Gaited Canada September/October 2010

Page 1

September 2010

Tennessee Walking Horse The breed, the diversity and the passion. Page 3

man, the land and the sea Page 12 a feel good ride for a really good cause Page 10

Making every step count Page 24

Sarcoid Sleuths What makes sarcoids tick? Page 16

Ranch Events Fix your sights on this challenging fast paced sport Page 7

From the Editor

Issue #4 - Sept./Oct. 2010

As summer winds down, my thoughts turn to fall riding. It is by far my most favorite time of year. I love the colours of fall, the crisp morning air and the still warm mid-day sun.

Gaited Canada Publisher: Trademark Design

The events this time of year are energizing; from fall fairs to long weekends of national holidays.. all great opportunities to get out and get involved with our horses. It wont be long until winter is upon us and the shorter days curtail our horse activities. So while you are hurriedly preparing for winter, don't forget to take the time to look around you; take in the sights, sounds and feel of a beautiful fall day preferably from the back of a horse. I hope that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the fall season..


3. Tennessee Walking Horse As diverse and beautiful as the state where they were created

7. Ranch Events Ranch Sorting, Team Penning, Reining & Cutting

12. Forillon National Park of Canada man, the land, and the sea living together in harmony

16. Sarcoid Sleuths

22. Media Sheet 23. Upcoming Events 26. Association & Clubs 27. Breeder Directory

What makes sarcoids tick?

24. Hoof Prints of Hope Making every step count

27. Stallion Directory

Stefanie Schermerhorn Editor 1-877-801-7276 (toll free)

Gaited Canada online is published bi-monthly: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/Aug, Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec.

The views and opinions expressed in this publication throughout the features, columns and advertisements are not necessarily those of the Trademark Design. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be duplicated or used within other sites or publications without written permission from the publisher.

As diverse and beautiful as the state where they were created.....

The first organization representing the Tennessee Walking Horse was established in 1935; but the beginnings of what would become one of he most well known gaited breeds of horse began almost one hundred years prior to that. The early Tennessee settlers brought horses with them when they crossed the mountains from the Carolinas and from Virginia. These horses would have to serve the settlers for all purposes; riding, driving and farm work. Those best suited for the tasks were sturdy horses, a result of crossing Thoroughbreds with those that the pioneers brought across the mountains; a mixture of the Canadian Pacer and the Narragansett Pacer, in addition, Morgans and Saddlebreds were added to create what would become a distinct and instantly

passed away at the ripe old age of 24 on September, 16,1910. Years after his death his name would be changed to Allan F-1 and he would become the Foundation Sire of the Tennessee Walking Horse breed.

The Narragansett Pacer (extinct since the early 1800s’) is thought to be descended from from Irish hobbies and Scottish Galloways and perhaps the Spanish Jennet (also extinct). They were described as having a pacing gait that was pleasing to sit. It is said that as a breed they were hardy, surefooted, powerful, yet gentle. The most common color was chestnut, many with extensive white markings. It is said that Paul Revere rode a Narragansett Pacer

recognizable breed of a horse... The Tennessee Walking Horse. In 1886, in Kentucky a small well bred colt was born. His Name, Black Allan ATR# 7623, he was bred to be a racing trotter; sired by Allendorf, and out of the Morgan mare Maggie Marshall. But instead of being the 'great trotter' he was bred to be, Allen only wanted to pace, no amount of training would change him. Allen eventually ended up in Tennessee, and after changing hands a couple of times, at the age of 23 he was purchased by Albert Dement of Wartrace, TN. Mr. Dement was determined to produce a breed of horse that would perform the running walk naturally, and felt that Allan was the stallion that would sire those horses. Allan

photo - Foundation Stallion Allen F-1

The influence of Allan F-1 is evident in the early Canadian owned and bred Tennessee Walking Horses as well. The first Tennessee Walker registered in Canada and recorded in the General Stud and Herd book (registration number TWH#1) was Chief Justice Allen. He was imported in 1941from Tennessee by the Gilchrist Brothers of Manyberries, Alberta as a 2 year old colt. Chief Justice Allen was out of a Slippery Allen dam by No Limit Allen. Granny Evins would become the second Tennessee Walking Horse to be registered in Canada, sired by Rex Donnell Jr. out of Fanny Allen T. Granny Evins would be bred to Chief Justice Allen and raise two fillies, in 1948 and 1949. The two fillies were registered as number TWH#3 andTWH#4 in the Canadian Tennessee Walking Horse studbook. Their breeders also registered the two offspring with TWHBAA in the USA, making them the first of many Canadian born Tennessee Walking Horse to be double registered in Canada and the U.S.A.

In 1935 a group of breeders formed the first registry for the breed, Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ Association of America (TWHBAA) and shortly after that the first stud book would be created. It included 61 foundation horses, including the first Canadian owned registered Tennessee Walking Horse.

While the big lick (padded, high stepping) Tennessee Walking horse is highly prized in Tennessee and other areas of the USA, in Canada, it

Although it would be nearly half a century until Canada would form it’s own Tennessee Walking Horse Association, breeders did want to have Canadian registered horses. Tennessee Walking Horses could be registered under the General Stud and Herd book of the Canadian National Live Stock Records (now Canadian Livestock Records Corporation), from the 1940s’ through the 1970s a total of 70 Tennessee Walkers were registered in the General Stud and Herd book. In 1982 the Canadian Walking Horse Association (CWHA) was formed under the Canadian Livestock Pedigree Act. From 1983 with a number of 127

is the flat shod, plantation style horse that is highly prized and represented by the Canadian association. CONFORMATION (CRTWHA)

registered horses, the association has made tremendous efforts in promotion of the breed, the success is evident with more than 3000 registered horses. As with all association, the growth and development of the breed entails changes to the association and constitution to accommodate the direction of the breed, for the CWHA this included a name change to Canadian Registry of The Tennessee Walking Horse (which it is known by today) along with DNA parentage verification (2002).

The Tennessee Walking Horse is generally wellboned, deep chested and short-coupled giving an overall impression of balance with legs, neck, back and head in proportion to the size and shape of the body. Greater angulations of the hind legs, which is not seen in other breeds, is acceptable. They are often noted to be sickle hocked because they are designed to move well under themselves. Their head should have an intelligent look be well shaped, have alert eyes, a tapered muzzle and pointed ears that are clean looking and wide set. Their hooves are in proportion to the size of the horse, The mature horse may range in size from 14.2 to 16.2 hands high with some horses being slightly over or under. Every equine color, with and without white markings and including tobiano, sabino and overo pinto patterns can be found. FLATFOOT WALK The Flatfoot Walk is a bold four cornered movement. An even 1-2-3-4 beat with each of the horse's feat hitting the ground separately, (the left fore, then the right hind, the right fore, then the left hind). The hind foot will follow through, close to

cadence of his feet. This head nod, along with the overstride, and the even 4 beat gait are things the judge should take into consideration. RUNNING WALK This smooth, natural gait is what made the Tennessee Walking Horse famous. The Running Walk should be the same general motion as the Flatfoot Walk, (even 4 beat gait, head nod, and overstride) but with additional speed. It is executed with loose ease of movement: pushing and driving from the rear, reaching and pulling with the forelegs through a rolling shoulder motion. There should be a noticeable difference in the rata of spread between the Flatfoot Walk and the Running Walk, BUT a good Running Walk never allows proper form to be sacrificed for excessive speed. The head MUST nod. Judging should not be influenced by spread, but rather by the true form exhibited.

the ground over the track left by the fore foot of the same side. The action of the hind foot sliding over the front track is known as overstride. A Tennessee Walking Horse should nod his head from the shoulder NOT THE POLL in rhythm with the

CANTER The canter should be a smooth and rolling three beat movement, correct and straight on both leads. Excessive speed is to be penalized. The canter is not to be enhanced by the rider "pumping the reins" and is to be penalized in judging. Many Tennessee Walking Horses are able to perform the rack, stepping pace, fox-trot, single-foot and other variations of the famous running walk. While not desirable in the show ring, these gaits are smooth, easy, trail riding gaits.

divisions. Trail riding programs offer those with a less competitive nature to set and achieve goals in structured point and mileage programs.

The Tennessee Walking Horse is intelligent, versatile and capable of participating in a wide variety of activities. From the performance show ring, to the trails and in open timed events, it is a breed that the entire family can enjoy. Breed associations offer a number of programs for all divisions and disciplines of rider and numerous style of riding including pleasure and versatility

To learn more about the Tennessee Walking Horse in Canada contact CRTWH, P.O. Box 246, Postal Station M, Calgary, AB T2P 2H9, or visit their website:

There is just something about saddling up your horse, meeting up with friends and competing for a jackpot.

Ranch Sorting: Ranch sorting is 1, 2 or 3 man teams sorting 10 cattle numbered 0-9 and 1 unnumbered cow for a total of 11 head. A run starts with team members on opposite side of start line from cattle. The judge will raise the flag when the pen is ready, and then signal the beginning of the run by dropping the flag when the nose of the first horse crosses the start/foul line and the first number to be sorted is announced. The announcer will draw a number, which will determine the first cow to be sorted. The cattle will then be sorted increasing in sequence from that number. The cattle must be sorted in numerical sequence. If any part of a cow crosses the start/foul line out of sequence a disqualification will occur. A disqualification will also occur if any part of a sorted cow re-crosses the start/foul line. Any cow not entirely across the start/foul line will not be counted. The 10th cow must be completely across the line before the blank cow starts across or the team will receive a no time. There is currently no Canadian national organization for Ranch sorting, but a number of ranches and centers offer

While most people associate Quarter Horses and Paints with ranch type events, these competitions are not exclusive to any specific breed. The organizations and clubs that represent each event have a number of divisions so that even the most novice horse and rider can learn to compete. Some of the gaited breed associations do offer some of these events within their own organization, others encourage reciprocal membership to event clubs with points attained in the event organizations being recognized by the breed association, while other associations promote such events as demonstration at larger shows. Team Penning: A team of 3 riders must separate from the herd and pen three head of cattle with the same assigned identity number within the allotted time limit. The maximum time limit for all classes, including youth classes, is 90 seconds. Time begins when the nose of the first rider’s horse crosses the start line. The drop of the flag to start the run deems the team is committed to their cattle. Riders will be given their cattle number as they cross the start line. regional and national organizations are formed to establish rules and bylaws for competition, conduct and award programs to promote the sport and foster family involvement. The Canadian Team Cattle Penning Association is a national organization with a number of local associations under their umbrella. To find a club near you or to join the national association visit them online at


sorting on a regular basis. Reining: Reining began on the working cattle ranches, where a cowboy or vaquero used their horses to gather, move and hold cattle on the open range. These horses had to be athletic, quick and agile. They had to be extremely responsive to a very light rein. In years gone by, cowboys and vaqueros took pride in their hard working, well-trained horses. Challenges often arose as to who had the best horse. The most talented riders would put their horses through a series of stops and turns, letting the watching crowd determine which rider and horse were the best. These displays are the forerunners of today's reining competitions.

front leg over the inside front leg, effortlessly moving his front end around in a smooth, flowing manner. In a Sliding Stop, the rider, while loping, cues the horse to stop. The horse brings his back legs up underneath in a locked position that will cause it to begin sliding on his back feet. the horse maintains forward movement by continuing to run with the front feet and using his head and neck for balance. Throughout the stop, the horse continues in a straight line while his back feet slide over the ground. When done properly, this has the effect of causing the horse to slide anywhere from 10 to 30 feet or further. In a Rollback the horse runs to a stop, rolls the shoulders back in the opposite direction completing a 180 degree reversal of forward motion and departs in a canter, all performed in one continuous motion. A Backup is a maneuver requiring the horse to move backwards in a straight line at least 10 feet. Visit for more information

Tennessee Walker - Pride's Smart Alex flat shot WC basic reining

Today's reining competitions provide a venue for riders to demonstrate their skills and the ability of their horses. Judges score the reining horse based on its execution of the maneuvers required in a specific pattern. All patterns are divided into seven or eight maneuvers: Circles are maneuvers at the lope, of designated size and speed. Lead Changes are the act of changing the leading (or inside) front and rear pair of legs when changing the direction traveled. To be considered correct, this maneuver must be performed at a lope with no change of gait or speed. The Spins are a thrilling maneuver both to watch and ride. The horse is asked to turn his front end around in a series of 360-degree turns, executed while his inside back foot remains in one spot. Correctly done, the horse will cross the outside

Paso Fino gelding Poco Sombre de Oro, owned by Lynn Kinsey, locked on a calf at cutting clinic

Cutting: A Cutting Horse is not a specific breed of horse. The largest percentage have Quarter Horse bloodlines. Thoroughbred, Paint and Appaloosa bloodlines are also prevalent. The sport of cutting evolved from what would have been day to day ranch work in the 1800s’. Cattle had to be moved, grouped, and separated for branding, doctoring and sale. Ranch hands found that these tasks were easier when a good horse, that was specifically trained for these tasks was used. The fact that a specific type or breeding of horse might give a cowhand an edge on the other hands

lead to better breeding, better training, and So marked the creation of the early cutting horse. Of course, this led to ranchers and hands bragging on their horses and challenging other cowboys. After the days work, it wasn't uncommon for impromptu contests to be held to determine who had the best horse. As these contests grew, it wasn’t long until organized events began being featured at rodeos and fairs. Before long it became apparent that standardized rules and guidelines would be needed. This led to the formation of the National Cutting Horse Association in 1946 and later, the Canadian Cutting Horse Association. In modern cutting contests, competitors have two and one half minutes to cut or separate as many individual cows from the herd as they choose, usually two or three. As the horse slowly walks into the herd, the rider begins the process of selecting one cow to cut from the rest of the group. Once a cow is selected and the cut made, the rider loosens the reins, grabs the saddle horn and allows the horse to take control of the contest. The horse must now prevent the cow from returning to the herd. If the cow becomes inactive or loses interest in returning to the herd, the rider may lift the reins, signaling to the horse to "quit the cow". The cow is allowed to return to the herd and the rider repeats the selection process. The Canadian Cutting Horse Association is the national organization, visit their website to learn more about the sport of cutting Ranch style events and clinics are a great way to add extra elements to your training. It is an excellent way to focus on communication with your horse and helps to desensitize them to an entirely new array of obstacles and situations. History tells us that many gaited breeds have been used as multi-purpose horses, a number of them with roots in farm and ranch work. The Paso Fino and Paso colombiano are used on large cattle ranches in South America. The Tennessee Walking Horse Association offers reining awards and championships. For gaited horse owners, especially in Canada, the smaller number of horses and owners means that there are fewer events and activities specifically for gaited horses, and few where the lack of trot does not create a disadvantage. Ranch events may be just what you are looking for; so saddle up and head out to a local event.

Wild Pink Yonder has brought out the cream of the crop. From riders to town organizers to sponsors and folk in general, I’ve met nothing but amazing people who want to help us ride breast cancer into the ground. Over this last incredible year, I have also learned that it is true: if you ask the universe for things that are for the greater good, they will happen! Towns have responded with an intensity I find mind-boggling. There are more riders, and they’re riding longer. And one of our national television chains has decided to honour me with the award of “A Woman of Vision”. It will go a long way to promoting our ride. We could not be happier, or more proud.

Our first day was a killer. Riders were supposed to be in the saddle for six hours maximum. It didn’t exactly work out that way. They could get off after the first two hours, and Amber Marshall (from the television show “Heartland”) and her crew did. They had the option of getting off after four hours too, but if

We are a diverse group. This year there are five self-proclaimed “lifers” (riders who are going the entire distance). They are incredibly capable … and all women. It’s funny. I’ve always had a very limited number of women friends. I’ve not met a lot who appeal to me. “Girlie girls” make me nuts and I want to throttle dependent women. These women are neither. They know who they are, what they want and how to get it. I enjoy the entire crew. Who knew I’d ever have this many girlfriends? But this is a horse magazine, not a metaphysical one. You want to know about the horses and their owners.

they chose to ride the whole thing, it wound up being a nine hour ride! All but three “cowgirled up” for what they described as “the ride of a lifetime”! By the end, they were exhausted, but happy. According to one rider, they crossed water 32 times. (This may be a tad of exaggeration). One water crossing was on the Belly River. It was deep and fast, and a number of horses flat

refused. After an hour of coaxing from our guide (an incredibly patient man named Tyrel Duce of Duce Outfitting in Mountain View, Alberta), finally he roped the ornery horses and calmly dragged them into the river! Some went with riders astride. Others went without. One went over on his side and was swept downstream a ways before Tyrel could reel him in.

