An internship is an excellent way to get an inside glimpse of a company, an industry and a particular occupation. It can help you discover if the career you are considering is right or wrong for you. With more and more student doing internships, employers are coming to expect to see them listed on the resumes of potential employees. Additionally internships often turn into job offers so you would not only gain an understanding of the of our business & the sectors we work in but could secure a job offer to. Our internships represent an excellent opportunity to gain invaluable business experience that will help you in whatever care er you choose when you graduate. Secondly, this is a chance to see first-hand what it would be like to work within in London for a recruitment & human resources consultancy that recruits pharmaceutical professionals throughout Europe. Resourcing provides search, attraction, selection & retention services to our clients who are predominantly in the pharmaceutical, optical & dental sectors. Working in partnership with our clients, we use our specialist knowledge & experience to play an active role in all aspects of the recruitment process. We use high quality systems & processes to recruit the right people. Since 2000 we have provided people to community multiples, industry & hospitals throughout Europe. Based in London, England we are conveniently situated in vibrant location, with a number of trendy shops, restaurants & the popular food market. Transport links are good as we are 12 minutes walk from Kings Cross station with, Angel & Farringdon stations being closer still. Our internships typically last 16 weeks, it’s intense and challenging and we’ll encourage you to take on real responsibilities right from the start. But, don’t worry, we are there to support and coach you throughout. On an internship with us, you can expect to: See what the recruitment world is really like, from the inside Learn some of the basics about evaluation & selection of candidates around client specific competencies Participate in some of the search & attraction techniques used by a market leading recruitment agency Take part in interesting, live projects & real business challenges Find out whether you would enjoy working within recruitment Build valuable work experience, skills and knowledge. Our placements offer genuine work experience. As one of our interns, you’ll benefit from regular and structured performance evaluation from your mentor and direct supervisor. You’ll also receive direct feedback to help you to enhance your strengths and build on any areas for development. As your internship will be fully assessed against real tasks and targets, we gain a very rounded view of your skills and capabilities . Succeed in your internship and you could be offered a full-time position resourcing. From three to twelve months, our internships will also give you invaluable exposure and experience.