Gaited Canada July/August 2010

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July 2010

The breed, the diversity and the passion. Page 3

a feel good ride for a really good cause Page 11

a celebration for the senses Page 13

Fix your sights on this challenging fast paced sport Page 18

Making every step count Page 25

From the Editor

Issue #3 - July/August 2010

As word of the magazine spreads, our readership has steadily increased . We now have subscriptions from around the world!!

Gaited Canada Publisher: Trademark Design

There has been no shortage of interesting topics to research. I hope that you, the reader, are finding the content to be interesting, informative and at times, entertaining.

A gracious recognition of judges and spectators by Pleasure Champion Kentucky Classic 2008 Shelbyville, KY

I am especially pleased to bring the updates on upcoming charity rides in each issue. They offer not only an opportunity to take part in a riding adventure but are a great opportunity to give till it hurts! I am very excited to bring this issue to our readers. The Paso Fino is the breed that I personally own and ride. It has been a love affair of over 20 years, and I am thrilled to be able to present the breed at every opportunity.


3. The Paso Fino Horse

31. Media Sheet

The breed, the diversity and the passion

11. Wild Pink Yonder A feel good ride for a really good cause

13. Riding Mountain National Park A celebration for the senses

18. Mounted Shooting Set your sites on this challenging fast paced sport

25. Hoof Prints of Hope Making every step count

33. Submission Guidelines 25. Breeder Directory 27. Association & Clubs 33. Stallion Directory


Stefanie Schermerhorn Editor 1-877-801-7276 (toll free) Proofing Jo Seggie-Flemming Gaited Canada online is published bi-monthly: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/Aug, Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec.

The views and opinions expressed in this publication throughout the features, columns and advertisements are not necessarily those of the Trademark Design. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be duplicated or used within other sites or publications without written permission from the publisher.

The breed, the diversity and the passion. by Stefanie Schermerhorn

If not for the morning of October 12 1492, when Christopher Columbus stepped ashore on an island in the Americas… For it was this date that would influence the horses of the Americas forever after. After exploring a number of the islands in search of gold, an island he named Hispanola offered hope; it was here that the crew asked and Columbus agreed to leave 39 colonists. He observed that the land was devoid of domesticated livestock like that found in Europe. Future voyages would include domestic farm stock including horses. spread use and recognition over such an historic period and length of time. It is no wonder then, that there is no other gaited breed that stirs such passion and intensity from so many. In countries of origin, it goes beyond the horse… it is inclusive of culture and heritage, the sport of showing and a way of life, a way of life that spans more than five centuries.

Two settlements were created but failed before establishing Santo Domingo where, in November of 1493 Columbus brought ashore 20 stallions and 5 mares. They would become the foundation stock for the remount stations of the conquistadors. These horse were of fine quality, representing the ability to meet the challenges that the new world would present to settlers. These horses were a mixture of Barb, an animal of great stamina and strength, the Andalusian, courageous and powerful and the Spanish Jennet, a lighter breed of horse, possessing a comfortable saddle gait that would allow settlers to travel greater distances without tiring. As Spanish settlers came to the new world, they brought additional Spanish horses that would be selectively bred with the original foundation stock. As the islands of the Americas were colonized, the selective breeding of the “Caballo de Criollo”, (native descendants from original stock) created similar yet unique strains of Paso horses for specific and diverse roles of exploration, conquest and settlement of the Caribbean and Latin America. Initially in Puerto Rico and Colombia, the criollo became known as Paso Fino and Paso de Colombiano. Later on, as exploration and trade increased, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Aruba all bred regional strains of Paso horses. Not all regions used the name of Paso Fino, but those that did were passionate and determined that theirs was the birth place of Los Caballos con Paso Fino.. The horse with the fine step.

In Puerto Rico it was Ponce de Leon, who in 1509 was responsible for bringing a number of those horses from the remount station. These first arrivals included horses that performed an easy ambling gait. Owners blended these Spanish horses to create the first criollo (bred and born locally) horses of Puerto Rico, shaped by the environment and needs of the island’s settlers, with a preference towards a smooth natural gait. The country grew and developed, and with it the criollo evolved to meet the demands of the people. The selective breeding of the best criollo with future imported stock resulted in the foundation of a new breed of horse, the Paso Fino, named for the smooth natural gait that it performed. Then towards the end of the 19th century, the noted breeding of extraordinary horses resulted in what would impact the future of the Pure Puerto Rican Paso Fino. The Andalusian stallion Faraon was bred to the mare La Cora, resulting in Faraon II. Faraon II was bred to La Vazquez producing Caramelo and Caramelo was then bred to Masqueada. This final cross brought the breed Dulce Sueno, who truly exemplified the breed and set the standard by which the breed would be known. Almost all Pure Puerto Rican Paso Fino

No other gaited breed of horse can boast the wide


horses are descendants of the sire, Dulce Sueno. Breeding took on purpose and gave vision to the future of the breed. The breed came to be the national horse of Puerto Rico. As early as 1849 Paso Fino competitions were

animals. The 20th century lead to organized competitions, associations, breed standards and competition rules.

Dulce Sueno established for the purpose of improving the local horses. Puerto Ricans prized their horse, breeders took pride in breeding stock and haciendas concentrated on producing the finest animals with a smooth, equal and fine four beat gait. In Colombia, some thirty years later the Spanish horses were bred in semi isolation, and in different regions of the country. The country is vast and differed greatly from the geography of Puerto Rico. The Colombian criollo was bred to meet the demands of a rugged terrain, and to service settlers’ needs in conquering the challenges of early day colonization. Again, the criollo was bred to create animals of necessity. As life in Colombia progressed the passion of breeding the finest animals became a matter of pride for haciendas and families. Lines often carried the name from the farm, a region or an extraordinary horse. Cattle ranchers required a larger and stronger horse to perform work on large plantations, the diagonal gaits of trocha and trote galope were well suited for these disciplines, while traveling greater distances and overseeing plantations were more suited to the lines that produced the lateral paso fino gait. No matter the discipline, all modalities were bred with the highest regard for quality animals. It was in the 19th century here too that competitions between haciendas, and regions soon developed to compare horses and determine the finest bred

By the mid 1940s American servicemen stationed in Puerto Rico discovered the smooth riding Paso Fino. They not only grew to admire the breed, they recognized that it was unlike any other riding horse that existed back home. A number of servicemen brought Paso Finos with them upon returning home after World War II. It was another two decades before Paso Finos were imported from Colombia, but word of this new breed was spreading and the demand was increasing quickly. American breeders, still learning about the breed, had to deal with cultural differences, language barriers, distance and the cost of importation as they continued to import breeding stock. No doubt all of these factors played roles in the selection of horses that arrived in North America. This has lead to a veritable melting pot, and just as in countries of origin, breeders began to selectively breed Paso Finos in North America by region, preference of modality and intended purpose. This lead to a diverse selection of genetics within the breed, while still adhering to the breed standards set out by early associations. The first association for Paso Fino horses in North America was incorporated in 1964 under the name of American Paso Fino Pleasure Horse Association, Inc. After some time, opposing goals and direction for the breed lead to dissention among members. In 1972 a group of ten breeders formed The Paso Fino Owners and Breeders Association (PFOBA), and is now known as Paso Fino Horse Association (PFHA). In Canada, the Paso Fino Horse is recognized by the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) with registration in the General Stud and herd book. The Central Canada PFHA inc., (incorporated 2008) is a region of the Paso Fino Horse Association Inc., of Lexington Kentuck (formerly of Plant City Florida) and offers Canadian owners and members of PFHA local activities such as clinics, fun shows and organized events. The Paso Fino Owners and Breeders Club of Canada is a newly organized group of Paso Fino enthusiasts that is dedicated to the promotion of the Canadian Paso Fino Horse and to offer a resource


for owners, breeders and enthusiasts.

pride. The track is an eight of a mile long, with a soft sand pit at the end to help the horses decrease their speed after their top speed flight over the track. At the starting gate, the horses have a short distance to fall into the andadura gait, breaking gait after this point will cause then to loose the race automatically.

In 1990, an international organization was formed to unite Paso Fino associations and organizations under one umbrella - CONFEPASO, Confederación Internacional de Caballos de Paso (International Confederation of Paso Horse Breeders). CONFEPASO is a non-profit organization representing ten countries (Colombia, Curacao, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, the United States and Venezuela). Member organization compete in the biennial world cup event called La Mundial which is hosted in different member countries on a rotational basis. La Mundial is governed by a unified classes, standards and judging system, which may differ from individual associations in host countries. But showing is only part of what makes the Paso Fino admired by so many… Paso Fino enthusiasts will tell you that the characteristics of the breed lend themselves to a variety of disciplines. The Paso Fino with it‘s intelligence, sensibility, responsiveness and incredible stamina make for a willing mount with undeniable beauty and presence. The Paso Fino is well suited as a trail horse, working ranch horse, open competition and family horse.

above - road cabalgata - Puerto Rico below - Lori Ford on the farm

Cabalgatas are daylong family event, representing the past era on horseback, when plantation owners traveled by horse, reinstilling the relationship between the Jíbaro mountain folk and the horse. It is a celebration of the lifestyle and of the Puerto Rican Paso Fino. Cabalgatas are held nearly every weekend, some a simple gathering of friends, others are organized equestrian events for private clubs and special occasions. As the ride moves from hacienda to hacienda or town to town, there are stops at the local bars, and restaurants, where town residents come out to greet the riders, or hurriedly saddle their own horses to join the cabalgata. Municipal sponsored cabalgatas bring riders from all over the island to towns who benefit from the flurry of activity created while the cabalgata parades through town.

In Puerto Rico, The Paso Fino is a show horse, awork horse, a race horse and pleasure horse that the entire family uses. Andadura racing is rapidly growing in popularity, for participants and spectators alike! The andadura gait is a near pace; the andadura race is run at 33 to 35 MPH. Horses are raced without saddles or using a special saddle, and often with protective gear for their front limbs and hoofs, occasionally you will see a horse with a racing mask sporting a Puerto Rican flag, in true the spirit of national

a stop along the cabalgata, Puerto Rico


In Colombia, festivals and horse shows are the primary opportunities to see the traditional Paso Colombiano, cabalgatas are no longer held. It is still possible to find horseback tours. The countryside surrounding Popayan has some very scenic horseback riding tours available. The Circuito Ancestral is an historic 15km trail through beautiful countryside and small villages east of Popayan. Further east, the ancient stone sculptures of San Agustin are best visited by horse, and the countryside offers a spectacular backdrop for horseback riding tours. Here in North America, the Paso Fino registries included the name of Paso Fino, with breed standards and description of only the Paso Fino gait. In recent years the American Trote & Trocha Association was established to represent the diagonal gaited horses. Our show circuit is quite different from countries of origin in that we offer classes that represent our use of horses; western pleasure, versatility, and trail classes along with amateur owner divisions are not available under CONFEPASO in Latin American countries. Trail and recreational owners make up over 80% of the breeds membership here. Paso Fino owners participate in open events and all breed activities such as; competitive trail, endurance racing, obstacle challenges, stadium events, 4H, and ranch style competitions.

While breeders in countries of origin strive for show ring achievements as the measuring stick for future generations, North American breeders have recognized the versatility and diversity of the breed to be of significant importance. The ability to produce a horse that has far reaching appeal is of great importance in an area that, unlike countries of origin, have vast choices when it comes to equine partners.. The fino horse is born with the natural talents of collection, rapid footfall, and presence. The trail and recreational horse offers the same natural gait with a longer stride, more subtle brio and nature required to meet the demands of the serious open competition event and trail riders. Uniquely different, yet equal in quality, style, and smoothness‌ The Paso Fino - from the thrill of competition to the adventure of trail riding has something for nearly every interest and level of rider. Breed descriptions, gait modality and general impressions may vary from organization to organization and from county to country as influenced by use and preferences in each region, however the overall qualities of the breed remain the same.


