Cookery book

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European Project 2012-2013 Steinhagen-Steenwijk-AlcarrĂ s This project aims to encourage pupils in our schools to be aware of the need to lead healthy and active lives to sustain their lifelong learning. It also aims to ensure that pupils are prepared to be active citizens of their own community, country and of Europe with the necessary entrepreneurial and leadership skills.

The two keys for a healthy diet are: Eating the right amount of food for how active you are. Eating all kind of food.

Hea l Unh e

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It is consumed in Italy, Greece, Spain and Morocco. The principal aspects of this diet is that includes high consumption of olive oil, legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, and vegetables.

Butter is used in cooking, and olive oil is reserved for dressing salads and cooked vegetables.

Health effects The Mediterranean diet is considered to be beneficial for our health because it is low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat and dietary fiber.! Guess! How healthy our menus are!


VORSPEISE Für 4 Personen benötigt man: 8 Teile eines Baguettes 12 Kirschtomaten 2 Mozzarellabällchen 12 Basilikumblätter 6 Esslöffel Olivenöl 2 Knoblauchzehen Etwas Salt

Schneide dieTomaten in Würfel. Wasche die Tomaten. Halbiere und viertel Die Tomaten. Wasche den Basilikum und schneide ihn in kleine Stücke. Gib das Olivenöl in ein Gefäß und gib den zerkleinerten Knoblauch in das Öl. Schneide das Baguette in Scheiben und mache sie in den Ofen bis sie geröstet sind! Lege die Baguettscheiben auf 4 Teller. Lege die Tomaten, den Mozzarella und das Basilikum. Auf die Scheiben! Am Ende noch etwas Salz und Knoblauchöl hinzugeben.

BRUSCHETTA For 4 Person you need: 8 pieces of a Baguette 12 cherry tomates 2 mozzarellaballs 12 leaves basil 6 tablespoons olive oil 2 garlic cloves Some salt Cut the mozzarella in cubes. Then wash the tomatoes. Halve the tomatoes, and then quarter it. After that wash the basil and cut it in small pieces. Put the olive oil in a bottle and put the chopped garlic cloves into the oil. Cut the baguette inslaves and put it into the oven until it is roasted. After that put the baguette on 4 plates. Put tomatoes, mozzarella and basil on it.

SLAVINKEN (6 personen) Ingredienten 500 gram gehakt 12 plakken bacon Zwarte peper Broodkruimels Boter

Preparation Mix het gehakt met de broodkruimels. Verdeel het gehakt in 6 stukken en maak er cilinders van. Doe wat peper op het gehakt. Neem een plak bacon en leg het in de lengte over het gehakt. Pak nog een plak bacon en vouw dit om het gehakt. Doe wat boter in de pan en laat het smelten. Doe de slavinken in de pan en laat ze sudderen voor 20 minuten.

SLAVINKEN (6 persons) Ingredients 500 grams minced meta 12 slices of bacon Black pepper Bread-crumbs butter

Preparation Mix the 500 grams minced meat with bread-crumbs. Divide the minced meat in 6 small cylinders. Put some pepper on the minced meat. Take a slice of bacon and lay it in the length over the cylinder. Take another slice of bacon and wrap it around the cylinders. Put a little butter in the pan and let it melt. Do the slavinken in the pan and let it simmer for 20 minutes.

COCA DE RECAPTE Ingredients: (Per a la massa) 500 g farina 30 g margarina o mantega 25 or 30 g llevat 1 got d’oli 1 got d’aigua Sal (Guarniment d’exemple) 5 tomàquets 2 cebes 2 pebrots rojos o verds 2 albergínies Llonganisses o pernil Preparació: Fem un volcà de farina. Hi posem el llevat, la sal, la mantega, l’aigua i ho pastem. Continuem pastant fins que la massa no s’enganxi al marbre. Ho deixem durant 3 hores embolicat en un drap perquè fermenti. Passades les 3 hores, hi afegim una mica d’oli perquè la massa quedi tova. Ho deixem embolicat 30 minuts més. Cobrim la pasta amb paper de cuina i l’estirem en una safata de forn. Afegim el guraniment i el coem durant 30 minuts al forn a 180 graus. Es pot servir fred o calent.


Ingredients: (For the mass) • 500 g of flour • 30 g of butter or margarine • 25 or 30 g of pressed yeast • A glass of oil • A glass of water • Some salt Garnish as example) • 5 tomatoes • 2 onions • 2 red or green peppers • 2 eggplants • Herrings, sausages or ham

We prepare a volcano of flour and we put the yeast, the salt, the butter or margarine and the water into it. We work the dough with the hands until the mass doesn’t stick to the marble longer and then we leave the dough for 3 hours to rest in a cloth at normal temperature to ferment. After 3 hours, we add some oil to the dough until it is absorbed and the mass is soft. Then, we leave it again 30 minutes in a cloth. Cover the dough with special paper and roll it on a tray for the oven. Then we add the garnish and we put it in the oven about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. We

Main courses

PASTA MIT PESTO Benötigte Zutaten: Basilikum, zerhackt 120ml Olivenöl 1 Knoblauchzehe 60g Parmesan 30 gr. Pinienkerne 1kg Nudeln (Spaghetti) Zubereitung: Zhacke und mixe das Basilikum, das Olivenöl und di eKnoblauchzehe mir einem Mixer. Danach gibt man d i Piniekerne und den Parmesan hinzu und mischt wied er alles. Schmecke das Pesto ab und gib etwas Pfef fer und Salz hinzu. Stelle das Pesto in den Kühlschrank. Danach kocht man die Pasta. Gib das kalte Pesto ü ber die Pasta.

PASTA WITH PESTO Indication of ingredients: basil, plucked 120ml olive oil 1 garlic clove 60g Parmesan 30g pignolias 1kg Past

Preparation: Crush the Basil, the olive oil and the garlic clove with mixer. When you're done you have to throw in the pignolias and the Parmesan. Mix again. Taste the Pesto and if you want you can season with pepper and salt. Take the pesto into the fridge. Ater that you have to cook the Pasta. Throw the cold Pesto above the Pasta.

RODE KOOL MET APPEL IngrediĂŤnten: (4 personen) 300 gram gesneden rode kool 1 appel. 25 gram boter. 1 ui. Laurierblaadje. Kaneelstokje. 2 kruidnagels. 1 glas rode wijn. scheut je rode wijnazijn. Bereidingswijze: Pel en snipper de ui fijn. Smelt de boter in een pan en fruit de ui zachtjes glazig met het laurierblaadje, kaneelstokje, kruidnagels en suiker. Voeg na 5 minuten de rode kool toe. Schenk de rode wijn en azijn erbij en laat het geheel in 50 minuten zachtjes gaar stoven. Schil de appel en snijd hem in stukjes. Leg na 20 minuten de appelstukjes op de rode kool.

RED CABBAGE WITH APPEL Ingredients: ( 4 people) 300 grams of sliced red cabbage. 1 apple. 25 grams of butter. 1 onion. Bay leaf. Cinnamon stick. 2 cloves. 1 glass of red wine. Dash of red wine vinegar. Preparation: Peel and chop the onion in small pieces. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion gently glassy with the bay leaf, cinnamon stick, cloves and sugar. After 5 minutes, add the red cabbage, the red wine and the red vinegar. Stir and stew this for 50 minutes on a small fire.Peel the apple and cut this into pieces. Lay the apple pieces after 20 minutes at the red cabbage.

PAELLA Ingredients: 4 escamarlans de platja. 8 llagostins o gambes 1 sèpia grossa bruta. 16 musclos de roca. 16 cloïsses. 1/2 gotet de vi blanc. 2 tomàquets madurs. 1 ceba grossa.

Preparació Abans de començar, netegem tot el marisc: traurem la pell i la tinta de la sepia, la tallarem a daus petits, netejarem els musclos de totes les adherències, tallarem els “bigotis” dels llagostins, etc. Escalfem l’oli a temperatura mitjana. Abans que estigui massa calent, hi rossegem els escamarlans i els llagostins i els reservem. En el mateix oli, afegim els alls tallats a làmines ben fines, remenant amb una cullera de fusta perquè no es cremin. Hi ajuntem després la branqueta de julivert tallat ben petit. El gust característic de la paella li dóna la cassola de ferro. Cal conservar-la untada lleugerament en oli d’oli perquè no es rovelli. Les paelles antiadherents canvien totalment el gust d’aquest

1 branqueta de julivert 2 grans d’all. 4 cullerades d’oli d’oliva. 1 tassa de cafè plena d’arròs (per persona). Fumet de peix (fet amb peixos de roca, espinosos). Si no en tenim podem aprofitar el suc de bullir els musclos.

Afegim ara la sèpia i les cloïsses. Traiem les cloïsses perquè no es trenquin. Sense treure la sèpia, posem la ceba tallada a trossets molt petits. Quan la ceba estigui cuita (transparent), hi posem la polpa del tomàquet ratllada amb un ratllador i quan aquests vegetals estan daurats hi tirem el got de vi blanc, remenant. Rossegem l’arròs en aquest sofregit i afegim el fumet de peix. La mesura de líquid acostuma a ser “les mateixes tasses d’arròs, més una per la cassola”.

PAELLA Ingredients (4 people): 4 lobsters 8 prawns or shrimps Cuttlefish 16 mussels. 16 clams. 1 / 2 cup of white wine. 2 ripe tomatoes. 1 big onion. 1 sprig of parsley 2 cloves of garlic. 4 tablespoons of olive oil. 1 cup of coffee full of rice (per person).

Fish broth (made with rock fish, spiny). We can also take the juice of the boiled mussels. Clean the shellfish: remove the skin and ink of the cuttlefish, cut it in small dices, clean the mussels of all adhesions, cut the "whiskers" of shrimp, etc.. Heat the oil at medium heat. Before it is too hot, fry lightly the lobsters and shrimp and reserve. In the same oil, add garlic sliced very thin, stirring with a wooden spoon, and then we add some parsley chopped very small. After, we add the cuttlefish and clams. Without removing the cuttlefish, put the onion cut into very small pieces.

When the onion is cooked we put the tomato pulp with a grater and we throw the glass of white wine and we stir in order to mix it. We fry lightly the rice in the sauce and add the fish broth. The measurement of the broth usually is “the same cups of rice plus one for the pot." We add salt and let it cook until the rice is "al dente". Just before removing the pan from the heat we put the lobsters, prawns, clams and mussels. NB: we cannot stir the rice. If we need to add some more liquid, we must be careful not to break the boiling The characteristic taste of this dish is due to the iron pan which must be kept lightly greased in olive oil so it does not rust. The use of other kind of pans completely changes the taste of this dish.


QUARK 500 gr Quark Naturjoghurt 4Esslöffel Zucker 2 Päckchen Vanillinzucker Früchte der Saison

Man nehme den Quark, den Joghurt und den Zucker und Verrührt alles. Dann fügt man den Vanillinzucker zu und Schmeckt ab!

QUARK 500gr. Quark Natural yoghurt 4 spoons sugar 2packet Vanilla sugar Fruits of the season

You take the Quark, the yogurt and sugar and stir it, and then you add the vanilla sugar and try it.

APPLE CRUMBLE Ingrediënten ( voor 12 personen) 150 g bloem 150 g havermout 150 g suiker 150 g boter extra boter om in te vetten 1 mespunt zout Vulling 1 kg appels rasp van halve citroen 3 el suiker 2 el geschaafde amandelen 100 ml slagroom

Vulling 1 kg appels rasp van halve citroen 3 el suiker 2 el geschaafde amandelen 100 ml slagroom Extra nodig ovenschaal van 30 x 40 cm

Bereiding: Verwarm de oven voor op 180 °C. Wrijf een kruimeldeeg van de bloem, havermout, suiker, boter en zout. Snijd de appels in stukjes en verdeel ze over de ovenschaal. Boen de citroen schoon en rasp de gele schil dun af over de appel. Meng de appels met de citroenrasp en de suiker. Strooi de kruimels en de geschaafde amandelen erover. Bak de appelcrumble in 25 minuten goudbruin en gaar. Wat slagroom erbij en klaar. •

APPLE CRUMBLE Ingredients (for 12 people) 150 g flower 150 g oatmeal 150 g sugar 150 g butter extra butter to grease it 1 knifepoint salt

Stuffing 1 kg apples rasp of half a orange 3 eating spoons of sugar 2 eating spoons almonds 100 ml whipped cream Extra stuff you need Baking dish (30 by 40 cm)

Recipe Put some butter in the baking dish and grease it. Heat the oven on 180 C. Rub a dough from flower, oatmeal, sugar, butter and salt. (don’t put it in the baking dish yet). Cut the apple in small parts and put it in the baking dish. (if you want, sprinkle some sugar over it). Clean the orange and rasp the peel over the apple parts. Put the dough in the dish. Now sprinkle the almond over it. 25 min. in the oven. After it some whipped cream and you’re done

CREMA CATALANA Ingredients: 6 rovells d'ou 3/4 de l de llet 75 g de sucre 1/2 can贸 de canyella 1 trosset de pela de llimona sal Preparaci贸: Mulleu la cassola (evitareu que s'enganxi la llet en courela) i feu-h i bullir la llet amb la pela de llimona, l a canyella i un pols de sal. Apagueu el foc i deixeu-ho infusionar. Treballeu els rovells amb el sucre fins que blanquegin i el sucre sigui fos. Afegiu-hi a cullerades la llet infusionada per tal que no quallin els ous. Poseu la barreja en un cass贸 al foc. Aneu-la remenant amb una cullera de fista fins que quedi presa. Retireu-la del foc i aboqueu-la en un bol. Aneu-la remenant de tant en tant per evitar que es formi un tel.

CREMA CATALANA Ingredients: 6 eggs yolks 3/4l of milk 75g ofsugar ½ bar of Cinnamon A small piece of a lemon peel Salt Preparation: Wet a bit the pot( in order to avoid the milk sticking on it when boiling), boil the milk with the peel of lemon, the cinnamon and a pinch of salt. Remove it from fire. Mix the yolks with the sugar until it gets white and it is melt. Add the milk in spoons to avoid the curdle. Put the mix into a pot and on the fire, stir it with a wooden spoon until it is mixed. Remove it from fire and pour into a bowl. Stir it from time to time to avoid coating.

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