2 minute read

Year 10 Advancement at Galen

What is advancement?

Allows students who have demonstrated an excellent standard of achievement to complete studies intended for a higher Year Level. For example: Year 10 student completing a Unit 1/2 (Year 11) study. Such students could be considered for this opportunity.



Students will apply for advancement for a variety of reasons. It is important to note that advancement is not the best option for all students. Maturity and academic readiness are key considerations when granting this opportunity to students.

Eligibility Criteria

1. The student must have achieved an Above Standard result in the subject area where advancement is being sought 2. Be able to clearly articulate their reason for undertaking the advancement study 3. Have a strong recommendation from their Year 9 teacher in the subject area advancement is being sought and from the Year 9 Learning Leader.

Rules of advancement at Galen

Selected VCE and VCE/VET studies are open to early advancement except where: ● The class is already full with students from its intended year level ● The class will not fit with the student’s other core/compulsory subjects ● It is deemed that the student is not ‘ready’ for the advancement opportunity ● The eligibility criteria has not been met.

When the criteria has not been met, but extenuating circumstances exist, applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The advancement application will be approved at an interview by either a Senior Learning Leader, Senior School Leader, Careers and Further Education Leader or the Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning.

To continue in the Advancement subject in Semester Two, students would need to maintain Satisfactory Achievement across all classwork and assessment tasks during Semester One.

Students undertaking an advancement subject are still required to complete a full program in Year 11 and 12.

Those students advancing in a VCE or VCE/VET Unit 1 and 2 study must attend the VCE Headstart Week in late November.

If you wish to undertake a Unit 1/2 subject in Year 10, you will need to complete the Year 10 Advancement Application Form ( Available under Student Links on SIMON) and bring it with you to the Year 10 Pathway Interview on July 29th.



Please bring this form to your Pathways Interview on Thursday 29th July

Year 10 Advancement Application Form

Student Details

Student Name:

Current Year Level:

Homeroom: H/R Mentor:

Subject Details

Advancement Subject:

Explain reasons for requesting early advancement:

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Teacher Recommendations: (please circle) Recommend Not Recommended

Teacher Comments:

Teacher Signature: Date:

H/R Mentor Recommendation: (please circle) Recommend Not Recommended

H/R Mentor Optional Comments:

H/R Mentor Signature:

Learning Leader Recommendation: (please circle)

Recommend Not Recommended Date:


Learning Leader Optional Comments:

Learning Leader Signature:

Approved for Advancement

Signature of Approver Date:

Approved Not Approved

Office Use Only

Approval Granted by Senior Team (please circle): Yes No Date: If No, please give a brief explanation:

Interview Required: Yes No

Approval Granted by Advancement Panel: Yes No Date: If No, give a brief explanation:


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