horse now!” This year, because of my back and because of a fear of driving the team after my big accident (5 broken bones in my spine, 3 breaks in my right hip and my left femur), my son, Rusty, has done the lion’s share of the driving. I only take over for what I call the “glory driving” – when we enter a town, or in parades. On a bright and sunny note, my back is getting stronger every day, and my fear of driving has all but disappeared. The team is so steady. My team of Norwegian Fjord horses continually impresses me. When we started this trip, like most horses, they would not step on manhole covers. Now manhole covers are a piece of cake. In the beginning, they were leery of railway tracks. Now? No biggie! Kids on bikes? Motorcycles? Pfft! Nothing fazes my boys now … except mini horses! They live with a mini gelding at home, but obviously these strangers are different. They are Norwegian Fjord-eating miniature horses! Go figure. *eyes rolling* We are two weeks into this ride. I can hardly believe there’s only one week left! If I were to tell you of all the heart-warming things we’ve experienced, all the beautiful horses we’ve seen and wonderful people we’ve met, this article would be a book. Suffice to say that some riders left and then returned some days later because they had so much fun the first time. That is gratifying. So, it’s time to harness the team. Happy trails ‘til next time.

Tyrel’s horse, a big, rangy, rawboned grey, was not particularly attractive, but man! What a horse! Absolutely rock solid! After the ride, I thanked Tyrel for taking such good care of our riders. With a mischievous smile, he said his motto was, “Bring ‘em back alive – barely.” On the other hand, one rider grinned and said, “If this was a $5,000 horse when I got here this morning, it’s a $10,000

For more information visit the Wild Pink Yonder website at or visit the blog for information along the way

Forillon may not offer the most extensive equestrian trail system of Canadian parks, but if you want to experience some of the most diverse activities and some of the most beautiful sights that Canada has to offer - it is one place you don't want to bypass. Riders can explore the park by taking the Le Portage and La Vallée trails as well as certain parts of the park's southern boundary corridor. Le Portage: 10 km (one way) This trail is accessible to hikers, cyclists and horseback riders. Located in the southern part of the park, it goes through a wooded area, which opens up to the north onto fallow fields. This is a good place to observe bears and small game. La Vallée: 9.2 km (round trip) Follow the peaceful Anse-au-Griffon River on foot, bicycle or horseback, eventually meeting up with the Le Portage trail. Here again, keep an eye on the edge of the woods and listen carefully for sounds made by wildlife. Stop for a picnic in the shelter half-way along the trail.

Lawrence. Forillon National Park is intended to be representative of the Notre-Dame and Mégantic mountain regions. There is so much to do at Forillon National Park; careful attention has been paid to ensure that guests can take advantage of all the park has to offer. A number of interpretive programs are available in French, bilingual and English languages. The underwater world of Grande-Grave (Offered in English) The Forillon peninsula extends into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The waters bordering Forillon abound with marine organisms in mind-boggling shapes and colours! Come discover them by taking part in this activity for the whole family that will take you into the captivating universe beneath the surface of the water. (Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes)

The park’s history and culture combined with the beautiful wilderness reflect the motto of Forillon National Park "man, the land and the sea" live together in harmony. The park takes in a narrow, mountainous peninsula that extends into the Gulf of St. Lawrence and marks the eastern end of the Appalachian mountain chain. Forillon was created in 1970, and is the 22nd park in the Canadian National Parks system. It covers an area of 240.4 square kilometers, including a part of the marine environment of the Gulf of St. Wings over water (Offered in English) Forillon shelters numerous seabirds, including one of Québec's largest black-legged kittiwake colonies, razorbilled auks and even the very colourful harlequin duck. Wings over water offers you the opportunity to observe these birds and learn about their behaviour in the company of a naturalist. An activity sure to please the entire family! If you have binoculars, don't forget to bring them along. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

"man, the land and the sea" live together in harmony Discovering Cap-Gaspé (In French only) If nature and history interest you, you will be delighted by this redesigned activity! As you make your way along the coast, guided by a naturalist, you will discover landscapes marked by the passage of humans and inhabited by a wide variety of animals. Travel back in time as you visit with the keeper of the Cap-Gaspé lighthouse.Wear good walking shoes, and bring along water, a jacket and lunch. Duration: 3 hours Lively evening talks! (Offered in English) Every evening, from June 21 to September 5, the naturalists invite you to attend one of the multimedia presentations on the park's natural treasures at the outdoor amphitheatre at Des-Rosiers or Petit-Gaspé campground. Wrapped up in a blanket, relax under a canopy of stars as we tell you a spellbinding tale of Forillon's animals, forest or underwater riches… This is a great way to end the day before you head back to your campsite for a campfire and some ZZZs! The topics vary from evening to evening; ask the visitor attendants for information about the schedule. (Duration: About 1 hour) The beaver's turf (Bilingual) From August 29 to October 2, 2010 The Canadian beaver, that valiant engineer of the forest, has more than one secret to show you. To do so, it welcomes you to its domain. Would you like to drop in? Wear walking shoes or boots, and bring a flashlight. Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes Randonnée à la tour du mont Saint-Alban (French only) As they make their way to the top, young and old will discover the ties that connect the magnificent scenery of Forillon's uplands to the wildlife and plants that inhabit them. You will also understand why a park was created in this majestic area. The 2-km trail climbs steadily. Duration: 2 hours, one way only

Explore authentic buildings restored with care, thematic exhibitions, interpretive trails, films, interpretation activities and historical animations to learn about the areas rich history.

Hyman Store

Winter at Forillon National Park brings snowshoeing, winter camping, and cross-country skiing on groomed trails. Summer and fall provide endless opportunities for bird watching, fauna study, hiking and animal watching. Water recreational activities include swimming, fishing and kayaking.

Discover the aweinspiring coastline; by foot, by car, or by boat... whether on your own, or on one of the many tours available. Breathtaking views, photo opportunities abound!

Whales can be seen from land, or on one of the whale watching excursions. Experiencing the landscape, wildlife and marine life will leave you knowing that Canada is a country of great riches and experiences to offer. To Learn more about Forillon National Park call or visit their website. Phone: 418-368-5505 Toll Free: 1-888-773-8888 Fax: 418-368-6837 Email: parkscanada-que official website: Website

Rely on our experience and dedication to the breed to help you realize your Paso Fino dream.

By Roberta Pattison An unattractive equine skin tumour is getting a lot of second looks from a team of WCVM veterinary pathologists. They can be unsightly and potentially disfiguring but equine sarcoids hold a special attraction for Dr. Bruce Wobeser of WCVM’s Department of Veterinary Pathology. As the PhD student explains, the potential for finding a more effective way to treat equine sarcoids prompted his doubletake of this ugly problem. “In most cases, they’re slow-growing tumours: some resolve spontaneously while some get worse. And then there’s a proportion of equine sarcoids that just go wild and become huge. If they develop in a bad place, that can be very bad news. For example, a horse can go blind if a sarcoid grows around the eye area, and in some cases, you might even lose the horse,” says Wobeser. Getting rid of sarcoids is challenging since tumours often come back after treatment. Even worse, conducting biopsies or surgically removing some types of tumours can trigger more rapid growth. “If nothing else, it would be good to be able to make a prognosis so you can decide which ones to leave alone and which ones to treat,” explains Wobeser. “If we could come up with other treatment options, it would be even better.” But before better therapies can be developed, scientists need to do more homework: equine sarcoids are the most-commonly diagnosed skin tumours in horses around the world, but veterinary researchers know very little about them. Answering some of equine sarcoids’ “unknowns” is the goal for two new research studies that are supported by WCVM’s Equine Health Research

Fund. Dr. Andy Allen, a veterinary pathologist and Wobeser’s graduate supervisor, is leading the investigations in collaboration with Wobeser and Dr. Beverly Kidney, a veterinary pathologist who has specialized expertise in investigating viral oncogenesis particularly papillomaviruses. Do sarcoids vary by region? Although equine sarcoids are diagnosed in all parts of the world, Wobeser says there seems to be regional variations in the types of sarcoids diagnosed and in the types of horses most commonly affected by the skin tumours. “When you look through the literature, you might find one study that says mostly young horses up to seven years of age are affected, while another will suggest the average age is nine, and yet another report says that horses of any age are susceptible,” explains Wobeser. “Until now, no one has examined what’s going on around here and that’s what we want to do in our first study: we want to develop a ‘profile’ of the tumours in Western Canada.” As a first step, WCVM researchers will go through 10 years’ worth of records from western Canadian veterinary diagnostic laboratories and collect information on equine sarcoid cases. Besides collecting statistics on the age, breed and sex of affected horses, the team will gather details about the tumoursincluding the number, location and type of lesions for each case. Another important piece of the epidemiological puzzle is whether affected horses live alongside cattle as well as other horses. “Previous research has shown a link between equine sarcoids and two different types of bovine papillomavirus (BPV), and the disease is presumed to be infectious. Initial evidence suggests that horses living alongside cattle are at greater risk, but so far, it’s not conclusive,” says Wobeser. To explore that potential link even further, the research team will test for the presence of BPV and

This article first appeared in the Autumn 2007 issue of Horse Health Lines and is reprinted with permission of the Equine Health Research Fund

the disease type in archived tumour samples from the diagnostic laboratories. These findings may help researchers determine whether equine sarcoids in Western Canada have similarities to the disease identified in other parts of the world. “In the western United States, it’s almost always Type 2 BPV that’s involved in equine sarcoid cases. But Type 2 BPV isn’t found in European sarcoid cases: only the Type 1 BPV virus. Are these equine sarcoids the same disease? We’d like to find out.” While the disease’s epidemiological profile will address some immediate questions, the study’s key value is to establish a knowledge base for future sarcoid research especially in Western Canada. Eventually, more specific studies will result in better modes of prevention and treatment for veterinarians in the field.

Histologic slides from western Canadian equine sarcoid cases will supply scientists with novel information about the common skin tumours. Photo: Western College of Veterinary Medicine.

What makes sarcoids tick? While sarcoids are a common problem in horses, little is known about what makes normal fibroblasts (the cells from which normal connective tissue derives) turn into sarcoid tumour cells. A horse’s body creates cells that live, die and are eventually replaced: a normal process that’s essential for good health. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, eliminates old and unhealthy cells. But when this process is absent or not working properly, problems arise. Some tumours result from the rapid division of cells, while others appear when cells just live longer than expected. Since earlier studies have shown that sarcoids don’t appear to be associated with excessive cell proliferation, the WCVM researchers will try to discover if sarcoid cells somehow escape apoptosis or if apoptotic cells are absent in the tumours. In this second sarcoid study, the team will examine up to 90 archived tumour tissue samples that represent all six types of sarcoids seen in horses. The researchers will then use immunohistological markers to evaluate apoptosis in the tumour cells. When veterinarians are dealing with sarcoids, one difficulty is differentiating the rapid-growing, problematic tumours from the slow-growing, innocuous type. “We want to find a marker that you can stain on a slide,” explains Wobeser. “Are the bad tumours expressing different markers or do they express the same markers differently?” If this study’s findings show that the transformed cells express these markers, they may become potential targets for novel therapies or markers that veterinarians could use to predict the prognosis for treated sarcoids. That’s a crucial part of dealing with sarcoids since these skin tumours often recur after treatment or therapies can even trigger more rapid growth. “It’s sequential: first, we need to know what are sarcoids? Second, how are they growing? Third, are there tumour markers? And after that, can we use these markers for treatment?” explains Wobeser, adding that tumour markers are regularly used in human and pet cancer cases. “If something unexpected happens along the way as it so often does then one possibility might lead to another.” An Equine Enigma: Quick Facts on Sarcoids Equine sarcoids are the most common tumour diagnosed in horses. About 90 per cent of skin neoplasms and a reported 20 per cent of all tumours in horses are sarcoids.

Sarcoids are categorized as occult, verrucous, nodular, fibroblastic, mixed and malignant. The lesions produced by sarcoids range in appearance from small, relatively insignificant areas of skin roughness and hair loss to large, unsightly masses.

Results and project update....

Dr. Andy Allen

Photo: Debra Marshall

Dr. Allen was recently profiled by Western College of Veterinarian Medicine’s report. When asked about his involvement with the sarcoid studies Dr. Allen offered these updates relating to the project. Below: Histologic slides of equine sarcoids. Photo: Western College of Veterinary Medicine.

Depending on their location, these skin tumours can seriously impair a horse’s comfort and performance. Sarcoids commonly occur near horses’ eyes or on their eyelids leading to impaired vision or even blindness. Sarcoids can also limit a horse’s use if the tumours develop in the girth or bridle area. Veterinarians can try to remove sarcoids using a variety of surgical techniques. Other options include cytotoxic (cell-destroying) and immune therapies as well as radiation treatments. But one of the main difficulties with existing treatment options is that the skin tumours often recur or therapies can trigger more rapid growth.

Roberta Pattison is a freelance writer who is a regular contributor to the national publication, Dogs in Canada. Recently retired from grain farming, she still lives on her farm near Delisle, Saskatchewan. Visit for more information and to sign up for future issues of Horse Health Lines.

When Wobeser decided to work toward his PhD degree, he and Allen selected the topic of equine sarcoids — the most commonly diagnosed skin tumour in horses. "Some research had been done in the U.S. and Europe that showed two different bovine papillomaviruses — BPV-1 and BPV-2 — were associated with these sarcoids. But we didn't know if that was true in Western Canada because the work hadn't been done, so that's where we started," explains Allen. Their first step was an epidemiological study of sarcoids in western Canadian horses. In previous studies, researchers found BPV-1 in about 80 per cent of tumours. But after evaluating more than 800 biopsies, Allen and Wobeser found the opposite: BPV-2 was found in 80 per cent of the region's tumour biopsies. Allen and Wobeser also confirmed that sarcoids develop and grow larger because they can evade the process of programmed cell death called apoptosis. That finding has opened the door for further research: "Can we trick these cells into undergoing apoptosis? It's a basic question with an answer that may have therapeutic potential," says Allen. As diagnostic pathologists, Allen and Wobeser probably won't be involved in developing a sarcoid therapy — but they may contribute to the effort. Plus, they hope their results will help to develop a

faster, more accurate diagnostic test for sarcoids. While they may not have developed new diagnostic Knowledge gained from their first two studies also tests or therapies for equine sarcoids, their efforts in prompted Allen and Wobeser to question BPV's role critiquing the assumptions about sarcoids have in sarcoid development. As Allen points out, the provided another value. "We didn't start out to do idea that BPV causes equine sarcoids means that this: we thought we would study sarcoids and find researchers have to accept several exceptions. some practical applications along the way. But the For example, BPV can cross species while all other further we got into it, we said, ‘Geez, wait a minute,' papillomaviruses are species-specific. Secondly, and that changed our direction," explains Allen. unlike other viral infections where the virus invades “But you know, people thought the world was flat a cell and reproduces more virus, that doesn't seem for awhile. What if no one had challenged that to be the case with BPV. And oddly, scientist can assumption and sailed off to the horizon to see what also find BPV in the normal skin of horses was out there? That's what makes research so diagnosed with sarcoids and all of this information interesting.” is based on identifying only parts of the virus' DNA. Project excerpts from Dr. Andy Allen researcher profile as first "So it began to raise the question: how ubiquitous is appeared on in WCVM Research Report BPV infection in horses?" says Allen. That question has led to the team's next project 20Profiles/Dr_Andrew_Allen.php where Wobeser is using three diagnostic methods to detect and localize BPV in biopsies of other equine Introduction gaitconditions besides sarcoids. inflammatorytoskin The mechanics of gait Preliminary analysis shows that BPV DNA is found Conformation of gait various other equine skin in biopsies representing Sarcoids come in all shapes and sizes, from small and Show gait vs trail gait conditions. manageable to huge invasive masses. Suppling gaitquestion is what's the role "For me, to theimprove overarching Bits and in head gear of BPV sarcoid development? Researchers have Trimming and shoeing forisnatural angles and smooth gait recently written that BPV the cause of equine Trail and obstacle trainingis that it's not that sarcoids, but our response simple," says Allen. Wobeser, who joins the WCVM faculty on July 1, may continue pursuing the sarcoid puzzle. As for Allen, he's always considered himself more of the "general manager" of the sarcoid studies rather than a principal investigator. "Bruce wanted to do these studies, and since he has tremendous potential, I wanted to help him. And so it was my role to secure the funding, the tools, and the expertise he needed to succeed. But without the input of other members of his committee, this work wouldn't have been done," explains Allen. Team members include Drs. Beverly Kidney and Marion Jackson, pathologists with expertise in viral oncogenesis; microbiologist Dr. Janet Hill, who specializes in molecular diagnostics; Dr. Monique Mayer, a radiation oncologist; and Dr. Hugh Townsend, an epidemiologist who has clinical expertise in equine infections. Research technician Betty Lockerbie has also been a key resource for Wobeser. "We could all look at the same problem from different perspectives and give our takes on it. That's been a valuable process throughout various stages of the research," says Allen.

Artworks Paso Finos ________

used Paso Fino tereque (training saddle) approximately 15� inch seat. Designed for Casa Dosa tack fits traditional build Paso Fino, encourages correct seat. Solid saddle, well cared for. email 1-877-801-7276

We want your trail stories and photos!! Ridden a great trail lately? Planning on a group ride? Take your camera and tell us all about it

practicality: noun Definition: concern with actual use Synonyms: common sense, horse sense

Introduction to gait The mechanics of gait Conformation of gait Show gait vs trail gait Suppling to improve gait Bits and head gear Trimming and shoeing for natural angles and smooth gait Trail and obstacle training

Combining natural horsemanship and traditional breed training methods, Stefanie forms a connection built on confidence and cooperation, developing a safe, sane and sound pleasure horse. Throughout the process of building skills and confidence, Stefanie works on defining and honing the natural gait of each horse. Understanding the mechanics of gait, the individual horse's ability, conformation and genetics are all taken in to consideration

Trademark Farms Darden, TN 38328 toll free 1-877-801-7276 cell 731-845-5752 email


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Directory listings Breeders Directory (annual) alphabetically under breed title

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Stallion Directory (6 per page) Annual listing includes 1 photo, hyperlinks & write up


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September/October 2010 March/April 2010 Premier issue submission deadline February 20, 2010 Online March 01,2010 Print on Demand March 15 2010

Features Gaited horses in Canada editorial Cross border breeding Stallion edition Provincial and Federal park trails (BC)

May/June 2010 submission deadline April 20, 2010 Online May 01, 2010 Print on Demand May 15 2010

Features Icelandic Horse Mounted Games Foaling 101 Provincial and Federal Park trails (AB,SK)

July/August 2010 submission deadline June 18, 2010 Online July 05,2010 Print on Demand July 19 2010

Features Paso Finos Cowboy Mounted Shooting Provincial and Federal Park trails (MB, NT,YT)

submission deadline August 20, 2010 Online Sept 01,2010 Print on Demand Sept 15 2010

Features Tennessee Walking Horse Ranch work hoof boots Provincial and Federal Park trails (ON,QC,NL)

November/December 2010 submission deadline October 20, 2010 Online Nov 01,2010 Print on Demand Nov 15 2010

Features Peruvian Paso Winter riding - keeping you and your horse coomfortable Extreme cowboy challenge Provincial and Federal Park trails (PEI,NB,NS)

January/February 2011 submission deadline December 20, 2010 Online Jan 04, 2010 Print on Demand Jan 15 2011

Features Mountain Horses Escape the cold, exotic horseback holidays Team penning and sorting

Features, submissions and editorials subject to change due to space, participation and content availability

Gaited Canada wants to hear from our readers; Write us and let us know what you think about our features, columns and content. What would you like to see more of? What did you love? What did you dislike? Gaited Canada will accept letters that refer to a previously published article, photograph or letter. Letters must include a name, address and signature, and may be edited for publication. Publisher assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged submissions. Name________________________________ Location______________________________ Phone # _____________________________________ Email address _____________________________________ Your breed of horse________________________________ Signature_____________________________ Comment : 250 words or less, attach typed or handwritten submission to this form (or a copy) OR send submission digitally from our website

So, after a couple of weeks of pain and mourning, we have picked up the pieces and we are surging full steam ahead.

And they’re off‌ Hoof Prints of Hope is hitting the road this September long weekend. We will be leaving from Alberta’s Jasper National Park and heading east to Lloydminster. Pieces are falling into place and we are all looking forward to the journey. We have run into a few hitches but nothing we have not been able to overcome. We had a major blow when one of the founders of the ride (Peter Thibodeau) passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in late July. Peter was a major part of our team and it kind of knocked us off our feet for a while. However, Peter would have been very disappointed had we cancelled the ride when he passed.

I can not believe that the start of the ride is so close. Mary will be coming in form Ontario in less than a week. She has been busy fund raising and promoting our event in her part of the world. Jane B is running off her feet trying to finalize the locations where we are staying, and organizing events along the way. Sheri has finished sewing all the purple saddle bags and pommel bags. She will soon be done making our fancy purple rump rugs. (For the horses not for us.) I have been running crazy finishing the PR/Camper bus. I discovered that it takes a long time to paint a 72 passenger bus by hand! We have a great team and everyone has been

going like crazy to make this ride a success! I am truly blessed to have friends like this that will put their lives on hold to do something that is so important! I also have to thank their spouses for letting the ladies run away for 6 weeks! The horses are mostly ready for the trip. I would have liked to gotten more miles on them but we have all been so busy it is crazy. We also had a whole lot of rain and all of my riding horses ended up getting scratches from all the mud. There was mud everywhere! Arggh! We have never had as much rain as we have had this summer. Thankfully the rain has stopped, and the pastures have dried up, and the horses are mostly healed. It looks like they are all going to be good to go!

We took two of our horses in to the CTV studio, in downtown Edmonton, for an interview with the Noon Hour News. Jane and I rode the horses around the back lot while we waited for our interview. Incendios and Rico were so good I could not believe it! There were people doing lawn care right where the horses were. Not across the street but within 8-10 feet of the horses! They had riding lawn mowers and weed whippers going with in a few feet of the horses, and none of the equipment operators even bothered to slow down! Amazingly both horses handled it with grace and dignity. They looked down their noses at the equipment, but never even got concerned, not even when the guy went by with the leaf blower to clean the sidewalk!

Prior to April of this year, I had never seen a gaited horse, never mind having a chance to riding one.

I guess I have to thank my husband Lorne for the horse’s lack of concern in that situation. Lone is always driving equipment past the horse pens. The horses get regular exposure to motorcycles, tractors, the skidstear... apparently this has desensitized them way more than I realized!

I stopped riding nearly six years ago after a car accident left me with multiple leg and hip injuries.

(By the way, this would be a great time to buy a smooth gaited trail horse. Jane and I have decided that 5% of the sale for any of our Paso Fino’s that are sold in September and October will be donated to Alzheimer’s Society. Most of the horses going on the ride will be for sale. If you want a solid trail horse you might want to think about making a deal to purchase one of the horses we will be riding on the trip.)

But I would still read horse magazines and scan the classifieds out of habit and my love for horses. Then an ad caught my eye, it was for the new online gaited horse magazine. I replied and was sent a link to Gaited Canada!!

The web site is updated as to our route and I am putting up information on the events we will be having as we finalize the details. Come out and support us if you can! I will be keeping our blog updated on a regular basis. So be sure to follow along with us on line. We have had a couple of TV interviews and we are staring too get a lot of interest from the newspapers along the way. This is going to be such an adventure and it is all for a great cause. If you can not join us along the way make sure to make a stop by our web site. We have an online donation page where you can contribute to Alzheimer’s on our behalf. Check out our website at So lift a glass and wish us all a successful ride! We will send you pictures and let everyone know how things went.

I had even sold my much loved Arab mare, it just didn’t seem right to keep her.

Now six months later, I am the proud owner of a wonderful Spotted Saddle Horse gelding. I am able to ride again and have a horse that takes care of me every smooth step of the way. Thank you Amanda Riley, Courtenay B.C.

All Gaited Breed clubs

Tennessee Walking Horse

BC Gaited Horses!/group.php?gid=116811951701620 Gaited Horse Group of Ontario

Canadian Registry of Tennessee Walking Horse

American Saddlebred Horse Association of Canada ASHA Alberta

Icelandic Horse Canadian Icelandic Horse Federation Ontario Ontario Icelandic Horse Association

Kentucky Natural Gaited Horses Registration inspection Saskatchewan

Missouri Foxtrotter Missouri Fox Trotter Club of Canada

Paso Fino Central Canadian Paso Fino Horse association Ontario(region of American association) finavistafarm@hotmail Paso Fino Owners & Breeders Club of Canada

Peruvian Paso Peruvian Horse Association of Canada Alberta Peruvian Horse Club of Alberta Peruvian Horse Club of BC Ontario Peruvian Horse Association Peruvian Enthusiasts and Recreational Riders Unlimited

Kentucky Natural Gaited Horses Contemporary Equine Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Toddler & Rider Paso Finos Florida 305-242-1444

Peruvian Paso Paso Fino Artworks Paso Finos Ottawa, Ontario (613) 646-2890 Contemporary Equine Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Circle L Paso Finos Fort Saint John, BC 250-785-5318 Cree Valley Paso Finos Westlock, Alberta 780-349-8558 305-242-1444

Foxcreek Homestead Meath Park, SK 306 929 2350

Rocky Mountain Horse Gaited Meadows British Columbia (250) 679-3881

Tennessee Walking Horse Laurindale Stables Drayton Valley, Alberta 780-515-0216

Stallion Directory Nevado X Springtime Princesa

Springtime Radiante is a stallion with great temperament and winning gait. He attained the Top 10 Sires list in 2001 & 2009, his offspring have accumulated numerous regional and national championships in all divisions of gait

Contact Jo Seggie-Flemming 157 Rox Siding Rd Cobden Ontario, K0J 1K0 Phone# 613-646-2890

The Sask Peruvian Horse Club has partnered with the Alberta PERRU Club to put on this double point show, sanctioned by the Peruvian Horse Association of Canada, the Alberta Walking Horse Association and Friends Of the Sound Horse, an all breed gaited horse association. Our judges are both very familiar with gaited horses and are FOSH guest carded. We are going to have: Full Peruvian Championship Classes Tennessee Walker Western, English, 2gait, 3gait classes and Championships Icelandic horse Classes and Championship Plus Several Open Gaited Breed Classes for any naturally gaited horse, Including a 50/50 stakes class, high point versatility award and some cash prizes!

Contact any of the following people for more information on either event: PJ Soles at 306 929 2350 or Marion Bear at 306 763 9586 or Sylvian Baynton at 306 668 6801 Or you can check out our website for links to our sanctioning associations, entry forms, class lists and more at

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