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Where to get more information
At Galen the Homeroom Mentors, subject teachers and the Careers and Further Education Coordinator are able to help you and your son/daughter develop the knowledge and skills needed to make successful choices and manage the move into work or further education. There are many ways you can find out more about the jobs and careers that might interest you.
• Look at Jobsearch: http://jobsearch.gov.au/joboutlook • Try My Future: MyFuture • Job Guide online: Careers Guide
You could also look at The Career Key: The Career Key and the Career Centre at:
Boosting Innovation and Science
An introduction to apprenticeships and traineeships can be found at: Australian
The Careers Office also has a collection of brochures and guides. All sorts of interesting information can be found there.
The VCE Subject Summaries can be found on the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) website:VCAA Lots of other information about VCE and VET can be found there.
Talk to subject teachers, other students and former students. Make time to talk with the Careers and Further Education Coordinator and other Senior School contacts listed on the following page.