My Hospital Passport
This passport belongs to:
The Hospital Passport contains information that children, young people and their families want to share about their care and support needs, to promote a positive hospital experience.
The Hospital Passport contains information that children, young people and their families want to share about their care and support needs, to promote a positive hospital experience.
Is not a medical record completed by patient, family or caregiver contain as much, or information as the wants to share to the patient, and home with them.
name is:
a photo of yourself in the
or draw yourself.
How I communicate and express my needs:
My religious / spiritual / cultural needs:
My allergies (if any):
My health condition:
Who else do I see in the hospital?
I also want you to know:
How to communicate with me:
Things that help me settle:
Things that make me anxious:
will know I am in pain, anxious, hungry or tired if:
I am sensitive to:
Things I like, and am interested in:
Things I need help with:
My hospital visit would be more comfortable if:
Things I also want you to know: