions can really make a difference. • I will continue through email, campaigns and surveys to attempt to find what you want from your union, and make sure everything accomplished is done in the student interest.
Hi, I’m Chris and I’m running for Welfare, Campaigns and Communications Officer. I’m an enthusiastic third-year Business Student with some great ideas for our student union. Every year I’ve seen the Union get better and, with your support, I’ll ensure this continues...after all Uni is more than just deadlines and word-counts. Helo, Chris dwi, a dwi’n ceisio am y rôl Swyddog Lles, Ymgyrchoedd a Chyfathrebu. Dwi’n Fyfyriwr Busnes brwd yn fy nhrydedd flwyddyn gyda syniadau gwych ar gyfer ein hundeb myfyrwyr. Dwi wedi gweld yr Undeb yn gwella flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn a, gyda’ch cymorth chi, bydda i’n sicrhau bod hyn yn parhau ... wedi’r cyfan, mae mwy i Brifysgol na therfynau amser a chyfrif geiriau. Happy and healthy! Your welfare is what I want to focus on. How? • Develop the GP and GUM clinic initiatives that the Union is working on. • G et more students supporting the Dental and Ophthalmology schools; they give free teeth and eye treatments - without ridiculous waiting times. • U pdate all university accommodations to equal standard; establish WIFI access allowing you to work outside of your dorm rooms. • M ake student life safer by working with student volunteers, ShowSec, local councils and businesses to create strong supportive communities. Your Union is not just a place to get wasted! It’s here to support you in whatever you choose. I want to create a Union where everyone can be involved, by providing excellent services, better communication and open door policies I intend to make the Union the hub of student life. How? • D evelop an App for phones, keeping you informed of what is going on at all times at the Union. There’s so much going on but so little advertising! • P rovide more computers, lockers, bike locks at the rear of the union etc... students will soon be paying more so let’s get more! • W ork with students to improve the website, and student media; creating an online community with info on student support, job opportunities, service swaps, letting agent reviews and free and cool stuff happening in Cardiff. • P romote Student Development Unit, Advice & Representation Centre and Careers Services. These services can make you more employable. • I mprove the games room, creating a relaxing ‘common room’ to chill out and find info on societies and student led services (SHAG, Nightline, Veg Coop etc) • Introduce diverse, healthier and cheaper food and beverage options. • Create a different mix of music nights put on ‘for students by students’. • Give you what you want! The Welfare officer works for you, the students! So...Support your Union! Vote Chris – The Care Bear for Welfare!
Ed mason Welfare, Campaigns & Communication OFFICER for a campaigning union that fights on your behalf As a Union, we’re often seen only as a bar, nightclub, and meeting place for societies. I would turn the Union into a centre of student campaigning, helping you run your own campaigns, whilst fighting on your behalf on issues from housing to defending your department against front-line cuts. Fel Undeb, rydyn ni’n aml yn cael ein hystyried fel dim ond bar, clwb nos a man cyfarfod i gymdeithasau. Byddwn i’n troi’r Undeb yn ganolfan i ymgyrchoedd myfyrwyr, gan eich helpu i redeg eich ymgyrchoedd eich hunain, tra’n brwydro ar eich rhan ar faterion o dai i amddiffyn eich adran rhag toriadau rheng flaen. One A5 page isn’t big enough for everything I want to do. My key policies are: Housing: I will name and shame dodgy landlords, and make them realise that students aren’t a pushover. I would reassure students looking for new houses not to panic, and definitely not to rush into signing contracts before they’re ready. Defend our education: Not only are tuition fees potentially set to triple, but funding is being slashed to many university departments. This threatens the quality of our education, impacting on lecture hours and contact times. I would lobby the University to stop this from happening, and would trust and support our lecturers in defending our education. Help you run your own campaigns. Union officers can never know everything that affects you. I will promote and help set up a non-partisan Campaigns group within the Union as a Student Led Service, which would help any student or student group with campaigns they wish to run. Find my campaign group on Facebook for the rest of my manifesto.
NATHANIEL SMITH Welfare Campaigns & Communication OFFICER Natman - BATTLING welfare problems since 1989 Since my first year at University I have taken an active role in and dedicated a considerable amount of time and effort to the broad spectrum of student welfare and Union activities. I will use my passion and experience to drive Cardiff forwards, and set the benchmark for student wellbeing. Ers fy mlwyddyn gyntaf yn y Brifysgol dwi wedi cymryd rhan ym maes eang lles myfyrwyr a gweithgareddau’r Undeb ac wedi ymrwymo llawer o amser ac ymdrech iddo. Bydda i’n defnyddio fy mrwdfrydedd a’m profiad i ddatblygu Caerdydd a gosod y nod ar gyfer lles myfyrwyr. Who am I? Hi, I’m Nathaniel Smith and I’m studying final year Neuroscience. I’ve enjoyed a varied and thoroughly rewarding time at University, and wish to spend next year putting all my efforts in to ensuring that you guys get the same opportunities that I’ve had. Why vote Nathaniel? I have worked closely with Cardiff support services, and built up a strong network of links regarding student wellbeing on both a local and a national scale. My list of involvement includes: Co-founder and Co-ordinator of the Cardiff Mental Wealth society (and event coordinator of ‘Release your Inner Child’) Nightline House and Information Officer Oxfam Societies Liaison Officer Neuroscience society President 09/10 Student Support Worker Founding committee member of the charity – Student Mental Wealth Project Steering group member for the Students against Depression website What will I change? Actively listen to ensure that welfare policies are geared towards YOUR needs. PROMOTE student welfare services, particularly during Fresher’s week. Look carefully at exam timetabling to ensure it is LESS STRESSFUL for students. Ensure ALL STUDENT GROUPS are given the same University opportunities. HOUSING ADVICE on how to deal with student letting agencies!! INTEGRATE current student welfare services, to maximise what we have. FINANCIAL ADVICE for students during these challenging economic times.
Harry-Bo Newman Societies, Events and Activities Harry-Bo Newman
- Our union can only become the best in the country if we have the best Summer Ball. A vote for me WILL allow this to happen. - ‘Societies in Sport’ will encourage inter-society and IMG competition through charitable events. Gall ein hundeb ond fod y gorau yn y wlad os oes ganddo’r Ddawns Haf orau. Pleidleisiwch drosof i a BYDD hyn yn digwydd. Bydd ‘Cymdeithasau mewn Chwaraeon’ yn annog cystadleuaeth rhwng cymdeithasau ac IMG drwy ddigwyddiadau elusennol. Having grown up in Cornwall I have been struggling through an engineering degree in Cardiff. I became interested in the union when I discovered that it’s more than just The Lash and Boombox! They rented us some sound equipment for an enormous house party we threw at an old hotel. - It is little known union services such as this which I will advertise to societies and I will advertise the activities of societies to students regularly. - I want to give them the opportunity to compete with each other through sport and other charitable events. Think more 5-a-side; more dodgeball. - And I want IMG rugby and subject specific societies to have a league in which to compete. - By encouraging students to actually join societies rather than just signing up to the mailing lists, members will be more in numbers and more engaged. - Regular, part time and mature students as well as students at the Heath MUST all have equal access to societies. The uni loves employability and they’ve started recognising that joining a society helps this. Their money could potentially create huge opportunities for societies and events. A vote for me will ensure that any new money is fought for and is used to encourage ACTIVITIES. The ‘Ball’ this year is a cop out. I will make SURE next year’s is INCREDIBLE. My vision is a smart event, a huge marquee, a few famous and a few student live bands on one or two stages. It will be a ball rather than a one day festival. Tickets will be no more expensive than last year and it WILL turn a small profit. We CAN afford it. We DO deserve it. Please actually vote. For The Summer Ball, For Societies, For the UK’s best union. “Students And Societies Love It So; The Happy World Of Harry-Bo!”
Emilie Parker-Smith Societies, Events and Activities Officer EPS Express to Society Success! I’m Emilie, an excitable, enthusiastic, conscientious Music student, with experience of leading Varsity Promo and Welcome Crew, who’s actively involved in a variety of societies, sports and university events. I want to continue and create the opportunities that I have had so other students can have the best experience possible. Emilie dwi - myfyrwraig Cerddoriaeth gyffrous, frwd a chydwybodol - ac mae gen i brofiad o arwain Criw Hyrwyddo a Chroeso Varsity, gan gymryd rhan mewn nifer o gymdeithasau, chwaraeon a digwyddiadau’r brifysgol. Dwi am barhau i wneud hyn a chreu’r cyfleoedd dwi wedi’u cael fel y gall myfyrwyr eraill gael y profiad gorau posibl. Goals • Guild of Societies - Build upon the foundations and develop it so that ALL societies see benefits. • Structure – There are a lot of societies, this is fantastic! However resources are spread thinly among them. A structure that develops the established forums, allows better communication, co-operation and provides a more efficient support system will protect societies from being dropped or ignored. • Decisions - To consult students on matters concerning the societies – they’re your societies, your union, therefore your decisions matter. • Budgets and Funding – To allocate budgets in a fair non-biased manner recognising equal society importance. Create long term savings through providing better facilities, i.e. an equipment pool, to protect societies from the very real problem of University cuts and increase funding through other means such as better sponsorship resources. • Events – Events such as Go Global and Refreshers Week to be even bigger and better and to work with the other elected officers to create a new summer ball. • Cultural Diversity - We are lucky enough to have a huge range of cultures at Cardiff, I want to encourage students to interact on a wider basis throughout the year. Not everyone favours the clubbing atmosphere; we can use other facilities to socialise. • Heath – To be a more available point of contact for healthcare students and work with the Healthcare Integration officer to give Heath students the same opportunities. • Security – Have self-defense courses and events that give students the opportunity to gain better information on safety in Cathays and Roath. Feel safer in your own city!!! • University & the Academic side – Extra-curricular activities increase your skills and employability, it’s time the uni fully understood this and supported the students more. VOTE #1 EPS EXPRESS TO GET SOCIETIES ON THE RIGHT TRACK
Laura walker Societies, Events & activities officer get some laura lovin
• 3rd year English Literature student from Pembrokeshire • Enjoys student luxuries: tea, cheese & wine parties, wigs & streaking! • Have put my fun-loving into societies, events & activities at Cardiff in order to have the greatest adventures & best stories & I want to help you make some of your own! • Myfyrwraig o Sir Benfro yn ei thrydydd flwyddyn yn astudio Saesneg • Yn mwynhau moethau fel te, partïon caws a gwin, wigs a noethni cyhoeddus! • Wedi cyfrannu ei hwyl a sbri i gymdeithasau, digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau yng Nghaerdydd i gael yr anturiaethau a storïau gorau a mae hi eisiau helpu chi i wneud rhai eich hun! With 1st hand experience of running a society and organising large scale events, if you vote for me I intend to: • Set up an online room booking system –no more trekking to the union. • Get support from academic schools and other university run facilities to give societies priority to use the spaces they have. • Advertise societies where people are going to be: • More performances and exposure for societies at club nights • Societies should receive payment where they have genuinely organised events that generate income for the union at such nights. • Reform for AGM – • How can forcing committee members to attend be democracy? • Ensure strong links with healthcare, postgrad & mature students’ officer in order to understand their needs. • Later opening hours for union services, at least one day a week. • Touring events (inc. Freshers’ Fayre) for those based further away. • Establish a dedicated “What’s on” web page that will provide a one stop location to find out all that is going on inside and outside the union. • To include tabs for club nights, music, cultural, academic & careers events & non-alcohol related events with ratings, reviews & tickets. LET ME SHOW YOU SOME LOVIN – VOTE FLORA LAURA
Matt Smith Societies, Events and Activities Officer Topmatt - Leader of the gang Societies make university life rewarding! Societies promote new skills, new friendships and new fun. I am a passionate society member who knows how tough they are to run and who knows what societies need. Through my experience; I want to improve yours. Mae cymdeithasau yn rhoi blas ar fywyd yn y brifysgol! Maent yn hyrwyddo sgiliau newydd, ffrindiau newydd a hwyl newydd. Dwi’n aelod brwd o gymdeithas ac yn gwybod pa mor anodd yw eu rhedeg, a beth sydd ei angen arnynt. Hoffwn wella eich profiad chi drwy ddefnyddio fy mhrofiad i. About me: - I am a final year Neuroscience Student - I am friendly, approachable and hardworking - I have loved my time at Uni, and most importantly, my time involved with societies and the events they put on. Why I am suitable: Lots of experience in the running of societies: - Neuroscience Society 09/10 – Vice President and Acting President for the 2nd Semester. - Cardiff Mental Wealth Society 10/11 – Events and Publicity Officer What I want to change: I will be fighting for many improvements to societies next year, including: - Storage for societies - Better communication between societies with a new webpage for presidents that will promote the sharing of socials and talents - The creation of a yearly showcasing evening for any societies wishing to share their skills with the rest – A ‘Cardiff’s Got Talent’ style event. - Certificates and acknowledgements of the skills involved in running a society – Employers still do not fully appreciate the experience gained from running societies and pushing this importance through University commendations will greatly help the employability of society members
My name is Mohammad Sharib Akhtar , i am a student of Cardiff Business School. I have been in Cardiff since 3 years and this is my final year. I m pursuing BSc Business management . Its really callous to define oneself, but as my attributes related to work, i have a very optimistic, saucy approch towards anything i do. Mohammed Sharib Akhtar dwi, a dwi’n fyfyriwr yn Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd. Dwi wedi bod yng Nghaerdydd am dair blynedd a hon yw fy mlwyddyn olaf. Dwi’n dilyn BSc Rheoli Busnes gyda Llwybr Cyffredinol. Ni ddylwn ddiffinio fy hun, ond gan fod fy rhinweddau yn perthyn i’m gwaith, dwi’n optimistaidd ac yn hyderus ym mhopeth a wnaf. WHY ME...? • Presently the Equality and Diversity committee member, and the Undergraduate students Representative • The member of International Student Association and an active organiser of food festivals including performances in socities events • Presently the Student Warden of four halls of residences • Worked as a product promoter- giving me better understanding of campaign • A great Debator and speaker- can be the voice of students. Policies: The union comprises of Herculean duties, the present situation of the union has remarkable achievements but still there are few areas which seek immediate attention. The policies which i will put forward in context for better Glorification of union are: • To help societies with the budget which is very low as compared to sports • To help and support new and upcoming societies financially. • Provide storage facility for Societies • Regular mettings with different societies • Advertise the societies through events and activities. • Provide better room allocations during events. • Encourage societies to organise events in relation to different societies • Encorage societies to involve in student media to promote their events. • Better advertising and publicity of events taking place especially in halls. • Re- designing of Games room . • Improving big events with innovative ideas. • Improve the quality of training in sports. • Encorage more international events to integrate different types of students. • Organise events for Disabled students- give a chance to disable students to smile and involve themselves in union.
Craiger Solomons AU PRESIDENT Craiger’s MEGADRIVE: He will do what he Nintendo’s He will do what he Nintendo’s I am a 4th year Maths student, and have been heavily involved in the AU and Sport in Cardiff for the last 4 years. Dwi’n fyfyriwr Mathemateg yn fy 4edd Flwyddyn, ac wedi bod yn gwneud llawer â’r Undeb Athletau a Chwaraeon yng Nghaerdydd dros y pedair blynedd ddiwethaf. What has he already done? • President, Captain, and Head Coach of Trampolining • BUCS Champion • AU Executive Committee Member • Also member of the Tennis, Hockey, Snowsports, and Swimming & Waterpolo clubs What would he do? Healthcare Students: In the past it hasn’t been taken into account that Healthcare students start back before the rest of the university! I would also hold sports events in September for people that are in the university, getting more interest in clubs before the AU fair. Reduce administration for clubs: There are too many forms! Most of the data collected is already available (from sign up to the AU) so why do clubs have to fill it in every time? Forms can be electronic (hello copy and paste) and make it so that data is only collected if it is going to be used! Recognition for clubs: both competitive and recreational: I would like to have a ‘Player of the Week’ section in the Gair Rhydd, and put out more of the AU newsletters to make sure our success is heard. IMG: We need a full time member of staff to help run IMG, other universities with similar size IMG programmes have 3 full time members of staff running it, so why don’t we? I would also like to make it so all IMG is played on Wednesday (again). Other things I would like to develop: • Storage needs improving so equipment doesn’t get damaged and the space is used efficiently • The kit card collection system could be easily changed to make it easier for clubs • Integrate clubs together more by holding AU Socials and improving the LASH • More funding for coaching, including officials for IMG • Improve the transport system, including: a plan for cancellations; transportation for University Hall residents to Talybont (which is currently a 40 minute walk); and some allocation for transport around Cardiff (for teams that have to travel a long way) • Revamp the Dojo, making it suitable for all the clubs that use it • Get budget out earlier, so that clubs can plan their year better and spend money when they need it!
HARRY GUY ATHLETIC UNION PRESIDENT Prince Harry – YOUR GO-TO GUY I believe that a united and representative Athletic Union will allow Cardiff University sport to prosper and develop beyond all boundaries. Dwi’n credu mewn Undeb Athletau unedig a chynrychioliadol a fydd yn galluogi chwaraeon ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd i ffynnu a datblygu i’r eithaf. I’m Harry, a third year Politics student. I’ve been a member of the AU since my first year after joining Cardiff University RFC. During my involvement with sport at university I have recognised the huge part it has played in my student experience. I have made many long lasting friendships and enjoyed some great moments highlighting the benefit that sport at university provides. Having studied politics I have developed a deep understanding of the workings of representative positions and all that they encompass. I believe that my people skills combined with my ability to negotiate, mediate and represent give me the right characteristics to operate effectively within this figurehead position. I believe a priority for the AU is to improve the sporting facilities that the University offers. Cardiff is considered one of the top 20 sporting universities within the UK, yet the facilities that we boast are not on par. From playing facilities to gyms, there is significant potential that must be realised within our AU’s facilities. I also feel it is of great importance that an established IMG rugby competition is created as currently there is a lack of opportunity for some students. A ‘Colleges Cup’ idea comprising 8 IMG teams would provide this opening for greater participation. Another proposal I would like to introduce is the concept of a united Athletic Union, similar to the model created at Bath University. A united ‘Team Cardiff’ would enable the AU to capitalise on greater sponsorship benefitting each individual club within the AU. This idea would also improve the relationships between all AU clubs whilst increasing awareness of sport throughout the University. There is a huge opportunity to produce an iconic sporting brand that the whole University can be proud of. Lastly, to provide for the improvements needed, the AU must take responsibility to increase sources of income. If elected, I would attempt to create a number of national sports tournaments held at Cardiff to maximise revenue. Sports such as rugby sevens, hockey, six-a-side cricket and others all have the potential to attract increased investors supporting the AU. Sport has provided me with so much during my time at Cardiff. It is this that motivates me to increase the provision for everyone in this great institution. I will deliver a representative, united AU providing sporting opportunities for all. Vote Prince Harry for AU President and you will get the go-to Guy your University sport deserves.
James Davies Athletic Union President J.D. and vote
Sport has played a hugely significant role in my time at Cardiff University and I want to help you have the same fantastic experience I did! Mae chwaraeon wedi bod yn rhan enfawr o’m hamser ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a dwi am eich helpu chi i gael yr un profiad gwych ges i! I’m James, a third year philosophy student. I understand the pressures of managing your course workload with outside commitments and I want to ensure the AU is run as smoothly as possible and to provide the best support available for students and I want AU clubs to know they can come to me with anything. If elected AU president, there are four key areas I will address: 1. Equality – Ensuring all individuals have equal opportunities to participate in sports clubs and that the AU fully represents all students participating in sport. 2. IMG – Through my work as IMG football coordinator this year, I have seen firsthand the amount of work that needs to be done reworking IMG. I will see to it that proper refereeing provisions are put in place for the new season, so that teams no longer have to send substitutes to ref other games. I will also liaise with the council regarding the use of additional pitches from the beginning of the programme, instead of being used as a contingency plan for when games are called off. 3. Invest in Sport – I will increase awareness of the message and aims of Invest in Sport, with many students currently unaware of its long-term goals and why it benefits them as members of the AU. 4. Sponsorship and equipment – I know first-hand how difficult it can be to get sponsorship and quality equipment for your team, so will offer any assistance I can to help ensure teams have everything they need to compete within the AU and also in the BUCS programme.
I’m Jess and my passion is sport. I’m on the Sailing Club committee, but have also played hockey, tennis and England Player Development Rugby. I want to make the AU a better a more equal place for all clubs, and ensure that the AU is working for the AU. Jess dwi, a dwi wrth fy modd â chwaraeon. Dwi ar bwyllgor y Clwb Hwylio, ond hefyd wedi chwarae hoci, tenis a Rygbi Datblygu Chwaraewyr Lloegr. Dwi am wneud yr Undeb Athletau yn lle gwell a mwy cyfartal i bob clwb, a sicrhau ei fod yn gweithio er ei les ei hun. For me, coming from a lesser known club, I know that it is a struggle to get your ideas, needs and voice heard. This year the opportunities for this has increased with the introduction of AU forums and I plan to further this still by giving more places for the smaller clubs to get a voice, by running drop in sessions every week. At these sessions, the agenda is set by the club members, and they can get access to the figures who can help them, and make a difference. My other main aim in the AU is to try and make sure that the target of increasing transparency with club budgets and other decisions is continued. From attending AU forums it has become clear that club members want access to how other clubs spend money given to them in their budget. By increasing transparency, this will be released when asked for. I also want to continue ensuring that any money raised by the AU, for example from Varsity and other events is then put back into the AU, as opposed to being spread around the Union. Ensuring that the AU works for the AU. I would also run events, to increase this income, with rugby sevens and netball tournaments. Alongside these I would set up fun events taking inspiration from the dodgeball competition that happened earlier this year. On from this, I would re-brand and re-introduce “Invest in Sport” after finding out what members thought the money would be best spent on. Along with this I would increase the understanding and awareness of what the investment is for, and how AU members can help the programme. With the investment from this, I feel that University sport facilities need to be improved greatly. To be amongst the best sporting universities, we need the facilities that allow this. From talking to AU members, it has become very clear that many people feel unhappy with the transport the union provides. I would ensure that transport is fairly allocated and try to make more vehicles available to clubs. Finally, If I am elected, the first thing I would do is sort out and tidy the AU office!
MATT VANSTONE ATHLETIC UNION PRESIDENT ‘MARATHON MATT’ - RUNNING FOR AU PRESIDENT I’m Matt, a third year Politics and International Relations Student. During my time at Cardiff I have played for the Cardiff University Tennis Team and created my own Social Tennis League whilst also being a member of the Athletics club. I am friendly, approachable and a strong leader. Matt dwi, Myfyriwr Gwleidyddiaeth a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol trydedd flwyddyn. Yn ystod fy amser yng Nghaerdydd dwi wedi chwarae i Dîm Tenis Prifysgol Caerdydd a chreu fy Nghynghrair Tenis Gymdeithasol fy hun, a dwi hefyd yn aelod o’r clwb Athletau. Dwi’n gyfeillgar, yn agos-atoch ac yn arweinydd cryf. Manifesto: •Competitive Sport for all – I have set up my own tennis league within the Cardiff University Tennis Club and will help assist others where this is a demand. I believe EVERYONE should have the opportunity to play in a competitive environment regardless of skill and would look to introduce the league format into sports such as Basketball, Hockey and all others where there is a demand! •Invest in Sport – Rejuvenate this program to help improve facilities that benefit numerous sports as the university should be able to provide more top class sporting facilities •IMG Sport – Continue the positive work on creating full contact IMG Rugby through the College Cup. Also work closely with IMG so that players can have their say on all matters IMG and set up winter leagues for sports that are affected by the weather heavily e.g. IMG Football. •AU Budget – Work with clubs to maximise what they can do with their budgets by looking at sponsorships and ways to maximise their funds without compromising on standards •Promote Sporting Achievement – Weekly newsletter documenting BUCS successes, outstanding individual achievements and people who are playing a fantastic role within their sports clubs and those who have contributed to charities •More Charity Work – Build on the already positive charity work the AU does by incorporating ideas such as AU ‘Sports Day’, etc. to use the AU’s significant weight to help support vital charities through working closely with SVC •Links with Cardiff’s elite sports teams – Work with Cardiff City FC, Cardiff Blues RFC and Glamorgan Cricket Club to get free access for paying AU members with regular transport options allowing students to access and enjoy the cities big sports teams •Gym Prices – Work closely with Sports & Exercise to introduce alternative ways to pay for using the gym. £3 a time or one yearly sum are not accessible to all students and so it would be a priority of mine to re-introduce termly and monthly memberships to make the gyms financially more accessible
Olly Devon Athletic Union president Vote Jolly Olly!
I want to ensure students have the best possible experience in Cardiff, re-igniting the ‘Invest in Sport’ campaign, building on last year’s progress with the IMG and fighting for the AU budget while promoting inter-club relationships. I want to make Cardiff a truly fantastic sporting institution, to compliment its academic reputation. Dwi am sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn cael y profiad gorau posibl yng Nghaerdydd, gan roi bywyd newydd i’r ymgyrch ‘Buddsoddi mewn Chwaraeon’, adeiladu ar gynnydd y llynedd gyda’r IMG a brwydro dros gyllideb yr Undeb Athletau wrth hyrwyddo cydberthnasau rhwng clybiau. Dwi am wneud Caerdydd yn sefydliad chwaraeon gwirioneddol wych sy’n deilwng o’i enw academaidd da. - More opportunities for clubs to air views with very regular, smaller meetings alongside the pre-existing AU council. Developing clubs will benefit from seeing first-hand how others are organised (e.g. social sponsorship, strong committee) I want to encourage club co-operation – more CAN be done together. Developing ‘TEAM CARDIFF’ philosophy. -Inter club-socials on a big scale, encouraging sports clubs to throw their own events in association with another club, this will bring in money for the clubs and promote Wednesday nights as THE night of the week. -Encouraging a larger than ever recruitment drive in Freshers week with smaller clubs given as much publicity as possible allowing them to expand and develop. Increased representation of all sports, both on campus and in the Gair Rhydd. Also, increasing the profile of clubs that wish more exposure. This coincides with the necessity of maintaining Funding as this is essential for smaller clubs to grow. -Development of external company sponsorship lists – garnering support from national firms but also importantly reaching out to local business. -I want to organise a platform where the proposed IMG Rugby ‘College Cup’ can be arranged with the support of the captains. I also want to be a point of contact for clubs arranging tours, spreading Cardiff’s sporting talent globally. I also hope to further build on the transport facilities for the AU. In terms of Varsity, my aim is to introduce individual trophies for all sports clubs taking part. A major desire is to re-ignite, develop and restore student awareness of ‘invest in sport’ and its purpose.
Rae Lewis-Ayling Athletic Union president action against all cuts
We have entered a new period as far as student politics goes. The viscous attacks of the con-dem government on higher education have stunned and revolted the student body at large. Rydyn ni mewn cyfnod newydd o ran gwleidyddiaeth myfyrwyr. Mae ymosodiadau annheg y glymblaid yn San Steffan ar addysg uwch wedi syfrdanu a gwylltio myfyrwyr yn gyffredinol. With massive cuts announced to university funding and the prospect of Tuition Fees being raised to ÂŁ9000 a year, potentially pricing a whole generation of working class and middle class people out of education the con-dem government has declared that it wants to take education back to the dark ages. The brilliant campaign organised by Welsh students managed to ensure that the assembly did not pass on the rise in tuition fees to welsh students. However this victory has been short lived, with the prospect of funding cuts from the Assembly next year amounting to a 13% cut to the higher education budget and the likelihood after the elections of a reversal in assembly policy. With this in mind it becomes self evident that Cardiff Students Union needs a strong, campaigning, anti cuts leadership in order that we defeat the proposals and maintain our students standards of education. However, it is also evident that we must defend students experiences at Cardiff as well. These cut backs will not only impact on the educational side of the Cardiff Student Experience but also on the extra educational facilities. This applies to the athletics union as much as any other part of student life. Proposed cut backs to university budget will inevitably impact upon the Students Union and by extension the Athletics Union. Balancing academic work with other activities is obviously a necessity for enjoying your time at university and for many students the athletics union helps to provide that. This is why the Athletics Union must not be forgotten in the campaign against the cuts! As Athletics Union President I would hope to continue to provide the services our current president does in terms of the union whilst also providing the strong campaigning leadership that will be needed during the current period. I would hope to use my position to help provide an organised lead to students and bring together the mass of people opposed to the proposals to cut our education and our student experience!
Sam Tasker-Grindley Athletic Union President SuperSam
Hi I’m Sam, a final year Accounting and Management student. I have represented Cardiff hockey for 4 years and I’m the current Men’s Chairman. I have also played for the Squash team during my time here and outside of university I coach tennis and play 5-a-side football. Helo, Sam dwi - dwi’n fyfyriwr Cyfrifyddu a Rheoli yn fy mlwyddyn olaf. Dwi wedi cynrychioli hoci Caerdydd am bedair blynedd a fi yw Cadeirydd y Dynion ar hyn o bryd. Dwi hefyd wedi chwarae i’r tîm Sboncen yn ystod fy amser yma, a thu allan i’r brifysgol dwi’n hyfforddi tenis ac yn chwarae pêl-droed pump bob ochr. Sport has been a huge passion of mine since the age of 3 when I picked up my first tennis racket and took to the court. Cardiff University has offered me 4 of the best sporting years of my life and I will be devoted to making sure that they are all of yours too. I believe that Cardiff University has the potential to compete with the best in sport, and with these policies I hope I can play a part in taking us to the next level: • Saving the AU sports clubs from cuts – Universities across the country are losing funding, but through AU fundraising events I will maintain sports funding at Cardiff • Continuing to foster and implement a ‘Team Cardiff’ ideology • I will increase the value the University puts on our IMG leagues and teams, with support for those setting up new teams, and for existing clubs also. • To really publicise sport at Cardiff I will look to introduce a weekly newsletter featuring a team of the week, fixtures and results. • A main aim for me is also to introduce an AU wide sports tour abroad. • In order for Cardiff to be the best, I will push for upgrades to facilities for both University and IMG sport • “Access your Athletics Union” - I want to make the AU accessible for all, no matter what sport or what level you play at, therefore I will ensure greater publicity for the AU Sports Fair, along with constant effort throughout the year aimed at boosting the AU profile. • I will look to increase funding for mini-bus and coach travel, making sure services are available to all teams as often as possible Playing sport for so long has taught me dedication, hard work, and organisation, all qualities which, if elected AU President, I promise to use in order to make next year a great year for Sport at Cardiff.
Dom Kehat Head of Student Media Ringleader of the Media Circus
The position of Head of Student Media for me is the opportunity to share and promote Cardiff Student Media so more people can enjoy being apart of this incredible team. I mi, mae swydd Pennaeth Cyfryngau Myfyrwyr yn gyfle i rannu a hyrwyddo Cyfryngau Myfyrwyr Caerdydd fel y gall mwy o bobl fwynhau bod yn rhan o’r tÎm gwych hwn. Manifesto: Whilst undoubtedly challenging, the past year working as editor of Quench has been incredibly rewarding. I have loved developing the magazine along with the dedicated team, and feel an immense sense of satisfaction watching the capabilities and confidence of others grow with the opportunities Cardiff Student Media has to offer. Through passion, enthusiasim and an emphasis on teamwork, I want to make all aspects of Student Media - CUTV, Xpress, Quench and Gair Rhydd - a true representation of the journalistic talent within Cardiff University. What will I do? - I wish to fully utilise the expertise of the Journalism department, one of the top in the country, and other resources such as BBC Wales, to enable greater training to all those within Cardiff Student Media. This should offer students not only a means of showcasing their work, but developing it, and calling upon those already successful within the media is intergral to this. - I wish to make all areas of Student Media more visible on campus. Clearer distribution bins for both Gair Rhydd and Quench ensure that all students are aware of its existance. Furthermore, Xpress should be played in all campus cafes during working hours, enabling a greater number of people to hear the talent on offer. - Finally, I wish to create a greater online presence for Student Media, ensuring that all aspects are available digitally. I hope to continue the hardwork of Sarah and the team, overseeing the completion of Gair Rhydd and Quench websites so Cardiff Student Media is more readily available to an audience beyond Cardiff University Students.
morgan ‘m&m’ applegarth head of student media get more. get morgan.
I am a friendly, driven, creative, third-year Journalism student. I have been involved with all aspects of our Student Media throughout my three years at Cardiff, and I am your focused candidate to maintain the current high standards whilst delivering improvements in key areas. Dwi’n fyfyriwr Newyddiaduraeth cyfeillgar, penderfynol a chreadigol yn fy nhrydedd flwyddyn. Dwi wedi bod yn rhan o bob agwedd ar ein Cyfryngau Myfyrwyr drwy gydol fy nhair blynedd yng Nghaerdydd, a dwi’n ymgeisydd sy’n benderfynol o gynnal y safonau uchel presennol gan sicrhau gwelliannau mewn meysydd allweddol. ...........................................WHAT EXPERIENCE HAVE I GOT?............................................ NEWS EDITOR (GAIR RHYDD), NATIONAL MEDIA AWARD WINNER (CUTV), CARDIFF MEDIA AWARD WINNER (CUTV), ILLUSTRATOR (QUENCH), NEWSREADER (XPRESS RADIO), STUDENT MEDIA SURVEY team member, work placements including time at MEDIA WALES and READING FOOTBALL CLUB on matchday radio. ................................................WHAT WILL I DO FOR YOU?................................................ •Develop and maintain MONTHLY WORKSHOPS hosted by MEDIA PROFESSIONALS to maximise your potential and improve skills and creativity. •MAKE SURE content is uploaded ONLINE as it happens so you are always up-todate. ENHANCE audio-visual content to assure Student Media is the best it can be. •Push for increased CUTV and XPRESS RADIO airtime at your Students’ Union to make sure our students get the exposure they deserve. •Introduce PATCH REPORTERS at Halls of Residence to BLOG on internal, current issues. •Publish more SUPPLEMENTS and PULLOUTS to proudly exhibit your creative talent. •Conduct more INVESTIGATIONS to bring you hard-hitting stories in a fair, balanced manner. •Launch a CUTV and XPRESS TEAM committed to covering a wide range of events in Cardiff so you always know what’s going on. •INCREASE coverage of University sports by integrating all areas of Student Media. Offer GUIDANCE and SUPPORT for the AU ONLINE MAGAZINE. •Keep QUENCH fortnightly, making sure content is what YOU want. •SUPPORT and INTEGRATE PARK LIFE with all other media, making it a fully recognised part of Student Media. •INCREASE Student Media ADVERTISING REVENUE for up-to-date equipment that will ensure that the high quality of our fantastic Student Media’s production is maintained. •Carry out a mid-term SURVEY to ensure Student Media is RELEVANT TO YOU.
Oliver twist head of student media he wants more!
I want more for Cardiff Student Media. That’s MORE OPPORTUNITY for you to get involved, MORE INDEPENDENCE for investigations into the Union and University and MORE VARIETY, offering the content that you want to read, watch and listen to. Dwi am gael mwy o adnoddau i Gyfryngau Myfyrwyr Caerdydd. Mae hynny’n FWY O GYFLE i chi gymryd rhan, MWY O ANNIBYNIAETH ar gyfer archwiliadau i’r Undeb a’r Brifysgol a MWY O AMRYWIAETH, gan gynnig y cynnwys rydych am ei ddarllen, ei wylio a gwrando arno. Who is Oliver Twist? • I am a Third Year Politics Student with lots of experience in Cardiff Student Media over three years; as a contributor, presenter, and POLITICAL EDITOR of gair rhydd. •I am currently implementing a Student Social Media Strategy, starting with the Student Media Survey and moving on to improve the online work of Cardiff Student Media. More Opportunity • I want more opportunity for you to get involved with student media. • I’ll do this with a second round of media recruitment and by making student media more APPROACHABLE. • Following the success of Xpress Radio’s Master Classes, attended by industry experts from Radio 1, I will introduce training days for CUTV, Quench and gair rhydd open to everyone, an opportunity to learn from those in the business. More Variety. • I want more CHOICE within Cardiff Student Media; the choice to read, watch and listen to the content which is important to you. • I’ll do this by following the recommendations from the Student Media Survey and tailoring content based on it’s results. And I’ll also back Park Life and the recently launched AU newsletter, spending time with Medics and Sports Teams to improve their own media. And I will make the fantastic resources of Cardiff Student Media available for all students to produce their own content. More Independence. • I want more independence for Cardiff Student Media to hold the Union and University to account. I’ll do this by helping you to launch more INVESTIGATIONS into the topics you want to know about. • By defending Quench, CUTV and Xpress from the Student Union’s financial cuts I will help them to continue to produce quality, independent content.
Cerys Bowen Finance and commercial officer You can count on Cerys! Hi there! I’m a friendly and enthusiastic final year Journalism, Film and Media student, and I believe that YOUR union should be run in a way that benefits YOU! Shwmai! Myfyrwraig gyfeillgar a brwd ym mlwyddyn olaf fy nghwrs Newyddiaduraeth, Ffilm a Chyfryngau ydw i, a dwi’n credu y dylai eich undeb CHI gael ei reoli mewn ffordd sydd o fudd i CHI! How I’m qualified: • I am founder and former President of JOMEC society, as well as the current vice-captain of JOMEC IMG netball, which has provided me with an insight into how societies and sports clubs are organized and run financially • I am an active member of the Union’s Events Committee, where I have acquired vital knowledge as to how events are developed and achieved within the union • I have been involved with organizing numerous events such as society socials, local gigs and leavers’ balls. As a result, I have gained many skills that will be of great advantage to me in my role as Finance and Commercial Officer What I want to do: • Ensure that the May Ball and other end of year events continue to grow, and that any failures from this year’s project are amended. • Provide new services to students that offer financial and debt advice during this current grim financial climate. • I believe particular care and attention should be given to first years who may have spent too much money during Freshers Week, and to final year students who need help to be more commercial and ready to face the real world once they graduate. • Provide societies and AU clubs with more financial support, by safeguarding that budget allocation is fair and efficient. • Increase the popularity of the union’s club nights, by increasing the efficiency of ticket-purchasing, upgrading the themed nights, and revising drink choices and prices so that you’re getting value for money. • Develop the Events and Retail Committee further by raising more awareness of their existence to students throughout the year in order to improve communication between students and elected officers. • Continue to support the Union’s involvement in the fight against the government’s cuts that threaten to hinder Cardiff students’ experience at university. If you want a creative, confident, and committed finance and commercial officer – you can count on me!
Claire Williams Finance and commercial officer She’s your golden ticket! I know it’s a cliché, but these last two and a half years in university have genuinely been the best of my life! I want to ensure that this is the case for the rest of the student body! Mae pawb yn ei dweud, ond mae’r ddwy flynedd a hanner ddiwethaf hyn yn y brifysgol wedi bod yn amser gorau fy mywyd! Dwi am sicrhau mai dyma’r achos i bob myfyriwr! I am a friendly, approachable, third year maths student, passionate about enhancing the student experience! I am currently president of the Maths Society, and former secretary of my local Young Farmers’ Club, which has let me get to understand how societies and organisations are run, and helped to develop my leadership, self management and communication skills significantly. I was sponsored for the Rotary Youth Leadership Award Scheme, a one week intensive course, both mentally and physically challenging, participating in various outdoor activities, improving my teamwork and leadership skills. I am keen and more than willing to learn. Whilst I have many ideas on how to improve the Union, in the current economic climate, it is important to keep the financial situation of the Union stable. I aim to: • Continue to provide the high standard of services in the Union, and to make it my number one priority to communicate with students, ask them what they feel the Union should offer, and to represent them to the best of my ability. • Keep up and improve the standard of club nights, compete with clubs in the city centre • Provide more activities that don’t involve alcohol, such as quizzes, bingo, darts, poker nights, etc. and increase the profile of Comedy Club. I will make full use of the games room in the Union, look into staffing it, make it more accessible and advertise it better to students. • Provide a brief, easily accessible overview of the accounts regularly to ensure students that their money is being invested well. • Review the success of the May Ball, and look into holding it after exam time next year, and promote the musical talent we have here in Cardiff, by organising a Battle of the Bands, with the best bands getting a chance to perform in this end of year ball. • Advertise events well and make students more aware of the facilities the Students’ Union offers.
I have been honoured to represent students on the Student Council (the highest decision making body of the Union) for the last three years. Campaigned against cuts to higher education. Stand against rise in tuition fees. As a member of the Cardiff Investment Society for the last two years, developed key commercial and financial skills to be able to perform this role. Dwi wedi cael y fraint o gynrychioli myfyrwyr ar Gyngor y Myfyrwyr (corff gwneud penderfyniadau pwysicaf yr Undeb) dros y tair blynedd ddiwethaf. Dwi wedi ymgyrchu societies and sports clubs. YES WE CAAN I have been honoured to represent students on the Student Council (the highest decision making body of the Union) for the last three years. Campaigned against cuts to higher education. Stand against rise in tuition fees. As a member of the Cardiff Investment Society for the last two years, developed key commercial and financial skills to be able to perform this role. At Cardiff since 2007, currently in final year, studying Economics & Politics. Member: Student Council (2008-Present). Work at the Union Box Office since 2009. President: Cardiff Paksoc (2008-09). Founding member & Welfare Officer of International Association (2009-10). Student Warden (2010-11). Elected NUS delegate (2010) I will always follow STUDENTS’ FIRST policy as a guiding principle for commercial decisions. Will develop the Events Committee to encourage wider student participation in decision making. To recruit more students, I will start a competitive review of Solus Club nights with city centre venues in terms of variety and atmosphere of events, prices of entry and drinks. Utilize the GAMES ROOM area more effectively. Lobby the University for extension of Union building. Drive the Union and lobby the University towards greater environmental sustainability. Promote local businesses. Ensure that our trading partners share the same respect for environment and human rights as our student body. YES WE CAAN for a bus service between University Hall and Students’ Union on club nights. To make sure Union ATM machines are always working. For a second hand Union Book Shop. Redevelop the Union Reception into a central information point with Union and University maps.
Sophie ‘haymaker’ Hay Finance & Commercial officer Heavyweight Champion! Using YOUR money wisely to guarantee that YOUR union provides YOU with the best possible services, entertainment and overall student experience. Defnyddiwch eich arian yn gall i sicrhau fod eich undeb yn darparu yr adloniant, gwasanaethau a profiadau myfyriwr grau possib. Who Am I? I’m an enthusiastic, sociable 4th Year French & Spanish student. Throughout my time at Cardiff I’ve loved the union and what it has to offer. I’ve been heavily involved in Welcome Crew and the Events Committee and feel that the experience I’ve gained will help me to take the union forward. As part of the Varsity promotions team I understand the ins and outs of what goes into organising a large-scale event. I also have an extensive knowledge of marketing to students, having been a promoter for both the union and external club nights. What am I going to do? I want to make sure that students can get the best experience possible for their money. I will ensure that all budgets are allocated appropriately to AU clubs and societies and that everyone sees the money that is reinvested back into the union. I want to ensure that the union offers the most competitive prices. I want to increase the number of students using the union (especially Postgraduates and international students) and therefore student spending within the union. I will aim to maximise profit without compromising the needs and interests of students. I will continue to research and develop more ways of being ethical, working together with the Ethical & Environmental officer. How am I going to do it? Union Ambassadors – first year representatives for the union. Events Committee – I will further develop this so that the views of a wider range of students are put forward to provide club nights, events and services that suit everyone’s different tastes and interests. What Goes On in the Union – more daytime events, improving smaller events and refreshers’ week, introducing a healthier and more diverse range of options in cafes. Ethical and Environmental Impact – more high-profile events and campaigns to raise awareness of these issues, and increasing availability of Fair Trade products. Efficient Use of Space and Building Improvements – breathing new life into the Games Room, The Taf and The Shop, for example. Loyalty Discount Card – to benchmark other student hotspots in the Cathays area.
Adam Gunner Healthcare student intergration officer Top gun’ner - your healthcare wingman
“Vote for me to make sure neither distance or your timetable get in the way of a better Healthcare student experience.” “Pleidleisiwch drosof i sicrhau nad yw pellter na’ch amserlen yn rhwystr i brofiad gwell i fyfyrwyr Gofal Iechyd.” Medics, Nurses, Physios, Dentists, Midwives, Pharmacologists and other Healthcare disciplines make up 5000 students in Cardiff University, more than any other student group. You deserve to have a voice, and to feel connected to the rest of the University community. With your vote, I will aim to: • Listen to what issues are important to Healthcare Students, and make your views heard • Keep the ball rolling on bringing the best of the Union services and events to the Heath • Engage with students on placement, even away from Cardiff • Make sure you know what’s happening at the Union on Park Place I want the opportunity to work hard for you, continuing the progress made by my predecessors in making sure Healthcare students make the most of what our Student Union has to offer.
SARAH HALPIN Healthcare Student Integration Officer Spicing up YOUR union for YOUR healthcare experience! Healthcare students are one of the largest student groups in Cardiff, but how much time do you actually spend at your union? I’m Sarah, a final year Medical Pharmacology student and I want to ensure healthcare students across Cardiff don’t miss out on what the union has to offer. Myfyrwyr gofal iechyd yw un o’r grwpiau myfyrwyr mwyaf yng Nghaerdydd, ond faint o amser ydych chi’n ei dreulio yn eich undeb mewn difrif? Sarah dwi, myfyrwraig Ffarmacoleg Feddygol yn fy mlwyddyn olaf, a dwi am sicrhau nad yw myfyrwyr gofal iechyd ledled Caerdydd yn colli allan ar yr hyn sydd gan yr undeb i’w gynnig. I’ve loved being a healthcare student but it’s not always been easy splitting my time between Park Place and the Heath. As an active member of Welcome Crew, Varsity promo and the Netball Team, I understand how hard it is to juggle your social and academic life. IF ELECTED, I WILL: • Work closely with other officers to make sure all polices are healthcare friendly • E nsure that students on placement, from late cohorts and distant campuses have a regular communication from the union as well as a point of contact. • I mprove the impact of the satellite hub by increasing awareness of events, sports teams, jobs, transport and news concerning healthcare students. This could be done with a healthcare page in the Gair Rhydd and increasing the circulation of Parklife. • B e available and committed in helping healthcare students who need advice and guidance from the union. Together, we can build on the bridge between the Heath Park Campus and your students union. Find me via Facebook or Vote #1 HALPINO FOR HEALTHCARE!
alec Care environmental & ethical officer Helping you help your union build a better future for all Helping you help your union build a better future for all Yn eich helpu chi i helpu eich undeb i lunio dyfodol gwell i bawb I am a 3rd Year Civil Engineering Student from Derby, being a Quaker I believe that the union and university should be working to help all, especially those less fortunate. This Year I was elected onto the student Council as part of the block of 15. On top of this I am also an active member within both sports and societies with my interests ranging from People and Planet, Engineers without Borders to Ultimate Frisbee and Athletics. What do I stand for? • Inclusion – The creation of an open forum for all societies and individuals, helping to create and publicise events, and make it easier to bring E+E issues to the attention of the union. • Awareness – Provision of Information provided to students, focussing on creating a Fresher’s event and information through housing week. • Policies – Push the university to implement relevant Environmental and ethical policies which have been passed by the union without affecting the legality of their operation. • Ethics – Pressurise both the union and university to measure how ethical a product is and to include this in any purchasing or other contracts. • Environmental – Encourage the University and Union further their plans for renewable energy commitments by pushing for feasibility studies on all buildings. I am always happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to contact me at, or find me on
Zabelle Aslanyan Environmental & Ethical Officer Vote Zabelle for a zabell-END to university injustice
I’m a medical student with a passion for all things fair and friendly : ) I want to represent the students’ Ethical & Environmental concerns and make sure the union and university support the issues you support. Dwi’n fyfyriwr meddygaeth sy’n frwd dros bopeth sy’n deg a chyfeillgar. Dwi am gynrychioli pryderon Moesegol ac Amgylcheddol myfyrwyr a sicrhau bod yr undeb a’r brifysgol yn cefnogi’r materion rydych chi’n eu cefnogi. I would be a great E&E officer because: • I have 5 years’ experience campaigning about ethical and environmental issues. • I am president and member of many societies including People & Planet, Vegetarian & Vegan Society, Medsin, Medics’ Choir and the Fruit & Veg Co-op. • I’m chatty, approachable and willing to talk to anyone about your E&E concerns, including staff and students. • Being a medical student, I’m reliable and organised and will attend and chair regular meetings with the Fairtrade Forum and Committee. My plans: • Organise a fantastic Fairtrade Fortnight to celebrate Cardiff’s Fairtrade Status! (which will include speakers!) • Campaign to get the University and University Hospital Wales to support fairtrade cotton NHS products (scrubs and uniforms). • Continue the campaign to get the University and Union to join the Worker Rights Consortium to ensure better rights for the producers of university supplies. • Make sure the Ethical Banking motion is seen through to keep students’ money out of accounts which support climate change. • Run regular campaign stalls at the union to raise awareness about student issues and keep in regular contact with the VC and societies.
usman malik International students officer Vote Usman: Internationalising the students union Hello everyone , I am Usman Malik, currently studying law, in Cardiff university law school. I am passionate about student life and I believe that our days at Cardiff University are some of the best days of our lives. I aim to be open and be able to keep you informed with what is happening among the student’s union for the best interests of all the international students. Usman Malik dwi, a dwi wrthi’n astudio’r gyfraith ar hyn o bryd yn ysgol y gyfraith, Prifysgol Caerdydd. Dwi’n frwd dros fywyd myfyrwyr ac yn credu bod yr amser a gawn ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn un o adegau gorau ein bywyd. Dwi’n ceisio bod yn agored a gallu rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi am yr hyn sy’n digwydd yn undeb y myfyrwyr er lles yr holl fyfyrwyr rhyngwladol. As the president of The International Student Body, I wish to play the role of a mouthpiece for a united voice while recognising their needs as a diverse group with a medley of interests. As the International Student Officer, I will be committed to securing the interest of every nationality represented at Cardiff students union in the best fairway possible. My aim is to focus on Financial and Academic issues. I believe, it will be the first priority of ISA president to set up a student’s union administered hardship fund for international students for any unforeseen circumstances, causing an emergency for the student. International officer along with the Association should create awareness about plagiarism and related issues, to deal with these serious academic issues I plan to run seminars and workshops, with the help of senior students and student support centre. Breaking the barrier between international students is very important for overall integrity among students from diverse cultural backgrounds, EU students and other international students coming from many different nations, with variety of culture and traditions, it would be accomplished through organising events, I would like to hold workshops for International students on understanding the British Culture in a much better and interesting way. Representing International students and bringing to the table the issues that are relevant to them and their particular circumstances is very important, organizing campaigns relevant to those same issues is a good solution. To promote the participation of international students in Students Union activities Involve students in volunteering and large range of activities, which creates sense of creating belongingness. Arrange meetings every month where international students can get the chance to express their university experience and association will listen to their concerns and then act on these in a strategic, transparent and systematic way. To make our student union as international as possible by facilitate integration between all our students. I will make all efforts possible for providing an International office with the aim of providing assistance in all aspects of life, ranging from communication, accommodation, and opening bank account. Selection of Student representatives from different backgrounds with an aim to provide service to all students without language or any other barrier Will promote the interactions and joint events of the different international societies present in the union, this will lead to a bigger platform for the members to exchange cultural values and to know each other better. The experience I have got by working in the union as an International student representative will provide me further base in achieving our aims through our team work between International students association and other sabbatical officers of the union. I would also work for the awareness of visa application and immigration rules and regulations for international students.
Kate Boddington LGBT+ Officer Don’t Wait, vote Kate!
I’m Kate – a 2nd year English Literature undergraduate and for the two years I’ve been in Cardiff I’ve been an active member of the LGBT+ society of which I’m currently Vice-President – I’m good at identifying students’ needs and I understand the issues facing LGBT+ students in Cardiff. Fy enw i yw Kate, myfyrwraig israddedig Llenyddiaeth Saesneg yn fy 2il flwyddyn, ac yn ystod fy nwy flynedd yng Nghaerdydd dwi wedi bod yn aelod gweithgar o’r gymdeithas LGBT+, a fi yw’r Is-Lywydd ar hyn o bryd - dwi’n gallu nodi anghenion myfyrwyr ac yn deall y materion sy’n wynebu myfyrwyr LGBT+ yng Nghaerdydd. Aside from being LGBT+ Society Vice-President, I’m an AU representative on Student Council which has allowed me to appreciate how the Students’ Union works, and I’m a co-editor of the LGBT+ section of Quench. I’m conscientious and motivated to achieve my goals. My involvement with both the Students’ Union and the LGBT+ Society means that I am well placed to communicate with and improve the welfare of LGBT+ students at Cardiff University. I’m committed to foster strong links with the University to highlight the need for better welfare services for LGBT+ students, and to focus on those who need the support most. As LGBT+ Officer I will: Ensure that the community support and social opportunities that the LGBT+ Association provides are better advertised to prospective students through student media, the Students’ Union’s website and across campus. Focus on Freshers as they are a pivotal part of Cardiff’s LGBT+ community, increasing support and provisions including creating welcome packs for new students in Cardiff. Use the information collected from the student wide LGBT+ survey that is being conducted later this year to channel and focus our efforts in campaigning to tackle the issues that come to light in the results. Continue to scrutinise the current Association structure to ensure continuity, involvement of students and promotion of all different strands of LGBT+ welfare. Run campaigns increasing awareness about LGBT+ issues, focusing on specific areas such as Bi-Invisibility and Trans Awareness. Continue to foster relations with the new LGBT+ student-staff working group to look at LGBT+ student welfare provisions throughout the University.
owain rhys lewis WELSH STUDENT’s OFFICER “Rhoi’r iaith ar waith”
Ers cryn amser bellach, dwi wedi bod yn rhan o dîm o fyfyrwyr sydd wedi mynd ati i lobïo’r Undeb er mwyn sicrhau gwell cynrychiolaeth i fyfyrwyr Cymraeg o fewn yr Undeb a’r Brifysgol. Drwy’r gweithgarwch hwn rydym wedi gweld sawl cam ymlaen, megis gwella ymwybyddiaeth ac ailsefydlu’r swydd hon. Ond yr hyn sydd wedi dod i’r amlwg dro ar ôl tro yw natur cyfan gwbl broblematig y Gymraeg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae sefyllfa’r Gymraeg o fewn yr Undeb yn llai o ddryswch bellach. Dros yr wythnosau dwethaf yr wyf innau a sawl un arall wedi bod yn gweithio ar bolisi iaith newydd i’r Undeb sy’n amlinellu hawliau unigolion o fewn yr Undeb a hefyd yn ymateb i’r rhannau rheini o bolisi’r brifysgol a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiwedddar sy’n anigonol. Nid oes cynllun ieithyddol cydlynol gan y Brifysgol. Er enghraifft: os yw unigolyn yn cael gwybod ar ddechrau’r tymor gan adran academaidd fod modd cyflwyno traethawd yn Gymraeg, mae hi’n ddyletswydd ar yr adran honno i gyfieithu’r traethawd yn gywir ac yn eglur. Nid yw hyn yn digwydd bob tro. Efallai fod y broblem hon a phroblemau tebyg yn ymddangos fel pethau cymharol ddibwys, ond cânt effaith andwyol ar fyfyrwyr sydd am ddefnyddio’u hiaith o fewn y Brifysgol. Effaith bellach yr amwysedd hwn tuag at y Gymraeg yw annog y myfyrwyr hynny sydd yn ystyried astudio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, i beidio â gwneud hynny. Mae angen gwneud pethau’n symlach i fyfyrwyr sydd am ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg o ddydd i ddydd. Yn unol â pholisïau’r Undeb ar leiafrifoedd, mae’r hawl i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn bodoli. Eto, nid yw hyn yn opsiwn cyfredol i nifer o fyfyrwyr am y rheswm syml nad yw’r awdurdodau yn dewis gweithredu’r hawl. Os yw’r Undeb am wella amodau myfyrwyr Cymraeg o fewn y brifysgol, rhaid iddi fod yn flaengar a sefydlu polisi iaith cadarn ac eglur, sy’n diffinio’n gwmws beth yw hawliau myfyrwyr o safbwynt y Gymraeg. Mae angen hefyd greu diwylliant lle mae myfyrwyr yn teimlo’n gyfforddus yn gallu trafod eu anghenion, gan ddarparu llais i fyfyrwyr, cyngor a chysylltiadau iddynt gael defnyddio’r Gymraeg a chynrychioli eu buddiannau ochr yn ochr â lleiafrifoedd eraill y Brifysgol. Dyma fydd fy mlaenoriaethau fel Swyddog Materion Cymraeg. Os caf fy ethol, byddaf yn adeiladu ar yr hyn yr wyf wedi ceisio ei gyflawni’n barod ac yn gosod sylfaen gref i swyddogion y dyfodol fedru adeiladu arni. Credaf mai fi yw’r person iawn i wneud hyn, yn sgil fy ngwaith dros y flwyddyn ddiwetha a’m gweledigaeth gadarnhaol i’r dyfodol.
owain rhys lewis WELSH STUDENT’s OFFICER “Rhoi’r iaith ar waith”
For some time, I’ve been part of a team of students that has been lobbying the Union to ensure better representation for Welsh speaking students within the Union and the university. As a result, we’ve taken several positive steps forward, raising awareness of certain issues, and ensuring the re-establishment of this post. Yet, what has become clear time after time is the wholly problematic existence of the Welsh language in Cardiff University. The status of the Welsh language within the Union is clearer now. Over the past weeks I and several others have been working on a new Welsh language policy for the Union that outlines the rights of individuals within the Union and also reacts to parts of the University’s deficient policy that was published recently. The University still has no cohesive Welsh language policy. This is a policy that does nothing to explain in real terms our right as students to use the language. For example: if an individual is informed by an academic school at the start of term that there is an opportunity to present an essay in Welsh, it is that departments’ responsibility and obligation to ensure that any essay submitted is translated correctly and clearly. This isn’t always the case. It is possible that this problem and others similar to it seem comparatively insubstantial, yet this has a detrimental effect on students who wish to use their language within the university. The ambiguity in policy towards the language has the greater effect of discouraging those students who are otherwise considering furthering their education through the medium of Welsh. Things have to be simplified, and policy made clearer for students who want to use their language from day to day. This ‘right’ to use Welsh does exist. It stands in accordance with the Union’s policy on minorities. Yet it is still not a viable option for many, as those with the power to implement this right have not done so. If the Union is to improve the conditions for Welsh language students within the university, it must be forward thinking and establish its own language policy that is both strong and clear in its definition of student ‘rights’ concerning the Welsh language. There is also a need to establish a culture in which students feel comfortable discussing their requirements. A culture which enables students to voice their opinion while also providing the advice and contacts needed to be able to use Welsh, representing their needs and rights in accordance with other minorities within the University. These will be my priorities as Welsh Affairs Officer. If I do get elected, I will develop that which I have already attempted to achieve, setting a platform on which future elected officers can build. I believe I’m right for the job due to my record over the past year and my positive vision for the future.
Astha modi women’s officer Be the predator not the prey Who am I? I’m Astha Modi, a second year student in journalism, film and media. I came here with the idea of becoming a journalist after the completion of my course. I always fought for equal rights for women when I was in India. It was after coming to Cardiff I understood I could officially call myself a feminist, rather a post-feminist. Astha Modi dwi, myfyriwr yn fy ail flwyddyn sy’n astudio newyddiaduraeth, ffilm a’r cyfryngau. Des yma gyda’r syniad o ddod yn newyddiadurwr ar ôl cwblhau fy nghwrs. Gwnes bob amser frwydro dros gydraddoldeb i ferched pan oeddwn yn India. Ar ôl dod i Gaerdydd, deallais y gallwn alw fy hun yn ffeminydd yn swyddogol, yn hytrach nag yn ôl-ffeminydd. Before coming to Cardiff I spent three years working with different charity organizations in India which rescued girls from prostitution and got them medical treatment. I have also travelled to small villages and tried to promote education for girls. In most of the South Asian countries girls are kept at a distance from formal education as it is believed that the only aim in a girl’s life is to get married and handle her family. Feminists have been fighting for equal rights for women since 1970s, even though they have been successful, the society today is not completely devoid of male dominance. My Aim: • I want to be personally available for every woman in Cardiff and deal with the issues they are facing. I will create a comfort zone for everyone so that they can approach me regarding any problem they have at any time. • I have faced many incidents which have made me feel inferior to men and also a victim to them. I will try my best to make sure no other woman goes through what I went through. I will encourage every woman to be strong, confident and fight for their rights. • I will think innovatively and also practically about how to spread awareness of various issues regarding women. My contact details will be available for everyone who has any ideas or wishes which promote the welfare of women. • Beware of areas where male dominance is in existence today and promote women for it. • Since I am a post feminist I would arrange events which are in interest of women. • Arrange demonstration of self defense techniques, also provide security number to everyone and spread awareness of the unsafe areas and how to take precautions. • NUS have been very active in International women’s day and other important events in a feminist’s calendar. I would ensure that Cardiff university students are actively involved in it and also invite other organizations. • Collaborate with Asian society, Pakistan society, Indian society, Malaysian society and all the other societies where women come from backgrounds which are under male dominance till today. Organize charity events and collect aid for women in their countries. • I would especially like to spread a word on how to deal with eve-teasers. No one can walk away with pleasure hurting any girl and girls need to be strong and fight back.
Palash Agrawal Student council chair
elect palash to boost your voice About Me: I’m a second year student doing Mechanical Engineering at Cardiff University and a foundation course in Business from Cardiff Confucius Institute. Though it is not easy to determine one’s own worth, I would rate myself as a bright young person with ceaseless energy eager to take up challenges & responsibilities. Myfyriwr yn yr ail flwyddyn dwi, sy’n astudio Peirianneg Fecanyddol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a chwrs sylfaen mewn Busnes o Sefydliad Confucius Caerdydd.Er nad yw hi’n hawdd gwybod eich gwerth eich hun, byddwn yn dweud fy mod yn berson ifanc galluog sy’n llawn egni i gymryd heriau a chyfrifoldebau. One very important thing that I have learnt from my University experience is multi-tasking. I learnt to strike a balance between my academic and social life. Since 2010, I have been a student councilor and have actively represented fellow students in the highest decision making of the Students’ Union. -Academic Representative 2010/11. -Representatives for School of Engineering, health safety and Environmental Committee. 2010/11. -Course Representative 2009-2011. -ISA Executive Member. My Policies: We live in a very critical stage for UK education. This puts an increasing amount of pressure on all staff of present and future Student Unions. Each and every willing and able active student must ensure that his voice is heard with strength, determination, passion, honesty and resilience. For them and all I will be that voice, but not the only one as we are all stakeholders in this journey. -Ensure the WIDER STUDENT VOICE is heard in meetings. -Hold sabbatical officers to account. - To get more opinion recognized in the meetings - Making Student Council relevant -Encourage debate and discussion on all matters that are important to the student body. -Always act impartially as the Student Council Chair and control meetings in a non-partisan way. -I think the Student Council can be further developed by active involvement on all Councilor’s. Debate in the Student Council should be lead by Councilors, for this I will start training workshops at the start of the Academic year. -Student-Staff Panels play an important role in making the University Student focused. I will support to Student Staff Panel Chairs so that the Academic issues affecting students can be addressed.
Sarah Smith Student Council You’ve Had Mr Smith.... Here’s Mrs smith
I’m a second year student at Cardiff doing History. I have a great time being a student; I’m actively involved in a variety of different aspects of the union. Council Chair is a great opportunity for me to get involved further and keep our union the fantastic place it is! Dwi’n fyfyrwraig yn fy ail flwyddyn yng Nghaerdydd sy’n astudio Hanes. Dwi wrth fy modd yn bod yn fyfyrwraig; dwi’n cymryd rhan mewn o nifer o wahanol agweddau ar yr undeb. Byddai bod yn Gadeirydd y Cyngor yn gyfle gwych i mi wneud mwy a sicrhau bod ein hundeb yn parhau’n le gwych! I became an honorary member of Welcome Crew at the end of last year. This involved working closely with the union, having a good knowledge of the different areas within the union itself. Since then i’ve worked closely with the union in a number of different areas; •I’m a member of the AU through the swimming and water polo team. I enjoy the various competitions, BUCS being a personal favourite of ours!
•I’m an elected member of the Student Council; I’m comfortable with public speaking and frequently contribute here. •I’m already Vice Chair to Student Council! This means I can get straight into the job as I already know the running. •I’m on the disciplinary committee; this is an elected committee from within the council. As you can imagine from the name its an exciting committee to be on as there can be some interesting things that come up... in saying this it also takes a level of responsibility in making key decisions. •I’m a member of the RAG (Raise And Give) society. We have a great time raising money and its all for a good cause. I’m currently involved with an Oxfam campaign called ride and seek. •I’m on the committee for the Liberal Democrats society and am genuinely interested in politics. All my involvement with the union is due to the great working environment that students working together creates. As Chair for Student Council i would love to be a part of this, so go on... give your vote to Mrs Sarah Smith!