ISSUE 10 - JUNE 24 2022
Year 8 Girls Soccer victorious
The Year 8 Girls Soccer Team were victorious in all three of their games in Wodonga on the 15th of June. They are now ready to take it to the next level of regionals in Shepperton in August. The tournament highlights included a 9 -1 win against Catholic College Wodonga. The amazing skills of Poppy O’Keeffe and Sophia Pasquali in forward line, assured a haul of goals to be had. The impenetrable back line of Cara Broady, Ada Overberg, Marley Carmody proved the old saying true, team work makes the dream work. Thanks to the coaching team of Jack Whiley, Charlie Miller and Ms Hernandez.
Feeling confused?
Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss key changes to Senior School options at Galen in 2023.
• Year 10 2023 - Wed 20 July 7-8pm • Year 11 2023 - Thurs 21 July 7-8pm Venue: Senior Study Centre Discover diverse learning pathways with our experienced educators.
Pathways to success for all students 1
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Upcoming Dates
Galen Contacts
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Mon July 11 - Term 3 starts
Tue July 12 - Picasso NGV (Studio Art)
Wed July 13 - Breakfast Club
Fri July 15 - Year 10 Careers Day
TERM 3 - WEEK 2 •
Mon July 18 - Year 12 OES Excursion - Regent Honey Eater tree planting
Mon July 18 - VET Hospitality - Pasta Making with Katrina Pizzini
Tue July 19 - HUME Year 9/10 Girls AFL
Wed July 20 - Senior School Information Night - Year 9 into Year 10 (2023)
Wed July 20 - Breakfast Club
Thurs July 21 - Senior School Information Night - Year 10 into Year 11 (2023)
Fri July 22 - Galen Band Camp depart
Mon July 25 - Year 11 Outdoor Ed overnight XC Ski tour
Wed July 27 - Breakfast Club
Wed July 27 - Day of AI Australia (Incursion)
Thur July 28 - Year 11 Outdoor Ed overnight XC Ski tour
Thur July 28 - Pathway Interviews for Year 10 Students (Year 11 2023) & Year 9 Advancement students (Year 10 2023)
TERM 3 - WEEK 4 •
Principal: Darta Hovey Deputy Principal - Staff & Students: Patrick Arcuri Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching: Dale Gleeson Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity: Jim Samon Business Manager: Emily Hordern Senior School Leader: Kylie Quin Acting Junior School Leader: Kylie Girolami Professional Learning Leader: Daniel Armitage Innovative Curriculum Design Leader: Sara Korman Director of Staffing: Anthony Batters Staff Representative: Beth Code Executive Assistant to the Principal: Tess Barnard
ADVISORY COUNCIL • • • • • • • • • • •
Co-Pastoral Leaders: Fr. Nathan Verallo & Fr. Shibu Pezhumthottathil Advisory Council Chair: Colin McClounan Principal: Darta Hovey Business Manager: Emily Hordern Staff Representative: Daniel Armitage Parent Representative: Chris Dwyer Parent Representative: Leah Waring GPA Representative: Kim Saunders Parent Representative: Angelo Pomponio Parent Representative: Glenn Mercer Catholic Education Sandhurst Rep: Leonie Irwin
President: Margaret Anderson Vice President: AnnMaree Christian Secretary: Louine Robinson Treasurer: Kim Saunders
The Parents Association can be contacted via email:
TERM 3 - WEEK 3 •
Tue Aug 2 - Upper HUME basketball Year 7 Boys/Girls
Wed Aug 3 - Breakfast Club
Wed Aug 3 - North East Careers in Health Expo
Members of the Advisory Council can be contacted via the office on 03 5721 6322 or email: The best way to contact Galen staff members direct is by email. All staff have email addresses which follow the formula:
Uniform Shop Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Thursday: 8am - 4pm Phone: 03 5723 8320 Email:
Secondhand Uniform Shop
Open each Thursday during Term 8:30am - 4:30pm
Student Absences Phone: 5721 6322 Email: College Street, Wangaratta PO Box 630 Wangaratta Vic 3676 Email: Phone: 03 5721 6322
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
Semester 1 2022 Academic Awards
Paige Amor Matilda Cavicchiolo Mia Mitchell Jorja Sessions
Amy Campagna Dexter Hill Krystal Jones Ella Nelson Ada Overberg Ashley Primerano Kelly Usher-Clarke
Sarah Hamill Lily Knox Sophie Morris Declan O'Sullivan Adele Webber
Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction
Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction High Distinction Distinction Distinction
High Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction
Hayden Cole Patrick Comer Stella Coppolino Tahli Gibson Hannah Gillies Benjamin Harris Chiara Lestino Lauren McInnes Declan Moloney Sophie Paton Emma Taylor
Mikayla Arnold Charley Hall Kyah Harvey Jordan Puaa Zara Rippingale Caitlin Somerville Brodie Watson
Shon Francis High Distinction Alexandra Grantham Distinction Jorja Gumley High Distinction Edyn Hill High Distinction Grace Jenkins Distinction Tayah Martens High Distinction Summer Norton Distinction Claire O'Gorman Distinction Sophie Sacco High Distinction Isabelle Wathen Distinction
Right: Junior School High Distinction recipients.
Below: Junior School Distinction recipients.
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
High Distinction High Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction High Distinction High Distinction High Distinction High Distinction High Distinction High Distinction
Distinction Distinction High Distinction Distinction High Distinction High Distinction High Distinction
Junior School House Awards
Bishop Joseph Grech Youth Scholarship 2022
The Bishop Joseph Grech Scholarship winners for 2022 were honoured at an awards ceremony and luncheon in Bendigo on Thursday 16 June. Eight of the 11 recipients were able to attend the event and were joined by family, friends and College representatives. The Bishop Joseph Grech Scholarship recognises exceptional young people in our colleges who model exemplary behaviour and contribute to the life of their Colleges, through their commitment to their faith and to social justice. The luncheon was hosted by the Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Education Sandhurst, Mr Paul Desmond who paid tribute to students, highlighting their achievements, their community contributions and their exceptional leadership skills. The Bishop Joseph Scholarship for Youth was established in 2011 to honour former Bishop of Sandhurst, Bishop Joe Grech. The scholarship enables senior students in Sandhurst Secondary Colleges to participate in spirituality or leadership programs beyond their schools, promoting young people as significant members of the church. The Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst, Mr Paul Desmond said it was a privilege to learn more about the wonderful young adults in our schools. “The Bishop Joe Scholarship enables Catholic Education Sandhurst to continue his legacy to the young people of the Sandhurst Diocese and gives recipients the opportunity to flourish as leaders within their schools, and in the wider community.” Congratulations to Galen student Patrick Comer on being one of the 11 Bishop Joseph Grech Scholarship recipients for 2022. 4
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
Seniors gain from work experience Year 11 VCAL and all Year 10 students recently had the opportunity to complete their work placement/work experience. It was refreshing to see students back in the community after a turbulent couple of years. The variety of workplaces chosen by Galen students was enormous. Many students were involved in professional career experiences such as floristry, medicine, sports administration, agricultural science and research, teaching and architecture, while other students chose more trade-oriented work experience options. Electrical, motor mechanic, builder, plumber were all traditional trades that caught the interest of many Galen students. Some of these students performed so well during their placement that at the end of the week they were offered either School-Based or Fulltime apprenticeships! The benefits are endless. Work experience improves students' understanding of the work environment and employers’ expectations, it provides the opportunity for parents to discuss with their child the topic of work, and employers get the chance to make a positive contribution to the education and development of students. Galen College is very appreciative of the employers who have given time and effort to our students and we thank them sincerely for their generosity. “For work experience I worked with a Diesel Mechanic in Wooragee. I chose this field of work as I have always had an interest in diesel engines and want to learn more about them. This work placement gave me an insight on the field and what a day to day looks like for a field mechanic. Over the 4 days we went to multiple different sites and serviced loaders, tractors, excavators, and some other heavy vehicles. I really enjoyed my experience and wish to pursue this field once I finish school” “I completed work experience with a stock agent who works for Nutrien. I choose this field because I am interested in agriculture. We went around to farms in the North East checking cattle and talking to clients. I was fortunate enough to travel around and mark and tag calves for clients. We went to the Barnawartha sale yards and bought some little steers, which was a great experience to actually be involved in the process rather than just watching it. Overall, it was a great experience” “I chose Homedale dairy farm because I am interested in the work and over the 3 days I was there I did varying jobs like milking cows, feeding cows, fixing fences, removing trees, getting the sheds ready for calving and sorting cows before they calve. After school I wish to pursue a career in dairy”
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
In2science connections lead to a great experience for Ashlee Davey Ashlee Davey has participated in the In2science program at Galen for the last 3 semesters. She and her eMentor Georgia Eleftheriou, a Melb Uni PhD neuroscience researcher, at The Florey Institute have forged a strong friendship over the last 2 semesters. Ashlee won the “In2science 2019 Mentee of the Year” due to the way she engaged with Georgia at the awards ceremony in Melb at the end of last year. Georgia also organised a tour of Melb Uni and the Florey Institute for Ashlee at the end of last year after the awards ceremony. Georgia and Ashlee asked to connect again for this semester of In2science as well, as Ashlee’s curiosity and interest continued to grow in Georgia’s research. Georgia was able to offer Ashlee the opportunity to complete her Year 10 work experience with her at The Florey Institute. Ashlee was so excited about this and took the opportunity up without hesitation and was able to see firsthand, Georgia’s research into STEM Cells and degenerative brain diseases. In2science has offered Ashlee a wonderful experience especially through her mentorship with Georgia. Ashlee sums her experiences up here: “Georgia Eleftheriou is one of the most amazing people I know. She has given me opportunities, which to a rural student such as myself, are completely unheard of! She has shown me a whole new world within the realm of medicine. Without Georgia, I wouldn’t even know what the Florey was, but thanks to her, I have not only received a tour of the lab, but she even gave me the opportunity to work side by side with her! This experience was amazing. I learned an unimaginable amount and am now considering a career in medical research more than ever. She has supported me in everything I do, and has always encouraged me, and helped me to do my best. She understands my problems, within and outside school, and always helps me through whatever it is I’m struggling with. My favourite part of every week is talking to her, hearing about her work, and getting to talk about my own experiences. She is always understanding, warm and inviting. Georgia is more than my mentor, she is my biggest inspiration, my role model and my idol.”
In2science enrolments for next semester are now open, see the daily bulletin to sign up.
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
Galen Talent Quest 2022!
Most Entertaining: Matilda Forster, Declan Quin, Maya Humphreys and Jose Obaniana
Artistry Award: Lachlan Newton
Audience Vote: Eva Gephart, Paris McLaurin, Charli Rispin, Will Lawrence, L Garraffo, Jamieson Hunter and Bonnie Melbourne
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
St Vinnies Winter Appeal
At the start of June Social Justice students raised awareness of the St Vinnies Winter Appeal. The focus of the appeal was on the growing number of local homeless people. This year the need for warm blankets was particularly important due to the fact that it was one of the coldest winters in a decade. With this in mind the team organised a casual clothes day on Friday 24th June and all proceeds went to the Wangaratta St Vinnies where they bought blankets for local and surrounding homeless people. The team hoped to raised over $1000. Social Justice students created an installation at school of an example of a homeless persons sleepout, to raise awareness for local homeless people. Students involved were Lili Ashby, Kaylee Wane, Mabel O’Keeffe, Molly Canning, Fergus McNamara, Xavier McKenzie, Emily Tidd & Zara Rippingale.
Have your say - Wangaratta Youth Action Plan Rural City of Wangaratta's Youth Advisory Group have been working on a survey to see what issues young people in our community face, and to also shape the Youth Action Plan. There will be prizes like movie tickets and vouchers drawn for people if they leave their email at the end of the survey! Have your say now before August 1st. To complete the survey you must be aged 12-25 and live in the Wangaratta LGA.
Click here to shape the future:
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
Hume Cross Country Running
Eleven students from Galen Catholic College competed in the Hume Cross Country on Friday 17th June in Benalla and produced some excellent results. Six students managed to qualify for the State Championships. In the boys 14 years: Dexter Hill finished in 7th and qualified for State, Lucas Webb finished in 25th position and Fraser D’Agostino finished in 28th position Lily Shanley ran really well and finished 5th and qualified for State in the Girls 15 Year Old event Boys 15 years: Hunter Csihar finished 15th and qualified for State. Hayden Macaulay finished in 44th Girls 16 Year old event Edyn Hill ran really well to finish 2nd in a nail biting finish with a sprint at the end. She qualified for State. Boys 16 year old: Preston Coleman had a great run finishing 3rd and qualified for State while Will McCarthy finished 18th Shon Francis in 19th. In the boys 17 to 20 Age group Flynn Hill ran a great race to finish 3rd and has qualified for State. Well done to all runners on making it through to this level, it was great to see so many of the team make it through to the State final. A big thank you to Carmel Annette for all her organizing to get the team there and to Mr Jim Salmon who took the team to Myrtleford earlier this month. Flynn Hill, Dexter Hill, Edyn Hill, Preston Coleman, Lily Shanley and Hunter Csihar will compete at the State Final on the 14th of July in Yarra Glen. Good luck runners! Mr Rob Findlay
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
Senior School changes in 2023
Victoria is moving to a new integrated senior secondary certificate that will bring together our two senior secondary certificates, the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). This will give all students the learning opportunities to develop the skills and capabilities needed to succeed in further education, work and life. The VCE Vocational Major will prepare students to transition successfully into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, some university Diplomas, TAFE or directly into employment. The VCE Vocational Major will support students to develop both academic and practical skills. It employs a more diverse range of assessment strategies rather than exams, alleviating some of the pressure that students face when considering the VCE. More details will be provided at the annual Senior School Information Evenings: Year 9 into 10 information Wednesday 20th July Year 10 into 11 information Thursday 21st July
Book in for a College Learning Walk today
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. Contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from: Closing date: You should lodge a CSEF application form at the school by 23 June 2021 10
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
Complete Works Theatre perform Macbeth for Year 10s
The Complete Works Theatre Company actors came from Melbourne to perform the main scenes of Macbeth for the Year 10 students at Galen. Wolfgang, Claire, and Joshua did a sensational job of playing many different roles and displayed unparalleled emotion throughout their performance. While in the scene breaks, they explained what was happening in the play and the important ideas throughout it. These included the use of animals and the dark setting that Shakespeare sets the play in, as well as the themes of ambition, loyalty, guilt, corrupting power, and fate. I think that having the Complete Works actors come and stage the play really helps keep the students interested. The performance displays helpful ideas that can be useful in their essays and is an allaround enjoyable experience for everyone. Wolfgang, Claire, and Joshua were captivating to watch, and they will be welcomed back any time. by Kyahn VanDerPoel
Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
Respectful Relationships Trip to St Joseph's Beechworth
A few weeks ago the school ran a program and sent a group of us year nine students to the St Joseph's primary school in Beechworth. The point of this visit was to be a part of the RR program that is all about learning new and useful skills in order to build respectful relationships. At St Joseph's we separated into groups of about four year 9’s and talked to a group of Grade 4’s/5’s and 6’s. We organised activities to inform them about Bystanders and Upstanders and what to do if you’re ever in a situation where you need to go to others for help. In order to get this message across we used little shape cut outs for them to write about who to go to for help. We also went through scenarios and asked them what they’d do in that situation. The students seemed to really enjoy these activities, embracing their creative side with the cut outs and working together to think of the right way to approach the scenarios. The point of knowing the difference between Bystander and Upstander is so we know how to act in situations and make sure we always do the right thing. By Adele Webber As part of the RR program group, our team worked with kids in grades 5-6 from St Joseph’s Beechworth. We worked on developing problem-solving skills and understanding who to ask for help when needed. We brainstormed people who help us, and people who we have helped before. I witnessed amazing problem-solving skills from the kids while considering different scenarios. It wasn’t just the grade 5-6s that benefited from this project, we, the year 9s got reminded of the support we receive at Galen as well as from families to keep us going forward into the future. By Lili Ashby
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Galen Catholic College production of
Music and Lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin
Book by Heather Hach
Based on the novel by Amanda Brown and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd, Exclusive agent for Music Theatre International (NY)
September 8 9 10 7.30pm 2022 th
Matinee: Sat 10th 1.30pm TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM Wangaratta Performing Arts & Convention Centre
In person or by phone (10am - 4pm Mon to Fri) 03 5722 8105 Or online:
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Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter
NAIDOC N AIDOC 2 2022 022
Come celebrate our oldest surviving living culture in the world!
10am Banner making at The Gallery 11am March along Ovens Street 12-2pm Community Gathering at Apex Park s
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