Reflections Galen Catholic College Newsletter
Remote morning tea in Food Tech
Year 7 (Chisholm) students enjoyed their Food Tech class last Friday morning, making scones for morning tea.
Uniform Shop Midfords Uniform Shop will be open to support families ready for Term 4. Extra Opening Days include: Thursday 30 September – 10am to 2.00pm and Monday 4 October 8am to 12pm. Normal opening hours on Tuesday and Thursdays will then resume for Term 4.
Galen Catholic College production of
Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia). All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia).
December 9th 10th 11th 7.30pm 2021 Matinee: Sat 11th 1.30pm TICKETS: Wangaratta Performing Arts & Convention Centre
Founders' Day Points
Faith in our Future
Galen Catholic College acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country the Yorta Yorta Nations including all 8 clan groups and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
553 points
548 points
530 points
502 points
497 points
489 points
489 points
429 points
Wellbeing Links Uniform Shop
Email: Phone: 0357216322 Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Opening Hours
Black Dog: Lifeline:
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Thursday: 8am - 4pm Phone: 03 5723 8320 Email:
Gateway Health: (03) 5723 2000
Secondhand Uniform Shop
Headspace: 1800 650 890
MensLine: 1300 78 99 78 Head to Health:
Open each Thursday during Term
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
Mindspot: 1800 61 44 34
Student Absences
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement:
SANE Australia: 1800 18 7263
Phone: 5721 6322 or email:
Our Faith. Our Story. Our Identity.
GriefLine Community and Family Services:
Our Learning
Our Community
Our Culture
1. Our Faith. Our Story. Our Identity. Living with Faith & Integrity Our faith is nourished through Gospel values woven through every dimension of life at Galen. 2. Our Learning Growing through Learning Our learning is provided in a meaningful, student-centred stimulating environment that engages, supports and recognises individual aspirations and achievements. 3. Our Community Connecting as Community Our community values the reciprocal relationships that foster and enhance success in our broader community. 4. Our Culture Enriched by our Culture Our culture supports life-long learning, as well as a positive, inclusive and collaborative educational environment directed towards becoming leaders in learning.
new horizons II 2
Faith Integrity Respect Self Team
Reflections Newsletter LEARNING & TEACHING AT GALEN
Worried about your child during remote learning? It is challenging times for us all, juggling limitations of lockdown, home schooling, working from home and having a full house. If you are concerned about your child’s learning, lack of engagement or other concerns, please reach out to your child’s Homeroom Mentor or House Leader. Galen staff are here to help. If you are concerned about your child’s mental health and wellbeing, please let your Homeroom Mentor or House Leader know this also. There is support for all Galen students through the Wellbeing Team. Contact can be made directly to Wellbeing staff either via Homeroom Mentor, House Leaders or emailing – or calling the main office (5721 6322) where you can leave a voice mail for wellbeing staff, who can then call you back. There are also external supports which families might find helpful, either someone to talk to, or some great resources for parents/guardians and young people – • Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800 • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 46 36 • Headspace – 1800 650 890 • Lifeline 131 114 • • • Student Wellbeing Hub The Student Wellbeing Hub provides age specific and tailored information online for educators, parents and students. You can access practical, evidenced-based strategies in plain language to help reduce the risk of anxiety and depression in children and young people.
A message from the Deputy Principal
Staff & Student Wellbeing YARD CONCERNS We have been experiencing some concerns about incidents and behaviour in the yard recently. Although most students utilise recess and lunchtime for recreation and lunch in constructive ways that allow them to have a break from classes and then enter the classes ready to learn this hasn't been the case for everyone. The recent episodes of sudden lockdown and sudden return to onsite learning has been unsettling for some students. There have been incidents of bullying, rough play, throwing of objects and damage to property. Large groups of bored students gathering together has led to cases of intimidation and harassment of others. Galen staff have been extra vigilant with greater presence on yard duty, managing large groups of students and deterring rough play. Unfortunately, this has led to occurrences of students being disrespectful and uncooperative towards staff. Over the previous ten days before the current lockdown 7.0, House Leaders and other school leaders have spoken with Year 10 boys and Year 11 boys regarding expectations on the yard. As a result smaller numbers of students have had detention for specific incidents, and there have been further consequences for a small number of students. The students involved in these meetings have been positive and constructive in identifying the issues, taking responsibility for poor conduct and looking for ways to utilise this recreation time better.
Our yard and classroom concerns are community concerns and require a community response. In response to these concerns, we are changing our Yard Duty Rosters to provide greater presence and support on the yard for safe play. We are also looking at designated oval areas for the different year levels. All staff need to feel safe in the yard or anywhere at school. Staff need to feel confident that they can reasonably direct students whilst on Yard Duty for the safety of all without feeling intimidated by disrespectful and uncooperative behaviour. We appreciate the support and understanding of parents and guardians with this concern.
TOILETS Over the past three weeks, there has been considerable damage to our middle school and senior school boys’ toilets. As a result, we locked the senior boys' toilets to allow for repairs. Unfortunately, while waiting for the completion of the repairs, the middle school boys toilets were damaged extensively. As a result, they have also been closed. Lockdown 7.0 will allow time to make these repairs; however, we have an ongoing concern for students who feel uncomfortable using the toilets due to the behaviour of a few. When students return to onsite learning, the senior boys' toilets should be open and operational. Jim Samon Acting Deputy Principal – Staff & Students
1st, 2nd, 3rd & People’s Choice prizes to be won. The entries are to be emailed to There are two categories; black & white and abandoned things. The Creative Youth Crew came up with the categories. People can enter a photo to each category. It is open to anyone aged 12-25 The competition closes Sun Oct 3rd.
Reflections Newsletter
Space Wattle Seeds have landed at Galen!
Galen in one of 200 plus schools involved in the Space Wattle Seeds program, by One Giant Leap Australia, The Australian Space Agency and JAXA ( Japanese Space Exploration Association). The golden wattle seeds were sent up to the International Space Station, on a SpaceX Dragon Cargo Capsule. The seeds stayed in space for the last 6 months and have now undergone quarantine and have arrived in Wangaratta.
Carla Murphy Galen’s Lab tech was first to get her hands on the special delivery, and was very excited about it. “ I will look after the package until we can have our students back and then we will set up the experiment. We have made a special display in the science lab and as classes come in and out they will be able to monitor the growth of the seeds, and compare them with a set of golden wattle seeds that stayed on earth.” Maree Timms, Galen Science teacher is also very excited about the program: “Knowing that the seeds will eventually be planted at the Mullinmurr Billabong, where they can be enjoyed by the wider community. Maree hopes that it may create a greater interest in space, and what experiments are happening on the Space Station. To have a bit of “space” right here at Galen in our science labs is very cool.”
Random Acts of Kindness Project As part of its Random Acts of Kindness Project, the Wangaratta Youth Council is inviting community members to nominate a young person for a Pick Me Up Pack. Go to the online form (link below) to nominate a young person between the ages of 12-25 for a pack designed to brighten their day! Be quick - nominations close on October 3. Please spread the word and look out for more random acts in the coming weeks! 5
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND An opportunity to spend a weekend improving your communication. This experience gives married couples the tools to keep your passion alive in a gentle, nurturing environment, away from pressures and distractions of daily living. The weekend we offer is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome. Please check our website for more details. Next on-line weekend is on 10 – 12 Sept 2021 Next Non-Residential weekend is on 16 – 17 Oct 2021 Information/Bookings: 0409 183 676 or Email: Website:
2022 Student Leadership group During Term 3 our Principals, Year 12 Learning Leader, House Leaders, current Year 12 House Captains and the Student Leadership Leader has had the privilege of appointing Galen's 2022 Student Leadership group. The enthusiasm, maturity and vitality of this group, excites our leaders and we cannot wait for what they have to offer our students and the Galen community. We congratulate all applicants and have many more opportunities that we will have on offer for Student Leadership in 2022.
College Co-Captains Mietta Habets and Xavier McKenzie
College Co-Vice Captains Molly Canning and Fergus McNamara Caitlin Somerville Male TBC Kyah Harvey Male TBC Isabelle Gourlay Noah Harding Yasmine Budic Ryley Miller Millicent Quin Lachlan Newton Beth Cope Bradley Simmons Charley Hall Harry Doyle Samuel Maher Emily Tidd 6
Reflections Newsletter
Vincent Feast Day Vincent House celebrated their Feast Day on the 15th September, with homerooms participating in a liturgy and kahoot during extended homeroom. Thanks to all Vincent students who have done a fantastic job over remote learning, we hope to have you all back soon!