The legs are straight with refined bones and strong, well defined tendons and broad, long forearms with shorter cannons. The thigh and gaskin are strong and muscled but not exaggerated. Standing slightly under in the rear is acceptable. Pasterns are sloping and medium in length. Bones are straight, sound, and flat, and joints are strong and well defined. Hooves are well rounded, proportionate in size and do not show excessive heel. The mane, tail, and forelock are as long, full, and luxurious as nature can provide. No artificial additions or alterations are allowed. A bridle path not exceeding 4" is acceptable. Paso Fino horses are 13 to 15.2 hands with 13.3 to 14.2 being the most typical size with weight ranging from 700 to 1100 pounds. Full size may not be attained until the fifth year.

Overall appearance The head should be refined and in good proportion to the body of the horse, neither extremely small nor large with the preferred profile being straight or slightly convex just above the nostrils. Eyes are large and well-spaced, very expressive and alert, and should not show excessive white around the edges. Ears are comparatively short, set close and curved inward at the tips. The lips should be firm and the nostrils large and dilatable. Jaws are defined but not extreme. The impression should be of a well-shaped, alert, and intelligent face.

Every equine color can be found, with or without white markings.

The neck is gracefully arched, medium in length and set on at an angle to allow high carriage, breaking at the poll. The throat latch should be refined and well-defined. The shoulders are sloping into the withers with great depth through the heart. Chest is moderate in width. Withers are defined but not pronounced and slope smoothly into the back. The midsection is moderate in length with a well-sprung rib cage. The top line should be proportionately shorter than the underline. The back should be strong and muscled. The midsection should join the forehand and the hindquarters so as to give the horse a pleasing, proportioned appearance.

Some registries recognize only one modality (diagonal or lateral gait), while others recognize all of the Paso gaits, or have developed a discipline for a specific gait. All these modalities are inherent to Paso lineage and are smooth and natural.

The Hind quarters have a croup that is slightly sloping with rounded hips, broad loins, and strong hocks. The tail is carried gracefully when the horse is in motion.

The Paso Fino gaits The gait of the Paso Fino is totally natural and normally exhibited from birth. It is an evenly spaced 4-beat gait with each foot contacting the ground


independently in a regular sequence at precise intervals creating a rapid, unbroken rhythm. When executed perfectly the four hoof beats are absolutely even in both cadence and impact. The Paso Fino gait is performed at three forward speeds and with varying degrees of collection. In all speeds of the gait the rider should appear virtually motionless in the saddle and there should be no perceptible up and down movement of the rider or horses croup.

Paso Largo- the fastest speed of gait in which the paso horse can reach speeds equivalent to a canter or slow gallop, speed ranges vary with the individual horse’s genetic ability. Each of the Paso Fino gaits is executed at "different speeds" and with "varying degrees of collection." Ideally, the rider should appear "motionless in the saddle" in all three gaits, with no up and down motion and the horse is equally motionless in the croup. Classic Fino- the horse is balanced and fully collected, utilizing extremely rapid footfall with exceedingly short steps, used for show purposes.

The diagonal gaits (Paso Colombiano)

Paso Corto- the same four beat pattern but with moderate speed and collection which would be similar in speed to the trot of non-gaiting breeds and used comfortably for pleasure and trail riding.


Trocha a four-beat diagonal gait in which the front foot of the diagonal pair lands before the hind, eliminating the moment of suspension and giving a smooth continuous uneven cadence. The footfall sequence is "right front" followed almost immediately after by "left hind" (first and second beats), pause, "left front" followed almost immediately after by "right hind" (third and fourth beats)..

The racing gait

Andadura Near pace or flying pace The racing gait is fast and smooth reaching speeds of over 30 miles per hour. A lateral uneven 4 beat or lateral two beat with a barely detectable moment of suspension between footfalls; each side has both feet land almost simultaneously (left hind and left front, suspension, right hind and right front). Not all Paso Finos are able to perform this gait, and it is only performed by well balanced, athletic and correctly trained horses under the hands of experienced and skilled riders. The horse is not ridden in a slow pace, it is uncomfortable for the rider and is not encouraged when training the horse to perform a correct andadura gait. The andadura is not a gait used for long-distance travel.

Trote A two-beat gait made of the alternate beat of successive diagonal legs. A diagonal pair rise and strike the ground, then the opposing diagonals rise and strike the ground. The absence of suspension and dwell time make the trote a smooth gait.

Titles and honors In North America a number of honors and titles have been created to acknowledge accomplishments within the breed; Foundation Sires, Grand National Champions, Top Ten Sire and Dam, Title of Proficiency, Legion of Merit, Honor of merit, and Hall of Fame horse and member inductions. Countries of origin bestow titles such as; Horse of the year, Sire of the year, National Champions, and Fuera de Concurso (the title given a horse upon winning ten Championships, at which point they only compete with other "Fuera de Concurso" horses).

Galope The Galope gait is a three-beat gait. It is performed slowly with control and collection, the timing and suspension creates a smooth ride. It starts by impelling with a hind leg (first beat), followed by the other hind leg and its opposite front leg together (second beat), and ended by the last front leg (third beat), which is the opposite to the first hind leg.


These particular titles and honors depict the importance of pedigree and breeding as the breed develops in all countries where there Paso Fino is cherished. However, recognition of individual horses in numerous equine disciplines indicates the impact of these events and activities, and how they have molded the Paso Fino in North America for what it is today‌.. A breed of growing interest that meets the demands of almost all levels of riders.+ Paso Fino Horse Association (USA) Central Canada Region Central Livestock Records - General Stud & Herd The Paso Fino Owners and Breeders Club of Canada


If this is the first time you’ve read about Wild Pink Yonder, we’re a 22-day trail ride that raises money for breast cancer research. We are a not-for-profit charitable society that I created and run with my partner, who is also my son. We are based in Alberta, Canada. Last year was our inaugural ride. This is year two in Alberta. Next year, we’re adding Manitoba to the mix! Will we expand beyond that? I hope so! Breast cancer is life-threatening. Surviving it was, for me, life-altering. Being involved with Wild Pink Yonder has been life-altering too. Life-altering – and nothing short of amazing. I watch the news. I know how rotten things can be; how hateful, heartless, thoughtless and downright murderous people can be. But since I started doing this, I’ve never met so many wonderful people. Musicians who offer their talents for free. A professional photographer who has given up 22 days to travel with the trail ride and shoot stills and video. Folks who

volunteer to help us move all the trucks, trailers and other vehicles forward each day. Every time I turn around, up pops somebody else who wants to help! And for every low-life you’ve read about who has abused or neglected his or her horses, there are hundreds of warm and wonderful people who cherish theirs. I know this to be true because many of them ride the pink trail with us. They bring their Quarter Horses, their Tennessee Walkers, their Arabians, their Heinz 57’s – all in the pink of condition. When we’re out there riding the pink trail to raise money for breast cancer research, we challenge the towns we visit to get involved too. We have a contest for them called Pinkest Little Town in the West. Which one can be the pinkest (literally!) and raise the most amount of money (per capita) for our cause? Some of the things we’ve seen have been heart-touching, like the woman’s house that was wrapped in pink bunting with a sign in the window proclaiming that she has been breast cancerfree for eleven years. Others have been funny, like the port-a-potties with pink boa taped around the seat lids! One of the places we’re riding into this year is Trochu, Alberta. They plan to have a pink wagon full of breast cancer survivors meet us and lead us through town so we can see how pink they’ve made the town, and so they can see us. Long before we get there, they want to sell pink tags


on which their citizens can write the name of someone they lost to breast cancer or someone who is fighting it now or who has survived it. Then they asked if our riders would carry those tags to the end of the trail. (I told you! Heart-touching.) We will be staying at St. Ann Ranch, which was the original town site for Trochu. Now it is an open-air museum with many of the original turn-of-thetwentieth-century buildings. What a treat for our riders! They can toss aside their tents for the night and stay in the refurbished old mansion, if they want -- that is, after we get back from a dinner and dance in town. When we leave Trochu, our riders will put their horses in their trailers and leave them. We’ll take the riders to Dry Island Buffalo Jump where they will go on foot with an interpreter to visit dinosaur beds and have lunch in the park. While they are away, we will move their horses and trailers forward to within striking distance of the next town (Stettler). After lunch we’ll deliver them to their horses and they’ll ride on to Stettler for the night. So, you see, we’re serious about riding breast cancer into the ground, but we have a lot of fun doing it -- and the experience is worth its weight in pink diamond studded ribbons! To join us, visit If you can’t join us, please consider sponsoring one of our riders. Researchers don’t come cheap, and we’re not going to rein in breast cancer without them.





16 Phone: (204) 848-7275


Mounted Shooting

Firearms Canada Cowboy Mounted Shooting is a timed event combining riding skills with firearm target shooting and a historical time frame using special blank ammunition. There are 64 courses of fire, the course is a pattern of 10 targets (balloons) in specific patterns. The first half (5 targets) of a course of fire will vary with each go and can require the horse and rider to stop, turn, change leads and to accelerate rapidly. The second half (5 targets) is called the “run down.� The run down is a straight course with targets set at approximately 36-foot intervals. Typically, a mounted shooting competitor crosses the timing beam at a full gallop and engages the first pattern of five targets. After a shooter fires the fifth shot, he or she returns the empty revolver to a holster racing to and turning around a barrel, then racing to far end of the arena while drawing a second revolver. At the far end of the arena, the horse and rider turn another barrel and engage the five remaining targets of the run down at full speed. Matches may be held in indoor or outdoor arenas.

Fix your sights on the challenging fast paced sport of Mounted Shooting! In 1991, Jim Rodgers combined his interest in firearms, his love of horses and the challenge of competition to create one of the fastest growing sports that is based on practical cavalry style drills. The first organized Cowboy Mounted Shooting Competition was held at Winter Range the second week of February 1992, at Ben Avery Shooting Range north of Phoenix with a total of three entrants. By 1995 there were 36 riders at the Nationals and 41 at the World Championship. There are now 94 affiliated clubs, including two in Canada and others in the planning stages. Canadian firearm laws are much more strict than those in the States, a license is required to purchase, use and transport firearms. You must qualify and hold a valid PAL (Possession & Acquisition License). In order to apply for a PAL and the necessary Transport Permits, you must complete the Canadian Firearms Safety Courses. Canadian Firearms Centre


Firearms must be period correct, pistols must be fixed sight single action revolvers of .45 Colt caliber, designed prior to 1898, reproductions are acceptable. Rifles must be manufactured prior to 1900 or a reproduction of that era. Rifles must be a production weapon, no one of a kind or home-made weapons will be allowed. Rifles must be a pump action, lever action, or revolving rifle. The pump practicality: noun action and lever action rifles are to be .45 Colt, .44Definition: with actual use 40 or .44 concern Magnum calibers. The revolving rifle Synonyms: common horse sensebarrel length is 16 must be .45 Colt. sense, The minimum inches and overall rifle minimum length is 30 inches.

Dress Requirements for Female Competitors consists of: A traditional western cowgirl style long sleeved shirt or blouse. Sleeve must be wrist length and buttoned at the cuff while competing. A Introduction to gait traditional western cowgirl style hat, traditional The mechanics of gait western cowgirl style boots or High-topped Conformation of gait Victorian-style lace-up shoes. Show gait vs trail gait Modern Western Cowgirl Style five pocket jeans Suppling to improve gait may only be worn with chaps or chinks. Bits and head gear For those who wish to wear classic attire of the 19th Trimming and shoeing for natural angles and smooth gait century, the following exemptions will apply only Trail and obstacle training when worn with a full-length, full skirt or dress; 19th century styled short-sleeved tops are allowed. Traditional western style cowgirl hats are not required when wearing a full-length, full skirt or dress. Split riding skirts are considered trousers There are no judges making this event a non therefore a hat and long sleeves must be worn. subjective reality. Just you, your horse, targets and the clock. You'll find the riders cheering each other on offering advice and equipment if needed. Penalties arenatural assessed for missed targets, dropped breed training methods, Stefanie forms a Combining horsemanship and traditional guns and overturned barrels. connection built on confidence and cooperation, developing a safe, sane and sound pleasure Associations have a number of classes divided by horse. age and gender, adult class will Throughout the within process of classes buildingeach skills and confidence, Stefanie works on defining and have a number of skill junior and Understanding youths honing the natural gaitlevels; of each horse. the mechanics of gait, the individual have oneability, skill level each. horse's conformation and genetics are all taken in to consideration Clothing must be either traditional western or period specific. Men’s attire will consist of either traditional or authentic era clothing; Traditional style includes a long sleeve western shirt, 5 pocket blue jeans covered by chinks or chaps, western boots, and a cowboy hat. If you prefer authentic era attire, the late 1800's appropriate clothing would be shirts without collars, Trademark Farms and high-waisted pants with buttons, not zippers, and an old style cowboy Darden, TN 38328 hat.

photography Larry Wharton

Any breed of horse is suitable for mounted shooting, a number of gaited breeds offer a smooth lope and gallop, helping with accuracy. This quality was similarly noted in the mounted games

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article, Gaited Canada, May/June 2010. Rick Meyer, past president of the Paso Fino Horse Association rides both Paso Finos and Quarter Horses in mounted shooting competition. Tennessee Walking Horses and Spotted Saddle Horses are frequently ridden in these competitions. Some horses take to this sport easily, others do not. It is up to your horse's temperament and your desire to train your horse. Your training will focus on yields, turning, speed and desensitize your horse to shooting. Many riders will use earplugs for themselves and their horses to reduce the noise and risk of damage to hearing.

Ancient horseback archers in Asian countries such as Korea, Mongolia and Japan, have long guarded their tradition, it can be regarded as an art, rather than a skill or a sport, often cloaked in the culture and heritage of battle and rituals of ancient tribes. North American organizations and events exemplify a melting pot of techniques, and international styles. There are associations, clubs, societies and schools that offer training, clinics and competition in horseback archery. Courses and requirements vary between styles (origin) of play.

Hungarian Style Courses Standard course: Each competitor will canter down a 90 meter course divided by four drove posts which divide the course into three equal sections. A three-faced target is placed at the center of the course (45 meters) but seven meters off to the left side of the course. The competitors will shoot as many arrows as possible at the appropriate target face as designated by his or her position between the posts. The course must be completed in 16 seconds or less otherwise no score will be recorded or any targets hit during that pass.

For those that are looking for the same fast paced exhilaration without firearms, there is Mounted Archery. A highly exciting and thrilling participative and visual sport, it is one of the world's oldest equestrian disciplines , remember Sagittarius?


Moving targets course: Each competitor will canter the 90 meter course and attempt to shoot at three moving disks. The throwers (three of them) will stand 4 meters from the center of the course, and 5 meters down-course from each of the three respective drove posts. For the standardized competition with formally recorded scores, the disks are rolled on the ground. The course again must be completed in 16 seconds or no score will be recorded regardless of the number of hits. The self-made 6-ply corrugated cardboard disk target will be 1 foot in diameter and painted and scored A faulty throw can be called by the judge followed by a corrected throw; this will require an additional pass where the competitor shoots at all three throws again, which cancels the total pass which had a faulty throw. Alternating targets course: Each competitor will canter down the 90 meter course with 5 targets presented 3 on the left, and 2 on the right side of the archer. The targets are

inspired by the Japanese Yabusame, 1 foot square of breakable material such as cedar shingles, cardboard, or flexible plastic. Left hand targets are positioned 4 meters from the center of the course and with the center of the target being 2 feet (61cm)

above ground level. Right hand targets are 2 meters from the center of the course and with the center of the target being 2 feet (61 cm) above ground level. All targets are placed 45 degrees to the course. The sequence of shooting this discipline, where L = left, and R = right, is L, R, L, R, L. All arrow points in this discipline must be rubber blunts for safety sake

Korean Style Courses All types of competition are performed on a track with an overall length of 160 meters. The first 110 meters of this track is straight, with the remaining 50 being a sweeping turn to the left, forming a large J. The diameter of the J-turn is roughly 40 meters, with the last 2 meters being straight and parallel to the other side of the track. Approved Variation: The course is run on a 160 meter straight track. All competitors will have 2 runs on a course to make up their total score for that course. Approved Variation: competitors have 3 runs on a course. Except for Mogu, all targets are square and 1 meter in diameter, divided equally into 5 scoring area with the inner bulls-eye being 20 cm in diameter. The targets are placed 5 meters from the inside track rope.


Double shot course: Two targets are placed roughly in the middle of the straight part of the course, separated by 8 meters. The first target is a forward shot; the second is a backwards shot. Again, the course is timed and competitors draw their arrows from a hip quiver or belt.

Kassai Horseback Archery, a martial arts discipline, requires study of theoretical knowledge, learned exercises and examinations. The student will progress step by step. Every exercise and examination must be conducted riding bareback. The competition course, as defined by Kassai, is ninety-nine meters long. There is one target with a rotating face on the course at its centre point its diameter is ninety centimeters. An electronic timing system gives the archer a maximum of 20 seconds to cover the course; to encourage speed as well as accuracy, the number of seconds less than 20 is added to the score reached on the targets. Any traditional bow or a modern fiberglass replica can be used, and with the exception of the nocking point, use of any other devices is strictly forbidden. The rider, on the competition course must show a proper start and follow the targets with a drawn bow in a dynamic gallop and a correct stop. Harmonious movements, from the hip downward, move in perfect harmony with the horse, from the hip upward a perfectly smooth following of the targets.

Serial shot course: Five targets are place along the total length of the course in 30 meter increments, all presented as side shots. This course is not timed; arrows are to be drawn from a hip quiver or belt, not held in the hand. Scoring is as follows: bulls’ eye = 5 points, then 4, 3, 2 and 1 point respectively. Additional points are added as follows: If the first 3 targets are hit an additional 3 points is added to the score for that run. If all 5 targets are hit an additional 5 points is added arranged at three spots along the runwayto the score for that run. If a competitor does not hit 3 targets on the course he/she is eliminated from the Serial Shot competition. Mogu course: A mounted rider pulls a Mogu ball behind him on a long rope over the first 90 meters of the course. A mounted archer chases the ball while firing bunt arrows (Mujuckjun) at it. Team competition: Teams of 2 mounted archers chase the ball. Arrows may be held in the bow hand as the blunts will be coated with paint to mark the hits. Chasing archers may only hit the ball when it is moving, not at the beginning of the course when the drag rider is picking up the slack rope or at the end when it has been dropped. A flag should be dropped or a drum beaten to indicate when the chase rider can set off after the ball and start shooting. The course will be timed to settle any ties.

Japanese Style courses Yabusame is best better described as a stylized ceremony and exhibition. Riders and steeds participate in the ritual of an extended blessing and are dressed head to toe in exquisite traditional finery. The track measures 219 meters long and just 1.8 meters wide. The wooden targets (shikinomato) are designed to burst open in a shower of confetti when properly struck, are . ceremony This makes it the perfect demonstration event. Kasagake was originally a competition to sharpen warrior's horseback archery skill. Using different sized targets each of which is set at different height, and the archer shoots both ways. The first target on the way down the course has fence on both sides, thus there is only a second to aim and hit the target. Returning back down the course, the archer shoots small shingle targets which are set


close to and angled from the ground on both sides of the course. Traditional costume for archer and horse for appropriate era and style makes for a dramatic flair and adds authenticity to events. In Korea, traditional attire is required to compete. It doesn't have to be Korean attire, just traditional attire from a horse archery culture. Many competitions in Europe have costume requirements.

The Americas have not established requirements as of yet, but organizers of any given event can decide to include costume requirements.. Mounted archery can be introduced to any breed of horse. The courses are performed at a controlled gallop, without spins or sharp turns. Training and desensitization to the equipment, track and the sights and sounds of competition are required as with any other equestrian sport. All of these should be introduced slowly and in stages to allow the horse to accept each new situation. Since your reins will be dropped while on course, training your horse to respond to leg, seat and voice cues enhance the partnership between horse and rider.

Gaited horses, with a smooth and collected gallop are favored mounts of a number of archers. Holm Neumann of Oregon breeds Mangalarga Marchadors and compete in mounted archery. David Gray, treasurer for the Mounted Archery Association of the Americas rides a Rocky Mountain Horse.

The Mounted Archery Association of the Americas qualifies all new competitors and horses before they can compete. Requirements include; 1) Riders must be able to show control at the walk, trot, and canter. 2) Demonstrate care and control while making one side shot on the course at the canter. 3) Horses must be calm and manageable at the canter while a rider is making a side shot on the course. Mounted archery is a dangerous sport along with all other equestrian sports and high action outdoor sports. However, if good safety practices are followed, the accident rate is very low. At all times safety will be in the forefront of any competition and rules can be modified as needed by the circumstances of the location. Riders are encouraged to use helmets and competitors under 18 years of age are required to do so. Separation of spectators from the shooting action is


critical. A 75 meter space behind the targets must be totally blocked off from all spectator traffic. On the spectators side of the course, a safety buffer of 10 meter from the center of the course must be well barricaded. The handling of firearms is of utmost importance; All firearms shall be treated as if they are loaded. All firearms shall remain unloaded until the competitor arrives in the loading area, and should not be cocked until immediately prior to engaging a target. All competitors shall be knowledgeable and proficient in the safe use of firearms, and are expected to compete safely within their individual capabilities and controlling their firearm’s muzzle direction at all times. The use of eye protection and ear protection is recommends at all matches. Gaited horse owners may find that mounted shooting and mounted archery are sports where the size and gait of your horse do not preclude you from participating at a competitive level. Where the valued qualities of horsemanship, partnership and acquired skills are rewarded by the accomplishments of horse and rider. Organizers and members are welcoming and ready to lend encouragement and assistance to newcomers. So why not mount up and explore the intensity, the excitement, the flair and intrigue of the recreated historical “shooter” events.

Canadian Cowboy Mounted Shooter BC Cowboy Mounted Shooter Assoc. Saskatchewan Cowboy Mounted Shooting Assoc. .net/Home.html Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association (USA) Mounted Shooters of America (USA) Mounted Archery Association of the Americas Ontario Region Kassai USA Borsos Torzs Horse Archery Club (Kassai style) British Columbia


generation, the number of Canadians with Alzheimer’s disease, or a related dementia, will more than double. That means that between one and one point three million people will be affected. The numbers are staggering! I really want to do something to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s and to help contribute to finding a cure. Hoof Prints of Hope is my way of helping!

Hi I am Rose Mary Axell I, along with my father own Sundown Smooth Gaited Horses in a small town outside of Edmonton, Alberta. My dad and I have been breeding Paso Finos for over 16 years. Most of our Paso Finos are from older largo lines so they are really good traveling horses. We have always specialized in breeding super trail horses, because trail riding is my favourite equine activity. A couple of years ago my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. So far it has been a very emotional journey for my whole family. Because my dad lives on our farm I know first hand how devastating this disease can be. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disease of the brain. It causes brain cells to degenerate and die, ultimately resulting in brain shrinkage. This shrinkage causes thinking and memory to become seriously impaired and results in changes in a persons’ abilities and behaviour. Over time this disease affects all aspects of a persons’ life. As the brain’s shrinking continues it affects a person's emotions, physical coordination, and mobility. In the final stages of this awful disease a persons’ body begins to shut down, opening the door to secondary infections and even death! I wish I could do something to help my dad, but unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do. In the last couple of years I have learned a lot about Alzheimer’s. Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia affects one in eleven of Canada’s seniors? That means that right now, over half a million Canadians are directly affected! Of that half a million, three quarters of those affected by Alzheimer’s disease are women! In just 5 years 50% more Canadians could be facing Alzheimer’s. If nothing changes, with in one

Hoof Prints of Hope is a Fund raising and Awareness Initiative that will consist of 4 or 5 horse back riders crossing the province of Alberta, in support of Alzheimer’s. On our journey we hope to visit over thirty different communities. In each of these communities we will be distributing Alzheimer literature as well as collecting donations for the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and NWT. Everyone who donates $20 to the Alzheimer Society will get an entry form for our draw. Our grand prize is a weekend for two with Mountain Park Lodges in Jasper along with 2 ski passes. We will start our journey by Jasper this September long weekend, and then we will head east, traveling all the way to Lloydminster! Our primary route will take us along side of Alberta’s Yellowhead highway (Highway 16). We will be deviating from the main


How can you get involved and support this ride? Go to an event for Hoof Prints of Hope when we are in your area. There is a map on our web site of where we are planning on going. Keep an eye on it as we will be updated with all the events along the way. Don’t live in Alberta? Consider organizing a ride in your area to raise funds for Alzheimer’s on behalf of Hoof Prints of Hope! You can submit the money you raise on line through our Hoof Prints of Hope web site. You can also make a donation on line to support our event. If you want to help or get involved please let me know. Your help and contributions will make a huge difference to the Alzheimer Society and all those people who are suffering form this horrible disease! The ride Participants are: Sheri Smith from Cold Lake Alberta Mary Lui from Terra Cotta Ontario Rose Mary Axell from Lamont Alberta Peter Thibodeau from Lamont Alberta Jane Brydges Rose Mary Axell. E-mail: Phone: 780-895-1019 Please check out the web site at


Cree Valley Paso Finos Westlock, Alberta 780-349-8558

Icelandic Horse Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse

Toddler & Rider Paso Finos Florida 305-242-1444

Kentucky Natural Gaited Horses Contemporary Equine Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Peruvian Paso Foxcreek Homestead Meath Park, SK 306 929 2350

Paso Fino Artworks Paso Finos Ottawa, Ontario (613) 646-2890

Rocky Mountain Horse Gaited Meadows British Columbia (250) 679-3881

Contemporary Equine Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Circle L Paso Finos Fort Saint John, BC 250-785-5318

Tennessee Walking Horse Laurindale Stables Drayton Valley, Alberta 780-515-0216

All Gaited Breed clubs

Paso Fino

Gaited Horse Group of Ontario

Central Canadian Paso Fino Horse association Ontario(region of American association) finavistafarm@hotmail

American Saddlebred Horse Association of Canada

Paso Fino Owners & Breeders Club of Canada ASHA Alberta

Peruvian Paso Peruvian Horse Association of Canada Alberta Peruvian Horse Club of Alberta Peruvian Horse Club of BC Ontario Peruvian Horse Association Peruvian Enthusiasts and Recreational Riders Unlimited

Icelandic Horse Canadian Icelandic Horse Federation Ontario Ontario Icelandic Horse Association

Kentucky Natural Gaited Horses Registration inspection Saskatchewan

Tennessee Walking Horse

Missouri Foxtrotter

Canadian Registry of Tennessee Walking Horse Alberta

Missouri Fox Trotter Club of Canada


Gaited Canada wants to hear from our readers; Write us and let us know what you think about our features, columns and content.

Perlino stallion at stud Bay tobiano stallion at stud Foundation bloodlines Top 10 sire breeding

What would you like to see more of? What did you love? What did you dislike? Gaited Canada will accept letters that refer to a previously published article, photograph or letter. Letters must include a name, address and signature, and may be edited for publication. Publisher assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged submissions. Name________________________________ Location______________________________ Phone # _____________________________________ Email address _____________________________________ Your breed of horse________________________________ Signature_____________________________

Paso Finos Westlock, Alberta 780-349-8558

Comment : 250 words or less, attach typed or handwritten submission to this form (or a copy) OR send submission digitally from our website


July July 2, 3, 4, 2010 Wild West Classic (Peruvian Horse Club of BC) Olds, AB Judge: Nicholas Breaux Alberta & Juan Sandigo BC Contact Sherri Rosia (403)932-7032

September 3 - 5, 2010 Diamond Classic Double Show Saskatoon, SK Saskatchewan Judge: Mrs Cricket Donoho Perru Judge: Mr Andres Salinas Contact: Phoebe Soles (306) 929-2350 or

August Sutton County Fair - Sutton, Ontario Date: August 7, 2010 Phone ( 289) 576-0201 Gaited classes

Spencerville Fair - Spencerville, ON Date: September 12, 2010 Phone: ( 613) 925-4385 Paso Fino classes Peterborough County Fair - Peterborough, Ontario Date: Sept 24, 2010 Phone: (705) 324-5551 Gaited classes

Merickville Fair - Merickville, ON Date: August 7, 2010 Phone: (613) 258-2860 Paso Fino classes Wild Pink Yonder (charity ride - Breast Cancer) Start: Waterton Lakes National Park, AB Date: August 14, 2010 End: Sherwood Park, AB Date: September 4, 2010 Distance: approximately 325 riding miles Timing: 22 days Phone: (780) 363-0003 Fax: (780) 363-0004 E-mail: Canadian National Peruvian Horse Show August 20 - 22, 2010 Cloverdale, BC Judge: Pepe Risso Jr Contact Rob Sjodin (250) 832-1188 September Hoof Prints of Hope (charity ride - Alzheimer) P.O. Box 178 Lamont AB T0B 2R0 Rose Mary Axell Phone: (780) 895-1019 E-mail: Peter Thibodeau Pager (780) 491-2560


October Erin County Fair - Erin, Ontario Date: Oct 10, 2010 Phone: (519) 833-2808 Gaited classes November December

Rely on our experience and dedication to the breed to help you realize your Paso Fino dream.

Digital ezine format full color


Includes website and email hyperlinks in digital format Camera Ready advertising rates Full Page Bleed (text should remain .5” inside edge) 8.5 inches ½ page horizontal 8.5 inches ½ page vertical 3.65 inches 1/3 page vertical 2.35 inches 1/4 page 3.65 inches Business card (8 per page) 3.65 inches Multiple insertion discounts (total insertion payment) Display ads only Artwork and display ad design available


Price per insertion

11 inches 5 inches 10 inches 10 inches 5.25 inches 2.65 inches 3X 5% 6X 10%

Directory listings Breeders Directory (annual) alphabetically under breed title

$95.00 $55.00 $55.00 $50.00 $45.00 $30.00


Stallion Directory (6 per page) Annual listing includes 1 photo, hyperlinks & write up


Associations and clubs (annual) alphabetically under breed title


Upcoming Events

$FREE $10.00

Club and Associations (annual until after event date) Private clinics, open house (annual until after event date) includes town, province, phone and/or email contact information Classified Ads (50 words or less)


September/October 2010 submission deadline August 20, 2010 Online Sept 01,2010 Print on Demand Sept 15 2010

March/April 2010 Premier issue


submission deadline February 20, 2010 Online March 01,2010 Print on Demand March 15 2010

Tennessee Walking Horse Ranch work hoof boots Provincial and Federal Park trails (ON,QC,NL)

Features Gaited horses in Canada editorial Cross border breeding Stallion edition Provincial and Federal park trails (BC)

November/December 2010 submission deadline October 20, 2010 Online Nov 01,2010 Print on Demand Nov 15 2010

May/June 2010


submission deadline April 20, 2010 Online May 01, 2010 Print on Demand May 15 2010

Peruvian Paso Winter riding - keeping you and your horse coomfortable Extreme cowboy challenge Provincial and Federal Park trails (PEI,NB,NS)

Features Icelandic Horse Mounted Games Foaling 101 Provincial and Federal Park trails (AB,SK)

January/February 2011 submission deadline December 20, 2010 Online Jan 04, 2010 Print on Demand Jan 15 2011

July/August 2010


submission deadline June 18, 2010 Online July 05,2010 Print on Demand July 19 2010

Mountain Horses Escape the cold, exotic horseback holidays Team penning and sorting

Features Paso Finos Cowboy Mounted Shooting Provincial and Federal Park trails (MB, NT,YT)

Features, submissions and editorials subject to change due to space, participation and content availability


The Sask Peruvian Horse Club has partnered with the Alberta PERRU Club to put on this double point show, sanctioned by the Peruvian Horse Association of Canada, the Alberta Walking Horse Association and Friends Of the Sound Horse, an all breed gaited horse association. Our judges are both very familiar with gaited horses and are FOSH guest carded. We are going to have: Full Peruvian Championship Classes Tennessee Walker Western, English, 2gait, 3gait classes and Championships Icelandic horse Classes and Championship Plus Several Open Gaited Breed Classes for any naturally gaited horse, Including a 50/50 stakes class, high point versatility award and some cash prizes!

Contact any of the following people for more information on either event: PJ Soles at 306 929 2350 or Marion Bear at 306 763 9586 or Sylvian Baynton at 306 668 6801 Or you can check out our website for links to our sanctioning associations, entry forms, class lists and more at

Stallion Directory Nevado X Springtime Princesa

Springtime Radiante is a stallion with great temperament and winning gait. He attained the Top 10 Sires list in 2001 & 2009, his offspring have accumulated numerous regional and national championships in all divisions of gait

Contact Jo Seggie-Flemming 157 Rox Siding Rd Cobden Ontario, K0J 1K0 Phone# 613-646-2890

General Guidelines: Gaited Canada welcomes your story and photography submissions. We especially look for well-written breed versatility stories, trail, open contest, and group activity photography, information that will help your fellow riders,short tips, news items, and new products. Article suggestions are also welcome. We reserve the right to edit for length, style, clarity, and accuracy. Submit timely material at least four months prior to issue date. I grant Gaited Canada permission to print my text/photos free of charge. Title/Destination:______________________________________ Name:______________________________________________ Street Address:____________________________________________ City/State:___________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________________ email:______________________________________________ email:______________________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Date:________________________


Artworks Paso Finos ________

used Paso Fino tereque (training saddle) approximately 15� inch seat. Designed for Casa Dosa tack fits traditional build Paso Fino, encourages correct seat. Solid saddle, well cared for. email 1-877-801-7276


We want your trail stories and photos!! Ridden a great trail lately? Planning on a group ride? Take your camera and tell us all about it

practicality: noun Definition: concern with actual use Synonyms: common sense, horse sense

Introduction to gait The mechanics of gait Conformation of gait Show gait vs trail gait Suppling to improve gait Bits and head gear Trimming and shoeing for natural angles and smooth gait Trail and obstacle training

Combining natural horsemanship and traditional breed training methods, Stefanie forms a connection built on confidence and cooperation, developing a safe, sane and sound pleasure horse. Throughout the process of building skills and confidence, Stefanie works on defining and honing the natural gait of each horse. Understanding the mechanics of gait, the individual horse's ability, conformation and genetics are all taken in to consideration

Trademark Farms Darden, TN 38328 toll free 1-877-801-7276 cell 731-845-5752 email


Darden, TN

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