VCE VET Sport & Recreation Term 3 was another busy one for our VCE VET Sport & Recreation students. Our Unit 3 & 4 students worked with our local Catholic Primary schools – St Bernard’s, St Patrick’s and Our Lady’s. They ran clinics at the schools to teach grade’s 5 & 6 students about AFL9’s which is an inclusive game for males and females using football skills. These experiences help to build confidence and broaden our student’s “tool kits” of skills to be able to apply to their own coaching competencies while satisfying assessment requirements for their Certificate III in Sport & Recreation.
If anyone would like more information about VCE VET Sport and Recreation – Units 1 & 2 or Units 3 & 4, please keep an eye out for more information in our Galen newsletters or contact me directly on Kind Regards, Mrs Jennie Annett 7
Community Notices
Earlier this year, Council engaged with over 1000 local residents in the development of our 2021-2025 Council Plan. You told us you wanted us to keep informed of emerging trends and issues that impact our community, our region and our Council. So, how are we doing? We are now conducting a Liveability Survey about our and you are invited to participate. By taking part in the survey, you will also be in with the chance to win one of ten $100 vouchers!
The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete. The Wangaratta Magpies Cricket Club is holding a Junior Muster Day for Girls and Boys Under 12, Under 14 and Under 16.
All current and new players, and their parents are encouraged to come along. Please look for the Covid check in signs and adhere to current government guidelines.
When: Saturday 18th September 2021 Time: 10am Where: Norm Minns Oval Nets (Wangaratta Show Ground)
Contact Club President Darren Grant on 0427 978 485 with any questions
Reflections Newsletter
The Dirrawarra Indigenous Network invites you to attend the
A celebration of the valuable contribution our young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students make towards their school and education
The Rural City of Wangaratta Council recognises the importance of young people & their families in the success of our area. In our Council Plan we committed to keeping informed of emerging trends and issues that impact our community, our region and our Council. Now is your, and their chance to be a part of our survey that will let us know what those issues are. The survey closes on 26 Sept 2021. The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete and anyone (15+) who completes the survey has a chance to win $100. Have your say now at:
Thursday 28th October 2021, 11am, online (link to the event to follow) For more details please contact Sam Kirby on 0428 648 764
Thank you for your time in helping us make Wangaratta a better place to live, work, visit and play.
Stay tuned for more info early next term!
To the Galen community, Have a safe break, rest, recharge and enjoy the beautiful spring weather!
Who’s Who at Galen Leadership Team • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal - Staff & Students • Dale Gleeson: Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning • Jim Samon: Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity • Emily Hordern: Business Manager • Kylie Quin: Senior School Leader • Jonas Anderberg: Junior School Leader • Daniel Armitage: Professional Learning Leader • Noelia Araya: Acting Human Resources Leader • Sara Korman: Innovative Curriculum Design Leader • Tess Barnard: Executive Assistant to the Principal • Beth Code: Staff Representative • Anthony Batters: Director of Staffing
Advisory Council • Fr Nathan & Fr Chibu: Co-Pastoral Leaders • Colin McClounan: Board Chair • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal • Emily Hordern: Business Manager • Lyndel Annett: Staff Representative • Chris Dwyer: Parent Representative • Leah Waring: Parent Representative • Matt Chadban: GPA Representative • Angelo Pomponio: Parent Representative • Glenn Mercer: Parent Representative • Leonie Irwin: Catholic Education Sandhurst representative
Parents Association Executive • President: Margaret Anderson • Secretary: Cathryn Carboon • Treasurer: Leigh Chadban The Parents Association can be contacted via email: Members of the Board can be contacted via the office on 03 5721 6322 or email:
The best way to contact Galen staff members direct is by email. All staff have email addresses which follow the formula:
For newsletter enquiries please contact the Publications & Promotions Officer:
Galen Catholic College
College Street, Wangaratta | Reflections PO Box 10 630 Wangaratta VicNewsletter 3676
Principal: Bernard Neal Email: Phone: 03 5721 6322 Web: